[Unattended] Default User - 'Nation'='242' Registry tweak confusion :(

2008-04-20 Thread Darren Chambers
Hi all,

Wonder if any of you folk can point me in the right direction here, I'm more
a unix chap than windows - currently deploying w2k from solaris with great
success - apart from this little problem.

I want to automatically set the location to United Kingdom in the regional
and language options but I also want this to be default for all users. I
realise this is a registry tweak, I've put a lot of hours ( many many vmware
builds ) into experimentation  so far I can achieve the following:

As per http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/17/  I  have
successfully placed the registry setting Nation=242  into the registry
using cmdlines.txt at T-12, my understanding from msfn is that the Default
User's hive is loaded into HKEY_CURRENT_USER at this point  indeed when I
look at the registry after installation [HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/control
panel/international/geo/] Nation is set to 242 as required - However, the
administrator account somehow reverts to United States  any subsequent
users I create also default to United States ??!

I have tried inserting the key into s-1-5-18 / s-1-5-19 with no luck. I also
tried exporting the registry  then checking the Default User Account
Settings checkbox  exporting the registry again so I might do a unix diff
but had no luck because of the nature of the exported files.

I'll keep pluging away at this simply because it is bugging the hell out of
me - if I come up with a solution I will post it. In the mean time if any of
you folks know how to fix my problem, I'd be most grateful if you'd post.

Keep up the good work, unattended is by far the most useful piece of
software I have used for a long long time - truely excellent if a little too
addictive ;)

Many thanks,
Darren Chambers
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[Unattended] [unattended] Default User - 'Nation'='242' Registry tweak confusion :(

2008-04-20 Thread Darren Chambers
Hi Folks,

I did a little more reading  managed to solve this problem by modifying the
ws2k3notips.pl script.
I put the following into nation.pl  call from base.bat:
use warnings;
use strict;

@ARGV == 0
or die Usage: $0;

my %reg;
use Win32::TieRegistry (Delimiter = '/', TiedHash = \%reg, qw(REG_DWORD

# Replace %VAR% with environment variable VAR in a string.
sub expand_vars ($) {
my ($arg) = @_;

while ($arg =~ /%([^%]+)%/) {
my $var = $1;
my $val = $ENV{$var};
$val =~ /%/
and die 'Internal error (time to rewrite expand_vars)';
$arg =~ s/%$var%/$val/g;

return $arg;

# Get profiles directory and default user subdirectory
my $profile_list =
'LMachine/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/ProfileList/';
my $profile_list_key = $reg{$profile_list};
defined $profile_list_key
or die Unable to read $profile_list: $^E;

my $profiles_dir = $profile_list_key-{'/ProfilesDirectory'};
defined $profiles_dir
or die Unable to read /ProfilesDirectory: $^E;
$profiles_dir = expand_vars ($profiles_dir);

my $default_user = $profile_list_key-{'/DefaultUserProfile'};
defined $default_user
or die Unable to read /DefaultUserProfile: $^E;

my $cuser_key = $reg{'CUser/'};

# Get .default user key
my $defuser_key = $reg{'Users/.DEFAULT/'};

# Get NTUSER.DAT registry hive key
$reg{'/'}-AllowLoad (1)
or die Unable to enable loading of hive files: $^E;
my $ntuser_dat = $profiles_dir\\$default_user\\NTUSER.DAT;
my $ntuser_key = $reg{'Users'}-Load ($ntuser_dat, 'NTUSER')
or die Unable to load registry hive $ntuser_dat: $^E;

# Setup keys for per-user

foreach my $reg_key ($cuser_key, $defuser_key, $ntuser_key) {

$reg_key-{'Control Panel/'} = {
'International/' = {
'Geo/' = {
'/Nation' = 242,
} or die Unable to set User/Control Panel/ registry settings: $^E;

} # End

exit 0;

Hope this helps someone :)
This SF.net email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference 
Don't miss this year's exciting event. There's still time to save $100. 
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