I think there is something missing in your profile --- generally
"${HOME}/.profile", although some people prefer to edit "/etc/profile"
or also "${HOME}/.bashrc".

Here is my recommendations, in this order:

1. Remove the symlinks;

2. Open a text editor;

3. Open a terminal;

4. In the terminal, type:

   echo $XDG_DATA_DIRS

5. Use the text editor to copy the result of the last command;

6. Make sure that your "profile" has at least some lines similar to these:

-------------------cut here---------------start------------------
source "${HOME}/.guix-profile/etc/profile"
export GUIX_LOCPATH="${HOME}/.guix-profile/lib/locale"
export SSL_CERT_DIR="${HOME}/.guix-profile/etc/ssl/certs"
export SSL_CERT_FILE="${HOME}/.guix-profile/ca-certificates.crt"
-------------------cut here---------------end--------------------

7. Now, in the next line after "export GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH=...",
   make sure to type something like this:

-------------------cut here---------------start------------------
export XDG_DATA_DIRS="${HOME}/.guix-profile/share:[original $XDG_DATA_DIRS]"
-------------------cut here---------------end--------------------

   In my case, I have this:

-------------------cut here---------------start------------------
-------------------cut here---------------end--------------------

8. Now log out and back in (no need to reboot). The applications should
   be in the menus now, and the software installed through GNU Guix
   should have icons if you already have at least "adwaita-icon-theme"
   installed through GNU Guix. "hicolor-icon-theme" might also be

If for some reason, during a package upgrade/install/removal using GNU
Guix, the applications disappear from the menus, everything will still
work as usual (including the icons inside the software). If you do want
the applications to appear again in the menus, you can simply log out
and back in.

c...@bluehome.net writes:

> Packages installed with Guix still don't feel "native", and they look funny.
> The theme does not match the system theme.
> Programs do not show up in menus without some symlinking, and even
> then, the icons are blank.
> The desktop doesn't recognize Guix programs in "Open with..." and Alt+F2.
> Borders to some elements can be missing, so tooltips will be lone text
> with no border or background.  Buttons in windows are similar.
> Some programs don't run at all, like youtube-dl and Gajim.
> Fcitx, the tool for typing foreign languages, does not change keyboard
> layouts and conflicts with already-running ibus.

- https://libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Adfeno
- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre. Por favor, veja formas de se comunicar
  instantaneamente comigo no endereço abaixo.
- Contato: https://libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Adfeno#vCard
- Arquivos comuns aceitos (apenas sem DRM): Corel Draw, Microsoft
  Office, MP3, MP4, WMA, WMV.
- Arquivos comuns aceitos e enviados: CSV, GNU Dia, GNU Emacs Org, GNU
  GIMP, Inkscape SVG, JPG, LibreOffice (padrão ODF), OGG, OPUS, PDF
  (apenas sem DRM), PNG, TXT, WEBM.

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