Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-15 Thread ka1cey
To ansser the original question re:  tradition vs functional requirement,  
it's a convention that helps to maintain order by keeping binaries, taken  
from repository packages, from binaries resulting from compilation of sources  
not in the repos, and from scripts for use only by one user.  For instance,  
if I build something for testing in a 'sandbox', I do the build such that the  
program has ~/builds/ as its base directory. This way, I cannot accidentally  
clobber something needed for the production system.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-15 Thread moxalt
That's the point. From a system administration standpoint, there is no real
difference between an executable someone compiled themselves and put
in /usr/local/bin and a shell script someone chmodded themselves. They are both
local user-created executables outside of the package management system, and as
such belong in /usr/local/bin.

* Proceeds to move all scripts to /usr/local/bin *

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-15 Thread dooleyn
Shouldn't such scripts be placed in /home//bin/? I thought /usr/local/bin/ is  
reserved for applications you compile and install manually as in not from the  
repositories. For example I am running emacs 24.5 as only 24.3 (and not even  
that) is available in the repositories and it was installed to  
/usr/local/bin/. I guess if it needs to be available to all users of a system  
then it should go in /usr/local/bin.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-14 Thread amenex
My Thinkpad T420 with a Thinkpenguin wifi usb dongle was experiencing the  
same flakiness as tdlnx a couple of months ago, but I did two things that  
appear to have cured the problem: (1) Unplug the dongle from the USB port and  
plug it in again a few times to clean off the contacts; and (2) Re-orient the  
antenna on the router. My connection went from 6kb/s to around 60kb/s, which  
isn't lightning fast but is acceptable for web browsing and for keeping my  
Trisquel 7 installation up to date. It doesn't lose connectivity any more,  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-13 Thread moxalt
You're welcome.

You should probably put your network connection routine (ifconfig interface
up, wpa_supplicant -ddriver -cconfig -iinterface -B, dhclient
interface) into a shell script and then drop it in /usr/bin. Makes life just
that little bit easier.

Btw, do you have a graphical login manager? Or do you startx?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-13 Thread travis
That seems to be doing the trick! I don't know if it's actually placebo or  
not but I browsed all over the net last night for about 3 hours with no  
connection issues.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-13 Thread g . smyli
This might not be related but I was having problems with devices being booted  
off the WiFi network at home. Since my main computer is hooked to the router  
via cable I was not affected but my son's Windows machine and his Android  
device were loosing their ip lease for some reason. Over Christmas other  
family had brought their Apple products and were having that issue as well. I  
did not have SSID broadcast enabled and decided to shut down DCHP also. We  
manually configured every device with its own network IP. Since we did that,  
we are not having that problem. I think for a small home network, it makes  
sense to go with static IPs. That much less overhead for the router, the  
devices and the network. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-13 Thread moxalt
I concur. I have always had a terrible experience using the GNOME network
manager, with all sorts of different cards. Thankfully, my current wifi card is
well-supported with free firmware, and so I do use the network manager. In the
past, I simply connected with wpa_supplicant before I started X, and never
touched the network manager. Worked like a charm.

Try just using wpa_supplicant.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-12 Thread tomlukeywood

could the wifi card just be failing?

also if the wifi card works at all i think its not a libre driver problem.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-12 Thread davesamcdxv

Any Wi-fi card laying around unused that can be tried?

Or something like might  
help. (Or are the components in the Mac un-replaceable?)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-12 Thread cooloutac

yes I would update the kernel and see what happens...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-12 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

also if the wifi card works at all i think its not a libre driver problem.

I'm afraid this is not true since there could be a libre driver that kinda  
sorta works.

What does lspci say on the onboard wifi? How about lsusb on the dongle?

[Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-12 Thread travis
I'm mostly asking this because I can't for the life of me figure out why my  
wireless connection keeps dropping while using Trisquel.

As I've mentioned in a few threads, I'm using a MacBook Pro 2.1 with  
Libreboot and Trisquel installed. For some reason, my wireless network  
connectivity will suddenly drop off causing me to disable/re-enable  
networking to get back online. Sometimes it will work flawlessly for an hour,  
other times it will drop every 2-3 minutes. Using an external TP dongle  
doesn't seem to help either.

To troubleshoot the problem, I tried updating my kernel which did not work.  
Then I tried using different FSF endorsed distributions (and also Debian 8)  
which also had the same problem. Then out of pure curiosity, I tried using  
Linux Mint (which as you know is not a completely libre distribution) and the  
problem seems to be fixed. I've been connected for almost 4 hours now with  
absolutely no problems..

Do any of you experience similar problems to me? I have a feeling the libre  
driver for my wireless card may be the problem, which is terrible for me  
because I do not feel right using a non-free distribution of GNU/Linux but I  
also have to have a reliable wireless connection.

Any ideas?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-12 Thread travis
This was my initial thought, but seeing as the card worked perfectly when  
using Mint it makes me think there isn't anything wrong with the card.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-12 Thread cooloutac
according to this thread one known but could be dnsmasq in network manager  

I still say try without network manager altogether,  because it is the  
problem in alot of cases like yours.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-12 Thread onpon4
One possible thought of what it could be: the BIOS sometimes loads a  
proprietary firmware blob into some of your hardware. It could be that such a  
blob is being loaded this way into hardware that is not supported by libre  
software, and it's just a crappy old version of the blob with an updaded  
version in mainline Linux available. Just an idea of what it might be.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-12 Thread cooloutac
Maybe this well help you to try without network manager.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-12 Thread travis
According to lspci this is the internal wireless card: Network controller:  
Qualcomm Atheros AR5418 Wireless Network Adapter [AR5008E 802.11(a)bgn]  
(PCI-Express) (rev 01)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-12 Thread travis
I don't believe this would be happening since I have flashed a free BIOS and  
replaced Apple's proprietary BIOS that is shipped with the MacBook.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-12 Thread travis
I've also tried using my ThinkPenguin dongle, and I get the same result. That  
is a surprise to me however, because I use the same dongle on my ThinkPad  
X201 running Trisquel and I do not have any connectivity problems. And yes,  
I've tried several kernels with the same results.

I'm starting to wonder if somehow Libreboot BIOS is the culprit?

[Trisquel-users] wireless problem

2015-05-09 Thread mtsio

Hello everybody,

I have a lenovo g50-30 with trisquel 7 and I am trying to connect to wifi  
with this wireless adapter from thinkpenguin

After some searching I found that a module called ideapad_laptop was blocking  
the wifi so I removed it. Now the adapter blinks for a moment and then it is  
down again. Do you have any ideas?

Thank you.