Re: [Tutor] Where is win32print in Windows 10 Pro

2016-08-13 Thread Ken G.

On 08/12/2016 11:56 PM, eryk sun wrote:

On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 2:44 PM, Joaquin Alzola

import win32print
ImportError: No module named win32print

That module doesn't exist on your python path

'pywin32' is its canonical name.

I'm not certain what's meant in the above, but to be clear, PyWin32
installs most of its modules as top-level imports. So `import
win32print` is correct.

PyWin32 can be pip installed using the "pypiwin32" package:

The difference compared to the executable installer is that the wheel
package doesn't automatically run the post-install script that copies
some DLLs to the System32 directory. Running the post-install script
isn't necessary if you just need to call Windows and COM APIs.

Thanks for clarifying this more.

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Re: [Tutor] Where is win32print in Windows 10 Pro [RESOLVED]

2016-08-11 Thread Ken G.

On 08/11/2016 01:19 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:

On 11/08/16 17:14, Ken G. wrote:
Unfortunately, no printing is done yet. Still working on it. Your 
reference to provided a list of useful pywin32 
attibutes but no examples was provided. Will keep looking. Thanks.
PyWin32 is a very thin layer on top of the Win32/COM API. You probably 
need to be familiar with printing in Win32 to use PyWin to print, and 
that's not trivial. If you are already familiar with printing from 
C/C++ it will be straightforward but otherwise you may be better 
looking at other options.
Finally got it printing. Gosh, it is a whole new ball game in a new 
whole ball park stadium. Loading up on soda pops and popcorns. Yep, you 
got it right, absolutely NOT trivial. GRRR.

Thanks to all for providing guidance of where to go and look.
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Re: [Tutor] Where is win32print in Windows 10 Pro [RESOLVED]

2016-08-11 Thread Ken G.

On 08/11/2016 11:34 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 10:28:44AM -0400, Ken G. wrote:

import win32print

ImportError: No module named win32print

I have searched high and low within my Windows computer and have been
unable to find 'win32print'. Any idea of where it is located or where I
can obtain same. Thanks.

Have you searched the Internet?

I'm not really familiar with this specific library, but I think it may
be part of PyWin32:

which means if you have pip installed, this *may* work:

# run this from your operating system shell (, cmd.exe, Powershell?)
pip install pywin32

I'm not an expert on Windows, but I hope this helps.
Thanks for the help so far seen here. I already installed pywin32 and no 
error is encounter in running pywin32 in the python program. 
Unfortunately, no printing is done yet. Still working on it. Your 
reference to provided a list of useful pywin32 attibutes 
but no examples was provided. Will keep looking. Thanks.


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[Tutor] Where is win32print in Windows 10 Pro

2016-08-11 Thread Ken G.
Currently in my Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit operating system, x64-bit based 

using Python-2.7.12.amd64, I have for the first few lines:


import os, sys

import win32print


and get the following error message:


import win32print

ImportError: No module named win32print

I have searched high and low within my Windows computer and have been 
unable to find 'win32print'. Any idea of where it is located or where I 
can obtain same. Thanks.

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[Tutor] Program won't print out in Windows 10

2016-07-24 Thread Ken G.

While the following program prints out fine using

Python 2.7.6 in Ubuntu 14.04.4 as developed using

Geany 1.23.1, same program won't print out to printer

under Windows 10 Pro (64 bit). Geany uses there is

version 1.28 using Python 2.7.12. I can use CTRL-P

to print out the listing.



import os

print "Hello World!"
pr = os.popen("lpr", "w")
for i in range(1,8):
pr.write("\t\t01  02  03  04  05")
print("\tPlease wait several moments for printer to catch up.")


Thanking you readers in advance in resolving this non

Windows printing issue.

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Re: [Tutor] Quote and double quotes opens up File Explorer in Windows 10 (RESOLVED)

2016-07-13 Thread Ken G.

On 07/09/2016 01:02 PM, eryk sun wrote:

On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 2:22 PM, Ken G. <> wrote:

Hi: In gradually moving over my Python programs (2.7.6) to Windows 10 and
using Geany 1.27 to modify or write up a program there, it is noted that
whenever I typed in a quote (') or double quote ("), Windows 10 File
Explorer opens up. I end up closing it by typing ALT-F4 to resume typing as
before. Is there a way to prevent the File Explorer from opening up whenever
I use a quote or double quote? Is there another key(s) that does weird thing
in Windows 10? Thanks.

The single/double quote key isn't a standard hotkey in any version of
Windows. That would be insane. If this is just happening in Geany,
check its keybindings preferences. Otherwise, check that you're using
the right keyboard layout and that you don't have any programs (or
malware) that's registering a global hotkey.

For example, here's a simple script that registers the single quote
(US keyboard layout) as a global hotkey to open the desktop in

 #! /usr/bin/python3
 import os
 import ctypes
 from ctypes import wintypes

 user32 = ctypes.WinDLL('user32')

 WM_HOTKEY = 0x0312
 MOD_NOREPEAT = 0x4000
 VK_OEM_7 = 0xDE # US layout, single/double quote

 hotkey_id = 1
 if user32.RegisterHotKey(None, hotkey_id, MOD_NOREPEAT, VK_OEM_7):
 print('Hotkey "\'" registered.')
 msg = wintypes.MSG()
 count = 0
 while (count < 3 and
user32.GetMessageW(ctypes.byref(msg), None, 0, 0)):
 if msg.message == WM_HOTKEY and msg.wParam == hotkey_id:
 count += 1
 print('Hotkey received.')

Thank you for the responses. As it just turned out, it was the keyboard 
sending out a faulty signal for the quote and double quote to the 
computer. I switched keyboard and there was no opening of the File 
Explorer when sending quote and double quote using Geany. Again, thanks.

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[Tutor] Quote and double quotes opens up File Explorer in Windows 10

2016-07-09 Thread Ken G.
Hi: In gradually moving over my Python programs (2.7.6) to Windows 10 
and using Geany 1.27 to modify or write up a program there, it is noted 
that whenever I typed in a quote (') or double quote ("), Windows 10 
File Explorer opens up. I end up closing it by typing ALT-F4 to resume 
typing as before. Is there a way to prevent the File Explorer from 
opening up whenever I use a quote or double quote? Is there another 
key(s) that does weird thing in Windows 10? Thanks.


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Re: [Tutor] Sorting a list in ascending order [RESOLVED]

2016-04-29 Thread Ken G.

On 04/29/2016 07:40 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:

On 29/04/16 23:58, Ken G. wrote:

print ''.join(list1) #making it again as a single string

Thanks, Meena, that is great! I changed your last line to:

  print "".join(list1)  and it came out as below:


Another quotation mark was needed.

No it wasn't. Meena used two single quotes, you used
two double quotes. Both will work. But the two single
quotes can look like a single double quote depending
on your font choices. So double quotes in this case
are probably less ambiguous.

Gosh, been using double quotes since the late eighties and thus, a hard 

to break when encourage to use single quote mark in Python. Thanks for the
reminder of "it" being a possible double single quote when encountering a
double quote at various times.


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Re: [Tutor] Sorting a list in ascending order [RESOLVED]

2016-04-29 Thread Ken G.

On 04/29/2016 05:10 PM, Martin A. Brown wrote:

Greetings Ken and welcome to Python,

Using Linux 2.7.6 in Ubuntu 14.04.4. Thanks.

Thank you for this information.  I have one tip for you:  While
Python 2.x will still be around for a while, if you are learning
Python today, I'd suggest Python 3.x. You can read more about the
differences online (or ask here), if you care.  The only syntax
difference that usually trips up beginners is the following:

   print line # Python 2.x
   print(line)# Python 3.x

Though there are other differences, this is one of the most obvious
to all Python programmers.  With that said, I'll just answer your
question using Python 2.x, since everything else in your example
will work perfectly the same in either version.

I intend to suggest what you should read, and then what you should
try to run in order to address your question(s).

I will paste my entire interactive Python sessions below.  Did you
know that you can use the Python interpreter as a shell to test out
how things behave?  Very handy.  Try typing 'python' at the CLI and
you should see this:

   $ python
   Python 2.7.8 (default, Sep 30 2014, 15:34:38) [GCC] on linux2
   Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

So, when you see ">>>" below, that's in the Python shell (2.7.8 in
my case, 2.7.6 in yours).

In entering five random number, how can I best sort it into
ascending order, such as 0511414453?

OK, so you have five random numbers, but you seem to want to print
them without any visual space between them.  A bit strange, but OK!

Fragment #1:

number01 = "41"
number02 = "11"
number03 = "05"
number04 = "53"
number05 = "44"

Observation:  You define a variable called 'number01', which
actually contains a string value.  You can call the variable
anything you want, but that will not change the type of the object
to which your variable name is bound.  For example:

   >>> number01 = "41"
   >>> type(number01)

Suggestion #1, try this instead:

   >>> number01 = 41
   >>> type(number01)

Ah-ha!  Now, we are dealing with integers (numbers).

Fragment #2:

line = number01 + number02 + number03 + number04 + number05

Observation:  Since all of the variables (named number01, number02,
number03, etc) contain strings, you are using string
concatenation to create a new string.  After the above command
executes, you have this:

   >>> line
   >>> type(line)

Comment:  You don't really want a string, do you?  Keep reading for
a moment, and I'll come back to this.

Also, I don't think you really want to add the integers.  That would
be 41 + 11 + 05 + 53 + 44 = 154.  But, you want to keep the numbers
and sort them.  We will need to keep them in a list.  And, Python
has a data structure for you...called, obviously enough list().

Fragment #3:

print line

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 11, in 
print line.sort()

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'sort'

Observation:  This message is called an Exception, in Python.
There are many different kinds of exceptions--this one is called
AttributeError, but the message of the exception is the important
part for us here.  It doesn't make sense to sort a string.  You can
sort two strings, of course.  But not a single string.

Anyway, the important thing about the Exception is it tries to give
you a good deal of information about which line of code did
something that was problematic, and what code called that code (this
is why it's called a "Traceback").

Now, I'll rewind to the beginning and try to go through the problem
again, changing a few pieces of your program to get you closer to
your solution.

First, let's use the right datatype, an int, for each number.
Second, let's use a list() to store the numbers (instead of five
   separate named variables; easy to mistype names).
Third, let's sort it.
Then, let's print it.

   >>> nums = [41, 11, 5, 53, 44]  # -- create/populate a list
   >>> nums
   [41, 11, 5, 53, 44] # -- still looks good
   >>> nums.sort() # -- sort, in place!
   >>> nums
   [5, 11, 41, 44, 53] # -- Ta-da!

I'm going to do the same thing a slightly different way, now, so you
can see how to add stuff to a list:

   >>> nums = list()
   >>> nums.append(41)
   >>> nums.append(11)
   >>> nums.append(5)
   >>> nums.append(53)
   >>> nums.append(44)
   >>> nums
   [41, 11, 5, 53, 44]

In each case the variable 'nums' still contains the same data.  We
just got there in a different series of steps.  You may decide which
makes more sense to you in any given situation.

So, suggestion, play with lists, and see how they work.

Now, we have to figure out how to print the contents of the list.
Here's one way, but it is not the output you appear to want.

   >>> print nums
   [5, 11, 41, 44, 53]

I'm guessing you want '05 11 41 44 53'.

There are many ways to convert 

Re: [Tutor] Sorting a list in ascending order [RESOLVED]

2016-04-29 Thread Ken G.

On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 3:01 PM, Ken G. < 
<>> wrote:

In entering five random number, how can I best sort
it into ascending order, such as 0511414453? Using
Linux 2.7.6 in Ubuntu 14.04.4. Thanks.

number01 = "41"
number02 = "11"
number03 = "05"
number04 = "53"
number05 = "44"
line = number01 + number02 + number03 + number04 + number05
print line
print line


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 11, in

print line.sort()

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'sort'

On 04/29/2016 04:58 PM, meenu ravi wrote:

Hi Ken,

As the message clearly says, the string object doesn't have an 
attribute "sort". You are trying to join the inputs as a single 
string,"line" and then you are trying to sort it. But, as you want the 
string in the sorted format, you should sort it first and then convert 
it into string, as follows.

number01 = "41"
number02 = "11"
number03 = "05"
number04 = "53"
number05 = "44"
list1 = [number01,number02,number03,number04,number05] # Creating a 
list with the inputs

list1.sort() # sorting the input
print ''.join(list1) #making it again as a single string

Hope this helps. Happy coding.


Thanks, Meena, that is great! I changed your last line to:

print "".join(list1)  and it came out as below:


Another quotation mark was needed.

Again, thanks.


I appreciate all of everybody help.

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[Tutor] Sorting a list in ascending order

2016-04-29 Thread Ken G.

In entering five random number, how can I best sort
it into ascending order, such as 0511414453? Using
Linux 2.7.6 in Ubuntu 14.04.4. Thanks.

number01 = "41"
number02 = "11"
number03 = "05"
number04 = "53"
number05 = "44"
line = number01 + number02 + number03 + number04 + number05
print line
print line


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 11, in 
print line.sort()

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'sort'

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Re: [Tutor] Best way to install Python 3 onto Windows 10 [RESOLVED]

2016-03-15 Thread Ken G.

On 03/15/2016 05:45 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

On 15/03/16 21:31, Ken G. wrote:

Having acquired a new laptop yesterday with
Windows 10 installed and up-to-date, what
would be the best way to install the latest
version of Python 3?

Personally I always install ActiveState Python on
Windows so that I can set up the Pythonwin IDE and
use the ActiveState Windows help viewer for the
Python docs.

The installer should do everything you need for
you. (You may have to locate the pyhonwin exe and
set up a shortcut - I seem to recall that was not
done by the installer for Win 10...

Caveat: ActiveState are sometimes a few months
behind with their python versions so might not
have the very latest build out yet.

Thank you Alan. I just could not remember the name
of that helpful installer for the Windows system.

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[Tutor] Best way to install Python 3 onto Windows 10

2016-03-15 Thread Ken G.

Having acquired a new laptop yesterday with
Windows 10 installed and up-to-date, what
would be the best way to install the latest
version of Python 3? The laptop is an Dell
Latitude E5500 and I am still learning the
bells and whistles of it. I last used Windows
XP 3-4 years back so this usage is all new
to me.

Currently, I am using Python 2.7.6 on a
desktop Linux system, Ubuntu 14.04.4 and
using Geany as a go to using Python.


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Re: [Tutor] Recommendations for best tool to write/run Python

2016-03-02 Thread Ken G.

On 03/02/2016 01:26 PM, Lisa Hasler Waters wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am new to Python, as are my middle school students. We are using Python
3.5.1 IDLE to write and run our (simple) code. However, this tool does not
seem to be the best way to write longer code or to be able to re-edit code
that has been saved/closed/reopened.

Eventually, we hope to build some projects that we can "use" and share with

Could you please recommend the best Python tools for writing and running
our code for the long term? Also, we are hoping to find free tools!

Thanks so very much!


PS We have tried to use Aptana Studio 3 but it is not easy to work in.

I have been using Geany as my Python work station in my Ubuntu 14.04.4 
desktop operating system.


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Re: [Tutor] Unable to get out of loop [RESOLVING]

2016-02-27 Thread Ken G.

On 02/26/2016 09:26 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 08:30:19PM -0500, Ken G. wrote:

side = ""
while side != "0" or side != "1" or side != "2":

That will only exit if side == "0", "1" and "2" **at the same time**.
Clearly that is impossible, so the condition is always true, and the
while loop will never end.

Trying to reason about "reversed conditions" like that is hard, much
much harder than reasoning about ordinary conditions. You should
re-write it in terms of equality, then reverse the condition once:

while side not in ("0", "1", "2):

Thanks Danny and Steven for your response. I will rewrite the code and 
try again. I had no idea I opened up a can of worms and now, I am 
putting them back. Thanks!


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[Tutor] Unable to get out of loop

2016-02-26 Thread Ken G.

I have been unable to get out of the following
loop. No matter what I entered, I can not get
get out of the loop. The only way I can stop
the routine is CTRL-C.

If an entry is either 1, 2 or 3, then I should
be able to proceed. I am sure the correct solution
is very simple but I don't see it.


side = ""
while side != "0" or side != "1" or side != "2":
print "\t1 = right arm\t2 = left arm\t0 = exit program"
side = raw_input("\t")
print "\tYou entered", side
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[Tutor] OT: Searching Tutor Archives

2015-08-19 Thread Ken G.
While searching in Google several months ago, I came across a response 
addressed to me regarding on how to read, correct and write to the same 
file at the same time without using a secondary file as a temporary file 
to hold the corrected entries and rewriting to the original file.

The entry was dated back approximately four years ago. I thought I 
printed it out as that was a new concept to me then. Could someone 
explain how to found such an article or kindly refresh my memory on how 
to correct an original file without using a secondary file. Thanks.

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Re: [Tutor] OT: Searching Tutor Archives

2015-08-19 Thread Ken G.

On 08/19/2015 06:09 PM, Ben Finney wrote:

Ken G. writes:

Could someone explain how to found such an article

At the end of every message to this forum you'll see this footer:

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That address, URL:,
gives information about the forum, including where to find its archives.

You can browse the archives using a web search, for example
“ beachkidken” in DuckDuckGo

Wow, thanks. Just took a look and there are some thirty articles. Again, 

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Re: [Tutor] OT: Searching Tutor Archives

2015-08-19 Thread Ken G.

On 08/19/2015 07:34 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

On 19/08/15 18:43, Ken G. wrote:

explain how to found such an article or kindly refresh my memory on how
to correct an original file without using a secondary file. Thanks.

Others have explained the search.
Let me just point out that the number of cases where you
want to do such a thing is vanishingly small.

It's incredibly unreliable and error prone and if you mess
it up you will probably screw up the source data such that
you can't recover it or re-run it. It's almost never the
best way to go about things - much better to fake it safely.

Thanks, Alan. Your point is well taken.

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Re: [Tutor] Reference last email message...

2015-04-16 Thread Ken G.

On 04/15/2015 08:21 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

On 16/04/15 00:47, Ken G. wrote:

I just emailed that I was unable to correct a message in ModTools
so I went to Yahoo and made the change and then approved it.

What is ModTools? What kind of message?
Where does Yahoo fit in?

What does any of it have to do with this list?

I'm confused.

Again, my apology. Sent to the wrong address.  redfaced 

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Re: [Tutor] Reference last email message...

2015-04-16 Thread Ken G.

On 04/15/2015 08:45 PM, Dave Angel wrote:

On 04/15/2015 07:47 PM, Ken G. wrote:

I just emailed that I was unable to correct a message in ModTools
so I went to Yahoo and made the change and then approved it.

Noticing it did not appear on the list, I checked the Activity Log
in Yahoo and it was marked Bounced!

Several days ago, we had another message correction and that
too, bounced.

It's conceivable that you're referring to:

But your message is so garbled that I have no idea how to respond.

You have a gmail address, but you're somehow involved with yahoo.

You refer to the list, but never say if it's this one.

You refer to message correction but there's no standard way to 
modify a message on python-tutor once it's mailed or posted. So 
perhaps the message correction and the list you're referring to are 
somewhere else.

Python-tutor is a limited mailing list that only takes messages from 
those who have subscribed/joined.  So perhaps you have two different 
email addresses and you've registered using gmail, and are trying to 
post using yahoo.

In any case, if it is ModTools, this is the wrong list to post 
questions.  This list is intended for usage of the Python language and 
the standard library, and while other subjects are permissible, 
they're not as likely to get good responses.

I'd suggest you email to a new message, 
starting a new thread.  Be explicit about your question, supplying a 
URL when you refer to a 3rd party package, and giving python version 
and OS version.  Then show exactly what you've tried and what the 
result was, posting a full traceback if you got an exception.

Oh my! I send this to the wrong address. My apology.  redfaced 

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Re: [Tutor] Changing a string number to another number [RESOLVED]

2015-04-15 Thread Ken G.

On 04/15/2015 08:36 AM, Dave Angel wrote:

On 04/15/2015 08:21 AM, Ken G. wrote:

When running the following code, I get the following
error code:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 11, in module
 datecode[20:21] = 0
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

A 'str' object is immutable, which means simply that you cannot modify 
it in place.  All you can do is create a new str object, and rebind 
your variable to that new one.  That means that there are a number of 
things you cannot do directly to a string.  One of them is modifying a 
slice, as you're trying to do.

datecode = 201504110102030405061
print datecode
if datecode[20:21] == 1:
 datecode[20:21] = 0
print datecode

I can see that the first part of this is probably a standard datetime, 
and might suggest you convert it to one, and modify that as needed.  
But you're so far to the right that I have to figure you're doing some 
custom encoding.

If you just want to replace a single character of a string, you could 
use the construct:

datecode = datecode[:20] + 0 + datecode[21:]

If you need something fancier, perhaps you can generalize it.

Thank you, Dave. That did the trick. You were partly right about the
datetime as the first part is a date and following contains the lotto
numbers purchased for that date of a drawing. The last number in
the string indicates if a bonus multiplier for the ticket was purchased,
0 for no and 1 for yes.

Again, thanks.

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Re: [Tutor] Changing a string number to another number [RESOLVED]

2015-04-15 Thread Ken G.

On 04/15/2015 09:09 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 08:21:33AM -0400, Ken G. wrote:

When running the following code, I get the following
error code:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 11, in module
 datecode[20:21] = 0
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

Try this:

datacode = datacode[:20] + 0 + datacode[21:]

This is called slicing. We take a slice of the string, from the start up to just before 
position 20; 0; and a slice from position 21 to the end of the string. The three pieces 
are then concatenated together, giving a new string.

Wow! So darn simple with a good explanation. Thanks!


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[Tutor] Changing a string number to another number

2015-04-15 Thread Ken G.

When running the following code, I get the following
error code:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 11, in module
datecode[20:21] = 0
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

datecode = 201504110102030405061
print datecode
if datecode[20:21] == 1:
datecode[20:21] = 0
print datecode

I have tried using the zero as an integer but still get the same error code.
Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [Tutor] Changing a string number to another number [RESOLVED]

2015-04-15 Thread Ken G.

On 04/15/2015 08:50 AM, Peter Otten wrote:

Ken G. wrote:

When running the following code, I get the following
error code:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File, line 11, in module
  datecode[20:21] = 0
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

datecode = 201504110102030405061
print datecode
if datecode[20:21] == 1:
  datecode[20:21] = 0
print datecode

I have tried using the zero as an integer but still get the same error
code. Any suggestion?

Strings in Python are immutable, i. e. you cannot change them once they
are created. Instead you have to construct a new string. In the general case
you can get the same effect as replacing the character #n of an all-ascii
string with

s = 01234567890
n = 3
s[:n] + x + s[n+1:]


In your case you want to replace the last character, so s[n+1:] is empty

s = 201504110102030405061
n = 20


and just

s[:n] + x


is sufficient. A word of warning: as you are using Python 2 you are actually
manipulating bytes not characters when using the default string type. This
may have ugly consequences:

s = ähnlich # I'm using UTF-8
print ae + s[1:]


Here the new string is not valid UTF-8 because in that encoding a-umlaut
consists of two bytes and I'm only removing one of them.

A partial fix is to use unicode explicitly:

s = uähnlich
print ae + s[1:]


But if you are just starting consider switching to Python 3 where unicode is
the default string type.

Thank you, Peter. That would be something for me to consider.
Alas, I am still using Python 2.7.6 but do have it on standby.

Again, thanks.

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[Tutor] Reference last email message...

2015-04-15 Thread Ken G.

I just emailed that I was unable to correct a message in ModTools
so I went to Yahoo and made the change and then approved it.

Noticing it did not appear on the list, I checked the Activity Log
in Yahoo and it was marked Bounced!

Several days ago, we had another message correction and that
too, bounced.

Ken, FreecycleLouisville, KY, USA
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[Tutor] Function not returning 05 as string

2015-04-13 Thread Ken G.

I am sure there is an simple explanation but when I input
5 (as integer), resulting in 05 (as string), I get zero as the end
result. When running the code:

Enter the 1st number:  5



import sys

def numberentry():
number01 = raw_input(Enter the 1st number:  )
if number01 == 0:
if  len(number01) == 1:
number01 = 0 + number01
print number01

number01 = 0
print number01
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Re: [Tutor] Function not returning 05 as string [SOLVED]

2015-04-13 Thread Ken G.

On 04/13/2015 08:56 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 08:11:46AM -0400, Ken G. wrote:

I am sure there is an simple explanation but when I input
5 (as integer), resulting in 05 (as string), I get zero as the end
result. When running the code:
number01 = 0

Here you set the variable number01 to the int 0.


Here you call the function. It returns 05, but you don't do anything
with it, so it just gets dropped on the floor and thrown away.

print number01

Here you print the variable number01, which is still the int 0,

I think where you are mislead is that you are not aware, or have
forgotten, that global variables and local variables are different. So a
variable x outside of a function and a variable x inside a function
are different variables. Think of functions being like Los Vegas: what
happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas -- function local variables don't leak
out and have effects outside of the function except via the return
statement, and even then only if the caller assigns the result to
another variable:

function()  # return result is thrown away
x = function()  # return result is assigned to x

The other way to have an effect outside of the function is to use global
variables, and the global keyword. This is occasionally necessary, but I
strongly recommend against it: it is poor programming practice and a bad
habit to get into.

Thanks for all the replies. I will keep at it. Again, thanks.

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Re: [Tutor] Function not returning 05 as string

2015-04-13 Thread Ken G.

On 04/13/2015 08:18 AM, Dave Angel wrote:

On 04/13/2015 08:11 AM, Ken G. wrote:

I am sure there is an simple explanation but when I input
5 (as integer), resulting in 05 (as string), I get zero as the end
result. When running the code:

Enter the 1st number:  5



import sys

def numberentry():
 number01 = raw_input(Enter the 1st number:  )
 if number01 == 0:
 if  len(number01) == 1:
 number01 = 0 + number01
 print number01

number01 = 0

What is this line intended to do?

NameError: name 'number01' is not defined


Where are you intending to store the return value?  Currently, you're 
just throwing it away.
I am not sending anything to the def routine but expected an answer in 

print number01

This variable has no relation to the one in the function.  In fact, 
I'd recommend you use a different name, to make that clear.

Do not use return at end of routine? I am lost there.


Thanks for answering.

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Re: [Tutor] Rearranging a list of numbers with corresponding index

2015-03-13 Thread Ken G.

On 03/13/2015 10:21 AM, Peter Otten wrote:

Ken G. wrote:

I have been keeping track of numbers drawn in our local lotto drawings
into a list format as shown in a short example below. Using such list, I
am able to determine how often a number appears within the last 100 plus

The length of my lists range from 5, 15, 35, 59and 75 long. I will give
an example of one of my short list.

PowerPlay = [0, 0, 61, 32, 11, 14]

Disregarding index 0 and 1, I can see and print the following:

2 61
3 32
4 11
5 14

showing that number 2 appears 61 times, number 3 appears 32 times,
number 4 appears 11 times and number 5 appears 14 times within last 100
plus drawings.

How I best rearrange the numbers from high to low with its corresponding
index number such as below:

Number Index
14 5
11 4

showing the number 2 appears 61 times, number 3 appears 32 times, number
5 appears 14 times and number 4 appears 11 times. I know that using


sort the number from high to low but the index numbers still remain in
the same positions.

Thanks for pointing out the way to do this.

The initial list:

power_play = [0, 0, 61, 32, 11, 14]

Use enumerate() to get index, frequency pairs:


[(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 61), (3, 32), (4, 11), (5, 14)]

Sort the pairs:


[(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 61), (3, 32), (4, 11), (5, 14)]

Provide a key to sort after the second value, i. e. the frequency in the
(index, frequency) pairs:

def second_value(item):

... return item[1]

sorted(enumerate(power_play), key=second_value)

[(0, 0), (1, 0), (4, 11), (5, 14), (3, 32), (2, 61)]

Note that instead of writing your own custom function or lambda you could
also use operator.itemgetter(1) from the operator module in the stdlib.

Sort in reverse order:

sorted(enumerate(power_play), key=second_value, reverse=True)

[(2, 61), (3, 32), (5, 14), (4, 11), (0, 0), (1, 0)]

Print the output for frequencies  0:

pairs = sorted(enumerate(power_play), key=second_value, reverse=True)
for index, freq in pairs:

... if freq == 0:
... break
... print(freq, index, sep=\t)
61  2
32  3
14  5
11  4

Wow! Thanks! Printing this out and will be studying it completely. 
Again, thanks.

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[Tutor] Rearranging a list of numbers with corresponding index

2015-03-13 Thread Ken G.
I have been keeping track of numbers drawn in our local lotto drawings 
into a list format as shown in a short example below. Using such list, I 
am able to determine how often a number appears within the last 100 plus 

The length of my lists range from 5, 15, 35, 59and 75 long. I will give 
an example of one of my short list.

PowerPlay = [0, 0, 61, 32, 11, 14]

Disregarding index 0 and 1, I can see and print the following:

2 61
3 32
4 11
5 14

showing that number 2 appears 61 times, number 3 appears 32 times, 
number 4 appears 11 times and number 5 appears 14 times within last 100 
plus drawings.

How I best rearrange the numbers from high to low with its corresponding 
index number such as below:

Number Index
14 5
11 4

showing the number 2 appears 61 times, number 3 appears 32 times, number 
5 appears 14 times and number 4 appears 11 times. I know that using


sort the number from high to low but the index numbers still remain in 
the same positions.

Thanks for pointing out the way to do this.


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Re: [Tutor] Rearranging a list of numbers with corresponding index (RESOLVED)

2015-03-13 Thread Ken G.

On 03/13/2015 10:38 AM, Dave Angel wrote:

On 03/13/2015 09:57 AM, Ken G. wrote:

I have been keeping track of numbers drawn in our local lotto drawings
into a list format as shown in a short example below. Using such list, I
am able to determine how often a number appears within the last 100 plus

The length of my lists range from 5, 15, 35, 59and 75 long. I will give
an example of one of my short list.

PowerPlay = [0, 0, 61, 32, 11, 14]

Disregarding index 0 and 1, I can see and print the following:

2 61
3 32
4 11
5 14

showing that number 2 appears 61 times, number 3 appears 32 times,
number 4 appears 11 times and number 5 appears 14 times within last 100
plus drawings.

How I best rearrange the numbers from high to low with its corresponding
index number such as below:

Number Index
14 5
11 4

showing the number 2 appears 61 times, number 3 appears 32 times, number
5 appears 14 times and number 4 appears 11 times. I know that using


sort the number from high to low but the index numbers still remain in
the same positions.

Thanks for pointing out the way to do this.

Make a list of tuples by doing something like:
new_list = [ (cnt, index) for index, cnt in enumerate(power_play) ]

to produce:
  [ (0, 0), (0, 1), (61, 2), (32, 3), (11, 4), (14, 5) ]

then sort it with reverse=True.  When you print it, just omit the 
items that have zero as their count.  (they'll be at the end, anyway)

Lots of other variants, some more concise.  And other approaches might 
be cleaner if we change how we generate the list.

(I tried it briefly using Python 3.4)

I will be studying this also. I am still using Python 2.7.6 as that is 
the latest as provided by Ubuntu 14.04.1. With thanks to all, I was able 
to resolve my request for assistance here in this forum. Thanks Peter.


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Re: [Tutor] Rearranging a list

2015-02-26 Thread Ken G.

I may have mis-stated my intention. I will rewrite
my request for assistance later and resubmit.



On 02/26/2015 08:04 AM, Peter Otten wrote:

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Ah wait, the penny drops! Now I understand what you mean!

Glad I'm not the only one ;)

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[Tutor] Rearranging a list

2015-02-26 Thread Ken G.
Assuming I have the following list and code how do I best be able 
rearrange the list as stated below:

list = [0, 0, 21, 35, 19, 42]

Using print list[2:6] resulted in the following:


I would like to rearrange the list as follow:


I tried using list.reverse() and print list[0,6] and it resulted in:

[42, 19, 35, 21, 0, 0] or as printed:


In another words, I would desire to show that:

5 appears 42 times
3 appears 35 times
2 appears 21 times
4 appears 19 times

but then I lose my original index of the numbers by reversing. How do I 
best keep the original index number to the rearrange numbers within a list?

Thanking in advance,


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[Tutor] Old popen turned in subprocess...[SOLVED]

2015-02-17 Thread Ken G.

I wish to thanks Danny Yoo and Alan Gauld
for providing information on using the new
subprocess in printing on paper, replacing
my old popen which was deprecated since
Python 2.6. After some trial and errors,
I got my desired output printed.

Not looking forward to updating my old programs.

Thanks, guys.


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Re: [Tutor] Popen was deprecated since Python 2.6, now what?

2015-02-16 Thread Ken G.

On 02/16/2015 05:11 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 1:26 PM, Ken G. wrote:

Wow, just found out this morning that the following
terms of:

import os
pr = os.popen(lpr, w)
pr.write(month), pr.write( ),
pr.write(\t\tLine )

was deprecated. In place there of, there is
a subprocess to use.

Hi Ken,

Yes: subprocess.Popen(), along with Popen.communicate(), are what you
want to look at.

For your example above, the change is relatively direct:

import subprocess
pr = subprocess.Popen(['lpr', 'w'])
pr.communicate(month + ' ' + '\t\tLine ')

The main difference between this and what you had earlier is that you
send all the input at once using Popen.communicate().

There's a quick-and-dirty section in the documentation for converting
from the os.popen call to the subprocess equivalents.  See:
Thank you for helping me get on the road here. I printed out your 
response and I'll be playing with it.


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Re: [Tutor] Popen was deprecated since Python 2.6, now what?

2015-02-16 Thread Ken G.

On 02/16/2015 06:26 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

On 16/02/15 21:26, Ken G. wrote:

I have not been able to figure out on how to use a
subprocess in place of my former popen. I have been
reading the new materials on the subprocess  all day
and it is still not quite understandable.

Here is what the docs say:

### Replacing os.popen(), os.popen2(), os.popen3()

(child_stdin, child_stdout) = os.popen2(cmd, mode, bufsize)
p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=bufsize,
  stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)
(child_stdin, child_stdout) = (p.stdin, p.stdout)

 child_stderr) = os.popen3(cmd, mode, bufsize)
p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=bufsize,
  stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True)
 child_stderr) = (p.stdin, p.stdout, p.stderr)

(child_stdin, child_stdout_and_stderr) = os.popen4(cmd, mode, bufsize)
p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=bufsize,
  stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True)
(child_stdin, child_stdout_and_stderr) = (p.stdin, p.stdout)

Return code handling translates as follows:

pipe = os.popen(cmd, 'w')
rc = pipe.close()
if rc is not None and rc  8:
print(There were some errors)
process = Popen(cmd, 'w', stdin=PIPE)
if process.wait() != 0:
print(There were some errors) Replacing functions from the popen2 module

If the cmd argument to popen2 functions is a string, the command is 
executed through /bin/sh. If it is a list, the command is directly 

(child_stdout, child_stdin) = popen2.popen2(somestring, bufsize, mode)
p = Popen(somestring, shell=True, bufsize=bufsize,
  stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)
(child_stdout, child_stdin) = (p.stdout, p.stdin)

(child_stdout, child_stdin) = popen2.popen2([mycmd, myarg], 
bufsize, mode)

p = Popen([mycmd, myarg], bufsize=bufsize,
  stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)
(child_stdout, child_stdin) = (p.stdout, p.stdin)

popen2.Popen3 and popen2.Popen4 basically work as subprocess.Popen, 
except that:

Popen raises an exception if the execution fails.
the capturestderr argument is replaced with the stderr argument.
stdin=PIPE and stdout=PIPE must be specified.
popen2 closes all file descriptors by default,
but you have to specify close_fds=True with Popen
to guarantee this behavior on all platforms or past Python versions.

Which bits of that don't you understand?
That way we have something concrete to work with.

For example, Your popen program:

import os
pr = os.popen(lpr, w)
pr.write(month), pr.write( ),
pr.write(\t\tLine )

Translates according to the above as

import subprocess as sub
pr = sub.Popen([lpr], stdin = sub.PIPE)
pr.stdin.write( )
if pr.wait() != 0: print 'Errors!'

Now, how can we help further clarify things?

Thank for the translation of the hard-to-read docs. Reading the docs 
threw me for a loop. I printed out your response and will be studying to 
try best understand it.


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[Tutor] Popen was deprecated since Python 2.6, now what?

2015-02-16 Thread Ken G.

Wow, just found out this morning that the following
terms of:

import os
pr = os.popen(lpr, w)
pr.write(month), pr.write( ),
pr.write(\t\tLine )

was deprecated. In place there of, there is
a subprocess to use.

I have not been able to figure out on how to use a
subprocess in place of my former popen. I have been
reading the new materials on the subprocess  all day
and it is still not quite understandable.

Is there an easy tutorial of how to replace popen
with the subprocess?

I am using Python 2.7.6 on an Ubuntu 14.04.1 system.

In advance, thanking you all for your assistance.


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[Tutor] RESOLVED: Re: Is there an easily or shorter way?

2014-12-16 Thread Ken G.

On 12/15/2014 07:47 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:

Thank you but actually whatever number I get from either 1 to 28,
each number represent a property name such as Reading Railroad,
Judy Avenue, Pacific Gas and Electric, etc., etc.

For example:

if x = 1 then print Mediterranean Avenue
if x = 2 then print Baltic Avenue

Ah, cool!  Ok, then yes, definitely a list.  There's a sequential-ness
here that we should take advantage of.

PLACES = [Is-there-a-place-when-x-is-zero?,
   Mediterranean Avenue,
   Baltic Avenue,
   ]# and so on ...

print PLACES[x]

so that all the conditioning dissolves into a single list lookup.
There might need to be a few more checks to make sure x is in bounds,
but it's worth it here.

Thank you, thank you. As I think it over through the night, I had a
very faint idea of what you suggested. Again, thank.


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[Tutor] Is there an easily or shorter way?

2014-12-15 Thread Ken G.

I am sure there is a better way to refine the following lines.

Letting x equal a number from 1 to 28, go through 28 separate 'if'
statements to print a resulting value that equaled the value of x.

For example:

x = 8

if x = 1, print 'one'
if x = 2, print 'two'
if x = 8, print 'eight'
if x = 28, print 'twenty eight'

Would a single line using list or dictionary be shorter?



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Re: [Tutor] Is there an easily or shorter way?

2014-12-15 Thread Ken G.

On 12/15/2014 04:45 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:

As a side note: if we were to talk about how we'd do this in a
professional context, I think we'd recommend a library such as
humanize, which has functions to go from numbers to human-friendly
string descriptions.

Whoops: wrong library.  Humanize is a good one, but not exactly the
one I was supposed to cite.  I should have cited num2words, which is a
cardinal number library:

Thank you but actually whatever number I get from either 1 to 28,
each number represent a property name such as Reading Railroad,
Judy Avenue, Pacific Gas and Electric, etc., etc.

For example:

if x = 1 then print Mediterranean Avenue
if x = 2 then print Baltic Avenue
if x = 28 then print Boardwalk

Yes, I am using the property names from the game, Monopoly. I am
using them in conjunction with of playing a lottery game and using
Python to determine if I won anything from the numbers drawn and
being compared with what numbers I purchased.

Of course, the proper format in Python would be:

if x == 01:
print Mediterranean Avenue
if x == 28:
print Boardwalk

Again, thanks for your input.


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Re: [Tutor] Is there an easily or shorter way?

2014-12-15 Thread Ken G.

On 12/15/2014 05:49 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 04:25:42PM -0500, Ken G. wrote:

I am sure there is a better way to refine the following lines.

Letting x equal a number from 1 to 28, go through 28 separate 'if'
statements to print a resulting value that equaled the value of x.

Since you only care about the first 28 values, a list or dict is the way
to go. The two look remarkably similar:

# Using a dict. Replace the dots ... with the rest of the values.
names = {1: one, 2: two, 3: three, ... 28: twenty-eight}

# Using a list. Again, replace the dots.
names = [zero, one, two, three, ... twenty-eight]

I stress that neither version *quite* works yet. You have to replace the
dots ... with the rest of the values, which is tedious but not hard.

In the case of the list version, the reason that I add an entry for zero
is that lists are indexed from zero. That is, given the list:

 L = ['spam', 'eggs', 'cheese', 'toast']

the first entry is written L[0], the second entry L[1] and so forth.
Although it takes a bit of getting used to, there actually are good
reasons for that. One advantage of dicts over lists is that you can
leave gaps while a list must have placeholders for every position:

 {2: two, 4: four, 8: eight}
 [, , two, , four, , , , eight]

Of course, as Danny suggested, if you're going to be using this
seriously for arbitrary numbers, you can't possibly list every single
one in advance. What if somebody asks for the name of 9274810276523? In
that case, we need a function that turns a number into an name digit by

 nine trillion, two hundred and seventy-four billion,
 eight hundred and ten million, two hundred and
 seventy-six thousand, five hundred and twenty-three

Doing this makes a nice little programming exercise, so I will leave it
to you :-)

Yes, Steven, it would be a 'nice' programming exercise. If I could just
find the time...sighs.



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Re: [Tutor] Is there an easily or shorter way?

2014-12-15 Thread Ken G.

On 12/15/2014 05:59 PM, Dave Angel wrote:

On 12/15/2014 04:25 PM, Ken G. wrote:

I am sure there is a better way to refine the following lines.

Letting x equal a number from 1 to 28, go through 28 separate 'if'
statements to print a resulting value that equaled the value of x.

For example:

x = 8

if x = 1, print 'one'
if x = 2, print 'two'
if x = 8, print 'eight'
if x = 28, print 'twenty eight'

Would a single line using list or dictionary be shorter?

If this is an assignment, and you quoted it correctly, then you're 
required to go through 28 if statements.  On the other hand, if that 
paragraph is just a description of the way you solved it, then yes, it 
can be improved.  Just making all but the first if statement an elif 
will make it faster, because once it finds a value, it won't continue 
checking the remaining ones.

Still faster would be testing first for fourteen, and making a tree 
out of the if statements, using  and  comparisons instead of only == 
comparisons.  Worst case would be about 5 tests.  This would not be 
more compact, just quicker to execute.

Faster yet, and somewhat more compact would be to make a tuple or list 
of 29 items (0 through 28), and just index into it.

Slower, but more compact, would be to write the kind of library that 
Danny pointed you to, or the code that Ken/Bod alluded to.

But the real question is what's your goal.   Your original code isn't 
legal Python, so you're presumably in a learning mode.  If so, you 
want to keep it simple, not use 3rd party libraries for something you 
could do yourself.  And when you're given an assignment, you should do 
it exactly the way they want it, and only after that's correct (and 
running), do it also in other ways.  Those other ways could be to 
improve performance, reduce size, make it more readable (or less, to 
enter it in obfuscation contests), to make it independent of any 
loaded libraries, to look like some sample in another language, ...

My second suggestion, untested:
if x  14:
if x  7:
 if x  3:
 if x == 1:
   print (one)
   print (two)
 elif x  5:
 if x == 3:
   print (three)
   print (four)

Oh, it is not an assignment, Dave. It is an actual program I am using
for my benefit. I had to figure out on a fly, what is the name of a piece
of property that each number represent. I had to reckon something out
within a limited amount of time I had. Giving the response given here
so far, I could go with a list, dictionary or tuple.

Thanks for your input.


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Re: [Tutor] eval use (directly by interpreter vs with in a script)

2014-11-03 Thread Ken G.

On 11/03/2014 12:37 AM, Danny Yoo wrote:

I use exec to jump to another program within the
same directory, such as:


and let the program terminate there. Should I do
it differently or are you talking about a different

This is related.

Rather than use execfile, you may want to consider looking into modules.

By using the module system, you can call the functions of other files.
We might think of one of the functions in a file as the main program,
in which case you should be able to arrange a module approach that
effectively does what you're doing with execfile.

Using the module system is often nicer because the functions of
another module are still just regular functions: it's easy to pass
along Python values as arguments to tell the next process some
contextual information.  We can contrast this with an execfile
approach, where there's not such a nice way of passing on that context
to the other program.

The module approach also can fail faster, in the case that when we
want to use a module, we import it at the head of our main program.
So if we got the file name wrong, we get fairly immediate feedback
about our mistake.  In contrast, the execfile approach defers from
touching the secondary program until we're at the point of the
execfile call itself.  So if we got the filename wrong, we don't see
the error as quickly.

Wow! Such an interesting response. Much appreciated. Printing
this out as a reference. Again, thanks.


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Re: [Tutor] eval use (directly by interpreter vs with in a script)

2014-11-02 Thread Ken G.

On 11/02/2014 04:49 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:

Hi Alex,

Just as a side note, someone has probably already told you something
like this, but:  I would strongly recommend not to use Python's eval()
or exec().  Those language features are dangerous.  Every eval() or
exec() is a possible vector for injection attacks.  This week's
injection attack of the week appears to be Drupal:, and it's certainly not going to
be the last, but why should we encourage this?

In the face of this, we have to admit to ourselves that these features
are hard to use.  Beginners should certainly give those features a
very wide berth.  I don't think it's crazy to say that community
wisdom is to strongly discourage dynamic code evaluation features
unless we have no other choice.

Are you just exploring the features of Python, or is there a
particular task you're trying to solve with eval or exec()?  Perhaps
you can accomplish the same goal in another way?
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I use exec to jump to another program within the
same directory, such as:


and let the program terminate there. Should I do
it differently or are you talking about a different


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[Tutor] Error in printing out totalSystolic on paper (1018)

2014-08-10 Thread Ken G.

Receiving the following error from the terminal screen:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File Blood, line 95, in module
TypeError: expected a character buffer object

Portion of strip:

pr.write ( ), pr.write (pulse), pr.write (\n)
totalSystolic = totalSystolic + int(systolic)
totalDiastolic = totalDiastolic + int(diastolic)
totalPulse = totalPulse + int(pulse)
print totalSystolic, totalDiastolic, totalPulse

# sys.exit()

# pr.write(totalDiastolic)
# pr.write(totalPulse)


I know that totalSystolic is 1018, totalDiastolic is 469 and
totalPulse is 465.

I can not figure out why pr.write won't print out 1018 on paper.

Using Python 2.7 on Ubuntu 12.04.5 and using Geany to process the strip.

Thanks for your suggestion.


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Re: [Tutor] Error in printing out totalSystolic on paper (1018)

2014-08-10 Thread Ken G.

On 08/10/2014 10:38 AM, Alex Kleider wrote:

On 2014-08-10 06:41, Ken G. wrote:

Receiving the following error from the terminal screen:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File Blood, line 95, in module
TypeError: expected a character buffer object

Portion of strip:

pr.write ( ), pr.write (pulse), pr.write (\n)
totalSystolic = totalSystolic + int(systolic)
totalDiastolic = totalDiastolic + int(diastolic)
totalPulse = totalPulse + int(pulse)
print totalSystolic, totalDiastolic, totalPulse

# sys.exit()

# pr.write(totalDiastolic)
# pr.write(totalPulse)


I know that totalSystolic is 1018, totalDiastolic is 469 and
totalPulse is 465.

I can not figure out why pr.write won't print out 1018 on paper.

Using Python 2.7 on Ubuntu 12.04.5 and using Geany to process the strip.

Thanks for your suggestion.


I'm guessing that you've defined pr.write(string) to take a string 
object but have fed it an integer- hence type error: try 

instead of just pr.write(totalSystolic)

By the way, those are incredibly high numbers! What units are you using?

Thank you, I will try pr.write(str(totalSystolic)). As for the high
numbers, they are a total of 8 readings, therefore,

Systolic:  1018/8 = 127.25
Diastolic:  469/8 = 58.625
Pulse:  465/8 = 58.125

Again, thanks.

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Re: [Tutor] Error in printing out totalSystolic on paper (1018) [SOLVED]

2014-08-10 Thread Ken G.

Thanks you to the list for helping me solve my problem. I never
had problem using and printing on paper pr.write in my coding
until this latest one popped up. Yeah, this old dog is still
learning new tricks here. LOL.

Again, thanks.


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[Tutor] Finding numeric day in a year...

2014-06-28 Thread Ken G.
I know the correct answer should be 001, but I keep getting 179 which is 
the correct answer for June 28, 2014 (I think). I tried using datecode 
in various places instead of today but I am still getting 179. Currently 
using Ubuntu 12.04.4 and Python 2.7. Thanks for any feedback and suggestion.


# datefind

import datetime

datecode = 20140101 # from database on file

month = datecode[4:6]
day  = datecode[6:8]
year  = datecode[0:4]
datecode = year + - + month + - + day
today = datecode
print today

print Day of year: ,



Day of year:  179

(program exited with code: 0)
Press return to continue

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Re: [Tutor] Finding numeric day in a year...

2014-06-28 Thread Ken G.

On 06/28/2014 02:13 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

On 28/06/2014 18:59, Ken G. wrote:

I know the correct answer should be 001, but I keep getting 179 which is
the correct answer for June 28, 2014 (I think). I tried using datecode
in various places instead of today but I am still getting 179. Currently
using Ubuntu 12.04.4 and Python 2.7. Thanks for any feedback and 


# datefind

import datetime

datecode = 20140101 # from database on file

month = datecode[4:6]
day  = datecode[6:8]
year  = datecode[0:4]
datecode = year + - + month + - + day
today = datecode
print today

print Day of year: , ? :)

Thanks but it came out:

Day of year:  2014-06-28

What I wanted was 001 for 01-01-2014 as specified in datecode.


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Re: [Tutor] Finding numeric day in a year...

2014-06-28 Thread Ken G.

On 06/28/2014 02:20 PM, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:

From: Ken G.
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2014 7:59 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Finding numeric day in a year...

I know the correct answer should be 001, but I keep getting 179 which is the 
correct answer for June 28, 2014 (I think). I tried using datecode in various 
places instead of today but I am still getting 179. Currently using Ubuntu 
12.04.4 and Python 2.7. Thanks for any feedback and suggestion.


# datefind

import datetime

datecode = 20140101 # from database on file

month = datecode[4:6]
day  = datecode[6:8]
year  = datecode[0:4]
datecode = year + - + month + - + day
today = datecode
print today

print Day of year: ,



Day of year:  179

(program exited with code: 0)
Press return to continue


Your variable 'today' and the datetime function 'today()' are not the same 
thing. You need strptime to parse the date string (and tell it the format is 
mmdd), then strftime to format it using the day-of-year format '%j'

datetime.datetime.strptime(datecode, %Y%m%d).strftime(%j)


Thanks! That did the trick. Thank you.


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Re: [Tutor] Finding numeric day in a year...

2014-06-28 Thread Ken G.

On 06/28/2014 02:36 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 01:59:04PM -0400, Ken G. wrote:

I know the correct answer should be 001, but I keep getting 179 which is
the correct answer for June 28, 2014 (I think).

Day 179 of 2014 is June 28 according to my diary, which happens to be
today. (Well, I'm in Australia, so for me it is yesterday, but for you
it is today.) So when you do this:

print Day of year: ,

it prints the day of the year for *today*. If you try it again tomorrow,
it will print 180. If you wait another week, it will print 187.

The existence of a variable today is irrelevant and has nothing to do
with Consider this example:

py import datetime
py today = the first day of the rest of your life
py  # just inspect the method
built-in method today of type object at 0x607ac0
py  # actually call the method, 6, 29)
py today
'the first day of the rest of your life'

I tried using datecode
in various places instead of today but I am still getting 179.

datecode holds a string, not a date object. To call date methods, you
need a date object.

py the_day =, 1, 1)
py the_day.strftime(%j)

If you have a date as a string, you can turn it into a date object like

py the_day = datetime.datetime.strptime('20140101', '%Y%m%d')
py the_day.strftime(%j)

Thank you. Much appreciated.

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Re: [Tutor] Finding numeric day in a year...[SOLVED]

2014-06-28 Thread Ken G.

On 06/28/2014 02:39 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

On 28/06/14 18:59, Ken G. wrote:

datecode = 20140101 # from database on file

month = datecode[4:6]
day  = datecode[6:8]
year  = datecode[0:4]

use strptime() to parse dates, its much more reliable.

datecode = year + - + month + - + day
today = datecode

And use strftime() to format them...

print today

print Day of year: ,

This returns todays date whenever you run it.
It has nothing to do with the dates above.
But if you use strptime() to get the date from your string you should 
then be able to use strftime to convert it to julian.

BTW You say you get it from database on file.
Now if that is a real database such as SQLite you will find functions 
there to convert it to julian at source... which is easier than 
reading it as a string, parsing it, and then converting it back to a 
date again...


Ah, it is a Python database consisting of year-month-date and past drawn 
lotto numbers. I have just noticed that I am missing some twice weekly 
drawing. I am checking which one I am missing so far this year. Thanks 
to all that helps me

solved the puzzle.


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Re: [Tutor] Finding numeric day in a year...[SOLVED]

2014-06-28 Thread Ken G.

On 06/28/2014 04:35 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

On 28/06/2014 19:39, Alan Gauld wrote:

On 28/06/14 18:59, Ken G. wrote:

BTW You say you get it from database on file.
Now if that is a real database such as SQLite you will find functions
there to convert it to julian at source... which is easier than reading
it as a string, parsing it, and then converting it back to a date 

Well spotted :)  Ken G. please see

Thank you. Will take a look at it.


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Re: [Tutor] most useful ide

2014-02-02 Thread Ken G.

On 02/02/2014 03:10 PM, Pierre Dagenais wrote:

On 14-02-02 01:16 PM, Kodiak Firesmith wrote:

Pycharm is nice for bigger projects (since tou can collapse any section);
but it's crazy resource intensive.  For Linux Gedit can be made very nice

I prefer Geany as it will run my code with a click of the mouse.

for python, and of course vim in the shell is very nice with the right
On Feb 2, 2014 11:20 AM, scurvy scott wrote:


Are there any recommendations for python ide's

I, too, use Geany to run my Python programs.

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Re: [Tutor] Saving files in Python, IDE's editors

2013-12-18 Thread Ken G.

For what it may be worth, I use Geany on my Ubuntu
OS, 12.04 LTS. I also have IDLE installed and I
can use the Terminal Window in running Command


On 12/17/2013 09:28 PM, Keith Winston wrote:
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 7:26 PM, wrote:

What else do I need to do to make this version of Python an
actually usable programming environment?

Chris Acreman

Chris, I'm also a noob, but I would recommend you install/use an IDE, 
such as IDLE which comes free with all (I think) Python installs. An 
Integrated Development Environment will help with formatting  
debugging, but the way I like to use IDLE is open up a window on the 
right side of my screen with the file I'm working on, and whenever I 
want to run it I save (ctrl-S, or menu) and run (F5, or menu), and 
then watch it go in the other window. Very efficient. There are quite 
a few other IDE's, free and not, but I don't really see the value for 
a beginner (but then, I'm just a beginner!). You didn't mention what 
operating system (or even what version of Python) you are using, this 
will likely influence the choices others offer.

It is completely possible to do everything without an IDE, though 
AFAIK most people end up using IDEs or editors that can be set up to 
recognize (and color-code, etc) programming: VIM and EMACs are big 
favorites. I can't imagine the learning curve of the latter is worth 
it at first, if I correctly surmise your relatively noobiness based on 
the question... IDLE is simple, you already have it installed probably 
(a little more work if you are on linux), and it's got a GUI interface 
with drop-down menus and all that good stuff. Hopefully I didn't just 
start a flame war...


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Re: [Tutor] Flip the coin 10x and count heads and tails: It works now!

2013-05-25 Thread Ken G.

On 05/25/2013 05:25 AM, Rafael Knuth wrote:


thank you all for your help. One of you guys asked me to try out your
suggestions and then tell you how it goes. Here we go! First, let me
recap briefly what the expected outcome of my program was and which
difficulties I encountered at the beginning. I was writing a program
in Python 3.3.0 which flips a coin 10 x times and then counts the
number of heads and tails. It obviously did something else than I

import random

print (

This program flips a coin 10 times.
It then counts the number of heads and tails.


flips = 0
heads = 0
tails = 0

while flips  10:
 flips = flips + 1
 if random.randint(1,2) == 1:
 heads = heads + 1
 print(We've got  + str(heads) +  heads here.
 if random.randint(1,2) == 2:
 tails = tails + 1
 print(We've got  + str(tails) +  tails here.)

This is what I got as output:

This program flips a coin 10 times.
It then counts the number of heads and tails.

We've got 1 tails here.
We've got 1 heads here.
We've got 2 tails here.
We've got 2 heads here.
We've got 3 tails here.
We've got 3 heads here.
We've got 4 tails here.
We've got 5 tails here.
We've got 4 heads here.
We've got 6 tails here.
We've got 7 tails here.
We've got 5 heads here.

As it turned out, each of your answers was *partially* correct, so I
played around with your suggestions until I got my code up and
running. Frankly, I did two mistakes: First, I placed the print
statement inside the loop instead of outside of it. And second, I
mistakenly called the random function two times inside the loop. In
order to resolve that issue, I had to modify the heads and tails
variables and then add another variable and put it inside the loop:

result = random.randint(1,2)

Lastly, I figured out that counting the results can be done in a more
elegant fashion. Instead of:

variable_XYZ = variable_XYZ + 1

… it can be done this way:

variable_XYZ += 1

I got so excited when I saw my program run properly that I decided to
pimp it a little bit by printing each head and tail with a time delay
while the coin got flipped during the run. Here’s what my code looks
like now:

import random
import time

print (

This program flips a coin 10 times.
It then counts the number of heads and tails.


flips = 0
heads = 0
tails = 0

while flips  10:
 result = random.randint(1,2)
 if result == 1:
 heads += 1
 elif result == 2:
 tails += 1
 flips += 1
print (\nYou've got  + str(heads) +  heads and  + str(tails) +  tails.)

I have one last question to you: I explained twice in my initial mail
what I expect my program to do (“I am writing a program in Python
3.3.0 which flips a coin 10 x times and then counts the number of
heads and tails.”). I did that the introduction as well as inside my
code. However, almost each of you asked me what I expect my program to
do. I was confused about that and I am wondering if any of you can
clarify? I just want to make sure I avoid misunderstandings like these
in the future.

Thank you all again!

All the best,


May I suggest that instead of:

flips = 0
heads = 0
tails = 0

how about:

flips = heads = tails = 0


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Re: [Tutor] Python Idle Crashing

2013-05-17 Thread Ken G.

On 05/17/2013 02:19 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

On 17/05/13 18:16, bob gailer wrote:

On 5/16/2013 8:49 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

don't run programs on real data using IDLE. IDLE is for developing
programs not running them.

That is really scary. Why do you say that? The IDLE documentation does
NOT say that!

No, but IDLE is *intended* for development. It is not intended for 
running programs. You *can* do it but the results may not be what

you expect.

Lots of beginners seem to think that because they use IDLE to develop 
code that they must run it from there but its not an effective way of 
doing things. That's all I was meaning, not that terrible things might 
happen like the PC crashing or data being deleted. It's just easier 
and faster and more predictable to run finished code directly in the 
python interpreter.

I use Geany 0.21 as a fast and lightweight IDE for my Python programs.
MY OS is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and currently using Python 2.7.3. I rarely use
IDLE v2.7.3.


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Re: [Tutor] Using a Blackjack Chart...

2012-05-24 Thread Ken G.

On 05/23/2012 09:36 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Ken G. wrote:
I would like to create a Python program in the manner of an using 
flash card format.
That is, a question is asked and you can respond according and you 
will be notify if you are correct or incorrect.

Is this supposed to be a graphical flashcard program?

Or something you run at the terminal, using just text? That's much 

Using such format stated above, I would like to create a Blackjack 
program.  I wish
to utilize a 'cheat sheet chart' format that provide the proper 

The chart has 10 rows across, being identified as the dealer's up 
card, from 2 to 10 plus Ace.

There are 23 columns indicating the player's cards being shown, such 
as 8 to 12, 13-16, 17+, A2 to A8 and 2,2 to A,A.

Each row and column would indicate either Hit, DD (Double), S (Stand) 
and SP (Split).

There's no need for the 200lb sledgehammer of a database to crack this 

Your data structure looks like a table, with a mere 10*23 = 230 cells. 
Just use a dictionary, with keys (dealer-up-card, player-cards) and 
values the response:

table = {
(2, 8): 'H',  # dealer's card is 2, player's cards add to 8
(2, 9): 'H',
(2, 21): 'S',
(3, 8): 'H',

A text-only flash-card test would look something like this:

import random

def flash():
# Pick a random cell from the table.
cell = random.choice(table.keys())
print The dealer shows, cell[0]
print Your hand is, cell[1]
response = raw_input(What do you do? )
if response == table[cell]:
print Correct
print The dealer laughs cruelly as he takes your money.

def main():
print Blackjack flash-card program
print Type Control-C at any time to halt.
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:


Thank you Steven for saving me from database hell.  LOL.  Yes, it would 
be a text
based program.  I will start working on this approach today.  Again, my 


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Re: [Tutor] Using a Blackjack Chart...

2012-05-24 Thread Ken G.

On 05/24/2012 10:27 AM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:

There's no need for the 200lb sledgehammer of a database to crack this

Thank you Steven for saving me from database hell.  LOL.  Yes, it would
be a text based program.  I will start working on this approach today.  Again, 

This would be good practice as an intro to databases. They are a powerful
tool and it would probably beneficial to learn it in the long run.


Thanks.  I have a bunch of tutorials printed out to study and learn.

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Re: [Tutor] Using a Blackjack Chart...

2012-05-23 Thread Ken G.

On 05/23/2012 09:56 AM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:

How can I best utilize such a chart in the Python program?  Lists,

Tuples, Dictionary or perhaps, a database format such as SQL?  I tried using 
MySQLdb but
was unable to use it since I am using Ubuntu 10.04.4 (Linux) as my main OS.  My
other OS is Windows XP.

As to mysql it works fine on linux.  If your system doesn't have mysql
you can use synaptic package manager  to get it  Look for
mysql-server, mysql-client and python-mysqldb

import MySQLdb as mdb

Or even more simply, why not use SQLite? It is built into Python
and will be portable for anywhere that Python is.


Thank you.  I am looking into SQLite3.  It has a steep learning curve for me.  
still playing with it.

Again, thanks.


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Re: [Tutor] sqlite3 question

2012-05-23 Thread Ken G.

On 05/23/2012 12:51 PM, Joel Goldstick wrote:

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Khalid  wrote:

hi all,

I'm using Python 3 and have read that you need sqlite to be installed to use
the sqlite3 module, but when it is imported it seems to work ok. so, do you
need to install it? also, when you create the database where is it saved?


Here's one of the top listings from google for sqlite3 python

See that the database is kept in the file /home/user/mydatabase.db

import sqlite3
cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE mytable (Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Date TEXT, Entry 

sqlite3.Cursor object at 0xb7cd7140

The file may be hidden due to the dot before the file name and may be 
located in the home directory

of user.

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[Tutor] Using a Blackjack Chart...

2012-05-22 Thread Ken G.
I would like to create a Python program in the manner of an using flash 
card format.
That is, a question is asked and you can respond according and you will 
be notify if

you are correct or incorrect.

Using such format stated above, I would like to create a Blackjack 
program.  I wish

to utilize a 'cheat sheet chart' format that provide the proper response.

The chart has 10 rows across, being identified as the dealer's up card, 
from 2 to

10 plus Ace.

There are 23 columns indicating the player's cards being shown, such as 
8 to 12,

13-16, 17+, A2 to A8 and 2,2 to A,A.

Each row and column would indicate either Hit, DD (Double), S (Stand) 
and SP


How can I best utilize such a chart in the Python program?  Lists, 
Tuples, Dictionary
or perhaps, a database format such as SQL?  I tried using MySQLdb but 
was unable
to use it since I am using Ubuntu 10.04.4 (Linux) as my main OS.  My 
other OS is

Windows XP.

Thank you for any suggestions or guidances.

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Re: [Tutor] Which should it be, lists, tuples, dictionary or files? [SOLVED]

2012-01-03 Thread Ken G.

On 01/03/2012 06:28 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:

On 03/01/12 07:31, Devin Jeanpierre wrote:

It's probably worth mentioning that shelve is not secure; loading a
saved shelf can involve executing arbitrary python code embedded
inside it. This probably isn't important for this particular project,
but maybe in the future, if you consider using shelf for something
more security-conscious...

A good point, shelve should be treated more like an internal 
persistence tool than a general purpose database. It's

fine if you know what you are storing but if random data
is being put into it there could be problems.

My thanks to all of those who replied and offered suggestions.  I will 
be looking into every one of those suggestions.  Again, my thanks.  This 
is truly a great Python group.

Ken, Louisville, KY, USA
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[Tutor] Which should it be, lists, tuples, dictionary or files?

2012-01-02 Thread Ken G.
I have been using an Open Office Spreadsheet containing basically, the 
food name, basic serving amount, calories, sodium and carbohydrate.  
Daily, I entered the servicing amount being eaten and its calculate the 
amount of calories, sodium and carbohydrate.  For some odd reason, I 
kept losing the spreadsheet and its data.

I am interested in keeping track of the number of calories consumed each 
day.  Due to losing the spreadsheet data so frequencies, I decided to 
use Python in keeping track of the basic information and perhaps, keep 
track of the calories in a file.

Over the last several months, numerous mention is made of lists, tuples 
and dictionary here.  Basically, the format will be as follow:

Name of Food
Basic Serving Amount
Calories per serving
Sodium per serving
Carbohydrate per serving

For example,

Name:  Hominy, Golden (3.5)
Serving Size:  1/2 cup
Calories:  100
Sodium:  380
Carbohydrate:  20

The '(3.5)' indicated above is number of servings in a 15.5-ounce can.  
It will not necessary be indicated.

Should the above five elements be stored as a list, tuples, dictionary 
or file?  I am will familiar with files and have some knowledge of using 
lists and tuples.  Not too familiar with dictionary.

Thank for any suggestion.


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Re: [Tutor] Which should it be, lists, tuples, dictionary or files?

2012-01-02 Thread Ken G.

On 01/02/2012 05:47 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Ken G. wrote:
I have been using an Open Office Spreadsheet containing basically, 
the food name, basic serving amount, calories, sodium and 
carbohydrate.  Daily, I entered the servicing amount being eaten and 
its calculate the amount of calories, sodium and carbohydrate.  For 
some odd reason, I kept losing the spreadsheet and its data.

I am interested in keeping track of the number of calories consumed 
each day.  Due to losing the spreadsheet data so frequencies, I 
decided to use Python in keeping track of the basic information and 
perhaps, keep track of the calories in a file.

If you lose the spreadsheets, what makes you think you won't lose the 
Python files?

I am using Open Office and for unknown reason, it does not always open.  
I am on Ubuntu 10.04.3 OS.  I use my Python files every day.

Should the above five elements be stored as a list, tuples, 
dictionary or file?  I am will familiar with files and have some 
knowledge of using lists and tuples.  Not too familiar with dictionary.

If you to store the data permanently, it has to go into a file. I 
suggest you learn about INI files to start with. Start by googling for 
INI file format and see if it sounds like what you could use.

Okay, thanks.  I will look into it.  Have not heard of INI file format.

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[Tutor] Weird Error

2011-12-17 Thread Ken G.
I have use 'sleep.time(5)' in most of my program but the following error 
is throwing me for a loss.

import time
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/ken/Python2/Blood Glucose/, 
line 63, in module

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'sleep'

Using the following is okay:

import time
print Now
print Later

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Re: [Tutor] Weird Error

2011-12-17 Thread Ken G.

On 12/17/2011 10:40 AM, Peter Otten wrote:

Ken G. wrote:

I have use 'sleep.time(5)' in most of my program but the following error
is throwing me for a loss.

import time
Traceback (most recent call last):
File /home/ken/Python2/Blood Glucose/,
line 63, inmodule
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'sleep'

Using the following is okay:

import time
print Now
print Later

Look for an assignment like

time = whatever

in module

Whew!  I search for time in the program and yes, I did have time as an
assignment in several places in the program prior to using time.sleep.

Changed the assigned time to timing.

Thanks guys.


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Re: [Tutor] Github Pygame Example Repository

2011-12-17 Thread Ken G.

The second link should be read as follow:

You had an extra period after http:


On 12/17/2011 01:00 PM, ANKUR AGGARWAL wrote:

I have created an pygame example repo on github to promote the
learning of this API. check this out . I created
an blog post of the same on my linux blog :
. Suggestions and feedback would be great. Looking for contribution
too :)

Ankur Aggarwal

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Re: [Tutor] File vs. Database (possible off topic)

2011-11-22 Thread Ken G.

On 11/22/2011 08:13 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Ken G. wrote:
It occurred to me last week while reviewing the files I made in using 
Python, it could be somewhat similar to a database.

What would be a different between a Python files and Python 
databases?  Granted, the access in creating them are different, I 
really don't see any different in the format of a file and a database.

A database is essentially a powerful managed service built on top of 
one or more files. There's nothing you can do with a database that you 
can't do with a big set of (say) Windows-style INI files and a whole 
lot of code to manage them. A database does all the management for 
you, handling all the complexity, data integrity, and security, so 
that you don't have to re-invent the wheel. Since database software 
tends to be big and complicated, there is a lot of wheel to be 

I wish to thank those whom replied to my previous question regarding 
database vs. file.  The responses received was quite useful and helpful.

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[Tutor] File vs. Database (possible off topic)

2011-11-21 Thread Ken G.
It occurred to me last week while reviewing the files I made in using 
Python, it could be somewhat similar to a database.

What would be a different between a Python files and Python databases?  
Granted, the access in creating them are different, I really don't see 
any different in the format of a file and a database.

Again, this may be off topic, but where can I review the basic concepts 
of creating a database/file.  For example, when is a back up file 
created, after inputting a new value?  Is sorting a consider a separate 
program after inputting a new value?  It has been some 30 years since I 
took a course in basic data processing and I am hazy in trying to 
remember the basic concepts.

If this is off topic, I apologized for posting here.

Ken, Kentucky, USA

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Re: [Tutor] [off-topic] Any thread for linux troubleshooting

2011-11-12 Thread Ken G.

On 12/11/11 17:54, Bikash Sahoo wrote:

Can you please refer some threads for linux troubleshooting queries ??

Not so much a thread but the Ubuntu web forum is a good starting place and thereare tons of Linux news groups. Try a search on Google groups as your 

starting point.

Also the Linux Documentation Project has loads of how-to docs.

I've been using Linux on and off since 1993 but only made the total switch to 
it this July. So far I'm loving it except for the lack of a decent Video editor 
and Visio clone. Fortunately Serif Movieplus and SmartDraw 6 work under Wine so 
I'm a happy bunny

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

I checked the above website and I was linked to a foreign political 
blog.  The correct link is:  for The Linux Documentation Project.

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Re: [Tutor] Beginning Python From Perl

2011-11-08 Thread Ken G.
Not necessary learning from Perl but I would recommend Alan Gauld's 
online website for learning Python from scratch:

Good luck in learning Python.


On 11/08/2011 05:14 PM, Jihad Esmail wrote:

Hi! I am new to this list so stick with me. I've recently taken interest
in learning Python. I have already learned Perl. How should I go about
learning Python from Perl? Please help. Thanks!

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Re: [Tutor] New to programming

2011-03-18 Thread Ken G.
You may want to check out a short article entitled Instant Hacking by 
Magnus Lie Hetland.  It is an introduction to programming using Python 
as an example.  In the first paragraph thereby mentioned, there is a 
link to another easy article titled Instant Python written by the same 
author.  He had already has written three Python books.


On 03/18/2011 07:48 PM, Savyn - OpenERP Mail wrote:

Dear Everyone

I am new to programming (a passion mainly). I have no background in 
programming.  The beginner tutorial seems hard after a few chapters 
or not sure how to merge requirement with the tutorials.

Where and how should I start programming with python for complete beginner?

Many thanks

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Re: [Tutor] Python printing to LPT

2011-02-12 Thread Ken G.

On 02/12/2011 10:14 AM, Bill Allen wrote:

Is is possible to print directly to an LPT port printer from Python?


I use the following format in my Ubuntu 10.04 usage.  It set up a 
printing file.

import os

# declare values
month = 02; date = 11; year = 2011

# open up file
pr = os.popen(lpr, w)

#tab two times before printing string
pr.write(\t\tDate of Drawing: ),

# print the month on the same line and added a space
pr.write(month), pr.write (  ),

# print the date on the same line and added a space
pr.write(date), pr.write( ),

# print the year on the same line and added a space
pr.write(year), pr.write( ),

# print up two line feeds
pr.write(\n), pr.write(\n)

# close the print file

will produce the following:

Date of Drawing:  02 11 2011

 (start of new line here)

Very time consuming and detailing but it work.

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Re: [Tutor] Python printing to LPT

2011-02-12 Thread Ken G.

On 02/12/2011 09:53 PM, Bill Allen wrote:


Thanks for the great info on doing this on a Linux platform.  I am 
sure I will be trying this with Linux sometime and I'll refer back to 


I discovered some more information on this at the following link:

Good luck.


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[Tutor] Sorting the Dictionary Set?

2010-07-06 Thread Ken G.

Is there a way to sort a dictionary?

Assuming I have a dictionary set containing the following:

{'02': 1, '03': 1, '12': 1, '15': 2, '14': 2, '04': 3, '05': 1, '19': 1, 
'32': 1, '28': 1, '27': 1, '17': 2, '25': 1}

and using the following code:

print ('Printing the result of numbers that are repeated:')
for x, y in counted.items():
if y  1:
print Number %s was found %s times. % (x,y)
# else:
# print Number %s was found %s times. % (x,y)

and the result are:

Printing the result of numbers that are repeated:

Number 15 was found 2 times.
Number 14 was found 2 times.
Number 04 was found 3 times.
Number 17 was found 2 times.

and the question is:

How do I sort the dictionary so the numbers listed (15, 14, 04, 17) are 
listed in sorted ascending order such as:

Number 04 was found 3 times.
Number 14 was found 2 times.
Number 15 was found 2 times.
Number 17 was found 2 times.

I would appreciate any help, suggestion or hint on how to do achieved 
the desired result.



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[Tutor] Looking for duplicates within a list

2010-06-11 Thread Ken G.
I have been working on this problem for several days and I am not making 
any progress.  I have a group of 18 number, in ascending order, within a 
list.  They ranged from 1 to 39.  Some numbers are duplicated as much as 
three times or as few as none.

I started with one list containing the numbers.  For example, they are 
listed as like below:

a = [1, 2, 3, 3, 4]

I started off with using a loop:

   for j in range (0, 5):
   x = a[0] # for example, 1

How would I compare '1' with 2, 3, 3, 4? 

Do I need another duplicated list such as b = a and compare a[0] with 
either b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4]?

Or do I compare a[0] with a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]?

In any event, if a number is listed more than once, I would like to know 
how many times, such as 2 or 3 times.  For example, '3' is listed twice 
within a list.



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Re: [Tutor] Looking for duplicates within a list

2010-06-11 Thread Ken G.

vijay wrote:

Check out this code
 l= [1, 2, 3, 3, 4]
 for item in l:
 d[item] +=1
print d
{1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 1}

with regard's

Thanks.  Very interesting concept.

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Re: [Tutor] Looking for duplicates within a list

2010-06-11 Thread Ken G.

Alex Hall wrote:

On 6/11/10, Ken G. wrote:

I have been working on this problem for several days and I am not making
any progress.  I have a group of 18 number, in ascending order, within a
list.  They ranged from 1 to 39.  Some numbers are duplicated as much as
three times or as few as none.

FYI, Python's set data type will let you have a list and never have
a repeat. I know that is not your goal now, but if you want to remove
duplicates, it seems like a good choice.

I started with one list containing the numbers.  For example, they are
listed as like below:

a = [1, 2, 3, 3, 4]

I started off with using a loop:

for j in range (0, 5):
x = a[0] # for example, 1

How would I compare '1' with 2, 3, 3, 4?

Do I need another duplicated list such as b = a and compare a[0] with
either b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4]?

Or do I compare a[0] with a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]?

A couple points here. First, you will want to make life easier by
saying range(0, len(a)) so that the loop will work no matter the size
of a.
Second, for comparing a list to itself, here is a rather inefficient,
though simple, way:

for i in range(0, len(a)):
 for j in range(0, len(a)):
  if(x==y and i!=j): #match since a[i]==a[j] and i and j are not the
same index of a

In any event, if a number is listed more than once, I would like to know
how many times, such as 2 or 3 times.  For example, '3' is listed twice
within a list.

Do not quote me here, but I think sets may be able to tell you that as well.



Thank you for your contribution.  As seen here, I have much to learn.


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Re: [Tutor] Looking for duplicates within a list [SOLVED]

2010-06-11 Thread Ken G.

Sander Sweers wrote:

On 11 June 2010 15:57, Ken G. wrote:

In any event, if a number is listed more than once, I would like to know how
many times, such as 2 or 3 times.  For example, '3' is listed twice within a

If you do not have top keep the order of the number this will work.


a = [1, 2, 3, 3, 4]
counted = {}
for n in a:

if not n in counted:
counted[n] = 1
counted[n] += 1



{1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 1}


for x, y in counted.items():

if y  1:
print Number %s was found %s times % (x, y)
print Number %s was found %s time % (x, y)

Number 1 was found 1 time
Number 2 was found 1 time
Number 3 was found 2 times
Number 4 was found 1 time


That works great!  Thanks!

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Re: [Tutor] Looking for duplicates within a list [SOLVED]

2010-06-11 Thread Ken G.

Jose Amoreira wrote:

On Friday, June 11, 2010 02:57:34 pm Ken G. wrote:

I have been working on this problem for several days and I am not making
any progress.  I have a group of 18 number, in ascending order, within a
list.  They ranged from 1 to 39.  Some numbers are duplicated as much as
three times or as few as none.

I started with one list containing the numbers.  For example, they are
listed as like below:

a = [1, 2, 3, 3, 4]

I started off with using a loop:

for j in range (0, 5):
x = a[0] # for example, 1

How would I compare '1' with 2, 3, 3, 4?

Do I need another duplicated list such as b = a and compare a[0] with
either b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4]?

Or do I compare a[0] with a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]?

In any event, if a number is listed more than once, I would like to know
how many times, such as 2 or 3 times.  For example, '3' is listed twice
within a list.


I would do it with a dictionary:
def reps(lst):
dict = {}
for item in lst:
if item in dict:
dict[item] += 1
dict[item] = 1
return dict

This function returns a dictionary with of the number of times each value in 
the list is repeated. Even shorter using dict.setdefault:

def reps(lst):
for item in lst:
dict[item] = dict.setdefault(item,0) + 1
return dict

For instance, if lst=[1,2,2,2,4,4,5], then reps(lst) returns
{1: 1, 2: 3, 4: 2, 5: 1}

Using the fact that the list is ordered, one can design a more efficient 
solution (go through the list; if this item is equal to the previous, then it 
is repeated, else, it is a new value). But you list is short enough for this 
direct approach to work.

Hope this helps. Cheers,


Thanks.  I will be studying your approach.  Thanks all.

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Re: [Tutor] Looking for duplicates within a list [SOLVED]

2010-06-11 Thread Ken G.

Alan Gauld wrote:

Ken G. wrote

In any event, if a number is listed more than once, I would like to 
know how many times, such as 2 or 3 times.  For example, '3' is 
listed twice within a list.

Have you looked at the count method of lists?

Something like:

counts = set(( item, mylist.count(item)) for item in mylist if 
mylist.count(item)  1)

Seems to work...


Whee, this is great!  I learned a lot today.  Back to playing and studying.

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Re: [Tutor] Looking for duplicates within a list [SOLVED]

2010-06-11 Thread Ken G.

Dave Angel wrote:

Ken G. wrote:
I have been working on this problem for several days and I am not 
making any progress.  I have a group of 18 number, in ascending 
order, within a list.  They ranged from 1 to 39.  Some numbers are 
duplicated as much as three times or as few as none.

I started with one list containing the numbers.  For example, they 
are listed as like below:

a = [1, 2, 3, 3, 4]

I started off with using a loop:

   for j in range (0, 5):
   x = a[0] # for example, 1

How would I compare '1' with 2, 3, 3, 4?
Do I need another duplicated list such as b = a and compare a[0] with 
either b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4]?

Or do I compare a[0] with a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]?

In any event, if a number is listed more than once, I would like to 
know how many times, such as 2 or 3 times.  For example, '3' is 
listed twice within a list.



I'm a bit surprised nobody has mentioned the obvious solution -- 
another list of size 40, each of which represents the number of times  
a particular number has appeared.


a = [1, 2, 3, 3, 4]
counts = [0] * 40
for item in a:
counts[item] += 1

Now, if you want to know how many times 3 appears, simply
  print counts[3]

The only downside to this is if the range of possible values is large, 
or non-numeric.  In either of those cases, go back to the default 


This will be look into.  Mucho thanks.


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Re: [Tutor] Looking for duplicates within a list [SOLVED]

2010-06-11 Thread Ken G.

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Sat, 12 Jun 2010 12:58:19 am Alan Gauld wrote:


Have you looked at the count method of lists?

Something like:

counts = set(( item, mylist.count(item)) for item in mylist if
mylist.count(item)  1)

That's a Shlemiel the Painter algorithm.


Seems to work...

You say that now, but one day you will use it on a list of 100,000 
items, and you'll wonder why it takes 45 minutes to finish, and curse 
Python for being slow.

Hee, hee.  Will investigate further.  Thanks.


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Re: [Tutor] Looking for duplicates within a list [SOLVED]

2010-06-11 Thread Ken G.

Hugo Arts wrote:

On 11 jun 2010, at 17:49, Steven D'Aprano wrote:


On Sat, 12 Jun 2010 12:58:19 am Alan Gauld wrote:

Have you looked at the count method of lists?

Something like:

counts = set(( item, mylist.count(item)) for item in mylist if
mylist.count(item)  1)

That's a Shlemiel the Painter algorithm.

It is, but it's also very elegant and simple to understand. And it
works fine on small inputs. Everything is fast for small n.


Seems to work...

You say that now, but one day you will use it on a list of 100,000
items, and you'll wonder why it takes 45 minutes to finish, and curse
Python for being slow.

Actually, now that you know it is a shlemiel the painter's algorithm,
you won't have to wonder anymore. And you'll just say: well, this
piece of code might need to handle huge lists someday, I'll use a

I guess what I'm trying to say is: using code that performs bad in
situations that won't be encountered anyway is not inherently bad.
Otherwise, we'd all still be writing everything in C.

The corrolary, of course, is that you should always know what the
performance characteristics of your code are, and what kind of data it
will handle.



I appreciate your input.  Thanks!

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Re: [Tutor] Looking for duplicates within a list [SOLVED]

2010-06-11 Thread Ken G. wrote:

How about this?
List = [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5]

for Item in list(set(List)):
print Item, List.count(Item)

- Original Message -
*From:* Ken G.
*To:* Steven D'Aprano
*Sent:* Friday, June 11, 2010 9:09 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Tutor] Looking for duplicates within a list [SOLVED]

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Sat, 12 Jun 2010 12:58:19 am Alan Gauld wrote:


Have you looked at the count method of lists?

Something like:

counts = set(( item, mylist.count(item)) for item in mylist if
mylist.count(item)  1)

That's a Shlemiel the Painter algorithm.


Seems to work...

You say that now, but one day you will use it on a list of 100,000 
items, and you'll wonder why it takes 45 minutes to finish, and curse 
Python for being slow.

Hee, hee.  Will investigate further.  Thanks.



Oh, a nice one.  Many thanks.

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[Tutor] Finding duplicates entry in file

2010-03-20 Thread Ken G.
What is a method I can use to find duplicated entry within a sorted 
numeric file?  

I was trying to read a file reading two lines at once but apparently, I 
can only read one line at a time.  Can the same file be opened and read 
two times within a program?

For example, a file has:


The newly revised file should be:


Again, thanking the group for their input,


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Re: [Tutor] Finding duplicates entry in file

2010-03-20 Thread Ken G.
Thanks for the info.  I already adopted a program from another person 
and it works like a charm.   As for your question, I had no idea of if I 
had duplicate or more as there was some 570 line items.  I whittled it 
down to 370 line entries.  Whew.


Luke Paireepinart wrote:

On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Ken G. wrote:

What is a method I can use to find duplicated entry within a
sorted numeric file?  
I was trying to read a file reading two lines at once but

apparently, I can only read one line at a time.  Can the same file
be opened and read two times within a program?

For example, a file has:


The newly revised file should be:


Again, thanking the group for their input,

open(output.txt, w).write(\n.join(sorted(set([i.strip() for i in 

Just for fun :)

also, in your algorithm, why are you assuming there are at most 1 
extra entries in the case of a duplicate?  Why not generalize it for 
all duplicates?


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Re: [Tutor] Finding duplicates entry in file

2010-03-20 Thread Ken G.

Thanks for letting me know.  Corrective actions taken.


Luke Paireepinart wrote:

On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Ken G. wrote:

Thanks for the info.  I already adopted a program from another
person and it works like a charm.   As for your question, I had no
idea of if I had duplicate or more as there was some 570 line
items.  I whittled it down to 370 line entries.  Whew.

Can you please try to post to the list in plain-text rather than 
HTML?  it is very hard to read your font on my system.


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Re: [Tutor] First program

2010-03-13 Thread Ken G.

I am using Ubuntu 9.04 and I have versions 2.6.2 and 3.0.1+ installed.

Look for IDLE in Add/Remove Applications. 

Perhaps, you may have a different version of Ubuntu.


Ray Parrish wrote:
Yes, I'm using 2.45.2 as that is the highest version available in the 
Ubuntu repositories, and I'd like to keep it simple for users of 
programs i write. If I install a higher version from somewhere other 
than the repositories it will force users of my programs to do the 
same, and the repositories are the trusted source of software for 
Ubuntu, and other Linux users.

Thanks for being so observant.

Later, Ray Parrish

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[Tutor] Changing the value in a list

2010-03-11 Thread Ken G.
If the following program change list[2] to 2010, replacing 1997 (and it 
does), why doesn't the second program work in changing line[ 9:11] to 20 
from 08? 


   list = ['physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000]
   print list[2]
   list[2] = 2010
   print list[2]



   line = [2010020820841134]
   if line[ 9:11] == 08:
   line[ 9:11] = 20
   print line[ 9:11]


   TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment.

Thanking you all in advance,

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Re: [Tutor] Changing the value in a list

2010-03-11 Thread Ken G.

Okay, now, it is understood.  Thanks.


Andre Engels wrote:

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 4:32 PM, Ken G. wrote:

If the following program change list[2] to 2010, replacing 1997 (and it
does), why doesn't the second program work in changing line[ 9:11] to 20
from 08?

  list = ['physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000]
  print list[2]
  list[2] = 2010
  print list[2]



  line = [2010020820841134]
  if line[ 9:11] == 08:
  line[ 9:11] = 20
  print line[ 9:11]


  TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment.

Thanking you all in advance,

First, you seem to have made a mistake in copying your programs: In
the second program to get your error message,

line = [2010020820841134]

should read

line = 2010020820841134

As for your question: The error message already says it better than I
do: If x is a string, then x[9] = something is not allowed, nor is
x[9:11] = something.

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Re: [Tutor] Changing the value in a list

2010-03-11 Thread Ken G.

Okay, I understand now.  Thanks!


Steve Willoughby wrote:

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:32:45AM -0500, Ken G. wrote:

   list = ['physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000]

This is a list of 4 elements, and lists allow elements to
be changed, so


   list[2] = 2010

Will change the value of list to be ['physics','chemistry',1997,2010]


   line = [2010020820841134]

Is this one right, or did you mean '2010020820841134'?  What is shown is
a list of one element.  Assuming you meant it to be a string, that would
give the error you quote below.

Strings are immutable objects, meaning that once they are created you can't
change them, although you can construct new strings from them, so if you
wanted to make a string which had characters 9 and 10 replaced with 08
you could say:
  line = line[:9]+08+line[11:]

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Re: [Tutor] Bowing out

2010-03-03 Thread Ken G.
Thanks for helping out.  I enjoyed readying your posts.  Good luck on 
your future endeavors.


Kent Johnson wrote:
Hi all,

After six years of tutor posts my interest and energy have waned and
I'm ready to move on to something new. I'm planning to stop reading
and contributing to the list. I have handed over list moderation
duties to Alan Gauld and Wesley Chun.

Thanks to everyone who contributes questions and answers. I learned a
lot from my participation here.

So long and keep coding!
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[Tutor] rstrip in list?

2010-02-09 Thread Ken G.

I printed out some random numbers to a list and use 'print mylist' and
they came out like this:

['102\n', '231\n', '463\n', '487\n', '555\n', '961\n']

I was using 'print mylist.rstrip()' to strip off the '\n'

but kept getting an error of :

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'rstrip'

My memory must be hazy but I thought I had it working several months ago.

Any idea or suggestion?

TIA, Ken

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Re: [Tutor] rstrip in list?

2010-02-09 Thread Ken G.

Kent Johnson wrote:

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Ken G. wrote:

I printed out some random numbers to a datafile and use 'print mylist' and
they came out like this:

['102\n', '231\n', '463\n', '487\n', '555\n', '961\n']

How are you generating this list? You should be able to create it
without the \n. That would be better than stripping them out.

I inputting some random numbers into a database and then created a list
and appended the list as it read the database.

I was using 'print mylist.rstrip()' to strip off the '\n'

but kept getting an error of :

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'rstrip'

My memory must be hazy but I thought I had it working several months ago.

Any idea or suggestion?

Use a list comprehension or map():

In [1]: l = ['102\n', '231\n', '463\n', '487\n', '555\n', '961\n']

In [2]: [ i.rstrip() for i in l ]
Out[2]: ['102', '231', '463', '487', '555', '961']

In [3]: map(str.rstrip, l)
Out[3]: ['102', '231', '463', '487', '555', '961']


My database file has numbers of the same exact length that need to be 
sorted.  I am using
'mylist.sort()' as one of the command.  Actually, I will be using 
'mylist.reverse' after

that command.  I am still in a learning mode.  Thanks.


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Re: [Tutor] rstrip in list? (SOLVED)

2010-02-09 Thread Ken G.

There was so many different solutions presented here to me.

Thanks to all.  By adding '.strip('\n') to the last two lines below, it 
came out:

Sorted List

['102', '231', '463', '487', '555', '961']

for line in file.readlines():
   print line.strip('\n'),

Further work and studying needed here.   LOL.


Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Wed, 10 Feb 2010 02:28:43 am Ken G. wrote:

I printed out some random numbers to a list and use 'print mylist'
and they came out like this:

['102\n', '231\n', '463\n', '487\n', '555\n', '961\n']

I was using 'print mylist.rstrip()' to strip off the '\n'

but kept getting an error of :

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'rstrip'

You have to apply rstrip to each item in the list, not the list itself.

Here are two ways to do it:

#1: modify the list in a for-loop 
for i, item in enumerate(mylist):

mylist[i] = item.rstrip()

#2: make a new list with a list comprehension
mylist = [item.rstrip() for item in mylist]

Of the two, I prefer the second.

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[Tutor] Embarrassed...

2010-02-09 Thread Ken G.
I am a little embarrassed.  I just happen to found a program I wrote in 
December that create random numbers into a file, copy the numbers into a 
list, print the numbers unsorted and sorted from the list without 
printing '\n'.  Nevertheless, I do thanks you all for trying to help me out.


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[Tutor] Future Appointments...

2010-01-31 Thread Ken G.
Below is a program to determine when my next appointment is.  Line 
numbers are provided for reference only.

01  import time, datetime, sys
02  from datetime import date
03  today =
04  print
05  print Today date is:, today
06  todaystr = str(today)
07  print
08  print Corrected date format is:,
09  print todaystr[ 5: 7], todaystr[ 8:10], todaystr[ 0: 4]
10  print
11  future = raw_input(Next appointment is in how many days?  ),
12  print
13  difference1 = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
14  datestring = str(today + difference1)
15  print Next appointment after that is:,datestring
16  print
17  print Corrected date format for next appointment is:,
18  print datestring[ 5: 7], datestring[ 8:10], datestring[ 0: 4]
19  sys.exit()

In answering the question in line 11 as to when is my next appointment, 
I would answer 3 (for 2/3/2010) but how do I change days=1 at end of 
line 13 to days=3 so that datestring would read 2010-02-03 instead 
of 2010-02-01 as presented above?


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