Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

2007-11-19 Thread MAJ Programming
I am living that mess of the 'future maintainer' right now. I've inherited 2
systems due to the prior programmer leaving town and while that programmer
was very smart and had a good memory for the 10+ years of code he wrote, he
barely commented anything, has ambiguous program and file names and, due to
working 80% with The Programmer's Helper, everything is inconsistently

So I figure that 10-15% of what I'm typing is not code but comments. I put
comments in programs declaring why I am reviewing it in the first place and
what it's attached to. I have a DICT README record in every data file for
its nominal purpose and other commentary. I wrote a FIND.ALL program to
review every BP file, Proc and MD in these multi-account systems to see if
program FIX.RECORD-3 is used anywhere or a one-shot 'programmer's program. I
have programs that sniff out OPEN attempted files that STOP upon failure to
consider archiving the program out of the mainline BP files.

All of this exposure of bad techiques will help many people develop their
own Best Practices.

- Original Message -
From: "Kevin King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 1:17 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

> In response to Susan's mention of the criteria for evaluating code, I
> submit that I personally verify code against three criteria:
> 1) Is it accurate?  Does it fulfill its designed mission?  Often times
> code misses this mark simply because of the shifting sands of
> requirements, and what might have been accurate six months ago may no
> longer be so.
> 2) Does it perform as well as it could?  This is where the multiple
> READV/WRITEV thing falls down, as it may not be the most efficient way
> of achieving a given objective.
> 3) Is it maintainable?  This goes far beyond "readable" to include
> elements to strengthen comprehension of the context and intended
> objective and how the source code interprets the implementation of
> that objective.  This includes standardized code fragments and
> structures, predictable and consistent variable naming conventions,
> intentional use and avoidance of certain language elements (such as GE
> verses >= for comparison) and commenting styles and standards.
> Too often, as Susan has pointed out, programmers write code to make
> today's problem go away because there are a dozen or more projects
> lined up behind it, instead of writing the code thinking of the guy
> who will be reading the code several months from now.   I submit that
> we should always keep the future maintainer in mind, assuming that
> they know nothing of the context, little of the problem, and less time
> than needed to achieve their objective.  If we don't set the stage for
> that person's success, we shouldn't be surprised when they don't
> describe our work in the most complimentary of terms.
> ---
> u2-users mailing list
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Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

2007-11-19 Thread MAJ Programming
I'm all for exposing my personal techniques and watching the flames come.
Granted, there will be some holy wars but in the end, many ambiguous
conditions may be solved one way or another.

I have exposed my personal techniques for many years on these forums and
will defend them as I understand the offenders. I am also smart enough to
change a technique if I see a better one.

It doesn't have to be voted unanimously to be my favorite. We all can tell
what techniques will fit comfortably with our existing skills. I, for one,
do not care for the EQU CUST.NAME to CUSTOMER(1) style of coding. I do not
like using attr 99 for calculated dictionary items (sorry, that's another
forum). I have my own preferred way of opening files, file handle names, and
even constructively mixing numeric with alphabetic labels.

While there will be no winners, everyone will be a winner as we all will
become exposed to other techniques that many of us may not have had the
luxury of reviewing many different systems.

I can't wait.
Mark Johnson

PS. Hopefully this doesn't become an artistic expression of grandeur.
Meaning, if the chapter was the best way to multiply 2 numbers together,
A=B*C must win. If someone submits A=e^(ln(B)+ln(C)) then that misses the
- Original Message -
From: "Kevin King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

> I'd play on that field, Chuck.  Not looking for a flame war, but I
> know there are a lot of people with some great ideas and there's much
> to be gained by keeping the lines of communication open.  Then again,
> topics like alpha vs. numeric labels could turn out to be massively
> polarizing.
> ---
> u2-users mailing list
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Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

2007-11-19 Thread MAJ Programming
I would be in favor of chapterizing the various coding concepts into a
greatest hits collection.

As I have transversed perhaps 35 different MV systems during my career, I
have had the chance to view many practices, both good and bad. I add the
good ones to my collection (always willing to learn) and scratch my head at
some of the crazy ones.

I do give the benefit of the doubt in some cases as I can 'age' the programs
and personally recall the available thought processes at the time. But also
having been around since almost the beginning, I can see when some commands
were used when the better ones were certainly available. Thus, those fall
into the 'bad' category.

Example of a bad technique that has no reason for its use:


ain't that called the FIELD command.

Things like that.

My 2 cents
Mark Johnson
- Original Message -
From: "Baker Hughes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 10:17 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

> It's JUST a preference, presently
> I know we all reach for a good balance between brevity and clarity.
> I have some preferences too which I think are ideal, which seem less
> than ideal to others.
> ... but rather than mount my own hobby horse I have a suggestion /
> question that could put these types of exchanges to rest:
> WHAT IF - the U2UG took it as a future project to compile a Best
> Practices coding guideline document for our language?
> There's always helpful 'How to' stuff exchanged here. ...but style
> question sometimes spiral downward.
> As someone pointed out recently, we have the blessing and curse of using
> a rather free style language.
> Not much Structure-Style is not imposed by the construct of the language
> itself, like some others.
> Is it time to codify some best practices relating to structure,
> modularity, reuse, length of internal subs, etc?
> I may not like some of the resulting definitions myself but it would
> build cohesion and greater respect for the MV space.
> Another thing it would do is chart a clearer path for those coming
> behind us - we need new blood if the VARs in this space are going to
> continue to sell/support embedded MV apps.
> I would personally find it fascinating to see some of our venerable
> coders get together and see what they produced along this line.  I have
> some names in mind but I'll wait for the nominations to officially open.
> Happy Thanksgiving.
> -Baker
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MAJ Programming
> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 12:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question
> According to who?
> I know there are some pluses and minuses but where is this decided or is
> it just a preference.
> Thanks
> Mark Johnson
> - Original Message -
> From: "Brutzman, Bill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 11:30 AM
> Subject: RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question
> > Speaking of mis-used commands and side-stepping some of the given code
> > craziness...
> >
> > It is better practice to atomize the code into discrete elements such
> as...
> >
> >   Var1.F = oconv(Var1, 'MD0')
> >   crt Var1.F 'R#11'
> >
> > rather than to try to kill two birds with one stone by including an
> > oconv statement inside a crt statement such as...
> >
> >   crt oconv(Var1, 'MD0')
> >
> > --Bill
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of MAJ
> > Programming
> > Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 12:48 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question
> >
> >
> > This is real smart, making things harder than they should be. Just use
> <>.
> >
> > Mark Johnson
> > - Original Message -
> > To: 
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 5:23 PM
> > Subject: RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question
> >
> >
> > > Didn't work for me either. It may not fit what you need, but SWAP
> > > can
> make
> > > it work.
> > >
> > > VAR1 = 'SAM':@VM:'TRUDY'
> > > SWAP @VM WITH '*' IN VAR1
> > > FMTSTR = 'G*1'
> > >
> > > Bra

Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

2007-11-19 Thread Kevin King
Charles: GREAT point!

In the overarching scheme of things, we should never forget that while
original implementation has a fixed timeline, maintenance can be
forever.  More importantly, the costs of each are commensurate with
its lifetime.
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RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

2007-11-19 Thread Charles_Shaffer
Great discussion!

One thing that I have learned in my 25 years in IT is that early on, I 
underestimated the importance of maintainability.  I noticed this when I 
got into management.  I had a programmer who seemed to be slow, but when 
you looked at her code, it was BEAUTIFUL.  Anyone could easily modify her 
code because she made the intent SO obvious through structure and 
comments.  The time saved working with her code FAR outweighed the extra 
time she took coding it. 

Charles Shaffer
Senior Analyst
NTN-Bower Corporation
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RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

2007-11-19 Thread Baker Hughes

 All of which makes the determination of "best practices" rather
difficult, since it depends on the criteria you choose for the
evaluation - efficiency?  Ease of maintenance?  Conformation to 'site
standards'? Ability to call a logical  module from multiple locations in
the wider application?  Auditability of the results?  Various standards
of presentation of data for the user interface?  Once you get beyond the
very simple aspects of programming, everything has to be judged in the
context of the application as a whole, rather than on the brilliance (or
lack thereof) of small code fragments.

Susan Lynch

If there were a set of best practices, no one would expect old code to
conform to it, only new or re-factored code.

Obviously, if you are working with 20 year old code, as many of us are,
you have a huge limitation out of the box (unless you have unlimited
freedom to re-write your app [and multiply QA time exponentially]).  The
purpose of any 'best practices' document{s) would be to set forth ideal
methodologies.  It is up to the art and skill of the individual
programmer to incorporate those methodologies, insofar as s/he can, into
their every project.

However, well formed, well structured, modular code will satisfy all the
evaluation points you mentioned.  The one sticky point could be 'site
standards' - but hopefully those sites that have arcane 'standards'
would consider the weight and authority of a 'industry recognized' [De
Facto] standard 'best practices' document, and change their archaic

just my .002

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RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

2007-11-19 Thread Bill Haskett

See.  This brings up the difference between coding styles and guidelines.

The guidline is:

If you use it once use it once.  If you use it twice either create a variable 
or a
local subroutine.  If it's used in more than one program then either create a 
variable or a separate subroutine.  You get the idea.

Now we expose ourselves to style.

Style 1:

OfficeRec(5) = OfficeRec(6) * OfficeRec(7)

Style 2:

EQUATE OfficeSize to OfficeRec(4)
OfficeWidth = OfficeRec(6)
OfficeDepth = OfficeRec(7)
OfficeSize  = OfficeWidth * OfficeDepth

I think this demonstrates the style differences between brevity and clarity.  
Style 1
accomplishes exactly what's needed while style 2 reflects the need for clarity 
what's actually being done.  Often I simply add a comment to Style 1 like:

Style 1 (amended):

OfficeRec(5) = OfficeRec(6) * OfficeRec(7)  ; ** the size of the office in 

However, as you say, if I'm using any of the variables elsewhere in the code, 
or was
referencing a dynamic instead of a dimensioned array for OfficeRec, I'd much 
Style 2.

So it seems to me there really is a difference between style and guidelines.  


>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Lynch
>Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 9:25 AM
>Subject: Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises
>Actually, that brings up an important point - my preference would  be that 
>if you are going to do it once and never re-use that value, then it probably 
>makes sense to do it in one line, and not add the additional variable, but 
>if you are going to need it again, as the OCONV'd value, it makes sense to 
>set a new variable to the OCONV'd value and use the variable, rather than 
>re-doing the oconv.


>Susan Lynch
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Anthony Youngman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 11:19 AM
>Subject: RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises
>> Just DON'T start a few flame wars over this :-)
>> I'd actually vehemently disagree with the original suggestion, for several 
>> reasons. The two biggest are:
>> It introduces an extra variable. Any poor maintenance guy coming along has 
>> to worry about whether it's used elsewhere. This sort of behaviour is 
>> actually frowned on in ANY programming language, I believe.
>> And my personal reason for disliking it, over and above the previous - it 
>> takes two lines where one would do. Okay, compressing code for the sake of 
>> it can hinder comprehension, but I like tight, compact code with 
>> white-space separating small sections, not individual sections full of 
>> white space...
>> Cheers,
>> Wol
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Baker Hughes
>> Sent: 19 November 2007 15:18
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises
>> It's JUST a preference, presently


>>> Speaking of mis-used commands and side-stepping some of the given code
>>> craziness...
>>> It is better practice to atomize the code into discrete elements such
>>> as...
>>>   Var1.F = oconv(Var1, 'MD0')
>>>   crt Var1.F 'R#11'
>>> rather than to try to kill two birds with one stone by including an
>>> oconv statement inside a crt statement such as...
>>>   crt oconv(Var1, 'MD0')
>>> --Bill> 
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Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

2007-11-19 Thread Kevin King
In response to Susan's mention of the criteria for evaluating code, I
submit that I personally verify code against three criteria:

1) Is it accurate?  Does it fulfill its designed mission?  Often times
code misses this mark simply because of the shifting sands of
requirements, and what might have been accurate six months ago may no
longer be so.

2) Does it perform as well as it could?  This is where the multiple
READV/WRITEV thing falls down, as it may not be the most efficient way
of achieving a given objective.

3) Is it maintainable?  This goes far beyond "readable" to include
elements to strengthen comprehension of the context and intended
objective and how the source code interprets the implementation of
that objective.  This includes standardized code fragments and
structures, predictable and consistent variable naming conventions,
intentional use and avoidance of certain language elements (such as GE
verses >= for comparison) and commenting styles and standards.

Too often, as Susan has pointed out, programmers write code to make
today's problem go away because there are a dozen or more projects
lined up behind it, instead of writing the code thinking of the guy
who will be reading the code several months from now.   I submit that
we should always keep the future maintainer in mind, assuming that
they know nothing of the context, little of the problem, and less time
than needed to achieve their objective.  If we don't set the stage for
that person's success, we shouldn't be surprised when they don't
describe our work in the most complimentary of terms.
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RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

2007-11-19 Thread Charles_Shaffer
My personal preference is to atomize.  This goes back to my C days.  I 
found that while it was possible to cram a lot of code into one line, 
there were portability problems.  The same code could compile differently 
on different platforms depending on how the C compiler handled the complex 
lines.  I don't know if there are similar issues with UniBasic, or not. 

Also, I personally find the atomized code easier to read and more 

Charles Shaffer
Senior Analyst
NTN-Bower Corporation

>Just DON'T start a few flame wars over this :-)

>I'd actually vehemently disagree with the original suggestion, for 
several reasons. The two biggest are:

>It introduces an extra variable. Any poor maintenance guy coming along 
has to worry about whether it's used elsewhere. This sort of behaviour is 
>actually frowned on in ANY programming language, I believe.

>And my personal reason for disliking it, over and above the previous - it 
takes two lines where one would do. Okay, compressing code for the sake of 
>it can hinder comprehension, but I like tight, compact code with 
white-space separating small sections, not individual sections full of 
white >space...


> Speaking of mis-used commands and side-stepping some of the given code

> craziness...
> It is better practice to atomize the code into discrete elements such
>   Var1.F = oconv(Var1, 'MD0')
>   crt Var1.F 'R#11'
> rather than to try to kill two birds with one stone by including an
> oconv statement inside a crt statement such as...
>   crt oconv(Var1, 'MD0')
> --Bill
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Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

2007-11-19 Thread Kevin King
I'd play on that field, Chuck.  Not looking for a flame war, but I
know there are a lot of people with some great ideas and there's much
to be gained by keeping the lines of communication open.  Then again,
topics like alpha vs. numeric labels could turn out to be massively
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Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

2007-11-19 Thread Susan Lynch
Actually, that brings up an important point - my preference would  be that 
if you are going to do it once and never re-use that value, then it probably 
makes sense to do it in one line, and not add the additional variable, but 
if you are going to need it again, as the OCONV'd value, it makes sense to 
set a new variable to the OCONV'd value and use the variable, rather than 
re-doing the oconv.  But that requires that a maintenance programmer take 
the time to know the program rather than look at the surrounding 20 lines or 
so (and their performance is probably evaluated on how fast they get the 
changes made rather than on their effect on the quality of the code), which 
is why most of us have so often seen (particularly in programs generated by 
a code-generator or in programs maintained by a variety of people over many 
years) multiple READV's and WRITEV's rather than a single read of the 
record, or multiple OCONV's of the exact same field with the exact same 
masking.  But making the decision based on the need is my personal 
preference - others may prefer a standardized approach for ease of training 
new programmers or may argue that "disk is cheap, memory is cheap" and 
prefer not to focus on efficiency as one of the criteria for evaluating 
code.  All of which makes the determination of "best practices" rather 
difficult, since it depends on the criteria you choose for the evaluation - 
efficiency?  Ease of maintenance?  Conformation to 'site standards'? 
Ability to call a logical  module from multiple locations in the wider 
application?  Auditability of the results?  Various standards of 
presentation of data for the user interface?  Once you get beyond the very 
simple aspects of programming, everything has to be judged in the context of 
the application as a whole, rather than on the brilliance (or lack thereof) 
of small code fragments.

Susan Lynch
- Original Message - 
From: "Anthony Youngman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 11:19 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

Just DON'T start a few flame wars over this :-)

I'd actually vehemently disagree with the original suggestion, for several 
reasons. The two biggest are:

It introduces an extra variable. Any poor maintenance guy coming along has 
to worry about whether it's used elsewhere. This sort of behaviour is 
actually frowned on in ANY programming language, I believe.

And my personal reason for disliking it, over and above the previous - it 
takes two lines where one would do. Okay, compressing code for the sake of 
it can hinder comprehension, but I like tight, compact code with 
white-space separating small sections, not individual sections full of 
white space...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Baker Hughes

Sent: 19 November 2007 15:18
Subject: RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

It's JUST a preference, presently


Speaking of mis-used commands and side-stepping some of the given code


It is better practice to atomize the code into discrete elements such


  Var1.F = oconv(Var1, 'MD0')
  crt Var1.F 'R#11'

rather than to try to kill two birds with one stone by including an
oconv statement inside a crt statement such as...

  crt oconv(Var1, 'MD0')


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RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

2007-11-19 Thread Anthony Youngman
Just DON'T start a few flame wars over this :-)

I'd actually vehemently disagree with the original suggestion, for several 
reasons. The two biggest are:

It introduces an extra variable. Any poor maintenance guy coming along has to 
worry about whether it's used elsewhere. This sort of behaviour is actually 
frowned on in ANY programming language, I believe.

And my personal reason for disliking it, over and above the previous - it takes 
two lines where one would do. Okay, compressing code for the sake of it can 
hinder comprehension, but I like tight, compact code with white-space 
separating small sections, not individual sections full of white space...


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Baker Hughes
Sent: 19 November 2007 15:18
Subject: RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

It's JUST a preference, presently

I know we all reach for a good balance between brevity and clarity.

I have some preferences too which I think are ideal, which seem less
than ideal to others.

... but rather than mount my own hobby horse I have a suggestion /
question that could put these types of exchanges to rest:

WHAT IF - the U2UG took it as a future project to compile a Best
Practices coding guideline document for our language?

There's always helpful 'How to' stuff exchanged here. ...but style
question sometimes spiral downward.

As someone pointed out recently, we have the blessing and curse of using
a rather free style language.
Not much Structure-Style is not imposed by the construct of the language
itself, like some others.

Is it time to codify some best practices relating to structure,
modularity, reuse, length of internal subs, etc?

I may not like some of the resulting definitions myself but it would
build cohesion and greater respect for the MV space.
Another thing it would do is chart a clearer path for those coming
behind us - we need new blood if the VARs in this space are going to
continue to sell/support embedded MV apps.

I would personally find it fascinating to see some of our venerable
coders get together and see what they produced along this line.  I have
some names in mind but I'll wait for the nominations to officially open.

Happy Thanksgiving.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MAJ Programming
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 12:58 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question

According to who?

I know there are some pluses and minuses but where is this decided or is
it just a preference.

Mark Johnson
- Original Message -
From: "Brutzman, Bill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 11:30 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question

> Speaking of mis-used commands and side-stepping some of the given code

> craziness...
> It is better practice to atomize the code into discrete elements such
>   Var1.F = oconv(Var1, 'MD0')
>   crt Var1.F 'R#11'
> rather than to try to kill two birds with one stone by including an
> oconv statement inside a crt statement such as...
>   crt oconv(Var1, 'MD0')
> --Bill
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of MAJ
> Programming
> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 12:48 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question
> This is real smart, making things harder than they should be. Just use
> Mark Johnson
> - Original Message -
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 5:23 PM
> Subject: RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question
> > Didn't work for me either. It may not fit what you need, but SWAP
> > can
> > it work.
> >
> > VAR1 = 'SAM':@VM:'TRUDY'
> > FMTSTR = 'G*1'
> >
> > Brad
> >
> >
> > U.S. BANCORP made the following annotations
> > 
> > - Electronic Privacy Notice. This e-mail, and any attachments,
> > contains
> information that is, or may be, covered by electronic communications
> laws, and is also confidential and proprietary in nature. If you are
> not
> intended recipient, please be advised that you are legally prohibited
> from retaining, using, copying, distributing, or otherwise disclosing
> this information in any manner. Instead, please reply to the sender
> that you
> received this communication in error, and then immediately delete it

Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

2007-11-19 Thread Charles Barouch

  I agree, but the path is hard and the way is murky. A few months 
back, I posted a free skeleton maker, which implemented some reasonable 
commenting. When I opened it up to the list for comments, the response 
was greatly varied. Some people even replied privately for fear of 
starting a flame war on the lists.
  If we are going to do as you suggested, I only see one way to make 
that work: Let's get a few people to each write up their own style 
guideline and subject them all to the list's opinions, with each 
originator having a final say on their guideline. We can post them all 
to and let people select the one they like. it won't have the 
value of setting a single style, but it has the value of being possible. 
Anyone frustrated with all choices can petition the author who is 
closest or they can roll their own and subject it to feedback.

  Anyone willing to step up? I'd be willing to play under these terms.
  - Chuck

Baker Hughes wrote:

WHAT IF - the U2UG took it as a future project to compile a Best
Practices coding guideline document for our language?

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RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

2007-11-19 Thread Baker Hughes
It's JUST a preference, presently

I know we all reach for a good balance between brevity and clarity.

I have some preferences too which I think are ideal, which seem less
than ideal to others.

... but rather than mount my own hobby horse I have a suggestion /
question that could put these types of exchanges to rest:

WHAT IF - the U2UG took it as a future project to compile a Best
Practices coding guideline document for our language?

There's always helpful 'How to' stuff exchanged here. ...but style
question sometimes spiral downward.

As someone pointed out recently, we have the blessing and curse of using
a rather free style language.
Not much Structure-Style is not imposed by the construct of the language
itself, like some others.

Is it time to codify some best practices relating to structure,
modularity, reuse, length of internal subs, etc?

I may not like some of the resulting definitions myself but it would
build cohesion and greater respect for the MV space.
Another thing it would do is chart a clearer path for those coming
behind us - we need new blood if the VARs in this space are going to
continue to sell/support embedded MV apps.

I would personally find it fascinating to see some of our venerable
coders get together and see what they produced along this line.  I have
some names in mind but I'll wait for the nominations to officially open.

Happy Thanksgiving.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MAJ Programming
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 12:58 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question

According to who?

I know there are some pluses and minuses but where is this decided or is
it just a preference.

Mark Johnson
- Original Message -
From: "Brutzman, Bill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 11:30 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question

> Speaking of mis-used commands and side-stepping some of the given code

> craziness...
> It is better practice to atomize the code into discrete elements such
>   Var1.F = oconv(Var1, 'MD0')
>   crt Var1.F 'R#11'
> rather than to try to kill two birds with one stone by including an 
> oconv statement inside a crt statement such as...
>   crt oconv(Var1, 'MD0')
> --Bill
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of MAJ 
> Programming
> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 12:48 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question
> This is real smart, making things harder than they should be. Just use
> Mark Johnson
> - Original Message -
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 5:23 PM
> Subject: RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question
> > Didn't work for me either. It may not fit what you need, but SWAP 
> > can
> > it work.
> >
> > VAR1 = 'SAM':@VM:'TRUDY'
> > FMTSTR = 'G*1'
> >
> > Brad
> >
> >
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> > -
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