[TYPES/announce] ACM SIGBED Paul Caspi Dissertation Award : deadline March 1st, 2016

2016-02-05 Thread Alain Girault

[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

ACM SIGBED Paul Caspi Dissertation Award
The nomination should be submitted via EasyChair at
by March 1, 2016. For further information,  contact Wang Yi (y...@it.uu.se)

The Paul Caspi Dissertation Award is a new ACM SIGBED award established 
in 2013. The award will recognize outstanding doctoral dissertations 
that significantly advance the state of the art in the science of 
embedded systems, in the spirit and legacy of Dr. Paul Caspi's work.

The ACM SIGBED Paul Caspi Dissertation Award will be presented annually 
to the author of an outstanding dissertation in the area of Embedded 
Systems. The author of the winning dissertation will be invited to 
publish a dissertation summary in the ACM SIGBED Newsletter and to 
submit their work to the journal ACM TECS (Transactions on Embedded 
Computing Systems) for possible publication, after the normal 
peer-review process. The award will include an award certificate for the 
author and an honorarium of 2000 USD. A public citation for the award 
paper will be placed on the SIGBED web site.

Selection Committee

Christoph Kirsch
Nikil Dutt
Rolf Ernst
Tei-Wei Kuo
Florence Maraninchi
Oleg Sokolsky
Reinhard Wilhelm
Wang Yi (Chair)

Selection Process

The award is for an outstanding doctoral dissertation dated within one 
year preceding the nomination due date. A selection committee and a 
selection committee chair will be selected by the current SIGBED 
Executive Committee. A member of the current SIGBED Executive Committee 
will be one of the selection committee members. The committee chair 
shall adjudicate conflicts of interest, appointing substitutes to the 
committee as necessary. Dissertations supervised by a selection 
committee member are ineligible to be nominated. For purposes of 
continuity, committee members may remain on the committee for up to 
three years. The selection committee shall be no less than three persons 
in size.

Nomination Process

Nominations will be solicited annually, being due March 1st each year, 
via major mailing lists and web forums. Additionally, dissertation 
advisers of each eligible year will be contacted for solicitation of 
award nominations.

A nomination should consist of the following items:

   - Name, address, phone number, and email address of the person 
making the nomination (the nominator).
- Name, address, phone number, and email address of the candidate 
for whom an award is recommended (the nominee).
- A short statement (200-500 words) explaining why the nominee 
deserves the award.
- Supporting statements from up to two persons in addition to the 

- The nominated dissertation in an English language version.
- A list of the nominee's publications that were used as the basis 
of chapters in the nominated dissertation.

- The CV of the nominee.

The selection committee will make a recommendation on the winner of the 
award to the SIGBED Executive Committee, which will approve and announce 
the final winner. SIGBED Executive Committee members who have conflicts 
of interest with any nominee will be excluded from the approval process. 
The primary selection criterion will be the quality of the candidate's 
work, with the aim to recognize outstanding doctoral dissertations. The 
selection committee may choose to issue no award in a given year. The 
award may not be given to multiple recipients.

[TYPES/announce] SYNCHRON 2014 : call for participation : Aussois, France, Nov 30th to Dec 5th, 2014

2014-09-30 Thread Alain Girault

[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

International Open Workshop on Synchronous Programming

November 30, December 5, 2014
Centre CNRS Paul Langevin, Aussois, France

The 21st International Open Workshop on Synchronous Programmings
(SYNCHRON'14) will be held in the Alps ski resort of Aussois, France,
between November 30-December 4, 2014. The registration is now open
online at:


SYNCHRON is the yearly rendezvous for all researchers working in
or around the field of synchronous programming. It's an open forum
where students and researchers can present and discuss about ongoing
work on the numerous topics related to synchronous programming:

  language design,
  models of computation and communication,
  domain-specific languages,
  concurrency and scheduling theory etc.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Centre CNRS Paul Langevin will be open for the
workshop from Sunday Nov. 30th 2pm, to Friday Dec. 5th 6pm, which
means that you will need to find another accommodation if you plan
to arrive sooner and/or leave later.

IMPORTANT NOTE #2: Since there will be another workshop hosted in
the Centre CNRS Paul Langevin at the same time, it is advised that
you register as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

The Synchron'14 organisers
(pascal.raym...@imag.fr and alain.gira...@inria.fr)

[TYPES/announce] CALL FOR PAPERS DATE 2015: Topic: E3 Model-based Design and Verification for Embedded Systems

2014-08-05 Thread Alain Girault

[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]


 Topic: E3 Model-based Design and Verification for Embedded Systems

DATE (Design, Automation  Test in Europe) Conference
  Grenoble, France, 9-13 March, 2015


- Paper Submission: Sunday, September 14, 2014
- Notification of Acceptance:   Friday, November 07, 2014
- Camera-Ready Paper:   Friday, November 28, 2014


- Conference http://www.date-conference.com
- Call for Papers http://www.date-conference.com/call-for-papers
- Instructions http://www.date-conference.com/submission-instructions


The Design, Automation and Test in Europe conference and
exhibition is the main European event bringing together designers
and design automation users, researchers and vendors, as well as
specialists in the hardware and software design, test and
manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems.

This five-day event consists of a conference with
plenary keynotes, regular papers, interactive presentations,
panels and hot-topic sessions, tutorials, master courses and
workshops. The scientific conference is complemented by a
commercial exhibition showing the state-of-the-art in design and
test tools, methodologies, IP and design services. Both the
conference and the exhibition, together with the many user group
meetings, fringe meetings, university booth and social events
offer a wide variety of opportunities to meet and exchange

You are invited to submit your research contributions to the topic

   E3 Model-based Design and Verification for Embedded Systems

which is devoted to:

- Verification techniques for embedded systems ranging from
simulation, testing, model-checking, SAT and SMT-based reasoning,
compositional analysis and analytical methods.

- Modeling, analysis and optimization of non-functional and performance
aspects such as timing, memory usage, QoS and reliability.

- Model-based design of software architectures and deployment.

- Theories, languages and tools supporting model-based design flows
covering software, control and physical components.

E3 Topic Program Committee:

Saddek Bensalem, Universite Joseph Fourier/Verimag, France (Chair)
Linh Thi Xuan Phan,  University of Pennsylvania, USA (Co-Chair)
Borzoo Bonakdarpour, University of Waterloo, Canada
Petru Eles,  Linkoping University, Sweden
Alain Girault,   INRIA, France
Oleg Sokolsky,   University of Pennsylvania, USA
Wang Yi, Uppsala University, Sweden
Alain GIRAULT   http://pop-art.inrialpes.fr/~girault
INRIA senior researcher tel: +(33|0) 476 61 53 51
Member of the SPADES project-team   fax: +(33|0) 476 61 52 52
Sauvons la Recherche ! http://www.sauvonslarecherche.fr

[TYPES/announce] Call for Papers DATE 2015 : Grenoble, France - March 9-13, 2015

2014-07-31 Thread Alain Girault
; Autonomous and
semi-autonomous large-scale CPS and related issues;
Socio-technical systems (ex. empowered consumer and organizational
behavior in smart grids) and CPS; Cognitive control for CPS;
Modeling and analysis of networked control, switched control, and
distributed control systems in CPS; control/architecture co-design
in CPS; architecture-aware controller synthesis; Case studies in
CPS ranging from automotive systems, and avionics, to smart
buildings and smart grids.

All manuscripts must be submitted electronically before Sunday,
September 14, 2014, following the instructions on the conference
Web page:


The accepted file format is PDF. Any other format and manuscripts
received in hard-copy form will not be processed.

Papers can be submitted for either formal oral presentation or for
interactive presentation. Oral presentations require novel and
complete research work supported by experimental results.
Interactive presentations are expected to articulate emerging and
future design, verification and test problems including work in
progress and identify open problems that merit innovative future
research. These presentations are given on a laptop in a
face-to-face discussion area.

Submissions should not exceed 6 pages in length for
oral-presentation papers and 4 pages in length for
interactive-presentation papers, and should be formatted as close
as possible to the final format: A4 or letter sheets, double
column, single spaced, Times or equivalent font of minimum 10pt
(templates are available on the DATE Web site for your
convenience). To permit blind review, submissions should not
include the author names. Any submission not in line with the
above rules will be discarded.

All papers will be evaluated with regard to their suitability for
the conference, originality, and technical soundness. The
Programme Committee reserves the right to reorient
oral-presentation papers to interactive-presentation and vice
versa, to obtain the most suitable presentation format.

Lothar Thiele - DATE Embedded Systems Software Track Chair -

David Atienza - DATE Program Chair -

Alain GIRAULT   http://pop-art.inrialpes.fr/~girault
INRIA senior researcher tel: +(33|0) 476 61 53 51
Member of the SPADES project-team   fax: +(33|0) 476 61 52 52
Sauvons la Recherche ! http://www.sauvonslarecherche.fr

[TYPES/announce] SYNCHRON 2014 early announcement : November 30 to December 4, 2014, Aussois, France

2014-06-06 Thread Alain Girault

[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

International Open Workshop on Synchronous Programming

November 30, December 4, 2014
Centre CNRS Paul Langevin, Aussois, France

The 21st International Open Workshop on Synchronous Programming
(SYNCHRON'14) will be held in the Alps ski resort of Aussois, France,
between November 30 and December 4, 2014.

SYNCHRON is the yearly rendezvous for all researchers working in or
around the field of synchronous programming. It's an open forum where
students and researchers can present and discuss about ongoing work
on the numerous topics related to synchronous programming: language
design, compilation, validation, case-studies, models of computation
and communication, domain-specific languages, concurrency and
scheduling theory etc.

PLEASE SAVE THE DATE: The opening of the registration site will
be announced later, during September.

Kind regards,

The SYNCHRON'14 organizers (pascal.raym...@imag.fr and

[TYPES/announce] RePP 2014 workshop call for participation: Grenoble, France, Sunday April 6th, 2014

2014-03-18 Thread Alain Girault

[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

  RePP 2014


 Reconciling Performance with Predictability

   Grenoble, France, Sunday April 6th, 2014

An ETAPS 2014 satellite event

Final program

9.15 - 9.30


9.30 - 10.30

  Sebastian Hahn, Jan Reineke, and Reinhard Wilhelm
  Saarland University, Saarbruecken:
  Compositionality in Execution Time Analysis

  David Broman
  University of California, Berkeley:
  Precision Timed Processors and WCET-Aware Code Management for
  Mixed-Criticality Systems

10.30 - 11.00

  Coffee Break

11.00 - 12.30

  Sophie Quinton and Rolf Ernst
  INRIA Grenobles and Technical University Braunschweig:
  Typical Worst-Case Analysis: Designing Real-Time Systems
  for the Hard and Weakly-Hard Case

  Joerg Mische, Stefan Metzlaff, and Theo Ungerer
  University of Augsburg:
  Distributed Memory on Chip - Bringing Together Low Power and Real-Time

  Thomas Carle, Manel Djemal, Dumitru Potop Butucaru, Robert de Simone,
  Zhen Zhang, Francois Pecheux, and Franck Wajbuerst
  INRIA, IRT SystemX, and UPMC/LIP6:
  Reconciling performance and predictability on a many-core through
  off-line mapping

12.30 - 14.00 Lunch

  Pascal Raymond, Claire Maiza, Catherine Parent-Vigouroux,
  Fabienne Carrier, and Mihail Asavoae
  Grenoble-Alpes University and Verimag:
  Timing Analysis Enhancement for Synchronous Program

  Florian Kluge, Mike Gerdes, Florian Haas, and Theo Ungerer
  University of Augsburg:
  A Generic Timing Model for Cyber-Physical Systems

  Insa Fuhrmann, David Broman, Steven Smyth, and Reinhard von Hanxleden
  Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, and University of California,
  Berkeley, and Linkoeping University:
  Towards Interactive Timing Analysis for Designing Reactive Systems

  Michael Mendler, Brino Bodin, Partha Roop, and Jai Jie Wang
  Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg, University of Edinburgh,
  and The University of Auckland:
  The WCRT analysis of synchronous programs: Studying the tick
  alignment problem

16.00 - 16.30 Coffee Break

16.30 - 17.30

  Moderated Discussion

[TYPES/announce] Post-doctoral Position at INRIA Grenoble

2014-03-14 Thread Alain Girault

[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

  Proposal for a Post-doctoral Position at INRIA Grenoble


Advanced dataflow programming
Model of computation and parallel schedule generation.

Programmation flot de données avancée
Modèle de calcul et génération d'ordonnancement paralleles

Location, supervisors, duration

INRIA Grenoble (France),  Spades Team

  Pascal FRADET  Alain GIRAULT
  pascal.fra...@inria.fr alain.gira...@inria.fr

The postdoc position is for 1 year, starting end of 2014 (October ideally)

Salary: 2.620 euros gross monthly (about 2.135 euros net).


We are interested in dataflow models of computation to program
applications for manycore chips. In order to ensure analysis and
scheduling, the synchronous dataflow model (SDF) is widely used
because it allows static analyses (liveness and buffer boundedness)
and scheduling. SDF has a clean semantics and leads to efficient
implementations but it cannot express many dynamic features. In
particular, it cannot express dynamic I/O rate modifications, nor
dynamic topology modifications.  For this reason, many variants of SDF
have been proposed, among which we can cite BDF, CSDF, HDF, VRDF,

We have recently proposed BPDF [1], a dataflow model with integer and
boolean parameters able to express dynamicity while remaining
verifiable and schedulable. Integer parameters define rate
modifications while boolean parameters specify some dynamic topology
modifications (activation and deactivation of dataflow edges).

The postdoctoral project will focus on extending the expressivity of
BPDF and/or study multi-criteria scheduling of the model on multi-core

- possible extensions of BPDF are more expressive changes of the
  topology (e.g., adding/removing actors and edges). Since the model
  of computation should remain analysable for liveness and
  boundedness, such linguistic extensions usually entails extensions
  of the corresponding analyses.

- parallel schedules of BPDF dataflow applications for manycore chips
  can be generated according several criteria: throughput (useful for
  streaming application), input-output latency (useful for real-time
  applications), power consumption (useful for autonomous
  applications), to cite a few. One of the difficulty here resides in
  multi-criteria scheduling with antagonistic criteria.

Required Skills

A PhD in formal methods, embedded systems, and/or real-time
programming (e.g., analysis, semantics, verification, validation, code
generation, ...). A knowledge of dataflow programming and/or
scheduling would be a plus.

Send CV + contact information of 2 or 3 recommenders to Pascal Fradet
and Alain Girault.


[1] Vagelis Bebelis, Pascal Fradet, Alain Girault, Bruno Lavigueur:
BPDF: A Statically Analyzable Dataflow Model with Integer and
Boolean Parameters; In International Conference on Embedded
Software, EMSOFT'13, September 2013.

[TYPES/announce] RePP 2014 workshop extension deadline: Grenoble, France, Sunday April 6th, 2014

2014-01-28 Thread Alain Girault

[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

  RePP 2014


 Reconciling Performance with Predictability

   Grenoble, France, Sunday April 6th, 2014

An ETAPS 2014 satellite event

Workshop description

The RePP workshop targets embedded systems with both efficiency
requirements and critical temporal constraints, occurring in many
industrial domains: avionics, automotive, railway, energy, and

Guaranteeing the temporal constraints depends on the predictability
properties of the whole system (processor architecture, software, OS,
scheduling strategy, communications, and middleware). However, system
efficiency is measured by means of average-case behavior with
performance, resource utilization, and power consumption criteria.

Reasons for the gap between average-case and worst-case behavior are
the variation and non-determinism of the system environment, and the
interferences caused by shared resources. Unfortunately, new classes
of hardware platforms such as multi-core processors and
multiprocessors-on-a-chip as well as the demand for adaptive and
multi-mode applications quickly increase system efficiency if
worst-case behavior needs to be guaranteed.

The workshop will discuss approaches that attack the improvement of
both worst-case predictability and of average-case performance. Topics
of interest include mixed-criticality approaches, predictable
(multi-core) architectures, worst-case execution time and interference
analysis, resource-aware compilers, scheduling and allocation
considering worst-case and average-case performance, and

Workshop topics

Contributions should relate to the main subject of the workshop. The
following issues and questions are of special interest:

- Concepts and metrics for characterizing predictability.

- Computer science has been successful in removing resource
  interactions from interfaces. Does it make sense to enrich
  interfaces with resource-related information. If yes, on which level
  of abstraction (instruction set, software components, …).

- Do resource interactions have an influence across abstraction
  layers? In particular, can improvements on one layer lead to
  degradation on another layer?

- Designing new hardware with special support for predictability.

- Using mainstream software development for predictability, for
  instance with the support of new compilers for classical programming

- Multicore predictable processors: How can embedded multicore
  processors be designed in a time predictable fashion?

- Parallel predictable processors: How can embedded control algorithms
  that require a higher performance than sequential processors can
  deliver be parallelized and allow for time predictability of the
  parallel task?

- Mixed criticality: Is the execution of mixed real-time and
  non-real-time applications on an embedded multicore processor

- Case studies involving applications where one needs to guarantee
  deadlines AND average performance.

Programme committee

David Broman: UC Berkeley, bro...@eecs.berkeley.edu
Jian-Jia Chen: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, jian-jia.c...@kit.edu
Alain Girault: INRIA, alain.gira...@inria.fr
Michael Mendler: U. Bamberg, michael.mend...@uni-bamberg.de
Partha Roop: U. Auckland, p.r...@auckland.ac.nz
Lothar Thiele: ETHZ, lothar.thi...@ethz.ch
Reinhard Wilhelm: U. des Saarlandes, wilh...@cs.uni-saarland.de
Theo Ungerer: U. Augsburg, unge...@informatik.uni-augsburg.de

Paper submission

We welcome original, unpublished, research papers on the above
mentioned topics. The submission format should be in the LNCS format,
between 10 and 15 pages long.

The accepted papers will be printed to be handed out to the workshop
participants but they will not be formally published. Instead, a
follow-up call for papers will take place for LITES, the Leibniz
Transactions on Embedded Systems

Important dates

Submission deadline: February 14th, 2014
Paper notification: March 7th, 2014
Final version: March 21st, 2014
Workshop: April 6th, 2014

[TYPES/announce] RePP 2014 workshop call for papers: Grenoble, France, Sunday April 6th, 2014

2013-12-18 Thread Alain Girault

[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

  RePP 2014


 Reconciling Performance with Predictability

   Grenoble, France, Sunday April 6th, 2014

An ETAPS 2014 satellite event

Workshop description

The RePP workshop targets embedded systems with both efficiency
requirements and critical temporal constraints, occurring in many
industrial domains: avionics, automotive, railway, energy, and

Guaranteeing the temporal constraints depends on the predictability
properties of the whole system (processor architecture, software, OS,
scheduling strategy, communications, and middleware). However, system
efficiency is measured by means of average-case behavior with
performance, resource utilization, and power consumption criteria.

Reasons for the gap between average-case and worst-case behavior are
the variation and non-determinism of the system environment, and the
interferences caused by shared resources. Unfortunately, new classes
of hardware platforms such as multi-core processors and
multiprocessors-on-a-chip as well as the demand for adaptive and
multi-mode applications quickly increase system efficiency if
worst-case behavior needs to be guaranteed.

The workshop will discuss approaches that attack the improvement of
both worst-case predictability and of average-case performance. Topics
of interest include mixed-criticality approaches, predictable
(multi-core) architectures, worst-case execution time and interference
analysis, resource-aware compilers, scheduling and allocation
considering worst-case and average-case performance, and

Workshop topics

Contributions should relate to the main subject of the workshop. The
following issues and questions are of special interest:

- Concepts and metrics for characterizing predictability.

- Computer science has been successful in removing resource
  interactions from interfaces. Does it make sense to enrich
  interfaces with resource-related information. If yes, on which level
  of abstraction (instruction set, software components, …).

- Do resource interactions have an influence across abstraction
  layers? In particular, can improvements on one layer lead to
  degradation on another layer?

- Designing new hardware with special support for predictability.

- Using mainstream software development for predictability, for
  instance with the support of new compilers for classical programming

- Multicore predictable processors: How can embedded multicore
  processors be designed in a time predictable fashion?

- Parallel predictable processors: How can embedded control algorithms
  that require a higher performance than sequential processors can
  deliver be parallelized and allow for time predictability of the
  parallel task?

- Mixed criticality: Is the execution of mixed real-time and
  non-real-time applications on an embedded multicore processor

- Case studies involving applications where one needs to guarantee
  deadlines AND average performance.

Programme committee

David Broman: UC Berkeley, bro...@eecs.berkeley.edu
Jian-Jia Chen: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, jian-jia.c...@kit.edu
Alain Girault: INRIA, alain.gira...@inria.fr
Michael Mendler: U. Bamberg, michael.mend...@uni-bamberg.de
Partha Roop: U. Auckland, p.r...@auckland.ac.nz
Lothar Thiele: ETHZ, lothar.thi...@ethz.ch
Reinhard Wilhelm: U. des Saarlandes, wilh...@cs.uni-saarland.de
Theo Ungerer: U. Augsburg, unge...@informatik.uni-augsburg.de

Paper submission

We welcome original, unpublished, research papers on the above
mentioned topics. The submission format should be in the LNCS format,
between 10 and 15 pages long.

The accepted papers will be printed to be handed out to the workshop
participants but they will not be formally published. Instead, a
follow-up call for papers will take place for LITES, the Leibniz
Transactions on Embedded Systems

Important dates

Paper submission: January 21st, 2014
Notification of acceptance: February 21st, 2014
Final version due: March 14th, 2014
Workshop: April 6th, 2014

[TYPES/announce] DATE'14, E3: Model-based design and verification of embedded systems

2013-06-24 Thread Alain Girault

[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

(apologies if you receive multiple copies)


   Model-Based Design and Verification for Embedded Systems

24TH-28TH MARCH 2014

- Paper Submissions   September 13, 2013
- Special Session Proposals   September 13, 2013
- Tutorial Proposals  September 13, 2013
- Notification of Acceptance  November 17, 2013
- Camera-Ready Paper  December 15, 2013


The Design, Automation and Test in Europe conference and exhibition is
the main European event bringing together designers and design
automation users, researchers and vendors, as well as specialists in
the hardware and software design, test and manufacturing of electronic
circuits and systems.

This five-day event consists of a conference with plenary keynotes,
regular papers, interactive presentations, panels and hot-topic
sessions, tutorials, master courses and workshops.  The scientific
conference is complemented by a commercial exhibition showing the
state-of-the-art in design and test tools, methodologies, IP and
design services.  Both the conference and the exhibition, together
with the many user group meetings, fringe meetings, university booth
and social events offer a wide variety of opportunities to meet and
exchange information.

 You are invited to submit your research contributions to the Topic

 E3: Model-Based Design and Verification for Embedded Systems

Areas of interests include (but not limited to):
Verification techniques for embedded systems ranging from simulation,
testing, model-checking, SAT and SMT-based reasoning, compositional
analysis  and analytical methods. Modeling, analysis and optimization
of non-functional and performance aspects such as timing, memory usage,
QoS and reliability. Model-based design of software architectures,
and system integration and deployment. Theories, languages and tools
supporting model-based design flows covering software, control and
physical components; Case studies and industrial applications of model-based
methods and tools for embedded systems design.


TPC MEMBERS of DATE'14, topic E3

Saddek Bensalem, Verimag, France
Petru Eles, Linköping University, Sweden
Alain Girault, INRIA, France
Kim Larsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Linh Thi Xuan Phan, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Abhik Roychoudhury, National University of Singapore
Wang Yi, Uppsala University


- Conferencehttp://www.date-conference.com
- Call for Papershttp://www.date-conference.com/call-for-papers
- Instructionshttp://www.date-conference.com/submission-instructions

[TYPES/announce] MEMOCODE 2011 Call for Papers

2010-11-03 Thread Alain Girault
Local Chair:Robert Mullins (University of Cambridge)


David Atienza Alonso (EPFL)
Twan Basten (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Roderick Bloem (Graz University of Technology)
Forrest Brewer (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Tevfik Bultan (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Luca Carloni (Columbia University)
Satrajit Chatterjee (Intel)
Ashish Darbari (ARM)
Robert de Simone (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis)
Rolf Drechsler  (University of Bremen)
Stephen A. Edwards  (Columbia University)
Franco Fummi (University of Verona)
Thierry Gautier (INRIA)
Alain Girault (INRIA)
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan (University of Utah)
David Greaves (Univ. Cambridge)
Andreas Griesmayer (Imperial College London)
Ziyad Hanna (Jasper Design Automation)
Franjo Ivancic (NEC Labs)
Barbara Jobstmann (CNRS/Verimag)
Michael Kishinevsky (Intel)
Daniel Kroening (Oxford University)
Luciano Lavagno (Politecnico Torino)
Elizabeth Leonard (Naval Research Laboratory)
Alan Mycroft (University of Cambridge)
Rishiyur S. Nikhil (Bluespec, Inc.)
John O'Leary (Intel)
Jan Reineke (University of California, Berkeley)
Klaus Schneider (University of Kaiserslautern)
Natasha Sharygina (University of Lugano)
Satnam Singh (Microsoft Research)
Daryl Stewart (ARM)
Michael Theobald (D. E. Shaw Research)

* Sponsorship approval pending

Alain GIRAULT   http://pop-art.inrialpes.fr/~girault
INRIA senior researcher tel: +(33|0) 476 61 53 51
Head of the POP ART project-teamfax: +(33|0) 476 61 52 52
Sauvons la Recherche ! http://www.sauvonslarecherche.fr

Re: [TYPES/announce] Reviewing for POPL: a concrete proposal

2010-01-20 Thread Alain Girault
[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Dear all

First, I completely agree with Simon's proposal.
Then, concerning how to accommodate more papers at the conference,
my preference also goes to solution A (i.e., parallel sessions).



 If this proposal were to be accepted, we would need to figure out how
 to accommodate many more papers at the physical meeting.  How to
 achieve this is secondary to my main proposal, but a number of
 proposals have been floated, including

 * Parallel sessions
 * A lottery among accepted papers
 * Voting by conference registrants
 * Program committee decision
 I know this is secondary, but I want to make sure I get my two cents in: the 
 only rational choice is to go to parallel sessions or to extend the length of 
 the conference.  
 I believe that voting, either by PC or conference registrants, has the 
 potential to be much more unfair than current paper selection practice.  If 
 part of the voting explicitly depends upon answering the question who will 
 give a good talk? as opposed to what is the content of the paper then this 
 introduces an extreme bias towards old, famous, successful researchers and 
 away from young, new, unheard of researchers and students.  Whereas we now at 
 least try to judge POPL papers purely on the merit of the current technical 
 document, we would instead be veering away from that crucial principle.  And 
 the more we start asking personality-based questions such as who will give a 
 good talk, the more we may be susceptible to subconscious biases against 
 various minorities (women, racial, etc) or the more we may try to 
 overcompensate for such biases, resulting in reverse-discrimination.
 I also believe that lottery for talks is bad.  What a lottery does is select 
 some set of papers for which the talk audience is zero.  With parallel 
 the talk audiences will be smaller, but not zero.  If I had a really great 
 idea, I'd rather present it 6 months later at PLDI than have it appear 6 
 months earlier in the POPL proceedings, but not have the chance to give a 
 One last thing:  while we may be getting all tied in knots over this popl 
 review process right now, from what I've heard, within computer science, our 
 community is really pretty great when it comes to selecting papers for 
 inclusion in conferences based on their merits.  I've heard of all kinds of 
 dysfunctionality and biases and turf wars and sketchiness in other 
 communities that we don't seem to be suffering from at all.  Of course, 
 that's probably because we're constantly working to try to make the process 
 better and more fair to all.

Alain GIRAULT   http://pop-art.inrialpes.fr/~girault
INRIA senior researcher tel: +(33|0) 476 61 53 51
Head of the POP ART project-teamfax: +(33|0) 476 61 52 52
Sauvons la Recherche ! http://www.sauvonslarecherche.fr

[TYPES/announce] Call for participation: ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES'09)

2009-04-10 Thread Alain Girault
[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

  LCTES 2009

 ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages,
  Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems

   (In conjunction with PLDI 2009)

   Dublin, Ireland, June 19~20 2009

Call for participation:

As embedded systems increase in number, complexity, and diversity, new
research challenges are encountered in areas such as verification,
validation, meeting performance goals and resource constraints,
creating and exploiting new hardware architectures, and scaling up to
multicores and distributed systems built from multicores. The
LCTES 2009 technical programme features papers presenting original
work on programming languages, compilers, tools, and architectures
that help meet these challenges.


  - Early registration deadline: May 20, 2009.

  - Registration is through the PLDI web server:

Invited speakers:

  - Edward Lee, UC Berkeley

  - Famantanantsoa Randimbivololona, Airbus

List of accepted papers:

Modulo Scheduling without Overlapped Lifetimes
o Eric Stotzer and Ernst Leiss

Synchronous Objects with Scheduling Policies, Introducing safe shared
memory in Lustre
o Paul Caspi, Jean-louis Colaço, Léonard Gérard, Marc Pouzet and Pascal 

Recurrence Cycle Aware Modulo Scheduling for Coarse-Grained
Reconfigurable Architectures
o Taewook Oh, Bernhard Egger, Hyunchul Park and Scott Mahlke

PTIDES on Flexible Task Graph: Real-Time Embedded System Building
from Theory to Practice
o Jia Zou, Joshua Auerbach, David F. Bacon and Edward A. Lee Lunch

A Compiler Optimization to Reduce Soft Errors in Register Files
o Jongeun Lee and Aviral Shrivastava

Raced Profiles: Efficient Selection of Competing Compiler Optimizations
o Hugh Leather, Michael O'Boyle and Bruce Warton

Eliminating the Call Stack to Save RAM
o Xuejun Yang, Nathan Cooprider and John Regehr

Live-range Unsplitting for Faster Optimal Coalescing
o Sandrine Blazy and Benoît Robillard

Push-Assisted Migration of Real-Time Tasks in Multi-Core Processors
o Abhik Sarkar, Frank Mueller, Harini Ramaprasad and Sibin Mohan

Software Transactional Memory for Multicore Embedded Systems
o Jennifer Mankin and David Kaeli

Synergistic Execution of Stream Programs on Multicores with
o Abhishek Udupa, R. Govindarajan and Matthew J. Thazhuthaveetil

Towards device emulation code generation
o Thomas Heinz and Reinhard Wilhelm

Guaranteeing Instruction Fetch Behavior with a Lookahead Instruction
Fetch Engine (LIFE)
o Stephen Hines, Yuval Peress, Peter Gavin, David Whalley and Gary Tyson

Debugging FPGA-based Packet Processing Systems through Transaction-level
Communication-centric Monitoring
o Paul McKechnie, Michaela Blott and Wim Vanderbauwhede

Tracing Interrupts in Embedded Software
o Giovani Gracioli and Sebastian Fischmeister

Addressing the Challenges of DBT for the ARM Architecture
o Ryan W. Moore, Jose A. Baiocchi, Bruce R. Childers, Jack W. Davidson
and Jason D. Hiser

Integrating Hardware and Software Information Flow Analyses
o Colin Fidge and Diane Corney

Specification and Verification of Time Requirements with CCSL
and Esterel
o Charles André and Frédéric Mallet

Alain GIRAULT   http://pop-art.inrialpes.fr/~girault
INRIA senior researcher tel: +(33|0) 476 61 53 51
Head of the POP ART project-teamfax: +(33|0) 476 61 52 52
Sauvons la Recherche ! http://www.sauvonslarecherche.fr

[TYPES/announce] Final Call for Papers: ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES'09)

2009-02-09 Thread Alain Girault
[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

   LCTES 2009

  ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages,
   Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems

(In conjunction with PLDI 2009)

Dublin, Ireland, June 19~20 2009

Submission deadline extension: February 16, 2009

(Please see the web site for details about paper submission.)

Final Call for Papers:

As embedded systems increase in number, complexity, and diversity, new
research challenges are encountered in areas such as verification,
validation, meeting performance goals and resource constraints,
creating and exploiting new hardware architectures, and scaling up to
multicores and distributed systems built from multicores.

LCTES 2009 solicits papers presenting original work on programming
languages, compilers, tools, and architectures that help meet these
challenges. Research papers (which propose innovative techniques) and
experience papers (which report experimentation with and lessons
learned from real-world systems and applications) are both welcome.

In addition to its regular sessions, LCTES 2009 will feature special
events such as an industrial panel, keynotes, tutorials and
demonstrations to bring out the latest and more interesting aspects of
embedded systems. Examples include tools for multi-cores, emerging
platforms such as smart phones, multi-player game machines and
autonomous vehicles and embedded supercomputing.

Papers are solicited on, but not limited to, the following aspects of
embedded and cyber physical systems design:

Programming language issues in embedded systems, including

(*)Language features to exploit multi-core, single-chip SIMD, 
reconfigurable architecture and other emerging architectures
(*)Language features for distributed real-time control, media 
players, and other complex embedded systems
(*)Language features to enhance reliability and security
(*)Virtual machines, concurrency, inter-processor synchronization 
mechanisms, concurrency, memory management techniques

Compiler issues in embedded systems, including

(*)Interaction between embedded computer architectures, operating 
systems and compilers
(*)Interpreters, binary translation and just-in-time compilation
(*)Support for debugging, profiling, exception and interrupt 
handling, for reliability and security
(*)Optimization for low power, low energy, low code and data size, 
and high (real-time) performance

Tools for analysis, specification, design and implementation of
embedded systems, including

(*)Hardware, system software, and application, and their interface
(*)Distributed real-time control, media players, reconfigurable 
architectures and other complex systems
(*)Validation and verification, system integration and testing
(*)Timing analysis, timing predictability, WCET analysis and 
real-time scheduling analysis
(*)Performance monitoring and tuning
(*)Runtime system support for embedded systems

Novel embedded architectures

(*)Design and implementation of novel embedded architectures
(*)Workload analysis and performance evaluation
(*)Architecture support for new language features, new compiler 
techniques and debugging tools

Program Committee:

(*)Dhruva Chakrabarti
(*)Swarat Chaudhuri
(*)Bruce Childers
(*)Andreas Krall
(*)Prasad Kulkarni
(*)Tei-Wei Kuo
(*)Insup Lee
(*)Liqian Luo
(*)Jan Madsen
(*)Sally McKee
(*)Florence Maraninchi
(*)Peter Marwedel
(*)Frank Mueller
(*)Tamiya Onodera
(*)Alex Orailoglu
(*)Emre Ozer
(*)Preeti R. Panda
(*)Tajana Simunic
(*)Reinhard Wilhelm
(*)Wayne Wolf
(*)Wang Yi

Steering Committee:

(*)Koen De Bosschere
(*)Ron Cytron
(*)Srinivas Devadas
(*)Krisztian Flautner
(*)Rajiv Gupta
(*)Mary Jane Irwin
(*)Annie Liu
(*)Thomas Marlowe
(*)Peter Marwedel
(*)Frank Mueller
(*)Yunheung Paek
(*)Santosh Pande
(*)John Regeher
(*)Per Stenstrom
(*)David Whalley
(*)Reinhard Wilhelm

General Chair:

Christoph Kirsch
University of Salzburg

Program Chair:

Mahmut Kandemir
Penn State University

Poster Chair:

Aviral Shrivastava
Arizona State University

Publicity Chair:

Alain Girault
INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes

Alain GIRAULT   http://pop-art.inrialpes.fr/~girault
INRIA senior researcher tel: +(33|0) 476 61 53 51
Head of the POP ART project-teamfax: +(33|0) 476 61 52 52
Sauvons la Recherche ! http://www.sauvonslarecherche.fr

[TYPES/announce] Second Call for Papers: ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES'09)

2009-01-23 Thread Alain Girault
[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

   LCTES 2009

  ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages,
   Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems

(In conjunction with PLDI 2009)

Dublin, Ireland, June 19~20 2009

Second Call for Papers:

As embedded systems increase in number, complexity, and diversity, new
research challenges are encountered in areas such as verification,
validation, meeting performance goals and resource constraints,
creating and exploiting new hardware architectures, and scaling up to
multicores and distributed systems built from multicores.

LCTES 2009 solicits papers presenting original work on programming
languages, compilers, tools, and architectures that help meet these
challenges. Research papers (which propose innovative techniques) and
experience papers (which report experimentation with and lessons
learned from real-world systems and applications) are both welcome.

In addition to its regular sessions, LCTES 2009 will feature special
events such as an industrial panel, keynotes, tutorials and
demonstrations to bring out the latest and more interesting aspects of
embedded systems. Examples include tools for multi-cores, emerging
platforms such as smart phones, multi-player game machines and
autonomous vehicles and embedded supercomputing.

Papers are solicited on, but not limited to, the following aspects of
embedded and cyber physical systems design:

Programming language issues in embedded systems, including

(*)Language features to exploit multi-core, single-chip SIMD, 
reconfigurable architecture and other emerging architectures
(*)Language features for distributed real-time control, media 
players, and other complex embedded systems
(*)Language features to enhance reliability and security
(*)Virtual machines, concurrency, inter-processor synchronization 
mechanisms, concurrency, memory management techniques

Compiler issues in embedded systems, including

(*)Interaction between embedded computer architectures, operating 
systems and compilers
(*)Interpreters, binary translation and just-in-time compilation
(*)Support for debugging, profiling, exception and interrupt 
handling, for reliability and security
(*)Optimization for low power, low energy, low code and data size, 
and high (real-time) performance

Tools for analysis, specification, design and implementation of
embedded systems, including

(*)Hardware, system software, and application, and their interface
(*)Distributed real-time control, media players, reconfigurable 
architectures and other complex systems
(*)Validation and verification, system integration and testing
(*)Timing analysis, timing predictability, WCET analysis and 
real-time scheduling analysis
(*)Performance monitoring and tuning
(*)Runtime system support for embedded systems

Novel embedded architectures

(*)Design and implementation of novel embedded architectures
(*)Workload analysis and performance evaluation
(*)Architecture support for new language features, new compiler 
techniques and debugging tools

Submission deadline: February 9, 2009

(Please see the web site for details about paper submission.)

Program Committee:

(*)Dhruva Chakrabarti
(*)Swarat Chaudhuri
(*)Bruce Childers
(*)Andreas Krall
(*)Prasad Kulkarni
(*)Tei-Wei Kuo
(*)Insup Lee
(*)Liqian Luo
(*)Jan Madsen
(*)Sally McKee
(*)Florence Maraninchi
(*)Peter Marwedel
(*)Frank Mueller
(*)Tamiya Onodera
(*)Alex Orailoglu
(*)Emre Ozer
(*)Preeti R. Panda
(*)Tajana Simunic
(*)Reinhard Wilhelm
(*)Wayne Wolf
(*)Wang Yi

Steering Committee:

(*)Koen De Bosschere
(*)Ron Cytron
(*)Srinivas Devadas
(*)Krisztian Flautner
(*)Rajiv Gupta
(*)Mary Jane Irwin
(*)Annie Liu
(*)Thomas Marlowe
(*)Peter Marwedel
(*)Frank Mueller
(*)Yunheung Paek
(*)Santosh Pande
(*)John Regeher
(*)Per Stenstrom
(*)David Whalley
(*)Reinhard Wilhelm

General Chair:

Christoph Kirsch
University of Salzburg

Program Chair:

Mahmut Kandemir
Penn State University

Poster Chair:

Aviral Shrivastava
Arizona State University

Publicity Chair:

Alain Girault
INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes

Alain GIRAULT   http://pop-art.inrialpes.fr/~girault
INRIA senior researcher tel: +(33|0) 476 61 53 51
Head of the POP ART project-teamfax: +(33|0) 476 61 52 52
Sauvons la Recherche ! http://www.sauvonslarecherche.fr