I don't understand how this is wrong, I never, have said you cannot make fun of anti-systemd inits, just don't do it in anger.

If you like systemd, good for you, I just don't get why at the drop of a coin I make a joke about it, and you guys go to town on me.

You can do the same thing, just don't flame me over it that's all.

I was not flaming nor shaming, I wasn't intending to make this into a big issue, I merely was saying, it doesn't look good when you lock a thread from everyone but people who agree with you. Poettering just as easily could have locked it fully. That's all.

I don't create drama intentionally, you greatly misunderstand my purpose with this, I do the same thing with my president, donald trump, I make jokes about him for amusement purposes. Not drama.

PS, This goes for magic banana too, I don't say you have to do things my way or else... and I don't say both of you have to agree with me, just be respectful, not angry. If you disagree, fine but people will talk if they disagree. You have the right to think what you want and say what you want and so do I.

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