2004-03-24 Thread dbbwanika db
To all Ugandans with detail information about what is written below should not panic or get worried. I have always told you since 1998 that we are heading towards the pinnacle of modern history in Uganda 


Note the following;

If your were involved in anyway in acts which violets your human rights note down the following 

a. Precise DATES AND TIME when such acts happened 
b.	EXACT LOCATION where such violations took place 
c.	Those WHO WERE INVOLVED AND THEIR ROLLS (names, sex age, status on duty and their work posts)
d.	To Ugandan form SMALL GROUPS OF CONFIDANTS and seek specialised and professional help in that regard
e.	Make sure that you get DETAILED INFORMATION on the PRESENT LOCATION of all those involved
f.	Note detailed names of villages of operation, means of transport to that location and other auxiliary information relevant to these issues
g.Gte contacts in Uganda to help you obtain detailed information on the same or cooperate to that effect. 
h.You can add on significant information like audio, graphic details etc,.



Thanks for you observation!  For the 1st or 2nd time, I am agreeing with you 100% on this one.
These Baganda soldiers are held at gun point through the gun-rule of Kaguta and his NRM.  It is like I've said; it is either you kill or get killed!  The same applies to other Ugandans with the exception of Nyankores.  However, there are circumstances were some Baganda soldiers (and other Ugandans) are totally ignorant and they are simply "sleeping" while things are happening around them.  Hence, the saying Abaganda tuli mukwebaka nga katonga ejjula!
Again you are right, many sons and daughters of Buganda (and other Ugandans) have vanished and they are continuing to vanish in Northern Uganda.  Their relatives will never know because Museveni hides that information.  I do have a few former-UPDF friends and they can tell the whole story real good.  You can sit and listen the whole day!  They had to run for their lives when the quit the UPDF.  A Muganda to leave the UPDF, it's a matter of Life or Death!  That's how much of a killer Mu7 is.
Such brutal actions are not only committed in Northern Uganda, but in DR. Congo, and Sudan.  My former-UPDF friends were sent to the North, DR.Congo, and Sudan.  Thanks be to Allah, they survived because many of their mates never made it.
These guys even told me that they went to the North searching for "Kony/rebels" and all the time they spent there, they NEVER saw a single "rebel".  They were instructed by force (it's either kill or get killed) by Banyankore at the top/leaders to go village to village, "searching" for rebels.  This "searching" was to be carried out in the most gruesome, brutal, way I've ever heard.  I was shocked!  The UPDF goes village to village shooting civilians in their huts.  Whoever comes out of the hut is shot on spot because they are "rebels"!  Including, babies, children, women, the youth, the old, men.  Anyone they come accross in an operation is termed a rebel, when they know that these people have no guns on them, and that they are civilians.
Many of these Baganda soldiers (and other Ugandans too) do not understand a single word native Northerners say, for they don't understand Acholi.  They report of usual misunderstandings between the UPDF and the civilians.  Some of these people are rural people who never went to school, how does one expect them to communicate with the UPDF in English.  Besides, even a huge number in the UPDF does not speak English, for Allah's seek they never went to school!  
The good thing is that my former-UPDF friends were not sleeping all that time.  They could not stand killing innocent civilians and killing "undescplined" fellow solders any more.  These guys are tough but even their military training could not prepare them for the nightmares they had.  They were planning a way of escaping without putting their lives in danger.  They finally escaped and fled to far places where they would not be expected to be.  These men had to abandon their families because they feared that their families could easily be intimidated into giving the army information about their whereabouts.  It was a Life or Death situation.  
And do you know who introduced Gun-Rule to Uganda??  He is none other than Obote.  He used to ask his political opponents were their generals are!  But you know what??  The Federal States of Uganda can not let this happen to their men and women.  There is a sense of protection and empowerment involved.  I don't think the federal states of Acholi, Lango, Teso, Buganda can sit down and allow this happen.
Zakoomu M.

In a message dated 3/23/2004 5:18:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I think that you need to cut down on your fantasies.  Bwanika's article is true to the events taking place in Uganda.  These people 

ugnet_: The Congo: Invasion to Genocide

2004-03-24 Thread Edward Mulindwa

May 15th, 2004. "The Congo: Invasion to 
PM, Beyond 
Shelter, 520 South Virgil Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90020. 
Mr. Said Kakese Dibinga, CEO of the Bayindo Group SA and Fund Africana, and 
native of The Democratic Republic of Congo will give a visual presentation 
illustrating both the domestic and international origins of the current conflict 
in the Congo that has claimed over 6 million lives. The HonorableILeka 
Atoki,The Democratic Republic of Congo’s Ambassador to the United 
Nations,will be the keynote speaker. Event 
is free, but space is limited. A donation will be requested to help 
provideand improve HIV/AIDS treatment in The Democratic Republic of Congo. 
The donation source will be Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres 
(MSF). For 
more info, call 1-818-754-8643 or e-mail 

Re: ugnet_: Museveni/Kagame Killed Habyalima/Cyprien Ntaryamira

2004-03-24 Thread emmanuel musaazi
Mr. Matek i am shocked that you refer to the French as having Impeccable 
CREDIBILITY where human rights are concerned. I don't know whether your 
assessment is a testment to the length of time you've been away from Africa 
or your general ignorance of African history. First of all the French are 
guilty of proping up dictatorial regemes in there former colonies in Africa 
e.g; Cameroun, Togo, Algeria and Ivory Coast, even Haiti. France's colonial 
and post-colonial record is not IMPECCABLE as you describe it. France 
withdrew it's forces and watched a million poeple get slaughtered in country 
where it had influence (remember it was France and Belgium that were 
responsible for proping up Habiyarimana in the first place). France stood by 
and supported Habiyarimana while he was comiting human rights violations 
against other non-Hutu, minority groups in Rwanda.

You see this is why i am very skeptical about the credentials of UPC fellows 
such as you. To come openly on a public forum such as this and declare that 
France has IMPECCABLE HUMAN RIGHTS RECORD is astounding given past and 
present historical record of France vis-a-vis human rights. Most of this 
information is readily available on the internet. I then begin to think 
whether human rights has any meaning to you or probably you don't 
understand the term or both..then imagine such a person at the helm of 
affairs of a countryscary

Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni/Kagame Killed Habyalima/Cyprien Ntaryamira
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 16:47:08 EST
In a message dated 3/23/2004 2:34:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,
 Matek, use your brains man...what do you expect from an inquiry done in
 france, instituted by the families of the french pilots who were flying 
 African heads of state. The judge is french, paid by the french 
 and carrying out the inquiry in Francewere you really expecting him 
 reach any other conclusion than what he came out with.

 Okay let us use our brains here for a minute. You have two characters. 
the sake of this argument let us label them A (The french) and B ( Yoweri
Museveni and his NRM Military dictatorship. One character (say a) still 
believe in
the fundamental Human value known throughout the world of telling and 
by the TRUTH. Indeed this character has Impeccable CREDIBILITY.

The other character ( yoweri Museveni and the NRM) let say B, on the 
is a pathological lair.

If in the court of law, A offers evidence (circumstantial though it may be
according to you) this case the evidence presented is overwhelming  
pretty much implicates  B as party to a CRIME committed against Humanity( 
800,000 people lost their lives)

B then ( Yoweri Museveni  and the NRM ) denies  the evidence presented by 
in front of the jury of  International  Community

In your learned  opinion, my friend, assuming you are using your brain, who
would you rather believe A or B?

All his assertions

 are based on circumstancial evidence..and as usual the Africans are to 

 (when it is bad news)...he is basically telling the family memebers the 

 pilots, that the Africans (not the French government) are responsible 
 the deaths of your relatives, so if you have any compensation claims to
 make, go to Africa. Maybe Uganda, Rwanda and America should institute 
 own inquiries and come out with their own findings.

 Matek is normally very pan-africanist in his outlook, but i guess this
 situation is self-serving to him as it puts his major antagonist 

 of Uganda and) in bad light. One wonders why Mr. Matek is ready to 
 the circumstancial and unverified inquiry of the French, while 
 Mugabe (and ZANU PF) against the French, American, Britain and the rest 
 the western world's accusation of human rights violations (most of which
 have been varified by Zimbabweans, black and white).

The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the
people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the 
lie. It
thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to
repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by
extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state.

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister
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Re: ugnet_: Museveni/Kagame Killed Habyalima/Cyprien Ntaryamira

2004-03-24 Thread Matekopoko
Look , my friend, a French judge ( acting on behalf of those who lost their loved one in the Rwanda diable) not the French government par say, conducted what I would term to be a thorough, exhaustive, conclusive investigation into the circumstance which lead to the dowing of the plane carrying President Habyalimana and President Ntaryamira in which the two were killing.

What, I am attempting to communicate to you, my friend,( albeit in vain) is that I would rather believe the French Judge (who has given me no reason what so ever to doubt his credibility) then believe Yoweri Museveni and the NRM who are crocks and calculating lairs.

Have a good day my friend.


In a message dated 3/24/2004 10:49:31 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mr. Matek i am shocked that you refer to the French as having "Impeccable 
CREDIBILITY" where human rights are concerned. I don't know whether your 
assessment is a testment to the length of time you've been away from Africa 
or your general ignorance of African history. First of all the French are 
guilty of proping up dictatorial regemes in there former colonies in Africa 
e.g; Cameroun, Togo, Algeria and Ivory Coast, even Haiti. France's colonial 
and post-colonial record is not "IMPECCABLE" as you describe it. France 
withdrew it's forces and watched a million poeple get slaughtered in country 
where it had influence (remember it was France and Belgium that were 
responsible for proping up Habiyarimana in the first place). France stood by 
and supported Habiyarimana while he was comiting human rights violations 
against other non-Hutu, minority groups in Rwanda.

You see this is why i am very skeptical about the credentials of UPC fellows 
such as you. To come openly on a public forum such as this and declare that 
France has "IMPECCABLE HUMAN RIGHTS RECORD" is astounding given past and 

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 


2004-03-24 Thread emmanuel musaazi
Rehema, either you are lying or you are confused, how can you say that 
Baganda soldiers were pushed to go and fight in the north where they were 
forced by Ankole soldiers to kill felow Baganda...that does not make any 
sense whatsoever. If the Baganda don't want to be in the army then they 
should get out...everybody knows that dying and killing comes with the 
territory in the soldiering bussiness (that is an occupational 
hazard)and yes you either kill or be killed. This phenomenon is not just 
unique to Ugandan soldiers, checkout all the wars that have happened in the 
world; first/second world war, Korean war, Vietnam, Deseart storm etc., 
soldiers either kill or get killed, i'm sorry but that is the nature of war.

People on this forum should remember that not so long ago (when Uganda was 
relatively at peace), UPDF was scaled down, as a matter of fact soldiers 
were reluctantly laid off (most didn't want to leave). It is also a blatant 
lie that Baganda soldiers are disproportionately sent to the war front. What 
is your remedy then, more northerners should be sent to the war front, since 
it is their people and their region where the conflict is or more banyankole 
should be sent to the war front since the President is a from Ankole or the 
number of Baganda soldiers should be reduced drastically so that less of 
them have to die during a war (since you don't want any Muganda soldier 
killed duing a war). Rehema you can't eat your cake and have it at the same 

Once upon a time northerners dominated the army and southerners had it rough 
(from Idi Amin days through to Obote II), then northern soldiers fought and 
died (it wasn't an issue to you then). Now their are more southerners in the 
army, which to me is fare since demographically their are more southerners 
than northerners in Uganda, going by quotas. Well it is then obvious that in 
the event of a war more southern soldiers will die, because they are more in 
the army now, it doesn't matter whether the war is in Lira, Kitgum, Mbarara, 
Bulemezi, Congo, or somewhere in Europe, those are the facts, if you want 
less southern soldiers to die during a war, then cut down on the number of 
soldiers from the south full stop.

From: Rehema Mukooza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 12:33:33 -0800 (PST)

This business of sending Baganda Army men to the front lines has been 
taking place for along as in the early years of Museveni's dictatorship!  I 
have friends who used to be in the army and some of them were sent to DR. 
Congo like 5-6yrs ago, and others to North Uganda.  They can tell the story 
real well and as accurate as the saw the events taking place.

They reported to me that Banyankole army men were treated as supposed to 
be the leaders at the top.  Baganda army men were treated as supposed to do 
the dirty, bloody job.  They even reported that there is a law/guideline 
that states that Banyankole are untouchable and above the law.  Baganda 
army men were told to kill fellow Baganda and not to dare touch a 
Munyankole.  These are facts!

Most of these former army friends of mine simply ran out of the army.  And 
I'm telling you that running out of the army is not an easy thing.  Death 
could be involved!  These people had to abandon family members and hide out 
in far places were the army could not possibly think they could be.  Many 
of Baganda army men who leave the army as reported by my friends are 
usually killed!  The news is usually reported to their families as friendly 
fire, killed by the rebels, disappeared, etc, and some are not reported at 
all, the army disowns and denies their services in the army.

A particular friend who was sent to the North war-zone, particularly 
emphasized that the UPDF is the one that kills civilians.  I was shocked!  
He told me that many men in the army are forced to kill people in the 
North.  It is either you kill or get killed!  Many Baganda men are killed 
over there and in any other area the UPDF sends its soldiers.  He said that 
its Museveni and his Nyankore men's way of keeping the Baganda numbers low 
in the army.  They are afraid that Baganda will take over due to their 
excellent performance in the operations carried out.  That is the same way 
they treat people of other tribes, especially those who come from the 
North.  They are in the same situation Baganda army men are in.

The good thing is that my friends ran out of the army because they could 
not kill innocent civilians anymore, or kill fellow friends in the army.  
After a long time of hidding out, they returned back to their families and 
many of them moved to other places due to fear.  The truth can not be 
denied.  Museveni is a killer!

Zakoomu M.

dbbwanika db [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In support of Hon Jack Sabiiti on the massacre of service men by their 

Re: ugnet_: Museveni/Kagame Killed Habyalima/Cyprien Ntaryamira

2004-03-24 Thread emmanuel musaazi
Okay let us use our brains here for a minute. You have two characters. For 
the sake of this argument let us label them A (The french) and B ( Yoweri 
Museveni and his NRM Military dictatorship. One character (say a) still 
believe in the fundamental Human value known throughout the world of telling 
and abiding by the TRUTH. Indeed this character has Impeccable CREDIBILITY.

..just reminding you Mr. Matek about what you initially posted on the topic 
Museveni/Kagame Killed Habyalima/Cyprien Ntaryamira...i still contend that 
a french judge is part and parcel of the french government just as a french 
minister or president is. Afterall the french judge is acting as a judge 
representing the french government (which appointed him).

Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni/Kagame Killed Habyalima/Cyprien Ntaryamira
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 11:06:40 EST
Look , my friend, a French judge ( acting on behalf of those who lost their
loved one in the Rwanda diable) not the  French government  par say, 
what I would term to be a thorough, exhaustive, conclusive investigation 
the circumstance  which lead to the dowing of the plane carrying  President
Habyalimana and President Ntaryamira  in which the two were killing.

What, I am attempting to communicate to you, my friend,( albeit in vain) is
that I would rather believe the French Judge (who has given me no reason 
so ever to doubt his credibility)  then believe Yoweri  Museveni and the 
who are crocks and calculating lairs.

Have a good day my friend.


In a message dated 3/24/2004 10:49:31 AM Eastern Standard Time,
 Mr. Matek i am shocked that you refer to the French as having 
 CREDIBILITY where human rights are concerned. I don't know whether your
 assessment is a testment to the length of time you've been away from 
 or your general ignorance of African history. First of all the French 
 guilty of proping up dictatorial regemes in there former colonies in 
 e.g; Cameroun, Togo, Algeria and Ivory Coast, even Haiti. France's 
 and post-colonial record is not IMPECCABLE as you describe it. France
 withdrew it's forces and watched a million poeple get slaughtered in 

 where it had influence (remember it was France and Belgium that were
 responsible for proping up Habiyarimana in the first place). France 
stood by

 and supported Habiyarimana while he was comiting human rights violations
 against other non-Hutu, minority groups in Rwanda.

 You see this is why i am very skeptical about the credentials of UPC 

 such as you. To come openly on a public forum such as this and declare 
 France has IMPECCABLE HUMAN RIGHTS RECORD is astounding given past and

The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the
people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the 
lie. It
thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to
repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by
extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state.

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister
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ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread emmanuel musaazi

LRA's Otti is Injured

New Vision (Kampala)

March 23, 2004
Posted to the web March 23, 2004
Chris Ochowun and Amazia Dradenya
LRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the leg in 
fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the past few 
days, the army said yesterday.

The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797 bullets.

An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels' bodies 
were found on Sunday in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi subcounty in 
Adjumani district, bringing the death toll of the Saturday battle to 62.

The army attributed the victory to helicopter gunship bombardments combined 
with the infantry from 79th and 11th battalions.

The weekly report for March 14-21 said four UPDF soldiers were killed and 
four others injured in clashes in Gulu, Pader, Kitgum, Lira and Apac 

Captured LRA fighters said Otti crossed with about 300 fighters to overthrow 
the Government as the UPDF entered Sudan to pursue the rebels.

Kakunguru said Otti was running out of fighters because most of the fighters 
he came with were either killed or captured as prisoners of war.

Northern region army spokesman Lt. Paddy Ankunda said this was a big death 
toll compared to recent statistics.

He said Otti, who led a fighting force through Bibia in Kilak county at the 
weekend, wants to divert us and save his boss Joseph Kony. He said Otti was 
playing diversionary tactics but the army was prepared for the trick. We 
shall continue to hunt Kony and still hunt Otti, Ankunda said.

He said in the past week, the army rescued 54 children and captured nine 
rebel fighters.

Thirteen others surrendered.

Ankunda said Captain Kavuma, who failed to stop the rebel attack on 
Lira-Palwo displaced peoples camp, would be court-martialled. Kavuma, who 
was reportedly on a drinking spree at the time of the attack, was arrested 
on Sunday on the orders of Lt. Col. Paul Lokech, the 503 brigade commander.

Ankunda said contrary to earlier reports which put the civilian death toll 
to 30, we found that 12 civilians were killed by the rebels in Lira-Palwo 

In Adjumani, Kony rebels who survived last Saturday Bibia battle are causing 
problems in Pakirinya, Bari and Arinyati parishes of Adjumani. The army 
killed five rebels in Pakirinya on Sunday.

Relevant Links

East Africa
Civil War and Communal Conflict

Adjumani district chairman, Nixon Owole, on Sunday appealed to motorists not 
to ply the Adjumani-Gulu road. He advised travellers to travel through Arua.

In another battle on Sunday on Adjumani-Kilak border, the army freed seven 

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ugnet_: ‘Hell hath no fury like a smoker scorned!’

2004-03-24 Thread Mitayo Potosi
‘Hell hath no fury like a smoker scorned!’
The University of Toronto also introduced a policy of no smoking in its 

Then one female student found Applied Mathematics Prof Ranger, Fellow of the 
Royal Society - Fluid Mechanics, smoking in there, and reminded him of the 

Ranger exploded by telling-off the girl to 'Go and tell the Dean'.

Mitayo Potosi

gook makanga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent :  March 22, 2004 10:51:19 PM
Subject :  ugnet_: Kasirye Ggwanga says NRA/M has run out of ideas!
Go to previous message | Go to next message | Delete | Inbox
Kasirye Ggwanga To Puff On
livid: Ggwanga won’t have it

‘Hell hath no fury like a smoker scorned!’ With the impending ban on public 
smoking. It appears that the ‘Governor of Mubende’, Kasirye Ggwanga, is 
having none of it. On Saturday night the chain smoking Colonel, was in 
Wandegeya’s Shell Select shop puffing away at a cigar, when a reveller 
informed him of the ban. Turning ballistic, he said: “let the minister 
(Kahinda Otafiire) come and try to stop me from smoking in public! These 
people are simply joking. They have run out of ideas. If they want to stop 
me, let them first arrest the person who taught me how to smoke 50 years 
ago,” he boldly declared before stepping out and driving off.

Published on: Saturday, 20th March, 2004

gt;From: quot;gook makangaquot; lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;
gt;Subject: ugnet_: Kasirye Ggwanga says NRA/M has run out of ideas!
gt;Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 22:51:19 +
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ugnet_: FW: Moru - Ma'di Survey Report

2004-03-24 Thread J Ssemakula Bilingualism among Lugbaras 

There is no claim that the ten men interviewed in Uganda are representative even of men twenty, thirty, thirty-five and forty years old, much less the whole population. 
All spoke English, and five reported that they spoke Swahili (four well and one a little). The two 'southern Ma'di' had learned Lugbara and four Lugbara said they spoke a little Ma'di. Two men from Aringa had some knowledge of Arabic (both had lived for a time in Sudan); one person said he spoke Kakwa well, another "a little Kakwa." Five other languages were mentioned by one person each as a language he spoke "a little": Acholi, Alur, Ateso, Luo, and Luganda. 

Full report at:

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ugnet_: Can a good samaritan help these folks with spelling in Luganda?

2004-03-24 Thread J Ssemakula

A document of this importance should be written properly!As it is, one can barely understand it.

 Get tax tips, tools and access to IRS forms – all in one place at MSN Money! 

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Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread Ochan Otim

Here is one of the many such rebels shot from the air!!
Source: description of the same event by a Lwo paper.

otti obwot

Aranyi: Latin pa adui ma kicelo (tye malo) ki lutino anyira LRA ma
bene kineko gi

At 01:16 PM 3/24/2004 -0500, you wrote:

LRA's Otti is Injured
New Vision (Kampala)
March 23, 2004
Posted to the web March 23, 2004
Chris Ochowun and Amazia Dradenya
LRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the leg
in fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the past
few days, the army said yesterday.
The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797

An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels'
bodies were found on Sunday in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi
subcounty in Adjumani district, bringing the death toll of the Saturday
battle to 62.
The army attributed the victory to helicopter gunship bombardments
combined with the infantry from 79th and 11th battalions.
The weekly report for March 14-21 said four UPDF soldiers were killed and
four others injured in clashes in Gulu, Pader, Kitgum, Lira and Apac
Captured LRA fighters said Otti crossed with about 300 fighters to
overthrow the Government as the UPDF entered Sudan to pursue the
Kakunguru said Otti was running out of fighters because most of the
fighters he came with were either killed or captured as prisoners of
Northern region army spokesman Lt. Paddy Ankunda said this was a big
death toll compared to recent statistics.
He said Otti, who led a fighting force through Bibia in Kilak county at
the weekend, wants to divert us and save his boss Joseph Kony. He
said Otti was playing diversionary tactics but the army was prepared for
the trick. We shall continue to hunt Kony and still hunt
Otti, Ankunda said.
He said in the past week, the army rescued 54 children and captured nine
rebel fighters.
Thirteen others surrendered.
Ankunda said Captain Kavuma, who failed to stop the rebel attack on
Lira-Palwo displaced peoples camp, would be court-martialled. Kavuma, who
was reportedly on a drinking spree at the time of the attack, was
arrested on Sunday on the orders of Lt. Col. Paul Lokech, the 503 brigade
Ankunda said contrary to earlier reports which put the civilian death
toll to 30, we found that 12 civilians were killed by the rebels in
Lira-Palwo camp.
In Adjumani, Kony rebels who survived last Saturday Bibia battle are
causing problems in Pakirinya, Bari and Arinyati parishes of Adjumani.
The army killed five rebels in Pakirinya on Sunday.
Relevant Links
East Africa
Civil War and Communal Conflict

Adjumani district chairman, Nixon Owole, on Sunday appealed to motorists
not to ply the Adjumani-Gulu road. He advised travellers to travel
through Arua.
In another battle on Sunday on Adjumani-Kilak border, the army freed
seven children.

Ochan Otim
NB: I hope you will find time to read and sign a petition to stop
the Northern Uganda carnage at:

inline: 52e88a.jpg

Re: ugnet_: Re: MUSEVENI's SS ( as in Hiltler's SS) or Sadam's Republican Guards

2004-03-24 Thread Mary Nagadya
What are the odds that at least 50% of these  are
'ghost' guards?

--- Rehema Mukooza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why would Museveni's brigade have 6,000 to 7,000
 soldiers more than a normal brigade??  And why is
 this brigade doing the army job??  It is supposed to
 stick to protecting the president alone.  
 In case, and this is only in case, if Mu7 leaves
 power in 2006, who is going to take care of this
 huge brigade??  6,000 to 7,000 soldiers will have to
 be dessolved into the Uganda Army after this
 dictator.  My take is that he is not going to leave
 power any time soon!  His empire is crumbling and
 that's why he needs all this extra protection.
 You are right to compare Mu7's PGB to Hitler's SS
 and Sadam's Republican Guards.  These dictators are
 insecure and hence a need for all these soldiers,
 just protecting one man and maybe his family.  This
 is insane and a wastage of donor and taxpayers'
 Zakoomu M.
 Museveni has 10,000 guards
 By David Kibirige
 March 24, 2004
 Gets modern weaponsENTEBBE – The presidential
 brigade is about 10,000 men strong, military experts
 say.This is about 7,000 to 6,000 soldiers more than
 a normal brigade, they add.Army spokesman Maj.
 Shaban Bantariza declined to establish the exact
 military strength of the Presidential Guard
 Brigade.He however, defended its size.“The number
 has to be big because of the formation. The
 Presidential Guard Brigade (PGB) is independent of
 other divisions. They have their own artillery, tank
 and armored units. So that is why the number is
 bigger than the usual brigades,” he said.He said
 PGB soldiers have to be at every presidential lodge
 in the country.The Monitor has learnt that for the
 last five years the Presidential Guard Brigade (PGB)
 has been under going restructuring. It was upgraded
 from a Presidential Protection Unit (PPU) to a
 PGB.The commander of the Reserve Force Lt. Gen.
 Salim Saleh has overseen the restructuring. Lt. Col.
 Leo Kyanda is the PGB commandant.The headq
  of the PGB will be at Entebbe. Some of its soldiers
 will be stationed in every battalion.Highly placed
 sources told The Monitor that the PGB has also
 acquired sophisticated weapons. The brigade has
 anti-aircraft guns, battle cars like mamba and
 buffalo, tanks and Armored Personnel Carriers
 (APCs).The commanders of the PGB mechanized unit are
 different from those of the regular army.On the
 sophisticated weapons, Bantariza said when at a war,
 the PGB fights independently of the regular army.He
 gave an example of Maj. Muhoozi Kainerugaba who at
 one time commanded PGB troops against the rebel
 Lord’s Resistance Army in Soroti.President
 Museveni is currently in Lira over seeing operations
 against LRA rebels led by Joseph Kony. The PGB
 soldiers are helping in the fight.
 © 2004 The Monitor Publications 
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Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread emmanuel musaazi
Mr. Otim, there you go again, distastefully, using pictures of victims of 
the likes of Otti, Kony, and LRA to score cheap political points. The 
picture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly 
leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA, because they are the ones 
killing innocent civillians like the one you have attached on this posting. 
Mr. Otim, how do you sleep at night after telling all the lies and even 
using dead people to even tell more lies. May God save us from ourselves in 

From: Ochan Otim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 10:35:11 -0800
Here is one of the many such rebels shot from the air!!  Source:  
description of the same event by a Lwo paper.

otti obwot
Aranyi: Latin pa adui ma kicelo (tye malo) ki lutino anyira LRA ma bene 
kineko gi

At 01:16 PM 3/24/2004 -0500, you wrote:

LRA's Otti is Injured

New Vision (Kampala)

March 23, 2004
Posted to the web March 23, 2004
Chris Ochowun and Amazia Dradenya
LRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the leg 
in fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the past 
few days, the army said yesterday.

The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797 bullets.

An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels' 
bodies were found on Sunday in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi 
subcounty in Adjumani district, bringing the death toll of the Saturday 
battle to 62.

The army attributed the victory to helicopter gunship bombardments 
combined with the infantry from 79th and 11th battalions.

The weekly report for March 14-21 said four UPDF soldiers were killed and 
four others injured in clashes in Gulu, Pader, Kitgum, Lira and Apac 

Captured LRA fighters said Otti crossed with about 300 fighters to 
overthrow the Government as the UPDF entered Sudan to pursue the rebels.

Kakunguru said Otti was running out of fighters because most of the 
fighters he came with were either killed or captured as prisoners of war.

Northern region army spokesman Lt. Paddy Ankunda said this was a big death 
toll compared to recent statistics.

He said Otti, who led a fighting force through Bibia in Kilak county at 
the weekend, wants to divert us and save his boss Joseph Kony. He said 
Otti was playing diversionary tactics but the army was prepared for the 
trick. We shall continue to hunt Kony and still hunt Otti, Ankunda said.

He said in the past week, the army rescued 54 children and captured nine 
rebel fighters.

Thirteen others surrendered.

Ankunda said Captain Kavuma, who failed to stop the rebel attack on 
Lira-Palwo displaced peoples camp, would be court-martialled. Kavuma, who 
was reportedly on a drinking spree at the time of the attack, was arrested 
on Sunday on the orders of Lt. Col. Paul Lokech, the 503 brigade 

Ankunda said contrary to earlier reports which put the civilian death toll 
to 30, we found that 12 civilians were killed by the rebels in Lira-Palwo 

In Adjumani, Kony rebels who survived last Saturday Bibia battle are 
causing problems in Pakirinya, Bari and Arinyati parishes of Adjumani. The 
army killed five rebels in Pakirinya on Sunday.

Relevant Links

East Africa
Civil War and Communal Conflict

Adjumani district chairman, Nixon Owole, on Sunday appealed to motorists 
not to ply the Adjumani-Gulu road. He advised travellers to travel through 

In another battle on Sunday on Adjumani-Kilak border, the army freed seven 
Ochan Otim
NB:  I hope you will find time to read and sign a petition to stop the 
Northern Uganda carnage at:
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Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread okello

Mr. musaazi:

It is reported thatthis child was killed by elicopter gunship! The LRA to my limited knowledge does not own any elicopter, leave alone gunship!!

There is need to settle this war peacefully, not "The picture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA,..". Otherwise there may bereal need to have between 70 to 100,000 rebels in Uganda to put the Musaazis to a peace path, or where they, with their war rhetorics, belong!emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mr. Otim, there you go again, distastefully, using pictures of victims of the likes of Otti, Kony, and LRA to score cheap political points. The picture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA, because they are the ones killing innocent civillians like the one you have attached on this posting. Mr. Otim, how do you sleep at night after telling all the lies and even using dead people to even tell more lies. May God save us from ourselves in Africa.From: Ochan Otim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuffDate: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 10:35:11 -0800Here is one of the many such rebels shot from the air!! Source: description of the same event by a Lwo
 paper.Ochan==otti obwot52e88a.jpgAranyi: Latin pa adui ma kicelo (tye malo) ki lutino anyira LRA ma bene kineko giAt 01:16 PM 3/24/2004 -0500, you wrote:LRA's Otti is InjuredNew Vision (Kampala)March 23, 2004Posted to the web March 23, 2004Chris Ochowun and Amazia DradenyaKampalaLRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the leg in fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the past few days, the army said yesterday.The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797 bullets.An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels' bodies were found on
 in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi subcounty in Adjumani district, bringing the death toll of the Saturday battle to 62.The army attributed the victory to helicopter gunship bombardments combined with the infantry from 79th and 11th battalions.The weekly report for March 14-21 said four UPDF soldiers were killed and four others injured in clashes in Gulu, Pader, Kitgum, Lira and Apac districts.Captured LRA fighters said Otti crossed with about 300 fighters to overthrow the Government as the UPDF entered Sudan to pursue the rebels.Kakunguru said Otti was running out of fighters because most of the fighters he came with were either killed or captured as prisoners of war.Northern region army spokesman Lt. Paddy Ankunda said this was a big death toll compared to
 statistics.He said Otti, who led a fighting force through Bibia in Kilak county at the weekend, "wants to divert us and save his boss Joseph Kony. He said Otti was playing diversionary tactics but the army was prepared for the trick. "We shall continue to hunt Kony and still hunt Otti," Ankunda said.He said in the past week, the army rescued 54 children and captured nine rebel fighters.Thirteen others surrendered.Ankunda said Captain Kavuma, who failed to stop the rebel attack on Lira-Palwo displaced peoples camp, would be court-martialled. Kavuma, who was reportedly on a drinking spree at the time of the attack, was arrested on Sunday on the orders of Lt. Col. Paul Lokech, the 503 brigade commander.Ankunda said contrary to earlier reports which put the civilian 
 toll to 30, "we found that 12 civilians were killed by the rebels in Lira-Palwo camp."In Adjumani, Kony rebels who survived last Saturday Bibia battle are causing problems in Pakirinya, Bari and Arinyati parishes of Adjumani. The army killed five rebels in Pakirinya on Sunday.Relevant LinksEast AfricaUgandaCivil War and Communal ConflictAdjumani district chairman, Nixon Owole, on Sunday appealed to motorists not to ply the Adjumani-Gulu road. He advised travellers to travel through Arua.In another battle on Sunday on Adjumani-Kilak border, the army freed seven children.Ochan OtimNB: I hope you will find time to read and sign a petition to stop the Northern Uganda carnage at: 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE* service is hosted on the Infocom network your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals

Re: ugnet_: Museveni/Kagame Killed Habyalima/Cyprien Ntaryamira

2004-03-24 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 3/24/2004 12:03:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

..Just reminding you Mr. Matek about what you initially posted on the topic 
"Museveni/Kagame Killed Habyalima/Cyprien Ntaryamira"...i still contend that 
a french judge is part and parcel of the french government just as a french 
minister or president is. Afterall the french judge is acting as a judge 
representing the french government (which appointed him).

E Musaazi:

Let me state in no uncertain terms that the judiciary in most Western European States ( U.S.A, Britain, France, Belgium e.t.c) tend to have pretty much a high degree of independence from their respective governments. 

Unlike in Uganda, were Museveni can have a great influence on the judges of the high court on issues ( Museveni is known to offer "packages" and Pageros to Judges so that the judges may rule "wisely" ) there is no such thing in France or U.S.A, U.K, Belgium e.t.c 

When a French Judge conducts an investigation (as in the case of the Genocide in Rwanda..and the circumstances which lead to that Genocide) you can rest assured that the findings of the French Judge is pretty much Independent from and has not been influence by the French Government.


"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 3/24/2004 3:14:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

There is need to settle this war peacefully, not "The 
picture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA,..". Otherwise there may be real need to have between 70 to 100,000 rebels in Uganda to put the Musaazis to a peace path, or where they, with their war rhetorics, belong! 


Soon or later , if the killings of the innocent children, women, and old men by the UPDF continues, It may become necessary for all the people of Uganda to JOIN "REBELS" in order to do away with Museveni's Madness! Indeed we can no longer tolerate the some status core were by our people die en mass for almost 20 years!

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 


2004-03-24 Thread Matekopoko
"Some of its soldiers will be stationed in every battalion.Highly placed sources told The Monitor that the PGB has also acquired sophisticated weapons.The brigade has anti-aircraft guns, battle cars like mamba and buffalo, tanks and Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs).The commanders of the PGB mechanized unit are different from those of the regular army.On the sophisticated weapons, Bantariza said when at a war, the PGB fights independently of the regular army."



2004-03-24 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 3/24/2004 12:20:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Well it is then obvious that in 
the event of a war more southern soldiers will die, because they are more in 
the army now, it doesn't matter whether the war is in Lira, Kitgum, Mbarara, 
Bulemezi, Congo, or somewhere in Europe, those are the facts, if you want 
less southern soldiers to die during a war, then cut down on the number of 
soldiers from the south full stop.

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Militias: Listen to the Church

2004-03-24 Thread Matekopoko
Militias: Listen to the Church

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The East African (Nairobi)March 22, 2004 

Posted to the web March 24, 2004 

Nairobi Last week, the Church and some politicians from northern Uganda warned that the creation of militias to protect communities against Joseph Kony's rebel Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) was likely to create more problems than it would solve.They argued that the creation of militia groups would put arms in the hands of civilians who are ill-trained to use them. Thus, they said, the main interest of the militia groups would be to defend their tribes from those perceived to be the "enemy."

The creation of the militias last year was a result of the thinking that the Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF) could not cover the whole area of conflict as the recruitment into the army has been constrained by the relatively small defence budget, which is under constant scrutiny by both the donor community and the country's opposition.In its argument, the church - Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox - cites as an example the chaos that exploded in Rwanda in 1994, leading to the genocide of 800,000 people, most of them from one ethnic group. 

The church says that this came about as a result of the arming of Hutu militias - the infamous Interahamwe - which saw the Tutsi as the enemy, since they formed the bulk of the Rwanda Patriotic Front that was fighting the government in the north of the country.It is important for the government to take seriously the warning by the church, especially because they are the people on the ground.

 Clerics interact closely with the people in the communities in which they work and their assessment of situations is more realistic than that of politicians, who will tend to say that all is well as long as it suits them.Unlike in Rwanda, where part of the church encouraged the genocide, the Uganda church is asking the government to pre-empt chaos. As things stand, the situation in northern Uganda is so polarised that it can explode any time.

As advocated by the church, let genuine dialogue between the rebels and government be initiated again. Some rebels who have been captured recently have said that they participate in attacks in the hope that they will meet relatives who will rescue them. They do not enjoy killing as they were recruited against their will."At least let the militia groups be integrated into the regular army so that they can be trained and their activities properly monitored.

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Stop tapping our phones, say MPs

2004-03-24 Thread Matekopoko

Stop tapping our phones, say MPs
By Patrick Onyango
March 25, 2004

KAMPALA  Lawmakers yesterday asked minister Michael Werikhe to explain why phone companies listen in on their clients conversations.Mr Werikhe is the minister of state for Communications.I dont know whether private telephone companies are empowered to record telephone conversations of their clients, and are you [minister] aware that they do that? Mr Geofrey Ekanya (Tororo) said.

He was addressing the minister who was appearing before the Committee on National Economy.Ekanya singled out MTN Uganda as one such firm that sometimes taps its clients telephone conversations and relays the conversations to security agencies.Our phones are recorded [sic] without our permission or court order, Ekanya said.

Werikhe said that firms are not supposed to tap or do anything with the clients phones.He promised to look into the matter and report back to Parliament. MTN spokesman Philip Besimiire told The Monitor yesterday that his company does not have the capacity to tap clients phones.Technically its not possible, Besimiire said by telephone yesterday.He said the MPs should complain directly to MTN if they want to know the truth.
We shall show them everything if they [MPs] come to us, he said. Last year, Lira Municipality MP Cecilia Ogwal threatened to sue President Museveni for listening in on her phone conversations.Ms Ogwal also threatened to sue her mobile telephone provider, MTN, for not informing her that her phone had been bugged. Museveni told Parliament on September 8, 2003 that he listened in on a conversion between Ogwal and a rebel commander of the Lords Resistance Army.The MPs also attacked MTN for refusing to abolish the service fee. They said that according to the agreement the fee should have been scrapped by now.
We are being robbed sir, Capt. Guma Gumisiriza (Ibanda North) said.  

 2004 The Monitor Publications 

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Army arrests 42 warriors

2004-03-24 Thread Matekopoko
Army arrests 42 warriors
By Joseph Orisa
March 25, 2004

MOROTO  The UPDF 3rd division has arrested 42 warriors from the Jie tribe in Kotido district, who had gone to raid cattle in Sudan.The warriors, aged between 14 and 24 years, were recently arrested at Kidepo National Game Park after they reportedly ran short of ammunition during a four-day fierce battle with the Dodoth tribe.Initially detained at Moroto army barracks, they were handed over to Moroto police station on Monday. Lt. Col John Baptist Mulindwa, the 3rd Divisions director of Training and Operations confirmed the incident.I cannot hide anything away from you, he told The Monitor at the Mt. Moroto Hotel yesterday. It is true we arrested theses people to safeguard them from the Dodoth and the Toposa [tribe from Sudan] who were finishing them. 

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Make public vehicle assessment criteria

2004-03-24 Thread Matekopoko

Make public vehicle assessment criteria
This is how I was rudely awakened to the unscrupulous ways of clearing agents and their cohorts in URA. I imported a lorry which was duly bonded in Transahara as I awaited URA valuation to establish my tax liability. This process is riddled with un-necessary delays; my papers took two weeks to be processed. Eventually when the Clearing agent came back with a fantastic story. The verifying officer had assessed my tax liability to be Shs 4,900,000. This was fine with me. There was however a catch to this; he was in a position to adjust my invoices to make me pay a lesser tax, i.e Shs 4,000,000, if I paid Shs 300,000/=.

 That was quite tempting, it would save me Shs 600,000. At first I was shocked, then got angry.I could not fathom how a wellpaid person would want to earn all that money for doing virtually nothing. I refused to pay the lower tax, and asked them to give me the actual invoices for me to quickly redeem my vehicle to curtail the increasing storage costs.  There ensued a very agitated haggling and pleading by the agent.When I refused to cooperate, my tax invoice was presented to me. My tax bill was actually the 4 million for which I had been expected to pay a bribe.

 The above situation arises due to the secrecy that surrounds information on how URA determines how much one should pay as tax on an imported vehicle. The importer is left at the mercy of clearing sharks.URA must of necessity make public this information, because it remains a big loophole through which rotten apples continue to thrive in URA and clearing agencies at the expense of innocent business people.

Narrow escapee. 

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

Re: ugnet_: African countries in double speak

2004-03-24 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 3/24/2004 3:59:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

With this they forget that true democracy is an-all-generation necessity that need not be given as a favor, but a right to all peoples of the world regardless of country, colour, race or religion as it enhances development, and that there are younger, but truly democratic nations like Israel.

Mr. Mukiibe:

Many , throughout the world will have "bones to pick," so to say, with your notion that Israel is a democratic country! Apparently, as many will point out, Israel is suppress the rights of Palestinians. Nevertheless you make a valid point(s) in your article to the Monitor.


"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 


2004-03-24 Thread emmanuel musaazi
..Zakoomu, miss critical thinker, your problem is that you are 'Baganda 
paranoid' anytime Buganda or Baganda don't get their way then someone is out 
to kill them, destroy them or whatever. Look i am a Muganda, but i don't 
expect Buganda and Baganda to always get their way, because there are othe 
groups too. Everytime you open your mouth, it's either Baganda must get this 
or else...or they were denied this thereforesomeone has to pay. Baganda 
can't have it there way all the time. To say that Baganda soldiers are 
intentionally being sent to the war front to die is a fallacy, other 
soldiers from other ethnic groups are also dying or do you want a spokes 
persons for other ethnic groups in the army to come out and tell you how 
many bakiga, banyankole, balango, bacholis have died? in order to convince 
you that Baganda are not dying alone?

As i have said before, it may well be that Baganda are dying more now in 
wars because as an ethnic group, they are more. When northerners dominated 
the army, i never heard people coming up to sympathize about how so many 
northern soldiers were disproportionately dying more than soldiers from 
other ethnic groups. Infact southerners were complaining about under 
representation in the army.

You guys need to be more serious, Uganda is undersiege due to rebels of LRA 
led by Kony...with all the attrocities committed by Kony and LRA all you 
guys can see is Ugandan government killing Baganda soldiers because Baganda 
soldiers were sent to protect there fellow citizens from Kony's brutality. 
Why can't Mr. Bwanika and others of his ilk talk about bringing Kony to 
justice, Why can't Mr. Bwanika and others of his ilk expose the brutality of 
Kony and the heroism of Ugandan soldiers (including Baganda soldiers) in 
saving children and civilians in the north from Kony. Or is Mr. Bwanika 
making the argument that it is wrong for Baganda soldiers to die for anybody 
else but a Muganda?

From: Rehema Mukooza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 13:33:28 -0800 (PST)

I think that you need to cut down on your fantasies.  Bwanika's article is 
true to the events taking place in Uganda.  These people know exactly what 
they are talking about.  What they are saying is not new to me, for I've 
known it for quite some time.

Museveni and his top army officials have set up events to kill Baganda army 
men and some other tribes in the past, present, and future.  I think you 
owe to wake up and smell what's going on.

Zakoomu M.

emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Who are these jobless people coming up with silly causes?.first they
say the people in the north are perishing because of inadequate protection
by Uganda government. Now they are saying soldiers (who are doing there
lawful and patritotic duties) in the north, doing there best to protect
their fellow citizens, are being murdered by the government of 
trend is, when there is relative peace in Uganda, these government
antagonists say, well the soldiers are dying for nothing in the north and
when LRA strikes, killing innocent civilians, they say Uganda government is
not protecting it's citizens, they then go further to say that UPDF is LRA
(at that moment they have no compassion for Ugandan soldiers)so silly.

From: dbbwanika db
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 05:44:43 +0100

In support of Hon Jack Sabiiti on the massacre of service men by their
employer we want a full investigation !

Vice President H.E. Prof. Gilbert Bukenya
Ministry of Justices Hon. Janet B. Mukwaya
Ministry of Internal Affairs Hon.Dr.Ruhakana Rugunda
Internal Affairs Hon. Dr. Kezimbira Miyingo
Security Hon. Betty Akech
The Democratic Party secretariat
Conservative Party Secretariat
Uganda Peoples Congress Secretariat
The Free Movement Secretariat
National Democrats Forum Secretariat
Justice Forum Secretariat
All Members of parliament
Uganda human right commission
The European Delegation in Uganda

In the recent meeting in the suburbs of Kampala, Hon. Jack Sabiiti was
quoted by the Uganda major radio station as having said that Baganda
soldiers in the National Resistance Army were sent to Northern Uganda and

However Hon. Jack Sabiiti was short of calling on Uganda parliament and 
National Resistance Movement government to call a full investigation into
the massacre of Uganda military service men by their employer the 
resistance army.

We in the democratic farmers workers alliance – Uganda (dfwa-u) therefore
profoundly wish to call on all entities that this letter is addressed – 
call on the parliament of Uganda, Uganda human right commission, the
international criminal court and the 

Re: ugnet_: Museveni/Kagame Killed Habyalima/Cyprien Ntaryamira

2004-03-24 Thread emmanuel musaazi
So what about our judge your opinion you think Museveni 
bribed her to come out with a report that exposed corruption in his 
governmentMatek man...i don't i don't know i don't know...

Anyway every french man, every American and every Briton, are aware of one 
phrase beyond which they know, they must not go beyond and for which they 
can do anything including lying (like the French judge did) and killing. The 
phrase NATIONAL INTEREST. Once the NATIONAL INTEREST is threatened 
anything goes and that is exactly what is at stake for France in the 
Tutsi/Hutu saga.

Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni/Kagame Killed Habyalima/Cyprien Ntaryamira
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 15:08:07 EST
In a message dated 3/24/2004 12:03:31 PM Eastern Standard Time,
 ..Just reminding you Mr. Matek about what you initially posted on the 

 Museveni/Kagame Killed Habyalima/Cyprien Ntaryamira...i still contend 

 a french judge is part and parcel of the french government just as a 
 minister or president is. Afterall the french judge is acting as a judge
 representing the french government (which appointed him).

E Musaazi:

Let me state in no uncertain terms that the judiciary in most Western
European States ( U.S.A,  Britain, France, Belgium e.t.c)tend to have 
pretty much
a high degree of independence from their respective governments.

Unlike in Uganda, were Museveni  can have a great influence on the judges 
the  high court  on issues  (  Museveni is known to offer packages  and
Pageros to Judges  so that the judges may rule wisely ) there is no such 
in France or U.S.A, U.K,  Belgium e.t.c

When a French Judge conducts an investigation (as in the case of the 
in Rwanda..and the circumstances which lead to that Genocide)  you can rest
assured that the findings of the French Judge is  pretty much Independent 
and has not been  influence by  the French Government.


The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the
people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the 
lie. It
thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to
repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by
extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state.

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister
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2004-03-24 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 3/24/2004 4:13:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

To say that Baganda soldiers are intentionally being sent to the war front to die is a fallacy, other soldiers from other ethnic groups are also dying or do you want a spokes persons for other ethnic groups in the army to come out and tell you how 
many bakiga, banyankole, balango, bacholis have died? in order to convince 
you that Baganda are not dying alone?

In otherwords Musaazi is confirming that UPDF soldiers from Buganda, Acholi, Bakinga, Banyakole e.t.c are dying!!!...something which Museveni never reveals to you!


"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

Re: ugnet_: Museveni/Kagame Killed Habyalima/Cyprien Ntaryamira

2004-03-24 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 3/24/2004 4:21:41 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So what about our judge your opinion you think Museveni 
bribed her to come out with a report that exposed corruption in his 
governmentMatek man...i don't i don't know i don't know...

I say Judge Ssebutinde is one of the few "goats" who have "JAMMED" ( as we use to say in Tororo College) to go along and conduct herself "properly" ...may be she never received a "package" from Kaguta!


"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Gen Museveni Orders Capt Kavuma Trial

2004-03-24 Thread Matekopoko
Gen Museveni Orders Capt Kavuma Trial

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New Vision (Kampala)March 24, 2004 
Posted to the web March 24, 2004 Grace Matsiko
Kampala PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has ordered for the speedy trial of a UPDF commander who allegedly failed to stop the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) attack on an internally displaced people's (IDPs) camp in Pader on Friday.Army and civilian authorities said 12 people died during the 6:30pm raid on Lira-Palwo IDP camp.

Several IDPs were wounded in the attack that left 127 huts and property burnt."The President is very unhappy about the conduct of the unit commander, Capt. Kavuma, that led to the death of 12 civilians."

He has directed that his case be expeditiously handled by the field Court Martial before the civilian population feels the UPDF is not taking action on its errant officers," a senior UPDF officer said, referring to a radio communication from the President who is also the Commander-In-Chief.It is alleged that Kavuma and other soldiers were drunk when the rebels struck, leaving a small force to guard the camp.UPDF 5th Division spokesman 2nd Lt. Chris Magezi yesterday said Kavuma would face the field Martial Court but did not give the exact date.The Court has passed judgements leading to the execution of errant soldiers, an action condemned by human rights groups.

Pader NGO Forum chairman Hussein Mudhir, who was among the officials who reached the camp, said the rebels slashed limbs off their victims with pangas and axes."The area was in a mess. All the food was taken and shelters destroyed. That is the challenge we have. We are appealing to the United Nations and the Office of the Prime Minister to help the victims," he said.Mudhir identified the dead as Paul Jwe, Alex Ojera, Samuel Odong, Steven Owinya and another Alex Ojera, residents of blocks 12, 14, 15 and 16.

Others were Margaret Apwonyonen, Natoyi Nabikana, Christine Akello, Alice Anena and Night Akanyo. Mudhir, quoting the Resident District Commissioner, Ahmed Awongo, said two other victims passed away on Monday, bringing the death toll to 14.Magezi said small squads of UPDF soldiers were deployed to track down the killers.He said the group, under an LRA commander identified as Odhiambo and numbering about 30 to 50, raided the camp in search of food. 

He said 24 rebels were killed by the UPDF 5th Division in the last week.He said the rebels had made several attempts to attack villages in Pader and Kitgum districts but they were repulsed.

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread emmanuel musaazi
Mr. Okello, i can not take your word for it, because you guys have a 
negative bias against the present government. Whatever be the case, if it is 
really true (which i doubt) that the child was killed by helicopter gunships 
then that is regreatable, however i would also like you to put up some 
pictures (which are in the majority) of civilians killed and mutilated by 
Kony and LRA. Again i think it will be very irresponsible of any government 
worth it's salt to withdrawal and abandon it's citizens to the likes of Kony 
and LRA. If that happened, people like you Mr. Okello will be clogging this 
network with postings about how Uganda government has abandoned  protecting 
northern Ugandans because they are notherners. You regularly say that on 
this medium when Kony has one of his far and in between success.

From: okello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 15:08:10 -0500 (EST)
Mr. musaazi:

It is reported that this child was killed by elicopter gunship! The LRA to 
my limited knowledge does not own any elicopter, leave alone gunship!!

There is need to settle this war peacefully, not The
picture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly 
leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA,... Otherwise there may be 
real need to have between 70 to 100,000 rebels in Uganda to put the 
Musaazis to a peace path, or where they, with their war rhetorics, belong!

emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mr. Otim, there you go again, distastefully, using pictures of victims of
the likes of Otti, Kony, and LRA to score cheap political points. The
picture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly
leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA, because they are the ones
killing innocent civillians like the one you have attached on this posting.
Mr. Otim, how do you sleep at night after telling all the lies and even
using dead people to even tell more lies. May God save us from ourselves in
From: Ochan Otim
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 10:35:11 -0800

Here is one of the many such rebels shot from the air!! Source:
description of the same event by a Lwo paper.

otti obwot

Aranyi: Latin pa adui ma kicelo (tye malo) ki lutino anyira LRA ma bene
kineko gi

At 01:16 PM 3/24/2004 -0500, you wrote:

LRA's Otti is Injured

New Vision (Kampala)

March 23, 2004
Posted to the web March 23, 2004

Chris Ochowun and Amazia Dradenya

LRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the leg
in fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the past
few days, the army said yesterday.

The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797 bullets.

An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels'
bodies were found on Sunday in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi
subcounty in Adjumani district, bringing the death toll of the Saturday
battle to 62.

The army attributed the victory to helicopter gunship bombardments
combined with the infantry from 79th and 11th battalions.

The weekly report for March 14-21 said four UPDF soldiers were killed 
four others injured in clashes in Gulu, Pader, Kitgum, Lira and Apac

Captured LRA fighters said Otti crossed with about 300 fighters to
overthrow the Government as the UPDF entered Sudan to pursue the rebels.

Kakunguru said Otti was running out of fighters because most of the
fighters he came with were either killed or captured as prisoners of 

Northern region army spokesman Lt. Paddy Ankunda said this was a big 
toll compared to recent statistics.

He said Otti, who led a fighting force through Bibia in Kilak county at
the weekend, wants to divert us and save his boss Joseph Kony. He said
Otti was playing diversionary tactics but the army was prepared for the
trick. We shall continue to hunt Kony and still hunt Otti, Ankunda 

He said in the past week, the army rescued 54 children and captured nine
rebel fighters.

Thirteen others surrendered.

Ankunda said Captain Kavuma, who failed to stop the rebel attack on
Lira-Palwo displaced peoples camp, would be court-martialled. Kavuma, 
was reportedly on a drinking spree at the time of the attack, was 
on Sunday on the orders of Lt. Col. Paul Lokech, the 503 brigade

Ankunda said contrary to earlier reports which put the civilian death 
to 30, we found that 12 civilians were killed by the rebels in 

In Adjumani, Kony rebels who survived last Saturday Bibia battle are
causing problems in Pakirinya, Bari and Arinyati parishes of Adjumani. 
army killed five rebels in Pakirinya on Sunday.

Relevant Links

East Africa
Civil War and Communal Conflict

Adjumani district chairman, Nixon Owole, on Sunday appealed to 


2004-03-24 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 3/24/2004 4:13:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

As i have said before, it may well be that Baganda are dying more now in 
wars because as an ethnic group, they are more. When northerners dominated 
the army, i never heard people coming up to sympathize about how so many 
northern soldiers were disproportionately dying more than soldiers from 
other ethnic groups. Infact southerners were complaining about under 
representation in the army


So you are now admitting ( in the above statement) that Buganda's are dying?


"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: How Much Does Uganda Spend on the Military? (has pdf attachment)

2004-03-24 Thread J Ssemakula
The recent story about Museveni having a predential body guard of over 10,000 nudged me to finally address this question. I have therefore collected some data on the subject and put a couple of tables on it in a the attached pdf document (20K).

I wanted to use clear text but the tables got messed up. Naturally,similar data for other African countries are available. 

Over to you,

Ssemakula Find a broadband plan that fits. Great local deals on high-speed Internet access. 

Uganda's Military Expenditure Runs Amock.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

ugnet_: Re: The pweor of the hmuan mnid.

2004-03-24 Thread Rehema Mukooza

There are way many different versions of Luganda-Ludikya. The human brain is indeed very powerful. AsI was growing up,I was expossed to 2 kinds of Ludikya. I could always find myself understanding this Ludikya without knowing why. I guess the article below has someanswers for me.

1). Lombeto! Can someone 'decode' that word??
2). Japangu. Can someone 'decode' that word??

I'll give you guys more Luganda-Ludikya words to unscramble if you give me answers to the above words.I love Ludikyamore than English. Luganda is super! Where there is Ludikya, I don'tneedEnglish. Ludikya is fun, very romantic too, especially when it's mixed with slangs.Hahaha, it's the best.

Zakoomu M.
=james ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I heard that this little passage started as an experiment to see how fast a given (false?) message could spread on the web, butI do not recall the details.

Anyhow, itis sort of like steganography, and its cousin cryptography. The former is is the art of writing hidden messages in such a way that the final product is innocous and only the intended recepient can retrieve it. 

Tha Baganda of ages past started on this path but do not appear to have gotten too far along, perhaps for lack of formal institutions of learning. Their attempt is what we called Ludikya today. In this simple form, the letters are merely reversed. The practiced brain has no trouble at all in decoding the text in real time, unless the speakers do so at a fast clip.

In the digital age steganography has advanced quite a bit. One can send a message and/or even a image within another image. It is the cheapest form of crypto. 

E.g. see be sure to click on 'Covert Channel' to see just what the stakes are these days (i.e. $$$). 

Apparently, simplicity has its privileges ...

An aside, copy the original text and run it through a spell-checker several times, each time choosing the first suggested option. I expected that my spellchecker would faint with exhaustion but it was not to be!


ps: spellcheck 'Museveni'.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The pweor of the hmuan mnid.Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in wahtoredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the fristand lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and youcan sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos notraed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.


2004-03-24 Thread emmanuel musaazi
Matek you are really a jobless empty headed man...the way you're going 
you'll be in Washington aloonnngg timeyou are an American citizen 
already so it doesn't realy are at home.

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 15:10:49 EST
In a message dated 3/24/2004 12:20:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,
 Well it is then obvious that in
 the event of a war more southern soldiers will die, because they are 
more in

 the army now, it doesn't matter whether the war is in Lira, Kitgum, 

 Bulemezi, Congo, or somewhere in Europe, those are the facts, if you 
 less southern soldiers to die during a war, then cut down on the number 
 soldiers from the south full stop.

The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the
people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the 
lie. It
thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to
repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by
extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state.

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister
The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

This service is hosted on the Infocom network

ugnet_: Re: Okema wrote a story about the death of Government troops....

2004-03-24 Thread Rehema Mukooza

Okema is a survivor! What a narrow escape!

The former-UPDF friends of mine told me that the UPDF kills on spot any journalist it catches in the areas of operation. I am suspecting that Okema might nothave been in these areas at the "right" time, for if he was, he would be a dead man. I have no doubt about that. I am suspecting that he found out and arrived after the operations were carried out. He came in late when he could not tell who in fact killed these UPDF soldiers.

Had Okema been in the operation areas at the "right" time, he would have seen with his own naked eyes who was killing who. But unfortunately, he would not have lived to tell the story. All Praises be to Allah, that Okema is alive today.

Zakoomu M.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 3/24/2004 6:29:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
After Okema wrote a story mentioning the deaths of government troops, he wasarrested and placed in a safe house for two days. After other reportersinquired into his whereabouts, he was driven some distance and dropped off onthe side of a street.Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.

Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Many times I decide to keep quite but there are statements that are so silly
that I can not let go. Can you tell me how many people UPDF has saved in
northern Uganda to today? How many people are alive in the north Thanks to


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

 Mr. Otim, there you go again, distastefully, using pictures of victims of
 the likes of Otti, Kony, and LRA to score cheap political points. The
 picture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly
 leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA, because they are the ones
 killing innocent civillians like the one you have attached on this
 Mr. Otim, how do you sleep at night after telling all the lies and even
 using dead people to even tell more lies. May God save us from ourselves

 From: Ochan Otim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
 Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 10:35:11 -0800
 Here is one of the many such rebels shot from the air!!  Source:
 description of the same event by a Lwo paper.
 otti obwot
 Aranyi: Latin pa adui ma kicelo (tye malo) ki lutino anyira LRA ma bene
 kineko gi
 At 01:16 PM 3/24/2004 -0500, you wrote:
 LRA's Otti is Injured
 New Vision (Kampala)
 March 23, 2004
 Posted to the web March 23, 2004
 Chris Ochowun and Amazia Dradenya
 LRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the leg
 in fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the past
 few days, the army said yesterday.
 The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797 bullets.
 An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels'
 bodies were found on Sunday in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi
 subcounty in Adjumani district, bringing the death toll of the Saturday
 battle to 62.
 The army attributed the victory to helicopter gunship bombardments
 combined with the infantry from 79th and 11th battalions.
 The weekly report for March 14-21 said four UPDF soldiers were killed
 four others injured in clashes in Gulu, Pader, Kitgum, Lira and Apac
 Captured LRA fighters said Otti crossed with about 300 fighters to
 overthrow the Government as the UPDF entered Sudan to pursue the rebels.
 Kakunguru said Otti was running out of fighters because most of the
 fighters he came with were either killed or captured as prisoners of
 Northern region army spokesman Lt. Paddy Ankunda said this was a big
 toll compared to recent statistics.
 He said Otti, who led a fighting force through Bibia in Kilak county at
 the weekend, wants to divert us and save his boss Joseph Kony. He said
 Otti was playing diversionary tactics but the army was prepared for the
 trick. We shall continue to hunt Kony and still hunt Otti, Ankunda
 He said in the past week, the army rescued 54 children and captured nine
 rebel fighters.
 Thirteen others surrendered.
 Ankunda said Captain Kavuma, who failed to stop the rebel attack on
 Lira-Palwo displaced peoples camp, would be court-martialled. Kavuma,
 was reportedly on a drinking spree at the time of the attack, was
 on Sunday on the orders of Lt. Col. Paul Lokech, the 503 brigade
 Ankunda said contrary to earlier reports which put the civilian death
 to 30, we found that 12 civilians were killed by the rebels in
 In Adjumani, Kony rebels who survived last Saturday Bibia battle are
 causing problems in Pakirinya, Bari and Arinyati parishes of Adjumani.
 army killed five rebels in Pakirinya on Sunday.
 Relevant Links
 East Africa
 Civil War and Communal Conflict
 Adjumani district chairman, Nixon Owole, on Sunday appealed to motorists
 not to ply the Adjumani-Gulu road. He advised travellers to travel
 In another battle on Sunday on Adjumani-Kilak border, the army freed
 Ochan Otim
 NB:  I hope you will find time to read and sign a petition to stop the
 Northern Uganda carnage at:

 MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

 This service is hosted on the Infocom network

This service is hosted on the Infocom network

ugnet_: Federal State of Ik?

2004-03-24 Thread J Ssemakula

Pesky reporters, don't you know we must spend gobs of money to protect the president? 
Did you know that it takes more people to guard the el presidente than there are Ik?
Ik-land; no toilets, no school By Halima AbdallahMarch 24 - 31, 2004

KOTIDO – Did you know about a tribe called the Ik or Teuso?That’s right, they are Uganda and found in the north- eastern region of Karamoja, a semi-arid area with frequent famine.

Kosho Madalena, 12, wears decorations in her skin which she says signifies that she is ready for marriage as an Ik girl (Woman). She is a member of the tiny Ik tribe in the northeastern corner of Uganda, a village overlooking the Rift Valley near the Sudan and Kenya borders (Photo by Rick D'Elia).They live on the mountaintops in Dodoth County, Kotido district. 

According to the 2002, population census, they are 4,000 in number.
Their member of parliament, Mr Ael Lodou put their number at 400. 
In this community there is no single hospital. Only a small hut used as a health centre that offers mainly first aid; or something like that.
There is no doctor or nurse at this health unit.There are a few health assistants, all primary seven leavers from the Labwor tribe who were trained in handling simple health problems.
Mr Paul Lotuk, a Primary Six dropout and the most learned from the Ik community said the unit lacks drugs. 
The most common ailments are malaria and diarrhoea.
And antenatal services are very far from the would-be beneficiaries.
Probably that is why the women here do not know a thing about antenatal clinics.
They know that there is a clinic at Kaabong Sub-County, 32 km away but have no idea what services it offers.
“ I do not go to Kaabong for antenatal care. It is very far to walk. I use herbs for treatment during pregnancy, after birth, in abortion or miscarriage,” Cecilia Nakiru, a mother of eight said.
Left to their own wit, the women here have to go through the most painful of motherhood experiences – most of their children die at infancy because they do not get immunised against the six killer diseases; measles, polio, tetanus, tuberculosis, whooping cough and diphtheria.

Overlooking the Rift Valley north of Kaabong Carik Paul weaves a grain storage basket near his manyatta home October, 2003.(Rick D'Elia).
“I do not take my children for immunisation,” Nakiru said.
She said although many children die at infancy, she does not know what kills them.
Here the children were not part of the September 2003 mass measles immunisation for children aged six months to 15 years.But there situation of the Ik only gets worse.
This is a community without a single certificate holder even for the Primary Leaving Examination. 
The first school to be built here was at Kaimon in 2001 and it only goes up to Primary Five. 
The school has only two qualified grade III teachers; the headmaster and his deputy.
A few unqualified people, who speak English with difficulty help in teaching. Because of the lack of an education, the Ik do not have proper political representation at higher levels.
“Our political representation stops at LC II, the rest of the posts are held by Karimonjong on our behalf,” said Lotuk.
According to Lotuk, politicians always go up to the mountains to solicit votes and never return until the next campaign season.
There is no written literature on their language, culture and customs. Tracing their roots in history is therefore a real problem.
According to Lotuk, his fore fathers lived on the mountains where he finds himself today. He does not know any details about his origin.
The Ik imagine they exist alone without other Ik elsewhere. They say they have no brothers and sisters across the valley whether on the Kenya or Sudan side.
In Kenya, the immediate tribes are the Turkana and Pokot who are pastoralists.
On the Sudan side are the Dinka who are also pastrolists. The Ik live right in the middle of pastoral communities of Sudan, Kenya and Uganda but are themselves not pastoralists.
Cattle are the most considered products of wealth for this society.
The Ik do not rear any animals. With nothing no assets to value, the Ik often resort to their small chunks of land within the valley for some crude cultivation.
Even then, the harsh environment, can hardly allow them to do any meaningful cultivation.
They grow maize, sorghum and millet but their efforts are frustrated by small yields.
The ground is rocky and the rainfall is insufficient due to the semi- aridity of the region.Their yields never take them to the next harvesting season. 
Thus they rely on the World Food Programme to supplement their harvests.
In this area food is a big issue. The Ik have to hide some of the food in granaries built in the valleys, away from the Turkanas, whom they fear might steal from them.
Lotuk said it is very common for the Turkanas to cross the boundaries to loot food. 
When we visited the area, at around midday, there was no sign of preparation for lunch.
A malnourished child of 

ugnet_: NYTt: Ethnic Cleansing, Again

2004-03-24 Thread J Ssemakula

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Op-Ed Columnist: Ethnic Cleansing, Again 

March 24, 2004 

ALONG THE SUDAN-CHAD BORDER - The most vicious ethnic 
cleansing you've never heard of is unfolding here in the 
southeastern fringes of the Sahara Desert. It's a campaign 
of murder, rape and pillage by Sudan's Arab rulers that has 
forced 700,000 black African Sudanese to flee their 

The desert is strewn with the carcasses of cattle and 
goats, as well as fresh refugee graves that are covered 
with brush so wild animals will not dig them up. Refugees 
crowd around overused wells, which now run dry, and they 
mourn loved ones whose bodies they cannot recover. 

Western and African countries need to intervene urgently. 
Sudan's leaders should not be able to get away with mass 
murder just because they are shrewd enough to choose 
victims who inhabit a poor region without airports, 
electricity or paved roads. 

The culprit is the Sudanese government, one of the world's 
nastiest. Its Arab leaders have been fighting a civil war 
for more than 20 years against its rebellious black African 
south. Lately it has armed lighter-skinned Arab raiders, 
the Janjaweed, who are killing or driving out blacks in the 
Darfur region near Chad. 

"They came at 4 a.m. on horseback, on camels, in vehicles, 
with two helicopters overhead," recalled Idris Abu Moussa, 
a 26-year-old Sudanese farmer. "They killed 50 people in my 
village. My father, grandmother, uncle and two brothers 
were all killed." 

"They don't want any blacks left," he added. 

refugees have stories like that. "They took the cattle and 
horses, killed the men, raped the women, and then they 
burned the village," said Abubakr Ahmed Abdallah, a 
60-year-old refugee who escaped to Toukoultoukouli in Chad. 

"They want to exterminate us blacks," said Halime Ali Souf. 
Her husband was killed, and she fled into Chad with her 

Once refugees like Ms. Halime have fled into Chad, their 
troubles are not over. The only source of water for many 
border villages is the riverbed, or wadi, marking the 
boundary between the two countries, and the Janjaweed 
regularly shoot men who go there to get water or gather 

Zakaria Ibrahim was shot dead a few days ago. "He went to 
get sticks to build a hut," said his haggard widow, Hawai 
Abdulyaya, who is left with five children. 

The Janjaweed regularly invade Chad to seize cattle and 
attack Sudanese refugees. In addition, the Sudanese Army 
has dropped bombs on Chadian villages like Tiné and Besa. 

These skirmishes are taking place in a sparsely populated 
land of sand, shrubs and occasional oases. The only roads 
are dirt tracks barely navigable by four-wheel-drive 
vehicles - except when the rainy season makes the area 
completely impassible. (Join me for a multimedia tour of 
Africa at 

The U.N.'s Sudan coordinator, Mukesh Kapila, described the 
situation in a BBC interview on Friday as similar in 
character, if not scale, to the Rwanda genocide of 1994. 
"This is ethnic cleansing," he said. "This is the world's 
greatest humanitarian crisis, and I don't know why the 
world isn't doing more about it." 

Countless thousands of black Sudanese have been murdered, 
and 600,000 victims of this ethnic cleansing have fled to 
other parts of Sudan and are suffering from malnutrition 
and disease. The 110,000 who have fled into Chad are better 
off because of the magnificent response of the Chadian 
peasants. Chadians are desperately poor themselves, but 
they share what little food and water is available with the 
Sudanese refugees. 

"If we have food or water, we'll share it with them," said 
a Chadian peasant, Adam Isak Abubakr. "We can't leave them 
like this." 

Let's hope that we Americans will show the same gumption 
and compassion. We should call Sudan before the U.N. 
Security Council and the world community and insist that it 
stop these pogroms. To his credit, President Bush has 
already led the drive for peace in Sudan, doing far more to 
achieve a peace than all his predecessors put together. Now 
he should show the same resolve in confronting this latest 

In the 21st century, no government should be allowed to 
carry out ethnic cleansing, driving 700,000 people from 
their homes. If we turn away simply because the victims are 
African tribespeople who have the misfortune to speak no 
English, have no phones and live in one of the most remote 


2004-03-24 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 3/24/2004 8:07:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Matek you are really a jobless empty headed man...the way you're going 
you'll be in Washington aloonnngg timeyou are an American citizen 
already so it doesn't realy are at home.

Yooo Dudu!

Who are you calling empty headed? I believe I have pretty much demonstrated here on this f Ugandanet forum, before Ugandans of high intellect, as to who between the two of us is "empty headed".!!!

Good Night my friend 


"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread emmanuel musaazi
You question as usual, Mulindwa is even sillier (thank God you've had the 
sense to at least keep quiet)...let me put it this way, it's like asking the 
allied forces after the invasion of Germany, how many  people they think 
have been saved as a result of their invasion...obviously if Hitler had not 
been opposed in europe he would have continued south ward and into 
Africa...if he didn't think jews were human beings, and gassed them you can 
just imagine what he would have thought of a black African such as you 
Mulindwa and what type of experiments you would have ended up being a guinea 
pig for... to your is silly because the presence of UPDF in the 
north is forestalling the occurance of even more deaths. If the UPDF wasn't 
in the north where 50 are dying now maybe 100s or 1000s would be dying and 
even more. Plus imagine if he were to push in the south obviously millions 
would die because the battles would be had and brutal.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 20:13:43 -0500

Many times I decide to keep quite but there are statements that are so 
that I can not let go. Can you tell me how many people UPDF has saved in
northern Uganda to today? How many people are alive in the north Thanks to


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
 Mr. Otim, there you go again, distastefully, using pictures of victims 
 the likes of Otti, Kony, and LRA to score cheap political points. The
 picture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly
 leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA, because they are the ones
 killing innocent civillians like the one you have attached on this
 Mr. Otim, how do you sleep at night after telling all the lies and even
 using dead people to even tell more lies. May God save us from ourselves

 From: Ochan Otim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
 Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 10:35:11 -0800
 Here is one of the many such rebels shot from the air!!  Source:
 description of the same event by a Lwo paper.
 otti obwot
 Aranyi: Latin pa adui ma kicelo (tye malo) ki lutino anyira LRA ma bene
 kineko gi
 At 01:16 PM 3/24/2004 -0500, you wrote:
 LRA's Otti is Injured
 New Vision (Kampala)
 March 23, 2004
 Posted to the web March 23, 2004
 Chris Ochowun and Amazia Dradenya
 LRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the 
 in fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the 
 few days, the army said yesterday.
 The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797 
 An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels'
 bodies were found on Sunday in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi
 subcounty in Adjumani district, bringing the death toll of the 
 battle to 62.
 The army attributed the victory to helicopter gunship bombardments
 combined with the infantry from 79th and 11th battalions.
 The weekly report for March 14-21 said four UPDF soldiers were killed
 four others injured in clashes in Gulu, Pader, Kitgum, Lira and Apac
 Captured LRA fighters said Otti crossed with about 300 fighters to
 overthrow the Government as the UPDF entered Sudan to pursue the 
 Kakunguru said Otti was running out of fighters because most of the
 fighters he came with were either killed or captured as prisoners of
 Northern region army spokesman Lt. Paddy Ankunda said this was a big
 toll compared to recent statistics.
 He said Otti, who led a fighting force through Bibia in Kilak county 
 the weekend, wants to divert us and save his boss Joseph Kony. He 
 Otti was playing diversionary tactics but the army was prepared for 
 trick. We shall continue to hunt Kony and still hunt Otti, Ankunda
 He said in the past week, the army rescued 54 children and captured 
 rebel fighters.
 Thirteen others surrendered.
 Ankunda said Captain Kavuma, who failed to stop the rebel attack on
 Lira-Palwo displaced peoples camp, would be court-martialled. Kavuma,
 was reportedly on a drinking spree at the time of the attack, was
 on Sunday on the orders of Lt. Col. Paul Lokech, the 503 brigade
 Ankunda said contrary to earlier reports which put the civilian death
 to 30, we found that 12 civilians were killed by the rebels in
 In Adjumani, Kony rebels 

Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread emmanuel musaazi
You question as usual, Mulindwa is even sillier (thank God you've had the 
sense to at least keep quiet)...let me put it this way, it's like asking the 
allied forces after the invasion of Germany, how many  people they think 
have been saved as a result of their invasion...obviously if Hitler had not 
been opposed in europe he would have continued south ward and into 
Africa...if he didn't think jews were human beings, and gassed them you can 
just imagine what he would have thought of a black African such as you 
Mulindwa and what type of experiments you would have ended up being a guinea 
pig for... to your is silly because the presence of UPDF in the 
north is forestalling the occurance of even more deaths. If the UPDF wasn't 
in the north where 50 are dying now maybe 100s or 1000s would be dying and 
even more. Plus imagine if he were to push in the south obviously millions 
would die because the battles would be had and brutal.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 20:13:43 -0500

Many times I decide to keep quite but there are statements that are so 
that I can not let go. Can you tell me how many people UPDF has saved in
northern Uganda to today? How many people are alive in the north Thanks to


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
 Mr. Otim, there you go again, distastefully, using pictures of victims 
 the likes of Otti, Kony, and LRA to score cheap political points. The
 picture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly
 leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA, because they are the ones
 killing innocent civillians like the one you have attached on this
 Mr. Otim, how do you sleep at night after telling all the lies and even
 using dead people to even tell more lies. May God save us from ourselves

 From: Ochan Otim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
 Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 10:35:11 -0800
 Here is one of the many such rebels shot from the air!!  Source:
 description of the same event by a Lwo paper.
 otti obwot
 Aranyi: Latin pa adui ma kicelo (tye malo) ki lutino anyira LRA ma bene
 kineko gi
 At 01:16 PM 3/24/2004 -0500, you wrote:
 LRA's Otti is Injured
 New Vision (Kampala)
 March 23, 2004
 Posted to the web March 23, 2004
 Chris Ochowun and Amazia Dradenya
 LRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the 
 in fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the 
 few days, the army said yesterday.
 The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797 
 An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels'
 bodies were found on Sunday in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi
 subcounty in Adjumani district, bringing the death toll of the 
 battle to 62.
 The army attributed the victory to helicopter gunship bombardments
 combined with the infantry from 79th and 11th battalions.
 The weekly report for March 14-21 said four UPDF soldiers were killed
 four others injured in clashes in Gulu, Pader, Kitgum, Lira and Apac
 Captured LRA fighters said Otti crossed with about 300 fighters to
 overthrow the Government as the UPDF entered Sudan to pursue the 
 Kakunguru said Otti was running out of fighters because most of the
 fighters he came with were either killed or captured as prisoners of
 Northern region army spokesman Lt. Paddy Ankunda said this was a big
 toll compared to recent statistics.
 He said Otti, who led a fighting force through Bibia in Kilak county 
 the weekend, wants to divert us and save his boss Joseph Kony. He 
 Otti was playing diversionary tactics but the army was prepared for 
 trick. We shall continue to hunt Kony and still hunt Otti, Ankunda
 He said in the past week, the army rescued 54 children and captured 
 rebel fighters.
 Thirteen others surrendered.
 Ankunda said Captain Kavuma, who failed to stop the rebel attack on
 Lira-Palwo displaced peoples camp, would be court-martialled. Kavuma,
 was reportedly on a drinking spree at the time of the attack, was
 on Sunday on the orders of Lt. Col. Paul Lokech, the 503 brigade
 Ankunda said contrary to earlier reports which put the civilian death
 to 30, we found that 12 civilians were killed by the rebels in
 In Adjumani, Kony rebels 

Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread emmanuel musaazi
You question as usual, Mulindwa is even sillier (thank God you've had the 
sense to at least keep quiet)...let me put it this way, it's like asking the 
allied forces after the invasion of Germany, how many  people they think 
have been saved as a result of their invasion...obviously if Hitler had not 
been opposed in europe he would have continued south ward and into 
Africa...if he didn't think jews were human beings, and gassed them you can 
just imagine what he would have thought of a black African such as you 
Mulindwa and what type of experiments you would have ended up being a guinea 
pig for... to your is silly because the presence of UPDF in the 
north is forestalling the occurance of even more deaths. If the UPDF wasn't 
in the north where 50 are dying now maybe 100s or 1000s would be dying and 
even more. Plus imagine if he were to push in the south obviously millions 
would die because the battles would be had and brutal.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 20:13:43 -0500

Many times I decide to keep quite but there are statements that are so 
that I can not let go. Can you tell me how many people UPDF has saved in
northern Uganda to today? How many people are alive in the north Thanks to


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
 Mr. Otim, there you go again, distastefully, using pictures of victims 
 the likes of Otti, Kony, and LRA to score cheap political points. The
 picture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly
 leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA, because they are the ones
 killing innocent civillians like the one you have attached on this
 Mr. Otim, how do you sleep at night after telling all the lies and even
 using dead people to even tell more lies. May God save us from ourselves

 From: Ochan Otim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
 Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 10:35:11 -0800
 Here is one of the many such rebels shot from the air!!  Source:
 description of the same event by a Lwo paper.
 otti obwot
 Aranyi: Latin pa adui ma kicelo (tye malo) ki lutino anyira LRA ma bene
 kineko gi
 At 01:16 PM 3/24/2004 -0500, you wrote:
 LRA's Otti is Injured
 New Vision (Kampala)
 March 23, 2004
 Posted to the web March 23, 2004
 Chris Ochowun and Amazia Dradenya
 LRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the 
 in fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the 
 few days, the army said yesterday.
 The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797 
 An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels'
 bodies were found on Sunday in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi
 subcounty in Adjumani district, bringing the death toll of the 
 battle to 62.
 The army attributed the victory to helicopter gunship bombardments
 combined with the infantry from 79th and 11th battalions.
 The weekly report for March 14-21 said four UPDF soldiers were killed
 four others injured in clashes in Gulu, Pader, Kitgum, Lira and Apac
 Captured LRA fighters said Otti crossed with about 300 fighters to
 overthrow the Government as the UPDF entered Sudan to pursue the 
 Kakunguru said Otti was running out of fighters because most of the
 fighters he came with were either killed or captured as prisoners of
 Northern region army spokesman Lt. Paddy Ankunda said this was a big
 toll compared to recent statistics.
 He said Otti, who led a fighting force through Bibia in Kilak county 
 the weekend, wants to divert us and save his boss Joseph Kony. He 
 Otti was playing diversionary tactics but the army was prepared for 
 trick. We shall continue to hunt Kony and still hunt Otti, Ankunda
 He said in the past week, the army rescued 54 children and captured 
 rebel fighters.
 Thirteen others surrendered.
 Ankunda said Captain Kavuma, who failed to stop the rebel attack on
 Lira-Palwo displaced peoples camp, would be court-martialled. Kavuma,
 was reportedly on a drinking spree at the time of the attack, was
 on Sunday on the orders of Lt. Col. Paul Lokech, the 503 brigade
 Ankunda said contrary to earlier reports which put the civilian death
 to 30, we found that 12 civilians were killed by the rebels in
 In Adjumani, Kony rebels 

Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread emmanuel musaazi
You question as usual, Mulindwa is even sillier (thank God you've had the 
sense to at least keep quiet)...let me put it this way, it's like asking the 
allied forces after the invasion of Germany, how many  people they think 
have been saved as a result of their invasion...obviously if Hitler had not 
been opposed in europe he would have continued south ward and into 
Africa...if he didn't think jews were human beings, and gassed them you can 
just imagine what he would have thought of a black African such as you 
Mulindwa and what type of experiments you would have ended up being a guinea 
pig for... to your is silly because the presence of UPDF in the 
north is forestalling the occurance of even more deaths. If the UPDF wasn't 
in the north where 50 are dying now maybe 100s or 1000s would be dying and 
even more. Plus imagine if he were to push in the south obviously millions 
would die because the battles would be had and brutal.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 20:13:43 -0500

Many times I decide to keep quite but there are statements that are so 
that I can not let go. Can you tell me how many people UPDF has saved in
northern Uganda to today? How many people are alive in the north Thanks to


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
 Mr. Otim, there you go again, distastefully, using pictures of victims 
 the likes of Otti, Kony, and LRA to score cheap political points. The
 picture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly
 leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA, because they are the ones
 killing innocent civillians like the one you have attached on this
 Mr. Otim, how do you sleep at night after telling all the lies and even
 using dead people to even tell more lies. May God save us from ourselves

 From: Ochan Otim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
 Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 10:35:11 -0800
 Here is one of the many such rebels shot from the air!!  Source:
 description of the same event by a Lwo paper.
 otti obwot
 Aranyi: Latin pa adui ma kicelo (tye malo) ki lutino anyira LRA ma bene
 kineko gi
 At 01:16 PM 3/24/2004 -0500, you wrote:
 LRA's Otti is Injured
 New Vision (Kampala)
 March 23, 2004
 Posted to the web March 23, 2004
 Chris Ochowun and Amazia Dradenya
 LRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the 
 in fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the 
 few days, the army said yesterday.
 The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797 
 An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels'
 bodies were found on Sunday in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi
 subcounty in Adjumani district, bringing the death toll of the 
 battle to 62.
 The army attributed the victory to helicopter gunship bombardments
 combined with the infantry from 79th and 11th battalions.
 The weekly report for March 14-21 said four UPDF soldiers were killed
 four others injured in clashes in Gulu, Pader, Kitgum, Lira and Apac
 Captured LRA fighters said Otti crossed with about 300 fighters to
 overthrow the Government as the UPDF entered Sudan to pursue the 
 Kakunguru said Otti was running out of fighters because most of the
 fighters he came with were either killed or captured as prisoners of
 Northern region army spokesman Lt. Paddy Ankunda said this was a big
 toll compared to recent statistics.
 He said Otti, who led a fighting force through Bibia in Kilak county 
 the weekend, wants to divert us and save his boss Joseph Kony. He 
 Otti was playing diversionary tactics but the army was prepared for 
 trick. We shall continue to hunt Kony and still hunt Otti, Ankunda
 He said in the past week, the army rescued 54 children and captured 
 rebel fighters.
 Thirteen others surrendered.
 Ankunda said Captain Kavuma, who failed to stop the rebel attack on
 Lira-Palwo displaced peoples camp, would be court-martialled. Kavuma,
 was reportedly on a drinking spree at the time of the attack, was
 on Sunday on the orders of Lt. Col. Paul Lokech, the 503 brigade
 Ankunda said contrary to earlier reports which put the civilian death
 to 30, we found that 12 civilians were killed by the rebels in
 In Adjumani, Kony rebels 

Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread emmanuel musaazi
You question as usual, Mulindwa is even sillier (thank God you've had the 
sense to at least keep quiet)...let me put it this way, it's like asking the 
allied forces after the invasion of Germany, how many  people they think 
have been saved as a result of their invasion...obviously if Hitler had not 
been opposed in europe he would have continued south ward and into 
Africa...if he didn't think jews were human beings, and gassed them you can 
just imagine what he would have thought of a black African such as you 
Mulindwa and what type of experiments you would have ended up being a guinea 
pig for... to your is silly because the presence of UPDF in the 
north is forestalling the occurance of even more deaths. If the UPDF wasn't 
in the north where 50 are dying now maybe 100s or 1000s would be dying and 
even more. Plus imagine if he were to push in the south obviously millions 
would die because the battles would be had and brutal.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 20:13:43 -0500

Many times I decide to keep quite but there are statements that are so 
that I can not let go. Can you tell me how many people UPDF has saved in
northern Uganda to today? How many people are alive in the north Thanks to


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
 Mr. Otim, there you go again, distastefully, using pictures of victims 
 the likes of Otti, Kony, and LRA to score cheap political points. The
 picture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly
 leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA, because they are the ones
 killing innocent civillians like the one you have attached on this
 Mr. Otim, how do you sleep at night after telling all the lies and even
 using dead people to even tell more lies. May God save us from ourselves

 From: Ochan Otim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
 Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 10:35:11 -0800
 Here is one of the many such rebels shot from the air!!  Source:
 description of the same event by a Lwo paper.
 otti obwot
 Aranyi: Latin pa adui ma kicelo (tye malo) ki lutino anyira LRA ma bene
 kineko gi
 At 01:16 PM 3/24/2004 -0500, you wrote:
 LRA's Otti is Injured
 New Vision (Kampala)
 March 23, 2004
 Posted to the web March 23, 2004
 Chris Ochowun and Amazia Dradenya
 LRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the 
 in fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the 
 few days, the army said yesterday.
 The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797 
 An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels'
 bodies were found on Sunday in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi
 subcounty in Adjumani district, bringing the death toll of the 
 battle to 62.
 The army attributed the victory to helicopter gunship bombardments
 combined with the infantry from 79th and 11th battalions.
 The weekly report for March 14-21 said four UPDF soldiers were killed
 four others injured in clashes in Gulu, Pader, Kitgum, Lira and Apac
 Captured LRA fighters said Otti crossed with about 300 fighters to
 overthrow the Government as the UPDF entered Sudan to pursue the 
 Kakunguru said Otti was running out of fighters because most of the
 fighters he came with were either killed or captured as prisoners of
 Northern region army spokesman Lt. Paddy Ankunda said this was a big
 toll compared to recent statistics.
 He said Otti, who led a fighting force through Bibia in Kilak county 
 the weekend, wants to divert us and save his boss Joseph Kony. He 
 Otti was playing diversionary tactics but the army was prepared for 
 trick. We shall continue to hunt Kony and still hunt Otti, Ankunda
 He said in the past week, the army rescued 54 children and captured 
 rebel fighters.
 Thirteen others surrendered.
 Ankunda said Captain Kavuma, who failed to stop the rebel attack on
 Lira-Palwo displaced peoples camp, would be court-martialled. Kavuma,
 was reportedly on a drinking spree at the time of the attack, was
 on Sunday on the orders of Lt. Col. Paul Lokech, the 503 brigade
 Ankunda said contrary to earlier reports which put the civilian death
 to 30, we found that 12 civilians were killed by the rebels in
 In Adjumani, Kony rebels 

Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread emmanuel musaazi
You question as usual, Mulindwa is even sillier (thank God you've had the 
sense to at least keep quiet)...let me put it this way, it's like asking the 
allied forces after the invasion of Germany, how many  people they think 
have been saved as a result of their invasion...obviously if Hitler had not 
been opposed in europe he would have continued south ward and into 
Africa...if he didn't think jews were human beings, and gassed them you can 
just imagine what he would have thought of a black African such as you 
Mulindwa and what type of experiments you would have ended up being a guinea 
pig for... to your is silly because the presence of UPDF in the 
north is forestalling the occurance of even more deaths. If the UPDF wasn't 
in the north where 50 are dying now maybe 100s or 1000s would be dying and 
even more. Plus imagine if he were to push in the south obviously millions 
would die because the battles would be had and brutal.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 20:13:43 -0500

Many times I decide to keep quite but there are statements that are so 
that I can not let go. Can you tell me how many people UPDF has saved in
northern Uganda to today? How many people are alive in the north Thanks to


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
 Mr. Otim, there you go again, distastefully, using pictures of victims 
 the likes of Otti, Kony, and LRA to score cheap political points. The
 picture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly
 leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA, because they are the ones
 killing innocent civillians like the one you have attached on this
 Mr. Otim, how do you sleep at night after telling all the lies and even
 using dead people to even tell more lies. May God save us from ourselves

 From: Ochan Otim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
 Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 10:35:11 -0800
 Here is one of the many such rebels shot from the air!!  Source:
 description of the same event by a Lwo paper.
 otti obwot
 Aranyi: Latin pa adui ma kicelo (tye malo) ki lutino anyira LRA ma bene
 kineko gi
 At 01:16 PM 3/24/2004 -0500, you wrote:
 LRA's Otti is Injured
 New Vision (Kampala)
 March 23, 2004
 Posted to the web March 23, 2004
 Chris Ochowun and Amazia Dradenya
 LRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the 
 in fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the 
 few days, the army said yesterday.
 The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797 
 An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels'
 bodies were found on Sunday in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi
 subcounty in Adjumani district, bringing the death toll of the 
 battle to 62.
 The army attributed the victory to helicopter gunship bombardments
 combined with the infantry from 79th and 11th battalions.
 The weekly report for March 14-21 said four UPDF soldiers were killed
 four others injured in clashes in Gulu, Pader, Kitgum, Lira and Apac
 Captured LRA fighters said Otti crossed with about 300 fighters to
 overthrow the Government as the UPDF entered Sudan to pursue the 
 Kakunguru said Otti was running out of fighters because most of the
 fighters he came with were either killed or captured as prisoners of
 Northern region army spokesman Lt. Paddy Ankunda said this was a big
 toll compared to recent statistics.
 He said Otti, who led a fighting force through Bibia in Kilak county 
 the weekend, wants to divert us and save his boss Joseph Kony. He 
 Otti was playing diversionary tactics but the army was prepared for 
 trick. We shall continue to hunt Kony and still hunt Otti, Ankunda
 He said in the past week, the army rescued 54 children and captured 
 rebel fighters.
 Thirteen others surrendered.
 Ankunda said Captain Kavuma, who failed to stop the rebel attack on
 Lira-Palwo displaced peoples camp, would be court-martialled. Kavuma,
 was reportedly on a drinking spree at the time of the attack, was
 on Sunday on the orders of Lt. Col. Paul Lokech, the 503 brigade
 Ankunda said contrary to earlier reports which put the civilian death
 to 30, we found that 12 civilians were killed by the rebels in
 In Adjumani, Kony rebels 

Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread emmanuel musaazi
You question as usual, Mulindwa is even sillier (thank God you've had the 
sense to at least keep quiet)...let me put it this way, it's like asking the 
allied forces after the invasion of Germany, how many  people they think 
have been saved as a result of their invasion...obviously if Hitler had not 
been opposed in europe he would have continued south ward and into 
Africa...if he didn't think jews were human beings, and gassed them you can 
just imagine what he would have thought of a black African such as you 
Mulindwa and what type of experiments you would have ended up being a guinea 
pig for... to your is silly because the presence of UPDF in the 
north is forestalling the occurance of even more deaths. If the UPDF wasn't 
in the north where 50 are dying now maybe 100s or 1000s would be dying and 
even more. Plus imagine if he were to push in the south obviously millions 
would die because the battles would be had and brutal.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 20:13:43 -0500

Many times I decide to keep quite but there are statements that are so 
that I can not let go. Can you tell me how many people UPDF has saved in
northern Uganda to today? How many people are alive in the north Thanks to


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
 Mr. Otim, there you go again, distastefully, using pictures of victims 
 the likes of Otti, Kony, and LRA to score cheap political points. The
 picture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly
 leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA, because they are the ones
 killing innocent civillians like the one you have attached on this
 Mr. Otim, how do you sleep at night after telling all the lies and even
 using dead people to even tell more lies. May God save us from ourselves

 From: Ochan Otim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
 Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 10:35:11 -0800
 Here is one of the many such rebels shot from the air!!  Source:
 description of the same event by a Lwo paper.
 otti obwot
 Aranyi: Latin pa adui ma kicelo (tye malo) ki lutino anyira LRA ma bene
 kineko gi
 At 01:16 PM 3/24/2004 -0500, you wrote:
 LRA's Otti is Injured
 New Vision (Kampala)
 March 23, 2004
 Posted to the web March 23, 2004
 Chris Ochowun and Amazia Dradenya
 LRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the 
 in fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the 
 few days, the army said yesterday.
 The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797 
 An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels'
 bodies were found on Sunday in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi
 subcounty in Adjumani district, bringing the death toll of the 
 battle to 62.
 The army attributed the victory to helicopter gunship bombardments
 combined with the infantry from 79th and 11th battalions.
 The weekly report for March 14-21 said four UPDF soldiers were killed
 four others injured in clashes in Gulu, Pader, Kitgum, Lira and Apac
 Captured LRA fighters said Otti crossed with about 300 fighters to
 overthrow the Government as the UPDF entered Sudan to pursue the 
 Kakunguru said Otti was running out of fighters because most of the
 fighters he came with were either killed or captured as prisoners of
 Northern region army spokesman Lt. Paddy Ankunda said this was a big
 toll compared to recent statistics.
 He said Otti, who led a fighting force through Bibia in Kilak county 
 the weekend, wants to divert us and save his boss Joseph Kony. He 
 Otti was playing diversionary tactics but the army was prepared for 
 trick. We shall continue to hunt Kony and still hunt Otti, Ankunda
 He said in the past week, the army rescued 54 children and captured 
 rebel fighters.
 Thirteen others surrendered.
 Ankunda said Captain Kavuma, who failed to stop the rebel attack on
 Lira-Palwo displaced peoples camp, would be court-martialled. Kavuma,
 was reportedly on a drinking spree at the time of the attack, was
 on Sunday on the orders of Lt. Col. Paul Lokech, the 503 brigade
 Ankunda said contrary to earlier reports which put the civilian death
 to 30, we found that 12 civilians were killed by the rebels in
 In Adjumani, Kony rebels 

Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread Rehema Mukooza
This is sad! A child?!Ochan Otim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Here is one of the many such rebels shot from the air!! Source: description of the same event by a Lwo paper.Ochan== 

otti obwot 

Aranyi: Latin pa adui ma kicelo (tye malo) ki lutino anyira LRA ma bene kineko giAt 01:16 PM 3/24/2004 -0500, you wrote:
LRA's Otti is InjuredNew Vision (Kampala)March 23, 2004Posted to the web March 23, 2004Chris Ochowun and Amazia DradenyaKampalaLRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the leg in fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the past few days, the army said yesterday.The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797 bullets.An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels' bodies were found on Sunday in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi subcounty in Adjumani district, bringing the death toll of the Saturday battle to 62.The army attributed the victory to helicopter gunship bombardments combined with the infantry from 79th and 11th battalions.The weekly report for March 14-21 said four UPDF soldiers were killed and four others injured in clashes in Gulu, Pader, Kitgum, Lira and Apac
 districts.Captured LRA fighters said Otti crossed with about 300 fighters to overthrow the Government as the UPDF entered Sudan to pursue the rebels.Kakunguru said Otti was running out of fighters because most of the fighters he came with were either killed or captured as prisoners of war.Northern region army spokesman Lt. Paddy Ankunda said this was a big death toll compared to recent statistics.He said Otti, who led a fighting force through Bibia in Kilak county at the weekend, "wants to divert us and save his boss Joseph Kony. He said Otti was playing diversionary tactics but the army was prepared for the trick. "We shall continue to hunt Kony and still hunt Otti," Ankunda said.He said in the past week, the army rescued 54 children and captured nine rebel fighters.Thirteen others surrendered.Ankunda said Captain Kavuma, who failed to stop the rebel attack on Lira-Palwo displaced peoples camp, would be court-martialle
 Kavuma, who was reportedly on a drinking spree at the time of the attack, was arrested on Sunday on the orders of Lt. Col. Paul Lokech, the 503 brigade commander.Ankunda said contrary to earlier reports which put the civilian death toll to 30, "we found that 12 civilians were killed by the rebels in Lira-Palwo camp."In Adjumani, Kony rebels who survived last Saturday Bibia battle are causing problems in Pakirinya, Bari and Arinyati parishes of Adjumani. The army killed five rebels in Pakirinya on Sunday.Relevant LinksEast AfricaUgandaCivil War and Communal ConflictAdjumani district chairman, Nixon Owole, on Sunday appealed to motorists not to ply the Adjumani-Gulu road. He advised travellers to travel through Arua.In another battle on Sunday on Adjumani-Kilak border, the army freed seven children.
Ochan OtimNB: I hope you will find time to read and sign a petition to stop the Northern Uganda carnage at: Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.


2004-03-24 Thread Rehema Mukooza

1st of all, Baganda soldiers were not forcedinto the army. He entered on free will. They did not know what is waiting for them ahead. They are just like any person who entered the army especially during Mu7's bush war to 'liberate' the country. Boy, they didn't what they were 'liberating'! Had they known, they would not have joined the army.
One of the Baganda soldiers who earlier found out what he had helped 'liberate' was immidiately assassinated. Do I have to remind you of him?? Okay, he is Dr. Lutaakome!

When UPDF was scaled down, can you tell me the ages of the soldiers who were laid off?? Besides scalling down the army, what other possible reason would lead to their lay offs??

Musaazi, I want to inform you that the soldiers who were laid off were older men  women (40yrs and above). These men were physically waring out, and many of them were forced to "retire". Many of these soldiers were laid off because the army commanders simply wanted to replace them with 'ghosts' so they can get the money. Did you even know about that?? Many of these soldiers were not paid for their services! 

Can youimagine being laid off after months of no pay, then to find out in the local newspapers that there are'ghosts' in the battalion you once belonged to?? And that the commander/general in charge ofthe battalion you once belonged to, who laid you off is infact being charged withhaving 'ghosts' in that battalion??

So, don't bring your nonsense to me that the majority of soldiers who were laid off were Banyankore. Banyankore are not laid off, they are promoted. Banyankore order for the killings of Baganda (and other Ugandans) soldiers, once the UPDF is in war-tone zones. It is either one kills or gets killed! Our Baganda (and other Ugandans) soldiers' lives are in danger!

Well, munange, you can live in fantasia by yourself. Some of us know what the truth is, and we shall continue to spread it to open ears.

Zakoomu M.emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Rehema, either you are lying or you are confused, how can you say that Baganda soldiers were pushed to go and fight in the north where they were forced by Ankole soldiers to kill felow Baganda...that does not make any sense whatsoever. If the Baganda don't want to be in the army then they should get out...everybody knows that dying and killing comes with the territory in the soldiering bussiness (that is an occupational hazard)and yes you either kill or be killed. This phenomenon is not just unique to Ugandan soldiers, checkout all the wars that have happened in the world; first/second world war, Korean war, Vietnam, Deseart storm etc., soldiers either kill or get killed, i'm sorry but that is the nature of war.People on this forum should remember that not so long ago (when Uganda was relatively at peace), UPDF was scaled dow
 n, as a
 matter of fact soldiers were reluctantly laid off (most didn't want to leave). It is also a blatant lie that Baganda soldiers are disproportionately sent to the war front. What is your remedy then, more northerners should be sent to the war front, since it is their people and their region where the conflict is or more banyankole should be sent to the war front since the President is a from Ankole or the number of Baganda soldiers should be reduced drastically so that less of them have to die during a war (since you don't want any Muganda soldier killed duing a war). Rehema you can't eat your cake and have it at the same time.Once upon a time northerners dominated the army and southerners had it rough (from Idi Amin days through to Obote II), then northern soldiers fought and died (it wasn't an issue to you then). Now their are more southerners in the army, which to me is fare since demographically their are more souther
 than northerners in Uganda, going by quotas. Well it is then obvious that in the event of a war more southern soldiers will die, because they are more in the army now, it doesn't matter whether the war is in Lira, Kitgum, Mbarara, Bulemezi, Congo, or somewhere in Europe, those are the facts, if you want less southern soldiers to die during a war, then cut down on the number of soldiers from the south full stop.From: Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: ugnet_: Re: ON WHOSE ORDER WERE THE MASSACRE CARRIED OUTDate: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 12:33:33 -0800 (PST)Bwanika:This business of sending Baganda Army men to the front lines has been taking place for along as in the early years of Museveni's dictatorship! I have friends who used to be in the army and some of them were sent to DR. &
 like 5-6yrs ago, and others to North Uganda. They can tell the story real well and as accurate as the saw the events taking place.They reported to me that Banyankole army men were treated as "supposed" to be the leaders at the top. Baganda army men were treated as supposed to do the dirty, bloody job. They even reported that there is a 

ugnet_: Who is in?

2004-03-24 Thread Ed Kironde

Museveni told Parliament on September 8, 2003 that he listened in on a conversion between Ogwal
and a rebel commander of the Lords Resistance Army.

Mr Geofrey Ekanya
(Tororo) named MTN in The Monitor story of March
 25 2004 as
a company responsible for tapping legislatures telephone conversations
and turns the information to Security agencies.

The spokesperson for the telecommunication company, Mr Philip Besimiire, denied the
allegations saying that the company does not have the technique. He did not
talk about the legalities, but only cited the capabilities. What if they had
the technique?

True or not, MTN subscribers might opt for services of other
companies. No one wants a police
state. This could as well
compromise the security of the nation if a foreign owned company could have the
technique to listen in telephone conversations made by our head of state or
other leaders in the country.

 subscribers should take the allegations seriously and demand a full
 investigation of the act or boycott the services of MTN.

 must act now and review laws that govern our telecommunication industry to
 severely punish those who evade our privacy with such impunity. 

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2004-03-24 Thread Rehema Mukooza

I am a critical thinker. If you had not been 'Baganda paranoid' and you claim to be a Muganda, my advice to you is to become one. You as naive as a baby who was born yesterday. 

In a democratic nation, everyone manages to be things their way through a compromise. However, that's not the issue with our tribes in Uganda. There is only one tribe that's having its way and its way only, and that's the Ankole Tribe! 

When you say that Southerners are complaining about 'under representation' in the army, I simply think that you a slow in thinking. What is the composition of "South"?? If the army generals and commanders are predominantly from Ankole, does that mean that they are "representing the South"?? Dude, the South is more than one or two tribes. The top leaders in the army are generally from Ankole. Where have you been??

Other than through the regular propaganda, what other sources do you have to prove that it is Kony/LRA that is killing and brutalizing Northern civilians?? Only uncritical thinkers like you take such propaganda in absolute with questioning it. I have sources who were UPDF soldiers on the front line, in battle fields from whom I get firsthand, non-propaganda directed facts. These guys saw it and know it and how it is. Banyankore top army leaders order for the killings of Baganda UPDF men/women. This is a fact! Believe it or Not. 

Zakoomu M.


 emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
..Zakoomu, miss critical thinker, your problem is that you are 'Baganda paranoid' anytime Buganda or Baganda don't get their way then someone is out to kill them, destroy them or whatever. Look i am a Muganda, but i don't expect Buganda and Baganda to always get their way, because there are othe groups too. Everytime you open your mouth, it's either Baganda must get this or else...or they were denied this thereforesomeone has to pay. Baganda can't have it there way all the time. To say that Baganda soldiers are intentionally being sent to the war front to die is a fallacy, other soldiers from other ethnic groups are also dying or do you want a spokes persons for other ethnic groups in the army to come out and tell you how many bakiga, banyankole, balango, bacholis have died? in order to convince you that Baganda are not dying
 alone?As i have said before, it may well be that Baganda are dying more now in wars because as an ethnic group, they are more. When northerners dominated the army, i never heard people coming up to sympathize about how so many northern soldiers were disproportionately dying more than soldiers from other ethnic groups. Infact southerners were complaining about under representation in the army.You guys need to be more serious, Uganda is undersiege due to rebels of LRA led by Kony...with all the attrocities committed by Kony and LRA all you guys can see is Ugandan government killing Baganda soldiers because Baganda soldiers were sent to protect there fellow citizens from Kony's brutality. Why can't Mr. Bwanika and others of his ilk talk about bringing Kony to justice, Why can't Mr. Bwanika and others of his ilk expose the brutality of Kony and the heroism of Ugandan soldiers (including Baganda soldiers) in saving c
 and civilians in the north from Kony. Or is Mr. Bwanika making the argument that it is wrong for Baganda soldiers to die for anybody else but a Muganda?From: Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: ugnet_: RE: ON WHOSE ORDER WERE THE MASSACRE CARRIED OUTDate: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 13:33:28 -0800 (PST)Musaazi:I think that you need to cut down on your fantasies. Bwanika's article is true to the events taking place in Uganda. These people know exactly what they are talking about. What they are saying is not new to me, for I've known it for quite some time.Museveni and his top army officials have set up events to kill Baganda army men and some other tribes in the past, present, and future. I think you owe to wake up and smell what's going on.Zakoomu
 M.emmanuel musaazi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Who are these jobless people coming up with silly causes?.first theysay the people in the north are perishing because of inadequate protectionby Uganda government. Now they are saying soldiers (who are doing therelawful and patritotic duties) in the north, doing there best to protecttheir fellow citizens, are being murdered by the government of Ugandathetrend is, when there is relative peace in Uganda, these governmentantagonists say, well the soldiers are dying for nothing in the north andwhen LRA strikes, killing innocent civilians, they say Uganda government isnot protecting it's citizens, they then go further to say that UPDF is LRA(at that moment they have no compassion for Ugandan soldiers)so silly. From: "dbbwanika db" Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:

RE: ugnet_: MUSEVENI's SS (as in Hiltler's SS) or Sadam's Republican Guards = 10,000 PGB

2004-03-24 Thread Y Yaobang

Listen up. My sources tell me that the PGB strength is real, and that its soldiers get preferential treatment compared to the rag-tag regular UPDF. But remember what happened to Mobutu's presaidential brigade? The same fate faces the PGB! 
And, by the way talking about the PGB, where is Major Kaneirugaaba, Museveeni's son, still recovering from the wounds? He is not in Soroti anymore, I know that, or is he?
 From: Rehema Mukooza [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: ugnet_: MUSEVENI's "SS" (as in Hiltler's SS) or Sadam's "Republican Guards" = 10,000 PGB 
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 15:57:51 -0800 (PST) 
That's a very good question.The odds are there especially when we hear that State House, Entebbe needs US $77millions for renovation.The possibility of these odds are even higher when we hear that the State House is asking to have an Office of the First Lady, requesting for funds direct from the Uganda Treasury!They even raise more when we hear about the huge State House budget.These odds skyrock when we hear of 'ghosts' in the UPDF. 
Personally, I don't know if there are 'ghosts' in the Presidental Guard Brigade.We shall all find out when this information becomes available to us.10,000 guards and heavy arms for just one man!!! 
Zakoomu M. 
Mary Nagadya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
What are the odds that at least 50% of these are 
'ghost' guards? 
--- Rehema Mukooza wrote: 
  Why would Museveni's brigade have 6,000 to 7,000 
  soldiers more than a normal brigade?? And why is 
  this brigade doing the army job?? It is supposed to 
  stick to protecting the president alone. 
  In case, and this is only in case, if Mu7 leaves 
  power in 2006, who is going to take care of this 
  huge brigade?? 6,000 to 7,000 soldiers will have to 
  be dessolved into the Uganda Army after this 
  dictator. My take is that he is not going to leave 
  power any time soon! His empire is crumbling and 
  that's why he needs all this extra protection. 
  You are right to compare Mu7's PGB to Hitler's SS 
  and Sadam's Republican Guards. These dictators are 
  insecure and hence a need for all these soldiers, 
  just protecting one man and maybe his family. This 
  is insane and a wastage of donor and taxpayers' 
  Zakoomu M. 
  Museveni has 10,000 guards 
  By David Kibirige 
  March 24, 2004 
  Gets modern weaponsENTEBBE – The presidential 
  brigade is about 10,000 men strong, military experts 
  say.This is about 7,000 to 6,000 soldiers more than 
  a normal brigade, they add.Army spokesman Maj. 
  Shaban Bantariza declined to establish the exact 
  military strength of the Presidential Guard 
  Brigade.He however, defended its size.“The number 
  has to be big because of the formation. The 
  Presidential Guard Brigade (PGB) is independent of 
  other divisions. They have their own artillery, tank 
  and armored units. So that is why the number is 
  bigger than the usual brigades,” he said.He said 
  PGB soldiers have to be at every presidential lodge 
  in the country.The Monitor has learnt that for the 
  last five years the Presidential Guard Brigade (PGB) 
  has been under going restructuring. It was upgraded 
  from a Presidential Protection Unit (PPU) to a 
  PGB.The commander of the Reserve Force Lt. Gen. 
  Salim Saleh has overseen the restructuring. Lt. Col. 
  Leo Kyanda is the PGB commandant.The headq 
  of the PGB will be at Entebbe. Some of its soldiers 
  will be stationed in every battalion.Highly placed 
  sources told The Monitor that the PGB has also 
  acquired sophisticated weapons. The brigade has 
  anti-aircraft guns, battle cars like mamba and 
  buffalo, tanks and Armored Personnel Carriers 
  (APCs).The commanders of the PGB mechanized unit are 
  different from those of the regular army.On the 
  sophisticated weapons, Bantariza said when at a war, 
  the PGB fights independently of the regular army.He 
  gave an example of Maj. Muhoozi Kainerugaba who at 
  one time commanded PGB troops against the rebel 
  Lord’s Resistance Army in Soroti.President 
  Museveni is currently in Lira over seeing operations 
  against LRA rebels led by Joseph Kony. The PGB 
  soldiers are helping in the fight. 
  © 2004 The Monitor Publications 
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2004-03-24 Thread Rehema Mukooza

I'm a critical thinker and I can prove it. Here again, I brought theKabaka into this particular discussion because you brought him into it. This issue according to youmight for some reason had something to do with the Kabaka. Read again what you wrote to Matek. You said: " usual Matek is working had to get the Kabaka's ear...".

My point on the Kabaka is that there is nothing new Matek is bringing to Kabaka's ears. Kabaka is already aware of what is going on and happening to his subjects. Whether you want to believe it or Not! The problem however is that He is under Mu7's Gun-Control and He is at Gun Point. Trust me on this one. If you are a critical thinker, I want you to disprove that assertion. I want you to challenge me and prove me wrong. 

Do you know why the Kabaka is always "careful" withwhat he says??
Do you know why there is no Federalism in Uganda??
Do you know why Buganda has Byoya bya Nswa??
Do you know why Buganda does not haveits 9,000 sq miles??
Do you know why the Kabaka is barred from commentingabout the army??
Do you know why the Kabaka is barred from commenting on 'politics'??
Do you know why Baganda are forced into selling their land, and the Kabaka can not do anything about it??
Do you know why the Baganda on Kalangala islands are illegally dispersed off their lands, and the Kabaka can not do a thing about it??

I'm not talking on behalf of the Kabaka, but a critical thinker like me can see what's going on. I don't need for a fellow like you to remind me of who to talk for or who not to talk for. A fellow like you can only dictatesuch to non-critical thinkers! I'm beyond that. I do not want to pay homage to a Byoya bya Nswa. Got that?? We know what we want. Take that silly offer to fellow stupid folks to appreciate and look into. Buganda is under OPPRESSION.

Look here, I don't need you to tell me about the UPDF attrocities propagandized as the LRA/Kony's. I've read too many of those lies. I do not think that Kony is necessarily fighting to capture power in Kampala. These are some of the lies perpetuated to confuse the masses. Kony/LRA has said it over and over again that they are rebeling against Mu7's oppression. They said that they want an oppression-free Acholi. If what it will take is to fight the govt, so be it, in the end all they want is OPPRESSION out of Acholi region.

I would like to enlighten youout ofyour ignoranceabout the Islamic Faith. The 10 commandments are in the Holy Quran. Every abiding Muslim is supposed to follow them. By the way, do you know the origins of Christianity?? You sound very ignorant! Sorry to say.

Musaazi, you really can show your ignorance about the "pure" Acholi issue. Do you really believe, in your sound mind, that Kony is killing fellow Acholi in order to breed a new "pure" Acholi race?? You know, this Movt govt can say such silly propaganda and what's surprising is that a good number of educated Ugandans believe it. These Ugandans were educated with knowlege but they lack wisdom!Wisdomwise - they are no different from non-educated Ugandans. A teacher can not pump wisdom into a silly fellow. Teachers only pump knowledge.

Before you go too far into the polygamous nature of the LRA, I want you to take a look into the UPDF. The former-UPDF soldiers reported to me the rapes commited by the UPDF. Mu7 promises these UPDF soldiers "wives" in areas where the operations are carried out. These rapes which often lead into polygamous marriages are considered in the army as part of the rewards from Gen. Mu7. This is the kind of prep-talk Mu7 gives his boys before he sets them off to kill civilians. No even mentioning the rapes that are followed by deaths! How do you think most of these UPDFsoldiers got their DR. Congo wives?? Many of these UPDFs have Northern women as wives. How do you think did they 'marry' their wives?? Do not be suprised when one day when you hear of a generation of mixed Acholi kids (many of them will notknow their real fathers). The UPDF is busy spreading its seeds through rape!

WhenKony vows to make sure that therewill bea "pure" Acholi race, he is simply saying that he is going to fight the UPDF rapes and put them to an end. In that way, the Acholi race will be free from a forced mixed/unpure Acholi generation.These women are tired of carrying these UPDF murderers' babies! The men are sick and tired of watching their wives carrying and having these murderers' babies! The grandparents are also sick to the bone of having these murderers' children as grandchildren! Have you ever thought aboutthis situationin that sense?? Critically think, man. The situation is worse! 

One day, Uganda will thank Allah for having critical thinkers like me. History is writing itself. The truth will come out. 

Zakoomu M.

==emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

.."miss critical thinker" there you go again bringing Kabaka into it. Have you ever thought of life without 

Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread okello

Mr. Musaazi,

"Again i think it will be very irresponsible of any government worth it's salt to withdrawal and abandon it's citizens to the likes of Kony and LRA. If that happened, people like you Mr. Okello will be clogging this network with postings about how Uganda government has abandoned protecting northern Ugandans because they are notherners." 

Who said Kony  his LRA picked up guns to specifically kill civillians in Northern and North-Eastern Uganda such that if the UPDF withdraw from the region, the like of myself "will be clogging this network with postings about how Uganda government has abandoned protecting northern Ugandans because they are notherners"?

Within tense political environment where there are gun wielding persons, who, after listening to your argument above, turn their eyes only to see bodies of little children killed by elicopter gunship because they are rebels, or rebel children, you risk greatly getting shot in the head without further question. 

The war in Uganda did not start because the rebels wanted to kill civillian wananchi in the North and North-East of the country. You must have read an article posted on this net by Ochan Otim; an article written by Ogenga Otunnu a while ago. You might therefore want to acquaint yourself with what caused the war in the North and North-East. For, some day you might blunder in the wrong place at the wrong time and among the wrong people.
I believe you can think better and much deeper than the above.
emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mr. Okello, i can not take your word for it, because you guys have a negative bias against the present government. Whatever be the case, if it is really true (which i doubt) that the child was killed by helicopter gunships then that is regreatable, however i would also like you to put up some pictures (which are in the majority) of civilians killed and mutilated by Kony and LRA. Again i think it will be very irresponsible of any government worth it's salt to withdrawal and abandon it's citizens to the likes of Kony and LRA. If that happened, people like you Mr. Okello will be clogging this network with postings about how Uganda government has abandoned protecting northern Ugandans because they are notherners. You regularly say that on this medium when Kony has one of his far and in between success.From: okello
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuffDate: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 15:08:10 -0500 (EST)Mr. musaazi:It is reported that this child was killed by elicopter gunship! The LRA to my limited knowledge does not own any elicopter, leave alone gunship!!There is need to settle this war peacefully, not "Thepicture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA,..". Otherwise there may be real need to have between 70 to 100,000 rebels in Uganda to put the Musaazis to a peace path, or where they, with their war rhetorics, belong!emmanuel musaazi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Mr. Otim, there you go again, distastefully, using pictures of victims ofthe likes of Otti, Kony, and LRA to score cheap political points. The
 you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedlyleave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA, because they are the oneskilling innocent civillians like the one you have attached on this posting.Mr. Otim, how do you sleep at night after telling all the lies and evenusing dead people to even tell more lies. May God save us from ourselves inAfrica. From: Ochan Otim Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 10:35:11 -0800  Here is one of the many such rebels shot from the air!! Source: description of the same event by a Lwo paper.  Ochan == otti obwot 52e88a.jpg  Aranyi: Latin pa adui ma kicelo (tye malo) ki lutino anyira LRA ma
 bene kineko gi   At 01:16 PM 3/24/2004 -0500, you wrote:   LRA's Otti is Injured  New Vision (Kampala)  March 23, 2004 Posted to the web March 23, 2004  Chris Ochowun and Amazia Dradenya Kampala  LRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the leg in fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the past few days, the army said yesterday.  The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797 bullets.   An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels' bodies were found on Sunday in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi subcoun
 ty in
 Adjumani district, bringing the death toll of the Saturday battle to 62.  The army attributed the victory to helicopter gunship bombardments combined with the infantry from 79th and 11th battalions.  The weekly report for March 14-21 said four UPDF soldiers were killed and four others injured in clashes in Gulu, Pader, Kitgum, Lira and Apac districts.  Captured LRA fighters said Otti crossed with about 300 fighters to overthrow the 


2004-03-24 Thread Edward Mulindwa


But the same Kabaka has advised Baganda to join 
UPDF in great numbers, what explanation do you have on that?

Or sorry I forgot it is that Obote who makes him 
encourage them. Consider my question with drawn now that we have the 


Winnipeg- Canada

The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

  - Original Message - 
  Rehema Mukooza 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:33 
  Subject: [Ugandacom] Re: ON WHOSE ORDER 
  I think Musaazi's ideas are plainly stupid! He needs to learn the 
  rules of the game.
  I'm 100% sure that the Kabaka of Buganda knows what is happening to his 
  subjects in the UPDF, especially thosewho are deployed in N.Uganda, 
  DR.Congo, and S.Sudan. 
  The problem however is thathe is also under direct Gun Control! 
  He isat (indirect) Gun Point! That is why they are always 
  reminding him to stay out of "politics". Obote/UPC introduced this to 
  Buganda and Uganda at large! DeJa Vu
  What do you think will happen, or what they willsay if the Kabaka 
  dared talked about these killings in the UPDF?? They will simply ask him 
  where his generals are! And that if he is in the army, he needs to let 
  them know! That if he wants to make comments about the army, he will 
  need to join the army inorder to be granted the "power" to make such 
  Remember, they told him to run for elections if he wanted to comment on 
  'powers'. What makesyoupeoplethink that they 
  (Mu7/Mov't)will not askthe Kabakathe same thing - to join 
  the army, if he wants to comments on its actions??
  Zakoomu M.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In a message dated 3/24/2004 6:26:27 PM Eastern Standard 
Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
When there is a war people dieAmericans are dying in Iraq 
  because there is a war going on people die and unfortunately, soldiers 
  die too, because they are in the fore frontthis story about 
  Captain Kavuma being tried wouldn't have meant a thing to Matek if it 
  hadn't been a usual Matek is working had to get the 
  Kabaka's ear.Museveni is killing everybody in Uganda except 
  Banyankole, Matek is trying to say.Reading the 
New Vision (ever since the start of the "rebel" insurgency in Northern 
Uganda), one would think the UPDF are NOT dying in Great Number. New 
Vision tells us that one UPDF soldier died over here...two over here...three 
over there. e.t.c...the whole total of dead UPDF soldiers over 20 years of 
fighting Kony, according to the NEW Vision, is perhaps 20.As 
to the notion that I am quote "Working hard to get the Kabaka's 
Ear", I would like to think that The Kabaka of Buganda is quiet a capable 
fellow . Indeed, I believe, if I might add, he was born with 
and is a man of Intelligence. He se e "things" for himself. I 
need not work hard to get his ear.The fact is his subjects are 
perishing in Yoweri Museveni inspired wars it in Northern Uganda , DRC 
congo or Southern Sudan. The latest I heard is that Southern 
Sudan presents a very very harsh condition in which to fight an illusive 
"enemy"... I hear UPDF troops do not even get even a drip of 
water down their throat, let alone the daily attacks of mosquitos, Mamba 
Snakes..Matek ..."The lie can be maintained only for 
such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic 
and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important 
for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is 
the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the 
greatest enemy of the state." - Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's 
propaganda minister 
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ugnet_: Re: Uganda war stuff

2004-03-24 Thread Rehema Mukooza


Whenever I see a very ignorant person like Musaazi, I cry inside! People like Musaazi who are incapable of logical reasoning on a higher level. I wonder,at what stage is his intellectual development?? Obviously it's still immature!

Gundi ono Musaazi alabika talina magezi bulungi! translation - This fellow Musaazi looks like he does not good sense! 

Zakoomu M.okello [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mr. Musaazi,

"Again i think it will be very irresponsible of any government worth it's salt to withdrawal and abandon it's citizens to the likes of Kony and LRA. If that happened, people like you Mr. Okello will be clogging this network with postings about how Uganda government has abandoned protecting northern Ugandans because they are notherners." 

Who said Kony  his LRA picked up guns to specifically kill civillians in Northern and North-Eastern Uganda such that if the UPDF withdraw from the region, the like of myself "will be clogging this network with postings about how Uganda government has abandoned protecting northern Ugandans because they are notherners"?

Within tense political environment where there are gun wielding persons, who, after listening to your argument above, turn their eyes only to see bodies of little children killed by elicopter gunship because they are rebels, or rebel children, you risk greatly getting shot in the head without further question. 

The war in Uganda did not start because the rebels wanted to kill civillian wananchi in the North and North-East of the country. You must have read an article posted on this net by Ochan Otim; an article written by Ogenga Otunnu a while ago. You might therefore want to acquaint yourself with what caused the war in the North and North-East. For, some day you might blunder in the wrong place at the wrong time and among the wrong people.
I believe you can think better and much deeper than the above.
emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mr. Okello, i can not take your word for it, because you guys have a negative bias against the present government. Whatever be the case, if it is really true (which i doubt) that the child was killed by helicopter gunships then that is regreatable, however i would also like you to put up some pictures (which are in the majority) of civilians killed and mutilated by Kony and LRA. Again i think it will be very irresponsible of any government worth it's salt to withdrawal and abandon it's citizens to the likes of Kony and LRA. If that happened, people like you Mr. Okello will be clogging this network with postings about how Uganda government has abandoned protecting northern Ugandans because they are notherners. You regularly say that on this medium when Kony has one of his far and in between success.From: okello
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuffDate: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 15:08:10 -0500 (EST)Mr. musaazi:It is reported that this child was killed by elicopter gunship! The LRA to my limited knowledge does not own any elicopter, leave alone gunship!!There is need to settle this war peacefully, not "Thepicture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA,..". Otherwise there may be real need to have between 70 to 100,000 rebels in Uganda to put the Musaazis to a peace path, or where they, with their war rhetorics, belong!emmanuel musaazi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Mr. Otim, there you go again, distastefully, using pictures of victims ofthe likes of Otti, Kony, and LRA to score cheap political points. The
 ;picture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedlyleave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA, because they are the oneskilling innocent civillians like the one you have attached on this posting.Mr. Otim, how do you sleep at night after telling all the lies and evenusing dead people to even tell more lies. May God save us from ourselves inAfrica. From: Ochan Otim Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 10:35:11 -0800  Here is one of the many such rebels shot from the air!! Source: description of the same event by a Lwo paper.  Ochan == otti obwot 52e88a.jpg  Aranyi: Latin pa adui ma kicelo (tye malo) ki lutino anyi
 ra LRA
 ma bene kineko gi   At 01:16 PM 3/24/2004 -0500, you wrote:   LRA's Otti is Injured  New Vision (Kampala)  March 23, 2004 Posted to the web March 23, 2004  Chris Ochowun and Amazia Dradenya Kampala  LRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the leg in fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the past few days, the army said yesterday.  The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797 bullets.   An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels' bodies were found on Sunday in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi subc
 oun ty
 in Adjumani district, 

ugnet_: RE: MUSEVENI's SS (as in Hiltler's SS) or Sadam's Republican Guards = 10,000 PGB

2004-03-24 Thread Rehema Mukooza

Who is a KID here?? I am an adult dude. 

Can you tell us about Maj. Kainerugaba's wounds in Soroti?? Or send me old articles about that story, I think I missed it for some reason. I get busy sometimes and I miss some information. Help me out.

Zakoomu M.Y Yaobang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Listen up. My sources tell me that the PGB strength is real, and that its soldiers get preferential treatment compared to the rag-tag regular UPDF. But remember what happened to Mobutu's presaidential brigade? The same fate faces the PGB! 
And, by the way talking about the PGB, where is Major Kaneirugaaba, Museveeni's son, still recovering from the wounds? He is not in Soroti anymore, I know that, or is he?
 From: Rehema Mukooza [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: ugnet_: MUSEVENI's "SS" (as in Hiltler's SS) or Sadam's "Republican Guards" = 10,000 PGB 
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 15:57:51 -0800 (PST) 
That's a very good question.The odds are there especially when we hear that State House, Entebbe needs US $77millions for renovation.The possibility of these odds are even higher when we hear that the State House is asking to have an Office of the First Lady, requesting for funds direct from the Uganda Treasury!They even raise more when we hear about the huge State House budget.These odds skyrock when we hear of 'ghosts' in the UPDF. 
Personally, I don't know if there are 'ghosts' in the Presidental Guard Brigade.We shall all find out when this information becomes available to us.10,000 guards and heavy arms for just one man!!! 
Zakoomu M. 
Mary Nagadya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
What are the odds that at least 50% of these are 
'ghost' guards? 
--- Rehema Mukooza wrote: 
  Why would Museveni's brigade have 6,000 to 7,000 
  soldiers more than a normal brigade?? And why is 
  this brigade doing the army job?? It is supposed to 
  stick to protecting the president alone. 
  In case, and this is only in case, if Mu7 leaves 
  power in 2006, who is going to take care of this 
  huge brigade?? 6,000 to 7,000 soldiers will have to 
  be dessolved into the Uganda Army after this 
  dictator. My take is that he is not going to leave 
  power any time soon! His empire is crumbling and 
  that's why he needs all this extra protection. 
  You are right to compare Mu7's PGB to Hitler's SS 
  and Sadam's Republican Guards. These dictators are 
  insecure and hence a need for all these soldiers, 
  just protecting one man and maybe his family. This 
  is insane and a wastage of donor and taxpayers' 
  Zakoomu M. 
  Museveni has 10,000 guards 
  By David Kibirige 
  March 24, 2004 
  Gets modern weaponsENTEBBE – The presidential 
  brigade is about 10,000 men strong, military experts 
  say.This is about 7,000 to 6,000 soldiers more than 
  a normal brigade, they add.Army spokesman Maj. 
  Shaban Bantariza declined to establish the exact 
  military strength of the Presidential Guard 
  Brigade.He however, defended its size.“The number 
  has to be big because of the formation. The 
  Presidential Guard Brigade (PGB) is independent of 
  other divisions. They have their own artillery, tank 
  and armored units. So that is why the number is 
  bigger than the usual brigades,” he said.He said 
  PGB soldiers have to be at every presidential lodge 
  in the country.The Monitor has learnt that for the 
  last five years the Presidential Guard Brigade (PGB) 
  has been under going restructuring. It was upgraded 
  from a Presidential Protection Unit (PPU) to a 
  PGB.The commander of the Reserve Force Lt. Gen. 
  Salim Saleh has overseen the restructuring. Lt. Col. 
  Leo Kyanda is the PGB commandant.The headq 
  of the PGB will be at Entebbe. Some of its soldiers 
  will be stationed in every battalion.Highly placed 
  sources told The Monitor that the PGB has also 
  acquired sophisticated weapons. The brigade has 
  anti-aircraft guns, battle cars like mamba and 
  buffalo, tanks and Armored Personnel Carriers 
  (APCs).The commanders of the PGB mechanized unit are 
  different from those of the regular army.On the 
  sophisticated weapons, Bantariza said when at a war, 
  the PGB fights independently of the regular army.He 
  gave an example of Maj. Muhoozi Kainerugaba who at 
  one time commanded PGB troops against the rebel 
  Lord’s Resistance Army in Soroti.President 
  Museveni is currently in Lira over seeing operations 
  against LRA rebels led by Joseph Kony. The PGB 
  soldiers are helping in the fight. 
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