Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCodePlayer + piZero + justBoomAmp zero poor synch

2017-10-08 Thread bpa

slingshotx wrote: 
> Ok I've updated to your latest iPlayer, seems much better, not sure why?
Changing BBciplayer plugin within the 1.5.* versions will not affect
anyhting - this is a placebo effect.

Your underlying problem is still there.

BBC plays AAC and since Boom is in the sync group - you are transcoding
so you may be straining your processor and network - in those
circumstances the master player can affect things.
Performance will also vary if you are playing live BBCiPlayer vs Listen

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCodePlayer + piZero + justBoomAmp zero poor synch

2017-10-06 Thread drmatt

Let's not get hung up on the percentage value. This is what the people
who write iwconfig have determined is the most meaningful way to report
WiFi connection strength. There are other measures, but anything
reporting 60% should be usable.

-Transcoded from Matt's brain by Tapatalk-

Hardware: 3x Touch, 1x Radio, 2x Receivers, 1 HP Microserver NAS with
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Music: ~1300 CDs, as 450 GB of 16/44k FLACs. No less than 3x 24/44k

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCodePlayer + piZero + justBoomAmp zero poor synch

2017-10-06 Thread DJanGo

slingshotx wrote: 
> Sorry should have been clear 60% is the signal quality reported by pcp
> wifi scanner, which I'm guessing is the same API's as iwconfig.

ok - lets start from another point of view...

100 % from nothing is still nothing and maybe more or less than 5 % of
everything !.!

The only real deal is the pure db not any percent from something your AP
or Nic could deliver. 
Link Quality itself is just how much interference is on your link.

Signal Strength is the other thing to look at - you need to look at both
values if you want to know whats going on.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCodePlayer + piZero + justBoomAmp zero poor synch

2017-10-06 Thread epoch1970

Synching with hardware squeezeboxes is a tough case.

Is that Boom wireless or wired?
First and foremost I would use the same medium for both, so that network
latency is consistent between players. 
Once both are on wifi make sure network strength is "very good to
excellent" for both. 60% is not good. It's ok for fetching data like web
pages but for a stream I'd rather see 80%

If not enough, I would try to set Prefs > [Players] > Synchronize >
Minimum Synchronization Adjustment (ms) to 100ms in both, leave delays
to 0 and network latency to default.
I think software players, even PCP, do not react in a very deterministic
way to step requests, so such adjustments have a tendency to make the
situation worse.
Of course this means players can sit 99ms apart for hours, so if this
creates noticeable echo, you'll want to lower that value as much as

I can say that over a rather poor ethernet network 4 Pi3s with justboom
amps running pcp 3.2 will keep sync within 100ms (some echo sometimes).
The same with good networking (upgraded switching hw, dedicated VLAN)
can stay within 10ms the whole day it seems.

3 SB 3 • Libratone Loop, Zipp Mini • iPeng (iPhone + iPad) • LMS 7.9
(linux) with plugins: CD Player, WaveInput, Triode's BBC iPlayer by bpa
• IRBlaster by Gwendesign (Felix) • Server Power Control by Gordon
Harris • Smart Mix, Music Walk With Me, What Was That Tune? by Michael
Herger • PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • Song Info, Song Lyrics by
Erland Isaksson • AirPlay Bridge by philippe_44 • WeatherTime by Martin
Rehfeld • Auto Dim Display, SaverSwitcher, ContextMenu by Peter Watkins.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCodePlayer + piZero + justBoomAmp zero poor synch

2017-10-06 Thread bpa

What areyou playing ?
If it is AAC then if Boom is part of sync group - LMS will transcode to
Flac which will put a load on processor as well as increase network

Use info to track the problem.  Not sure about pcp but usually "cat
/proc/net/wireless " gives detail info on wifi - noise level is as
important as quality.  Are there many discarded packets ?
Wifi can operate at different speeds - what speed is your interface
runnign at ? ( somehting like "iw dev wlan0 link" might tell you) 
Any message in LMS log.
If nohting above then enable squeezelite logging - check is it a sync
problem or a network problem.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCodePlayer + piZero + justBoomAmp zero poor synch

2017-10-06 Thread slingshotx

DJanGo wrote: 
> 60% of what? (its 60% what the wlan interface is capable to manage) that
> didnt count.
> Signal quality and the overall connection is importand. Not 60% of
> "something"

Sorry should have been clear 60% is the signal quality reported by pcp
wifi scanner, which I'm guessing is the same API's as iwconfig.

The house has 2 wifi points, upstairs and down, the upstairs has
attenuated antenna and seems pretty robust, but I'll move it right next
to the 2 players having an issue to rule out network issues. The server
itself is wired so should be fine.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCodePlayer + piZero + justBoomAmp zero poor synch

2017-10-06 Thread DJanGo

slingshotx wrote: 
> The wifi signal is around 60% so 

60% of what? (its 60% what the wlan interface is capable to manage) that
didnt count.

Signal quality and the overall connection is importand. Not 60% of

eg. i had some issues with my wlan setup in my old house. After we moved
to another location my former poor wlan was quite good.
Now some new Neighbours arrived and my wlan was bad again. Wlan is
always (unless your in the middle of nowhere) not in your own hands.

Now i*ve upgraded my wlan to a better (more antennas) setup and changed
all my USB thumb Nics to Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8192CU 802.11n
WLAN Adapter with external Antenna.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCodePlayer + piZero + justBoomAmp zero poor synch

2017-10-05 Thread slingshotx

The wifi signal is around 60% so not too bad. I don't get any drop outs.
I can temporarily put the router right next to the players to rule this

I dont limit the bitrate, the problem seems worse on low res spotify
streams than locally stored flac.

Interestingly the amount its out varies I spend some time setting the
audio delay between the devices only to find next time I play something
its slightly off again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCodePlayer + piZero + justBoomAmp zero poor synch

2017-10-05 Thread drmatt

How's the WiFi signal there? Most likely network issues. Have you capped
the audio bitrate?

-Transcoded from Matt's brain by Tapatalk-

Hardware: 3x Touch, 1x Radio, 2x Receivers, 1 HP Microserver NAS with
Debian+LMS 7.9.0
Music: ~1300 CDs, as 450 GB of 16/44k FLACs. No less than 3x 24/44k

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[SlimDevices: Unix] PiCodePlayer + piZero + justBoomAmp zero poor synch

2017-10-05 Thread slingshotx

Hi I have a few players, boom, PI3 and a duet, all PcP players on 3.20.

I added a piZero Wireless and justboom Amp zero and a ceiling speaker in
the loft for the bathroom. Works really well and I synchronise it to
power on with the boom in the bedroom; however it is the only one of my
players that doesn't either start in sync or stay in sync correctly. Has
anyone else tried this? Is the clock on the pi Zero a bit iffy or is
there a setting I'm missing?

Maybe I should have spent the extra and got a Pi3, but the zero seemed
like a nice compact solution for an extra player.

Thanks for any tips


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