Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-31 Thread adfenohuvlov

Em 2014-08-31 13:06, escreveu:

I want to stress the main point of my disagreement:
Once a user acknowledges she has fundamental freedoms that deserve to
be  respected, she never goes back.

This statement is wrong. It's just not true for the average user.
The sacrifices she has to make are much too high.

I wish the fsf would focus more on creating new free software
oppurtinities  instead of telling people to stop using proprietary
software. They won't,  even if they understand that freedom matters.
This doesn't include not telling people about freedom like the
opensource  movement does - I never claimed this.

My, my... I was hoping not to get myself into this mess since I'm not 
using my computer (so I can't sign messages using OpenPGP), but since I 
have half an hour left at this internet cafe (here called LAN house), I 
have decided to reply.

Just as short as it can be, my answer is as follows:

We mustn't forget that the FSF isn't responsible for all the free 
software projects. They can participate in some of them, but (as far as 
I can see,) they're generally good at maintaining the Free Software 
Definition and related articles.

If there isn't a software with some feature, but if there is a software 
with similar goals, this usually means the project is still being 
developed towards such goal, or that it's facing difficulties (like loss 
of community support, contribution, or interest), or that it's being 
blocked by other things (like software patents, closed standards (if 
this even exists), non-standard implementations, legal issues, or even 
philosophical issues (if such project decides to follow some definition 
or guideline, like the Free Software Definition, or the Guidelines for 
Free Software Distributions).

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DSA, El Gamal, or RSA? SHA-256, or SHA-512? At minimum or at maximum strength?

2014-04-16 Thread adfenohuvlov

First, I'm sorry for reviving a topic, but this is really important.

I sent an email to Justin (actually, I sent two, but one was in Brazilian  
Portuguese, so he didn't understand it). Here follows my email:

== Start of email sent ==
Hi Justin,

Sorry if my last email seemed hard to understand, perhaps it's because I  
wrote it in Brazilian Portuguese. However, if you don't remember receiving an  
email sent by me, then just forget about this paragraph.

You can answer this email in English if you want.

OK, let me introduce myself: I'm a free software and free culture enthusiast,  
who also values privacy and security.

I must say that your article about the 128 and 256 bit keys [1] is very  
interesting, and also, your comment on a topic in the Linux Forums [2] makes  
me think more and more about this subject.

Because of this, I brought the question to my mates from the GNU+Linux-libre  
Trisquel project [3], but the questions haven't been answered.

And so I bring the questions to you: Which one is the most secure in each  

– DSA for signing with El Gamal for encrypting, or RSA for both?
– SHA-256 or SHA-512? Or other hash algorithm (in this case, which one)?
– At which strength (for example: 4096 bits)? Is the maximum strength  



Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.
== End of email sent ==

One day later, he replied with the following email (which was adapted by me  
for enhanced readability):

== Start of email received ==
Boa noite, Adfeno!
Desculpe ... eu falo Português mais ou menos, but I will carry on with  
English if that's okay,

[Here, Justin talks about some “almost” personal information about him,  
so I'll just suppress it.]

As far as DSA/Elgamal vs RSA, I'd recommend this post from Thomas Pornin: (I trust his judgment, and he points  
out a lot of the architectural issues that might be more tangible than the  
security differences.) Security-wise, I'd not be too worried about using  
either configuration.

As for SHA-256 vs. SHA-512 -- I'd say you should be secure with either. I  
don't know of any attacks that would cause one to choose one over another,  
from a practical security standpoint. I've sometimes seen people use SHA-512,  
and then truncate to 256 bits, if that's all they need. However, you'll not  
really notice a security difference between the two, in the real world.  
There's a good discussion of that here:

Nowadays, if you can afford 4096-bit keys, that's a good choice; at the very  
least, 2048, but it's hard to say if that's even considered conservative  
right now.

I hope this helps! Feel free to e-mail me anytime and I'll do my best to  
respond as quickly as possible. If you're on Twitter, I partake in a lot of  
discussions there (@justintroutman).

Best regards,
== End of email received ==

Well, looks like we have gathered some good source of information which can  
help us decide how to make our next key pairs. It's also important to note  
what lloydsmart said: “I wasn't aware of the entropy problem with DSA, but  
it doesn't affect me as I have an external source of entropy”.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

[Trisquel-users] DSA, El Gamal, or RSA? SHA-256, or SHA-512? At minimum or at maximum strength?

2014-02-21 Thread adfenohuvlov
First I would like to apologize for the long topic subject. Second, for those  
who have my public key added to their keyrings, I'm thinking about changing  

Well, to make it short: Which one is the most secure in each case?

– DSA for signing with El Gamal for encrypting, or RSA for both?
– SHA-256 or SHA-512?
– At which strength?

Now for the confusing part which led me to create this topic:

First, sorry for referencing non-free content.

There's an old post [1] on a blog for GNU+Linux Debian administrators which  
informs about a serious attack against SHA-1, and the author suggests that,  
besides using a stronger SHA, one should use RSA keys.

However, there's a topic [2] on Linux Forums, where a user called JustinT  
explains his studies about such subject and also suggests an article written  
by himself (it's really long, it even has two parts, but I read it, :D)

JustinT suggests to use DSA for signing with El Gamal for encryption, and he  
suggests to use DSA with SHA-256 at a minimum. What can this “minimum”  
mean? Does it mean to chose the shortest/smallest strength?

Anyway, what do you think?


Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't access files on my hard drive using a live dvd

2014-02-16 Thread adfenohuvlov
It all depends on one information: Which file system the hard drive uses.  
Depending on the file system type, our approach will be different.

Press Ctrl + Alt + T to open a terminal emulator.

Type the commands presented on the paragraph bellow (for every new line,  
press Enter), except the comments between the # characters (be careful, if  
you find a #, be sure to not type anything until you find its pair).

# This starts the guide. #
# Run as system administrator. This command shows which file systems are  
mounted, along with its type and some other information. The file system in  
question should be shown here, otherwise, stop following this guide and tell  
us about it. #

sudo blkid
# Example of the output from blkid: #
# /dev/sda2: LABEL=Toutatis UUID=5a2afc93-af3f-4453-9298-83b3e96a3805  

# /dev/sda5: UUID=f2d5cc14-d1d6-41b8-864d-da060f84e16f TYPE=swap
# /dev/sdb1: LABEL=BACKUP UUID=E478-8E5E TYPE=vfat #
# For most users, I suggest to look for the label (LABEL attribute) of the  
problematic file system, which is, in most cases, a friendly name set by the  
user. If you can't find the label of the problematic file system, stop  
following this guide and tell us about it. #
# After finding the problematic file system, see if its type (TYPE attribute)  
is ext[Any number] (where [Any number] can be any number), vfat, or any  
other. If it's not ext[Any number], stop following this guide and tell us  
about it. #

# Assuming that the file system is ext[Any number], we can continue. #
# Please remember the LABEL attribute of the problematic file system, we'll  
need it. #
# This command transports us to the root of the problematic file system.  
Where [LABEL attribute] is the label of the problematic file system. #

cd /media/[LABEL attribute]
# If the command outputs some warning or error messages, stop following this  
guide and tell us about it. #
# This part can be very subjective, it all depends on where the problematic  
folder is. But basically, for every folder entered you can add a / (forward  
slash). #
# This command is very subjective, as stated above. It transports us to the  
parent folder of the problematic one (that is, one folder before the  
problematic one). In most cases, users of live operating systems won't be  
able to access the problematic folder because their user name is different,  
so this is why we must go to the parent folder first.  Let's assume that the  
problematic folder is the personal folder jones, which is normally inside the  
home folder of the problematic file system. #

# Note: This is wrong in this case: #
# cd /home/ #
# This is right in this case: #
cd home
# Live operating systems have users, just like normal operating systems. To  
know which user you are logged in as, use the whoami command. #

# In the case of GNU+Linux Trisquel, the user is trisquel. #
# Run as system administrator. This command changes the owner of the jones  
folder, from jones (the user) to trisquel (the user). #

sudo chown trisquel jones
# If the command outputs some warning or error messages, tell us about it. #
# Now you should have access to the problematic folder. #
# This ends the guide. #

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

[Trisquel-users] Is libx264-120 the same as libx264?

2014-02-10 Thread adfenohuvlov

Hi, I have a quick question:

I was doing some video editing using OpenShot, and I noticed that OpenShot  
suggests lots of coding libraries. One of the suggested libraries is libx264,  
but when searching on the repositories, I could only find libx264-120.

Is libx264-120 the same as libx264?

If yes, I have libx264-120 installed, but OpenShot doesn't recognize it as  

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keeping notes

2014-02-06 Thread adfenohuvlov
I use something very simple: A TXT file. It can be opened with almost every  
text editor, of not with all.

I usually keep temporary notes inside a file containing pending stuff like  
contacts to be added, emails to be sent, medias to check out, software to  
check out, or other computer-related things to be made.

For my mostly consistent notes, I have a TXT file for each type, like  
cultural events/conventions, favorite sites, favorite free softwares,  
favorite free cultural works, non-free cultural works to check, hate (because  
I've already checked them), or like.

As for the contacts, if I were to say something about it, I would probably  
destroy the storage device first and start everything again. :D

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What's the point of a firewall?

2014-02-03 Thread adfenohuvlov

Thank you very much ssdclickofdeath. :D

This page from the FSF proves to be very useful.

Now that I think about it, I'm getting amused by the way how the meanings of  
a word or phrase can change even inside subcultures of its main culture.

I'll try to use “cracker” instead of “black hat hacker” when speaking  
about free software and culture.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What's the point of a firewall?

2014-02-02 Thread adfenohuvlov


This is, indeed, a really good subject.

This can be misunderstood as not-useful for the majority of the GNU+Linux  
users but, let's pretend that Some User One has a GNU+Linux operating system,  
and that Some User Two has any operating system and is in the same local  
network as Some User One.

Let's pretend that Some User One must be (that means, he's obliged to do so)  
running a SSH server, and a SMB server, both running on his operating system.  
Everything is OK for both users because they have everything that they  

Now let's pretend that, by a bit of luck, a black hat hacker or an Internet  
robot finds the IP address of Some User One's computer. In the case of a  
black hat hacker, he could try to break the security of the SSH server; as  
for the Internet robot, this one would just try random stuff gathered from  
previously infected/invaded victims to break the security of the SSH server.

I don't know for sure why I mentioned the SMB server, but perhaps, depending  
on which contents the SMB server shares, it's possible for the black hat  
hacker to get some confidential information about anyone, or even transfer  
some malicious software to those who joined the network in question.

A firewall, along with an automated banning tool and strong security measures  
can solve a lot of problems.

With a firewall, Some User One could block connections from people from  
outside his local network by using the correct classless inter-domain routing  
notation for his network.

If a firewall is able to, besides filtering ports, also filter the protocols  
associated to those ports, the situation gets even more secure because the  
firewall will, most of the times, block a wrong request if its protocol  
doesn't match the protocol associated to such port.

If the user's computer has an automated banning tool, it'll ban the incoming  
user automatically if its connection reaches a certain criteria.

Michal Maslowski is indeed right.

My comment (this one) is just based on life experience, not on knowledge or  
skill about such subjects.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What's the point of a firewall?

2014-02-02 Thread adfenohuvlov

Sorry, did I offend someone by accident?

Or am I misunderstanding your reply?

If I did so, sorry, but I didn't, and I still don't, mean to do so.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Graphics

2014-01-24 Thread adfenohuvlov

This is very good.

If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Graphics

2014-01-23 Thread adfenohuvlov
Due to the fact that you can't get past the login screen, these instructions  
must be followed on a virtual terminal, just choose one of the six available  
ones by pressing Ctrl + Alt + (F1 through F6).

After chosing a virtual terminal, it'll ask for your username and password.  
After entering the right informations, the virtual terminal will be available  
for you to use, and so allowing you to continue following these instructions.

We're going to stop GNOME Display Manager (which interacts with Xorg X  
Server), see if you have a file called exactly xorg.conf, and if so, we'll  
make a copy of it and remove the original file (leaving the copy untouched),  
and then we'll start GNOME Display Manager again.

After every newline in this comment, just press Enter in the virtual  
terminal. Don't write the texts between the hash symbols (#), they'll just  
explain what we'll do.

# As superuser (administrator), this stops GNOME Display Manager (GDM). This  
will ask for your password. #

sudo service gdm stop
# Opens the folder X11, which is inside the folder etc, which is at the root  
of the filesystem (/). #

cd /etc/X11
# Checks if a file named exactly as xorg.conf exists. If the file doesn't  
exist, you don't need to follow these instructions any further. #

ls xorg.conf
# As superuser, this makes a copy of the xorg.conf file, and renames this  
copy to xorg.conf.1. #

sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.1
# As superuser, this removes the original file. #
sudo rm xorg.conf
# As superuser, this starts GDM again. #
sudo service gdm start

Now press Ctrl + Alt + F7 and see if you can get past the login screen. If  
the problem got worse, go to the previously chosen virtual terminal and  
follow these instructions to revert the past ones:

# As superuser (administrator), this stops GNOME Display Manager (GDM). This  
will ask for your password. #

sudo service gdm stop
# Opens the folder X11, which is inside the folder etc, which is at the root  
of the filesystem (/). #

cd /etc/X11
# As superuser, this makes a copy of the xorg.conf.1 file, and renames this  
copy to xorg.conf. #

sudo cp xorg.conf.1 xorg.conf
# As superuser, this starts GDM again. #
sudo service gdm start

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

[Trisquel-users] Thoughts about Linux kernel version 3.14 and UEFI Secure Boot

2014-01-21 Thread adfenohuvlov
I've recently read some news which say that the Linux kernel (non-free  
kernel) version 3.14 will have support for the kexec() call which subverts  
the UEFI Secure Boot.

The news article is in Brazilian Portuguese, it's under a free license, and  
can be found here:

For those who want to know something more without having to translate the  
article: The kexec() call is able to load an unsigned operating system, thus  
bypassing UEFI Secure Boot.

I'm just wondering if there is some way to use kexec() in favor of GNU+Linux  
Trisquel, GNU+Linux-libre, and many other free operating systems.

What do you all think?

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Computer not booting properly

2014-01-21 Thread adfenohuvlov
Interesting, the image shows correctly in gThumb, but not in Abrowser.  
Perhaps either gThumb or Abrowser are or aren't loading some kind of metadata  
which tells them in which orientation the image is supposed to be displayed.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't upload stuff in

2014-01-14 Thread adfenohuvlov
I don't want to promote non-free software or anything, but before I actually  
do it by mistake, you all have my sincere apologies.

Perhaps the Internet Archive ( is a great alternative to  
YouTube. It has a lot of functionalities which let you change every  
information about your videos, including the file formats in which it will be  
made available, and even add the name of the author rather than the name of  
the uploader.

The Internet Archive accepts videos, sounds, texts, and software (maybe).

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-26 Thread adfenohuvlov
This site, along with the manual pages, the documentations available on the  
GNU project's site, and some examples on the Internet, helped me understand  
somethings (not everything) related to Bash, Cat, Sed (I am still in doubt  
about most of the things I've learned about Sed), regular expressions (I had  
a hard time putting the pieces together), expansion types, input and output  
redirection (file descriptors, command redirection etc).

This knowledge is what makes it possible for me to write a simple Bash script  
called SQDownloader (,  
although I still need to improve it.

My advice is the following: If you find some instructions on the Internet, or  
anywhere else, look for informations about them before using them, and only  
use such instructions if you can find relevant informations about them, and  
of course, only after understanding what these instructions do.

Also, don't forget to take breaks, no human is a robot.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-19 Thread adfenohuvlov

david said:
When situations start to get serious, or just delve into personal attacks, I  
first try to contact the person individually to ask for a change of attitude,  
and if that doesn't work as expected, more public measures are attempted  
(probably the strongest one is right now about to be tested, as today marks  
the finish of the first two-week account blocking period for a certain user,  
as you might have read about).
It's very important to accept criticism and different points of view, and  
it's very important to avoid risking open participation recurring to  
excessive moderation, the line for censorship lies in different places to  
each one's eyes.
On the other hand, this is not just any software forum, so it's reasonable to  
expect a sensible effort to be made to explain, particularly to those not  
that much in-the-know, the importance of our principles (and yes, that  
includes the frequently controversial naming and 'I-have-to-feed-my-children'  
topics) ;-)

I think this is the right approach for these cases.

Perhaps the same tactic can be used to deal with the cases where one  
disrespects the guidelines.

I think that this tactic is more useful than banning a user straight away. We  
are all humans, and we can naturally make mistakes at various situations,  
like when reading a post/comment. Simply banning someone after reading his  
post/comment just because it's probably against the guidelines is very cruel.

We must also consider the fact that some users (like me, specially) have a  
native language different from the North American English or from the  
European English (and any other English variants) and, despite speaking it  
relatively well, we can make mistakes sometimes.

We can also make adaptations of this tactic, like three notices (which may or  
may not give a time limit for the user to justify or to correct himself),  
each one followed by a temporary deactivation of his account, and after this,  
if the user makes another mistake, another notice (with or without a time  
limit) and a ban.

Also, I think that it's best not to have just one moderator, but 3 or 5,  
which is useful because there is a possibility to get into a consensus before  
doing anything. Also, if these moderators are worried about attacks of any  
kind, it's useful to mask them as part of another group (like the  
administrators, members, users, but not as moderators).

Another option would be to have a page listing the notices to the user, along  
with the quantity of notices and account deactivations received. Each notice  
could have a footnote indicating how many moderators agree or disagree with  
such notice, there's no need for the to write comments here because,  
theoretically, the comments have already been made. The footnote could be  
like this:

“3 moderators agree with this notice, 2 don't”.

I think that the notice should not be sent to the user if a single moderator  
doesn't vote, this assures that all moderators must vote, and on top of that,  
that they'll be responsible for the vote.

The notification must reach the user somehow, that said, if the moderators  
don't want to be exposed by sending e-mails directly to the user, it's a good  
idea to place the notice in the user's profile page on this forum, and when  
doing so, it's a good idea not to have a footnote like “Last edited by  

Learning is like a group of mountains, some mountains can be hard to get on  
top and easy to get down and vice-versa. Sometimes we can even fall from it,  
and so we'll either have to start again or pass through it too fast and  
forget about everything we learned.

grimlok said:
Because of this you will surely get many folks from all walks of software  
life into the fold. This means a lot of differing views of what freedom in  
software means. It is a debate that HAS to be made on here I feel. I  
understand that some people are just plain trolls, but people questioning the  
intent of Richard Stallman, or the fsf, or free software and the GNU in  
general, should be allowed to question it so as to understand the view point.

grimlok said:
Maybe a way to help this, is to have a new area for such debate.

I agree.

andrew said:
4. I think non-Trisquel discussions should go in the Troll Hole, since  
there is currently no other forum for such discussions. For example, the  
ethics of free software is more political than technical, so maybe that's the  
best forum for it. This forum is supposed to be about Trisquel with a focus  
on supporting users. In other words, I'm not suggesting that threads should  
necessarily be deleted, but perhaps moved or locked if they are off-topic.

I think that the Troll Hole isn't the right place for such questions because,  
by doing this, we'll eventually do something which tells the involved users  
something like this: “Even if this question has been made by a new user, we  
consider it as troll intent”.

Best regards, ADFENO.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I bought a Replicant/Cyanogenmod-incompatible Android phone.

2013-12-19 Thread adfenohuvlov
Note for Armworm and other users: I promise that I won't discuss this here  

I have a Samsung Galaxy Pocket Plus (GT-S5301B), which I won from my  
biological father as a birthday gift.

It's a class M (Magical) smartphone [1], and in the last time I checked, it  
isn't supported by Replicant.

I can't return it because I think that it would look like some kind of  
negligence by my part, specially considering the fact that my biological  
father started to care for me just this year. Also, it's the only cellphone I  
have and my contacts call me by the number of my current SIM card, which I  
have since 2010.

I would like to test a Replicant build in my current cellphone, but at the  
moment, I am too dependent on its stability.

I managed to install F-Droid and a terminal emulator, but I can't properly  
login as an administrator.

Anyway, I won't go any further because this forum is not for smartphones.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2013-12-17 Thread adfenohuvlov

I agree with axgb.

Very simple, and yet so many people ignore it.

Without the GNU project, the GNU+Linux operating systems wouldn't be as  
functional and famous as they are today. Just think about GNU Nano, GNU  
Readline, GNU Bash, GNU Coreutils (arch, base64, cat, chgrp, chmod, chown,  
chroot, cp, cut, date, dd, df, du, echo, false, head, id, ln, ls, md5sum,  
mkdir, mv, nice, nohup, paste, pwd, rm, rmdir, sha*sum, shred, sleep, sort,  
split, tac, tail, test

, touch, tr, true, uname, wc, who, whoami, yes etc.).

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2013-12-16 Thread adfenohuvlov
As far as I know, by counterpart we mean the version of GNU+Linux Ubuntu used  
as base to a GNU+Linux Trisquel version.

The base for GNU+Linux Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis) is GNU+Linux Ubuntu 12.04  
(Precise Pangolin).

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Simple guide to make happy a GNU user

2013-12-07 Thread adfenohuvlov

Wow! This looks like a hot thread.

Well... Looks like I'll, anyway, contribute to it.

We do know that, without GNU+Linux distributions like Debian, Trisquel and  
many others wouldn't exist. And without the FSF, Debian wouldn't exist.

Why did the FSF stop helping Debian? Simple, because Debian deviates from the  
goals of the FSF, and as such, Debian has to be fixed, not the FSF.

For me, freedom comes with the control that the user has, not by the  
variation of the options available. I can't remember where, but I've read  
somewhere in the FSF's official site that a software developer is not  
required to release a compiled/built version of such software, just the  
source code.

While I don't ignore Trisquel's dependency on non-free projects. I'm also  
worried with the GNU+Linux-libre's dependencies on other non-free projects.  
That means it's difficult to set things aside and just say: “Well, just  
abandon the non-free dependencies and start developing GNU+Linux Trisquel and  
GNU+Linux-libre by their own”. We'll also face other issues, like the  
absence of resources for the developers (by resources, I mean informations,  
materials, money, humans, space, technology, etc).

Any organization has an administration, and as such, I believe it's useful to  
analyze both the Trisquel project and the maintainers of the GNU+Linux-libre  
project using the three-dimensional metatheoretical of strategic  
effectiveness in macro environment model [1] (note: the reference is in  
Brazilian Portuguese only, and under a non-free license, sorry).

Even after analyzing the MM-3D-EEMA, it's difficult for me, as a beginner, to  
say what both projects should do, but I do know that both area heavily  
dependent on other projects.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Addendum: The author of the article is my teacher.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Recommend web design program for newbie

2013-11-14 Thread adfenohuvlov
If you're talking about the process of making pages for the site by using a  
site page editor (the so called WYSIWYG editors), then you might want to try  
Amaya, Nvu/Kompozer., or even LibreOffice.

But I strongly advise you to be careful when using WYSIWYG editors, and to  
test your pages regularly using an Internet browser, and also be prepared to  
check the source code regularly too.

If you know how to define document types and encodings, it's useful to define  
the document encodings to UTF-8.

W3C's HTML validation can be of good use too. Lynx, the minimalistic Internet  
browser too.

Personally, I prefer to create pages using the good old plain text editors  
like Gedit, which also supports syntax highlighting for many languages,  
including HTML.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] MediaGoblin Opinions

2013-11-13 Thread adfenohuvlov
I have an account at (which, of course, uses MediaGobblin), but I  
use it mainly to upload temporary images.

In the case of sharing private contents, a Diaspora account or an e-mail  
account would be two of your options.

You can also use Web Offer One File (WOOF) which is a script written in  
Python. Before using it, you may need to open a port for WOOF in your  
modem/router, and allow incoming traffic for it in your computer's firewall.  
After this, launch WOOF with the desired file and options, and share your WAN  
IP address together with the port number prepared for WOOF, like this:

http://[WAN IP]:[Port number]/

The clients, which in this case are your contacts, don't need any special  
software to download the file, as it'll be served as a normal file through  
their Internet browsers, as long as your network stays online and WOOF is  
kept running.

If you want to try WOOF, and if you plan to use Python 2.7, and because it's  
a script, I recommend you to get the latest version from it's official site:

Other than Diaspora, e-mails, and WOOF, you also have RetroShare, it requires  
you and your contacts to have an OpenPGP ley (it can of course create one for  
use with it) and RetroShare itself.

I couldn't find RetroShare in the repositories, so I decided to download a  
DEB file from it's Launchpad repository.

If you're going to download RetroShare in the same way as I did, and if you  
want to evade future problems with dependencies, and if you use GNU+Linux  
Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis), just be sure to download the DEB file compiled for  
GNU+Linux Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin).

Due to the fact that I don't have a contact which uses RetroShare, and that  
my computer is under a firewall, I can't tell you if you need to allow  
incoming traffic through some port.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to prevent users from editing my wiki pages

2013-11-09 Thread adfenohuvlov
Before I start in this conversation, I want you all to know that I'm not  
defending any of the sides.

It sounds strange, but f.lux is absent in the Free Software Directory, both  
as a normal entry and as a review entry.

There are two possibilities for this: Either no reviewer of the Free Software  
Directory received it or reviewed it; or it was denied and considered as a  
non-free software.

I don't know if a software needs to be firstly evaluated and put in the Free  
Software Directory in order to be accepted as a free software. But I'm pretty  
sure that it would be nice to have a confirmation there.

As for the emulators and stuff... Well, I suggest you to avoid it whenever  
possible as it tends to create long discussions, the best practice is to let  
the user find about such emulators by their own means (package managers like  
Synaptic were created to be friendly and also to serve this purpose, right?  

Another suggestion is to recommend the readers to have the desired console in  
question. My parents bought a jailbroken Sony PlayStation 2, we know that the  
motherboard inside it has a non-free firmware, but at least it's not running  
in our personal computer. I was planning to be able to play Sony PlayStation  
games in this console, but a piece of it hasn't been soldered correctly, so  
I've decided to run an emulator, but I gave up after discovering that it  
wouldn't run the classics from my childhood.

Due to the fact that I'm not the owner of the console, and the owners (my  
parents) don't want to ask for the service of a technician to solder the  
pieces, I must stay with the Sony PlayStation 2 games. I found some  
interesting games, but I won't tell their names here since they're obviously  
non-free software.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Wallpapers

2013-10-31 Thread adfenohuvlov
Actually, you just touched a sensitive subject. Generally speaking, for a  
free artwork to be compatible with a free software, it's recommended to  
license it under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)  

It's not recommended to use the NonCommercial and NoDerivs variations of the  
Creative Commons licenses.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to transfer GPG key to another computer

2013-10-27 Thread adfenohuvlov

Now that's a good question.

I can't tell you for sure because I never did it, but perhaps you just have  
to copy the keyrings and the trust databases from the .gpg folder, I mean,  
considering that you don't need your GnuPG custom configurations (if to does  

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to transfer GPG key to another computer

2013-10-25 Thread adfenohuvlov
Note: This post only shows how to export private keys, which in your case, is  
done on the old computer.

Export your OpenPGP private key through Seahorse

1. Right click on your own key.

2. Click on Properties.

3. Click on the Details tab.

4. Click on the icon near Export full key.

5. Choose a name and a location for the file which will hold the key.

Export your OpenPGP private key through GnuPG

gpg --export-secret-keys --armor --output [Name here].asc


gpg --export-secret-keys -a -o [Name here].asc

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Addendum: You can check if it really is your private key just by opening the  
exported file with your preferred plain text editor, it must begin with  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Question about the future plans of Trisquel GNU/Linux

2013-10-20 Thread adfenohuvlov

Now that you mentioned it lembas.

One has to take in consideration the fact that some users, specially those  
new to the GNU+Linux world, or just new to GNU+Linux Trisquel, or those  
unsure about the hardware that they have, will most likely face problems  
early when using GNOME Shell.

For me, the point which you made is enough (at least for me) to keep GNOME  
Fallback as the default desktop environment.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Brasero and a SCSI error on write(0, 16) (Sense Key B)

2013-10-14 Thread adfenohuvlov

Looks like I have some good news.

It isn't a bug or anything, it's just related to the media itself, not the  
brand, that means, Maxprint DVD-Rs aren't bad, but the DVD-Rs themselves can  
indeed be.

I have a package with 50 Maxprint DVD-Rs, and until now, 8 of these are bad,  
that means, they give that error message.

For those worried about the tests: I bought a Nipponic DVD-R, it was very  
scratched, but I didn't bother. So I decided to burn my ISO image into it,  
and it worked like a charm. One minute later, I decided to use the Maxprint  
DVD-Rs, and the first one gave that error message. This time, due to the fact  
that the first Maxprint DVD-R that I tried gave me that message, I decided to  
test with other Maxprint DVD-Rs of the same package, and it worked (it still  
works, of course).

I'm just wondering what can I do with the unused DVD-Rs. :D

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Sound doesn't work. How to identify and lose the problem ?

2013-10-07 Thread adfenohuvlov
I guess that the sound card is either damaged or malfunctioning, but I don't  
if this is really possible when speaking about notebooks and such.

We can't of course discard the existence of some sort of switch or button to  
mute the sound card, or to deactivate it.

I never fixed notebooks, so I can't tell you for sure. My guesses are, of  
course, just guesses, nothing to take seriously.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Frontier Search

2013-10-03 Thread adfenohuvlov

To partially solve this, I use two DNSs from the OpenNIC project.

My ISP does DNS poisoning, it redirects to it's search engine. But with the  
OpenNIC DNSs in use, I'm not redirect to such search engine, as it just  
displays the default browser's page about a non-existent address.

I know the worries about the Google DNS being in the resolv.conf file, but I  
decided not to mess with it. Instead, I decided to define the DNSs using the  
network connections configuration (go to the system tray, click on the  
network icon, click on Edit connections..., select the network being used,  
click on Edit..., click on IPv4 configurations, look for DNS servers, insert  
the desired DNSs).

Due to the fact that my computer can also administer the router and the  
modem, I also made sure that both use the DNSs from the OpenNIC project.

The host command gives me the same output as Armworm's.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Firefox/Abrowser add-on lets you see all YouTube videos in HTML5

2013-10-01 Thread adfenohuvlov
(Note: I always leave all multimedia-related extensions and plug-ins  

To watch videos uploaded on YouTube, I just replace /watch= with /embed/  
and try to keep the URI clear, that is, just with the current video ID.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Sticking To It

2013-09-12 Thread adfenohuvlov

Well, to tell you the truth, things are really mixed around here.

The process of convincing people to use free software involves, as far as I  
know, knowledge about the person you're trying to convince.

Generally speaking, I always tell others the difference between the terms  
gratis, open source, and free, I always tell them that every free  
software is open source, but the contrary may not be true. Depending on the  
person's preferences, I also try to point out some specific characteristics  
of free software, this of course, if such exist.

I won't lie, I do try to help people about non-free software related  
questions, but I don't help them installing non-free software, I always tell  
them that I'll try to solve the problem, not that I will solve it the way  
they're expecting it, that means, I firstly try to solve the problem using  
the existing software in the computer, if this fails, I try to use free  
software, but I never recommend or install non-free software for my clients.

For those interested, I'm not a programmer, nor a maintainer. I am a hardware  
technician, not very experienced, but I try my best. I don't have a  
established business, and as such, I just help when called.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-08-29 Thread adfenohuvlov
Sorry for getting myself in the middle of the conversation, but I do agree  
with quantumgravity, specially considering the purpose of Wikipedia, which is  
to be an encyclopedia, thus meaning that it should provide the most correct  
information they receive to date.

Of course, errors must be accepted, because everyone makes mistakes, but by  
being an encyclopedia, and by being available worldwide through the Internet,  
Wikipedia must be flexible enough to evaluate the proposed changes, search  
about such subjects (again and again, even if they have already found the  
answer in the past), and discuss such changes with others.

I just wish the Wikipedia maintainers and evaluators would understand the  
meaning of an encyclopedia.

Sorry if I offended someone, I really didn't (and I still don't) want to do  

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can sudo be removed?

2013-08-29 Thread adfenohuvlov
Hey! Can the angry ex-NSA White Hat hacker show us images about the steps  
to find such vulnerability?

Sounds like another case of FUD.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel/GNU/Linux Blog

2013-08-27 Thread adfenohuvlov
I was just thinking with my t-shirt's buttons, how about Freedom Sweet  

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel/GNU/Linux Blog

2013-08-27 Thread adfenohuvlov

The ideas about Planets and blogs are very interesting.

As for the Wordpress blogs, I also have an account on, and I  
also contribute to two collaborative Wordpress blogs, and also have a  
personal blog.

I am indeed interested, but since I am attending high school (and will  
continue until 2017, if everything goes as expected), and also because I have  
other projects besides the blogs (including the making and translation of the  
user's guide for GNU+Linux Trisquel, the translations of Japanese comic  
books, the translations of European English comic strips, etc), it'll take  
some time until I can make some contribution to it.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pidgin shortcut for chat logging has changed itself to D

2013-08-22 Thread adfenohuvlov
I can't tell you for sure, but I've seen this behavior with other programs,  
perhaps it's a behavior related to GTK+, which for me, is a quick way to set  
shortcuts, however, it can annoy the user depending on which key you set the  
shortcut (in this case, it's set to the letter D).

To remove a shortcut, go to the specific window which has the shortcut (in  
this case, the chat windows of Pidgin), in the menu bar of the window, try to  
find the function which has the shortcut set (in this case, since I don't use  
the English version of Pidgin, I'll give it a try: It should be at Options   
Record history), remember, it is in the chat window.

Once you find the function with the shortcut, highlight it and press Delete,  
the shortcut should disappear.

The same process can be used to create shortcuts, but instead of pressing  
Delete, one needs to press the desired keyboard keys or key combinations.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pidgin shortcut for chat logging has changed itself to D

2013-08-22 Thread adfenohuvlov

You're welcome.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] paging Igor

2013-08-17 Thread adfenohuvlov

Of course, by Igor, we (me and Muhammed) mean Cyberhawk.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu now the official OS for China

2013-08-13 Thread adfenohuvlov
GNU+Linux Ubuntu has some (if not little) popularity in Japan, thanks to  
ASCII Media Works and projects like the Ubunchu! Japanese comics.

I can't hide it, I actually help the Ubunchu! comics project by translating  
it from English to Brazilian Portuguese, although I don't like the license  
being used. But due to the fact that I joined the project before my licensing  
tastes changed, I decided to continue contributing to it when time allows me.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] just told my facebook friends that I'm leaving

2013-08-09 Thread adfenohuvlov
I've never created an account for me on Facebook, mostly because I tend to  
step back if something is suddenly created and begins to be popular  
worldwide. It's some sort of self protection which I have.

Well, I did created an account one year ago, but I didn't like it since the  
first days, and I decided to forget about it.

My personal blog has, along with other pages, one containing possible ways to  
contact me, the most effective one being my email address.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] You might be using a google name server

2013-08-09 Thread adfenohuvlov
I think that the future versions of GNU+Linux Trisquel could have a modified  
resolv.conf file which would set the nameserver value to one from the OpenNIC  

Better yet (but perhaps expensive), one could contribute to the OpenNIC  
project by setting up a DNS which complains to such project, and also have  
future versions of GNU+Linux Trisquel to have a modified resolv.conf file  
which would set the nameserver value to such DNS.

This won't work if the configuration of the modem or router in use overwrites  
such values, or if such values aren't used at all. However, This suggestion,  
as far as I can see, is useful if we assume that the user won't be able to  
access the configuration of the modem or router being used, and as such,  
there should be a way to tell the operating system to try to use the values  
configured in his operating system (I'm not saying that such way doesn't  
exist, I just haven't checked it out yet).

In my case, due to the fact that my personal computer has access to the  
router configuration, it was easy for me to modify it to use the nearest DNS  
from the OpenNIC project. Good thing is, tells me that I am  
indeed using such DNS, and identifies my IP address as being from the country  
where I live. This happens when I don't use Tor and Privoxy.

When using Tor and Privoxy, identifies my IP address as being  
from some other location, and tells me that I am using other DNSs.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there any interest in privacy free software friendly services?

2013-08-09 Thread adfenohuvlov
Just like quantumgravity said, I can't afford this amount of money, specially  
because I don't have a monthly income, and speaking of numbers, 1 USD equals  
to 2,20 BRL, which means I'll need to donate more than 40 BRL in order to  
donate 20 USD, this would be easy if I had a monthly income, and if such  
income would have a personal balance of 200 BRL, so I could pay for such  
service, donate for some other projects which I like (alternating donations  
through each of them for each month), and keep 100 BRL for my savings.

Don't worry, I'm not saying that it is expensive, I'm just saying that, since  
I don't have a monthly income, I can't afford this amount of money.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your music?

2013-07-28 Thread adfenohuvlov

You're welcome.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your music?

2013-07-27 Thread adfenohuvlov
NixiePixel is the nickname of a lady (respectful meaning) which is quite  
popular in the open source software and in the shared culture scenarios. She  
has an official site [1].

Some people say that she is also popular in the free software and culture  
scenarios but, as far as I know, not always.

GNUser and megurineturilli, I also like, it's my first source of  
random selections of musics when I have no other musicians to look at on  
sites like,,, and

I've heard about other sites like (which is under maintenance)  
and many others, but I still need to find some good music on them.

Megurineturilli, I also love the Japanese culture, in some aspects. Regarding  
your MediaGoblin instance, I visited it quickly and I couldn't resist but to  
check out the project you mentioned in the image/article named Open Source  

I haven't tested Lauloid yet, because I'm not good as a musician, but I think  
that, if the developers of Lauloid try to make it free software-compliant (if  
they haven't yet), then they could send it to the Free Software Directory, so  
it could be evaluated, and considered as free software.

Addendum: The Free Software Directory does have an entry for the Lauloid  
project [2], but its page appears to be empty. With my limited knowledge  
about the Free Software Directory, I see that Lauloid was approved (because  
it doesn't have the Review: prefix, like Preview:Lauloid), but I can be  
very mistaken, of course.


Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'd like to make an xmpp account -- where should I do it?

2013-07-18 Thread adfenohuvlov
Sorry... Uh... Perhaps your email client was configured to automaticly  
encrypt your messages. I sent test emails to my mother's email address, and  
she read all of them in another computer with no problems,

I even sent an email to a Russian, and she also read it with no problems.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] live CD ask to log in

2013-07-15 Thread adfenohuvlov
Note: Please read this comment carefully. Take long pauses after the dots,  
separating the following phrases from those which came before.

I guess this is a problem similar to the one I had.

When you're asked to select your language and then select Try Trisquel  
without installing and many other options. Highlight Try Trisquel without  
installing, then press F6, you should see a list with the word nomodeset,  
select this word (if the list doesn't have the mentioned word, or if you  
don't see a list, press Escape and try one of the neighboring keys, that is,  
F5 or F7).

After selecting nomodeset, this word will be marked with an X. Now, just exit  
the list (by pressing Escape, if you didn't do it yet). Select Try Trisquel  
without installing and you should at least be able to use or install  
GNU+Linux Trisquel, although you won't have higher screen resolutions  

In the case of the live CDs, the nomodeset option will be disabled each time  
the live operating system is shut down.

After installing GNU+Linux Trisquel, if you can't go past the login screen  
when starting the installed operating system, you'll have two options:

First option

Start your live CD (you may have to use the method above), enter the recently  
installed operating system's partition (by double clicking Computer and then  
double clicking on the file system containing your GNU+Linux installation (if  
you're not sure, try to remember where you asked for the installer to save  
it). Inside this partition, double click on a folder called etc, then on X11,  
in this folder, try to find a file named exactly xorg.conf, if the file  
exists, please continue reading, otherwise, go to the other option. Press the  
right mouse button inside the folder's content and left click Open with a  
terminal, then type:

sudo mv xorg.conf xorg.conf~

Due to the fact that you're using a live operating system, it won't ask for  
your password, but most of the times, it does.

Now, restart your computer and try to start the installed operating system.  
If something unusual happens, start your computer using the live operating  
system, go to the folder where the xorg.conf file was, open the folder with a  
terminal and type:

sudo mv xorg.conf~ xorg.conf

If you need more information about each one of this commands, just type:

man sudo


man mv

Second option

The second option is a workaround for those people who must not waste any  
important time, but this comes with the price of limited graphical quality.  
Start your computer using the live operating system, open the partition of  
the recently installed operating system, open the boot folder, then the grub  
folder. Right click the folder's content and select Open with a terminal and  

sudo nano grub.cfg

You will see a simple text editor called Nano. This text editor opened the  
grub.cfg file. This file has informations which, along other things, makes  
the GRUB (your operating system boot loader) display a list of available  
operating systems, as well as, to control how they will start.

What we're going to do here is simply as equal as what we did in the very  
beginning of this comment. While Nano has grub.cfg opened, press Ctrl+W.  
Notice that, below Nano's window, you should see a word similar to Search and  
a blinking pointer. If so, type:

menuentry 'Trisquel GNU/Linux

If you want to search for more matches, press Ctrl+W and see if Nano's window  
shows you something more. In this case, I'm assuming that you just have one  

Below menuentry 'Trisquel GNU/Linux, you'll see various lines which are  
distant from the start of the line mentioned above. These lines make  
reference to the menu entry above, that said, to  the Trisquel GNU/Linux menu  
entry. One of these lines starts with the word linux, place the blinking  
pointer in this line, and between the words quiet and splash, then type:


Remember to separate each word with one space. The text should change from  

quiet splash

To this:

quiet nomodeset splash

Now press Ctrl+O. If Nano asks if you want to overwrite the existing file,  
press Y.

Now just start your computer using the recently installed operating system.  
When GRUB appears, and if you have more than one operating system installed,  
remember to select the exact menu entry which you edited.

Now you should be able to go past the login screen.

-- End --

The problem with the second option is that, if you update your operating  
system, and if this update changes the kernel version of the operating  
system, or if it says that it updated grub, you'll have to redo the second  

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'd like to make an xmpp account -- where should I do it?

2013-07-15 Thread adfenohuvlov

You can use

Besides getting a XMPP account, you get an email address. I can't confirm if  
it has voice or video calls because I haven't tested these functionalities  
yet. Also, respects your privacy.

The registration process can be done using two ways:

- Asking for two of your dearest friends (which use to send you  
an invitation code from each one of them, and using the invitation codes to  
create an account, which will be activated instantly.

- Registering by normal means, and answering the last question of the  
registration process, which I can't tell you. Then, waiting for your account  
to be activated.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The video problem

2013-07-10 Thread adfenohuvlov
(This comment assumes that all your multimedia-related browser plug-ins are  

For me, since I use Abrowser, some YouTube videos won't display with the  
HTML5 player when used in the pages of some videos. However, some months ago,  
I discovered a way to watch these problematic videos. Just replace watch?v=  
with embed/ and you should get a page containing only the HTML5 player,  
which is supposed to work.

If the video has subtitles or notes, it won't generally display in its own  
page (and so, you can use the method above, which will allow you to view the  
video with subtitles and notes as well). Sometimes, it won't even display  
using the method above, although I still need to discover the specific  

Other sites like Dailymotion, Metacafe, and Vimeo also have alternative  
players for computers without a Flash player (we're pretending to not have  
one, see the first paragraph of this comment).

Interestingly, Metacafe recognizes Abrowser's built-in player. If the video  
doesn't show in its own page, right click the area where the video is  
supposed to be, and click Open in a new tab. And, guess what, by using the  
built-in player, you can download the video.

With Dailymotion and Vimeo, however, the situation is somehow hopeless.  
Unless you disable NoScript or some blocking-related plug-ins, the video  
players won't work. But we can always download the videos using other ways.  

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] how do you feel using trisquel?

2013-07-10 Thread adfenohuvlov
Indeed, I plan to keep it in Brazilian Portuguese (which will be noted to be  
the original work). There will also be an English translation. Both the  
original and the translated versions should be available for download, as  
well as the future translations.

I'm also thinking about making a script, which should help translators with  
questions like: What does this word refers to? This or that object?.  
Specially because some languages, like Brazilian Portuguese, tend to differ  
elements easily.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] how do you feel using trisquel?

2013-07-09 Thread adfenohuvlov

Indeed, we can do so.

My user guide is pretty incomplete, mostly because I wanted something quick  
for operating system tasks. It does makes reference to other software such as  
Brasero, GIMP, Inkscape, and LibreOffice, but these references don't go far  
from explaining to the user what these softwares can do and how to just open  
these through the start menu.

My user guide must yet receive a license, a better cover, and various  
orthographic corrections. And also, it must be translated from Brazilian  
Portuguese (my primary language) to English (I'm sorry, but I don't know how  
to differ the English language variants), which I fear that I'm not literate  

I just need to wait for the end of this academic period, so that I can get a  
break from the faculty which I attend, it'll be in the following Thursday  
(2013/07/11, GMT -03:00).

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] how do you feel using trisquel?

2013-07-09 Thread adfenohuvlov

Great idea!

I can take some parts of my user guide and place them in the manuals which  
already exist (I just said so, but haven't checked the absence or presence of  
content between the two). Afterwards, I can upload the user guide somewhere  
(I'm thinking about uploading it here, but I still have to talk about this  
with the community).

Later on, the user guide can be translated and everyone will be able to  
download and read it, or simply save it for another people to read it (just  
like I did in one of my aunts' portable computer).

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] how do you feel using trisquel?

2013-07-08 Thread adfenohuvlov
I feel comfortable using GNU+Linux Trisquel. It does everything I want to do  
for a daily use, or for a more complex use like audio and video editing,  
graphic design, and something even cooler than the last: graphic design with  
CMYK colors, using Scribus (also a free software).

For those without time, please jump to the last paragraph, before my manually  
inserted signature.

Using the latest GNU+Linux Trisquel (6.0, Toutatis), I just need simple  
configurations (which are done with user-friendly interfaces) and some hours  
of downloading (my Internet is very slow, but this process can be done at  
midnight) to have my useful desktop set (not considering the configuration of  
each application, which is very fast and user-friendly). :D

Apart from productivity I also have a big list of games but, despite its  
size, I just play these games casually because I try to be productive most of  
the time when I don't have home obligations and homeworks from the faculty  
which I attend.

In the beginning, I was a normal computer user (not that I'm not being one  
nowadays because I hate when people, including me, call others normal  
users, but since I haven't found any replacements, I'll leave this phrase  
the way it is). I was also a fanatic for video games (gamer), these were also  
part of my childhood memories, which I kept at my side every time through the  
fantastic kind of software called emulator.

Anyway, I don't want to write everything that's already written in my  
Portuguese Brazilian Wikipedia user page, just to make things short.

After some time, I joined the free software community and noticed that I  
didn't need to keep my childhood video games anymore. Nowadays, I just  
download video games when I want to write critics about them, or when some of  
my friends or parents want to play them.

I see, from daily observations, that free software needs to also have an  
user-friendly documentation available within the software in question and for  
use mostly by users without an Internet connection, and if possible, in the  
user's native language. The apex of my observations was when I had to replace  
the operating system of one of my aunts' portable computer. She wasn't, and  
she's still not, an advanced user (I don't like this words either), and she  
haven't even heard anything about terms like proprietary, open source,  
and free software. So, the situation was really delicate.

So I decided to write an user-friendly guide for her and place it in her  
portable computer. The guide was written very quickly because of the deadline  
for the completion of the task, and the homeworks from the faculty which I  
attend, but still, I liked, and I still like, the resulting documentation.  
Now she can use the portable computer normally, and when she feels the need,  
she can read the user guide, or ask me. I also try to ask her about how her  
portable computer is doing, just to make sure she doesn't forget to ask me  
anything if she wishes to.

One of my uncles, which joined the open source software community, read the  
user guide I wrote and he liked such approach used.

I already talked with some people from the GNU+Linux Trisquel community about  
such user guides, but I still need some time to talk about it more further.

In short, users just need to worry about one thing: hardware. It's best to  
look for opinions from the free software community and see some tests results  
published by users in the site

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Handbrake alternative

2013-06-21 Thread adfenohuvlov
For conversion between formats, I use Sound Converter for audio (also to  
extract audio from video files), WinFF (which depends on FFMPEG, but acts as  
a user-friendly front-end for this one) for video.

I don't know if this is exactly what you mean, but regarding saving  
multimedia from a CD/DVD to the computer, I use VLC. Although I've never  
saved movies, just audio files, for temporary usage only.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your movies?

2013-06-12 Thread adfenohuvlov
With Gnash, for example, you just have to configure it so that it saves the  
stream in some accessible place, run the stream completely once (even if you  
start the video again, or if it stops playing to be loaded, what matters is  
the stream, which is loaded until it's end), and then you have it, saved  
where you configured Gnash to do so. It won't download subtitles.

As you might guess, this method only works if you can actually see the  
stream, otherwise you'll just save a black video. Also, don't forget to  
revert your configuration once done downloading, otherwise, Gnash will surely  
keep saving streams every time you use it.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Addendum: Oh my... I just hope I haven't broke the forum rules or guidelines.  
Anyway, I only download videos for my parents, mainly because I don't need to  
download videos for myself using Gnash, just because I hate YouTube, Google,  
Yahoo, and others... I have the Internet Archive,, Clean Bits and other  
sites for that matter.

Re: [Trisquel-users] do you take part in any local civil liberties or free software groups?

2013-06-10 Thread adfenohuvlov
Well, I haven't joined any local group of such subjects yet. You know what? I  
haven't even joined a local group of any subject.

I would like to join/make a local group about free software (as you already  
know, which is different from open source software in philosophy) and free  
culture (which is different from the shared culture in philosophy). The group  
would actually get involved in a mix of projects, probably organized in  

So far, only one of my friends actually supports the statements made in the  
above paragraph, his brother went out from an open source community for a  
reason not yet known by myself, but yet, his brother is the one who  
introduced my friend to this concepts (free software, open source software,  
free culture, and shared culture).

I've been thinking about creating this kind of group in the faculty which I  
attend, the problem is that it has no courses entirely related to computing  
subjects, although it has some disciplines (academic meaning, please). Also,  
since I'm attending the course of administration (of people), I'm not sure if  
the course coordinator agrees with the creation of the group, specially  
because, despite the fact that he's graduated in computer science, he  
participated in some open source projects but left them. According to the  
course coordinator, the open source software community doesn't have software  
for more specific uses (I don't know of such specific uses, sorry).

Also, a new course will be opened next year in the faculty which I attend,  
it's the course of information systems, but my parents want me to finish the  
course which I'm attending first, which, by the time of this post, will take  
more four years, if all the disciplines (academic meaning too) are attended  
each business day of the week.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Major changes in the next Trisquel release

2013-06-10 Thread adfenohuvlov
I'm pretty sure that almost everyone agrees with kernelKurtz and mostly with  
Dave_Hunt. I'm not here to put rocks in Trisquel's development path but, as  
long as the other desktop environments don't have full accessibility, I think  
it's wise to continue with GNOME, the fallback version if possible.

Also I'd like to suggest other things:

- I think that Compiz and 3D effects should not be present in the default  
Trisquel installation. Not every computer is capable of supporting it, which  
results in the system to go back to the login screen if set to start the user  
session automatically [1]. Also, not every user knows how to set the  
nomodeset kernel parameter to start the system without going back to the  
login screen, disable and uninstall Compiz, and remove the kernel parameter.  
(I know it's redundant, since a normal user doesn't install the operating  
system by his own wish, but for me, it's something that should be noted).

Remember: This is just a suggestion. To avoid problems, the community should  
discuss it further.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Ixquick/Startpage launching new privacy-aware email service.

2013-06-04 Thread adfenohuvlov
I've been using mail service for three years. According to the  
official site [1], they support users' privacy and such matters.

There are two ways to register, the first is by using two codes from two  
different, and trusted, users; and the second is by stating why  
you chose to use their services, beware that the reason must be plausible.

To create an account visit the user's page [2], when requested and accepted,  
you can log in using the email suffix to adjust your email  
configuration in the user's page, or simply to check your email using the  
mail page [3], I recommend using the Squirrel Webmail within the mail page.

They have XMPP/Jabber support which means that you can chat with your  
contacts which use Gmail/Google Talk and many others.


Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Addendum: Google is constantly dropping XMPP/Jabber support.

Joke: Soon enough my contact list will be just me and me in another account.  
Do I deserve such thing? :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] I can easily steal your privacy data. Even with disabled cookies and Javascripts.

2013-05-25 Thread adfenohuvlov
The success of this attack (if I may call it this way) depends on the  
absence of privacy and security measures in the target side, and also on his  
decision to share, or not, personal information over the Internet.

Frankly, my computer is not that secure, mostly because I'm not that  
experienced using GNU+Linux systems. But anyway, the Internet modem and  
router are close to me, one of them has a power button, and I can easy unplug  
or reboot them (to get a new IP address), if I so desire.

Also, I use GNU+Linux, and I have a live operating system ready inside one  
USB storage device, which makes it easy for me, not to recover, but to  
completely remove the previous system and install it again from scratch.

Just to mention that I don't keep personal data inside the hard disk devices,  
and most of it is password-protected.

Also, as I am an artist, I also keep the source files (for compliance with  
the shared culture licenses), but they are separated from my computer's hard  
disk device.

Despite not using Tor, Privoxy and Anonymouse regularly. I configured my main  
web browser to clear history, cookies, and etc. every time I close it.

I'm still somehow worried if my practices are good enough if evaluated by  
more experienced people. At least for me, they are.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I can easily steal your privacy data. Even with disabled cookies and Javascripts.

2013-05-25 Thread adfenohuvlov
Aw... Some funny quotes for my collection... Hahaha! I laugh out loud!  

I would like to kindly ask permission from the authors (Darksoul71 and  
roboq6) to keep the 82nd, 83rd, 85th and 86th posts. If the posts' authors  
wish, I can also modify the quotes as they wish (to remove IP addresses  
personal names, nicknames, and such).

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I can easily steal your privacy data. Even with disabled cookies and Javascripts.

2013-05-25 Thread adfenohuvlov
Just now I have noticed that this posts are numbered by order of appearance  
in the thread, not by order of publication.

So... To make this clear, I want to ask permission for the use of the  
following quote:

Darksoul71: roboq6,

Darksoul71: 1st: IIRC there is no way to delete postings here, since we are  
watching another representation of a mailing list.

Darksoul71: 2nd: I fail to see the purpose of your posting. For me privacy  
data is something different than my IP and informations about my platform. No  
offence but any webserver I visit finds out those informations. Especially  
since many websites need to act different depending on the browser and  
operating system. This of course also means that evil webservers can  
mis-use this informations if exploits / security holes exist for your browser  
/ OS used.

Darksoul71: So what is this fuzz all about?

roboq6: we are watching another representation of a mailing list. Then you  
must call the admin for help. I'm sorry.

roboq6: So what is this fuzz all about ?. There is huge difference between  
the server and a human, who is not owner of the server or the site.

roboq6: Somebody don't caring about proxy/Tor/VPN. Because s/he thinks  
something like this:

roboq6: Only owners of the site and the server will know my IP. So, I don't  
need to worry about this. All right. Girls/males from a dating sites will not  
understand that I had fooled them about my nationality

roboq6: IMHO, this information will be useful to people, who are afraid of  
personal spies much more than the Big Brother. Like me.

roboq6: Your IP address: ???.???.???.???.

Darksoul71: and my shoe size is 44. who cares ?

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I can easily steal your privacy data. Even with disabled cookies and Javascripts.

2013-05-24 Thread adfenohuvlov

Just a quick quote:

Hey, our system is GNU+Linux or GNU/Linux, not just Linux. - One of my  
uncles, the first Linux user of my family. :D

Oops! I mean... The first GNU+Linux user... :D

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mouse pointer and graphical issues with Trisquel 6.0

2013-04-24 Thread adfenohuvlov
Before you go any further in this post, remember that all attachments here  
are a result of my system being ran without the nomodeset kernel parameter  
so, in short, with the default kernal parameters.

- I tried to preserve the content of the log files, but I had to edit the  
syslog file. This was necessary because of the fact that I'm not a regular  
terminal user, so I don't know how to copy a file to another directory and  
rename it before it gets to the target directory, so I accidentally replaced  
the first syslog file (the one which is named just as syslog) with the one  
which was supposed to show the system behavior after running Neverball. So, I  
had to edit this one to remove the last outputs, and save the result with a  
new name (syslog), so the output of this file might be inaccurate, sorry.
- From the last note you might wonder why I didn't log in using the login  
screen. It's because I was afraid that it could add something to the log  
files, so I just relied with the terminal and the ls, cd mv, nano and cp  

I can also get the outputs (don't put words here, it's different from the  
same outputs) of the log files when running the system with the nomodeset  
kernel parameter. If you wish so, just tell me.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

First addendum: Thank you lembas. According to the page you suggested and the  
Xorg.0.log file, it appears that nouveau is loaded one time, but for other  
situation it isn't, becuase it is already in use. I'm not good with  
informations inside log files, so forgive me if I misunderstood it.

Second addendum: The forum renamed the attached file from Tests without  
nomodeset.tar.gz to Tests without nomodeset.tar_.gz.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Sega Mega Drive Emulators?

2013-04-23 Thread adfenohuvlov
This topic actually helped me to clarify my thoughts about emulators. I  
appreciate all the viewpoints.

I want to say that I like the 5th and 6th generation consoles (except for  
Xbox), and I also like some from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations as well.

In my case, I do have a list of must-keep titles which made my childhood like  
the Harvest Moon series as well as the Ace Attorney series.

Besides that, I also play games to make critics of them.

I'm also considering the fact to finally discard my must-keep games. But I  
don't know where to find homebrews which resemble them.

Also, I'm strongly thinking about buying a PlayStation 2 console, this one  
being jailbroken, or a GameCube, this one being more hard to find where I  
live, and so the games for it are hard to find too.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bugs and warnings after updating kernel

2013-04-20 Thread adfenohuvlov


Sorry for the delay. To make things short: after you all suggesting me to  
remove libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental, I did better than that, I installed the  
system again, but not the package mentioned. And for those without time the  
answer is yes, it fixes the problem, no more random black screens with kernel  
bug messages.

Since I told you all that I made a test, it's more transparent to post the  
result here, even if it has nothing to do with the problem.

For those without time, you might just want to read the test criteria and  
jump to the Minetest test result, and check the related attachments as well.

Test criteria:
- No custom repository sources (I don't like it anyways)
- Acceptable system uptime: two days.
- Acceptable program uptime: two hours.
- No kernel or module parameters modified
- No updates done since my last topic response

Tested programs (average resource consumption):
- DeSmuME (playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
- DOSBox (playing Tomb Raider)
- Minetest (uptime: 30 minutes to one hour) (for the relevant log files, see  
the attachments)
- - Dependencies met, although its documentation doesn't have a table of  
acceptable dependencies versions.

- - Game version: 0.4.4.
- - Compiled from source, with errors while compiling. (Couldn't register the  
errors when directing the output to a file, they were still displayed in the  
console. If you wish, I can try it again).

- - Game exits suddenly with no warnings in the debug log.
- Mupen64Plus (playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Neverball
- Nexuiz
- OpenArena
- OpenBVE
- PCSX-R (playing Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
- Wine (playing Grand Theft Auto 2)

Other test results (minimal resource consumption):
- Battle for Wesnoth
- Enigma
- Freedoom
- Globulation 2
- Secret Maryo Chronicles
- SuperTux
- Teeworlds
- ZSNES (playing Harvest Moon)

Test notes:
- APIC warning continues to appear randomly in the syslog files, however, it  
doesn't give any major problems (neither a visible error message, nor a black  
screen). It should be ok as long as it doesn't cause any trouble.

Programs which weren't tested:
- Blander: I really don't know what to test because I just use it to get  
effects in OpenShot.

- BZFlag: I just wish to know how to add bots to my local server.

For those who have time to waste, please read:

I would like to apologize for the time this topic remained dormant. When I  
first started the tests, I had full time, which actually helped me to boost  
the results. After one month, I started to attend faculty, and my mother  
decided to sign me to a public concourse, in result, I have to study during  
the weeks, which leaves my basic housework (which is washing shoes and  
cleaning bathrooms, bedrooms and corridors) for the weekends, which also  
shares time for my personal things (which involves my activities in the  
Internet, and other things).

To make things worse, just one week after entering faculty, we had six weeks  
of strong storms during the night, in the Friday of the third week, I left my  
computer on (as usual, because I don't like to turn it off unless the weather  
of the current day is rainy, which wasn't the case), and so I went to  
faculty, and when I came back home, my computer power supply unit was fried.  
Because of my routine, it took me one month to get the time to buy a new  
power supply unit and mount it inside the computer tower.

Again, sorry if I spoke too much.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Addendum: Now I consider GNU+Linux Trsiquel as my favorite (and only)  
operating system, thank you very much for the effort.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Email (I need help)

2013-02-03 Thread adfenohuvlov
Perhaps you're talking about the invitation codes. If so, I have two news for  
you, one bad and one good.

The good news is that I do have a account.

The bad news is that I can't simply give you the code, please don't  
misunderstand me, but instead, read the following quote from

“You can invite people you know to create accounts by creating  
invite codes. It requires an invite code from two different people in order  
to create an account. WARNING: If you give an invite code to somebody you  
don't know, we may close your account.”

Alternatively, you can create an account without using invitation codes, but  
this will require you to show a reasonable statement showing why you want to  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bugs and warnings after updating kernel

2013-01-21 Thread adfenohuvlov
My maximum system uptime so far is about five days (ended yesterday, January  
20th, because I had to turn off the electricity due to a strong rain).  
Before, the maximum, as far as I know, was three days, which ended with the  
kernel bug.

For this last record, I haven't made resource demanding tests (graphical  
tests and such).

Ok, as far as we know it could be something related to the kernel/APIC  
parameters, or with the Nouveau module parameters, or also with the  
libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental package. This last possibility however isn't  
important since I did a clean install, which doesn't have it installed.

As I said before, I did a clean install. The syslog files don't have warnings  
about the APIC module, even after checking the syslog from my last uptime  
which, as everyone knows, was five days.

As far as I can see, the only thing which needs to be tested is the Nouveau  
module, which will take me some weeks to test.

I'll resume my (rare) gaming activities when I have the time (when I finish  
some of my translation projects), this way I'll be able to see if the kernel  
bug still happens. I'll try to keep an eye on my resource demanding  
activities and will register their individual uptime during the actual system  
uptime, and I'll also try to get some information regarding the relevant  
errors, if any.

Don't worry, I won't flood/spam this threat. I'll send the results in a  
single post/comment.

If someone thinks this method goes against the forum guidelines, or finds it  
needless/pointless, please let me know so we can kindly talk about it.

That said, I consider this threat as dormant/waiting.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bugs and warnings after updating kernel

2013-01-16 Thread adfenohuvlov
Sorry, for the delay. I just want to say that I decided to reinstall Trisquel  
5.5. This time I didn't install the libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental package.

So far, I had no problems, but I'm trying to see if I can find some kind of  
trigger that can be used as reference to further tests.

Note that I still didn't touch the kernel and the module parameters, and  
also, we have a new Linux-libre update, so I still need to test it.

Uptime of one day since last kernel update, with no graphical stress tests.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bugs and warnings after updating kernel

2013-01-11 Thread adfenohuvlov
Sorry for bothering so soon but I don't know how those suggested parameters  
could help. I don't want to be rude, but I'm an intermediary command line  
user, I know how to get log information here and there, but I don't like to  
bother messing up with module parameters. Nothing personal, or should I say  
everything personal, but I'm somehow afraid of using irreversible parameters  
if something happens.

I have a live USB storage device wich has the Trisquel installation image  
ready (ok, that's a good reason to have no worries, but continue reading),  
the problem is that, I'm living with my parents, and they're not  
comprehensive when they find out that I'm actually having problems with my  
computer (not exactly my computer, but anyway, they don't like to differ  
software from hardware).

I don't have a cash income, other than the one I received during Christmas  
last year (2012), which is near $ 75,00.

Due to the fact that I'm separated from my biological father, personal  
information beyond this details is classified.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bugs and warnings after updating kernel

2013-01-11 Thread adfenohuvlov

Sorry lembas,

I didn't mean to be so rude or aggressive.

Three years ago, when I first started using GNU+Linux, I decided to  
experience with Ubuntu. The installation was completed normally, the problem  
was the Internet. For some reason, I couldn't get the standard Ethernet  
module to load properly.

I had an intermediary skill using Windows and its Batch commands, so being  
forced to learn Bash since the beginning of my experience as a GNU+Linux user  
was easy, whenever I could solve my problem or not, but at the same time, I  
was worried, because I didn't know anything about how the GNU+Linux systems  
work, and I didn't have much time because, at the time, this was the only  
computer inside my house and so, my parents were yelling at me, demanding me  
to solve the problem.

So I was forced to use an Internet café to download the source code of the  
proprietary module for my network interface card, and compiled it. One month  
after, my parents bought a computer video game, so they told me to install  
and test it. The game itself was pretty heavy (speaking of hard disk space  
and resources), my computer met the requirements, but it was still too slow  
for my parents to play it, so they requested me to try to enhance it, and so  
I tried to install the proprietary NVidia module.

Some months passed, one day, when I turned the computer on, I got experienced  
an error which forbade me to start the system, so I tried to use my  
installation CD with no luck since it had a scratch.

This is why I don't like to mess too much with modules.

Again, forgive me if I sounded rude, I didn't mean to, and I still don't.

Your suggestions seemed a bit confusing for someone like me to understand. I  
guess we should take closer steps before just trowing a huge list of  
possibilities, it would scare those who are also looking for the same  
solution because, you know, geeks are not the only people to search the  

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with Nouveau and NVidia GeForce GT 430

2012-12-31 Thread adfenohuvlov
I've successfully updated the kernel when you suggested. For me, it fixes the  
issue, I can confirm this.

The Minetest game is working fine.

Since I've installed libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental, which adds extra 3D  
acceleration I should also add that according to glxinfo, my renderer is now  
set to be Gallium 0.4 on NVC1, which I was expecting.

For everyone who tried to help, thank you very much.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.