[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2008-06-22 Thread mugginz
Wow, I can't believe that they were prepared to break so much software
and waste so many end users time in the interests of being technically

This issue means I cannot wholeheartedly recommend Ubuntu to users

I've started migrating my systems away from Ubuntu and wont be deploying
anymore end user systems with Ubuntu unfortunately.

It's not entirely out of the ordinary to need to install legacy software
from time to time and I'm not wanting to open myself up to anymore
support calls sprouting from such a silly stance.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2008-03-28 Thread David Masover
Steve, short answer, yes, you should tell IBM that their software sucks.
Or, specifically, that it's relying on a very dangerous and WRONG
assumption, and that it's trivial for them to fix.

It should not be the distro's job to fix IBM's bugs.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2008-03-01 Thread probono
Vote on Ubuntu Brainstorm idea #2225 if you are bothered by this.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2008-02-20 Thread stevejonasoft
I am an IBM business integration consultant.  I tried to install
WebSphere Process Server and Integration Developer on Ubuntu, and had to
change /bin/sh to bash to get things to work.

So should I go back and tell IBM that their software sucks?

I can only say that I am shocked by this decision to link /bin/sh to
dash.  Crazy decision!

So am I now making my Ubuntu system unstable by linking to bash?

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2008-01-21 Thread James Justin Harrell
Since so many people against this change have chimed in with a "me too!"
comment, I'd also like to voice my opinion.

Thank you so much for making this change, and for not caving in under
pressure to reverse it. Standards are extremely important to me.
Anything that pushes developers to be more standards compliant is a big
plus for everyone. The number of scripts that claim to only need /bin/sh
but really need bash has certainly decreased greatly because of this
change, and this situation will only continue to improve.

Software that tries to conform with the wild is doomed to become a
festering pile of buggy spaghetti code. Tough decisions like these are
needed to prevent software from degrading into an incomprehensible mess
of hacks, workarounds, and maintained legacy bugs.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2008-01-18 Thread m5shiv
I just wasted a whole day on this issue. My customer had a number of
Perl scripts with the following:

eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
  & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
  if 0;

These were called via /bin/sh : works fine on centos3, centos4, sles 9,
sled 10 but not Ubuntu.

Does someone want to tell me why dash doesn't like this ?

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-09-08 Thread chemist109
I don't get it.  If the devs want faster script execution why not just
make the she-bang #!/bin/dash for their scripts?  Dash isn't _sh_ any
more than bash is.  And, dash isn't 100% sh compatible either, is it?  I
don't know, it seems ridiculous to me to make this change and then just
say "suck it up" when numerous things break.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-06-07 Thread Paul Louden
I've just been bitten by this bug. Once I discovered what it was, I
changed /bin/sh to bash, to get the job at hand done. Then I went to the
maintainer of the script to see if they cared. Someone around changed to
using printf(), which resolved the problems and allowed me to go back to
the faster dash (and it makes a significant difference here). If one of
them had not fixed the script, my solution would've been to fix it

I think we can all agree, including the Ubuntu maintainers, that perhaps
changing it without more explicit warning was not the best plan. But,
the whole point of standards is that when changing while maintaining
compliance you shouldn't have to expect to give warning. The whole point
is that this *shouldn't* have been a problem, but it is one. It's a
problem to those people who didn't test before deploying, and it's
*caused* by the people who made assumptions in their code (that /bin/sh
is bash). You and I both know the rule about assumptions. Ubuntu didn't
make an assumption. There are rules for what /bin/sh is supposed to do,
and they worked within them.

So, Ubuntu highlighted the problem, though not in the most friendly way.
And you're forced to see a conflict between "how people do things" and
"how things are supposed to be done." But the solution isn't to
continually complain at Ubuntu: The change has been made, and to them
it's 'the right thing to do' for multiple reasons.

To those of you who complain about the economics of the situation,
because of time: Dash saves time. For some of us it can save many hours
per week. And for people like me, who've only encountered one script
that dies, fixed that script, and discovered that now it runs in ~10% of
the time (a fact of significance considering that it's run quite often,
and when it is, I have to wait on the results), perhaps I see the change
as not so bad one. Bashims are bad, Dashims are surely bad too. Isms in
general. If they'd announced it six months ago, then made the change
now, you'd still be complaining because many upstream providers wouldn't
have changed. SOMEONE had to take the step, to say 'standards exist, and
we should follow them', because it's a battle cry Linux has been
shouting at some other people for a long time, and it's pointless if it
doesn't live up to it itself. So, you're not going to win them over by
complaining, because honestly, your complaints boil down to a lot of
whining about how you're more important than the people it *does*
benefit, those people who don't know about shell scripts but gain from
the speed improvement. Your half hour cost learning how to change to
bash, vs the many, many more little savings here and there that *do* add

Just accept that the change has been made. They rejected the bug report,
which means the *decision* has been made. Pestering them about it is
just going to make them angry, and angry people get resentful, and are
much less likely to change.

Either come up with rational arguments for doing it (rational beyond
'everybody else does it so you should to' style logic), offer up a
better alternative, or accept that you don't get to make decisions about
where Ubuntu goes, and get about fixing some non-compliant scripts.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-04-10 Thread Micah Cowan
AIUI, the change was effected mainly for the substantial execution-time
benefits it brings, which are especially considerable for boot-time.
"Making a point" was absolutely, certainly not one of the reasons for
the change, and suggesting so is silly.

OTOH, I think some more extensive verification, before the switch, of
dash's claims to be as POSIX-compliant as possible would have been nice.
Personally, I'm miffed by dash's very poor and currently non-conformant
implementation of arithmetic expansion, which doesn't handle identifiers
properly, among other things. It also lacks POSIX's interactive editing
(vi-mode), but that's a far lesser concern.

Regardless: developers can not and should not commit to never breaking
any thing in new releases. If you are concerned about production
servers, you should of course not be rolling out new software on them
before testing them to your satisfaction. Obviously, things should not
be "broken" without some compensating benefit, and there is obviously
disagreement as to whether the benefit was, indeed, sufficiently
compensatory. However, it is arrogance to claim that there /was/ no
appreciable benefit, or that it is clear that the benefit was

In any case, the decision /has/ been made, along with accompanying
quite-large investments of development effort, so I don't see what point
is served by complaining about it now, especially on a bug-tracker that
is not intended for griping that you don't like how a particular
decision had gone.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-04-10 Thread kripkenstein
"Once again I feel the need to point out that this change is no worse
than upgrading from XFree to X.org, or from GCC2/3 to GCC3/4."

Well, at least those changes brought many significant benefits with
them. The bash->dash switch does not have that advantage, as far as I
can tell.

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Re: [Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-04-10 Thread sparr
Once again I feel the need to point out that this change is no worse
than upgrading from XFree to X.org, or from GCC2/3 to GCC3/4.  Those
changes also "broke"* many existing programs, build processes, and
scripts, but we made them for the greater good.

* "broke" in this context meaning "exposed existing previously-hidden
brokenness in".  The changes did not actually break anything (with few
exceptions like posix echo), they simply brought to light problems
that have always existed in those packages.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-04-10 Thread mniess
I just stumbled upon this bug report and have to leave my opinion.
Especially on the server-side I havily rely on other peoples scripts
working correctly. I really appreciate dash on the desktop, but on the
server? I was thinking about moving my servers from Debian sarge to
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS since some mission-critical software now directly
supports it. But one just can't afford to use an OS on mission-critical
servers whose developers make decisions like these. Break stuff to make
a point. How can you not see that this drives Ubuntu away again from
professional environments. BTW: I am aware that LTS still uses bash as a

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-03-30 Thread Martijn Koster
This just bit me too. One of the xen-tools shell scripts does an "rm tty[^1]", 
to remove all ttys except tty1, which works in bash, but in dash the result is 
the opposite: tty1 is removed, and none of the others are.
This silent mis-behaviour then later means you cannot log into your 
newly-created server later, and you waste lots of time.

Yes, I have reported this upstream, and yes, I'll run "sudo dpkg-
reconfigure dash -- No!" on my systems. But I find it ridiculous that
Ubuntu is placing its users in this position.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-03-20 Thread LionsPhil
Ahem. If we want the devs to read this, the least we could do would be to stay 
on topic.
Blog about how blogs suck in your blog. Let's keep the bug report full of bug 

On that note, have a rough idea of how widespread echo abuse is:

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-03-20 Thread Victor Hu
Digg and the likes are useless in my opinion, they are packed with
fanboys who have nothing better to do than come out and give their
utmost support to the Ubuntu team.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-03-17 Thread Dan Muresan
I have written an entry in my blog about this problem:


If you care about this issue, digg it here:


and upvote on reddit:


Maybe someone at Canonic hears about this and common sense makes a come-

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-03-16 Thread dasdda
Just a common-sense remark: if you are not affected by this bug
practically, please don't join the fray to tell us what you think is
right theoretically. In exchange, we promise to do the same in the
future for whatever annoys the heck out of you.

"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in
practice, there is." ~ Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut/Yogi Berra

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-03-16 Thread Rich Pixley
#!/bin/bash isn't really an alternative.  Bash isn't guaranteed to be
installed in /bin with that name on all systems.

I agree that any script which uses /bin/sh and relies on any features
not present in sysV bourne shell is broken by definition.  However,
changing this symlink on a global level was a very poor choice in my

People who want these script problems fixed are the ones who should be
running with the non-standard link, not the majority of us.  If those
folks beat the bushes, expose the problems, and get them fixed, then the
link could be changed at some point in the future.  As is, things just
fail mysteriously.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-03-16 Thread dasdda
Marc Cuban needs to hear about this. You don't improve the world by
holding the users hostages. Otherwise "Linux for human beings" is a joke
-- or worse, a scam that cheats us into becoming pawns in someone else's
battles, on our time.

This sort of thing has happened way to many times, and now it's time to
stop it.

If you have a blog, please write about this topic, and maybe post a link
here so we can start linking to each other and get a grassroots thing

We should also put together an "ubuntu-fixes" package that reverts
broken defaults (coming from politically-inspired decisions, or
otherwise). People can simply apt-get install ubuntu-fixes after
installing Ubuntu.

If ubuntu-fixes becomes popular, creeps like sparr will be less inclined
to take the userbase hostage just to make a statement -- because it
won't work anymore.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-03-16 Thread Mark Constable
> This discussion should be heard, but apparently isn't.

They don't care.

> Perhaps posting on the Ubuntu development
> discussion list, ubuntu-devel-discuss, is the right venue?

Yes, please try. Personally, I have voted with my feet and just finished
re-installing Debian (etch) on a couple of dozen servers.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-03-15 Thread kripkenstein
Stephen Thorne, you are absolutely right. This discussion should be
heard, but apparently isn't.

Perhaps posting on the Ubuntu development discussion list, ubuntu-devel-
discuss, is the right venue?

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-03-15 Thread Stephen Thorne
In my previous comment i meant, there hasn't been a comment on the
ticket by someone from ubuntu's team, or canonical since the bug was
rejected. I.e. these comments are falling on deaf ears.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-03-15 Thread Stephen Thorne
There hasn't been a comment on this ticket since it was resolved as

What's the best way of actually bringing the issue to the attention of
someone who can resolve this problem? Commenting here isn't helping at
the moment.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-03-15 Thread Andrew Charles
Dasdaa is right on the money - I have wasted a significant amount of
time figuring out the problem, and then resolving it, so that software
that installs out of the box on other distros works on Ubuntu.

I'm a new Ubuntu user - I switched to it because I need a linux
distribution that makes it easy for me to focus on my work, and not on
the details of my OS.

If I run into another issue like this, and it turns out to be the result
of a similarly elitist decision by developers, I'll be forced to jump

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-19 Thread Egil Hasting
I have already moved away from Ubuntum,  stopped deploying it on server
systems.   I am glad this happen before i started using it on production
servers here at work.

To me i feel way to unsafe about the developers and their ability to do
the right thing (also their strategy)

I second what dasdda said. And find the change and attitude careless.
There are other distros which have a way more serious attitude, its sad
that ubuntu can't be one of them.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-19 Thread dasdda
I've wasted about an hour and a half due to VMWare's MUI httpd not
working -- because of the dash stupidity. 1 hour = $50 to me. To the
self-righteous schmucks who want to force POSIX down everybody's
throats: do you realize how much this "decision" is costing the world at
large? Think millions of dollars. Yes, you and your likes have managed
to reduce the world's aggregated wealth by something like that. Are you
proud now?

To everyone else: there's no debate. The economic costs here far
outweigh any other concerns. There's no "on the other hand".

If you don't understand simple economics, or want to suggest that
somehow because Linux is free, economics don't apply -- please don't
reply, go get a clue. Even if one does something as a hobby, time is
never free.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-18 Thread shiechka
I can see strong arguments for using dash as the default sh, but I find
the Ubuntu's devs approach wrong and triggering unnecessary pain to
users and Ubuntu's image.

The switch should be a slower process. IMHO it should be initiated as
probono at 2007-02-18 14:59:18 explained - ie. start it with using dash
explicitely only for Ubuntu's own sh scripts, which are not dependant on
any upstream.

Then a message should follow via all the Ubuntu broadcasting channels,
and to all the upstreams providing any sh scripts, that bash->dash
switch is planned. The message should contain the outline of benefits:

1. examples of speed gain in the first place, based on the experience from 
uisng dash for Ubuntu own scripts
2. followed by POSIX compliance rationale
3. then with "make the world better" argument as the last one

If possible, spread the word to other ditros and encourage them to join

After most upstreams are done with transition, or at least known to be
in the process, make the switch. That would hurt much less. Mostly, only
third party non mantained software could remain broken. However, thanks
to wide promotion and community feedback, those could at least be less
surprising for users.

Although I sympathize with those who find 3 and 2 are actually most
important, I believe that trying to achieve the goal by "dash or death"
approach was absolutely not appropriate. It fixed something, but broke
another thing. While if the transition went smoother and more
transparently, it could be almost all-wins process and a success story.
Ubuntu's image would not worsen, correctness would prevail, less unhappy
users.. Evolution istead of revolution, so to speak.

Add GRASS GIS to the list of dash incompatible software. We are working
on it. Hopefully soon to be fixed. But did Ubuntu really had to do it
the hard way?

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-18 Thread Mark Constable
@probono, that would be so sensible because they have total control over
the scripts that they need to speed up the boot process but no control
over the scripts the rest of us use for general maintenance after
bootup. Then they could announce that they will enforce such a change to
/bin/dash in 6 or 12 months time. In the mean time they could lead an
active public campaign to enlighten upstream devs as to the folly of
their ways and provide support towards the Ubuntu goal of saving the
world from bashisms so they can adopt dash as their overall primary

However, if you have had any interaction with @sparr and the ubuntu devs
then you'll notice a very blunt response that it's *your* fault for
using bashisms on *your* systems so you need to fix *your* problem. This
is the kind of mistake that a semi-closed commercial outfit can make
where clean room techies are out of touch with the real world. The
Debian and Fedora folks would have a very hard time mandating a change
like this.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-18 Thread mpts
Well, this BUG really was a surprise. Apparantly the main problem is in
ubuntu-devs minds, so the solution is evident: Ubuntu is no more among
linux distributions to be recommended.

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Re: [Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-18 Thread probono
Why not change all shell scripts in ubuntu to use /bin/dash, and leave
the /bin/sh bash symlink alone? That way, you get the advantages of
dash without breaking 3rd party legacy shell scripts.

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Re: [Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-17 Thread sparr
I could maybe see patching dash to die with an error "This script
contains invalid syntax, try running it with /bin/bash instead of
/bin/sh" when it encounters one of various known bashisms like echo

On 2/17/07, nemti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No matter how many script devs you complain to, there is _always_ going
> to be a script that contains bashisms. If /bin/sh _absolutely_ has to
> point to dash, instead of refusing to run scripts with bashisms, why not
> do something constructive like scanning the script for bashisms, and
> then running it in bash? Or perhaps even patching dash to do something
> useful with bashisms when it comes across them, like issuing a warning,
> instead of just dying for reasons unknown to the user?
> --
> Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink
> https://launchpad.net/bugs/61463

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-17 Thread Martin Buchholz
I agree with Mark Constable's comment above.

In sparr's view of the world, all software is actively maintained
by individuals who are deeply committed to free software
(and especialy the Ubuntu distribution), 
and to pedantic adherence to standards.

In the real world let's look at my own software, Sun Java.
Every Makefile command is implicitly an invocation of /bin/sh.
There are on the order of 1000 "shell scripts" in Sun Java
Makefiles that invoke "echo -e" through use of a Makefile macro.
Some engineer would have to audit all of those uses to make
sure that those uses are safe with plain "echo" or convert them
to use printf(1).  Since the Makefiles belong to different 
components, many separate component owners need to 
review and approve such a change.   This is the kind of
change that engineers have a really hard time getting excited
about.  I might be masochistic enough to take this on, but in
most corporate organizations such an unpalatable task will
simply be left undone, unless Ubuntu compatibility suddenly
becomes a high-visibility management issue.

On the other extreme, many projects are left in a dormant state
for many years.  I remember gzip going without any releases
for a decade.  Even an organization like the FSF is not going
to make all their software "Ubuntu-compatible" any time soon.

Ubuntu's change to dash sends the message
"We don't care about serious users."
Corporations are likely to respond in kind:
"We don't support hobbyist OSes with a history
of making recklessly incompatible changes every release."
which will make Ubuntu less useful for everyone.

As others have pointed out, you can speed up bootup by
making /bin/dash a required component and using /bin/dash
explicitly in the startup scripts.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-17 Thread nemti
No matter how many script devs you complain to, there is _always_ going
to be a script that contains bashisms. If /bin/sh _absolutely_ has to
point to dash, instead of refusing to run scripts with bashisms, why not
do something constructive like scanning the script for bashisms, and
then running it in bash? Or perhaps even patching dash to do something
useful with bashisms when it comes across them, like issuing a warning,
instead of just dying for reasons unknown to the user?

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-17 Thread Mark Constable
> If every person who has posted to this bug report
> so far instead took the time to submit a patch to
> one bashism-laden project, this would be a non-problem.

@sparr, you live in some kind of fairy land. There are millions of bash
scripts lying around on the net written over the last 10 years expecting
to be used as /bin/sh. Anyone of those scripts could be problematic for
an edgy+ system for many years yet to come.

Anyone reading this thread will be savvy enough to fix the problem one
way or another but that excludes the 99.99% of users, that apparently
this distro is aimed at, with the potential of yet another weird problem
that they can't fix.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-17 Thread Martin Buchholz
sparr writes:

The solution to dashisms is to report them as bugs. Just like you did
for bashisms in the past (you did, right?).

dash *IS* Unix-2003-compliant (on this issue at least). If you read a
couple lines farther down, -n is not an option, it is an operand:
"A string to be written to standard output. If the first operand is
-n, or if any of the operands contain a backslash ( '\' ) character,
the results are implementation-defined."

I missed that.  On the other hand, further down it says

"On XSI-conformant systems, if the first operand is -n, it shall be
treated as a string, not an option. "

Is Ubuntu an XSI-conformant system?
How would users know?

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Re: [Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-17 Thread sparr
I believe that FAR less dashisms will creep in than bashisms have over
time.  Just like switching web browsers...  A developer who switches
from IE to Firefox has to give up all his IE-isms.  He might pick up a
couple of Firefox-isms, but I am almost certain that there will be
less of them and they will be less problematic.

The solution to dashisms is to report them as bugs.  Just like you did
for bashisms in the past (you did, right?).

dash *IS* Unix-2003-compliant (on this issue at least).  If you read a
couple lines farther down, -n is not an option, it is an operand:
"A string to be written to standard output. If the first operand is
-n, or if any of the operands contain a backslash ( '\' ) character,
the results are implementation-defined."

If every person who has posted to this bug report so far instead took
the time to submit a patch to one bashism-laden project, this would be
a non-problem.

On 2/17/07, Martin Buchholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "dash" cannot claim to be taking the moral high ground here,
> since dash's builtin echo is also not Unix-2003-compliant.
> According to
> http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/echo.html
> "Implementations shall not support any options."
> but dash's echo supports the (historic BSD) -n option.
> If Ubuntu persists in its present course of using dash as /bin/sh,
> there will be no way to have future reliable Ubuntu LTS
> versions, since dashisms will creep in.  Users will
> merely have the choice of different sets of bugs, depending on
> whether they choose /bin/sh to point to /bin/bash or /bin/dash.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-17 Thread Martin Buchholz
The curious thing here is that with regard to the 
problematic behavior of the echo command, that
"dash" cannot claim to be taking the moral high ground here,
since dash's builtin echo is also not Unix-2003-compliant.

According to
"Implementations shall not support any options."
but dash's echo supports the (historic BSD) -n option.

There are no Unix 2003 compliant echo commands in
common use!

As that same page says,
"The two different historical versions of echo vary in fatally incompatible 

Note also how surprising it is to users that the standard shell's
builtin echo is not compatible with the standard /bin/echo.
The whole point of having the shell providing a builtin
command is to provide a *completely* compatible, but higher performing, 
replacement for the standard standalone command.
Since dash's echo is incompatible with GNU echo, dash is
not suitable for use as a standard system shell.
(Perhaps dash originated on a system where its builtin
echo was compatible with that system's /bin/echo?)

If Ubuntu persists in its present course of using dash as /bin/sh,
there will be no way to have future reliable Ubuntu LTS
versions, since dashisms will creep in.  Users will
merely have the choice of different sets of bugs, depending on 
whether they choose /bin/sh to point to /bin/bash or /bin/dash.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-17 Thread LionsPhil
More importantly, "just don't use it [Edgy], then" is /not/ a solution
to "it [Edgy] is broken". It rates up there with "you have a compiler"
for unhelpfully condescending open-source brush-offs.

One of the very problems with this bug is that it's a reason for people
to "just not use it", and switch distros! (Dapper is not a viable
alternative because "LTS" apparently means "we'll stop updating it when
Edgy comes out".)

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-16 Thread kripkenstein
> Something like, say, Ubuntu LTS?

Well, if that is so, perhaps Ubuntu should state clearly that only LTS
releases are meant to be 100% stable. As it is, Edgy is the first
download on ubuntu.com, and no mention is made about it being non-stable
in any way (all it says is that Dapper will be supported for longer, not
that it is more stable).

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Re: [Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-16 Thread sparr
On 2/16/07, Martin Buchholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I will probably continue to use Ubuntu on my home machine,
> since I am a bit of a reckless hobbyist there myself,
> but will recommend NOT using Ubuntu at work, and
> will look around for a distribution that values reliability
> more for my next at-home experimental install.

Something like, say, Ubuntu LTS?

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-16 Thread Martin Buchholz
The change from bash to dash is an example of a
very aggressive change, very different from the
"make it just work" policy that I thought Ubuntu had.
Another example is my recent discovery that the
installed gcc 4 is a prerelease 4.1.2.  OSes should
have very good reasons to ship prerelease software
components, and I suspect there is no such good reason
for gcc.

I'm OK with these changes, as long as it is made clear
to users that Ubuntu is an OS suitable for reckless hobbyists,
not real users trying to get real work done.
For example, gentoo makes their attitude pretty clear.

I will probably continue to use Ubuntu on my home machine,
since I am a bit of a reckless hobbyist there myself,
but will recommend NOT using Ubuntu at work, and
will look around for a distribution that values reliability
more for my next at-home experimental install.

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Re: [Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-15 Thread Justus Pendleton
On Thursday 15 February 2007 11:40 am, Martin Buchholz wrote:
> The suggestion of reconfiguring /bin/sh to point back
> to bash probably works today, but this is not a
> reasonable suggestion for real business customers.
> Rule #1 of using an operating system is
> "NEVER change the operating system as supplied"

Actually Rule #1 of Real Business Customers is "Don't expect software to work 
on platforms it doesn't support". Ubuntu 6.10 is pretty clear about what 
software it supports and none of the broken software reported in this thread 
claims to work on Ubuntu 6.10. /bin/sh being linked to dash is just one of 
many reasons that unsupported software could fail to work on Ubuntu. It would 
appear that the Ubuntu devs are content with having some segment of 
unsupported software not working on their distribution for what some consider 
a gratuitous change. Luckily there is no shortage of Linux distributions so 
people who disagree have other options.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-15 Thread Martin Buchholz
The use of dash also breaks the (soon-to-be GPL)
Sun Java JDK Makefiles, which have

ECHO = echo -e

(Yes, this is arguably a Sun bug)

6482201: ubuntu 6.10 does not recongnize echo -e

The suggestion of reconfiguring /bin/sh to point back
to bash probably works today, but this is not a
reasonable suggestion for real business customers.
Rule #1 of using an operating system is

"NEVER change the operating system as supplied"

(Putting things in /usr/local is OK.  Don't ever change

Changing /bin/sh to point to a different shell is a
"warranty-voiding" action.  Imagine the havoc if
/bin/sh were set to point to /bin/csh.

If the dash experiment is successful, then over time
"dashisms" will appear in various scripts.  In fact, what
assurance do users have that Ubuntu developers
don't do this *deliberately*?
Users will only have the choice of having different sets of 
broken scripts, depending on how they configure the 
/bin/sh symlink.

sparr seems to have a very Ubuntu-centric point of
view.  People write scripts and Makefiles to run
on a large variety of Unix systems.  Ubuntu is one
of hundreds of such platforms.  Because GNU echo,
Solaris echo, bash echo and zsh echo all allow the
"-e" option, it is quite easy for users to assume that
"-e" is standard.  It is unfortunate that Unix 2003
forbids echo from having any options.  Only the most
masochistic and perfectionistic of us ever consult
the Unix 2003 documentation.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-05 Thread jharms
A provactive reply to a provocative reply: in case you are short of
ideas on how to create difficulties to the user who uses the programs he
has always used, have you considered withdrawing support for ipv4?

How do you define a "broken program"? Do you consider that Ubuntu should
only be used by those who have the knowledge (a) to recognise this kind
of problem without spending hours and (b) to fix them?

This discussion creates more harm than the original (bash / dash)
problem: it discredits the image of a nice distribution by creating the
impression that the distribution does not care about the level of
service perceived by the non-specialist user.

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Re: [Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-05 Thread sparr
Because there shouldn't be one.  There was no warning when the default
X switched from XFree to X.org, because non-broken programs don't know
the difference.  There is no warning when upgrading gcc from 2.x to
3.x to 4.x, despite it being well known that that breaks MANY build

On 2/4/07, Ulrich Lukas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just lost half a day figuring out why several configure scripts who
> ran perfectly under Dapper are broken in Edgy.
> Why isn't there at least a warning or note indicating the changed
> defaults?

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-04 Thread Ulrich Lukas
I just lost half a day figuring out why several configure scripts who
ran perfectly under Dapper are broken in Edgy.

Why isn't there at least a warning or note indicating the changed

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-02-02 Thread dmchugh

Trying to fix the world or are we trying to get a copy of Unix running?
Well I know a few good hackers and the answer is trying to fix the world
damned the rest they will be better for it. Sounds like Unix to me! Ha!

Having said that can we just put the world off for a bit I'm trying to
get my own little corner in order at the moment and dont quite have the
time to fix the world quite yet.. Perhaps if you fire a flare over the
portside and say that Ubuntu is switching to dash before you do. I
remember when the virus would not actually do anything to you it just
told you, bah yer broken. Companies don't understand the save the world
concept they do however understand the need fer speed n the need for
stability alla Unix. But as long as we are changing the world Unix is
going to be sitting on the back shelf teaching script kiddies the way!
At least give the script kiddie the right to know that he is being
messed up ahead of time, after all he is trying to find out what the
real world is, hes trying unix isnt he?

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-29 Thread Dan Delaney
sparr wrote:
> The Ubuntu devs have done a far greater good here than with
> any other distro I have used in the past. Being willing to take
> steps like this, instead of waiting for optional compliance that will
> never happen, is exactly what we need more of.

While going on a crusade to rid the world of Bashisms is certainly a
noble pursuit. It is also a futile one if it only involves one Linux
distro. If ALL of the distros decided to make that a priority, then we
might get somewhere. But one distro among many isn't going to force that
change all by itself, and certainly not by making a sudden switch and
telling people after-the-fact that they need to start hounding the
developers of other applications to stop using Bashisms.

If the assumption that /bin/sh pointed to bash is a concern for the
Ubuntu developers, they should figure out a way to bring it to the
attention of the Linux community as a whole that won't seriously
diminish the user experience of Ubuntu in the process. The developers of
those many applications out there that no longer install correctly on
Ubuntu (add Zimbra to that list) aren't going to feel the pain of this
decision. The users of Ubuntu will.

And we're not just talking about the so-called "average" or "non-
technical" users here. If a developer decides to switch to Ubuntu and
then discovers that some of the software he needs to do his job is
having problems installing on Ubuntu, he doesn't have time to figure out
why. He's gonna come to the conclusion that Ubuntu just isn't as stable
as the distro he had been using and he'll switch back to it. And the
more people encounter this problem, the more Ubuntu will get a
reputation of not working correctly. Somehow I don't think that's the
reputation the managment of Ubuntu wants for their distro.

I can certainly sympathize with Mark's loss of faith in the Ubuntu
developers for making this decision and forcing this situation upon
their users. I'm planning on using Ubuntu more and more for production
server and this definitely makes me a bit uneasy about that decision. I
don't want to upgrade a production server at some point in the future
only to find that a bunch of stuff stops working because the developers
made some subtle changes and just didn't care about the fact that those
changes would cause a lot of problems for their users.

Nonetheless, Ubuntu is a great distro, and despite this poor decision I
for one plan to continue to use it. Luckily it has an easy fix. I hope,
however, that the developers will be more careful about changes like
this in the future.


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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-25 Thread kripkenstein
 Jeff Schering  wrote:

> Ubuntu 6.06 is LSB compliant with bash.

Sorry if I wasn't clear, I didn't mean that having bash was in the way
of being LSB compliant. What I meant was that if both dash and bash
fulfill the LSB standard, then I support the decision to go with dash.
If the LSB wants to change itself to require bash, then that is fine
too, but until then, dash should work.

Although as I said, this is indeed a short-term headache, and I wouldn't
roll out Edgy on any computer but my own; I'd stick to Dapper LTS in
those cases.

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Re: [Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-25 Thread Jeff Schering
kripkenstein wrote:
> On the other hand, if indeed the LSB mandates that "sh" be POSIX-
> compliant, and not bash, then I feel I must support the Ubuntu decision
> to use dash.

Ubuntu 6.06 is LSB compliant with bash.


Also, from the LSB main page at
"The LSB offers a cost-effective way for application vendors to target 
multiple Linux distributions while building only one software package."

This too is an interesting read: 

In essence, it says that if your app runs on a LSB 3.1 compliant system, 
then it will run on LSB 3.2, 4.0, etc. The use of dash might interfere 
with that concept.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-25 Thread nemti
I agree that standards are important, however I don't feel this is the right 
way to go about things. User's are generally going to go for the easiest 
solution - which is either:
- change sh to bash after several hours of googling
- give up and switch distros (or even go back to Windows)

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-25 Thread kripkenstein
I was unaware of this issue until just now, when some scripts (Nautilus-
Subversion) failed to work (I filed a bug, of course).

Figuring out that this was the issue, with no pre-knowledge of the
bash/dash situation, wasted about an hour of my time. So on the one hand
I have sympathy for people who wrote comments here requesting that bash
be returned as the default.

On the other hand, if indeed the LSB mandates that "sh" be POSIX-
compliant, and not bash, then I feel I must support the Ubuntu decision
to use dash. If Linux in general has any hope of fixing bug #1, then
standards like the LSB are crucial. Short-term breakage is the cost of
getting long-term stability - if we don't break things now, they will
never be fixed, and the standard will be meaningless.

Just my 2c.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-24 Thread nemti
It's all well and good to say "you don't like it, you fix it yourself"
which is exactly what I did within a day of upgrading. However, we're
ones who are computer literate enough to actually work out what was
happening. The majority of "human beings" that Ubuntu is _meant_ to be
targeting are going to have no idea what is going wrong. Let's face it,
trying to run makefiles etc is confusing enough for the new user without
throwing this into the mix.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-24 Thread LionsPhil
Hey, great idea sparr! I've come up with generalisation of that
approach, which will also fix any other scripts enountered outside of
the Ubuntu enclave: make /bin/sh point to /bin/bash by default, thus
applying to systems other than Mark's, and persisting across any future
installations. I suggest adding this innovative new feature in time for

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Re: [Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-24 Thread sparr
On 1/24/07, Mark Constable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a choice, do
> I edit all these scripts (1000s!!!), do I self maintain a hacked /bin/sh
> link to /bin/bash, or, do I assign my future to another distro that I
> can trust not to put me in this position again?

Or do you take the simple solution and just "sudo dpkg-reconfigure
dash" and answer the single question "No".  Viola, you're back to bash
as /bin/sh, and dont have to "self maintain a hacked" anything.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-24 Thread LionsPhil
Mark: It should be noted that, according to his launchpad profile, sparr
is not actually an Ubuntu dev. I think the last actual dev to comment on
this thread was Matthew Garrett (mjg59), with a "no plans to fix this".
Since then, the bug has been rejected (or WONTFIX, to use the more
accurate Bugzilla parlance), so I suspect that any comment here is
actually being ignored.

Stephen: glibc has been fixed upstream; unfortunately, the real world contains 
reasons to still use old versions (e.g. funky, cross-compiling build 
environments). Specifically, 2.3 and down contain this (partial) line in 
  linux*) version=`(echo -e "#include \nUTS_RELEASE"\
Which eventually results in a compile error due to a malformed autogenerated 
header file. The easy, GNU-specific, fix is to change echo to /bin/echo, which 
supports the old POSIX flags; the fix the glibc devs have taken is to use 

(All "Makefile" breakages I've encountered from this are due to assuming
that echo supports flags. Given that GNU echo does, shell builtins which
behave differently [and this includes bash's support for "-n", actually]
are unhelpfully misleading. Especially as "which echo" won't tell you
that it's a builtin in either bash or dash [score one for tcsh there,
which does].)

So, sorry if that was misleading. I didn't notice that it was quite such
an antiquated version at the time, because the setup process for the
environment is, itself, another shell script. (Hurrah. I love digging
through tons of script to find out why I can't just get a working ARM

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-24 Thread Mark Constable
@sparr: "The Ubuntu devs have done a far greater good here than with any
other distro I have used in the past."

Then you and the ubuntimati don't have a real world clue between you
all. I manage dozens of servers with 100s of shell scripts each, some
dating back 10 years, half authored by me, half not. I have a choice, do
I edit all these scripts (1000s!!!), do I self maintain a hacked /bin/sh
link to /bin/bash, or, do I assign my future to another distro that I
can trust not to put me in this position again? I'm glad I don't manage
a really large server farm currently on dapper and needing to move to

What really gets me is the attitude of people like you that don't care
about the pain this move inflicts on however many *ubuntu* users when
there is no need for it... you guys could have EASILY used #/bin/dash
where YOU need it and notified the community that there was a
fundamental change coming in the next release... look out, beware etc.

I, for one, am not going to let you people screw me over like this
again. You've had your chance to encourage me to use your distro and
you've blown it. My remastered distro won't be based on ubuntu as there
is no way I would do this kind of thing to my clients and potential

Another point you made is almost an insult... you say that for the time
some of us here have been complaining about this that we could have
spent that time interacting with upstream devs to change their ways.
WTF! Ubuntu is/was my upstream provider, you folks are the ones that
should be doing double duty to interact with various upstream sources to
bring about a change that YOU have mandated. Not "us". I'm perfectly
happy with /bin/sh -> /bin/bash and have no need for your pedantic
POSIXisms. I have business to run and need things to just work.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-24 Thread Stephen Thorne
It seems that there are two sides to this very interesting debate. I'm
going to reiterate a few things that have been said in the verbage

Bash is almost posix compliant, but will little eccentricties like
options to echo functioning differently - which bash seems to be quite
innocent of - as noted, the ''correct'' behaviour was only mandated in
the posix spec in '04. And a few more esoteric things. Echo is my major
concern, and seems to have caused the most breakage.

We have a refusal to acknowledge that breaking software is a bad thing
from the developers who have admin access.

As noted, if a script needs to be fast, #!/bin/dash can be used. Boot
scripts should probably do that instead of relying on #!/bin/sh. Why
aren't they doing this already?

A quick summary of reported problematic pieces of software, so you don't have 
to trawl through the above (please comment if I miss anything):
 - limewire
 - intel compiler
 - cedega
 - glibc makefiles (!?)
 - autoconf (?)
 - vmware 
 - mathematica
 - nx server

I have an honest question. Do the ubuntu pbuilder machines have /bin/sh
as bash or dash? How are we building packages if autotools and makefiles
are breaking?

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-24 Thread jharms
It is normal that developers have one point of view and users have
another. Somewhere there should be management to pronounce priorities
and guidelines.

I trust the competence of developers, but my confidence in management of
Ubuntu is severely shaken: if developers develop software, users shout
that it does not run, and developers reply that this is normal,
management should have something to say.

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Re: [Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-23 Thread sparr
I cannot disagree more.  The Ubuntu devs have done a far greater good
here than with any other distro I have used in the past.  Being
willing to take steps like this, instead of waiting for optional
compliance that will never happen, is exactly what we need more of.

On 1/23/07, Mark Constable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What worries me about this issue is the attitude of the ubuntu
> developers. I no longer trust the ubuntu devs to do the right thing to
> help me keep the systems I make a living from up and running and am now
> looking at migrating everything to etch+ instead of edgy+. The
> overwhelming right thing to do would have been to advertise the need to
> change from bash to dash and put a deadline on it no less than 1/2 a
> year on notice, THEN make the change. Suddenly unleashing KNOWN breakage
> like this is unacceptable to me. Such a pity I have to forgo such a good
> distro in all other respects because of this stupid move by a few devs.
> Like I say, I no longer trust ubuntu devs not to do something like this
> again in the future. And yes, breaking trust is a serious bug.
> --
> Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink
> https://launchpad.net/bugs/61463

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ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-23 Thread Mark Constable
What worries me about this issue is the attitude of the ubuntu
developers. I no longer trust the ubuntu devs to do the right thing to
help me keep the systems I make a living from up and running and am now
looking at migrating everything to etch+ instead of edgy+. The
overwhelming right thing to do would have been to advertise the need to
change from bash to dash and put a deadline on it no less than 1/2 a
year on notice, THEN make the change. Suddenly unleashing KNOWN breakage
like this is unacceptable to me. Such a pity I have to forgo such a good
distro in all other respects because of this stupid move by a few devs.
Like I say, I no longer trust ubuntu devs not to do something like this
again in the future. And yes, breaking trust is a serious bug.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-20 Thread mannheim
More examples of 3rd-party software that is partly broken by dash

NX Server

Users will turn away from Ubuntu, and report: "I tried it on Fedora [or
whatever], and it just worked." Things should "just work" on Ubuntu.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-17 Thread devnull
My 2c.

I know its painful that a bunch of stuff is broken - Im suffering from
problems with it at the moment (which is why Im here). However, every
now and then its good to shake things up and blow assumptions away -
short term pain for long term gain.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-14 Thread jharms
Here is a nice illustration in support of arguments made in this
discussion. I am a visitor, I tried Ubuntu to see whether it is worth
while to consider switching to Ubuntu. I got stuck with (1) some simple
scripts that use shell variable indirection and dont work in Ubuntu and
(2) the vpnc library package not working in Ubuntu - I need vpnc to
connect to my universities intranet.

I lost about 1/2 day to discover that sh is not sh and to figure out a
work-around. And I lost nearly another 1/2 day to dig into bash manuals,
Posix specifications, understanding the reasoning - and to discover the
present discussion.

Lessons learned under the bottom line: (a) programmes dont run on Ubuntu
that run on other distributions and (b) Ubuntu does not check whether
their library packages run (reading this discussion: does not care?). I
translate this - maybe too harshly put - to: unless you consider
compliance to Posix as quality, Ubuntu lacks quality.

The speed argument is pure theory: how much time does an average
application spend executing shell scripts, and what is the average time
needed on a somewhat recent computer? And, system installation time on
Ubuntu with Dash and on Mandriva without Dash is very comparable.

My conclusion: For a user who does not want to invest all that time (and
has the skills to do it), but who wants to do "a little bit more than
office applications" Ubuntu is not adequate.

A contribution to the technical part of this discsussion: I stumbled
over the following shell constructs that run in Bash (and Sh) but not in

x=${!y}  (indirection: read a variable whose name is the value of
another one)

for ((i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )) ; do
  ... snip ...
(a very simplified copy of code I extracted from the vpnc-script file from the 
vpn library package - vpnc-script lines 225 and on)

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-08 Thread AndyLandy
What about modifying dash to allow a full implementation of echo? If
this really is the only bash-ism that is breaking things, then dash
could work around it, that way Ubuntu can use dash as the default shell
and be fast, whilst still having everything work correctly. Maybe this
means it doesn't comply with the POSIX standard, but it would mean that
the huge amounts of legacy code wouldn't break.

If what Jeff Schering says is true, then it suggests that the problem is
*not* with the devs of bash, or the myriad of software that depends on
it as /bin/sh, but is down to the POSIX standard being changed. All
these scripts would have been POSIX-compliant until 2004 when the spec
was changed. Maybe this should be filed as a bug in the new POSIX

Just my two cents. :-)

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-07 Thread nemti
"The overwhelming majority of Ubuntu users would almost never notice
application installs running faster? I am serious. There are packages
that take over a minute for post-install dpkg configuration, and dash
speeds them up a LOT. It's the difference in spending 10 minutes or 30
minutes on dist-upgrade (or I guess adept probably just does upgrade)."

Exactly. You know these scripts work with dash and you want them to use
dash - so explicitly begin them with #!/bin/dash so that they do this.
You also know that many scripts depend on /bin/sh -> /bin/bash - so
leave it that way. I feel that this would be a good compromise between
the speed of official Ubuntu scripts, and allowing 3rd party scripts to

If someone goes "Hey, I'm sick of bash taking forever and want my scripts to 
run faster at the risk some not working", then there's nothing stopping them 
from switching their symlinks. I honestly ask you, which is better:
- a minority of power users deciding to set their default to dash, or
- a majority of "normal users" spending many hours trying to determine the 
problem and having to work out how to reset to bash

Also, can this bug be changed from "wishlist" as I feel that it's more
important than that (seeing as it affects so many other scripts).

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-07 Thread anthony baxter
"The overwhelming majority of Ubuntu users would almost never notice
application installs running faster?"

You're right, of course. Rather than taking 10 minutes or 30 minutes on
dist-upgrade, instead the application installs will fail to work,
because of this bizarre decision to favour correctness over something
that just works.

I'm sure the users will thank you for the time they've saved.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-07 Thread sparr
The overwhelming majority of Ubuntu users would almost never notice
application installs running faster?  I am serious.  There are packages
that take over a minute for post-install dpkg configuration, and dash
speeds them up a LOT.  It's the difference in spending 10 minutes or 30
minutes on dist-upgrade (or I guess adept probably just does upgrade).

Bash being optionally POSIX compliant, with or without exceptions,
really has no bearing here.  Bashisms are bad.  They need to be fixed.
I understand the idea of keeping Ubuntu easy for everyone to use, but
you also need to understand that sometimes you have to do things the
hard way to make the world a better place.  Ubuntu is the first major
distro to move to dash.  I think we have begun down a slippery slope
towards eradication of bashisms.  They never would have gone away if it
was just 'the right thing to do', but now if you write broken scripts
you give up support for a major distro.  I don't think any new bashisms
will be entering the world as soon as a year from now, and I expect we
can resolve any existing problems by then as well.  Bite the bullet.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-05 Thread Jeff Schering
According to the manpage for bash, when invoked with sh, bash is POSIX
compliant. When you ask for /bin/sh, you get bash running in POSIX
compliant mode. When you ask for /bin/bash you get bash running in its
default mode.

To demonstrate, make sure your /bin/sh is symlinked to bash, then run
these two scripts and compare their outputs.

kill -l

kill -l

So you can see that invoking bash with /bin/sh causes it to run in a
POSIX compliant manner. (see
http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/kill.html which
describes the kill command in POSIX systems)

One of the two documented exceptions is in the way bash handles options
to the built-in echo command (see /usr/share/docs/bash/POSIX.gz, scroll
down to the bottom).

The reason for this is simple. Until IEEE Std 1003.1 2004 Edition, the
spec said that POSIX compliant implementations of the shell "need not"
support options. It appears that the ash developers decided to *not*
support options to echo, while the bash developers decided to *allow*
options to echo, for whatever reason. (for the spec on echo, see

The standard was changed in 2004 to specify that echo "shall not" accept
options, leaving bash in a state not only of non-compliance, but also
with a long list of shell scripts that depended on the echo command
being able to accept options. So today, bash still accepts options to
echo even when in POSIX compliance mode.

However, bash can be configured to be in complete conformance, ignoring
options to the echo command. (see the manpage)

Generally though, the echo command is a headache for POSIX compliance.
To quote the standard: "It is not possible to use echo portably across
all POSIX systems unless both -n (as the first argument) and escape
sequences are omitted."

Perhaps because of the non-portability of echo, the standard recommends
this: "New applications are encouraged to use printf instead of echo."

But if new applications are encouraged to use printf instead of echo,
then why is echo not deprecated? Again, a quote from the standard: "The
echo utility has not been made obsolescent because of its extremely
widespread use in historical applications."

Ideally, echo should be obsolete and all scripts should use printf
instead. However, the large number of scripts using echo makes it

If the ISO standards people can keep echo around because of its
extremely widespread use in the past, then why can't Ubuntu people keep
bash around for the same reason? Afterall, as shown above, bash is POSIX
compliant when run as sh.

The only advantage that dash has is its size and speed, but these are
probably irrelevant to the overwhelming majority of Ubuntu users, who
would almost never notice a speed difference between the two anyway.
More important to them is to have "black boxes" (that's what a shell
script is to normal people) that "just work".

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-03 Thread probono
Please revert to bash.

Regardless whether they are "right" or not - many script developers have
silently assumed that scripts starting with #!/bin/sh is executed by

An operating system such as Ubuntu is supposed to be a dependable
platform for 3rd party applications to run on top of it. And since there
are many (legacy) applications out there that assume that scripts
starting with #!/bin/sh is executed by bash, Ubuntu "breaks" those by
switching away from the "de-facto standard".

Please consider the situation of a non-technical end user who doesn't
care whose fault it is that his app doesn't work as expected.

It is changes like this that make Ubuntu less likely to solve bug #1.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-03 Thread LionsPhil
This also breaks building glibc (specifically, as part of the GP2X
development kit, but it's basically a wget and make on glibc, gcc, etc.
sources with flags for cross-compiling to ARM), because dash's “echo”
built-in behaves differently from the GNU /bin/echo (which bash's built-
in emulates more accurately), causing it to generate a syntatically
incorrect version header file.

Let's re-iterate here: “average” users don't have a hope in hell of
working out that things-expecting-bash-get-dash (or its built-ins) is
the problem, let alone fixing it. Ubuntu is supposed to be a
distribution for “average” users. Those of you who want to be pedants
about standards for the excuse of feeling good about yourself, or
microscopic speed gains, please go help Gentoo. This is the kind of
unproductive stupidity I'd expect from them.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-03 Thread Tamas Fejos
Dash is also breaks install and usage of some Vmware products.
Such as Vmware server install (workaround: use "perl vmware-install.pl" instead 
of simply execute "vmware-install.pl").

It breaks Vmware mui's /etc/init.d/httpd.vmware file also. The install
workaround is the same as above. But for proper operation the init
script should be changed and it is recommended to install it with
/bin/sh linked to /bin/bash.

More info: http://www.vmware.com/community/thread.jspa?messageID=538079

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-03 Thread LionsPhil
Unfortunately, sparr, I don't have the time (I'm wasting quite enough on
this thread, it appears), permissions, bandwidth or whatnot to fork and
take over every project in the world which is broken and the devs aren't
there/inclined to fix. The far, _far_ more efficient way for me to fix
it is to change by /bin/sh.

In the interests of being a good little Open Source citizen, I have been
adding cases to support this bug such that my peers can also enjoy the
unbroken experience of having a /bin/sh which works the same as /bin/sh
in virtually every other Linux distribution.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-03 Thread hoganrobert
I think the Ubuntu maintainers would do well to read
http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=119185 (if they
haven't already). That thread is an object lesson in why being correct
is not the same as being right.

Your point about compliance and decades of false assumptions by hundreds
of software projects are valid. However if Ubuntu fixes something that
breaks the rest of the world, then you are either being naive or
disingenuous if you expect your users to fix the rest of the world for
the privelege of working with Ubuntu.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-03 Thread probono
sparr, it is not (only) about packages that are part of Ubuntu. It is
also about software that came from the Internet or on CD-ROM from third
parties. Software that (despite breaking the rules) used to work
flawless, and that gives the non-technical end user errors now.

This bugreport is about a mindset: It is about not touching things that
might result in other things (including the world outside Ubuntu) to

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

Re: [Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-03 Thread sparr
Nothing in an Ubuntu package is unsupported.  If the upstream has
abandoned it then the maintenance falls on the package maintainer.  If
the package maintainer is lax then replace him yourself.

On 1/3/07, LionsPhil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Because getting large groups of people to fix software/data, much of
> which is [now] unsupported, is /so/ much more practical than leaving
> alone something which Just Works.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-03 Thread LionsPhil
I /am/ working on getting the problem fixed. Unfortunately, there's this
arrogant perfectionist who values standard compliance over a system
/actually being useful/. Perhaps he should go and berate the Firefox
developers for writing a renderer which doesn't correctly stop dead on
invalid XHTML, and tells the user to complain to the webmaster to fix
their site.

Because getting large groups of people to fix software/data, much of
which is [now] unsupported, is /so/ much more practical than leaving
alone something which Just Works.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2007-01-03 Thread sparr
$10 says neither of you reported the problem to those at fault, GPH and
VMWare, instead of just discussing it in forums.  If people put half as
much time into getting the problem fixed as they do whining about it,
the vast majority of packages would already be fixed.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-12-17 Thread Kasper Peeters
I would like to add my support in favour of going back to bash.

No matter what the arguments are for dash, it is very bad for ubuntu's
image if software which worked out of the box until now all of a sudden
fails for no obvious reason.

If there is a good reason to use dash, find a solution which "just

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-12-13 Thread nemti
May I ask why the default shell was changed to dash in the first place?
>From what I've seen, there doesn't seem to be any benefits apart from
being faster (which IMHO isn't as important as running scripts
properly). As I already said, I don't see why dash can't just be an
option, and not a default. Yes, it's true that these scripts may be in
the wrong - but that still doesn't stop the fact that they work almost
every other distro using bash, but not in edgy. Basically, why does dash
_have_ to be set as default? I'm not saying to remove it from the
repositories altogether, but not to force it upon people when it
obviously clashes with numerous scripts.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

Re: [Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-12-13 Thread Matthew Garrett
The standard, as defined by the LSB, is that /bin/sh conforms to POSIX 
(with one extension related to login shells, but that's not relevant in 
this case). If vendors are distributing software that expects /bin/sh to 
be bash, then that software is broken. Please take it up with them.

Matthew Garrett | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-12-13 Thread nemti
> "The fact is in the majority of cases [dash] fails miserably"
> This is what polite people call a falsehood, and what I call a lie.
Ok, fine, perhaps a slight overstatement.

I tried using dash, but it only took a few days before I started coming
across broken scripts (which had previously worked before the upgrade to
edgy), and it took me about an hour to figure out what was wrong. The
"average" user has no hope of working this out easily.

It's easy to say that scripts should begin with #!/bin/bash, but the
fact is many don't. The only advantage of dash I've read of is that it's
faster. To be honest, I'd rather have scripts work rather than have them
run slightly faster. If you really want a faster shell, then give dash
as an option for that minority of users, but don't force it by default.

In most cases, bash is the standard, and that's the assumption most
scripts are written around. I'm not going to start mailing developers
saying "please add an extra two letters two your script because my
distribution has an incompatible default shell." Perhaps it should be
the scripts actually requiring dash to be adding the line #!/bin/dash.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-12-13 Thread sparr
"The fact is in the majority of cases [dash] fails miserably"

This is what polite people call a falsehood, and what I call a lie.

By my gross overestimate, dash fails while compiling less than 5% of
available packages, and while installing less than 1%.  The failure rate
for third party software, such as cedega and commercial installers, is
around 5%.  This is not a majority by quite a bit.

While I somewhat sympathize with the "make it work, even if it's wrong"
sentiment, I would be willing to bet that less than half of the people
who have posted here have bothered to report the real bugs to their
package maintainers and/or upstream.  Start making efforts in the right

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-12-12 Thread nemti
Dash is terrible. The fact is in the majority of cases it fails
miserably. Please change the default back to bash.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-12-08 Thread Justus Pendleton
FWIW, I initially reported this problem -- software claiming to use
/bin/sh actually expecting bash -- to debian in 1997
(http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/1997/04/msg00570.html). I was
blown off and told that /bin/sh would always be /bin/bash and that
people could and should just assume that /bin/sh was not merely a POSIX
sh but provided all the extra bashisms.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-11-28 Thread Matthew Garrett
bash will always be provided, and changing the target of the /bin/sh
symlink is perfectly acceptable for local configuration. However, there
are no plans to change the default configuration back to bash.

** Changed in: dash (Ubuntu)
   Importance: Undecided => Wishlist
   Status: Confirmed => Rejected

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-11-16 Thread Simon Howard
I would have thought it would be preferable to have a system that works
than a fast one that doesn't.  Besides, is bash really that slow?

Yes, ideally shell scripts that use #!/bin/sh shouldn't rely on bash
features, but the truth is that a lot of them do, because every other
distribution out there uses bash for sh.  You can tell people to
complain to the script authors, but there is going to be another script
that doesn't work.  And another.  And another.  And a thousand more.

What I find perplexing is that Ubuntu of all distributions would make a
decision like this, when from the very beginning it has always seemed to
have had the goal of being easy to use and of "Just working".  This is
the kind of subtle and insidious difference that nobody is going to
notice without hours of searching and experimentation.  In the end
people are going to just decide that "Ubuntu is broken" and move on.

By the way, the installer for Borland Starteam also doesn't work.  Add
that to the list of software that Ubuntu now no longer supports.   At
work my team is looking to standardise on Ubuntu as our Linux
development OS, but if we can't use this then I expect we'll end up
using Fedora or another system.  I'll be very disappointed if this

Good engineering involves making compromises.  I hope you'll come to the
right decision.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-11-16 Thread LionsPhil
Sparr, your comments are unhelpful---there IS a problem here, and it
making the distribution notably less useful. Reverting /bin/sh to point
to bash will fix this until you can (quite rightly) beat people into
specifying /bin/bash if they need bash.

But, for now, this is breaking stuff, and it can be easily unbroken. The
high road here is not helpful to Ubuntu users, and smacks of the same
kind of perfectionist arrogance which curses open source software to
forever be a continual battle with your computer to make it actually
work properly.

If you think this is minor, search for “dash” within the Ubuntu bug
list. I've seen this break _configure scripts_, for crying out loud.
You're not going to upstream fix autoconf _and_ get everyone who uses it
to release new tarballs this side of 2007.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-10-30 Thread Stephen Thorne
Having talked to folks on IRC about this (including a canonical
employee) it seems that no one who should care, cares about regressions,
and this is going to stay broken.

Blarg. I guess it's a good thing dapper is LTS.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

Re: [Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-10-30 Thread sparr
The 'bug' is not with dash, it is with every package that dash "breaks".
They should all be fixed.  *maybe* dash should not be the default until they
are fixed, but I think they would never get fixed if it wasn't.

On 10/30/06, Stephen Thorne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Suggested resolution:
> Use /bin/dash instead of /bin/sh for scripts that are desired to run
> fast, and revert the change.
> If you like ./configure running faster, then patch the code so that
> ./configure has #!/bin/dash.
> This change has obviously caused regressions, and should be considered a
> high priority bug that should be fixed, not justified.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-10-30 Thread Stephen Thorne
Suggested resolution:

Use /bin/dash instead of /bin/sh for scripts that are desired to run
fast, and revert the change.

If you like ./configure running faster, then patch the code so that
./configure has #!/bin/dash.

This change has obviously caused regressions, and should be considered a
high priority bug that should be fixed, not justified.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-10-30 Thread GreenSkol
A difference between dash and bash is the echo command : you can't escape 
characters :
"\\n" always print a newline with dash, whereas it prints "\n" with bash.

It make a huge difference in Makefiles, that default to /bin/sh shell,
unless you specify the SHELL variable in the Makefile.

For exemple, glibc makefiles are broken and I couldn't compile it out of
the box with Edgy :-(

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-10-21 Thread Graham Hawkins
Small beer compared with the problems above, but it also breaks
Limewire's runLime.sh

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-10-17 Thread anthony baxter
Please reverse this change before edgy final. It's caused massive
breakage for me - for instance, the intel compiler was utterly broken.
It relied on 'export -n' and 'exec -a' working. I'm almost tempted to
remove dash with dpkg -r and live with the apt-get complaints.

This is a huge mistake - it's broken all manner of things for me, and I
suspect that it will end up being a support nightmare once edgy final is
released to the world.

Yes, people shouldn't have assumed that /bin/sh was bash rather than
bourne shell - but they have. I can fix my own scripts, but going
through other vendor supplied scripts is going to be a complete pain.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-09-28 Thread Jason Straight \(LeeJunFan\)
Yeah, I agree, I even had some installation scripts fail when dash
replaced bash during apt-get dist-upgrade. As well as some LSB scripts.
It was an unholy mess.

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[Bug 61463] Re: Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

2006-09-27 Thread crweb
This is a pretty large scale problem.  I'm seeing scripts breaking all
over the place. and strange errors about bad interpreters and such since
this change.

** Changed in: dash (Ubuntu)
   Status: Unconfirmed => Confirmed

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

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