[twitter-dev] Twitter Search source: operator stopped working for sources with an embedded dot?

2010-05-25 Thread Scott Carter
Matt, Doug,

I will often use the following query at http://search.twitter.com to
monitor links posted with my Social.com application:

 j.mp source:social.com

I noticed over the last few weeks that sometimes the source:
operator would stop working altogether for all applications, but
usually starts working again.For the past many days I have been
unable to get it to work with the above query, though it does seem to
work for other applications without a dot in the name.

Has support for applications with a dot in the name been dropped
(hoping this isn't the case)?

I get the error:
Unknown source 'social.com'

FYI - there are posts going to Twitter with via Social.com



[twitter-dev] Re: Is it OK to store token in COOKIE?

2010-02-22 Thread Scott Carter

An alternative is to encrypt the token secret.  Keep the encrypted
secret on the server and the encryption key in a cookie.

- Scott

On Feb 17, 9:27 am, John Meyer john.l.me...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 2/17/2010 5:32 AM, Dmitri Snytkine wrote:

  Just wondering, is it a bad practive for a web-based app to store
  user's token and secret in cookies?
  This would of cause simplify and speed up the login, but is it a
  security risk?

 When you boil it down, everything done to increase accessibility is a
 security risk.  I would think that if you keep your consumer key pair on
 the server there is little problem with this.

[twitter-dev] Is verify_credentials rate limited?

2009-11-12 Thread Scott Carter

I was wondering what the official stance was on rate limiting of

According to the API documentation it isn't (API rate limited =

I did however note that it was rate limited during the DDoS attack
earlier in the year:

I also saw indications of rate limiting as recently as Oct 3:

Just trying to plan ahead and not assume anything ...



[twitter-dev] If you see 417 Expectation Failed this post might help

2009-08-15 Thread Scott Carter

I started to occasionally get a 417 response from Twitter when my
application was using cURL to fetch an OAuth Request Token.

The response would contain

417 Expectation Failed

The expectation given in the Expect request-header field could not be
met by this server.

The client sent
Expect: 100-continue
but we only allow the 100-continue expectation.

I found the answer here:

I thought it would be useful to post it to the group here in case
anyone else is searching these posts for a reference to this issue.

Why did I get the 417 response?
Apparently cURL started adding the header Expect: 100-continue when
my POST exceeded 1024 bytes.

Why was my POST so large?
I was specifying a callback URL with some long query arguments.

What was the quick fix?
In Perl, the solution was to add an empty Expect header:

my @myheaders=(
$curl-setopt(CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, \...@myheaders);

The link I referenced above provided the PHP solution:
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Expect:'));

Hopefully this might save someone a few hours down the road ...

- Scott

[twitter-dev] Tutorial article posted - Twitter OAuth using Perl

2009-08-06 Thread Scott Carter

I just posted an article that goes into quite a bit of detail about
how to create your own Twitter OAuth solution using Perl.


I included quite a few code samples and several references.

Hopefully this might save a fellow Perl hacker some time in putting
together their own implementation.

BTW - are there any fellow Twitter Perl developers in the Boston

- Scott

[twitter-dev] URI Escape fix for OAuth - correct usage of uri_escape() with Perl

2009-07-28 Thread Scott Carter

This post is geared toward Perl implementations of OAuth, though it
may shed some light on recent URI escape problems in other languages
as well.

use Encode qw(encode);
use URI::Escape;

I previously had been escaping my parameters with a call such as:
my $value = uri_escape(encode(UTF-8,$param));

The encode() call was encoding the $param as UTF-8 octets before
percent encoding with uri_escape().

The use of uri_escape() above is NOT correct to meet the requirements
of the OAuth spec.  The following is the explanation and fix:

# OAUTH spec URI encoding
# =
# http://oauth.net/core/1.0a#encoding_parameters
# with reference to
# http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.3
# 5.1.  Parameter Encoding
# All parameter names and values are escaped using the [RFC3986]
# percent-encoding (%xx) mechanism. Characters not in the
unreserved character
# set MUST be encoded. Characters in the unreserved character
# set MUST NOT be encoded. Hexadecimal characters in encodings
MUST be upper case.
# Text names and values MUST be encoded as UTF-8 octets before
# them per [RFC3629]
# unreserved = ALPHA, DIGIT, '-', '.', '_', '~'
# URI::Escape
# =
# http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/URI-1.38/URI/Escape.pm
# uri_escape() by default encodes
#  ^A-Za-z0-9\-_.!~*'()
# We must subtract from this the reserved characters: ! * ' ( )
# ^A-Za-z0-9\-_.~

The correct assignment in Perl is thus:
my $value = uri_escape(encode(UTF-8,$param),^A-Za-z0-9\-_.~);

I've tested this and it fixed the problems I was having sending
characters !   * etc.

I suspect percent encoding in other languages may need a similar

- Scott

[twitter-dev] Counting the bytes in Persian text (and other non English unicode)

2009-07-13 Thread Scott Carter

One of my users mentioned that my client application was much more
conservative in counting non English unicode bytes (specifically
Persian) than Twitter itself.

I've looked over the following thread and all the other threads
referenced within without discovering a good answer:

I've noticed a couple different behaviors.  With simple Unicode
(smiley face, arrow, etc), the Twitter Web interface apparently counts
each character as 1 byte when displaying the count.   Posting a long
string of these however can lead to truncation.   It seems perhaps
that the Twitter Javascript is not making an attempt to accurately
count Unicode?

With Persian unicode, the Twitter web interface seems to allow a post
of an amount of text much greater than I would have expected.  My user
provided a sample here that I used to experiment with: http://bit.ly/1LDsVJ

I'm using Javascript code based on the method described here:

Does anyone have a more accurate counting method in Javascript that
might be better with all types of Unicode?


- Scott

[twitter-dev] Sign in with Twitter - Flow chart error?

2009-07-12 Thread Scott Carter

I am using as a reference the Sign in with Twitter documentation at:

When I issue an authenticate call to:

The callback I get is:

1. This callback appears to be identical to the authorize response.
Is there an error with the flow chart on the Sign in with Twitter page
that indicates an authenticate callback will include the access token
and token secret?

2. I understand that the advantage of using the authenticate process
is that if a user has already authorized an application, they don't
need to do it again.   Is there any reason to use the authorize
process instead?  It seems that apps would benefit from always using
the Sign in with Twitter authenticate flow.


- Scott

[twitter-dev] Bug with nonce value? Keeping it constant works for getting Request Token.

2009-07-11 Thread Scott Carter

I just started to work toward incorporating OAuth with my application
BigTweet using Perl.   I have been following the excellent
documenation at http://oauth.net.  Jesse Stay's article at


was also very helpful.

To the credit of the resources above, I was able to make a successful
fetch of a Request Token on my first try.I began playing with the
parameters to show that I could cause an error result.   I discovered
that I could keep the value of the nonce constant (I'm using a) and
still fetch new Request Tokens.

According to the spec at oauth.net it seems that the intent of the
nonce was to be a unique random string for each request to help
prevent replay attacks.

Did I discover a bug?


- Scott

[twitter-dev] OAuth: Screen name returned with access token - documented feature?

2009-07-11 Thread Scott Carter

I noted that the screen name (and user id) are returned along with the
Access token and secret.

It this a documented feature that I can rely upon?

The only related thread that I found on this topic was:

That thread was apparently referring to the callback after
authorization and why screen_name and user_id were removed for
security reasons.  Matt mentioned that the verify_credentials method
was the solution in that case.

If I have the screen_name available with the Access token/secret, I
don't see a need for calling verify_credentials at all in the
process.  I don't really need the screen name until after I exchange
my request token for an access token.   Can I rely on getting the
screen_name this way?  Am I missing another reason for needing to call


- Scott Carter

[twitter-dev] Can OAuth approval process work in an IFRAME?

2009-03-20 Thread Scott Carter

I'm starting to look at the OAuth process and had a question for the
OAuth folks at Twitter.

My application BigTweet is invoked via a bookmarklet and displays as
an IFRAME on any web page that a Twitter user happens to be
browsing.Ideally I would like to be able to complete the entire
OAuth process within the IFRAME (for initial login).

I believe that Twitter recently added measures to prevent framing of
their site to stop phishing attacks.   Does this extend to the OAuth
approval page?   Could an exception be made for the OAuth page when
invoked from a registered application presenting a valid Request
Token?  If so, could this be documented (perhaps in the OAuth Twitter

The authorization page at Twitter appears to have a fairly small
content section (with Deny/Allow buttons, etc), which could fit into a
reasonably sized IFRAME.  If you are agreeable to allow IFRAME
support, would it be possible to standardize on content dimensions
(for IFRAME sizing) and document this as well?

Thanks for considering my request.


[twitter-dev] Re: Can OAuth approval process work in an IFRAME?

2009-03-20 Thread Scott Carter

I think Ivan's suggestion could answer the concern about the case
where a user needs to enter a username/password:
If not signed in, a new window could load with the regular OAuth

For the case where the user is already logged in, there doesn't appear
to be any risk here.  Consider the scenario where the IFRAME is
populating a page from a site pretending to be Twitter with an Allow/
Deny button.   By clicking Allow, nothing bad can happen.  Twitter
isn't Allowing anything in this case since it wasn't their page to
begin with.

FYI - I think my case is different than Ivan's since he is discussing
a widget whereas my app lives entirely in the IFRAME.   The  callback
from Twitter after authorization would simply cause the IFRAME to
redirect back to a page on bigtweet.com where I could then present a
different (logged in) view for the user.

Joshua's suggestion would work, but providing IFRAME support with a
callback URL would save the user two steps - needing to close the
Authorization window, and clicking the Complete Connection button.


On Mar 20, 5:50 pm, Abraham Williams 4bra...@gmail.com wrote:
 If you have the approval process take place in the iframe there is no way to
 for the user to actually verify they are interacting with twitter. if they
 are not logged into twitter already you are then asking users to enter
 username/password on a potentially unsafe site and opening up to fishing.

 On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 16:29, Joshua Perry j...@6bit.com wrote:

  The interesting thing is, that you could omit the callback URL in your
  application registration with Twitter.  On your site when the user clicks
  the connect twitter button you would go and grab a request token and pop a
  new window with that request token in the URI like usual.  The user would
  click accept and since there is not a callback URL Twitter will say You can
  close this window and complete the Connect process.  Waiting on your
  webpage would be the complete connection button which, when clicked, would
  request Twitter to convert the request token into an access token.

  Instead of popping a window I don't know why you couldn't load the Twitter
  authorization page into an IFrame, but the message to close this window
  may be a bit confusing to the user.

  This flow is the same as a desktop application has to use to accomplish an
  OAuth connection and should work the similarly well with a web application.


  Ivan Kirigin wrote:

  I'd love to be able to do this also, and have mentioned it off the

  Imagine a Twitter Connect button, which would be a tiny iframe
  loaded from twitter.com. If signed in, the token exchange could take
  place right there. If not signed in, a new window could load with the
  regular OAuth process. The callback in the button would be to a tiny
  iframe acting as a confirmation of the success, loaded by the

  There is a diminished phishing risk, because the widget isn't asking
  for your password. Only the new window would.

  The only question is how the rest of the widget gets the notification
  that the OAuth access grant has taken place. My thought is that the
  widget could just ping the web service to see if things are integrated
  properly. Cross domain iframe communication is a HUGE pain in the ass.
  You can get around it if the twitter iframe loaded a designated hidden
  iframe from the 3rd party.

  Alternatively, you could ask the user to refresh the widget /

  Generally, I'd like to see some standard buttons from twitter, so
  normalize the OAuth experience. You can see on the top of
  a banner we made that uses twitter fonts and colors.


  ps check out our twitter payments api:http://tipjoy.com/api
  feedback welcome!

  On Mar 20, 3:00 pm, Scott Carter scarter28m-goo...@yahoo.com wrote:

  I'm starting to look at the OAuth process and had a question for the
  OAuth folks at Twitter.

  My application BigTweet is invoked via a bookmarklet and displays as
  an IFRAME on any web page that a Twitter user happens to be
  browsing.Ideally I would like to be able to complete the entire
  OAuth process within the IFRAME (for initial login).

  I believe that Twitter recently added measures to prevent framing of
  their site to stop phishing attacks.   Does this extend to the OAuth
  approval page?   Could an exception be made for the OAuth page when
  invoked from a registered application presenting a valid Request
  Token?  If so, could this be documented (perhaps in the OAuth Twitter

  The authorization page at Twitter appears to have a fairly small
  content section (with Deny/Allow buttons, etc), which could fit into a
  reasonably sized IFRAME.  If you are agreeable to allow IFRAME
  support, would it be possible to standardize on content dimensions
  (for IFRAME sizing) and document this as well?

  Thanks for considering my request.


[twitter-dev] Re: google bookmarklet-like utility for twitter

2009-02-24 Thread Scott Carter

You can try BigTweet - http://bigtweet.com/

On Feb 22, 9:03 am, v4vijayakumar vijayakumar.subbu...@gmail.com
 First post.

 I am looking for,  google bookmarklet like utility for twitter, so
 that I can tweet from my browser, without visiting twitter web page.

 google bookmarklet is a simple javascript code and this can be added
 into browser bookmarks.


Can't view/retrieve full text message with length greater than 140 and = 160 characters?

2008-12-19 Thread Scott Carter

Hi Alex,

Please refer to a related thread at:

I am trying to send an update via the API that is greater than 140
characters, but = 160.   When I try to view the whole message on the
Web by clicking on the elipsis ...  I do not see the full message.

I tried the following two calls:

In both cases, I see truncated set to true, and the value of
text is the same as what I see on the Web - not the full message.

Is it no longer possible to see/retrieve an update where 140  length
= 160 ?

If this is the case, why does the documentation at
say Must not be more than 160 characters under the update

An example with 155 characters is:

Almost a foot of snow was predicted for parts of central Michigan,
CNN affiliate WNEM-TV in Saginaw reported. Classes were canceled in
hundreds of schools.

This is a protected update (my developer account) - please feel free
to view it for debug as needed.

Thanks in advance for a clarification.
