[tryton] Bad Gateway on demo5.0.tryton.org

2018-10-24 Thread Thierry Bruyere

This morning the site demo5.0.tryton.org gives a message "502 Bad Gateway"

Thank you

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[tryton-fr] Re: Séquençage mensuel de la facturation

2018-06-14 Thread Thierry Bruyere

Le jeudi 14 juin 2018 10:07:03 UTC+2, Goulven Guillard a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Je cherche à préfixer les factures par l'année et le mois, en initialisant 
> la DB avec proteus. L'année, c'était assez facile :
>if 'account_invoice' in modules:
> for year in xrange(2015,2020):
> start_date = datetime.date(year, 6, 1)
> end_date = start_date + relativedelta(years=1, months=-1, day=
> 31)
> fiscalyear = FiscalYear(name='%s-%s' % (year, year+1))
> fiscalyear.start_date = start_date
> fiscalyear.end_date = end_date
> fiscalyear.company = company
> fiscalyear.post_move_sequence = post_move_sequence
> for attr, name in (('out_invoice_sequence', 'Facturation'),
> ('in_invoice_sequence', 'Facturation fournisseur'),
> ('out_az_invoice_sequence', 'Facturation particuliers'
> ),
> ('out_credit_note_sequence', 'Crédit'),
> ('in_credit_note_sequence', 'Crédit fournisseur')):
> sequence = SequenceStrict(
> name='%s-%s' % (start_date.year, name),
> code='account.invoice',
> company=company)
> sequence.padding = 3;
> sequence.prefix = '%s-' % start_date.year;
> sequence.save()
> sequence, = SequenceStrict.find([('name', '=', '%s-%s' % (
> start_date.year, name))])
> setattr(fiscalyear, attr, sequence)
> fiscalyear.save()
> FiscalYear.create_period([fiscalyear.id], config.context)
> Mais je sèche sur le mois. J'ai lu qu'on pouvait créer les séquences par 
> période mais je n'ai pas trouvé d'exemple. Quelle est la meilleure façon de 
> le faire ?
> PS : Désolé si ça fait doublon, j'ai déjà posté cette discussion il y a 
> quelques jours mais elle n'apparaît pas.


Il est possible d'associer une séquence pour chaque période de l'année 
Nous avons créé une séquence différente pour chaque période (actuellement 
Nous n'utilisons pas dans ce cas les placeholders pour être certain de la 
suite chronologique des numéros dans une période.
Nous allons regarder pour ajouter cette notion de le script que vous avez 

Copie d'écran de notre config : https://pasteboard.co/HpQvYjk.png

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[tryton-dev] HTTP Error 404 http://hg.tryton.org/trytond/trytond/modules/account_es

2018-04-03 Thread Thierry Bruyere

I'm looking at a 404 error when accessing the URL: 

No worries for other url (but I have not tested everything): example: 
http://hg.tryton.org/trytond/trytond/modules/account_be -> OK

I saw the error by performing a hg npull in trytond

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[tryton-fr] Utilisation du prix de revient moyen et compte de stock continental

2018-03-28 Thread Thierry Bruyere

Je suis à la recherche d'information et expérience sur l'utilisation du 
prix de revient moyen et des comptes de stock mode continental dans Tryton 
(ou autres).
Actuellement, j'ai introduit quelques demande de "feature" car nous avons 
des soucis sur le maintien d'un prix de revient moyen et d'un compte de 
stock correct.

exemple : 

   - Modification du prix unitaire sur la facture fournisseur 
   - Comment impacter la modification du prix unitaire dans le prix de 
  revient ?
  - Comment impacter la modification du prix et donc de la valeur de 
  stock dans le compte de stock ?
  - Re-calcul du prix après avoir imputer des coûts de débarquement 
   (landing cost)
  - Nous devons actuellement lancer ce re-calcul manuellement 
  - Comment impacter la modification du prix de revient suite à 
  l'ajoute de coût de débarquement dans la valeur du compte de stock ?
  (https://bugs.tryton.org/issue7273 et 

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Re: [tryton] Windows 10 tryton client 4.6 blurry. - FIXED

2018-02-26 Thread Thierry Bruyere
> I think it is because GTK+-2 does not support HDPI.
> Did you try with GTK+-3?

I have tried with this version : 
That works well with GTK+-3 !

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[tryton] Windows 10 tryton client 4.6 blurry. - FIXED

2018-02-23 Thread Thierry Bruyere
If you change our Display Scaling Settings in Windows 10 to 125%, the tryton 
client 4.6 is blurry. (screenshot bellow)
Control Panel> Appearance and Personalization> Display and set up a custom 
scaling level to 125%.

Tryton client blurry : https://ibb.co/gm9qDH

Correct with :

* Right-click on the Tryton Client icon (not the shortcut) and choose 
* Check Override high DPI scaling behaviour: Scaling peformed by :
  * Application
* OK

Screenshot properties : https://ibb.co/j6Tp7c

Tryton client : https://ibb.co/ntt0DH

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Re: [tryton] Tryton Docker instructions

2017-11-29 Thread Thierry Bruyere
Le mercredi 29 novembre 2017 15:41:09 UTC+1, Sergi Almacellas Abellana a écrit :
> El 29/11/17 a les 14:51, Cédric Krier ha escrit:
> > On 2017-11-29 11:48, Sergi Almacellas Abellana wrote:
> >> El 29/11/17 a les 11:39, Maxime Richez ha escrit:
> > Could you fill and issue and propose a patch to fix it?
>  I'm wondering what is the best options:
>    - show simple command without volume bound and let docker create
>  unnamed volumes
>    - show more complex command with volume bound and keep volume
>  creation command.
> >>> What should i choose for the patch? Poll ?
> >> I think we should keep the commands simple for newcomers.
> >>
> >> Indeed, users with more docker knowledge will probably use it's own
> >> custom commands.
> > 
> > OK but how would you know the path of the volumes?
> > 
> Don't know. Just tried one of two options you proposed :)

You can find the volume with the command :

docker inspect --format "{{ .Mounts }}" tryton-postgres

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[tryton] Facebook

2017-11-21 Thread Thierry Bruyere
Why did you create a private group and not a facebook page?


and not



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[tryton-dev] Order application of domain clause

2017-10-27 Thread Thierry Bruyere
We wanted to make a list of our products with zero stock for a specific process 
in our job.
For this purpose we have defined a context to include all the "locations" of 
type "storage".
Then we launch a search on the model product with a domain.


class Product:
__metaclass__ = PoolMeta
__name__ = 'product.product'


def check_qty(cls):
pool = Pool()
Date = pool.get('ir.date')
Stock = pool.get('stock.location')
locations = Stock.search([('type', '=', 'storage')])
stock_date_end = Date.today()

domain = [
('type', '=', 'goods'),
('quantity', '=', 0.0),

with Transaction().set_context(locations=[l.id for l in locations],
products = cls.search(domain)

With this method, we found that the system first calculates the quantity for 
all products without
using our first domain clause which limits the number of items to be processed.

To simplify the example we have defined a search on' Goods' type products
but in our case we work with other parameters.

Is it possible to apply this type of search by domain by forcing the order of 
domain clauses
and so limiting the number of items involved in quantity calculation?

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[tryton] Why the "list_price" field on the "product" module is by default and mandatory ?

2017-10-16 Thread Thierry Bruyere
I do not understand why the "list_price" field is in the "product" module.

If I understand the "list_price" field is the selling price of a product (sales 

This field is mandatory by default on the creation of an article not sold / not 
purchased / consumable -> still mandatory
We are obliged to define a "selling price" for all products.

The "list_price" field is used in a view on the purchase module to display the 
selling price relative to the unit for the choice of a product to be added in a 
purchase (line.modules/purchase/view/product_list_purchase_line.xml:). 
I do not understand why the purchase department should see the selling price? 
In addition, the product may not be sold (production) or for internal 
consumable (computer equipment, office equipment ...))

It is normal to find the "list_price" field used in the sales modules (sales, 

Why is this field not added by the sales module?
But the module "sales" is  not a  dependent  for modules : project_revenue, 
project_invoice, carrier.
And why this field is not mandatory only in the case of a product Salable (but 
the same remark is present for the other modules using this field) ?

Do I always set the value to 1 or 0? ((and why not make a personal custom to 
set this field to 1 when I creating an article))

Thank you for giving me your opinion ...

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[tryton] Dump Database tryton 4.2

2017-05-02 Thread Thierry Bruyere

I'm looking for the dump of the demo database tryton 4.2.
But there is no dump here for the realese 4.2 : http://www.tryton.org/~demo/

Can I find the 4.2 dump elsewhere?


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Re: [tryton-dev] How to update my trunk repository

2017-01-17 Thread Thierry Bruyere

Le lundi 16 janvier 2017 17:35:37 UTC+1, Sergi Almacellas Abellana a écrit :
> El 16/01/17 a les 17:15, Thierry Bruyere ha escrit: 
> > I have a repository mercurial created 4 month ago (nclone) 
> > Now, I have make a npull for upgrade my repository. 
> > 
> > But I not have the new modules created between my first nclone and now. 
> > 
> > I have to create all new modules manually with hg clone ? 
> AFAIK: Yes. 
> > If yes, how to known the list ? 
> You can see all the available modules on: 
> http://hg.tryton.org/modules/ 
> Hope It Helps. 
Thanks ...

My list of modules diff :


> -- 
> Sergi Almacellas Abellana 
> www.koolpi.com 
> Twitter: @pokoli_srk 

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[tryton-dev] How to update my trunk repository

2017-01-16 Thread Thierry Bruyere
I have a repository mercurial created 4 month ago (nclone)
Now, I have make a npull for upgrade my repository.

But I not have the new modules created between my first nclone and now.

I have to create all new modules manually with hg clone ?
If yes, how to known the list ?

Is it possible to resume all the new modules via a command hgreview ?

Thanks a lot

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[tryton] Re: TUB2016 slides

2016-10-23 Thread Thierry Bruyere

Le samedi 22 octobre 2016 17:25:04 UTC+2, Cédric Krier a écrit :
> Hi, 
> Just a quick reminder to all presenters from the TUB2016 to send their 
> slides at found...@tryton.org  
> We will publish them at http://downloads.tryton.org/TUB2016/ 
> Thanks, 
> -- 
> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL 
> Email/Jabber: cedric...@b2ck.com  
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59 
> Website: http://www.b2ck.com/


403 - Forbidden on slide :  


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[tryton] Re: Funding GTK+-3 client

2016-06-22 Thread Thierry Bruyere

Le mercredi 22 juin 2016 09:49:59 UTC+2, Maxime Richez a écrit :
> +1

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Re: [tryton] Tryton sticker

2016-05-11 Thread Thierry Bruyere
SVG Inkscape version 0.91

2016-05-11 13:04 GMT+02:00 Thierry Bruyere <thierry.bruy...@gmail.com>:

> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/--cBaJ9rhOoE/VzMBfdfbGfI/AAABO7c/hWIgvZEEiBgRz_yqWt8N1Wgd5appKur3wCLcB/s1600/tryton-sticker.png>
> New proposal - based on the file "Roberto Novaes"
>- Convert from adobe illustrator to Inkscape (SVG)
>- Remove the rounded corners
>- Removing white margins
> Sticker size : 9cm x 4cm
> Le lundi 9 mai 2016 17:40:04 UTC+2, Cédric Krier a écrit :
>> On 2016-05-09 08:24, Thierry Bruyere wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > <
>> https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-_B0DTYtPtnk/VzCrQdajXXI/AAABO6o/Uc7nkQ8Ek1UlnkmyZGOlCAYWGnlZqtxRwCLcB/s1600/sticker-3.png>
>> > What do you think of this ?
>> >
>> > I only cut the background (black) to decrease the size of the sticker
>> and I
>> > added the catchphrase.
>> For me, it is not so well balanced. I would put the catchphrase in
>> one line under.
>> I don't know if it is good to keep rounded corner for stickers.
>> --
>> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
>> Email/Jabber: cedric...@b2ck.com
>> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
>> Website: http://www.b2ck.com/
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
> Google Groups "tryton" group.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tryton/3af7691d-c71b-4f78-8dc7-496583e1f815%40googlegroups.com
> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tryton/3af7691d-c71b-4f78-8dc7-496583e1f815%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email_source=footer>
> .

Thierry Bruyere

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Re: [tryton] Tryton sticker

2016-05-11 Thread Thierry Bruyere


New proposal - based on the file "Roberto Novaes"

   - Convert from adobe illustrator to Inkscape (SVG)
   - Remove the rounded corners
   - Removing white margins

Sticker size : 9cm x 4cm

Le lundi 9 mai 2016 17:40:04 UTC+2, Cédric Krier a écrit :
> On 2016-05-09 08:24, Thierry Bruyere wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > <
> https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-_B0DTYtPtnk/VzCrQdajXXI/AAABO6o/Uc7nkQ8Ek1UlnkmyZGOlCAYWGnlZqtxRwCLcB/s1600/sticker-3.png>
> > What do you think of this ? 
> > 
> > I only cut the background (black) to decrease the size of the sticker 
> and I 
> > added the catchphrase. 
> For me, it is not so well balanced. I would put the catchphrase in 
> one line under. 
> I don't know if it is good to keep rounded corner for stickers. 
> -- 
> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL 
> Email/Jabber: cedric...@b2ck.com  
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59 
> Website: http://www.b2ck.com/ 

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Re: [tryton] Tryton sticker

2016-05-09 Thread Thierry Bruyere

What do you think of this ?

I only cut the background (black) to decrease the size of the sticker and I 
added the catchphrase.

Le lundi 9 mai 2016 15:25:04 UTC+2, Cédric Krier a écrit :
> On 2016-05-09 04:38, Thierry Bruyere wrote: 
> > 
> > I created 3 versions for proposal. 
> > I think it's good to have the name "tryton" on the sticker and not just 
> the 
> > logo. 
> > 
> > What do you think about this ? 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > <
> https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-B_LDrnjnf28/VzB2YkAedGI/AAABO6M/V1VQf8Cg3ykWvxEYOC7_fgmJ89YMUmCHwCLcB/s1600/sticker-2.png>
> > . 
> > 
> > 
> > <
> https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-aTJx4ldf3HU/VzBcbC5DElI/AAABO54/CGuSwGea7GwD_b0gSFhFsDDgwkGOHfbzACLcB/s1600/sticker-2.png>
> > 
> > <
> https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-P9qo568nXx8/VzBcTzcaCuI/AAABO50/3EjqT-kNeR8_iz-3JC2UijbeF7Q-00WpACLcB/s1600/sticker-1.png>
> I think we should try to stick as much as possible to the existing 
> design. 
> If you want stickers with "Tryton" written, I think the Roberto's one was 
> pretty good. It is the standard banner: 
> http://downloads.tryton.org/images/banner.svg 
> Otherwise the inverted logo of Sharoon was also pretty good: 
> http://downloads.tryton.org/images/logo.svg 
> It will be great if Roberto and Sharoon could send their sources. 
> -- 
> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL 
> Email/Jabber: cedric...@b2ck.com  
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59 
> Website: http://www.b2ck.com/ 

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Re: [tryton] Tryton sticker

2016-05-09 Thread Thierry Bruyere

I created 3 versions for proposal.
I think it's good to have the name "tryton" on the sticker and not just the 

What do you think about this ?




Le mercredi 4 mai 2016 09:50:04 UTC+2, Cédric Krier a écrit :
> On 2016-05-03 06:53, Thierry Bruyere wrote: 
> > Hello, 
> > 
> > I would like buy stickers of tryton.. 
> > 
> > I found this : 
> > https://www.stickermule.com/fr/marketplace/2765-the-tryton-logo 
> > on stickermule. 
> > 
> > Or it is better to use the banner : 
> > http://downloads.tryton.org/images/banner.svg 
> >  and create new sticker on stickermule ? 
> We don't have the source of the Sharoon's design but normally we should 
> allow to request it as it is a derivative work of the origin logo [1] 
> which is under creative commons. 
> Also be careful, the benefit of this stickermule market will not go to 
> the Foundation (it is not linked to the Foundation). 
> [1] http://downloads.tryton.org/images/logo.svg 
> On 2016-05-03 17:57, Karla Stenger wrote: 
> > ​Hi, 
> > I personally loved the ones Roberto Novaes gave us at the TUBA​,  like 
> the 
> > banner but it also has a lejend "modularity, scalability and security 
> for 
> > business" in the bottom. 
> > It would be nice to know if the image is available for download. 
> We (the foundation) did not have neither the source of this one. But 
> Roberto could send us the SVG so we could upload on 
> http://downloads.tryton.org/images/ 
> I think it there is a demand for such materials, the Foundation could 
> setup an account with few images we have. I don't know if stickermule is 
> good or if there are better services. Is there people with experiences? 
> -- 
> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL 
> Email/Jabber: cedric...@b2ck.com  
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59 
> Website: http://www.b2ck.com/ 

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[tryton] Tryton sticker

2016-05-03 Thread Thierry Bruyere

I would like buy stickers of tryton..

I found this : 
on stickermule.

Or it is better to use the banner : 
 and create new sticker on stickermule ?

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[tryton-dev] Good practice .hgignore for tryton dev?

2016-04-27 Thread thierry . bruyere

What is the good practice .hgignore for tryton dev ?

Only : 

syntax: glob 


Or more ?

What do you use?

Thanks a lot

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[tryton-dev] Re: Preparing release

2016-04-08 Thread Thierry Bruyere

Sorry but I do not find directly the list of BUGS waiting for the release 
of version. (I am a beginner ;)

If I take the list "Show Easy", I find the proposals of "FEATURE" and only 
one "BUGS".
If I take "Show ALL" I found a series of bug but how to see the list of 
"bugs" important for the release of the next version?

I have not yet experienced enough to fix "bugs" important, but we can always 

Thank you for your help to find my way ... 

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[tryton-dev] Confirmation of good practice on the name of the modules.

2016-04-04 Thread Thierry Bruyere
The name of a module is composed of:

The module name
The prefix for the module name
The package name

The directory name will be equal to the name of the module (without the 

The package name is only to identify the package in the installation module 
in tryton client.

If I create a new module for undeveloped functionality in tryton. 
The module name = functionality as prefix with my company (which creates 
the module)


Module Name: request_for_quotation
Prefix: saluc
The package name: saluc_request_for_quotation
Directory: request_for_quotation

If I modify an existing module in tryton. 
The module name will be defined with the functionality added to the basic 
The prefix will be the name of my company (which creates the module)


Added a feature to put a picture on the product

Module Name: product_picture
Prefix: saluc
Name paquest: saluc_product_picture
Directory: product_picture

*Questions* :

If I want to modify an existing module to only change the workflow. How to 
name the module?


Adding a transition in the purchasing module.

Module Name: saluc_purchase
Module Name: purchase_saluc
Do I have put something for the prefix?

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[tryton-dev] Re: Cookiecutter for Tryton modules

2016-04-04 Thread Thierry Bruyere

> $ cookiecutter bb:tryton/cookiecutter-tryton 
> or 
> $ cookiecutter gh:tryton/cookiecutter-tryton 

Github link is not found (404)

Bitbucket name is incorrect : cookiecutter bb://tryton/cookiecutter

Do you still recommend  to use this template for module creation ?


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[tryton-dev] hg nclone branch 3.8 HTTP ERROR 404: Not Found

2016-02-02 Thread Thierry Bruyere

I launched a nclone of the branch 3.8 but I get an error while retrieving the 

I use hgnested extension.

Command :

hg nclone http://hg.tryton.org/3.8/trytond -b 3.8

Out :

destination directory: trytond
adding changesets

adding file 

added 4854 changesets with 10463 changes to 594 
updating to branch 3.8
400 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

abandon : HTTP Error 404: Not Found

If I run the same command for the branch 3.6, there is no problem.


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Re: [tryton] Introduce SALUC

2016-01-29 Thread Thierry Bruyere

Le jeudi 28 janvier 2016 18:13:37 UTC+1, Dominique Chabord a écrit :
> Welcome ! 
> Do you have plans for lot management for Chemical/Food/Cosmetik industries 
> ? 
no, only for internal migration of your ERP for managing purchases, sales, 
inventory, manufacturing, invoicing, shipping ...

We are not distributor but end user.


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[tryton] Introduce SALUC

2016-01-28 Thread Thierry Bruyere
I introduce myself, my name is Thierry Bruyere and work
for the company's SALUC (http://www.saluc.com)

The SALUC company located in Belgium and it is a chemical industry.

We manufacture billiard balls phenolic resin in the ARAMITH brand.
But we also have other activities such as: precision ball (preciball)
pool tables (Fusiontables) and product diversification.

We launched a few months ago a migration project of our ERP tools
(totally internal development) to TRYTON.

We are currently: 

tryton learn
learn to develop his philosophy python 
analyze our internal flows 
organizing our development management tools (mercurial, software forge, 
wiki ...)

We started to determine missing modules in TRYTON and that we must develop.

It is certain that we will ask some questions via the forum :)
and if many questions are stupid, or if we did not respect the netiquette 
it is not voluntary but because we learn to work in a community.
-> Please give feedback, advice and criticism.

Thierry Bruyere

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[tryton-fr] Présentation SALUC

2016-01-28 Thread Thierry Bruyere
Présentation SALUC

Je me présente, je m'appelle Thierry Bruyere et je travaille 
pour la société SALUC sa (http://www.saluc.com)

La société SALUC ce situe en belgique et c'est une industrie chimique.

Nous fabriquons principalement des billes de billard en résine phénolique 
sous la marque ARAMITH.
Mais nous avons également d'autres activités comme : les billes de 
précision (preciball), 
les tables de billard (fusiontables) 
et des produits de diversification.

Nous avons lancé il y a quelques mois un projet de migration de notre 
outils ERP 
(développement totalement interne) vers TRYTON.

Actuellement nous sommes entrain de :

   apprendre tryton et sa philosophie
   apprendre à developper en python
   analyser nos flux internes
   organiser nos outils de gestion de développement (mercurial, forge 
logiciel, wiki ...)
Nous avons commencé à déterminer des modules manquants dans TRYTON et que 
nous devons développer.

Il est certain que nous allons poser quelques questions via le forum :) 
et si certainne questions sont stupides ou si nous ne respections pas la 
ce n'est pas volontaire mais parce que nous apprenons à travailler dans une 
-> n'hésitez pas à donner vos remarques, conseils et critiques.

Thierry Bruyere

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