[TYPES/announce] Postdoc Positions at the CLIP group, Spain

2009-02-04 Thread CFP
[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

   Application deadline 13th of February (for the 5 years position)
   and 18th of February (for the 3 years position)

The CLIP  (Computational Logic, Implementation  and Parallelism) group
is searching for candidates for postdoctoral research positions in the
research  areas in  which the  group is  involved. A  PhD  in Computer
Science or related areas is required.

These are  research positions (no teaching is  compulsory, although it
is allowed) and  renewable for up to 3 or 5  years. The initial salary
(for the 5 year positions)  is 44370 Euros/year plus an initial budget
of  15000  Euros  for  travel  and other  expenses  during  the  first
year. Knowledge of  Spanish is not a prerequisite  for application and
candidates can be of any nationality. The working language at the CLIP
group for research is English.

The  number of  positions  available  depends on  the  quality of  the
applicants.  The positions are  co-funded by  the Spanish  Ministry of
Science and  Technology and the Technical University  of Madrid within
the Ramon y Cajal and Juan de la Cierva programs.

Selection Process:

Interested  applicants should  send their  c.v. and  a  description of
their researchinterests tothe CLIP groupat
hats-gra...@clip.dia.fi.upm.es.   The   CLIP  group  will   perform  a
pre-selection of the best  applicants based on their scientific merits
and the  relevance of their  research interests and experience  to the
research activities of the group.  The CLIP group will then assist the
pre-selected candidates in accomplishing all required steps to present
the  required  documentation  for  the  final  evaluation  step.   The
applications, will then be sent to the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Technology  which performs the  final selection.  The details  of this
step are described here.


More details  on the CLIP group, publications,  projects, and research
areas of  interest can be  found at our  WWW site (see e.g.  the group
description and the listing of research topics and publications):


For   more  information   on  any   of  the   above,   please  contact


[TYPES/announce] post-doc position at ENS Lyon

2009-02-04 Thread Patrick Baillot
[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

 at ENS Lyon
  on implicit computational complexity and concurrency

 A 12-month post-doc position is available at ENS Lyon
(Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon) within the project:
  Implicit Computational Complexity, Concurrency and Extraction

 This four-year project is funded by the French national research
agency (ANR) and the partner sites are ENS Lyon, Université Paris 13
and LORIA-Nancy. The suggested starting date for the post-doc position
is september 2009 (but later dates can be considered).
 The project's goal is to investigate the foundations and applications of
Implicit computational complexity (ICC), along the lines of
semantics and logic, functional programming, program extraction from
proofs, quantitative properties and ICC for concurrent systems.

* Research area.  Applications related to the scope of quantitative
 properties and ICC for process calculi will be prefered, but those
 relevant to another direction of the project by candidates with
 background in one/some of the following fields are also welcome:
- ICC / type systems for complexity
- concurrency (esp. termination and quantitative properties)
- proof-assistants and program extraction from proofs
- linear logic, lambda-calculus, game semantics
The applicant should hold a PhD or be about to defend his/her PhD
by December 2009.

* Location. The post-doc researcher will work within the Plume team of
the LIP, the computer science laboratory of ENS Lyon, which is a
leading  research and education institution in sciences.
 Strong interaction with the other sites of the COMPLICE project is
also expected.

* Salary. The net salary will be around 2030 euro/month. This is then
subject to income tax.

* Application procedure. We strongly recommend that potential candidates
express their interest by sending an email to
before February 22nd 2009.
Then send your application before May 15th 2009 including a resume,
a short research project (1 page) and two names of possible references. This
should be preferably done by email with subject line 'Postdoc
position' to patrick.bail...@ens-lyon.fr, or at the postal address below.

* Important dates:
- intention of application (short email)February 22nd 2009
- deadline for application: May  15th 2009
- notification: June 15th 2009
- suggested starting date: September 1st 2009

Further information will possibly be made available from
 the web page of the project indicated above.

* Postal address:
Patrick Baillot
LIP (UMR 5668)
ENS Lyon
46 Allée d'Italie,
69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France.

Patrick Baillot
ENS de Lyon
Tel: (+33) 4 72 72 81 49   Fax: (+33) 4 72 72 80 80

[TYPES/announce] TPHOLs'09 Last Call for Papers

2009-02-04 Thread Stefan Berghofer
[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]


The 22th International Conference on
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics

17 - 20 August 2009 in Munich, Germany

 *  http://tphols.in.tum.de/  *

TPHOLs is a series of international conferences that started in 1988.
It brings together researchers working in all areas of interactive
theorem proving.  The conference will be held on 17 - 20 August
2009 in Munich. As in previous years, the formal proceedings of
TPHOLs will appear as a volume of LNCS.

Important Dates
Submission:  8 March 2009
Author notification: 4 May 2009
Camera-ready papers due: 5 June 2009

Website for submissions

Submission for the emerging
trends section:  11 May 2009

Conference:  17 - 20 August 2009


The program committee welcomes submissions on all aspects of theorem
proving in higher order logics, on related topics in theorem proving
and verification, and on relevant applications. The topics include, but
are not limited to, the following:

 Specification and verification of hardware: microprocessors, memory
 systems, buses, pipelines, etc; formal semantics of hardware design
 languages; synthesis; formal design flows.

 Specification and verification of software: program verification,
 refinement, and synthesis for functional, declarative and imperative
 languages; formal semantics of programming languages; compiler and
 operating system verification; proof carrying code.

 Industrial application of theorem provers.

 Formalization of mathematical theories.

 Advances in theorem prover technology: proof automation and decision
 procedures, induction, combination of deductive and algorithmic
 approaches, incorporation of theorem provers into larger systems,
 combination of theorem provers with other provers and tools.

 Other topics, including: user interfaces for theorem provers; development
 and extension of higher order logics.

 Proof Pearls: concise and elegant presentations of interesting examples.

Relevant research involving interactive first-order systems, such as ACL2
and Mizar, is also welcome. All authors are reminded that their work
should  be presented in a way that users of other systems can understand.

Papers should be no more than 16 pages in length and are to be submitted
in PDF format. Submissions must describe original unpublished work not
submitted for publication elsewhere. They must conform to the LNCS style
preferably using LaTeX2e. The proceedings are to be published as a volume
in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series and will be available to
participants at the conference.

Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their paper at the

As has been custom in previous years there will be an emerging trends
section. Submissions under this section will not be formally refereed, but
their content and relevance will be reviewed. Those submissions accepted
will be published in a technical report of the TU München, which will also
be available at the conference. Authors of accepted papers in this section
are expected to present a brief outline of their work at the conference
and to prepare a poster for display at the conference venue.

Invited Speakers

David Basin  ETH Zurich
John HarrisonIntel
Wolfram Schulte  Microsoft Research

Programme Committee
Thorsten AltenkirchNottingham University
David Aspinall Edinburgh University
Jeremy Avigad  Carnegie Mellon University
Gilles Barthe  IMDEA
Christoph Benzmüller   Saarland University
Peter Dybjer   Chalmers University
Jean-Christophe Filliâtre  CNRS
Georges Gonthier   Microsoft Research
Mike GordonCambridge University
Jim Grundy Intel
Reiner Hähnle  Chalmers University
Joe Hurd   Galois
Gerwin Klein   NICTA
Xavier Leroy   INRIA
Pete Manolios  Northeastern University
César MuñozNational Institute of Aerospace
Tobias Nipkow (co-chair)   TU München
Michael NorrishNICTA
Sam Owre   SRI International
Larry Paulson  Cambridge University
Frank Pfenning Carnegie Mellon University
Randy Pollack  Edinburgh University
Sofiène Tahar  Concordia University
Laurent Théry  INRIA
Christian Urban (co-chair) TU München
Freek Wiedijk  Radboud University Nijmegen

Affiliated Events

- Workshop on Programming Languages for Mechanized Mathematics
  Systems (PLMMS)

- Coq Users Meeting

- Isabelle Developers Workshop


Stefan Berghofer
Tobias Nipkow
Christian Urban

[TYPES/announce] FM 2009: Call for Tutorial Proposals

2009-02-04 Thread Arend Rensink
[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Call for Tutorial Proposals

  Formal Methods 2009, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  symposium 4-6 November, tutorials 2 & 3 November

FM2009 is the sixteenth international symposium of the Formal Methods 
Europe association. Ten years after the world congress in Toulouse in 
1999, FM2009 will be organized as a world congress again, a global 
platform for researchers and practitioners from a diversity of 
countries, backgrounds and schools to exchange ideas and share 
experiences. Several conferences are colocating with FM2009 within 

As is tradition, the symposium will go together with an Industry Day, 
a Doctoral Symposium, a Tool Exhibition, an event on Teaching Formal 
Methods, as well as a wide range of workshops (see 
www.win.tue.nl/fm2009 for the latest information). In order to 
complete the programme, the organizing committee of FM2009 cordially 
invites proposals for one day tutorials in the wide area of formal 

Tutorials should aim to provide conference participants with the 
opportunity to learn new techniques and gain insights in the use of 
formal methods. In particular, we welcome proposals addressing:

- novel applications of existing tools and techniques
- advanced topics in formal methods research
- uses of formal methods in emerging fields 

Tutorials will take place on 2 and 3 November, preceding the symposium. 

FM2009 tutorial proposals should include:

- tutorial title and brief description of its scope and goal
- names and affiliations of the tutors
- format of the tutorial

Proposals in pdf can be sent to the tutorial chair Jan Friso Groote at 
j.f.gro...@tue.nl. Deadline for submission is 6 March 2009. 

Proposals will be evaluated by the FM2009 organizing committee. 
Notification will be sent by 18 March 2009. Tutorials that have 
lecture notes, can be assisted in printing and distribution by the 
FM2009 organizing committee. Tutors of accepted proposals will receive 
a discount on their registration fee for FM2009. Tutorial participants 
are invited to register for FM2009 or one the colocated events within 
FMweek, but are not required to do so. See the websites 
www.win.tue.nl/fm2009 and www.win.tue.nl/fmweek for more information 
on the symposium, colocated events and venue. Further inquiries can be 
made to the tutorial chair.

Submission of proposals: 6 March 2009
Notification of acceptance: 18 March 2009
Tutorial dates: 2 and 3 November 2009


2009-02-04 Thread Swarat Chaudhuri
[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]



   Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages

  20-22 January 2010
   Madrid, Spain


The 37th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming
Languages (POPL 2010) will be held in Madrid, Spain from
January 20 to January 22. POPL provides a forum for the discussion of
fundamental principles and important innovations in the design,
definition, analysis, transformation, implementation and verification
of programming languages, programming systems, and programming
abstractions. Both experimental and theoretical papers on principles
and innovations are welcome, ranging from formal frameworks to reports
on practical experiences.

Proposals are invited for events to be co-located with POPL 2010,
including workshops and conferences. Co-located events can either be
sponsored directly by SIGPLAN or supported through in-cooperation

** Submission details **

Deadline for submission: Monday, March 16th, 2009
Notification of acceptance:  Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

Prospective meeting organizers are invited to submit a completed
meeting proposal form to the POPL 2010 workshop chair (Yitzhak
Mandelbaum) by March 16th, 2009.  Please note that this is a firm
deadline.  Organizers will be notified if their proposal is accepted
by April 28th, 2009, and, if successful, are required to produce a
final report after the workshop has taken place that is suitable for
publication in SIGPLAN Notices.

** Selection committee **

The event proposals will be evaluated by a committee comprising the
following members of the POPL 2010 organising committee, together with
the members of the SIGPLAN executive committee.

Yitzhak Mandelbaum   AT&T Labs - ResearchWorkshops chair
Manuel Hermenegildo  T.U. of Madrid (UPM)General chair
Jens PalsbergUCLAProgram chair

** Further information **

For the full Call for Workshop and Co-located Event Proposals and all
of the associated forms, visit the POPL 2010 website, or access them
directly at:


A copy of this announcement can be found at:


Any queries regarding POPL 2010 co-located event proposals should be
addressed to the workshops chair (Yitzhak Mandelbaum), via email to
popl-workshops *at* research.att.com.

[TYPES/announce] Deadline extension: WWV 2009

2009-02-04 Thread Temur Kutsia
[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies]

 * *
 *   WWV 2009  *
 * Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems *
 * 5th International Workshop  *
 * *
 *   Castle of Hagenberg, Austria. July 17, 2009   *
 * *

Abstract Submission   February 9, 2009 (extended)
Full Paper Submission February 16, 2009 (extended)
Acceptance Notification   April 20, 2009
Camera Ready  June 1, 2009
Workshop  July 17, 2009

