Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-04-18 Thread msuzuqi
In the short-term, the quality of display might be the least of your  
concerns, but in the long-term, resolution would play a vital role in our  
mass revolution or evolution. Although, I almost lost particular interest in  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-04-13 Thread radiowavers
Dude, when you are hiding from the mass surveillance, the quality of display  
should be the least of your concerns! That said, the external HDMI port of  
G505S is working even when a coreboot is flashed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-10 Thread Christian Lange

Am 01.03.19 um 16:25 schrieb
Is the g505s really that bad of a laptop? I am curious, is it easy to 
break, durability wise?

But yeah, it does have an extremely fast processor.  I wonder if any 
other laptops have that amd processor that can be librebooted that are 

Just a thought. ;)

I am also interested in this laptop, but the display looks really bad. 
Very low resolution for a 15'' laptop, not very bright, a glossy panel 
with extreme bad gamut values...

Can someone tell how well the external HDMI port is working?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-10 Thread radiowavers

> So that is the simplest guide you say? Okay thanks for telling me!

Yes - maybe not the shortest, but very detailed one - and that should make it  
harder to do something wrong ;-)

> I saw, odd isn't it. :)

My understanding is that Intel used some insecure "speedhacks" to gain an  
unfair advantage over AMD, but now these "speedhacks" are backfiring ;)  
that's why a lot of those recently-discovered vulnerabilities are  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-08 Thread calmstorm

So that is the simplest guide you say? Okay thanks for telling me!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-08 Thread calmstorm

I saw, odd isn't it.  :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-05 Thread qmastery16
By the way: yet another new Intel-specific vulnerability, while AMD is not  
affected -

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-05 Thread qmastery16
I thought I already provided all this info at my earlier post -  
. Especially this part:

" I really encourage you to read this DangerousPrototypes wiki article - .  
Although the links to the flashing tools are a bit outdated, so here are the  
links for you - ".

Above you could see the link to a really great guide for the external BIOS  
flashing, using G505S as an example. To tear down a G505S is also trivial,  
but before doing it for the first time you could look through some online  
videos or maybe read the Lenovo Hardware Maintenance Manual for this laptop -  
- it's a bit long but has a very detailed information on how to tear down it  
step by step, with pictures. And the AliExprss links for the flashing tools  
are given at this pastebin link above, except the 1P female  1P male 2.54mm  
wires: I'm a bit lazy and you could easily find them by yourself at the same  
AliExprss site.

P.S. What I like about that AliExprss: 1) It's several times larger than  
eBay: more supply --> lower prices and more rare interesting items. 2) Great  
customer protection: possible to request the seller to extend the order  
protection time for many times, and if the item never arrives or its'  
quality/quantity is not okay - you simply open a full refund / partial refund  
dispute; although just in case I'm video recording the items unpacking so  
that in case of a dispute I'll have more proof, these recordings are rarely  
needed - maybe because I'm mostly buying from the sellers that have at least  
95% rating. If you haven't found an agreement with your seller, then your  
dispute escalates to AliExprss dispute team and they're usually favourable to  
the buyer (remember only good things about them). 3) No PayPal hidden fees  
(making the products cheaper by at least 3.4%) and by the way: PayPal is very  
unethical company and scams the random people from time to time by  
withholding their money for an indefinite period of time or completely.  
Luckily this AliExprss is one of the not-many reputable sites where you could  
pay directly by your card.

The only downside is that it takes about 1-1.5 month with their usually-free  
shipping for your items to arrive to you from China. I am a patient person  
and try to think my needs in advance, so this is fine for me, but if you want  
faster - you may choose to overpay for a more expensive and speedier  
shipping. And some random lucky packages are still getting delivered in 2  
weeks even with that free shipping which sometimes is not even trackable  
outside of china (but doesn't matter, because if the item never arrives you  
simply open a full refund dispute)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-04 Thread calmstorm
Okay, where can i find that usb programmer? And what supplies do I need to  
have it work/is there a guide to flash coreboot/libreboot with it?

As for broadcom, I will ignore it now that I know its this horrible if I can  
get my hands on the above, the usb programmer/guide to flash. ;)

IF true, zerocat's product is meaningless though. ;/

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-04 Thread qmastery16
CH341A USB programmer is the easiest/cheapest and could be also considered  
libre because its' chip doesn't have its' own firmware - only a few config  
registers according to a (leaked?) datashit - and no other onboard chips with  
internal memory to store a firmware. So I don't understand why the "libre  
people" had to come up with a Zerocat Chipflasher - which consts like 300  
euro and seems more difficult to use than CH341A.

about Broadcom - just look at their wifi, both proprietary drivers and  
firmware, and in addition it's not working good - it is super buggy! And RPi  
are blobbed too, and maybe some of them could be ran libre but in a very  
degraded state (no graphics and no network?) Too bad the people are still  
buying RPis, so bringing a lot of money to Broadcom and the former Broadcom  
employees who has founded a company that' inventing/making the Raspberry Pis  
(that's the main reason why all RPis have a broadcom despite its' so bad  
freedom/linux status). That's just telling Broadcom (and other companies  
looking at this weirdly successful example) that they could keep crapping on  
the opensource/linux world but the "dumb customers" (not creators) will keep  
getting their over-promoted crap and bring lots of profits :P

Yes, I'm going to stay at Lenovo G505S AMD laptop as my primary computer and  
will get more of them if possible. Although I also have another AMD  
coreboot-supported computer (also no ME/PSP backdoors but I less researched  
its' remaining blobs), a desktop one, it is more of a side quest.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-03 Thread calmstorm
"It is really strange to hear - that you, while really caring about free  
software, would like to flash your BIOS using Pi. These Pi single board  
computers have one of the worst software freedom status according to Free  
Software Foundation - blobbed, and have a horrible Broadcom as its' CPU. As  
you know, Broadcom is one of the worst companies regarding their relation to  
opensource! And I would not be surprised if there are any backdoors inside,  
and maybe some spies are deliberately promoting a BIOS flashing with Pi on  
purpose - if through these blobs it could be possible to remote control and  
e.g. for some specifically targeted people trick their Pi into flashing a  
wrong BIOS image. There are so many Pi BIOS flashing instructions in the  
internet, it is suspicious - but if you are not afraid you could use them...  

Yeah, I mentioned the raspberry pi, because I know someone who has one. :0 I  
don't own one. But I have access to one, I guess you could say. ;p

 I don't currently have anything that can do it otherwise.  Although if you  
know an easier way to flash stuff, I may consider buying something libre in  
the future for this purpose. ;)

Although, I have heard that SPECIFIC raspberry pi devices can be librebooted.  
So there is that too.

PS, I have used raspberry pi to fix my x200 via the libreboot guide.  They  
don't recommend using non-free software though for such a purpose  

I didn't know broadcom was that bad, thanks for telling me. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-03 Thread psyqui

thank you, thank you, thank you. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-02 Thread qmastery16
> Are there any durable thinkpads with any of the richland amd cpus that you  
think could be used as blob-free as the G505s?

I haven't checked yet, more research is needed - but as you see, some  
thinkpads could be less durable than our "ideapad" (see a comment above about  
E545). And I agree with Mike that we should not spread thin our efforts by  
going to more platforms. It is easier to advance if all of us are working on  
the same computer, more chances of liberating the rest of firmwares. For  
example, some another AMD thinkpad (are there any?) - could have another EC  
controller instead of KB9012, so twice more EC firmware work could be needed  
if we would be caring both for G505S and that another (yet unknown) thinkpad.  
And someone will need to do the initial coreboot version for it - without any  
guarantee that it would be easy enough. So, even if you would find such an  
alternative AMD thinkpad: would you risk buying it, while you are not being  
confident that you are capable of porting a coreboot there? Or just go with a  
known already working solution that is G505S which maybe also costs cheaper?

By the way, A**-**57M CPUs are just a soldered version of A**-**50M CPUs. I  
prefer that CPUs are socketed, because it means a much cheaper motherboard  
replacement if you would ever need it. If something on your motherboard goes  
really bad so couldn't be repaired, but CPU is working, you would not be able  
to easily remove it to put on another motherboard - and that another  
motherboard, with another CPU soldered, will cost more than a motherboard for  
A**-**50M without a CPU on it, just a socket.

> Do you have documenation on how to flash with a raspberry pi b+ or later?

It is really strange to hear - that you, while really caring about free  
software, would like to flash your BIOS using Pi. These Pi single board  
computers have one of the worst software freedom status according to Free  
Software Foundation - blobbed, and have a horrible Broadcom as its' CPU. As  
you know, Broadcom is one of the worst companies regarding their relation to  
opensource! And I would not be surprised if there are any backdoors inside,  
and maybe some spies are deliberately promoting a BIOS flashing with Pi on  
purpose - if through these blobs it could be possible to remote control and  
e.g. for some specifically targeted people trick their Pi into flashing a  
wrong BIOS image. There are so many Pi BIOS flashing instructions in the  
internet, it is suspicious - but if you are not afraid you could use them...  

Meanwhile, that USB CH341A programmer does not have a firmware inside of it  
at all - just a few config registers. You could find the datasheet for  
CH341A. And it costs really cheap - just $2 or $3 with free ship. Why not  
just buy it and use it for a peace of mind? Also it's really simple to use,  
e.g. I'm sure that you probably spent lots of time on configuring the Linux  
of your Pi. While that CH341A does not need any configuration, very easy to  
use and just works. And CH341A is more reliable - e.g. from time to time we  
see that people are having a flashing problems with RPi caused by software  
problems, but with CH341A the success rate is much higher - maybe simply  
because there's less room for human error.

If you'd like a more advanced programmer, take a look on Bus Pirate v4 - its'  
bootloader and firmware are free opensource software, but you'll have to  
compile them using MPLab which isn't opensource, and flash instead of  
preinstalled old bootloader/firmware versions which were really buggy. More  
work, and having a programmer more advanced than CH341A is not required for  
BIOS or KB9012 flashing. Only useful if you have some other projects in mind.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-02 Thread qmastery16
hello, Masaru san, thank you for your kind words! Yes, our primary aim is the  
security, and at the moment we are satisfied with G505S security if it is  
flashed with coreboot opensource BIOS. Because we are confident that the  
remaining closed source binary firmwares of G505S could not spy on us. They  
are not capable of leaking the information by themselves, and now could not  
use the help of proprietary UEFI to spy - because UEFI is already replaced  
with coreboot. And the AMD CPU of this laptop - while it has a good  
performance - luckily is old enough to not have Intel ME or AMD PSP remote  
control backdoors inside of it - so no other suspicious things.

Of course, liberating this laptop by replacing its' remaining closed source  
firmwares - is still important to us, but not because of security, which is  
already fine in our opinion. Just because the free / opensource firmwares  
could let us to do more advanced configuring of G505S laptop. For example: as  
I mentioned above, if there will be a free firmware replacement for EC KB9012  
chip proprietary firmware, that could allow us to develop a more smart fan  
control algorithm, for a better cooling.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-02 Thread calmstorm
Are there any durable thinkpads with any of the richland amd cpus that you  
think could be used as blob-free as the G505s?

I found this:

and wondered, if any thinkpads could be liberated that have any of those four  
quad core amd processors:

AMD A8-5550M
AMD A8-5557M
AMD A10-5750M
AMD A10-5757M


Anywho though, appreciate your response.

Do you have documenation on how to flash with a raspberry pi 2 or later?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-02 Thread psyqui

Hello, qmastery san. My name is Masaru Suzuqi.
Thanks very much for valuable information. Your posts were exact what I was  
wanting to know. I would try external flashing by myself with those really  
kind instructions. I am sure it would be fun. And I think that I made sense  
of my various questions in this world dialectically. And sorry for  
interruption conversation. But it seemed not much active... so let me ask you  
a few question here if you have time, please. If your time allows, I have  
several questions, though.

From your posts, I felt that your primary aim is removing all the suspicion  
which a PC or a chipset has. Is that right? To be make sure, I have stated  
here that I do not care much whether my laptop is free or not, if it is 100  
percent secure.
But I like the idology, though, since my private concerns. And the ideology  
would be needed by people, or raher, be related people with the true  
freedom... issues. I am exciting a bit.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-02 Thread qmastery16

> E545 thinkpad

Mike Banon wrote a comment about E545 on Reddit:

" In theory it could be possible to port from G505S to E545 but that would be  
spreading thin our efforts , and despite its' Thinkpad name this E545 could  
be less reliable than our G505S "Ideapad" : it seems that E545 has a fragile  
internal video cable connector, checked some reviews and already found two  
people for whom it broke and was expensive to replace. "

> Do you guys plan to run a store in the future that sells G505S ?

We prefer to teach people fishing rather than selling the caught fish ;)  
Also, the supply of G505S in EU/USA is quite low compared to the developing  
countries like Russia/India because of Lenovo strategy (the wealthy people  
are more likely to buy a standard Intel/Nvidia combination, while the people  
on a tight budget are less attached to the brands and more likely to research  
the best price/performance which AMD often provides, so they brought more AMD  
laptops to the developing countries). There are not many G505S available at  
EU/USA, so it is of a vital importance to G505S firmware development, that as  
many available G505S as possible - should end up at the hands of the people  
who are capable of the external flashing! They may contribute to the  
development one day (there are always the low hanging fruits available for  
not-a-programmers), or at least test the potentially-bricking experimental  
coreboot builds made by more experienced developers. E.g. while we've been  
adding a discrete GPU support, Mike wanted to make sure that these changes  
are not breaking the things for G505S without a dGPU, and he did not have  
such a G505S to test by himself, but luckily QubesN00b - who had to learn the  
external flashing of G505S and got the external flashing tools to install  
coreboot there - of course was confident that he could unbrick in the case of  
a bricking build, so he helped by testing it on his own G505S.

> I am not an expert on how to do external flashing on a g505s or on ANY  
device for that matter...

External flashing is much easier than you expect, and the external flashing  
tools are really cheap: USB CH341A programmer, supported by flashrom  
opensource flashing tool, costs just $2-$3 with free shipping from China  
(AliExpress) - and the "premium" SOIC8 test clip (required to flash a BIOS  
chip without soldering) with a standard 2.54mm 1P pins - costs about $7 with  
free ship also. And maybe you already have the 1P male-female wires to  
connect them between each other. Well, you may need to add the 0.5m USB  
extension cable for your convenience, for about $2. So, the total expenses  
are less than $15 - and it always puzzled me why the "libreboot shops" don't  
give you the flashing tools despite you're paying a premium price. Without  
these tools you don't have a real "freedom to modify" !

I really encourage you to read this DangerousPrototypes wiki article - .  
Although the links to the flashing tools are a bit outdated, so here are the  
links for you - . And here is the Mike's  
comment about the different G505S motherboard versions -  
. Please note that G505S could also differ by the attached-to-motherboard  
components like a socketed CPU or pre-installed RAM, but those are removable.  
Should try your best to get with A10-5750M CPU preinstalled but it's possible  
to get it separately for about $40. And the pre-installed RAM is usually  
crappy 1600MHz CL11 or 1333MHz CL9 so don't care about its' volume because  
you would resell it to replace with a faster 1600MHz CL9 that could be also  
2*8 = 16GB in volume. Unlike the intel thinkpads, it seems that G505S  
supports any RAM module perfectly, we tried so many different modules and all  
them are working fine :-) It feels good when you don't need to stick to some  
(usually short) RAM compatibility list.

KB9012 flashing is slightly harder because you'll need to solder a special  
flashing adapter, but also possible even for the beginners - and currently  
optional: at the moment we don't have a free firmware replacement yet, so  
this is used only to erase the stuff like serial numbers inside the  
proprietary firmware by replacing it with a "clean" version directly  
extracted from Lenovo UEFI update tool (which also updates the EC firmware).  
Will need to get a short 1.0mm pitch 30P flex cable, the link to which is  
provided at KB9012 flashing instruction - (actually  
that's 10pcs, but economically inefficient to buy fewer).

Also, as usual you'd need to get a good WiFi card, e.g. AR9462 - the best  
widely available card from Atheros ath9k family - which supports 2.4GHz + 5  
GHz, 300Mbps, and its' WiFi could 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-01 Thread calmstorm
Out of curiosity do you also plan to do the same treatment, to E545 thinkpad?  
It also uses a richland amd cpu.

PS, do you guys plan to run a store in the future that sells those?  Even if  
it wouldn't be fully libre.  Just curious, as I am not an expert on how to do  
external flashing with a g505s or any device for that matter...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-01 Thread qmastery16
Please see my comment below regarding its' durability. And BTW I forgot to  
tell you that G505S AMD CPU is not vulnerable to some intel-specific bugs  
like Meltdown, to patch which you have to install a 5%-30% (depending on a  
task) performance crippling patch at the Intel thinkpads.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-01 Thread qmastery16
A downgrade - regarding the build quality, of course, but not regarding the  
performance. G505S CPU is much more powerful, there's 16GB RAM support - and  
also, being AMD-based, G505S is not vulnerable to some Intel-specific  
vulnerabilities like Meltdown - for which a performance crippling patch is  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-01 Thread qmastery16
Sorry if I was unclear: I meant that the people _behind the "libreboot laptop  
stores"_ did not contribute anything for G505S, not that the "Libreboot  
community" did not contribute (also the coreboot/libreboot/flashrom/seabios  
communities are really interconnected).

For example: Paul Kocialkowski, who is much more of a libreboot guy, has made  
a really valuable contribution - he created the initial version of what could  
grow into a free firmware replacement for KB9012 embedded controller of G505S  
laptop. KB9012 is the important controller which e.g. waits for your button  
presses, reads the values from thermal sensors and adjusts the fan speed  
accordingly - and it has 128KB internal memory where its' firmware resides.

We are confident that KB9012 proprietary firmware is not a security risk, at  
least when it could not cooperate with the proprietary UEFI firmware which  
already got replaced with coreboot: Paul has not found anything suspicious  
while reverse engineering it, and also I made several memory dumps of  
internal KB9012 memory at various points of time and by comparing the memory  
dumps it is obvious that it is not recording my key presses.

However, the free firmware replacement still could be really nice: e.g. it  
always seemed to me that the fan speed adjustment algorithm of the  
proprietary firmware is imperfect, while the free firmware's algorithm could  
be much better. Yes, the stuff like this could be achieved by the hardware  
modding, e.g. you disconnect the fan wires from the motherboard and connect  
them to an external fan speed controller (maybe except the yellow wire which  
gives the information about its' current speed to motherboard, without this  
wire a proprietary firmware might think that a fan is broken because no  
information is coming and might do something like a force laptop shutdown; or  
maybe it could be better to disconnect the yellow wire as well, if a  
proprietary firmware becomes glitchy when it sees that despite its' fan speed  
control commands the actual fan speed is not changing - I don't know yet  
which approach is correct in G505S situation).

> Wait though, you saying G505S can be flashed without external flashers?

BIOS chip: you have to use the external flasher - but only once, while  
switching from a proprietary UEFI to coreboot. Consider this as an entrance  
exam: if you can do the external flashing by yourself, that means you can  
easily unbrick your G505S in case of a bad coreboot build. So there is a  
higher chance that later you will be contributing to coreboot, simply because  
you aren't afraid to do the experimental builds while developing the new  
features and flash them to your G505S. Also, we know the exact place of where  
could cut a small plastic part so that even for the external flasher it will  
take less than 5 minutes to access (please see the attachments). However it  
should be done with the tear down G505S to avoid damaging a LED Board flex  
cable and the motherboard accidentally. Please see the attachments, those  
lines could be cut with a soldering iron (use a cheap tip because it will be  
difficult to clean from molten plastic later) or a cheap knife periodically  
heated with gas lighter.

KB9012 chip: only the external flasher is working, until someone will reverse  
engineer the interesting "debug mode" the UEFI is putting the laptop into  
while updating the EC. And its slightly more difficult than BIOS chip  
flashing, since you'll have to craft a custom adapter from a flex cable (EC  
is externally flashed through a motherboard's keyboard port), however this is  
not hard for a dedicated person - and, like in a BIOS chip flashing, you  
don't have to solder any wires to the motherboard itself! It's very important  
because many people are not confident about their soldering skills, but if  
you are soldering the detachable adapter you could take as many time as you  
need. See some cool photos at Flashing KB9012 article.

> ps, I almost always use a power strip. :)

I meant a more heavy duty stuff, a big rectangular box "automatic voltage  
regulator" like "TRD2KVA" (just a random example). Its looks like UPS but  
without a battery inside to save the costs. I am not sure if a power strip  
could protect from a really bad surge, see these boxes exist for a reason :P  
Luckily their price isn't much higher compared to a strip. And you could hear  
the mechanism inside the box clicking - instantly moving to disconnect from  
the electricity when there's a spike.

> Do you have a build that runs without blobs?

No: while there are some not-essential blobs (e.g. GPU blob - just run G505S  
in a headless mode), there are also some essential ones like SMU firmware,  
which according to a CCC talk could be replaced with something malicious  
(just like any other firmware), but if there is a coreboot flashed and your  
OS is secure then no one can do it.

I think that every person tries to 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-01 Thread calmstorm
My bad, qmastery, I didn't know that the Libreboot community didn't  
contribute at all...  Wait though, you saying it can be flashed without  
external flashers? That sounds badass.


Ps, I wasn't trying to be mean when I said minifree should sell it.

Although, blobbed coreboot seems unneeded for this laptop. ;/

ps, I almost always use a power strip. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-01 Thread calmstorm
Is the g505s really that bad of a laptop? I am curious, is it easy to break,  
durability wise?

But yeah, it does have an extremely fast processor.  I wonder if any other  
laptops have that amd processor that can be librebooted that are durable...

Just a thought. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-01 Thread qmastery16
Hi, CalmStorm! I am qmastery (from your Notabug link above and many other  
places), and Pyraman has invited me to reply to your comment above, so I am  
here now ;-)

> The g505s lenovo apparently can run blobless and is a target for libreboot

G505S could not run blobless YET - but it has a huge advantage compared to  
post-C2D intel thinkpads: those thinkpads will be forever stuck with some  
blobs (e.g. the remains of ME), while the remaining G505S blobs are not  
signed - all of them could be replaced by the free software and a real work  
is ongoing. So, unlike the thinkpads like X220, this G505S has a real chance  
to become librebooted and FSF RYF certified.

To be honest, this work is going on slowly and e.g. at the moment nobody is  
working on that "90% completed" AtomBIOS replacement - simply because while  
reverse engineering we the G505S people became completely confident that  
there are no backdoors inside - and knowing that, nobody is interested enough  
to complete the remaining "10%" since there are more important things to work  
on. For example, recently we got a discrete GPU working on G505S (at those  
G505S versions which have it) - and it also requires a blob, but which is  
quite similar to integrated GPU's blob by its' nature and so the available  
experience could be used to create a free software replacement for it as  
well, if really needed.

> I don't know how durable that device is/when it will be librebooted.

Lenovo states the average service life of G505S laptop is 4 years, but that  
could be significantly prolonged if you would be using it with care. It has a  
structural weakness of a case at the left side of laptop, and if the case  
breaks there - it would be significantly harder to open/close the laptop:  
you'd have to be doing it much slower if you don't want to extend the damage.  
Luckily it could be reinforced/fixed if you are good at mechanics. Another  
weak place is that power circuits of this laptop could be vulnerable to power  
surges because of not enough protections at laptop's motherboard and power  
adapter, e.g. KB9012 embedded controller with some of its' SMD surroundings  
could be fried - and while the components should be cheap (that KB9012 costs  
about 2 doll with free ship from china), it is really difficult to replace  
them for an unskilled person because e.g. KB9012 has 128 tiny legs, and  
repair shop of course will ask significantly more than these components  
really cost. So, if your domestic electrical networks aren't stable enough,  
as a precaution it is advised to get a good big power surge protector.

So yes - to be honest G505S is physically less durable than X200, but thanks  
to significantly more powerful CPU and 16GB RAM support while having a  
similar freedom/security potential, I will always choose G505S over X200.

> When it does get liberated I hope it will be sold on minifree

Personally I would see it as a big downside, because minifree is really  
overpriced (at least in my techsavvy person's point of view), and  
refurbishing a used G505S / flashing the free firmwares there - is very  
simple, and really detailed step-by-step "Flashing a BIOS chip"/"Flashing  
KB9012" instructions have been written for it at DangerousPrototypes wiki.

Also, no offence please!, but the people who would be buying a preflashed  
laptop from minifree or some other similar place, are less likely to be tech  
savvy enough to contribute something valuable to G505S firmware. Simply  
because if they are ready to learn how to flash G505S by themselves, then  
they don't need minifree - could buy this laptop for much cheaper price from  
some random person and flash it all by themselves ; and if they are not ready  
to learn how to do it then they are less likely to improve any firmwares as  
that obviously involves the flashing which they are trying to avoid by  
getting from minifree.

As you could hopefully see, if "minifree and alikes" would be stocking up  
these G505S laptops after G505S will eventually get a FSF RYF certification,  
it could result in a significantly smaller availability of G505S to tech  
savvy people that we really need, while in a higher availability to the  
people with big money but who probably aren't going to contribute anything to  
core/libreboot (the types of people who are more likely to use this G505S as  
a tool for work - hope not a criminal one - but will not work on this tool  
itself), so not giving back to the community except paying the premium price  
to "minifree and alikes" who maybe have not contributed anything for this  
laptop yet.

So, to be honest, your statement about "minifree" is a bit discouraging to  
me, because I am pretty sure that the existing blobs have been researched  
well by us and no backdoors have been found there. So, is there any point for  
us to try to get more libre, while knowing that by liberating it we are  
unlikely to achieve better security while its' 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-03-01 Thread thum+trisquelforum

> The g505s lenovo apparently can run blobless and is a target for libreboot.

You realize though that even if this would happen this could be considered a  
downgrade from e.g. an X200 for some? Speaking in terms of build quality and  
keyboard which many consider their main interface with a computer the "sweet  
spot" of good Lenovo laptops ended with the X220 in 2011 (which, sadly  
enough, is impossible to run without IME fully removed). After that,  
everything but the displays and performance are worse, rather terrible  
chiclet keyboards (and no trackpoint with this one) and the overall build  
quality isn't as nice (flexing, ruggedness). Comparing this budget laptop  
with an X200 that is ~3 times isn't the best way to look at it, but they are  
priced in a similar range on the second hand market.

That being said, another target for Libreboot would certainly be nice indeed  
- there's a Jill for every Jack after all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-02-28 Thread calmstorm
I spoke too soon, about this, but THERE might actually be an amd gpu you can  
use soon that is deblobbed...

Such as THIS:

The g505s lenovo apparently can run blobless and is a target for libreboot.

However, I don't know how durable that device is/when it will be librebooted.  
 Wish I knew both answers...


When it does get liberated I hope it will be sold on, etc...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-02-22 Thread radiowavers
There is no difference between Taiwan and China, same Asia. I don't believe  
that Taiwan has flying unicorns that are making perfect computers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-02-22 Thread radiowavers
Vega is not an option because it contains AMD PSP backdoor. Maybe RX580  
because it does not contain it

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-01-30 Thread jodiendo

but if your computer is made in Taiwan only, it will work fine, I know this  
by experience.. but if it ia made in china then you will encounter problems.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-01-29 Thread calmstorm

Two options seem to exist, Coreboot + me cleaner...

or libreboot.

At least as x86 goes...

Otherwise its Risc-V future or ARM within reason of course...

OR powerpc if you have a lot of money.

Those are your options for newer technology I believe.

Although some of them probably won't be enough if you want to do gaming. :/

But yeah, avoid AMD like the plague, and intel gen4 and beyond unless intel  
me is completely neutered and wifi card is free software friendly.

Even intel gen3 is somewhat questionable though. sells some coreboot laptops with gen3, but make sure the intel me  
is disabled as much as possible. :)

X230 is the only one I would get though, as it is stripped down a lot. and  
then there is this:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-01-26 Thread younes . benmoussa
I remember when I first installed Trisquel I was getting 1024*768 resolution,  
after upgrading the Linux-libre kernel to 4.19.*, I did get 1080p  
resolution(but the audio in my monitor was not working via HDMI so... I use  
headphones :D ). I have an AMD GPU RX 560.

When you read this  "Linux-libre kernel = 100% Freedom ... Updated AMD GPU".  
That means the linux kernel developers updated the gpu driver(Take the  
example above, upgrading the kernel to 4.19.* gives me support for 1080p  
resolution ;) )

If you really need GPU compute for work or other tasks you can check the AMD  
Vega GPU it is well supported in the kernel, but it's expensive...(Although  
I'm not sure if it is 100% free software).

Other than that you stuck with proprietary drivers :/ if you really need gpu  

[Trisquel-users] Is there an amd gpu (deblobbed) which I can use?

2019-01-26 Thread socialnetworkclub3d

Hi everyone, I hope you all are doing well.

First I`m new to GNU-Linux/libre (Trisquel) and I`m very confused about the  
topic GNU-Linux/libre and which gpu I am able to use with it.

I know that I can use some nvidia gpu like 600/700 I also have right now 2  
nvidia gpus for testing purpose one is gtx 580 which works but performance  
wise it is awful and a gtx 770 which I had the best performance result so  

But I have some ethical issues using hardware from this company (nvidia),  
they behavior against the nouveau project making things much complicated for  
reverse engineering and other stuff which lets me avoid using them.

I was searching the whole web for an answer but I didn't get really a  
satisfied one. Also at a reddit topic some one who says he can use amd gpu  
with linux/libre.

I have found here a post from jxself which says:

/* Firmware Names */
-#define FIRMWARE_TONGA "amdgpu/tonga_uvd.bin"
-#define FIRMWARE_CARRIZO "amdgpu/carrizo_uvd.bin"
-#define FIRMWARE_FIJI "amdgpu/fiji_uvd.bin"
-#define FIRMWARE_STONEY "amdgpu/stoney_uvd.bin"

So what does that mean, can I use an amd gpu depending on this firmware, with  
3D acceleration?

For testing I have r9 280 depends on Tahiti (which works but with out 3d  
acceleration) and the r7 260x depends on Bonaire. But someone from had a r7 240 which also depends on Oland, I think.

Or is there no amd gpu outside which works with 3D acceleration?

Also I was looking for at and found the only  
amd gpu which could fit my needs is r7 200 but users are in doubt about:
"Was contributed back in 2014 by an anonymous user. So It was way back then,  
when there was no Linux-libre as it is today and maybe a lot of firmware was  
not removed back then. The device was accepted then.", says Ark74.

It is very frustrating if there is no 100% clear answer or a detailed list  
which gpu is working with 3d acceleration. About this topic (or I`m just to  
stupid to understand it xD) also it was very confusing that trisquel has  
amdgpu, radeon and ati driver. Why they are there if amdgpu require non free  
Also confusing reading something like that "Linux-libre kernel = 100% Freedom  
... Updated AMD GPU".

I hope some one can enlighten/help me about this problem i have. Thank you  
very much and greets.

Ps: sry for my bad english xD