Re: which distro

2014-09-26 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Ubuntu 14.04 or Sonar.
Happy hacking.
On Friday 26 September 2014 11:52 PM, Lenny wrote:

I am looking for a version of Linux to run on my Asus 701.
It has a Celeron Mobile 900 MHZ processor and 1GB of RAM.
Ubuntu XP-Like version 10.04 runs good on it, but every time I try to
install Voxin for Orca, it seems to install, but I get the message that
speech-dispatcher is not included in this version, which comes after the
Voxin install.
I hear the IBM voice speaking during the install, and I log out and back in,
and no Voxin.
So I'm looking for another distro for this notebook.
It has a 4GB HD, so something like Lubuntu would be good.
I tried booting to that, but either Orca would not boot as usual, or it has
the latest kernel which does not like this processor.
I also cannot boot into Sonar or F123.
I want a GUI.
I was wondering about Arch, and then installing a GUI but I'm not sure how
involved that is.
I'm looking for suggestions here.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: will the Dash be accessible for Orca in Trusty?

2014-08-11 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Making dash accessible should not be a hard work if it is not done so far.
Happy hacking.
On Monday 11 August 2014 02:24 PM, Milton wrote:

Hi developers,
Can you tell me if the Dash will be accessible with Orca in Trusty in 
the near future? It is good to know if this will hapen or maybe for 
the next LTS version? Thanks for your hard work.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

is Unity 3d production ready for Orca

2014-04-19 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Dear all,
I am wondering if Ubuntu-gnome is the only option for serious use of 
latest Orca.
What I mean to ask is if Ubuntu 14.04 can be used very well with it's 
dea pfault Unity 3d system?

Is it as good as the old Unity 2d?
I had asked a few questions about gnome shell and I still don't seem to 
find a way around things like notifications when for example pen drive 
is inserted or wifi connection is available.
I found it rather comfortable when a pen drive just opened or would be 
available in the launcher bar.
Also the fact that favorites menu is accessible with Unity with just alt 
f1 in 14.04.

I tested the live cd and on the surface it looked pretty accessible.
I see orca's performance has also improved drastically.
But I wish to know if I can just go ahead with Unity 3d for my 
production machine?
I used Sonar with gnome shell 3.6 or what ever was available on that, it 
was based on Ubuntu 13.10.
Has Ubuntu 14.04 gnome version taken an updated gnome-shell version than 

If yes then may be my impressions about Gnome-shell are outdated.
So could some one kindly clear my doubts?
Happy hacking

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: trouble with 14.04

2014-04-17 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Was that Ubuntu-gnome version?
They do maintain one.
Try that and I guess it should be well to do.
Happy hacking.

On 04/18/2014 02:59 AM, chad baker wrote:

hi i just grabbed 14.04
it restarted after the installation and not getting orca or the login drum
also during the installation orca red no contents of what was being installed
i’m guessing its not accessible

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: trouble with 14.04

2014-04-17 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Is the Unity 3d also accessible?
Happy hacking.
On 04/18/2014 05:23 AM, Rob Whyte wrote:

Hi Chad,
It is accessible.
Are you aware that super alt S starts Orca at the Lightdm login screen?
I do not think that the drum sound defaults to being enabled.
There has been quite a lot of bug fixing worked on for accessibility.
I hope once you get your system up and running you find the overall
experience a good one.

Good luck

On 18/04/14 07:29, chad baker wrote:

hi i just grabbed 14.04
it restarted after the installation and not getting orca or the login drum
also during the installation orca red no contents of what was being installed
i’m guessing its not accessible

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Ubuntu 14.04 and accessebility

2014-02-24 Thread Krishnakant Mane
I wonder if Ubuntu guys will afterall come up with a version with gnome 

Happy hacking.
On 02/24/2014 05:45 PM, Petra Ritter wrote:


On 27th February the Beta 1 should be released
Has this  version accessibility build in all ready or have we to 
waiting for a later build of Ubuntu 14.04?
I know it is a beta version and I won't run it on a working machine. 
I'm just wondering whether the accessibility will be available in this 


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Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

what to expect for Orca on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?

2014-01-27 Thread Krishnakant Mane

hello all,
I wish to know what can be expected from Ubuntu 14.04 as far as 
accessibility is concerned?

1, will Unity 3d be finally accessible and to what extent?
2, Will there be a possibility to have Gnome 3.10 on the said version?
3, I saw a mail few days before on pdf acccessibility through evince?  
Will that accessible version be available on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?

Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Estimated what GNOME version will ship with Ubuntu 14.04?

2013-11-15 Thread Krishnakant Mane

This is an extremely important issue which I had also raised a few days ago.
I am very very interested to know.
Happy hacking.
On 11/15/2013 02:55 PM, Hammer Attila wrote:


Estimated the Ubuntu 14.04 final release what GNOME version will be
ship? GNOME 3.8 or 3.10? How will be happening a11y stack related
updates and importanter components related updates (GTK3, Gnome Shell, etc)?
Now, in GNOME 3.8 related have following I founded issues, with partialy
reproducable my system with GNOME 3.10:
1. Normal Super+letter custom binding defined keystrokes not working,
this is resolved in GNOME 3.10. When I tested this, own risk I upgraded
with GNOME 3.10 with following way:
Added ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3, gnome3-team/gnome3-staging, and
gnome3-team/gnome3-next PPA's and doed a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade command.

2. In gnome-terminal the F10 key press not activate the main menu, this
is true with original Ubuntu level packaged gnome-terminal 3.6 version
and gnome 3.10 available gnome-terminal version. Hopefuly this is not
happening with other installations, and only my preferences are migrated

3. The gnome-session-flashback oldest classic session the Super+S
keystroke not activating indicator-applet-complete applet main menu, I
reported this issue with following report:

4. In GNOME Shell classic session happening following issue the
applications menu, need visualy verify this issue:
In my testing Saucy installation I previous using GNOME Shell 3.8
version and Orca
My session is the GNOME Classic session (the new GNOME Shell 3.8 classic
session, not the Ubuntu level awailable gnome-session-flashback session).
When I activate the Activities screen with ALT+F1 key combination, first
presenting the applications menu. Everithing is accessible with Orca 3.10.1
version, main categoryes Orca right spokening, but I found an interesting
If I goto for example the Graphics category (grafika hungarian category) and
press right arrow, Orca doesn't the first item spokening. I verifyed
what happening if I press this situation two up arrow keys. This
situation the caret jump perfect with the first submenu item.
Can you have possibility verify me visualy what happening following
testcase if you logged in GNOME Shell classic session?
1. Activate activities screen. This situation need presenting the
applications menu.
2. Jump down arrow key the Graphics submenu.
3. Press right arrow key. This situation me Orca says the Simple Scan
application selected. Visualy highlighted too this menu item? Right this?
Not the first menu item need selecting if the user drop down the
graphics group?
4. Press Left arrow key after you press two up arrow. This situation the
caret not jumping right the Graphics group, I usual land the Favorites
group. If I
press only one up arrow before I press a right arrow, lands different group.

Because I unable to verify visually to real happening this issue and
this is not an Orca issue, I reported temporary this issue in Bugzilla
and attached a debug file. Report link is following:
Because Ubuntu Saucy not ship a clean GNOME 3.10 environment, sure by
sure own risk I upgraded with my Saucy installation the GNOMe 3.10
version, and repeated the test. I experienced equals result.
I added ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3, ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging, and
ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-next PPA's and doed an apt-get dist-upgrade
command to I get a hopefuly full clean GNOME 3.10 environment.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: XpLike Ubuntu again

2013-11-08 Thread Krishnakant Mane

I guess mint linux had that interface if I am not mistaken.
But again do they have Orca on it is another question.
Happy hacking.
On 11/08/2013 11:49 AM, Lenny wrote:

this will be my last post on this, because either folks have no clue of what
I was asking about, or they are so wrapped up in their own flavor of Ubuntu
that the only advice I got was to try either a newer version, or try vinux.
I have extensively used Ubuntu, and it has gotten me out of binds with my
windows systems in the past, like saving data.  and I have tried vinux and I
prefer a clean Ubuntu to it.
but the Os of my choice is windows, XP, with all of its flaws.
Clearly there are Linux users out there like me, such that a distro of
Ubuntu was made to act like windows.
I guess I was barking up the wrong tree on this list with my quest for the
benefit of someone's experience of this distro of Ubuntu.
Thanks though.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: dreams and schemes

2013-11-03 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Hi Doug,
I have the same experiences.
Infact me and my wife got together due to Free software.
I have all my students exclusively use GNU/Linux for all their 
programming and personal work, they have no problems with it.
There are a few states in our country which implement free software as a 
I will not say that the picture is absolutely rosy, but more and more 
people with whom I come in daily contact are using the free and open 
source operating system for every day work now.
a few years back, 5 odd years to be presise, hearing some one say I use 
linux  was a surprise and a matter of great skillset as it seemd to 
many people.

But now every other person uses it or at least knows it.
This is what I have been through, I have not used proprietary softwaer 
or OS since 2005 and I have no regrets at all..

Happy hacking.
On 11/04/2013 07:16 AM, Doug Smith wrote:

Good going, Kyle.  I want to work as well.  However, come here and try to find 
some kind of work, even if it's being paid to sneeze into the wind.
The person who put on here that we have to put up with a lot of prejudice and 
rejection.  Short of taking control of the world, I see no reasonable
solution to this in the near future.  The only thing we can do is work when we 

I have used linux exclusively since the mid to late 1990's.  I have done such 
things as offered to get the systems going again in local businesses
when they fail, but they had rather lock the doors and tell the customers that 
the computer has failed and the managers not to let new people in.
That is a class A susser when someone right there in the store could help even 
if screens had to be read.

I have worked on people's computers for some time.  I have friends in the next 
town for whom I have done computer work and they have learned to use a
computer with linux on it and have had no real trouble with it.

Here at the McCune Center, where I live, I have helped several residents with 
computer problems.  I just replaced the software on the machines with
linux and all is well.  I have even helped people get things going on systems I 
have never seen before over the phone.

You are right.  I know that it takes a while to get up to speed on some of this 
new tech that you have never programmed for.  That's fine.  I'm
working on that one and it is not as complex as it seems.  It's time consuming 
with all the other things I have to do but I can do it.

Now, on the subject of learning new computer systems.  I have taught my 
girlfriend, the other friends I referred to above and some of the residents
here to work with linux systems and they like it.  They don't have any kind of 
real problems that are too difficult to fix.

I could not have done that if I sound rude, condescending or mean.  I hope this 
message doesn't come across like that.  If so, I apologize in advance.
This is just a statement of fact, not a flame.

Now, I have not used proprietary operating systems or screen access tech since 
the days of the Apple // family of systems on which I first learned to
do computing of any kind.  I have used linux since the mid to late 1990's and I 
have never looked back.  I have never used windows nor mac-osx.  I
also find that whatever I need to do on a computer is easily doable on linux.

I do not mean to brag.  I have nothing to prove and I have nobody to prove it 
to.  This is, as previously stated, just a statement of truth.

Yours truly:

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: What happened with Firefox 25?

2013-10-30 Thread Krishnakant Mane
Well, I see that Ubuntu wishes to be on tabs or phones or all other such 
machines, but I don't clearly see that the vission has accessibility 
that seriously.
These days I hear that android is quite improved on accessibility and 
has done so pritty quickly.

This is what it means by being serious about accessibility.
happy hacking.
On 10/31/2013 01:21 AM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:

On 10/30/2013 02:19 PM, Nolan Darilek wrote:

On 10/30/2013 11:19 AM, Luke Yelavich wrote:

If there were more resources, more effort could be put into supporting
interim releases. Luke

I agree. It's a shame that Canonical is so focused on replacing GNOME
with Unity, replacing Wayland with Mir, building its own cloud
deployment solution, putting Ubuntu on every device, that it only has a
single developer to spare for access, which is why I've asked for years
what meaningful action can be done about that. Even Android pushes out
accessibility improvements faster than does Ubuntu these days. But there
just doesn't seem like enough interest from Canonical--too busy
pandering to their able-bodied users I suppose--so I'm at a loss.

The issue isn't resources. It's priorities.

I agree it's a shame there aren't more resources for accessibility, 
and it is obviously a case of priorities and not resources. I don't 
agree though that it's a case of Canonical just pandering to their 
able bodied users. Mark Shuttleworth and Canonical have a vision of an 
OS that encompasses smart phones, tablets, laptops, desktops and 
servers. I want to see this vision succeed, and I want to see ubuntu 
rival Windows, Android and the Apple OS's. I think this will benefit 
all computer users, including the blind. Last I knew, Canonical was 
trying to accomplish this, and build their commercial business, with 
around 500 employees and has yet to make a profit.

I agree we should be clambering for more resources for accessibility 
and we should be demanding that accessibility be a higher priority, 
but I don't think that we should be asking Canonical to give up it's 
vision to accomplish this or that we should mis characterize these 
efforts as just pandering to their sighted users.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: What happened with Firefox 25?

2013-10-30 Thread Krishnakant Mane
It is just that it is an ICT and as far as android is concerned, for 
what ever it is ment, they take accessibility seriously.
Ubuntu is also an ICT (software/ OS of any kind is an important ICT 
component ).

So it is natural to think of accessibility and compare.
yet I agree that Google may have more employees.
That is one point we must take into consideration.
perhaps it is llike comparing a smaller oringe to a bigger one.
happy hacking.

On 10/31/2013 03:43 AM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
I don't understand the analogy with Android. Android runs on smart 
phones and tablets and a few other devices. It doesn't run on laptops, 
desktops or servers. It isn't clear what the future relationship will 
be between Android and ChromeOS.

Canonical has 500 employees, the last I knew, and not all of these 
were working on Ubuntu development. How many employees does Google 
have and how many developers are working on Android? Canonical is not 
making a profit. What is Google's profit and the other companies 
contributing to Android?

As the saying goes, I think comparing Ubuntu to Android is like 
comparing apples to oranges.

On 10/30/2013 05:00 PM, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

Well, I see that Ubuntu wishes to be on tabs or phones or all other such
machines, but I don't clearly see that the vission has accessibility
that seriously.
These days I hear that android is quite improved on accessibility and
has done so pritty quickly.
This is what it means by being serious about accessibility.
happy hacking.
On 10/31/2013 01:21 AM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:

On 10/30/2013 02:19 PM, Nolan Darilek wrote:

On 10/30/2013 11:19 AM, Luke Yelavich wrote:
If there were more resources, more effort could be put into 

interim releases. Luke

I agree. It's a shame that Canonical is so focused on replacing GNOME
with Unity, replacing Wayland with Mir, building its own cloud
deployment solution, putting Ubuntu on every device, that it only 
has a
single developer to spare for access, which is why I've asked for 

what meaningful action can be done about that. Even Android pushes out
accessibility improvements faster than does Ubuntu these days. But 

just doesn't seem like enough interest from Canonical--too busy
pandering to their able-bodied users I suppose--so I'm at a loss.

The issue isn't resources. It's priorities.

I agree it's a shame there aren't more resources for accessibility,
and it is obviously a case of priorities and not resources. I don't
agree though that it's a case of Canonical just pandering to their
able bodied users. Mark Shuttleworth and Canonical have a vision of an
OS that encompasses smart phones, tablets, laptops, desktops and
servers. I want to see this vision succeed, and I want to see ubuntu
rival Windows, Android and the Apple OS's. I think this will benefit
all computer users, including the blind. Last I knew, Canonical was
trying to accomplish this, and build their commercial business, with
around 500 employees and has yet to make a profit.

I agree we should be clambering for more resources for accessibility
and we should be demanding that accessibility be a higher priority,
but I don't think that we should be asking Canonical to give up it's
vision to accomplish this or that we should mis characterize these
efforts as just pandering to their sighted users.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: 13.10 problems

2013-10-21 Thread Krishnakant Mane
This time around when 13.10 came out, I was a bit more hopefull that 
this will be a fine precursor to the next lts release which will have 
wonderful progress since 12.04.
But Now my worries are getting more and more grave as to how long will 
we have to stay with 12.04 as the most accessible distro of Ubuntu?
People like me can still use Arch, because we understand some 
commandline stuff and fix things here and there.

But what about absolute end users?
For them some thing like Ubuntu perfectly fits the bill.
I only hope we have a sharp turn around and 14.04 LTS comes out with 
great accessibility.

Happy hacking.

On 10/21/2013 07:18 PM, chad baker wrote:

hi i'm new to linux just grabbed ubuntu 13.10
i'm finding the installer not accessible at all
is there a trick i know in 12.04 it was a lot better
i had a sighted person help me install 13.10 but when logging i got no speech
i had it at the login
i have a e machines 2 gb of ram desktop and its 64 bit

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Libreoffice in Ubuntu 12.04

2013-09-11 Thread Krishnakant Mane

I had the same curiosity for long time.
I would like to read the documentation, specially for spreadsheet.
happy hacking.

On 09/11/2013 08:00 PM, Peter Vágner wrote:

I think it is a good idea to go to the tools - settings... then 
inside the accessibility treeview branch there is a checkbox saying 
something like enable cursor inside read only documents.
This makes help documents to be readable with orca but still I am 
unable to figure out how I can move from the content treeview to the 
actual document being opened. I can find and click it using flat 
review though.



On 11.09.2013 13:38, wrote:


I am trying to access to the help of Libreoffice from my Ubuntu 12.04 
system. For that, I do F1. Then, I select the Contents page with 
arrow keys. Next, still with arrow keys in the tree, I choose text 
document, creating a text document browse and select.

Then, I do enter. On a Windows system, it seems the contents appears 
on the right part of the window and that it is possible to take off 
the focus there with tab and/or f6. I do not have this here. COuld 
someone test? I have two questions: 1. is the content displayed 
indeed on the screen (I cannot check myself)? and 2. how can I put 
there the focus and read it with Orca?

Thanks for your help


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Orca in Xfce?

2013-08-19 Thread Krishnakant Mane

You have to do some configurations for xfce.
And I would rather suggest you include Orca for either gnome shell 
version 3.8 or xfce.

happy hacking.
On 08/19/2013 02:57 PM, Jimmy Sjölund wrote:


I'm part of the devel-team for Ubuntu Studio and we received a request to
include Orca and brltty in the next releases to further support visually
impaired users. I have been doing some tests to include Orca but not very
successfully. The aim is to include Orca already during installation.

However, I'm not sure where to address my questions and issues. My first
thought was the Ubuntu Accessibility team but I'm not sure the team is
still active? I've tried the #ubuntu-accessibility channel on IRC.

Since I'm uncertain if the issue is because I'm setting it up wrong, or
it's an issue since Ubuntu Studio use Xfce as default or if it's an issue
with Orca in general in 13.04 and 13.10 I'm not sure where to turn? Any

Kind regards

cub on irc.freenode

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [orca-list] [Kde-accessibility] Ubuntu Unity Desktop to go to Mir and QT

2013-07-24 Thread Krishnakant Mane
This essentially means we must try things pretty early on and start 
reporting bugs agressively.

happy hacking.

On 07/24/2013 06:37 PM, Alex Midence wrote:

Wonderful news!  I certainly feel better for it.  Thanks for all your hard
work on qt-at-spi.


Alex M



From: Frederik Gladhorn []
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 3:21 AM
Cc: Alex Midence;;;
Ubuntu Accessibility Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Kde-accessibility] Ubuntu Unity Desktop to go to Mir and QT




On Tuesday 23. July 2013 13.23.47 Alex Midence wrote:

Hi, all,
It looks like Ubuntu's Unity desktop will be switching to QT/QML in the


future. It looks like they'll be using QT5. Does anyone know the current
state of accessibility for qt5 or QML? We were all disappointed to find
out that Unity 2d was discontinued in Ubuntu 12.04 and it is believed that
Ubuntu 14.04 would continue it's wonderfully accessible legacy. This was
supposed to soothe our ruffled feathers when 12.10 and 13.04 came out with
Unity 3d only which was not as accessible. Well, now, I am curious to know
if the timetable for that level of accessibility in a Ubuntu desktop will
need to be pushed back even more in light of this development. Please see
link below:

Qt 5 contains all the accessibility code that was used for Qt 4, including
the plugin qt-at-spi which will then no longer be needed. Many things have
also been improved since we learned from finally making Qt 4 accessible.

All in all this means that the Qt 5 based Unity should be able to reach the
level of the old Unity and hopefully exceed it. Of course that's still up to
the Unity developers and probably a fix here or there in Qt, but generally I
would expect things to look good.



Alex M

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Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: VINUX-SUPPORT: RE: [orca-list] [Kde-accessibility] Ubuntu Unity Desktop to go to Mir and QT

2013-07-24 Thread Krishnakant Mane

yeah, I had tryed as well and had the same problem.
I think there could be some more things to test and if they are not 
fundamentally broke, then we are in  for a happy surprise.
I would be interested to see how Firefox works under this infra 
structure and how libre office works as well.

Personally, I use Eclipse so that's another thing to watch out.
happy hacking.

On 07/24/2013 07:17 PM, Alex Midence wrote:

Very true.  The thing that I want to test is editable text areas in QT.
That was the biggest problem I saw last year when I was trying out KDE.  If
you were in Kate or Kmail and there was some text you wanted to put in
either because you were editing a file or filling out a form of some kind,
Orca couldn't read it back to you.  If it was a field you were filling in,
you could tab away and backtab back to it and Orca would speak its contents
but, individual character by character or word by word navigation was not
possible at the time.  I hope that's gotten better since then.  I haven't
looked at it since May or June of last year, I think.  It is a very
important piece of the puzzle.


Alex M


From: Krishnakant Mane []
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 8:42 AM
To: Alex Midence
Cc: 'Frederik Gladhorn';;; 'Ubuntu Accessibility Mailing List';
Subject: Re: [orca-list] [Kde-accessibility] Ubuntu Unity Desktop to go to
Mir and QT


This essentially means we must try things pretty early on and start
reporting bugs agressively.
happy hacking.

On 07/24/2013 06:37 PM, Alex Midence wrote:

Wonderful news!  I certainly feel better for it.  Thanks for all your hard
work on qt-at-spi.
Alex M
From: Frederik Gladhorn []

Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 3:21 AM
Cc: Alex Midence;;;
Ubuntu Accessibility Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Kde-accessibility] Ubuntu Unity Desktop to go to Mir and QT
On Tuesday 23. July 2013 13.23.47 Alex Midence wrote:

Hi, all,








It looks like Ubuntu's Unity desktop will be switching to QT/QML in the


future. It looks like they'll be using QT5. Does anyone know the current


state of accessibility for qt5 or QML? We were all disappointed to find


out that Unity 2d was discontinued in Ubuntu 12.04 and it is believed that


Ubuntu 14.04 would continue it's wonderfully accessible legacy. This was


supposed to soothe our ruffled feathers when 12.10 and 13.04 came out with


Unity 3d only which was not as accessible. Well, now, I am curious to know


if the timetable for that level of accessibility in a Ubuntu desktop will


need to be pushed back even more in light of this development. Please see


link below:



Qt 5 contains all the accessibility code that was used for Qt 4, including

the plugin qt-at-spi which will then no longer be needed. Many things have
also been improved since we learned from finally making Qt 4 accessible.
All in all this means that the Qt 5 based Unity should be able to reach the

level of the old Unity and hopefully exceed it. Of course that's still up to
the Unity developers and probably a fix here or there in Qt, but generally I
would expect things to look good.














Alex M


orca-list mailing list
Visit for more information on Orca.
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Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [orca-list] VINUX-SUPPORT: RE: Ubuntu Unity Desktop to go to Mir and QT

2013-07-24 Thread Krishnakant Mane
I think the issue here is the total mindset and also the fact that many 
so called smart business men don't realize the business they can 
generate out of accessibility.
Firstly, there are those who don't *still* beleive that a totaly blind 
person like me can actually use a Phone, let alone a computer.

And I am refering to highly qualified engineers or business personals.
Secondly, how many would go one step ahead and say let's add a million 
more probable custommers by making the device accessible?

That's why accessibility takes a back seet.
happy hacking.

On 07/24/2013 10:51 PM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
I agree accessibility should be baked in from the beginning. It's 
cheaper than bolting it on later, opens up more revenue streams, 
provides positive PR and so on. It's the law here in the US, and just 
the right thing to do. I wasn't speaking from my own opinion, but just 
echoing where I think these companies are coming from and why I think 
their making the investments they are. I can't think of a single smart 
phone company that introduced an accessible smart phone with they're 
first offering and that includes Apple, Google, Microsoft and Nokia. I 
don't like it, but I don't think many companies place accessibility 
very high on their priority lists as compared to getting a new product 
into the market place and getting it to a point where it's competitive 
and profitable.

I've heard that Apple had to develop it's own screen reader when 
Berkley Systems went out of business and no other 3rd party screen 
reader would develop a screen reader for the Mac. Apple was in danger 
of losing government contracts because MS had an accessible story 
while Apple did not. I don't know this first hand, but I would say I 
have it from reliable sources. Of course, Apple has gone far beyond 
this in making all of it's products accessible out of the box.

I'm not aware of any company losing a government contract because they 
didn't have an accessible smart phone story, but I suspect this is 
possible as smart phones become more and more a ubiquitous part of the 
business world. This is why I suspect MS will address accessibility on 
their Windows Phone platform at some point. I think they need to get 
the Windows Phone platform to a point where government agencies start 
considering asking their employees to use a Windows Phone. Right now, 
I suspect Windows Phone doesn't have the apps or the market 
penetration for businesses or government agencies to even consider it 
as an option. I've heard good things about the Windows Phone platform 
though, and I do know it's becoming a viable third option behind Apple 
and Android.

The real point of my email though was to be careful making analogies 
between Canonical and Apple/Google. If we assume Canonical has 500 
employees with one person working on accessibility (I know I'm being 
optimistic.) then how does this compare to Apple and it's ratio of 
total employees to those working on accessibility? Also, don't forget 
that Apple's first smart phone was not accessible. It wasn't until 
this was successful in the market place and competing with Nokia and 
Blackberry before they added accessibility. Ditto for Google.

On 07/24/2013 11:57 AM, Al Sten-Clanton wrote:

It strikes me that, from the perspective you're describing, a viable
product apparently does not include accessibility as a matter of
course.  (I'm not saying that's your own view, but only that this is the
view you describe--all too well and concisely.) Until our access needs
are deemed equal to the access needs of those who use the standard
monitor and other tools, the attitude in the business will be wrong.

Tell me if I'm mistaken, but I think I heard recently that Apple's
recent foray into accessibility resulted from a law suit.  (I say
recent foray because there was a period during the 1980s when it
provided some speech output at least.) Does anybody know for sure
whether this is right or wrong?


On 07/23/2013 11:38 PM, Christopher J Chaltain wrote:

I agree it's unfortunate that Luke is the only one working on Unity
accessibility, but there is a big difference between Canonical and 

or Google. Apple is the wealthiest company in the world. Google is also
a large company and is also quite profitable. Apple and Google are
already well established players in the mobile space. Neither the 

nor Android were accessible when they were first released. Canonical is
a tiny company, less than 600 employees, and is still not profitable
after being around for about eight years or so. It's still trying to
break into the mobile market.

I'm not defending Canonical here. I too wish that they would invest 

in accessibility development. I'm just pointing out that circumstances
right now between Canonical and Apple/Google are quite a bit different.
I think Canonical focus right now is to just get a viable product out
into the market place. I'm sure that once that happens 

Re: [orca-list] Ubuntu Unity Desktop to go to Mir and QT

2013-07-23 Thread Krishnakant Mane
From what has been said about QT accessibility off late, it could 
infact be a blessing in disguise.
I think the people working on that front would have a better and real 
answer though.

And we can go ahead with gnome shell if things bother us too much.

happy hacking.

On 07/23/2013 11:53 PM, Alex Midence wrote:

Hi, all,


It looks like Ubuntu's Unity desktop will be switching to QT/QML in the near
future.  It looks like they'll be using QT5.  Does anyone know the current
state of accessibility for qt5 or QML?  We were all disappointed to find out
that Unity 2d was discontinued in Ubuntu 12.04 and it is believed that
Ubuntu 14.04 would continue it's wonderfully accessible legacy.  This was
supposed to soothe our ruffled feathers when 12.10 and 13.04 came out with
Unity 3d only which was not as accessible.  Well, now, I am curious to know
if the timetable for that level of accessibility in a Ubuntu desktop will
need to be pushed back even more in light of this development.  Please see
link below:



Alex M


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Re: A few questions concerning Ubuntu 13.04

2013-05-06 Thread Krishnakant Mane
Gnome shell is 3.6 on Ubuntu 13.04 by default but you can add 3.8 which 
in my experience is very accessible and nice to work with.

happy hacking.

On 05/06/2013 08:39 PM, Robert Cole wrote:

Hello, everyone.

I have enjoyed using fedora over the past year or so, but I just do 
not have time to solve the big problems which I am having with the 
system. My wife and family who use my system have run into quite a 
number of issues, and it makes their experience pretty unpleasant.

I am thinking about moving back to Ubuntu, but I have a few questions:

1) Does the problem with the Compiz eZoom plugin on Unity 3D still 
exist (e.g. only the desktop area si zoomed, but the panel and dash 
remain unaltered)?

2) If I install GNOME Shell, will it be version 3.6 or 3.8?

I appreciate your help on this one.

Take care, everyone.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: how good will be the gnome shell edition of Ubuntu 13.04?

2013-04-26 Thread Krishnakant Mane

That seems fairly good enough.
I would think that 3.8 has more improvemnets, but don't know really how 
to set it up on Ubuntu 13.04.

Happy hacking.
On 04/26/2013 11:25 PM, Piñeiro wrote:

On 04/24/2013 05:46 PM, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

Hello all,


sorry, I'm arriving somewhat late.

I wish to know if the Ubuntu 13.04 gnome edition is worth using for a
complete daily desktop?
As far as I can understand from the responses to my previous queries,
many suggest that Unity is still as good as 12.04.
But I understand that Gnome shell 3.6 is much more accessible than
3.4.  Is this correct?

Yes, GNOME Shell 3.6 is more accessible that 3.4.

If yes, then how good would it be as compared to Unity 2d?

Never compared with unity2d sorry.

do we have some thing similar to heads up display?
Can I access the top panel where wifi settings or other system related
options can be accessed?

Yes. As Luke mentioned (and it is a good point that I didn't take into
account), wireless strength is not exposed. But you can access the
panel, and looking for available wifis. The problem about knowing which
one is the current selected was also fixed.

Is the menu bar totally accessible?

AFAIK yes.

Any other advantage or prominent improvements over Gnome shell 3.4?

Most of the UI was reviewed in order to check missing names and roles.
GNOME Shell 3.4 was good enough to do some tests with orca in order to
improve it. GNOME Shell 3.6 was the first usable version by orca users,

Right now, the only missing spots that I can remember right now (some of
them already mentioned) are:
* Wifi strengh, mentioned on this thread (I will create a bug about
this shortly)
* Laptop battery level (althought fwiw, it reads the remaining amount
of time) bug#684464
* Volume level on the volume slider bug#648623


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: how good will be the gnome shell edition of Ubuntu 13.04?

2013-04-25 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Can some one give me quick overview of the basic desktop navigation?
How to use the application menu (some thing similar to alt + f1 in 
Ubuntu 12.04 unity)?

Can I add (lock ) or unlock items from the launcher?
What is the command for top panel access?
Any other commands which I should know?
happy hacking.
On 04/25/2013 07:18 PM, Dave Hunt wrote:
There is a search in the overview area.  As you type, the names of 
applications and files that match your typing are displayed as push 
buttons.  Hitting the 'enter' key when one of these is focused, opens 
the corresponding file or starts an application.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

how good will be the gnome shell edition of Ubuntu 13.04?

2013-04-24 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Hello all,
I wish to know if the Ubuntu 13.04 gnome edition is worth using for a 
complete daily desktop?
As far as I can understand from the responses to my previous queries, 
many suggest that Unity is still as good as 12.04.
But I understand that Gnome shell 3.6 is much more accessible than 3.4.  
Is this correct?

If yes, then how good would it be as compared to Unity 2d?
do we have some thing similar to heads up display?
Can I access the top panel where wifi settings or other system related 
options can be accessed?

Is the menu bar totally accessible?
Any other advantage or prominent improvements over Gnome shell 3.4?
I am a Unity 2d user, how big a learning curve it would be to switch 
over to Gnome 3.6?

Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: how good will be the gnome shell edition of Ubuntu 13.04?

2013-04-24 Thread Krishnakant Mane
Still no confirmation for my query on some thing similar to Heads up 

Is such a feature there in Gnome 3.6?
Also, I wish to know from all the eminent list members, is Gnome shell 
the right path to go for a long terms solution?

Is it any faster in performance as compared to Unity?
Happy hacking.

On 04/25/2013 04:24 AM, Luke Yelavich wrote:

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 01:46:39AM EST, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

Hello all,
I wish to know if the Ubuntu 13.04 gnome edition is worth using for
a complete daily desktop?
As far as I can understand from the responses to my previous
queries, many suggest that Unity is still as good as 12.04.

Thats not correct. Ubuntu 13.04 and 12.10 before it do not have Unity 2D, and 
Unity 3D is still not nearly as accessible as Unity 2D. There are still bugs 
with navigating the dash and the launcher, to the point where I would not 
recommend it for day to day use for most users. GNOME shell 3.6 is known to be 
quite usable. It is quite easy to be productive under GNOME shell 3.6, having 
almost everything at your fingertips. I don't think you get wireless network 
strength though, but I think thats a small sisue, and newer versions of the 
shell will likely have this fixed.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: how good will be the gnome shell edition of Ubuntu 13.04?

2013-04-24 Thread Krishnakant Mane

On 04/25/2013 08:11 AM, Luke Yelavich wrote:

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 12:16:43PM EST, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

Still no confirmation for my query on some thing similar to Heads up
Is such a feature there in Gnome 3.6?

No it is not. I am surprised you use the HUD, because its not as accessible as 
it could be, and I find it gets in the way.

Also, I wish to know from all the eminent list members, is Gnome
shell the right path to go for a long terms solution?

On 04/25/2013 08:11 AM, Luke Yelavich wrote:

If you want to use GNOME long term, then yes. Ubuntu will be moving away from 
the use of GNOME as part of its desktop, and will be using its own Qt based 
GUI. There will always be the GNOME remix, and I dare say once Ubuntu stops 
using GNOME completely, then you will see GNOME regularly up to date in future 
Ubuntu releases.

I did not quite get you.
Hasn't Ubuntu already moved away from Gnome Shell?
I guess there is an official remix with the Gnome shell?
And I did not understand the relation between Gnome being regularly 
updated and Ubuntu moving away from it.
And given that the Unity is going through a complete rewrite using QT5 
would also imply that the entire accessibility infrastructure will be 
remade which won't make Unity totally accessible until next couple of years.

Is that correct?
Happy Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: how good will be the gnome shell edition of Ubuntu 13.04?

2013-04-24 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Just a quick response,
Well I have been using HUD a lot and kind of like it.
It does not come in my way as such.
As a joke, let me tell you, I have not gone to the top panel of Unity 2d 
for quite some time to shut down the machine.
I don't use it as well for selecting and connecting to my wifi or mobile 

All this works so well with HUD.
Happy hacking.
Krishnakant.On 04/25/2013 08:11 AM, Luke Yelavich wrote:

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 12:16:43PM EST, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

Still no confirmation for my query on some thing similar to Heads up
Is such a feature there in Gnome 3.6?

No it is not. I am surprised you use the HUD, because its not as accessible as 
it could be, and I find it gets in the way.

Also, I wish to know from all the eminent list members, is Gnome
shell the right path to go for a long terms solution?

If you want to use GNOME long term, then yes. Ubuntu will be moving away from 
the use of GNOME as part of its desktop, and will be using its own Qt based 
GUI. There will always be the GNOME remix, and I dare say once Ubuntu stops 
using GNOME completely, then you will see GNOME regularly up to date in future 
Ubuntu releases.

Is it any faster in performance as compared to Unity?

Its hard to compare that at the moment, given unity 3D is not fully accessible, 
and given that Unity is undergoing another rewrite to be Qt5 based.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Libre Office saga continues, should I downgrade

2013-04-23 Thread Krishnakant Mane

hello all,
Now I am in a fix.
I did upgrade to Libre Office 4.0 and find it very good in terms of 

But till date I haven't had any luck for disabling Unity menu integration.
I wish to have access to file, edit, view ... menus like before.
I will be conducting a massive workshop in a couple of weeks and don't 
wish blind students to use any difficult versions.

Should I downgrade and how?
or is there really a solution where I can just disable the menu 
integration specifically for Libre Office?

happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Libre Office saga continues, should I downgrade

2013-04-23 Thread Krishnakant Mane

That still does not solve my problem.
It is not about a comparative analysis.
I just wish to know if there is a way in which I can disable menu 
integration in Libre Office 4 or should I downgrade to 3.5 or some thing 
and if the latter is recommended, then how.

happy hacking.
On 04/23/2013 03:35 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:

blind people have been using emacspeak for several years, that has a
learning curve but accessibility problems are missing since the author
of the environment is blind as well and works at the googleplex.
Messing around with libreoffice until there's enough accessibility
customization included in the system is unlikely to be a reliable
productivity tool.  Latest version of emacspeak is 37.00.  Latest
version of libreoffice is 4, go figure and guess which package has had
more developer support working on it.  If you guess emacspeak, you're

On Tue, 23 Apr 2013, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

hello all,
Now I am in a fix.
I did upgrade to Libre Office 4.0 and find it very good in terms of
But till date I haven't had any luck for disabling Unity menu integration.
I wish to have access to file, edit, view ... menus like before.
I will be conducting a massive workshop in a couple of weeks and don't wish
blind students to use any difficult versions.
Should I downgrade and how?
or is there really a solution where I can just disable the menu integration
specifically for Libre Office?
happy hacking.

Microsoft, windows is accessible. why do blind people need screen readers?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: is Ubuntu 13.04 going to be any better?

2013-04-21 Thread Krishnakant Mane
Well, I think Ubuntu 13.04 is going to be released at least by this 
month end.

So may be they might fix more bugs along the way.
Perhaps waiting for a month more might help the cause.
Happy hacking.

On 04/21/2013 06:18 PM, Nolan Darilek wrote:
Running on my laptop now. The beta install was about the same as all 
other previous accessible installs in that it's mostly all 
functional, but there are a few rough edges that I wish had been 
banished already (my wireless driver is proprietary, so every time I 
install on my laptop I have to connect via ethernet so my timezone 
gets set automatically.)

Unity accessibility is maybe a bit better than 12.10. I used to 
experience some odd alt-tab behavior that is now mostly gone. The menu 
along the left side also seems a smidge more accessible and provides 
spoken feedback more often than not. I don't use GNOME so can't speak 
to any of those questions.

On 04/20/2013 10:45 PM, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

Hello all,
A couple of my curious students asked me if Ubuntu 13.04 would be any 
better in terms of accessibility as compared to 12.04?

Which version of Gnome shell will be available?
what about Unity 3d?
Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: is Ubuntu 13.04 going to be any better?

2013-04-21 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Ah, so they have not finalized the release date is it?
I haven't been to Ubuntu home page off late so not really aware.
Happy hacking.

On 04/21/2013 06:36 PM, Kyle wrote:

I'm just a little concerned that the GNOME edition is still running
GNOME 3.6 + Orca 3.8, whereas Ubuntu 13.04 should be running GNOME 3.8
in its entirety. But maybe they will upgrade the GNOME edition to 3.8
after the Ubuntu release is finalized.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: libreoffice 4

2013-04-09 Thread Krishnakant Mane
I find it accessible too although I don't know what bugs have been 
really fixed.
And by the way, I need to know how I can disable the unity global menu 
from libre office.

Happy hacking.
On 04/09/2013 08:39 PM, Vojtěch Polášek wrote:

I find Libreoffice 4.0.2 very accessible, Ii am using mainly writer, but
lots of bugs have been fixed.
Dne 9.4.2013 14:47, sunny p o napsal(a):

Sir, All versions after libreoffice 3.4 are not accessible for blinds
especially libreoffice calc.

On 4/9/13, wrote:

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Today's Topics:

1. still no solution for menu bar access with Libre office 4
   (Krishnakant Mane)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 11:07:34 +0530
From: Krishnakant Mane
To: Ubuntu Accessibility Mailing List
Subject: still no solution for menu bar access with Libre office 4
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hello all.
I had previously reported this problem.
I still can't access the Libre Office menu bar.
I am aware that this is because the Unity integration in LO is not stable.
I wish to know if some one has a solution to disable the global menu
integration of LO with Unity?
I don't want to disable Unity style menus for the entire system, just LO.
Happy hacking.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

End of Ubuntu-accessibility Digest, Vol 89, Issue 1

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

still no solution for menu bar access with Libre office 4

2013-04-08 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Hello all.
I had previously reported this problem.
I still can't access the Libre Office menu bar.
I am aware that this is because the Unity integration in LO is not stable.
I wish to know if some one has a solution to disable the global menu 
integration of LO with Unity?

I don't want to disable Unity style menus for the entire system, just LO.
Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Resignation

2013-03-04 Thread Krishnakant Mane

I hope this resignation won't imply leaving the foss community.
Now a days many are being disappointed by the way Ubuntu is going along 
and I am sure we all might be looking for an alternative, debian seems 
to be one of them.

Happy hacking.
On 03/05/2013 03:19 AM, B. Henry wrote:

Yours is one of the first names I noticed on the U.A. list which I subscribed 
to with-in days of starting to use Vinux and Ubuntu in mid 2010, and while 
we've had very little personal interaction your contributions have been noted 
and appreciated by me. paths do diverge as they come together, and while yours 
is  no longer on the same vector as Cananical's I have no doubt that your 
contributions will continue to be of value when and where you make them.
Thanks, and the internet will surely bring us in to contact again one way or 
Best wishes,

On Mon, Mar 04, 2013 at 01:36:36PM -0700, Charlie Kravetz wrote:

After much thinking and consideration, I am resigning from all Ubuntu
related activities. I can no longer say I agree with most of the
decisions being made by Canonical. While I wish this distribution all
the best, I can not consider myself of something that I am no longer
finding expresses my ideals and actions. I will also be resigning my
Ubuntu membership.

For those wishing to keep in touch, I will remain active on google+ and
will maintain my email at charlie.kravetz

Thanks to everyone for fantastic memories.
Charlie Kravetz
Linux Registered User Number 425914
[] Never let anyone steal your
DREAM.   []

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Fwd: Re: [orca-list] [ubuntu] updated a11y page

2013-02-19 Thread Krishnakant Mane
If one distro is named, then the person must make his stand clear and 
the reasons for it.
May be there is a point which some might agree, but get the points out 
at least.

Happy hacking.

On 02/19/2013 10:30 PM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:

Sorry for the cross posting, and I know those on the Orca list have
already seen this, but I just wanted to bring the following to
everyone's attention. Bill Dengler has taken his opinion that Vinux is
irrelevant and not needed from the Orca list to the Ubuntu accessibility
community wiki. I make my opinion known below. Given the open nature of
wikis, I'm not sure what any one can do to keep such a personal opinion
from being portrayed as the communities opinion. I also think it's a
shame that Bill Dengler seems to have such a grudge against Vinux. He
seems to have a lot to contribute otherwise. He doesn't call out other
distros though, like Sonar or F123, so there seems to be something
specific about vinux where he feels compelled to tell the world how
irrelevant and unnecessary  it is.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [orca-list] [ubuntu] updated a11y page
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 10:38:03 -0600
From: Christopher Chaltain

I think the statement that Vinux is not needed any more on this page is
inappropriate. I think this is a personal opinion that we already
discussed on this list. If anything, this is the opinion of one person
or a few people and not necessarily the opinion of the entire Ubuntu
accessibility community.

IMHO, Vinux is not irrelevant Of course, you could say that any distro
or flavor is irrelevant or not needed, but distros and flavors spring up
for a reason.

I have a rather long list of steps I follow to get stock Ubuntu to the
point where I can drop it into my production environment, including
changing Makefiles and recompiling. To have this done for me in a distro
makes that distro relevant. IMHO, Ubuntu accessibility is more than just
getting Orca up and running on the desktop.

As I said above, this has already been discussed on this list, and I
think you've been involved in those discussions. I'd suggest reviewing
the archives of this list and that discussion. I'd also suggest taking
this off the Orca list and maybe over to the Ubuntu Accessibility list.
Finally, I'd suggest being receptive to feedback on this content.
On 19/02/13 09:31, Bill Dengler wrote:

How so? I installed Ubuntu 12.10 using a USB flash drive onto this linux
laptop, used it, upgraded it to 13.04, am still using it without issues,
am typing this e-mail on said install, and about to press ctrl+enter and
send it. There was a time when Linux a11y was hard to set up, where
gnome wasn't even fully accessible, where we were using this gnopernicus
screen reader that gave us minimal access etc. Those times we needed a
simple, insert the disk, push a button and start up a talking system
disk. But the standard Ubuntu media with no modifications does this and
does it well, and so Vinux is irrelevant.
On 02/19/2013 10:25 AM, Luke Yelavich wrote:

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 03:18:05PM GMT, Luke Yelavich wrote:

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 02:46:14PM GMT, Bill Dengler wrote:

I updated Ubuntu's a11y page. Does this look correct/current? Do you
suggest anything else?

I don't really think its worth mentioning Vinux on an Ubuntu page. Vinux is not 
really recognised as an official derivative of Ubuntu, and likely never will, 
due to the use of 3rd-party repositories and a development cycle thats not in 
sync with ubuntu, among other things.

And, it could be argued that the blurb about vinux and its relevance or 
otherwise is a matter of personal opinion.

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Re: problems upgrading from 10.10

2012-12-01 Thread krishnakant Mane
YOu won't be able to update that machine because the 10.10 repos have
no more updates, the support is over.
Installing 12.04 would help.
Happy hacking.
On 02/12/2012, Lenny wrote:
 I am using Ubuntu 10.10 on one of my netbooks, and since it keeps reminding

 me to upgrade, I thought I'd do that.
 It seemed to update first, I ran:
 sudo apt-get update
 But when I try to upgrade, it can't seem to get any packages and it fails.
 I am not using a proxy, and I am on-line.
 When I use sighted assistance to go into synaptic package manager, to set it

 to default instead of smart update, under settings, it locks up.
 Any suggestions?


 Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: installing 2012.10

2012-10-31 Thread Krishnakant Mane

How can one update to gnome 3.6 on Sonar?
happy hacking.
On Wednesday 31 October 2012 10:45 PM, Kyle wrote:
Although Ubuntu 12.10 is not considered to be accessible out of the 
box, I believe the installer still works without needing extra help, 
and once installed, you can configure it to use standard GNOME 3.6. 
The recommended Ubuntu for accessibility and eyes-free installation is 
still 12.04 LTS. You could also try one of the Sonar images at
which is based on Ubuntu 12.04 and then update it to run GNOME 3.6. 
Hope this helps.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [orca-list] hud is speaking

2012-05-17 Thread Krishnakant Mane

I have the same experience.
Good to have this working with Orca.
This gives me another reason to stick to precise for at least one more year.
Happy hacking.

On 05/17/2012 02:01 AM, Vojtěch Polášek wrote:

I would like to announce, that HUD is accessible.
  I don't know which update caused it, but it speaks with latest orca
from master, as well as with orca provided in ubuntu repositories.
Just type something and press up or down arrow to get to offered options.
I don't know if it has any other capabilities.
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Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

a suggestion/ idea for a faster file manager

2012-05-12 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Hello all,
Off hand I can't really remember which file manager is used on Adriane 
Knoppix on lxde desktop, but an Idea crossed my mind?
I am not into graphics based library although my programming brain can't 
find a way to unjustify this idea.

Why can't we have that same file manager run on Gnome?
If LXDE does use gtk based things and given that we can use KDE based 
apps on Gnome, why can't we run  the lxde based file manager in Gnome?
Infact if we can get KDE based apps on Gnome, LXDE seems to be a closer 

Any suggestions?
happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

interesting observation about Orca and thunderbird

2012-05-11 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Hello all,

I found an interesting fact about Thunderbird accessibility.
I guess this might be fixed in the next update to tb although I don't 
know why this happens.
When I have an active INTERNET connection, it is but natural that tb 
will connect to the server, google in my case.
After a few seconds the password prompt comes up, but Orca takes about a 
minute or 2 to read the password dialog.
At first I was under the impression that it is thunderbird that takes 
time, but now I know it it is the Orca that reads it late.
I also had a feeling that Orca might be taking time due to the huge list 
of emails in my inbox (6000) at present.
But that might not be true, because once Orca announces the password 
prompt after that delay, I have no particular problems navigating the 
list of emails.

Can any one reproduce this?
Is there some way I can speed this up?
Is this know and will Ubuntu 12.04 have the fix if any available as an 

I ask this because firefox offlate has been behaving so nicely.
Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

more on thunderbird accessibility review

2012-05-10 Thread Krishnakant Mane

hello all,
I have started to review accessibility of Thunderbird again.
As reported yesterday, I did start browsing the emails offline.
Now I have another problem which is known for quite some time.
Yesterday Thunderbird was opening very fast.
But today It has slowed down.
Infact I feel it should have speeded up because now since my inbox is 
off list it does not have to cache every thing at startup.

I have about 5000 mails in my inbox.
Now I get Orca's response about 2 minutes after I start thunderbird.
I have other folders such as archive_2011 which contains 15000 emails 
but I did not choose to download this folder.
Further I have 150 emails in my sent folder and it is  downloaded to the 
local machine just like my inbox.

Any suggestions or explanations?
Lastly, I try sending emails from tb during which I hear the to: field 
properly, but I don't here the cc: when I choose it from the dropdown.

I write an email address in to: then hit enter.
Now Orca should announce the current focus which is the dropdown for to: 
cc: etc.

But nothing is spoken.
I do a guess and press down arrow and then tab.
I type another email id in cc: and tab over to subject.
This time, while I shift + tab to cc: field, Orca not just announces cc: 
but also reads the email address present there.

Can some one reproduce this?
Is some work going on with tb accessibility?
happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Ubuntu 12.10 and beyond, Unity 2D will no longer be maintained.

2012-05-09 Thread Krishnakant Mane

On 05/10/2012 05:58 AM, Luke Yelavich wrote:

On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 03:09:25PM PDT, bando?ers wrote:

So, while I agree that there's no great need for most people to use the 
transitional, (between LTS), releases, but am left with a question.
Does this mean that those who don't have 3d graphics support will be forever 
restricted to precise and back?
Again I don't see this as much of an issue for people now that LTS releases 
will be supported for 5years, and of course hardware is aging as am I. I just 
want to make sure I understand.

How old is the hardware you are currently using? Chances are that you indeed do 
have graphics hardware that has 3D graphics support, and you haven't needed to 
set it up, i.e you have an NVIDIA card that is not capable of rendering 3D 
graphics without installing the proprietary NVIDIA drivers. There are some edge 
cases for specific hardware released in the last 10 years like a handfull of 
netbooks, but modern Linux desktop shells are doing their best to support 3D 
graphics hardware that is 8-9 years old. See my recent email about desktop 
shells and their graphical requirements for more information.

If you are still using hardware that is more than 9 years old, then yes you 
will need to upgrade, unless you switch to XFCE or LXDE, as chances are your 
CPu won't be fast enough to render any desktop at a sufficient speed to be 


Hi all,
I strongly believe that Unity 2D should have existed for much longer.
I guess people are aware that tablets would need such a thing that takes 
less memory.
In any case, if accessibility is broken in Unity 3D? then it is Ubuntu's 
responsibility to fix it up.

For Unity 2D I can only say one thing.
Some one aught to have a ppa for Unity 2D and since Unity is licensed 
under gpl, a community driven team can surely maintain it.
Talking about 3D support, my Thinkpad was taken in 2007 and I am not 
sure if it has 3D card.

Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [orca-list] many thanks to you developers

2012-05-08 Thread Krishnakant mane
Hi Miltan,
So what all keyboard commands you have set?
happy hacking.
On Tue, May 08, 2012 at 05:46:34PM +0200, Milton wrote:
 Hi all,
 Many thanks to all Orca and Ubuntu devlopers. Today after updating my system 
 and define the keys in the keyboard application for alt_f4 alt_tab etc I like 
 to work in Precise Unity 2D with Orca 3.4.1. In LibreOffice Calc I can do my 
 thing, Firefox etc.

 orca-list mailing list
 Visit for more information on Orca.
 The manual is at
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Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Issues with the keys

2012-05-07 Thread krishnakant Mane
The only thing I find irritating these days with 12.04 is that Orca
has a hard time working with nautilus.
If one has to browse through home folder or documents etc, Orca takes
a lot of time to respond to the navigation using arrow keys.
Else all is working fine, at least at my end.
Happy hacking.

On 06/05/2012, Simon Eigeldinger wrote:
 Hi all,

 I noticed the following issue after a while when working on the ubuntu
 12.04 release.
 In Unity 2d and orca 3.4.1 and i also guess on orca 3.4.0.

 After working with the system a while the system starts doing weird
 things with the keyboard. the alt key stops working like key
 combinations like alt+f4 stop to work and all other alt combinations.
 the alt key to open the HUD seems to continue to act as normal.

 Then the next step often is that orca looses its orca modifier key and
 then you have just the chance to partly fix that by restarting the machine.

 Wonder if someone has the same problem and has a fix for that?


 Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

getting login music, forgot the command

2012-04-29 Thread Krishnakant mane
Hello all,
Some days back there was a thread on this list about the login music not 
playing after password is entered.
Some one had posted a command which I have lost.
I tryed to dig my archives, but can't find the email.
Can some one give me the command again?
I had put it in my startup apps and the music used to play,
happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: A little bug, Shutdown menu doesn't work in Unity Greeter

2012-04-27 Thread Krishnakant mane
 think we press alt + f10 to get to the top panel.
Then moving to left takes us to device menu.
Now pressing up arow once will take us to shutdown.
Happy hacking.
On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 01:26:26PM +0200, Hammer Attila wrote:
 Possible everybody already known, Unity Greeter presenting awailable
 indicators in the login screen.
 If an user press F10 key, land the devicemenu indicator, with usual
 have following menu items:
 1. Suspend.
 2. Shut down.
 I found a little bug, with I don't no what the proper component with
 need reporting:
 If an user press ENTER key the shut down menu item, nothing
 happening, the machine is not shutdown, suspend works right. The
 user this situation land back the Unity Greeter screen.
 Why happening this issue?
 The answer is very simple, because the Lightdm user not setted with
 com.canonical.indicator.session suppress-logout-restart-shutdown
 GSettings key with true value.
 This GSettings key determining if an user choosing the devicemenu
 indicator with shutdown, restart or logout menu items, happening a
 confirmation dialog presenting or not before happening the real
 operation. If this GSettings value is false, the confirmation dialog
 is presenting, but this is not happening in Unity Greeter.
 You easy to verify this value with LightDm user with following
 commands, and possible changing temporary with this setting to true
 value if you want work the shutdown menu item in Unity Greeter until
 this bug is not fixed:
 1. Verify actual value in terminal with following command:
 sudo -u lightdm dbus-launch --exit-with-session gsettings get
 com.canonical.indicator.session suppress-logout-restart-shutdown
 If the returned value is false, do next step.
 2. Setting the required true value to work shutdown menu in Unity Greeter:
 sudo -u lightdm dbus-launch --exit-with-session gsettings set
 com.canonical.indicator.session suppress-logout-restart-shutdown
 3. If you want, do the first step to verify the change is happened right.
 After this, you need logging out if you want testing the new change.
 My machine if I click shutdown menu, the system shutdowning right in
 Unity Greeter too.
 Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Routing Orca's focus to mouse pointer

2012-04-26 Thread Krishnakant mane
Oince I started to use mutt as my mail client, I have been looking for this 
feature as well.
happy hacking.
, Apr 26, 2012 at 05:03:32PM -0600, Jeremy Lincicome wrote:
 Hi list,
 I am helping a new user to set up his Ubuntu box, and I was
 wondering if there is a shortcut to route Orca to where the mouse
 pointer currently is. The user is looking for a read from pointer
 type feature, whereby Orca reads from the current location such as a
 block of text. This would be the reverse of routing the mouse to
 where Orca is currently. If there are any partially sighted users
 who understand what the user is trying to accomplish, please respond
 with any workarounds.
 Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: ubuntu 12.04 daily - my impressions

2012-04-18 Thread Krishnakant mane

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 06:14:45AM -0300, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
 Related to your problem running gedit as sudo, try rename  the file
 /etc/sudoers.d/a11y-sudo to /etc/sudoers.d/a11y-sudo.bak.
 On 04/18/2012 04:15 AM, Vojtěch Polášek wrote:
 Yesterday, I have successfully installed ubuntu 12.04 daily (probably
 version from April 17th.
 I am very satisfied with the way, in which the accessibility was done, I
 haven't encountered any glitches during installation, I used external
 harddrive, bootloader has been installed correctly. I am using ubuntu
 2D session, I suppose this is Unity 2D. It seems fairly accessible to
 me, but I need some things to be clarified.
 I have encountered only one crash of unity 2D, and installed all
 available updates, even tried Skype and was able to read EULA and login
 screen without any problems. I have downloaded latest orca master
 (3.5.X), compiled and installed using checkinstall.
 I have tried firefox without any visible problems, gedit, totem, rhythm box.
 I have encountered these problems:
 1. Orca has problems with tabs in windows like orca preferences. To
 a) open orca preferences
 b) move with tab several controls forward
 c) using shift+tab move backward, untill you reach general tab.
 d) press left or right arrow - you will skip to some control, but the
 tab won't change.
 e) use tab to cycle through all controls and find general tab again.
 f) press arrow and now it works.
 Try this on any dialog with tabs.
 2. I had some problems when setting up manual IPv4 configuration for my
 wireless network. When I typed IP address, i couldn't move to any other
 fields, I had to use flat rewiev to get out of it and finish my
 3. I have a suspicion, that orca doesn't read refreshing text in gnome
 terminal - during installation of packages or whatever, but I don't have
 reliable way of reproducing it.
 4. In Libreoffice, Orca reads always the previous line and then two
 times current line. However, when I changed verbosity for soffice to
 brief, it stopped. When I changed it back to verbose, it was normal as
 well, so for now I can't reproduce it.
 5. This is not a bug but just warning - the shortcut for showing desktop
 has been changed after full upgrade to ctrl+super+d.
 6. Whe I tried to run gedit as root in gnome terminal, it showed - no
 display could be found. Whats this?
 Now I would like you to help me to clarify some misunderstandings:
 1. What are those dash, HUD, menu etc... I am confused.
 When I press Super key, i can search applications, files etc. good. Is
 there any way of dislpaying applications in categories like in gnome?
 When i press alt+F1, i have some menu with applications and there are
 mounted file systems shown towards the bottom of it.
 When I press alt+F2, it is something like run dialog, ok.
 When I press alt, HUD is not speaking.
 The menu using alt-f10 is working nicely.
 I am quite confused.
 2. Should I try latest gnome (3.4) on this system? It is system for pure
 testing, so no problem. Is it worth trying?
 Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Will the latest orca release be in the daily build iso

2012-04-16 Thread krishnakant Mane
Hello all,
After reading Joanie's email and looking at the tuns of errors we have
managed to fix, I would strongly recommend Ubuntu guys to include this
version (3.4.1) in the next daily build of Ubuntu.
Luke, would that be the case by default?
in that case please ignore my email.
Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: discovered that calc is not as good with orca during data entry

2012-04-12 Thread krishnakant Mane
Hi dave,

Which means it is clear.
I must upgrade Orca.
I will get 3.4 so would upgrade.
happy hacking.

On 12/04/2012, Dave Hunt wrote:

 +1 for the Libreoffice quick starter!  I'm not sure whether this helps,
 but, I happen to be using orca, pulled from Master this morning; I think
 it's 3.5.1pre.  Using 'orca+r' for 'row header' and 'orca+a' for 'read
 focused cell', work great!  I seem to have calc working as well as it
 did under Trisquel 5.5, after I updated Office to 3.5, and Orca to 3.3.4.



 On 04/11/2012 02:38 PM, krishnakant Mane wrote:
 Hello and thanks to Attila, Dave Andy etc.
 Sure enough, after having the quickstart checked as instructed I have
 all office softwares like calc loading faster.
 But I am afraid, nothing more has come out from this change.
 The problems of row header not getting set with capslok +r still
 persists along with all the problems I reported.
 I have 12.04 updated till date so that can't be the reason.
 Should I also update my Orca version?
 it is currently at 3.4.0

 happy hacking.

 On 11/04/2012, Dave  wrote:
 'tools-options-memory', in any Libreoffice app,  to enable the quick
 start.  When that's done, restart system.  I think you will like the
 improved responsiveness, over-all, and the renewed usability of Calc.



 On 04/11/2012 11:44 AM, krishnakant Mane wrote:
 Hello all,
 Can some one tell me where is the preferences dialog in libre office
 calc (or any office software ) and which tab has the quickstart
 Happy hacking.

 On 11/04/2012, Hammer   wrote:
 Hy Krisnakant,

 This is a timing issue I think with at-spi2 and Orca related, some time
 Orca not loading right scripts for some apps with first start. This
 situation forexample not loaded right the Soffice script when you
 launched with the Libreoffice Calc application, and want handling the
 default Orca script the events.
 The cell coordinates related problem is I think following bug, I
 reported earlier:

 Have an another issue with Orca/Libreoffice Writer, this is a timing
 issue too I think:
 Some time Orca all text caret movement spokening text field related
 tutorial message, this is following bug with not fixed yet:

 I have got following experiences:
 If I enabling the Libreoffice quick start function in Libreoffice
 preferences/memory page, this problems are doesn't happening my
 and Libreoffice apps start more faster. If your machine have for
 1 GB of ram, feel free use this possibility.
 If you don't want this, for example calc try you uncheck the formula
 toolbar menu item in view menu. This change resulting you hopefuly will
 be hear cell coordinates, and doesn't presenting type text frame role
 when you typing the cells.
 If this is not help with first Libreoffice Calc start, simple restart
 Orca, and cell coordinates are right spokened, my machine this is
 resolve the calc related problem.

 I tested now dinamic row header function, works good.
 I simple fill the first row with wanted column headers, and pressed
 modifier+r keystroke.
 After this, I moving between cells the second row, and typed some
 contents. When I move the prewious or next cell, Orca right spokened
 proper column header.
 Possible you not working this function because when you tryed happened
 your machine this timing issue related bug.


 Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

 Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: no login sound in 12.04

2012-04-11 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 11/04/2012, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
 Doesn't Orca usually come up talking when you log on? I agree it's good
 to turn on the log on sound, but I'm not sure how critical it is, and
 I'm not sure the Ubuntu Accessibility team needs to tell us something we
 can look up or figure out for ourselves.
Orca comes up talking, but then after entering the password how one
knows if the login process is complete and the desktop has come up?
with the logon sound, we have a queue which acts like kind of mile stone.
for example on my machine it is 3 seconds after the sound fades that
desktop is totally up.
Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

discovered that calc is not as good with orca during data entry

2012-04-11 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
I just tryed using calc for some important work and I was a bit disappointed.
firstly i pressed capslok + r for setting the row header.
But that feature does not work like it used to in older versions.
Note that for a blind person this is really crutial because 20 or 30
rows down the line, I aught to remember in which column I am typing.
Hereing name b50, address c50 ...  is really necessary as there is
no time to always go up the rows and read the headers.
Secondly, when I type in cells the experience is really bad to say the least.
type in a cell and try moving to the next one, coordinates are not
read properly.
This also happens when you move out of the merge area.
Further more the command capslok + a does not read the content of the cell.
Can some one take serious note of this?
It might be an orca problem which won't worry me, since we all know
the credibility and sincearity of people like Joanie.
But if this is a calc issue, I don't know how long it will take to fix.
Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: discovered that calc is not as good with orca during data entry

2012-04-11 Thread krishnakant Mane
Hello all,
Can some one tell me where is the preferences dialog in libre office
calc (or any office software ) and which tab has the quickstart
Happy hacking.

On 11/04/2012, Hammer Attila wrote:
 Hy Krisnakant,

 This is a timing issue I think with at-spi2 and Orca related, some time
 Orca not loading right scripts for some apps with first start. This
 situation forexample not loaded right the Soffice script when you
 launched with the Libreoffice Calc application, and want handling the
 default Orca script the events.
 The cell coordinates related problem is I think following bug, I
 reported earlier:

 Have an another issue with Orca/Libreoffice Writer, this is a timing
 issue too I think:
 Some time Orca all text caret movement spokening text field related
 tutorial message, this is following bug with not fixed yet:

 I have got following experiences:
 If I enabling the Libreoffice quick start function in Libreoffice
 preferences/memory page, this problems are doesn't happening my machine,
 and Libreoffice apps start more faster. If your machine have for example
 1 GB of ram, feel free use this possibility.
 If you don't want this, for example calc try you uncheck the formula
 toolbar menu item in view menu. This change resulting you hopefuly will
 be hear cell coordinates, and doesn't presenting type text frame role
 when you typing the cells.
 If this is not help with first Libreoffice Calc start, simple restart
 Orca, and cell coordinates are right spokened, my machine this is always
 resolve the calc related problem.

 I tested now dinamic row header function, works good.
 I simple fill the first row with wanted column headers, and pressed Orca
 modifier+r keystroke.
 After this, I moving between cells the second row, and typed some
 contents. When I move the prewious or next cell, Orca right spokened the
 proper column header.
 Possible you not working this function because when you tryed happened
 your machine this timing issue related bug.


 Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: discovered that calc is not as good with orca during data entry

2012-04-11 Thread krishnakant Mane
Hello and thanks to Attila, Dave Andy etc.
Sure enough, after having the quickstart checked as instructed I have
all office softwares like calc loading faster.
But I am afraid, nothing more has come out from this change.
The problems of row header not getting set with capslok +r still
persists along with all the problems I reported.
I have 12.04 updated till date so that can't be the reason.
Should I also update my Orca version?
it is currently at 3.4.0

happy hacking.

On 11/04/2012, Dave Hunt wrote:
 'tools-options-memory', in any Libreoffice app,  to enable the quick
 start.  When that's done, restart system.  I think you will like the
 improved responsiveness, over-all, and the renewed usability of Calc.



 On 04/11/2012 11:44 AM, krishnakant Mane wrote:
 Hello all,
 Can some one tell me where is the preferences dialog in libre office
 calc (or any office software ) and which tab has the quickstart
 Happy hacking.

 On 11/04/2012, Hammer  wrote:
 Hy Krisnakant,

 This is a timing issue I think with at-spi2 and Orca related, some time
 Orca not loading right scripts for some apps with first start. This
 situation forexample not loaded right the Soffice script when you
 launched with the Libreoffice Calc application, and want handling the
 default Orca script the events.
 The cell coordinates related problem is I think following bug, I
 reported earlier:

 Have an another issue with Orca/Libreoffice Writer, this is a timing
 issue too I think:
 Some time Orca all text caret movement spokening text field related
 tutorial message, this is following bug with not fixed yet:

 I have got following experiences:
 If I enabling the Libreoffice quick start function in Libreoffice
 preferences/memory page, this problems are doesn't happening my machine,
 and Libreoffice apps start more faster. If your machine have for example
 1 GB of ram, feel free use this possibility.
 If you don't want this, for example calc try you uncheck the formula
 toolbar menu item in view menu. This change resulting you hopefuly will
 be hear cell coordinates, and doesn't presenting type text frame role
 when you typing the cells.
 If this is not help with first Libreoffice Calc start, simple restart
 Orca, and cell coordinates are right spokened, my machine this is always
 resolve the calc related problem.

 I tested now dinamic row header function, works good.
 I simple fill the first row with wanted column headers, and pressed Orca
 modifier+r keystroke.
 After this, I moving between cells the second row, and typed some
 contents. When I move the prewious or next cell, Orca right spokened the
 proper column header.
 Possible you not working this function because when you tryed happened
 your machine this timing issue related bug.


 Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

 Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Tales of 2d Unity

2012-04-06 Thread krishnakant Mane
Hi Dave,
Happy to know that you got a better experience with Unity this time.
With cut copy paste, I have one suggestion.
Why can't we have orca responding cut to clipboard or copy to
clipboard  when we cut or copy and pasted from clipboard  when we
paist it.

Happy hacking.

On 06/04/2012, Dave Hunt wrote:

 I did some playing with a flash drive installation of Ubuntu 12.04, as
 released on 05-April, and had the best Unity-2d session yet, though did
 manage to crash the shell 3 times.  With each shell crash, I could have
 the shell automatically relaunch.  All crashes are reported in launchpad.

 When my system starts, it automatically logs in as the user Ubuntu.  Orca
 is supposed to start on login, but this does not seem to happen, though,
 perhaps, it is attempted?  I always have to start Orca manually, after
 waiting for the complete desktop to be present.  When Orca is fully
 running, I discover that the shell had crashed, and have the bug report
 form available, with the 'close' and 'relaunch' buttons.  When I hit
 'relaunch, I can use the pre-loaded browser to fill the form, and
 continue.  From this point, the shell restarts, and appears to run as
 expected.  That is, I have access to the menus at all times, The dash and
 launcher seem to keep wirking.  I even added some items to the launcher,
 and their shortcuts persist.  I tried to use the heads-up display to find
 something on my hard drive, which is mounted in the '/media' directory,
 (confirmed by directory listing in terminal).  I believe a single press
 and release of the 'alt' key is how one is supposed to do this?  It
 resulted in a Unity shell crash, again, filed, using aport, and launchpad.
 The Unity shell relaunched and was usable, again, until I shut the system
 down normally.

 My experience with browsing attempts in the hud does lead me to another
 question.  In my installed Trisquel system, I have a 'network' place, that
 shows me the other machines on my local network, and lets me login, using
 sftp.  I get a nice Nautilus display of the directories I'm allowed to
 see, with cut, copy, paste, and so on, options, as if these sites were
 local folders.  I've never found a way to see these things in Unity, past
 or present.  Anyone know how to do this?

 I'm not sure whether I'm ready to turn this machine into a pangalin just
 yet, but I'm feeling a lot better about Unity-2d than I did yesterday at
 this time.  A switch may be the easiest and best way to keep my
 accessibility stack current.  Trisquel's 6 months behind, though, solid.
 Maybe I can run Classic Gnome, in 12.04, and have the best option?



 Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: I reported a caret navigation related issue with checkbox application

2012-04-04 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Which daily build contains this bug?
I think since all major things are working pritty fine, this would be 
quite easy to sort out.
I will have some good internet connection tomorrow so would download the 
daily build for sure.

Happy hacking.

On 04/04/12 20:24, Hammer Attila wrote:


Nnow in Ubuntu Precise the checkbox-qt package are default installed.
Both the QT interface and the old GTK interface the readonly textview 
widgets the caret navigation are disabled, Orca doesn't speak selected 
lines with arrow key movements.
I reported this issue in Launchpad, and attached a beginning patch 
with the GTK interface:

In the GTK interface the caret navigation already work, but the new 
textview widget the cursor lands default with end of the textview 

In QT interface I not have ydea how can possible resolving the caret 
navigation related issue. In Ubuntu 12.04 with qt-at-spi 
0.2.0-0ubuntu1 version are packaged.
Not this is the latest upstream stable version with are fixed text 
entryes related issues (for example spokening deleted characters, etc)?


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Ubuntu 12.04, live desktop sessions, and Orca.

2012-04-03 Thread Krishnakant Mane
So this is what we all hoped and it is the best that could happen in the 
recent times.

Thanks for coordinating this and getting it done.
I see more and more progress happening with Ubuntu and Unity 2d for 
Can I just update my existing installation on 4th april to get the same 
effect, or is it necessary to actualy download the new daily build?

Happy hacking.

On 03/04/12 07:18, Luke Yelavich wrote:

Hey folks,
 From reading a few emails on both the Ubuntu accessibility list and the Orca 
list, I saw many users reporting that when they enabled Orca after live CD startup 
and then chose to try Ubuntu, that they were taken into a Unity 3D session, which 
as we all know, is not as accessible as Unity 2D, which is what should load. I'm 
happy to report that I have reproduced the bug, and have also found a fix. This 
fix should be in the next daily build of Ubuntu 12.04, which is to be the April 4, 
2012 build. If people could please download this daily build, enable Orca at 
startup as usual, and choose Try Ubuntu, that would be appreciated. You should now 
be taken into a Unity 2D session. Please let me know if this is not the case for 


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: My Trouble Starting Ubuntu 12.04?

2012-04-02 Thread Krishnakant Mane

hi Dave,
Wondering what has gone wrong?
I tryed my usb pen drive both on a netbook and on a machine with I5 
processor with 3 gb ram.

My netbook has 2gb ram.
I made the disk with a sighted assistant using the USB startup disk creater.
I absolutely have no problems.
I hear the drums sound.
As I mentioned before, I wait for about 3 or 4 minutes and select try 
Ubuntu by just pressing tab and then enter.
I again do some guessing and then I press alt + f2 and type orca and hit 

Now just logout and I get the drum sound.
Press ctrl + s and wait for a minute or so and you will hear Orca start 
talking and every thing is fine from now.

I press tab, then enter followed by shift + tab to hear Orca say unity 2dd.
Again press enter to select it and come back to username.
type Ubuntu and press enter.
Hit enter for password.
Here I don't get the login music.
I am pritty sure though that it does not take more than 15 seconds and I 
again press alt +f2 and type orca and enter.

Now I get all accessibility on Unity 2d.
Happy hacking.

On 02/04/12 21:06, Dave Hunt wrote:

Yah, I know, I said I'm giving up, but have trouble doing that.  LOL.

When I put 12.04 onto a flash drive, I used the unetbootin program, 
and gave the system as much persistent space as the drive's capacity 
will allow.  When I start the resulting system, I never get the chance 
to choose an accessible session (no drums or music ever sound).  
Should I do something differently when making the usb system?I 
start with the Precise desktop, found in the dailylive directory.  
Below is how I invoke unetbootin to make this system (ignore line 

Any thoughts?


sudo unetbootin method=diskimage 
isofile=/home/dave/Downloads/precise-desktop-i386.iso installtype=USB 
targetdrive=/dev/sdb persistentspace= autoinstall=yes

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: My Trouble Starting Ubuntu 12.04?

2012-04-02 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Hi Charlie,
YOu are right, when the try Ubuntu screen comes I get the drum sound.
And since I had pressed ctrl + s during the first drum sound, I get Orca 
talking every time I use the bootable pen drive.

I even here it tell me details about Try Ubuntu screen.
Happy hacking.

On 02/04/12 21:55, Charlie Kravetz wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 2 Apr 2012 11:36:07 -0400 (EDT)
Dave  wrote:

Yah, I know, I said I'm giving up, but have trouble doing that.  LOL.

When I put 12.04 onto a flash drive, I used the unetbootin program, and
gave the system as much persistent space as the drive's capacity will
allow.  When I start the resulting system, I never get the chance to
choose an accessible session (no drums or music ever sound).  Should I do
something differently when making the usb system?I start with the
Precise desktop, found in the dailylive directory.  Below is how I invoke
unetbootin to make this system (ignore line breaks).

Any thoughts?


sudo unetbootin method=diskimage
isofile=/home/dave/Downloads/precise-desktop-i386.iso installtype=USB
targetdrive=/dev/sdb persistentspace= autoinstall=yes

It looks to me like you are installing to the USB drive, instead of
writing the image to it to install later. The drums sound when using
the live session, before it is installed to any drive. When the screen
Try Ubuntu Install Ubuntu comes up, the drums should sound. Hitting
Ctrl+s after those drums starts Orca and allows a screen-reader install.

I could be wrong, since I don't use USB drives to do any installations.
I only run them from CD-r.

- -- 
Charlie Kravetz

Linux Registered User Number 425914  []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [orca-list] lots of things working great with the April 1St daily build

2012-04-01 Thread Krishnakant Mane

On 01/04/12 22:47, Dave Hunt wrote:


That's great news re:  the 01-April daily build of Ubuntu 12.04.  How 
do you get Unity 2D as your desktop?  Do you run this as a flash drive 
installation?  Do you do the install in 3d, then change it after login?

I have the trouble coming my way only first time.

Basically, I have it on my pen drive but soon to be installed on my netbook.
Actually when I booted the pen drive for the first time, I waited for 
the drums to sound which they did.

Then I pressed ctrl + s for the speech.
I waited for the desktop to come after I selected try Ubuntu.
As you might be aware you got to press tab once after the first screen 
on live boot comes up.

But then the trouble started.
I had to do some guess work and after I was sure that the desktop had 
come up, I pressed alt + f2 and typed orca.

sure enough, Orca started.
But mind you we get the unity 3d desktop by default.
So naturally menus and all won't speak.
Yet, I pressed alt +f10 and got orca to read the menus.
But if you don't get the same result, just press the super key and type 
log and press down arrow 2 times.

Hit enter.
Now you logout
Again the drums will sound and Orca will speak.
Press the tab key once and hit enter.
you will get the choices for the session login.
Press shift + tab and you will hear Orca say unity 2d
press enter and come back to the username entry field.
Type ubuntu for the username and hit enter.
now just press enter for password.
Wait for 5 or 10 seconds and just start orca using the alt + f2 method.
This time sure enough. orca will speak all as I had mentioned in my 
previous email.

Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [orca-list] lots of things working great with the April 1St daily build

2012-04-01 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Hi Justin,
I was actually thinking on putting it on my blog.
I will actually do so in the morning.
Right now I am travelling in rural part of Maharashtra, a state in India.
I am going to give a hands-on demo on Ubuntu 12.04 as a big 
univercity in that area is shifting to foss and like many institutes 
they consult me.
I will have some more inputs when I do it in the morning and in the 
process I will also know some more good or bad things about accessibility.

Then we can surely make this into a document.
Happy hacking.

On 02/04/12 00:12, Justin Harford wrote:

Possibly a redundant request, but will this information be available on a blog 
or wiki so that when we go to install it ourselves, we can read about what to 
expect and what to do to make things work?

It would be cool even if the below email were just copied on to a wiki under 
installing 12.04 with speech or something.

Justin Harford
On Apr 1, 2012, at 11:16 AM, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

On 01/04/12 22:47, Dave Hunt wrote:


That's great news re:  the 01-April daily build of Ubuntu 12.04.  How do you 
get Unity 2D as your desktop?  Do you run this as a flash drive installation?  
Do you do the install in 3d, then change it after login?

I have the trouble coming my way only first time.

Basically, I have it on my pen drive but soon to be installed on my netbook.
Actually when I booted the pen drive for the first time, I waited for the drums 
to sound which they did.
Then I pressed ctrl + s for the speech.
I waited for the desktop to come after I selected try Ubuntu.
As you might be aware you got to press tab once after the first screen on live 
boot comes up.
But then the trouble started.
I had to do some guess work and after I was sure that the desktop had come up, 
I pressed alt + f2 and typed orca.
sure enough, Orca started.
But mind you we get the unity 3d desktop by default.
So naturally menus and all won't speak.
Yet, I pressed alt +f10 and got orca to read the menus.
But if you don't get the same result, just press the super key and type log and 
press down arrow 2 times.
Hit enter.
Now you logout
Again the drums will sound and Orca will speak.
Press the tab key once and hit enter.
you will get the choices for the session login.
Press shift + tab and you will hear Orca say unity 2d
press enter and come back to the username entry field.
Type ubuntu for the username and hit enter.
now just press enter for password.
Wait for 5 or 10 seconds and just start orca using the alt + f2 method.
This time sure enough. orca will speak all as I had mentioned in my previous 
Happy hacking.

orca-list mailing list
Visit for more information on Orca.
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Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

any review for Orca with Ubuntu precise beta 2

2012-03-30 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Has any one tryed the latest Ubuntu precise beta2?
I remember that people had reported Unity 2d having issues with Orca not 
reading out the menus with alt + f1 and the launcher?

Is it a reality, did somme one manage to reproduce the issue?
if yes, what is the current status?
Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [orca-list] any review for Orca with Ubuntu precise beta 2

2012-03-30 Thread Krishnakant Mane

This is very serious and I think Canonical is really letting us down.
It seems they are not as serious about accessibility as they used to be.
I won't download the beta2 in this case.
Actually I am in some rural part of India and bandwidth is not good 
enough for downloading the ISO.
That's why I asked for the review and if this is what it comes to then I 
think I and many others will have to give up Ubuntu unless these crutial 
things are taken care of.
I guess many blind users had infact liked Unity2d and were prepared to 
But if accessibility is really broken to this extent then I wonder what 
to expect.
I have a daily build of Ubuntu 12.04 on a pen drive and it really works 
so well that I was hoping to use a very accessible desktop from this summer.

Hope this is taken care of soon before the release.
It gives me a feeling that this is a very trivial issue for the 
developers of Unity to solve, because it was all working perfectly just 
a few days back.

Happy hacking.

On 30/03/12 20:32, Dave Hunt wrote:


I tried the Precise beta 2, and could not get the thing to use 
Unity-2d. When I boot the thing, the login prompt drums never sound, 
and I never hear the music one is supposed to hear on the Gnome 
session start.  I can start orca manually.  Once I have orca running, 
I discover that the 'alt-f1' keystroke is silent, and there is no 
apparent navigation in the launcher.  A press of 'alt-tab' is also 
silent.  Focus does switch apps, but there is no way to know until I 
release the keys, and, even then, orca may get confused or go silent.  
The 'alt-f2' keyboard shortcut for 'show run dialogue' is disabled, as 
shown in the gnome-control-center 'keyboard' page.  I think a press of 
'alt+f2' actually puts focus in the heads-up display, and my typing 
'orca' into the search area just happened to start the app. Enabling 
the 'run' dialogue, in keyboard shortcuts, does not help.  So, I 
opened  terminal on my flash drive session, and edited 
'/var/lib/AccountsService/users/ubuntu' and 
'/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf', changing 'ubuntu' to 'ubuntu-2d', as I 
could do on an installed system, and tried a reboot.  This results in 
a system that will not boot.  True to form, for Canonical, they broke 
accessibility for this up-coming release.



On Fri, 30 Mar 2012, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

Has any one tryed the latest Ubuntu precise beta2?
I remember that people had reported Unity 2d having issues with Orca 
not reading out the menus with alt + f1 and the launcher?

Is it a reality, did somme one manage to reproduce the issue?
if yes, what is the current status?
Happy hacking.

orca-list mailing list
Visit for more information on Orca.
The manual is at

The FAQ is at
Log bugs and feature requests at
Find out how to help at

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [orca-list] any review for Orca with Ubuntu precise beta 2

2012-03-30 Thread Krishnakant Mane

This is quite possible and I really hope it is the case.
As a matter of fact, all things were so well that I can hardly believe 
that it could be broken.
'But yes, there is a lot of hast during the final beta release, because 
after this one, we will just have the Rc before the final version.

So hope things will get better.
We have a very dedicated Luke who has almost always got things right 
when it came to Ubuntu.

Happy hacking.

On 30/03/12 21:33, Christopher Chaltain wrote:

Remember this is still a beta. I'm not familiar with the Ubuntu
development team or community, but if it's similar to other development
projects I've been involved with, there's probably a big push to get
things fixed and addressed right up until beta 2 is released, so there
will be an initial up tick in bugs. This isn't accessibility related but
just naturally what happens when any significant amount of code is
changed. Now we need to ensure issues are reported, bugs are opened and
these issues get addressed before Ubuntu 12.04 is released.

On 30/03/12 10:38, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

This is very serious and I think Canonical is really letting us down.
It seems they are not as serious about accessibility as they used to be.
I won't download the beta2 in this case.
Actually I am in some rural part of India and bandwidth is not good
enough for downloading the ISO.
That's why I asked for the review and if this is what it comes to then I
think I and many others will have to give up Ubuntu unless these crutial
things are taken care of.
I guess many blind users had infact liked Unity2d and were prepared to
But if accessibility is really broken to this extent then I wonder what
to expect.
I have a daily build of Ubuntu 12.04 on a pen drive and it really works
so well that I was hoping to use a very accessible desktop from this
Hope this is taken care of soon before the release.
It gives me a feeling that this is a very trivial issue for the
developers of Unity to solve, because it was all working perfectly just
a few days back.
Happy hacking.

On 30/03/12 20:32, Dave Hunt wrote:


I tried the Precise beta 2, and could not get the thing to use
Unity-2d. When I boot the thing, the login prompt drums never sound,
and I never hear the music one is supposed to hear on the Gnome
session start.  I can start orca manually.  Once I have orca running,
I discover that the 'alt-f1' keystroke is silent, and there is no
apparent navigation in the launcher.  A press of 'alt-tab' is also
silent.  Focus does switch apps, but there is no way to know until I
release the keys, and, even then, orca may get confused or go silent.
The 'alt-f2' keyboard shortcut for 'show run dialogue' is disabled, as
shown in the gnome-control-center 'keyboard' page.  I think a press of
'alt+f2' actually puts focus in the heads-up display, and my typing
'orca' into the search area just happened to start the app. Enabling
the 'run' dialogue, in keyboard shortcuts, does not help.  So, I
opened  terminal on my flash drive session, and edited
'/var/lib/AccountsService/users/ubuntu' and
'/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf', changing 'ubuntu' to 'ubuntu-2d', as I
could do on an installed system, and tried a reboot.  This results in
a system that will not boot.  True to form, for Canonical, they broke
accessibility for this up-coming release.



On Fri, 30 Mar 2012, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

Has any one tryed the latest Ubuntu precise beta2?
I remember that people had reported Unity 2d having issues with Orca
not reading out the menus with alt + f1 and the launcher?
Is it a reality, did somme one manage to reproduce the issue?
if yes, what is the current status?
Happy hacking.

orca-list mailing list
Visit for more information on Orca.
The manual is at
The FAQ is at
Log bugs and feature requests at
Find out how to help at

orca-list mailing list
Visit for more information on Orca.
The manual is at
The FAQ is at
Log bugs and feature requests at
Find out how to help at

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [orca-list] any review for Orca with Ubuntu precise beta 2

2012-03-30 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Hi Thomas,
I have a little confusion when talking about Gnome3.
I wish to know if we set the default to Gnome3, do we get the gnome 
shell or the old time menu of application, places and system like in Gnome2?

What is exactly Gnome classic?
Happy hacking.

On 31/03/12 00:38, Thomas Ward wrote:


Well, I think the accessibility issues in beta 2 are temporary. As 
long as we file bugs with launchpad and let them know what has 
happened they should be able to correct the problem as access was 
working with beta 1 fairly well. Assuming they fix said bugs I'll 
probably switch to Unity 2D as the access we had a few days ago was 
acceptable if not exceptional.

Even if they don't fix Unity 2D its not the end of the world. Gnome 3 
is working decently and it is a fairly simple matter to install and 
configure Gnome for Ubuntu 12.04. Just set your default desktop to 
gnome-classic and you are in business.


On 3/30/2012 11:38 AM, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

This is very serious and I think Canonical is really letting us down.
It seems they are not as serious about accessibility as they used to be.
I won't download the beta2 in this case.
Actually I am in some rural part of India and bandwidth is not good 
enough for downloading the ISO.
That's why I asked for the review and if this is what it comes to 
then I think I and many others will have to give up Ubuntu unless 
these crutial things are taken care of.
I guess many blind users had infact liked Unity2d and were prepared 
to shift.
But if accessibility is really broken to this extent then I wonder 
what to expect.
I have a daily build of Ubuntu 12.04 on a pen drive and it really 
works so well that I was hoping to use a very accessible desktop from 
this summer.

Hope this is taken care of soon before the release.
It gives me a feeling that this is a very trivial issue for the 
developers of Unity to solve, because it was all working perfectly 
just a few days back.

Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [orca-list] any review for Orca with Ubuntu precise beta 2

2012-03-30 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Hi Dave,
On 31/03/12 10:48, Dave Hunt wrote:
When ou use Gnome classic, you get the old-fashioned menus, like 
'places', 'accessories', 'internet', 'sound and media', etc.  a press 
of 'super+d' will minimize all apps, and put your on the desktop, 
which is just another folder under Gnome 3.  For setting system 
preferences, you'll still use the gnome-control-center app; it's 
'system settings' in Trisquel 5.5.  I like having all these settings 
grouped in this way.  Typing a filter string will show you only the 
icons with matching names.

So is this an enhancement in addition to the old menus?

Typing a filter string is very much like the Unity's launcher I guess?  
And if so this means we have the best of all approaches.

Happy hacking.



On Sat, 31 Mar 2012, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

Hi Thomas,
I have a little confusion when talking about Gnome3.
I wish to know if we set the default to Gnome3, do we get the gnome 
shell or the old time menu of application, places and system like in 

What is exactly Gnome classic?
Happy hacking.

On 31/03/12 00:38, Thomas Ward wrote:


Well, I think the accessibility issues in beta 2 are temporary. As 
long as we file bugs with launchpad and let them know what has 
happened they should be able to correct the problem as access was 
working with beta 1 fairly well. Assuming they fix said bugs I'll 
probably switch to Unity 2D as the access we had a few days ago was 
acceptable if not exceptional.

Even if they don't fix Unity 2D its not the end of the world. Gnome 
3 is working decently and it is a fairly simple matter to install 
and configure Gnome for Ubuntu 12.04. Just set your default desktop 
to gnome-classic and you are in business.


On 3/30/2012 11:38 AM, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

This is very serious and I think Canonical is really letting us down.
It seems they are not as serious about accessibility as they used 
to be.

I won't download the beta2 in this case.
Actually I am in some rural part of India and bandwidth is not good 
enough for downloading the ISO.
That's why I asked for the review and if this is what it comes to 
then I think I and many others will have to give up Ubuntu unless 
these crutial things are taken care of.
I guess many blind users had infact liked Unity2d and were prepared 
to shift.
But if accessibility is really broken to this extent then I wonder 
what to expect.
I have a daily build of Ubuntu 12.04 on a pen drive and it really 
works so well that I was hoping to use a very accessible desktop 
from this summer.

Hope this is taken care of soon before the release.
It gives me a feeling that this is a very trivial issue for the 
developers of Unity to solve, because it was all working perfectly 
just a few days back.

Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

hardi alpha request for speech dispatcher.

2007-12-22 Thread krishnakant Mane
I would like to know if ubuntu hardy will have speech-dispatcher to
work with orca and espeak?
if this has been already discussed I am really sorry for repeating the
same, but I would strongly recommend that speech-dispatcher be used
for the reasons known to every one specially for those who are
involved in sound editing etc.
and I believe speech-dispatcher is much more light and vary fast as well.
so it will be nice if it is at least included as an option.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

I have ubuntu dvd, will it have all dependencies for building orca?

2007-05-11 Thread krishnakant Mane
I just downloaded ubuntu feisty dvd and was wondering if the following
commands needed for orca building will work without internet
sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-orca and
sudo apt-get install gnome-common
in general I know it needs internet.  but having 4 gb of ubuntu
packages is expected to have all that the above 2 commands download.
My idea is to have a repository of all the packages on my laptop.
like for example I will mount this ubuntu dvd on to a directory.
and then create a repository for the same.
so when I go to a place where there is no internet and if this dvd has
all the orca dependencies, my problem is solved.
basically I am not understanding what is on the ubuntu dvd which is
over and above the cd?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

need an off-line build dep for orca under ubuntu, is it possible?

2007-04-25 Thread krishnakant Mane
in context to the questions asked by mohomad and the answers,  I have
a pritty streight forward question.
I keep on going to schools in some rural areas of India.  and for the
blind people out there, ubuntu with orca seams to me as the best
can some one tell me if I can do an off-line (without internet ) build
and configuration of orca under feisty?
is the build-dep and gnome-common toolchain available on the dvd repository?
what I mean to ask is that if I do sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-orca
with the ubuntu dvd in the /etc/apt/sources.list file, will the build
dependencies be updated without internet connection?
my question also applies to gnome-common.
if that is possible then it will be a great news for all the blind
students studying in the rural side of a few states in India where
internet is still a rare comodity.
if this is not possible with the dvd, what is the other solution?
by the way just out of curosity, can some one tell me the difference
between the ubuntu cd and the dvd?
does the dvd contain a repository of softwares that otherwise need internet?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: need an off-line build dep for orca under ubuntu, is it possible?

2007-04-25 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 25/04/07, Lukas Loehrer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just build a debian binary package of the latest svn revision of orca
 before you go and you can simply install it offline. No need to build
 it from scratch on every machine. Use the current package in Ubuntu as
 a basis for your package.
I did not get what you are trying to suggest.
I know that orca source can be carried any where.
what I am worried is how to simulate the apt-get build-dep gnome-orca
without the internet connection?
I figured out that on my machine which is indeed connected, the
build-dep command downloaded a lot of things.
another problem I find is about apt-get install gnome-common.
how do I work this out?  I will be nice to build a .deb package for
orca but how to get these dependent components off-line on a cd?
can it be so that a deb package is built with all the dependencies
intacked including gnome-common and the dependencies downloaded with

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

can't access the package manager to install softwares, orca not speaking.

2007-04-22 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
I tried using the psynaptec package manager in ubuntu 7.04 with orca.
but after I enter the sudo password for software installation, I don't
get any speach output.
is this a known bug and is there a work arround?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Please provide some updated details.

2007-03-04 Thread krishnakant Mane
so I need to install open office 2.2 on ubuntu 6.10 for best available
accessibility is it right?
if so then will just apt-get install get me the right version?
and as of firefox 3 will I need to setup some thing in my system?
till date I have mostly depended on apt-get so will I get the right
firefox version for orca?
and should I do apt-get install gnome-orca for the latest version of
orca or is it needed to be compiled from source?
I also get the impression that espeak works better with orca as far as
the responsiveness is concerned.  if that is so can some one give me
some steps to get espeak working with orca.
I don't have espeak running on my machine right now but I tested it on
windows and it seams to be very responsive.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Please provide some updated details.

2007-03-01 Thread krishnakant Mane
hi willi,
I am so happy to get such a positive response from you.
well I did not ask on the orca mailing list because I know that my
questions are too stupid for the linux geeks working on orca.
it was very kind of you to answer my questions so patiently and with
such positive frame of mind which I do have for orca.
talking about open office,
which version has the best accessibility?
I am particularly focusing on font information and attributes.
like in jaws I can hear bold on and bold off when I do those actions
on selected text.
in addition I can also get the size of the fonts and whether it is
bold or italics or underline etc.
so kindly tell me which open office version should I use.
I have the ubuntu 6.10 installation for my laptop.
further more I am wondering if we can have 6.06 work good some how with orca?
I am asking this because dapper is long time support and thus rock solid.
the other stupid question I keep on thinking and pondering about is if
I use firefox 2.0 with firevox plugin will it not be accessible enough
to read emails or just surff normal pages?
thanks again for your answers.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Team Meeting -- topic BUGS

2007-02-28 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
I have been a passive listener on the accessibility issue so far.
I am in the process of setting up the second foss based computer
center for the visually handicap people here in India.
In one of the states called karala, it has become the government
policy to use foss based systems thus gnu/linux has become mandatory
in every institution.
well as of now we have had much trouble using orca and time and again
need to switch back to emacspeak.
while emacs and thus emacspeak is a great desktop at the command line
it does have steep learning curve and if one has to take complete
advantage of all the features in emacspeak they have to take lot of
learning trouble which consumes lot of time.
and then it is not a good thing to force every one to work on the
command line every now and then.
any ways coming to the point, I am wondering whether open office
related issues have been fixt for the up coming version of orca and
the main problems were responsiveness and font/ attribute identification.
I had herd from a few people that firefox with firevox plugin worked
well with orca but that never happened in my case.
one of my colligue did use it but after some days when he updated orca
and other little things in ubuntu it stopped working.
so what will be the accessibility status of firefox with ubuntu 7.04?
I really want to contribute my services to the visually challenged
people for accessibility in foss because our government is ready to
provide computers to blind students with 90% discount and the only
condition is that they will require to use foss based solutions.
I have been given the responsibility to see to it that things are
working fine in all institutes in my state and that's the reason I am
bothering all of you with my questions.
thanks and regards.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Please provide some updated details.

2007-02-28 Thread krishnakant Mane
I am so sorry to post on the wrong thread.  so I am posting with new
subject line.  my email follows.
I have been a passive listener on the accessibility issue so far.
I am in the process of setting up the second foss based computer
center for the visually handicap people here in India.
In one of the states called karala, it has become the government
policy to use foss based systems thus gnu/linux has become mandatory
in every institution.
well as of now we have had much trouble using orca and time and again
need to switch back to emacspeak.
while emacs and thus emacspeak is a great desktop at the command line
it does have steep learning curve and if one has to take complete
advantage of all the features in emacspeak they have to take lot of
learning trouble which consumes lot of time.
and then it is not a good thing to force every one to work on the
command line every now and then.
any ways coming to the point, I am wondering whether open office
related issues have been fixt for the up coming version of orca and
the main problems were responsiveness and font/ attribute identification.
I had herd from a few people that firefox with firevox plugin worked
well with orca but that never happened in my case.
one of my colligue did use it but after some days when he updated orca
and other little things in ubuntu it stopped working.
so what will be the accessibility status of firefox with ubuntu 7.04?
I really want to contribute my services to the visually challenged
people for accessibility in foss because our government is ready to
provide computers to blind students with 90% discount and the only
condition is that they will require to use foss based solutions.
I have been given the responsibility to see to it that things are
working fine in all institutes in my state and that's the reason I am
bothering all of you with my questions.
thanks and regards.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: installing the server cd

2006-10-31 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 31/10/06, mike coulombe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, how hard is it to install the server CD.
 I have a computer I want to use as a server.
 Also is there a way to get a screen reader installed.
I had the same questions too.
actually having a screen reader on a server system will be just great.
 What I need to know is after it is installed does it come up to a point
 where you can type apt-get and install yasr.
also emacspeak desktop for that matter?
I remember Dr. T.V. Raman posted an email some where asking the ubuntu
team to have emacspeak deb packages for ubuntu.
Infact combining emacspeak and festival will be really very good
because as of now users can't browse the internet with firefox so
emacspeak with w3m may as well be the choice for surffing the web.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Orca need the latest instructions for orca and edgy, any link?

2006-10-30 Thread krishnakant Mane
good documentation.
I can't find the changes though.
I am particularly interested in the accessibility development at the
open office side.
as I had mentioned previously, formatting information like bold and
italics is not spoken out.
has the problem been fixt?
further more reading an entire document reads by line pauses not
sentence pauses.
I hoep most problems are fixt.
I haven't got a machine yet to install ubuntu 6.10, but managed to run
the live cd.
could not test much as the machine obviously responded slow.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

need the latest instructions for orca and edgy, any link?

2006-10-29 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
I have just got the edgy cd and now looking at some howto which I can follow.
for an older unstable version of orca, I followed
but it says that the page is obsolit and there will be a new page.
now since edgy has finally been released, I will like to know if there
are any updates to have orca run (not just on the live cd but on a
permenent basis).
I followed f5 and then 3 for accessibility.
orca did not speak up.
may be some sound card problem?
but after I fix that problem, will this be the way to start orca?
will it then run every time my system boots?  or are there different
sets of instructions for configuring and starting orca on an installed
edgy machine?
how is the installer doing now?  can I use it?  I am totally blind and
can only depend on the speach system.
thanking all.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

new to web page accessibility, want to help in coding.

2006-10-02 Thread krishnakant Mane
I have been observing a lot of emails asking about the status of
firefox accessibility with orca.
I have also posted on the same issue a couple of times.
I will however like to mention a particular point.
it seams that the complete accessibility for firefox wont appear on
the desktop for about 1 year at least.
so I will like to make my contribution.
I have also mentioned this previously that I am a good c and python developer.
I want to know how web accessibility works on a conceptual level.
I will particularly like to know what approach orca is taking for web
accessibility including accessibility for html forms etc.
I will then like to get into the firefox accessibility.  may be I will
do some work from scratch or may be I will like to contribute if it
will create any impact on the timeline.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

very urgent! need a rite up on ubuntu's accessibility status for a conference.

2006-09-23 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all accessibility gurus on the list.
after using ubuntu, it is for the first time that I felt like
promoting gnu/linux amongst the blind community.  gentelmen, you are
doing a great job and I think by the end of this year november, ubuntu
should be pritty accessible.
I am going to speak at a national conference on software interfacing
for daily computing.  accessibility is a major focus of that
conference and I have been invited to speak on this issue and my
lecture has been put as a highlite of the conference, because I am
talking on accessibility freedom of blind.  as I may have mentioned we
have already scheduled a nation wide campaign for promotion of ubuntu
linux amongst the blind computer users.
I am speaking in the conference in 3 days from now.
I need some detailed information on the following points.
1.  what is the current state of general accessibility of gnome
desktop with orca on ubuntu?
2.  will gnopernicus development absolutely stop in favour of orca?
3.  how accessible will be openoffice when ubuntu 6.10 is released?
4.  at the release of ubuntu 6.10, what will be the level of
accessibility of firefox or any other web browser like mozila?
5. how soon will be the tutorial for orca finalised?  currently there
are no keyboard commands given for web surffing or for reading open
office spreadsheets or word processor documents.
6.  what can organisations do to become a part of orca development and
feature enhancement with respect to gnome accessibility?
7. what knowledge is expected to work on gnome accessibility and the
orca source code?
Please give me some very detailed information on these issues it is very urgent!
I hope henrik as usual will be up with good info so will be mike and the rest.
thanks in advance.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

accessibility packages in ubuntu for emacspeak don't work at all!

2006-09-21 Thread krishnakant Mane
I am trying to install emacs and emacspeak on my ubuntu 6.06 system.
I downloaded all the needed packages (or some one kindly list them all for me).
but all packages show some time stamp and then gives erros.
can any one tell me what is the problem?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Very important question,still can't get openoffice work with orca

2006-09-18 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello henrik and other developres of this list.
this is probably the 4th time I am pointing this problem about openoffice.
I can't get the fonts attribute read out in openoffice word processor
and can't know what attributes or alignment I have changed/ set.
what is the problem.
am I doing some thing wrong?  is it a known bug and in the process of
being fixt?
I also tried burning cd with the cd burning program that starts when I
put a blank cd in my rw.
but orca did not read it.  what could be this problem.I may be stupid
since I am asking this.  but I did not get response on my previous
email about openoffice problems.
and yes one problem I pointed out was that after pressing num pad plus
for reading a document, the speech breaks at lines rather than
again is this a known bug?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

query on accessibility of KDE with orca

2006-09-16 Thread krishnakant Mane
hi henrik and other brillient people on the list.
I want to know what is the current status of KDE accessibility API.
I browsed the accessibility page for KDE but could not get any
relevant information.
I had already posted henric on this issue.  this is a bit urgent
because I am doing a presentation as I mentioned some time ago, for
accessibility on a nation wide base.
it will be done on Monday, 18th of september.  I want to know if there
is accessibility api built in with the KDE desktop.  I heard that
AT-SPI/ATK  is being ported to k desktop.  how well can this work?
how easy it is currently to build a screen reader for KDE? and how is
oarca shaping up in this context?
what is the current status on that??
I often read a lot of accessibility talk on the qt web site.  I am
basically a gnome user so don't quite know the insides of KDE.  but I
have the impression that KDE is built using qt? is that right?
if so then how much accessibility will be available if QT becomes accessible.
Please provide me some details as it will help me make visually
handicap  community understand that there is no fear in using linux
and more so ubuntu linux because it is leading as far as desktop
convinience and comfort of use is concerned.
secondly we are planning to start a screen reader project for kde and
will like to merge it with kubuntu.
so please provide some details.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list