RE: [UC] What you mean 'public', community man?

2007-11-19 Thread KAREN ALLEN

I did not curse at you, and I will not tolerate you cursing at me.  
 Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 23:39:57 -0500 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: Re: [UC] What you mean 'public', community 
 man?  Bullshit, Karen. You know better. 

RE: [UC] What you mean 'public', community man?

2007-11-19 Thread KAREN ALLEN

 Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 23:39:57 -0500 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: Re: [UC] What you mean 'public', community 
 man?  Bullshit, Karen. You know better.
I seem to recall you saying that you left this list because it was uncivil.  
Yet, you're back here cursing at me because you disagree with me. Or apparantly 
because I disagree with you.  
Please show me where in any of MY (not anyone else's) discourse did I curse at 
you or show you any similar disrespect.  Or is the act of disagreeing with you 
in itself being disrespectful?  
I don't care how you or anyone else on the list talk to each other.  I 
personally do not curse at people, and I will not tolerate being cursed at.  
Ever.  I am not going to be bullied with profanity, and I am not intimidated by 
 I urge that we all write, all the time, as if we are writing in public  -- 
 and read as if we are reading in private.
This from someone who just cursed at me out of the blue. 
BTW: I stand by what I said. Those were not public meetings because the proper 
notice did not go out, and people outside the target audience of members did 
not have an opportunity to attend. Even SHCA President Cindy Roberts admitted 
that the Spruce Hill meeting was not public when Chris O'Donnell challenged it 
on that basis. Lussenhop cannot go before any Zoning or any other official body 
that requires public meetings and claim that these meetings satisfied that 
requirement. And cursing at me won't change that.
 I am a tolerant man. Every public communication medium should be  respected, 
 in my view; just cut it the slack that it needs.Why are you  so hostile to 
 other forms of public communication? Let's everybody get  away from this 
 internet rage
What???  I don't even know what you're talking about.  As far as hostility is 
concerned, you're the one bringing that subject up, and you're the one cursing, 
so who's hostile?  
Karen Allen
 Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 23:39:57 -0500 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: Re: [UC] What you mean 'public', community 
 man?  Bullshit, Karen. You know better.  Lussenhop didn't run either of 
 these meetings and I never said he did.  Other people ran them: Glenn Bryan 
 at 1st Thursday and Cindy Roberts at  SHCA. Lussenhop showed up, 
 disseminated information and answered  questions at them. This is a sin?  
 These meetings were not public in the sense that they met the  standards 
 for ZBA public meetings. But Lussenhop never claimed they did.  They were 
 public in exactly the same sense the UC-list publications we  are now 
 reading, are public. Well, they are and they aren't. Obviously  UC-list 
 can't be fully public because its participation is restricted to  people 
 with access to computers. Yet it is not wrong for Karen to write  on 
 UC-list. If it is not wrong for Karen to communicate on UC-list, it  is not 
 wrong for Lussenhop to communicate at 1st Thursday. You are equal  neighbors 
 and you have equal right of free public speech in any forum is  available. 
  I am a tolerant man. Every public communication medium should be  
 respected, in my view; just cut it the slack that it needs.Why are you  so 
 hostile to other forms of public communication? Let's everybody get  away 
 from this internet rage.  I urge that we all write, all the time, as if we 
 are writing in public  -- and read as if we are reading in private.  -- 
 Tony WestKAREN ALLEN wrote:  Tony,If you are willilng to 
 bear witness that Lussenhop ran open and   public meetings, I will bear 
 witness that that is totally untrue. He   spoke in front of a membership 
 organization's election meeting, which   was advertised only to the 
 members, not to anyone who was not a   member, and Lussenhop's presentation 
 was not even on the agenda. Even   members were excluded if they chose not 
 to attend the meeting because   they were not interested in what was stated 
 on the agenda.Lussenhop spoke to those who happened to be present, or 
 who had heard   by other means that he was going to speak. I knew to show 
 up because   the project archetect told the HC that Lussenhop was going to 
 a   public meeting the following Tuesday.Spruce Hill did not 
 extend the opportunity to all interested parties   to hear his 
 presentation. That is not public. You are receiving this 
 because you are subscribed to the list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or 
 for archive information, see

Re: [UC] What you mean 'public', community man?

2007-11-19 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Tony West wrote:

Bullshit, Karen. You know better.


I seem to recall you saying that you left this list because it was 
uncivil.  Yet, you're back here cursing at me because you disagree with 
me. Or apparantly because I disagree with you. 


remember that line?

coincidentally, this month's daedalus has an article by amy 
gutmann called the lure  dangers of extremist rhetoric.

it begins:

In a democracy, controversy is healthy. Complex issues as
far-ranging as immigration, health care, military
interventions, taxation, and education seldom lend
themselves to simple, consensual solutions. The public
interest is well served by robust public argument. But
when disagreements are so driven and distorted by
extremist rhetoric that citizens and public officials
fail to engage with one another reasonably or
respectfully on substantive issues of public importance,
the debate degenerates, blocking constructive compromises
that would benefit all sides more than the status quo
would. Like many scholars, American citizens today
discern a link between the impoverished, divisive
discourse that pollutes our politics and culture, and the
diminished capacity of America's political system to
address intelligently, let alone solve, our most
challenging problems--from health care to global warming,
from public education to Social Security, from terrorism
to this country's eroding competitive advantage in the
global economy.

To help us understand the nature of this link between
extremist rhetoric and political paralysis, let us begin
with an example of extremist rhetoric in entertainment,
where it is even more common and far less controversial
than in politics. Many Americans over the age of forty
may remember the weekly Point/Counterpoint segment from
60 Minutes, which pitted the liberal Shana Alexander
against the conservative James J. Kilpatrick. Even more
will recall the spoof of Point/Counterpoint from
Saturday Night Live, where Dan Ackroyd resorted to a show
of verbal pyrotechnics as he drove a single point to the
ground, while effacing Jane Curtin as an ignorant slut.

Jane and Dan were clearly not out either to advance the
public interest or to respect one another. Nor should
they have been. SNL is, as they say, entertainment. And
when extremist rhetoric is intentionally outlandish, it
makes for great entertainment. But when it is politically
for real, extremist rhetoric has far less benign effects
on democratic discourse: it demeans opponents, radically
narrows understanding of the issue at hand, and closes
off compromise.

As we have seen all too vividly, extremist rhetoric has
become par for the course of democratic controversy in
America. It dominates cable tv news. (Talk radio is even
more extreme.) The public issues discussed are complex
and important, but little light is shed on them. The
entertainment is that of a wrestling match, with far less
demonstrable skill. Serious extremist rhetoric has two
defining features. First, it tends toward
single-mindedness on any given issue. Second, it
passionately expresses certainty about the supremacy of
its perspective on the issue without submitting itself
either to a reasonable test of truth or to a reasoned
public debate.

gutmann concludes:

Democracy's saving grace is that most citizens are put
off by demagogues and their techniques. By recognizing
that the person with whom we disagree, far from being an
ignorant slut, typically has a valid point worth
considering, we can work together as fellow citizens who
respectfully disagree with one another to give our great
constitutional democracy a longer lease on life.

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger.  -- Tony West
  Ray's falsehoods are more sophisticated,
   more believable -- Tony West

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Re: [UC] What you mean 'public', community man?

2007-11-19 Thread Brian Siano


I did not curse at you, and I will not tolerate you cursing at me. 

In other circumstances, I'd be sympathetic to your complaint.

But remember, this is a list where cursing has happened in the past, 
where people other than Tony regularly insult others (a recent 
assholes' shot seems to have escaped your notice). And please recall 
that several people here-- need I name names?-- regularly insult the UC 
Neighbors list because it was set up to be a more civil, friendlier place.

In other words, you're demanding Tony follow a kind of civility that you 
don't demand from others, and on a mailing list where people seem to 
pride themselves on not being censored. You haven't minded it when 
other people (including Tony) are cursed at. And you're on a list where 
asking for Special Treatment is _clearly_ not respected.

So I'm not impressed by this.

You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

Re: [UC] What you mean 'public', community man?

2007-11-19 Thread Elizabeth F Campion

Why the stretch?
Karen was speaking for herself.

I find it refreshing that she did not pretend to speak for others who may
(or not) be offended by bad language.

She did not drag other 'guilty' parties in.
She did not adopt the mantle of List Police.

I find Karen's posts to be specific and informative.


On Tue, 19 Nov 2002 18:05:43 -0500 Brian Siano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I did not curse at you, and I will not tolerate you cursing at me. 
 In other circumstances, I'd be sympathetic to your complaint.
 But remember, this is a list where cursing has happened in the past, 
 where people other than Tony regularly insult others (a recent 
 assholes' shot seems to have escaped your notice). And please 
 that several people here-- need I name names?-- regularly insult the 
 Neighbors list because it was set up to be a more civil, friendlier 
 In other words, you're demanding Tony follow a kind of civility that 
 don't demand from others, and on a mailing list where people seem to 
 pride themselves on not being censored. You haven't minded it when 
 other people (including Tony) are cursed at. And you're on a list 
 asking for Special Treatment is _clearly_ not respected.
 So I'm not impressed by this.
 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
 list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, 

Elizabeth Campion   Cell Phone: 215-880-2930
215-546-0550 Main, -546-9871 fax,  Desk + VM: 215-790-5653
Please read Consumer Notice  enjoy HOME PILOT tools at

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list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

Re: [UC] What you mean 'public', community man?

2007-11-19 Thread Anthony West
I actually agree with Liz, and with Karen as well. I do not like printed 
vulgarity and I try to avoid it myself. It was late at night and I must 
have been influenced by Frank who, a few hours earlier, had let fly 
exactly the same epithet at me, I notice. But it is my fault that I 
allowed myself to be influenced, not Frank's that he influenced me.

I do apologize to you, Karen for such pointless language. You did indeed 
write insulting nonsense, which did deserve to be pointed out. You don't 
usually, and I bet I won't often see you do so again. It's out of 
character for you

Furthermore, I never left the list. Where did you get that idea? The 
list stopped accepting my posts, as it did those of several other 
people. Now it seems to be working again. Thank you, whoever helped fix it!

-- Tony West

Why the stretch?
Karen was speaking for herself.

I find it refreshing that she did not pretend to speak for others who may
(or not) be offended by bad language.

She did not drag other 'guilty' parties in.
She did not adopt the mantle of List Police.

I find Karen's posts to be specific and informative.


On Tue, 19 Nov 2002 18:05:43 -0500 Brian Siano [EMAIL PROTECTED]



I did not curse at you, and I will not tolerate you cursing at me. 

In other circumstances, I'd be sympathetic to your complaint.

But remember, this is a list where cursing has happened in the past, 

where people other than Tony regularly insult others (a recent 
assholes' shot seems to have escaped your notice). And please 
that several people here-- need I name names?-- regularly insult the 
Neighbors list because it was set up to be a more civil, friendlier 

In other words, you're demanding Tony follow a kind of civility that 
don't demand from others, and on a mailing list where people seem to 

pride themselves on not being censored. You haven't minded it when 

other people (including Tony) are cursed at. And you're on a list 
asking for Special Treatment is _clearly_ not respected.

So I'm not impressed by this.

You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, 

Elizabeth Campion   Cell Phone: 215-880-2930
215-546-0550 Main, -546-9871 fax,  Desk + VM: 215-790-5653
Please read Consumer Notice  enjoy HOME PILOT tools at

You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see


You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

Re: [UC] What you mean 'public', community man? - Gimme uh break

2007-11-19 Thread craigsolve
-Original Message-
From: Anthony West [EMAIL PROTECTED]

... You did indeed write insulting nonsense,?...
... I never left the list.?... The list stopped accepting my posts,...
Meaningful apology (?), when you try to catch Counselor Allen with a deftless 
The list was much more peaceful, during your absence, while your 
re-emergence?has been: (fill in any number of left-handed comments), Euclid Jr.

When a free list stops accepting the posts of the managing-editor of?our local 
leading political intelligencer, you Tony?should engage either with charm or 
dollars a?local great IT maven to remedy your deficit, be it hardware or 
software based; I'm currently ruling out mental illness?as the basis.

It does not escape some of us how?sophisticated software and computer networks 
turn thought into print. That is what the Tayouns have been doing with the 
Philly Record weekly for quite a few years.

On a list where so many members are helpful and considerate of total strangers, 
you may want to humbly look inward as to why no one stepped up to freely help 
you address your cyber limitations.

Apparently, you don't find this list important enough to have paid your paper's 
CTO or other quality techno-dude/dudette?to resolve your failures-to-post to 
this great?list.

Peace be with you, soon.


As to your inability to post

-Original Message-
From: Anthony West [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: UnivCity listserv
Sent: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 7:58 pm
Subject: Re: [UC] What you mean 'public', community man?

I actually agree with Liz, and with Karen as well. I do not like printed 
vulgarity and I try to avoid it myself. It was late at night and I must have 
been influenced by Frank who, a few hours earlier, had let fly exactly the same 
epithet at me, I notice. But it is my fault that I allowed myself to be 
influenced, not Frank's that he influenced me.?
I do apologize to you, Karen for such pointless language. You did indeed write 
insulting nonsense, which did deserve to be pointed out. You don't usually, and 
I bet I won't often see you do so again. It's out of character for you?
Furthermore, I never left the list. Where did you get that idea? The list 
stopped accepting my posts, as it did those of several other people. Now it 
seems to be working again. Thank you, whoever helped fix it!?
-- Tony West?
 Why the stretch??
 Karen was speaking for herself.?
 I find it refreshing that she did not pretend to speak for others who may?
 (or not) be offended by bad language.?
 She did not drag other 'guilty' parties in.?
 She did not adopt the mantle of List Police.?
 I find Karen's posts to be specific and informative.?
 On Tue, 19 Nov 2002 18:05:43 -0500 Brian Siano [EMAIL PROTECTED]?
  KAREN ALLEN wrote:?
  I did not curse at you, and I will not tolerate you cursing at me.  
   In other circumstances, I'd be sympathetic to your complaint.?
 But remember, this is a list where cursing has happened in the past, ?
 where people other than Tony regularly insult others (a recent  
 assholes' shot seems to have escaped your notice). And please  recall  
 that several people here-- need I name names?-- regularly insult the  UC 
  Neighbors list because it was set up to be a more civil, friendlier  
 In other words, you're demanding Tony follow a kind of civility that  you 
  don't demand from others, and on a mailing list where people seem to ?
 pride themselves on not being censored. You haven't minded it when ?
 other people (including Tony) are cursed at. And you're on a list  where 
  asking for Special Treatment is _clearly_ not respected.?
 So I'm not impressed by this.?
 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the?
 list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information,  see?
 Elizabeth Campion Cell Phone: 215-880-2930?
 215-546-0550 Main, -546-9871 fax, Desk + VM: 215-790-5653?
 Please read Consumer Notice  enjoy HOME PILOT tools at?
 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the?
 list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see?
You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the?
list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see?

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [UC] What you mean 'public', community man? - Gimme uh break

2007-11-19 Thread Anthony West


I have to say that while I often value your posts and always look 
forward to reading them, nothing you just wrote makes much sense.

I apologized once for imitating other people's rude language. But Karen 
was wrong on a more important point of substance and you know it. You 
don't aid civility by beating this dead horse.

Other people did ultimately fix some of UC-list's problems, which had 
stopped it from being a public forum in any meaningful sense. They did 
so because I complained. This was my public service to those who like to 
use UC-list to orate about public this and public that, because I 
want this public forum not to be pure baloney. Because I value your 
words at their best (even if not tonight), I value this forum at all 
times, for all people.

-- Tony West

Meaningful apology (?), when you try to catch Counselor Allen with a 
deftless backhand.
The list was much more peaceful, during your absence, while your 
re-emergence has been: (fill in any number of left-handed comments), 
Euclid Jr.

When a free list stops accepting the posts of the managing-editor 
of our local leading political intelligencer, you Tony should engage 
either with charm or dollars a local great IT maven to remedy your 
deficit, be it hardware or software based; I'm currently ruling out 
mental illness as the basis.

It does not escape some of us how sophisticated software and computer 
networks turn thought into print. That is what the Tayouns have been 
doing with the Philly Record weekly for quite a few years.

On a list where so many members are helpful and considerate of total 
strangers, you may want to humbly look inward as to why no one stepped 
up to freely help you address your cyber limitations.

Apparently, you don't find this list important enough to have paid 
your paper's CTO or other quality techno-dude/dudette to resolve your 
failures-to-post to this great list.

Peace be with you, soon.


As to your inability to post

-Original Message-
From: Anthony West [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: UnivCity listserv
Sent: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 7:58 pm
Subject: Re: [UC] What you mean 'public', community man?

I actually agree with Liz, and with Karen as well. I do not like 
printed vulgarity and I try to avoid it myself. It was late at night 
and I must have been influenced by Frank who, a few hours earlier, had 
let fly exactly the same epithet at me, I notice. But it is my fault 
that I allowed myself to be influenced, not Frank's that he influenced 
I do apologize to you, Karen for such pointless language. You did 
indeed write insulting nonsense, which did deserve to be pointed out. 
You don't usually, and I bet I won't often see you do so again. It's 
out of character for you 
Furthermore, I never left the list. Where did you get that idea? The 
list stopped accepting my posts, as it did those of several other 
people. Now it seems to be working again. Thank you, whoever helped 
fix it! 
-- Tony West 
 Why the stretch? 
 Karen was speaking for herself. 
 I find it refreshing that she did not pretend to speak for others 
who may 
 (or not) be offended by bad language. 
 She did not drag other 'guilty' parties in. 
 She did not adopt the mantle of List Police. 
 I find Karen's posts to be specific and informative. 
 On Tue, 19 Nov 2002 18:05:43 -0500 Brian Siano 
  KAREN ALLEN wrote: 
  I did not curse at you, and I will not tolerate you cursing at 
me.   In other circumstances, I'd be sympathetic to your complaint. 
 But remember, this is a list where cursing has happened in the 
 where people other than Tony regularly insult others (a recent  
assholes' shot seems to have escaped your notice). And please  
recall  that several people here-- need I name names?-- regularly 
insult the  UC  Neighbors list because it was set up to be a more 
civil, friendlier  place. 
 In other words, you're demanding Tony follow a kind of civility 
that  you  don't demand from others, and on a mailing list where 
people seem to  
 pride themselves on not being censored. You haven't minded it 
 other people (including Tony) are cursed at. And you're on a list 
 where  asking for Special Treatment is _clearly_ not respected. 
 So I'm not impressed by this. 
 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the 
 list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, 
 Elizabeth Campion Cell Phone: 215-880-2930 
 215-546-0550 Main, -546-9871 fax, Desk + VM: 215-790-5653 
 Please read Consumer Notice  enjoy HOME PILOT tools at 
 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the 
 list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see