Re: [Trisquel-users] Certificate error while trying to access with Midori

2017-02-07 Thread dany5530
I haven't tried it yet because I've seen it is the default browser of  
"Desktop" Trisquel ---> meant for good pcs, which my Asus 701 is not (630MHz  
factory underclocked, but I can unlock 900MHz, still slow however).

So basically I thought Abrowser was too heavy for me, but now I'll try it  
enabling uBlock Origin and QuickJS!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Certificate error while trying to access with Midori

2017-02-07 Thread dany5530
I spent last days free time to test two browsers: Qupzilla and Pale Moon,  
which should be lightweight but powerful at the same time.

Qupzilla: very fast, responsive and load almost all sites perfectly, but  
crashes when the CPU is under heavy pressure (e.g., when loading lot of tabs  

Pale Moon: as above, but this one never crashes! I tried to open 35  
instances* of heavy sites (Facebook, Youtube, Gmail) and it has never freezed  
or crashed!

*: I enabled uBlock Origin and QuickJS as onpon4 suggested me.

I think I'll stick to this one!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Certificate error while trying to access with Midori

2017-02-07 Thread dany5530

Oh, I thought it was completely free (in terms of freedom).

What are other lightweight and free Mozilla-based browsers? How lightweight  
is Abrowser compared to Pale Moon for example? Thanks.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Certificate error while trying to access with Midori

2017-02-07 Thread dany5530
My PC is an eeePC too, precisely the 701 4gb version (the father of  

Regarding the browser, I'm looking for one that can load pages completely (I  
mean without graphical glitches or missing images), very quickly and without  
freezing or crashing. I won't use it for heavy sites (Facebook, Youtube etc.)  
so I won't need HTML5 etc., I simply just need to be able to surf the  
Internet fast.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Certificate error while trying to access with Midori

2017-02-07 Thread dany5530

Still facing the problem, any help would be appreciated.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Certificate error while trying to access with Midori

2017-02-07 Thread dany5530
Oh, I guess I should move to another browser. Which one can I use? It has to  
be lightweight as Midori because of the poor resources of my netbook.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Certificate error while trying to access with Midori

2017-02-07 Thread dany5530

I'll give it a try. Thanks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is it possible to create a complete backup of Trisquel?

2017-02-07 Thread dany5530
I managed to backup /etc with Deja Dup too. Now I have a full backup of /etc  
and /home, guess that the backup is now complete! Thank you both for your  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Certificate error while trying to access with Midori

2017-02-07 Thread dany5530
From what I see on the project page, Seamonkey is a suite including e-mail,  
chat and other services. I don't want all of that. I just want the most  
ligthweight browser that can be a decent successor of Midori.

P.s. Correct me if I'm wrong! I've never used Seamonkey.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Certificate error while trying to access with Midori

2017-02-07 Thread dany5530

I've already tried the FAQ fix but it didn't work.

Meanwhile I was looking for lightweight alternatives to Midori and found  
Qupzilla. Do you know it? If yes, is it good?

[Trisquel-users] Is it possible to create a complete backup of Trisquel?

2017-02-07 Thread dany5530

Hi everyone.

I've installed Trisquel GNU/Linux 7.0 Mini on my netbook about 6 months ago  
and since then I fell in love with it. During this period I solved a lot of  
issues thanks to this forum and the internet in general. I would like to have  
a complete backup of my Trisquel installation (including custom installed  
apps, configuration files etc.) so if someday I'll break the installation  
while testing or trying to fix something I can easily roll back to the  
functioning installation without having to do all the dirty work again.

How can I do that as easily as possible? Consider that I don't have a DVD  
player since it's a netbook, just USB!

Thanks in advance!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is it possible to create a complete backup of Trisquel?

2017-02-07 Thread dany5530
Thanks for your answer. I read the wiki page and followed the guide. This is  
precisely what I did:

- saved the marking list from Synaptic;

- cloned the /var/cache/apt folder which should contain the .deb packages  
(although I found nothing in it, perhaps because I always use autoclean? Will  
the marking list still work when restoring even if there are no .deb's? Even  
having to download them again would be fine);

- used deja-dup to clone just the home folder, as default;

Is it all? Or am I missing something? The things I care most are the packages  
I've installed during these months and the configurations of the apps,  
desktop etc.

[Trisquel-users] Certificate error while trying to access with Midori

2017-02-07 Thread dany5530

Hi everyone.

I'm experiencing an issue while trying to access this site with Midori  
(version 0.5.11) using Trisquel GNU/Linux 7.0 Mini.

In particular, this is what I get after accessing

Security unknown. Some other error occurred validating the certificate.

If i press the Trust this website button, this is what I get:

Error granting trust: Couldn't find a place to store the pinned certificate  
pkcs11:library-manufacturer=GNOME%20Keyring ,  

Can you help me? Thanks.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I did Trisquel Wallpapers

2016-12-30 Thread dany5530

Awesome! Thank you for sharing these wallpapers! I love the blue ones!

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm leaving Trisquel

2016-07-16 Thread dany5530
Hi everyone. I'm really new to Trisquel and to Free Software way of life, but  
during these two weeks with Trisquel Mini I really felt that sense of freedom  
pople on the internet were talking about. I really like this distribution not  
just because it has 100% free software, but also because it fits damn well on  
my old Asus eeePC 701 which I use when I'm not home (= always). I'm not a  
developer, so if Ruben and the others decide to accept development help from  
the community I won't be useful, but I think that you may need someone who  
reports bugs coming from the latest releases!

I sincerely hope this project will not get abandoned with time, I tried about  
100 distros on my netbook (for days, not just 2 mins) and, trust me, no one  
is even near to Trisquel for freedom and performance!

Have a nice day! And don't root while drunk! :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNOME MPlayer plays sound only for root

2016-07-04 Thread dany5530
Problem solved! I did what you suggested and tried to switch between all of  
the available audio outputs, discovering that one of them lets sound work  
again! More precisely, the audio output mentioned is "HDA Intel (ALC662 rev1  
Analog) (alsa)", as you supposed.

Thank you very much, I really appreciate your help! Hope other users will  
someday solve the same problem by reading this topic. Cheers!

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNOME MPlayer plays sound only for root

2016-07-04 Thread dany5530

First of all, thanks for both answers!


The output is:

[GMLIB-Message: after init: position=0,000 length=0,000 start_time=0,000  
run_time=0,000 volume=0,00 player=dead media=unknown uri=

I also tried to execute gnome-mplayer as root and have the same output, but  
this time sound works.


I successfully managed to associate audio and video files to MPlayer. If I  
don't find a solution I'll stick to MPlayer without the GNOME GUI, as you  

By the way, I attached few screenshots of my GNOME-MPlayer options (tell me  
if you need screenshots of other sections): is there anything strange?

[Trisquel-users] GNOME MPlayer plays sound only for root

2016-07-03 Thread dany5530

Hi everyone.

First of all, thanks for providing us this amazing distribution, I tried tons  
of distros but none can fit my old Asus eeePC 701 better than Trisquel Mini!

Now the bad. I'm having a problem regarding sound in GNOME Mplayer. The  
player suddenly does not play sound anymore if opened by me (user) but plays  
it perfectly if opened as root. I googled a lot and tried few fixes (i.e.  
adding user to audio group etc.), but nothing worked.

If it can help: Mplayer (not GNOME Mplayer) files openend from terminal work  
perfectly, so it seems the problem is related to "user's" GNOME Mplayer only.  
In addition, everything in the system is updated and I already tried a  
complete fresh reinstall of GNOME Mplayer and its libraries.

Thanks in advance!