Re: [U2] .Net Components

2005-05-23 Thread Don Kibbey
I've found that since the UniObjects.Net library does not create
native .Net data structures (datatables, datasets, etc), I have to
create them myself.  So, to make use of things like Component One's
flex grid, I build a datatable from the UniVerse system and feed the
datatable into the ComponentOne component.
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RE: [U2] .Net Components

2005-05-23 Thread Tony Gravagno
George Smith wrote:
 What .Net components (c#) are being used by Unidata
 developers since we now have the .Net connectivity?
 We use Infragistics and Xceed at work for use with MS
 SQL. Would like some pickie opinions for home development.

Hi George, outside of the standard 3, what kind of info are you looking
for? :
- UO.NET : Seems to me to be a wrapper around UO.  Not 100% managed code,
no connection pooling, missing some features, really not a big deal - but
free.  Someone please correct me if this perception is incorrect, I haven't
looked that deeply into this.
- PDP.NET : First kid on the block, great software, Microsoft certified.
Faces some obstacles like price/TCO, doesn't have everything a relational
data provider has but for Pick people it's generally good enough, U2 sites
may be a little iffy about doing business with Raining Data.  Supports U2
and D3 only.
- mv.NET : Recent contender, great software, ongoing intense development,
better price than PDP.NET, not as complicated as PDP but same-to-more
features.  Supports all MV products, even some legacy platforms.

All three can be used with a Unidata PE environment at home.  However there
is not yet a free/home use version of the commercial offerings.  All three
can be used from C#, VB.NET, or other .NET languages. (COBOL or FORTRAN
access to U2 anyone?)

I'll be happy to share any info I can.  In case there is a question of
bias, I don't particularly care what products people use to connect to
their MV DBMS.  Nebula RD will soon offer sales and development services
for both PDP.NET _and_ mv.NET.

Tony Gravagno, Nebula RD
TG@ removethisNebula-RnD
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