[Trisquel-users] Does anyone know this Libreboot X200 vendor?

2018-03-27 Thread someone


Re: [Trisquel-users] I met RMS yesterday. We talked about Trisquel 8, this is what he said...

2017-10-28 Thread someone

Too the one who used the "Rating too low" thing on my post..

Use that stupid and unfair instrument will not change the truth: Trisquel is  
dead and your beloved RMS is between those to blame for it. And beetwen them  
there is also you and all the others who have ever used "Rating too low".

This is one of the reasons why this community is so small.
In this forums is not important if you care about freedom or free software.
It cares if you write "Gnu Linux" instead of "Linux".
It cares if you never go agaist what your saint Richard Stallman says.
In this forum you are not even able to close your account: once is forever
In this forum someone could decide (with no right at all) that your post has  
to be censored

In forums the appropriate way to do that is to have a moderator to decide  
what can go public and what can not.
And every post which respects the forums guidelines HAVE to go public. Even  
if the moderator does not like or does not agree with the contenent.
It is called freedom, something you often talk about but that does not apply  
to your forums.

That's all.
And now go on and "Rating too low" also this one.. truth will not change

Re: [Trisquel-users] [Poll] Should Trisquel 9 be Based on Debian?

2017-10-27 Thread someone


you are probably the only human being in the planet who claims that Ubuntu is  
more stable or perform better than Debian.

Is there any chance that your surname is Shuttleworth or something like it?

Anyway everyone has the right to have own opinions, right?

So keep using your beloved Ubuntu and I will keep using my Debian.

On a side note.. you do realize that Ubuntu is build starting fron Debian  
Unstable (Sid) and that there basically no chance that, after all the Canical  
pathces, it will end up to be more stable that the Debian Stable suite,  

Re: [Trisquel-users] [Poll] Should Trisquel 9 be Based on Debian?

2017-10-26 Thread someone

Here a couple of reason why switching to Debian will be advantageus:
- Ubuntu is based on Debian Unstable and it obviously more bloted than its  
- Debian division beetwenn free and non-free is clean and accurate in repos  
and packages, the one you are claiming for Ubuntu is, to be kind, obscure
- Ubuntu is ruled by a company and companies looks for profits not freedom,  
Debian is not
- Ubuntu in the past has done some creepy choices about privacy of users:  
does "Amazon search" ring a bell?
- Debian (stable and testing suites) are much more stable and less "resource  
hungry" of Ubuntu anytime anywhere at any condition
- Debian LTS IS much more stable  and less "resource hungry" of Ubuntu LST  
anytime anywhere at any condition

In my opinion Debian is definetively a better choice from a technical and a  
"freedom care" points of view.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I met RMS yesterday. We talked about Trisquel 8, this is what he said...

2017-10-26 Thread someone

I agree 100%

Re: [Trisquel-users] I met RMS yesterday. We talked about Trisquel 8, this is what he said...

2017-10-26 Thread someone

Hi happy_gnu

RMS really should not hope for Trisquel 8 to be released since he is the one  
who (indirectly) caused the delay.

"Poor Ruben" can't dedicate enough time to his petty project since when he  
started working for FSF (aka RMS petty project).

If he really cares about Trisquel he should add "working on Trisquel" in  
Ruben weekly schedule.
Something like Transmeta did when they did employed Torvalds giving him time  
to work on Linux as regular part of his job.

RMS is probably the only one who could do something to resurrect the Trisquel  

I have used the word "resurrect" because, like or not, Trisquel is dead..

Long life to Trisquel

Re: [Trisquel-users] That's it, I will recreate Trisquel 8!

2017-10-26 Thread someone

Hi ylevental

in this old post of mine I give my opinion on how it could be done:  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Have my laptop "serving internet" to other pcs... possible?

2017-09-16 Thread someone
That's what I user for such purpose:  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uh oh - ArchiveOS listed Trisquel

2017-09-16 Thread someone

You "state facts" and "I give opinionion"?
This make me think you are not just blind, you don't get the meaning of what  
you read.
FACT = Trisquel 8 is still alpha and will ship (if never) will ship with  
OBSOLETE stack of software (obsolete, not LTS based)

FACT = Ruben does not communicate enough with the community
FACT = Both things are "killing" this community because many of us has  
stopped to use Trisquel as primary OS

Please stop judge people you don't even know ("If you are not adding to the  
community your are taking away from it") you have no right at all.
Relax, keep using your ancient Trisquel 7, keep the faith for Trisquel 8 and  
stop chasing who has different opinion from yours.

By the way.. this is the last time I answer your post.. it's not worthy my  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uh oh - ArchiveOS listed Trisquel

2017-09-15 Thread someone
I have a "profoundly misinformed point of view" you have a "profoundly BLIND  
point of view".
Like or not Trisquel is just "another brick in the wall" of the FSF'approved  

The only one who can chage this status is, obviously, Ruben.
Unfortunately looks like he does not care even to inform his beloved Trisquel  

Just time will tell..

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uh oh - ArchiveOS listed Trisquel

2017-09-14 Thread someone

In my opinion it is not trolling, it is reality.
In Italy we say "there is no worse blind than anyone who does not want to  

It is time to face it: Trisquel is dead even if Ruben has not said that.
If Trisquel 8 will be released tomorrow it will be pointless anyway.
This distro is alredy old software and it si still beta!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Parabola Gnu/Linux

2017-09-08 Thread someone

You're welcome :-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Parabola Gnu/Linux

2017-09-07 Thread someone

I know what U mean .. it took me 4 installations before get it right.
But then I wrote it down, step by step.
This file was not meant to be general o to be published.
It was for my personal use only and it reflects my choices and opinions.
Comments are in my native language (Italian) but the sequence of commands  
could be helpful to U.

Hope this helps.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 is not old

2017-08-01 Thread someone

[Set Irony On]
Trisquel 7 is not old.. is ancient.
Trisquel 8 when (and if) will be released will be old
[Set Iron Off]

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 Review!

2017-07-20 Thread someone

This is very kind and I really appreciate it.
I will email you what you have asked me for tonight.
Thank you.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 Review!

2017-07-20 Thread someone

Hi Leah

do you mean what you wrote stands for me too?

That would be nice (expecially swapping my x200 with a T400 at no extra cost)  
but I my warranty is not valid any longer.

Thanks anyway


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 Review!

2017-07-18 Thread someone
You were not the only one ..  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lenovo thinkapds(LibreBoot )buying guide

2017-02-20 Thread someone


Re: [Trisquel-users] Just a friendly reminder that Trisquel 7.0 is not outdated

2016-12-09 Thread someone


I totally disagree with your "friendly remider"..

More specifically
>Sadly a few users seem to have forgotten this, and have decided to stop  
using Trisquel because they seem to care >more about how new and shiny the  
software is, more than the ethics on the software.
..or, maybe, they sick and tired to wait until a person who is as  
comunicative as a stone (Ruben) wall will be in the right mood of releasing  
news about a his "petty project"

>"But the Free Software Foundation should care more about Trisquel!"
At the time of writing Trisquel has became "just another brick in the wall"  
of the dead FSF's approved distros list.
Yes Ruben is working on Trisquel 8 that will be released "no one knows when"  
already outdated (the overbloated distro on which Trisquel is based on has  
already released another non LTS version)
FSF should accept that Trisquel is the only chance left if they really want  
people to start using a free operative.

[Trisquel-users] My five cents to the "Trisquel 8 Software Proposal" matter..

2016-12-07 Thread someone


these are my software proposal for Trisquel 8


I'm far too lazy to divide my suggestions between all the topics already  
opened that's why I put them all in one post.

I don't use the same groups all the topics already opened use.
I refer to Debian's package name (exception made for Abrowser) but I am  
confident you are able to find Ubuntu one  by yourself :-)

BASIC SET (to keep the iso as small as possible)


Group "System Tools"
Group "Network Tools"
Group "Peripherals Tools"
Group "Multimedia -> Players/Viewers
Group "Office"
Group "Internet"


Group "Home"
Group "Internet"
Group "Multimedia -> Collections"
Group "Multimedia -> Dvd Authoring"
Group "Multimedia -> Editors"
Group "Multimedia -> Rippers"
Group "Multimedia -> Tools"
Group "Software Development"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tehnoetic X200 Tablet and T500 now available

2016-11-15 Thread someone

Great news Tiberiu!
Well done!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Home email server

2016-11-07 Thread someone
Im using the ovpn.se VPN service which allow for static ip and reverse DNS  
self-administration. Personally using it for my from-home-self-hosted email  
server to avoid being spam-sorted.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Home email server

2016-11-07 Thread someone
I was in your situation before - also surveillance concerned and learned  
computer stuff mostly due to interest instead of education. Im now  
self-hosting email successfully from home - not mailinabox - without being  
spam-sorted by gmail and hotmail etc. If you (or someone else reading this)  
wants to migrate to home-hosting, then my own findings on home email server  
suites and some guides for self-hosting are here:


2. under Webaddress / Domain and below:  

I hope it's useful to someone.

[Trisquel-users] Gnuinos

2016-10-17 Thread someone

I have just found this project on the web.
It is still Beta software but look very promising to me.
Looks like Gnewsense (without FSF endorsment) but based on Devuan Jessie.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Has anyone made it the Libreboot X200 work with Trisquel 7?

2016-08-14 Thread someone

Sorry guys
my mistake, I forgot some key words here :-(
The right title for my post should have been:
"Has anyone made it the Libreboot X200 fingerprint sensor work with Trisquel  

My problem is with the X200 fingerprint sensors.

[Trisquel-users] How about a survey to measure how much Trisquel user prefer that Trisquel is based on Ubuntu instead of Debian

2016-08-14 Thread someone

Hi everyone

I thought that it couold be a good idea to create a survey to ask Trisquel  
users if they that Trisquel is based on Ubuntu instead of Debian.

I perfectly understan that Trisquel is a Quidam project and that he wants to  
base it on Ubuntu but I think tha could be interesting to know the "general  
consensum" as a community.

Trisquel could be based on Jesse (main branch only), use Debian kernel wich  
divide already free from non-free firmware, plus official backports (main  
branch only) which will provide newer kernel.
This could speed up new release a lot because Trisquel team will have to  
provide only helpers for packages such as Firefox or Icedeove in order to  
avoid non-free adds-on suggested.

It surely will be quicker than cleaning up ubuntu code.

What do you think about it?

Thanks in advance


PS = Please don't reply with the "There is Gnewsense already" statement  
becasue they are far too obsolete at time of writing.

[Trisquel-users] Has anyone made it the Libreboot X200 work with Trisquel 7?

2016-08-14 Thread someone


I would like to know if anyone succeded in making the Libreboot X200 work  
with Trisquel 7.

Please leave apart comments about IF you agree in using such a device (I  
bought my Libreboot X200 from Minifree and they supplied me with a X200 with  
webcam and fingerprint sensor so I have no choice).

Thanks in advance


Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm leaving Trisquel

2016-07-14 Thread someone

I totally agree with you.
Infact I have moved back to Debian Stable a couple of days ago.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Italian forum question

2016-06-27 Thread someone
Non c'entra nulla con il forum in italiano ma forse vi puĆ³ interessare  


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot and Kvm

2016-04-15 Thread someone

Look like I became your target..
Look like you are doing your best to twist my words..
Look like you want a flame war (don't worry no one will ban you, they don't  

You know what? I will not play this game
I don't care about your opinions and I don't have to explain anything to  

You said there is no religion.. you are probably right: it is only fanaticism

Too bad there is no way to delete my account (I did not ask to delete my  
post, only my account)