[Trisquel-users] Re : Initramfs problems ...

2017-12-19 Thread lcerf
So you are actually running the same kernel images in both distributions.   
Interesting.  But, yes, as soon as at least one of the distributions uses a  
package manager, it must become a mess.

About the driver, you should try the latest Linux-libre kernel:  

$ du -h /boot/*4.14.7*
29M /boot/initrd.img-4.14.7-gnu

Re: [Trisquel-users] Initramfs problems ...

2017-12-19 Thread leestrobel
I had originally intended to use the shared /boot partition to simplify  
things, so I could use the same kernel and grub.cfg to boot up both systems.  
But, that doesn't seem to work, because Trisquel uses an initramfs and LFS  
doesn't. So, my /boot partition is becoming a bit of a mess of different  
kernel versions. I guess I could look at giving each system its own /boot  
folder on their /root partitions and see if that is easier to manage.

However, it's not just about the lack of space on /root - the fact that  
Synaptic is updating the initram image for the newest installed kernel,  
rather than the one that is running, is annoying. Although, the root cause of  
that is the fact that the trackpad driver with the newer Trisquel 8 kernel is  
bad. So, to solve that, I would probably need to send a bug report to the  
kernel devs ... problems, more problems ... :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] How Do I Revert Back To The Default Trisquel 7 Kernel?

2017-12-19 Thread davidpgil

I was surprised too. Glad everything worked out.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How To Get Multiple Displays Working With Docking Station?

2017-12-19 Thread davidpgil
When I have one monitor plugged directly into the laptop and one monitor  
plugged into the dock, I can see both screens. When both monitors are plugged  
into the dock, the monitors operate in only mirrored mode at 1920 x 1080,  
which is the resolution of the monitor with the lower resolution. The second  
monitor has a 1920 x 1200 native resolution.

When I try to change their resolutions when both monitors are plugged into  
the dock, i am not given the option to change the monitors resolution for the  
higher resolution screen probably because both screens are mirrored.

[Trisquel-users] Libre Thinkpad with higher resolution?

2017-12-19 Thread richiebrown1990
Does anybody know if there is a Libre-compatible Thinkpad which can achieve a  
resolution higher than 1366x768? I read somewhere that one can theoretically  
find a T500 which has such a screen, but all of the ones I have found have  
something other than Core 2s on them.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Initramfs problems ...

2017-12-19 Thread lcerf
I do not understand why having another system would prevent you from having  
/boot on the root partition.

Anyway, it probably is easy to expand the /boot partition.  It depends on the  
types of filesystems on the adjacent partitions (in particular, XFS cannot be  
shrunk) and on whether they are full as well (they probably are not).  You  
can use GParted (or a CLI: 'parted' or 'fdisk' or ...).

[Trisquel-users] Re : How To Get Multiple Displays Working With Docking Station?

2017-12-19 Thread lcerf
Assuming Trisquel 8 has the same utilities as Trisquel 7: are all screens  
listed in "Displays" (in the "System Settings")?  Have you tried changing  
their resolutions?

[Trisquel-users] Re : How Do I Revert Back To The Default Trisquel 7 Kernel?

2017-12-19 Thread lcerf
So you actually removed the kernel that was running?  Interesting.  I thought  
APT would not let you do that.

[Trisquel-users] How To Get Multiple Displays Working With Docking Station?

2017-12-19 Thread davidpgil
When I was running Trisquel 8 alpha 2, I was able to follow these  
instructions to get multiple monitors working through my Thinkpad dock:


... Recently I decided to install Trisquel 7 and now the above technique  
seems to have no effect.

Does anyone have any ideas how I can get this working with Trisquel 7? How  
can I come to a conclusion on how to troubleshoot this?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Initramfs problems ...

2017-12-19 Thread leestrobel
Well, I have some complications, because I have Trisquel 8 and a Linux From  
Scratch system that I am booting on the same laptop, so I want to have a  
separate /boot partition.

I don't like grub-mkconfig either ... it usually just makes a mess of  
everything :-(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Initramfs problems ...

2017-12-19 Thread leestrobel
I renamed and moved the update-initramfs binary, then replaced it with a  
short script that removes the old image first and then runs the relocated  
tool for the running kernel version. Seems to do the trick! :)

[Trisquel-users] Re : Initramfs problems ...

2017-12-19 Thread lcerf
Nowadays, 100MB is not enough for /boot.  Do not bypass the problem: solve  
it.  I would try to boot a live system, copy (with 'cp -a') the content of  
the /boot partition on the respective directory on the root partition.  You  
can then delete the small /boot partition (e.g., using GParted) and extend  
the root partition (or any other adjacent partition) to not lose the freed  
space.  Then you would have to remove the respective line in /etc/fstab.   
Finally, you need to 'chroot' (see  
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot) the root  
partition to then 'update-grub'.

Reinstalling is an option too...

And, of course, always backup your data.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Maybe its time to rethink Mozilla products

2017-12-19 Thread J.B. Nicholson

tegskywal...@hotmail.com wrote:
They are a "non-profit" that accepts money for the corporation. A 
"non-profit" that will force your search engine to change depending on 
their business deal.

Perhaps you and Bryan Lunduke need to learn more about incorporation and 
non-profit status so you can put together a complete argument that makes 
sense. In any case, your inchoate expression above doesn't in any way 
clarify why we should question running Mozilla's free software. Even 
Lunduke's vague non-argument about non-profits is one he says (around 
7m53s) "doesn't make them [Mozilla] untrustworthy".

You and Lunduke use the word "force" to refer to how a free software 
program runs, this makes no sense. If you don't like how Firefox sets your 
default browser or anything else Firefox does, you have the freedom to 
change it to make it behave how you wish. Even proprietary software 
supporters wouldn't agree with your use of the word "force" here because 
they'd point out that you have other options of browsers (for them, 
switching to some nonfree browser where you have no software freedom is 
considered to be an alternative). Ironic that with software freedom you 
have more choices to make something you don't really need (trust in 
Mozilla) come true.

If you read the link or watched the YouTube video, Mozilla has the power
to remotely force extensions and that resulted in the Mr. Robot
I did read the article and watch Lunduke's video ramble. There's plenty of 
anger there but very little substance, and it's all predicated on something 
completely unnecessary -- trusting Mozilla. The Lunduke Show video 
ramble[1] claims "Mozilla is not trustworthy" but never explains why one 
needs to trust them in light of software freedom.

Running software one didn't write has always posed a threat to users. 
Running code without fully knowing what that code does is inherently 
dangerous. With nonfree software all one has is blind faith that the 
proprietor won't screw them. But with free software users are granted 
permission to run, inspect, share, and modify the code. Users can choose to 
make sure it is acceptable to them. This means with free software one 
doesn't need to trust the publisher.

Both the article and video seem more interested in trying to manufacture an 
controversy out of very little; the solution is clear and has remained the 
same for decades -- use your software freedom to vet the software you run, 
and respect software freedom for others so they can help themselves and 
possibly help you vet free software too.

It's not clear how this issue with Looking Glass rises to something more 
serious than a bungled PR effort and poor communication from Mozilla. 
TheVerge's article doesn't address this and neither does the ridiculously 
long Lunduke YouTube video.

What's also telling is how neither the article nor the video you pointed us 
to even get into the practical consequences of valuing software freedom for 
its own sake. Inspecting and improving the code mean that we don't need to 
trust Firefox.

Neither that article nor that video get into how nonfree software published 
by known NSA partners (such as Apple's Safari, Google's Chrome, and 
Microsoft's MSIE & Edge but there's no reason to limit this to web 
browsers) pose a considerably greater threat to users than any free 
software (regardless of publisher). I don't recall seeing anything railing 
on them (neither in the specific sources you pointed us to nor in any other 
posting) despite that those security problems are more serious because the 
software is nonfree; users lack permission to inspect for the problem, 
modify the software to fix the problem, or distribute a fix to others.

Can you provide a reference in the code for the Looking Glass add-on that 
grants Mozilla the power you claim they have in light of the fact that one 
can choose to edit out Looking Glass (if they're running a version of 
Firefox where this is included) or not install Looking Glass (if they're 
running a version of Firefox where Looking Glass is not included)?

Mozilla implemented the encrypted media extensions before it was a W3C 
standard. They also fired an employee for not agreeing with them 100%

The first item conflicts with the freedom users have to make Firefox behave 
as they wish, and the second item isn't clear why that should give one 
cause to avoid using Mozilla's free software.

[1] Lunduke is pretty clueless here: consistently mispronouncing the word 
"Mozilla" as "Motzilla" (there's no "t" in their name), directly 
contradicting his own thesis (around 6m30s) in neighboring sentences: "This 
is not an opinion on my part. I guess that my opinion is that they're not 
trustworthy based on these facts...". He does this again in his own 
ignorance of the terms "foundation" and "corporation" around 7m where he 
seems to be finding fault with the difference between what he reads into 
the terms he doesn't define versus what 

Re: [Trisquel-users] How Do I Revert Back To The Default Trisquel 7 Kernel?

2017-12-19 Thread davidpgil
I wasn't able to access GRUB (i'm not sure how?) ... I just did "sudo apt-get  
purge" on the linux libre kernel with the help of "uname -r" to remove that  
version of it. Apparently I still had the lowlatency kernel on my machine, so  
after rebooting I checked my kernel and it was switched. So, in short I  
basically used like 10% of the info you provided. Thanks for the help though  

It turns out the linux-libre kernel was the issue! I'm using a thiunkpad  
sitting on a dock. My monitors were plugged into the dock. It seems the  
linux-libre kernel doesn't like the dock when it comes to Trisquel 7. When I  
was using Trisquel 8 beta, it worked. I think I have a bug report! :)

[Trisquel-users] Re : Maybe its time to rethink Mozilla products

2017-12-19 Thread lcerf
There are other problems.  See the "Blocked on" list on the left of  

[Trisquel-users] Re : "Corrupt or invalid kernel image"

2017-12-19 Thread lcerf
Please refrain to present proprietary software as a solution.  The objective  
of the Trisquel project and of the free software movement as a whole is to  
free the users.  Given that objective, proprietary software is never a  
solution.  It is the problem.

[Trisquel-users] Turning off built-in monitor during boot from Trisquel 7 USB

2017-12-19 Thread strypey
Last night I was helping my buddy fix his laptop. He's been running Ubuntu  
for a few years, and I was trying to convince him to try Trisquel. The  
built-in screen on his laptop is cracked and completely unusable, and he uses  
a Panasonic TV as his monitor, connected via an HDMI cable.

I was able to boot up from a Trisquel 7 boot USB, and the initial menu  
displayed on the TV, but when we actually booted into the live OS, it  
wouldn't display on the TV and we were stuck. We ended up reinstalling Ubuntu  
17.10, because its live USB displayed on both screens by default :-(

So my first question is, is there a way to boot into a live Trisquel 7 and  
get it to turn off the built-in monitor, and use a screen connected via HDMI?

My second question is, can the Trisquel 8 live OS be configured to making  
'mirror display' the default behaviour when there is an external screen  
plugged in, or at least give the user some display options in the live OS  
boot menu?

Re: [Trisquel-users] uruk gnu/linux 2.0

2017-12-19 Thread strypey
Can I upgrade from an Uruk 2.0 beta to the final release, or do I need to  
reinstall from scratch?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-12-19 Thread strypey

Does anyone know if or when Abrowser 57 will be available for Trisquel 7.0?

Re: [Trisquel-users] After installing Trisquel 7 dual boot with Ubuntu , Grub is asking for password to boot Ubuntu

2017-12-19 Thread strypey

I really hope this user-unfriendly GRUB behaviour is fixed in Trisquel 8.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop comes with Trisquel pre-installed. Now with other keyboard layouts available, and free stickers

2017-12-19 Thread strypey
The main thing that's changed is mobile devices. Most people now own a  
handheld computer that can't currently be used with free code software, and  
people I know are now getting rid of their proper computers (desktop/  
laptops) in favour of using their non-free handheld computer. Many newer  
desktops and laptops come with Restricted Boot and other hardware  
restrictions that make it difficult to replace the default OS with a free  
code OS, just as it is with mobile devices.

IMHO this is happening for the same reason that computing is being moved off  
the user's device and "into the cloud". It's a way of defending the business  
models that defend on proprietary software. A handful of giant corporations  
control most of the computer hardware supply chain (Apple, Intel, AMD,  
NVidious etc), which makes it much easier for them to get away with designing  
hardware in ways that take away user freedoms.

Free hardware designs are more likely to produce hardware that is fully  
functional using only free code software. But they also allow a greater  
diversity of businesses to manufacture and distribute hardware, including  
those like Minifree and ThinkPenguin that champion software freedom. So  
unlike when Stallman wrote the essay above, free hardware designs are  
becoming as important as free code software, because they may soon become the  
only way to run free code software.

[Trisquel-users] Initramfs problems ...

2017-12-19 Thread leestrobel
I seem to be having some problems with automatic initramfs updates when I  
install/upgrade certain packages via Synaptic.

Firstly: I have a newer 4.8.0 Trisquel 8 kernel installed, but I didn't like  
it (the trackpad driver seems worse), so I've gone back to using the 3.13.0  
kernel from Trisquel 8. However, when Synaptic runs update-initramfs, it is  
trying to update the newest version (4.8.0), which I am not using.

Secondly: My /boot partition is only 100MB and fairly full up. So, when  
update-initramfs runs, it inevitably fails, because there isn't enough space  
to create a new initrd image. I can run it myself, if I delete the old initrd  
image first, to make space.

So, is it possible to customize the way that Synaptic is updating the  
initramfs, or failing that, just stop it from trying to update it completely,  
so I can update it myself?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop comes with Trisquel pre-installed. Now with other keyboard layouts available, and free stickers

2017-12-19 Thread jeremy
Great to see that X200 is coming back in your store. Too bad I bought myself  
one unflashed a month ago...  :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on- and questions regarding Trisquel Mini on MacBookPro9, 1

2017-12-19 Thread masonhock
I don't know if it's the case with Trisquel Mini, but with some other live  
CDs I've found that they'll make the ISO smaller by only containing what's  
necessary to try out and install.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Maybe its time to rethink Mozilla products

2017-12-19 Thread strypey
I agree with most of t3g's criticisms of Mozilla, but I have to correct the  
erroneous claims about RiseUp.

"[Mozilla] own the RiseUp email site"

Mozilla have given some funding to RiseUp (mainly to fund the development of  
the Tails GNU-Linux distro AFAIK), but they do *not* own RiseUp. RiseUp is  
run by a self-governing collective of radical geeks, some of whom were/ are  
involved in the Indymedia open-publishing news network.

"RiseUp is very inclusive and will kick you out if you do not follow their  
strict ideology."

RiseUp is a hosted service provider, not a piece of software. They have every  
right to decide who they will and won't provide services to.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on- and questions regarding Trisquel Mini on MacBookPro9, 1

2017-12-19 Thread svenerik_vn
Worked like a charm, I also used your other comments about setting  

Thanks for everyhting! :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on- and questions regarding Trisquel Mini on MacBookPro9, 1

2017-12-19 Thread svenerik_vn

Thanks, also, I figured I had to type gmux instead of intel, I|m good now :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop comes with Trisquel pre-installed. Now with other keyboard layouts available, and free stickers

2017-12-19 Thread enduzzer

What’s changed? Free is not gratis.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop comes with Trisquel pre-installed. Now with other keyboard layouts available, and free stickers

2017-12-19 Thread leestrobel
I agree. Things have changed a lot since 1999 (Intel ME, for example). With  
all the compromised chips flying around these days, free hardware is  
extremely important, otherwise there won't be any free software/firmware any  
more ..

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on- and questions regarding Trisquel Mini on MacBookPro9, 1

2017-12-19 Thread leestrobel

You can type the commands in any terminal window. XTerm should do.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Maybe its time to rethink Mozilla products

2017-12-19 Thread gnulinux
New versions of Firefox have a setting in Preferences > Privacy & Security:  
"Allow Firefox to install and run studies". If I remember correctly, it is  
checked by default.

I just wonder if they installed this add-on only for those users who had this  
setting checked. I read Mozilla's apology linked by bobstechsite, but this  
sentence sounds as if they would install the add-on anyway: "Instead of  
giving users the choice to install this add-on, we initially pushed an update  
to Firefox that installed the “Looking Glass” add-on for English speaking  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on- and questions regarding Trisquel Mini on MacBookPro9, 1

2017-12-19 Thread svenerik_vn

Where shall I write this stuff? In XTerm?


Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on- and questions regarding Trisquel Mini on MacBookPro9, 1

2017-12-19 Thread svenerik_vn

No, I really don't, lol :p

Hmm... interesting, there might be differences in experience on the  
"live-dvd-trial" and the real deal?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on- and questions regarding Trisquel Mini on MacBookPro9, 1

2017-12-19 Thread enduzzer

The screen brightness must be adjusted manually.


Unable to get monitor information, install x11-xserver-utils.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on- and questions regarding Trisquel Mini on MacBookPro9, 1

2017-12-19 Thread masonhock

You really don't see $25 at the link I gave?

I was referring to whatever you see under "System Tools" in the menu. There  
should be a tools for whatever you're trying to achieve. Hopefully someone  
more familiar with LXDE than I will come by and be able to give you more  
specific advice.

I found with Trisquel 8 on my ThinkPad X60 that some issues with the live  
image went away after installation. It might be worth installing first before  
you spend too much time banging your head.

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Corrupt or invalid kernel image"

2017-12-19 Thread svenerik_vn

Good tip! Guess I'll go for the USB thing :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on- and questions regarding Trisquel Mini on MacBookPro9, 1

2017-12-19 Thread svenerik_vn

It costs 25 usd for you? That's wierd...

Anyway, thanks for taking time :)

Which one of the four System Tools are you referring to? :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] After installing Trisquel 7 dual boot with Ubuntu , Grub is asking for password to boot Ubuntu

2017-12-19 Thread Caleb Herbert
It's certainly good to test things out and know what your new workflow
is going to look like.  Good planning!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop comes with Trisquel pre-installed. Now with other keyboard layouts available, and free stickers

2017-12-19 Thread Caleb Herbert
It's too bad that the keyboards are not like the keyboards on the
MacBooks.  You could just 3D print a new set of keys.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on- and questions regarding Trisquel Mini on MacBookPro9, 1

2017-12-19 Thread masonhock

There's a $25 one,


but no, your WiFi card will not work without proprietary firmware.

I'm not too familiar with LXDE (the desktop environment for Trisquel Mini)  
but you might be able to find what you're looking for under "System Tools."

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Corrupt or invalid kernel image"

2017-12-19 Thread jamesbythesea
Well, I'm glad to hear that Mini is working! I have no idea what the cause of  
this could be.

And yes, sadly, the macbooks are not equipped with wireless cards that we can  
drive freely. You're left with a few options:

1) Buy a (USB) Wireless card (I have this card, and no regrets about it !  

2) Use a wired connection

3) Use a proprietary driver, by downloading the driver directly or adding a  
different nonfree repo to your etc/apt/sources.list file

4) Use a different distribution.

I have tried all of these different solutions, and I have found that number 1  
is the best. But, I understand that money doesn't grow on trees and not  
everyone can afford to buy RYF computers/equipment all the time. Do what you  
feel is right, and don't let perfect be the enemy of good!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on- and questions regarding Trisquel Mini on MacBookPro9, 1

2017-12-19 Thread svenerik_vn


Where can I find settings for display? Like resolution, dimming lights etc. I  
am new to all of this :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop comes with Trisquel pre-installed. Now with other keyboard layouts available, and free stickers

2017-12-19 Thread Caleb Herbert
That's old.  In 2015, he said that we need to make free hardware designs
in case free software won't run on conventional hardware anymore.

Although we need not reject digital hardware made from
nonfree designs in today's circumstances, we need to develop
free designs and should use them when feasible. They provide
advantages today, and in the future they may be the only way to
use free software.


[Trisquel-users] Thoughts on- and questions regarding Trisquel Mini on MacBookPro9, 1

2017-12-19 Thread svenerik_vn
So I am currently running Trisquel Mini live from the DVD and it is seemingly  
working allright.

There are a couple of things that immediately ain't working though.

1. Wi-fi. Are there any solutions to this other than buying the 44 usd wi-fi  
usb thing from think penguin?

2. The whole "upper section" of the keyboard (the strip of keys with light  
dimming etc, the "fn-buttons" is not working for me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Corrupt or invalid kernel image"

2017-12-19 Thread svenerik_vn


I am currently running Trisquel Mini in the "try" mode live on a DVD and it  
works seemingly very good (apart from wi/fi which I have heard many people on  
newer MacBooks struggle with. You don't happen to have a solution for that,  
without buying the 44 usd think penguin usb wi-fi thing, do you ?:p )

Anyway, when I tried with the regular Trisquel I did checksum the iso file,  
and it was okay.

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Corrupt or invalid kernel image"

2017-12-19 Thread jamesbythesea
I'm no hacker, but I do have a 2012 non-retina MBP that I've done at least a  
dozen different GNU/Linux installs on. I've never had any issues like this,  
so my first thought might be that you have an error with your disk image (are  
you booting from USB?).

Which Trisquel are you installing? Have you tried a different version (7, 7  
Mini, 8 alpha), or reburning?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Maybe its time to rethink Mozilla products

2017-12-19 Thread masonhock
Installing the addon automatically was indeed a mistake. I believe that it  
was an honest mistake on Mozilla's part, as I'm sure they value their  
privacy-respecting image over a game, but it certainly erodes trust.

The addon in and of itself doesn't seem malicious, and because it is libre  
software any undesirable features could be removed. Since the addon was  
disabled by default, it did not affect anyone who did not want to use it. If  
the addon were proprietary it would be a more serious issue, as Mozilla  
should not push proprietary software.

However, Mozilla already had a policy of recommending non-free addons.  
Fortunately, Firefox is free software so others have been able to fix this  
and other problems in Abrowser, Icecat, Tor Browser, etc. There were already  
reasons to use these forks instead of Firefox, and Mozilla has not impaired  
our ability to do that, so little has changed as far as I'm concerned.

Mozilla did make a mistake, and I hope they learn from it, but even if they  
aren't as serious about privacy as they claim they don't even begin to  
compare to Google. Google doesn't even pay lip service to privacy. They try  
to train us not to value our privacy so that we will give it to them gratis  
and they can sell it. So far they are winning.

When Firefox 57 came out, I saw people switch from Chrome for the better  
performance. (Not that anyone should use Chrome regardless of performance,  
but whatever.) When people I know installed Firefox and were prompted to  
configure their privacy settings, it got them thinking about their privacy.  
Knowing that I'm already healthily paranoid, they began asking me questions  
about internet privacy. If Mozilla is teaching people to care about their  
privacy again, they are a valuable ally regardless of how well they deliver.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-12-19 Thread funkymarxist
I have also installed FF Quantum recently and it is really great in terms of  
speed and new features but I came across some really sad news about Mozilla.  
They are implementing DRM on videos played with their browser, also they are  
spying on the users, removing people from the rise up mail server if they  
don't agree with Mozilla's political views.



Re: [Trisquel-users] Maybe its time to rethink Mozilla products

2017-12-19 Thread dhood
Chromium (not Chrome which is clearly not free) has a multi-license set-up,  
which adds a lot of complexity to assessing issues as it relates to  
copy-left. The most obvious issue is that some mainline components use the  
MS-PL license in part, which is not GPL compliant. That is the most obvious,  
but I am sure there is more because the browser is a collection of several  
projects, with each contributing licenses to the end product. The project  
also changes components over time, so its level of copy-left compliance can  
shift from version to version. Another issue is that the Google portion of  
the code uses the "BSD License" which is actually several licenses of which  
only some are GPL compliant. One would have to read the actual license to  
assess which version it is as I have only seen it referred to in this super  
unhelpful shorthand in any kind of summary.

Firefox in contrast uses a single, GPL compliant license (the MPL v. 2.0+)  
for all compontents making the only issues related to freedom being branding  
and access to third party add-ons which may carry different licenses. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Maybe its time to rethink Mozilla products

2017-12-19 Thread tegskywalker

> How is their income relevant?
They are a "non-profit" that accepts money for the corporation. A  
"non-profit" that will force your search engine to change depending on their  
business deal.

> What references are there for these claims?
If you read the link or watched the YouTube video, Mozilla has the power to  
remotely force extensions and that resulted in the Mr. Robot controversy.

> Again, what references back up an alleged forced DRM? And if you're talking
about a Mozilla-hosted discussion forum censoring people, how is that an
issue which would give one cause to stop using their free software?
Mozilla implemented the encrypted media extensions before it was a W3C  
standard. They also fired an employee for not agreeing with them 100% and  
they also own the RiseUp email site. RiseUp is very inclusive and will kick  
you out if you do not follow their strict ideology.

> Such as?
The Chromium browser has been excluded from Trisquel for years due to  
inconsistent licensing and Ruben made a decision to exclude it instead of  
doing further research or blacklisting the libraries.

[Trisquel-users] "Corrupt or invalid kernel image"

2017-12-19 Thread svenerik_vn
Tried to install Trisquel on my MacBookPro9,1 (2012 non-retina) and I it got  
me to the point where I could choose to try or install the OS and a few other  
options, but when I clicked on the "try" it said "Corrupt or invalid kernel  

Anybody got any thoughts? :)


Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem with a laptop

2017-12-19 Thread s1lv3r1997

Thanks for your answare

Re: [Trisquel-users] Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop comes with Trisquel pre-installed. Now with other keyboard layouts available, and free stickers

2017-12-19 Thread enduzzer

Richard Stallman -- On "Free Hardware"
Jun 22, 1999, 04:27

By Richard Stallman GNU

A number of people have asked the GNU Project if we would like to branch out  
from free software into free hardware designs, and expressed their interest  
in working on them. Some people have even suggested a project to make free  
chip designs.

To understand this issue clearly, recall that ``free software'' is a matter  
of freedom, not price; broadly speaking, it means that users are free to copy  
and modify the software. So if we try to apply the same concept to hardware,  
``free hardware'' means hardware that users are free to copy and modify; a  
``free hardware design'' means a design that users are free to copy, modify,  
and convert into hardware.

Free software is often available for zero price, since it often costs you  
nothing to make your own copy. Thus the tendency to confuse ``free'' with  
``gratis''. For hardware, the difference between ``free'' and ``gratis'' is  
more clear-cut; you can't download hardware through the net, and we don't  
have automatic copiers for hardware. (Maybe nanotechnology will provide that  
capability.) So you must expect that making fresh a copy of some hardware  
will cost you, even if the hardware or design is free. The parts will cost  
money, and only a very good friend is likely to make circuit boards or solder  
wires and chips for you as a favor.

Because copying hardware is so hard, the question of whether we're allowed to  
do it is not vitally important. I see no social imperative for free hardware  
designs like the imperative for free software. Freedom to copy software is an  
important right because it is easy now--any computer user can do it. Freedom  
to copy hardware is not as important, because copying hardware is hard to do.  
Present-day chip and board fabrication technology resembles the printing  
press. Copying hardware is as difficult as copying books was in the age of  
the printing press, or more so. So the ethical issue of copying hardware is  
more like the ethical issue of copying books 50 years ago, than like the  
issue of copying software today.

However, a number of hardware ethusiasts are interested in developing free  
hardware designs, either because they have fun designing hardware, or because  
they want to customize. If you want to work on this, it is a fine thing to  
do. The GNU volunteer coordinators (g...@gnu.org) can put you in touch with  
other people who share this interest. If organizations are formed for this  
purpose, the GNU Project will refer interested people to them.

People often ask about the possibility of using the GNU GPL or some other  
kind of copyleft for hardware designs.

Firmware such as programs for programmable logic devices or microcoded  
machines are software, and can be copylefted like any other software. For  
actual circuits, though, the matter is more complex.

Circuits cannot be copylefted because they cannot be copyrighted. Definitions  
of circuits written in HDL (hardware definition languages) can be copylefted,  
but the copyleft covers only the expression of the definition, not the  
circuit itself. Likewise, a drawing or layout of a circuit can be copylefted,  
but this only covers the drawing or layout, not the circuit itself. What this  
means is that anyone can legally draw the same circuit topology in a  
different-looking way, or write a different HDL definition which produces the  
same circuit. Thus, the strength of copyleft when applied to circuits is  
limited. However, copylefting HDL definitions and printed circuit layouts may  
do some good nonetheless.

It is probably not possible to use patents for this purpose either. Patents  
do not work like copyrights, and they are very expensive to obtain.

Whether or not a hardware device's internal design is free, it is absolutely  
vital for its interface specifications to be free. We can't write free  
software to run the hardware without knowing how to operate it. (Selling a  
piece of hardware, and refusing to tell the customer how to use it, strikes  
me as unconscionable.) But that is another issue.

Copyright 1999 Richard Stallman
Verbatim copying and redistribution of this entire article is permitted  
provided this notice is preserved.

Richard Stallman is the founder of the Free Software Foundation, the  
author of the GNU General Public License (GPL), and the original developer of  
such notable software as gcc and Emacs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem with a laptop

2017-12-19 Thread bob
tbh it'll probably be cheaper to buy a new power cable than a multimeter,  
unless you're planning to use a multimeter for future projects and you're  
happy to buy a power cable anyway if it gives you a negative result! :D

The most common cause of power problems in ye olde laptops (in my experience)  
is the battery. They're usually the first thing to go in an old laptop. A  
good indication is if it doesn't hold a charge when you remove the power  
cable or it drains really fast.

Do not buy a "reconditioned" replacement for it as that will probably be  
around the same age as the one you have now and will have a limited shelf  
life. Look for an after-market "replacement" battery on the usual online  
shopping sites. Just be cautious about the usual things (i.e. sellers with  
low feedback, unfamiliar brands, etc).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Maybe its time to rethink Mozilla products

2017-12-19 Thread bob
It will be interesting to see what comes from Mozilla's apology.  

Personally I've switched machines that were using Firefox over to GNU IceCat.  
Still using Abrowser on my Trisquel box though.
(I don't really understand the logic behind people fleeing to Chrome. That  
feels a bit like leaping out of the frying pan and into the fire because you  
can smell smoke! :D)

[Trisquel-users] Re : How Do I Revert Back To The Default Trisquel 7 Kernel?

2017-12-19 Thread lcerf
If it is not already installed, you first need to install, with the package  
manager, "linux-image-lowlatency" (Trisquel 7's default kernel, currently at  
version or any other kernel you would prefer (maybe  
"linux-image-generic").  Then, you need to reboot on that kernel, choosing it  
in GRUB's "Advanced options".  To enter those options, GRUB will ask for a  
user name ("grub" is the answer) and a password, which written at the very  
end of /etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD.  I advise you to get rid of that useless  
password by following the steps I gave yesterday:  

Once you run your kernel of choice ('uname -r', executed in a terminal, can  
confirm you the version you run), remove all the newer kernels using, again,  
the package manager.  I like the "Synaptic Package Manager", a graphical  
interface to APT.  You can "Search" all packages that start with "linux-" and  
remove those (the images, the headers, etc.) having greater version numbers.   
A version number (a sequence of dot-separated numbers in the package name) is  
"greater" if, considering the numbers as if they were the letters of a word,  
it would be after in the dictionary order (i.e., the leftmost numbers are the  
most significant to order the versions).

Re: [Trisquel-users] How Do I Revert Back To The Default Trisquel 7 Kernel?

2017-12-19 Thread calmstorm
Hmm.. I don't see why it wouldn't be possible, but that seems like a bad idea  
unless your trying to use something like virtualbox 4.1 where it requires an  
old kernel to use. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-12-19 Thread calmstorm

Waterfox, Abrowser or Iceweasel if your using hyperbola/parabola.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Maybe its time to rethink Mozilla products

2017-12-19 Thread calmstorm
Mozilla is bad, but they are still better than any other option with the  
exception of forking firefox of course. :)

and also removing the bloat from firefox to make icecat, abrowser or even  
iceweasel (not debian's iceweasel though...)

I speak more of parabola/hyperbola's iceweasel

and of course waterfox is the next best thing to those... at the moment  
though it still has a few issues of course. :0

Re: [Trisquel-users] I met RMS yesterday. We talked about Trisquel 8, this is what he said...

2017-12-19 Thread vltr

"small sign"

"2,4 billion people"

Sorry for the mistakes. I could not edit now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I met RMS yesterday. We talked about Trisquel 8, this is what he said...

2017-12-19 Thread vltr

< I also though know that it would be complicated to implement what your  

Not complicated at all, and in fact it is something necessary. Freedom of  
expression is something essential but as a lawyer I also know that any  
freedom has the limit of respecting the rights of others. Only in this case  
can a tolerant and free society exist. "My freedom ends where the freedom of  
others ends". If this cannot be enforced freedom that not exist. In this case  
the collision is against Freedom of religion.

< I would also add though Christianity has been misused ALOT...

I understand why they are skeptical, given the nature of people like hitler  
and the crusades, etc,

It happens that in an institution like the Church having more than 2000 years  
there have been very big errors made by people who clearly has abused . I  
would also like to point out that Hitler was not Christian, he was a pagan  
whose main aim was to destroy Christianity as it was completely opposed of  
Nazi's ideas. This all is well documented in the pagan rituals of the SS. If  
Hitler some time procured to get well with Christianity was just for the  
purpose of regaining the power and not finding another adversary in the  
opposition of billion people around the world if he declared his ideas  
openly. That is the reason why having the control of Rome and willing to  
kidnap the Pope he never dared to do so and he always respected that one of  
the limits of his power was to respect the limits of Vatican City.

With regards to the errors that the Church as an institution may have done  
through History, as being composed of men with passions and errors and others  
that have clearly abused of Christianity for the sake of power, I need to  
point out that all the recent Pope's have ask forgiveness for all the errors  
that the Church and Christianity overall may have done in the past.

On the other side Christianity has built Western civilization: creating the  
first universities, providing the first charitable organisations, the first  
hospitals, the first social assistance, supporting the education of poor  
people, etc... Although achieved through revolutionary means many of them,  
all the freedoms that we all enjoy in the Western world are just a  
consequence of the secularisation of the Christian way of thinking. They  
could have never happen per se, as it has never been the case, in the context  
of any other culture.

I understand that people just got a first impression about something  
regarding the bad things, but those things really does not represent what  
Christianity is about. If they really want to learn to appreciate  
Christianity they should have an eye towards the life of the saints or to the  
great achievements that Christianity has achieved in History on behalf of  

< Stallman is an atheist also by the way...

As the Holy Father recently said, God is ok with people being atheist if they  
really think in their hearts that is the Truth and they try to live life  
being better persons in accordance with what they hearlty think it is the  

< Sometimes people need to see a light for a long period of
time to change.

I have no problem with that but in the meantime they do not need to be  
purposely offensive towards the religion of others. Making fun about  
Christianity may be easy as long as Christianity is a religion of tolerance  
which does preach having love for opponent to it, but I am just curious if  
they would dare to do also with regards to other religions? I don't think so.  
On the other side I do not expect anyone "to change" as you said after a  
period of time. For me it is enough everyone believes in what he/she truly  
thinks it is the Truth in this life (including atheism), respecting all  
others and trying to be good persons.

< We need to not be easily offended, revenge is the Lord's as God has said.

I do not have revenge against anyone I just ask for respect towards religious  
feelings of people ... Not just for my religion, but for all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I met RMS yesterday. We talked about Trisquel 8, this is what he said...

2017-12-19 Thread jabjabs
I am somewhat hopeful that they decide to bite the bullet and jump T8  
straight to LTS 18.04 base.