Why the stretch?
Karen was speaking for herself.

I find it refreshing that she did not pretend to speak for others who may
(or not) be offended by bad language.

She did not drag other 'guilty' parties in.
She did not adopt the mantle of List Police.

I find Karen's posts to be specific and informative.


On Tue, 19 Nov 2002 18:05:43 -0500 Brian Siano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> KAREN ALLEN wrote:
> >  
> > Tony,
> >  
> > I did not curse at you, and I will not tolerate you cursing at me. 
> In other circumstances, I'd be sympathetic to your complaint.
> But remember, this is a list where cursing has happened in the past, 
> where people other than Tony regularly insult others (a recent 
> "assholes"' shot seems to have escaped your notice). And please 
> recall 
> that several people here-- need I name names?-- regularly insult the 
> UC 
> Neighbors list because it was set up to be a more civil, friendlier 
> place.
> In other words, you're demanding Tony follow a kind of civility that 
> you 
> don't demand from others, and on a mailing list where people seem to 
> pride themselves on not being "censored." You haven't minded it when 
> other people (including Tony) are cursed at. And you're on a list 
> where 
> asking for Special Treatment is _clearly_ not respected.
> So I'm not impressed by this.
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