[Trisquel-users] Lemote Yeeloong 8101B available for sale

2018-08-16 Thread davidgn

Hello, all.

I noticed recent interest in the old Yeeloongs and thought I'd announce the  
availability of mine here.

As I wrote on the auction:

Purchased this from Tekmote.nl in 2013. Sadly I got too busy and with my  
ThinkPads and Chromebook filled my actual needs, so I never had much time to  
tinker around with this little collector's item. That means it's been serving  
as a glorified paperweight on one of my desks for the past few years.  
Includes charger -- Europlug with US adapter -- and original box. Testing  
battery, which may no longer be viable. Otherwise in top condition.


The auction will no longer allow me to add international shipping, but in  
principle, I'd be happy to arrange to ship this internationally as well.

[Trisquel-users] Re : VS Code is free software?

2018-08-16 Thread lcerf

Conspiracy theories aside, I don't know if systemd is a backdoor or not

systemd is free software, the best defense we have against malware.  Unless  
somebody points out the portion of the code implementing a backdoor, it is  
reasonable to believe there is none.

but tell me, why has devuan succeeded in getting community support when  
fedora's and ubuntu's systemd-free forks failed?

Most users sticked to their distributions when they switched to systemd.   
Those users have either seen no difference (almost all "simple" users),  
except maybe a faster boot, or improvements (mainly server administrators):  
no reason to switch to a fork..

That anti-systemd public is probably mostly composed of users who, like you,  
have no technical argument against sysyemd but who decided it was bad anyway.  
 Maybe because they read articles such as  
that predicted "the Linux apocalypse" because "Red Hat has released RHEL 7  
with systemd" or, by the same polemicist,  
that predicted a "schism over systemd [that] could lead to a separation of  
desktop and server distros, or Linux server admins moving to FreeBSD".

That was four years ago.  Since then, all major GNU/Linux distributions have  
adopted systemd by default, there has been no "Linux apocalypse", no schism  
between desktop and server distros, FreeBSD has not suddenly become more  
popular (on DistroWatch.com, it was ranked 17th in 2014 and 30th in the last  
12 months), and Red Hat has almost doubled its revenues:  

The prophecy failed.  The well-studied mechanisms to cope with the cognitive  
dissonance are at work in the (small) anti-systemd community:  

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-08-16 Thread onpon4
> I never, have said you cannot make fun of anti-systemd inits, just don't do  
it in anger.

No. Not inits. You. You do realize that the systemd developers are people,  

> I just don't get why at the drop of a coin I make a joke about it, and you  
guys go to town on me.

If I may be frank, you didn't make a joke. All you did was link to a thread  
which had nothing whatsoever to do with the topic at hand, and made a  
statement about it.

Is this a good joke in that same context?

"They took that issue about as seriously as these vegans took my rebuttals!"

Or is this a form of targeted harassment toward the vegans I've linked to?

>  I do the same thing with my president, donald trump, I make jokes about  
him for amusement purposes.

Don't quit your day job.

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-08-16 Thread onpon4
> why has devuan succeeded in getting community support when fedora's and  
ubuntu's systemd-free forks failed?

I can't say I know what you're talking about. It's been a long time since I  
looked, but when I did, Devuan was lagging severely behind Debian. Meanwhile,  
Debian continues forward exactly as before, and Fedora has been using systemd  
for years with no apparent drop in "community support".

[Trisquel-users] Re : Weird output when trying to update

2018-08-16 Thread lcerf

Probably running the software behind the button "Select Best Server" of the  
"Choose a Download Server" of "Software & Updates".
Does the "Update Manager" displays an error message saying the download  
server is inaccessible?  It may only pop up a 404 error though...

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-08-16 Thread calmstorm
Conspiracy theories aside, I don't know if systemd is a backdoor or not, I  
just prefer not use it,

but tell me, why has devuan succeeded in getting community support when  
fedora's and

ubuntu's systemd-free forks failed?

Just wondering what your thoughts are.

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-08-16 Thread calmstorm
I don't understand how this is wrong, I never, have said you cannot make fun  
of anti-systemd inits, just don't do it in anger.

If you like systemd, good for you, I just don't get why at the drop of a coin  
I make a joke about it, and you guys go to town on me.

You can do the same thing, just don't flame me over it that's all.

I was not flaming nor shaming, I wasn't intending to make this into a big  
issue, I merely was saying, it doesn't look good when you lock a thread from  
everyone but people who agree with you.  Poettering just as easily could have  
locked it fully.  That's all.

I don't create drama intentionally, you greatly misunderstand my purpose with  
this, I do the same thing with my president, donald trump, I make jokes about  
him for amusement purposes. Not drama.

PS, This goes for magic banana too, I don't say you have to do things my way  
or else... and I don't say both of you have to agree with me, just be  
respectful, not angry. If you disagree, fine but people will talk if they  
disagree. You have the right to think what you want and say what you want and  
so do I.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh install without erasing data of external drive

2018-08-16 Thread mcz

Thanks Magic Banana.
Out of curiosity:
1. I've unplugged B (the important one) and kept A and C plugged (empty).
2. I've put C as ext4 and with a specific mount point. there's a file in it,  
to see if it's still there after the install.

3. I configured A as LVM, and made / and /swap as logical volumes.

What scared me was the the message about formatting C.
I selected only A for LVM anyway, but still.

Anyway, I couldn't install GRUB for some reason (this machine is going to be  
the end of me...).
Still, I finished the install without GRUB and started the live CD. And the  
drive is not encrypted anymore, plus the file disappeared...

So for LVM, it seems to be much safer to unplug the drive with data, make the  
install and configure the mount point in fstab.

Maybe the path was kept, since the drive is encrypted.
Not sure if info about mount point is also kept on the drive.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weird output when trying to update

2018-08-16 Thread mason
> How was an ordinary person supposed to figure out

No idea. I've submitted a bug report[1] and hope this gets addressed soon.

[1] https://trisquel.info/en/issues/24749

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weird output when trying to update

2018-08-16 Thread mason
A more detailed solution for me to link back to next time someone has this 

- From the main menu, launch System -> Administration -> Software & Updates
- Click on the dropdown menu labeled "Download from:"
- Select "Main Server"
- Click "Close"
- In the window that pops up, click "Reload"
- If update is successful, click "Install now"

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weird output when trying to update

2018-08-16 Thread k . jasny . 2003

I'll bump this thread to ask about something.

I faced the same problem on one of my laptops which I haven't been using for  
a while. But I installed the same Trisquel from the same iso in a virtual  
machine and it automatically had a good sources.list file. So:

1. Is the proper mirror resolvation performed when the system is being  
installed? How does it detect the proper mirrors on its own?
2. How was an ordinary person supposed to figure out the links have changed  
without making a thread? Was there a message I missed or something like that?  
Please, keep in mind I was lucky enough to face this on a laptop for casual  
use, but if this was a server or a workstation where I needed to install  
software ASAP it would be much, much worse.

[Trisquel-users] Re : VS Code is free software?

2018-08-16 Thread lcerf
in trisquel you are correct, no threads related to systemd problems, but in  
others you don't know for sure as they could have been immediately locked.

We are back to conspiracy theories.