Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving to full FOSS, need advice

2017-04-12 Thread tirifto
I didn't have many problems with Parabola. I think all problems I ever had in  
Parabola (or Arch – the parent distro – back when I used it) were caused  
by myself being careless (not checking the news before updating, forcing  
updates, or ignoring bugs). Those kind of mistakes usually aren't hard to  
fix, though, thanks to the great documentation (mostly coming from the Arch  

If you want a stable system that's simpler to maintain, with lesser chance of  
your system breaking overnight, I guess Trisquel would be a better choice. If  
you're prepared to deal with some problems, should they come up, I suppose  
either one will be nice.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving to full FOSS, need advice

2017-04-12 Thread liam . odonnell
No Stallman never appeared, to many closed source devices in this house, like  
garlic to a vampire, I do believe he is stood at the top of my street though!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving to full FOSS, need advice

2017-04-12 Thread greatgnu
Welcome OP! You wrote 'open sores' 4 times. I hear when someone writes 3 (or  
more) times 'open sores' within a same post Stallman suddenly appears in his  
room and spanks him with his halo, which is actually an old hard drive. Can  
you confirm this? I never tried and I'm curios.
Welcome, I'm just joking :) 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving to full FOSS, need advice

2017-04-12 Thread leoo
If you prefer tablets, there are also tablets that can run Replicant, which  
is a fully free derivative of Android.

Unfortunately, there are still some apparent freedom issues with the  

And Techno ethical does not seem to sell them anymore, but you could contact  
them and ask.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving to full FOSS, need advice

2017-04-12 Thread enduzzer
I hope Trisquel will look just the same more or less even after the MATE  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving to full FOSS, need advice

2017-04-12 Thread liam . odonnell
I do have to admin its a decent looking distro is trisquel, even if I do  
prefer MATE (I believe this is coming in the next release?)
I think I might try install both of them and use what every I need that day I  
think, best of both worlds

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving to full FOSS, need advice

2017-04-12 Thread liam . odonnell

Hi All
First thanks for the advice given so far, the open source thing in my head  
always links to libre personally, to be fully open, but I do understand what  
you are all saying.
Additionally I am also looking into privacy first services, I hear Spideroak  
is a rather good service that makes their software encrypt before it leaves  
the device.
I am in a bit of a limbo with the distro picking, I generally always have  
been with Linux, I think I will test out in VMs both Parabola and Trisquel,  
but while I know my way around a linux system, I am getting lazy and of  
course life has ways of taking your tinkering time away from you, Tirifto  
have you had any major issues with Parabola? or has it been rather smooth  
Also thanks Magic Banana about the information about Spotify, while I  
understood that it was likely spying I wasn't aware of that level.

Again thanks for the information.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving to full FOSS, need advice

2017-04-11 Thread enduzzer

Open source is not a movement. It's a development methodology.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving to full FOSS, need advice

2017-04-11 Thread tirifto

Hello lodonnell921; welcome to the forum!

Debian itself should contain only free/libre software by default; as far as I  
know, it only makes it simple to add non-free software. If you're careful,  
there shouldn't be a problem (of this kind, anyways) with it. The release  
date for Trisquel 8 is unknown, but it's being worked on.

I myself use Parabola and I'm happy with it. Parabola has a 100% free/libre  
kernel with the grsecurity patches in repositories. I'm using it as my main  
kernel and it works very well. I'm not sure what the situation is like at  

I believe that moving away from proprietary software and even proprietary  
and/or centralized services is a great thing to do, so I strongly recommend  
doing so. One doesn't need to free their digital life completely overnight,  
but it's something that we should certainly always strive for; freedom is  
very important, after all. I guess that would be my advice. :)

By the way, I've noticed that you use the term “open source.” While it  
basically refers to the same software, the term “open source” comes from  
a different movement and doesn't evoke/convey the idea of freedom that we  
mustn't forget. Calling it “free” or “libre” software is generally  
preferred. See

[Trisquel-users] Moving to full FOSS, need advice

2017-04-11 Thread liam . odonnell

Hello All,
So as my requirements in computing at home dwindle I thought it maybe finally  
time to go full open source, instead of the tablet route, as I have privacy  
concerns with things like iPads and Android tablets.

I understand this is a trisquel forum and I expect a bit of bias, but  
generally I find its the most approachable forum regarding free open source  
software so I thought here maybe a good idea to start.
So my first question is regarding the system its self, I have been using  
Debian for a while, but I never thought it was fully open source, so what  
would you recommend regarding systems, trisquel or parabola, I used to use  
arch a few years ago and it was a good experience, I like the rolling aspect  
but I would imagine Trisquel would be more stable.
Additionally when it Trisquel 8 due for release, may it just be worth it to  
install trisquel 7 and maybe update the kernel to 4.9/10 libre?
Next is regarding GRSecurity, I use it in my current kernel, how does the  
libre kernel work with this? is it stable, is the system fully open source if  
you install grsecurity?

I have also used iTunes a lot on other devices, if possible I would like to  
take my films with me, I was thinking of using some virtualisation software  
(Thinking gnome boxes) and only connecting Windows to the internet when I  
need it, will likely use Windows 7 for this.
Additionally music is another thing, I use spotify on my phone, I hear there  
is an open source system for Spotify? how is this?

What is your advice towards moving to full libre?

Thanks all!