[Ugnet] Putin: Russia will not get involved in arms race

2014-09-10 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Putin: Russia will not get involved in arms race
 Published time: September 10, 2014 12:33
Edited time: September 10, 2014 14:45
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 [image: AFP Photo/Byambasuren Byamba-Ochir]

AFP Photo/Byambasuren Byamba-Ochir

Ukraine turmoil 

Arms , Conflict ,
Military , NATO ,
Russia , Ukraine 

Russia is not going to get involved in a new arms race, President Vladimir
Putin said as he ordered his government to work out “balanced and
realistic” defense strategy for 2016 through 2025.

*“Someone really wants to unleash a new arms race,”* Russia’s president
said at a meeting with senior defense industry officials. *“We, of course,
are not going to be involved in this race.”*

Putin tasked the defense industry to work out a new military doctrine by
December. His comments came a week after Russia said Sept. 2 it would review
the doctrine , in
response to NATO announcing its intentions to expand in Eastern Europe amid
Ukrainian crisis.
‘Ukrainian crisis provoked by the West to resuscitate NATO’

Speaking about the situation in Ukraine, Putin blamed Western countries for
the bloody conflict in the southeastern regions of the country.

*“Recently, as you know, NATO has decided to build up its forces in Eastern
Europe. The crisis in Ukraine, which was, in fact, provoked and created by
some of our Western partners, is now used for the resuscitation of this
military bloc,"* he said.

All the actions Russia is taking are retaliatory measures of self-defense,
Putin said.

*“We have been repeatedly saying, warning that we will have to, exactly
have to, take appropriate retaliatory measures to ensure our security,”*
Putin said. *“We have said many times that it would be very desirable to
avoid excessive hysterics when these decisions will be finally accepted and
will be implemented. I want to emphasize that everything we do, is only
retaliatory measures,”* he added.

At the end of August, NATO announced its plans
 to bring its
forces closer to Russian borders, specifically to the three Baltic States –
Latvia , Lithuania
and Estonia – as the situation in Ukraine showed no signs of improvement.
NATO’s expansion was the key topic
 of discussions at the
alliance’s summit  in
Wales at the end of last week.

Russia warned that NATO’s progress towards the east and Ukraine, which the
military bloc sees as a potential member
, will trigger a
strong reaction.

'We will react to NATO build-up!' Key Putin quotes from defense policy

In July, Putin said that NATO’s military build-up near Russia’s borders,
which includes the US-built missile defense system, is not just for
defensive purposes, but is an *“offensive weapon”* and an *“element of the
US offensive system deployed outside the mainland.”*

Responding to NATO’s intentions last week, Russia’s envoy to the alliance,
Aleksandr Grushko, indicated that this will be *“taken into consideration”*
in Russia’s military planning.
 by Taboola

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[Ugnet] Massive explosion rocks German chemical plant (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

2014-09-10 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Massive explosion rocks German chemical plant (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

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[Ugnet] ‘Please don’t go’: Cameron and Co. make desperate plea to Scots to stay in the Union

2014-09-10 Thread Mitayo Potosi
  ‘Please don’t go’: Cameron and Co. make desperate plea to Scots to stay
in the Union
 Published time: September 10, 2014 13:26
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 [image: Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond poses with supporters of
the 'Yes Campaign', in Edinburgh, Scotland September 9, 2014.
(Reuters/Russell Cheyne )]

Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond poses with supporters of the 'Yes
Campaign', in Edinburgh, Scotland September 9, 2014. (Reuters/Russell
Cheyne )

Scotland Referendum 

Politics , UK 

Three of Britain’s mainstream party leaders have temporarily abandoned
their seats of power in Westminster to travel to Scotland. The trip is part
of a last-ditch effort to sway Scottish opinion toward a ‘No’ vote in the
upcoming independence referendum.

Journeying separately and addressing different audiences throughout
Scotland on Wednesday, Prime Minister David Cameron, Liberal Democrat
leader Nick Clegg and Labour’s Ed Miliband will issue an impassioned joint
plea to Scots to vote to remain a part of what they insist will be a
reformed United Kingdom.

In a joint public statement, the three leaders acknowledged that *“there’s
a lot that divides us”* but emphasized that *“there’s one thing on which we
agree passionately: the United Kingdom is better together."*
‘Don’t leave just to punish the effing Tories’

In an effort to explain their motivation for abandoning prime minister’s
questions to travel to Scotland, Clegg, Cameron and Miliband said they
wished to listen to and speak with voters on the ground *“about the huge
choice they face.”* *“Our message to the Scottish people will be simple:
'We want you to stay,'"* they added.

But Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond, who has strongly advocated a
‘Yes’ vote in the referendum, described the trio’s decision to journey
north as *“the biggest blunder of the campaign.”* He also suggested the
Westminister establishment was *“in a total and utter panic”*as its
campaign unravelled.

According to The Guardian, several Labour sources claim the three leaders
trip to Scotland was undertaken to issue an emotional plea to Scots to vote
“No” on September 18, and also to counter Salmond’s pro-independence
rhetoric and question how exactly Scotland might operate alone.

As part of this collective bid to sway Scottish voters towards a “No” vote,
Cameron made an appearance in Edinburgh, while Clegg was set to attend an
event in the Scottish Borders. Miliband is scheduled to speak in Glasgow
later on Wednesday.

[image: Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron, deputy Prime Minister Nick
Clegg and leader of the Labour Party, Ed Miliband. (Reuters/Dan Kitwood)]

Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron, deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg
and leader of the Labour Party, Ed Miliband. (Reuters/Dan Kitwood)

Whether Cameron, Miliband and Clegg’s strategic journey north will sway
Scottish voters remains to be seen. Commenting on their joint venture,
Salmond said if he thought they were *“coming by bus”* he would have sent
the bus fare. Salmond denounced Cameron as the least popular Tory leader
ever among Scotland’s populace, and said that Miliband was the most
mistrusted Labour leader.

Speaking in Edinburgh on Wednesday morning, Cameron urged Scots not to vote
for independence merely to punish the *“effing Tories”.* He stressed *“this
is not a decision about the next five years, but the next century."*
Scots not being swayed by fear

Commentators suggest this unprecedented collaboration across Westminster’s
divisive political terrain reveals a growing fear in London that Scots are
not being swayed by potential fluctuations in the financial markets and
warnings about permanent economic risks should Scotland become a sovereign

The Westminster trio’s trip came just a day after Bank of England governor
Mark Carney made the same journey. During his visit, Carney cautioned Scots
that a currency union was simply *"incompatible with sovereignty."* The
central bank chief categorically rejected Salmond’s argument that Scotland
could become an independent state while sharing Britain’s currency.

Carney’s perspective echoes that of US economist and Nobel Prize laureate
Paul Krugman, who warned on Tuesday that an independent Scotland could face
economic strife if it keeps the British pound. In his New York Times Op Ed,
Krugman argued a combination of Scottish political sovereignty and a shared
currency is *“a recipe for disaster.”* Meanwhile, Credit Suisse analysts
have warned Scotland would face an economic crisis should it become
independent, characterized by a deep recession. A spokesperson for the firm
cautioned *“deposit flight is both highly likely and highly problematic”*
if Scottish independence is secured.

[image: Bank of England Governor Mark Carney waits to deliver his keynote
speech at the annual Trades 


2014-09-12 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Thank you very much Dr Pheko for this call to us Africans:-

You write:-

“There must be huge investment in the education of Africa’s youth. Africa
must prioritise and maximise the study of modern science and technology in
all her institutions of learning………..   What Africa must do now is to
acquire knowledge on a colossal scale…..”

This is indeed is key part in the quest for total liberation. So Dr Pheko I
was very disturbed in the “Matric Reform Policies” now being proposed in
South Africa.

What I consider reckless Officers in charge of Education in S.A., they have
totally totally neglected Maths Education. They could even phase it out if
they could it seems…….. This with the “Textbooks Scandal”  in S.A.
The lowering to 30% of the Tertiary Level entrance mark, as a cover for the
looting that was the book scandal; No country ever treated their children
so shabbily, Dr Pheko.

Will SA now abolish Maths Education? See   Editorial: *Angie's matric
reform migraine* - Mail & Guardian

Like you said Dr Pheko we need “Massive Education”.

Present Leaders must be shaken out of the stupor they are in now !!  Also
critically, our populations must wake up. It is a task that requires
commitment from us all.

Thank you.

Mitayo Potosi

On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Min. Menelik, Ubuntu na Zulu (A Divine
World Community)Support- http://www.wadupam.org/  wrote:

> Asante Brother Dr. Pheko! May I circulate?
> Min. Menelik Harris
> amene...@aol.com
> -Original Message-
> From: rwalker949 
> To: cdemafa ; shabaka_aaprp ;
> visionafrikka ; nnamdi79 ;
> mesfin_aman ; empresschi ;
> drchenzira ; iblydeb ; mohau <
> mo...@4-rivers.co.za>; matekopoko ; amenelik <
> amene...@aol.com>; panafric ; jtrimblefamily <
> jtrimblefam...@hotmail.com>; aaprpghana ; D12M <
> d...@aol.com>; wadupam ; unioNews <
> union...@yahoogroups.com>; panafric ; sompes <
> som...@mtn.blackberry.com>; sadikibakari ;
> gwalker920 ; 1Afrika <1afr...@yahoogroups.com>;
> mjibaf ; theafricanobserver <
> theafricanobser...@yahoogroups.com>; Panafricanperspective <
> panafricanperspect...@yahoogroups.com>; hq2600 ;
> williericks ; aaprup ;
> lybonmabasa ; ousafrik ;
> sobukwekuumba ; cnichol2009 <
> cnichol2...@hotmail.com>; kgamphe.s ; blakstar3 <
> blakst...@yahoo.com>; drmotsokopheko ;
> mitayopotojsi ; rwalker949 ;
> rakina ; ashahedm ;
> mulindwa ; samia.nkrumah ;
> seku2 ; seknkr ; erzilidanto <
> erzilida...@yahoo.com>; gamal_nkrumah ;
> imaninaumoja ; yaa1002 ;
> Ugandacom ; Pambeli ;
> Culturevue ; kimpajoof 
> Sent: Wed, Sep 3, 2014 9:53 am
>  Dr.  Pheko wants to share his views on how Africa must move forward.
> Those of you who can download his attached word file will be able to see
> the photos embedded in them by downloading the file and opening it with MS
> Word.  Some groups do not allow attachments so you will not be able to do
> that; some groups images to show up in a document but if you receive a
> digest in such a group you still will not see the images.
> If you are wish to see the images you could write to Dr Pheko and request
> he sent his post directly to you.
> We are very grateful to Dr. Pheko for another insightful perspective on
> our grand struggle to achieve our complete liberation all over the world.
> It will certainly be useful in the period we are now facing it will help us
> see the options we have capitulation to capitalist racists across the
> world, or break our chains and the necks of our arch-criminal global
> murderers.
> Roy
>  *25.5.2014  51st Africa Liberation Day*
> It is what African leaders do now and daily which will determine the place
> of Africa in the next fifty years. Africa has already waited for fifty
> years for present African leaders to implement the foundational principles
> that the pioneers of Africa’s independence struggle laid down on 25th May
> 1963.
> If Africa has to wait for another 50 years to achieve her goal of economic
> development and technological advancement; and rescue her people out of
> poverty, ignorance, enslaving “foreign aid” and its deepening d

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} Muzungu Disappearance 1977: A Despicable Scam!?!

2014-09-17 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Dear Brother Leonard Okello,

I learn you are a son of the late IGP Kasiim Musa Obura. I am sorry about
the injustice that was meted out to an innocent man, a man whose only crime was
that he took his oath to defend his country very seriously.

 He once came to Buddo, where I was teaching, to survey the place to make
sure the region around had security. The way he interacted with us teachers
was of a dedicated Ugandan working his pants off to ensure security in his
country. An admirable man!!

Kassim Musa Obura was hanged to punish him for refusing to conspire with
Jonan Lowum, and Chief Inspector of Schools YY Okot, etc. to assassinate
President Amin; to plunge the country into bloodshed...

They hanged him for refusing to be part of their British/CIA odious plan.

The late Kassim Musa Obura is the true Ugandan hero, the "Saint" if you

Some Acholi brothers, and other people, claim that Jonan Lowum is a saint.
It is silly to say such !!

And when tho sole source of such attitude is base ethnicity it shows how
deep the psyche of folks gets so trapped into irrational tribal ghettos.

But that is the country we have!!

May God bless you and your dear ones.

Mitayo Potosi

On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 5:10 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> Friends
> It is even interesting that after the departure of Amin, UPC decided to go
> into attending memorial services than hunting down those that killed
> Acholis. On record Iddi Amin's departure is the single government change
> that never sent many people into exile. The officers that tries to run to
> Kenya after being threatened to be killed, arrived into Kenya and
> voluntarily reported themselves to Police stations. Many were arrested from
> Kenya police stations especially Kisumu area and brought back into Uganda,
> and yet to today even though men like Okoth Ogola men like Garandi men like
> Mustafa Adrisi have been free in Uganda, neither UPC nor Aka Laduja has
> ever stood up to charge any former Amin soldier or police officer. As you
> read this writing, many former state research officers are free in Kampala.
> Just how much wolokoso is out there about members of families destroyed is
> simply astounding.
> So again who murdered the people of Aka La Duja?  And I am just asking.
> EM
> On the 49th Parallel
>  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
> anarchy"
> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
> katika machafuko"
> -Original Message-
> From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com [mailto:
> ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Hussein Amin
> Sent: Monday, September 15, 2014 4:05 AM
> To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: {UAH} Muzungu Disappearance 1977: A Despicable Scam!?!
> When you ask for any evidence that's when you find that it is just
> "wolokoso" for sympathy that they already misused!?!
> On 9/15/14, Derek Nyero aka ladujah  wrote:
> > Leonard,  lucky for some then! I lost well over 50 of my flesh and
> > blood including women and children and all of them were either
> > arrested for belonging to the UPC party, or for being Acholi, and all
> > were arrested by Amin and his henchmen and thar was why both the late
> > Chief of Staff Oyite Ojok and AMO spent most of the early 1980
> > attending memorial services in and around my district of Gulu and in
> > particularly Koch area. Your investigation and findings may help other
> > understand the circumstances by which their loved ones met their
> > deaths during the brutal regime of hussein s dad, but I am afraid it is
> rather too late for some of us.
> > Derek UPC youth wing.
> >
> > Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 08:49:02 +0300
> > Subject: Re: {UAH} Muzungu Disappearance 1977: A Despicable Scam!?!
> > From: leonard.oke...@gmail.com
> > To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> >
> > Hi Hussein,
> > The time will soon be here when these truth must get to the table. I
> > know what it means to be the son of a man hunged for a crime he did not
> commit.
> > That man was Kasiim Musa Obura then IGP in Amins government. While it
> > is true that many people died  during Idi Amin's government, including
> > Obura's first born [Airforce Cadet John Obura], many of those who died
> > where never killed by Idi Amin or his machinery of government and my
> > investigations over the last 35 years has revealed shocks each time.
> > Only the truth shall set this country free!
> > Leonard OkelloSon of Kosmas Martin [alias Kassim Musa] Obura On 

Re: [Ugnet] [UGANDACOM] Direct question to EM

2014-09-17 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Obote never trusted Ugandans with security. He trusted only Israelis..
Colonel Bar-Lev was the effective military commander under Obote.Even
fellow Langis like Oyite Ojok, Obote never trusted. Only Bar-Lev of MOSSAD.
Even his honey-moon was in Israel. That is why it was so easy for Israelis
to throw him out and put Idi Amin. It is Amin who refused to kiss ass
!!Mitayo Potosi=*

On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 2:23 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> Ssebo Matek-Opok
> I am not interested in change of direction on this thread at all sir. We
> are talking about Iddi Amin and Acholi which has nothing to do with the
> Jewish state. It is this kind of change of direction when an important
> issue affecting all Ugandans is being discuss that make people not follow
> through with what they are saying. It gives them to continue to peddle
> their lies which they have done so for many years and have gotten away with
> it. Secondly I find it tough to go after Iddi Amin that he was
> collaborating with The Israelis when UPC was a great friend of the state of
> Israel.  As an example the 22 hospitals that UPC built in the country were
> contracted to an Israel company by UPC. I need to remain  on this thread
> and I am not willing to change its direction sir.
> It is time we stick to issues.
> EM
> On the 49th Parallel
>  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
> anarchy"
> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
> katika machafuko"
> *From:* uganda...@yahoogroups.com [mailto:uganda...@yahoogroups.com]
> *Sent:* Sunday, September 14, 2014 9:05 PM
> *To:* ugandacom; voice-of-uganda
> *Subject:* [UGANDACOM] Direct question to EM
> EM you wrote quote "Friends
> In as much as our national history gets buried under Iddi Amin  "mbu"  he
> was a  murderer and he murdered so many Langi and Acholi, there has been
> and continues to be a strong wind that took and continues to take our
> common sense away so that we believe  most of those people killed or
> murdered were innocent and had nothing to do with undermining the Amin
> regime. We tend to forget and conveniently so, that it was Obote who fired
> the first salvo that triggered events that followed through 1971 to 1979
> and continues today.  That single cable sent by Obote from Singapore to
> have Amin arrested was so deadly than any poison any Ugandan has ever come
> across since the establishment of that country following the fight between
> Baganda and Banyoro over the lost counties as well as the first arrival of
> Europeans on the dark continent."
> "
> Did you Know that Idi Amin was Collaborating with the Isreals ( who you
> like to castigate)  by allowing Isrealis to supply Weapons to the Anyanya
>  of South Sudan" through uganda .
> This Amin did  without Milton Obotes Knowledge..
> before reacting You need to know the political Intricacies that was eating
> uganda at that time.. or you will firing  blanks!
> MK
> --
> This is a quote:
> "Even if Joseph Kony was killed, that would not necessarily be the end of
> the war in northern Uganda because Kony is no more than a ‘ spiritual’
> leader of the LRA. This quick fix, arm-chair solution seemed to be from the
> Kampala-based ‘opinion leaders’ who only know the war through newspapers".
> " Until the legitimate grievances and the marginalization of northern
> Uganda’s communities are addressed, LRA fighters remain a possible vehicle
> for the expression of northerners’ frustrations".
> "Kony may never sign a peace agreement. Whether or not he signs, however,
> is less relevant to avoiding new conflict in northern Uganda than ending
> marginalization policies and fulfilling promises by the Ugandan
> government."
> __._,_.___
> --
> Posted by: matek 
> --
> *Reply via web post
> <https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/UGANDACOM/conversations/messages/64308;_ylc=X3oDMTJxY3RkMXA2BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzM3Nzk1ODYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDA3NzA5BG1zZ0lkAzY0MzA4BHNlYwNmdHIEc2xrA3JwbHkEc3RpbWUDMTQxMDc0MzA5MQ--?act=reply&messageNum=64308>
> *
> •
> Reply to sender
> •
> Reply to group
> •
> Start a New Topic
> <https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/UGANDACOM/conversations/newtopic;_ylc=X3oDMTJlcmgxM2kzBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} Fwd: Remembering ARCHBISHOP JANANI LUWUM

2014-09-18 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Bino ebya Lowum eby'ewaffe bya kitalo nnyo!!*

*Olwokaano olabira ddala confusion eva mu Banyunyunsi n'amalindirizi

*Gun-runner aliddemu ensi'ye olukwe omuyita otya Saint?  It is just a sick
joke. Okujjako nti bano abavubuka bali ku  "Mambo ya tumbo" . So, hold-on
to your wallets folks!!*

*Ekirala:-  Lwaki Sseruganda Hussein Amin tayagala Science?*

*President Idi Amin trebled intake ya Medical School e Mulago; just as one

*Also, to reside in our country for more than a year at Makerere, he
brought Prof. Mohammed Idriss; a most prominent Mathematician in the Asian
sub-continent.  That is a very big deal for Africa!!  More so, to loan us
this Prof. Idriss was a 'thank you' from  "The International Organization
of Islamic Countries"  That is the Idi Amin I know !! *

*Mitayo Potosi==*=

On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> You know !!
> Time has allowed us to read about Ssabassajja Mutebi being in Luwero as a
> fighter, that is no longer a lie pumped up by Em for he hates Buganda, it
> is a fact recorded in the papers. Time will bring us to Jonan Luwum as
> well. It is so frustrating how shallow Ugandans are, how long did you
> expect to hide the secrecy about Ssabassajja? It had to pop out at a
> certain point, and it is such short reasoning why Museveni has remained the
> leader of this country this long, for you wonder, how can you stand up and
> oppose Museveni and demand Uganda to be better, but you support the Kingdom
> he so planted? Look at the entire trip that Mengo officials have done all
> through Europe to North America, why don’t you find a single bite of a
> second, when they are going after Uganda government? Why has Katikiro or
> Nabakyala failed at even a single point to stand up and denounce that
> government publicly? And what kind of population do you become when you
> praise this Kingdom but go after Museveni that created it but feeds it? And
> the reasoning became very basic, Katikiro and Nabakyala can never go
> against NRA/NRM because they are one, it is their government and they
> support it as it defends them. So to you as a defender of Mengo and Buganda
> kingdom, you are sucked from both ends, Museveni is using you because he is
> not accountable to you and Mengo is using you for it too is not accountable
> to you. So you kneel before Mengo which kneels before Museveni and Uganda
> gets screwed.  We need to stand up and destroy this kingdom
> if we will  ever get rid of Museveni.
> There is just too much fuck up in this country man
>    Gez
> EM
> On the 49th Parallel
> Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
> anarchy"
> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
> katika machafuko"
> *From:* ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com [mailto:
> ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Hussein Amin
> *Sent:* Sunday, August 31, 2014 7:47 AM
> *To:* ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* {UAH} Fwd: Remembering ARCHBISHOP JANANI LUWUM
> Hey!
> The discussion about who/how Archbishop died will end someday.
> And on that day we would have checked to confirm beyond any doubt if he
> was killed by a bullet in the head.
> Why hasn't that simple investigative action never been commissioned?
> If anyone wants to try and stop me from asking these basic questions, then
> they should also stop the baseless wolokoso that makes me question their
> possible ulterior personal agendas.
> No wonder people are being urged to do sciences rather than arts... Many
> can't think factually.
> On Aug 31, 2014 2:04 PM, "Herrn Edward Mulindwa"  wrote:
> Friends
> “That account was given by the dictators captured senior officers one of
> whom was the chief of Police at the time of the fall of Kampala on April
> 1979.”
> That is a very terrible sentence, there was no organized system in Kampala
> at that time to investigate any one. The people form Tanzania never had a
> time let alone place to investigate and collect data from any one of Amin’s
> forces. They came in to do two things, to murder people and to loot. Go
> back and read all history written by former Amin’s soldiers and Police
> Officers, you will never get a single one stating that he was interrogated.
> I need the name of that Police Chief and if he was at such a high rank I

[Ugnet] FW: State University Of Zanzibar: Much Lower Fees Than North American Universities Inb

2014-09-23 Thread Mitayo Potosi
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3,206  Diploma
- Information Technology 823,250.00 2,733  *Diploma - **Educational
Leadership & MGT* 760,250.00 1,631  *Diploma - **Inclusive and Special
Needs Education* 1,033,250.00 1,001  *Diploma - **Physical Education and
Sports Sciences* 1,033,250.00 1,001  *Diploma -Heritage Management and
Tourism* 1,033,250.00 1,001  *Diploma -Social Works* 928,250.00 1,946
: Science * 665,750.00 1,631  *Certificate : Computing Technology*
665,750.00 1,631  *Certificate :Librarianship* 539,750.00 7,91  *UQFL 6*
1,017,500.00 1,001
*Residence Permit*
Foreign students have to pay US $ 250 for Residence Permit Class C
(Multiple entries) or Carrying Temporary Assignment (CTA) US $ 200 (Single
The Department of Kiswahili for Foreigners can provide host families for
those who are interested to stay with a local family; this will reinforce
further their language and cultural skills. Student will be provided with a
nice room with fan and writing table, along with breakfast, lunch and
dinner.  Current rates are US $ 20 per day.
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[Ugnet] It is about the Golden Ratio in our Flag, Dear Brian

2014-09-23 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Dear Brother Brian,

 I saw the oval  Uganda flag on your UNAA web site. The one depicting
Unity.  It is lovely !!

There are tons and tons of Mathematics rolled into the way you did it.
Asante sana.

One can start with the circle's infinite rotation and reflection
symmetries; may be to celebrate Archimedes, the greatest Engineer of all
time - Mathematical Physicist really, with only John von Neumann coming

A similar symbol is found on this  Archimedes Grave!!

I would even suggest Brother Brian that you can "fold" the flag into a
circle, like you already have done, but with the ends not touching. Like a
circle with a slit.

The set of numbers formed then will represent an open set; from these the
children of our country can blast off into "Ring Theory".( Ring Theory by
*Amelia* Emmy *Noether* (1882 - 1935) the Mother of Modern Algebra).

Flags must represent the glory of a Country. The USA flag also has the
dimensions of gold mean i.e. 1.6 .

The Israel Star of David has too many Gods favorite Numbers i.e. (1.6)
rolled into it, One or two numbers are enough to bring out the aesthetics.

The so-called Rainbow flag of SA is well.. No Geometry there, no

Don't start me on Canada's flag. It was made under Prime Minister Pierre
Yves Elliott Trudeau, a reknowned lawyer but a Maths midget, and it shows
in the so called "Maple Leaf Flag".  No Geometry No Class No Nothing !!

Brother Brian the other flag you put up in Las Vegas is also not good.
Length divided by the height must always be 1.6 (1.6 is Gods favorite
number, the golden mean or golden ratio). The eye can always tell.

Even Uganda diaspora in South Africa I saw them holding the wrong flag.
*Kifulagafulaga*. It did not seem to have the 1.6 number dimension.

Some folks are so mad that m7 may be putting down their Arts and

They also must measure up. *They say they are the thinkers !! You can
imagine !!*

On a happy note the small flag on the uniform of our Chief of Police is the
right size.
Yes. Gen Kale Kayihura is a lovely man.
He is doing a very fine job.
But he has to do much much more training!!
Everything depends on National Security.

Our COP so far has trained 5,000 Cadets. Next he trained 5,000. But Canada
has 67,000 kids as Cadets, under Navy, Army & Air Force. At an early age
they interest them and immerse them in accelerated Maths, aerodynamics and
stuff. *(Jump Maths they call it)*

So this training is just a start by our COP General Kale Kayihura.

He has to train very very many more. Permanent and constant training.
Let him not listen to naysayers !!.

Finally Brother Brian let me leave you with the Mathematical beauty of
Salvador Deli.

(1) Look at the icosahedron in which is seated Our Lord Jesus Christ,
eating his last supper.

All the measures of the icosahedron are in Gods favorite number, 1.6.

Later with the Father in Heaven the icosahedron is enclosed in a
dodecahedron in turn enclosed in a tetrahedron and finally a cube.

*"The Sacrement of the Last Supper" *


(2) In the *Curvature of Spacetime.* Note the clock is not hanging on the
wall any more.


That the clock is not hanging on the wall any more is a crucial point but
missed by most Art Critics, they don't appreciate Maths.

Time no longer hangs on the wall but is flat on the table part and parcel
of the fabric of space-time.

So the clock is down on the table to join length "*X*", breadth "*Y"* height*
"Z*" so that Time* "t*" times velocity of light,"c", together with "i"
equals* ict*, or space-time *(X,Y,Z, ict*) of Albert Einstein et al...

Is the President wrong, and  they are the thinkers as they claim?.

It is funny you know. Things like Bujagali Dams built by dummies, who don't

I found the whole debate useless and in bad taste !!

Greetings to all, Brother Brian.

Mitayo Potosi
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[Ugnet] Neo-liberal gibberish no answer to the challenge of youth unemployment - Buti Manamela

2014-09-24 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Education and Employment News from South Africa

Neo-liberal gibberish no answer to the challenge of youth unemployment
- Buti Manamela
Buti Manamela
 23 September 2014

 Deputy minister responds to DA MP Michael Cardo's comments on the recent
StatsSA report

"Grade 12 mathematics teachers are being trained on new Mathematics
topics including Euclidian Geometry and Probability.."

*Youth unemployment is a collective challenge requiring collective action
instead of political posturing and neo-liberal gibberish*

On Tuesday, after we received the statistics from STATS SA (Employment,
Unemployment, Skills and Economic Growth) our country was met with the bold
words shouting *"skills level of young black adults has regressed post

These are the headlines Michael Cardo of the Democratic Alliance uses in
order to draw attention to the DA Youth Employment Plan, or rather, a
rehash of existing government plan coated in neo-liberal gibberish.

Such as is the case with in oppositional, non-transformative and
non-visionary politics, the person designated to man-mark me in the DA
completely missed the point and tied his tongue to repeat the same hogwash
the DA has become known for: "The ANC has failed", "nothing has changed",
"please vote for us".

I say this because this headline is a complete misrepresentation of the
facts contained in the report. Even as we question the *wisdom *of
comparing the 1994 Household Survey to the 2014 Quarterly Labour Force
Survey, it cannot be that skills levels amongst Africans have regressed
since 1994.

According to the three censuses held during the democratic dispensation,
the black African population group proportion of persons with higher
education has more than doubled between 1996 and 2011 (from 3.6% in 1996 to
8.3% in 2011). Black Africans who have completed Grade 12 increased from
12.0% in 1996 to 26.9% in 2011. Black Africans made up 50.2% of students in
tertiary institutions in 1995 which increased to 67.2% in 2012. The entire
population with no schooling more than halved during the same period for
the black Africans, Coloureds and Indians.

So to suggest that skills acquisition is on the decline for Africans cannot
be true, unless we are saying it is only Africans beyond the ages of 35 who
enroll at institutions of further and higher education.

It cannot also be true that the skills levels of young black adults has
regressed under the ANC, and indeed the STATS SA report does not say that,
rather it says "the gains made in the proportion of skills were highly
uneven...the gains made in the African population were marginal."

If Cardo has reached page 5 of the report he would have noted that "between
1994 and 2014 there was an increase in the proportion of skilled employment
in all population groups."

The extent of the increase, however, was vastly different. The lowest
increase took place within the black African population, from 15.1% to
17.1% an increase of 2.9%compared to 19.3 percentage points within the
white population.

We cannot assume, as Cardo flippantly does, that the reason for the low
increase in skills employment was because there are no skilled Africans to
employ. That may not be the case. Could it alternatively be true that the
lack of social capital means that it takes longer for Africans to be
employed even when skilled?

How much of this phenomenon contributes to the fact that the employment
composition of skilled Africans is less than 50% whilst the employment
composition of skilled Indians and whites is over 60%? Is it possible that
as Africans now have become skilled the game plan for getting employed has
changed and "a new form of racial inequality has emerged, operating not
directly on income as in the heyday of job reservation, influx control and
school segregation, but indirectly, through inequality in the rewards to
effort, as witnessed by sharply divergent patterns in the returns to
education between the race.

At the end of Apartheid the rate of return to education stood at
approximately 11% for both races. A decade later however, the return to
education for whites stood at a dramatic 43%, whilst that of Africans
declined to about 7%, and unless proven otherwise, race clearly plays a
strong role in determining how educational attainment comes to be valued in
the labour market"(Keswell 2004: 2).

Initial investigations done by the Development Policy Research Unit at the
University of Cape Town and the University of Johannesburg seem to confirm
that Africans are finding it harder to be absorbed in the labour market
than their white colleagues with similar qualifications and from same
universities. (DPRU 2012) To what extent does this factor contribute to the
low skilled employment composition for Africans?

It is true though that for the massive resources that government puts into
basic education and post school education and training, the results are not
encouraging. It is for this reas


2014-09-25 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*We Africans have to allow them to operate only  'One single British
Embassy' in/for*
* the whole African Continent.*

*We get nothing but trouble from these chaps !!All their consulates spread
all over Africa are just spying and subversion nests.*
*And let us always pray to God to give Africa another Idi Amin.*

*So called English aristocracy nothing but " feral " , ( Latin for "wild
beast"). Too much "kunyunyunta" nonsense.*

*It is crucial that we the wananchi have to put real pressure on the
African leadership *

*to end their slavish ass kissing*
*Mitayo Potosi.*

On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 6:49 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> UK moves its visa office to South Africa
> <http://www.observer.ug/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=33961:-uk-moves-its-visa-office-to-south-africa&catid=34:news&Itemid=114>
> MONDAY, 22 SEPTEMBER 2014 00:51
> Visas to the UK to take longer than usual
> Ugandans intending to travel to the United Kingdom will have to wait
> longer than usual for a visa, with urgent cases fetching a surcharge of Shs
> 420,000.
> According to the new guidelines, the UK government has moved its visa
> processing office for east and central Africa from Nairobi to Pretoria,
> South Africa. The new guidelines were communicated to members of Parliament
> on September 16, 2014 and have been pinned on all notice boards.
> “This is to bring it to your attention, the new guidelines for applying
> for visas to the United Kingdom. These have taken immediate effect.  Visa
> processing has been moved to Pretoria, South Africa. The Nairobi office
> will no longer process and handle visas,” the notice reads.
> Previously, all visas for east and central Africa were processed at the
> British High Commission office in Nairobi, Kenya.
> “Processing time for [a] visa is strictly a minimum of 15 working days
> from the date of submission of the application to the date of receiving a
> visa in the Kampala, office,” the guidelines say.
> However, MPs and parliamentary staff eligible for priority applications
> can have their visa processed within eight working days from the day of
> submitting the application. Although the guidelines don’t define priority
> applications, the British High Commission in Nairobi says they include
> diplomatic and urgent medical cases.
> According to the new guidelines, priority applicants will have to pay 100
> pounds in addition to the visa fees. Payments for UK visas will be made
> online through a visa or MasterCard online transaction. And all applicants
> are required to open a personal online account which will be used for
> payment purposes.
> “Note that the visa handling centre in Pretoria, handles 17 other
> countries and will therefore not be in position to fast-track... or
> prioritize applications outside of the official processing period.
> Applications should therefore be made well in advance to guarantee visa
> issuance on time,” the guidelines read.
> For further information, applicants are advised to contact the protocol
> officer, British High Commission, Kampala. However, frequent travellers to
> the United States, Canada and other European countries will have their
> visas processed in eight working-days from the date of submission.
> “All applicants are advised to indicate contact numbers and email
> addresses that are functional such that the visa application centre will be
> calling applicants directly when their visas are ready,” the notice reads.
> The guidelines urge MPs, staff or members of the public who regularly
> travel to the United Kingdom to apply for long-term visas to avoid
> inconveniences which come with sudden travel arrangements.
> The notice doesn’t explain the reasons behind the relocation of visa
> processing to South Africa. However, Stephen Burns, the head of
> communications at the British High Commission in Nairobi, noted in a notice
> dated June 13, 2014, that the relocation is part of UK’s strategic move to
> operate few overseas hubs, as London applies austerity measures in its
> foreign offices
> On June 13, this year, Britain closed its honorary British consulate
> office in Mombasa following security threats.
>  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
> anarchy"
> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
> katika machafuko"
> ___
> Ugandanet mailing list
> Ugandanet@kym.net
> http://ky

[Ugnet] Toronto. Electing a New Mayor.

2014-09-27 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*For Toronto Mayor, Doug Ford is clearly the man for the people. It is just
*The other guy John Tory is just a "Trojan Horse", a  shill for the "Rogers
Corporate Cable Monopoly".*

*   May God help wake up ordinary people here in Canada.*

Attachments area
Preview YouTube video DOUG FORD PWNS JOHN TORY!!

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[Ugnet] Tanzania: Uamsho Leaders Sodomized

2014-09-27 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Tanzania: Uamsho Leaders Sodomized*

*( Edward, I wonder what Brother Nekyon who lived in Muwalimu's TZ says
about this)*

 View original message
Always translate: Swahili

Revival leaders executed creditors police brutality

Written by a dry lima  //
08/22/2014 // News  // Comments 12

[image: The revival + clip]

Members of a group suspected of involvement revival acts of terrorism
coming from having custody of the prisons were landed in Kisutu Resident
Magistrate's Court in Dar es Salaam yesterday. Photo by Venance Nestory
And Peacock Ally, The Citizen Friday, Agosti22 2014 at 10:13 AM

Says: *"Waliotuhoji did not use nor human civilization was the savagery and
brutality. Walituhoji while we are naked and beat us " *

* Dar es Salaam. Community leaders and the Revival of Islamic Lectures
Zanzibar (Jumiki), including Sheikh Farid Hadi Ahmed (43) have complain
Kisutu Resident Magistrate's Court that the police "used the savagery and
brutality" during the interview. *

* Farid and his fellow defendants are charged with four counts of inclusion
likiwamo in participating in acts of terrorism, support and to facilitate
practice. *

* These defendants gave last petition to the Resident Magistrate, Hellen
Liwa shortly after Attorney Peter females seven defendants ask the Court to
allow the police to be interviewed for further investigation. *

* After the lawyer presenting the request, Sheikh Farid asked: "Wametuomba
again to be interviewed? First who ask us not use nor human civilization
was the savagery and brutality. Walituhoji while we are naked and beat us.
" *

* Sheikh Farid claimed to be the leader of the Revival of the Community
General Sheikh Ali Mselem Mselem told them they did. *

* However, the judge told Liwa wanted to talk about what has been seen not
to be told. *

* He continued: "They were and did not receive treatment and people are
hurt, you will find they are urinating blood one to two weeks, we pray for
their health checked." *

Defendant Salum Ali urged the court to send the doctor custody on the
grounds that they experienced acts of 'interference deportations "and
questioned why they had arrested and charged Mainland while Zanzibar
arrested were charged Arusha move about and were sent to Dar es Salaam or

Continuing his petition, Sheikh Farid claimed that they were arrested
because they did not want the Union and that it forms the basis of this

After this statement, the judge Liwa said: "We are in the process of the
new constitution and union issues are mentioned why people say and do not
get arrested?"

Immediately after saying this Liwa judge, Sheikh Farid claimed is because
they are preaching the truth and people accept it.

Judge Liwa was postponing the trial until September 3, this year for
mention and watch as investigations will be completed or not.
In this case, Sheikh Farid and Jamal Nooridin Swalehe (38) were joined by
18 others up there.

Apart from Sheikh Farid and Jamal other defendants facing charges that are
Nassoro Hamad Hassan Bakari, Ahtari Humoud, Mohamed Isihaka, Abdallah
Hassan, Hussein Mohamed Juma Sadala, Said Kassim, Hamis Amour, Abubakar
Abdallah Salum Ali, Salum Amour, Alawi Othman Rashid Ally, Hamis Amir,
Sheikh Kassim and Said Salum.

Together they alleged that between January 2013 and June this year were
planned conspiracy to commit such offenses and to facilitate terrorist

During that period and in different places, Sheikh Farid is alleged he
dragged Sadick Omary Absaloum and Farah in order to participate act of
terrorism offenses.

Also Sheikh Farid is alleged willful and knowing that he committed the
offense he provides help for those people committing terrorist acts against
the law and is claimed to be the period when he knew that Sadick and Farah
have committed offenses of terrorism, was preserved.

Source The Citizen
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[Ugnet] England Reserves Right to Bomb Niggers !!

2014-09-27 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*They Are At it Again Syria, the Latest Crusade*

“At Geneva, other countries would have agreed not to use aeroplanes for
bombing purposes, but we insisted on reserving the right, as D[avid] puts
it, to bomb niggers!

*By Andre Vltchek*

September 27, 2014 "ICH " - "
West is striking again; it is stabbing the very center, the heart of the
Arab World.

This time it is targeting the group – ISIS – which it created itself, and
which it had been arming, feeding and pampering until just very recently.

Airplanes and missiles are flying, and bombs are falling. The war has begun.

But is it really a war, or just a brutal game, a gigantic PlayStation
operated by thousands of hooked-up maniacs in the Pentagon and all over
Washington, Brussels and some servile capitals in the Middle East?

A war is, after all, when two sides are facing each other, when two sides
fight, when two sides are risking their lives.

In this surreal and post-modern ‘war’, the only victims will be the people
of the Middle East, most likely civilians. Their lives will be risked by
those who are sitting, in safety, on their destroyers and in control rooms,
hundreds and thousands of miles away, drinking coffee and cracking jokes.

The Übermenschen of the West will not descend from the sky, in order to
fight, – man to man – in order to minimize the casualties of a peaceful
population. The killing will be done by Tomahawks and F22’s (at least those
have real pilots), and by drones.

This is actually not a war but a massacre, a mass murder.

Another massacre. This one may last very long and take millions of human
lives in the most brutal circumstances.

Western leaders are ready… to sacrifice the lives of the “others”; the
regime is ready. You can read it on Obama’s face, and on the face of


The Empire began attacks against its own creation – the Islamic State or
ISIS as it is known here in the Middle East. Countless ISIS cadres were
armed and trained in the NATO-run refugee camps in Turkey and Jordan, right
on the Syrian border. And the main purpose of ISIS was to destabilize and
destroy Bashar al-Assad’s Government in Damascus.

ISIS did not fall from the sky. Nor is it some sort of spontaneous
movement. Like the Mujahedeen forces in Afghanistan, which fought both, the
Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA) and later the Soviet Union, ISIS
were paid, armed and trained by the United States and its allies.

It is a common tactic used by the West, to identify and groom the most
radical forms of Islam, including Wahhabism, which is now choking Saudi
Arabia and other countries in the region.

I was told in Istanbul by a leading Turkish documentary filmmaker from
Ulusal TV, Serkan Koc, who has produced several ground-breaking works on
the subject of the ‘Syrian opposition’:

“Of course you do realize that those people are not really ‘Syrian
opposition’. They are modern-day legionnaires collected from various Arab
countries, including Qatar and Saudi Arabia, paid by western imperialist
powers. Some are members of Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.
Most are militant Sunni Muslims. One could describe them as rogue elements
hired to fight the Assad government.”

I have covered those border camps for more than two years, often risking my
life, occasionally being harassed and detained by Turkish intelligence.

In 2012 and 2013, I visited the areas around the Turkish city of Hatay, and
camps like Apaydin, where various ISIS fighters were being trained by
Western and Turkish intelligence. I investigated the situation at the
border and also around Incirlik air-force base near Adana, which both the
RAF and USAF use. And I worked in Jordan, at the camps that are openly
utilized for the training of the ‘Syrian opposition’, a fact that is not
concealed, even by the regional press.

I thought that my reports, and the reports by Serkan Koc, Huseyin Guler and
others, dispersed the myth of a ‘spontaneous uprising against the President

But obviously our efforts could not match the tremendous propaganda and
brainwashing campaign unleashed by Western corporate media.

In a totally irrational, logically bizarre pirouette, the US accused Syria
of not destroying Islamic State, that unsavory offspring of Western
imperialist policy.

As reported by Reuters:

“In a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, U.S. Ambassador to the
United Nations Samantha Power wrote, “The Syrian regime has shown that it
cannot and will not confront these safe-havens effectively itself.”

The strikes were needed to eliminate a threat to Iraq, the United States
and its allies, she wrote, citing Article 51 of the U.N. Charter, which
covers an individual or collective right to self-defense against armed

To interpret what was written above: ‘Bashar al-Assad, we helped to create
ISIS in order to overthrow you… Now we hold y

[Ugnet] Gaddafi and beloved King Faisal, 1970

2014-09-28 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Gaddafi and beloved King Faisal

Attachments area
Preview attachment King_Faisal_with_Qathafi_1970s.jpg

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2014-09-28 Thread Mitayo Potosi
History reveals that Britain (United Kingdom) has never protected
indigenous or non-British interests – whether in Africa, Australia, India
or New Zealand and so on. The British have always opposed and suppressed
the interests of other nations, if their interests were in conflict with
those of the “British Empire.”
The 18 September 2014 Scotland Referendum was no exception. When the “Yes”
campaign vote in Scotland for national independence gathered momentum, all
the three main political parties in Britain began their own massive
campaign of intimidation against the people of Scotland, especially a few
days just before the referendum.
Labour Party leader Ed Miliband told the BBC that the “the pro-independence
campaign had an ugly side.” Prime Minister David Cameron painted a bleak
picture such as the use of the British pound by Scots people if they voted
“Yes.” Queen Elizabeth II though claimed to be “neutral” said she hoped
that “the Scottish voters would think carefully.”
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) poked its nose into the affairs of
the Scottish people. Its Deputy Spokesman W. Murray said, “A Yes vote would
raise a number of important and complicated issues that would have to be
But what is clear is that the “Yes” vote by the Scottish people would have
been a double edge sword if the United Kingdom tried to punish Scotland for
its independence after their “Yes” vote. Here are the reasons for my view:
1.The United Kingdom nuclear missiles are based in Scotland.
  2. UK would lose its royal regiment of Scotland.
  3. The U.K. would be a new country with less power and prestige
internationally if Scotland voted “Yes” in the referendum.
   4. Wales and Northern Ireland might re-think their status within the
powerless territorially reduced United Kingdom.
5. The pro-republic sentiment in Australia and Canada to break ties
with the English monarch would have fermented.
 6. The British Commonwealth would sooner than later collapse.
  7.   The United Kingdom U.N. Security Council would be insecure.
8. The Irish people did not suffer any currency problem when they
dropped the British pound.
The United Kingdom encouraged the “No” vote in the Scotland Referendum to
protect its own interests, not those of the people of Scotland.
*   How Britain Protected Its Colonial Interests In Africa*
The September 2014 Scotland Referendum brings to mind how the United
Kingdom then called “Great Britain” protected its national interests in
Africa at the expense of the African people, especially in South Africa.
The United Kingdom protected its colonial interests by military power in
Africa, using the most barbaric methods and intrigues. For instance, in
Kenya the agents of the British government castrated the anti-colonial
Kenyan fighters opposing colonialism. They called them “Mau Mau” and
murdered hundreds of them and seized large parts of their fertile land.
They practised colonial brutality in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) sentencing to
death the spiritual female leader of the Zimbabweans, Ambuye Nehanda and
the Rev. John Chilebwe in Nyasaland (Malawi) for leading the anti colonial
struggles in their own countries. They exterminated the indigenous people
of Australia, New Zealand and Canada to protect British colonial interests.

*The British Stole South Africa For Their Colonial Settlers *
After many wars of national resistance against British colonialism* led *by
African kings such as Hintsa, Cetshwayo, Moshoeshoe, Sekukuni and Makado;
Britain through its guns over the spears of the African people seized the
African country and handed it over to its colonial settlers.
Through the Union of South Africa Act 1909, a British Statute of the United
Kingdom, on 20th September of that year, Britain gave legislative powers to
its colonial settlers. Section 44 of that imperial law, among other things
reads, “That the qualifications of a Member of the House of Assembly shall…
be a British subject of European descent.”
Within three years of this racist draconian law the colonial parliament
with the connivance of the British government passed the colonial law
allocating five million indigenous African people 7% of their own land
called “Native Reserves.”
This 7% of the African concentration camps became a reservoir of “cheap
native labour” for the farms and mineral mines which were now owned by the
colonial settlers and their “mother country” – the United Kingdom. The 93%
of the African country and land and its riches was handed to the 349837
settlers. This is the peculiar concept of “British justice” that is still
boasted of with much British national pride today.
  *A Colonised African Country Turned Into A “Dominion”*
Sooner than later, South Africa became a British colony to go by the title
of “Dominion,” because it was not the custom of the Englis

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} The J-Curve effect of YKM on Uganda's politics

2014-09-30 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Brother Edward,

For any defect of Bro Barigye, tribal chauvinism has never seemed to be one
of them !!

So he will not like the characterization, below, by Comrade Ocaya pOcure.

Originating from Western Uganda is no crime in our country !!!

*Sent: *Sunday, September 28, 2014 08:09* Reply To: *

*Subject: *SV: {UAH} The J-Curve effect of YKM on Uganda's politics

Omina OCEN,

The BARIGYES of this world are just thinking only of their own by blood but
not on political nationalism hence the reason they protected their
NRA/M7ism regime on the non-stop basis.

Just think or look, when OLARA Otunnu brought the issue of boycott of the
2011 general elections, it was none other than BESIGYE who stated since
OLARA Otunnu had no military qualification he (OLARA Otunnu) must shut-up
because, he (BESIGYE) had that required CV to remove the NRA/M7ism regime.

The rest they say is history. Again do not forget the thieving spree of the
NRA/M7ism leaderships which Ndugu BARIGYE does not want us to talk about
it. This is quite near to the doctrine of the infamous *'Cattle keepers'*
who thinks every four legged things on earth are only owned by them, which
even include the Uganda politics!

Ocaya pOcure

On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 9:07 PM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> *“True and one of the things YKM has managed to repair somewhat is the
> economy and military discipline.”*
> You remind me the old days when I was in Kenya as a refugee and we could
> sit on an Akamba bus station, just to wait for a bus from Kampala, and all
> we needed was to know how is Uganda   That information was so vital to
> us for some very unknown reason. And on every single morning you walked to
> that bus park that I still see in my delusional dreams, were two answers.
> If you spoke to someone from Mbale or Gulu or Kabale, Uganda is very good
> we wonder why you guys do not come home, we had a dance in Mbale yesterday
> to say farewell to me and we did not close the bar till 5am.  And when you
> pushed him further for more information, he would say, yes Uganda is good
> except a little place called Luwero, there is NRA lead by Museveni and he
> is making some skirmishes but the government is dealing with him, remember
> this is an elected government and it has the authority to drive him out.
> That answer was very uniform with everyone I have listed above. And to all
> of them for now they are dead God bless their poor soul, lived in Mbale and
> the rest of Uganda never mattered till when Muntonyera torched all of them
> in train wagons as God damn Rabbits.
> And to tell you the truth they were not lying. That is what they knew for
> Ugandans define the national situation based on where they shit. And I
> remind you the millions of times I was asked why I bothered about camping
> Acholi’s. EM you are a Muganda do not worry about Acholi’s if they are
> being raped. Yes I so cared about them for they are a part of Uganda they
> are Ugandans and Acholi’s have every right to live free. And yes in your
> little cocooned village in Buganda UNLA has a very displined soldiers
> thanks to Museveni. One of the reasons I knell on my knees and pray God to
> deliver the coming civil war early, is because after we burry 15 million
> Ugandans, the remainder will start to question if this kid has had lunch.
> Even though he is a Muganda kid and the one asking is a Muhororo.
> God we seriously need a civil war to wake up these people.  Amen 
> EM
> On the 49th Parallel
>  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
> anarchy"
> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
> katika machafuko"
> *From:* ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com [mailto:
> ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *WB
> *Sent:* Sunday, September 28, 2014 12:24 PM
> *To:* ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* RE: {UAH} The J-Curve effect of YKM on Uganda's politics
> Mr. Nekyon:
> You lived with some of these people in TZ so you know them better in some
> ways that we do. They must have been relative deprived so imagine all of a
> sudden to get rich beyond their wildest imaginations. As Mr. Barigye ahs
> noted Kenyans invested in tangible brick and mortar properties that
> employed many wanainchi.  You could make the case that some of the
> glittering shopping malls in Uganda owned by the political elite serve a
> similar role.
> However, it is likely most of the looted money is chilling  in Swiss or as
> I have been told Malaysia banks.
> Now you gave credit to YKM in away that today the economy is more
> integrated. True and one of the things YKM has managed to repair somewhat
> is the economy and military discipline. But he has failed the political
> test which ironically is what he claims he went

[Ugnet] Beloved President Idi Amin

2014-10-01 Thread Mitayo Potosi

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[Ugnet] The African King Nyerere sold to British imperialism !!

2014-10-01 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*This is the African King that Nyerere betrayed to British imperialism in
1964,  during the Cold War !!*

*Look at his hair.  It was sad for Nyerere to deny this man's African
identity !!*
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Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} BBC News: Ex-MI6 head warns over tracking apps

2014-10-02 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Ssebo Mukulu Gook,*

*Nkulamusizza nnyo.*

*Abanyunyunsi babi nnyo nokusinga kubino!!Liso-ddene mwenna abakuume.*

On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 1:02 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> Gook
> Because we have had so many cases of false rape claims, because we have had
> so many cases of I was too drunk to give an intelligent consent, dating has
> become a very complex issue. The women that claim to have been raped many
> times are found telling half-truth, but they end up devastated as so are
> men as well. We have had two doctors just cleared in this city of date
> rape.
> We have women claiming date rape drugs has been put in their drinks so they
> had absolutely nothing to understand before that sex took place. Bottom
> line
> rape ends up being my word against her word and many times someone gets
> destroyed fairly or un fairly. Because of all the above, an App was set up
> yesterday to help you if you are dating someone. Everyone is supposed to
> down load it and it allows you to send several questions to the individual
> you want to have sex with, for example, can we make love? Have you agreed?
> Have you had any drinks? How many? What percentage? Are you sober enough to
> make a consent? What are we going to go after in this sex? First base
> second
> base or third? How many touch downs? Will fumbles be accepted? Will you be
> on top or bottom? How many times? And many I cannot list here. If you want
> to be safe so that you do not get sued five days after that sex you need to
> down load that App for those answers from her or him remain public record
> and can be introduced in court. The App you need to down load is called
> "Good to go"
> Now get the phone and start the down loading for you do not know when you
> will need it.
> EM
> On the 49th Parallel
>  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
> anarchy"
> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
> katika machafuko"
> -Original Message-
> From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of gook
> Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2014 9:51 PM
> To: Ugandans At Heart
> Subject: {UAH} BBC News: Ex-MI6 head warns over tracking apps
> I saw this story on the BBC News iPhone App and thought you should see it:
> Ex-MI6 head warns over tracking apps
> Parents need to be aware that their children can be tracked online, the
> former head of MI6, Sir John Scarlett, has warned.
> Read more:
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-29446164
> ** Disclaimer **
> The BBC is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything
> written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the BBC's views or
> opinions. Please note that neither the e-mail address nor name of the
> sender
> have been verified.
> "Fortune favors the bold"!
> Sent by my ihand!
> --
> UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are
> responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this
> group, send email to:  ugandans-at-heart+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com or
> Abbey Semuwemba at: abbeysemuwe...@gmail.com.
> ___
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> http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/
> The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including
> attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.
> ---
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[Ugnet] Malema and EFF

2014-10-03 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Malema and EFF
 I am not a saint unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keep on trying
>>> Samuel Sompeta 2014/10/03 10:54 AM >>>
Good day

My name is Vukile Sompeta Xolo, Pan African Congress of Azania Western
Leader. I would to caution *EFF* leader Julius Malema on the statement on
arm struggle!

Look what happened in Libya, that country is destroyed; people are
screaming, calling for their late leader Muammar Gaddafi who was killed by
*NATO* criminals. *JEAN PING f*ormer chairperson of Africa Union Commission
warned Africans, he strongly believe that *NATO* will bring more harm, he
opposed NATO intervention in Libya 4 years ago on the bases that military
attack would cause unfold harm in the region and that could cause Civil
War.? What is the position of OAU since its formation?(MALEMA arm
struggle is no solution my brother)

The 40th generation of Africans is not going to allow the world militiasm
to control and dictate Azania (Africa’s) affairs. We saw what happened in
Ruanda – Genocide, in Somalia where foreign intervention led to so much
collapse of governments, the loss of innocent lives, so much collateral
damages. The West and European agenda started long time ago, why can't we
infiltrated their affairs too, their interest is keep Africa indebted, to
control oil rich countries. Therefore the history teaches us to identify
these evil smooth talking our stupid leaders to buy all their proposals for

I speak on behalf of chief Langalibalele- we salute your courage!

I speak on behalf of T.M Ntantala founder and commanda of *POQO/APLA forces
in 1960 September 11*

I speak on behalf of Mangaliso Robert Sobukwe

I speak on behalf Kwame Nkrumah

I speak on behalf of Mfanesekhaya Gqobose co-founder of *PQOO*

I speak on behalf of Mrs. Veronica Sobukwe

I speak of Doris Khaya Biko

I speak on behalf of Maxwell

I speak on behalf of Kwedi Mkalipli

I speak on behalf of Dr Pheko

I speak on behalf of Digrang Moseneke

I speak on behalf of Clarence Makwethu

I speak on behalf of Zephania Mothopeng

I speak on behalf of Nana Mahoma

I speak on behalf of Jafta Masemola

I speak on behalf Sabelo Phama

I speak  on behalf of John Nyathi Pokel

I speak on behalf of David Sibeko

I speak on behalf of P.K Leballo

I speak on behalf of all members of Azanion People’s Army who trained in
Tanzania, not forgetting our true heroes of struggle inside APLA forces.

I speak on behalf of Peter N. Raboroko

I speak on behalf of Moa Tse-tung

I speak on behalf of A.B  Ngcobo

I speak on behalf of Howard Ngcobo

I speak on behalf of J.D Nyawose

I speak on behalf of Elliot Mfaxa

I speak on behalf of Peter Molotsi

I speak on behalf of Selby Ngendane

I speak on behalf of Hughes Hlatshwayo

I speak on behalf of Prof. Tshabalala

South Africa need some cleaning up, imputation (gain possession) and redeem
*AZANIA* from the World plait called Colonial Capitalism Decease.

Without Revolutionary and Regions’ eye, *AZANIA* won’t be able to identify
the crisis of motherland *AFRICA*.

Without ruling out corruption, nepotism in *AZANIA*, without dealing in
robust consultative Africa’s States Conference, without identifying
conflict which poses a Risk to Security of Africa across this wonderful
continent, Africa will always be classified as lost Nation.

Our program of Action now should begin – 40th generation must emerge,
mandate African’s leadership (Kings, Suitseyer, Religious leaders,
Presidents, Vice President, Government Ministers to Act as One Nation –
because African’s are not represented in the BIRTH PLACE AFRICA

Motherland Africa has been lawlessness ground, Guns, Diamond, Gold, Copper,
Uranium, Aluminum, Manganese, Iron, Chrome, Platinum, Coal, Vanadium and

The imperialists and their agents have milked riches of Africa for
themselves without regard for children of Africa – hence their agents
perpetuated the use of SLAVE\BROKERAGE SYSTEM- ANC  your name New South
Africa, a reminder  and affirmation of oath to your colonial white leaders.

Is it a crime for *AFRICAN to be ANGRY?* Must we keep quiet while our home
is at FIRE- South Africa is sitting on a time bomb, this house called new
South Africa is crumbling down falling apart, everything inside the house
will be burned to the ground? The fact of the matter African’s had never
discriminated people because their color or shape their noses or practice
unfairly. Our weakness is that we are too trustful of all strangers of the
bases of Humanity- We trusted ANC -ANC is selfish organization which
account to no one but themselves.



We have run this race before as brothers prepared, saying Maybuye iAfrica *(Our
Program of Action)?*

PAC gave birth to a child 55 years ago, a child which you aimed to destroy
in honor to your c

[Ugnet] We are one and the same. And also, our Brother's Keeper !!

2014-10-03 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 *We are one and the same. And also, our Brother's Keeper !!*

The Kings in Zanzibar were our African Brothers, and an African Royalty.

Nyerere, acting for imperialism, castigated them as foreigners; Arabs !!

 It was just an imperialist pretext that Zanzibar would become a Cuba, of
Africa !!

Below is Sayyid Ali bin Hamud Al-Busaid, the Sultan of Zanzibar (June 7,
1884 – December 20, 1918).

He  was the eighth Sultan of Zanzibar. Ali ruled Zanzibar from July 20,
1902 to December 9, 1911, having succeeded to the throne at the death of
his father, the seventh Sultan.

He served only a few years as Sultan because of illness. In 1911 he
abdicated in favour of his brother-in-law Sayyid Khalifa bin Harub

*Look at his hair.  It is sad that Nyerere denied this man his African
identity !!*
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2014-10-03 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*It is very good news that African Leaders will go with President Uhuru.
Thank for this news, Brother Edward.*

*African leaders need to unite, but we too wananchi must play our part and
stand right behind them. An African Leader without the support of Africans
is just open to black-mail by enemies and sharks. Our differences with
these leaders just pales compared to the dangers of evil feral Imperialist

On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 8:41 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> Friends
> We are just learning now that if President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya agrees
> to head to The Netherlands as required by the ICC on the 8th October, two
> presidents have decided to accompany him to court. Kigali has just
> confirmed that President Paul Kagame will travel with him and Kampala has
> also confirmed that President Museveni of Uganda will also travel with him.
> The two presidents are going to head to The Netherlands in support of  the
> Kenyan president plus 100 MPs that have already agreed to travel with the
> president. This is all being planned tentatively on his agreeing to travel
> to the court.
> ICC is going to have a full house come the 8th.
> EM
> On the 49th Parallel
>  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
> anarchy"
> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
> katika machafuko"
> ___
> Ugandanet mailing list
> Ugandanet@kym.net
> http://kym.net/mailman/listinfo/ugandanet
> UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/
> All Archives can be found at
> http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/
> The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including
> attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.
> ---
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UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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2014-10-04 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Dear Comrade Sister Eunice Nyar Nyar'Onyango,*

*Please thank you for your opinion below.  May God bless you and your
family !!*

*Fom:[*mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *nyaronyango
*Sent:* Wednesday, September 24, 2014 3:14 AM

*Yes of course. They boasted of this openly in the media that the Afrikan
population will be taken care of using EBOLA. In Sweden the white
extremists were put on the media to explain why they saw it fit to wipe off
Afrikans using the ebola virus.  The number of the solidiers being sent to
West Afrika = the reported ebola deaths that have occured in just a few
months.  WHO puts the figure 2 deaths by end of the year.*

*This is what europeans did to red Indians and then took over their land..*

*Ever wondered why all over a sudden there are "scientific researches"
showing that the whites originated from Afrika? *

*Nevee mind - it is not they to blame, it is our leaders and stupid
so-called experts in Afrika that have allowed our people to replace rats
and monkeys. We have become the test ground. At the same time, like Louis
Farakhan says,  do they even have the capability to check the
contents/ingredients in the medicines/vaccine  or the food suplies/mosquito
nets.. etc we receive in our countries?*


On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 3:57 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> Nyar’
> When you lose men like Iddi Amin and Gadhafi you make the entire African
> continent open for abuse by everyone, the leaders we have are
> disappointing, the population like WBK are preaching high hell how American
> soldiers are sent to Africa to build hospitals because hospitals in United
> States are built by defense department, Edward Pojim simply defines the
> entire African population as stupid and does not understand people that are
> sent in who cares. Listen we all as Africans have abandoned our continent,
> and we have abandoned these people that are being harvested as millet, they
> are standing up and taking their own fight against these mercenaries. But
> let us remember that if they can do it in West Africa next in line is East
> Africa. The discussion today in all African forums should have been West
> Africa and Ebola yet we are praising Obama for he has sent in more bombs in
> Middle East to murder more and more. He trains them in the night and bombs
> them in the day, then Gwokto stands up to state how he does not understand
> what is going on in the Islamic Arab  world any more. It is Africans that
> are preaching for Monsanto foods, such foods are not used in these
> countries but we see no danger in taking them into our continent, a
> continent with a very fertile land. I have quarreled about Bill Gates and
> his wife for they have made targeting our people a profession, and for some
> very unknown reason they decided to dwell in West Africa create labs and
> here we are. Let me say this too. Ghana has allowed World Health
> Organization to build a research center in Accra. It is the worst mistake
> Ghana has done to Africa. It has allowed our people to be turned into Rats
> and Monkeys for research as you have rightly stated.
> These people had no reason to start fighting foreigners we should have
> started this war in the press forums and in board rooms but we simply
> refused to.
> EM
> On the 49th Parallel
>  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
> anarchy"
> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
> katika machafuko"
> *From:* ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com [mailto:
> ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *nyaronyango
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 24, 2014 3:14 AM
> *To:* ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> Yes ofcourse. They boasted of this openly in the media that the Afrikan
> population will be taken care of using EBOLA. In Sweden the white
> extremists were put on the media to explain why they saw it fit to wipe off
> Afrikans using the ebola virus.  The number of the solidiers being sent to
> West Afrika = the reported ebola deaths that have occured in just a few
> months.  WHO puts the figure 2 deaths by end of the year.
> This is what europeans did to red Indians and then took over their land..
> Ever wondered why all over a sudden there are "scientific researches"
> showing that the whites originated from Afrika?
> Nevee mind - it is not they to blame, it is our leaders and stupid
> so-called experts in Afrika that have allowed our people to replace rats
> and monkeys. We have become the test ground. At the same time, like Louis
> Farakhan says,  do they even have the capability to check the
> contents/ingridiences in the medicines/vaccin 


2014-10-05 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Brother Edward,*

*Many Ugandans have been lambasting m7 about the Arts/Science saga.*
*Now the author of this article writes:*  *Events of the past week – both
despite and because of their gruesomely hypocritical nature – can result in
a quantum leap in the revolutionary consciousness of humankind if only we
are able to grasp their significance.*

*In Social Sciences and the Humanities these self-styled "thinkers" just
toss around meaningless verbiage like"* *a quantum leap in** revolutionary

*You can imagine !!  It is just firkin garbage that confuses the minds of
youths.  In Social Sciences and the Humanities they should zero in on Homer
of Classical Greece, Virgil of the Roman Empire or Dante of Renaissance

*Instead, at Makerere or in Kampala or in Diaspora Ugandans wax offended by
m7's un-charitable reference to the Arts and Social Sciences.*
*But spewing around trash like this* *quantum leap*

*nonsense makes nobody hip. Mitayo Potosi=== *

On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 6:41 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> Libyan Epiphany: Tomahawks Trump Teachers
> Posted on 10/04/2014
> <http://hendersonlefthook.wordpress.com/2014/10/04/libyan-epiphany-tomahawks-trump-teachers/>
> |
> [image: 49]
> <https://hendersonlefthook.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/49.jpg>With
> Fukushima nuclear waste destroying still more of the North Pacific fishery
> and Libya in chaos,  the third week of March 2011 is worth remembering.
> Events of that week crystallized the profound hypocrisy and immorality of
> the American body politic. If you’d retained any semblance of your
> humanity, after decades of desensitization at the hands of the
> military-industrial *mafia* and their titillating lapdog media, you could
> not have escaped the glaring epiphany of a nation with disturbing
> priorities.
> Japan suffered a natural disaster of historic magnitude and began a futile
> battle against an epic nuclear meltdown, just as the world was being
> reassured that nuclear power was safe.
> While Japan struggled to feed its population – especially the elderly in
> nursing homes, the seven large US military bases in Japan were suddenly
> invisible.  The country’s largest ports remained open and undamaged.
> Yet, instead of focusing every resource at our disposal on the Japanese
> cataclysm now washing up on the West Coast, the Obama Administration – at
> the urging of colonial masters Britain and France – decided to bomb Libya.
> Our erudite and eager-to-please cowboy President pulled a Butch Cassidy
> and tried to hide out in South America, apparently unaware that most of
> that continent enjoys better relations with Libya than with the US.
> American *exceptionalism* was in short supply. But the empirical band
> played on.
> Republicans – who had busied their fat little fingers (between large
> slices of American pie) laying waste to unions – quickly abandoned their
> months-long collective tirade on the merits of fiscal conservatism. While
> Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker gleefully handed out pink slips to
> teachers, General Dynamics demonically ramped up production of its Tomahawk
> missiles. Defense and oil stocks soared.
> Each Tomahawk that blasts a depleted-uranium hole in Libya costs the US
> taxpayer $1.5 million. As of today, the bill for decimating and
> decapitating the Libyan people came to $112 million – a small price to pay
> for a good old fashioned genocide. Rest assured there won’t be a peep out
> of Republicans as the Pentagon bounces checks to a familiar array of war
> profiteers.
> If education was a national priority, by my calculations we could have
> instead paid 2,240 teachers $50,000/year and come out even on the Tomahawk
> expenditure.
> But education is not a national priority. Neither is helping faithful ally
> Japan – whose citizens are tired, scared and starving. Instead,
> deficit-be-damned, our national priority is to bend over and lick the
> filthy blood-stained boots of the Rothschild-led City of London-based
> banking/oil/insurance/reinsurance/mining/agribusiness/pharmaceutical/*et.al
> <http://et.al>**.* syndicate, which will now steal Libya’s petroleum on
> our dime.
> This cabal seeks to depopulate the planet of useless eaters, monopolize
> its resources and amplify its own hegemony by throwing the entire global
> economy into the speculative realm on its various stock exchanges. They are
> financial parasites who destroy the wealth of all others while enhancing
> their own.
> Under the auspices of yet another “madman-elimination” Crusade, America
> was again led by the nose down a well-worn path to serve as Hessianized
> mercenary force for these self-dec

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} Owners will lose rights over mineral-rich land - Museveni - National - monitor.co.ug

2014-10-05 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Ssalongo Ssenoga has written very well today.

Imperialists are twisting m7, to steal our land !!

On Sat, Oct 4, 2014 at 7:52 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> Ssalongo Ssenoga
> I need you to do me a favor, get a time and go to Mukono talk to the lady
> that controls land transfers, she is a Rwandese woman, she is going to give
> you a whole crap before she gets her signature to your papers. Without her
> signature you cannot get a land title. At average you will go to that
> office 5 times and after bribing three quarters of her staff and her. She
> walks into office for 5 minutes and  she leaves. Now the total empowerment
> this Rwandese has is that you Ugandans and Baganda in particular, have
> agreed to worship her and you have agreed to bribe her every single day of
> the month. On matters relating to land transfers in Mukono district she is
> The God !!  Why have you not raised this issue before and it took a man
> on the 49th parallel to do so and secondly on the screw ups this Rwandese
> has done on Uganda land is there still a  land in Buganda owned by right
> people?
> Good morning sir as I state the  damages that have been done in Buganda
> nga mukyebase kutulo !!  Ge’ez
> EM
> On the 49th Parallel
>  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
> anarchy"
> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
> katika machafuko"
> *From:* ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com [mailto:
> ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Ssalongo Ssennoga
> *Sent:* Saturday, October 04, 2014 5:08 AM
> *To:* ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: {UAH} Owners will lose rights over mineral-rich land -
> Museveni - National - monitor.co.ug
> A better question would be: On the issue of land in Afrika, who is the
> legitimate owner?
> I will limit my take on the rephrased question to the Buganda experience!
> Land does not and should not be owned by an/any individual! The Buganda
> Agreement of 1900 disenfranchised the rightful land owner, the Mutaka
> Trustee owner was passed over by interest registered in the names of
> appointed chiefs, designated care takers, selected royalty and the rest
> vested in the British Crown transferable to a caretaker proxy government
> harping to foreign interest!
> Not even the King is a worthy custodian of the land because while being a
> principle chief trustee of all Bataka, his absolute rights are regulated by
> norms and mores that only allows him overlordship through appointed/chosen
> officials. An example is the Kisolooza Estates, the Mujaguzo Estates, The
> Official Estates of the various appointed chiefs and hereditary caretakers!
> The land would have therefore belonged to all through their titular
> cultural heads, in Buganda's Case, Bataka Clan Elders! Elsewhere, it's the
> Elders that should hold the land in trust for their various peoples!
> Villager
> With regards from ACE-AGE
> On Oct 4, 2014, at 9:13, Abudul Semakula  wrote:
> Forumists,
> I think it is only proper to ask Henry Ford Mirima to give us the official
> Bunyoro response to this statement from President M7.
> On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 7:33 PM, Gook  wrote:
> This fellow is a thief big time! They have sold/stolen all they could lay
> their thieving hands on ...but land. And now they are on to it!
> Sent from Gook's iPatch!
> "What you are we once were, what we are   you shall be!"
> An inscription on the walls of a Roman catacomb.
> On 2 okt 2014, at 23:33, Allan  wrote:
> Read " all the land belongs to me"
> Sent from my LG G2 android  smartphone device
> On Oct 2, 2014 5:17 PM,  wrote:
> http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/Owners-will-lose-rights-over-mineral-rich-land---Museveni/-/688334/2471678/-/f4jchu/-/index.html
> Owners will lose rights over mineral-rich land - Museveni - National
> President Museveni joins participants during the mineral wealth conference
> to take a group photo in Kampala yesterday. PHOTO by STEPHEN WANDERA
> In Summary
> Amend Act. President says he will call for the amendment of the Mining Act
> 2001 so that investors should negotiate with government first before
> negotiating with landowners because all property belongs to the State.
> *Kampala*. President Museveni has said the government will change the law
> to allow intending investors in the mining industry to access private land
> that contains minerals without negotiating with the land owners.
> President Museveni said this during a conference on mineral wealth in
> Kampala yesterday. He said Cabinet would push for the amendment of the
> Mining Act 2001 so that investors negotiate directly with the government
> for access to the land where they intend to carry out mineral extracti

[Ugnet] Will America's Black political class join in the rape of Congo?

2014-10-06 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Comment & analysis*

*Will America's Black political class join in the rape of Congo?*

*Andy Young & Jesse Jackson say it's OK.*

*Bruce A. Dixon*

*2014-10-01, Issue **696* 


*Printer friendly version*

Pictures of Rev. Jesse L. Jackson shaking hands with the bloody handed
dictator of Rwanda, of Andy Young pontificating on stage in Atlanta, are
the clearest signals yet that America's black political class are being
welcomed to join in the profits made at the Africa end of global supply
chains, the profits of 5 million dead in DR Congo.

Last week Rwandan President Paul Kagame appeared in Atlanta for “Rwanda Day
”. What Kagame said from the podium wasn't
especially important. What was significant is that Atlanta and Chicago

where he Kagame did a 2011 Rwanda Day are, after New York, the largest
concentrations of black Americans on the continent, and that in Chicago he
was greeted by Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, while in Atlanta he was billed with
former mayor and UN Ambassador Andrew Young and Bernice King.

It's a marriage made not in heaven, but in the lucrative space where
marriages of convenience are performed. The Kagame regime needs the best
public relations it can buy to make up for the inconvenient facts. And
there are a lot of inconvenient facts.

The PR says Rwanda is “Africa's Silicon Valley
a land of neat villages and urban high rise buildings. In fact Rwanda is an
informer-ridden, repressive police state where even small disagreements
with the authorities can get you dispossessed or disappeared. Rwandan
political candidates

are routinely imprisoned or murdered. Rwandan dissidents are hounded and

across Africa and Europe, sometimes assassinated; the journalists
investigating the killings are publicly threatened using the president's
social media accounts.

The PR says Rwanda's Paul Kagame ended the 1994 genocide. In fact, Kagame
was trained in Uganda and by the US Army at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He
invaded Rwanda from Uganda in 1990 and brought the genocide with him,
wading to power through the blood of hundreds of thousands. His forces,
including child soldiers committed their fair share of Rwanda's 800,000 to
1 million murders in 1994
, at
least 10% according to Christian Davenport and Allan C. Stram. The "Hotel
Rwanda Hutu­-on­Tutsi genocide" narrative was concocted to absolve Kagame's
forces, to cover his tracks and those of his sponsors. The notion that the
genocide occurred “because the West did not intervene” in Rwanda is
laughably false. Paul Kagame and his army were themselves a “Western

Soon after taking power in Rwanda, Paul Kagame's US supplied forces, along
with the US supplied puppet armies of Uganda and Burundi, invaded
neighbouring Congo, where they have remained ever since, despite the
attempts of several other African countries and Congo's central government,
to dislodge them. Rwandan and Ugandan forces and their militias, which
often include child soldiers, have depopulated vast zones of eastern Congo,
where a large share of the world's easily available diamonds, gold, timber,
and other mineral resources including coltan, a compound used in every
computer, cell phone, aircraft and automobile are found.

Despite the deaths of at least 5 million who have perished in Eastern Congo
since the late 1990s, these resources are flowing steadily from Congo
through Rwanda and Uganda mostly to Europe, North America and the West. By
2001, the UN had verified 
that Rwanda's and Uganda's rising exports of gold, diamonds, coltan,
casserite, timber, platinum and more fueling those countries' growth were
the proceeds

of the genocidal rape and looting of the Congo. The horrific 5 million dead
in Congo make it the largest single death toll since World War 2.

Far from the “Hotel Rwanda” myth, Rwandan president Paul Kagame didn't stop
a pointless genocide in Rwanda. He is carrying out a far larger, and
immensely profitable genocide in Congo to this day. His “Rwanda Day” stops
in Chicago and Atlanta, where Rev. Jesse L. Jackson and Andrew Young

[Ugnet] Free Education HealthCare and ChildCare in Denmark !!

2014-10-07 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Re: Free Education HealthCare and ChildCare in Denmark !!*

*Fellow Ugandans; and East Africans,*

*The so-called "Health Insurance" being initiated in East Africa, by
foreign interests, is just plain robbery.The cost for Health Care, like
Defense, Policing or Fire Brigade should always come from the treasuries.
It is like that in Canada, UK etc.Moving towards Privatizing our Health
Sector is just a disaster. A Subversion of sovereignty. *
*We have to stand resolutely against leaders, the m7's of this world,  who
cave into this robbery and salting away of Africa's Economic Sovereignty.*
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[Ugnet] This is the New South Africa!!

2014-10-07 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*In South Africa our People continue to suffer.*

*The Mandela/Mbeki Circus was never a Liberation.*
*A cruel hoax, it was !!*

Dept to help evicted farm workers

   File Picture: Gallo Images / The Times / Thomas Holder.
 Farm workers facing eviction can now call lawyers for help, the rural
development department said on Tuesday.

“Farm workers who have become victims of these evictions can call us,”
department spokesman Mtobeli Mxotwa said.

“They will be put in contact with our lawyers who will protect them from

On Monday, the Congress of SA Trade Unions alleged workers were being
evicted from Western Cape farms following Minister Gugile Nkwinti’s
announcement last month that land reform resolutions adopted at the ANC’s
elective conference in Mangaung in 2012 would be implemented.

Among the resolutions was that farm labourers would own half the land on
which they worked.

This would be “proportional to their contribution to the development of the
land, based on the number of years they had worked on the land”.

Government intended paying for the workers’ 50 percent share.

The money would not be paid to the farm owner, but go into an investment
and development fund, to be jointly owned by the parties constituting the
new ownership regime.

Mxotwa said legislation to protect workers was being drafted.

“Presently, the department is busy with a legislation that will strengthen
the protection of workers against farm owners,” he said, adding that it had
yet to be presented to Cabinet.

Western Cape Cosatu spokesman Tony Ehrenreich said farm workers would not
accept the evictions.

“Farm workers have declared that they are going to resist the evictions and
Cosatu and unions support them,” said Ehrenreich.

“Cosatu will be using all of the lawful and moral means at their disposal
to assist the farm workers.”

He warned farm owners to stop evictions, pending finalisation of the new
land reform dispensation, or face protests.

Mxotwa called on both workers and employers to be patient.

- *Sapa*
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[Ugnet] "Kasita Twebaka ku tulo" kati ali ku ddaala ddala !!

2014-10-09 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Guess what,  "Kasita Twebaka ku tulo"  kati ali ku ddaala ddala !!*
*(Lwaki m7 yateeka abanyunyunsi** mu mawulire gaffe ?)*

Uganda TV station barred from covering presidential events after capturing
president sleepingJune 19, 2014 — Uganda's government on Wednesday banned
one of the country's main TV stations from reporting on presidential events
after it broadcast images which it said showed President Yoweri Museveni
having a nap in parliament, according to The Standard
[image: Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni in his habitual 'meditation'.
Photo: Andrew Winning/Reuters]

Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni in his habitual 'meditation'. Photo:
Andrew Winning/Reuters

“The President has habits, he meditates and they know it and still they go
out and say he was sleeping”, said government media centre manager, Dennis
Katungi, to AFP reporters.

NTV Uganda, part of the Nation Media Group, and the largest independent
media house in east and central Africa would be punished, the government’s
spokesperson told The Standard
He also added that the government has suspended the media house’s coverage
of the president while they consider their relationship with NTV.

“The suspension should not be permanent, it’s only temporary…to make them
think”, Katungi added.

President Yoweri Museveni has ruled the east African nation for 28 years.

Source: The Standard

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2014-10-09 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Ono Heroin ava Afghanistan nebamuyitiza e Dar-es Salaam. Akatale ka heroin
ka matrillion na matrillion. Bano abanaku aba bulijjo ssi be ba nnyini
katale !! *
*Akatale ka'banyunyunsi;  era bali mu bya mmundu, narcotics, money
laundering; obutemu. buli kabi konna !!*

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 7:27 PM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> Four-year-old passes out heroin packets at day care, thinking it's candy
> [image: Heroin passed out daycare]
> Delaware State Police say a 4-year-old girl took hundreds of packets of
> heroin to her day care centre and began passing it out, thinking it was
> candy.
> Last Updated Tuesday, October 7, 2014 2:48PM EDT
> SELBYVILLE, Del. -- A 4-year-old girl mistakenly took hundreds of packets
> of heroin to her day care centre and began passing them out to classmates,
> thinking the drug was candy, Delaware State Police said Tuesday.
> Several children who received the packets Monday morning went to the
> hospital as a precaution, police said. But no packets were opened, and all
> of the kids were released after being examined.
> Police say the child unknowingly brought the heroin to the centre when her
> mother gave her a different backpack because the girl's regular backpack
> had been ruined by the family pet. Police say the backpack contained nearly
> 250 packets of heroin, totalling nearly 4 grams (0.14 ounces), all labeled
> "Slam."
> [image: Child passes out heroin at Delaware daycare]
> Hickory Tree Child Care Center is seen in Selbyville, Del., Oct. 7, 2014.
> (AP / The Wilmington News-Journal, Gary Emeigh)
> [image: Ashley Tull charged]
> Ashley Tull is seen in this photo. (Delaware State Police)
> The girl's mother, Ashley Tull, 30, of Selbyville, was charged with three
> counts of child endangerment and maintaining a drug property. She was
> arraigned Monday in Justice of the Peace Court and released on $6,000 bond.
> In a phone interview Tuesday, a woman who identified herself as Tull's
> sister, Alicia Tull, said Ashley Tull would not comment. But Alicia Tull
> said the charges and the subsequent media attention are unfair.
> Alicia Tull said her sister had no idea that heroin was in the backpack
> and would not have sent her daughter to school with the backpack if she had
> known. She said that Ashley Tull does not use or deal drugs and that she
> was taken advantage of by an individual who stored the drugs in Tull's home
> without her knowledge.
> The child endangerment counts relate to Tull's three children, who range
> in age from 11 to 4. As part of her release, Tull was ordered not to have
> any contact with her children, who are in the custody of a relative,
> according to police.
> The charge of maintaining a drug property means that a person knowingly
> allows drugs in the home, said Delaware State Police spokesman Master Cpl.
> Gary Fournier. It is a distinct crime from drug possession.
> Fournier declined to comment Tuesday on details of the investigation.
> Police have said their investigation continues and more charges could be
> forthcoming.
> Fournier said he believes the day care centre, the Hickory Tree Child Care
> Center in Selbyville, handled the situation properly, and notified police
> immediately when it occurred.
> A call to the centre was not returned Tuesday.
>  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
> anarchy"
> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
> katika machafuko"
> ___
> Ugandanet mailing list
> Ugandanet@kym.net
> http://kym.net/mailman/listinfo/ugandanet
> UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/
> All Archives can be found at
> http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/
> The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including
> attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.
> ---
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UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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2014-10-09 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Edward this NDP man says that the pay for Canadian soldiers is very
low!!Canada now prefers and recruits only ex-Apartheid South Africa
soldiers in the Air Force. Those and English/British. You saw it in the
papers !! Lucrative jobs in the Canadian Military now are reserved only for

*x-Apartheid South Africa soldiers and English/British. May be even other
White Canadians, born and bred here don't qualify if the are not of Anglo
descent !!A child growing up back home in Uganda can dream of becoming the

* of his Country's Air Force. Here the best the kid can dream is driving
the trucks of Toronto Fire Brigade.*

* Slave-master is in overdrive, working furiously to resurrect Slavery and

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 6:24 PM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> [image: Bruce Moncur Headshot]
> Bruce Moncur  Become a fan
> Former Soldier, PSW, B.A. History
> ·
> ·*Soldiers, Don't Trust Canada to Bring You Home From Iraq Alive*
> Posted: 10/03/2014 3:29 pm EDT Updated: 10/03/2014 3:59 pm EDT
> o
> [image: http://assets.pinterest.com/images/pidgets/pin_it_button.png]
> [image:
> http://i0.huffpost.com/gen/1956121/thumbs/n-CANADIAN-SOLDIERS-large.jpg]
> There are 26 Special Forces soldiers in Iraq until at least October 5
> acting as military advisors to the Iraqi military. I have worked with the
> Special Forces on two separate occasions and have friends that are members
> of this elite group of men and women. CSOR and JTF are some of the most
> trained forces on the planet and watching them work was among some of the
> highlights of my career. As I think back to being deployed to Afghanistan
> and times I spent working for these organizations, I am reminded of time
> when my platoon was fortunate enough to do a convoy dropping off supplies
> to the JTF. I can still remember dismounting and being told to go get a hot
> lunch at the mess. As I walked in the oppressive August heat I remember
> seeing the most built man I have ever seen riding a stationary bike in the
> sun. His beard down to his chest and the rapid pace he was pedaling did not
> match how easily he was breathing.
> After lunch we were invited to partake in a tutorial in a range and one of
> the special forces operatives was gracious enough to let me use his rifle
> because I was carrying a C9 machine gun and would not have been able to
> part take had he not lent me his rifle. Any soldier that knows anything
> about being a soldier can tell you that letting another man use your rifle
> is not something that one does. You zero that rifle to your eyesight and a
> minor jolt can ruin the sights.
> It was a week later that I was shot, I was convinced that I was going to
> die going in and out of consciousness, and as I was being carried to a
> casualty collection point I looked up to see who was carrying me. It was
> the JTF soldier that let me use his rifle, and I asked him if he remembered
> me. He said he did not and I don't blame him because at the time we met I
> still had a head that was not blown apart. I told him that he lent me his
> rifle and I thanked him for it, he realized who I was and said to me that I
> will be shooting before I know it. I must have lost consciousness again and
> lost track of him because that was the last time I remember seeing him. I
> had not thought of that story for years but as I hear the news about our
> special forces deploying to Iraq I can't help but think that some of the
> men I worked with could be part of that contingent.
> Unfortunately my injuries prevented his prophesy to come true, and it is
> what has happened to me since my release that I hope no soldiers deploying
> in the name of this country has to endure. The department of veteran's
> affairs is not working, so making more injured veterans will only
> exacerbate the problem. A recent report released by the veterans ombudsman
> states that "nearly half of the country's most severely disabled
> ex-soldiers are not receiving a government allowance intended to compensate
> them for their physical and mental wounds."
> There is a reason that the tactics of Veterans Affairs has often been
> described as callous. The No Go policy where, if denied enough times, the
> injured soldier will get fed up and go away is practiced widely in Veterans
> Affairs Offices across the country. Here is one example of thousands; a
> World War II veteran, a man I know, that fought in Canada's famous Devils
> Brigade (our first JTF), was injured in 1944 in Italy

[Ugnet] The Carlyle Group: Shocking documentary.

2014-10-10 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*The Carlyle Group: Shocking ( ? ) documentary.*

Exposed: The Carlyle Group: Shocking documentary uncovers the subversion of
Americas democracy.

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[Ugnet] Seeking Assistance

2014-10-10 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Re: Seeking Assistance *

Friends, Brother Gook, or some kind soul out there, can one please kindly
help me with contact to any of the following:-

1. ) The Chairperson of "King's College Budo Parents & Teachers

2.) A Committee Member on "King's College Budo Parents & Teachers

3.) The Chairperson of "Old Boys and Girls Association"


4.) A Committee Member of "Old Boys and Girls Association"

I will pass on my phone number to whoever desires.


Your humble Servant !!
Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

All Archives can be found at http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
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[Ugnet] Malcom X diary

2014-10-16 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Malcom X Diary*
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[Ugnet] Nigger Hunting Licences unearthed !

2014-10-16 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Nigger Hunting Licences unearthed ! Seriously*
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[Ugnet] The CIA is really trying to refurbish their Nyerere

2014-10-16 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*The CIA and  their Nyerere *

Hitler, Jewish refugees and Tanzanian policies towards Palestine*Azaria
Mbughuni**2014-09-04, Issue 692
**[image: Bookmark and
Share] **Printer
friendly version

*cc Embassy,People of Palestine,Tz
Tanzania under its
pan-Africanist president Julius Nyerere staunchly supported the struggle of
the Palestinian people against the US-backed brutal occupation by the
Jewish state of Israel, thereby providing a shining example of an African
nation’s commitment to emancipation of all oppressed peoples*

*The current war between Israel and Palestine has once again brought to the
forefront a debate about the struggles between the two peoples. The
Palestinian/Israel conflict has polarized world opinion. Many countries,
particularly African, have had to tread carefully while constructing their
policies towards Israel and Palestine. The pendulum has increasingly veered
in support of the Palestinian people. Throughout most of the 1960s through
1980s, Tanzania was one of the African countries that supported the
Palestinian struggle. This support can be partly attributed to the
leadership of President Julius K. Nyerere. The on-going violence between
Palestinians and Israelis has a long history. Early struggles reached an
apex during World War II. A crisis first arose after hundreds of thousands
of Jewish refugees fled from Germany and German-controlled territories in
the late 1930s. Many European nations and Americans resisted taking in
large numbers of Jewish refugees. It was during this time that Britain came
up with numerous plans to resettle Jewish refugees in its colonies.
Tanzania (then Tanganyika) was one of the sites considered by the British
as a territory to resettle Jewish refugees. The British plan came during a
time when Germany was demanding that all the former colonies be returned to
them, including Tanganyika.[1] The future of Tanganyika hanged precariously
on the outcome of the conflict between the world super powers. A German
takeover of the colony would have had a catastrophic impact on the
Tanganyika people. At the same time, resettlement of Jewish refugees in
Tanganyika would have created tension between the settlers and the
locals.Germany claimed Tanganyika as its territory in 1885 after Carl
Peters signed dubious treaties with African leaders. Peters was a proponent
of Social Darwinism and the Volkisch movement. He was appointed as the
Imperial High Commissioner for the Kilimanjaro region in Moshi in 1891 and
acquired a reputation for brutality and for killing Tanganyikans. The
locals called him mkono wa damu (Swahili for ‘bloody hand’). A German judge
indicted Peters for cruelty against Africans in 1892, but news of his
brutality did not reach the German public until several years later. Peters
was dismissed from colonial service in 1897. Such was the experiences of
Tanganyikans under German colonial rule. More would follow later in the
first decade of the 1900s leading to the Maji Maji rebellion between 1905
and 1907. For his service, Hitler later spoke of Carl Peters as a ‘model,
if stern, colonial administrator.’[2] Germans tried to rehabilitate their
colonial administrators in the German propaganda of the 1930s. The German
population grew steadily in places like Moshi where Peters worked as an
administrator at the end of the 19th century. Tanganyika had a large German
settler population scattered around the territory, with at least 1,000
settlers in Dar es Salaam alone by 1914. The Germans opened a military camp
in Moshi and called it camp Neu-Moschi during the hey-day of their colonial
rule in Tanganyika. Some of the German settlers remained in Tanganyika
after the territory fell to the British; many of them actively supported
the rise of Hitler in the 1930s. Nazi youth movements sprung up in
Tanganyika and South West Africa (Namibia) in late 1930s. One of the groups
held a large rally in 1937 at a German school at Mweka in Moshi,
Tanganyika. [3] Over 200 enthusiasts and leaders of the local Hitler youth
groups gathered to celebrate the rise of Germany on the foothills of Mount
Kilimanjaro. They paraded with Nazi flags and gave Nazi salutes. The Police
Commissioner in Tanganyika eventually ordered the group to cease its
activities.Fear struck Africans and Europeans over the prospects of German
takeover of the territory. Several thousand Tanganyikans marched on
November 4, 1938 to protest plans by the British Tory government to accede
to Hitler’s demand that Tanganyika be handed back to Germany. [4] The fear
was not without foundation; Britain and France capitulated to Hitler over
Czechoslovakia in 1938. Hitler had his eyes set 


2014-10-17 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Hallo Brother WB and all Soccer lovers out there,*

*Me too I am a soccer fan. My Team is "TURIN Football Club".  Yes, TURIN
the home of Mathematician J.L. Lagrange !*

*Now help me out with "African Football Tournament";  do they follow the
FIFA  Geomerty for soccer balls?*
*The official FIFA ball is "truncated icosahedron" *
*Geometry .(See link below)*

*The ball has 12 regular pentagonal faces, 20 regular hexagonal (6 sided)
faces, 60 vertices and 90 edges.*

*Typically patterned with 20 white hexagons and 12 black pentagons. *

*Now folks this is the stuff of Geodesics; including all manner of
molecular structures. *

*It is crucial Maths for Ugandans who will man our Oil Refineries !!  *

*Mitayo Potosi.===*

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:48 PM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> Morocco set to withdraw as 2015 hosts
> --
> by *Collins Okinyo* 16 October 2014, 12:09
> Morocco looks set to withdraw its rights to host the African Cup of
> Nations next year due to fears of the viral disease Ebola, which has
> ravaged a number of African nations over the last few months, spreading to
> their country.
> The Morocco government, through the federation, had given CAF three
> scenarios: to either let them host the 2017 Afcon, CAF to postpone Afcon
> 2015 to 2016 or Morroco pulling out out completely and facing any
> consequence from CAF.
> A close source at the Ministry of Sports said: "Should CAF rejected all
> our requests and suggestions then we would be forced to withdraw from
> hosting Afcon 2015 to preserve the safety of our citizens and for that we
> are prepared to take any consequences that comes with our actions."
> South Africa could be considered as an alternative as well as Sudan who
> put up their request to CAF to be considered as an alternative host country.
> South Africa was initially scheduled to host the tournament in 2017
> following the withdrawal of Libya as hosts due to ongoing fighting there.
> Egypt, meanwhile, had also indicated interest in hosting next year’s
> Nations Cup, stating its confidence in organising the competition on short
> notice.
> Afcon 2015 is scheduled to take place between January 17 to February 8
> 2015. Morocco will be subject to severe sanctions, including suspension of
> their national teams and clubs, if they do eventually pull out.
> EM
> On the 49th Parallel
>  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
> anarchy"
> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
> katika machafuko"
> ___
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2014-10-17 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Mukulu Ssemuwemba,*
*Webale nnyo olwa kano:- "Nze ebya elections nabivako nga enkoko weyava

*Kyewunyisa ate nga kituufu; enkoko okuva ku kyeggulo !! Ani yali akilabye
ggwe wamma?*

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:02 PM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> Friends
> I am one of those people that stand  in an unbiased way to discuss our
> national issues. I can state that Amin’s government was good but State
> research got a huge problem, and with time I will extrapolate why. I can
> tell you how UPC created a good government but I will also state the bad
> apples it had. Abbey Ssemuwemba has written a master piece on NRM and we
> need to save it for future records. Just remember one thing, Yoweri
> Museveni is a very good man and the only way you will ever understand how
> good he is, is when you ever get a man like Mbabazi, Besigye, Muntonyera
> Ssabassajja Mutebi or Norbert Mao to power.
> That will be  the day you will become the Libyans that are today crying
> for Gadhafi yet he will never respond. Buyer be ware !!!
> EM
> On the 49th Parallel
>  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
> anarchy"
> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
> katika machafuko"
> *From:* ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com [mailto:
> ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Abbey Semuwemba
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 16, 2014 9:38 PM
> *To:* ugandans-at-heart
> *Cc:* Simon Okurut; okurut simon peter; eCapitalFunds
> This sole candidacy thingy isn't new in NRM but people are marketing it as
> a first time concept or 'breaking' news in our politics.NRM has always had
> one man on top of the pile since the death of Prof.Yusuf Lule. For
> instance, In the run-up to the 2001 elections, the National Executive
> Committee (NEC) of NRM declared Museveni as a sole candidate for the
> Movement. Amama Mbabazi was among the top voices that endorsed him. Young
> Parliamentarians Association (YPA) which later evolved into the
> Parliamentary Advocacy Forum (PAFO) were products of opposition to the so
> called sole candidature within the NRM in 2000. Mbabazi never supported any
> of these groups when they were fighting for internal democracy within NRM.
> In fact he played a major role in weakening them.
> People say that he was ambushed in Kyankwanzi by the young MP who came up
> with this sole candidature resolution in Feb this year, but I just don't
> understand how this is possible, because Museveni has been using the same
> methods to retain power since 1996, and Mbabazi has always been there to
> support him in thick and thin. Its the same print now with different
> players, its kind of effective and its working for him.
> The same yellow print could be used to predict what Museveni will do
> before elections or say in campaigns If Mbabazi goes ahead and stands
> against M7 in 2006, for example:
> 1.He will probably say something like this during the campaigns:"Who is
> Mbabazi .he was just a spoke in the wheel''( This is what he
> reportedly told Bidandi Ssali when he rejected the amendment of article 105
> (2) on lifting term limits).
> 2.We already have constitutional amendment proposals that are similar to
> the omnibus bill that was presented to Parliament on 15 February 2005.
> 3. e.t.c
> Now, here is the easy part to predict, if you are one of those still
> interested in Uganda's presidential elections. Museveni will win the 2016
> elections without any problems, and this is simply because he controls all
> the four areas that may cause him problems: election finance, media, the
> judiciary, the police and the military. He is already campaigning in the
> pretext of opening boreholes. The media should stop exciting Ugandans for
> nothing.
> Nze ebya elections nabivako nga enkoko weyava kukyeggulo!
> Abbey
> --
> UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are
> responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this
> group, send email to: ugandans-at-heart+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com or
> Abbey Semuwemba at: abbeysemuwe...@gmail.com.
> ___
> Ugandanet mailing list
> Ugandanet@kym.net
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> UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/
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> The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including
> attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.
> ---
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[Ugnet] This from folks in Ghana

2014-10-17 Thread Mitayo Potosi

Other than the original facebook post, this web site is the first one to
carry this and it needs to be spread, the future may be riding on this one,

*Nana Kwame  wrote: *

People in the Western World need to know what’s happening here in West
Africa. THEY ARE LYING!!! “Ebola” as a virus does NOT Exist and is NOT
“Spread”. The Red Cross has brought a disease to 4 specific countries for 4
specific reasons and it is only contracted by those who receive treatments
and injections from the Red Cross. That is why Liberians and Nigerians have
begun kicking the Red Cross out of their countries and reporting in the
news the truth. Now bear with me:*REASONS:*Most people jump to
“depopulation” which is no doubt always on the mind of the West when it
comes to Africa. But I assure you Africa can NEVER be depopulated by
killing 160 people a day when thousands are born per day. So the real
reasons are much more tangible.*Reason 1:* This vaccine implemented
sickness being “called” Ebola was introduced into West Africa for the end
goal of getting troops on the ground in Nigeria, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.
If you remember America was just trying to get into Nigeria for “Boko
Haram” #BULLSHIT but that fell apart when Nigerians started telling the
truth. There ARE NO GIRLS MISSING. Global support fell through the floor,
and a new reason was needed to get troops into Nigeria and steal the new
oil reserves they have discovered.*Reason 2:* Sierra Leone is the World’s
Largest Supplier of Diamonds. For the past 4 months they have been on
strike, refusing to provide diamonds due to horrible working conditions and
slave pay. The West will not pay a fair wage for the resources because the
idea is to keep these people surviving on rice bags and foreign aid so that
they remain a source of cheap slave labor forever. A reason was also needed
to get troops on the ground in Sierra Leone to force an end to the
diamond miners
strikes. This is not the first time this has been done. When miners refuse
to work troops are sent in and even if they have to kill and replace them
all, the only desire is to get diamonds back flowing out of the country.
Of course to launch multiple campaigns to invade these countries separately
would be way too fishy. But something like “Ebola” allows access to an
entire area simultaneously…*Reason 3:* In addition to stealing Nigerian
oil, and forcing Sierra Leone back to mining, troops have also been sent in
to FORCE vaccinations (Deadly “Ebola” Poison) onto those Africans who are
not foolish enough to take them willingly.3000 troops are being sent in to
make sure that this “poison” continues to spread, because again it is only
spread through vaccination. As more and more news articles are released as
they have been in Liberia, informing the populous of the US lies and
manipulation, more and more Africans are refusing to visit the Red Cross.
Troops will force these vaccinations upon the people to ensure the visible
appearance of an Ebola pandemic. In addition to this they will protect the
Red Cross from the Liberians and Nigerians who have been rightfully
ejecting them from their countries.*Reason 4:* Last but not least, the
APPEARANCE of this Ebola “pandemic” (should Americans not catch on) will be
used to scare the countless millions into taking an “Ebola vaccine” which
in reality is the pandemic. Already they have started with stories of how
it has been brought to the U.S. and has appeared in Dallas, how white
doctors were cured but black infected are not being allowed to be treated,
etc.ALL that will do is make blacks STRIVE to get the vaccine, because it
appears that the “cure” is being held back from blacks. They will run out
in droves to get it and then there will be serious problems. With all we
have seen revealed about vaccines this year you would think we learned our
lesson. All I can do is hope so, Because they rely on our ignorance to
complete their agendas.*Ask yourself:* If Ebola really was spread from
person to person, instead of controlled spread through vaccination – then
WHY would the CDC and the US Government continue to allow flights in and
out of these countries with absolutely no regulation, Or At All? We have
got to start thinking and sharing information globally because they do not
give the true perspective of the people who live here in West Africa. They
are lying for their own benefit and there aren’t enough voices out there
with a platform to help share our reality. Hundreds of thousands have been
killed, paralyzed and disabled by these and other “new” vaccines all over
the world and we are finally becoming aware of it. Now what will we do with
all this information?

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Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} WAS EBOLA MAN MADE? The debate !!!!!!!!

2014-10-17 Thread Mitayo Potosi
I hope I don't annoy Sister Nyr' nyaronyango but my view is opposite.

European extremists are telling us Africans the truth, to go home !!

To go home and build Africa. What is wrong with that? To hang around in
France, Germany, Sweden,  etc. is total garbage !!

I support La Pen in France, and the "English white Racists",  German
neo-NAZI, etc...

Corporate neo-liberal imperialist media tells you these are bad folks. Don't
buy it. These are folks only protecting their countries !! We have to copy
from them. Tit for Tat.

It is good that Ugandans have started calling for "Twenty Seven Men". Where
are our "Twenty Seven Men" ?

Europe's Neo-NAZI are ordinary folks, just fed up. They are comrades in the


On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> Nyar’
> As far as I know there is no single member of these forums that has got
> Ebola attack in his/her family. This is not an issue for us to worry
> about.. And it is  that lunacy the west has tapped into.
> EM
> On the 49th Parallel
>  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
> anarchy"
> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
> katika machafuko"
> *From:* ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com [mailto:
> ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *nyaronyango
> *Sent:* Friday, October 17, 2014 7:44 AM
> *To:* ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: {UAH} WAS EBOLA MAN MADE? The debate 
> Fellow Africans and all peace-loving people of the world,
> This is & should NOT be a matter for debate - the white extremists
> publicly announce this and it was showed on international medias some three
> months ago!  They said to put a stop on immigrants flocking into their
> countries, they would use EBOLA virus to manage the population in Afrika.
> UKIP, the UK extremist party, another one in France, etc were among those
> who declared this infront of the camera - hall!!! Here it was on tv for
> about a week.
> What more do you want to hear?
> Luo
> Sent from Samsung Mobile
>  Original message 
> From: Herrn Edward Mulindwa
> Date:17/10/2014 10:34 (GMT+01:00)
> To:
> ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com,ugandanet@kym.net,uganda...@yahoogroups.com,mwanan...@yahoogroups.com,'Panafricanist
> Rostrum' ,zims...@yahoogroups.com,camnetwo...@yahoogroups.com,'Forum
> Lumumbiste des Patriotes Congolais' ,'Congokin-tribune' ,
> rwanda_revolut...@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: {UAH} WAS EBOLA MAN MADE? The debate 
> *The Debate* - *Ebola Man Made*? (P.1) - YouTube
> *The Debate* - *Ebola Man Made*? (P.2) - YouTube
> *The Debate*: *Ebola man-made*? - Video Dailymotion
>  [image:
> symres:sb_safeannotation.png]
> [image: symres:sb_safeannotation.png]
> [image: symres:sb_safeannotation.png]
> o
> EM
> On the 49th Parallel
>  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
> anarchy"
> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
> katika machafuko"
> --
> UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are
> responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this
> group, send email to: ugandans-at-heart+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com or
> Abbey Semuwemba at: abbeysemuwe...@gmail.com.
> --
> UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are
> responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this
> group, send email to: ugandans-at-heart+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com or
> Abbey Semuwemba at: abbeysemuwe...@gmail.com.
> ___
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> ---

[Ugnet] Putin, We Are Tired of Your Cold War Games

2014-10-22 Thread Mitayo Potosi

Putin, We Are Tired of Your Cold War Games

   - By Joe Bergantino
   - Oct. 19 2014 18:45
   - Last edited 18:46

Vasily Maximov / Reuters

Dear Mr. Putin,

On Thursday morning, your government dispatched at least six of its
immigration agents to disrupt an investigative reporting workshop that
a colleague and I were conducting at a hotel in

hometown of St. Petersburg. Among our "subversive" topics: how to be fair
and balanced, ethical and thorough, and how to use data to be more precise
and accurate.

That's what I, as executive director of the New England Center
for Investigative Reporting , have taught
to journalists in China, Serbia, Vietnam and other countries without
interruption by government agents. My colleague there, Randy Covington, was
the moderator of the workshop attended by 14 journalists. I was the main

Your agents began their inquiry with a simple request: "Your passports
please." That was followed by an hour of questioning in a hotel meeting
room. I was surrounded by your immigration law
one on each side of me and a few more standing guard at the door.

The agents peppered us with questions. Why are you in Russia? What are you
doing here? Were you conducting a workshop? And then the order: "Write your
statement, sign it, and we'll let you go." We did, but five minutes later,
back in the workshop conference room, scene two of your Cold War movie

The agents interrupted us again. "You need to come with us," they commanded
in Russian. The van ride downtown, the stark, institutional waiting room.
We were detained for three hours there at the immigration service

being transported to a district court. In the interest of fairness, I
should note that your immigration service posted our names and the charges
against us on its website

we were being detained.

When a Russian television crew unexpectedly arrived to interview us, your
agents offered us tea and cookies. But those same agents tried to convince
us to sign a statement admitting that we had violated immigration laws
by being in Russia on what's called a "targeted tourism" visa while
conducting a workshop. We refused to sign. The ride to the courthouse was
a short but unsettling one. In the van, it was just Randy and I and several
of your agents. We entered the courtroom after an hour or two of waiting.

We were given the opportunity to testify that we never had intended
to violate the law and that the U.S. Embassy in Moscow had advised us that
a "targeted tourism" visa was all we needed to conduct a workshop in your
country. Randy explained to the judge that he had been in Russia just three
months ago on a similar visa conducting a social media workshop without
interruption. None of that made a difference.

The judge declared us both guilty of violating Russian immigration laws. We
were relieved to learn that this was an administrative and not a criminal
violation. The end result: a warning. Don't do this again, and leave
the country on your scheduled flight.

Mr. Putin: Was all that really necessary? It's clear that you enjoy playing
the tough guy on the world stage and that the Russian people overwhelmingly
support your message to the rest of us: Russia is strong and will exercise

will as she sees fit.

I am part of a generation of Americans who grew up worrying that one
of your country's unpredictable leaders would press the red button and blow
us to smithereens. We thought — prematurely — that was all past us when
the Soviet Union crumbled and a new Russia emerged. But now many in our
country define Russia with a cliche: once a bully, always a bully. And you
appear to like it that way.
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[Ugnet] Winnie Mandela’s 27-years of loneliness and pain

2014-10-26 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Winnie Mandela’s 27-years of loneliness and pain
Oct 19, 2014 | |

Winnie Mandela shares that she experienced 27 years of loneliness and pain
This is all contained in Madikizela-Mandela’s court papers in which she
claims the rights to the former couple’s Qunu property.
 Winnie Madikizela-Mandela wants Nelson Mandela’s home in Qunu Picture:

Despite the suffering and loneliness, I remained in my marriage taking care
of our children, extended family members and other siblings of the family.


   - Winnie wants Qunu home and challenges Mandela's will

   - Winnie Madikizela-Mandela in hospital

   - Zindzi Mandela to be ambassador – report

   - Kebby's foot in mouth, part 2

 “This was the most painful period in my life because I only stayed in the
marriage with my husband for less than five years and even in that period,
my husband was always in and out of jail or was always out of home pursuing
the objectives of the ANC and the national cause.”

“I had to endure loneliness for a further period of 27 years as my husband
was only released in 1990 from prison. This is an experience that I would
never like to see endured by any other woman.

“Despite the suffering and loneliness, I remained in my marriage taking
care of our children, extended family members and other siblings of the
family,” she wrote.

Madikizela-Mandela married Mandela in 1958 when she was 21 years old.

Soon after their marriage, the politically active Mandela was often
arrested and spent long periods behind bars.

*Mandela's Fraud*

ANC stalwart Winnie Madikizela-Mandela claims her former husband Nelson
Mandela may have committed land fraud when he registered a plot of land in
Qunu, Eastern Cape, in his own name.

She is challenging the State Land Disposal Act, which the former president
allegedly used to acquire the property.

Madikizela-Mandela claims that abaThembu king Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo gave
her the land when Mandela was imprisoned and that it is rightfully hers.

"The president cannot use the Act relied upon for his own personal benefit,
and to allow that would be contrary to the provisions of the Act and the
provisions of the Constitution for the Republic of South Africa," she said
in court papers.

"The deed of grant was irregularly obtained, and obviously there was
misrepresentation or fraud since the property was obtained by me and not Mr

On Tuesday last week, Madikizela-Mandela's attorney Mvuzo Notyesi told Sapa
she filed papers in the Mthatha High Court challenging Mandela's estate,
seeking the rights to his Qunu home.

Madikizela-Mandela, 78, who was Mandela's second wife for 38 years, was
left out of his will, it emerged following his death in December last year.

She says the registration of the house under Madiba's name was unlawful and
should be set aside.

SOURCE: Sapa, Daily Dispatch
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[Ugnet] God behind Big Bang and evolution

2014-10-28 Thread Mitayo Potosi
This Pope used to spy for the Junta in Argentina.  The Junta operated
murder squads. Now he drags *Big Bang "singularity theories"*, into
Catholicism. These are only fleeting and transient theories, imagine.And
this move, right when research is negating "Black-Holes" singularities,
i.e. Big Bang singularity !! "Kitalo nnyo Kelezia Nnyaffe kati  bagisensera
kuva munda" !!

Re:God behind Big Bang and evolution - Pope
 Published time: October 28, 2014 16:21
Get short URL 
 [image: Pope Francis (AFP Photo / Alberto Pizzoli)]

Pope Francis (AFP Photo / Alberto Pizzoli)

Meeting , Religion
, Science 

The Big Bang and evolution both happened, but at God’s impetus, according
to new comments made by the Pope. He told a religious meeting that the Big
Bang theory did not contradict the existence of God, but required it.

Pope Francis told a meeting of the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for
Sciences that the *“Big Bang, which today we hold to be the origin of the
world, does not contradict the intervention of the divine creator but,
rather, requires it.”*

He added that scientific studies, which have led us to believe that some
13.8 billion years ago the Big Bang created the universe, all slotted into
God’s grand plan – as did evolution. Both theories are completely
compatible with the teachings of the Catholic Church, according to the

This is because evolution requires that beings are actually created so that
evolutionary process can proceed.

Pope Francis said that Genesis gives the impression that God is ‘a wizard
with a magic wand’ and it is within his potential to do all things.
However, reality somewhat contradicts this notion.

*“But it is not so. He created life and let each creature develop according
to the natural laws which he had given each one,”* according to the Pope.

He went on to make his now-expected criticisms of corruption, which he
labeled to be a *“worse evil than sin,”* and spoke in praise of his
predecessor Benedict, terming him extremely clever.

The Church has a history of maintaining an anti-scientific stance
throughout the ages – with the most notorious incident being the
imprisonment of Galileo, who stated that the Earth went around the sun.

However, Benedict XVI was more open to evolutionary ideas, e.g. intelligent
design. It also echoes the statements of John Paul II who said in 1996 that
evolution was more than a hypothesis and rather an *“effectively proven

Francis went on to praise Benedict. *“Benedict XVI: a great pope, great for
the strength and penetration of his intelligence, great for his
contribution to theology, great for his love of the church and all humans,
great for his virtues and religiosity,”* he said.

Pope Francis is renowned for rocking the papal boat more than his
predecessors and has attempted to reconcile divorce and gay issues.

Conservative factions have stated that the Papacy has been fomenting
confusion within the Catholic Church over homosexuality and marriage
issues. However, progressives maintain the church has been effectively
responding to contemporary pressures and issues.
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[Ugnet] UPDF/Police: 'Golden Rectangle'. God's embroidery !!

2014-10-28 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*UPDF/Police:  'Golden Rectangle', God's embroidery !!Fellow Ugandans,Look
at the "Golden Rectangle", the side-arm-Uganda-flags on General
Katumba-Wamala, and also on General Muheesi, and on *
*General Kale Kayihura below !!*

*We thank them for maintaining perfect 'protocol' !!*
*Plato would be very proud for such beautiful  Geometry; 'Gods embroidery',
as he called it !!*

*(The Uganda flag is of this shape.)  Plato called such a shape 'The Sacred**
Rectangle' or 'Gods **Rectangle' or 'The Golden **Rectangle'.** 'God's
embroidery', he called it. *

*Our folks look professional, smart and lovely !!*
*Thank you!*

The chief of Defence forces Gen Katumba Wamala (C) posing for a group photo
with some of the UPDF officers leaving for Somalia. Courtesy photo
 Maj Gen Muheesi (R) issues AU certificate of completion of mission to a
female UPDF officer. Courtesy photo

[image: Inline image 1]

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[Ugnet] 40, 000 Kenyans accuse Britain of abuse and torture in second Mau Mau law suit

2014-10-30 Thread Mitayo Potosi
40,000 Kenyans accuse Britain of abuse and torture in second Mau Mau law
 Published time: October 29, 2014 18:11
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 [image: Former Kenya Mau Mau freedom fighters Keiru Kioge, 84, (L) and
Thungu Githogo, 70, gather to witness the official unveiling of a bronze
statue monument of their hero Dedan Kimathi in Nairobi February 18, 2007.
(Reuters/Antony Njuguna)]

Former Kenya Mau Mau freedom fighters Keiru Kioge, 84, (L) and Thungu
Githogo, 70, gather to witness the official unveiling of a bronze statue
monument of their hero Dedan Kimathi in Nairobi February 18, 2007.
(Reuters/Antony Njuguna)

Africa , Clashes ,
Conflict , Court ,
Crime , Human rights
, UK 

Over 41,000 Kenyans have waged an attempt to sue the British government for
compensation, alleging maltreatment and physical abuse during a Mau Mau
uprising in the 1950s against UK colonial rule.

The litigation suit, launched at the high court in central London, marks
the second Mau Mau case against the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office
(FCO) in recent years.

In 2010, UK legal firm Leigh Day successfully sued the British government
on behalf of Kenyans who rebelled against UK colonial rule in the 1950s.
The UK government paid £19.9m to 5,228 Kenyans in 2013 who were reportedly
tortured by Britain’s colonial administration during the revolt.

The compensation was a watershed moment for the people of Kenya, signaling
the British government’s first formal acknowledgement of serious
mistreatment and abuse carried out during the UK colonial establishment’s
tenuous withdrawal from the East African state.

Commenting on the landmark 2013 payout, former Foreign Secretary William
Hague told MPs the monetary settlement was *“full and final.”* But the
Guardian reports a group of UK law firms are currently dealing with a new
tide of claimants – and in certain cases sending their legal staff to

The latest case, firms suggest, is a collective litigation order involving
in excess of 41,000 Kenyans. The high court is set to hear 25 separate test
hearings according to official court documentation filed in May, the
newspaper reported on Wednesday.

[image: Githu wa-Kahengeri, a spokesman for the Mau Mau War Veterans
Association smiles on October 5, 2012. (AFP Photo/Tony Karumba)]

Githu wa-Kahengeri, a spokesman for the Mau Mau War Veterans Association
smiles on October 5, 2012. (AFP Photo/Tony Karumba)

As distinct from the first Mau Mau action against the FCO, the most recent
claims relate to a broader array of human rights violations than physical
torture alone.

Claimants are also seeking compensation for alleged imprisonment on false
grounds, as well as allegations of coercive labor and breaches of the
fundamental right to education.

The claimants’ lawyers told the Guardian that January 2016 has been
earmarked as a preliminary date for the trial. A spokesperson for the FCO
declined to comment on the litigation suit, emphasizing it is not the
body’s policy to openly discuss *“a case that is going through the courts.”*

The latest claims relate to alleged offences committed in 1952, when UK
colonial governor, Sir Evelyn Baring, attempted to topple a growing
anti-colonial insurgency dubbed Mau Mau. As the insurgency battled for an
independent Kenyan state over the following eight years, approximately
90,000 Kenyans perished.
‘Inhumane and degrading treatment and torture’

Over 1 million were forced to leave their homes and enter detention
facilities, which Kenya's then-attorney general Eric Griffith-Jones
described as disturbingly *“reminiscent of conditions in Nazi Germany or
communist Russia.”*

While some of those detained were Mau Mau insurgents, many were innocent
civilians trapped in an oppressive web of collective punishment.

[image: Members of the Kenya Mau Mau freedom fighters association gather to
witness the official unveiling of a bronze statue monument of their hero
Dedan Kimathi in Nairobi February 18, 2007. (Reuters/Antony Njuguna)]

Members of the Kenya Mau Mau freedom fighters association gather to witness
the official unveiling of a bronze statue monument of their hero Dedan
Kimathi in Nairobi February 18, 2007. (Reuters/Antony Njuguna)

Simon Myerson QC, who is representing the claimants, told the Guardian his
clients were forced to endure a variety of severe abuses during the
uprising such as castration. Claimants are seeking compensation on a
person-by-person basis, which ranges from £1,000 to £150,000.

Other lawyers representing Kenyan claimants allege Britain’s colonial
government devised a deplorable system of inhumane and degrading treatment
and torture to which thousands of Kenyans were subject throughout the

As a result of this scheme, Britain may b

[Ugnet] Saudi Arabia is shooting itself in the foot by executing Shiite cleric

2014-10-30 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Saudi Arabia is shooting itself in the foot by executing Shiite cleric

Nile Bowie is a political analyst and photographer currently residing in
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He can be reached on Twitter
 or at nilebo...@gmail.com
  Get short URL

 Published time: October 29, 2014 14:45
[image: A Shi'ite protester carries a poster of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr during
a demonstration outside the Saudi embassy in Sanaa October 18, 2014.
(Reuters/Khaled Abdullah)]

A Shi'ite protester carries a poster of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr during a
demonstration outside the Saudi embassy in Sanaa October 18, 2014.
(Reuters/Khaled Abdullah)

Conflict , Court ,
Crime , Human rights
, Law , NATO
, Politics , Protest
, Religion , Saudi
Arabia , Violence

The House of Saud’s plans to execute a revered Shiite cleric and protest
leader reveal the extent to which the regime is vulnerable and desperate to
perpetuate itself. Going ahead with the execution would be strategic

Significant political developments have unfolded in Saudi Arabia in recent
weeks following a court decision to execute Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr, a
polarizing Shiite cleric and political activist who has campaigned for
civil equality, an inclusive socio-political system, women’s rights,
minority rights, and the release of political prisoners. Prosecutors
condemned the cleric to death by beheading as punishment for charges of
sedition, though the execution date has not yet been set.

Sheikh Nimr has been the fiercest critic of the Kingdom’s absolute Sunni
monarchy for the last decade, but gained a considerable public following
after leading a series of protests in 2011 in opposition to the Saudi
military’s violent intervention and suppression of the pro-democracy
movement in neighboring Bahrain, a satellite state with a Shiite majority
ruled by a heavy-handed Sunni dynasty. His sermons and political activism
continually emphasized non-violent resistance.

The Kingdom’s decision to sentence Nimr to death has complex implications
that will push sectarian tensions to fever pitch inside Saudi Arabia and
throughout the region, dangerously sharpening tension with Iran. Prominent
clerics in Iran and Bahrain, as well as Shiite militant groups such as
Hezbollah of Lebanon and the Houthi movement of Yemen, have all condemned
the verdict and warned the Kingdom not to proceed with the execution.

These developments are a symptom of the greater Sunni-Shiite sectarian
conflict raging throughout Iraq, Syria and other hotspots across the
region, representing the most poignant challenge facing the Muslim world in
contemporary times. Western governments and corporations have aided and
abetted Saudi Arabia and other wildly repressive theocratic monarchies,
which have been given carte blanche to shape and spread radical Sunni
Islam. The United States has long tolerated the House of Saud exporting
fanatic sectarianism throughout the Islamic world in the interest of
furthering its own strategic foreign policy objectives.

Saudi Arabia, a key financier of jihadist groups fighting in Syria and
Iraq, has used its vast oil wealth to promote the ideology of
ultra-conservative Wahhabism in missionaries throughout the Muslim world
over the past three decades. It has sought to promote a puritanical and
rigidly exclusionist Islam that declares non-Muslims – and Muslims of
minority sects – as infidels. The Kingdom is governed by a feudalistic,
decadent monarchy bent on entrenching its own power and the uncontested
legitimacy of the King as the de facto leader of Sunni Islam.

The rise of the Islamic State organization is the result of reckless
Western and Gulf policies that have destabilized both Iraq and Syria.
Because this group and their fellow travelers do not recognize the
legitimacy of the House of Saud, the Kingdom has constructed a massive
fence around its borders, in addition to taking measures to prevent
domestic sympathizers from becoming politically active inside the country.
Saudi Arabia has recently agreed to an American request that the Kingdom
provide a base to train so-called “moderate” Syrian rebel fighters, in the
name of fighting extremism.

[image: Shi'ite protesters shout slogans as they hold posters of Sheikh
Nimr al-Nimr during a demonstration outside the Saudi embassy in Sanaa
October 18, 2014. (Reuters/Khaled Abdullah)]

Shi'ite protesters shout slogans as they hold posters of Sheikh Nimr
al-Nimr during a demonstration outside the Saudi embassy in Sanaa October
18, 2014. (Reuters/Khaled Abdullah)

The exe

[Ugnet] Hungarian President is not foolish enough for a leader of a NATO country. !!

2014-10-30 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Is the West pushing for regime change in NATO Member Hungary? *
*The Hungarian President is not foolish enough for a*

* leader of a  NATO country.  !!*
Re: 100,000+ rally in Hungary over internet tax despite govt concessions


* 1).  It is not enough to be a member of the EU and NATO, if you don't
follow Washington's orders, you will get a new regime whether you like it
or not.*

* This is the best example of what foreign agencies (NGO) are doing in so
called free democratic and independent countries. The Hungarian government
that was elected with an absolute majority in democratic elections rejected
subservience to some Western interests is now slandered, and blackmailed.
The losing minority is financed by foreign interests to create havoc in the
country. *

*2).  "---everyone knows that the fiasco in the 1956 fascist
counter-revolution was organized by the American CIA and old Horthy forces
from fascist Days of alliance with Hitler !*

*3).  These countries are hindering the South Stream pipeline construction.
They'd rather see the Balkan countries destroying their environments by
shale gas drilling. That is why the Balkan countries need more leaders like

*3).  the Czech republic said nicely f*ck off to the US military base..
Slovakia had the balls to invited Russian representatives to the WW2
victory commemorations.*

*4).  We the two thirds who voted for the current goverment won't let
Hungary to be another Ukraine. There will be a solidarity protest for the
goverment as before. I think they are organising it.*

*5).  *
  Published time: October 29, 2014 07:17
Edited time: October 29, 2014 11:05
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 [image: Ten-thousand participants march accross the Elisabeth bridge
during an anti-government rally against the goverment's new tax plan for
the introduction of the internet tax next year in Budapest on October 28,
2014. (AFP Photo)]

Ten-thousand participants march accross the Elisabeth bridge during an
anti-government rally against the goverment's new tax plan for the
introduction of the internet tax next year in Budapest on October 28, 2014.
(AFP Photo)

Austerity , Europe
, Internet ,

Tens of thousands of protesters rallied in Hungary despite the government's
amendment of a controversial internet tax bill. The demonstrators say the
country is turning anti-democratic and drifting away from the EU.

The protest against the policies of Prime Minister Viktor Orban reignited
on Tuesday night, as an estimated 100,000 people took to the streets,
reports Reuters. The demonstration follows similar action on the weekend,
at which protesters demanded that legislation imposing a tax on internet
traffic be withdrawn within 48 hours.

 Instead, the government introduced an amendment on Monday that caps the
proposed tax at 700 forints ($3) per month for individuals and 5,000
forints ($21) for companies. This wasn’t enough for the protesters, who
accuse the government of authoritarian trends.

Since taking power in 2010, Orban's center-right government has imposed
taxes on the banking, retail, energy and telecommunications sector. The
measures are designed to keep the budget deficit in check, but have hurt
some foreign investors' profits.

[image: People hold up their mobile phones as they protest against a new
tax on Internet data transfers in the centre of Budapest, October 28, 2014.
(Reuters/Laszlo Balogh)]

People hold up their mobile phones as they protest against a new tax on
Internet data transfers in the centre of Budapest, October 28, 2014.
(Reuters/Laszlo Balogh)

 The PM's Fidesz party scored a landslide victory in this month's municipal
elections, while left-wing parties performed poorly, failing to produce a
joint candidate to spearhead their campaign.

The people behind the protests, however, are evidently not among Orban's
supporters, as they were demanding his ouster during the latest rally. The
crowd organized by a Facebook-based social network, which appeared to be
composed of well-heeled professionals, marched through central Budapest
carrying slogans like *“How many times do you want to skin us?"*

*"I am a student, my parents are not well off, neither am I, so I work
hard,"* Ildiko Pirk, a 22-year-old studying nursing, told Reuters. *"I
doubt the internet companies will build this tax into their prices. And I
have a computer, a smartphone, as does my mother and my four siblings...
That adds up."*

She said the internet was vital for her to read unbiased news not under the
control of Hungary's ruling political elite. The rallying cry that taxing
the internet taz was anti-democratic was strong among many protesters.

The Hungarian government denies accusations of authoritarianism. It insists
the new tax compensates for the loss of taxes in other secto

[Ugnet] Will Seif al Islam Lead the Expulsion of the ISIS Affiliate, Al Fajr Libya?

2014-10-30 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Will Seif al Islam Lead the Expulsion of the ISIS Affiliate, Al Fajr


*With the Abu Baker al-Siddiq Brigade, Zintan, Libya*

 A second interview by this observer with Seif al Islam Gadhafi, formerly
the heir apparent to his father Moammar, was sought and finally arranged as
a follow up to an earlier one focusing of my interest in the Imam Musa Sadr
case. That case involves a great crime against a great man and conciliator
and his historic cause, and exposes those who betrayed him in Lebanon and
two other countries while swearing their personal devotion and shedding
crocodile tears over the past 36 years. That research is nearing completion
and publication awaits DNA results from body samples more credible than the
ones offered by the Bosnia laboratory two years ago and immediately
demonstrated to be fraudulent. The story of why that particular lab was
chosen and by who goes to the essence of the current stonewalling campaign
with respect to informing the public about what exactly happened to Imam
Sadr and his partners on 8/3l/1978 in Tripoli, Libya. It also identifies
who instructed Gadhafi to kill them over the strong objections from the
PLO’s Yassir Arafat who spoke with Gadhafi and tried to save the trio of
Lebanese Shia.

But our discussion soon turned to other subject as Seif’s jailers may have
taken seriously my joke that if they extended the original 20 minutes I was
granted to two hours, I would deliver to them 10 US Visas and they could
fill in any names the might choose. Truth told, of course I could not even
get myself a passport renewal as former US Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman
reportedly sneered at a US Embassy Christmas party a few years back, “Lamb
will serve ten years hard time in the Feds for hobnobbing with terrorists
(Hezbollah in those days…who knows today?) when we get him back home.” I
admit that Jeff and I both have a problem with Hezbollah. His is because
Hezbollah just may liberate Palestine and mine is that Hezbollah needs to
do more in Lebanon and use 90 minutes of Parliament’s time, where it has
the power, to grant Palestinian refugees in Lebanon the right to work and
to own a home.

Meanwhile, Da’ish (IS) is metastasizing fast in Libya through its main
affiliate al Fajr Libya (Libya Dawn) and plans to add Tripoli, to its
Islamic Caliphate along with Baghdad, Damascus, Amman and Beirut during the
coming months and if necessary, years. This, according to Seif al Islam and
representatives of the Zintan brigades based southwest of Tripoli as well
as two representatives of other tribes and militia moving toward supporting
the still vital Gadhafi regime remnants.

Libya may be the lowest hanging ripe fruit within easy reach of Da’ish (IS)
and its growing number of affiliates, according to US Ambassador Deborah
Jones during a recent visit to the US Embassy in Malta, to discuss her own
problems in Libya which include the 8/31/14 take-over by al Fajr Libya (FL)
of the US embassy compound barely a month after it was evacuated and moved
to Tunisia for the second time since February of 2011. Secretary of State
John Kerry reassured the media in Washington recently that “the embassy was
not really closed, but had moved out of Libya”. One Religion Professor at
Tripoli University joked last week that “Kerry is correct, the US embassy
is here but it’s in a state of occultation. We can’t see it but it’s around
and watches us.” A Libyan photographer who was at the embassy compound when
Al Fajr Libya (FL) arrived reported that the Da’ish (IS) affiliate had
moved into buildings inside the embassy complex claiming that they would
‘protect it’ as they carted off boxes of documents for ‘safe keeping.’ FL
is described by a former Dean at Tripoli U. as between al Nusra and Da’ish
(IS) with a fragile partnership between the two and presenting to the
public “A Good cop-Bad cop tag-team with differences to be worked out once
all the infidels are vanquished.

Libya, as with the Arab Maghreb, is on the cusp of a new wave of Islamist
groups, and is moving beyond al-Qaeda of Bin Laden, Zawahiri, and
Abdelmalek Droukdel, to Baghdadi’s ISIS and its widely perceived logical
offshoot ISIM being planted in North Africa and the Sahel. The threat of
the Da’ish (Islamic State is already deeply anchored and expanding in the
now lawless Libya, according to UN envoy Bernardino León. Several Libyan
organizations recently announced their loyalty to IS leader Abu Bakr
Al-Baghdadi. This has confirmed a speculation that IS has penetrated Libyan
public institutions. The Ansar al-Sharia group, affiliated with ISIS, has
declared authority during the last several days over the coastal city of
Darna which is located strategically between Benghazi and the Egyptian
border – just 289 km (179 miles) and 333 km (206 miles), respectively.

Countless militia are forming, merging, changing names and lying low as
perceived interests dictate. Soldiers of the Caliphate in Algeria was
retitled, revitalized and

[Ugnet] Botswana: One party dominance in decline

2014-10-31 Thread Mitayo Potosi
" President Seretse Khama Making his brother vice president would
presumably set him up for succession when Khama must, constitutionally,
stand down in 2019. Khama - himself is the son of Botswana's founding
President Seretse Khama"

" His government's eviction of the Basarwa or Bushmen from the Central
Kalahari Game Reserve has also been criticised as high-handed and even
Botswana: One party dominance in decline
Peter Fabricius
 30 October 2014

 Peter Fabricius notes that in last week's elections the BDP's share of the
vote dropped below 50% for the first time since independence in 1966

*Good Khama, bad Khama?*

*30 October 2014*

It does not seem to have fully registered, at least outside Botswana, that
President Ian Khama's ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP), which has
been in power since independence in 1966, lost its majority of popular
support last week.

Yes, of course the BDP was re-elected in the 24 October legislative
elections. And as a result, Khama was also indirectly re-elected last
Sunday by the new Parliament, to a second term as the country's chief
executive. But the BDP for the first time won less than 50% of the vote:
47% in fact, down from 52% in the last elections in 2009.

It was only because Botswana still operates a rather outdated
first-past-the-post constituency voting system that the BDP was able to win
this election for certain and stay in power for another five years.

The distortions of the winner-takes-all constituency system enabled it to
translate 47% of the popular vote into 65% of the seats in Parliament; 37
seats out of 57 seats directly elected by the populace.

After adding the five extra seats indirectly elected by the Parliament -
four specially elected members of Parliament (MPs) and the president - the
BDP's de facto support rose to over 67%, or 42 seats out of 62.

The specially elected MPs are in theory neutral, but in practice have
always, at least in essence, supported the BDP. As the results indicated,
Khama and the BDP faced their biggest challenge in this election. Though
they didn't quite form a totally united front, three opposition parties did
join forces under the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC), leaving just
the Botswana Congress Party (BCP) out on its own.

The UDC won 17 seats and the BCP just three. However the UDC won a more
impressive 32% of the vote, the BCP 18%, whilst independent candidates got

This meant, of course, that if Botswana had had a proportional
representation voting system, like South Africa, the two opposition parties
would together have commanded 50% of the seats in Parliament, more than the
BDP's 47%. That could have left the independents as the kingmakers,
depending, of course, on voting thresholds for the allocation of seats, and
so on.

The Botswana government enjoys a stellar reputation internationally and
comes out near the top on rankings of African governance, including, most
recently, the Mo Ibrahim 2014 Index of African Governance where it ranked
third, just behind Mauritius and Cape Verde and above South Africa. Yet the
election results suggest that the people of Botswana don't all quite share
that global enthusiasm for their government. The main problem seems to be
that the country's considerable wealth is not being spread around very

Botswana still earns most of its government revenue through its lucrative
partnership - Debswana - with the South African diamond giant De Beers.
That has helped to give the thinly populated country of just two million a
higher per capita gross domestic product (GDP) - US$14 000 per annum in
purchasing power parity terms - than its much larger neighbour, South
Africa. But not enough of the money has trickled down to ordinary Batswana.

The BDP government is, of course, aware that it cannot forever rely so
heavily on diamonds - which directly account for about 85% of export
revenue and around 35% of GDP.

Botswana has, to its credit, largely escaped the resource curse that has
ruined so many other African countries. It has managed its diamonds well,
and Khama improved this performance by establishing a diamond-sorting and
sales facility in Botswana to reap some of the secondary benefits from the
gems also. Diamond revenue finances comparatively generous social welfare.

But, as Brenthurst Director, Greg Mills, points out in his book *Why States
Recover*, Botswana has so far failed to make the breakthrough to the next
level of development by diversifying its economy. Not for want of trying.
The government had made several direct interventions in the economy, some
of which he himself was involved in - such as offering low-interest loans
to would-be entrepreneurs.

None of these have really helped and Mills concludes that Botswana might do
better by focusing its attentions more broadly, on lowering taxes and
generally creating a better business environment than that of neighbouring
South Africa to attract investment.

Last week's election resu

[Ugnet] What Nkrumah observed about US - lead world imperialism

2014-10-31 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Comrade Adhola,Thank you for exposing to Ugandans the bankruptcy of Ali
Mazrui; but more so, for standing up for Khame Nkrumah. You exposed all
these awful chaps like Neogy, Abu etc...*

*Abu Mayanja 'yafiira mu kazigo', e Nakulabye, which served him right!!*

*I had never realized how central Mazrui had been in "running down
Nkrumah", as you so ably indicate.*
*Mazrui was always gallivanting at the dinner tables of the "Slave Master";
he never built even a single Primary School back home in his Coastal area
in Kenya.*

*Today Mazrui's ethnic group are the most illiterate in Kenya. Anybody
today in the world can read about Mazrui. The only exception are his
illiterate Mombasa/Zanzibar folks*

*. . Imagine!!Why in his will he asked to be buried, not with his Masters
in USA but among the illiterate Coastal Waswahili, a people he forgot all
his life, shows the bankruptcy to which a man can fall. *
*Comrade Adhola below I share with you a piece from Brother Roy*

*...** more atrocities aimed at intimidating the people of the world
and an ever increasing tempo of war making.   It (Anglo-American
Imperialism)  is a dying predator and scavenger system, which, while still
dangerous, is ripe for defeat.  All we need to do is unite our common
efforts and act with revolutionary principles.*

*Re: What Nkrumah observed about US - lead world imperialism*

On this day when the Black is Back Coalition is preparing to confront the
puppet Obama administration and the racist war being waged against our
people in the US, which is in fact, nothing but a front of the imperialist
war against Africa and her people across the planet -- and its, that is the
US and its subordinate states, and the larger imperialist war, it is useful
if we recall what Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah said about the head of global

 "The capitalist imperialist states face serious economic and social
difficulties. Rising prices, balance of payments problems, widespread and
repeated strikes are only a few of the symptoms of the general malaise. In
the United States, the grave domestic situation is aggravated by the
massive counter-attacks of the African-American revolutionaries. Almost
everywhere, behind the smoke screens, the social and economic situation is
unhealthy, and particularly in the second class capitalist states. And
these mounting economic crises mean heavier dependence on the exploitation
of the peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America."

 Nkrumah, Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare

What he said then in the mid-60s applies today also, but with the important
critical difference of the time factor, the imperialism of today is weaker
and more desperate.  That is why across the world it is attacking humanity.

That means more atrocities aimed at intimidating the people of the world
and an ever increasing tempo of war making.   It is a dying predator and
scavenger system, which, while still dangerous, is ripe for defeat.  All we
need to do is unite our common efforts and act with revolutionary

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Re: [Ugnet] HAS YOWERI MUSEVENI RUN OUT OF GAS? Just asking !!!!!!!

2014-11-01 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*"There has also been a clumsy attempt by the NRM to let Museveni take
direct control of the capital, Kampala – "*

Not true.

For over twenty years he never touched K'la City Council until revenue
collection was run down up to failure even to collect the garbage.

Consequently the cost of running K'la was heaved off to Treasury; and now
Lukwago, just a Ceremonial Mayor pockets 15 million Shs per month, on top
of petrol etc.

m7 should be left to account only for his file, and others have

On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 4:19 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> Has Yoweri Museveni outstayed his welcome as Ugandan president?
> With corruption rife and autocracy starting to rear its head, many
> Ugandans want Museveni to call time on his 27-year tenure
>- [image: Mark Tran] 
> ·
>- Mark Tran  in Kampala
> [image: Yoweri Museveni]
> Testing times … Museveni has brought democracy and economic growth to
> Uganda, but some doubt he should run for a fourth term in power.
> Photograph: Carl Court/AP
> Uganda 's body politic is ailing
> as President Yoweri Museveni
> , once lauded as part
> of a new generation of African leaders, ponders whether to run for a fourth
> term in 2016 after 27 years in power.
> Many Ugandans are grateful for what Museveni, 65, has done for the country
> after overthrowing Milton Obote. But even those who admire the way he has
> ushered in democratic rule and overseen strong economic growth – and worry
> about who will follow him – think it is time he retired.
> The succession is very much on people's minds after the emergence of a
> letter asking the head of the internal security organisation, Uganda's
> counter-intelligence, to investigate allegations of an assassination plot
> against top officers perceived to oppose the president's plan to have his
> son, Brigadier Muhoozi Kainerugaba, succeed him.
> The letter was written by General David Sejusa
> ,
> who said he was one of those on the list. Sejusa is an old comrade-in-arms
> of Museveni, and considered a bit of a loose cannon.
> The letter was leaked to an independent newspaper, the Daily Monitor,
> where it was first published. The government was not amused, sending in
> police – ostensibly to look for the letter – before ordering the closure of
> the Monitor, two of its radio stations, and the Red Pepper, another daily,
> along with two of its sister publications. After more than a week, the
> papers remain closed
> ,
> with armed police on the premises.
> Some observers are surprised Museveni took such heavy-handed action
> against the Monitor, which is owned by the Aga Khan, a big investor in
> Uganda.
> "The letter was nothing new, everyone is aware that Museveni is grooming
> his son," an analyst told me last week in Kampala. "Had he ignored this, it
> would have gone away. The Monitor has a circulation of 30,000 in a country
> with a population of 30m. Now, even the man in the street is asking, 'What
> is happening?' It means that the president is very sensitive as we draw
> near to the 2016 election. There are indications the president might stand
> again but, in case he doesn't, he might front his son."
> Sejusa, meanwhile, who happens to be in the UK, seems to be in no hurry to
> return home and has reportedly sought police protection
> .
> It's hard to say whether Sejusa's suspicions of an assassination plot are
> credible, but certainly Kainerugaba's rapid rise through the ranks to
> become a brigadier at only 39 has rankled many in the armed forces
> ,
> where it is common to remain a major or captain even after 20 years of
> service. Kainerugaba is also commander of the military's special forces,
> charged with protecting the president and vital installations around the
> country. The Sejusa letter clearly suggests a rift at the top, with
> Museveni, his wife and son, Uganda's trinity of power, versus those who
> oppose what is known as the "Muhoozi project".
> Divisions aside, there is also corruption, grand and petty. Comments such
> as "Corruption is in the bloodstream" and "The Nigerians have nothing on
> the Ugandans" often cropped up in conversation.
> Corruption need not be a barrier to poverty reduction in itself. Uganda, a
> former British colony, has surpassed the millennium development goal of
> ha

[Ugnet] India gets last laugh against America's ‘elite space club’

2014-11-01 Thread Mitayo Potosi
India gets last laugh against America's ‘*elite space club*’

*America, once 'a great country', now with over 50% on foodstamps ?*

*You have to laugh !!*

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Re: [Ugnet] Cardinal Burke: Catholic Church Under Pope Francis Is 'A Ship Without A Rudder' Religion News Service | By Josephine McKenna

2014-11-02 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*American Cardinal Raymond Burke is in the vanguard for integrity in
"Klezia Nnyaffe", against what is, may be, a "false" Pope. **Cardinal Burke
comes off as in the spirit of Rev Father Roy Bourgeois, the founder of the
"School of the Americas Watch (SOA Watch)."*

*Millions agree with Cardinal Burke as on ."When the synod
signaled a more welcoming tone to gay and lesbian Catholics, Burke publicly
accused the global gathering of bias.*

*Burke had previously said that Catholic families should not expose
children to the “evil” of homosexuality by inviting a gay son home for
Christmas with his partner.*

*In his latest interview, Burke said the church was “the pillar of
marriage” and challenged the pope’s revolutionary “Who am I to judge?”
remark on gay people.*
*“The acts must be judged; I do not think that the pope thinks differently.
They are sinful and unnatural. It is impossible to find positive elements
in an evil act.” *

On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 1:33 PM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 

> VATICAN CITY (RNS) American Cardinal Raymond Burke, the feisty former
> archbishop of St. Louis who has emerged as the face of the opposition to
> Pope Francis’ reformist agenda, likened the Roman Catholic Church to “a
> ship without a rudder” in a fresh attack on the pope’s leadership.
> In an interview with the Spanish Catholic weekly Vida Nueva, published
> Thursday (Oct. 30), Burke insisted he was not speaking out against the pope
> personally but raising concern about his leadership.
> “Many have expressed their concerns to me. At this very critical moment,
> there is a strong sense that the church is like a ship without a rudder,”
> Burke said.
> “Now, it is more important than ever to examine our faith, have a healthy
> spiritual leader and give powerful witness to the faith.”
> Burke is the current head of the Vatican’s highest court known as the
> Apostolic Signatura, but he said recently he is about to be demoted. There
> is speculation he will be made patron of the Order of Malta, a largely
> ceremonial post.
> “I have all the respect for the Petrine ministry and I do not want to seem
> like I am speaking out against the pope,” he said in the interview. “I
> would like to be a master of the faith, with all my weaknesses, telling a
> truth that many currently perceive.”
> “They are feeling a bit seasick because they feel the church’s ship has
> lost its way,” he added.
> Burke has expressed an uncompromising stance on keeping the ban on
> Communion for Catholics who divorce and remarry without an annulment, and
> is one of five conservative cardinals who aired their views in a new book,
> “Remaining in the Truth of Christ,” released on the eve of the bishops’
> blockbuster synod in early October.
> When the synod signaled a more welcoming tone to gay and lesbian
> Catholics, Burke publicly accused the global gathering of bias and was
> among those who pushed for a less conciliatory approach in the final report.
> Burke had previously said that Catholic families should not expose
> children to the “evil” of homosexuality by inviting a gay son home for
> Christmas with his partner.
> In his latest interview, Burke said the church was “the pillar of
> marriage” and challenged the pope’s revolutionary “Who am I to judge?”
> remark on gay people.
> “The acts must be judged; I do not think that the pope thinks differently.
> They are sinful and unnatural. The pope never said we can find positive
> elements in them. It is impossible to find positive elements in an evil
> act.”
> __._,_.___
> ___
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[Ugnet] Time for a 'new world order?' No, it's already here

2014-11-02 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Time for a 'new world order?' No, it's already here
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[Ugnet] Congratulations Vice Chancellor Prof Fredrick Kayanja, of Mbarara Medical School.

2014-11-03 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Re: Congratulations to Vice Chancellor Prof Fredrick Kayanja.*

*To Budonians, and all fellow Ugandans .*

*It is a joyous occasion to acknowledge and Congratulate Vice Chancellor
Prof Fredrick Kayanja, of Mbarara Medical School. *

*It is astounding that in only a quarter of a Century Prof Kayanja, and
colleagues, have built Uganda, from scratch, what may be the top ranked,
probably  the best Medical School  on the African Continent. ( South
Africa’s Education System is now  in free fall and  University of Cape no
longer has the premier rank).*

*For the recent Ebola debate at the UN, when it came to contribution from
the  Africans themselves, the AU – Dr Nkosana-Zuma had only a lone promise
to the world body, of Doctors from Uganda. *

 *Nothing from South Africa, Nigeria etc…. the so called
Africa’s ‘heavies’….. Not a single Nurse !!*

 *It is the Doctors that Prof Kayanja and others have produced that saved
Africa face;  like we are a lot incapable of even our basic needs. *

*It is with such background that we note the scope and magnitude of the
contributions of Vice Chancellor Kayanja and his team.*

 *His impact is already Continental, to say the least.*

*We offer profound congratulations to Prof Fredrick Kayanja.*

*Remember the school song?*

 *“Budo Somero.*

*Somero ddungi.*


*Bantu balungi”*

*That is the song, no?*

 *We love you Prof Kayanja. You do our Country very proud.*

*May God protect you and your family. May God protect our Country.*

*Mitayo Potosi*

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[Ugnet] Poor math literacy common among Canadian-born university grads

2014-11-05 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Poor math literacy common among Canadian-born university grads  Survey
finds that 23 per of these grads score poorly in math — and many of these
people have graduated from teaching programs.
  [image: Math literacy]
 Math literacy Metro Creative Connection
*Almost one-quarter of university graduates born in Canada have such
limited math skills they score no more than 2 on a scale of 0 to 5 — and 16
per cent are just as poor at literacy, according to a new report from
Statistics Canada.*
By  Louise Brown 

Some 23 per cent of university graduates born in Canada have such limited
math skills they score no more than 2 on a scale of 0 to 5 — and 16 per
cent are just as poor at literacy, according to a new report from
Statistics Canada.

Among the worst performers are graduates of teaching programs, of whom 29
per cent scored low on numeracy — a field where teachers’ abilities have
drawn concern — followed by arts and humanities majors, said the report,
released Tuesday. Science and math students did much better. The results
came from an international survey of skills by the Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development called the Programme for the
International Assessment of Adult Competencies

The survey tested the ability of adults aged 25 to 65, with different
levels of education, to understand and work with texts of different length
and levels of difficulty, and to use math “to manage the demands of a range
of situations in everyday life” — both skills many jobs require.

Individuals at level 2 or below in numeracy are described as less likely to
be able to perform and understand complex mathematical information and use
problem-solving strategies. With literacy, individuals at level 2 or below
are likely to be able to undertake only tasks of limited complexity such as
locating single pieces of information in short sections of text.

When foreign-born Canadian university graduates are included, the number
with low numeracy rose to 35 per cent, and low literacy skills to 27 per

“In general we do very well, but we’d encourage post-secondary institutions
to take a look at what they’re doing, and maybe integrate more literacy and
numeracy and problem-solving into the curriculum,” said Daniel Munro,
principal research associate for the Conference Board of Canada, which also
released a study Tuesday noting literacy and problem-solving scores

should be stronger for a country with such a highly educated population.

“And we should also look back at what’s happening from kindergarten to
Grade 12, because many universities say they’re doing the best with the
students they get,” said Munro. “Recent OECD studies of 15-year-olds show
our students have slipped a bit, and some universities say the ‘raw
material’ they get is not as good as it used to be.”

As Canadian universities open their doors wider to be more inclusive, they
may be “drawing from a pool of students with lower foundational skills from
the kindergarten to Grade 12 level,” added Munro.

Someone with low literacy skills “is less likely to understand or respond
appropriately to complex texts,” said Darcy Hango, author of the Stats
Canada report, which analyzed responses from 27,000 Canadians. “The
questions are real-world situations about coping with daily life and work …
and sometimes (those with lower skills) can’t take that extra step to
answer more complex questions.”

Yet Ontario employers haven’t complained a lot about graduates’ literacy
and numeracy skills,” said Josh Hjartarson, vice-president of policy and
government relations for the Ontario Chamber of Commerce
which represents 60,000 employers across 160 communities. “However many
have concerns about skills gaps, with not enough people who can, say, run
mining equipment or enough people in northern Ontario who can run large
infrastructure projects.

“But we’re generally regarded as having among the best education systems in
the world.”

Among other factors the Stats Can study found;

• The higher the parents’ education, the less likely the graduate to score

• Canadian-born university graduates with poor skills were less likely to
work as professionals or managers;

• Nearly 27 per cent of female university grads born in Canada score poorly
on numeracy, compared to about 17 per cent of males;

• The oldest group of university grads — those 60 to 65 years old — scored
the worst in skills;

• Ontario university grads born in Canada performed relatively well; only
13 per cent had low scores in literacy (compared to 16 per cent across
Canada) and 20 per cent had low scores in numeracy (compared to 23 per cent
across Canada);

“All universities in Ontario are concerned about levels of literacy and

[Ugnet] New quantum mechanics theory says parallel universes exist, interact

2014-11-05 Thread Mitayo Potosi
New quantum mechanics theory says parallel universes exist, interact
 Published time: November 04, 2014 20:16
Get short URL

 [image: Reuters/NRAO]


Australia , Physics
, Science , Space
, USA 

To the average person, quantum mechanics is the convoluted, science
fiction-y branch of physics. A radical new theory plays into that,
proposing that parallel universes exist and interact with each other ‒ and
that scientists may be able to test for them.

Prof. Howard Wiseman, a physicist at Griffith University in Brisbane,
Australia, along with his collaborators Dr. Michael Hall, also of Griffith
University, and University of California, Davis mathematician Dr.
Dirk-Andre Deckert, published their new *"many interacting worlds"* (MIW)
theory in the journal Physical Review X
They posited that other universes are real, exist in vast numbers and exert
influence on each other.

*“The idea of parallel universes in quantum mechanics has been around since
1957,”* Wiseman said in a statement. *“In the well-known ‘Many-Worlds
Interpretation’, each universe branches into a bunch of new universes every
time a quantum measurement is made. All possibilities are therefore
realised – in some universes the dinosaur-killing asteroid missed Earth. In
others, Australia was colonised by the Portuguese.”*

[image: The Director of Griffith’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Professor
Howard Wiseman (Griffith University)]

The Director of Griffith’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Professor Howard
Wiseman (Griffith University)

*“But critics question the reality of these other universes, since they do
not influence our universe at all,”* he added. *“On this score, our “Many
Interacting Worlds” approach is completely different, as its name implies.”*

There are three main points to the MIW theory, according to the Griffith
statement. First, that the universe we live in is just one of an unknown
*“gigantic”* number of worlds, some of which are *“almost identical to
ours,”* but most are *“very different.”* Second, all of the worlds are
real,”* existing continuously through time with precisely defined
properties.Third, quantum phenomena arise from *“a universal force of
repulsion between ‘nearby’ (i.e. similar) worlds, which tends to make them
more dissimilar.”*

*“All quantum effects arise from, and only from, the interaction between
worlds,“* the physicists explained in their abstract.

Hall said the radical new theory may even create the extraordinary
possibility of testing for the existence of other worlds.

*“The beauty of our approach is that if there is just one world our theory
reduces to Newtonian mechanics, while if there is a gigantic number of
worlds it reproduces quantum mechanics,”* he said in the statement. *“In
between it predicts something new that is neither Newton’s theory nor
quantum theory. We also believe that, in providing a new mental picture of
quantum effects, it will be useful in planning experiments to test and
exploit quantum phenomena.”*

American theoretical physicist Richard Feynman once noted: *“I think I can
safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.”* And the MIW group
admits that their theory is a bit out there.

*"Any explanation of quantum phenomena is going to be weird, and standard
quantum mechanics does not really offer any explanation at all* ‒ *it just
makes predictions for laboratory experiments,"* Wiseman told the Huffington
Post in an email. *"Our new explanation... is that there are ordinary
[non-quantum] parallel worlds which interact in a particular and subtle

[image: Professor Dirk-André Deckert (Photo from www.math.ucdavis.edu)]

Professor Dirk-André Deckert (Photo from www.math.ucdavis.edu)

Motherboard asked if the theory suggests that humans might someday be able
to interact with other universes.

*"It's not part of our theory,"* Wiseman replied. *"But the idea of [human]
interactions with other universes is no longer pure fantasy."*

Others in the quantum mechanics field ranged from skepticism to excitement,
Huffington Post reported, noting there is no consensus on whether *“many
interacting worlds”* exist or interact.

*"There are some who are completely happy with their own interpretations of
QM, and we are unlikely to change their minds,"* Wiseman said in his
email. *"But
I think there are many who are not happy with any of the current
interpretations, and it is those who will probably be most interested in
ours. I hope some will be interested enough to start working on it soon,
because there are so many questions to answer."*
Ugandanet mailing list

[Ugnet] What a beauty !! Maxwell and stuff

2014-11-05 Thread Mitayo Potosi
What a beauty*, to put Maxwell in one System of Differential Equations.*

The whole of Electrical Engineering is here summarized into one equation.

And of course  Lorentz Electrodynamics.

Wonderful Equations !!

 [image: Professor Dirk-André Deckert (Photo from www.math.ucdavis.edu)]

Professor Dirk-André Deckert (Photo from www.math.ucdavis.edu)
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[Ugnet] Victory is certain. The struggle continues.

2014-11-06 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Victory is certain. The struggle continues.*


Clashes, water cannon as 100,000 march in Brussels against austerity
 Published time: November 06, 2014 14:48
Edited time: November 06, 2014 16:13
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 [image: Demonstrators confront riot police in central Brussels November 6,
2014.(Reuters / Yves Herman)]

Demonstrators confront riot police in central Brussels November 6,
2014.(Reuters / Yves Herman)

Clashes , EU , Protest
, Rally , Violence

Violent clashes broke out in Belgium as more than 100,000 protesters
marched in Brussels against the government’s austerity measures. Police
deployed water cannon and tear gas as the protesters started upturning cars.

The violence flared up at the end of an otherwise peaceful protest, with
tear gas deployed as some radical demonstrators hurled objects at riot
police and launched attacks with metal barriers against officials. Some set
off colored smoke flares.

The Belgian government which assumed power just a month ago has caused
unrest with promises to raise the retirement age, cancel a wage rise in
line with inflation and cut health and social security benefits - moves
that undermine the country's welfare state.

People supporting the march have said that the austerity cuts only target
workers while unfairly letting businesses off the hook. The government is
intending, through the cuts, to save some 11 billion euros ($13.8 billion).

“*The signal is clear. People are angry, livid. This government's policies
are totally unbalanced*,” ACV union chief Marc Leemans told Reuters.

The union estimates around 120,000 have turned up for Thursday march,
dockworkers, metalworkers and students among them.

Protesters’ banners included: "*Eliminate the causes of the crisis, not the
poor," and “Hands off the pension age*.”

More protests are planned, including weekly regional strikes from November
24 and a national strike for December 15.

The mass-action is also seeing a work slowdown which is having a
detrimental effect on public institutions such as schools and post offices,
as well as the ports of Antrwerp and Zeebrugge.

[image: Demonstrators confront riot police in central Brussels November 6,
2014.(Reuters / Yves Herman)]

Demonstrators confront riot police in central Brussels November 6,
2014.(Reuters / Yves Herman)

* "Workers rights have been cut - not only the wages but the rights and the
capacity to continue to know what are the main guidelines of the European
societies. Because now I think we don't know it anymore,"* Marisa Matias of
the Confederal Group of the European United Left told RT.

*"In southern Europe - in Portugal, where I'm from - these measures do
nothing but increase social problems."*

[image: Demonstrators confront riot police during clashes in central
Brussels November 6, 2014.(Reuters / Francois Lenoi)]

Demonstrators confront riot police during clashes in central Brussels
November 6, 2014.(Reuters / Francois Lenoi)

[image: Demonstrators confront riot police in central Brussels November 6,
2014. (Reuters / Yves Herman)]

Demonstrators confront riot police in central Brussels November 6, 2014.
(Reuters / Yves Herman)
 by Taboola

More from rt.com
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[Ugnet] Makerere University’s Prof Yasin Olum is wrong.

2014-11-06 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Folks,Makerere’s Prof Yasin Olum lacks a single grain of truth.*

*We are here, far away, but still see what goes on. Dr Olum is on the
ground and comes up with flimsy un-truths.*

*The Kampala tax base was sabotaged, not by m7 but by . a Mayor
!!   Mzee Ssebaana.*

*Kampala reached a stage *

*when garbage could not be collected. That's why they dumped the costs of
running Kla City to our Treasury*

*/to State House/to m7's lap.*

*For twenty years m7 never bothered Kampala until it started rotting.*

*We are now told that Lukwago is only a Ceremonial Mayor, and that earns
Fifteen million Shs per month !!*

*Adding insult to injury some loud mouths have said Lukwago is Presidential
material. (They think Baganda we are stupid, easy to lie to).*

*The truth is M7 has his file to account for. Each one of us has to account
for their file. Heaping all sins on m7, to cover up for others is
wrong...and  helps nobody. *

*We are not dumb. Anybody, including a Muganda, ruining our country is a
common enemy to us all.Why is Dr Yasin Olum hiding truth?Mitayo
Potosi. *
KCCA a Threat to National Democracy – Experts [image: Dr Olum speaking at a
function in Kampala on Thursday]
Dr Olum speaking at a function in Kampala on Thursday

Government of Uganda has been cautioned against ‘tinkering’ with the
initial principles on which decentralization was premised.

The notion of decentralization which was accorded prominence by the current
NRM government in the 1980s, experts say, is slowly diverting from its
foundations and achieving lesser of its intended goals.

Makerere University’s Prof Yasin Olum warns that decentralization is being
twisted by politicians to advance their personal goals.

“One of the reasons we moved away from centralized government was to
promote democratic governance and to eradicate dictatorship at the local
level,” said Prof Olum at a public dialogue held on decentralization in the
country at Makerere University on Thursday.

“Sadly today, we are seeing a shift toward corporatization with the
creation of such institutions as the KCCA,” he added.

Corporate management of local governments, Olum warned would critically
erode democracy and representative governance at the periphery.

“Corporatization will cause democratically elected representatives of
people to increasingly depend on bureaucrats and professionals like
accountants and lawyers.”

He further elucidated, “KCCA is an executive agency which concentrates on
managerialism as the best way of delivering services to the people as
opposed to the constructed local state called Kampala.”

KCCA was established in March 2011, replacing the old Kampala City Council
(KCC), with the hope of finding last solutions to the various city
challenges including potholes, garbage and sewer management, population
explosion and traffic jam.

The Authority effectively placed management of Kampala district under
direct supervision by central government, with its head (Executive
Director) answerable to the cabinet Minister in charge of Kampala. The
elected mayor was only left with ceremonial powers.

Dr Olum warned that government was likely to be lured by KCCA’s recent
registered successes to introduce similar Authorities to run other local
governments such as municipalities.

“We saw government plot to do away with councillors in Kampala, only to be
blocked by MPs. At this rate government is busy taking back management of
local government, and soon the whole essence of decentralization with be

A few months after being established, a serious conflict erupted between
KCCA’s political and administrative wings culminating into the ultimate
disposition of the Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago.
Officials at the Authority say business has been thriving there in his
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[Ugnet] The bullying of Hungary – the country that dared to disobey the US and EU

2014-11-08 Thread Mitayo Potosi
The bullying of Hungary – the country that dared to disobey the US and EU

Neil Clark is a journalist, writer and broadcaster. His award winning blog
can be found at www.neilclark66.blogspot.com. Follow him on Twitter

Get short URL
Published time: November 07, 2014 12:53
[image: Reuters / Karoly Arvai]

Reuters / Karoly Arvai


EU , Economy , Election , Energy
, Europe , Finance , Gas
, History , Human rights ,
NATO , Natural resources , Politics
, Russia , Sanctions , USA
, Ukraine 

25 years ago, Hungary was being toasted in the West for opening its border
with Austria to East Germans, in a move which led to the fall of the Berlin
Wall. Now the Western elites are not happy with Budapest which they
consider far too independent.

The refusal of Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his ruling Fidesz party to
join the new US and EU Cold War against Russia, which has seen the
Hungarian parliament approving a law to build the South Stream gas pipeline
without the approval of the European Union, in addition to the populist
economic policies Fidesz has adopted against the largely foreign owned
banks and energy companies, has been met with an angry response from
Washington and Brussels.

Hungarian officials have been banned from entering the US, while the
European Commission has demanded that the Hungarians explain their decision
to go ahead with South Stream. That’s on top of the European Commission
launching legal action against the Hungarian government for its law
restricting the rights of foreigners to buy agricultural land.

The bullying of Hungary hasn’t made many headlines because it’s so-called
*“democrats”* from the West who have been doing the bullying.

Viktor Orban is not a communist, he is a nationally-minded conservative who
was an anti-communist activist in the late 1980s, but the attacks on him
and his government demonstrate that it doesn’t matter what label you go
under - if you don’t do exactly what Uncle Sam and the Euro-elite tell you
to do - your country will come under great pressure to conform. And all of
course in the name of *“freedom”* and *“democracy.”*

Fidesz has been upsetting some powerful people in the West ever since
returning to power in 2010. The previous *“Socialist”*-led administration
was hugely popular in the West because it did everything Washington and
Brussels and the international banking set wanted. It imposed austerity on
ordinary people, it privatized large sections of the economy, and it took
out an unnecessary IMF loan. Ironically, the conservative-minded Fidesz
party has proved to be much better socialists in power than the
big-business and banker friendly *“Socialists”* they replaced.

One of the first things that Fidesz and its coalition allies, the Christian
Democratic People’s Party, (KDNP) did was to introduce an $855m bank tax -
the highest such tax in Europe - a measure which had the financial elite
foaming at the mouth.

Orban clashed with the IMF too, with his government rejecting new loan
terms in 2012, and paying off early a loan taken out by the previous
government, to reduce interest payments.
[image: Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Reuters / Bernadett Szabo)]

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Reuters / Bernadett Szabo)

In 2013, Orban took on the foreign-owned energy giants with his government
imposing cuts of over 20% on bills. Neoliberals expressed their outrage at
such *“interventionist”*policies, but under Orban, the economy has
improved. Although it’s true that many still look back nostalgically to the
days of *“goulash communism”* in the 1970s and 80s when there were jobs for
all and food on the table for everyone. Unemployment fell to 7.4 percent in
the third-quarter of this year; it was around 11 percent when Fidesz took
power, while real wages rose by 2.9 percent in the year up to July.

The man his enemies called the *“Viktator,”* has shown that he will pursue
whatever economic policies he believes are in his country’s national
interest, regardless of the opinions of the western elite who want the
Hungarian economy to be geared to their needs.

His refusal to scrap his country’s bank tax is one example; the closer
commercial links with Russia are another. Russia is Hungary’s third biggest
trading partner and ties between the two countries have strengthened in the
last couple of years, to the consternation of western Russophobes. In
April, a deal was struck for Moscow to loan Hungary €10 billion to help
upgrade its nuclear plant at Paks.

Orban’s policy of improving trade and business links with Russia, while
staying a member of the EU and NATO, has however been put under increasing
strain by the new hostile policy towards Moscow from Washington and

Orban again, has annoyed the West by sticking up for Hungary’s own
interests. In May he faced attack when he h

[Ugnet] Gorbachev, of the Illuminati comes out of the woodworks!!

2014-11-08 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Folks,** Gorbachev of The **Illuminati, comes out of the wood-works !! *


[image: Former President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev attends a
symposium on security in Europe 25 years after the fall of the "Wall" in
Berlin on November 8, 2014 (AFP Photo / Odd Andersen)]
 Europe may become irrelevant
due to short-sighted policies – Gorbachev
 Western policies toward Russia
championed by Washington have led to the current crisis, and if the
confrontation continues, Europe will be weakened and become irrelevant,
former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev warns. 936

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[Ugnet] Marco Polo in reverse: China pledges $40bn for new Silk Road

2014-11-08 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Marco Polo in reverse: China pledges $40bn for new Silk Road *


[image: Reuters / Stringer]  ​Marco
Polo in reverse: China pledges $40bn for new Silk Road
 Beijing says it will spend $40
billion to revive the historic Silk Road and connect China with Central
Asia, the Middle East and Europe - but this time, China will be the global
power flexing its economic muscles. 37

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[Ugnet] You killed a million people in Iraq'. Galloway Exposes British MP

2014-11-12 Thread Mitayo Potosi
You killed a million people in Iraq', Galloway Exposes British MP.

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Preview YouTube video 'You killed a million people in Iraq' George Galloway
tells Jacqui Smith - BBC News

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[Ugnet] 'Idea of the ICC hearing Gaddafi’s son case is a farce’

2014-11-12 Thread Mitayo Potosi
'Idea of the ICC hearing Gaddafi’s son case is a farce’
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 Published time: November 10, 2014 15:23
[image: Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, son of late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, son of late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi (Reuters)

Court , Crime , Human
rights , Libya ,
Middle East , Military
, Politics , USA
, Violence , War

The ICC was created by the same people who organized the overthrow and the
assassination of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, so the trial on his son Saif is a
complete fraud, Lawrence Freeman, editor of the Executive Intelligence
Review magazine, told RT.

 John Jones, Saif Gaddafi’s lawyer, on the trial: “The ICC has ordered Saif
Gaddafi to be delivered to The Hague and that was ordered two and a half
years ago by the Trial Chamber and confirmed by the Appeals Chamber. The
position under international law is that Libya has an obligation to deliver
him to The Hague; obviously it hasn’t happened so far. The sad fact is that
the ICC has made this order, it hasn’t been respected and there has been no
follow-up by the Security Council.”

Saif Gaddafi, a son of the former Libyan leader, is awaiting trial for the
masterminding the murders and torture during the 2011 civil war in Libya.
The hearing was postponed till November 16 after he failed to appear by
video link from jail, which also triggered concerns about his safety, given
that he is guarded by armed militia and is not being held in a government
prison. Saif Gaddafi’s lawyers say that there has been no direct contact
with him since June 2012 and he is still kept in Libya, though he should
have been delivered to The Hague.

*RT:* *While the ICC charged Saif Gaddafi along with his father in 2011, it
still cannot compel the Libyan government to allow it access. Why is that?
What does it say about the ICC's authority?*

*Lawrence Freeman:* The whole effort by International Criminal Court is a
complete fraud. The irony is that the very people, who created the ICC
going back several years, coming out of British and American policy, are
the same people who organized the overthrow and the assassination of
President Gaddafi in 2011. We look at people like Tony Blair, Samantha
Power, Susan Rice and others. So the idea that the Criminal Court is going
to carry out any justice for the country, as they have the same sponsors of
overthrow and destruction, I think, is a bit of a farce.

 John Jones, Saif Gaddafi’s lawyer, on the trial: “I hope Saif Gaddafi is
alive. You can imagine his condition after three years being held in those
conditions, his mental state is probably pretty bad. My position is that he
can’t have a fair trial now anywhere, in Libya or in The Hague. The only
thing that can happen to him is to be released.”

*RT:* *The former rebel groups holding Saif have refused to hand him over
to the central government in Tripoli. How does this reflect on the actual
power of the central authorities?*

*LF:* There is no power of the central authorities right now in Libya: the
country is worsening by the day, by the week, by the month. This was
predictable when the country was overthrown three years ago. Some foolish
people thought somehow that it would be an improvement for Libya, and many
people now think Libya is headed into a failed state. This is directly the
fault and responsibility of the American leadership. President Obama, Susan
Rice and the British leadership. They bear full responsibility for Libya
heading into a failed state and there is no manner called “legal action”
that is going to correct that.

*RT:* *Why has it taken so long to bring this man to justice?*

 John Jones, Saif Gaddafi’s lawyer, on the trial: “Simply bearing the name
Gaddafi is enough to condemn people in the eyes of the world, of the
international community. It may well be that Saif Gaddafi is entirely
innocent of the allegations against him.”

*LF:* Right now Libya is not a nation, is not a country as its being
destroyed day after day. Therefore, whatever actions are taken this is not
going to solve Libyan difficulties, this will not bring justice to Libya.
And the fact now is there are indications that you have the involvement of
the Islamic State in Libya make the situation much worse. Of course this
spills over into what is going on in Egypt and it spills over into what is
going on in the Middle East with the policies of Obama contrary to the
policies of the military are for the overthrow of Assad, President of
Syria, which will spread war even further. So what we have between the
Middle East and North Africa, we have the potential of spreading war and
chaos th

[Ugnet] US bans S. Korea from sending jet to Chinese airshow, sends its own plane instead

2014-11-12 Thread Mitayo Potosi
US bans S. Korea from sending jet to Chinese airshow, sends its own plane

[image: South Korea Air Force's Black Eagles (Reuters / Edgar Su)]
 US bans S. Korea
from sending jet to Chinese airshow, sends its own plane instead
 ​The Pentagon’s
decision to send a Boeing-made cargo plane to a Chinese airshow is raising
questions amidst tensions between not just the United States and China, but
now perhaps America and South Korea. 2

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[Ugnet] Mexico unexpectedly cancels $3.75bn bullet train deal with China

2014-11-12 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Mexico unexpectedly cancels $3.75bn bullet train deal with China
 Published time: November 07, 2014 15:12
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 [image: A CRH (China Railway High-speed) Harmony bullet inspection train
leaves a train station for a railway inspection assignment, in Guiyang,
Guizhou province (Reuters / Stringer)]

A CRH (China Railway High-speed) Harmony bullet inspection train leaves a
train station for a railway inspection assignment, in Guiyang, Guizhou
province (Reuters / Stringer)

China , Mexico ,

Mexico has abruptly cancelled a contract worth $3.75 billion (58.9 billion
pesos) with a Chinese-led rail consortium, just two days after it was
awarded. The project to construct the country’s first bullet train faced
opposition from local lawmakers.

The China Railway Construction Corp. and CSR Corp. won the contract Monday,
which set off steam amongst opposition politicians, who claimed the tender
by the Chinese company, the sole bidder, lacked transparency and
legitimacy. A new auction will be held and will include more bidders.

READ MORE: China tests 3,000-kph ‘super-Maglev’ train concept

The Chinese-led group included Mexican firms that are linked to the brother
of former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari.

The proposed 210-kilometer (130-mile) railway would link Mexico City with
the central manufacturing hub of Queretaro.

Esparza told the Televisa network the country’s President, Enrique Pena
Nieto made a last minute decision to back out of the deal signed on
November 3 and start the bidding process over. The Chinese consortium was
the only one to put forward a proposal by the October 15 deadline, after
Mitsubishi of Japan, Alstom of France, Bombardier of Canada and Siemens of
Germany all refrained from bidding.

China also offered to finance 85 percent of the project from loans from the
Export-Import Bank of China.

Nieto is due to visit China from next week to participate in the
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, as well as a two-day
official state visit to develop ties between Latin America’s second biggest
economy and the world’s second largest economy.
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[Ugnet] Kissinger warns of West’s ‘fatal mistake’ that may lead to new Cold War

2014-11-12 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Kissinger warns of West’s ‘fatal mistake’ that may lead to new Cold War
 Published time: November 10, 2014 16:49
Edited time: November 12, 2014 08:40
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 [image: Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (Reuters / Gero
Breloer / Pool)]

Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (Reuters / Gero Breloer /

Ukraine turmoil 

Conflict , EU ,
Opposition , Politics
, Russia , USA
, Ukraine 

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has given a chilling
assessment of a new geopolitical situation taking shape amid the Ukrainian
crisis, warning of a possible new Cold War and calling the West’s approach
to the crisis a “fatal mistake.”

The 91-year-old diplomat characterized the tense relations as exhibiting
the danger of *“another Cold War.”*

“This danger does exist and we can't ignore it,” Kissinger said. He warned
that ignoring this danger any further may result in a *“tragedy,”* he told
Germany’s Der Spiegel.

*READ MORE:* Europe may become irrelevant due to short-sighted policies –

If the West wants to be *“honest,*” it should recognize, that it made a
*“mistake,”* he said of the course of action the US and the EU adopted in
the Ukrainian conflict. Europe and the US did not understand the *“significance
of events”* that started with the Ukraine-EU economic negotiations that
initially brought about the demonstrations in Kiev last year. Those
tensions should have served as a starting point to include Russia in the
discussion, he believes.

[image: U.S. President Barack Obama (L) meets with Russian President
Vladimir Putin (Reuters / Kevin Lamarque)]

U.S. President Barack Obama (L) meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin
(Reuters / Kevin Lamarque)

*“At the same time, I do not want to say that the Russian response was
proportionate,”* the Cold War veteran added, saying that Ukraine has always
had a *“special significance”* for Russia and failure to understand that *“was
a fatal mistake.”*

Calling the sanctions against Moscow *“counterproductive,”* the diplomat
said that they set a dangerous precedent. Such actions, he believes, may
result in other big states trying to take *“protective measures”* and
strictly regulate their own markets in future.

When introducing some sanctions or publishing lists of people whose
accounts were frozen one should wonder *“what will happen next?”* the
former Secretary of State said rhetorically, because when something begins
you cannot lose sight of where it is going to end.

Kissinger also said he would expect more action from Berlin on matter. As
the most “important” country in Europe it should be more *“proactive”*
rather than reactive, he said.
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[Ugnet] The garden is a fantastic classromm.

2014-11-12 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Teachers making an extra buck from the farming business.*Folks,

Forget Physics, Quantum or Relativistic,  etc. we are at the threshold
of the next explosion of Mathematics; and Botany is the setting. It is
going to be like nothing humanity has ever seen.

Modern Algebra (better to call it *Algebraic Structures*) is going to M
athematize Biology/Botany like humanity has never seen.
Look at the Ugandan lady Teacher below. In front of her is a cassava leaf;
five petals !!  (pentagonal structure). In the struggle for survival Nature
bestows the *most efficient Geometry in the universe to this cassava*;
Not only the Cassava leaf but look at the *palm of your hands*, the one
that puts food into your mouth, all your life.
The palm must be endowed with the most efficient Geometry in the
universe to *optimize
**your struggle for survival.* Again there are five rows of seeds inside
the  papayi fruit. Papayi has to use the best Geometry in the universe *to
birth her babies, the seeds.*The Cotton, say in Northern Uganda, *the pod
explodes into five fluffs of cotton.* Why again this five, this *pentagonal
structure*, What makes it Nature's preferred Geometrical structure?What
does Mathematics tell us about all other alternative structures; and how
many of these alternatives are possible?Folks, This beautiful Ugandan
teacher shown below uses Scientific methods, insemination etc She needs
a Maths Teacher. The Mathematics Class or Lab (the garden) is right there in
front of her !!
ie. the Maize leaves are meant to grow at an angle of 135 to the leaf
immediately below. That is to maximize survival. There is so much maths in
the photo of this garden one can go on and on with the description !!
So Fellow Ugandans *let us treble the content of our Maths curriculum, P6
to S6.* We need it for our Agricuture, IT , Oil fields etc..
For how long are we going to cry out for our country to double or treble our
Maths curriculum, Primary6 to Senior6.Why Dr Besigye talking about riots as
the solution instead of telling us of the FDC plans for the next 100 years
of the country's Biolgy Education.

Nobody in Uganda seems to be addressing the important issue of Biology

Ugandans rejected walk to work. They are waiting for policy proposals on
this Biology and Maths.

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[image: Namayanja shows the Maize garden]
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[Ugnet] The Next Presidential Election Will Move The World Closer To War

2014-11-18 Thread Mitayo Potosi
The Next Presidential Election Will Move The World Closer To War — Paul
Craig Roberts
 November 16, 2014  |
Categories: Articles & Columns

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The Next Presidential Election Will Move The World Closer To War

Paul Craig Roberts

Glenn Greenwald has revealed that Hillary Clinton is the presidential
candidate of the banksters and warmongers.
Pam and Russ Martens note that Elizabeth Warren is the populist
I doubt that a politician who represents the people can acquire the
campaign funds needed to run a campaign. If Warren becomes a threat, the
Establishment will frame her with bogus charges and move her aside.

Hillary as president would mean war with Russia. With neocon nazis such as
Robert Kagan and Max Boot running her war policy and with Hillary’s
comparison of Russia’s president Putin to Adolf Hitler, war would be a
certainty. As Michel Chossudovsky and Noam Chomsky have written, the war
would be nuclear.

If Hillary is elected president, the financial gangsters and profiteering
war criminals would complete their takeover of the country. It would be
forever or until armageddon.

To understand what we would be getting with Hillary, recall the Clinton
presidency. The Clinton presidency was transformative in ways not generally
recognized. Clinton destroyed the Democratic Party with “free trade”
agreements, deregulated the financial system, launched Washington’s ongoing
policy of “regime change” with illegal military attacks on Yugoslavia and
Iraq, and his regime used deadly force without cause against American
civilians and covered up the murders with fake investigations. These were
four big changes that set the country on its downward spiral into a
militarized police state with massive income and wealth inequality.

One can understand why Republicans wanted the North American Free Trade
Agreement, but it was Bill Clinton who signed it into law. “Free trade”
agreements are devices used by US corporations to offshore their production
of goods and services sold in American markets. By moving production
abroad, labor cost savings increase corporate profits and share prices,
bringing capital gains to shareholders and multi-million dollar performance
bonuses to executives. The rewards to capital are large, but the rewards
come at the expense of US manufacturing workers and the tax base of cities
and states.

When plants are closed and the work shipped overseas, middle class jobs
disappear. Industrial and manufacturing unions are eviscerated, destroying
the labor unions that financed the Democrats’ election campaigns. The
countervailing power of labor against capital was lost, and Democrats had
to turn to the same sources of funding as Republicans. The result is a one
party state.

The weakened tax base of cities and states has made it possible for
Republicans to attack the public sector unions. Today the Democratic Party
no longer exists as a political party financed by the union dues of
ordinary people. Today both political parties represent the interests of
the same powerful interest groups: the financial sector, the
military/security complex, the Israel Lobby, the extractive industries, and

Neither party represents voters. Thus, the people are loaded up with the
costs of financial bailouts and wars, while the extractive industries and
Monsanto destroy the environment and degrade the food supply. Elections no
longer deal with real issues such as the loss of constitutional protections
and a government accountable to law. Instead the parties compete on issues
such as homosexual marriage and federal funding of abortion.

Clinton’s repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act was the initiating move followed
by the removal of more constraints that allowed the financial system to
transform itself into a gambling casino where bets are covered by the
public and the Federal Reserve. The full consequences of this remain to be

The Clinton regime’s attack on the Serbs was a war crime under
international law, but it was the Yugoslavian president who tried to defend
his country who was put on trial as a war criminal. When the Clinton regime
murdered Randy Weaver’s family at Ruby Ridge and 76 people at Waco,
subjecting the few survivors to a show trial, the regime’s crimes against
humanity went unpunished. Thus did C

[Ugnet] MP calls Zuma a Thief&Criminal fight breaks out

2014-11-18 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*MP calls Zuma a Thief&Criminal, fight breaks out*

Open the link below to see everything including the videos which are the
main presentation.

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[Ugnet] Nyerere and Fate Of Key Actors Of 1964 Zanzibar Mapinduzi (Revolution)

2014-11-21 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Nyerere and Fate Of Key Actors Of 1964 Zanzibar Mapinduzi (Revolution)*

*" Frank Carlucci : (Sent by President Johnson as US ambassador in
Zanzibar. Giventhe task of controlling growing communist influence after
the 1964 revolution.Believed to be an architect of Zanzibar,s Union with
Tanganyika, although deniedby US  authorities). Deputy director of CIA,
deputy secretary of Defense, assistantto the president for national
security affairs and secretary of defense.  A highly successful
businessman, he is a partner of Carlyle Associates".*

Abeid Amani Karume : Assassinated while playing cards at the Afro-Shirazi
Headquarters building in April 1972.

Abdulla Kassim Hanga: Executed in 1969 in Zanzibar. (His daughter, Yelena
is a TV personality in Russia. She has dual nationality : Russian and
through her US Jewish maternal grandparents.  When in New York, she attends
Christian church).

Othman Sharif : (A Shirazi) Executed in 1969 in Zanzibar.

Abdul Aziz Twala : (Minister of Finance) was also executed (sometime after

Abulraheman Mohamed Babu : Died in England in 1996. (I was told that his
was flown back to Zanzibar for burial).

Aboud Jumbe : Succeeded Karume as President of Zanzibar until 1984.  He
successfully conquered his drinking problem. (He is still alive on the

Ali Hassan Mwinyi : Succeeded Jumbe as President of Zanzibar.  He was later
elected as President of Tanzania. ( A moderate, who liberalized economy to
free enterprise system.)

Adam Mwakanjuki : Became minister of state in the office of president of
Zanzibar in 2001.

Julius Nyerere : (Ruled Tanganyika with firm hands.  His socialist Ujamaa
doctrine failed miserably. He was succeeded by Zanzibari Ali Hassan Mwinyi
in 1985).Nyerere died at the age of 77 in late 1999.

Wolf Dourado : The feisty lawyer of unquestioned integrity remained loyal to
Zanzibar, serving various governments until 1990s when he retired. He died
2012 at the age of 83.

(George Mooring: Last British colonial resident, governor or viceroy of
Zanzibar from 1959 to 1963. He advised London colonial office not to
grant independence to Zanzibar in 1963.  Considered to have been
most competent  Brit civil servant in Zanzibar. He died of cancer in
Suffolk, England
in 1969 at the age of 61).

*Frank Carlucci : (Sent by President Johnson as US ambassador in Zanzibar.
Giventhe task of controlling growing communist influence after the 1964
revolution.Believed to be an architect of Zanzibar,s Union with Tanganyika,
although deniedby US  authorities). Deputy director of CIA, deputy
secretary of Defense, assistantto the president for national security
affairs and secretary of defense.  A highly successful  businessman, he is
a partner of Carlyle Associates.*

Source : Revolution in Zanzibar - an American Cold War by US.Consul in
Zanzibar (1964) - Don Peterson.
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[Ugnet] Communists ‘stole’ the flag of Christianity

2014-11-21 Thread Mitayo Potosi
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Pope Francis: Communists ‘stole’ the flag of Christianity
 Published time: June 30, 2014 00:51
Edited time: July 01, 2014 11:27
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 [image: Pope Francis (AFP Photo / Vincenzo Pinto)]

Pope Francis (AFP Photo / Vincenzo Pinto)

Religion , Vatican

Pope Francis, whose criticisms of unbridled capitalism have caused many to
brand him a Marxist, said in an interview published Sunday that communists
“stole” Christian ideals.

The 77-year-old pontiff was asked during his interview with local Il
Messaggero newspaper about a blog in the Economist magazine by a journalist
who said the Pope sounded a lot like a Leninist because he often criticized
capitalism and called for reform of the global economic system.

“*I can only say that the communists have stolen our flag. The flag of the
poor is Christian. Poverty is at the center of the Gospel,”* said the Pope.
He was referring to passages in the Bible which state the need to help the

Pope Francis has often called for people to share their wealth with the

*“Communists say that all this is communism. Sure, twenty centuries later.
So when they speak, one can say to them: ‘but then you are Christian,'*” he
said laughing.

The Pope also said that global politics is mired in corruption and bribery,
adding that there is a deficiency in social work in society.

In regards to religious doctrine, the Pope said that the gospel cannot be
understood without understanding poverty, and to be poor before God means
poverty of the spirit.

Earlier this month, Pope Francis said that wealth from financial
speculation and speculation on commodities was scandalous and compromised
the poor’s access to food.

Read more:Pope Francis calls out 'greedy' bankers: 'Stop getting rich on
financial speculation!'

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[Ugnet] Another banker? Citigroup director, advocate of ethical practices, dies in suspected suicide

2014-11-21 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Another banker? Citigroup director, advocate of ethical practices, dies in
suspected suicide

(16 bankers have died in mysterious circumstances)
  Published time: November 20, 2014 21:48
Edited time: November 21, 2014 10:52
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 [image: Reuters/Mike Segar]

A leading campaigner for ethical banking practices, Citigroup managing
director Shawn D. Miller, was found dead in the bathtub of his New York
City apartment, following what police suspect was a suicide in a year
marked by suspicious banker deaths.

Miller, 42, was the global head of environmental and social risk management
at New York-based Citigroup, America’s fourth largest bank, and was a
strong advocate of Wall Street engaging in “public consultation” with
environmental and human rights groups.

Police believe Miller killed himself, Detective Martin Speechley, an NYPD
spokesman, told Bloomberg News Wednesday. However, the official cause of
death will remain a mystery until the autopsy report is concluded. Miller *“was
highly regarded at Citi and across the financial services industry as a
leader and tireless advocate for environmental and sustainable business
practices,”* top managers at Citigroup wrote in a letter to staff in his
department, Bloomberg reported.

*“He will be greatly missed by all who knew him,”* the letter said.

Miller had a strong background in advocating corporate social
responsibility throughout his career, first at the World Bank and then at

After winning a US government-funded fellowship to study Bengali in
Calcutta, India, Miller worked for the International Finance Corp, the
investment arm of the World Bank, for nine years, advocating “public
consultation” and better cooperation with environmental and human rights

At Citigroup from 2004, he was responsible for policies drawn up by the
Equator Principles Association, a group of 80 lenders worldwide that called
for banks to defend environmental and social conditions when financing
projects, Bloomberg News reported. He co-authored standards for *“responsible
risk decision-making,”* according to Citigroup’s website.

Investigators believe Miller killed himself after going on a drug,
methamphetamine and alcohol bender, according to the Daily News, which said
that cops found controlled substances in the apartment.

The banker was discovered by the building’s doorman on Tuesday afternoon,
after his boyfriend was unable to get a hold of him. His body was found
with a laceration to his neck, the NYPD said. He was pronounced dead by
paramedics that arrived to the apartment.

On the night of his death he was reportedly keeping company with a man he
met on Backpage.com, a classifieds site that is also used for sex

Security video footage at his apartment complex shows that Miller had a
confrontation in the elevator with an unidentified man late on Sunday night
or early Monday morning. The Daily News said Miller called the doorman to
ask the man not be let back into the building, and before his death, called
911 twice to complain about a ‘stalker’ outside the building.

Miller’s death comes on the heels of a wave of suicides and mysterious
deaths in the financial sector in Europe and the US in what some link to
bankers’ high-pressure and high-risk lifestyles, and also to the widespread
criticism of bankers’ role in the ongoing world financial crisis.

Back in March, 28-year-old JP Morgan Chase investment banker,Kenneth
Bellando’s body was found on a sidewalk after leaping to his death from his
six-story Manhattan apartment building. Bellando was the twelfth person to
commit suicide in the banking sector at the time of his death.

READ MORE: Young banker's suicide becomes twelfth in financial world this

In April, Jan Peter Schmittmann a former exec at ABN AMRO, a large
Dutch-based bank committed suicide after killing his wife and daughter.
That same month the head of Bank Frick, a Liechtenstein based bank, exec
was shot dead in a parking lot by Jürgen Hermann.

After the first batch of suicides early this year, Fortune Magazine wrote
that banker suicides are not a new phenomenon. Clusters are known to occur
whenever hardship strikes the industry, such as during the Great Depression
or the Great Recession of a few years ago. In addition, sensationalistic
reports of the deaths may lead to copycat fatalities.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), bankers
appear to be more prone to suicide than any other profession, barring
and scientists.”* For the years 1999, 2003, 2004 and 2007, there were 329
suicides among workers in the finance sector, Fortune reported.
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[Ugnet] Mr Reckless Wins as MP. Again. Fantastic...He is our man. We are proud of you Dear English friends !!!!.......

2014-11-21 Thread Mitayo Potosi

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Reckless reaction: 'Snobbish' Labour MP forced to quit as UKIP claims 2nd
by-election win
 Published time: November 21, 2014 12:34
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 [image: Mark Reckless (Reuters / Suzanne Plunkett)]

Mark Reckless (Reuters / Suzanne Plunkett)

Austerity , Breakaway regions
, Election
, History ,
Politics , UK 

​A week is a long time in politics? A senior Labour MP’s ill-judged
reaction to UKIP’s win in Thursday’s Rochester and Strood by-election shows
even a few hours can make or break a politician’s career.

While most political analysts and commentators largely expected the
incumbent MP Mark Reckless, who this autumn became the second Tory MP to
defect to the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), to win, few would
have thought it would be the Labour Party who would make Friday morning’s

On Thursday, former Shadow Attorney General Emily Thornberry stole the show
by tweeting a picture of a house in Strood covered in England flags, with a
white van in the driveway. While Thornberry initially denied that she was
making a comment about the residents in the constituency - white vans are a
sneering *“working-class”* or *“chav”* stereotype to some in London’s
chattering classes - reporters and politicians accused her of

Despite Thursday night’s defeat, Thornberry’s resignation gave British
Prime Minister David Cameron something to smile about. Speaking to BBC News
on Friday, the Prime Minister said her tweet actually showed the true
attitudes of the Labour Party toward working-class Britons.

*“Let’s be clear: Emily Thornberry is one of Ed Miliband’s closest allies
and aides, and effectively what this means is Ed Miliband’s Labour Party
sneers at people who work hard, who are patriotic and who love their
country. And I think that’s completely appalling,”* he said.

 That’s not to take away from UKIP’s victory or the establishment parties’
defeat, however.

Reckless increased his majority by nearly 3,000 votes, despite the seat
being fairly low on UKIP’s target list for the 2015 general election.

Speaking to supporters and the press following his victory, Reckless said
his win meant UKIP could *“win across the country.”*

*“If you vote UKIP you get UKIP. We will give you back your country,”* he

 Despite the Conservative’s poor performance, senior members of the Cabinet
have said they did not expect anyone to defect to the party before 2015,
and that Reckless would find it difficult to hold onto his seat at the
general election, where voter turnouts tend to be higher, and smaller
parties are historically at a disadvantage.

Voter turnout in the by-election was just over 50 percent, while at the
2010 general election, 64 percent of constituents came out to vote, the
majority of whom supported the Conservative Party.

In contrast, the Liberal Democrat party – who are part of the current
coalition government – garnered a humiliating 349 votes, being beaten to
4th place by the Greens. The Lib Dems consequently lost their election
deposit – a worrying pattern for the party, who are struggling to maintain
its core supporters from going to Labour or the Greens.
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[Ugnet] This is new, to me

2014-11-22 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*To some this is old news, to me and others, it is new !!*EXCLUSIVE: Gen
Sejusa Resistance Coalition Movement Crumbles
  Jul 22, 2014   44 Viewed   admin    Be
the First to Comment

[image: sejusa_159699194]

A few weeks after stepping in London last year, Sejusa formed what was
known as Free Uganda (FU).

 The group would later hold talks with Citizens for the Defence of the
Constitution (CDC) boss, Col John Ogole thus leading to the birth of
Freedom and Unity Front on October 9, 2013.

The founders hoped the new organisation would “enable Ugandans involved in
the liberation struggle to transcend tribe, cynicisms and all the old
tendencies which caused disunity among the people of Uganda.”

However*, Chimpreports* now understands the coalition force has broken up
due to “high levels of mistrust, suspicion and tribalism.”

Gen Sejusa said in a statement on Tuesday that while “a lot has been
achieved in terms of progress of the struggle in general terms” under the
coalition arrangement, “there have been a number of challenges which have
become increasingly difficult to surmount under the current FU / CDC unity

Sejusa cited the death of Lt. Col John Ogole this year.

“There was never any integration of the operational structures of FU and
CDC as such. Hence the operations have been more or less cooperative than
unitary. However, with the passing of Col Ogole, many things even those not
necessarily operational have become unclear. This is beginning to be
disruptive,” said Sejusa who was recently declared a deserter by the UPDF.

The former Ugandan spymaster who participated in the NRA liberation war
further pointed out that overtime, “there has cropped up some key
ideological differences between the Unity parties, for example, the
question of how to relate with other opposition groups. Should we be part
of the larger liberation effort or pursue an exclusionist agenda where
everything must rotate around FUF. To what end would this be?”

He added: “How do we treat and ultimately relate with those people who keep
abandoning the regime progressively and even others who may still be stuck
in the NRM and UPDF but who serve the resistance in other forms? Even on
the important question of who is the enemy in Uganda? For instance, is UPDF
as an institution the enemy etc? Because for Free Uganda, the question of
defining the enemy correctly is of huge ideological significance and should
not be glossed over.”


 While Sejusa intends to portray his rift with opposition forces in
Diaspora as hinged on ideological differences, well placed sources say
majority of Museveni’s enemies did not trust him as a sincere agent of

This was mainly because of his past strong relationship with Museveni.

“Sejusa fought with Museveni in several wars until they captured Kampala.
Their families have been close for decades. When they disagreed Sejusa
later apologised to Museveni and returned to army ranks. Such a man who
does not live by his word cannot be trusted by opposition forces in
Diaspora,” said a source who preferred anonymity so as to speak freely.

According to Eric Kashambuzi, an extremist opposition politician in
Diaspora, “FUF was set up by Sejusa to help him convert from military to
civilian life; but he soon realized he could not convert. He abandoned it
and formed a coalition of military organs because fighting and torturing
people is all he knows.”

Kashambuzi says Sejusa must first understand what opposition forces “have
been doing in the Diaspora where we reside and between us and Ugandans at
home. We have called on Uganda security forces; the youth; gender;
spiritual leaders; civil society organizations to join with us. What Sejusa
is doing is just repeating what we have started and he wants to claim

*Character traits*

 This website also understands that during meetings with opposition figures
in London, Sejusa exuded arrogance and regularly despised his colleagues
especially those without military background.

“Sejusa should join with us instead of trying to lead. Sejusa is a novice
in the Diaspora and can’t lead experts. We have demonstrated; we have
written; we have used the radio to reach Ugandans at home and abroad.
Sejusa has nothing new to contribute. His FUF got off to a bad start when a
Ugandan woman was thrown out of the meeting launching FUF. The manifesto
had no strategy of what it would do after capturing power by force,” added

Recently, renegade UPDF Colonel, Samson Mande, slammed Sejusa for being a
hypocrite and working towards the fragmentation of the opposition structure.

“Besigye won in 2006. Why doesn’t his best man Sejusa join him to recover
his victory like Mugisha Muntu did?” wondered Mande, who is also in exile
in Sweden after his rebel group, People’s Redemption Army (PRA)

[Ugnet] That Christopher Columbus saw the Mosque !! An election is coming in Turkey.

2014-11-28 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Foreigners ‘like seeing our children die’, can’t help with Mid-East, says

*Below are the lies by our politicians, the M7 and the Erdogan of this
world  ! *

*He tells folks,  that Christopher Columbus in the Americas he saw a Mosque
! *

*Of course there is an election coming in Turkey. That's why !!*

*It was originally written in 1996 by Yousse Mroueh. Mroueh wrote that
“Columbus admitted in his papers that on Monday, October 21, 1492 CE while
his ship was sailing near Gibara on the north-east coast of Cuba, he saw a
mosque on top of a beautiful mountain.” Historian Bartholome de Casas:
“Remarking on the position of the river and port, to which he gave the name
of San Salvador, he describes its mountains as lofty and beautiful, like
the Pena de las Enamoradas, and one of them has another little hill on its
summit, like a graceful mosque.” “Like a graceful mosque”*

  Published time: November 28, 2014 12:49
Edited time: November 28, 2014 17:20
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 [image: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (AFP Photo/Stephane De

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (AFP Photo/Stephane De Sakutin)

Conflict , Mass media
, Politics
, Thabang
Motsei , Turkey

Muslim countries are able to solve their problems on their own, the Turkish
president believes. He says far from offering help, the West is actually
exploiting “conflicts in the Middle East” and only cares about the region’s

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has urged Islamic countries to unite in order to solve
“*the biggest humanitarian and political crisis in their history*,”
according to AFP, citing the Turkish president’s speech in Istanbul on

“*The only condition to overcome the crisis in the Islamic world is unity,
solidarity and alliance*,” he said. “*Believe me, we can resolve every
problem as long as we are united*.”

Erdogan says there is no use counting on help from the Western world.

“*I speak openly, foreigners love oil, gold, diamonds, and the cheap labor
force of the Islamic world*,” he said. “*They like the conflicts, fights
and quarrels of the Middle East. Believe me, they don’t like us*.”

“*They look like friends, but they want us dead, they like seeing our
children die,*” the president went on.

Turkey has recently had its relations with the US strained over the
Washington-led military operation against the Islamic State extremist

The US has been pushing for Turkey’s more active participation in the
conflict, which Ankara has largely resisted, in its turn demanding support
from Washington in bringing down Syria’s president Assad.

READ MORE: Ankara and Washington agree to train 2,000 Syrian rebels in
Turkey – report 

Erdogan has called the US attempt to get Turkey more involved in the
conflict “*impertinent.*”

[image: Left wing demonstrators shout anti-U.S. slogan during a protest
against the visit of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, in central Istanbul
November 22, 2014 (Reuters / Can Erok)]

Left wing demonstrators shout anti-U.S. slogan during a protest against the
visit of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, in central Istanbul November 22,
2014 (Reuters / Can Erok)

 “*Why is somebody coming to this region from 12,000 kilometers (7,000
miles) away?*” Erdogan said on Wednesday, according to AFP. “*I want you to
know that we are against impertinence, recklessness and endless demands*,”
he added.

The comment was made shortly after US Vice President Joe Biden visited
Turkey. Biden's negotiations

with Erdogan failed to resolve the differences between the two NATO allies.
Muslims discovered America – no joke

Erdogan also lashed out at Western journalists for mocking his remarks on
the presence of Muslims in America long before the continent was discovered
by Columbus.

READ MORE: Before Columbus: Erdogan says Muslims 'discovered America,' eyes
mosque in Cuba 

“*I have been the target of heavy criticism by the Western media*,” he
said. “Just because I repeated a fact based on scientific research, I have
been targeted by the Western media, as well as the foreigners within who
suffer from an ego complex.”

Erdogan’s claim is based on a 1996 paper from Youssef Mroueh of the
As-Sunnah Foundation of America, who says Columbus’s diary mentions a
mosque he saw while sailing near Cuba. The theory has hardly found any
support within the scientific community.

However, Erdogan’s faith in the controversial study remains unshattered.

“*They have been very disturbed by the fact that we have reminded them of
some historical facts, the history of civiliz

[Ugnet] The Struggle in Yemen and the Houthis and the Power Shift

2014-12-03 Thread Mitayo Potosi
The Struggle in Yemen and the Houthis and the Power Shift

[image: Houthi rebels operate in the northern region of Yemen. [3]]
[image: Houthis hold their weapons as they gather in Haz, west of
the Yemeni ...]
 [image: The Houthis have made a giant leap on the military level since
Saleh ...]The Houthis
*The Growth and Expansion of the Houthis*

*What happens in Yemen in the nearing period and long term period really
does and of importance - both locally and regionally**.*
*Malik Sekou Osei*
Looking at Yemen can give a view of a complex Gordian knot of a
geostrategic contradiction. As the present predicament in a place call
Yemen has been all but ignored in the Western media and Yemen is noted for
more than a series of ghetto candy stores of loose cigarettes and cheap ice
cream of over loaded sugary artificial cupcakes and pies.
  At this time Yemen is ablaze within its internal contradictions of a
struggle of hegemony and actual development. Nonetheless, with the bigger
conflagrations getting more out of control in other parts of the world, the
struggle of Yemen it seems to have been reduced in importance to the back
page of mainstream media or the vulgar background discussions of the
dysfunctional characters of Reality TV, for most of the last few months one
of the most important political centers of the so-called Middle East, in
terms of imperial geo-strategic interests. But what happens in Yemen in the
short term and long term really has an effect that could lead to broader
chaos and further instability, both locally and regionally. Yemen is the
poorest country in the Middle East, Yemen has been beleaguered for decades
by corrupt and feeble and frail governments, tribal internal strife,
resource depletion, a depreciating security situation and sheer poverty.
Yemeni the unnecessary poverty  [image: Yemen poverty] [image:
Yemen poverty]
   One of the things that has to be addressed in understanding the
crisis that is brewing in Yemen is the growth of the Houthis and their
political influence in Yemen. To see the larger political consequences of
the grown of the Houthis in Yemen and the potential of the political
character in Yemen, thus for the larger Middle East. For it would be
impossible to understand Yemen without understanding the growth of the
 In September two months ago, Houthi insurgents charging a wave of
public restlessness, ran and overflowed into the capital city of Sanaa from
the north, and succeeded in bringing the government to its knees in a
matter of just under a week. In the eyes of many Yemenis, the Houthis are,
at least for now, the leading political force and best hope for change in a
country that truly needs it from top to bottom. They are also a substantial
military force, having taken control of much of Yemen's security apparatus
in the north and central parts of the country. What makes both these points
remarkable is that the Houthis are members of the Zaidi branch of Shia
Islam, a small minority in an otherwise Sunni majority country.
   A group called the Zaidis reigned over much of northern Yemen under a
system of religious and secular rule known as an imamate for over a
thousand years until revolution swept through the country back in 1962.
Yemen's nationalist movement eventually led to the establishment of two
separate countries: the Yemen Arab Republic or North Yemen and the People’s
Democratic Republic of Yemen or South Yemen. In 1990, North and South Yemen
united to become the present day Republic of Yemen.
*The Marginalized*
 However, the Zaidis were to never recover the power and authority they
once had previous to 1962, and have been both politically and economically
marginalized by each successive government ever since—at least up until
currently. And this is a very important point to remember in any
examination about the Houthis.
  [image: Husayn Badr al-Din al-Houthi]  Hussein Badral al

 Back in 2004, Hussein Badr al Din al-Houthi, a mutineer cleric
from northern Yemen and head of the Zaidi clique there, started a revolt
and insurrection against the government in Sanaa, insisting a greater
autonomy in the north, as well as to protect Zaidi religious and cultural
traditions thought to be an impingement by Sunnis. Houthi was killed by
government troops just a few months later, but his followers adopted his
name and carried on the struggle.
 Following a series of on again off again periods of bloody fighting,
the Houthis agreed to a ceasefire with the government in 2010. However, not
much changed for the Houthis in terms of perceived grievances perpetuated
by the government, which brings us to the more recent events that resulted
in the Houthis' rapid and astonishing rise to power.
Abdullah Saleh [image: Ali Abdullah Saleh, presidente do Iêmen, está a
quase 33 anos no ...]
President Ali Abdullah Saleh ruled

[Ugnet] Deaf and Blind. What Frightened the USS Donald Cook In The Black Sea?

2014-12-03 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Deaf and Blind. What Frightened the USS Donald Cook In The Black
Voltairenet *(Also
Flight fright: Russian MiG-31 jet pulls midair maneuver on Norwegian F-16
This article was first published by Voltairenet in other languages in
September 2014.

November 14, 2014 "ICH " -  The
State Department acknowledged that the crew of the destroyer *USS Donald
Cook* has been gravely demoralized ever since their vessel was flown over
in the Black Sea by a Russian *Sukhoi-24* (*Su-24*) fighter jet which
carried neither bombs nor missiles but only an electronic warfare device.

* This video shows the USS Donald Cook sailing into the Black Sea to
position itself near Russia’s territorial waters.*

On 10 April 2014, the USS Donald Cook entered the waters of the Black Sea
 and on 12 April a
Russian *Su-24* tactical bomber flew over the vessel triggering an incident
that, according to several media reports, completely demoralized its crew,
so much so that the Pentagon issued a protest [1

The *USS Donald Cook* (DDG-75) is a 4th generation guided missile destroyer
whose key weapons are *Tomahawk* cruise missiles with a range of up to
2,500 kilometers, and capable of carrying nuclear explosives. This ship
carries 56 *Tomahawk* missiles in standard mode, and 96 missiles in attack

The US destroyer is equipped with the most recent *Aegis Combat System*. It
is an integrated naval weapons systems which can link together the missile
defense systems of all vessels embedded within the same network, so as to
ensure the detection, tracking and destruction of hundreds of targets at
the same time. In addition, the *USS Donald Cook* is equipped with 4 large
radars, whose power is comparable to that of several stations. For
protection, it carries more than fifty anti-aircraft missiles of various

Meanwhile, the Russian *Su-24* that buzzed the *USS Donald Cook* carried
neither bombs nor missiles but only a basket mounted under the fuselage,
which, according to the Russian newspaper *Rossiyskaya Gazeta* [2
], contained a Russian
electronic warfare device called *Khibiny*.

As the Russian jet approached the US vessel, the electronic device disabled
all radars, control circuits, systems, information transmission, etc. on
board the US destroyer. In other words, the all-powerful * Aegis* system,
now hooked up - or about to be - with the defense systems installed on
NATO’s most modern ships was shut down, as turning off the TV set with the
remote control.

The Russian *Su-24* then simulated a missile attack against the *USS Donald
Cook*, which was left literally deaf and blind. As if carrying out a
training exercise, the Russian aircraft - unarmed - repeated the same
maneuver 12 times before flying away.

After that, the 4th generation destroyer immediately set sail towards a
port in Romania.

Since that incident, which the Atlanticist media have carefully covered up
despite the widespread reactions sparked among defense industry experts, no
US ship has ever approached Russian territorial waters again.

According to some specialized media, 27 sailors from the * USS Donald Cook*
requested to be relieved from active service.

Vladimir Balybine - director of the research center on electronic warfare
and the evaluation of so-called "visibility reduction" techniques attached
to the Russian Air Force Academy - made the following comment:

"The more a radio-electronic system is complex, the easier it is to disable
it through the use of electronic warfare."

* A video presentation of the US Aegis system. Currently installed on the
most sophisticated US Navy warships and in the process of being set up
throughout the entire range of NATO naval forces, this missile defense
system was completely knocked out in the Black Sea by a Russian electronic
warfare device.*

* Visual display of the incident.*

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2014-12-04 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Original Message-
From: Dr. Motsoko Pheko 
Sent: Thu, Dec 4, 2014 9:05 am

-Sobukwe Led The Road To Robben Island


 *Mangaliso Robert Sobukwe (in the middle) visited in Robben Island Prison
by the apartheid colonialist regime’s members of parliament. They had come
to check if they could make him compromise the genuine liberation of the
African people. After this visit, one of them told the apartheid parliament
in Cape Town, “I asked Sobukwe, have you considered changing your ideology?
He replied, ‘Not until the day of the resurrection.’” *

This piece of writing is dedicated to Mangaliso Robert Sobukwe that shining
star of the African liberation struggle of this country and the African
continent. That brutally persecuted and severely tested leader who passed
the revolutionary test with unparalleled distinction. This is a Pan
Africanist that walked the political talk to the finish with astounding
This principled Pan Africanist leader was born on the 5th of December 1924.
This 5th of December 2014 is Mangaliso Robert Sobukwe’s 90th Birthday
anniversary. Great nations do not forget their heroes nor do they adopt a
sectarian attitude towards them. This piece of writing is to remind of
Sobukwe’s legacy and to pass it on to this generation and to generations of
Africa to come.

 *Sobukwe, President of the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) dying in Kimberly
where the apartheid regime had banished him and declared him a banned
person to have no gathering with more than three persons without the
regime’s permission. This was after his imprisonment on Robben Island where
pieces of glass were often found in his food, according to his wife’s
statement Mrs Zodwa Veronica Sobukwe before the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission (TRC).  *
 Sobukwe’s liberation credentials speak for themselves. They do not need
any explanation. This is the only leader in the entire history of the
liberation struggle in South Africa who was imprisoned on Robben Island
without even a mock trial. He was kept in solitary confinement and then
banned and banished to Kimberly to die there.
In Robben Island Prison, the apartheid colonialist regime ordered that he
should be guarded by five guards with two fierce Alsatian dogs. Of him, the
apartheid Minister of Justice Johannes Balthazar Vorster said, “If…Robert
Sobukwe were released, we would have a fine [penalty] to pay in this
 This  Defier of the Undefiable, as he was affectionately called by
revolutionaries of his day; exposed the “struggle” of fighting both “white
domination” and “black domination” as a myth. The authors of the Trans
Atlantic Slave Trade sold black people like animals. They were not black.
European countries through the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 grabbed the
African Continent at gunpoint. They sliced it like a wedding cake and
partitioned it among themselves, into “British Africa,” “French Africa,”
“Portuguese Africa,” “Spanish Africa,” “German Africa;” leaving nothing for
Africans until millions of Africans died for their  freedom to regain
Somalia, on the horn of Africa had the misfortune of becoming “Italian
Somaliland,” “French Somaliland” and “British Somaliland.”
These colonialists were not black. There has been no “black domination” in
the world.
It is therefore a grave political delusion for any African leader to claim
to have fought an evil that never existed. Apartheid was itself   a product
of racism that came not from black people. It was not a product of “black
domination.” It was a creation of “white domination” stemming from the
superstition and unscientific theories of unschooled authors of the
idolatry of “white supremacy.”
 Sobukwe is a leader who spoke the language of true African liberation. He
never called a spade a big teaspoon. The land dispossessors of the African
people recognised this fact. To stop him from achieving genuine liberation
for his people, the apartheid regime made a special law to govern him. They
called it *“Sobukwe clause.” *Much more is said and revealed in the book
Freedom is not free. The price of freedom is selfless service, suffering
and sacrifice. Sobukwe was prepared to go to Robben Island Prison so that
the people of this country that are robbed of their land and its riches
could repossess them and control the economy of their country equitably.
Indeed, “liberation” of a land dispossessed people without repossessing its
wealth is a gigantic colonial fraud.

 *Mangaliso Robert Sobukwe a Pan Africanist revolutionary that the
apartheid regime could not break and entice to compromise the genuine
liberation of his people at any price. He was not for sale. He walked the
political talk to the finis

[Ugnet] Kenyatta Off ICC Hook

2014-12-05 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Kenyatta Off ICC Hook
  3 hours ago   167 Viewed   Kenneth Kazibwe
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[image: President Uhuru Kenyatta]
President Uhuru Kenyatta

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has dropped charges of crimes
against humanity slapped on Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta after
prosecution said it did not have enough information to implicate the head
of state, Chimp Corps report.

ICC prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, said Kenya government refused to cooperate
with investigators in providing necessary evidence against Uhuru’s active
participation in the 2007 post-election violence that left thousands dead.

“Contrary to the Government of Kenya’s public pronouncements that it has
fully complied with its legal obligations in this case, the ruling has
confirmed that in fact it has breached its treaty obligations under the
Rome Statute by failing to cooperate with my investigation,” said Bensouda
on Friday.

Mr Kenyatta is charged, as an indirect co-perpetrator, with five counts of
crimes against humanity consisting of murder, deportation or forcible
transfer, rape, persecution and other inhumane acts allegedly committed
during the post-election violence in Kenya in 2007-2008.

Charges were confirmed on 23 January 2012, and the case was committed to
trial before the Hague-based court.

The news is likely to excite Kenyatta’s supporters back home and also
confirm widely-held reports that indeed the ICC did not have any
substantial information against the President.

Kenyatta has maintained his innocence, saying ICC was in possession of
fabricated evidence to bring down his presidency and plunge the nation into

Africa Union recently resolved that no sitting president should appear at
ICC which they accused of serving western neo-colonial interests.

But supporters of ICC contend that the absence of ICC would encourage
African leaders to abuse human rights with impunity.

*Kenya’s cooperation*

On Wednesday, the Judges of Trial Chamber V (B) of the International
Criminal Court (ICC) found that the Government of Kenya had failed to
adequately cooperate with Bensouda’s investigations in the case against

The Chamber stated, “[it] finds that, cumulatively, the approach of the
Kenyan Government […] falls short of the standard of good faith
cooperation” and “that this failure has reached the threshold of
non-compliance” required under the Rome Statute.

In its ruling, the Chamber, therefore, found, “[…] that the Kenyan
Government’s non-compliance has not only compromised the Prosecution’s
ability to thoroughly investigate the charges, but has ultimately impinged
upon the Chamber’s ability to fulfill its mandate under Article 64, and in
particular, its truth-seeking function in accordance with Article 69 (3) of
the Statute.”

Bensouda said, “This is a significant finding,” adding, “The Judges have
thus determined the status of the Kenyan Government’s cooperation in the
case against Mr. Kenyatta.”

In a frustrated tone, the prosecutor added: “I have persistently sought to
secure the cooperation that my Office required from the Government of Kenya
in this case in order to execute my mandate.  Crucial documentary evidence
regarding the 2007-2008 post-election violence, including concerning the
conduct of the accused, can only be found in Kenya  and is only accessible
to the Prosecution through the assistance of the Government of Kenya.  This
crucial assistance was ultimately not provided, as confirmed by the recent
decision of the Trial Chamber.”

She added: “In addition to this failure on the part of the Government of
Kenya, my Office has faced other severe challenges, which have hampered my
ability to thoroughly investigate the 2007-2008 post-election violence, and
ultimately, frustrated the investigations in this case.”

Some of the challenges she faced include a “steady and relentless stream of
false media reports about the Kenya cases; an unprecedented campaign on
social media to expose the identity of protected witnesses in the Kenya
cases; and concerted and wide-ranging efforts to harass, intimidate and
threaten individuals who would wish to be witnesses.”

Bensouda further revealed that the Government of Kenya’s failure to provide
her office important records has had a severe adverse impact on this case.

“It has deprived the victims of their right to know the full account of
what transpired in 2007-2008.  It has further undermined my ability to
carry out a full investigation.  And finally, it has prevented the Judges
from carrying out their critical functions of assessing the evidence and
determining the truth. Ultimately, the hurdles we have encountered in
attempting to secure the cooperation required for this investigation have
in large part, collectively and cumulatively, delayed and frustrated the
course of justice for the victims in this case.”

[Ugnet] N. J. Wildberger is a University of Toronto Alumnus.

2014-12-05 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Dear Parents and fellow Ugandans, this is sweet !!
First of all, Mathematician N. J. Wildberger is a University of Toronto
Alumnus. Which is wonderful; our beloved UoT !!
For *Primary and Secondary schools* teachers he is stressing a branch of
Mathematics called '*Foundations of Mathematics*' ( Foundations of
of knowledge).
At Makerere they never used to teach '*Foundations of Mathematics*'.
Their three-year
degrees are crappy and lousy.
So for our School Maths teachers back in Uganda this is a fantastic resource
.Our Maths Teachers also should check out videos for his *Linear Algebra*;
and others for his '*Rational Trigonometry*'
Is N. J. Wildberger a joke or a genius when he claims that mathematics, in
its current form, is a hoax?
Wildberger is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at UNSW ( Prof N J
Wildberger Personal Pages
 ) author of the book
DIVINE PROPORTIONS : Rational Trigonometry to Universal Geometry ( Rational
trigonometry  ).

He claims that mathematics in its current form has serious foundational
issues and proposes new foundations which he explains in detail in his
video series:

Is he a joke or a genius? As a blog ( Dirty Rotten Infinite Sets and the
Foundations of Math

) puts it:

*" This isn't the typical wankish crackpottery, but rather a deep and
interesting bit of crackpottery. "*

Wildberger questions the very basics on which contemporary mathematics
rests. He claims that the notion of infinite sets, functions, real numbers,
even angles in trigonometry are problematic concepts which can't be taken
for granted.

He follows a constructionist approach based on integers and rational
numbers. Instead of membership in sets and functions he speaks of types and
expressions. He is not prepared to accept infinite sets or 'functions' as
perfect completed entities - he would rather treat a mathematical object
only something that can be constructed.

In this view things like the Banach–Tarski paradox
 are not
interesting or isolated mathematical facts without relevance to the
foundations of mathematics, rather they are completely counter intuitive
results, even worse: they show that the foundations on which they are based
are plain wrong.

He also looks at known things from a fresh perspective. For example he
creates the type 'PolyInt' ( integer 'poly number' ) based on integers as
an abstract representation of polynomials. Without reference to real
numbers, sets, functions, even without any visual representation of
'tangents to curves' he is able to introduce the idea of calculus and
Taylor expansion purely in a finitistic algebraic way, where coefficients
in the Taylor expansion ( called 'subderivatives' ) emerge as a scaled
version of the Pascal array ( and the expansion therefore contains no
'factorials' ).

5 Answers
Ask to Answer

[image: David Joyce] David Joyce
, Professor of Mathematics at Cl...

50 upvotes by Adam Merberg  (Ph.D.
student in mathematics at UC Berkeley), Anurag Bishnoi
 (Ph.D. student in Mathematics at
Ghent University.), Alon Amit  (PhD in
Mathematics; Mathcircler.), Joachim Pense
 (Got a degree in Mathematics.), (more)

I'm looking at Norman's videos now.  The entire series is listed at
MathFoundations - YouTube

The first 12 videos are the standard introduction to the theory of natural
numbers using the Dedekind/Peano axioms. Then comes rational numbers.  The
14th video with Ford circles is worth while if you haven't seen them
before.  In the 15th he comments on math education in primary schools.

It's the 16th, "why infinite sets don't exist" where it should get
interesting, but it doesn't.  He offers no actual criticism of infinite
sets, but does mention that there were mathematicians that rejected them
when they were originally proposed.  In the 17th he describes very large
numbers and concludes with the statement: "There's no right that we have to
say that we have to say 

Re: [Ugnet] N. J. Wildberger is a University of Toronto Alumnus.

2014-12-06 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*To Brothers matek, and C. Onyango-ObboGreetings !!These two folks, each in
their ways, are connoisseur of fine things in life !!*
*(Onyango Obbo for the piece on 'Handel's Messiah' at The** Cathedral of
the Holy Family**, in Nairobi). *

*So. Here, friends, I send you The John von Neumann Numbers, below.   They
are simply beautiful !!*
*Remember if aliens landed here from outer space, to test who is more
civilized, we would just look at their numbers*

* !!*
*If theirs are inferior to von Neumann Numbers **then their civilization is
garbage, inferior !!  The **von Neumann Numbers are*

* acid test. That is how profound.*

*Jon von Neumann constructed these numbers out of the empty set. So they
have no ontological content. That is simply heavenly.  **To *

*Plato number had to do with 'essence and/or form'.  For over 50**00 years *

*humanity sought to answer: What is 'Number' ?*

*John von Neumann gave the answer around 1920. *


von Neumann Integer

*The von Neumann integers represent natural numbers and are constructed
using the set notation. They are defined recursively as follows: *

*  0 := {} (the empty set)
  N+1 := N [image: union symbol] {N}

* The smallest von Neumann integer zero is defined as the empty set. The
von Neumann integer N is defined as the finite set with N elements which
are the von Neumann integers 0 to N-1. *

*0 := {}
1 := 0 [image: union symbol] {0} = {0} = {{}}
2 := 1 [image: union symbol] {1} = {0,1} = {{},{{}}}
3 := 2 [image: union symbol] {2} = {0,1,2} = {{},{{}},{{},{{
[image: dots]
N+1 := N [image: union symbol] {N} = {0,1,2,...,N}
[image: dots]

* The set of von Neumann integers is infinite though every its element N is
finite. *

* The von Neumann integer grows exponentially, for N>0 it has 5*2N-1-1
characters (braces and commas). *

On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Mitayo Potosi 

> Dear Parents and fellow Ugandans, this is sweet !!
> First of all, Mathematician N. J. Wildberger is a University of Toronto
> Alumnus. Which is wonderful; our beloved UoT !!
> For *Primary and Secondary schools* teachers he is stressing a branch of
> Mathematics called '*Foundations of Mathematics*' ( Foundations of
> Knowledge/Theory of knowledge).
> At Makerere they never used to teach '*Foundations of Mathematics*'.
> Their three-year degrees are crappy and lousy.
> So for our School Maths teachers back in Uganda this is a fantastic
> resource.Our Maths Teachers also should check out videos for his *Linear
> Algebra*;  and others for his '*Rational Trigonometry*'
> Is N. J. Wildberger a joke or a genius when he claims that mathematics, in
> its current form, is a hoax?
> Wildberger is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at UNSW ( Prof N J
> Wildberger Personal Pages
> <http://web.maths.unsw.edu.au/%7Enorman/index.html> ) author of the book
> DIVINE PROPORTIONS : Rational Trigonometry to Universal Geometry ( Rational
> trigonometry <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rational_trigonometry> ).
> He claims that mathematics in its current form has serious foundational
> issues and proposes new foundations which he explains in detail in his
> video series:
> Is he a joke or a genius? As a blog ( Dirty Rotten Infinite Sets and the
> Foundations of Math
> <http://scientopia.org/blogs/goodmath/2007/10/15/dirty-rotten-infinite-sets-and-the-foundations-of-math/#more-529>
> ) puts it:
> *" This isn't the typical wankish crackpottery, but rather a deep and
> interesting bit of crackpottery. "*
> Wildberger questions the very basics on which contemporary mathematics
> rests. He claims that the notion of infinite sets, functions, real numbers,
> even angles in trigonometry are problematic concepts which can't be taken
> for granted.
> He follows a constructionist approach based on integers and rational
> numbers. Instead of membership in sets and functions he speaks of types and
> expressions. He is not prepared to accept infinite sets or 'functions' as
> perfect completed entities - he would rather treat a mathematical object
> only something that can be constructed.
> In this view things like the Banach–Tarski paradox
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banach%E2%80%93Tarski_paradox> are not
> interesting or isolated mathematical facts without relevance to the
> foundations of mathematics, rather they are completely counter intuitive
> results, even worse: they show that the foundations on which they are based
> are plain wrong.
> He also looks at known things from a fresh perspective. For example he
> creates the type 'PolyInt' ( integer 'poly

[Ugnet] U.S accused of developing Ebola&Using Africa Testing Ground

2014-12-06 Thread Mitayo Potosi
U.S accused of developing Ebola&Using Africa Testing Ground

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attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[Ugnet] The Importance Of The Cancellation Of South Stream

2014-12-06 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 The Importance Of The Cancellation Of South Stream

 * By * *Alexander Mercouris*

 December 03, 2014 "ICH " - "The
- - The reaction to the cancellation of the Sound Stream project has been a
wonder to behold and needs to be explained very carefully.

In order to understand what has happened it is first necessary to go back
to the way Russian-European relations were developing in the 1990s.

Briefly, at that period, the assumption was that Russia would become the
great supplier of energy and raw materials to Europe. This was the period
of Europe's great “rush for gas” as the Europeans looked forward to
unlimited and unending Russian supplies. It was the increase in the role of
Russian gas in the European energy mix which made it possible for Europe to
run down its coal industry and cut its carbon emissions and bully and
lecture everyone else to do the same.

However the Europeans did not envisage that Russia would just supply them
with energy. Rather they always supposed this energy would be extracted for
them in Russia by Western energy companies. This after all is the pattern
in most of the developing world. The EU calls this “energy security” - a
euphemism for the extraction of energy in other countries by its own
companies under its own control.

It never happened that way. Though the Russian oil industry was privatised
it mostly remained in Russian hands. After Putin came to power in 2000 the
trend towards privatisation in the oil industry was reversed. One of the
major reasons for western anger at the arrest of Khodorkovsky and the
closure of Yukos and the transfer of its assets to the state oil company
Rosneft was precisely because is reversed this trend of privatisation in
the oil industry.

In the gas industry the process of privatisation never really got started.
Gas export continued to be controlled by Gazprom, maintaining its position
as a state owned monopoly gas exporter. Since Putin came to power Gazprom’s
position as a state owned Russian monopoly has been made fully secure.

Much of the anger that exists in the west towards Putin can be explained by
European and western resentment at his refusal and that of the Russian
government to the break up of Russia's energy monopolies and to the
“opening up” (as it is euphemistically called) of the Russian energy
industry to the advantage of western companies. Many of the allegations of
corruption that are routinely made against Putin personally are intended to
insinuate that he opposes the “opening up” of the Russian energy industry
and the break up and privatisation of Gazprom and Rosneft because he has a
personal stake in them (in the case of Gazprom, that he is actually its
owner). If one examines in detail the specific allegations of corruption
made against Putin (as I have done) this quickly becomes obvious.

His agenda of forcing Russia to privatise and break up its energy
monopolies has never gone away. This is why Gazprom, despite the vital and
reliable service it provides to its European customers, comes in for so
much criticism. When Europeans complain about Europe's energy dependence
upon Russia, they express their resentment at having to buy gas from a
single Russian state owned company (Gazprom) as opposed to their own
western companies operating in Russia.

This resentment exists simultaneously with a belief, very entrenched in
Europe, that Russia is somehow dependent upon Europe as a customer for its
gas and as a supplier of finance and technology.

This combination of resentment and overconfidence is what lies behind the
repeated European attempts to legislate in Europe on energy questions in a
way that is intended to force Russia to “open up” its the energy industry

The first attempt was the so-called Energy Charter, which Russia signed but
ultimately refused to ratify. The latest attempt is the EU's so-called
Third Energy Package.

This is presented as a development of EU anti-competition and anti-monopoly
law. In reality, as everyone knows, it is targeted at Gazprom, which is a
monopoly, though obviously not a European one.

This is the background to the conflict over South Stream. The EU
authorities have insisted that South Stream must comply with the Third
Energy Package even though the Third Energy Package came into existence
only after the outline agreements for South Stream had been already

Compliance with the Third Energy Package would have meant that though
Gazprom supplied the gas it could not own or control the pipeline through
which gas was supplied.

Were Gazprom to agree to this, it would acknowledge the EU’s authority over
its operations. It would in that case undoubtedly face down the line more
demands for more changes to its operating methods. Ultimately this would
lead to demands for changes in the structure of the energy industry in
Russia itself.


[Ugnet] White abuse of Africans In South Africa

2014-12-09 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Whites/caucasians abusing Africans in South Africa

open the link to see the video, it is still apartheid in SA !!

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[Ugnet] In SA an African man knocks out White Racist silly

2014-12-15 Thread Mitayo Potosi
This  racist white man in the video in South Africa is confused. He is just
a deranged poor fellow!!

All the same, an African man knocks him silly . It is not pretty.

Attachments area
Preview YouTube video White guy gets a knock-out kick for calling a Black
guy a Kaffir

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[Ugnet] See white-man selling loose cigarettes and peanuts on street in East Africa !!

2014-12-17 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*See white-man selling loose cigarettes and peanuts on street in East
Africa !!*
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[Ugnet] We will be embarking on land occupation struggles - EFF

2014-12-19 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 We will be embarking on land occupation struggles - EFF
Economic Freedom Fighters
 17 December 2014

 Fighters say they will also lead radical and militant protests to the

*Economic Freedom Fighters Peoples Declaration of the First National
People's Assembly*

13 - 16 December 2014

We the delegates of the National People's Assembly, gathered at the
University of the Free State, Mangaung, representing more than 500 000
members of this vanguard of the Economic Emancipation Movement from all the
provinces of South Africa in towns and townships, informal settlements and
rural areas, workplaces and campuses, come together under the theme of
People's Power for Economic Freedom.

We meet at the University of the Free State whose accommodation of the EFF
First Peoples Assembly represents a strong statement of institutional
autonomy and academic freedom which are everywhere being undermined. We
gather in Mangaung, the centre of the country and a home of the Economic
Emancipation Movement.

We gather in the name of the interests of the people who are the dejected
and neglected masses, the unemployed youth and adults, the security guards
and domestic workers, the petrol attendants, farmworkers, mineworkers,
civil servants and professionals of all kind to unify them across classes,
races and geographic spread for people's power for economic freedom.

We proclaim that out of relative obscurity, we as this generation have
discovered our mission and will do everything in our power to attain our

We affirm our historic mission which is the attainment of economic freedom
in our lifetime which we shall fulfil by any means necessary. This historic
mission is anchored by the seven none-negotiable pillars which express our
socialist revolutionary vision in the immediate, expressed in our primary
program, the EFF Founding Manifesto;

Expropriation of South Africa's land without compensation for equal
redistribution in use.

Nationalization of mines, banks, and other strategic sectors of the
economy, without compensation.

Building state and government capacity, which will lead to the abolishment
of tenders.

Free quality education, healthcare, houses, and sanitation.

Massive protected industrial development to create millions of sustainable
jobs, including the introduction of minimum wages in order to close the
wage gap between the rich and the poor, close the apartheid wage gap and
promote rapid career paths for Africans in the workplace.

Massive development of the African economy and advocating for a move from
reconciliation to justice in the entire continent.

Open, accountable, corrupt-free government and society without fear of
victimisation by state agencies.

Millions of our people remain homeless and landless in the country of their
own birth and majority of the land remains in the hands of beneficiaries of
colonial apartheid land theft. We shall embark on land occupation struggles
to end homelessness and landlessness amongst the poor, including fighting
against all the evictions of farmworkers.

We shall remain robust and militant in our revolutionary parliamentary
strategy which is based on ensuring the radical transformation of the
institution in the interest of the people. Parliament must become a
parliament of the people and pass laws that shall lead to a just and truly
equal society. The EFF shall ensure that parliament holds the executive
accountable in terms of the usage of state resources and that every single
cent is used to better the lives of all, particularly the poor.

In line with the mission of attainting state power to further the agenda of
economic freedom, the EFF will contest the local government elections with
the view to win them as a step towards total takeover in 2019 general
elections. Every municipality, every ward and very community shall be
contested with credible candidates approved through robust consultations
with the people. In the immediate, all outstanding EFF branches in all
wards of South Africa must be launched, and EFF must exist everywhere; in
farms, workplaces, campuses, villages, and all informal settlements.

We as delegates commit to fight for the immediate criminalisation of base
erosion, profit shifting and transfer pricing, because these are phenomena
that are robing South Africa of massive potential wealth.

In the immediate, the EFF shall lead radical and militant protests to Mines
to demand that Mines should provide basic services in their surrounding
communities. Added to protests to government institutions, the EFF should
lead protests directly to huge corporations to demand specific concessions
and programmes that will uplift the conditions of our people.

We call for localisation and that all the goods and services consumed in
South Africa should be locally produced. Retail stores must be compelled by
law to procure their goods and services locally and government should be
pushed to only buy locally produced goods and services.

As acclaimed in the

[Ugnet] The Tony Blair scum and others' wives !!

2014-12-19 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Affairs of state? Tony Blair ‘breaks into sweat’ over alleged relationship
with Murdoch’s wife
 Published time: December 19, 2014 15:45
Get short URL 
 [image: Tony Blair.(Reuters / Mohamed Abd El Ghany)]

Tony Blair.(Reuters / Mohamed Abd El Ghany)

Politics , Scandal
, Sex , UK

Tony Blair says he will “never” discuss the true nature of his relationship
with Rupert Murdoch’s ex-wife, Wendi Deng. The media mogul filed for
divorce in June 2013 amid speculation the former prime minister had been
having an affair.

Middle East envoy Blair became irked when questioned on the subject,
banging *“his coffee cup so loudly into its saucer that it spills and
everyone in the room jumps,”* according to an interviewer for The

Godfather to one of the former couple’s daughters, Blair has always denied
the sordid allegation. He told the magazine it is *“not something I will
ever talk about— I haven’t and I won’t.”*

When asked whether he found himself in a tangle over his friendship with
Deng, the Economist reported that *“a large, dark pool of sweat has
suddenly appeared under his armpit, spreading across an expensive blue

Murdoch spoke publicly about the end of his third marriage for the first
time in April.

In an interview with Fortune magazine, he said he was *“shocked”* when he
read Deng’s alleged diary entries about other men.

[image: Rupert Murdoch, chairman and CEO of News Corporation, with ex-wife
Wendi Deng.(Reuters / Lucy Nicholson)]

Rupert Murdoch, chairman and CEO of News Corporation, with ex-wife Wendi
Deng.(Reuters / Lucy Nicholson)

Deng described her passion for Blair in a private note which was revealed
by Vanity Fair in March.

*“He has such a good body and he has really, really good legs… And he is
slim, tall and [has] good skin. Pierc[ing] blue eyes which I love. Love his
eyes. Also I love his power on the stage,”* wrote Deng.

Murdoch filed for divorce a week after staff at his California ranch told
him of their suspicions.

*“I was in Australia. When I got back, I naturally asked the staff, and it
opened up. That's the story. And then, you know, a week later I filed. As
soon as I could find a lawyer,”* Murdoch said.

Blair and the press magnate fell out soon after the divorce was filed.

*“According to sources at NewsCorp, Mr Murdoch pressed the ‘mute’ button
during a confrontational phone call, informed colleagues that he was
getting ‘politicians’ answers’ to his questions, and has never spoken to Mr
Blair since,”* The Economist said.

If Blair was uncooperative when asked about his relationship with Deng, he
was defiant when asked about Iraq.

He denied responsibility for the instability and violence ravaging swathes
of the Middle East, saying he would not concede *“until my dying day”* he
was wrong to remove Saddam Hussein.

*“What annoys people is my refusal to change my mind. I don’t shut up about
it and I know that strikes some people as provocative,”* Blair said.
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UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] Zambia Shuts Down Barrick Gold

2014-12-22 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Zambia Shuts Down Barrick Gold
Barrick Gold Corp to suspend Lumwana mine in Zambia amid huge royalty hike

Peter Koven  | December
18, 2014 | Last Updated: Dec 18 2:24 PM ET
More from Peter Koven  |
[image: Barrick Gold Corp expects to begin reducing the workforce in March,
and to finish shutting the mine down in the second quarter. That leaves
plenty of time for the government to change its mind and scrap the royalty
hike before Lumwana goes offline.]
Barrick Gold CorpBarrick Gold Corp expects to begin reducing the workforce
in March, and to finish shutting the mine down in the second quarter. That
leaves plenty of time for the government to change its mind and scrap the
royalty hike before Lumwana goes offline.


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Barrick Gold Corp. announced Thursday that it plans to suspend its Lumwana
copper mine in Zambia because of a massive royalty hike introduced by the

The Zambian parliament passed legislation that eliminates corporate income
tax but increases the royalty rate on open pit mines to 20% from 6%.
Toronto-based Barrick has warned for months that this legislation, which
takes effect in January, would make Lumwana unsustainable.

“The introduction of this royalty has left us with no choice but to
initiate the process of suspending operations at Lumwana,” co-president
Kelvin Dushnisky said in a statement.

   - Beaten-up Barrick tops investor’s picks

   - Barrick Gold co-president joins insider buying spree

“Despite the progress we have made to reduce costs and improve efficiency
at the mine, the economics of an operation such as Lumwana cannot support a
20% gross royalty, particularly in the current copper price environment.”

Barrick’s move puts pressure on the government to reverse its course. The
company noted that the mine supports about 4,000 direct jobs and bought
almost US$400-million of goods and services from Zambian suppliers last
[image: Advertisement]
[image: Advertisement]

“We sincerely regret the impact this will have on our people, as well as
the communities and the businesses that depend on Lumwana, and we remain
hopeful that the government will consider an alternative solution that will
allow the mine to continue operating,” said Jim Gowans, Barrick’s other

If the new royalty regime isn’t changed, Barrick expects to take a
writedown on Lumwana in the fourth quarter. The current carrying va

[Ugnet] Eritrea still standing, still tall!

2014-12-25 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Re: Eritrea still standing, still tall!*(Below, the
author categorizes East African leaders, Kagame, Museveni, Kikwete, Kiir
etc as servants of imperialism. He is is spot on.Uhuru Kenyatta,
though, does not belong to such category. He is a true Pan-Africanist.i.e.
 unlike m7 who was sent to DRCongo, resulting in the death of ten million
Congolese, and Uganda fined $10 billion, for pillaging Congo.Now, if you
can believe it, m7 and Zuma call themselves Pan-Africanists  !! After they
connive with Indians to build so-called Pan-African Shopping Malls, they
think they can fool us claiming Pan-Africanism.It is all disgusting !!

Andre Vltchek is a novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He has
covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries.
  Get short URL

 Published time: December 24, 2014 15:06
 [image: Port of Massawa and old Italian colonial marker (Photo by Andre

Port of Massawa and old Italian colonial marker (Photo by Andre Vltchek)

Africa , Conflict ,
Corruption , Economy
, Global economy
, History ,
Human rights , Modernization
, Politics 

Sanctions, psychological warfare, propaganda, funding of its opposition,
support for often hostile neighbors – the West has tried everything to
break Eritrea. But here it is, undefeated and proud, marching forward.

Some call it the *“African Cuba”*, or it could also be named the *“African
Vietnam”*, but the truth is that Eritrea is like no other country on Earth,
and it is happy to remain as such, unique.

*“We do not want to be categorized”*, I am told over and over again, and
whenever I ask whether Eritrea is a socialist country.

*“Look at Amílcar Cabral, from Guinea-Bissau”*, I am told by Elias Amare,
one of the most accomplished writers and thinkers in Eritrea, who is also a
Senior Fellow at the ‘Peace Building Center for The Horn of Africa’
(PCHA). *“Cabral
always said: ‘Judge us on what we are doing on the ground’. The same can be
applied to Eritrea.”*

Most of the leaders of Eritrea, most of its thinkers, are either Marxists,
or at least their hearts are very close to socialist ideals. But there is
very little talk about socialism here, and there are almost no red banners.
The Eritrean national flag is at the center of all that is happening, while
independence, self-reliance, social justice and unity should be considered
as basic pillars of the national ideology.

[image: Incubator for prematurely born babies (Photo by Andre Vltchek)]

Incubator for prematurely born babies (Photo by Andre Vltchek)

According to Elias Amare:

*“Eritrea registered success, substantial achievements, in what the United
Nations defines as ‘Millennium Development Goals’, in particular ensuring
free primary education for all; ensuring women’s emancipation and equality
of women in all fields. In healthcare, it achieved a dramatic reduction in
infant mortality, as well as the reduction of maternal mortality. In this
regard, Eritrea is considered exemplary in Africa; few other countries have
attained that much. So, despite all the obstacles that the country faces,
the picture is positive.”*

*“Eritrea continues on the national independent path. It has a progressive
view in building national unity. Eritrea is a multi-ethnic, multi-religious
society. It has nine ethnic groups, and two major religions: Christianity
and Islam. The two religions co-exist harmoniously, and this is mainly due
to the tolerant culture, that the society has built. There is no conflict
or animosity between the ethnic groups or religious groups. The government
and the people are keen to maintain this national unity.”*

But is Eritrea really a socialist country? I want to know, I insist. *“Go
find out for yourself,”* I hear repeatedly.

I go. I am allowed to come and see. I am taken to the places that I want to
comprehend. I make friends here; determined, educated and well-informed

[image: Pushkin in Asmara - he was partially Eritrean (Photo by Andre

Pushkin in Asmara - he was partially Eritrean (Photo by Andre Vltchek)

The propaganda pouring out of the West is defining Eritrea as a hermit
*‘pariah’* state, closed to the rest of the world, militarized and

But after the six years that I have lived and worked in Africa, I quickly
managed to realize that the opposite is true.

In Eritrea I see great hope for the country itself and for the continent; I
see education, hard work, meticulous planning for a better future, I see a
new and sound development model.

There are brand new schools and colleges, rural medical posts, cancer and

Re: [Ugnet] Pan-African politiical socio-economicaly conscious workers / peasants -- key to the liberation process in Azania, Africa & African World

2014-12-25 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Nelson Mandela rejected changing the name from "South Africa" to "Azania",
calling the idea 'preposterous'*

On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 2:54 PM,  wrote:

>  October 19, 2012
>  AZANIA MUST BE FREE! Posted by Mayihlome under Feature Articles
>  | Tags: Africa
> , Azania
> , Cape Colony
> , Motsoko Pheko
> , Orange Free State
> , South Africa
> , Union of South Africa
> , United
> Nations , Zulu
>  |
> [6] Comments
> Azania
>  In A South African newspaper, THE STAR of the 8th 0ctober 2012, Prof.
> Themba Sono raised his concern about referring to South Africa as ‘Mzansi
> .’
> Mzansi means South in Zulu. What is historically clear and politically
> correct is that free men and women name themselves. Only slaves and dogs
> are named by their masters. That is why not long ago, there was Gold Coast,
> Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, British Bechuanaland
> , Upper Volta and
> of course, South Africa. But now, free men and women named their countries,
> Ghana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Burkina Faso respectively.
> “South Africa” is the name that British imperialism
>  and its colonial settlers
> gave to this African country
> on the 20th September 1909. This colonial statute was called “An Act To
> Constitute The Union of South Africa
>  1909.” It was
> implemented in 1910.
> What were the reasons for this Union of South Africa? Constitutional
> lawyers Gilbert Dold and C.P. Joubert have written, “Long before the Union
> was brought about, many recognised that the colour question in all its
> aspects had to be dealt with, not piecemeal by separate governments, but as
> one complex whole. The Cape had one native policy and Natal another
> entirely different, the Transvaal a third one, the Orange River Colony a
> fourth one.
> Different remedies were being applied to the same disease. Soon the gulf
> might be too wide to bridge. Apart from this, there was always the danger
> of a Black native rising. The white population if united under one
> government would be strong enough to deal with the danger of that kind, but
> under four governments not one of them, especially, Natal was safe from
> danger.”
> Historians Fowler and Smith have also given the reason why colonial
> settlers formed the Union of South Africa. They have recorded, “Peace in
> South Africa depended to a large extent on a sound relationship between the
> colonies and the native tribes…. (indigenous Africa majority).
> The Transvaal was concerned with the Bapedi and Swazis, Natal with the
> powerful Zulus and the Orange Free State
> with the Basuto. The Cape Colony
>  was to deal with the warlike
> Xhosa tribes on its frontier. It was common knowledge to the governments
> concerned that when one tribe was involved in war, peace was also
> endangered in other parts of South Africa. Unified control of natives in
> South Africa through some form of federation would minimize the danger of
> costly Native wars and maintain peaceful conditions.”
> At the time of the formation of the Union of South Africa there were
> 349,837 settlers and five million Africans. Section 44 of the Union of South
> Africa Act 1909 
> clearly stated that “The qualifications of a member of the House of
> Assembly shall be as follows: He must…be a British subject of European
> descent.”
> In 1913 through the Native Land Act
>  of that year,
> five million African people 
> were allocated 7% of their own country. The remaining 93% was given to the
> 349,837 colonial settlers. Later through the Native Trust Land Act 1936, an
> additional 6% of land was allocated to the African people. The land
> dispossession of the African people has continued to the present.
> In 1996, the constitution of so-called “New 

[Ugnet] Uhuru hits back at the US

2014-12-25 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Uhuru hits back at the US over criticism

The law becomes effective starting Monday when it is expected to be

*("Kenya has no Guantanamo Bay,” said Mr Kenyatta in a statement from State
[image: President Uhuru Kenyatta addresses the media at State House,
Nairobi, on May 16, 2014. President Kenyatta on December 20, 2014 reacted
strongly to a statement by the US Government criticising the passage of the
controversial security law which he signed on December 19, 2014. PHOTO |


President Uhuru Kenyatta on Saturday reacted strongly to a statement by the
US Government criticising the passage of the controversial security law
which he signed on Friday.

The law becomes effective starting Monday when it is expected to be

At the same time, Cord leader Raila Odinga said the Opposition would call
for mass protests if the courts did not stop the new laws (see separate

In a move that is likely to test the fragile relations between Nairobi and
the Barack Obama administration, the President said that criticising the
new law was a “clear indication that the US had decided to go with the view
of the noisemakers rather than the Security (Amendment Act) itself”.

“First, our law is better than the American Patriot and Homeland Security
Acts that give rogue powers to security agencies. In the US, FBI and
intelligence officers have a carte blanche in the fight against terrorism
and biological warfare.

But our law has provided checks by courts of law. What is more, Kenya has
no Guantanamo Bay,” said Mr Kenyatta in a statement from State House.


A terse statement from the US State Department had on Friday criticised the
controversial new security laws, saying they undermined human rights,
democracy and Kenya’s international obligations.

“We are disappointed, however, by the very limited time allowed for debate
and consultation on the security Bill prior to its passage and enactment
into law.

We are also concerned about several provisions in the legislation,
including those that appear to limit freedom of assembly and media, and
access to asylum for refugees,” said the statement signed by Jen Psaki, the
spokesperson for the US State Department.

The statement also took issue with the recent deregistration of 525 non-
governmental organisations for their suspected links to terrorism, and
demanded answers from the Kenya Government on the criteria used to kick
them out.

The US added that whereas it supported Kenya’s efforts to fight terrorism,
it expected the government to ensure that any measures to deal with the
threat “live up to Kenya’s international commitments and its own

“Protecting Kenya’s constitution and upholding human rights, democracy, and
international obligations are among the most effective ways to bolster
security,” the statement said.

But the statement from President Kenyatta, which was signed by State House
official Munyori Buku, asked the US Government to take time and understand
the laws before criticising the Kenya Government.

“Our law doesn’t curtail the freedom of assembly and the State Department
should read the law as passed, and not go by what its associates want them
to believe,” said the statement.

The statement also defended the government’s move to deregister hundreds of
non- governmental organisations, saying the decision was final.

“The statement questions a decision by a government department that
deregistered rogue non- governmental organisations and put on notice  those
that flout the law. non- governmental organisations aren’t above the law
and they must answer to the authorities.

Isn’t it peculiar that a foreign government appears sympathetic to
organisations that think the law is an irritating irrelevance?”

The US stance appeared to capture the mood of the West towards the passing
of the security laws in an acrimonious session characterised by fistfights,
heckling and name-calling on Thursday.


Prior to the debate, nine Western envoys had called for broader
consultations and consensus building before the Bill could be debated.

In a joint statement issued in Nairobi, the envoys from the US, Britain,
Canada, Sweden, France, Denmark, Netherlands and Australia called on MPs to
take their time and carefully review the Bill and consult broadly to build

They noted that protecting Kenya’s constitution and upholding civil
liberties and democracy were the most effective ways of bolstering
security. “It is important that the legislation, while strengthening
security, respects human rights and international obligations,” they said.

On the de-registration of non- governmental organisations, the US
Government stated that a strong civil society was vital to democracy,

[Ugnet] (South Africa) Maths, Physics results worse than 2013 – Umalusi

2014-12-30 Thread Mitayo Potosi
  National   30.12.2014
04.58 pm
 (South Africa) Maths, Physics results worse than 2013 – Umalusi

   The chairperson of Umalusi John Volmink speaks at a media briefing on
Umalusi's approval of national exam results on 30 December 2014 in
Pretoria. Picture: Christine Vermooten
 The 2014 matric results for mathematics, mathematics literacy and physical
science were worse than in 2013, monitoring body Umalusi said on Tuesday.

Mathematics had undergone major changes in content with the inclusion of
Euclidean geometry and probability, Umalusi council chairman Prof John
Volmink told reporters in Pretoria.

He said the curriculum would prove a challenge to most pupils.

“This was shown in the learner performance in that there is a significant
increase in the failure rate compared with 2013,” he said.

“However, learners at the top experienced the mathematics examination much

In mathematics literacy pupils did “significantly worse” in 2014 than in
any previous year.

He said upward adjustments were made to the marks at all levels for
mathematics literacy. Normal mathematics had no adjustment at the bottom
end and a slight downward adjustment at the top end.

Volmink said the results of all but 58 examination centres, where
irregularities were found, would be released next week.

In physical science, pupils performed worse than in 2013 and an upward
adjustment was made at all levels. Life sciences was the “easiest in the
group of subjects” taken and the marks were decreased.

In business studies the performance was the worst compared to any other
year and the marks were increased.

In mathematics there were more failures, but also more distinctions.
Volmink said the crux of the matter was how children were being taught. He
said there had been no real improvement over the last five years.

“To be quite frank, we thought the results would be much worse because
large sections of the mathematics curriculum was not there last year.”

He speculated there might have been more emphasis on teaching the subject,
otherwise the results would have been worse.

He said for the basic education department, 58 subjects were presented for
standardisation. After moderation the raw marks for 35 subjects were
accepted, 13 subjects had marks increased, and 10 decreased.

Volmink said evidence of “group copying” was found in the 58 centres in
Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal.

*Read more: *Mass copying found in Matric exams


“This is a new phenomenon… Umalusi is very concerned about this trend and
takes the view that strong action be taken against those learners and
supervisors who have made themselves guilty of these acts of dishonesty.”

Following a probe, in KwaZulu-Natal 39 centres were implicated in cheating
and 19 in the Eastern Cape.

Volmink said the irregularities did not affect the integrity and
credibility of the exams as a whole. KwaZulu-Natal had 1741 examination
centres and the Eastern Cape had 924, so the irregularities occurred at two
percent of the centres.

When asked how the irregularities were discovered, Umalusi CEO Mafu
Rakometsi said pupils provided the same answers.

“These problems were detected at the marking centres… the students are
providing the same answers, the same right answers, the same wrong answers.

“It is clear that there is sharing of notes, it is clear that there is

Giving an example, he said whoever gave the dictation to pupils said “go
ahead” and the pupils wrote “go ahead” on their answer sheets.

He said if pupils wanted to cheat it was the duty of teachers, principals,
and supervisors to stop them.

The department had told Umalusi the investigation into these centres would
be completed by the end of March and “drastic measures” would be taken to
deal with the problem, Rakometsi said.

Volmink said apart from these incidents the 2014 matric exams, although not
perfect, were “fair and credible”.

*Read more:* Matric exams ‘fair and credible’


Umalusi approved the release of the exam results from the basic education
department, the Independent Examinations Board (IEB), the SA Comprehensive
Assessment Institute, and the higher education department.

Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini said on Tuesday her
department had opened its gender-based violence “command centre” for
counselling to IEB matriculants who would get their results on Wednesday.

Dlamini appealed to parents to beware of signs of depression in their
children so they could seek help for them.

Public schools’ matric exam results will be released next Tuesday.
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[Ugnet] Britain’s Prince Andrew accused of using 'under-age sex slave'

2015-01-02 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Britain’s Prince Andrew accused of using 'under-age sex slave'
Published time: January 02, 2015 16:05
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[image: Britain's Prince Andrew (Reuters)]

Britain's Prince Andrew (Reuters)

Accident , Anonymous
, Intelligence
,Internet ,
Law , Mass media ,
Scandal , UK 

Prince Andrew, son of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, has been accused of
having sexual relations with an underage girl in a case submitted to a US
court on Friday.

The woman involved in the case, who has not been named, told a court in
Florida she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew multiple times by
disgraced US multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

The statement is part of a wider case against Epstein, who is accused
of *“loaning
out”* the then-teenager to his friends and associates.

*READ MORE:* ‘Reopen investigation into Westminster pedophile whistleblower
deaths’ – MP 

Epstein, 58, was jailed for 18 months in 2008 for seeking sexual relations
with an underage girl.

However since his jailing, around 40 women, none of them identified, have
accused Epstein of sexually abusing them.

Court documents seen by The Guardian say: *“One such powerful individual
Epstein forced [the woman] to have sexual relations with was a member of
the British royal family, Prince Andrew (aka Duke of York).”*

However, Buckingham Palace have hit back at the allegations, calling them
[image: Buckingham Palace in London (AFP Photo/Carl De Souza)]

Buckingham Palace in London (AFP Photo/Carl De Souza)

*“This relates to long-standing and ongoing civil proceedings in the United
States, to which The Duke of York is not a party,”* a Palace spokesperson

*“However, for the avoidance of doubt, any suggestion of impropriety with
underage minors is categorically untrue.”*

The information comes as MPs warn that there may not be enough resources
available to conduct an official inquiry into historic child abuse cases in
Britain during the 70s and 80s.

Last week, Labour MP John Mann said that police and social services may be
unable to deal with *“tens of thousands”* of people likely to give evidence
about child abuse, including elite *“VIP”* pedophile rings, consisting of
high-ranking politicians.

*READ MORE:* Claims of child abuse cover-up heighten tensions in Westminster

The government’s official inquiry has been put on hold after the departure
of two of its heads due to*“conflicts of interest,”* with some ministers
predicting that the panel could face a break up if a suitable leader was
not selected soon.
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[Ugnet] The Rape of Libya by: Obama, France, Canada etc...... Nigeria & South Africa

2015-01-02 Thread Mitayo Potosi
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‘Libya instability, disruption of oil production - price for NATO
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Published time: December 30, 2014 15:53
[image: Firefighters work to put out the fire of a storage oil tank at the
port of Es Sider in Ras Lanuf December 29, 2014 (Reuters / Stringer)]

Firefighters work to put out the fire of a storage oil tank at the port of
Es Sider in Ras Lanuf December 29, 2014 (Reuters / Stringer)

Accident , Clashes
, Conflict ,
Energy , Gas ,Global
economy , Libya
, Markets , Middle
East , NATO , Oil
, Politics , War

NATO intervention in Libyan internal affairs damaged the

political and economic structure of the country and caused fighting,
killing, and the disruption of oil production, Dr. Mamdouh Salameh, oil and
energy consultant to the World Bank told RT.

A massive fire has been raging at a large el-Sidr oil facility in Libya
since last week. Rival militias are vying for control of the oil facilities
in the country. The fire in three of the six burning oil storage tanks has
been put out. The Libyan government wants international help to tackle the
widespread environmental damage.

*RT:* *Is this incident affecting oil prices on the global market?*

*Dr. Mamdouh Salameh:* Nothing whatsoever, because there is already glut in
the oil market, and Libya has been producing only 350,000 barrels a day
which are neither here nor there. It hardly now exports oil. Most of the
oil they produce is used in the country domestically which means that it
has no impact whatsoever on the global oil market.

*RT:* *How about on the country itself? Libya's producing many hundreds of
thousands of barrels a day, only a third of what it was putting out back in
2010. How much damage has that been to the country? Can it recover any time

*Dr. MS:* It is a lot of damage, it destroys the Libyan economy. The Libyan
economy has been dependent for almost 90 percent of the revenue from oil.
Libya up to 2011 used to produce 1.6 million barrels, the second biggest in
Africa, and used to export one and a quarter million barrels a day to
Europe. Now they are producing around 350,000 and that is not guaranteed,
that’s far below domestic demand. So the damage to the economy is huge, but
above all you are talking about armed militia fighting each other, a lot of
killings, absence of central government and disruption of oil production.
That is the price the Libyans are paying for the NATO intervention in their

*RT:* *Who's likely to come to Libya's aid and tackle this incident bearing
in mind the country's deeply-divided between rival militias vying to
control of oil facilities there? If facilities like this continue to burn
who will put it out?*

*Dr. MS:* Libya has already asked for Italian help. To do it Italy could
provide planes which can smother the fire and they are doing their best now
to try to put the fire out. But it is still spreading and to my
understanding around 850,000 barrels have been destroyed. And that area
where the fire is taking place is the biggest terminal in Libya. It can
store up to 6 million barrels a day. So you can imagine the damage it is
having on the Libyan oil industry, on the economy, and of course on the
environment as well.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely
those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
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[Ugnet] Rocket causes fire in oil port of Al Sidra, Libya

2015-01-08 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Rocket causes fire in oil port of Al Sidra, Libya
Where to watch  Schedule



 29 December, 2014 12:12 AM | Photo by Reuters / Stringer
  Smoke rises from an oil tank fire in the port of Al Sidra, Libya,
December 26, 2014

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2015-01-16 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Mandela is claimed to have said that on entering heaven his first order of
business would be to find the nearest ANC Branch Office in heaven !! God
would have to wait, to shake Mandela's hand!!*

*Fake/False Communists indeed. SA, Uganda, etc All in the same boat!!*

*All the same, we African shall emerge victorious, no question about that
! *

On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 6:20 AM, ChenziRa Kahina  wrote:

> Dua. Asante.  Giving thanks for this Revolutionary commentary from elder
> Dr. Pheko.
> Shem m Hotep.
> Revolution is now.
> Mapinduzii Nii SaSa
> Forward eternally.
> Sent from the iPhone of NswtMwtAst DrChenziRa Davis Kahina
> Shared in Culture, Heritage & Education!
> Shem M Hotep!
> On Jan 15, 2015, at 7:16 AM, rwalker...@aol.com wrote:
>  -Original Message-
> From: Dr. Motsoko Pheko 
> To: rwalker949 
> Sent: Thu, Jan 15, 2015 1:15 am
>  *From:* Dedanizizwe Shabalala [mailto:productiongem...@yahoo.com
> ]
> *Sent:* 14 January 2015 09:25 AM
> *To:* Richard Sizani; Njabulo Miya; Khosi Maqetuka; Dedanizizwe
> Shabalala; Phillip Johnson Mlambo; Mfundo L. Ncayiyana; Luyanda Thula
> Gwina; Vusie; mr.fi...@webmail.co.za; Mavume Vumz; Pasika Nontshiza;
> Simon; Luthando Mbinda; 213...@gmail.com; 2...@gmail.com; Sipho Sobuza;
> Njabulo Miya; Pitika Ntuli; robertsobukwetr...@telkomsa.net; Dini
> Sobukwe; Thobekani Mkhize; sabat...@dut.ac.za;
> angele.quin...@witness.co.za; Angela Quintal; Pac Zamdela Branch;
> Noluthando Mqalo; mgx...@mweb.co.za; tshirad...@safm.co.za; Siphiwe Cele;
> Dr. Motsoko Pheko; Balu Ntshangase; nonhlann...@emoyenite.co.za; Teeza
> Muthi; pacdur...@gmail.com
>Good morning to you all
>  please find attachment for your reading
>  regards
>  Mr. D Shabalala
>  *An observation by The Pan Africanist Congress (PAC)*
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