Re: [Trisquel-users] about printing

2020-07-16 Thread fredo

Would anyone know if it has the printer tracking function?

You can check it with a blue light. You can also use one of the following  
tricks to check if the dots appear :

Making the dots visible
By design, it’s nearly impossible to see the dots with the naked eye, so  
you’ll want a way to magnify any page that you want to inspect.
Using a microscope or magnifying glass with magnification power of 10x or  
better to view a blank part of a printed document should allow you to see the  
dots, if they exist.
If you want to make it easier, use a bright blue LED flashlight in a dark  
room, which should turn the yellow dots a dark blue or black.
If you have a good quality scanner and a graphics program that can zoom and  
invert the colors, you can also find the pattern, which should repeat itself  
throughout the page.


And I want to print my works on postcards. I already printed them, more than  
100 postcards, but I cannot put a picture on the exact center of a paper

This can be related to built-in margins in the printer's options. I faced  
this problem once while printing cd covers. First check if the margins are  
set to 0 in Trisquel's parameters. If the problem persists, you can try to  
disable the built-in margins by printing from the commandline :

lpr -o page-left=0 -o page-right=0 -o page-top=0 -o page-bottom=0   

Re: [Trisquel-users] enigmail gone after upgrade

2020-04-28 Thread fredo
Unfortunately the newest icedove with the newest enigmail plugin from mozilla  
website does not work. So I'll keep the old version until something changes.

I tried on a newly upgraded computer and I've been able to install the latest  
release of enigmail (2.1.6) on Icedove 68.7.0 without problems. I took the  
addon file from enigmail's official website :

You should double check this, as using an outdated version of enigmail and/or  
gpg may lead to several issues. You could, for instance, be unable to add  
public keys that use recent encryption methods. This is also a bad thing if  
you cannot encrypt with those recent methods.

Re: [Trisquel-users] enigmail gone after upgrade

2020-04-28 Thread fredo
It is possible to downgrade Icedove using synaptic package manager. Simply  
select it from the list, then click Package>Force version. You will then be  
able to select the desired version and apply the changes.
I recommend using the option "Block version" after downgrading so you can do  
other updates as usual.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 3D printing with free software

2020-01-19 Thread fredo
Check here if you find something that suits your needs or a link to such a  
free software project :

Re: [Trisquel-users] Setting ip a server part II (at least)

2020-01-19 Thread fredo

What do you need this server to do? I recommend installing and setting
up what you need as you need it.

Precisely you may not need mysql, or any other database server if you only  
plan to host html files, or plan top use a flat-file CMS, like PluXml.
Apache and the latest version of php is a good way to go for the beginning,  
you can then install any specific package when needed.

A decent text editor, like nano, as well as some other useful commandline  
tools (syntax highlighting, midnight commander,...), are mandatory if not  
present on the system by default. I also recommend the use of let's encrypt.

You can also give a try to YunoHost, for a fast deployment of multiple  
services, unless you really want to learn system administration.

[Trisquel-users] ImageMagick convert:not authorized

2019-10-05 Thread fredo

I had this issue while trying to convert some images into a pdf document  
whith ImageMagick, even with sudo.

The workaround indicated in the topic worked well, but when I see the note on  
top of the post, I wonder if I should let things like this, or use a more  
reliable solution (it's on my local machine, not a server) :

Note: the solution in this and other answers involves disabling safety  
measures that are there to fix arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities. See  
for instance this ghostscript-related and this ubuntu-related announcement.  
Only go forward with these solutions if the input to convert comes from a  
trusted source.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Recommended Music players?

2019-10-05 Thread fredo
I recently tried several music players after some comparison and I ended up  
chosing Sayonara Player wich seems a good choice for organizing and listening  
a music collection

I searched something light that would let me do that simple tasks  
efficiently, without tons of features I never use.

It is free software GPLv3.
It associates a good looking interface with advanced files tagging  
functionality and cd covers search and download. Like Clementine, it has a  
smooth volume transitions between files, wich is a must have for me. It also  
features some web radios, including that I like. I tend to use it  
with kid3 to tag a large number of files.

Guayadeque is also a good choice regarding files tagging and cd covers  
handling as it is able to and write the cover image on files metadata for  
multiple files at once. Some sites claim Sayonara can also do it, but as far  
as I understand it just pastes the cover on the album directory.

I also like installing the Python script Cd cover thumbnailer (requires nautilus for  
installation but works well with Mate after that), though it uses some extra  
ressources for displaying the covers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu Studio As Base for Next Trisquel? Trisquelize for Ubuntu Studio?

2019-05-20 Thread fredo

Hi ! I didn't read the full topic. Just wanted to say this quickly :

Ubuntu studio is just a "realtime flavoured" Ubuntu, with good tweaks in  
system files and up to date repos.

I personnaly use Trisquel for music production, as it is shipped by default  
with a lowlatency kernel, wich allows me to have around 20ms of latency (or  
less if I want) on an old core2duo, without much ram on it.
You can easily use Vanilla Trisquel for your everyday and professional music  
production. You can also use a libre realtime kernel, quite easy to find  
nowadays, if you want some "turbo power". PAM is correctly configured by  

Most of the software in trisquel's repos are quite outdated, but I can  
recommend you some .deb packages I contributed to on LinuxMAO (french  

You can also select your libre software on Kxstudio web interface. maintains the biggest repo (as far as I know) of up to  
date musical software, with a lot of packages you won't find anywhere else.

Feel free to ask help on linuxmao !

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Ready For Development And Testing

2019-05-05 Thread fredo
Hi ! It's the same for me : I could never install a working version of  
minitube. Musictube would also be a good idea.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why does installing Trisquel 7 updates cancel my sound system?

2019-03-28 Thread fredo
Hi I use both Trisquel 7 and Trisquel 8 and don't experience any problems  
with sound. I even use those systems for realtime music production.

To help you with the issue you're facing we need more informations about it.
Have you checked your soundcard ? Have you checked sound parameters ? If you  
use trisquel-mini, I recommend installing the package pavucontrol.

Have you tried with another sound server (e.g package qjackctl) ?

[Trisquel-users] APT security issue

2019-02-03 Thread fredo


how about a fix for that ?

Has it already been published and I missed it ?
Is it planned ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hello everyone! I have a question about this part of Trisquel GNU/Linux

2019-01-21 Thread fredo

So am I. Often

[Trisquel-users] Re : Installing Trisquel on EFI

2018-07-23 Thread fredo
Thank you for your answer. I can neither boot from legacy mode nor from efi.  
I think this is because there is no efi boot partition with a GPT partition  
table correctly installed on my hard drive.

I will try with Debian testing.

On the french forum we have found this wich is particularly suitable

It gives informations on how to recover the disabled SATA HDD. If it works I  
will traduce the info here.

[Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on EFI

2018-07-17 Thread fredo


after having unsuccesfully tried several ways to install trisquel on an efi  
system, I come here to get some help.
I successfully booted and installed trisquel about ten times, always with the  
same issue : grub can't install because it "can't get the canonical path  
I am aware that some operations must be done when booting (checking whether  
it is legacy boot or efi boot) and that a GPT partition table with a  
bios-grub partition must be created before installation in case of a legacy  
grub install. I tried but am not sure if it was really succesful, because my  
HDD still can't be selected to boot in the Bios :

The PC is an Asus R900V with an internal hard drive recognized by the BIOS  
under Sata devices on port 0. Works perfectly when I work with it on a live  
system, but can't select it on the Boot device priority option. Here is only  
listed the DVD drive or the USB flash drive when I put one.

Here comes the question : can the HDD absence from boot options be due to a  
wrong grub install ?
And also : can someone explain me the easiest and most reliable way to  
install trisquel on this computer (I mean EFI vs Legacy boot)?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Videotelephony on Trisquel 7

2018-05-24 Thread fredo
framatalk is a french instance of jitsi meet that just works on my abrowser  

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I make a live DVD or live USB on Windows 10

2018-05-21 Thread fredo
You may have an issue booting on a live USB/CD on a windows 10 computer due  
to the way it handles UEFI.

When I succeeded I had to click on windows 10 icon whith CTRL key pressed  
(maybe another key don't remember well), then click on restart. This opened a  
blue parameters window wich allowed me to select a boot option designed for  
booting on a windows rescue CD. Then it restarted and I had a proper access  
to legacy boot options in the bios.

Search the web or windows 10 documentation for accurate information about  
this process. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fastest Libre GNU/Linux Distro for 800mhz 32-bit Laptop?

2018-01-03 Thread fredo
Though maybe a bit outdated, there is also Librepup based on trisquel7  
packages and linux-libre. With that you can wake up any old computer.

iso here

forul thread is now a dead link

Re: [Trisquel-users] Touchpad on/off shortcut

2017-08-12 Thread fredo
Dunno sorry. Maybe in your keyboard parameters, there must be an option as  
described in your tuto for xfce.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Touchpad on/off shortcut

2017-08-12 Thread fredo
Oh ! I made a mistake : desactivating touchscreen is specific to xfce (though  
some recent DE like cinnamon may offer this option too).

Desactivating the touchpad should be easy to do on every DE. Some people use  
this, but the script you linked to  
seems pretty simple and efficient.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Touchpad on/off shortcut

2017-08-12 Thread fredo
It will work, but only if you install xfce desktop environment. This option  
is specific to xfce.
Once you have the correct DE, there is nothing complicated, you'll have a  
nice button.

Re: [Trisquel-users] can you identify a vpn or tor user?

2017-07-30 Thread fredo

 Your ISP will also know that you use Tor, unless VPN before or bridges.

Or unless you setup tor correctly to hide your connection to the ISP. A  
documentation page about this option does exist on the tor website, but I  
forgot it's name so I can't retrieve it.

Anyone knows ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre-Blogging?

2017-07-25 Thread fredo

>Maybe an alternative could be Drupal (

Or SPIP, very convenient and lightweight

Re: [Trisquel-users] Dock a window to the left or right side of your monitor

2017-07-02 Thread fredo
I guess you talk about tilling. You can simply install gnome3 or another DE  
that handles tilling by default as default DE in trisquel doens't.
You must be able to install a windows tilling manager in lxde or gnome  
flashback, but I don't know how

Re: [Trisquel-users] a list of in fact gnulinux libre distributions?

2017-06-19 Thread fredo

Thinking about librepup using trisquel's packages

though it's probably not up to date  
(, one could use it to wake up an old  
computer and make it free.

Re: [Trisquel-users]

2017-05-29 Thread fredo

It is. You simply install your server locally with something like :

sudo apt-get install apache php mysql php-mysql (approximate, check the  
packages name)

then you just have to put the mediawiki files in /var/www and install it with  
your browser by typing "localhost" in the adress bar.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DVD rip stops at 30+ minutes

2017-04-16 Thread fredo
I had the same problem when trying to rip a DVD with handbrake. It stopped at  
1O minutes everytime. I gave up thinking there was some sort of copy  
protection. Just after this I succesfully ripped another one.

You may try to check if there is something wrong with the DVD.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Obsolete software in the Trisquel repos

2017-04-14 Thread fredo

jxself wrote :

"Are you offering to help out and accomplish this?"

How can we help ? Do we need precise technical knowledge and spend a lot of  
time to care about not bringing issues ? Is it just a copy-paste task ?
I can help by updating some software I know, but it's maybe not that much  
helpfull. Maybe you need someone who spends a lot of time checking softwares  
versions, licenses and dependencies.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with playing DVD

2017-04-14 Thread fredo

And to install it ;-)

copy the full name of your package, open a terminal in the place you have  
downloaded it (for example : cd ~/Downloads, or simply right click in an  
empty space in the files manager)

then type


and you're done.

Next time you experience problems, check here

and here

Re: [Trisquel-users] JWPCE

2017-04-10 Thread fredo
Hello, I found this wich replaces this  
proprietary software by allowing a system wide japanese input. Every text  
editor can write in japanese the same way (romaji to kana to kanji by hitting  
space bar or enter). Uim is in trisquel's repo.

Re: [Trisquel-users] JWPCE

2017-04-01 Thread fredo
Ok thank you for answering me. I'll switch to tagaini jisho for dictionnary  
and try to find some other way to have asian characters input.

Re: [Trisquel-users] JWPCE

2017-03-30 Thread fredo

Looks like you check the rights of JWP.

I took a screenshot of my JWPce copy wich tells it is GnuGPL, with the  
interface inspired from JWP.

Downloaded it from here

Here a port for Nintendo DS providing the sources

An article explaining the software history and giving another intersting link

[Trisquel-users] JWPCE

2017-03-29 Thread fredo
Hello just to talk about this software I use quite often. It allows us to  
write in japanese (katakana/hiragana) with our keyboards and has a huge kanji  
dictionary with automatic recognition based on pronociation.

It is made for windows and one can use it very simply with wine (out of the  
box, 2 seconds install with the .exe). I just discovered it is free software  
(GPL), so i wonder if it is difficult to make a .deb from the .exe or from  
the sources and to put it in trisquel's repo.

It seems one must go there  
to contribute to the repos, but I don't clearly understand what are the  
skills needed to maintain software up to date or to add them. I don't even  
know if the devs would let me do that.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Gnokii

2017-03-06 Thread fredo

Sorry, I made a mistake about the forum langage...

Here is the traduction :

"Hello everyone,

I try to repair my old nokia (hard reset) and I need to backup the contacts.  
I'm trying to use Xgnokii but it doesn't launch. Here is the output from the  
terminal :

(xgnokii:10802): Gtk-WARNING **: horizontal scrolling not implemented

(xgnokii:10802): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_item_factory_create_item: assertion  
'entry->path[0] == '/'' failed

Gnokii serial_open: tcgetattr: Erreur d'entrée/sortie
Impossible d'ouvrir le péripherique FBUS: Erreur d'entrée/sortie
Gnokii serial_open: tcgetattr: Erreur d'entrée/sortie
Impossible d'ouvrir le péripherique FBUS: Erreur d'entrée/sortie
Gnokii serial_open: tcgetattr: Erreur d'entrée/sortie
Impossible d'ouvrir le péripherique FBUS: Erreur d'entrée/sortie
Echec de l'initialisation de l'interface du téléphone : La commande a  

Impossible de charger la liste des sonneries. Sortie.

[Trisquel-users] Gnokii

2017-03-06 Thread fredo

Bonjour à tous,

pour tenter de réparer mon nokia (hard reset), j'ai besoin de sauvegarder  
d'abord les contacts. J'essaie d'utiliser Xgnokii, mais voici ce qu'il me  
renvoie quand j'essaie de le lancer :

(xgnokii:10802): Gtk-WARNING **: horizontal scrolling not implemented

(xgnokii:10802): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_item_factory_create_item: assertion  
'entry->path[0] == '/'' failed

Gnokii serial_open: tcgetattr: Erreur d'entrée/sortie
Impossible d'ouvrir le péripherique FBUS: Erreur d'entrée/sortie
Gnokii serial_open: tcgetattr: Erreur d'entrée/sortie
Impossible d'ouvrir le péripherique FBUS: Erreur d'entrée/sortie
Gnokii serial_open: tcgetattr: Erreur d'entrée/sortie
Impossible d'ouvrir le péripherique FBUS: Erreur d'entrée/sortie
Echec de l'initialisation de l'interface du téléphone : La commande a  

Impossible de charger la liste des sonneries. Sortie.

[Trisquel-users] Re : For those of you who want a libre version of pokemon,

2016-12-04 Thread fredo
You can also look at tuxemon, wich is a very good original pokemon rewriting  
in python. This is under a CC license.

Not finished yet but promising. It is a total conversion with complete story  
rewriting and no reference to nintendo.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Using Evolution Mail with

2016-12-02 Thread fredo
You can also launch evolution in a terminal to see if it outputs something  
when trying to connect.

I personally don't use evolution, except on some computers, to have a quick  
imap access. I prefer icedove wich seems more convenient for a day to day use  
(powerful, full of options and plugins, efficient and quick search, support  
of multiple accounts for pop3, huge doc, etc.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Using Evolution Mail with

2016-11-28 Thread fredo
No, but I remember I spent a long time configuring my accounts in evolution  
the first time.

You have to carefully enter all the parameters by yourself because it has no  
automatic feature like icedove.

Are you in pop3 or imap4 ?

Have you checked your authentification service ? There are a few to try.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Using Evolution Mail with

2016-11-28 Thread fredo

Can you be more precise ? Have you an error message while trying to connect ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Waiting for Trisquel 8 (Flidas)

2016-11-28 Thread fredo

Aaah thank you magic banana.

I read there  
that it's for code, bugs, and documentation. Isn't there a different way for  
contributing to the doc (loging in on the website and editing the wiki). Do I  
make a mistake with man pages in the terminal ?

So if it's open why is there only a few people involved in the development ?

I'm not a developper but I guess I can help by updating and adding free  
software packages in the repository. Can I do that ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] External HDD preparation best practices

2016-11-25 Thread fredo
Just to say there is a preacution while formatting SSD hardrives, if you plan  
to buy one. Mine is broken since I formatted it in fat32. Now it takes five  
hours to copy 2Go of date from the disk to the computer.
I've read somewhere you must format that type of disk with care, letting some  
space in the partition, or upload the firmware or something like that, I  
can't retrieve the page.

Re: [Trisquel-users] An alternative to gmail

2016-11-12 Thread fredo
Keep in mind that thunderbird isn't in trisquel repositories. If you want to  
use this software, you'll have to install it's free fork icedove.
If you want to use GPG to encrypt your mail, and maybe pop3 protocol to  
automatically take your emails from the server, the use of icedove will be  

Having multiple email adresses is also a way to protect your privacy : you  
use each one for different purposes.

You also have this

[Trisquel-users] Re : Forum request: signatures

2016-10-08 Thread fredo
Ok, I checked what you did SuperTramp83 and there is nothing to add to your  
english version.
On the french side we have this page wich cannot  
be edited. Any idea about how to do it ? Must we contact a webmaster ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum request: signatures

2016-10-05 Thread fredo
Ok, I guess I won't be able to work as hard as you did, but I'll help as much  
as I can.

I'll begin to check by myself were to begin.  See you soon on the wiki ;-)

@others : Anyhting about how the mailing list works ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum request: signatures

2016-10-05 Thread fredo

I can help traducing this page from spanish to french/english.

Do you have a link plz ? Did you begin the english page ?

By the way, i'd like to know how the forum works, I'd like to build such a  
mailing-list bound forum on another website.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Its been nice meeting you all,

2016-05-06 Thread fredo

Or simply disable it in the control panel ;-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where do you get your media from?

2016-04-20 Thread fredo

You can also have some good music here

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where do you get your media from?

2016-04-20 Thread fredo

You can also have some good music here

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where do you get your media from?

2016-04-20 Thread fredo
I already reported it to a member of the community, they are working on it  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ransomware in Trisquel/Ubuntu

2016-04-20 Thread fredo
And keep in mind that the id of an external hard drive (sdb>sdc) can change  
after reboot !

This can save you from doing operations on a non-desired drive.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where do you get your media from?

2016-04-20 Thread fredo also allows to search for CC and other  
free licensed works (usage rights at the bottom of the page).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where do you get your media from?

2016-04-20 Thread fredo

On you can find CC images.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Icedove version 38.4.0-1-deb7u1+7.0trisquel2 fails to connect to's IMAP and POP3 servers

2016-04-18 Thread fredo
I can see the issue has been opened here in, but has it been  
done there : ?

And maybe it comes from the upstream thunderbird ?

Bt the more, has someone tried to expose the problem to openmailbox  
maintainer ?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Icedove version 38.4.0-1-deb7u1+7.0trisquel2 fails to connect to's IMAP and POP3 servers

2016-04-18 Thread fredo

Just to say that all of this can be done in a grahical way within synaptic :

So, for newcomers in linux :

open synaptic package manager
select icedove package
click on package/force version
don't forget to block the version to prevent the updater from installing the  
newest version until this is fixed

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icedove version 38.4.0-1-deb7u1+7.0trisquel2 fails to connect to's IMAP and POP3 servers

2015-12-09 Thread fredo


I have the same issue with icedove 38.4.0 with openmailbox and I  
can't receive emails from these servers but i can send from the client.

Trisquel 7 32bit version

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-12 Thread fredo

As i'm not very familiar with it, I'd like some help with the cvt command.

Did I succeed in adding a new reso to xrandr ? Can I now use it ?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-11 Thread fredo

Ok, so here is what I did :

xrandr --newmode 1280x1024 109.00 1280 1368 1496 1712 1024 1027 1034 1063  
-hsync +vsync

wich returns :

xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)
  Major opcode of failed request:  140 (RANDR)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  16 (RRCreateMode)
  Serial number of failed request:  19
  Current serial number in output stream:  19

And when I do

xrandr --addmode VGA1 1280x1024

I get this :

xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
xrandr: cannot find output VGA1

[Trisquel-users] Re : Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-11 Thread fredo

What does it means a bad EDID info ? I don't understand.

I already have the package x11-xserver-utils, here is the output of xrandr  
command :

xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 1024 x 768, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 768
default connected primary 1024x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm
   1024x768   76.0*

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-10 Thread fredo

Hi, I'm trisquelizing a computer for a friend with a Radeon GPU :

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]  
RV730 PRO [Radeon HD 4650]

With the default kernel, I could'nt get a good resolution.

I tried downgrading the kernel, and then jxself posted the new kernel wich I  
installed at once (version linux-libre64), but I still can't change the  
resolution. The driver changed from VESA to Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM  
3.4, 128 bits).

Is there a way to do it or will this GPU never be supported ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't get Mate to work in my Trisquel (7), can anybody help?

2015-07-27 Thread fredo
I wasn't able to install cinnamon, and I gave up trying all the desktop  
environment. Installing gnome 3 was enough for me, and it works very good.
I know some people here installed some other DE, but I always had issues.  
Only enlightenment and xfce worked good enough to keep it.

I recommend you should restore a clean system before installing the desired  
DE via the official repos. Everytime I added a PPA I had some issues.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to shut up Windows users

2015-07-02 Thread fredo
What I saw was not untrue information but just an add for a gaming os  
apparently based on linux kernel, and other people saying I prefer win 7 Or  
I prefer win 8.1.
I saw nothing wich looked like a debate or something like that. Just people  
saying quite meaningless things.

[Trisquel-users] Re : anyone using Trisquel for music production?

2015-05-08 Thread fredo

You're right, and as I can't edit my post, here is the link :

Re: [Trisquel-users] anyone using Trisquel for music production?

2015-05-06 Thread fredo


I do use Trisquel for audio production. I only installed a few software from  
the official repos (ardour, qjackctl, mixxx, lmms, audacity, zynaddsubfx,...)  
 and it's sufficient for me. With another french member of trisquel community  
we made this small wiki page (in french) about improving trisquel's  
performance for audio production.

Feel free to comment it.

The wiki page contains an all in one command to install a large amount of  
audio software from the repos and some indications to handle cpu frequency  
(thanks to Dogers). The link to linux-libre-rt is old (looks like it's not  
maintained), but you can keep the low-latency core as it is very sufficient  
for a daily use.

[Trisquel-users] Re : PCManFM: Not authorized to perform operation

2015-04-20 Thread fredo
Hello, I've got exactly the same problem with a Dell latitude D-500 with  
Trisquel 7.
I succesfully mounted the windows partition with the above command, but the  
user will need to be able to mount it with the simple graphical tools.

How can this be done ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] I am looking to build my first computer.

2015-02-08 Thread fredo
When I'll make my new pc I'll not only take hardware compatible with  
trisquel, but also a coreboot or libreboot compatible motherboard :

[Trisquel-users] Re : My router is now running LibreCMC

2015-01-21 Thread fredo
Mine is running open wrt, so for those who need help to flash their TP-link,  
ask me ;-)

Btw, i read this on open-wrt website :

Free and open-source. The project is entirely free and open-source, licensed  
under the GPL. The project is intended to always be hosted at an easily  
accessible site, with full source code readily available and easy to build.
Easy and free access. The project will always be open to new contributors and  
have a low barrier for participation. Anyone shall be able to contribute. We,  
the current developers, actively grant write access to anyone interested in  
having it. We believe people are responsible when given responsibility. Just  
ask and you will be able to acquire the access rights you need.

why isn't it on ?  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Wireless router suggestions?

2015-01-19 Thread fredo
I use a TP-Link TL-WR740n running open wrt (very easy to flash with a  
graphical interface) and it works perfectl with my trisquel 7.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Wa can change, but not in one day

2015-01-05 Thread fredo
Don't talk to me about steam ! It's been preventing me to play skyrim for 2  
or 3 years, although I own the game on a legal dvd...

I'm now gonna fix it thanks to wine and Gnu/linux.

Steam IS evil. I just think like magic banana.

We have to consider that it could make a lot of gamers (aka not average users  
who like to have powerful computers) to use gnu/linux and to see how good it  
is. I consider my gamers friends as very close to use gnu/linux, but they  
don't as there's not enough good games...

[Trisquel-users] Re : Window Border Themes

2015-01-04 Thread fredo

search for themes in synaptic, it will at least give ou some options.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Text to speech for gnulinux?

2014-12-29 Thread fredo
First of all, sorry, cause I'm french and i'm gonna give you useful but  
french links.
The last voice I played with under windows was microsoft sam and I don't know  
Under trisquel we have orca preinstalled, but the voice quality is not that  
good. You can change the ugly voice by connecting orca to a proprietary voice  
but you'll have to find it by yourself ;)  
( There is also to do this.

You can also check NVDA :

[Trisquel-users] Re : Librem 15: A Free/Libre and Open Source Laptop That Respects Your Essential Freedoms

2014-12-18 Thread fredo
I agree with everything you said except your last sentence. I think you  
pointed the most important thing in this debate without wondering how to  
change it. I mean communication, information, education.

 Of course snowden's revelation didn't reach everyone equally because of  
their different level of knowledge about computers. It's been a year and a  
half and a lot of people are still ignorant about digital freedom, but some  
like me came to the free softawre world directly because of that.
It's right saying nothing is really gonna change during the 5 years to come  
for example. But if every free software user now tells everyone he can how to  
protect their freedom, if schools organize events about it and use free  
software, if people create their own medias and talk about it, if they also  
think about adapting their computer use on their real needing. A lot of  
things can change within 10 or 20 years.

I think communication and education, wich means having a real social life, is  
the key to a lot of things in our modern world.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Librem 15: A Free/Libre and Open Source Laptop That Respects Your Essential Freedoms

2014-12-18 Thread fredo
sasaki - do you really think that to those 1.2 billion facebook users a  
concept like privacy (real life or digital) really means something?

I don't. A little amount of them is aware of the shit it is but keep using  

Schools are teaching us how to use microsoft and google software because of  
business or because the teachers are not good computer users. Our generation  
has grown with computers and it is us who have to teach the largest amount of  
people how to use it properly. It is very important because the generation to  
come is growing under facebook, windows and google influence.

It is quite the same about my friends and I agree it is a GIANT problem.  
Nevertheless is think that it is a matter of imitation : the more people use  
skype, the more their friends use skype. It is the way the big industries do  
their job : hypnotizing people with ads and letting fashion finish the work.
If we talk about it together (hundreds of people talking about it for a year  
or two and mixing their ideas), couldn't we find some solution and do it  
(doing it is very important two...). I mean this is just the way the big  
industries planned to control almost everything, and are trying to do it now.
  By the more, a lot of apps, or most of them can be easily replaced by free  
ones. The biggest matter is hardware, isn't it ?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Librem 15: A Free/Libre and Open Source Laptop That Respects Your Essential Freedoms

2014-12-18 Thread fredo

Maybe, starting companies and education are both things to be done.

Here, in france, we have french data network who gives access to internet in  
a way that respects freedom and privacy. The branch in my city also offers  
hosting services on virtual  and physical machines. Maybe are you talking  
about that kind of initiative ?

Can you precise what you call the entertainment issue ?

[Trisquel-users] Re : I accidentally burned an ISO to a flash drive containing files.

2014-12-14 Thread fredo
Thank you for this helpful post, it will help me too as I had the same  
problem, but with my external hard drive (copied an iso on /dev/sdc instead  
of /dev/sdb...).

I have only writen a 3Go iso on a 300Go hard drive and formatted. I'd like to  
know how long it could take to recover my data from this hard drive. If it is  
too long i will give it to a pro data recovery enterprise.

[Trisquel-users] Re : how to combine an audio track and video file?

2014-12-14 Thread fredo
you can also do this with the preinstalled video editor in trisquel : pitivi.  
I personnaly have some problems using it and find kdenlive easier to use.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Help with Evolution Email from this Forum?

2014-12-06 Thread fredo


I don't understand anything about german, but maybe you'll find some  
information here :

You can also contact the project devs :

I've just changed my default mail application from evolution to icedove  
(thunderbird fork), mainly because evolution doesn't displays correctly  
multiple pop accounts, but I encçountered some other little problems. Maybe  
you should give it a try.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Installing Cinnamon 2.4 stable in Trisquel 7

2014-12-05 Thread fredo
I tried this on trisquel 6 and had to completely reinstall my system. So I  
guess I had some trouble with 3d acceleration wich is maybe needed for  
cinnamon ?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Resolution problem on laptop + some questions

2014-12-05 Thread fredo

I'll try it and post on the forum if I succeed.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Resolution problem on laptop + some questions

2014-11-29 Thread fredo
Abraham, Trisquel's repository contains some free console emulators,  
including psx. I let you check this out by yourself.

If you like retro gaming, i suggest you to give a try to puppy arcade 11 wich  
contains many preconfigured emulators, including some recent consoles. 

[Trisquel-users] Wifi card no more supported on trisquel 7

2014-11-18 Thread fredo


I had some problems with my wifi card (Edimax IEEE 802.11n Wireless lan pci  
card) wich I didn't have under trisquel 6. On both versions it wasn't  
recognized and I could not use wifi, but under trisquel 7 it continuously  
covered my terminal with this message :

[ 1805.047780] rt2800pci :04:04.0: Falling back to user helper
[ 1805.048301] ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00lib_reject_firmware: Error - Failed to  
request Firmware
[ 1805.049133] ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00lib_reject_firmware: Info - Loading  
firmware file '/*(DEBLOBBED)*/'

[ 1805.049137] :04:04.0: Missing Free firmware
[ 1805.049149] rt2800pci :04:04.0: Direct firmware load failed with error  

[ 1805.049151] rt2800pci :04:04.0: Falling back to user helper
[ 1805.049521] ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00lib_reject_firmware: Error - Failed to  
request Firmware
[ 1805.049658] ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00lib_reject_firmware: Info - Loading  
firmware file '/*(DEBLOBBED)*/'

[ 1805.049660] :04:04.0: Missing Free firmware
[ 1805.049668] rt2800pci :04:04.0: Direct firmware load failed with error  

[ 1805.049670] rt2800pci :04:04.0: Falling back to user helper

This made my cpu work at 100% all the time. So, following the advice of magic  
banana on the french forum, I firts installed linux libre 3.17 from jxself  
repo and it fixed my cpu problem, but I still had the message. So i tryed to  
blacklist related processes in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf :


But it didn't work.

After having some boot problems and the return of cpu problems, even with  
tghe new kernel, I decided to unplug my wifi card and I had no more problems.

I would like to be able to let my wifi card plugged, even if it's not  
recognized by trisquel to be able to use it with another distro in case of  
I would also like to know if I can come back to the default kernel without  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Sound problems with Trisquel 7

2014-11-15 Thread fredo
Have you tried the version 3.17 ? It solved my wifi card drivers problems.  
Have you checked your cpu architecture ?

[Trisquel-users] Re : trisquel-mini performances

2014-11-04 Thread fredo
Thank you for the tip of restarting lxdm. I'll check this the next time I use  
this computer to see if the problem came from here, then buy some more ram  
and install trisquel mini 7.

@lembas : I'm not able to package any program. I have to practice a lot  

[Trisquel-users] trisquel-mini performances

2014-11-01 Thread fredo


I'm a new trisquel user (installed it some months ago) and I use both  
trisquel and trisquel-mini (6.0.1) on different computers.
I noticed that my install of trisquel-mini on a relatively good computer  
(Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.40GHz, 512 Mo of ram, Nvidia Ge force 2 MX200),  
was quite slow. So I tried to search on the web for informations about  
trisquel-mini and I found this comment on a trisquel test :

My installation of Trisquel Mini 6.0 to an EeePC 701 lasted less than 24  


lxdm-binary was hammering the cpu  hogging resources, so nothing else could  
run properly, yet it could not be removed  replaced because of broken  
dependencies with the alernatives.

cpufreqd would run only at 100%, regardless of configuration.

The desktop was automatically covered with folders, regardless of  

Too many useful  genuinely FLOSS applications are not available in the  
Trisquel repository: just how ‘free’ does FLOSS have to be before the  
Trisquel dictator accepts it?

Trisquel Mini is NOT light, it still uses a PAE kernel.

AFAIC, it’s a bug-ridden pile of garbage.

Failed: it doesn’t ‘just work';  I take a ruthless approach to operating  

I’ll stick with MadBox 12.04, which is perhaps the ONLY genuinely light  
Ubuntu-based derivative available,  use the free repository.

I'm quite a noob in linux, so I decided to post here to see if someone could  
explain me that commentary.
Isn't there any way to obtain good performances with trisquel-mini as this  
guy seems to say ? 

[Trisquel-users] Re : trisquel-mini performances

2014-11-01 Thread fredo

You mean the apps I use could be the main problem ?

It's right that I sometimes use two or three apps at the same time : GNOME  
Mplayer for music and abrowser or midori for browsing for example. I also  
often use audacity. Now for example, with midori opened and a movie copying  
from my hard drive to a usb stick my cpu is 100% used all the time with half  
of my ram memory.
Should I run only one app at a time to have a good speed ? Can adding some  
ram fix the problem ?

Concerning my graphics card I renounced using 3D apps until I have no money  
for buying an intel one. I can't find any of my graphics cards, even the  
olders, on h-node.