Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-12-12 Thread Ron F .

I have EAC installed on my Ubuntu Gutsy laptop, and it works so
perfectly under wine, it looks like a native Linux application. It is
not very fast however. I also have dBpoweramp installed, and it is much
faster when doing a secure rip. Despite being faster dBpoweramp does not
run as cleanly under wine as EAC. It has problems ejecting CDs,
(although upgrading wine to version 0.9.50 seems to help,) and it has a
problem being minimized on my machine. Turning off desktop window
management in wine specifically for dBpoweramp helps with that.


Ron F.

*Squeezebox setup:* wireless SB3 - CI Audio VDA.2 DAC + VAC.1 PSU
*Main rig:* NAD 7600 + NAD 2600A - Phase Tech PC-6.5 speakers
*Headphone rig:* Headroom Max - Sennheiser 650s
*Music Server:* Nano-ITX computer running SlimCD + 750 GByte HDD -
Netgear wireless router
*Other stuff:* NAD C542 CDP, NAD 6300 Tape, Monster 5100 Power
conditioner, Outlaw Audio cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-12-02 Thread OiPenguin

Mark Lanctot;246034 Wrote: 
 Wondering why?  Maybe EAC is more rigorous in its checks as to how
 things are done?
 I've tried Sound Juicer.  It's one of those freebies that are included
 in Ubuntu.  It gives no indication that I could see if it's
 encountering errors.

EAC is no doubt more thorough than Sound Juicer, and I've come across
some files with flaws after you mentioned the lacking logs in Sound
Juicer. Apart from no logging, the program is great.

Mark Lanctot;246034 Wrote: 
 Ripping in Linux is the one area where I really regret switching from
 Windows.  I'm using RubyRipper - it's better in that it logs problem
 areas but it's no EAC - it will often think it's corrected an area
 where it clearly hasn't.  At least it will log problem areas.  My main
 beef with it is that I have a couple of rips with big errors where it
 didn't report any errors at all.  :-(

This thread should be enough to set up EAC in Ubuntu with the help of
Wine. It works well for me now.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-11-29 Thread Mark Lanctot

OiPenguin;245928 Wrote: 
 It is functioning with EAC and Sound Juicer. The latter program uses 1/3
 of the time ripping to flac compared to EAC so I'll stick to that.

Wondering why?  Maybe EAC is more rigorous in its checks as to how
things are done?

I've tried Sound Juicer.  It's one of those freebies that are included
in Ubuntu.  It gives no indication that I could see if it's
encountering errors.

Ripping in Linux is the one area where I really regret switching from
Windows.  I'm using RubyRipper - it's better in that it logs problem
areas but it's no EAC - it will often think it's corrected an area
where it clearly hasn't.  At least it will log problem areas.  My main
beef with it is that I have a couple of rips with big errors where it
didn't report any errors at all.  :-(

Mark Lanctot

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-11-28 Thread OiPenguin

Ciao signor_rossi,

I can now rip directly to server via the sshfs-connection. It is
functioning with EAC and Sound Juicer. The latter program uses 1/3 of
the time ripping to flac compared to EAC so I'll stick to that.

The current status is that I have three identical temp
sshfs-connections, named /home/lars/Rippet/test2, .../test3, .../test4

I've not investigated properly, but I'll ask anyway in case you or
someone else knows the answers straight off:
a) can I rename either of these with the usual F2, like any other
b) how do I remove the extra sshfs-connections. Don't need three
identical ones. One will do ;-)
c) if I delete (Move to trash is usually not an option on my server)
test1, ..2 or ..3, do I loose the content within this folder on the
server as well?

You've been of great help!




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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-11-26 Thread signor_rossi

What are the permissions on the directory
'/home/felles/Media/Musikk/Rippet' (on the server)? What is the umask
there? I am not that skilled as linux admin and really out of ideas
Certainly on a dedicated ubuntu forum there are more skilled people
around, maybe ppost the problem there

Bye, signor_rossi.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-11-26 Thread OiPenguin

signor_rossi;245284 Wrote: 
 What are the permissions on the directory
 '/home/felles/Media/Musikk/Rippet' (on the server)? What is the umask
 there? I am not that skilled as linux admin and really out of ideas
The permissions are 777. I'm afraid I can't tell what umask is set to
be (how do I find out?). I know I've changed umask previously, I
believe to 777, but when I look in the folder the majority of folders
are 755, while a few are 777. Why some have different permissions I
really cannot explain at all. These are all ripped with Sound Juicer. 

signor_rossi;245284 Wrote: 
 Certainly on a dedicated ubuntu forum there are more skilled people
 around, maybe ppost the problem there
I should probably try an Ubuntu Forum, however I've gotten first class
help at forums.slimdevices and regard this issue as rather narrow and
would have expected it to drown in the Ubuntu forum.

It's rather obvious to me that my lack of linux skills make things
complicated. I keep doing changes, but don't have appropriate control
over the consequences. I used to have a working Torrent Flux, but it's
not working anymore. Another permission issue as far as I can tell ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-11-26 Thread signor_rossi

Permission issues annoy me highly from time to time too. :(
755 are the default permissions set in /etc/profile with an umask of
022 here for me in Arch and Kubuntu (probably the case for most other
distros too). 777 permission where probably set by yourself manually.
I have found a way today to apply default rwx permissions on file and
directory creation in a certain directory without changing the system
wide umask for my user using ACLs. I have this working locally on my
Kubuntu box. But it seems that when I mount this directory from my Arch
laptop via sshfs ths settings are ignored. Go figure!!  ;)
Gonna going to troubleshoot this now...

Bye, signor_rossi.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-11-25 Thread signor_rossi

Where did you create the local mount point? If not already done so
create it in your home folder. Did you try transferring files in a file
As for handling permissions I am still looking myself for a proper and
a more granular way, since I always have to adjust them on the server
after copying (give write access to the group on files).

Bye, signor_rossi.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-11-25 Thread OiPenguin

The directory was created in my local folder, /home/lars/rip_server and
mounted successfully. I've not tried transferring files, only ripping
directly to this location. I've tried to add the appropriate command to
/etc/fstab to automount on boot, but I need to manually mount after


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-11-25 Thread signor_rossi

I have the 'noauto' option in my line in fstab for sshfs, which means no
automount on boot. ;)
And to be able to automount you would also have to work with keys, see
here under 'Automating the Connection':
I have looked at the man page of sshfs and there it states that you can
also use an umask option to specify permissions.
'sshfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/music2 /home/val/media/user_home/ -o
umask=007' mounts the remote directory with read-write-execute
permissions for user and group. Creating a file in the local folder
respects this umask
and on the server then group and owner are as expected for me for this
file but group and owner and other permissions' are not.

Bye, signor_rossi.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-11-25 Thread OiPenguin

signor_rossi;245129 Wrote: 
 'sshfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/music2 /home/val/media/user_home/ -o
 umask=007' mounts the remote directory with read-write-execute
 permissions for user and group. 

This is really bugging me! I've managed to mount the server folder, but
receives the previously reported error: Error when creating file
(translated from Norwegian), however now despite the permissions being
for owner: 1005 with permission create and delete files and group
is users with create and delete files as well. I've addedd my
username to group 'users'. I tried to connect with this exact command:


PROTECTED]:/home/felles/Media/Musikk/Rippet /home/lars/Rippet/test3 -o umask=007



PROTECTED]:/home/felles/Media/Musikk/Rippet /home/lars/Rippet/test3/ -o 

(last code snippet with an addedd forward slash after .../test3)

I may have done some things during my attempts to set up an
sshfs-connection. I should problably undo everything I've done and
start all over again. What would be the essential parts? 
- unload fuse module?
- remove my username from fuse group?
- Is there anything else which should be undone, does it make sense at
all to undo what I've done?




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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-11-24 Thread OiPenguin

Thanks a lot signor_rossi!

I've managed to mount the relevant server folder on my laptop and it's
accessible in EAC. I'm not sure it's a stable solution, but at least I
know it's working and I'm confident that I'll be able to make the
solution stable when I return to advice in previous posts.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-11-24 Thread OiPenguin

Unfortunately I'm not through with this. When trying to rip I get an
error: Error when creating file (translated from Norwegian). When
viewing the permissions on the folder I'd like to rip to owner is
1005 with permission create and delete files while group is user
with access only. When viewing the directory with sudo mc it's
displayed in red, which I believe is similar to 'not properly mounted'.
I'm not able to chown. Any suggestions?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-11-23 Thread OiPenguin

I've installed samba, but I'm unable to mount the server-folder on the
client. I get this error and troubleshooting haven't solved the

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail  or so

The fuse/sshfs suggestion is attempted as well, however when I try 


sudo sshfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/remote/folder/to/mount 

 I get an error saying sshfs missing host - This shouldn't be an IP
issue since ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] works well.

Any suggestions? I'm very keen on a solution. I've ripped a lot of CDs
with SoundJuicer, however I'm unable to rip 1 in 10 cD's. There appear
to be no logic in this, the error message is Sound Juicer could not
extract this CD. Reason: Operation not permitted. I've not been able
to found a solution to this problem, but I've confirmed that these CDs
can be ripped successfully with EAC.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-11-23 Thread signor_rossi

Just set up fuse and sshfs on my gutsy music-server and mounting a
directory on my Arch-Linux laptop worked like a charm (normally I do
things the other way around). These were the steps taken:
1. Installed fuse and sshfs
2. Added 'fuse' to /etc/modules and did a 'modprobe fuse' once
3. Added my user to the 'fuse' group and logged out and in again
4. Created a directory as local mount point
5. Mounted the remote directory with 'sshfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/val
No sudo needed it seems and you unmount with 'fusermount -u
/home/taco/tux' and you can also add a line like this to your
/etc/fstab to not have always remember the remote path:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/taco /home/val/media/taco_home fuse
user,noauto 0 0

A quick googling turned up that this error may happen when the colon
or/and the slash are missing in the ssh-server URL, something you
didn't forget in your example, but maybe better check a second time in
your actual command. ;)

Bye, signor_rossi.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-11-23 Thread signor_rossi

OiPenguin;244832 Wrote: 
 The fuse/sshfs suggestion is attempted as well, however when I try 

  sudo sshfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/remote/folder/to/mount 

   I get an error saying sshfs missing host - This shouldn't be an IP
 issue since ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] works well.
Just tried to set up fuse and sshfs on my server and all worked like a
charm: These were the steps taken:
1. Installed fuse and sshfs
2. Added 'fuse' to /etc/modules and did a 'modprobe fuse' once
3. Added my user to the 'fuse' group and logged out and in again
4. Created a directory as local mount point
5. Mounted the remote directory with 'sshfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/val
No sudo needed it seems and you unmount with 'fusermount -u
/home/taco/tux' and you can also add a line like this to your
/etc/fstab to not have always remember the remote path:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/taco /home/val/media/taco_home fuse
user,noauto 0 0

A quick googling turned up that this error may happen when the colon
or/and the slash are missing in the server URL, something you didn't
forget in your example, but maybe better check a second time in your
actual command. ;)

Bye, signor_rossi.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-11-23 Thread signor_rossi

If you already use ssh just use fuse with sshfs and mount the remote
directory to a local mount point.
Probably adding your user to fuse group suffices, changing permissions
might not be needed anymore.

Bye, signor_rossi.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC rip directly to server

2007-11-22 Thread servies

If you're running samba on the server:
make the folder in which you keep your music available by samba
mount/map it on the client and let EAC write to this folder directly...


There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary
and those who don't.

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