Re: Static URL to profile picture

2008-10-09 Thread Alex Payne

The changing URLs have been an asset for quick cache expiry for us,
but I understand that more predicable URLs would be easier for
developers.  We'll consider changing this behavior in the next major
release of the API, but it's not going to change in the current

I would suggest caching on the client side where possible, as Joel suggests.

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 8:26 AM, jstrellner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't think they should do anything, but ask you guys to cache the
 profile pictures yourself.  By linking directly to the file, you are
 increasing their Amazon costs.  It doesn't take much to cache it
 yourself, and then every time someone does an update, you just check
 to see if the old URL that you have matches the new one, and if it
 doesn't, go get another copy of it to replace your cached file.

 I am not sure if they have encouraged, or discouraged hot-linking to
 their files, but it probably is the best solution to cache it, and one
 that Twitturly uses.


 On Oct 8, 4:25 pm, Nicolas Grasset [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a way to get a static profile picture URL when using the API,
 since picture updates will break old links?


 ... will have a different URL if I change it on Twitter, which means
 we cannot trust our local cache of events, which means we would need
 to call the APIs for all events all the time.

 And in our case that is not really an option.


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Blank direct messages no longer get delivered?

2008-10-09 Thread Alex Payne

Yes, we recently added validation to prevent blank direct messages.

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 11:30 AM, Damon Clinkscales [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey Alex/Twitter,

 Question for you...Has Twitter been changed in some way so that blank
 direct messages are tossed out?   I ask because I am unable to send a
 blank DM from one user to another with the API or the now.
  The message just never shows up.

 SnapTweet users send a blank DM as a way to notify SnapTweet to tweet
 a photo, but it appears that is no longer available as an option?

 Thanks for your insights.



Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Whitelist rejected clarify please?

2008-10-11 Thread Alex Payne

Please contact me off-list with a detailed description of your project  
and the API methods it calls, and at what frequency.

Alex Payne

On Oct 11, 2008, at 8:50, ibumoden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please excuse me for my lack of knowledge in the API and development
matters. I am not the guy who writes the code but we're stuck. We
noticed that our app quit working a while back. After much research we
came to a conclusion the IP was probably blacklisted :( we tried to
submit it for white listing but were told

That API method doesn't incur a rate limit

So... what do we do now? I'm quite at a loss what to do next so we can
get the project moving again. Any help would be much appreciated.

Re: statuses/update.json is not returning proper data

2008-10-12 Thread Alex Payne

A fix for this was pushed out yesterday. Thanks for the report.

Alex Payne

On Oct 11, 2008, at 10:02, Ed Finkler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The JSON response for update.json seems to be returning the wrong
data. I'd expect a standard status object, but I'm getting a
completely different object that looks to be specific to a particular
application (maybe the web site).

The Request:
POST /statuses/update.json HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en)
AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Spaz/0.5.5
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
Authorization: Basic [redacted]
Referer: app:/index.html
X-Flash-Version: 9,0,124,0
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Length: 44
Connection: keep-alive
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive


The Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 16:56:45 GMT
Server: hi
Last-Modified: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 16:56:45 GMT
Status: 200 OK
X-Runtime: 0.82562
ETag: 8fc604c80dcdced08520885363a0a456
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, pre-check=0,  

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 3352
Expires: Tue, 31 Mar 1981 05:00:00 GMT
Set-Cookie: _twitter_sess=[redacted];; path=/
Connection: close

{text:try some posts yes,latest_status:span id=\latest_text\

class=\status-text\\/spanspan id=\latest_meta\
class=\entry-meta\less than 5 seconds ago\/span\/span\n\n
span id=\latest_text_full\

class=\status-text\\n\ttry some posts yes\/span\n  \tspan
class=\entry-meta\\t  a
class=\entry-date\ rel=\bookmark\abbr class=\published\
title=\2008-10-11T16:56:45+00:00\less than 5 seconds\/abbr
ago\/a\n\t\tfrom a
\/span\/span,status_tr:  tr id=\status_955614807\
class=\hentry\\n  \n\t\t\ttd class=\thumb vcard author\\n
a href=\https:\/\/\/spaztest\ class=\url\img
alt=\spaztest\ class=\photo fn\ id=\profile-image\

\/\/a\n\t\t\/td\n\t\t  td\n\tdiv
class=\status-body\\t\n  \t\tstronga
title=\spaztest\spaztest\/a\/strong\n  \t\t\n\n  \t\t
\t\t\tspan class=\entry-content\\n  \t\t\t  try some posts yes\n
\t\t\t\/span\n\n  \t\t  \t\tspan class=\meta
entry-meta\\n  \t\t\t  \t\t\t  a
class=\entry-date\ rel=\bookmark\span class=\published\
title=\2008-10-11T16:56:45+00:00\less than 5 seconds\/span
ago\/a\n  \t\t\t  \t\t\tfrom a
\t\t\/span\n\n  \t\t\n \t\/div\n  \t\/td\n  \ttd
align=\right\ width=\10\\n  \n  \t\t  \ndiv
id=\status_actions_955614807\ class=\status_actions\
style=\display:inline;\\n\t  a
onclick=\gaTrack('\/favourings\/create\/refresh'); new
{asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,

parameters:'authenticity_token=' +
return false;\ title=\Favorite this update\img alt=\Favorite\
border=\0\ id=\status_star_955614807\
\/\/a\n\n\t\n\t  \n  a
href=\\/status\/destroy\/955614807\ onclick=\if (confirm('Sure you
want to delete this update? There is NO undo!')) {
gaTrack('\/status\/destroy\/refresh\/955614807');; new

{asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, method:'delete',

parameters:'authenticity_token=' +
encodeURIComponent('71cb22029f0ac55cb50a202da674a5a3587c2d79')}); };
return false;\ title=\Delete this update?\img alt=\Delete\
border=\0\ src=\https:\/\/\/images\/ 

\/\/a\n  \n  \/div\n\n  \t\t\n\n  \t\/td\n

Ed Finkler
AIM: funka7ron
ICQ: 3922133
Skype: funka7ron

Re: Adding following_count to friends followers methods

2008-10-13 Thread Alex Payne

We have an open issue for that.  Please star it to receive updates
about its progress:

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 10:21 PM, DustyReagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Twitter, Alex, all,

 Would it be possible to get a user's following_count added to the
 friends and followers user methods?

 I'd like to be able to sort / search through a user's contacts
 (followings and followers) based on each user's following to follower
 ratio. This is helpful because a user may assume that a contact with
 more followers to followings is a better contact than the inverse,
 thus someone they might want to follow.

 I can get a user's following count from the show method, but that
 would very resource intensive for me to get it for all of a user's
 followers and followings.



 My project:

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Opinions wanted: a more RESTful way to update your status

2008-10-13 Thread Alex Payne

I'm sitting down with @mzsanford this week to spec out what we're
calling the API Service internally, the next version of the Twitter
API.  We're going to have a number of questions that we want your
feedback on, and this is the first.

Currently, the URL to which you POST to update a user's status is this:

This breaks RESTful conventions and is generally a bit ugly.  We're
considering one of the following, either:


... or:


The difference is all in RESTful semantics.  In the first case, you're
POSTing a new status to the universal collection of statuses.  In the
second case, you're POSTing a new status to user bob's collection of

Which do you all prefer and why?  Alternatives welcome.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: internal server error 500 when requesting friends list

2008-10-17 Thread Alex Payne

What's the username?

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 8:50 AM, dmaicher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 when i try to geht an answer from the server using php with this
 command: file_get_contents('
 i get an failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 500
 Internal Server Error message.
 (tried different usernames)

 whats the problem ?


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: /users/show failing again

2008-10-17 Thread Alex Payne

Please see the other threads open on this issue.  We're aware of it.

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 9:15 AM, James Kovacs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:[username].xml is failing again with
 Something is technically wrong. This was broken a few weeks ago, but
 fixed quickly. The error is preventing the Witty client from logging
 into Twitter. Is there a preferred method for logging into Twitter? It
 seems that Witty's mechanism of retrieving user information via[username].xml breaks more frequently
 than other methods.

 BTW - I am not involved in Witty's development. I'm just a user who is
 willing to fix the problem and submit a patch to the Witty team. My
 experience with coding against Twitter's REST API is browsing through
 the code of some existing clients. So apologies for the noob-like


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: New API methods for updating profile design and images

2008-10-22 Thread Alex Payne

We missed that bit, but we'll be adding a parameter to the
update_profile_background_image method that lets you set whether or
not it tiles.

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 2:52 PM, Richie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Alex,

 this looks great. I got some ideas for this allready.

 One question: How to set profile background image tiles?



 On Oct 21, 8:10 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all!  Some new API methods for you to play with:

  - /account/update_profile_colors updates the colors on a user's
 profile (also returned via the /users/show API method)
  - /account/update_profile_image sets a new profile image for a user
  - /account/update_profile_background_image sets, you guessed it, a
 new background image for a user's profile

 You can find them all documented 

 The clear use for these methods is a third-party profile design
 customizer (basically, a Twitter theme site).  Geo apps might want to
 grab a photo of where the user is at and set it as their profile
 background image.  That sort of thing.

 Enjoy, and let us know if you find any bugs.

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Some Favorites Work, Some Utterly Do Not

2008-10-23 Thread Alex Payne

 This does seem to follow a pattern. These tweets simply cannot be
 favored (by user jonathaneunice), no matter how many times I ask the
 API or web interface to do the job. Then, about a day later, so far
 the afternoons Eastern time, they all become favoritable again.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Some Favorites Work, Some Utterly Do Not

2008-10-23 Thread Alex Payne

We found the bug.  You were hitting the limit of the number of
favorites a user can create per day.  We simply weren't exposing the
error message.  We'll start doing so, and perhaps we need to up the
favorites per day limit as well.

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 3:23 PM, Jonathan Eunice

 If you want detailed request/response logs of requests and results,
 I can generate and provide. I'll put them on a real-time feed if you
 like. Just let me know what kind of data you want. Feel free to put
 your assigned tech in touch with me. I'll do whatever I can to help
 fix this problem.


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Some Favorites Work, Some Utterly Do Not

2008-10-23 Thread Alex Payne

It's currently 250 favorites per day.  That seemed like a healthy
number to us...

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 3:37 PM, Geoff Barnes
 Yes, if favorites are to be worth any more to twitter users than bookmarks,
 we can't be hitting that limit so easily.

 Alex, what is the limit, anyways?

 On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 6:32 PM, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We found the bug.  You were hitting the limit of the number of
 favorites a user can create per day.  We simply weren't exposing the
 error message.  We'll start doing so, and perhaps we need to up the
 favorites per day limit as well.

 On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 3:23 PM, Jonathan Eunice
  If you want detailed request/response logs of requests and results,
  I can generate and provide. I'll put them on a real-time feed if you
  like. Just let me know what kind of data you want. Feel free to put
  your assigned tech in touch with me. I'll do whatever I can to help
  fix this problem.

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

 Geoff Barnes

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Some Favorites Work, Some Utterly Do Not

2008-10-23 Thread Alex Payne

We'll bump it to 1000.

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 4:18 PM, Jonathan Eunice

 That makes some sense. I use the favorites for both bookmarks (for the
 majority of users who aren't on Favrd), and as votes for Favrd (for
 the few that are). I could easily be cresting 250/day. Btw, I assure
 you I am not mechanically issuing favorites; every one of them is
 lovingly applied by my hand.

 A better error message would help. Expanding the limit would help even

 Given that I follow just over 650 users, which in aggregate issue
 1,500-4,500 tweets/day, allowing just 250 favorites a day seems a
 very low number. I am sure I'm on the high end of readership, but I
 have seen a number of my colleagues who follow 400+ users. Some follow

 Is there a reason to limit favorites thus? I.e. is it an expensive
 operation? I wouldn't think so, but it could be. If not, why not
 increase the number of allowed favorites to 1,000 or 1,500/day, say?

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: All the ways to get data from Twitter

2008-10-24 Thread Alex Payne

Yes, I'd thought as much.  I want to get some more feedback and then
I'll put it in place.

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 6:48 AM, Ed Finkler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is good stuff. Would be great for the wiki as an intro piece.

 Ed Finkler
 AIM: funka7ron
 ICQ: 3922133
 Skype: funka7ron

 On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 3:52 AM, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey all,

 We recognize that there's some confusion around the various ways you
 can get data from Twitter.  Particularly, we understand that a number
 of you are eager to have data pushed to you for your applications, and
 it's not clear what we'll be providing and what Gnip will be providing
 in terms of push solutions and high-volume data.  We tried to clarify
 all this in a blog post published this evening:

 Let me know if have any further questions.  Thanks!

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: All the ways to get data from Twitter

2008-10-25 Thread Alex Payne

You need to let me know off-list what your project is and what IPs
you'll be requesting from.  Then we give you a special URL.

On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 11:26 AM, Mika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You guys added a lot of new stuff since I last checked. Very nice!
 Thanks a lot for that!

 I'm missing more info on the Data Mining feed though. Is there an open
 link or would I have to apply for a special API key?


 On Oct 24, 5:33 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, I'd thought as much.  I want to get some more feedback and then
 I'll put it in place.

 On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 6:48 AM, Ed Finkler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This is good stuff. Would be great for the wiki as an intro piece.

  Ed Finkler
  AIM: funka7ron
  ICQ: 3922133
  Skype: funka7ron

  On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 3:52 AM, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey all,

  We recognize that there's some confusion around the various ways you
  can get data from Twitter.  Particularly, we understand that a number
  of you are eager to have data pushed to you for your applications, and
  it's not clear what we'll be providing and what Gnip will be providing
  in terms of push solutions and high-volume data.  We tried to clarify
  all this in a blog post published this evening:

  Let me know if have any further questions.  Thanks!

  Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: friends_timeline 24 hours

2008-10-26 Thread Alex Payne

Yes, this is an unfortunate uncertainty that's a result of the way
we're forced to cache some things in our current system.  In the next
version, every active user will be able to get their friends_timeline
going back a fixed number of days.

On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 10:39 PM, TCI [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 H, if I read you correctly then it is 6 hours for me, could be 3
 for a user following more people and up to 12 for someone following
 few people. This introduces uncertainty as one cannot know if there
 were no tweets during a particular timeframe or one has reached that
 moving limit. Any way to tell? We're showing twitts per hour and these
 two conditions would be displayed differently.

 On Oct 25, 12:06 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Depending on how many people you follow, we may not have your
 friends_timeline going back that far.  The more people you follow, the
 bigger that timeline is, and the less we can store for long durations.

 On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 5:26 PM, TCI [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The documentation for friends_timeline indicates that if you pass a
  since parameter you get up to 24 hours back. I am getting nothing past
  6 hours back, and it's working perfectly for those 6 hours...
  Any hints?

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Does direct_messages (Twitter API) support RFC 1123/RFC 822 date time format

2008-10-27 Thread Alex Payne

Your date does not appear to be properly CGI-encoded:

= Mon, 26 Oct 0022

That's what Ruby in our development environment thinks your date is.
Those %3s might be the culprit.

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 2:01 PM, Kris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am aware of the example in the documentation.
 Thanks for pointing it out and I apologize for not mentioning before
 that I had tried the format listed in the documentation.

 For example:
 $this-twitterHost .= direct_messages.xml?since=Sun%2C+26+Oct
 results in error number 502 (server busy) and Twitter is over
 capacity message.
 Not sure why the API does not throw a format error?

 I saw a post (
 browse_thread/thread/e97f02c8b8012fb5) which mentions that the API
 conforms to RFC1123 but that does not work either.

 Any thoughts?


 On Oct 27, 4:35 pm, Damon Clinkscales [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 1:48 PM, Kris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The API documentation does not clearly list the date format for
  obtaining direct_messages sent to a user (within the specified date/
  time window).
  I am using RFC 1123/822 format but do not get any messages sent with
  in the specified date/time window:

  For Example:

  direct_messages.xml?since=.urlencode(Sun, 26 Oct 2008 22:00:00 EST)

  (does not return any messages or errors.)

  What is the correct date/time format? Has anyone used this


 Personally, I use since_id.

 But here's the 

 which contains this example:

 # since.  Optional.  Narrows the resulting list of direct messages to
 just those sent after the specified HTTP-formatted date, up to 24
 hours old.  The same behavior is available by setting the
 If-Modified-Since parameter in your HTTP request.



 -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: /statuses/user_timeline.format missing in action?

2008-10-27 Thread Alex Payne

You entirely right Chris.  The onus is on us.  I'll get this fixed up
tomorrow.  Sorry to anyone who lost time on this bug!

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 7:10 PM, Chris Thompson
 I am the developer of Net::Twitter.

 Or, at least, I was before I handed it off because I grew tired of trying to
 keep up with the foibles of the API. But, since the new guy hasn't released
 anything, my name is still on the most recent version. So I get emails from
 people, and questions on about this.

 The problem in this case lies squarely on Twitter's side.

 Alex says:

Are you quite sure that you're making the request authenticated?  It
will return a 404 if it can't authenticate you, because that URL
doesn't specify a user ID to retrieve a timeline for and thus assumes
that you want the timeline for the requesting user.

 This is not how HTTP Auth works.

 The correct handshake for a URL that needs Auth is:

 1) I request, with no WWW-Authenticate: header
 2) Server responds with a 401: Unauthorized and a WWW-Authenticate header
 containing the realm
 3) I re-request with the WWW-Authenticate header containing user/pass
 4) Server decides that auth header is good, responds with a 200, or decides
 it's bad and goes back to #2

 Net::Twitter uses perl's libwww (LWP) which, in turn, implements the HTTP
 protocol to spec. It doesn't send the WWW-Authenticate header until it sees
 a 401. This is a specific part of HTTP as defined in RFC2617.

 If you think about it in terms of a browser like firefox, the browser CAN'T
 send an auth header until it is told it needs one, and it puts up an auth
 popup with the Realm listed that it got from the 401.

 LWP is doing the right thing, Twitter simply isn't asking for the auth.

 If you use curl or wget from the command line to hit the user_timeline url,
 it works. The reason for this is, you specify user and pass on the command
 line and both curl or wget just jam the WWW-Authenticate header in there
 whether it ever gets asked for it or not, violating RFC.

 Same with Matt Sanford's perl using authorization_basic. This is not part of
 LWP::UserAgent, but part of HTTP::Headers and what it does is force the
 WWW-Authorize header into the request, always-on, just like curl and wget,
 and yet again violating the RFC.

 LWP is only being finicky if by finicky you mean Implementing RFC2617 as

 I hate to be a pest on this, but the credentials code in Net::Twitter hasn't
 changed at all since Net::Twitter 1.0.0 way back in March of 2007. You guys
 are doing the right thing everywhere except user_timeline. If you had it
 throw the 401 first, you'd get the auth. 404's just flat wrong here.

 Chris Thompson

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: bad link in posted from app_name

2008-10-28 Thread Alex Payne

I fixed the link up.  Sorry 'bout that!

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 2:45 AM, Pims [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey Alex,

 We submitted our little app to have a custom from app_name when we
 post links through the API.
 It used to work fine for a long time, but somehow, the link got
 stripped and it's now missing the .com at the end.


 I opened a request on the twitter site, but I got redirected to the
 Twitter Dev group.
   This sounds like a great problem for the Twitter developers group

 Is there a way to edit the link ? or do we have to resubmit the
 application ?

 Thanks for your help,


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.


2008-10-28 Thread Alex Payne

We're noticing high network latency and timeouts on today,
which some of you are probably noticing in your apps.  The problem
doesn't appear to be within our cluster, and we're working with our
service provider to sort it out.  We'll be tracking the issue on

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: /statuses/user_timeline.format missing in action?

2008-10-28 Thread Alex Payne

I'm tracking this issue here, for the record:

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 9:17 PM, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You entirely right Chris.  The onus is on us.  I'll get this fixed up
 tomorrow.  Sorry to anyone who lost time on this bug!

 On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 7:10 PM, Chris Thompson
 I am the developer of Net::Twitter.

 Or, at least, I was before I handed it off because I grew tired of trying to
 keep up with the foibles of the API. But, since the new guy hasn't released
 anything, my name is still on the most recent version. So I get emails from
 people, and questions on about this.

 The problem in this case lies squarely on Twitter's side.

 Alex says:

Are you quite sure that you're making the request authenticated?  It
will return a 404 if it can't authenticate you, because that URL
doesn't specify a user ID to retrieve a timeline for and thus assumes
that you want the timeline for the requesting user.

 This is not how HTTP Auth works.

 The correct handshake for a URL that needs Auth is:

 1) I request, with no WWW-Authenticate: header
 2) Server responds with a 401: Unauthorized and a WWW-Authenticate header
 containing the realm
 3) I re-request with the WWW-Authenticate header containing user/pass
 4) Server decides that auth header is good, responds with a 200, or decides
 it's bad and goes back to #2

 Net::Twitter uses perl's libwww (LWP) which, in turn, implements the HTTP
 protocol to spec. It doesn't send the WWW-Authenticate header until it sees
 a 401. This is a specific part of HTTP as defined in RFC2617.

 If you think about it in terms of a browser like firefox, the browser CAN'T
 send an auth header until it is told it needs one, and it puts up an auth
 popup with the Realm listed that it got from the 401.

 LWP is doing the right thing, Twitter simply isn't asking for the auth.

 If you use curl or wget from the command line to hit the user_timeline url,
 it works. The reason for this is, you specify user and pass on the command
 line and both curl or wget just jam the WWW-Authenticate header in there
 whether it ever gets asked for it or not, violating RFC.

 Same with Matt Sanford's perl using authorization_basic. This is not part of
 LWP::UserAgent, but part of HTTP::Headers and what it does is force the
 WWW-Authorize header into the request, always-on, just like curl and wget,
 and yet again violating the RFC.

 LWP is only being finicky if by finicky you mean Implementing RFC2617 as

 I hate to be a pest on this, but the credentials code in Net::Twitter hasn't
 changed at all since Net::Twitter 1.0.0 way back in March of 2007. You guys
 are doing the right thing everywhere except user_timeline. If you had it
 throw the 401 first, you'd get the auth. 404's just flat wrong here.

 Chris Thompson

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Are there threads for replies to the same tweet?

2008-10-29 Thread Alex Payne

There's not currently an API to see all replies to a given status, but
it's something we're considering.

In the meantime, you might be able to use the Search API to narrow
down the potential set of tweets (you could search for replies to the
username of the thread's originator), but you'd still have to do a bit
of processing on your side.

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 8:12 PM, drupalot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In other words, if I wanted to view all the replies to a specific
 tweet, is there a way to do that? Is there a specific comment feed
 for each tweet? If not, is there a way I could work with the existing
 APIs to make put that together somehow?  It looks like
 is doing this, but not sure how. Any thoughts?

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Rate Limit For Mass POSTs

2008-10-29 Thread Alex Payne

For one, you'll need to get your account whitelisted.  POST requests
aren't rate limited as a rule, but there are some rules around the
number updates and direct messages one can send per day that apply
whether you're using the API or the web site.  Getting whitelisted
lifts those limits.

Beyond that, feel free to POST either serially or in parallel.  Five
at a time sounds perfectly reasonable.

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 4:28 PM, Tony Stubblebine

 I'm building an app for managing large twitter accounts and have two
 desires. One, to be able to mass-follow a selection of people who are
 following me. Two, to send direct messages to all followers or to
 slices of my followers. These may bring up etiquette/user-expectation/
 spam issues, but first I want to get a very specific RATE limiting
 question answered.

 The documentation says that POST requests are not limited. My test
 account has 4900 followers and 4600 unfollowed followers. Can I DM
 them in parallel? Serially? Five at a time? What's the polite thing to
 do here?


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: School Project

2008-10-29 Thread Alex Payne

Sure.  Email me off-list with the IPs you'll be requesting from and I
can give you a couple different options.

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 3:51 PM, James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm currently in a graduate class about natural language processing.
 My partner and myself came up with a project to do opinion mining on
 tweets dealing with the election data.  We would like to get an
 archive of the feed.  We have already wrote an
 application to retrieve the information we would like from  We are only able to pull about 1 to 2 hours of
 data per day, hitting the 1500 tweet limit.  We would like TONs of
 data that we believe Twitter already has.

 Is there a way we would be allow to query this information?

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Does direct_messages (Twitter API) support RFC 1123/RFC 822 date time format

2008-10-29 Thread Alex Payne

We're pretty sure this isn't a bug on our end.  It's come up before,
and it's usually some client-side date formatting issue.  We've got
solid test coverage for it, too.

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 8:42 AM, krishnan chakravarthi

 Thanks for the replies.
 I played around with Ruby 1.8.6 and date sent to Date.parse is now in
 the correct format:

 URL string:

 (No Urlencoding is needed as there are no special characters or spaces)

 Ruby Check:
 irb(main):037:0 d8 = Date.parse(Mon27Oct2008)
 = #Date: 4909533/2,0,2299161
 irb(main):038:0 d8.ctime()
 = Mon Oct 27 00:00:00 2008

 Note: It is useless providing a time (hr:min:sec) as Date class
 ignores this and outputs date in the above format. Perhaps Twitter
 documentation could be updated to mention this or the API can switch
 to using Ruby DateTime class.

 I see a http code 302 (page redirect) returned from twitter. The
 expected results should be all direct messages sent to the
 authenticating user after Mon Oct 27.
 It looks like Ruby is generating the correct date but the API does not
 recognize the format?perhaps an API bug.

 On 10/28/08, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any format that Ruby 1.8.6's Date.parse method can comprehend will be 

 On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 11:42 AM, krishnan chakravarthi
  I changed the date format and it made no difference. I am using PHP
  urlencode method as shown below:
  direct_messages.xml?since=. urlencode(stripslashes(urldecode(Mon,
  27 Oct 13:00:00 EST 2008)));
  The date/time format is as specified in RFC822.
  The urlencoded string is output as: Mon%2C+27+Oct+13%3A00%3A00+EST+2008
  Note: %3A is encoding format for : (colon) symbol.
  Twitter returns a 302 return code.
  Not sure why Date.parse(CGI.unescape()) mangles the date string as
  urldecode/encode and cgi.escape/unescape work the same way and
  Date.parse should accept RFC822 compliant dates. What Ruby version is
  installed in development environment? Is there a specific format in
  which API expects date/time, to work with Date.parse method.
  On 10/27/08, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Your date does not appear to be properly CGI-encoded:
  = Mon, 26 Oct 0022
  That's what Ruby in our development environment thinks your date is.
  Those %3s might be the culprit.
  On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 2:01 PM, Kris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am aware of the example in the documentation.
   Thanks for pointing it out and I apologize for not mentioning before
   that I had tried the format listed in the documentation.
   For example:
   $this-twitterHost .= direct_messages.xml?since=Sun%2C+26+Oct
   results in error number 502 (server busy) and Twitter is over
   capacity message.
   Not sure why the API does not throw a format error?
   I saw a post (
   browse_thread/thread/e97f02c8b8012fb5) which mentions that the API
   conforms to RFC1123 but that does not work either.
   Any thoughts?
   On Oct 27, 4:35 pm, Damon Clinkscales [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 1:48 PM, Kris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The API documentation does not clearly list the date format for
obtaining direct_messages sent to a user (within the specified date/
time window).
I am using RFC 1123/822 format but do not get any messages sent with
in the specified date/time window:
For Example:
direct_messages.xml?since=.urlencode(Sun, 26 Oct 2008 22:00:00 
(does not return any messages or errors.)
What is the correct date/time format? Has anyone used this
   Personally, I use since_id.
   But here's the 
   which contains this example:
   # since.  Optional.  Narrows the resulting list of direct messages to
   just those sent after the specified HTTP-formatted date, up to 24
   hours old.  The same behavior is available by setting the
   If-Modified-Since parameter in your HTTP request.
   -- Hide quoted text -
   - Show quoted text -
  Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Date followed?

2008-10-30 Thread Alex Payne

This is something we're happy to provide, but probably won't get to in
the current version of the API.

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 7:10 AM, Ed Finkler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Currently there's nothing available via the API – you'd probably need
 to cache your whole followers list and then compare the last version
 to the newest. You probably should file an issue in the tracker if one
 does not already exist for this feature request:

 Ed Finkler
 AIM: funka7ron
 ICQ: 3922133
 Skype: funka7ron

 On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 9:22 AM, Ryan Bigg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am also interested in this feature.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Does direct_messages (Twitter API) support RFC 1123/RFC 822 date time format

2008-10-30 Thread Alex Payne

The date in the examples in the documentation was taking from a
working test, but is now outdated (you can only use since and
If-Modified-Since with dates within the last 24 hours).

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 7:23 PM, krishnan chakravarthi


 Would it be possible to share an example date that works in your
 environment (perhaps a test case)?
 I have tried a bunch of things at my end without much success. Any
 help is appreciated.


 On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 8:32 PM, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We're pretty sure this isn't a bug on our end.  It's come up before,
 and it's usually some client-side date formatting issue.  We've got
 solid test coverage for it, too.

 On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 8:42 AM, krishnan chakravarthi

 Thanks for the replies.
 I played around with Ruby 1.8.6 and date sent to Date.parse is now in
 the correct format:

 URL string:

 (No Urlencoding is needed as there are no special characters or spaces)

 Ruby Check:
 irb(main):037:0 d8 = Date.parse(Mon27Oct2008)
 = #Date: 4909533/2,0,2299161
 irb(main):038:0 d8.ctime()
 = Mon Oct 27 00:00:00 2008

 Note: It is useless providing a time (hr:min:sec) as Date class
 ignores this and outputs date in the above format. Perhaps Twitter
 documentation could be updated to mention this or the API can switch
 to using Ruby DateTime class.

 I see a http code 302 (page redirect) returned from twitter. The
 expected results should be all direct messages sent to the
 authenticating user after Mon Oct 27.
 It looks like Ruby is generating the correct date but the API does not
 recognize the format?perhaps an API bug.

 On 10/28/08, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any format that Ruby 1.8.6's Date.parse method can comprehend will be 

 On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 11:42 AM, krishnan chakravarthi
  I changed the date format and it made no difference. I am using PHP
  urlencode method as shown below:
  direct_messages.xml?since=. urlencode(stripslashes(urldecode(Mon,
  27 Oct 13:00:00 EST 2008)));
  The date/time format is as specified in RFC822.
  The urlencoded string is output as: Mon%2C+27+Oct+13%3A00%3A00+EST+2008
  Note: %3A is encoding format for : (colon) symbol.
  Twitter returns a 302 return code.
  Not sure why Date.parse(CGI.unescape()) mangles the date string as
  urldecode/encode and cgi.escape/unescape work the same way and
  Date.parse should accept RFC822 compliant dates. What Ruby version is
  installed in development environment? Is there a specific format in
  which API expects date/time, to work with Date.parse method.
  On 10/27/08, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Your date does not appear to be properly CGI-encoded:
  = Mon, 26 Oct 0022
  That's what Ruby in our development environment thinks your date is.
  Those %3s might be the culprit.
  On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 2:01 PM, Kris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am aware of the example in the documentation.
   Thanks for pointing it out and I apologize for not mentioning before
   that I had tried the format listed in the documentation.
   For example:
   $this-twitterHost .= direct_messages.xml?since=Sun%2C+26+Oct
   results in error number 502 (server busy) and Twitter is over
   capacity message.
   Not sure why the API does not throw a format error?
   I saw a post (
   browse_thread/thread/e97f02c8b8012fb5) which mentions that the API
   conforms to RFC1123 but that does not work either.
   Any thoughts?
   On Oct 27, 4:35 pm, Damon Clinkscales [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 1:48 PM, Kris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The API documentation does not clearly list the date format for
obtaining direct_messages sent to a user (within the specified 
time window).
I am using RFC 1123/822 format but do not get any messages sent 
in the specified date/time window:
For Example:
direct_messages.xml?since=.urlencode(Sun, 26 Oct 2008 22:00:00 
(does not return any messages or errors.)
What is the correct date/time format? Has anyone used this
   Personally, I use since_id.
   But here's the 
   which contains this example:
   # since.  Optional.  Narrows the resulting list of direct messages to
   just those sent after the specified HTTP-formatted date, up to 24
   hours old.  The same behavior is available by setting the
   If-Modified-Since parameter in your HTTP request.

Re: Return user information in verify_credentials instead of just string representing authorized?

2008-10-30 Thread Alex Payne

Sure, that's a thing we could do.  Please request it:

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:56 AM, Lien Tran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Return user information in verify_credentials instead of just string
 representing authorized? Useful if we could get the user id at this
 time instead of having to make a separate call to get the data.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: replies.xml/json API always returns mobile web page to iPhone/iPod touch

2008-10-31 Thread Alex Payne
We're investigating.  Sorry about the ongoing bug!  If you wouldn't
mind filing an issue over here, that would be most helpful:

2008/10/31 NeoCat [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 It seems that API to get reply messsages (
 ) is
 still broken on iPhones or some mobile devices, and the URL shows
 Twitter / Error page that says Something is technically wrong.

 I can reproduce this problem also on some PC browsers
 by firstly access to,


 On 10月16日, 午前1:16, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We're on it.  Thanks!

 On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 12:52 AM, NeoCat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Now, broken,
   and it returns Mobile web page when accessed from iPhone or iPod
  From usual web browser, it returns correct response in json

  This behavior is braking some browser-based clients for iPhone /

  Please fix this.

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Search API missing Features

2008-11-02 Thread Alex Payne

Those are both gaps we hope to address in the next major release of
the API.  Thanks for your feedback!

On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 8:07 AM, PockeTwitDev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It seems the search api is still lacking a few things to bring it in
 line with the rest of the twitter api.  My first issue was the lack of
 xml output.  I was able to write special handlers to use the atom
 format instead, but it'd be nice for it to be consistant.

 My second issue was the lack of any in_reply_to_status_id information
 on the results.  I was trying to recreate a conversation by searching
 for responses @thefirstuser and looking at their in_reply_to_status_id
 to see if they were answers to the original question.  Unfortunately,
 that seems impossible with the current implementation.

 Thank you for the product and API, I look forward to seeing how it
 grows in the future.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Posting links to twitter

2008-11-04 Thread Alex Payne

Just post a URL.

On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 12:18 PM, dowhilesomething

 Is this possible?  Everything I try to do comes out as text.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Erratic `since_id` behaviour

2008-11-04 Thread Alex Payne

Yes, the behavior you describe would be an improvement.  Please
request this change at:  Thanks!

On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 10:19 AM, Aditya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've not been able to find any documentation for this, and a quick
 search of this group also revealed nothing (please feel free to point
 me to any existing discussion that I might have missed).

 The quick and dirty: Twitter doesn't like a `since_id` that is not a
 part of the timeline it is being sent for.

 The longer and cleaner: Try this - find the status ID of any tweet
 (take one from my timeline [], I'm pretty
 sure you're not following me =P), and make a call to your
 `friends_timeline` with this ID as the `since_id`. Twitter will ignore
 it completely, and send you the last 20/200 tweets anyway.

 Expected behaviour: The API should return tweets made after the
 `since_id` supplied, regardless of whether that status belongs in that
 timeline or not. A simple reason is a use case I hit time and time
 again: My app stores the status ID of the last tweet fetched, and uses
 it for the next call. If I unfollow anyone in between two fetches, and
 his/her was the last tweet I received (a pretty common scenario),
 Twitter API bonks and sends me tweets I already have.

 What I propose will bring a uniformity to the API call - and maybe
 will be easier on Twitter as well (depending on how their fetch-from-
 the-database is set up).

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Twitter status source!!

2008-11-04 Thread Alex Payne

On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 3:25 PM, Ed Finkler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Read the wiki, plz:

 On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 6:20 PM, charlesmex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am deploying a twitter application. I use the API for update status
 and put the ApplicationName in source post param, but ever show
 from web. How display my application name in source?

 Thanks for all.

 P.D. Sorry for bad english :/

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Favorites Appear Out of Date/Time Chronological Order

2008-11-05 Thread Alex Payne

The expected ordering of a user's favorites page is based on when the
tweet was marked as a favorite, not when the tweet when originally
made.  If that's not the case for you, we'll investigate.  Thanks!

On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 10:48 AM, OK [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, Alex and team. I opened a Twitter Support ticket regarding this
 matter on Oct. 13 and no one has responded to it.

 My twitter favorites appear out of date/time chronological order (per
 the time/date they were originally tweeted, not the time I starred
 them). Please check them by looking at my favorites:

 1. Top of page 1, then bottom of page 1
 2. Top of page 2, then bottom of page 2
 3. Top of page 3, then bottom of page 3
 4. Top of page 4, then bottom of page 4

 You will notice that the bottom of page 1 will not match the top of
 page 2, the bottom of page 2 will not match the top of page 3, etc. In
 other words, they are out of order.

 I have identified other twitterers to whom this is happening as well.
 My guess is that because it is a subtle problem, most have not noticed

 Mine can be found at

 Thank you.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Simple way to add What are you doing? update box to a site

2008-11-05 Thread Alex Payne

There's not a particularly easy way to do that using just client-side
HTML and JavaScript, no.

On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 9:00 PM, fumbler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks. That pre-populates the Twitter status box after asking the
 user to log in. What I'm trying to do is to post directly to Twitter,
 and skip the login screen by passing the user/pass along with the post
 if possible, since it will always be the same user anyway the user
 pass can be hardcoded into the snippet. Is there an easy way to do
 that? Either way, look forward to your new drop-in widget but hope to
 continue exploring this route in the meantime. Thanks!

 On Nov 4, 4:08 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The way a number of sites do this is to provide an input box that then
 posts to our logged-in user home page with the status parameter
 filled out with what the user typed on the referring site.  This HTML
 would do the trick:

   form action=; method=get
 textarea name=statustweet goes here/textarea
 input type=submit value=update /

 Good luck!

 On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 9:54 AM, drupalot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks, I really look forward to that.

  Meanwhile as a placeholder I have an interim super-simple box that
  looks like it's almost working. Could you glance at this snippet and
  perhaps let me know what I'm missing if it's something obvious?


  I would like to pass username and password as well if there's a quick
  line of simple html for that?

  Thanks, and once again please forgive me my newbie-ness on this.

  On Nov 3, 7:55 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If you can hold on for a week or so, we're about to release a nifty
  new version of our drop-in widgets.  The widget allows users to update
  and much more.

  On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 12:01 PM, drupalot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   In your opinion, what is the easiest way to add the What are you
   doing? update box to a site? For starters, it's okay for me if the
   update box is tuned to just one account.

   Admittedly, I'm pretty much a non-developer that is decent with Drupal
   and just starting to learn php, but am working on a project with a
   friend that would require adding the Twitter update box to just one
   page. If there is a way to embed the box as a widget through html or
   php into a page, that would be ideal. Or if there are step-by-step
   instructions for the full API I might be able to swing it, but not
   sure I can tell from the API how that's done at this point. So far,
   what I've found in the API is the following, and I'm embarrassed to
   say I'm not sure how to do it with just these instructions:

   Post a status update, authenticated: curl -u email:password -d
   status=your message here

   Any thoughts for a newbie?

  Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Timeouts

2008-11-06 Thread Alex Payne

Yes, this issue was resolved.  Additionally, we put a higher-capacity
firewall in place since that network event.

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 12:02 AM, twibble [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 is this issue fully resolved? Right now I cannot connect to any more from certain hosts. It works from others. The
 host in question is ( which used to work
 fine over the last months.
 curl: (7) couldn't connect to host


 On Oct 28, 7:01 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We're noticing highnetworklatency and timeouts on today,
 which some of you are probably noticing in your apps.  The problem
 doesn't appear to be within our cluster, and we're working with our
 service provider to sort it out.  We'll be tracking the issue 

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: How do services such as work?

2008-11-06 Thread Alex Payne

Check out for our
various options about how to get data from Twitter.

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 10:10 AM, ITistic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 After looking through the API documentation I don't see a way to
 obtain all twitter updates. The public timeline is the closest I can
 find and that only shows the last 20 updates and refreshes only once a
 minute. How do apps such as work? They obviously have
 some type of data feed that allows them to store twitter updates and
 data locally so they can provide the querying engine they have. How is
 this possible?

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: = 0

2008-11-06 Thread Alex Payne

Thanks for helping out!

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 7:52 PM, fastest963 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hey alex! The problem is that he happened to have post enabled.
 comment out curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
 or change it to curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0);

 that will fix your error :)

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Data mining/firehose..

2008-11-06 Thread Alex Payne

For what it's worth, we've actually been cranking on the firehose
solution all week.  We've evaluated several queueing systems, and I've
just finished work on a proof-of-concept backup plan if those don't
pan out.  We'd really like to have a solution in place by Thanksgiving
at the latest.

2008/11/6 tweetip [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 email alex at twitter com

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: 'since' parameter for friends method

2008-11-08 Thread Alex Payne

Perhaps to a specific method that provides data about the friendship
between two users, but those attributes may be hard to provide for all
API responses.

On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 7:15 AM, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 8, 12:06 am, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It works, but only for dates within the last 24 hours.

 Thanks, Alex.

 Any plan to add a time stamp (follower_since and friend_since) to the

 On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 8:35 AM, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I'm trying to use the 'since' parameter (on the URL via a GET call)
  when retrieving the list of friends:

  No matter what date or format for the date I use, it seems I always
  get all friends back.

  Can you confirm this parameter indeed works.

  Thank you.

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Twitter Status update

2008-11-10 Thread Alex Payne

If you want a list of who's following you and their current status,
use this method:

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 6:18 AM, VIswa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 When ever there is an update in my followers status(means if they post
 any update) i need to find out that they have posted some thing like
 that, from a third party application or from twitter. Is there any way
 to do that?  .Thanks in advance


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Storing twitter search results in a local database

2008-11-10 Thread Alex Payne

This is perfectly acceptable.  Store away!

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 10:17 PM, Dannie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was wondering if anyone knows whether you're allowed to store
 twitter search results in my local database for later retrieval?
 In order to protect my app against potential twitter down-time as well
 as additional massaging of search results, I'd like to store search
 results in my local database. Is this allowed or is this against the
 Twitter API terms of service?

 - Dannie

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Notification for Updates

2008-11-10 Thread Alex Payne

There are lots of ways to get the most recent updates via the REST
API:  We don't
currently support a push mechanism.

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 11:34 PM, saranya saranya dakshi
 Hi viswa well you can do this by search api...

 On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 12:54 PM, VIswa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Is there any way to get notification to the third party application
 when a tweet or update is posted in twitter


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Notification

2008-11-10 Thread Alex Payne

When you update your status (see you'll get
back a representation of that status in the requested format.

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 8:57 PM, saranya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I need to get a notification in my application when ever i update
 some thing in my twitter..
 is there any such way to get such notification..

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Favorites Appear Out of Date/Time Chronological Order

2008-11-12 Thread Alex Payne

 vmarinelli Oh and by the way, Joe the Plumber, enjoy that new tax cut.
 You ungrateful bastard.

 badbanana My daughter needed some help with her fractions homework.
 Half of me thinks I helped, but 3/4 of me isn't so sure.

 califmom I think my happy pill was a placebo.

 gruber Alaska sure looks like a state full of shitheads.

 Moltz I never had trouble getting shoes that fit when I was young, but
 now I can't seem to. And it all started right after my wisdom toes
 came in.

 @MsDiagnosed The LayaSpot is a good one. Goes for about $40-60. I
 think I paid $50 for mine.

 ivegotzooms It really is unfortunate that when I wear a skirt, I
 forget that I'm wearing a skirt. Related: children crying. That might
 be my fault.

 pdxgrrrl The Obamas should get a cat, not a dog. Come on, everyone
 loves pussy!

 Tony_D [An older item named President already exists in this
 location. Do you want to replace it with the newer one you are

 BarackObama We just made history. All of this happened because you
 gave your time, talent and passion. All of this happened because of
 you. Thank

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: since_id in combination with page and count

2008-11-12 Thread Alex Payne

Right now those modifier parameters are a bit of a mess, and may or
may not work in tandem.  Pick one or the other in the meantime, or
request the whole thing and filter client-side.  Our caching is such
that getting the entire response shouldn't be that slow, although I'd
understand wanting to cut down the response size for low-bandwidth

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 3:30 PM, buzz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are the page and count parameters intended to interact at all with the
 since_id parameter for friends_timeline?  What I would like to do is
 be able to say download tweets since this ID, but not more than N
 tweets.  Right now it appears, if I'm understanding correctly, that
 the page parameter does work with since_id, but pages appear to be
 restricted to 40 tweets per page and the count parameter doesn't seem
 to have any affect.  Is there any way to so something like
 since_id=12345 and count=20, where it would return just the latest
 20 that are after the given ID (and fewer if there aren't 20 after
 that ID)?


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: What happened with the public timeline feed?

2008-11-12 Thread Alex Payne

Apologies, but in the current system there's not a great way to
recover data.  We're working on that.

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 9:16 AM, jungle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks Matt!

 What will happen with the lost data period?
 Can we have at least a part of that sent our way or are just left with
 a blank period?

 On Nov 12, 3:10 pm, Matt Sanford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Jungle,

   It's a problem in the back-end system and we're working on it right
 now. I'll update the ticket (
 issues/detail?id=150) as I get more information and will update this
 thread when we have a fix.

  — Matt Sanford

 On Nov 12, 9:05 am, jungle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  The public timeline feed has stopped updating the posts, returning the
  same posts for the last 12 hours or so. The latest post is from Wed
  Nov 12 02:57:29 + 2008.

  What happened?

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Show conversation full thread URL or feed?

2008-11-13 Thread Alex Payne

We don't yet provide a thread/conversation API, but it's something
we're working on.

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 12:57 PM, drupalot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At search.twitter, the results snippets have the show conversation
 link that uses AJAX to open up the full thread of replies to the tweet
 at hand. I found a URL structure that corresponds to that
 functionality ([status_ID]),
 but it's not a styled, user facing page and doesn't appear to have a
 feed associated with it. Is their a better URL for threads and/or a
 feed for them? Is the full thread for a specific tweet part of the API
 yet, or soon?

 My apologies, I've asked this before and gotten answers but couldn't
 find my post. Probably a duplicate here.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: No OAuth Support just made Techmeme

2008-11-14 Thread Alex Payne

I'd like to confirm that Cameron's interpretation of email is the
intended one.  He wrote:

  I read Alex's E-mail to say, '*sooner* with minimal effort' [but
will occur regardless of the effort required], emphasis mine. So far I
haven't seen anything to dispute that interpretation.

Indeed, where my thinking is at is that we'll do the work necessary to
get beta OAuth support out there in our current stack, even if it does
mean some duplication of effort as we go forward.  As I said, Matt's
opinion was that the Rails OAuth plugin/library had improved to the
point where we wouldn't have to rework it.

If you have questions about our schedule and priorities, just ask.
There's no need to speculate.  I'm happy to be as open with you all as
I can possibly be about why and how we schedule our work, and what our
concerns and limitations are when implementing support for a new

I would strongly encourage a re-read of Christopher St John's posts is
this thread.  OAuth is simply a standardization of the token
authentication systems that several large companies were making use
of.  It's not a security silver bullet; token auth has a different
threat profile from BasicAuth, but not a non-existent threat profile.
At the end of the day, you can hand out your password or hand out a
token and you're still giving a potentially malicious application
rights to access your data.

OAuth's main benefit is that it decouples rights to API access from
general access to one's Twitter account.  It should also allow users
more granular control over which applications have what sort of rights
on their behalf.  That's good, and something our API and other APIs
that make use of BasicAuth sorely lack.

The downside is that OAuth suffers from many of the frustrating user
experience issues and phishing scenarios that OpenID does.  The
workflow of opening an application, being bounced to your browser,
having to login to, approving the application, and then
bouncing back is going to be lost on many novice users, or used as a
means to phish them. Hopefully in time users will be educated,
particularly as OAuth becomes the standard way to do API

Another downside is that OAuth is a hassle for developers.  BasicAuth
couldn't be simpler (heck, it's got basic in the name).  OAuth
requires a new set of tools.  Those tools are currently semi-mature,
but again, with time I'm confident they'll improve.  In the meantime,
OAuth will greatly increase the barrier to entry for the Twitter API,
something I'm not thrilled about.

Despite these downsides, we're pushing forward with OAuth, and we'll
keep you updated as to our progress.

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 8:58 AM, Ed Finkler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 11:20 AM, Dossy Shiobara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ed Finkler wrote:
 I do understand the frustration, really. But I think I can safely say
 that the dudes who post here from Twitter bust their ass for you and
 me, and this kind of thing really doesn't help.

 So, what would help?  Sycophantic cheerleading?  I don't think so.

 Of course not. Suggesting one extreme is not a good idea doesn't imply
 an opposite extreme is a good idea either.

 Lets talk about real reasons why it's important for Twitter biz people
 to up the priority on some kind of reasonable API auth scheme.

 I think it's Twitter's job to do that. But go for it if you're
 interested in the exercise.

 Mainly, I just think there's a difference between saying I really
 want to see feature A and feature A would be awesome, but I know you
 guys won't do it. The second one, for me, fails the would I say that
 to his face? check, so I wouldn't say it in email either. But that's
 me; you may feel or do differently.

 Ed Finkler
 AIM: funka7ron
 ICQ: 3922133
 Skype: funka7ron

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: limits changed?

2008-11-15 Thread Alex Payne

I've not changed that limit.  Email me off-list with your username and
I'll investigate.

Search API requests are not subject to the 100 request per hour limit, no.

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 09:55, Waitman Gobble [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 It seems like the follow limit changed. It used to be 2,000 however
 today I can't seem to follow more than 1,580.

 Also, the Search API has a statement about no limits to search - are
 search requests disregarded when determining the 100 GET requests per

 Thank you,


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Not pulling @replies in a search feed

2008-11-15 Thread Alex Payne

Do you mean any @replies or just @replies to a specific username?

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 12:23, drupalot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been using advanced search to create feeds from the public
 timeline on specific keywords and so forth. One thing I'd like to do
 is not pull tweets that are @[username] replies, but not sure how. Is
 it possible to append an additional parameter to a feed URL to prevent
 pulling @[username] replies, just as its possible to append a
 parameter for language, keywords, negative keywords, etc?

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: invalid profile_image_url returned in JSON timeline

2008-11-15 Thread Alex Payne

It's possible that the cache of that URL hasn't expired since it was updated.

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 08:35, Kevin Watters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In my friends_timeline.json for tweet 1005190499 I'm getting a
 profile_image_url value of

 -- which is a 404.

 The correct, working profile image URL that shows up on is

 Just so you guys are aware :)

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: simple tweet this implementation

2008-11-20 Thread Alex Payne

Yes, you'll need to make a proper API request to have your update  

Alex Payne

On Nov 20, 2008, at 10:05, scottjgo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I want to add a tweet this link to my website. The idea is that you
would click the button, and it would prepopulate the message field on
twitter with a link. Ideally, you would authenticate through so I can avoid handling passwords.

I understand you can use a link like:
but is it possible to replace the from web with a link to my
website? Without that, it sort of eliminates the cool viral
advertising. Is the only alternative to use the real api (and handle


Re: simple tweet this implementation

2008-11-21 Thread Alex Payne

We recently had another request to allow messages posted from the web
to define their own source parameters.  We'll consider it.  Please
file an issue at

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 01:36, scottjgo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I don't suppose you'd be willing to add a simple appid= or something
 to the url that lets you modify the posted from link (given that the
 link was already approved for your app id)?

 On Nov 20, 5:03 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, you'll need to make a proper API request to have your update

 Alex Payne

 On Nov 20, 2008, at 10:05, scottjgo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I want to add a tweet this link to my website. The idea is that you
  would click the button, and it would prepopulate the message field on
  twitter with a link. Ideally, you would authenticate through so I can avoid handling passwords.

  I understand you can use a link 
  but is it possible to replace the from web with a link to my
  website? Without that, it sort of eliminates the cool viral
  advertising. Is the only alternative to use the real api (and handle


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: users/show/id.format bug for numerical username?

2008-11-21 Thread Alex Payne

This is a known issue, but we don't appear to be tracking it.  Please
file an issue at

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 09:15, jazzychad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 When requesting a /users/show/id.format API with a username that is
 entirely numerical, it will instead return the info for the person
 with that userid.


 There is someone with the username @415.

 If I pull up I get the
 information for someone named @justplayedvolleyball instead

 Is there a way to override userid lookup? Or maybe have it check for a
 matching username first and then defaulting to userid?


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Twitter trademark

2008-11-21 Thread Alex Payne

There are certainly many applications out there that include Twitter
as part of their name, but we prefer that you not do so.  Twit,
Tweet, etc. are all fine.

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 13:09, Amir Michail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 21, 3:59 pm, Amir  Michail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What sort of similar sounding names could one use for a Twitter
 service to avoid trademark infringement?

 Just to be clear, will there be legal problems if the entire word
 twitter is used as part of a name?


 The idea is to use names that would make it clear that this is a
 Twitter service.


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Why is authentication required to get follower info?

2008-11-21 Thread Alex Payne

Please see the documentation at  You need to
provide HTTP Basic Auth credentials when requesting the followers of
another user.

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 15:31, Amir Michail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:




 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  errorCould not authenticate you./error


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Are there any limitations on storing twitter data in a database?

2008-11-22 Thread Alex Payne

Any restrictions on what you can store that's consumed via the REST
API or Search API is in our Terms of Service:

On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 09:34, Amir Michail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Can we store whatever we like in a database?

 Are there any limitations on what can be stored and for how long?

 Are there any rules against using stale data?


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: User Method Show Friends Down

2008-11-22 Thread Alex Payne

Could you provide examples?

On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 20:24, DustyReagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hmm... seems to be working now.

 Could this have had something to do with the special characters in
 peoples bios? Like the stars and faces and such?

 On Nov 22, 3:46 pm, DustyReagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It seems that
 not working.

 I'm getting lots of complaints on from users seeing
 incorrect results. So it's not just bob with a broken page. Also, it
 doesn't appear to always be page 1. Sometimes it's a page in the
 middle like this example:


 I'm not sure if this is related to the show_users problem being
 discussed now also in the group.


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Is update_profile_background_image not working?

2008-11-22 Thread Alex Payne

This is the first I've heard of it not working.  Please email me
off-list with full request/response output and I'll investigate.

On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 14:46, Max [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey guys -

 Working with the newish APIs for setting themes, and for some reason
 update_profile_background_image is not setting the image.  A couple of

 - I believe my multipart is correct because I can use the exact same
 request body to update my avatar using update_profile_image
 - The response coming back is the equivalant of a show (that is, I am
 not getting any response other than a 200).

 Also is there any timeline on the tile bit from October?

 Thanks guys -


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: User Method Show Friends Down

2008-11-23 Thread Alex Payne
It was likely an unrelated transient error.  We're UTF-8 safe throughout.

On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 21:51, DustyReagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When it was down, I was getting the Technical Error robot page for
 these 2 examples:

 They're working fine now, and I'm not getting anymore complaints on my

 The only thing I noticed (after they came back up) is that the first
 bio in ( had(has) a
 star ★ in it. And (
 page=3) someone's bio has a smiley face ☺ in it. And page 2 and 4 of
 @cesart's friends don't seem to have any special characters in the
 bios and they always worked.

 Not sure if the special characters was the problem, just something I


 On Nov 22, 10:58 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Could you provide examples?

 On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 20:24, DustyReagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hmm... seems to be working now.

  Could this have had something to do with the special characters in
  peoples bios? Like the stars and faces and such?

  On Nov 22, 3:46 pm, DustyReagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It seems that
  not working.

  I'm getting lots of complaints on from users seeing
  incorrect results. So it's not just bob with a broken page. Also, it
  doesn't appear to always be page 1. Sometimes it's a page in the
  middle like this example:


  I'm not sure if this is related to the show_users problem being
  discussed now also in the group.


 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Could you please increase # followers returned to 1000 say?

2008-11-24 Thread Alex Payne

We will once we've laid the groundwork for the next generation of the API.

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 09:26, Matthias Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Or, what I've been secretly wishing for since months, give us other
 output formats. For example, for most of what I do, all I need is for
 this user, give me all followers' user id and nickname. Or even only
 the user id. I can cache the user profile data locally, I don't need
 so much stuff in the API data. Instead, give me 1000 follower IDs per

 Would twitter consider doing something like that?

 On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 04:02, Amir Michail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Or if not, please give us some control over which 100 followers are


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: a simple workaround for lack of OAuth

2008-11-24 Thread Alex Payne

We're currently waiting on our User Experience team to put the final
touches on a BETA release of our OAuth support.  It's going to have
bugs, to be sure, but we should have it out there soon.

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 12:53, Stut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 24 Nov 2008, at 15:13, fastest963 wrote:

 A better alternative would be to just create an API key for
 every user. Instead of entering username/password, they would enter
 their secret API key?

 This is far less secure than OAuth and is actually not much better than
 requiring a username and password.

 One of the core benefits of OAuth is the ability to be very specific
 regarding what each authorised application is allowed to do, on a per
 application basis. It also allows you to selectively revoke the permissions
 of any specific application without needing to ask or even tell the
 application about it. To do this with the API key system you effectively
 need to re-authorise every app you use when you want to block just one of
 them. No real difference between this and having to change your password.

 I would much prefer that the guys (and gals) at Twitter concentrate on
 getting OAuth properly implemented (which is harder than it sounds) than
 their attention gets diverted by developers too impatient to wait for the
 right solution to the problem.



Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Get twitter to recognize my application

2008-11-24 Thread Alex Payne

We'll get to it soon.  Sorry for the delay.

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 16:02, FrankieShakes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When did you fill out the form?  If it's only been a day or so, my
 suggestion would just be to wait.  Otherwise, you can always re-submit
 your request.

 On Nov 24, 7:44 am, ND [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have filled up the form required to get twitter recognize my
 application, but I have not got any reply as of now. Can anyone
 suggest me what to do?

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: What is Twitter Architecture to scale

2008-11-29 Thread Alex Payne

We've shared a fair bit on  We'll share more
as time allows.

On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 09:45, David C [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry this is not a real dev question, but rather an infrastructure
 question.  If I Google
 Tiwtter Scale or Twitter Architecture I get lots of articles
 before things vastly imprved.  Can anyone point me to a document that
 describes what got upgraded?  Thanks

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Twitter, Push APIs and XMPP

2008-11-29 Thread Alex Payne

No, the firehose solution will not address this scenario in its first release.

On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 06:32, Brent Soderberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to be able to use an HTTP-push solution for retrieving any
 replies made to a specific user. What are my options for that?  I read
 through the Gnip docs and it doesn't seem like there is an option for
 getting a feed of all replies to a user.  will the firehose solution
 address this?

 On Nov 27, 12:34 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's HTTP-push.  You open a socket, we push data to you.  The
 transport just happens to be HTTP.

 On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 23:18, bham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  @fastest963: Well I was thinking of using Twitter for some nice simple
  automated communication and for my application 10-15s is a little

  @Alex: What do you mean works over HTTP? So I'd have to poll? How is
  that a firehose solution? I'm genuinely confused.

  On Nov 26, 11:02 pm, fastest963 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As far as I know, the Firehose API would only be for retrieving data
  from Twitter and not sending (POST).

  @bham 10-15s isn't that bad? If it was over a minute then I would be
  concerned. As far as the latency, I can assume that it is just because
  of the caching that Twitter has put into place.

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Stability of format of direct message and follower emails?

2008-12-01 Thread Alex Payne

The headers will remain, but the body text may change at any time.

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 13:15, Alan Holding (brokendrum70)


 This is my first discussion post, so apologies if this has been
 answered somewhere else. (I did a search but couldn't find anything
 that seemed to be about this.)

 To cut down on the number of API calls our application makes, we've
 written routines that extract relevant information from the emails
 that are sent by Twitter when a user follows the Twitter account our
 app is using, and when a user direct messages that account.

 Basically, if the current format / structure of the emails was to
 change (specifically the sender email address, the X-twitter header
 stuff and the body text of direct message emails), our application
 would enter a world of hurt.

 So, is the current format / structure of emails fixed?

 Thanks for your time.


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Stability of format of direct message and follower emails?

2008-12-01 Thread Alex Payne

Unfortunately, I'm not always made aware in advance when changes to
language on the site and in emails are made.  Whitelisting is one
option, or let us know what other headers you'd need so that you don't
have to parse the emails at all.

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 14:46, Alan Holding (brokendrum70)

 On Dec 1, 10:19 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The headers will remain, but the body text may change at any time.

 Thanks, Alex. Will there be any warning of a change to the body text,
 or would I be best applying for whitelisting and hitting the API to
 check for new followers / direct messages? (Which is something I
 really don't want to do unless we get the OK.)

 Thanks for your time,

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: A general status update from Twitter's API Team

2008-12-02 Thread Alex Payne

We'll keep the current version running for a stretch (probably six
months tops) as developers transition over to the new version of the

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 12:33, Chad Etzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for the update!  For those of us doing current development with the
 API, will the current version be kept around for a while (as a legacy
 version I guess) so that we may continue development as the new API is being
 rolled out?  Or will it be a cut-over situation when the new API is
 released?  I understand that eventually the current API version will be
 retired... but looking for guidance in the short-term.


 On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 3:27 PM, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 Just wanted to give you an update on what's going on Twitter API land.

 Firstly, my colleague on the API Team, Matt Sanford (@mzsanford), is
 in town from Seattle and working from the Twitter offices.  We're
 trying to make the most of this in-person time to clear out
 administrivia and plan the next several weeks of work.

 We've just finished cleaning up the list of API issues and enhancement
 requests (  We've
 closed, updated, re-prioritized, and generally attended to all tickets
 in the system.  We have a number of fixes that are waiting on other
 parts of the Twitter engineering team to ship, and we've tried to
 clearly note which tickets aren't going to be dealt with until the
 next major release of the API.

 Just yesterday, Matt finished working with our Operations team to move
 Twitter Search to Twitter's data center.  The Search API should now
 return results more quickly, and we believe that we've increased our
 queries per second (QPS) capacity as well.

 Additionally, Matt has been working with our User Experience (UX) team
 on a beta of OAuth support.  The UX component of this work is almost
 complete, and we should be ready for our first deploy in the next week
 or ten days.  The only potential blocker to this launch is the
 database schema changes it entails, which may be delayed by our
 Operations team as part of a broader set of database work.

 Having completed performance tests to our satisfaction, a colleague of
 ours has been testing our HTTP-based firehose solution for correctness
 and stability.  So far he's uncovered no issues, and we should be
 starting a beta period with this service in a matter of days.
 Apologies for not having the beta going by Thanksgiving, but hopefully
 this additional testing will mean fewer issues and a reduced

 Our next major priority remains the rewrite of the Twitter API, which
 encompasses a variety of backend and frontend changes.  We were hoping
 to have much of this work completed by the end of the year, and while
 I believe it'll be underway, I don't expect that it will be complete
 until early next year.

 If you have any questions about our priorities and projects, please
 let us know.  Thanks!

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: A general status update from Twitter's API Team

2008-12-02 Thread Alex Payne

Sure, I'll talk to the UX folks about writing some of that up.  OAuth
is still in its early stages, and it seems most every organization
that implements it ends up taking some slightly different paths.

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 13:03, Christopher St John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 2:27 PM, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Additionally, Matt has been working with our User Experience (UX) team
 on a beta of OAuth support.  The UX component of this work is almost
 complete, and we should be ready for our first deploy in the next week
 or ten days.


 Anything y'all can share about the thinking behind your OAuth UX
 decisions would be very helpful (not just how it ends up looking, but
 the sorts of things that were of concern, differerent options you
 considered, etc). That stuff's pure gold for others facing similar
 sorts of decisions. Not totally on topic, I'm just saying...


 Christopher St. John

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

INCOMPATIBILITY ALERT: response body of /account/verify_credentials changing Dec 10th

2008-12-02 Thread Alex Payne

As per we'll
be changing the /account/verify_credentials method to return the
representation of the authenticated user.  Because some applications
depend on the contents of this response, we're delaying this change
until December 10th, 2008.

Please update your applications to verify by response code, not by the
response body for this method.  If you get a 200 back, you're
verified.  If you get a 401 back, you're not.

If you can't ship an update in 8 days, please let us know and we'll
push the date out further.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Rate limit exceeded for whitelisted app

2008-12-02 Thread Alex Payne

The updated estimate I've just received from our ops guys is more
than 15 minutes and less than 12 hours.  They have to restore from a
nightly database backup.  Said backups are quite large, and take some
time to get through.  Thanks for your patience.

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 18:39, Yu-Shan Fung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for being so responsive. You guys rock!

 On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 6:37 PM, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just talked to our Operations team.  It looks like some database
 maintenance inadvertently truncated our table of whitelisted users.
 We're restoring that as I type and everything will be back to normal

 On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 18:25, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  No, there's no change in policy, but perhaps we have a bug.  Yours is
  the second report of a rate limit issue.
  On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 18:23, Yu-Shan Fung [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Our app (, which has been whitelisted (@mrtweet) since a
  of weeks back, has suddenly began seeing the rate limit exceeded
  since around 3:45pm (pacific) today. Was there a change in policy, or
  do I
  have to reapply for whitelisting?
  Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

 Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
 - Philip K. Dick, American Writer

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Rate limit exceeded for whitelisted app

2008-12-03 Thread Alex Payne

The database restore is complete, everything should be back to normal.

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 07:36, fastest963 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It looks like IPs still work? Twittertrend is still running perfectly
 I think whitelisted users/IPs are hitting the rate_limit but the API
 isn't acknowledging it? My remaining_hits is -36 but my API requests
 are still processing fine.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: How to find out how many API requests have been used?

2008-12-04 Thread Alex Payne

We do limit the number of updates a client can send over a period time
to prevent spammers. That time period may change, and the number of
updates one can post is much higher than most uses would dictate, but
if you really need to be posting that frequently, please apply for
whitelisting to lift the limit:

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 18:17, maximz2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Today, I've increased the time interval to two minutes, and so far, I
 think it's working without problems with posting.

 I've just set the interval to 1 minute, do you think it will give me
 posting problems?

 On Dec 2, 10:13 pm, maximz2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So if I increased this time interval to a minute or two, do you think
 posting would work?


 On Dec 1, 8:57 pm, Cameron Kaiser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Do you by any chance know whether updatingstatuscounts against the
   rate limit?

  It does not.

   I wrote a little test program for playing around with the API, that
   simply posts the time as astatusmessageevery 30 seconds.
   Sometimes, when I go online and check thestatusmessages, they stop
   abruptly, but the client doesn't give me a 404 error. Is this evidence
   of reaching the limit?

  No, it just means it wasn't posted. However, a test like that being posted
  out every 30 seconds over and over could be construed as a runaway bot to
  be filtered. You might not want to constantly update that frequently.

Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  -- I like my women like my coffee: weak, cold and bitter. -- Kevin Metcalf 

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: 400 Error - Friendships Create Not Working

2008-12-04 Thread Alex Payne

You've probably hit the rate limit.  Check out the informative error
message returned in the response body.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 06:40, mattyp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can anyone verify that the following works?

 I just get a HTTP 400 Bad Request


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: A general status update from Twitter's API Team

2008-12-04 Thread Alex Payne

Yup, until some other under-the-hood stuff changes, we can't really
hand out a user's archive in a single request/response in a timely and
database-friendly fashion.  You'll still have to page through to get a
user's full archive, but with effectively non-existent rate limits,
this should be much easier.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:01, Damon C [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Alex,

 Thanks for the updates - one of the things I noticed is that the
 archive API method was marked as wontfix. I was wondering what this
 means for the future of accessing our Twitter history?

 Is this just something where we won't be able to export it in one
 shot, but still have access to the history through successive API



 On Dec 2, 12:27 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 Just wanted to give you an update on what's going on Twitter API land.

 Firstly, my colleague on the API Team, Matt Sanford (@mzsanford), is
 in town from Seattle and working from the Twitter offices.  We're
 trying to make the most of this in-person time to clear out
 administrivia and plan the next several weeks of work.

 We've just finished cleaning up the list of API issues and enhancement
 requests (  We've
 closed, updated, re-prioritized, and generally attended to all tickets
 in the system.  We have a number of fixes that are waiting on other
 parts of the Twitter engineering team to ship, and we've tried to
 clearly note which tickets aren't going to be dealt with until the
 next major release of the API.

 Just yesterday, Matt finished working with our Operations team to move
 Twitter Search to Twitter's data center.  The Search API should now
 return results more quickly, and we believe that we've increased our
 queries per second (QPS) capacity as well.

 Additionally, Matt has been working with our User Experience (UX) team
 on a beta of OAuth support.  The UX component of this work is almost
 complete, and we should be ready for our first deploy in the next week
 or ten days.  The only potential blocker to this launch is the
 database schema changes it entails, which may be delayed by our
 Operations team as part of a broader set of database work.

 Having completed performance tests to our satisfaction, a colleague of
 ours has been testing our HTTP-based firehose solution for correctness
 and stability.  So far he's uncovered no issues, and we should be
 starting a beta period with this service in a matter of days.
 Apologies for not having the beta going by Thanksgiving, but hopefully
 this additional testing will mean fewer issues and a reduced

 Our next major priority remains the rewrite of the Twitter API, which
 encompasses a variety of backend and frontend changes.  We were hoping
 to have much of this work completed by the end of the year, and while
 I believe it'll be underway, I don't expect that it will be complete
 until early next year.

 If you have any questions about our priorities and projects, please
 let us know.  Thanks!

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Why is authentication required to get follower info?

2008-12-04 Thread Alex Payne


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:39, Chad Etzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:30 PM, Amir Michail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 21, 6:41 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Please see the documentation
  at  You need to
  provide HTTP Basic Auth credentials when requesting thefollowersof
  another user.

 But why?


 I'm guessing because this mimics the behavior of the twitter website
 itself.  You cannot see another person's followers-list without being logged
 into your account first.
 My $0.02,

  On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 15:31, Amir Michail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
errorCould not authenticate you./error
  Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Firehose API's total load rate?

2008-12-06 Thread Alex Payne

We've designed the firehose solution to handle that volume and much,
much higher.

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 00:48, tweetip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Brendan, we've designed our server for processing 500 msgs per sec
 during a spike Event. I'm not sure if twitter spikes that high now,
 but it will. I'm also unsure if the firehose will deliver that volume.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Problems with updating profile image

2008-12-06 Thread Alex Payne

The test we use for this method is to use curl:

curl -F '[EMAIL PROTECTED]/to/test/image.jpg' -u USERNAME:PASSWORD

If you use an HTTP proxy, you can see it generating the appropriate
request and response.

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 00:09, Lien Tran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I've been trying to update my profile image using the account method
 update_profile_image.  However, the server keeps returning the error
 There was a problem with your picture. Probably too big.  The photo
 I am trying to upload is a jpg less than 700 kilobytes in size.  Below
 is the request body and request response.

 Request body:
 POST /account/update_profile_image.xml HTTP/1.1
 Authorization: Basic encoded credentials here
 User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1
 Content-Length: 71440
 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=tUGDGHg6-

 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=Sunset.jpg;
 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset=ISO-8859-1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

 binary data here


 Response body:
 HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
 Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2008 07:59:53 GMT
 Server: hi
 Last-Modified: Sat, 06 Dec 2008 07:59:53 GMT
 Status: 403 Forbidden
 Pragma: no-cache
 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-
 Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
 Content-Length: 183
 Expires: Tue, 31 Mar 1981 05:00:00 GMT
 %250AOgpAdXNlZHsA--d9fe4dcadf2064553d3371c9fe767ff009f20c21;; path=/
 Vary: Accept-Encoding
 Connection: close

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  errorThere was a problem with your picture. Probably too big./

 Does the request body look correct?  Does anyone have a sample of what
 the request body should look like if this is not correct?


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Subsequent identical messages ignored?

2008-12-06 Thread Alex Payne

It's not new, and we haven't had any other reports of updates lagging.

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 15:25, tweetip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been guessing this new check is why posting an update is taking
 so long?

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: favorited value is null in JSON

2008-12-08 Thread Alex Payne

Very sorry to hear that this issue is causing so many problems.  It's
not an intentional change, and not one that I believe was introduced
inadvertently along with another API-related change.  I'll check with
my colleagues first thing tomorrow to see where this unexpected
behavior could be coming from.

On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 19:50, Kazuho Okui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have received the null value of favorited statuses more frequently today.

 Thousands of my app users have been struggling for these days. (I
 guess several other iPhone clients also crash when they receive the
 null values.)

 I submitted the new version of my app to AppStore 4 days ago but I
 guess it will take for another few days to get an approval. If you
 could address the things on the server side, it would help my users
 very much.


 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:32 PM, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks much!

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 22:12, Kazuho Okui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I attached another example which is a result of curl. it contains a
 request/response headers and a JSON content.

 I hope this will help to find the issue.


 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:21 PM, Kazuho Okui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Alex,

 I attached JSON objects which my app users gave me. Thus, I don't have
 any request header, but the request is; with auth header.

 The JSON objects contains favorited:null instead of favorited:true
 or false randomly.


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:11 PM
 Subject: Re: favorited value is null in JSON

 If you could please provide example request/response output that would
 help us track this down.  Apologies for the inconsistency.

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 17:28, Kazuho Okui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Today, I suddenly received a JSON value which favorited value is null
 instead of bool.

 This crushes my Twitter client because it assumed that the value is
 boolean. The application is written in Objective-C, so the value type
 is very important for my client.

 The favorited value was null or true until October, then true or false
 until today. Could you please define exactly the type of favorite
 value?? Also, could you use boolean to all favorited status?


 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: a simple workaround for lack of OAuth

2008-12-08 Thread Alex Payne

It won't be available for testing this week, but should be available
before the end of the month.  I'd definitely encourage you not to
launch on it, though, as it will be a beta.

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 08:16, Richie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Alex,

 do you have any updates on when OAuth is available?

 Currently I'm doing the finishing touches on a new service and would
 love to let the users choose OAuth for authentication instead of
 requiere them to give me their secret pw. I'm experienced in using
 OAuth so I expect to get it working in a couple of hours.

 Do you think Twitter will enable OAuth this week or should I start my
 service with user/pw-authentication first?


 On Nov 27, 12:38 am, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As I don't know the entire schedule of our UX team, I can't.  I would
 say less than a month and closer to a week by far, but please don't
 hold me to that.

 On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 15:41, Amir Michail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Nov 24, 5:05 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We're currently waiting on our User Experience team to put the final
  touches on a BETA release of ourOAuthsupport.  It's going to have
  bugs, to be sure, but we should have it out there soon.

  Could you give us a time estimate?  In a week?  A month?


  On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 12:53, Stut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On 24 Nov 2008, at 15:13, fastest963 wrote:

   A better alternative would be to just create an API key for
   every user. Instead of entering username/password, they would enter
   their secret API key?

   This is far less secure thanOAuthand is actually not much better than
   requiring a username and password.

   One of the core benefits ofOAuthis the ability to be very specific
   regarding what each authorised application is allowed to do, on a per
   application basis. It also allows you to selectively revoke the 
   of any specific application without needing to ask or even tell the
   application about it. To do this with the API key system you effectively
   need to re-authorise every app you use when you want to block just one 
   them. No real difference between this and having to change your 

   I would much prefer that the guys (and gals) at Twitter concentrate on
   gettingOAuthproperly implemented (which is harder than it sounds) than
   their attention gets diverted by developers too impatient to wait for 
   right solution to the problem.



  Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Search API Rate Limiting

2008-12-08 Thread Alex Payne

Matt is the Search API guru, indeed.

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 08:16, Chad Etzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The Terms say: We do not rate limit the search API under ordinary
 circumstances, however we have put measures in place to limit the
 abuse of our API.

 ...yes, which is exactly why I am asking the question in the first place.
 My code already handles the error case so no browser warnings are popped.  I
 addressed the question to Matt originally since I thought he was the Search
 API guru, or am I mistaken?


 On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 10:23 AM, fastest963 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ah, gotcha! You can, it will just display a browser warning. Which is
 not what you want :P

 The Terms say: We do not rate limit the search API under ordinary
 circumstances, however we have put measures in place to limit the
 abuse of our API.
 Try emailing, Alex Payne, or someone at Twitter about a whitelist.

 On Dec 7, 3:36 pm, Chad Etzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  No, you can't do an ajax authenticated GET or POST to a 3rd-party site.
  am dynamically loading the json in the clients' browser.  I would rather
  know the rate limits so I can abide by them.
  On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 10:42 AM, fastest963 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Since your doing this via AJAX and such, this may not be a good idea,
   but you could try passing a login to Twitter and having that login

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: questions about twittering-mode

2008-12-08 Thread Alex Payne

Sadly, it's not, unless you've run into an underlying issue with the
Twitter API.

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 10:57, sergio_101 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 before i start a conversation, i wanted to see if this is the
 appropriate place to ask about twittering-mode for emacs..


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Using CAPTCHAs to get more followers on twitter.

2008-12-08 Thread Alex Payne

You might look at Amazon's Mechanical Turk if you're interesting in
experimenting with human ratings of content.

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 11:54, Amir Michail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 2:52 PM, Andrew Badera [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ... and then?

 I'm thinking of jumping off the Empire State Building tomorrow with Jeb
 Corliss ...

 Beside the apparent randomness of your post, was there an underlying

 Do you think it would work?  Is it worth building to try it out?


 On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 2:44 PM, Amir Michail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm thinking of building this service using the twitter API:

 * you submit a selection of your tweets that you are particularly
 proud of

 * you also submit a CAPTCHA to check whether someone looking at your
 selection really looked at it carefully

 Example: such a CAPTCHA might ask the user to select the tweet in your
 selection that satisfies a particular criterion.

 Your tweet selection will be shown to k people provided that you
 correctly answer the CAPTCHAs in ~ k selections.

 You could have people use tags to facilitate search/browsing of tweet
 selections.  Moreover, these tags could be used to improve a service
 such as




Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Subsequent identical messages ignored?

2008-12-09 Thread Alex Payne

I've updated the docs.  There's no limit per se, we just discard
statuses with text that are identical to the updating user's current
status text.  So, don't post foo bar baz twice in a row, as it's not
guaranteed to post.

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 22:38, Corey Menscher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No documentation update yet...can you please just tell me what the
 subsequent update limit is so I can update my code to prevent
 redundant posts?  In the meantime I'm going to limit identical posts
 to no more than one a minute. (Don't worry, I don't expect the app to
 update nearly that often...but it may happen while testing.)

 On Dec 6, 6:34 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's not new, and we haven't had any other reports of updates lagging.

 On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 15:25, tweetip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've been guessing this new check is why posting an update is taking
  so long?

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Updates and the following thereof

2008-12-09 Thread Alex Payne

Some time ago, I set up a Twitter account to inform developers of
changes to the API.  That account had languished somewhat, but I've
brought it back as @twitterapi (  You
may want to follow this user for handy API updates.

Speaking of which, we've deployed a number of fixes over the past
couple days, and more are coming.  Check out for the details.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Change to Twitter API?

2008-12-09 Thread Alex Payne

This is a temporary issue.

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 14:47, itcn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This used to work for unauthenticated users to display statuses_count
 and now it doesn't:

 Any reason this was changed recently?   Is there another way to access
 a user's status count (preferably without requiring the user's

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Change to Twitter API?

2008-12-09 Thread Alex Payne

Apologies once again.  We introduced a regression as part of another
bug fix.  We're doing an emergency deploy right now, so the correct
behavior should be live again shortly.

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 14:59, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a temporary issue.

 On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 14:47, itcn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This used to work for unauthenticated users to display statuses_count
 and now it doesn't:

 Any reason this was changed recently?   Is there another way to access
 a user's status count (preferably without requiring the user's

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: What happened to users background API

2008-12-09 Thread Alex Payne

Please see the recently updated thread about this issue.  It's a
temporary error that these attributes are missing, and we're fixing it
right now.

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 15:50, DustyReagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Show User use to return the following, but it seems not to anymore.
 Are they gone for good or moved?



Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Follow / Unfollow Error?

2008-12-10 Thread Alex Payne

I'd need an example of the error you're running into to be sure it's
the same as the one Steve reported.  Given the specifics of the
account he's having trouble with, I'm guessing it's not the same

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 05:49, Ninjamonk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using the as3 twitter script and am getting the same problems I
 think. I cannot get follow to work even though everything is the way
 it should be.

 do we have an update on this Alex?

 On Dec 6, 7:33 am, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is new to me; yours is the only report I've seen.  Can you please
 provide full request/response output, either on this list or privately
 to me?

 On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 15:28, Steve Ng Ming Yeow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  There seems to be a majorfollowerror happening. Following someone
  generates an error that someone is already on list, and unfollowing
  someone generates an outright error. Even when following is
  successful, no email is generated.

  This is an massive error for our service. Any idea when/how it will be
  fixed? 9 hours  and counting i believe

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Change to Twitter API?

2008-12-10 Thread Alex Payne

The fix was deployed yesterday, about 17 hours ago.  Any incorrect
responses are just cached data that will be evicted over time.
Nothing should live in the cache longer than 24 hours, so all should
be correct within the next 7 hours.

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 08:22, itcn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there any ETA on when this bug will be fixed?

 On Dec 9, 5:59 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a temporary issue.

 On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 14:47, itcn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This used to work for unauthenticated users to display statuses_count
  and now it doesn't:

  Any reason this was changed recently?   Is there another way to access
  a user's status count (preferably without requiring the user's

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Followings Updates not coming from AP

2008-12-10 Thread Alex Payne

I'm going to need something more specific than that to help you with this issue.

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 11:23, jje [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just wondering if there is any discussion on the current followings 
 updates not coming through on our ping to the API?


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Follow / Unfollow Error?

2008-12-10 Thread Alex Payne

400 usually means that you've run into our rate limit.  You can find
out for sure by looking at the body of the response we've sent to you,
which contains an informative error message.

If you need the rate limit lifted for your development period, please
apply for whitelisting at

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 11:30, Ninjamonk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using the as3 twitter script and so can't get the response just
 the 400 bad request. I am thinking its most likely my code if no one
 else is getting this.

 I wonder if its to do with the flash player I have on my mac.

 if its working for others then I wouldn't worry about it.


 On Dec 10, 5:21 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd need an example of the error you're running into to be sure it's
 the same as the one Steve reported.  Given the specifics of the
 account he's having trouble with, I'm guessing it's not the same

 On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 05:49, Ninjamonk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am using the as3 twitter script and am getting the same problems I
  think. I cannot get follow to work even though everything is the way
  it should be.

  do we have an update on this Alex?

  On Dec 6, 7:33 am, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is new to me; yours is the only report I've seen.  Can you please
  provide full request/response output, either on this list or privately
  to me?

  On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 15:28, Steve Ng Ming Yeow [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

   There seems to be a majorfollowerror happening. Following someone
   generates an error that someone is already on list, and unfollowing
   someone generates an outright error. Even when following is
   successful, no email is generated.

   This is an massive error for our service. Any idea when/how it will be
   fixed? 9 hours  and counting i believe

  Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: direct_messages new NOT working

2008-12-10 Thread Alex Payne

If you provide the full request/response output from your call to the
method, I'm sure somewhat can tell you what's going on.  Thanks!

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 16:36, sMan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi guys, I just started kicking the tires on the API (thanks, btw!)
 and am having a horrendous time posting to /direct_messages/new.xml.
 The response that comes back is invalid request which doesn't give
 me much to debug or go off of. I am able to post to the udpate/status
 urls just fine so I dont think its my code. here is how I'm doing the
 post in Ruby:

 postTwitter(;, {text =
 'this is a test', user = 'saumil})

 postTwitter is my wrapper method to execute the http request and works
 for other urls, just not this one.


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Change to Twitter API?

2008-12-10 Thread Alex Payne

Looking into this one further...

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 17:21, itcn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Still the same problem; the XML version of the API no longer seems to
 be returning the full data.  It never made sense that this would be a
 cache issue; beacuse this should return new data every time we request
 the XML file; what good is data that is 24 hours old?

 On Dec 10, 12:23 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The fix was deployed yesterday, about 17 hours ago.  Any incorrect
 responses are just cached data that will be evicted over time.
 Nothing should live in the cache longer than 24 hours, so all should
 be correct within the next 7 hours.

 On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 08:22, itcn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is there any ETA on when this bug will be fixed?

  On Dec 9, 5:59 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is a temporary issue.

  On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 14:47, itcn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   This used to work for unauthenticated users to display statuses_count
   and now it doesn't:

   Any reason this was changed recently?   Is there another way to access
   a user's status count (preferably without requiring the user's

  Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc. Hide quoted 
 text -

 - Show quoted text -

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Is there a way to get a user's friends?

2008-12-10 Thread Alex Payne

You can page through that method to get all of your friends.

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 18:02, Lien Tran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The friends method

 Returns up to 100 of the authenticating user's friends who have most
 recently updated, each with current status inline. It's also possible
 to request another user's recent friends list via the id parameter

 but this method does not provide an easy way to get all my friends,
 regardless of when they last updated their status.


Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: INCOMPATIBILITY ALERT: response body of /account/verify_credentials changing Dec 10th

2008-12-10 Thread Alex Payne

Just a reminder: today was the day for this change to go live, and it
just went live.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:42, Brooks Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I agree, this is a great change.

 On Dec 3, 11:07 pm, dean.j.robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 return the representation of the authenticated user

 does that mean that the response will be the same as if we 
 called  for the authenticated user?
 If so that would be awesome and means I could completely eliminate
 some of the extra api calls that I'm making.  Doesn't matter too much
 either way though, since both Hahlo 3.1 and Hahlo 4 (which I've
 recently begun work on) both currently use the http status for

 thanks for the heads up.

 On Dec 3, 1:14 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  As per'll
  be changing the /account/verify_credentials method to return the
  representation of the authenticated user.  Because some applications
  depend on the contents of this response, we're delaying this change
  until December 10th, 2008.

  Please update your applications to verify by response code, not by the
  response body for this method.  If you get a 200 back, you're
  verified.  If you get a 401 back, you're not.

  If you can't ship an update in 8 days, please let us know and we'll
  push the date out further.

  Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: Is there a way to get a user's friends?

2008-12-10 Thread Alex Payne

When you no longer get any User objects in the response.

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 18:08, Lien Tran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The problem is that I hit the rate limit error very easily when I do
 this.  How do I know when I got all my friends and when to stop

 On Dec 10, 6:06 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can page through that method to get all of your friends.

 On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 18:02, Lien Tran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The friends method

  Returns up to 100 of the authenticating user's friends who have most
  recently updated, each with current status inline. It's also possible
  to request another user's recent friends list via the id parameter

  but this method does not provide an easy way to get all my friends,
  regardless of when they last updated their status.


 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: verify_credentials response changed

2008-12-11 Thread Alex Payne

We'll try to find other avenues for communicating these changes.

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 08:47, JakeS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I do hope you'll continue to use @twitterapi and give us fair warning
 there.  While appreciate the google groups as a resource, I am
 concerned it's not the best means of communicating breaking API
 changes to the large number of third-party developers out there.

 Thank you for your help.

 On Dec 11, 10:40 am, Matt Sanford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Jake,

  For only change announcements and things form the API team check
 out the twitter users @twitterapi (
 We've had it for some time but just started making updates to it a
 priority. You may also want to follow @twitter for outage announcements.

— Matt Sanford

 On Dec 11, 2008, at 08:32 AM, JakeS wrote:

  Really, I don't get emails from this group because it's often full of
  people's questions that do not relate to me.

  Is there a better way we can be notified of API changes without all
  the extra conversation from the group?

  On Dec 11, 10:30 am, Stut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 11 Dec 2008, at 16:20, JakeS wrote:

  It used to be that 
  would return a simple authorizedtrue/authorized answer when
  given a correct username and password.   Now it appears to be
  returning an entire serialized user object.

  This change has broken the authentication process for the existing
  releases of my application.  Is this change permanent, or is it a
  temporary glitch?

  Plenty of notice was given for this change...



Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

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