Re: [Trisquel-users] Just a friendly reminder that Trisquel 7.0 is not outdated

2016-12-12 Thread jatsi
With all the energy put on yelling and screaming about sec updates, wouldn't  
it be a litte more fruitful approach to, say, port those patches from  
parabola? :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Internet

2016-12-04 Thread jatsi
I agree with albertoefg, lightweightness might not be prior #1 in default  
roll. IMHO accessibility and language supp goes before in the default roll.

However, I do see a case for trisquel-mini. Even there a basic feeling of  
trisquel is is good to be kept. Going dwm + uzbl + mc + st might not be it.  
There's always netinstall for very tiny setups. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Accessories

2016-12-04 Thread jatsi

-BleachBit or some other ComputerJanitor
-Seahorse for GPG keys
-Xarchiver or Squeeze, Caja didn't seem to handle archives.

Re: [Trisquel-users] First development alpha iso images of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas"

2016-12-01 Thread jatsi

Hooray for flidas. The live looks nice on a VM.

-Should suggestions and bugs and opinions and all be separated

-We probably wanna rename "caja" more intuitively as "File manager" or "Caja  
File Manager" like all the rest of the programs.

Some ppl have already made proposals for software so I'll do that as well.
-Keepassx and seahorse for passwords and GPG keys.
-Xarchiver / squeeze for archive manager! Many great distros lack a GUI  
archive manager.

-vlc for all media - video and music.
-evince for pdf's.

If someone doesn't like the default desicions, there's always apt-get  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Access encrypted harddrive from broken computer

2016-08-01 Thread jatsi
I haven't played with encrypted drives, but have recovered data from broken  
drives and messy filesystem using ddrescue.

First off you propably want to make an image of your broken harddrive(?)  
you're trying to recover and then use recovery tools on that image avoiding  
to wear that drive off more.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development updates

2016-07-31 Thread jatsi
I followed jxself's example and threw a portion of my income at trisquel.  
It's a fixed %, not a fixed amount. It depends on my income, before expenses.  
And yes, I have to budget this in. But there are both gratis and libre  
software to do so. So I save my rights and money through Free Software,  
Trisquel. It therefore deserves my gratitude, a part of what of the money it  
saves me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm leaving Trisquel

2016-07-19 Thread jatsi
This was also true for me 2001 - 2008 before I knew about the FSF and it's  
work and didn't have freedom compatible machine.

So I began to work my way to freedom. I went Trisquel + non-free kernel for a  
year, because GPU and WiFi. I then bought a free WiFi, and then finally few  
years later could ignore the GPU firmware. I'm still not RYF'able, but some  
day I will.

I think it's better to support and use a fully free distro base with those  
non-free that one absolutely has to have, than to go with a proudly non-free  