Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU parted - how to update to new version?

2018-01-23 Thread 43453
I made the prozess of dd / partition table / partitioning / formating with  
the new version of Parted (3.2), which is on the gparted live iso, again and  
everything went as expected. BUT same strange behaviour still occurs. if the  
drive is mounted permanent activity happens on the completely empty and new  
drive. has anybody an explanation for this? defect drive?

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU parted - how to update to new version?

2018-01-22 Thread 43453

I made:

$ /media/USER$ sudo chmod 777 HDD

no I have access

$/dev/sdc1 on /media/USER/HDD type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks2)

but the strange thing is the hdd light is blinking fast and hdd is working,  
but I do nothing at all

I feels like there is something not correct configured

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU parted - how to update to new version?

2018-01-22 Thread 43453
it partly worked somehow now but not sure if correctly. if I want to create a  
folder or file: 'error opening file '...' permission denied

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU parted - how to update to new version?

2018-01-22 Thread 43453
how can I update GNU parted 2.3 via terminal? the program failed to make an  
ext4 partition.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Desktop problem - no programs

2018-01-22 Thread 43453

ok with

$ xrandr --output LVDS1 --off

it works, but how can I make this command permanent?

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU parted - how to update to new version?

2018-01-22 Thread 43453
no I really meant GNU parted according to

Re: [Trisquel-users] Netgear WN111v2 installation problem

2018-01-22 Thread 43453
for the record: if signal strengh is to weak, strange errors can occur. now i  
have a better signal but connection still drops from time to time. strangely  
the connection disappears in trisquel so i have to disable and re-enable  
wi-fi to get connected again, maybe, otherwise i have to restart. even more  
strangely is that I connect to a range extender which should give a solid  

[Trisquel-users] GNU parted - how to update to new version?

2018-01-22 Thread 43453

I want to update GNU parted from version 2.3 to a never version with:

$ sudo aptitude install parted

but the output is:

$ No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.

why is that?

is it important/makes it any difference for the use of ext4 to have a new  
version of GNU parted?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Netgear WN111v2 installation problem

2017-10-16 Thread 43453


$ nmcli d wifi list

i can see the available WiFi hotspots

but the connection command

$ nmcli d wifi connect WiFiSSID password WiFiPassword iface WifiInterface

gives me

$ connection activation failed: secrets were required but not provided

didnt found anything helpful for this error

[Trisquel-users] Netgear WN111v2 installation problem

2017-10-16 Thread 43453
I bought the Netgear WN111v2 and according to it should work with free software only.  
But it seems that i have to install additional software, which i cant because  
i have no net access. Any ideas? How can i install this device?

An additional problem is that i only have terminal access. So i can not see  
if the device works via GUI...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Desktop problem - no programs

2017-08-29 Thread 43453

aloniv: "It should perhaps default to mirroring both screens instead."

It could be that the mirroring is working, but not correctly because the  
integrated display is a hd screen and the external not. So it's not zoomed in  
the right way (if I open a window its in the lower right corner, not center).  
There seems to be no correct seperate recognition of the 2nd screen.

What exact terminal-command for which program do I need to simply shut the  
integrated screen off? (I wanna avoid try and error here..)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Desktop problem - no programs

2017-08-27 Thread 43453

'bash: xrandr: command not found'

what is wrong here..?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Desktop problem - no programs

2017-08-27 Thread 43453
I used 'trisquel-mini_7.0_i686.iso' and I made no changes to standard  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Desktop problem - no programs

2017-08-27 Thread 43453
It's a thinkpad w500 with intel gma4500mhd. If I type 'gnome-control-center'  
in the command line it says 'command not found'. It seems there is no gnome  

[Trisquel-users] Desktop problem - no programs

2017-08-27 Thread 43453
I installed Trisquel 7 but there is no desktop bar at all and no folders. I  
use a vga non-HD display because of a defect laptop display. Maybe because of  
this the whole desktop is not shown correctly. At the moment I have no normal  
access to the programs. Any Idea what I can do? I tried live usb mode and  
lxde, everytime same effect. The login screen seems to be normal.

Re: [Trisquel-users] WWAN USB stick for laptop

2017-05-14 Thread 43453
are you sure that the model TP-LINK TL-WN722N is for HSPA, 3G, LTE...? there  
is also another model from the same company - TP-Link MA260:

is this model fully supported? it hasnt to be plug and play but there should  
be a working installation way...

[Trisquel-users] WWAN USB stick for laptop

2017-05-14 Thread 43453
is there a wwan (wireless wide area network) usb stick that works fluently  
with gnu linux and only free software?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Transferring Windows 10 backup files to Trisquel

2017-04-07 Thread 43453

for windows try

Re: [Trisquel-users] Black screen at booting

2016-12-23 Thread 43453
one thing i wanted was to get a silent boot. if anybody is interested, my  
non-perfect workaround with plymouth is to change the font colours to black  
(0x00) in /lib/plymouth/themes ->  text.plymouth and (im not sure if this  
was the reason in my case) to disable the access to the .png background  
picture by renaming, so that plymouth is only in 'text mode'. btw: on  
shutdown this configuration has not the intended effect

second i wanted to make the boot faster. so far i figured out, to get a  
significant improvement, i would have to change the init to a faster one,  
thats not possible because of the dependencies

third just to mention it, my wish would be that trisquel would be based on  
devuan, not debian and at least not on ubuntu

Re: [Trisquel-users] Black screen at booting

2016-12-23 Thread 43453
one thing i wanted was to get a silent boot. if anybody is interested, my  
non-perfect workaround with plymouth is to change the font colours to black  
(0x00) in /lib/plymouth/themes ->  text.plymouth and (im not sure if this  
was the reason in my case) to disable the access to the .png background  
picture by renaming, so that plymouth is only in 'text mode'. btw: on  
shutdown this configuration has not the intended effect

second i wanted to make the boot faster. so far i figured out, to get a  
significant improvement, i would have to change the init to a faster one,  
thats not possible because of the dependencies

third just to mention it, my wish would be that trisquel would be based on  
devuan, not debian and at least not on ubuntu

Re: [Trisquel-users] Black screen at booting

2016-12-15 Thread 43453
initally i wanted a "silent" boot, a black screen until the login screen  
appears, but then everythings getting unexpected complicated, it seems i have  
to remove 'plymouth' completely or replace 'upstart' with a different init?

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 is using systemd?!

2016-12-15 Thread 43453

if this is the case im very disappointed

[Trisquel-users] Black screen at booting

2016-12-14 Thread 43453


starting with gnulinux/trisquel im wondering if its possible to make the boot  
screen blank/black and maybe speed it up.