Re: [TYPES] Book on Category Theory

2017-10-19 Thread Giuseppe Castagna

[ The Types Forum, ]

My references are a little bit outdated but you can check:

Basic category theory for computer scientists
by Benjamin C. Pierce

Categories, Types, and Structures: An Introduction to Category Theory 
for the Working Computer Scientist

by Andrea Asperti and Giuseppe Longo



On 18/10/17 21:22, Aaron Gray wrote:

[ The Types Forum, ]

I am looking for a book on Category Theory that is ideally either aimed at
Type Theory or has the relevant topics to support the area.

I have bought three books on the topic so far, one 'Categories for Typesw'
by Crole did not even cover covariance and contravariance.I would also like
coverage of monoid and monads, and morphisms like anamorphisms and

I am also interested in papers applying category theory to areas of type

Suggestions of either online or printed material would be appreciated.

Many tahnks in advance,

Re: [TYPES] I: On Dependent types and Subtyping's consistency

2017-12-12 Thread Giuseppe Castagna

[ The Types Forum, ]

An older work in which you have a limited form of intersection types is:

G. Castagna and G. Chen: Dependent types with subtyping and late-bound 
overloading. Information and Computation, vol. 168, n. 1, pag. 1-67, 

and you may be also interested in

AC96b. D. Aspinall and A. Compagnoni. Subtyping dependent types. In 
Proc. 11th Annual Synposium on Logic

in Computer Science, IEEE, pages 86–97, 1996


On 12/12/17 11:45, Gabriel Scherer wrote:

[ The Types Forum, ]

There is a language with dependent types and subtyping (including
contravariant functions) in:

   Normalization by Evaluation for Sized Dependent Types
   Andreas Abel, Andrea Vezzosi, and Theo Winterhalter (2017)

However, subtyping there is not "higher-order" in the sense of having
type-indexed parameters themselves indicate a variance (you cannot
abstract over all covariant parametrized types) -- pi-types only track
relevant and irrelevant abstraction. In contrast, see the
"higher-order subtyping" for F-omega-sub in

   Polarized Subtyping for Sized Types
   Andreas Abel, 2008

For higher-order subtyping in dependent systems, the two references
I know of happen to be also mentioned on the nLab wiki:

they are the work by Harper and Licata on directed type theory (and
Dan Licata's PhD thesis), and Andreas Nuyts' master thesis.

   2-Dimensional directed dependent type theory
   Robert Harper, Dan Licata, 2011

   Dependently Typed Programming with Domain-Specific Logics
   Dan Licata, 2011

   Towards a Directed Homotopy Type Theory based on 4 Kinds of Variance
   Andreas Nuyts, 2015

On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 10:57 AM, Giacomo Bergami 

Re: [TYPES] Translation of bounded quantifications into intersection types

2018-12-12 Thread Giuseppe Castagna

[ The Types Forum, ]

On 12/11/18 3:18 PM, Stephen Dolan wrote:

 This suggests a different
definition of subtyping between polymorphic types: one polymorphic type is
a subtype of another if the first has more instances. Equivalently, one
polymorphic type is a subtype of another if for every instance of the
second, there is an instance of the first which is a subtype. 

If you are interested in prenex polymorphism then let me point out the paper 
"Set-theoretic Foundation of Parametric Polymorphism and Subtyping" in ICFP '11 
(by Castagna & Xu) for a type system with union, intersection, and negation types.
There the subtyping relation is defined semantically: τ₁ ≤ τ₂ iff for all 
possible interpretations of the type variables the first type is interpreted in 
a subset of the second type. This in particular implies that for every type 
substitution σ, τ₁ ≤ τ₂ implies τ₁σ ≤ τ₂σ

In this system not only you have

Bool → (α ∧ Real)  ≤  Bool → (α  ∧ Int)

but since you have "true" unions and intersections you can encode more general 
bounded polymorphism of the form

∀ τ₁≤ α ≤ τ₂. τ


∀ α . τ'

where τ' is obtained from τ by replacing every occurrence of α by ((τ₁v α) ∧ τ₂)

The system also shows new applications of bounded polymorphism when combined 
with negation types. For instance if you consider the function

fun x = if (x∈Int) then "ok" else x

then you want to give it the type

∀ α . (Int → String) ∧ (α\Int → α\Int)

that is, the type of a function that when applied to an integer it returns a 
string and when applied to an argument of any type that is not an integer 
returns a result of the same type (here / is the set-theoretic difference, i.e. 
τ₁/τ₂ = τ₁ ∧ ¬τ₂). We can express this type in bounded polymorphism as

∀ α ≤ ¬Int. (Int → String) ∧ (α → α)

Notice that this type is not weird. It is exactly the type of the "balance" 
function as defined by Okasaki for red-black trees in his book (you can find the 
annotated code in section 3.3 of our POPL 15 paper "Polymorphic Functions with 
Set-Theoretic Types: Part 2")

Finally, if you want to play with this kind of types, you can use the 
development version of CDuce.

  git clone

use the cduce-next branch. In particular in the toplevel you can use two debug 

> debug subtype τ₁ τ₂

that checks whether two types are in the subtyping relation and

> debug tallying [ ] [τ₁ , τ₂ ;  ; τ₁' , τ₂']

that returns a set of solutions (type substitutions) for the set of constraints 
{τ₁≤τ₂ ;  ; τ₁'≤τ₂'}
(see #help debug for the syntax of debug directives and for the syntax of types)

Re: [TYPES] type inference for mutually recursive algebraic types with subtyping

2018-12-12 Thread Giuseppe Castagna

[ The Types Forum, ]

The work on extensible sum types (e.g. like the polymorphic variants of OCaml) 
could be interesting for you if you don’t know about it already. A notable work 
on this is “A polymorphic record calculus and its compilation” by Ohori (TOPLAS 
1995), though it doesn’t discuss recursive types. A more recent one is 
“Extensible programming with first-class cases” by Blume, Acar, and Chae (ICFP 

These works, however, do not have true subtyping but use unification with a 
notion of kinding for type variables (Ohori) or row variables (Blume et al.).

In our work at ICFP 2016 ("Set-theoretic types for polymorphic variants” by 
Castagna, Petrucciani, and Nguyen) we have described type inference for a type 
system with polymorphic variant types, union types, and recursive types, with 
subtyping based on the “semantic subtyping” approach.

A revised version of that type inference system will be described in Tommaso 
Petrucciani’s forthcoming PhD thesis (it is currently in the hands of the 
reviewers, but I can send you a copy via PM if you wish). This is a major 
revision of our ICFP paper. In particular the proof of completeness there was 
not correct, and the thesis addresses this issue (by using techniques introduced 
in Dolan's thesis already cited in previous messages) and provides a more robust 



Re: [TYPES] subtyping of mutually recursive algebraic data types

2022-06-19 Thread Giuseppe Castagna

[ The Types Forum, ]

In our ICFP 16 Paper /Set-Theoretic Types for Polymorphic Variants /we 
defined type inference for polymorphic variants with recursive 
set-theoretic types (type are defined coinductively  with a couple of 
standard restrictions).*gc/papers/icfp16.pdf__;fg!!IBzWLUs!QYIv5kZfRZ_sM_dbcvKdrXLsHb-tjd_4jpTeLE-n3m-E8TJ2qqx4c-2QqB1nepcRXZPlaUrqjL2yHCM5-OiV$ 

More generally, you may want to refer to Tommaso Petrucciani's PhD 
thesis /Polymorphic set-theoretic types for functional languages/ which 
studies type inference for recursive set-theoretic types (they can 
encode ADT' s via products and unions), which uses and improves some 
results of Stephen Dolan' s PhD thesis as well as of the paper cited 

Hope it is useful



On 17/06/2022 09.40, Aaron Gray wrote:

[ The Types Forum,  ]

I am interested if there is any work on the subtyping of mutually
recursive algebraic data types. I am wanting an algorithm for purposes
of implementing an object oriented programming language with ADT's
which lower onto a virtual class implementation which can support
mutually recursive behavior, but need the typ checking and inference
at the ADT level.

Theres a number of papers and projects in this area I have came across
but none of them actually tackle algebraic data types properly let
alone mutually recursive ones.

A number inspired by Stephen Dolan's PhD Thesis and MLsub, his implementation.

- Practical Subtyping for Curry-Style Languages by Rodolphe Lepigre
and Christophe Raffalli - subml -;!!IBzWLUs!ROzY30gWHR0LPvTTZLo_Ep7ErCu0LhX2jrPKbFJ9uhVgSSx659leOfq_pNrPSAGgLExea89yhX9iVce14nA987dFVoNzXhSpE6cZJg$  
- The Simple Essence of Algebraic Subtyping, Lionel Parreaux and
simple-sub implementation -;!!IBzWLUs!ROzY30gWHR0LPvTTZLo_Ep7ErCu0LhX2jrPKbFJ9uhVgSSx659leOfq_pNrPSAGgLExea89yhX9iVce14nA987dFVoNzXhS4dNcEiw$  
- A Mechanical Soundness Proof for Subtyping Over Recursive Types

Timothy Jones David J. Pearce -;!!IBzWLUs!ROzY30gWHR0LPvTTZLo_Ep7ErCu0LhX2jrPKbFJ9uhVgSSx659leOfq_pNrPSAGgLExea89yhX9iVce14nA987dFVoNzXhRACugkxw$  

None of these seem to deal with mutually recursive data types.

I am interested in the papproach of using codata/coinduction and
coalgebras and possibly bisimulation in order to deal with the
mutually recursive nature of real world mutually recursive algebraic
data types like for instance AST's of real world complex computer

Any projects, papers, thoughts, or implementations would be of interest.

