[Ugnet] Kigali: The hidden truth behind the rift within the Hutu rebels rank.

2005-07-22 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Kigali: The hidden truth behind the rift within the Hutu rebels 
By AfroAmerica Network

Kigali, Rwanda, July 15, 2004 

In both September 3, 2004 and April 
16, 2005 AfroAmerica Network articles focused on deep 
divisions and political infighting with the main Rwandan Hutu opposition 
group. Recently the divisions reached new heights with 
the creation of two political wings with same name and two military wings with 
yet two other names. 
The political wings, both with the 
same name: FDLR, are led respectively by Mr. Ignace 
Murwanashyaka and Lt. Colonel Christopher Hakizabera. The military wings with the names, FOCA and 
FOCA-New Forces for Change are led respectively by Major General Sylvestre Mudacumura and Colonel 
Mahoro Amani. 
While Mudacumura and Murwanashyaka work closely, both Christopher Hakizabera and Mahoro remain 
independent and maintain loose connection through the Congolese Government that 
engineered Colonel Mahoro’s coup. Christopher Hakizabera lent his support to Colonel Mahoro, who promised to do the same. However things did not 
turn out as expected. 
The division within FDLR are rooted 
well in its past. According to sources within FDLR, all started in 2002 when the 
FDLR were expelled from Kinshasa, Lubumbashi and Kamina. The then President Ignace 
Murwanashyaka took a large sum of money from FDLR 
reserves but never told any of his colleagues. Then in summer 2003, he was also 
given another larger sum of money to buy medicines for the soldiers. Instead of 
using the money to buy medicines, he bought himself a taxi cab which he shares 
with the current spokesperson of his wing, Anastase 
Munyandekwe and used the rest for personal matters of 
high ranking officers, especially Mudacumura. The rest 
of the money was shared among a few friends of Murwanashyaka at the time, who included Joseph Ndirabanzi and 
Emmanuel Hakizamana. 
This embezzlement was compounded with 
the lack of leadership and the intelligence with General Rwarakabije, the former commander of FOCA who defected to 
Kigali. When Dr. 
Murwanashayaka was demoted, Pr. Higiro took over. However, the high ranking officers having 
the business with Dr. Murwanashyaka opposed Pr. Higiro and the FDLR imploded, first at the political wing 
level, and then at the level of the army. Pr. Higiro 
and his faction created what was to be known as Rally of Democratic Liberation 
Forces of Rwanda (R-FDLR), which in June 2005 changed the name to Rally for 
Unity and Democracy (RUD-Urunana).

When Higiro's faction split from Munyeshaka's fraction, all of the political leadership 
basically followed Pr. Higiro. However, over the 
insistence that Munyandekwe and Emmanuel Hakizimana had to pay back the embezzled money, these two 
rejoined Murwanashyaka's faction 
who, seeking allies and also having shared the money, welcomed them with 
open arms. 
Serious consultations were launched 
to set up a new FDLR political 
leadership. Hakizabera, who hoped to replace Murwanashyaka, remained with Higiro's group. Then in January and February 2004, two 
things happened: First, Joseph Ndirabanze, a close 
ally to Christopher Hakizabera 
was expelled from the party for his unlawful 
contacts with RPF intelligence services. Second, it 
became clear that the new president was going to be Higiro. That 
is when Christopher Hakizabera switched sides. 

The rift problem then moved from the 
political to the military level. Young people were extremely unhappy with 
Sylvester Mudacumura and accused him of having shared 
the embezzled money with Ignace Murwanashyaka. Colonel Mudacumura, 
who, after the defection of General Rwarakabije, was de facto commander of the FOCA held 
a urgent meeting and confirmed himself Commander and promoted 
himself to Major General. This behavior increased the discontent among young 
officers and the rank and file. To preempt any open split, Mudacumura declared his unwavering allegiance to Murwanashyaka in early June 2005. However, young officers, 
especially those already inside or close to Rwanda 
borders, rejected Mudacumura's authority and created 
what is known as Armee Nationale (National Army) 
wich is the military wing of RUD-Urunana.


When Hakizabera joined Murwanashyaka he 
gave conditions, as goes the saying: I will wash your hand and you will wash 
mine. Hakizabera was going to launch a campaign 
exonerating Murwanashyaha, but Murwanashyaka was going to stand down in favor of 
Christopher Hakizabera, once things calm 
down. Hakizabera along with 
Emmanuel Hakizimana and Anastase Murwanashyaka launched a 
vicious campaign essentially accusing Higiro's group 
of "regionalism". 
group responded by creating the R-FDLR and the National Army, officially and 
irrevocably splitting from the group. That is when Hakizabera started to ask Murwanashyaka to fulfill his pledge to stand down. Murwanashyaka with 

[Ugnet] Other Issues Besides Urban Planning

2005-07-22 Thread d b
Other Issues Besides Urban Planning

-   You’re an engineer or planner in Uganda put in a tie a Dubai imported 
suit, sit in your office and let contracts do you work and get a fat pay – 
that’s the trend in this country.  

-   So hard working Asians in this country, conditioned to tough vocation 
before good life are handsomely being paid: at least for majority dirty work 
they are there and doing it without reservation. 

-   It is a pointer, pattern and symptom for lack of social value, social 
code and a deeply corrupted society -

-   Ugandans behaviourism is very interesting. Someone thinks of getting a 
good life; first get a car, house, money and a lot of it before working.

-   Reflected as soon as you land at the airport calls and demands start 
raining – be this give me that elevated on a national level. Refusal implies 
the true characteristic of Ugandans becomes exposed- try it and see!

-   Put on it on a politics pedestal – a tragedy strikes. People don’t run 
to DP or NRM-O for nothing, its a hope for free donations – a begging culture 
so entrenched and embedded in this society. 

-   Disastrous and tragic events are about to happen in this country unless 
there are new genuine ways of tackling basic issues in this case; Society 
Poverty Attitudes that alienates many, Uganda Politics and worst of all, the 
Elitist problem.

-   A mother of three strangles her husband – reason man not pecuniary well 
facilitated. A man poisons a woman – let him down in pursuit of a good monetary 


-   Another A level failure is a medical doctor, practising medicine in one 
of Uganda’s suburb, of Kampala for a year – no one takes notice or discovers a 

-   Desperation and lack of knowledge awareness in society. 

-   I have observed, many a university graduates are unemployed YET they 
are the largest consumers of: social capital, industrial and financial.

-   And most of them are just paper tiger with no knowledge at all social 
or otherwise.  But great funfair makers and bash entrepreneurs one of the 
rapidly expanding sector in Uganda.

-   Real workers in Kikubo, Luwum  Ben Kiwanuka Street, Owino, villages, 
and taxis are the marginally educated.

-   Interestingly it has been thought capital is created by the University 
education – That is not true it is created by the medium educated people  
illiterates, AGOA girls, factory workers, builders on site, road workers, food 
vendors, fish mongers 

-   and the like without that class no CAPITAL formation. 

-   Slave labour -  the African Phenomenon - Read for instance: LESTER 
THUROW – GENERATING POVERTY, mechanisms of Distribution in the U.S. Economy. 
Especially the chapter on Deviant Observations in the Labour Market (you also 
need a deeper understanding and /or experiential of the American society)

-   Uganda has no problem with Education (science below arts or otherwise), 
Human Resources, Desire and Will among the lower masses of our society is very 

-   I have just been discussing the same with a general manage of a media 
establishment, he has two concerns; a). His workers don’t take work seriously 
hence turning to employing foreigners b). He employs engineers and architects 
to do some building work however they had never stepped on construction site!

-   Compare the same with public offices which are empty by 11.00 a.m. 

-Now parliament has legalised 20 new districts, and Hon Professor MP 
reminded legislators that new districts would not interpret into resolving the 
poverty problem.

-   Need I say more? 

-   Most districts those in existence are laying off workers as a 
consequence of graduated tax abolition. There is no alternative (TINA 
formation) YET more are created.

-   Trade with foreign countries will never develop Uganda – since the 
majority population, are rural poor with no ability to be part of currency 
games – which Uganda policy makers call “international trade ”.

-   Trade must be triggered internally at a ratio of 60:40 that is internal 
consumption at 60% and 40 % externally. Uganda has 80 % population rural 
outside major consumption and foreign traded commodities patterns.

-   How much Vanilla, Coffee, Cotton, Nakasongola Bullets and guns is 
consumed in Uganda? 

-   Compare to how many washing machines, cars, fighter planes, TV, nail 
cutters, lip sticks are consumed in Europe as compared to those exported items

-   Now without what I call congruent internally enduring structures – that 
have total control of its own societies members, there will be total fail in 
transformational and what hear being called  “development “ trajectories!

-   Next, it is not Pentecost Churches, Media Pornography (fashion  making 
money in the church), cultural, liberation theology or piglet and bodaboda 
donations that can 


2005-07-22 Thread Y Yaobang
I guess you will also be facilitated by dictator Museveni, just as he did to those movement Ugandan MPs to secure the 5th term! Your political days are numbered guys, enjoy your last supper!


JULY 17TH 2005

NRM USA launched its California branch over the weekend on Saturday July 16th. The NRM event was an overwhelming success. By 4.00 p.m. 

enthusiastic delegates had began to arrive, each one proudly signing in at the reception desk with their names. The occasion was hosted by NRM USA at ABLE International in North Hollywood located in the heart of the entertainment capital of the world.

The NRM function organizers deliberately designed it to attract potential partners of Development for Uganda who delivered keynotes on the importance of being organized in order to create an environment that can breed development. It was graced by a notable number of invited dignitaries including Her Excellency Ambassador Sempala, Congress Woman Diane Watson and Kenya?s General Council to California Ms. Nyambura Kamau. The event officially started promptly after dinner at 7.00 p.m. with a prayer led by Grace Lubwama, after which both the Ugandan and American National anthems were sang by Ms Rachael Kiwanuka, daughter to the renowned Ugandan singer and entrepreneur, Halima Namakula. She was followed by Mr. Robert Ssebugwawo, whose poetry has appeared in international media, who recited a composition in praise of the wise leadership of President Museve
 after which the delightful Halima Namakula led the delegates in singing ?Kiboonge Kyanini? in a true Movement tradition.

The NRM USA national executive was represented by the Secretary General Mr. Allan Katatumba, National Executive Secretary for Mobilization Mr. Kenneth Kanyike and Executive Committee Member, Mr. Edriss Kironde who is also the chairman of the NRM Colorado chapter all of whom spoke with passion for the Movement in their addresses to the delegates and the newly elected chapter members. They reiterated the need for a voice for the Movement in the Diaspora, especially in light of the incessant distortions being propagated by members of the opposition, mainly ?FDC? which was dubbed a ?Forum for Disgruntled Candidates?. The audience was reminded by the NRM Mobilization Secretary, Mr. Kanyike that NRM was waging a ?New Struggle? just like the one waged by the founders in the bushes of Luweero. ?The war in the Diaspo
  ra is
 intended to resist the negative distortions propagated by certain sections of the media and numerous disgruntled and corrupt individuals, whose aims are to derail Uganda from the path of development?, he said. Mr. Kanyike in his speech also highlighted the history of the National Resistance Movement USA and detailed their achievements so far.
Mr. Katatumba stressed the need for partnerships with other Africans and people of African decent in the war against neo-colonialism, backwardness and poverty.

In her address to the delegates, Congresswoman Diane Watson, who is also on the US Foreign Relations Committee, said she was glad to see a nation on the move, and acknowledged that Uganda had indeed come a long way from ?the Uganda of Idi Amin? ? a notion that is shared by the NRM. She was encouraged to see Ugandans believing that they can achieve the desired transformation. She pledged to continue to be Uganda and Africa?s advocate on AGOA. She said that her office doors are open to help in any way to help add value to Uganda?s journey towards Democracy. She also emphasized that it was key for all Ugandans to work together on creating an environment that will breed peaceful coexistence and empower the citizens to utilize their own resources to develop their nation, rather than depend on handouts.

Ambassador Sempala highlighted Uganda?s History and stressed the need for Ugandans everywhere to participate in the processes of democratizing Uganda. Madam Sempala stressed the need for Ugandans everywhere in the Diaspora to actively articulate Uganda?s progress and also encourage investors to partner with Uganda to improve her capacity to achieve the vision of transformation. She noted that Uganda in the next phase of development is looking to begin adding value to her products with a view of leveraging these in the processes of development rather than depending on foreign AID that has proved useless in terms of creating any meaningful sustainable means of development for Uganda. She was thankful for NRM USA for having invited her to attend the launching of it?s NRM chapter in California, and said that the embassy doors were open to any other organ
 groups of Ugandan?s who have positive ideas that are geared to helping Uganda achieve the level of transformation it seeks.
The ceremony was also addressed by the Chairman of the Africa American Chamber of commerce; Mr. Al Washington, who unequivocally declared his readiness to work with NRM USA 

[Ugnet] Reps. McKinney Lee host meetings related to the Bush-Blair war on Iraq

2005-07-22 Thread RWalker949
(You may receive this a second time after the owner of the list serve has an opportunity to review it, as the number of recipients in the original post to the group exceeded the maximum. I am sending it out separately to you because the two events will have occurred prior to the owner having a chance to moderate the original message.)

Subj:   Reps. McKinney  Lee host meetings related to the Bush-Blair war on Iraq  
Date:   7/22/05 9:08:23 AM Central Daylight Time
From:   RWalker949  

This weekend will see a lot of people addressing the fake evidence and general duplicity of the current administration (and implicitly and explicitly their possible criminal culpability), in their push to initiate the illegal war against the people and state of Iraq, and to put this country on a virtual state of martial law, thereby seriously curtailing our civil liberties and rights, making the majority of US citizens significantly less free, all for the benefit of avaricious vested interests entrenched in the various govenrmental, military, financial and commercial sectors of the society. In effect a tiny element of society has put its nefarious interests above the interest of the majority. This is undemocratic; this is criminal, as these interests have trampled the US Constitution, and violated international law and all norms of civilized behavior.

Many of you already know about the THE DC EMERGENCY TRUTH CONVERGENCE, JULY 22~24, 2005, if you don't you can go to this link: 

and find out more about it.

However, there are a couple of other activities that are extremely important and are being ignored by the media here. Most specifically today's Congressional Briefing on the 9/11 Commission Report (Citizen's Briefing) convened by Rep. Cynthia McKinney (Georgia) in association with another colleague in the House; and a Town Hall Meeting on the Downing St. Memo hosted by Rep. Barbara Lee in her district in Oakland, California. I have included information about these events below, please take a look...Rep. McKinney advised me that it is highly probable that C-SPAN will be broadcasting the briefing she is hosting, so look for it on C-SPAN tomorrow. Both forums are amply supplied with people with inside knowledge of the workings of the government and in the case of Rep. McKinney, many family members of victims of the 911 attack will be witnesses in contradiction to the official 911 report. Once again we must commend Reps. McKinney and Lee for their efforts, they are in the van of those who really want to see comprehensive democracy in this "democratic republic"; we must support them and help them whenever and however possible.

Roy Walker

Press Advisory 
July 22nd Congressional Briefing: The 9/11 Commission Report One Year Later
A Citizens' Response - Did They Get It Right 


July 14, 2005

Press Advisory Contact: John Judge, staff assistant 202-225-1605 On July 22, 2005, Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) will host a full-day briefing, co-sponsored by Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), and other sponsors, for Members of Congress and their staffs in the Caucus Room, Cannon House Office Building, Room 345, Independence Ave.  First Street SE, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. One year after the release of the 9/11 Commission Final Report many questions about what transpired on September 11, 2001 and who should be held accountable still remain unanswered. Serious flaws and omissions in the Report have been addressed by whistleblowers and academics. Well known researchers and authors have put the events of that day into historical perspective, and have suggested possible alternatives to the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission regarding intelligence reform, domestic and foreign policy. The hard evidence has yet to be properly evaluated, and points to the need for full transparency, release of information, and continued probative investigations to have an effective, democratic response to the crisis that confronts all of us. Family members of the victims of 9/11 will present a "Report Card" to address their still unanswered questions about the events of 9/11 and the lack of accountability for the security and intelligence failures that may have allowed these events to happen. Other experts will speak to the flaws in the 9/11 Commission's process, including conflicts of interest, lack of transparency, investigative rigor and public input, and the many whistleblowers ignored by the Commission. One panel of experts will explore the omissions and errors in the Commission's Final Report, including the timeline of NORAD/FAA and P-56 defense responses that day, the suspects and plot, the background of Al Qaeda 


2005-07-22 Thread andama

Its funny, you said this exact thing 13 years ago!


-- Original message -- 
I guess you will also be facilitated by dictator Museveni, just as he did to those movement Ugandan MPs to secure the 5th term! Your political days are numbered guys, enjoy your last supper!


JULY 17TH 2005

NRM USA launched its California branch over the weekend on Saturday July 16th. The NRM event was an overwhelming success. By 4.00 p.m. 

enthusiastic delegates had began to arrive, each one proudly signing in at the reception desk with their names. The occasion was hosted by NRM USA at ABLE International in North Hollywood located in the heart of the entertainment capital of the world.

The NRM function organizers deliberately designed it to attract potential partners of Development for Uganda who delivered keynotes on the importance of being organized in order to create an environment that can breed development. It was graced by a notable number of invited dignitaries including Her Excellency Ambassador Sempala, Congress Woman Diane Watson and Kenya?s General Council to California Ms. Nyambura Kamau. The event officially started promptly after dinner at 7.00 p.m. with a prayer led by Grace Lubwama, after which both the Ugandan and American National anthems were sang by Ms Rachael Kiwanuka, daughter to the renowned Ugandan singer and entrepreneur, Halima Namakula. She was followed by Mr. Robert Ssebugwawo, whose poetry has appeared in international media, who recited a composition in praise of the wise leadership of President Museve
  ni, after which the delightful Halima Namakula led the delegates in singing ?Kiboonge Kyanini? in a true Movement tradition.

The NRM USA national executive was represented by the Secretary General Mr. Allan Katatumba, National Executive Secretary for Mobilization Mr. Kenneth Kanyike and Executive Committee Member, Mr. Edriss Kironde who is also the chairman of the NRM Colorado chapter all of whom spoke with passion for the Movement in their addresses to the delegates and the newly elected chapter members. They reiterated the need for a voice for the Movement in the Diaspora, especially in light of the incessant distortions being propagated by members of the opposition, mainly ?FDC? which was dubbed a ?Forum for Disgruntled Candidates?. The audience was reminded by the NRM Mobilization Secretary, Mr. Kanyike that NRM was waging a ?New Struggle? just like the one waged by the founders in the bushes of Luweero. ?The war in the Diaspo
  ra is intended to resist the negative distortions propagated by certain sections of the media and numerous disgruntled and corrupt individuals, whose aims are to derail Uganda from the path of development?, he said. Mr. Kanyike in his speech also highlighted the history of the National Resistance Movement USA and detailed their achievements so far.
Mr. Katatumba stressed the need for partnerships with other Africans and people of African decent in the war against neo-colonialism, backwardness and poverty.

In her address to the delegates, Congresswoman Diane Watson, who is also on the US Foreign Relations Committee, said she was glad to see a nation on the move, and acknowledged that Uganda had indeed come a long way from ?the Uganda of Idi Amin? ? a notion that is shared by the NRM. She was encouraged to see Ugandans believing that they can achieve the desired transformation. She pledged to continue to be Uganda and Africa?s advocate on AGOA. She said that her office doors are open to help in any way to help add value to Uganda?s journey towards Democracy. She also emphasized that it was key for all Ugandans to work together on creating an environment that will breed peaceful coexistence and empower the citizens to utilize their own resources to develop their nation, rather than depend on handouts.

Ambassador Sempala highlighted Uganda?s History and stressed the need for Ugandans everywhere to participate in the processes of democratizing Uganda. Madam Sempala stressed the need for Ugandans everywhere in the Diaspora to actively articulate Uganda?s progress and also encourage investors to partner with Uganda to improve her capacity to achieve the vision of transformation. She noted that Uganda in the next phase of development is looking to begin adding value to her products with a view of leveraging these in the processes of development rather than depending on foreign AID that has proved useless in terms of creating any meaningful sustainable means of development for Uganda. She was thankful for NRM USA for having invited her to attend the launching of it?s NRM chapter in California, and said that the embassy doors were open to any other organ
  ized groups of Ugandan?s who have positive ideas that are geared to helping Uganda achieve the level of transformation it seeks.
The ceremony was also addressed by the Chairman of the Africa 

[Ugnet] RE: Where do we go from here? - UPC's Plan

2005-07-22 Thread musamize
Mr. Oryema:

I think you are the one shoving unitarism on us, the Baganda. We don't want it for the simple reason thatit compromises our cultural autonomy, among other things. And the srife we have all endured and experienced for the last 40 years is proof enough that unitarism doesn't work. Yestersday it was the Baganda, today it is the Acholi, tomorrow it may be the Ateso, or Lugbara, or whomever. Clearly we are in a stalemate.

Federalism offers a solution that can result into peaceful co-existence, and in a single nation. 

If the rest of Uganda want unitarism, there is a solution: it can combine into a single entity, and then federate with us who want to preserve out Kingdom(s). or the Luos could form a single entity, the Banyakitara another, etc that can then federate. That way everybody gets what they want: we donot impose on you, and you do not impose on us. This is a solution that works in several European countries, N. America, Australia, etc. It can work in Uganda too. Tiny countries in Africa already exist: Lesotho, Cape Verde, Seychelles, Burundi, etc.

The alternative is that,we, the Baganda leave Uganda and you can do whatever you want with it. You cannot hold us by force, anymore than we can you -- and we do not even want to. If at some point we discover that we cannot do with out you and that it was a mistake to leave in the first placewe shall come back, "humbled", and beg you please let us back in, etc. But, we have the right to make that mistake.

The Czhecks  Slavs have done it, Yugoslavia has done it, the Stans in the former USSR have done it, etc, and others will do it. Believe me you, the sun will still rise and set, andrains will still fall from the heavens. We too can do it. Peacefully.

Fair enough?Oryema Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I hear you. The purpose of and pricinples behind Uganda's struggle for indepedence was not to build upon the colonial policies of divide and rule and most of all not to erect an apartheid system in the country. Therefore, it was natural for our leaders who brought political indepedence to do sounder the theme of "One nation, One people". There had to be a rallying point in order to battle colonialism. To this day, we still blame colonialism (British) for their policy of divide and rule.
If Obote had said to the Baganda keep yours and we other Ugandans shall keep ours, it would have defeated the purpose of our indepedence struggle.
If after 40 years of indepedence, it has now dawn upon Baganda, to demand for their ebyaffe, which they claim, it is the Kingdom and the land in Buganda, they are free to declare indepedence and go their way. And maybe other Ugandans will followtheir example and do the same. Someone has to break the ice.
Eritea did not want to be part of Ethiopia. They fought for 30 years and won their freedom. After living on their own for more than a decade and discovered how hard it is, they now want back in again, and Ethiopia is saying no! Maybe once Baganda have lived on their own and discovered that the 'Byaffe they wanted is not enough, they will be hambled and learn to share and co-exist happily ever after!
The ball is in your court. If you want a referee, I will be more than happy to preside!From: "Jesse Busuulwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [Northernlightnet] RE: [FedsNet] RE: [Where do we go from here? - UPC's PlanDate: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 17:40:31 +Mr. Oryema,I totally disagree with you when you say that ; "Ugandans, I am sure, willhave no trouble respecting Baganda's wish to retain their culturalleadership as long as it is not pushed in their face all the time".Mr. Oryema, if I may ask, who is doing the pushing?If the Baganda areasking for what belongs to them, don't they have the right to ask, like anyother Ugandan?In doing so, are they forcing anyone to belong to theirculture or pay loyality to their king?Remember 
 Buganda was forced to abandon its loyality to their King in1966, what do you call that? And who was doing the pushing then?Wasn'tit that, the others were pushing their interestsin buganda face?Assomeone has already pointed out, since independence a part from a very shortperiod, there has not been a Muganda leader to do any pushing as you want usto believe;but all leaders from other regions, have been working very hardas if in a cohort, to distroy the buganda culture and its leadership.I did not think that the demand for"ebyaffe", included having a MugandaKing for the whole country.If so,then you are right Mr. Oryema and amsorry I was led to believe otherwise.I just hope that, all those who don't understand the buganda culture, shouldlet it be.What the baganda are loo
 king for
 is very simple,to be leftalone to ran their own cultural affairs without being told how.We welcomeideas like any other progressive society but these ideas should not be thefoundations of our culture or commanded.I have began to wonder, whether the respect we give to 

[Ugnet] Re: [camnetwork] London Police kill man at subway station

2005-07-22 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Record must as well show that all arrested people 
in London and the one shot are not the terrorists, what the London Police is 
doing is to terrorize Moslem kids. It is even very funny when we are told about 
al arrests but we are not told about all the releases that follows. 

In the process of fighting terrorism let us be very 
careful not to terrorize our selves.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

  - Original Message - 
  To: Camnet Work ; Cameroon Forum ; Manyunet ; Cacoweda Forum 
  Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 8:37 AM
  Subject: [camnetwork] London Police kill 
  man at subway station
  London Police kill man at subway 
  Associated Press Writer, 1 
  minute ago 
  LONDON - Police shot and killed a man wearing a thick coat at a London 
  subway station Friday, a day after the city was hit by its second wave of 
  terrorist attacks in two weeks. 
  The man died after being shot by officers at the Stockwell 
  subway station in south London, police said.
  Passengers said a man, described as South Asian, ran onto a train at 
  Stockwell station in south London. Witnesses said police chased him, he 
  tripped, and police then shot him.
  "They pushed him onto the floor and unloaded five shots into him. He's 
  dead," witness Mark Whitby told the British Broadcasting Corp. "He looked like 
  a cornered fox. He looked petrified."
  Britain is home to many immigrants from the South Asian countries of 
  Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, among others.
  Whitby said the man did not appear to have been carrying anything but said 
  he was wearing a thick coat that looked padded. Temperatures in London on 
  Friday were in the 70s.
  Alistair Drummond, of the London Ambulance Service, said paramedics had 
  been called to the station at 10:10 a.m.
  Service on the Northern and Victoria Tube lines, which pass through 
  Stockwell, was suspended because of the shooting, British Transport Police 
  said. Stockwell is one station away from the Oval station, which was affected 
  by Thursday's attacks.
  Also Friday, police said they were investigating an apparent attempt to set 
  fire to the home of a man identified as one of the July 7 suicide bombers.
  Officers went to the home of Jermaine Lindsay in Aylesbury, 40 miles west 
  of London, on Friday morning after reports of a smell of gasoline in the 
  street, Thames Valley Police said. They confirmed the presence of some kind of 
  "The substance was found around the family home of the fourth London 
  bomber, which is currently unoccupied," said Superintendent Carole Haveron. 
  Police have identified Lindsay as the bomber who attacked a subway train 
  between Russell Square and King's Cross on July 7.
  Elsewhere, police evacuated one of London's largest mosques after a bomb 
  threat before Friday afternoon prayers.
  "Someone phoned our director and said there was a bomb inside," said 
  Mohammed Abdul Bari, chairman of the East London Mosque.
  The Metropolitan Police lifted the cordon about an hour later, saying no 
  armed officers were involved, and the incident appeared unrelated to the 
  subway shooting.
  More than 6,000 people were expected for Friday afternoon prayers but there 
  were only about a dozen people inside at the time the threat was telephoned 
  Investigators, meanwhile, searched for fingerprints, DNA and other forensic 
  evidence connected to Thursday's attacks on three subway trains and a 
  double-decker bus, which were hauntingly reminiscent of suicide bombings only 
  two weeks before.
  The devices in Thursday's attacks were either small or faulty, and 
  authorities said the only person who needed medical attention was a person 
  suffering an asthma attack. The July 7 bombings on three Underground trains 
  and a bus killed 56 people, including the four suicide bombers.
  A statement posted Friday on an Islamic Web site in the name of an 
  al-Qaida-linked group claimed responsibility for Thursday's attacks. The 
  group, Abu Hafs al Masri Brigade, also claimed responsibility for the July 7 
  bombings. The statement's authenticity could not immediately be verified. 
  The attacks targeted trains near the Oval, Warren Street and Shepherd's 
  Bush stations. The double-decker bus had its windows blown out on Hackney Road 
  in east London. 
  Jittery commuters already facing cutbacks in service from the last attack 
  faced more Underground closures Friday. 
  "People are worried, but if it's going to happen, it's going to happen, 
  isn't it?" said Chidi O'Hanekwu, 23. Still, he said he found himself being "a 
  bit more paranoid" on the ride in. 
  Mia Clarkson, 24, defiantly said she refused to change her schedule. 
  "You've got to keep living, don't you?" she said as 

[Ugnet] Canada Wins Awards

2005-07-22 Thread Owor Kipenji
Canada wins dumbest government at World Stupidity Awards; Bush wins one award 

1 hour, 27 minutes ago 

MONTREAL (CP) - The Canadian government secured a surprise win Friday, beating out such luminaries asIran,North Korea and the United States, for the dumbest government of the year at the World Stupidity Awards. 
It also bested theUnited Nations in a hotly contested category that organizers said proved Canadians can compete with the rest of the world.
"Canadians often feel we're in the shadow of the U.S., especially when it comes to stupidity, but now we're proving we're world class," said Robert Spence, spokesman of the awards handed out during he Just for Laughs comedy festival.
"And as host country, who could ask for more?"
The Gomery inquiry into the sponsorship scandal secured the award for Canada, said Spence.
Dubbed the "Oscars of Idiocy," host Lewis Black of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart led a team of comics and celebrities who handed out awards recognizing achievement in ignorance and stupidity.
"I was dumbfounded," Spence said in a statement. "To see so much stupidity in one room, I almost lost my mind. In fact, I did..."
U.S.President George W. Bush may not have led the dumbest government, but he was honoured with the award for the Stupidest Statement of the Year after telling a news conference: "They never stop thinking of ways of harming America, and neither do we."
Accepting the award for Bush was Darth Vader.
Hotel heiress Paris Hilton won in two categories. She was named Stupidist Woman of the Year and was star of The Simple Life, which was named Stupidest Show of the Year.
Conservative columnist Ann Coulter won the award as Stupidest Man of the Year. She beat out Bush, U.S. SenatorJohn Kerry, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman and Players Association director Bob Goodenow, and former Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma.
Other winners included:
-Ashlee Simpson's lip-synching performance on Saturday Night Live for Dumbest Moment of the Year;
-Alien vs. Predator for Stupidest Movie of the Year;
-Crystal meth for Stupidest Trend of the Year;
-North Korean dictator Kim Jong for Stupidity Award for Reckless Endangerment of the Planet;
-Fox News for Media Outlet Which Has Best Furthered Ignorance;
-The World Stupidity Awards for Stupidest Award Show of the Year. 
The World Stupidity Awards were decided by worldwide Internet voters. 
The third annual awards were overseen by the Academy Recognizing Stupidity Everywhere (ARSE), which are "basically a bunch of morons," said Spence.
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[Ugnet] Prophets should take centre stage

2005-07-22 Thread Matek Opoko

The way things are going on... you are most definately going to sing the national Anthem. The Kaguta regime leaves no atlernative, but for liberation forces to enage him in the language he understands.!!


Prophets should take centre stage 
The way matters are turning in the Ugandan political landscape is an issue of concern to those who love the country. 
These are the days when the Prophets should take centre stage-not the self-appointed court prophets but rather those who inquire in the heavenly bodies. It has become my resolve to sing the Ugandan National Athem because of its relevance to our current social and political changes.
Check this out with the Constitutional Review, the Parliamentarians roles, and the Financial sector right from the Budget day. 
Both the macro- and micro-undertakings have serious implications for the future of our beloved motherland. Paddy MusanaNansana
		Yahoo! Mail 
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