Re: [Ugnet] Fw: UNAA Convention Boat Sinks - Amidst Double Dealing and Greed (Who is fooling who?)

2006-08-25 Thread mukasa jude
You all know the details that came out of the lawsuit orchestrated by Wanda and Harriet Zaffoni. By court order, the two boats are now on. Wanda literally prooved to himself, if he didn't know this before, that he's a real MORONE, that should probably be confined to a mental institution. He really did make a fool of himself. The defendants have no case to answer, that's the essence of the judge's ruling. I implore all Ugandans who did pay for the convention to put Wanda and company to task to explain the details of the lawsuit, the expenditures, and the implications. In my conservative estimation, the lawsuit may cost $20,000. That's money that you all paid to attend the convention.  For those who have not been following these events, the lawsuit essentially claimed that Mr. Nasser Kagiri, Ms. Lilian Letaru, in collaboration with Sinaps Promotions used the resources of UAAGNY to advertize their illegal boat. It further claimed that UAAGNY is a
 non-profit organization with over 4,000 member that uses the convention as ITS annual event to collect revenue for the running of their organization's business. Mr. Kagiri and Ms Letalu, by organizing another boat cruise, were denying UAAGNY almost 90% of its estimated revenue collection from the boat cruise. Wow!! Harriet Zaffoni who originally accompanied Mr. Kagiri to book his boat cruise, categorically denied any knowledge of the boat before June 1. Of course you all  know the kind of person Harriet Zaffoni is; no need to delve into any details.   Check this out, in the lawsuit, Wanda and Harriet deliberately placed Mr. Kagiri at a wrong address, to which they showed, under sworn affidavit, that they had attempted  three times without success to deliver the court papers. They also claimed that they attempted to contact Mr.  Kagiri by phone, but the phone turned out to be unknown/out of service. Can you imagine that early last month
 Wanda himself called Mr. Kagiri's phone? that Harriet Zaffoni sent him a thank you card on his home address in April?   This lawsuit, in my humble opinion, was not about anything else but greed and a systematic attempt to destroy the defendants. If this was in Uganda, God knows what would happen. In an attempt to get Mr. Kagiri fired at his job, the Wandas decided to hand deliver their affidavit to his job. The papers, which were not in any envelop, were handed to Mr. Kagiri's supervisor.  As Ugandans ponder about this sort of insanity, I would suggest that we take some lessons from it. I do agree with the common adage that it's easier to take a person out of the bush, but difficult to take the bush out him/her. Nevertheless, if we have decided to be part of a postmodern world, we have to adopt to the demands, norms, and rules of the new world. Gone are the days when an individual's dreams, fantasies, and pathologies became law. At least not in the
 free world. The law does not depend on individual sentiments, feelings, and thoughts, as the Wandas may have fantasized.      Just keep posted, I have a feeling that this is not the last time you'll hear about all this. Wanda's day is just beginning.                    Simon Nume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Mr Mulindwa     I internalised Anne Mugisha's message about these conmen trying to organise the convention. This is just further proof of what she said they would do.     UNAA is in big trouble i think     NumeEdward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  From: Rose Tumusiime To: Sara Serubula ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Cc: abbas ; Abu Senkayi ; am ; Andrew Muwonge ; ang ; Anne Mugisha ; annette ; anyo ; Christine Nabukeera ; PATRICK AYOTA ; Prince Abdul Kimbugwe ; RICHARD KABONERO ; bakojja ; Ben Ziraba Nyende ; Bill M ; buhanga ; Jonathan Chadiha ; DR. SARA SERUBULA
 ; EDWARD MULINDWA ; Edith Ssempala ; Edriss Kironde ; J Nyange ; lule ; semambya ; Mitee Kituo ; Fred Kalema-Musoke ; Lugemwa FN ; gaburungyi ; Hakim Sendagire ; Hanifa Nakayiwa ; henrietta ; J Ssemakula ; James Serumaga ; Johnson Mujungu ; Joseph Senyonjo ; juliet ; Rev. Joseph Kamugisha ; kavuma ; Kaye Martin ; Kigozi Ntege ; kitaka ; kiweewa ; Kyeyune Kyeyune ; Michael Kaluya ; liz ; lwanga ; nsereko ; Sandy L ; Ssali Luwemba ; v ; musisi ; namis ; UNAA NET ; opoko ; otim ; MOSES WILSON ; SARAH MATOVU   Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:10 PM  Subject: Re: UNAA Convention Boat Sinks - Amidst Double Dealing and Greed (Who is fooling who?)Shocking News     Fellow Ugandans I want you to hear the shocking news about the coming convention in New York. The voices in Uganda have made us learn that Mr. Wanda and his team in Uganda have turned the convention into a scam machine. Ugandans are registering for the membership fee 50,000.00 Ugandan shillings a person. That is about $ 30.00 with my limited knowledge about the constitution of UNAA I want some clarification about this membership fee being charged.      NRM State
 Minister, and State House official, working in conjunction with the Wanda and the NRMO leadersh

Re: [Ugnet] Fw: UNAA Convention Boat Sinks - Amidst Double Dealing and Greed (Who is fooling who?)

2006-08-24 Thread Simon Nume
Mr Mulindwa     I internalised Anne Mugisha's message about these conmen trying to organise the convention. This is just further proof of what she said they would do.     UNAA is in big trouble i think     NumeEdward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  From: Rose Tumusiime To: Sara Serubula ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Cc: abbas ; Abu Senkayi ; am ; Andrew Muwonge ; ang ; Anne Mugisha ; annette ; anyo ; Christine Nabukeera ; PATRICK AYOTA ; Prince Abdul Kimbugwe ; RICHARD KABONERO ; bakojja ; Ben Ziraba Nyende ; Bill M ; buhanga ; Jonathan Chadiha ; DR. SARA SERUBULA ; EDWARD MULINDWA ; Edith Ssempala ; Edriss Kironde ; J Nyange ; lule ; semambya ; Mitee Kituo ; Fred Kalema-Musoke ; Lugemwa FN ; gaburungyi ; Hakim Sendagire ; Hanifa Nakayiwa ; henrietta ; J Ssemakula ; James Serumaga ; Johnson Mujungu ; Joseph Senyonjo ; juliet ; Rev. Joseph Kamugisha ; kavuma ; Kaye Martin ; Kigozi Ntege ; kitaka ; kiweewa ; Kyeyune Kyeyune ; Michael Kaluya ; liz ; lwanga ; nsereko ; Sandy L ; Ssali Luwemba ; v ; musisi ; namis ; UNAA NET ; opoko ; otim ; MOSES WILSON ; SARAH MATOVU   Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:10 PM  Subject: Re: UNAA Convention Boat Sinks - Amidst Double Dealing and Greed (Who is fooling who?)Shocking News     Fellow Ugandans I want you to hear the shocking news about the coming convention in New York. The voices in Uganda have made us learn that Mr. Wanda and his team in Uganda have turned the convention into a scam machine. Ugandans are registering for the membership fee
 50,000.00 Ugandan shillings a person. That is about $ 30.00 with my limited knowledge about the constitution of UNAA I want some clarification about this membership fee being charged.      NRM State Minister, and State House official, working in conjunction with the Wanda and the NRMO leadership in New York are charging Ugandan citizens $ 100.00 a head as retainer fee. Mr. Wanda is collecting $ 600.00 for accommodation that could as well be the problem why we can not find rooms at the hotel because Mr. Wanda has the rooms for a scam. We all know that no one can guarantee American visas to any Ugandan.      Desperate Ugandans who want to come to the US are paying money hoping that these crooks will get visas for them. If most people do not get their visas will Wanda be ready to reimburse people?s money? There is a catch that some people can?t see, the parent body of the convention is UNAA, and if Mr. Wanda?s customers decide to sue the scamist, UNAA can not distance itself from financial liabilities of the ripped off people.     My understanding was that Thalma Byenkya was responsible for the invitation, then why do we have the Wanda mafia group sending invitations and collecting money. Something smells funny, but before this
 is all over it will be a UNAA issue. I would like to caution UNAA not to be blindly led into what could end up with legal wrangling.      Hotel policy is clear if people are not able to show up they have 24 hours not to be charged for no show. Those who will not receive their visas will be entitled to their refunds, including $ 160.00 for their registration fee. The question is who will be responsible for their retainer fee?     Extracting
 money under false pretense is a crime and these are tough times in the US. We do not want to put UNAA in a position where the US government starts to questions the objectives of people raising funds under the auspices of our organization. A quick attention will save the organization's reputation and the victims of Mr. Wanda and his henchmen.     By the way: Madam Sara Gayaza Serubula, the answer to your question below is Ed K.     Stay tuned I will bring all the names of the officials involved in the scam in the next writing.          Rose TumusiimeSara Serubula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Before I hit the Del button,     Who is spying on Ugandans now??  Rose Tumusiime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:MALICE  Ugandan brothers and sister do not be shocked, by the temporary legal maneuvers, by the usual character Mr. Edward Wanda. In this country we have no BLACK MAMBAS the system works, the
 laws that take people to jail are the same laws that takes them out. Mr. Wanda acting on behalf of the organization without the membership?s consent may cause some problems for him to prevail all the way through.      My two cents worthy is; right away file an injunction to stop the boat company from dealing with either side before there is a response from the appeal. In the appeal make sure that all the facts are presented including the concept a free market. We are not in monopoly market. We are entitled to compete we should not be held hostage by Wanda because he failed to advertise his boat. This issue is about competition, a concept embraced by the American way of life.     Last part is to let everyone know that there is no need for panic. Wanda can not be trusted with our money. Soon there are legal fights coming over money with all those they are scamming in 

[Ugnet] Fw: UNAA Convention Boat Sinks - Amidst Double Dealing and Greed (Who is fooling who?)

2006-08-17 Thread Edward Mulindwa

From: Rose Tumusiime 

To: Sara Serubula ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Cc: abbas ; Abu Senkayi ; am ; Andrew 
Muwonge ; ang ; 
Mugisha ; annette ; anyo ; Christine Nabukeera ; PATRICK AYOTA ; Prince Abdul 
Kimbugwe ; RICHARD 
KABONERO ; bakojja ; Ben Ziraba Nyende ; Bill M ; buhanga ; Jonathan 
Chadiha ; DR. 
SARA SERUBULA ; EDWARD MULINDWA ; Edith Ssempala ; Edriss Kironde ; J Nyange ; lule ; semambya ; Mitee Kituo ; Fred 
Kalema-Musoke ; Lugemwa FN ; gaburungyi ; Hakim Sendagire ; Hanifa Nakayiwa 
; henrietta ; 
Ssemakula ; James Serumaga ; Johnson 
Mujungu ; Joseph Senyonjo ; juliet ; 
Rev. Joseph Kamugisha ; kavuma ; 
Kaye Martin ; 
Ntege ; kitaka ; kiweewa ; Kyeyune Kyeyune ; Michael Kaluya ; liz ; lwanga ; nsereko ; Sandy L ; Ssali Luwemba ; 
v ; musisi ; namis ; UNAA NET 
; opoko ; 
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: UNAA Convention Boat Sinks - Amidst Double Dealing and 
Greed (Who is fooling who?)

Shocking News
Fellow Ugandans I want you to hear the shocking news about the coming 
convention in New York. The voices 
in Uganda have 
made us learn that Mr. Wanda and his team in 
Uganda have 
turned the convention into a scam machine. Ugandans are registering for the 
membership fee 50,000.00 Ugandan shillings a person. That is about $ 30.00 with 
my limited knowledge about the constitution of UNAA I want some clarification 
about this membership fee being charged. 
NRM State Minister, and State House official, working in 
conjunction with the Wanda and the NRMO leadership in New York are 
charging Ugandan citizens $ 100.00 a head as retainer fee. Mr. Wanda is 
collecting $ 600.00 for accommodation that could as well be the problem why we 
can not find rooms at the hotel because Mr. Wanda has the rooms for a scam. We 
all know that no one can guarantee American visas to any Ugandan. 
Desperate Ugandans who want to come to the 
US are paying 
money hoping that these crooks will get visas for them. If most people do not 
get their visas will Wanda be ready to reimburse people’s money? There is a 
catch that some people can’t see, the parent body of the convention is UNAA, and 
if Mr. Wanda’s customers decide to sue the scamist, UNAA can not distance itself 
from financial liabilities of the ripped off people.
My understanding was that Thalma Byenkya was responsible for the 
invitation, then why do we have the Wanda mafia group sending invitations and 
collecting money. Something smells funny, but before this is all over it will be 
a UNAA issue. I would like to caution UNAA not to be blindly led into what could 
end up with legal wrangling. 
Hotel policy is clear if people are not able to show up they have 24 
hours not to be charged for no show. Those who will not receive their visas will 
be entitled to their refunds, including $ 160.00 for their registration fee. The 
question is who will be responsible for their retainer 
money under false pretense is a crime and these are tough times in the 
We do not want to put UNAA in a position where the 
government starts to questions the objectives of people raising funds under the 
auspices of our organization. A quick attention will save the 
organization's reputation and the victims of Mr. Wanda and his 
the way: Madam Sara Gayaza Serubula, the answer to your question below is Ed 
tuned I will bring all the names of the officials involved in the scam in the 
next writing.  

Rose TumusiimeSara Serubula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  Before I hit the Del 
  is spying on Ugandans 
  Rose Tumusiime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Ugandan brothers and sister do not be shocked, 
by the temporary legal maneuvers, by the usual character Mr. Edward Wanda. 
In this country we have no BLACK MAMBAS the system works, the laws that take 
people to jail are the same laws that takes them out. Mr. Wanda acting on 
behalf of the organization without the membership’s consent may cause some 
problems for him to prevail all the way through. 
My two cents worthy is; right away file an 
injunction to stop the boat company from dealing with either side before 
there is a response from the appeal. In the appeal make sure that all the 
facts are presented including the concept a free market. We are not in 
monopoly market. We are entitled to compete we should not be held hostage by 
Wanda because he failed to advertise his boat. This issue is about 
competition, a concept embraced by the American way of life.
Last part is to let everyone know that there 
is no need for panic. Wanda can not be trusted with our money. Soon there 
are legal fights coming over money with all those they are scamming in 
Uganda. The fight is going to be 
nasty, it is better to start it now, before it is too late. I know that the 