[UC] Youcie is sold out

2009-01-28 Thread Glenn moyer
I am so sad!  UCD sent out its news and tomorrow's social at the white dog is 
sold out.

When I got the invitation and realized that Wendell Lewis wanted to buy me a 
drink, I sent my rsvp immediately.  They must have been so swamped that my rsvp 
fell through the cracks.

Poor hardworking UCD.  It reminds me of an earlier time.  After I published the 
truth about the Clark Park revitalization, the director, Goldstein, was so busy 
that he couldn't return my calls over the course of months.  He was always 
having meetings.

Tom, tell Wendell that if he is too busy to buy me a drink personally, that he 
could just send a card and bottle of Scotch to my house.  I'll understand, but 
tell him I like to stick to 25 year old single malt.  

I certainly hope you stock some good Scotch at the Campus Inn for 
discriminating aficionados such as us.

A grateful youcie,

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[UC] Obama needs our uprising

2009-01-28 Thread Glenn moyer

If you saw Bill Moyer’s Journal, a professor reminded viewers about a meeting 
between LBJ and MLK JR.  Johnson asked King to make it possible for him to do 
the right thing.  The President needed a mass movement of the people to demand 
justice despite the policies of America’s rulers.

Eisenhower warned of the military industrial complex.  By Johnson, a 
corporatocracy ruled America.  The bold contemptuous theft of 350 billion by 
Paulson and the ruling class, is powerful evidence of how far  things have 

Classified as a progressive, commy lefty, etc., my views are far away from 
Obamas centrist policies.  But I trust Obama and believe he is very sincere 
about his values.  It would be a terrible mistake for citizens to leave hope 
solely in the hands of Obama!
President Obama needs the people to rise up against Penn and Nutter, and the 
corporate business and tactics as usual.  He doesn’t have a chance in hell of 
“doing the right things” if we don’t have uprisings in Detroit, Chicago, LA, 
Phila. etc. and give him the same help as LBJ needed!

It is not disloyalty but the patriotism that the President has been calling for 
and repeated in his inauguration pitch.  (Ray was talking about some of this 
too in his recent exchange with Tony).  Let’s act in the 11th hour and give 
President Obama the uprising that he desperately needs!
 Here are excerpts of the inauguration speech which make his call to us 
clearly. Copied from washingtonpost.com:

…In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is 
never a given. It must be earned. Our journey has never been one of shortcuts 
or settling for less. It has not been the path for the fainthearted, for those 
who prefer leisure over work or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame. 
Rather, it has been the risk-takers, the doers, the makers of things -- some 
celebrated, but more often men and women obscure in their labor -- who have 
carried us up the long, rugged path towards prosperity and freedom…

…What is demanded then is a return to these truths. What is required of us now 
is a new era of responsibility -- a recognition, on the part of every American, 
that we have duties to ourselves, our nation and the world, duties that we do 
not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there 
is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character than 
giving our all to a difficult task. 
This is the price and the promise of citizenship…. 

…In the year of America's birth, in the coldest of months, a small band of 
patriots huddled by nine campfires on the shores of an icy river. The capital 
was abandoned. The enemy was advancing. The snow was stained with blood. At a 
moment when the outcome of our revolution was most in doubt, the father of our 
nation ordered these words be read to the people: 

Let it be told to the future world that in the depth of winter, when nothing 
but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at 
one common danger, came forth to meet it. 

America, in the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let 
us remember these timeless words; with hope and virtue, let us brave once more 
the icy currents, and endure what storms may come; let it be said by our 
children's children that when we were tested, we refused to let this journey 
end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter… 

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[UC] Urgent: Family planning stripped from stimulus bill

2009-01-28 Thread Karen Allen

I just heard that Congress has cut an important family planning
provision from the economic stimulus bill. This provision would
have extended health care coverage to 2.3 million low-income
women while saving state governments money during this difficult
time. We need Washington to stand up for family planning, so I
contacted the White House to let them know how I feel. Will you
join me? Just follow this link:


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RE: [UC] Libraries and tactics that are doomed to failure

2009-01-28 Thread KAREN ALLEN

In reaction to that other response your post received, I too am concerned with 
Penn's involvement with the City's budget crisis, and with what they expect to 
get out of the city in return for their involvement. Penn is not just some 
benign entity who is unselfishly lending its expertise to the greater good. Of 
course that's what they and their apologists want everyone to think: Trust us! 
This is all for your own good. 
Ask the folks down on Woodland Terrace whether they trust Penn. Ask those who 
attended the Philadelphia City Planning and Historical Commission hearings and 
witnessed those charades. Ask those attendees who witnessed Chris O'Donnell 
out a new-to-the-neighborhood real estate agent who testified in support of  
Campus Inn, but who somehow failed to mention that coincidentally he (the 
agent) got a big condo deal from Penn (not that one had anything to do with the 
other!!!). Ask the folks from Spruce Hill Civic Association who quit that 
organization in disgust after the Campus Inn debacle exposed how and for whom 
that organization actually functions. 
Trust Penn and in 20 years, 48th and Spruce will look like 38th and Spruce does 
today.   Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 18:43:35 -0500 From: 
laserb...@speedymail.org To: univcity@list.purple.com Subject: Re: [UC] 
Libraries and tactics that are doomed to failure  Anthony West wrote:  
Attentive indeed. So let us begin by noting that Penn Praxis has *not*   
been inserted into Nutter's budget process. The agent in this   situation 
is the University of Pennsylvania Project for Civic   Engagement. That there 
are relationships between the two entities is   significant. That there are 
distinctions between the two entities,   however, is also significant.
Getting names right is not the end of learning, but it is definitely   near 
the beginning. So why don't we go through that gate first?   yes, you 
wrote:  Penn's Harris Sokoloff is the quarterback for UPPCE. He  is part of 
the team that is otherwise mobilized as  PennPraxis.  and what is 
significant here is that PENN has been inserted  into nutter's budget 
process.   .. UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN  

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[UC] Letters about SHCA zoning in Review

2009-01-28 Thread Glenn moyer

I also saw last week that SHCA zoning was trying to harass a small unimportant 
citizen.  I didn’t know that the victim’s plan included the on-sight parking, 
so I wasn’t sure about the needed variances.  It looks like this latest 
unfortunate recipient of SHCA harassment was making a perfectly legitimate 
request!  (If you know Mr. Larsen or Ms. Beal, please forward this information 
to them.)

Nothing about the Campus Inn variances are close to accepted standards, as is 
widely understood. (Note: Mr. Adelman’s crap in the DP propaganda piece, about 
majority support among neighbors, is just the crap that is shoveled 24/7 to the 
U. community)

Zoning standards:  It is an accepted legitimate request for a variance up to 
the six stories, if a builder makes adjustments to set backs. (35 feet to 60 

Here is an example of the way the anointed target legitimate requests from 
legitimate small business citizens.  As usual no rules apply to SHCA anointed 
or their corporate Penn cronies.  But a hard working small business person 
wishing to open a restaurant, building, etc, and actually complying with law 
can be harassed at will!  SHCA can punish anyone, even when it is actually 
their victim who is within the legal requirements!

This is why SHCA wanted an HD, a BID, etc.  These were all weapons designed to 
do nothing for the community, while giving extra terror to their ability to 
harass common citizens who don’t kiss their asses!   Politicians who don't 
immediately and publicly reject future SHCA crap, because of a complete lack of 
credibility, need to be punished next election. Here are the letters.



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Re: [UC] Libraries and tactics that are doomed to failure

2009-01-28 Thread Anthony West
It's reasonable to be skeptical about a Penn-based attempt to facilitate 
a meeting over a conflict between some of its neighbors and itself.

That's not the situation before us in this case. The City budget gap 
affects all Philadelphians, not just the 3% who live in University City. 
The budget is to Campus Inn as a watermelon is to a walnut. A Penn 
entity makes just as much sense to the average Joe as anybody else's 
entity, to organize large-scale, productive meetings. The work a Penn 
team did on the waterfront a year or two ago drew high marks from all 
the communities involved, and they had plenty of hot issues.

Penn doesn't have to ignore its own good while acting for the good of 
others. All of us do the same thing; it's called making a living.

For anyone who is concerned about Penn's involvement with the ... 
budget crisis, and what they expect to get ... in return, the obvious 
first step is to ask the Project for Civic Engagement, whose director is 
Dr. Harris Sokoloff. Its website is www.gse.upenn.edu/ppce/. While Penn 
could be giving it away, most academic projects are done for contracts 
-- and lots of government contracts -- in which money changes hands. 
That's what they get in return. Also they get a good reputation, which 
helps them somewhere down the line, they hope.

Plus, it's possible some people at Penn, like some people on this list, 
see their city in a real bind and wish to pitch in something useful 
toward that problem.

Will its public meetings accomplish anything in the end? That seems like 
a more reasonable suspicion. Wharton has been flinging buckets of 
high-financial brains into Wall Street for a generation, and look where 
that's gotten us. On the other hand, nobody else knows what to do 
either. So excluding Penn from any role in its city's fate seems odd, to 
say the least.

-- Tony West


In reaction to that other response your post received, I too am 
concerned with Penn's involvement with the City's budget crisis, and 
with what they expect to get out of the city in return for their 
involvement. Penn is not just some benign entity who is 
unselfishly lending its expertise to the greater good. Of course 
that's what they and their apologists want everyone to think: Trust 
us! This is all for your own good. 
Ask the folks down on Woodland Terrace whether they trust Penn. Ask 
those who attended the Philadelphia City Planning and Historical 
Commission hearings and witnessed those charades. Ask those attendees 
who witnessed Chris O'Donnell out a new-to-the-neighborhood real 
estate agent who testified in support of  Campus Inn, but who somehow 
failed to mention that coincidentally he (the agent) got a big condo 
deal from Penn (not that one had anything to do with the other!!!). 
Ask the folks from Spruce Hill Civic Association who quit that 
organization in disgust after the Campus Inn debacle exposed how and 
for whom that organization actually functions.
Trust Penn and in 20 years, 48th and Spruce will look like 38th and 
Spruce does today. 

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Re: [UC] Libraries and tactics that are doomed to failure

2009-01-28 Thread Glenn moyer
“A Penn 
entity makes just as much sense to the average Joe as anybody else's 
entity, to organize large-scale, productive meetings.”

Tony, these people on the un-moderated list sure know how to fling it.  You 
were so ivy league to point to these deep core concepts published transparently 
by the Penn intellectuals on their web site.  How could anyone doubt this 
brilliant civic engagement literature:

Metaphors of community


Metaphors of engagement


Key concepts for engaging people


Naming and framing problems


Civic deliberation and civic capacity


-Original Message-
From: Anthony West anthony_w...@earthlink.net
Sent: Jan 28, 2009 8:48 PM
To: UnivCity Listserv univcity@list.purple.com
Subject: Re: [UC] Libraries and tactics that are doomed to failure

It's reasonable to be skeptical about a Penn-based attempt to facilitate 
a meeting over a conflict between some of its neighbors and itself.

That's not the situation before us in this case. The City budget gap 
affects all Philadelphians, not just the 3% who live in University City. 
The budget is to Campus Inn as a watermelon is to a walnut. A Penn 
entity makes just as much sense to the average Joe as anybody else's 
entity, to organize large-scale, productive meetings. The work a Penn 
team did on the waterfront a year or two ago drew high marks from all 
the communities involved, and they had plenty of hot issues.

Penn doesn't have to ignore its own good while acting for the good of 
others. All of us do the same thing; it's called making a living.

For anyone who is concerned about Penn's involvement with the ... 
budget crisis, and what they expect to get ... in return, the obvious 
first step is to ask the Project for Civic Engagement, whose director is 
Dr. Harris Sokoloff. Its website is www.gse.upenn.edu/ppce/. While Penn 
could be giving it away, most academic projects are done for contracts 
-- and lots of government contracts -- in which money changes hands. 
That's what they get in return. Also they get a good reputation, which 
helps them somewhere down the line, they hope.

Plus, it's possible some people at Penn, like some people on this list, 
see their city in a real bind and wish to pitch in something useful 
toward that problem.

Will its public meetings accomplish anything in the end? That seems like 
a more reasonable suspicion. Wharton has been flinging buckets of 
high-financial brains into Wall Street for a generation, and look where 
that's gotten us. On the other hand, nobody else knows what to do 
either. So excluding Penn from any role in its city's fate seems odd, to 
say the least.

-- Tony West

 In reaction to that other response your post received, I too am 
 concerned with Penn's involvement with the City's budget crisis, and 
 with what they expect to get out of the city in return for their 
 involvement. Penn is not just some benign entity who is 
 unselfishly lending its expertise to the greater good. Of course 
 that's what they and their apologists want everyone to think: Trust 
 us! This is all for your own good. 
 Ask the folks down on Woodland Terrace whether they trust Penn. Ask 
 those who attended the Philadelphia City Planning and Historical 
 Commission hearings and witnessed those charades. Ask those attendees 
 who witnessed Chris O'Donnell out a new-to-the-neighborhood real 
 estate agent who testified in support of  Campus Inn, but who somehow 
 failed to mention that coincidentally he (the agent) got a big condo 
 deal from Penn (not that one had anything to do with the other!!!). 
 Ask the folks from Spruce Hill Civic Association who quit that 
 organization in disgust after the Campus Inn debacle exposed how and 
 for whom that organization actually functions.
 Trust Penn and in 20 years, 48th and Spruce will look like 38th and 
 Spruce does today. 

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Re: [UC] Libraries and tactics that are doomed to failure

2009-01-28 Thread Anthony West

Pretty funny, Glenn!

Now can you direct us to your company website, please? How well-kept is 
it? How self-revealing is it?

What I do when I want to learn something, and I don't get it over the 
web, is I then call the person on the telephone and ask them questions, 
if I care enough.

-- Tony West

“A Penn 
entity makes just as much sense to the average Joe as anybody else's 
entity, to organize large-scale, productive meetings.”

Tony, these people on the un-moderated list sure know how to fling it.  You were so ivy league to point to these deep core concepts published transparently by the Penn intellectuals on their web site.  How could anyone doubt this brilliant civic engagement literature:

Metaphors of community


Metaphors of engagement


Key concepts for engaging people


Naming and framing problems


Civic deliberation and civic capacity



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Re: [UC] Libraries and tactics that are doomed to failure

2009-01-28 Thread Glenn moyer
What I do when I want to learn something, and I don't get it over the 
web, is I then call the person on the telephone and ask them questions, 
if I care enough.


I worked with some people from GSE when I was doing adult literacy work.  I 
thought highly of them.  I couldn't understand how GSE professionals could be 
involved with this national policy model (from the DP).  Wouldn't they be 
ashamed of promoting a PR, spin, bullshit, whatever, web site when they are at 
the center of a serious issue in a city of 1.5 million?

I decided to figure out what degree programs were involved and look at the 
curriculum, publications, etc.

Low and behold, the Project for civic engagement jumps out of nowhere!  There 
is no program that it appears to fit into at GSE.  The GSE, like I always 
assumed, has serious programs in many areas around the field of education.

Didn't it seem very odd that a serious university program would have its core 
concepts missing from such a serious project?  If the Praxis outfit deviated 
seriously from a serious program, people could read the core concepts and 
compare them to the Praxis performance.  

But hey, no program, no literature, no core concepts; no way to evaluate it, 
and tell the difference between a serious academic discipline and a workshop in 
pool hustling!  When you read that stuff on the project site that awes Tony, 
the UCD guy; it's clear that these Praxis clowns aren't as sharp as they are 

This is deep, but not funny as Mr. West believes. 


-Original Message-
From: Anthony West anthony_w...@earthlink.net
Sent: Jan 28, 2009 9:44 PM
To: UnivCity Listserv univcity@list.purple.com
Subject: Re: [UC] Libraries and tactics that are doomed to failure

Pretty funny, Glenn!

Now can you direct us to your company website, please? How well-kept is 
it? How self-revealing is it?

What I do when I want to learn something, and I don't get it over the 
web, is I then call the person on the telephone and ask them questions, 
if I care enough.

-- Tony West

 “A Penn 
 entity makes just as much sense to the average Joe as anybody else's 
 entity, to organize large-scale, productive meetings.”

 Tony, these people on the un-moderated list sure know how to fling it.  You 
 were so ivy league to point to these deep core concepts published 
 transparently by the Penn intellectuals on their web site.  How could anyone 
 doubt this brilliant civic engagement literature:

 Metaphors of community


 Metaphors of engagement


 Key concepts for engaging people


 Naming and framing problems


 Civic deliberation and civic capacity



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Re: [UC] Libraries and tactics that are doomed to failure

2009-01-28 Thread Anthony West

What? What are you talking about, Glenn? I can't make sense of any of this.

We're simply asking where the website for Glenn Moyer Real Estate, Inc., 
is, so we may compare its skill to that of the Project for Civic 
Engagement's website. How can we best learn more about your business 
activities on line?

-- Tony West


I worked with some people from GSE when I was doing adult literacy work.  I thought 
highly of them.  I couldn't understand how GSE professionals could be involved with this 
national policy model (from the DP).  Wouldn't they be ashamed of promoting a 
PR, spin, bullshit, whatever, web site when they are at the center of a serious issue in 
a city of 1.5 million?

I decided to figure out what degree programs were involved and look at the 
curriculum, publications, etc.

Low and behold, the Project for civic engagement jumps out of nowhere!  There 
is no program that it appears to fit into at GSE.  The GSE, like I always 
assumed, has serious programs in many areas around the field of education.

Didn't it seem very odd that a serious university program would have its core concepts missing from such a serious project?  If the Praxis outfit deviated seriously from a serious program, people could read the core concepts and compare them to the Praxis performance.  

But hey, no program, no literature, no core concepts; no way to evaluate it, and tell the 
difference between a serious academic discipline and a workshop in pool hustling!  When 
you read that stuff on the project site that awes Tony, the UCD guy; it's 
clear that these Praxis clowns aren't as sharp as they are sneaky.

This is deep, but not funny as Mr. West believes. 


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Re: [UC] Libraries and tactics that are doomed to failure

2009-01-28 Thread Dave Axler

As Elmer Fudd used to say, Vewwy intewesting.

If you go to this page, you will find all the links that Glenn cites  


If you then simply scroll down the page, instead of using the links,  
you will then find the actual sections of text to which the links are  
supposed to connect. Yes, they're all on that very same web page. In  
fact, the first section -- Metaphors of Community -- is partially  
visible as soon as you view the page, if you're using a large enough  

Those links are clearly intended to simply scroll the page in an  
automated fashion, as are the Back To Top links below each section.  
Unfortunately, whoever designed the page didn't do enough testing.  
(There are several other web-design errors there as well, but that's  
not relevant to this discussion.)

But if your goal is to see and discuss what PPCE describes as its Core  
Concepts, don't get distracted by the bad links..

Just use your scroll bar instead and read 'em for yourself.

On Jan 28, 2009, at 9:36 PM, Glenn moyer wrote:

“A Penn
entity makes just as much sense to the average Joe as anybody else's
entity, to organize large-scale, productive meetings.”

Tony, these people on the un-moderated list sure know how to fling  
it.  You were so ivy league to point to these deep core concepts  
published transparently by the Penn intellectuals on their web  
site.  How could anyone doubt this brilliant civic engagement  

Metaphors of community


Metaphors of engagement


Key concepts for engaging people


Naming and framing problems


Civic deliberation and civic capacity


-Original Message-

From: Anthony West anthony_w...@earthlink.net
Sent: Jan 28, 2009 8:48 PM
To: UnivCity Listserv univcity@list.purple.com
Subject: Re: [UC] Libraries and tactics that are doomed to failure

It's reasonable to be skeptical about a Penn-based attempt to  

a meeting over a conflict between some of its neighbors and itself.

That's not the situation before us in this case. The City budget gap
affects all Philadelphians, not just the 3% who live in University  

The budget is to Campus Inn as a watermelon is to a walnut. A Penn
entity makes just as much sense to the average Joe as anybody else's
entity, to organize large-scale, productive meetings. The work a Penn
team did on the waterfront a year or two ago drew high marks from all
the communities involved, and they had plenty of hot issues.

Penn doesn't have to ignore its own good while acting for the good of
others. All of us do the same thing; it's called making a living.

For anyone who is concerned about Penn's involvement with the ...
budget crisis, and what they expect to get ... in return, the  
first step is to ask the Project for Civic Engagement, whose  
director is
Dr. Harris Sokoloff. Its website is www.gse.upenn.edu/ppce/. While  
could be giving it away, most academic projects are done for  
-- and lots of government contracts -- in which money changes hands. 
That's what they get in return. Also they get a good reputation,  

helps them somewhere down the line, they hope.

Plus, it's possible some people at Penn, like some people on this  

see their city in a real bind and wish to pitch in something useful
toward that problem.

Will its public meetings accomplish anything in the end? That seems  

a more reasonable suspicion. Wharton has been flinging buckets of
high-financial brains into Wall Street for a generation, and look  

that's gotten us. On the other hand, nobody else knows what to do
either. So excluding Penn from any role in its city's fate seems  
odd, to

say the least.

-- Tony West


In reaction to that other response your post received, I too am
concerned with Penn's involvement with the City's budget crisis, and
with what they expect to get out of the city in return for their
involvement. Penn is not just some benign entity who is
unselfishly lending its expertise to the greater good. Of course
that's what they and their apologists want everyone to think: Trust
us! This is all for your own good.

Ask the folks down on Woodland Terrace whether they trust Penn. Ask
those who attended the Philadelphia City Planning and Historical
Commission hearings and witnessed those charades. Ask those  

who witnessed Chris O'Donnell out a new-to-the-neighborhood real
estate agent who testified in support of  Campus Inn, but who  
failed to mention that 

Re: [UC] Libraries and tactics that are doomed to failure

2009-01-28 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Anthony West wrote:
What does it prove, that Nutter hired a Penn arm rather than a Temple 
arm or a Loyola arm to grease a political adjustment? That Penn is the 
largest private-sector employer in the city? That it is growing and 
flourishing, and appears to be on top of its industry's game? That it's 
a logical source for a strapped municipality to seek assistance from? 
That maybe a superior knowledge industry might generate knowledge that 
is applicable to the City's budget meltdown? Precisely what is wrong 
about Penn's contributing to solving the budget woes of its home city? 
Should it refuse to do so, in your opinion?

the problem here, in short, is that nutter's trying to use 
proprietary software to run an open source operating system.

(aye. 18th century principles in 21st century language. the 
founding fathers were indeed wise beyond their years.)


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