ugnet_: Fw: 'Federo' is a fantasy

2003-08-27 Thread Lisa Toro

- Original Message -

 Editorial : newvision 26/8/2003

 'Federo' is a fantasy

 CABINET HAS decided to push for the lifting of term limits for the
 presidency and a return to federo.

 However, a representative of the Buganda kingdom has responded that the
 issues should be delinked.

 He is right. The two issues are both too complex to consider together.

 In particular the restoration of federo, or a federal kingdom, is risky.

 Firstly, the dominance of the Buganda kingdom at independence created a
 political imbalance that destabilised the country.

 Secondly, a federal kingdom is not the most progressive form of
 As head of state, the Kabaka will appoint chiefs, ministers and officials.
 What will happen to the authority of democratically elected LC5 and LC3

 Thirdly, is an additional layer of administration in Buganda even

 Fourthly, this administration will have to be funded either by local
 taxation or by increased taxation by the central government. If the
 government pays, a peasant in West Nile might ask why his tax payments go
 the Kabaka of Buganda.

 Fifthly, how many Baganda truly want federo? Many elected LC officials
 favour loose cooperation under a charter, as Busoga is attempting, but
 oppose the idea of an administrative federal kingdom.

 Federo has become a fantasy, a dream for a return to the 1950s and 1960s
 when people were more prosperous and society more orderly. But it is
 impossible to turn the clock back. If the kingdom returns, Baganda will
 still find themselves in today's Uganda where the world coffee price is
 lower than the 1960s and KCC cannot fix the roads.

 It is not worth changing the Constitution for the sake of an illusion.

 Published on: Tuesday, 26th August, 2003

 Email this article to a friend.

 Mitayo Potosi

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Re: ugnet_: NRM's Federo has been rejected by Baganda.

2003-08-27 Thread Owor Kipenji
Emmanuel,thanks for your response on this issue of Federalism.
In deed Obote and Amin were once presidents and I think no one 
really need to belabour that.
The present stalemate or whatever one may prefer to call it has got
nothing to do with those two former Ugandan presidents.It has got 
all to do with the way a segment of the Ugandan society wants to 
handle such matters that impact on every Ugandan.
We on other fora discussed exhaustively on Federalism and there 
was a consensus within the fora that Ugandans would be better served 
if Federalism was to augment our governance.
Mu7 and his cabal were very aware of this and what some of us suggested that time was that since we were all in consonance with 
the idea of federalism,we had better promote democracy and democratic
principles first because as it has turned out to be true,Mu7 will use 
the per chant desire of some of us for Federalism and grant it on paper
as a claptrap to perpetuate himself in power.
What is being purported to be cabinet decisions is no surprise at all to me and those of us who have known Mu7 and his modus operandi.That is why I am personally wondering why some of us in Buganda never really want to learn from all the vast personal experiences that we have 
had with Mu7.Is it because we hate Obote more and therefore our hatred
for and of Obote clouds the way we analyse Ugandan issues?.
Mu7 has now exposed the few Baganda who may have been surreptitiously meeting him to offer Federo to Buganda by saying Buganda will get Federo and that is where the truth will emanate from not the multitudes of denials that is being put up as a face saving facade.
This we had ably pointed out and I am sure ,unless Mu7 is talking out of sync,it will come to pass.
This is where our problem lies in having unity with people who are united for cross purposes.
Ugandans need to unite to get their rights and without actually knowing what is happening in Northern Uganda ,I will reluctantly say Kony is the terrorist because there are many activities there that just do not add up.
The best way to get to the truth is to make Mu7 accountable to the people of Uganda for what has been taking place there since 1986.
Sometimes I am left wondering whether that was his plan to wipe out the
people from the North that he and his ardent supporters from Central Uganda have often referred to as biological substances.Some of us would like emphatic opposition to Mu7's ways in these areas and not 
using Mu7's dupe to think the rebels are terrorists when it may be the state itself terrorising the people,since they have the monopoly of both the means of violence and spewing deceptive information.
That my brother is the biggest problem.
Thank you.
===emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Let's not trivialise such an issue by resorting to tribalism.remember that Obote and Amin were once presidents of Uganda and they never gave federalism a thought, and gauging from their policies, i think they were against federalism. Buganda and for that matter any region in Uganda has a right to make demands for federalism. The constitution of Uganda is not suspended, irrespective of the unfortunate situation in the North of the country, being caused by the LRA terrorists.From: "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Re: ugnet_: NRM's Federo has been rejected by Baganda.Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 17:02:27 -0400Mwaami MusaaziSo you want them to take the time while in IDP Camps and write what theywant from federalism. Do
 you really think that getting federalism is anywhere on the list of all most three quarters of Ugandans who have never gotpeace since you guys started to sleep?Em The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"- Original Message -From: "emmanuel musaazi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 11:37 AMSubject: Re: ugnet_: NRM's Federo has been rejected by Baganda.  ..but i think over and above everything else is the fact that the demandof  the baganda for federalism is facilitating a debate and an important oneat  that. Federalism is the way to go particularly for a country like Uganda  where there is a lot of uneven development
 country-wide. What shape it  eventualy takes, i think will be a matter of negotiations mainly betweenthe  units and government. Right now it appears one sided because the otherunits  are yet to appreciate the long term benefits of federalisms, they are  letting there reactions to federalism be dictated by the baganda, insteadof  coming up with their own demands that benefit their regions under such a  system. They are failing to realise that as long as buganda is the only  region asking for federalism, then it is more likely to get most of it's  demands through than if there 


2003-08-27 Thread Mulindwa Edward


The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2003-08-27 Thread Mulindwa Edward

UN Bomb Was Payback For Collusion With 
USBy Neil 
Mackay The Sunday Herald - UK 8-26-03


The reason the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad 
were bombed is because the UN has been taken over by the US and turned 
into a "dark joke" and a "malignant force", according to one of the UN's 
most internationally respected former leaders. 
Denis Halliday, the former UN Assistant 
Secretary-General and UN Humanitarian Co-ordinator in Iraq, attacked the 
UN as an aggressive arm of US foreign policy in the immediate aftermath 
of the truck bomb attack on the UN mission in Baghdad which killed at 
least 23 people ñ many of whom were Halliday's former friends and 
"The West sees the UN as a benign organisation, but 
the sad reality in much of the world is that the UN is not seen as 
benign," said Halliday, who was nominated for the 2001 Nobel Peace 
Prize. "The UN Security Council has been taken over and corrupted by the 
US and UK, particularly with regard to Iraq, Palestine and 
"In Iraq, the UN imposed sustained sanctions that 
probably killed up to one million people. Children were dying of 
malnutrition and water-borne diseases. The US and UK bombed the 
infrastructure in 1991, destroying power, water and sewage systems 
against the Geneva Convention. It was a great crime against Iraq. 

"Thirteen years of sanctions made it impossible for 
Iraq to repair the damage. That is why we have such tremendous 
resentment and anger against the UN in Iraq. There is a sense that the 
UN humiliated the Iraqi people and society. I would use the term 
genocide to define the use of sanctions against Iraq. Several million 
Iraqis are suffering cancers because of the use of depleted uranium 
shells. That's an atrocity. Can you imagine the bitterness from all of 
He warned that "further collaboration" between the UN 
and the US and Britain "would be a disaster for the United Nations as it 
would be sucked into supporting the illegal occupation of Iraq". 
"The UN has been drawn into being an arm of the US ñ a 
division of the state department. Kofi Annan was appointed and supported 
by the US and that has corrupted the independence of the UN. The UN must 
move quickly to reform itself and improve the security council ñ it must 
make clear that the UN and the US are not one and the same." 
Halliday said the US should withdraw from Iraqi within 
six months and allow free elections to be held. The UN could then start 
the work of helping the Iraqis rebuild their nation. "Bush has blown $75 
billion on this war, so he should spend $75 billion on reconstruction ñ 
and the money shouldn't just go to Halliburton [an oil firm now 
operating in Iraqi which was once run by vice- president Dick Cheney] 
and the boys either. Once the US goes from Iraq, the terrorist will go 
as well. 
"Bush and Blair have misled their countries into war. 
By invading Iraq and placing the US inside the Islamic world, America is 
inviting terrorists to come on the attack." 
Halliday, who resigned from the UN in 1998, knows his 
comments will upset London, Washington and Kofi Annan, but he claims 
many senior UN figures feel the same anger. 
©2003 smg sunday newspapers ltd. no.176088. all rights 
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2003-08-27 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Did Mandela betray his own revolution?
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 23:44:25 +
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Did Mandela betray his own revolution?

By Billet Magara ; Business tribune sa

Nelson Mandela's Xhosa name Rolihlahla literally means pulling a tree 
branch. Symbolically it means troublemaker. The pre-treason trial Mandela 
was a man who brought chill winds into the Apartheid South African 
government's high echelons of power.

He was a troublemaker who became a colossal symbol of the struggle for the 
freedom of a nation. Inevitably he was sent to Robben Island for half a 
lifetime with frenzied sharks for neighbours and the dehumanisation of the 
man began in enerst. What really happened in Prison? South African prisons 
were not designed as correctional facilities at all. They were places where 
the body and soul of inmates died physiological and psychological deaths. 
They were torture chambers that left individuals diseased marionettes of 
their former selves. How much of the former Nelson Mandela made it to 
independence and freedom? Towards the end of his detention, Nelson Mandela 
began to show signs of succumbing to the willpower of his captors. He 
initiated negotiations for his own release to the consternation of his 
fellow detainees. He wrote a letter to Koebe Coetsee, the Minister of 
Justice in the apartheid regime and asked for talks to be held between the 
African National Congress (ANC) and the government.

Mandela was eventually isolated from his mates and was lavished with gifts 
and held countless meetings with the SA authorities, foreign dignitaries and 
senior officials of foreign intelligence services. The reactions from his 
mates were quite telling. Mandela's stable mate Walter Sisulu could not hide 
his disappointment. He said that he would have preferred that government 
initiate discussions rather than ANC initiate them. Ahmed Kathrada, another 
Mandela backer opposed the position taken by Mandela. But the most telling 
response came from Oliver Tambo in Lusaka. His note to Mandela was sharp and 
only fell short of calling him a traitor. In a revolution there are no 
private dealings with a public enemy. Such an unsanctioned move would be 
tantamount to treason itself. Mandela was moved to Pollsmoor prison with 
some of his mates but his isolated cell carried luxuries unseen in the cells 
of other inmates. It was his transfer to Victor Vester Prison that convinced 
other cadres that Mandela was selling out. Mandela was given a cottage with 
one storey, unbarred windows, a swimming pool, manicured green lawns, 
bodyguards and a chauffeur. Prison conditions were changing from Spartan to 
super luxury.

Even the deputy commander of Pollmoor would give Mandela rides in luxury 
limousines in the city of Cape Town. Prison authorities under instruction 
from the government, knew the effect of providing limited freedoms to 
detainees. They knew that it would bring feelings of nostalgia and deep 
yearnings for true freedom and release from detention. They knew it would 
result in compromise. They pampered Mandela senseless. At one time the head 
of South African military intelligence, a certain Dr Niel Banaard, knelt 
down in front of Mandela in order to tie the undone shoelaces of his black 
prisoner! When Mandela was diagnosed with early tuberculosis, they moved him 
to Tygerbay Hospital on the grounds of the Stellenbosch University, Cape 
Town. They quickly moved him to Constantiaberg Clinic where the luxury and 
sophistication left a lasting impression on the man. He became the first 
black man to be treated at the all-white clinic. What an incentive! He met 
with senior government officials including PW Botha and when the latter 
suffered a stroke and resigned, Mandela met with the new president Fredrick 
Willem De Klerk and the secret committee.

After his release, Mandela began to show signs that the system had got to 
his psyche. The colonial name of the country South Africa, which the world 
expected to be changed to AZANIA, was maintained and the apartheid symbols 
of the springbok were kept intact as well. Names of cities remained the 
same. People's lifestyles, standards of living deteriorated at the time of 
Mandela's government. He was popular among white people who could not 
believe their luck at the fact that their war crimes were no longer going to 
dog them through independence and beyond. South African parliamentarians 
used to quiz Mandela over his trips to London where he was always seen at 
the offices of the Scotland Yard and the MI5. Adequate explanations have 
never been acquired. One of the most startling things about Mandela was his 
naïve trust of everyone he met and worked with. One Dr Wouter Basson, a 
chemical and biological weapons expert, had been tasked to put a slow acting 
thallium poison and mescaline mind controlling drugs into Mandela's food and 
drink while at Pollsmoor.

The same man came to Mandela and 


2003-08-27 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Rwanda Opposition leader rejects election 
Rwanda's main opposition candidate in presidential elections has rejected the 
election results in which incumbent President Paul Kagame has won a landslide 
victory. Faustin Twagiramungu says he will lodge a protest with the 
Supreme Court. Rwanda's electoral commission said on Tuesday incumbent 
president Paul Kagame had won with 94.3 percent of the vote, in the first 
presidential elections since the country's 1994 genocide in which 800,000 people 
were killed.
Published on: Tuesday, 26th August, 2003

Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2003-08-27 Thread Mulindwa Edward


I am posting this post with great fear of how imoral the 
American society has become, and I am asking you only one question, can you 
imagine if this happens in Africa? Read on and understand what we miss by not 
comming from a developed country.


Autistic Boy's Death At Church Ruled HomicideChild Was Suffocated, Autopsy Report SaysCNN.com8-26-03


MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin (CNN) 
-- An 8-year-old autistic boy who died at a prayer service where church 
members tried to heal him of "spirits" was suffocated, the medical 
examiner's office said Monday. 
Terrance Cottrell went to a prayer service Friday with 
his mother, who prayed over him with a pastor and other church members. 
By the time the two-hour service was over, Terrance was dead. 
The official cause of death is mechanical asphyxia due 
to external chest compression, meaning Terrance was suffocated. The 
death has been ruled a homicide. 
The church is in a run-down strip mall in northern 
Milwaukee, with the sign for the former tenant -- a bar -- still posted 
above its door. A poster on the door says the Faith Temple Church of the 
Apostolic Faith has services every Sunday. 
Ray Hemphill -- a pastor at the storefront church and 
the brother of head Pastor David Hemphill -- was arrested early Saturday 
on suspicion of child abuse and is awaiting formal charges, authorities 
said. Ray Hemphill led Friday's prayer service, his brother said. 

David Hemphill told CNN that Terrance and his mother 
had been attending the church for about three months. 
The adults formed a circle around the boy and placed 
their hands lightly over him as they prayed for him, David Hemphill said 
"[They] were just praying for him and asking God to 
deliver him from the spirit that he had," David Hemphill said. "The 
little boy had spirits in him, and we was asking God to deliver 
David Hemphill said the prayers were in accordance 
with Matthew 12:43, which says, "When an evil spirit comes out of a man, 
it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it." 
At the end of the prayers, one of the women noticed 
that Terrance was not breathing. An adult called 911, but when emergency 
services arrived around 11 p.m., the boy was dead, David Hemphill 
A neighbor described Terrance's mother as a zealous 
church convert who once said the evil spirit had spoken through her son 
at the church. 
"She said he said, 'Kill me, take me, kill me,'" 
neighbor Denise Allison said. "I was like, are you serious? I couldn't 
really believe that." 
Asked whether church members could have confused 
Terrance's autism with evil spirits, David Hemphill said no. 
"It wasn't confused," he told CNN. "I know what I'm 
talking about." 
Hemphill said Terrance "had spirits in him," and 
church members simply asked God to "deliver him." 
This past Sunday, services were held at David 
Hemphill's home, where he said members consoled each other about the 
boy's death. Hemphill said they haven't yet decided when services will 
return to the church. 
CNN correspondent Jeff Flock contributed to this 
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Company. All Rights Reserved.
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ugnet_: RE:

2003-08-27 Thread Ed Kironde
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Re: ugnet_: RE:

2003-08-27 Thread Y Yaobang

Ed Kironde,

Thank you.

From: Ed Kironde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: RE: Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 14:52:16 -0600
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Re: ugnet_: ‘Federo’ is a fantasy

2003-08-27 Thread Y Yaobang

Now I can spare time to read your postings because of your improved writing, 
good boy.
Now you need to work on your paragraphs, to give some fresh air to your 

From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: ‘Federo’ is a fantasy
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 16:12:20 -0500
Whoever was responsible for this editorial, does not understand the concept 
of federalism. First of all how does he know that the final federal system 
agreed upon will take the shape he is outlining (talk about puting the cart 
before the horse). The final system will depend on negotiations which will 
involve a lot of tradeoffs and compromises, it's not about 'winner takes 
all'. Secondly, the Primeminister does not have to be the Kabaka (there 
doesn't even need to be a prime minister). Federalism will help spread 
development around the country, new city capitals will spring up and along 
with them jobs, institutions of learning and investements. Federalism will 
also help to reduce the concentration of power at the center which will on 
the long run enhance democracy. As for taxes, well a tax sharing and 
allocation formular will be part of the negotiations, this is why i said 
that the more the number of regions involved in the negotiations the better 
for the whole country. Right now everybody is only hearing the Buganda 
proposal because other regions have not formaly and in an organized 
fashion, put forward their proposals. The other regions should stop wining 
and come with ideas, that is what democracy is all about, isn't it, 
democracy lovers?

From: Mitayo Potosi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: ‘Federo’ is a fantasy
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 17:35:19 +
Editorial : newvision 26/8/2003

‘Federo’ is a fantasy

CABINET HAS decided to push for the lifting of term limits for the 
presidency and a return to federo.

However, a representative of the Buganda kingdom has responded that the 
two issues should be delinked.

He is right. The two issues are both too complex to consider together.

In particular the restoration of federo, or a federal kingdom, is risky.

Firstly, the dominance of the Buganda kingdom at independence created a 
political imbalance that destabilised the country.

Secondly, a federal kingdom is not the most progressive form of 
government. As head of state, the Kabaka will appoint chiefs, ministers 
and officials. What will happen to the authority of democratically elected 
LC5 and LC3 officials?

Thirdly, is an additional layer of administration in Buganda even 

Fourthly, this administration will have to be funded either by local 
taxation or by increased taxation by the central government. If the 
central government pays, a peasant in West Nile might ask why his tax 
payments go to the Kabaka of Buganda.

Fifthly, how many Baganda truly want federo? Many elected LC officials 
favour loose cooperation under a charter, as Busoga is attempting, but 
oppose the idea of an administrative federal kingdom.

Federo has become a fantasy, a dream for a return to the 1950s and 1960s 
when people were more prosperous and society more orderly. But it is 
impossible to turn the clock back. If the kingdom returns, Baganda will 
still find themselves in today’s Uganda where the world coffee price is 
lower than the 1960s and KCC cannot fix the roads.

It is not worth changing the Constitution for the sake of an illusion.

Published on: Tuesday, 26th August, 2003

Email this article to a friend.

Mitayo Potosi

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ugnet_: In Response to Noc's OUTBURST

2003-08-27 Thread Matekopoko

Ladit Noc.

Your outburst so to say, was rather unexpected I reckon. I will, nonetheless, respond to it as follows.

a) It has always been and it is still the position of Uganda Peoples Congress that the KONY's LRA wars with Yoweri Museveni's NRM/A should be resolved through peaceful negotiated settlement. 

This point has been driven home time and time again by some of us and lately by other members of Uganda Peoples Congress Presidential Policy Commission who are resident in Kampala. ( if you care to read The MONITOR NEWS PAPER) 

b) Unfortunately, because of Yoweri Museveni's NRM militaristic disposition, the Regime in Kampala has insisted that the solution to Uganda's Problems can only be found by using the gun, tanks, mamba's APC's Bazooka e.t.c . 

Indeed, for now close to 18 years the regime in Kampala, at any given point in time, has been fighting rebels; be it the so called LRA rebels, ADF rebels, Karamojong cattle rustlers, West Nile Bank Front Part Two, rebels Itongwa Rebels . the list goes on and on and on. I hear now the Kampala regime is getting read to fight what the regime refers to as Bwesigye's "PRA rebels".

c) In all this wars against rebels, if we are to follow Moses Ali's advise to Ugandans that they should enlist in militia and help in fighting Yoweri Museveni's "enemies", How many Uganda civilian population do you think will die fighting this wars? Let me answer that many. 

That is why I believe that it is totally ridiculous to call upon Uganda civilian Population to fight Yoweri Museveni's wars. I am of the opinion that since the regime in Kampala strongly believes in solving Uganda's problem through military means, then let the apologist and sycophants of the regime do the fighting period.

 On the other hand if you feel like the best approach to solve the numerous rebellion in the in Northern and Eastern Uganda (and may be soon Western Uganda if we are to believe the regimes accusation that Bwesyige is training rebels) is to bear arms and face the rebels then go right ahead. I cannot stop you. Indeed I have no power to do so.


ugnet_: Karamojong Disarmament to Resume

2003-08-27 Thread Matekopoko
Karamojong Disarmament to Resume

New Vision (Kampala)

August 27, 2003 
Posted to the web August 27, 2003 


The disarmament programme in Karamoja will resume as soon as the LRA rebellion is over, reports Justin Moro.

State minister for defence Ruth Nankabirwa said this on Monday at a public rally at Omiya Anyima and Namukora sub-counties in Chua county in Kitgum district.

"Soon, LRA rebellion will be no more and the President will re-launch the disarmament programme which will be successful in the end and we shall have no problem," she said.

Residents said the rebels and the Karimojong had committed several atrocities against civilians in the area.

Nankabirwa said it was illegal for any citizen to carry a gun and harass others.

ugnet_: Parliament: Militias Can Stir Trouble

2003-08-27 Thread Matekopoko
Parliament: Militias Can Stir Trouble

The Monitor (Kampala)

August 26, 2003 
Posted to the web August 26, 2003 

Ssemujju Ibrahim Nganda

Members of Parliament are worried that arming local militias might stir ethnic conflicts.

The MPs now want the government to explain the legal framework within which local militias such as Teso's Arrow Group are operating.

The lawmakers on the Defense and Internal Affairs committee were, yesterday, writing their report after studying the budget estimates and policy statement for the Ministry of Defence for the financial year 2003/2004.

Otuke MP Omara Atubo wondered why the government has deployed tribal militias to fight rebels instead of the army.

The MPs saluted the Arrow Group initiative in Teso, but maintained that the militia has to be supervised by the UPDF.

The MPs also called on the government to facilitate the Arrow Group. Bokora MP Patrick Apuun said that the Karimojong are concerned that the Iteso might turn their guns on them, when they are finished with the Joseph Kony rebels.

Apuun accused the Minister of State for Health, Mr Mike Mukula, of making statements likely to spark off tribal clashes.

He said that it is dangerous for Mukula to say that the Iteso would retain their guns after the war (against Kony to fend off the Karimojong).

He said that such a move could lead to genocide. But Mukula told The Monitor on phone from Soroti yesterday that the guns in Teso are not his personal property.

He said that no guns would be turned against any person, not even the Karimojong.

Mukula also explained that the Arrow Group is already supervised by the UPDF.

Last week, President Yoweri Museveni announced in Soroti that the Arrow Group would be facilitated and paid allowances, in addition to being properly structured under the command of the UPDF.

ugnet_: Rebels Kill Popular Teso College Teacher

2003-08-27 Thread Matekopoko
Rebels Kill Popular Teso College Teacher

The Monitor (Kampala)

August 26, 2003 
Posted to the web August 26, 2003 

Patrick E. Angonu

UPDF soldiers on August 25 launched a cordon-and-search operation here against the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebels led by Mr Joseph Kony.

The operation saw motorists being barred from using the risky Soroti-Moroto highway.

The rebels have recently intensified attacks on civilian targets here, and on Sunday they killed a popular science teacher from Teso College Aloet.

John Elamu, the head of the Biology department at Teso College, was shot dead on August 24 along the Tubur-Arapai road.

He was returning to Teso College from his home village of Apalaet, 17km north of Soroti town.

The councillor representing Tubur sub-county in the Soroti district council, Mr Charles Elasu, last week complained to President Museveni that the LRA are flying their red flag in the area - suggesting that the rebels consider Tubur to be their stronghold.

"By killing Elamu, they have killed a teacher who knew biology well and who will be really hard to replace," mourned the Soroti Principal Education Officer, Mr Michael Etoyu Oumo.

Elamu had taught at Teso College for 17 years after he fled from Amuria SSS at the height of the Uganda People's Army rebellion in Teso in the late 1980s.

"All these young doctors from Teso and many others [were taught by Elamu]," Oumo said.

ugnet_: Diversity Visa 2005

2003-08-27 Thread Ed Kironde

with a paperless society, the next diversity visa lottery is going to be
paperless. All entries must be filed electronically including photos only in
JPEG format as anything else will be rejected. If you cannot scan a 2
photo, you are already disqualified.
The site
is non functional and hopefully
will be working for the 30 days - starting SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2003 AND TUESDAY,
DECEMBER 30, 2003. 

On the site the government calls
that period 60 days

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Re: ugnet_: Lutimba!

2003-08-27 Thread gook makanga

The answer is an emphatic NO! Was just smoking him out.


"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."- Malcom X 

Original Message Follows From: "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Re: ugnet_: Lutimba! Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 16:58:04 -0400 Gr Do you really have a time for this man? Em The Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie" - Original Message - From: gook makanga To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 9:11 AM Subject: ugnet_: Lutimba! PS!!! Lutimba, Am in your "neck of the woods", see if u can buy me that beer u once promised me! U know where u can find me. rgds gook Lutimba, I have been watching you deteriorate from a serious analytical fellow to now this childish and lackluster performa
 nce you put up these days. Look, if you have nothing to say simply shut up. Stop these personal attacks on your "enemies". If you have "Bwino" on the non insisting agreement btwn M7 and Buganda bring it out without going native on your opponents bar habits. I know you as a beer loving fellow. I have even had a few bouts with you. This can never make me call you an alcoholic! If you are losing an argument..please accept it with grace and bow out. The little faith i once had in you as an NRA/M (wannabe) i could do business with is fast fading out. What a waste for such a potatial political mate! Rgds Gook "You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."- Malcom X Original Message Follows From: Lutimba Matovu Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: ugnet_: Kasangwao, Matovu! Eddy Mutesa (RIP) 
 was an Alcoholic! Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 14:55:52 -0700 (PDT) Bwambuga, The real Alcoholic is Mulindwa. Mulindwa is the man who really loves the bottle. I now have bwino on this guy. He loves the bottle like his hero AMO. --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Kasangwao,  Your arguement is too cheap for me. I am very well  learned and knowledgeable Uganda in case you did not  know. I think you are doing total deservice to your  nation, abd people by involving your self in "...he  said she said." scheme.  You are displaying mere ignorance and lack of  information and ability to know what you are saying.  God Bless your heart and children who God Willing,  will grow up under your deceitfull environment. An  behold you take pride in them.   Bwambuga. "Mulindwa Edward" wrote:   Kasan
 gwawoOn all accusations made, on all love Buganda has to  her Kingdom, would Obote  poison Muteesa and the person who knew about it  decide to be anonymous  except to you?  Let us remember that what we are discussing today  is both of great  importance to a whole mass of people and the  History of Uganda as a nation.  So I would encourage every one to stick on the  facts, for there are those  who are going to read these facts and take them for  whole truth and help you  God. That is why I stated before that the cause of  death of Mutesa was not  by poison from Obot e. Can I back that claim? Yes  the Post Mortem made in  London and in a nation which was against Obote is  available. I hope you can  produce the evidence backing "that Some one",  Secondly
  I stated that the  funds which were sent to Mutesa and his family even  after his death all way  through to Amin, can be backed up by records in  Bank of Uganda, which is in  Uganda today. So let us not take these things that  likely, for they are of  great Historical importance.Em The Mulindwas Communication Group  "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"   Groupe de communication Mulindwas  "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans  l'anarchie"  - Original Message -  From: "jonah kasangwawo"  To:  Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 4:05 PM  Subject: Re: ugnet_: Matovu! Eddy Mutesa (RIP) was  an Alcoholic!   Bwambuga, we als
 o know that someone (identity known) put  poison in Sir Freddie's   drink, which led to his eventual death. This  evidence comes from someone  who   spent the last few years of the King's life  looking after him and was   therefore very close to him. I therefore fail to  see why you think that  your   allegations are stronger than what you call  Matovu's "false accusations".   On the other hand, you might be confusing your  information with that about  a   known alcoholic in Lusaka. Kasangwawo   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Subject: ugnet_: Matovu! Eddy Mutesa (RIP) was  an Alcoholic!   Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 23:19:36 -0400  Matovu,   We know that Kabaka Fred Mutesa (RIP) was a  seroius alcoholic case. And  he   died from Alcohol Poisoning. My evidence comes  from a cery good friend of   mine, but he was 

ugnet_: Fw: Baluwa mu Bukedde

2003-08-27 Thread Mulindwa Edward
Title: Baluwa mu Bukedde


Here is the exact problem of Buganda


Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 
- Original Message - 
To: 'Mulindwa Edward' 
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 4:05 AM
Subject: Baluwa mu Bukedde

Museveni ojja kutulekera ani? 
NSABA ontuusize okusiima kwange eri Pulezidenti 
Musveni okutukuuma obulungi n'ebyaffe ebbanga lyonna ng'okyali ku 
bukulembeze.Naye ekisanja kyo bwe kinaaba kiweddeko ani gw'onootulekera 
n'atukuuma n'ebyaffe nga ggwe bw'obadde obitukuumidde?Ekirala weebale 
kuteeka mu bajaasi mpisa, ne bw'oba omusanze obeera nga asanze omuntu 
waabulijjo.Kibirige Dembelya Museveni,Kisalosaloo 

ugnet_: Re: ugnet_: 'Federo' is a fantasy

2003-08-27 Thread Mulindwa Edward
Mwaami Musaazi

You are using a wrong terminology here, what we have in Uganda today is not
a negotiation of federalism, it is a Buganda attack on all national
institutions for her own benefit. An act that Ugandans have vehemently
refused. And I will give you examples (1) Mengo asked for Kampala which it
knew was Uganda's capital and built by Ugandans. When Ugandans refused it
Mengo said if we do not get Kampala we do not take that federalism (2) They
then asked for Uganda Revenue Authority, the government said No, Mengo
responded that with out it they do not want federalism. And I can go on and
on with such examples of unrealistic requests. Can you tell me one instance
where Buganda's request was refused and Mengo moved on? The formula is
either give us this or we are out of here.
Secondly I do not even think that Buganda has a right to negotiate with NRM
on how to install this federalism, in fact the smart thing NRM should have
done would have been to send Buganda back to Mengo and ask them to negotiate
with other units, then all of them to come back to Uganda government with a
finished document, for there is no way Uganda government can negotiate with
pieces. But NRM would have done that if it was interested in putting real
federalism in Uganda, what NRM wants today is Buganda's vote for the sad
term, and if giving them a half baked federalism is the bait, so be it.
Remember you are dealing with very shrewd people.
Lastly some of us are wondering whether NRM has even the authority to
negotiate the fate of our nation. Remember they came to power by force of
arms they were never elected to come to power, and since then they failed to
even turn into a political party, we still have a Resistance Council which
to now we do not know who elected it, running our nation. And that Council
understands its limitations that is why you see that they do not make
national decisions which will be internationally recognised, for they know
that they will not. An example is the failure to establish a Uganda Army.
For they know that they can not commission officers. How can they turn a
nation from Unitary to federalism? Those are questions Mengo should have
asked before they claimed ownership on Uganda Revenue Authority. But hey it
is all a fantasy!!

Be well

The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: 'Federo' is a fantasy

 Whoever was responsible for this editorial, does not understand the
 of federalism. First of all how does he know that the final federal system
 agreed upon will take the shape he is outlining (talk about puting the
 before the horse). The final system will depend on negotiations which will
 involve a lot of tradeoffs and compromises, it's not about 'winner takes
 all'. Secondly, the Primeminister does not have to be the Kabaka (there
 doesn't even need to be a prime minister). Federalism will help spread
 development around the country, new city capitals will spring up and along
 with them jobs, institutions of learning and investements. Federalism will
 also help to reduce the concentration of power at the center which will on
 the long run enhance democracy. As for taxes, well a tax sharing and
 allocation formular will be part of the negotiations, this is why i said
 that the more the number of regions involved in the negotiations the
 for the whole country. Right now everybody is only hearing the Buganda
 proposal because other regions have not formaly and in an organized
 put forward their proposals. The other regions should stop wining and come
 with ideas, that is what democracy is all about, isn't it, democracy

 From: Mitayo Potosi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: ugnet_: 'Federo' is a fantasy
 Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 17:35:19 +
 Editorial : newvision 26/8/2003
 'Federo' is a fantasy
 CABINET HAS decided to push for the lifting of term limits for the
 presidency and a return to federo.
 However, a representative of the Buganda kingdom has responded that the
 issues should be delinked.
 He is right. The two issues are both too complex to consider together.
 In particular the restoration of federo, or a federal kingdom, is risky.
 Firstly, the dominance of the Buganda kingdom at independence created a
 political imbalance that destabilised the country.
 Secondly, a federal kingdom is not the most progressive form of
 As head of state, the Kabaka will appoint chiefs, ministers and
 What will happen to the authority of democratically elected LC5 and LC3
 Thirdly, is an additional layer of administration in Buganda even

ugnet_: Re: Rebels Kill Popular Teso College Teacher

2003-08-27 Thread Matekopoko
I strongly believe that some of this so called LRA Rebels are actually UPDF troops. That is why I always refer to the LRA as (THE SO CALLED LRA REBELS) .
Many UPDF troops, you will agree with me are terribly demoralize. 
They are demoralized (if we are to believe commander Salim Selah's).

a) The UPDF, as you known, have been fighting wars for now 18 years. This troops are tired.

b) The UPDF lacks even basic army uniform. Many are seen walking with what we use to call KIRAKA at the back. ...Many more simply have no shoes.. they have to go to battle to fight the so called KONY in Slippers.

Given this kind of senerio, some members of the UPDF ( I I strongly believe ) are encouraged to become " KONY REBELS." at night!!! who is going to tell the difference between the so called KONY REBEL and genunine UPDF soldier.? .. if both are operating at night?

..and so some of the atrocities blamed on KONY REBELS ( like the murder of this Teso College Teacher) could have been easly carried out by degrantled UPDF soldier... and then of course, KONY is blamed!..



In a message dated 8/27/2003 1:35:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 The interesting thing about the so called LRA rebels in Teso is that not a single one of them has been arrested and interogated by police to testify to their origin. The whole fiasco is a SAD term strategy. An attempt to generate a crisis that does not exist. It is a cynical abuse of human life, diginity and human rights.

 The truth is we are faced with an abomination of some kind.


ugnet_: reeds or metal beams

2003-08-27 Thread dbbwanika db

‘Masindi community funded school’

THE Ministry of Education has said the the construction of ring beams with reeds at St. Paul’s Pakanyi Primary School in Masindi was done by the community, reports Kyetume Kasanga.

The ministry’s engineering assistant, Henry Kisitu, denied that the funds used were from the School Facilitation Grant.
The media recently quoted the district chairman, John Majara, criticising the school management for allowing contractors to use reeds instead of metal bars.

Govt ready to register private institutions

THE commissioner for high education in the ministry of education, Acado Anyeko, has said the Government is ready to register private educational institutions, schools, universities and colleges that come up.

He was recently addressing the 4th graduation of the United Media Consultant and Trainers School (UMCAT).

Anyeko said the Government was happy with the performance of the private institutions in the country.


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ugnet_: Fwd: Opoka is `alive', Kony FM on air and what else?

2003-08-27 Thread Ochan Otim
Ear to The Ground

By Charles Onyango-Obbo

Opoka is `alive', Kony FM on air and what else?
August 27, 2003
The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) does not allow journalists to cover the 
fighting in the north and its activities in southern Sudan from
its side.

The result is that the perennial problem of understanding what the LRA is 
up to remains.

Occasionally a trader gets some information; a religious leader might 
receive some insights; humanitarian workers do get interesting facts;
some diplomats have fairly reliable information; journalists are able to 
piece together valuable perspectives because they speak to the
most sources ­ including exiles; and some elements of the Sudan People's 
Liberation Army (SPLA) rebels of Dr John Garang are very

One advantage from being a journalist in Nairobi is that because Kenya 
still happens to the region's travel hub and has the largest
number of foreign journalists in Africa after South Africa and Egypt, an 
incredible amount of information can be got about behind-the-
scenes Ugandan politics and the rebellion.

Close Uganda watchers with their ear to the ground are able to pick up 
interesting snippets about the LRA rebellion in the north, and why
it recently shifted to Teso.

One of the reasons for the move to Teso by LRA, according to sources, is 
because the food stocks are low in Acholi, the region where the
rebels have been most active. The attacks in Lango have not been because 
Kony has any strategic interest there. Rather it is because
Lango lies along the transit route from Sudan, Acholi to Teso.

But that is only part of the story. One thing that watchers of the conflict 
in the north say is that it is notable that the LRA has
never successfully attacked Gulu town or Kitgum.

Some see this as indication that the LRA are not predominantly Acholi, and 
do not actually know the area very well.

It is alleged that this is borne out if one tunes to the Gulu Catholic 
church's radio that the rebels stole. Acholi sources claim
that several of the people on the radio speak with Lango and Teso 
accents. Apparently the LRA broadcasts at 8 a.m, 12
o'clock, and 6p.m!

Why Teso? It is alleged that after the first war in Teso ended, there were 
many ex-rebels of the London-based Peter Otai's Uganda People's
Army (UPA) in the country and some outside who were waiting to benefit from 
\the amnesty and resettlement.

The government allegedly never delivered.

This year in March, sources claim, there was a meeting in London of a 
handful of Ugandan dissidents, including Otai. Apparently after the
meeting, these dissidents activated some of their men, who were either 
infiltrated into northern Uganda, and were joined by a few
others who were inside.

These formed a core of about 300 trained men, some of whom are believed to 
have joined the LRA.

How they joined up with the northern rebels is not clear. A few details 
are, however, known.
Some of them came in through Sudan, but not by or via the support of 
elements of the Khartoum government. A new development in southern
Sudan is probably the biggest new threat to Ugandan security in that region.

While Khartoum has always been unhappy with Uganda's support for Garang's 
SPLA, it is support for the LRA was always limited to using
the Ugandan rebels as a bargaining chip.

However, other southern Sudan groups are even angrier with President Yoweri 
Museveni, saying his support for SPLA was anti-Sudan people
because Garang's organisation is brutal, and a partisan movement that is 
not interested in uniting the southern Sudanese people as a whole.
A new Sudanese force, the Equatorial Defence Forces are alleged to now be 
backing Kony in retaliation. A soon-to-be published study of
the conflict in the north and southern Sudan by Uganda's Prof. Dani 
Nabudere gives a lot of fascinating insights into this.

After the London meeting, the LRA is reported to have met and changed its 
command at a kacoke madit (assembly) held in April in a place
called Ogili, in Chua county, Kitgum.

Vincent Otti was removed as commander of the LRA, and replaced with Brig 
Charles Tabuley.

The significant thing about this is that Tabuley is a former UPA rebel. He 
is not from Acholi, but Katakwi in Teso which is one of the
places most affected by the LRA's move to the north east. And he is as 
Etesot as you can get. His real name is Okiring. This, according
to various sources, is another reason why the LRA moved to Teso.

It is believed that there are many other changes in the LRA command, and 
the new alliances with other dissidents have altered some of the
politics and interests of the LRA.

There are also reports from several humanitarian and church sources that 
other factors on the ground are allowing secondary forces to
organise in the north. For example, they say that James Opoka, a former 
campaign aide of now-exiled ex-presidential candidate, Col.
Kizza Besigye, was not killed with Kony forces in the north earlier this year.


2003-08-27 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Bollocks ! If he was such a good man why did she run away from him ?

From: Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: HE WAS GREAT - SARAH AMIN
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 19:01:20 -0400

  He was great - Sarah Amin

SAD: Ex-first lady Sarah grieves in London

  On the wall of her living room where mourners assembled, hung a 
massive black-and-white picture of Idi Amin in full military decorations, 
reports Geoffrey Kulubya in London.

  Dr Amin was a good man, a good husband, a loving father and a great 

  With these words Sarah Kyolaba Amin, 47, summarised the life of her 
late husband, former Ugandan dictator Idi Amin Dada.

  Sarah, Amin's fifth wife, was speaking to The New Vision at Kizza 
Business Consultants premises in Forest Gate, East London on Sunday.

  Clad in a black suit, white blouse and black head gear, Sarah, who 
persistently called the late Amin Doctor, said she was disturbed that the 
Government of Uganda objected to Amin's return home when he was critically 

  Politics aside, Amin fought a lot for Ugandans and that should have 
been a very good example for him to return home, said the mother of four 
of Amin's children.

  Amin has the right to be buried in Uganda because he was Ugandan, 
she said. The sombre-faced former first lady said the whole family was 
saddened by Amin's death.

  She said, It's really sad. We hope that he will rest in peace. And 
we would like to thank the family, friends and everybody concerned who have 
been comforting us during this time of sadness. The children are saddened. 
I pray to God that He will make us recover from this big loss soon.

  Sarah, who did not attend Amin's burial, said she learned of his 
death through her stepson Aliga Amin who was at his father's death bed.

  I didn't attend the burial because it was a very quick burial, she 
said. Amin was buried the same day he died in accordance with the Islamic 
law. She intends to travel with her children to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to 
visit Amin's grave.

  Sarah and Amin parted ways in 1983 and never saw each other again. 
She first went to Germany before relocating to London 12 years ago. Amin 
spotted her when she was only 16.

  Several Ugandans living in London joined Sarah to mourn Amin. Duwa 
prayers will be held today at Sarah's at Woodgreen, North London.

  By Sunday evening, 356 sympathisers had signed a condolence book at 
Sarah's residence.

  A handful including former Kampala Mayor Nasser Sebaggala spent 
Saturday night with Sarah at a vigil. Sebaggala said by burying Amin in 
Saudi Arabia, Uganda had lost the opportunity of attracting tourists to see 
Amin's grave.

The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
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RE: ugnet_: Kasangwao, Matovu! Eddy Mutesa (RIP) was an Alcoholic!

2003-08-27 Thread jonah kasangwawo

learned and knowledgeable indeed !

Who started this ...he said she said.  stuff ? Just take a look at 
your posting of 9 August below. No, I'll help you. You say:
My evidence comes from a cery good friend of  mine, but he was sharing a 
girl friend with the Late Kabaka while he was still in power as President. 

And you call that reliable information ! Is there a better example of 
hearsay ?


Subject: RE: ugnet_: Kasangwao, Matovu! Eddy Mutesa (RIP) was an Alcoholic!
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 07:19:46 -0400
Your arguement is too cheap for me. I am very well learned and 
knowledgeable Uganda in case you did not know. I think you are doing total 
deservice to your nation, abd people by involving your self in ...he said 
she said. scheme.
You are displaying mere ignorance and lack of information and ability to 
know what you are saying. God Bless your heart and children who God 
Willing, will grow up under your deceitfull environment. An behold you take 
pride in them.


Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On all accusations made, on all love Buganda has to her Kingdom, would 
poison Muteesa and the person who knew about it decide to be anonymous
except to you?
Let us remember that what we are discussing today is both of great
importance to a whole mass of people and the History of  Uganda as a 
So I would encourage every one to stick on the facts, for there are those
who are going to read these facts and take them for whole truth and help 
God. That is why I stated before that the cause of death of Mutesa was 
by poison from Obote. Can I back that claim? Yes the Post Mortem made in
London and in a nation which was against Obote is available. I hope you 
produce the evidence backing that Some one, Secondly I stated that the
funds which were sent to Mutesa and his family even after his death all 
through to Amin, can be backed up by records in Bank of  Uganda, which is 
Uganda today. So let us not take these things that likely, for they are 
great Historical importance.


            The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message -
From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Matovu! Eddy Mutesa (RIP) was an Alcoholic!


 we also know that someone (identity known) put poison in Sir Freddie's
 drink, which led to his eventual death. This evidence comes from 
 spent the last few years of the King's life looking after him and was
 therefore very close to him. I therefore fail to see why you think that
 allegations are stronger than what you call Matovu's false 
 On the other hand, you might be confusing your information with that 
 known alcoholic in Lusaka.


 Subject: ugnet_: Matovu! Eddy Mutesa (RIP) was an Alcoholic!
 Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 23:19:36 -0400
 We know that Kabaka Fred Mutesa (RIP) was a seroius alcoholic case. 
 died from Alcohol Poisoning. My evidence comes from a cery good friend 
 mine, but he was sharing a girl friend with the Late Kabaka while he 
 still in power as President. This friend is a typical Muganda and big
 supporter of the royalty. He says it was a well known fact among the 
 Kabaka's confidants that his alcohol would sooner rather than later 
 him. And kill him it did.
 This should put to rest Matovu's false accusations of Obote. This is 
 the other quotation about a dead Muganda, Turns out those 
 were actually uttered by a typical Muganda, but hell wishers just 
 to Obote to suit their ill intentioned politiking and subjecting 
 to false history.
 Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Mwaami Kasangwawo
  I do not think that any body in a right mind needs a proof of Amin's
  brutality, and I do not think that there is any body arguing about 
  is bothering people is the way we want to attack this problem of a
  president whose family wants to take home and the operative word 
  Kololo, remember this man has a land he is not a beggar for land to 
  buried on, Amin is not like Kiseka who NRM had to borrow land to 
  officially, he is not like Lule who ended up in Kololo where any
  will dig him up, trust me, for better use of that real estate. Amin
  to go to Koboko and rest. Whether alive or dead.
  Should have I gone into this discussion? And the answer is no, but I
  very disturbed to see how the Museveni virus has affected Ugandans. 

Re: ugnet_: Diversity Visa 2005

2003-08-27 Thread Lugemwa FN
If you cannot scan a 2” photo, you are already



 Ed Kironde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Intoxicated with a paperless society, the next
 diversity visa lottery
 is going to be paperless. All entries must be filed
 including photos only in JPEG format as anything
 else will be rejected.
 If you cannot scan a 2” photo, you are already
 disqualified.  The site
  is non
 functional and hopefully will be working for the 30
 days - starting
 On the site the government calls that period 60 days
 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system
 Version: 6.0.510 / Virus Database: 307 - Release
 Date: 8/14/2003

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ugnet_: Did Mandela betray his own revolution?

2003-08-27 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Did Mandela betray his own revolution?

By Billet Magara ; Business tribune zw

Nelson Mandela's Xhosa name Rolihlahla literally means pulling a tree
branch. Symbolically it means troublemaker. The pre-treason trial Mandela
was a man who brought chill winds into the Apartheid South African
government's high echelons of power.
He was a troublemaker who became a colossal symbol of the struggle for the
freedom of a nation. Inevitably he was sent to Robben Island for half a
lifetime with frenzied sharks for neighbours and the dehumanisation of the
man began in enerst. What really happened in Prison? South African prisons
were not designed as correctional facilities at all. They were places where
the body and soul of inmates died physiological and psychological deaths.
They were torture chambers that left individuals diseased marionettes of
their former selves. How much of the former Nelson Mandela made it to
independence and freedom? Towards the end of his detention, Nelson Mandela
began to show signs of succumbing to the willpower of his captors. He
initiated negotiations for his own release to the consternation of his
fellow detainees. He wrote a letter to Koebe Coetsee, the Minister of
Justice in the apartheid regime and asked for talks to be held between the
African National Congress (ANC) and the government.
Mandela was eventually isolated from his mates and was lavished with gifts
and held countless meetings with the SA authorities, foreign dignitaries and
senior officials of foreign intelligence services. The reactions from his
mates were quite telling. Mandela's stable mate Walter Sisulu could not hide
his disappointment. He said that he would have preferred that government
initiate discussions rather than ANC initiate them. Ahmed Kathrada, another
Mandela backer opposed the position taken by Mandela. But the most telling
response came from Oliver Tambo in Lusaka. His note to Mandela was sharp and
only fell short of calling him a traitor. In a revolution there are no
private dealings with a public enemy. Such an unsanctioned move would be
tantamount to treason itself. Mandela was moved to Pollsmoor prison with
some of his mates but his isolated cell carried luxuries unseen in the cells
of other inmates. It was his transfer to Victor Vester Prison that convinced
other cadres that Mandela was selling out. Mandela was given a cottage with
one storey, unbarred windows, a swimming pool, manicured green lawns,
bodyguards and a chauffeur. Prison conditions were changing from Spartan to
super luxury.
Even the deputy commander of Pollmoor would give Mandela rides in luxury
limousines in the city of Cape Town. Prison authorities under instruction
from the government, knew the effect of providing limited freedoms to
detainees. They knew that it would bring feelings of nostalgia and deep
yearnings for true freedom and release from detention. They knew it would
result in compromise. They pampered Mandela senseless. At one time the head
of South African military intelligence, a certain Dr Niel Banaard, knelt
down in front of Mandela in order to tie the undone shoelaces of his black
prisoner! When Mandela was diagnosed with early tuberculosis, they moved him
to Tygerbay Hospital on the grounds of the Stellenbosch University, Cape
Town. They quickly moved him to Constantiaberg Clinic where the luxury and
sophistication left a lasting impression on the man. He became the first
black man to be treated at the all-white clinic. What an incentive! He met
with senior government officials including PW Botha and when the latter
suffered a stroke and resigned, Mandela met with the new president Fredrick
Willem De Klerk and the secret committee.
After his release, Mandela began to show signs that the system had got to
his psyche. The colonial name of the country South Africa, which the world
expected to be changed to AZANIA, was maintained and the apartheid symbols
of the springbok were kept intact as well. Names of cities remained the
same. People's lifestyles, standards of living deteriorated at the time of
Mandela's government. He was popular among white people who could not
believe their luck at the fact that their war crimes were no longer going to
dog them through independence and beyond. South African parliamentarians
used to quiz Mandela over his trips to London where he was always seen at
the offices of the Scotland Yard and the MI5. Adequate explanations have
never been acquired. One of the most startling things about Mandela was his
naïve trust of everyone he met and worked with. One Dr Wouter Basson, a
chemical and biological weapons expert, had been tasked to put a slow acting
thallium poison and mescaline mind controlling drugs into Mandela's food and
drink while at Pollsmoor.
The same man came to Mandela and personally asked for a job as a kitchen
chef in Mandela's Pretoria Mansion years later. Unbelievably, he got the job
from Mandela himself. After Thabo Mbeki had Basson removed, Mandela had him

ugnet_: Project Eagle: America’s military base in Botswana

2003-08-27 Thread Mitayo Potosi
This scares the wits out of me.  Read on..

Billet Magara

Project Eagle: America’s military base in Botswana

In 1985 a military satellite, identified as American, was seen hovering over
Southern African skies for several months. Debate raged as to the intentions
of the US military in the region, which at that time had seen the
independence of Zimbabwe five years earlier. It was said, then, that the
west was probably looking for a strategic foothold in the region, which
would be of geo-political advantage to them. Several challenges overshadowed
United States’ interests in Southern Africa.
The recent freedom and independence of Zimbabwe meant that Umkhonto weSizwe
(MK), the fighting wing of the African National Congress (ANC) would have a
closer launch pad against economic installations in apartheid South Africa.
The imminent freedom of Namibia would also stretch the defences of the SA
regime to the limit with SWAPO giving bases to MK. The inevitable freedom of
South Africa itself was a thorn in the sides of multi-national companies
whose interests sought protection from countries of origin such as USA and
UK. The creation of a new military power block comprising countries such as
Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique and Namibia was a palpable
threat. Conflicts within the region were a possibility, which meant that in
time, the region would become a bustling military bazaar for American,
French, British and Canadian and opposing Russian, Ukrainian and Chinese
weapons. What was required was the establishment of a military watchtower
that could plunge the region into an inevitable war and arms race.
Since the CIA had lost its base in the Liberian war, the ripe nation to
establish another was Botswana. It was appropriate from many fronts. It was
a peaceful country, rich with diamonds, small in population, with no defence
to talk about and its top leadership had long-lasting relationships with the
English throne and the American military. Sir Seretse Khama the founding
president had married into the British royal family and their son, Brigadier
General Ian Khama (an eligible bachelor for a long period) was a US trained
military commando (West Point and Fort Bragg) who had done some refinement
courses at Sandhurst Military Academy in the United Kingdom. Ian Khama, who
had been “asked” to step down from the post of Defence Commander in order to
be appointed deputy president, had done so. In the process he had amassed
more power than his own head of state since he was also paramount chief of
the bamangwato, Botswana’s largest ethnic group.
Unlike the heads of government of the SADC’s prominent nations, South
Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Mozambique who were sympathetic to socialism
by virtue of the military support they had obtained from socialist nations,
Botswana’s leaders had seen two of their contemporaries knighted by the
queen and two (Ian Khama and Mopeti Merafhe) had received military training
from the most senior western nations. After the largest joint military
exercises ever seen in Southern African lands had been carried out between
Botswana and the USA in January 1992, in an operation code named “Operation
Silver Eagle”, the construction of the military base in Botswana
accelerated. It was called “Project Eagle”. The eagle, spread-eagled and
holding a tuft of arrows (symbol of aggression and war) in one set of
talons, also holds a sheaf of olive leaves (symbol of peace) in the other,
is the national emblem of the USA government. That the new base in Botswana
is American (or NATO Alliance)-owned is undeniable. In 1998, when Susan Rice
was Assistant Secretary of State (African Affairs) in Bill Clinton’s
government, I was invited by the Public Affairs section of the US Embassy in
Harare to be one of the panellists quizzing her on US policies on Africa.
I asked her why the USA, which professed to promote peace in the region was
actively involved in the construction of a military base called “Project
Eagle” in Botswana at a time when the region was experiencing peace. She
seemed quite startled by the question and feigned ignorance of the gist of
my inquiry. There was a temporary off the camera consultation, after which I
was asked to “rephrase” my question. I did, in the English sense of the
word. Same question, different words, which is not what my American hosts
had meant, I know. The response was, “We are not aware of the project you’re
referring to.” I felt as if I was Ian Smith asking Robert Mugabe whether he
knew of certain forces called ZANLA. I could almost hear him answer, “I have
no idea what you’re talking about. We are a non-violent movement.” All
politicians deny any information that has the potential of incriminating
them or the institutions they represent. America is no exception.
According to the Scientia Militaria Journal, volume 29 of 1999, page 3, the
American and French-funded military base project has three sites in Botswana
(Funds to the tune of 1 

ugnet_: Attorney General in compensation scandal

2003-08-27 Thread Paul Njoki

Attorney General in compensation scandal 
By Emmanuel N. Mugarura 
August 27, 2003

The Attorney General’s (AG) office has been implicated in a Shs 21 billion scum 
accruing from a case won by evictees from Hoima district.

According to the papers The Monitor saw, the evictees sued government through 
their association, Bugangaizi Settlers Rehabilitation and Development 
Association (BUSEREDA) in 1993 and in April 1999, they won the case winning a 
compensation of Shs 13,164,000,000.

This would generate an interest of 6 per cent per annum, at Shs 787,680,000 per 
year since April 1993.

Shs 500 million was first received in December 1999, and then Chairman of 
BUSEREDA Mr Benon Turyamureeba mismanaged it. The powers of attorney were 
removed from him at the intervention of then Minister of ethics and integrity 
Ms Miria Matembe.

Turyamureeba had used ghost claimants to receive and sign the money. When the 
powers of attorney were given to the association, Turyamureeba colluded with 
officials in AG’s office to continue remitting the funds to him.

Turyamureeba used pseudo names and people to claim the money and today, of the 
about Shs 3.5 billion released, the beneficiaries have received only about Shs 
1.5 billion.

When The Monitor contacted the BUSEREDA chairman, Mr Paul Kitaburaza, he said 
the money has been mismanaged and yet there seems to be no concern.
“Turyamureeba goes around with people he claims are the beneficiaries when the 
rightful beneficiaries are suffering,” he said.

Kitaburaza said that at one time the group arrested masquerades and handed them 
over to police, which released them on bond.

“They are at large. They released them without charges and they have continued 
to receive the money in secrecy,” he said.

The Monitor saw a picture of a female ghost claimant whose picture was affixed 
under a man’s name: Christopher Atuheire.

The claimants met with the AG Mr Francis Ayume over the issue but what they 
agreed upon was violated.

“The issue of powers of attorney was discussed and resolved, why should the AG 
then continue to give the money to Turyamureeba?” the members wondered.

The AG said they disbursed the money through the plaintiff’s lawyers, Mulenga  
co advocates.

“Our duty was to release the money and we did that. How they shared it is not 
our business,” he said.

Mr Denis Bireije, the Commissioner of Civil Litigation said the lawyers were 
given responsibility to distribute the money.

However Mr Turyamureeba said that BUSEREDA did not win the case, but he won it 
as the plaintiff.

“I sued government as an evictee and won the case winning the awards in the 
process. How then does BUSEREDA come in,” he asked.

He said he had the powers of attorney to receive the money on behalf of the 
evicted group and distribute it.

“The right to identify and give out the money was vested in me. I have so far 
done my best,” he said.

But The Monitor has seen documents where Turyamureeba relieved his powers to 
BUSEREDA. He had taken his commission amounting to Shs 20 million from the 
released funds.

He met with the AG and agreed to step aside to allow a new executive of 
BUSEREDA take over the management of the money from the AG.

Turyamureeba later formed an association Mpokya Evictees Court Compensation 
Awarded Beneficiaries Association Ltd (MECCCABA) which continued to get the 
money from the AG’s office. 

They accused Mr Michael Mawanda, of Super Star Auctioneers of taking over the 
funder’s responsibility, which would give him a 10 per cent of all the money 
released as his commission.

They alleged that Mawanda was working in the shadows of AG’s officials and the 
commissioner of Civil Litigation in the Justice ministry Mr Deus Byamugisha.
“Mawanda hijacked the case, there is no way he could have been the funding 
agent when we already ha the money,” they said.

But Mawanda said his role was just to help the beneficiaries access their money 
and he was to receive 10 per cent of he money as reimbursements.

“I helped them in transport and accommodation and I was to be refunded,” he said
He said he did not handle any payments as the claimants received individual 
cheques from the AG.

The group has threatened to take to the streets if their money continues to be 


© 2003 The Monitor Publications

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University of Pretoria 

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ugnet_: Fwd: Article: Passports and Visas to Add High-Tech Identity Features

2003-08-27 Thread J Ssemakula

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Passports and Visas to Add High-Tech Identity Features 

August 24, 2003 

WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 - Technologies that scan faces and 
fingerprints will become a standard part of travel for 
foreign visitors next year, and for all travelers in the 
near future. 

The technology, known as biometrics, has been developing 
for years, but largely because of security concerns after 
the attacks on Sept. 11, its arrival has been greatly 

One deadline looms large - Oct. 26, 2004. In a little more 
than a year, the State Department and immigration bureau 
must begin issuing visas and other documents with the 
body-identifying technologies to foreign visitors. The 
change is mandated by border security legislation passed by 
Congress last May. The federal government has started 
issuing border-crossing cards for Mexican citizens and 
green cards that display fingerprints and photos. 

By the same deadline, the 27 countries whose citizens can 
travel to the United States without visas must begin 
issuing passports with computer chips containing facial 
recognition data or lose their special status. People from 
those countries with passports issued before the deadline 
may still travel to the United States without visas as long 
as their governments have begun biometric identification 

Given the complexity of the technology, many countries are 
struggling to meet the deadline, and some in the industry 
say that it may have to be extended. 

Privacy advocates expressed dismay at what they see as 
pressure being applied to Europe. 

"Our government has forced on European governments the 
obligation to adopt biometric identifiers though most in 
the U.S. still oppose such systems," said Marc Rotenberg, 
the head of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, an 
advocacy group. He predicted, however, that the United 
States would soon adopt those same technologies. 

Officials from the State Department said mandatory use of 
the biometric identifiers is scheduled to begin in three 
years. They have announced plans to test American passports 
with computer chips by Oct. 26, 2004. At a recent card 
technology conference, the deputy assistant secretary of 
state for passport services, Frank Moss, said the 
department planned to have all new passports containing 
biometric data by 2006 at an estimated annual cost of $100 
million. About 55 million American passports are in 
circulation, and 7 million are issued annually. 

"Including the standards and implementing the standards, 
not only is it more secure for other countries, it's more 
secure for us," said Kelly Shannon, a spokeswoman for the 
State Department. "The idea is that it is contingent on 
reciprocal treatment for United States citizens." 

The adoption of biometric technologies has been held back 
for years by concerns about privacy and reliability, along 
with a lack of uniform standards. But in the last two years 
policies and standards have begun to catch up with the 

The new biometrics technologies are meant to cut down on 
subjectivity in photo identification. Right now, the border 
agent must decide if it is really the person in the 
photograph or simply someone who resembles that person. 

Biometric systems take digital measurements of a person's 
fingerprints, face, retinas or other characteristics and 
store the information on a computer chip or a 
machine-readable strip, which can be retrieved at border 
check points. 

Upon arrival, travelers will be asked to put their fingers 
on scanners and to stand in front of facial recognition 
cameras to see if their measurements match the ones stored 
on the visa or passport. Biometric systems tested by the 
United States at the Mexican border have been sensitive 
enough to distinguish between identical twins. 

The biometrics are part of a larger arc of tightening 
security with identification documents as people have 
become more mobile over the last century, a trend that 
intensified after the 9/11 attacks. 

The new computer-chip passports are based on an 
international standard set in May by the International 
Civil Aviation Organization, a United Nations agency. 

The new passports will use facial recognition technology 
contained on encrypted computer chips similar to those 
found in so-called smart cards. 

"What was required was a globally interoperable biometric - 
one biometric that could be used worldwide and can be read 
worldwide," said Denis Shagnon, spokesman for the 

Under the new standards, countries would also be allowed to 
add additional biometric technologies to the passports, 
like fingerprints or iris scans. 

"It's very user-friendly; it's unobtrusive," he said. 

Many privacy advocates 

ugnet_: Fwd: Article: The End of Evolution?

2003-08-27 Thread J Ssemakula

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Explore more of Starbucks at 

The End of Evolution? 

August 24, 2003 

The most improbable item in science fiction movies is not 
the hardware - the faster-than-light travel, the tractor 
beams, the levitation - but the people. Strangely, they 
always look and behave just like us. Yet the one safe 
prediction about the far future is that humans will be a 
lot further along in their evolution. 

Last week population geneticists, rummaging in DNA's 
ever-fascinating attic, set dates on two important changes 
in the human form. 

Dr. Alan R. Rogers of the University of Utah figured out 
that the ancestral human population had acquired black 
skin, as a protection against the sun, at least 1.2 million 
years ago, and therefore that it must have shed its fur 
some time before this date. 

Clothing came long after we were naked. Dr. Mark Stoneking, 
of the Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, 
managed to address this question by calculating when the 
human body louse (which lives only in clothing, not hair) 
evolved from the human head louse. That proud event in 
human history dates to between 72,000 and 42,000 years ago, 
Dr. Stoneking reported 

So where do we go from here? Have we attained perfection 
and ceased to evolve? 

Many geneticists think that is very unlikely, though few 
find it easy to say where we are headed or how fast. Until 
the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago, people used 
to live in small populations with little gene flow between 
them. That is the best situation for rapid evolution, said 
Sewall Wright, one of the founders of population genetics. 
But Sir Ronald A. Fisher, another founder of the 
discipline, argued that large populations with random 
mating - just what globalization and air travel are helping 
to bring about - were the best fodder for rapid evolution. 

"Which of them is right? No one really knows," Dr. Rogers 

Considering that the common ancestor of humans and 
chimpanzees lived only 5 to 6 million years ago, human 
evolution seems to have been quite rapid. The chimp, our 
closest living relative, is still a standard ape, whereas 
we have become a truly weird one. And our evolution put on 
an extra spurt just 50,000 years ago, the date when we may 
have perfected language, made our first objets d'art and 
dispersed from our ancestral homeland some place in 
northeast Africa. 

Despite the medical advances and creature comforts that 
shelter people in rich countries, natural selection is 
still hard at work. Microbes and parasites still nip at our 
heels, forcing the human genome to stay in constant motion. 
It is clearly in the throes of adapting to malaria, a 
disease that seems to have struck only in the last 8,000 
years, and the protective gene that has sickle cell anemia 
as a side effect is a sign of a hasty patch. 

It seems reasonable to predict that the human physical form 
will stay in equilibrium with its surroundings. If the 
ozone layer thins, pale skins will be out and dark skins de 
rigeur. If climate heats up, the adaptations for living in 
hot places will spread, though it could take tens or 
hundreds of generations for a new gene to become 

Sexual selection, too, is busily at work. This powerful 
process, first recognized by Darwin, works on traits that 
are attractive to other sex, and help the owner's genes 
spread into the next generation. The peacock's tail, a 
wonder of the natural world, has been created by the sexual 
preference of generations of peahens. 

Human skin color and hair distribution may be pale echoes 
of the same process. Recent social changes may have 
accelerated the pace of sexual selection. "You used to 
marry a lass from your local village, now it's anyone you 
can track down on the Internet," said Dr. Mark Pagel, an 
evolutionary biologist at the University of Reading in 

Though features like the peacock's tail are chosen for 
aesthetic, or arbitrary, reasons, they often seem to be 
correlated with health, and indeed their owners are chosen 
as mates because these features subliminally advertise a 
good immune system or freedom from parasites. So if sexual 
selection in people becomes more intense as people have a 
wider choice of mates, that suggests a terribly Panglossian 
forecast: we will become more healthy and ever more 

Most animals struggle to survive in a harsh environment, 
beset by accidents and predators. Humans got that problem 
largely under control long ago but live in a fiercer jungle 
- that of a human society. Indeed, social intelligence - 
the ability to keep track of a society's hierarchy and what 
chits an individual owed to others or had due - may have 
been a factor in the increase of human brain size. As the 
prevalence of 

Re: ugnet_: Re: ugnet_: 'Federo' is a fantasy

2003-08-27 Thread emmanuel musaazi
I think you are insidiously mis-stating the facts when you say 'buganda 
asked for Kampala and Uganda Revenue Authority, as usual your statements 
are designed to incite and divide rather than unite and heal. Given the 
nonchalant attitude of the other regions on the issue, it appears Buganda 
has been forced to go it alone. Anyway i am not in support of federalism 
because Buganda is pushing for it, rather i see it as a remedy to most of 
our global problems as a nation such as, tribalism, nepotism and despotism. 
This ought to be the focus, not killing the issue just because you have an 
axe to grind with Buganda and Museveni and in the process throwing away the 
baby with the bathwater. For even allowing the dialogue to start the 
government should be applauded, their motives irrespective. Netters can you 
remember another government in Uganda where dialogue on national issues was 
so broad, free and unsensored, both at home and abroad? Where you have free 
expression of ideas from both sides of an issue without feeling that your 
life was in eminent danger? If that isn't progress then i don't know what 

From: Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Re: ugnet_: 'Federo' is a fantasy
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 06:23:18 -0400
Mwaami Musaazi

You are using a wrong terminology here, what we have in Uganda today is not
a negotiation of federalism, it is a Buganda attack on all national
institutions for her own benefit. An act that Ugandans have vehemently
refused. And I will give you examples (1) Mengo asked for Kampala which it
knew was Uganda's capital and built by Ugandans. When Ugandans refused it
Mengo said if we do not get Kampala we do not take that federalism (2) They
then asked for Uganda Revenue Authority, the government said No, Mengo
responded that with out it they do not want federalism. And I can go on and
on with such examples of unrealistic requests. Can you tell me one instance
where Buganda's request was refused and Mengo moved on? The formula is
either give us this or we are out of here.
Secondly I do not even think that Buganda has a right to negotiate with NRM
on how to install this federalism, in fact the smart thing NRM should have
done would have been to send Buganda back to Mengo and ask them to 
with other units, then all of them to come back to Uganda government with a
finished document, for there is no way Uganda government can negotiate with
pieces. But NRM would have done that if it was interested in putting real
federalism in Uganda, what NRM wants today is Buganda's vote for the sad
term, and if giving them a half baked federalism is the bait, so be it.
Remember you are dealing with very shrewd people.
Lastly some of us are wondering whether NRM has even the authority to
negotiate the fate of our nation. Remember they came to power by force of
arms they were never elected to come to power, and since then they failed 
even turn into a political party, we still have a Resistance Council which
to now we do not know who elected it, running our nation. And that Council
understands its limitations that is why you see that they do not make
national decisions which will be internationally recognised, for they know
that they will not. An example is the failure to establish a Uganda Army.
For they know that they can not commission officers. How can they turn a
nation from Unitary to federalism? Those are questions Mengo should have
asked before they claimed ownership on Uganda Revenue Authority. But hey it
is all a fantasy!!

Be well
The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: 'Federo' is a fantasy
 Whoever was responsible for this editorial, does not understand the
 of federalism. First of all how does he know that the final federal 
 agreed upon will take the shape he is outlining (talk about puting the
 before the horse). The final system will depend on negotiations which 
 involve a lot of tradeoffs and compromises, it's not about 'winner takes
 all'. Secondly, the Primeminister does not have to be the Kabaka (there
 doesn't even need to be a prime minister). Federalism will help spread
 development around the country, new city capitals will spring up and 
 with them jobs, institutions of learning and investements. Federalism 
 also help to reduce the concentration of power at the center which will 
 the long run enhance democracy. As for taxes, well a tax sharing and
 allocation formular will be part of the negotiations, this is why i said
 that the more the number of regions involved in the negotiations the
 for the whole country.