Re: [Trisquel-users] youtube download difference

2020-05-17 Thread tr33hugger
The Win7 pro machine has been running the same copy of windows for 9 years.  
Since 2016 have been following Woodys group B security only updates. (woody  
on windows) Automatic updates are turned off. The only 3rd party prog running  
is netmeter. 160 GB 5400rpm HD on the win 7 X200.

I swap the cable over from X200 to X60, using the same router for both. 60GB  
SSD on X60.


Re: [Trisquel-users] fstab problem

2020-05-17 Thread pierrefalek

I have done something else...

Anyway this was a 3 day installation, I've saved before all the home  
directory and all selections in Synaptic. So, no real problems for recovering  
it all.

Frist, I tried to modify the /etc/fstab with a live usb bu doing

sudo mount /dev/system_partition /mnt


sudo pluma /mnt/etc/fstab

which worked pretty well.

But still no grub at all.

Back in the USB live, i've lauched Gparted and saw exclamation marks in the  
lines of the system, swap, home partitions.

In fact, not having any Grub at all when switch on the computer was a problem  
with... Bios !

The operation of modifying the fstab had changed the start of the SSD and HD  
drives in bios !

But I thought this was not the best way to use a computer an SSD and a HD  
drive on a computer.

So I decided to reinstall it all, which allows me to have extra space on the  
SSD to install other OS (this is what it's made for) and I've formated the HD  
in Ext4 (more stable than XFS upon your advices in a previous talk) and  
choose a /home mount point.

The whole HD drive is now dedicated to Trisquel.

I know I will have to keep a little space for a /home partition in case I'll  
install other os' because it can cause problems with preferences' softwares  
I'll launch with them.

I still can modify fstab partition in those future OS for having all  
privileges on them.

Do you have any advices to give me (making a sudo mkdir  
/media/user/hard_drive ???) ?

Thanks anyway

[Trisquel-users] Re : fstab problem

2020-05-17 Thread lcerf

I am not sure what kind of advice you want.

You can setup a swap partition (at least the size of your RAM, to hibernate),  
a partition for / (32 GB are enough for most systems) and a partition for  
/home that takes the rest of the disk capacity.  Keeping unpartitioned space  
on the disk does not make much sense.  Well, if you are using filesystems  
that cannot be shrunk, free space eases repartitioning.  But since you chose  
ext4 (which can be shrunk) over XFS (which cannot), you will be able to  
shrink any partition(s) to create a new partition for another system.

If we are talking about two GNU/Linux distributions on the same computer,  
they can share the same /home: indicate it during installation of the second  
system, or ask for only / and add a /home line to its /etc/fstab right after.  
 Nevertheless, if a same user runs on both systems a same program but in  
different versions, one single /home for both systems can create troubles, if  
the personal configuration of the program changed between the two versions.

From any GNU/Linux distribution, you can access any ext4 filesystem,  
including the /home of another system on the same computer.  I am not sure  
whether any GNU/Linux system requires you to add a line to /etc/fstab for an  
easy access (or if some will treat the filesystem as on a removable disk, to  
be mounted in /media).  If it does, you need the mount point to exist: create  
it with 'sudo mkdir'.  You probably want it to be directly in /.  The first  
field on the /etc/fstab line does not need to be a UUID.  It can be a "block  
special device node", i.e., something like /dev/sda1.  For "normal"  
computers, even with several disks, there is nothing to gain by specifying  
the UUID.  For a start (you may then tweak the mount options), the rest of  
the line can be " /my_mount_point ext4 defaults 0 2", if the filesystem is of  
the type ext4.

Re: [Trisquel-users] fstab problem

2020-05-17 Thread xliang9550
I often add or remove hard disks or SSDs. Below is what I always do (maybe  
insecure, but very easy). For your reference:

1. Connect to hard disk or SSD to your system. Create partition(s) and format  
them. Get the UUID.
2. Create mount points (sub-directories) under home directory  
(/home/username). I never mount 2nd disk under /media or /mnt, etc.
3. Modify /etc/fstab to add new mount point with the UUID. The parameters are  
same as /home partition.
4. Reboot the system. If the mounted directory (e.g. /home/username/harddisk)  
is read-only, change the ownership (for only once):

~$ sudo chown username:username harddisk

Hint: try not to use sudo to run GUI programs like pluma. Use a command line  
editor like nano with sudo instead. Or else you can try the sudoedit command:

~$ SUDO_EDITOR=pluma sudoedit /etc/fstab

Some GUI text editors (e.g. kate) can't be used with sudo at all. If you try  
to run "sudo kate", it won't start.

[Trisquel-users] Fix TrisquelStudio-Controls

2020-05-17 Thread davidpgil
I decided to uninstall ubuntustudio-controls and try the new  
trisquelstudio-controls to handle JACK in Trisquel 9 and it appears to be  

When I type:

systemctl status studio-system.service

● studio-system.service - Studio System CPU Governor Setting
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/studio-system.service; enabled; vendor  
preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sun 2020-05-17 09:45:36 EDT; 20s  
  Process: 4653 ExecStart=/lib/systemd/ubuntustudio (code=exited,  

 Main PID: 4653 (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)

May 17 09:45:36 thinkpadw541 systemd[1]: Starting Studio System CPU Governor  
May 17 09:45:36 thinkpadw541 systemd[4653]: studio-system.service: Failed to  
execute command: No such file or directory
May 17 09:45:36 thinkpadw541 systemd[4653]: studio-system.service: Failed at  
step EXEC spawning /lib/systemd/ubuntustudio: No such file or directory
May 17 09:45:36 thinkpadw541 systemd[1]: studio-system.service: Main process  
exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC
May 17 09:45:36 thinkpadw541 systemd[1]: studio-system.service: Failed with  
result 'exit-code'.
May 17 09:45:36 thinkpadw541 systemd[1]: Failed to start Studio System CPU  
Governor Setting.

How can this be fixed? I see the reference to "/lib/systemd/ubuntustudio"  
which I suspect should instead say "trisquelstudio"?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why are we based on Ubuntu and not Debian?

2020-05-17 Thread vas1980i
I remember visiting their site and it was all in green text saying about  
being hacked by some hacker group. I searched an information about this event  
and apparently it was an April fools joke by lead developer:

[Trisquel-users] 2530p laptop question

2020-05-17 Thread fvalvarez


My laptop is dying and I found a very cheap HP elitebook 2530p. I looked up  

According to h-node, it should work with trisquel except for wireless card.  
But the most interesting thing on that page is that there is no BIOS  
whitelist for wifi chips, if I correctly understood.

Does anybody has experience with this laptop? Can you really swap wifi cards?  
Because I have some which works with libre, but in other HP there was a BIOS  
whitelist, which did not allowed to change wifi cards.

Also, is there any security concerns with this laptop, like IME or AMT?
Does trisquel support that "Trusted Platform Module" (is this a good or bad  
thing for encryptions from security viewpoint)?

Thanks for any advice

I'm tired of laptops with low build quality, but I also heard that there is  
some issues with these elitebooks and libre software...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why are we based on Ubuntu and not Debian?

2020-05-17 Thread andyprough
> I searched an information about this event and apparently it was an April  
fools joke by lead developer

Ah, seems like some developer has a strange sense of humor. Thank you for the  
info. It does seem stable now. I was not trying it in April 2019.

Re: [Trisquel-users] yahoo mail broke current default claws-mail and evolution but...

2020-05-17 Thread alonivtsan
No need to upgrade evolution on Hyperbola - just upgrade gnutls, nettle and  

[Trisquel-users] Re : 2530p laptop question

2020-05-17 Thread lcerf
I have no experience with that laptop.  That is why cannot confirm whether  
the BIOS will let another Wifi card run.  I would trust h-node though.  As  
for the processor,  
confirms it has Intel TXT DRM.  That "trusted computing" technology means you  
cannot entirely trust your processor (newspeak...), which ultimately obeys  
Intel.  Trisquel will run on it anyway.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why are we based on Ubuntu and not Debian?

2020-05-17 Thread mason
> I would vote for basing off of Devuan. With Debian and Ubuntu you are  
locked into too many of RedHat's walled garden technologies going forward.

I think Debian is a better choice than Devuan for an upstream distro, at  
least these days.  Starting with Bullseye (and with Buster if you backport  
Bullseye's version of elogind) it is not very hard to base a systemd-free  
distro on Debian.

I have looked through Devuan's VCS, and most of their modifications don't  
actually improve SysVinit compatibility, but rather are Stalinesque removals  
of any reference to systemd ever existing.  Doing this isn't harmful, but  
it's a waste of time that could be and have been spent improving SysVinit  
compatibility and keeping up with Debian releases.  Contrast with AntiX, who  
unlike Devuan does not spend time removing references to systemd, but has  
never depended on libsystemd0 and does a much better job keeping up with  
Debian releases.  Trisquel already has trouble keeping up with Ubuntu  
releases.  Imagine if after a Debian release, Trisquel users had to wait for  
Devuan to release their downstream version, and *then* wait for Trisquel to  
release theirs.

Also, because Devuan does not (and does not have the resources to) maintain  
SysVinit support themselves, if Debian were ever to drop SysVinit support it  
would almost certainly mean the end of Devuan, so using Devuan as a base does  
not actually make you less dependent on Debian's decisions in the long run.

If you are just a user who just wants a systemd-free Debian system working  
out of the box, Devuan is a fine choice, but as the base for a distro I think  
Debian is a better option.  On most of my machines I currently run my own  
customized version of Debian, following AntiX's approach for SysVinit  

Ubuntu on the other hand, is indeed a poor choice if you want to avoid using  
systemd.  Whereas Debian simply does not prioritize SysVinit support, Ubuntu  
makes conscious decisions to make use of systemd's features in some of their  
own software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why are we based on Ubuntu and not Debian?

2020-05-17 Thread mason
> Looking at it sounds Debian  
is far better than Ubuntu in case of respecting freedom.

This has been discussed over and over and over again, but I'll briefly  
explain.  When it comes to the actual software in their repositories, which  
is what matters to a downstream distro trying to comply with the FSDG, Debian  
and Ubuntu are pretty much equally free.  The difference between their  
distros is their attitude.  Debian calls their non-free repositories  
"unofficial" and somewhat discourages their use, disabling them by default  
when users install Debian.  Ubuntu does not make efforts to distance  
themselves from their non-free repositories and enables them by default after  
installation of Ubuntu.  However, this is completely irrelevant to a  
downstream distro.

There are other reasons I personally prefer Debian over Ubuntu, but they  
don't have anything to do with the FSDG.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why are we based on Ubuntu and not Debian?

2020-05-17 Thread andyprough
I'm so happy to see you continue to dig into antiX's plumbing. Isn't it an  
absolutely wonderful conceptual approach?

I did not know that Devuan was wasting time removing those references. That's  
an interesting point, I'm going to need to explore further. As far as waiting  
on Devuan, they do offer up a testing and an unstable branch, so you aren't  
forced to wait the extra year for them to release their stable version. And I  
do think their community will continue to grow. Beta 3 of Beowulf is quite  
impressive, and should attract a lot of attention when they announce Beowulf  
stable version in the next few weeks. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] yahoo mail broke current default claws-mail and evolution but...

2020-05-17 Thread this4that4theother

Thanks for responding Magic Banana.

The following versions in the Trisquel 9 repository do not fix the problem:
claws-mail 3.16.0-1
evolution  3.28.5
So upgrading to Trisquel 9 etiona does not fix the problem.

The snap, claws-mail-moon127 3.17.5 also does not fix the problem.

I agree mixing Trisquel 9 and Debian testing repositories could be a  
disaster. I am trying it carefully:

1. disable trisquel repositories.
2. enable debian repo and update debian repo.
3. install claws-mail from debian repo.
4. immediately after claws-mail install, disable debian repo and keep it  

5. enable trisquel repo's, update them and keep them enabled

So far nothing has broken. Looks good.


Re: [Trisquel-users] 2530p laptop question

2020-05-17 Thread fvalvarez

I find it difficult to pick a laptop which is has

1. Libre hardware (or no whitelist for wifis and no old unsupported ATI  
graphics, even a "B-gold" grade from h-node)

2. a CPU without spyware (like intel AMT, ME or AMD PSP)
3. good build quality

As far as I know AMD processors are PSP free till year 2013, and intel iME  
free till 2008, except for some intel atoms. Unfortunately intel atom is  
considered a "low end" processor so is nowhere to be found on good build  
quality laptops. I find this issue very important, because I work with some  
cryptography / PGP and I believe that cryptographic keys can be stolen via  
those cpu "features".

There are some laptops with 15-17 inch displays, but I'm looking for 12 inch  
and it is almost impossible to find a laptop meeting all these criteria. Also  
i do not need a "new" or "fast" laptop, I'm using an old acer (2006) with AMD  
turion 64, meeting all these criteria, which runs fine for me (except for ATI  
- no suspend), but the plastic parts are just falling apart because of very  
low build quality.

Any recommendations?

Re: [Trisquel-users] fstab problem

2020-05-17 Thread pierrefalek

Thank you

Re: [Trisquel-users] fstab problem

2020-05-17 Thread pierrefalek

> You can setup a swap partition at least the size of your RAM, to hibernate
I did. Around x1.5 of my Ram to be sure. More is useless.

> Keeping unpartitioned space on the disk does not make much sense.
It's a quite big SSD card (around 450 Go) if we consider 32 GB is enough for  
most system. It increase the speed of the system.
I did prefer a big home with a 2Go HD because I store a lot of things as I  
use a lot graphics like photos and videos (I use Scribus and my printable  
folders can be big). SSD drives are worst when you write and read all the  
time like I do. It is great for laptops as you move with them even switched  

I sometimes use Ubuntu for upgraded softwares with extra features and  
hardware that haven't already got free drivers.
I had to use Jitsi which only works with Chromium. I need Ubuntu in some  

But I this allows me to test other OS. This is why I have a lot free space.

On your second paragraph about other os, this is was I was talking about  
previously, but you told it better than me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] mind map software absent from the repo

2020-05-17 Thread adel

Thanks destinationunknown!

I installed treesheets from the terminal.  Strangely, I can't find the  
program in my Trisquel Mini menu.  I opened Tree Sheets by entering  
"treesheets" in the terminal.

I'm going to give this program a try and am optimistic about it!  Do you know  
how to add a shortcut to the menu system?

Re: [Trisquel-users] The lights of the Ethernet port does not blink and connect to internet

2020-05-17 Thread msuzuqi
I agree. There is an indescribable difference between having it and not  
having it. I wonder how in the olden days were when people only had the  
(cable) telephone. When they could not use telephone for one reason or  
another. They might have had a similar feeling. Actually I lived under the  
era though. I was a kid then.