Re: LiveCode Personal Banner

2010-11-16 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

Terry Judd wrote :

What about creating a personal 'player' application that starts up
automatically and is just left running in the background.

That's what I do. I have my favourite stack names in a tiny list,
displayed by a loaded in my Mac Startup, sitting in
a corner of my screen (OK - so I have a 20 iMac and a second
24 screen, so I have plenty of space !).
My Favourite stacks load in 1 second. So much for my own personal use.

As for the 10 second banner on standalones, I imagine that RunRev needs
the publicity, to try and increase its User Base. I always learned that
it is not publicity that sells a product, but the satisfied users.
I spend quite some time with my friends giving glowing reports about how
I use RunRev, and what I do with it. They are always impressed,  
when they see it all on screen. Whether they buy the product is a  
problem. I don't know many people who do, want to, or will ever,  
however enticing the product is. RunRev is a niche product, the User  
will always be limited. Hypercard was enticing, but LiveCode is SO  

and SO extensive, that it can switch off amateurs in 30 seconds flat !

FMPOV, the people who stand to gain the most from the LiveCode Banner,  
professional programmers (quite a lot floating on this forum) who will  
requests from people who would like to see their problem turned into  
an app,

and are prepared to put some money up for it.

If you are an amateur LiveCode user, skate around the problem. If you  

a professional LiveCode user, thank RunRev for opening your potential to
make some more money. How many of you already have your own Site  
banner ?

Instead of moaning, why don't you persuade RunRev to set up a list of  

developers on the RunRev site (with their speciality and site address) !
Charge them $10 a year - they'll jump at it ! Then, everybody will be  
happy .. :)


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Re: Close File question

2010-10-27 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

There seems to be some confusion about how to define
a full file name on your computer.

On the Mac, you don't specify the main disk drive,
it is implicit, so you start with the second level
(beginning with a /)
On a PC you must start with the first level, i.e.
the disk drive (don't ask me why !).

so :

put /RevFolder/PDF Files/ into LVFilePath
defines a file path.

put File1.pdf into LVFileName
defines a file name.

put LVFilePath  LVFileName into LVFullName
defines the full name ... on a Mac,


put C:  LVFilePath  LVFileName into LVFullName
defines the full name   on a PC
(if, of course, your disk drive is C:)

And, as specified by Mark, and others :

open file LVFullName
read file LVFullName into LVworkArea [until ...]
close file LVFullName

Best Regards


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Re: [ANN] Simple RPN Calculator on RevOnline

2010-10-14 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,


Nice, handy little calculator.
(I didn't check out all the possibilities !)

However, I think light grey commands on dark
grey buttons are hard to read, especially for
the +, -, * and /.

Maybe push the fontsize up to 18, or even 24
where possible ?

I have spent hours trying to find out the nicest
mix of colour 1 on background 2, and although
not very imaginative, I am forced to admit that
black on white is close to the best, with dark
blue on very light yellow, close behind,

Best Regards


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Livecode suffix is a pain

2010-10-09 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittanny

Mark wrote :

You can alway hack the script of button revBackScript of stack
revlibrary.rev... (hint: look at lines 892 and 1007)

Thanks Mark, that did the trick.

I don't like zapping application code, but this is OK for me,
seeing as I may live with Livecode 4.5 for quite some time.
I'll worry about mods on future versions .. in the future,
but as I am knocking hard on the 70's door, I may retire from
Revolution (er  Livecode !) before the next update !

But my question is : How in Rev's name did you know that ?

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Livecode suffix is a pain

2010-10-08 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

With LiveCode, new stacks are created with the
.livecode suffix, and this screws up several of my
utility programs which create paths which assume
a .rev suffix.

Of course, when I save a new stack, I can always
replace the livecode suffix with .rev, and this
seems to cause no problems. But then I have to
remember each time I create a new stack to make
that modification.

Question 1 : Do livecode suffixed stacks differ
from .rev suffixed stacks ?

Question 2 : Can I automatically have the .rev
suffix used when creating a livecode stack ?
(Can't find anything in Preferences !)

Question 3 : Why was that change made in the suffix ?

I see that when saving stacks, we have the possibility
of creating a legacy stack.

What difference does this make to the stack ?

Having a new product name is all very jolly, and
certainly affects very few Rev users, but for me
it's a pain.


P.S. If the name LiveCode is so important, how
come that we don't have a ?
(I see it already exists, but belongs to DOTSTER INC)
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Could someone could test this ?

2010-10-06 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi Ludovic,

Why bother.

Download Handbrake (open source) - convert all your files to
Quicktime MP4. No more problems !!

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Re: Updating from Revolution 4.0 to LiveCode 4.5

2010-09-23 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

When I combine both answers :

Jacque wrote :

You can delete or zip the old Rev folder, those
files aren't needed for LiveCode.

Bernd wrote :

you could probably open the info of one .rev file
and choose the program you want to open this file type

. I solved the problem.

Thanks to you both !


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Updating from Revolution 4.0 to LiveCode 4.5

2010-09-22 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

I had a few months spare in my Run-Rev 4 licence,
so I downloaded LiveCode 4.5.0 (Happy Bunny !).

In order to ensure that LiveCode is called when I
double-click on a Revolution stack, I now have to
delete my folder Revolution Studio (or something of
that ilk).

But the folder contains a multitude of files, and
the LiveCode application is but one file.

Before doing something stupid, how do I proceed ?

Do I simply delete the in the Revolution
Studio 4.0 folder, and replace it by the new LiveCode ?

. Or is it just a tad more complicated ?


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Geographic Functions, any takers?

2010-08-30 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany.

Ewan wrote :

Compute true course and distance between points.

I don't know if I have something which may solve
part of your problems.

I travelled a lot, before retiring, and always
kept a note of cities visited, and stopovers
on the way. I decided, one day to feed all of
my data into a TRAVEL stack, to see how far I
had really travelled (finally, more than 2 million
I picked uf a file on the internet with position
co-ordinates of 10,000 cities in the world, and
than converted these co-ordinates to Lat/Long
in radians.  Then with a Haversine formula, I
can calculate the distance between any two cities
in the world (in km.), with up to 6 stopovers.

example : Paris-Lisbon-Rio-London-Paris.

You can, of course, feed in co-ordinates of any
point on the globe, of any small town not in the
list of 10,000 !

If my calculations are of use, just shout !.

Best Regards,


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Re : Date to Days

2010-08-12 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

I knew someone had done this before !

Thanks Jim Ault for pointing to it.
Thanks to Sarah Reichelt for the stack, and
to regretted Eric Chatonet for the part that
I wanted.


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Date to Days

2010-08-11 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

Has any kind soul (not on holiday) got a script
for converting a date to a number of days
(any recent base such as 1900 will suffice).

With Thanks

- Francis

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Standalone Creation - Windows Externals Sub-folder

2010-08-03 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

When creating a Windows Standalone Application,
the generated Windows folder contains a sub-folder
called Externals. For my stacks, this folder has
always been empty. This is convenient for me, because
I can take the .exe file out of its environment,
and put it anywhere for execution.

I would surmise that if the sub-folder contained
anything, I would always have to keep the .exe
file and the Externals folder in the same folder.

However, always curious, I would like to know
under what circumstances does this sub-folder
contain anything ?


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IDE on a Mac and on a PC - Same ??

2010-07-26 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

Can anybody tell me if the IDE for RunRev is
the same on a PC as it is on a Mac ?

Having used PC versions of some applications,
I often found important differences from their
Mac counterparts, but I'm certainly not going to
buy the PC RunRev Studio, just for the pleasure
of finding out myself .. :)

I need an answer from someone who has worked
them both, or at least who knows for sure.

Best Regards


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IDE on a Mac and on a PC - Same ??

2010-07-26 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

Thanks to Mark and Richard for extremely detailed
replies - It took me a long time to digest all that
information - But I got what I want  and more !

Again - Many thanks.


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Re: Estimate/Quotation program, help me please..... (Ted Mills)

2010-07-25 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon


Most of the guys on this forum could run off
that little stack in much less time than it would
take to explain how you should do it.

I think that the BEST kick-start you could get
would be if someone built a stack for you, with
right number of cards, coded the scripts in card
1 to show you how it's done, and then let you code
the other scripts on the other cards, learning as
you go .. Half an hour on Skype (vocal) to explain
how to use the IDE, and you'd be flying solo in a day.

Most of us (I imagine) have model stacks, and
model scripts that they could use to help build
your stack quickly. I could run off a working
model in less than a day (just for the fun).

If no other helpful soul offers assistance, mail
me off-forum, and I'll give you a few hours of
my time for free.

If we think back far enough, I'm sure that most
of us were as bewildered as you when they wanted
to write their first stack application. It's just
like your first driving lesson  :)



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RE: My naming convention

2010-07-11 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany
(although we will have rain in two days !)

Richmond :

I agree with you (mostly)

David C :

Thanks for that comment! It's gratifying.

Rene  Micout (excuse me if I wax into French) :

Je ne peux pas être plus en accord avec toi - Pour
dire vrai, je voulais secouer le pommier. Bien
sur je veux écrire le plus beau code du monde, et
je sais que je serais depassé par beaucoup sur ce
forum. Mais j'écris chaque script comme si on allait
le publier dans le Monde (avec amour et fierté)

 pour personne (sniff !)

Damien :

As I haven't written programs in a REAL
development environment for more than 20 years,
I  tend to forget that conventions ARE important.
So I will give you that (freely !).

I once had to update a program written by
a novice (however intelligent), and it was
his first program. He named all his variables
starting with his wife, and proceeding through
the whole of the family, before running out
of names, and so using CHINESE names.

Needless to say, I bailed out !

HOWEVER, without using a complex naming
convention, and using only intelligent
names, which after all, IS THE SIGN OF A
that a comment beats this system.

After more than 40 years of programming,
(20 for the business, and 20 for my pleasure),
I still put a comment on practically EACH line
of coding - although NOBODY will ever see them.

I also remember writing my first professional
program (1967 - in IBM 360 autocoder), and
returning to the Document Library more than 12
months later, to replace my (what I thought)
pathetic programming with a new version, 'cos
I was so ashamed.

Question ! How many of you out there would be
ashamed to show your coding to others ?

I know that I ALWAYS was !

This may be a vital question.

I'm up to 4 cents now. I may go to 6 . !


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RE: My naming convention

2010-07-10 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

Sorry to put the proverbial cat among the pigeons !

Wonderful ! I have never seen so many complex
naming conventions that I am sure you don't follow.

If you do, then it is for who ? If it is for you,
this means that your organizational solutions
prime upon your script development and production.
What a waste of grey matter !
If you spend more time wondering what you are
going to call your variables, than developing
your scripts, then you DO have a problem !

In 5 minutes, you can write a button script to
list out Variable and Field Names, to ensure that
you don't invent duplicate names.

Revolution scripting is not to be pondered upon.
Just write it, as it flows out of your brain.
Don't invent rules that you will not follow !

Naming conventions are personal. They are
mostly designed to help YOU, maintain and
modify YOUR scripts in the future, if you
ever NEED to return to them !

Forget naming conventions, and spend a little
time with comments. It beats naming conventions
every day. If anybody will ever read it except you !

If you ever have to return to your scripts
(and I doubt that you do this often), you
either recognize your coding, and your coding
knowledge, AND YOUR COMMENTS, and so you don't
need to invent a complex naming convention,
or else it is not your script, and HIS naming
convention is of no help whatsoever.
But by the saints, an intelligent comment is !!!

I spent years (with Hypercard) inventing a simple
and strict naming convention WHICH I MYSELF

So - what is the point ?

My 2 cents (of a euro) !

- Francis

-Nothing should ever be done for the first time !

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Re: New Window App allows programming for iPhone!

2010-07-08 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

Rene Micout wrote :

In French we have 2 words for free
free = gratuit (no money !)
free = libre (open ?)

Strange - In English we have the same possibilities !

We also have the prime number between two and four :)

Etonnant - Non ?

Merci à Pierre Desproges


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Re: App deployment on Windows

2010-07-05 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

This complements Mark's mail  ...

This should be X:\program files, where X is the start-up drive.

I needed to build file paths on Mac OSX and on Windows,
in my cross-platform SplashStack, so I needed the system
Disk ID for Windows (which MAY NOT be C).

On Windows XP, I used

put line 1 of the volumes into MyPCDrive

which gave the system disk, whatever it was !

On Windows 7, the first entry in the volumes list is A
(for some strange reason), and so I had to find an
alternative solution.

Mark came up with a work-around :

put item 1 of specialfolderpath(system) into Temp

Then strip out non-useful info to reveal system disk ID.

A sure-fire way of building file paths.


- Francis

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Call to all you one-liners !

2010-06-26 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

My rev coding has always been simple, though
certainly not efficient, and of course, I
can solve this little problem, but I have
great confidence in you guys out there to
give me a one-liner.

I have a field that I would like to check out.
It should contain any RGB value (like 255,100,099),
but it came though the clipboard, and so may
contain anything.

Can this check be done in one line ?


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Re: Call to all you one-liners !

2010-06-26 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

I should have known ! Mark was the first
to answer, and it's a beautiful one-liner.

After more than 15 years of HC and
a few more of Rev, I still bow to those
who know so much about this language.

Thanks Mark - even Scott was impressed !

I reckon that an FAQ Data Base should be
set up, with Mark heading the pack !


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Re: ANN: Installer Maker plugin for Runtime Revolution

2010-06-18 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

Mark, thanks for the video which perfectly explains
an installation creation.

Now I can stop struggling on my Installation program !
You appear to have covered all the requirements

However, I didn't understand how you create an
installer on a MAC, but which will be run on a PC,

 or maybe I missed something 

Best Regards


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Re: runrev community : how many licenses? How many users? How many developpers?

2010-06-12 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

I must have been lucky. If I zoom in a max,
my flag puts me just in front of my computer,
in the living room !

However, the flag doesn't tell me which way
I am facing .  :)


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Re: OT: Periodic Table of Typefaces

2010-06-12 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

It's on my wall - love it !

I'm sure even Mendeleev would have loved it too !

But according to the rules, this means we can define
certain characteristics of character fonts that have
not yet been discovered .



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Re: Delay in opening the first card. How can I solve this?

2010-06-02 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,


What if the system is 64bit? Do I replace 32 with 64 in the script?

All Windows systems return Win32 from the platform command,
including Windows 7 !


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Cross-Platform Fonts

2010-06-01 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

Thanks Jacqueline,

I have some notes about it here:

All you ever wanted to know about Cross-Platform
Fonts, but were afraid to ask !


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Avoiding Global Variables

2010-05-27 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

Thanks for your Update and News concerning
Avoiding Global Variables.

Very instructive, not covered in the Doc.

Progress is a series of monumental ***k-ups !

Even after years of RunRev, we can still learn !

Keep up the good work !


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Windows 7 question

2010-05-23 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

I wrote :

I use : if the platform = Win32 then  put line 1 of the volumes
into x

which doesn't work on Windows 7 (gives me diskette A: ?)

In the face of this problem, how can I pick up the systems disk ID in
a Windows 7 system ?

Mark Schonewille (off forum) came up with the best answer (I think),
not requiring a shell command.

  put item 1 of specialfolderpath(system) into x

and strip off the /WINDOWS text !

And this works for all Windows systems that I know.

Thanks Mark !

This post is just in case anybody else runs into the problem 

- Francis

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Windows 7 Question

2010-05-22 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

I know little about PC's  :)

But now I have my answers. By searching in
Google for windir and systemroot, I
found systemdrive which does exactly
what I want !

Thanks Paul, thanks Steve !


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Windows 7 Question

2010-05-21 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany

I develop my stacks on my Mac, but have a Splashstack.exe for running  
them on PC's.

In order to find the systems disk (so I can build complete paths to my  
external files), I use the command

  if the platform = Win32 then  put line 1 of the volumes  
into field PCDrive

and build the paths starting with field PCDrive.

Disk C (the usual systems disk) was always the first entry in the  
volumes list in Windows XP, etc..
In Windows 7, I now find A (the floppy diskette used if the user  
didn't want to boot from the hard drive).

In the comments section of the Volumes section of the Rev Dictionary,  
I find :

Disks which are physically installed or inserted into a disk drive,  
but are not currently mounted, do not appear in the list returned by  
the volumes function.

If this is so, why does floppy disk A (inexistant) appear at the head  
of the Volumes list ?

Second question - does the platform command return Win32  for  
Windows 7 systems ?

(I don't have a Windows 7 system available to test my stacks !)

In the face of this problem, how can I pick up the systems disk ID in  
a Windows 7 system ?

I am running Revolution 4.0.0 - Build 950 on an iMac OS 10.5.8

Many thanks for any pointers 


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Creating Mac standalone on Windows Studio?

2010-05-21 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

Steve King wrote

I know nothing at all of Macs

Steve, my heart bleeds for you - . and you are so, so many !

But you are in the right forum to ask questions, and to find
the true road to salvation .   :)


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Re: Thoughts on Kevin's announcement

2010-05-12 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittanny,

Richard Gaskin wrote :

Doesn't sound like resentment to me, just making business decisions  

the future based on previous experience.

wrote Sorry Richard,

René Micout wrote:

Le 12 mai 2010 à 17:55, David C. a écrit :

I try to be supportive to all of you offering Rev related products
that I need or can use (like Rodeo), but not at the expense --no pun
intended-- of owning or purchasing Apple hardware in the future.

Ne bâtissons pas l'avenir sur le ressentiment — Nietzsche

Ressentiment  in French means feeling or understanding or  

Best Regards


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Re: This is what it actually says

2010-04-10 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,


C++ is a great language, I'm sure everyone will love it once they  
get to

know it.

No, not really:

I broke out in a cold sweat when I saw this:

I couldn't agree more, except that there was
also a tendancy to vomit !

Nothing should ever be done for the first time

and C++ was only one of them ..

Gimme Lovely, Beautiful, Delicious, Sexy,
RUNREV every day of the week !

Best Regards


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iPad use with Rev users .... ?

2010-03-30 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

I'm sorry, but I'd like to open a discussion on the
following subject, but directly concerning Revolution.

With an iPad,

1 - Can I run compatible Revolution stacks ?

There is no keyboard, so maybe by replacing keyboard
functions with buttons, and resizing some of my stacks,
I could solve this problem.

2 - Can I key in data ?

I have seen no way of doing this !

 and I won't even ask the question, can I run
IDE Rev development on an iPad ?

Perhaps,  rather than asking for a list of what I
CAN do on an iPad, would you like to tell me what
a Rev user CAN'T do ?

This will help me decide on whether to lay out more
than $500 dollars, because if it is just for reading
books, I think I will pass.

Sorry to rock the boat, because I DIG Apple 


Nothing should ever be done for the first time.
but I love trying 

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Re : iPad use with Rev users

2010-03-30 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

. and when I send my mail, I had not seen the mail
from Heather Interesting discussion on iPad content,

Thought you folks might appreciate:

...nor the comment by Lyn Fredericks.

So my questions still stand ..


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Re :Roman Numerals Conversion

2010-03-26 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

Thanks to Mark, Richmond and Sarah.

I knew you could do it !!


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Roman Numerals Conversion

2010-03-25 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

I've searched around, and have found many
scripts in many languages for converting
Roman Numerals into Numbers, but couldn't
find one that I can use in a Rev Stack.

Has anybody come across a script that I
don't know about ?

With Thanks


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Re: an annual calendar somewhere? - French Version

2010-02-26 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

I played with zryip theSlug's code for all of
30 seconds, replace ncal command by cal 2010,
corrected the line ending errors, corrected the
month of August, and it all works fine for me.
I'm on 10.5.8.

Merci Monsieur zryip theSlug


on mouseUp
  local tTheCal, tTheMonth, tTheFrenchMonth, tTheDay, tTheFrenchDay

into tTheMonth
into tTheFrenchMonth

  put Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su into tTheDay
  put Lu,Ma,Me,Je,Ve,Sa,Di into tTheFrenchDay

  put shell(cal 2010) into tTheCal

  -- Translate month
  repeat with x = 1 to number of items in tTheMonth
 replace (item x of tTheMonth) with (item x of tTheFrenchMonth)  
in tTheCal

  end repeat

  -- Translate day
  repeat with x = 1 to number of items in tTheDay
 replace (item x of tTheDay) with (item x of tTheFrenchDay) in  

  end repeat

  put tTheCal into fld MyCal

end mouseUp

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Re : Freezing solid

2010-02-24 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

Hi John,

Tell us what you are trying to do,
tell us what Rev version you are
using, and on what system :

and we may be able to help.

- Francis

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Re : Trapping Cancel on Ask Dialogue

2010-02-23 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,


It's in the book

The contents of the text box is placed in the it variable.
If the user cancels the dialog, the it variable is set to
empty and the result function returns cancel.


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Re: How to enter a time of day

2010-02-22 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

Scott Rossi wrote :

I posted an example online that shows both time entry options (don't  
ask me

to explain the math).  Execute the following in your Rev message box:

go url;

Nice !! That's what I love about this forum. Every day, somebody
shows me something that gives me new ideas ..

Thanks Scott !


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Re : survey - and the word fortnight.

2010-02-18 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Brittany,


BTW, is fortnight still used in jolly old Mother England?

Fortnight is still used in jolly Old Mother England,
and at least is pertinent (ie fourteen nights = 2 weeks).

In France, they can't count proper like we do !

Two weeks = 15 days (quinze jours)


One week = 8 days (huit jours)

Now I know the Beatles sang Eight days a week

but this is no excuse ...   :)


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Re : Reminder - We'd like your feedback

2010-02-18 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Brittany

(and that is in France just in case you are from the US !)

I got your Survey Request, and as a fervent (and I mean every
word of that) user of Revolution, I SUBMITTED to your survey.

Things got complicated when I checked retired  !

Then I got questions like Are you a CEO, etc. etc

and then I couldn't go any further.

How do you do it ?  Do you not consider that Revolution
could be used as a hobby by retired Telecomunications
Specialists ? Do you only consider those who can bring
you more money ? Would you like me to give you a hand
into preparing your surveys ?

I put as much money as I could into Revolution Studio
and On-Rev, and it cost me big bucks, but I can't do
without it, and I need it and develop with it every day!

But I will stop answering your surveys, because I am
not a CEO with 10,000 people working for me.

. Until you put a leader question in your surveys :

Do you use Revolution for making money, or because you love it 

With The Greatest Respect


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Re : Crappy Website

2010-01-09 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon


I have a liitle test for you !

Take a look at your desktop. If it is full of little alias
icons, and you spend a few seconds trying to find the right
one when you want to launch an application, then you can stop
reading now. I now know why your sister finds that your site
is like a dogs dinner.

Now - a second test. Get yourself a pack of different coloured
Post-Its, from your local store. You also need a wall .. !

Build yourself a heirarchy of your site on the wall. Each Site
Level is a Post-It MENU, and all the items under each menu
represent either another level of menu, or a HTML page. If you
appear to have too many items in your menu, open another
menu level, but try not to have too many. Always ask the questions :
Is this the right place for this item, or more correctly, all all
the items in this menu siblings ?

I agree with Sarah that you should take a look at those CSS
templates, but I think it unfortunate that we can't see any
drop-down menus there. Using drop-down menus gives you more scope.
And all the menus I see, imply a two level heirarchy only. In
fact, all the templates are the same design, only the colours change.
They all look very nice, but in fact they are forcing you into a

Play with your diagram on your wall for a few days.  Sit down
in front of it and contemplate it (use the colours for different
types of function). Think carefully before you assign a Menu
Title, or a Menu Item (Short and Sweet names do the trick).
Extension of your site at a later date should be a piece of cake.

Finally, spend some time on designing a nice background for your
site pages, and use it on every page. It will save you much time.

Your site users should be able to intuitively wander your site.. !
(Oh !! - Don't forget a Back to Main Menu menu   : )


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Re : Crappy website

2010-01-08 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany (I've moved)


My sister (who knows about these things) tells me that my website  
looks like

a dog's dinner . . .

Would be very grateful for any feedback comparing this:

This is your site, and you have put a ton of gung-ho and guts into it.
So, be proud of it, but be ready to submit to criticism. That's life !

1 - Tell them what you are going to tell them !
2 - Tell them !
3 - Tell them what you have told them !

Well - maybe you can forget rule 3 !!

Based upon those simple rules  :

1 - Start with an introduction page
(who am I, What am I selling, what have I got to sell).

2 - Separate the levels of information
(if it costs you a few HTML pages, so who cares ?)
(NEVER mix chalk and cheese (even if they are both white)

3 - Based upon rule 1, don't put too much info on page 1
(lead the user into the areas that may take his fancy).

4 - Use menus (they can be so useful)

5 - And this is the most important :

Don't add pages to your site by adding pointers from Page 1.
LOOK CAREFULLY at your PAGE HEIRARCHY (do you have one ?)
and redesign it if necessary.

and finally :

If you have to redesign your page hierarchy, this means that
you DIDN't HAVE a page heirarchy in the first place.

I have learned (with great pain), that building Internet sites
is the same as writing any program - (90% analysis, using some
antiquated material called a pencil and paper, and then 10%
writing and testing). Every time you put up a new HTML page,
you are only proving what you have already carefully designed !

I will now duck because of any sh*t hitting the fan !
(but then, nobody is perfect !)


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Re: Looking for a defined path to learn Rev (for new users)

2009-11-21 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Alejandro wrote

Always picked my curiosity to know what these
holes actually means... :-D

  and here you find it all  :)

Best Regards


Nothing should ever be done for the first time. But we did it every  
day !

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Looking for a defined path to learn Rev (for new users)

2009-11-20 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Stephen Barncard sent :

If one has ever had to work with punched cards
(and I have not) genuinely
deserves the title hard core.

Not only did I work with punched cards (and I think
there are more of you out there), but when the IBM026
and 029 card punches were not yet available, we used
the Hollerith key punch to punch our cards by hand.

Thems were the good old days, when (if I remember
correctly, the left bracket was 12-0-1-8-9, that is
5 holes in the same column. Needless to say, we often
made mistakes, but it took so long to punch a card, that
we used to stick the confetti back in the holes, and then
correct the cards. Obviously, after feeding the cards
through the reader, a few times, the wire brushes often
knocked out the confetti, and we got a reader check.
Then we had to examine the card and decide what hole the
confetti had fallen out of !!

And my VERY FIRST program on the IBM 1401 involved punching
up the whole program in machine code, including the bootstrap.
If you have never punched the command Set character to word mark,
you have never really lived. :)

Oh my God - Am I that old ?


Nothing should ever be done for the first time - but it often was !

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RE: Looking for a defined path to learn Rev (for new users)

2009-11-19 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

I think Jim has it all sown up.

From: Jim Bufalini

So, I think you need focus
on the lay of the land first.

I went through many languages from 1401 Autocoder,
through Fortran, through Cobol, through 360 Assembler,
and then through PL/1. I was young and capable of

Hypercard (at the age of 45) was a shock, and Revolution
at 60, was a bigger shock. But I took the blows, and
came out winning (and not whining !!)

The developments of Revolution (revlets, revtalk,
On-Rev, shake the traditional programmer, but you
have to go with the flow, or sink into oblivion.

Then the question arises - Are there any traditional
programmers left ? - It MAY be a dying breed.

Best Regards


Nothing should ever be done for the first time

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Re: [On-Rev] Email masking

2009-10-20 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Try :


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No returns in my text file

2009-10-05 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

I create a password file, I put a list of passwords, one password per
line (with returns). I call it  genuine file name on my on-rev server

Running my first irev (on-rev) routine, I execute the command :

put URL genuine file name on my on-rev server into GVPassTable

Instead of a list of passwords (line by line) in my GVPassTable,
I find that the file contains a single line, with no line separation.

Is there something I haven't understood ? Where did the returns go to ?


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Renewing Revolution licence

2009-09-24 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

I bought rev 3.0 some time ago. I have just received
a mail informing me that my licence will expire in
a few days. What does this mean ? Do I have to pay
for an upgrade to 3.5, or do I get it free (if I
download it within the next few days). Why are there
two different prices for Rev Studio ? I see 165 euros
(see Store Front page) and also 249 euros (see
Comparison Page). Don't understand !!


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Running a stack from the On-Rev server.

2009-09-22 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

I have a Revolution demonstration program that I want to show to  
potential buyers. The demo stack is called by a Mac or PC SplashStack,  
so I effectively have two stacks.
I could send it by CD, but this takes time, but it would be so nice to  
allow them to download it from my On-Rev server. The program displays  
lots of text and graphics (all internal), so no problem there,  
However, the user can play any of a large number of MP3 song files,  
which are in an external (to the Rev program) folder, also on the  

Can I play an MP3 file in the user computer from a folder on the On- 
Rev server, or download it (about 5 megs) first, and then play it ?

Because this would make all of our song files available (not very  
intelligent), I would like to modify my splashstack to ask for a  
password, and only download the music to accepted users.

And finally, how does the user download my program (Mac or PC version)  
from the On-Rev server ? It might seem easy to some of you, but I've  
never done this before !!

This represents rather a lot of questions, but if I get answers here,  
I promise to go away and not bother you guys for a long time :)

May I add that these are the sort of answers which I would love to  
find in a Rev cook-book.

OSX Leopard, Rev 3.0, build 750, On-Rev access.


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Re :I need to blink and carry on !

2009-09-21 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Thanks Stephen, thanks Jim - problem solved !


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I need to blink and carry on !

2009-09-20 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Way back in the good old days, on a 3270
monitor, we could blink any line. Very useful !

I want to blink an error message, to bring
it to the attention of the user, but I don't
want to stop the execution of the current

How would I go about this ?


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AppleScript Users

2009-09-19 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

I check in regularly to another forum
just to see what is going on, and maybe
to pick up a useful Apple Script.

Since the release of Snow Leopard, there
has been a flurry of messages talking
about all the things that don't work
no more ! :(

I haven't yet made my decision to go Snow,

..but I think I will wait a little !


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Re : Internet site rules for on-Rev

2009-09-05 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Grateful thanks to Jim Ault and Robert Brenstein
for your detailed replies.

It is much clearer now.


This is not your real life ! This is just a Test
Drive. If it had been your real life, you would
have been given much better instructions ..

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Internet site rules for on-Rev

2009-09-04 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

I've been researching information for my internet
site for some years now, and I am soon ready to
go live. I have an on-Rev licence, and am impatient
to reap the fruits of my work. I even wrote a HTML
generator in Transcript, to help me build my pages,
because I couldn't understand DreamWeaver :)

Several years ago, when they (Who are THEY ?) opened
the suffix .fr, I immediately contacted a company who
reserves site names, and they charge me some small fee
every year, for retaining my site name. I am not sure
if site name reservation is complicated, but then I
suppose that if we all knew how to fill in a few forms,
we would never need lawyers .

Question : What do I do when I want to use the on-Rev
site for my site location ? Must I continue paying the
yearly fee to this Site Company, or can I short-circuit
them, now that I have a lifetime with on-Rev ?

I imagine that I am not the first to ask this question.

- Francis

Nothing should ever be done for the first time !

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Re: Syllabic division of words

2009-08-22 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Brittany,

Randall, you have been flogging a dead horse for
several days now. Revolution doesn't do something
you want it to do. You have made your point, and
so have others. There are many requests for Rev
improvement, correction, and inception of new
functions. I'm sure that you have been heard
(albeit a little bit too much). I doubt if your
request has a high priority, but it is your right
to request it. So now, you can sit back 

Will you please stop filling the forum with complaints
about what Revolution doesn't do ? It doesn't exist
JUST for you, and you have no right to demand such. If you
don't like it, buy another piece of software (although I
doubt you will find such far-reaching functions as Revolution

And as somebody well respected on the forum suggested :
If you haven't got what you want - write it yourself !

Can we please move on to other more interesting topics ?

Best Regards


Nothing should ever be done for the first time !

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Re: Syllabic division of words

2009-08-20 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Brittany,

Mark, Thanks for the book info.

Robert Claiborne  wrote a wonderful book called Our Marvelous
Native Tongue.  An excellent read.

Looks like the right book to read. Ordered today !!

In return, as you appear to be interested in language origins,
may I point to an interesting site :

Best Regards


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Re: Rev 4 beta status

2009-07-14 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

There is such a word as precursor

It's completely authentic, Henry VIII had a strong resemblance to
Elvis Presley.

What you mean is that Elvis Presley had a strong resemblence to
Henry VIII (poor bastard !).


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Windows 7 Platform ID

2009-07-09 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Please ignore my post about the Platform ID
from Windows 7. I have flagellated myself
(mentally, of course), and told myself to
write 100 times :

I must not code Transcript and drink Jameson
Irish Whiskey at the same time.

Of course, with Copy/Paste, this only took me
about a minute :)

Windows 7 appears to do all the right things
(except webcams don't work in 32 bit emul. mode)


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Windows 7 Platform ID

2009-07-08 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

I ran one of my rev stacks on a PC under Windows 7,
and it did not find a win32 platform ID.

Would it by chance be Win64 ?

Anybody know ?


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Re: RGB values for a color name

2009-07-04 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi James,

I  have a nice little stack that allows you
to play around with colours,search for new
colors and save them, give hex equivalents
of RGB values, export colour values to the
clipboard, everything you need, including
your requirements.

Send me a request off-forum.

This offer is, of course, open to all !

Best Regards


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Re: Rev cannot open my jpeg ! - and some serious thinking

2009-06-27 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

I bought a  Sony-DSC-F717 a couple of years back - went into my list  
of Best-Spent Money items - gives beautiful photos of 5 Megapixels  
(I never change the setting).
The photos each represent about 2 MB, and with that, I can print out a  
high quality photo on A4, reasonable quality on A3. My close-up photos  
of flowers would make many photographers green with envy. What I mean  
is that a 5 megapixel/2 MB photo is enough for me, and I am a stickler  
for quality. I have many Rev stacks that display hundreds of jpg  
photos, and so I had to scale down my photos for rapid display and  
reduced disk space.

I use GraphicConvertor (Mac) - also on my Best-Spent Money list. You  
can batch scale-down a complete folder, to the size of photos you want.

Just in case I ever want higher quality (and I have more than 30 years  
of 35mm negatives to examine), I also have a Nikon DiMage 35mm  
scanner, and I CAN scan the negatives up to 100Mb files (what for, I  
will never know !)

I scan my BEST colour negatives to about 20 MB, and I CAN print them  
up to 1.5 metres x 1 metre posters - much more than the average Yogi  
Bear requirements.

The latest cameras are providing more than 15 Megapxels, and  
technology will take us much higher within a very short time ! I'm not  
sure what that represents in MB, but it certainly is a lot. I'm also  
unsure of the need for cameras of this quality for the average user.

Unless you are a professional, you don't need photos of this quality,  
so why take them ?

My next camera (I'm in no hurry) will probably clock in at 25  
Megapixels, and I will need to upgrade seriously from my iMac with 1TB  
in order to be able to store and treat my photos. Maybe 1 photo in a  
thousand will require that precision (if I want to push it to a  
poster), but I will have to take ALL of my photos at that precision to  
do so ! I'll need many TBs to store all of them, and one hell of a  
processor ! Don't you think that this is just a little bit overkill,  
remembering, of course that the lifetime of an average photo is about  
the same as that of a household fly ! I have three photo categories -  
1) photos for the masses 2) photos for those who appreciate photos,  
and 3) photos I am proud of. I examine all my photos and decide which  
category it goes into, AND SCALE THEM DOWN if they are for categories  
1 and 2, THROWING AWAY the originals afterwards. Why waste disk  
space ? Did you really want all those megapixels ?

Which brings me to the forum question I've got photos of 13  
megapixels that Rev can't handle. Who wants to push the (Revolution)  
envelope that far ?

Let's assume that you are a professional. Don't use Revolution to  
solve this problem, it wasn't designed for that - use a professional  
photo program like GraphicConvertor. Of course you can alway put in a  
bug report, but seriously, don't you think that there are more  
important issues to be solved with Revolution ?

If I want to knock a nail in, I use a hammer, not my shoe (which was  
designed for protecting my foot). Revolution is fantastic. It does so  
many things. Why ask it to wake you in the morning with a hot coffee ?



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Re : Allowing other users to access my cpanel on rev-online

2009-06-24 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Brittany,

Thomas, Use cPanel File Manager to create a folder
that you will open to your other user. Then use cPanel
FTP Accounts to create an account for your user, and
specify that he has access to that folder only.

Download FileZilla and create a site with these
account details.
Tell your user to download FileZilla, and to create
a site with the same FTP account details.

Use FileZilla to upload your files to the specific
folder. Don't use ON-REV to upload your files,
especially if they are over a meg or two - it wasn't
designed for that.

In Filezilla, with 2 clicks, your user has access to
the files you put in this specific folder, and no other.

I use this system to make AIFF files of up to 60 MB
available to our sound engineer in LA - Works a charm !

If you want a detailed Word file of how to do all this
(I made it for the benefit of MY users), I can let you
have it off-forum.

Hope this helps


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Re: Lost global variables when running on Windows (Sarah Reichelt)

2009-06-23 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Brittany (yes - I am in the sunny part of France)

Sarah, Thanks for your late call. I really thought that
my question had gone unnoticed.

I can't see what has gone wrong. I set about 20 globals
in the openStack script, and refer to some of them in
a Display Photo script. All the globals are defined
correctly in both scripts. Some of the globals disappear,
and others don't. I have an absolutely standard folder
structure for all my stacks, making available Data folders,
Photo folders, MP3 music folders. I've never had trouble
moving from Mac to Windows.

Oh ! I pick up the system Drive ID (on the PC) with the
following command, so I can build all my file paths :

put line 1 of the volumes into GVPCDrive

It always worked before ..

But I've just run my stack on the Mac under Parallels, and
I got a system Drive A instead of C. This would ruin all of
my file assignments, which I build by concatenating my
globals ! Must wait till I get back to Paris to look further
on my REAL PC.

Thanks for your suggestions.


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Lost global variables when running on Windows

2009-06-10 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

I'm running Rev 3.0 on my Mac, and I built a
standalone Splashstack, so I could run on Windows
and update my stacks in real time. I generate the
Mac version, and the PC version of the SplashStack
standalone at the same time.

My SplashStack on my Mac calls my .rev file, and
all the functions run perfectly, such as displaying
photos from an external folder, whose name I hold
in a global variable.

I use my global variables to hold such things as :
stackname, platform (so I know the PC system drive),
intermediate folder names, and I build all my file
paths by concatenation of these globals.

When I call the same .rev file from the Windows
version of the SplashStack, I find I have a handful
of global variables MISSING. They are defined and set
in the OpenStack script of the.rev called stack, and
later on - they disappear.

Are there any know problems concerning global variables
from use on the Mac to use on the PC ?

Any feedback gratefully accepted.


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Re: What do Rev programmers charge per hour for programming?

2009-06-06 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

After spending 30 years in the business of selling bodies
to do all sorts of things (such as programming), I feel
the earth shuddering under my feet.

The answer to the above question is the same as it always
was :

What the market will bear ! 

Depends on the country, depends on the level of expertise,
depends on the emptiness of the stomachs of the programmers
(and I put that word in quotes deliberately), and it depends
finally on what you want (or what you insist upon).

Finally, it depends on whether you are buying or selling !

If you ask for too much, you will forever beat your breast,
and ask yourself why you tried to push the envelope.

If you ask for too little, you will forever beat your breast,
and ask yourself about the definition of prostitution !

In England, we have a useful phrase for situations such as
these :

 The answer is a lemon ..



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On-Rev file Transfer

2009-06-03 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Developing my site is put into second priority.
I need time to ingurgitate DreamWeaver 
And I am still light years away from adding
/rev commands to my existing HTML files
But, I also want to use the 100 GB platform to
upload and download some .aiff music files which
we develop in France, mix in the States, and
then make available to a limited set of users.

I tried using the upload/download mechanism in cPanel.
I realize that it wasn't designed for VOLUME, so I ran
a few tests

After a few hours - It was extremely rapid on all files
up to about 1 MB, then things go so slow that I pulled
the plug. Pretty normal, if you consider that it is
usually for Web pages ... ! There also seems to be
a brake after a certain data volume. Transferring a
100 KB file after several 1 MB files took forever.

I am ready to accept any input from On-Rev experts, but
don't worry, I have no qualms - It's OK for me.

However, FileZilla FTP's to accounts defined in cPanel
zip through in no time - perfectly acceptable for
big (50 MB aiff files). So I am happy 

On-Rev looks good .
From cPanel, menus easy to use - watch the videos if
you are in doubt - no problems so far . so far !!



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Re: Why Rev needs a cookbook ?

2009-05-10 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Thanks to Sarah and Devin for pointing me in the right direction.

As an example, go to this page:
It's not very exciting, but it does some maths as well as reporting
various system parameters.

Now go to this page: 

This shows the script of the irev file that generates the first page.
The data you see on the first page is NOT contained in the script, but
the script contains Rev commands to get the data with the html tags to
display it in the required format.

And I will keep a trace of my blunderings as I try and get my head
around On-Rev, until finally I get something up and running.

Now THAT may be worth putting in a Cook Book !


Nothing should ever be done for the first time !

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Re: Another newb question - How to you clear a field?

2009-05-09 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,


Did I correctly understand what you put in your recent post :

And if literal
names are not quoted, the engine takes twice as long to execute the
statement because of the additional lookup.

Do you mean that the statement :

If field MyField = YES then ...

executes twice as fast as :

If field MyField = YES then ...

If this is true, then I am glad I got into the habit
of  quoting all my field and button statements.

It also means that my scripts execute at twice
the speed of light  :)

Thanks for the info.


This is not your real life ! It is only a test run.
If it had been your real life, you would have
been given much better instructions !

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e: Why Rev needs a cookbook ?

2009-05-09 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

I never invented a single thing - this I left to the
real brainies. However, I inspected, copied,
extrapolated, USED (unashamedly) other peoples code,
and turned it to my advantage.

So learning Revolution was not, and is not, my
problem. There is so much brilliant code flying
around on RevOnline, and on the forum, that
I could never analyse it all and use it well.
Of course, perhaps the Newbies could benefit
from a little help in some of this code
(there is quite a lot of code that I still cannot
get my head around !)

My problem is elsewhere.

I have never written a line of HTML, have never
written commands to access, upload, download,
FTP, anything to or from the Internet. I have 40 years
of programming expertise, and I don't know where
to start off writing code for my Internet sites, or how
to put them in place (I have detailed plans for 3 sites
and nowhere to go as yet !). I feel that using Rev code
inside HTML code could be an enormous benefit to me.

I have just lashed out $500 for an On-Rev access,
feeling in my bones that it was the right thing to do
... and I don't even know where to start .

Maybe the little blog written by André Garzia will
help me to lift-off.

Cook-Books - Certainly - But what to put in them ?


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Re: How to store a stack in a custom property

2009-04-28 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris

OK Jacqueline, you have convinced me.

I just bought the $5 Dan Shafer Chapter to complement
what I've seen about Custom Properties here for the
last few days.

When I have got my head around this principle, I will
probably spend some nights (I sleep little) thinking :
I could have used a Custom Property to do this ! or
even How convenient, Custom Properties are ! .

And maybe (just maybe), one day, I will investigate
the debugging functions of Revolution ..

Just when you think you have a handle on Revolution, you
find that there are still a million things to learn.

Thanks to all on the forum


Progress is just a series of monumental -ups !

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hilite 'sticking' in certain option menus and fields

2009-04-20 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

 Hi from Paris,

Martin, When you create your button by script, examine
the Focus and the Show Focus options which may be
selected. When you create a standard button with the IDE,
these options are not selected, unless you create a Default
button (hilited in blue). I haven't time to experiment,
so this is a wild guess .


The best things in life are Illegal, Immoral or Fattening

. With one exception ... REVOLUTION !

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Re: Did you know that ....... ?

2009-04-16 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi From Paris,

Thanks Devin !

Those three pages are now on my wall, right in
front of my nose !


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Did you know that ....... ?

2009-04-15 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

When I upgraded to Rev 3.0, I was happy for so many reasons.
But there were things inside the script editor I found very
painful, even though there were MANY improvements.

The thing that peeved me most was that the script text lines
never lined up. I spent valuable minutes ('cos I love order)
in all my scripts making sure that indents were correct.

Today, I hit the TAB key by mistake, while editing a script,
and BINGO, everything lined up perfectly.

Why is progress so difficult to achieve, and why is CHANCE
so important to achieve this progress ?

(Who was it that first said Progress is a series of -ups !) ?

There are probably dozens of bells and whistles hidden away
in all the corners of Revolution, that we may never find.

I think that somebody in Rev should start a blog with the title :

Did you know that  !

I'm sure it would be very popular.

Now I see some of you reaching for your keyboards, to let me
know that this information is on page 2742 of the documentation.
But if I read al the documentation concerning Revolution,
I would surely be a much better programmer - with ZERO stacks
to my credit !!

. et à la fin de l'envoi, je touche ! (Cyrano de Bergerac)


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Re: Rev presentation tool - PowerPoint alternative?

2009-03-24 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

I grabbed the idea of using Revolution as a
presentation tool quite early on.

I build many of my slides using EazyDraw (today
I can't do without it). I can export them in PDF
form (which I prefer for its precision) and
also JPEG. Of course JPEG is easier for Rev.
I use Snap'nDrag to select bits and bobs of
existing diagrams, photos, texts, etc.

I have two types of presentation procedures :

1 - A rev stack which can run a presentation of
external files (such as JPG files, photos),
Simple controls on this display, so that you can
have automatic or manual display (time display
for individual screens, stop, reverse, etc.
makes it a perfectly viable presentation solution.

2 A rev stack where I paste onto each card, the
contents of the clipboard (whatever you like).
and build my presentation slides internally
I use this form, for example, to display stage
scenario (actor/singer positions and movement)
for our Musical Comedies. This way, I can show
a Musical Comedy Movement in real time, or
step by step - a valuable tool for Directors.
I also add music (MP3) where required.

I have a number of model Rev stacks  (empty,
of course, but containing all controls). I choose
one which fits my requirements, and can build
a presentation very quickly. And, of course, it
is multiplatform, for those unfortunate people
who have to go through life on a PC :)


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ss function

2009-03-19 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris

DunbarX wrote :

I am rewriting the ss function in HC. Because it is there.

When you have finished, can I have a copy, please ?

It seems that I spend half my life searching for snippits
of code that I wrote in some stack, somewhere, sometime,
and I can't for the hell of me remember where !!

I don't know about you guys, but my new stacks often
contain whole segments from previous stacks, plus of
course, about 30 % of new specifics. The question is
In which darned stack did I put that segment of code ?


The life you are living is not your real life -
.. only a dry run  . !
If this had been your REAL life, surely you would
have been given better instructions !

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Re: HC Music that should be on Runtime Revolution

2009-03-18 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

in the old days when we all weren't quite so long
in tooth, we could all roll our own.  In HC, I could
roll my own tunes without having to know the midi
spec and with only knowing how to read sheetmusic.

When I wasn't quite so long in the tooth, we used to
make our own music using . a 1403 printer 
The backplate of this printer used to make musical
sounds when struck by the print hammers. After a
little trial and error, it didn't take long for us to
get to near symphony level. Only problem was that it
chewed up the paper somewhat.

Thems were the days (IBM 1401 - 1964) !!

I don't really need Revolution to make music. There
are a zillion and one music apps out there, that do
the job giga better !

-Francis (

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Re: [OFF TOPIC] How many..

2009-03-17 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Close to a dozen apps at the same time, including
GraphicConverter, iTunes, HPPrecision ScanPro, Safari,
Skype, Word, MSN, Parallels, SnapnDrag, EazyDraw, EyeTV.
I always close Revolution and reload it, 'cos I'm fed
up with the message stack with this name already loaded -
what do I do ?, although Rev is my most used app ! Strange !

Word is ALWAYS present because it takes an eternity to load !

Relatively few files open, because unlike a woman, I
can't do two things at once !

Second monitor on my iMac 20, for running PC through
Parallels, and of course Elgato (EyeTV).

I CAN work and watch tele at the same time, or else
listen to music through iTunes.


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Re: ANN: Kaleidoscopes for all seasons

2009-03-16 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

So be dazzled by running this in your message box:

go url;

Jim Hurley

Had great fun with your stack !


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Re : Chunk order must be small to large

2009-03-13 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Take for example 5 * 5 + 1. Did we mean (5 * 5) + 1? Or did we mean 5
* (5 + 1)? Well we know by math formula rules that the multiplication
is calculated first, so 26 is the correct answer. It would have been
clearer to just use the parenthesis and avoid any confusion, and many
programmers would. So does Rev. But my point is, someone decided that
was the rule, so we could never be mistaken about what the result
would be.

I learned, in school (in England), nearly 60 years ago - BODMAS

Brackets Off/Divide/Multiply/Add/Subtract

I don't think that the rules have changed !


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Re: Can't call a standalone stack from another standalone stack

2009-03-04 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris

Thanks to Devin and Jacqueline for their suggestions.

I never thought of calling a.rev stack from a standalone
(I assumed the .rev stack would be in IDE mode .)
And now, I can I assume (although I must test it), that
a standalone called from a standalone is not saved.

Sigh ! - in these matters, you try and fail, and then
call for help from those who have done it before.

Happily, this forum exists.

Now my SplashStack works perfectly.


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Can't call a standalone stack from another standalone stack

2009-03-02 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Brittany (promroses in flower, mimosa isn't far away !),

Running Revolution 3.0 on an Intel iMac.

Having problems with a stack call from a SplashStack.

I have a folder /Revolution/Standalone into which I move
2 compiled (Intel standalone) stacks ( and
A is supposed to be the SplashStack and sets up a call to
the other stack (B) in the same folder :

   go to stack /Revolution/Standalone/

I get an error stack is corrupted, check for ~ backup file

If I double-click the stack B from the folder, it runs OK.
I've checked my paths and I can't find the error.

I've tried compiling other stacks, but get the same error.

I've tried :

set the defaultFolder to /Revolution/Standalone
go to stack

Still no joy !

What am I doing wrong ?

- Francis

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Strange pathname in put the filename command

2009-03-01 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Brittany (spring is coming and the mimosa will be out soon),

I'm running Revolution 3.0 on an Intel iMac.

I create a stack called Mainstack which I store in a folder.
You would guess correctly if you thought it was a splashstack.

In openStack, when I execute the command put the filename
of this stack into field MyStackName,
I read /Revolution/RawStacks/MainStack.rev which is perfectly
normal, because that is where the stack is. I can strip out the
stack name to get the path to the folder.

I compile this stack into a standalone on my desktop, with one
option Intel Only. This standalone is now in a folder MainStack
containing a file

I move the file into another folder which contains all
my compiled standalone stacks.

When I execute the command  put the filename of this stack into field
MyStackName, I expect to see /Revolution/StandaloneStacks/,

because that is where the stack is. I need this path, because I want to
be able to call one of the standalones from MainStack (choosing from a  

Instead, I read /Revolution/StandaloneStacks/ 

Where did this path come from ? Of course, I can always throw away the  
of the path /Contents/MacOS/MainStack, but this doesn't satisfy my  
curiosity .
I imagine (haven't tested it yet) that this part of the path will be  

if I move to a PC. What rules govern the creation of this path ?

I see from the Rev Dictionary that the filename of stack is  
different for a
standalone - the filename of stack property reports the name and  
location of

the application. Why is Name and location different from Path ?

Thanks for any pointers.


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Re: Strange pathname in put the filename command

2009-03-01 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Brittany,

Thanks Mark, thanks Jim,

All is clear. After a couple of dry runs on Mac
and PC, my problem will be solved.


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Re: Changing the screenRect within a stack

2009-02-24 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Brittany,

Thanks to Brian and Sparkout for their valuable links.
I will try to do a clean and politically acceptable

Oh ! And a bigger belated thank you to Brian for all of
his Hypercard externals I used for so many years . !


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Re: Changing the screenRect within a stack

2009-02-23 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Thanks to all for your philosophical suggestions
(but no practical solutions). And I was right ! Rev
doesn't appear have the means to do all this !
I had (of course), thought about the raping of the
users computer, but I already have programs that do
this, but as long as they return to normal behaviour
afterwards, I don't worry about a program which
changes my screenrect. My monitors can handle more than
10 screenrects, and I change whenever I need to do so !

I had thought of ALL of the mechanisms which could help
me (scrolling bars, reduction of all fields and buttons,
depending on the available screenRect, but quite honestly,
I don't have 6 months to dynamically modify windows, fields
buttons, textsizes, etc, etc.for a stack that took me a day
to write. And I think it ridiculous to write a stack which
will run on any monitor when 17 and 19 are the common use,
and screenRect was designed JUST FOR THAT PURPOSE !

I just want to change the screenRect, based upon what sizes
are available in the host computers. And I will !

Of course, I will ask the user if he agrees ..
He can always say no... !

So I reckon, I will have to find out how to do it myself.


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Changing the screenRect within a stack

2009-02-22 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

I have a stack which has a specific window rect
(don't we all ?).

I want to run the stack on any Mac or PC computer,
but I don't know the current screenRect setting for
my possible target computers, and my stack window
is large enough to provide display problems on other

Inside preOpenStack using the get the screenRect
command, I can judge if the screenRect currently
used on the computer will harbour my stack window.
If the screenRect is not satisfactory, I can request
that the user sets the screenRect using System
Preferences on a Mac, or Control Panel on a PC,
and then quit my stack. The user can modify the
screenRect and relaunch my stack, but this is a PAIN !

What I REALLY want to do is to know ALL the possible
screenrects for the target computer, change the screenRect
dynamically for the duration of the stack run (choosing
the next highest screenRect in the list which wil accomodate
my window), and reset it back to the original value at the
termination of the stack.

Rev commands can't take me there, but I maybe I can do this
by executing AppleScripts (or the equivalent on a PC)

Anybody solved this problem ? Help gratefully received ...


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Re: Can I tell if a Rev Stack calls QT ?

2009-02-08 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Phil, you did get me thinking, and the answer
is so simple, it makes me look stupid.

If QT is used in any of my stacks, this stack
is in a folder with any supporting files (those
used by QT). All I have to do is to put a dummy
file in the folder which indicates QT use. If
StackB (which, IYI, is an installation setup program)
finds this dummy file, it also installs QT on the
target computer, if it is not there already.

Thanks for kick-starting me !


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Re : How do I do this basic thing ?

2009-02-08 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Art,  How about this !

Create all of your fields on card 1 of your stack.
Create a group containing only the left hand field  name it.
If you want the same contents in each card, set the share text
indicator for this field. When you fill it by hand, this text will show
in all the cards you create later.
Create a group for all the other fields, except the New
button (which should not lie in the same boundaries as
fields in group 2),   name it.
Create a group containing your New button  name it.
Create a group containing all three groups, and define it
as a background.

In your openCard script :- hide group 2 of card 1.

In your New button, lock screen, go to last card,
create card,  show group 2, unlock screen.

Does this solve your problem ?


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Re: How do I do this basic thing ?

2009-02-08 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Sorry Art, forgot to add :

If any elements of group 2 are pre-populated, then
you define these fields as shared text, or you
can populate these fields in the New button script,
by passing them through a few local variables from the
current card to the new card..

   \ (   (_/

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Can I tell if a Rev Stack calls QT ?

2009-02-07 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

I would like to look at a Revolution stack (let's call
it StackA, from another Revolution stack (let's call
it StackB and know whether QuickTime is called within
StackA (for audio or video functions) or not.

Anybody got any ideas ?


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25 years and no wrinkles !

2009-01-29 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Happy Birthday Mac ! 25 years old today.

I still have all of my old Macs in the cellar (can't
face the idea of throwing them away). Do we all
remember the horrendous prices for Macs ? My Mac 128
will probably sell as a museum piece in a few years,
and help me recover the small fortune I spent on it.

Mac - You make my day every day, and I don't give a
damn about what all those PC users think !

-Francis Nugent Dixon

Nothing should ever be done for the first time !

... except maybe a Mac ...

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Stack Conditions for Exporting card data

2009-01-23 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

I'm trying to identify stack structures that can exist, with the object
of developing MY standard Data Export/Import functions, if the stack
structure permits. The object of this function is to drop onto certain
stacks, a few buttons which will allow Export/Import functions to  

stacks, to render them dynamically updateable.

A simple Data Export function such as I am creating, would
be permissible (for the majority of MY stacks)in the following cases :

1 - A stack containing n data cards, with a single group defined
for these cards, and declared as a background,

2 - A stack containing n data cards, as in case 1, but preceded
by one or more Header cards, whose information content
does not interest me in the export function.

Information readily available (that I know of) is :

the number of cards in the stack,
the number of groups in each card,
the number of backgrounds in a stack,
the groupIDs on each card.

I could assume that any front cards of a stack containing
0 groups could be considered as header cards, and could
be ignored in the Export function.
By examining the LAST card of a stack, I could check if it
contained a single group, and check to see if its background
behaviour was true, unless of course, I check all the cards
of the stack to get their background behaviour status.
I can get the backgroundNames of a stack and ensure that
there is only one background within the stack.
I can check the groupID of each card to ensure that the same
group ID (i.e. background) is used within all the cards.

However, I am not convinced that these checks will guarantee
either of the two stack structures I wish to accept in my Data
Export/import function.

Questions :

Are there any possible tests I didn't see ?
Are there any global system values that can provide interesting
information which can help me in this area ?
Has anybody got any ideas about how to improve my analysis ?
Has anybody solved the Export/Import problem for standalone stacks
with a standard solution ?

-Francis Nugent Dixon

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F-ab 2.6.1

2008-12-17 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

I downloaded F-ab 2.6.1, and then played around
with it, thinking I could get back to work in
about 10 minutes.

My mistake ! - I spent hours on it, and will
certainly return during the weekend to see more.

Absolutely fascinating - Congratulations to
Jiro Harada for his work.

I spent some time building a stack to play
my favourite UTube videos. Now I can throw
it away 


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Looking for ugly code comparisons WAS: Slashdotter looking for kids' programming language

2008-12-11 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon


This time you have really got everybody scared.
I, for one (after 45 years of programming), will
NEVER show you my UGLY code examples, not in
Algol, 1401 Autocoder, Fortran, Cobol,
360 Assembler, RPG, PL/1, Basic, Hypertalk, etc.

And now with the terrific one-liners on this
forum, showing me how Revolution CAN be written,
you have even less chance.

I keep my lousy programming to myself.

But (sigh) it always worked :)


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Re :Show Globals

2008-12-10 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,


Even before Rev 3.0 came out to efficiently hide
the global variables, I had wanted to see such
information easily. Now that Rev 3.0 is here,
I'm glad I did it. I use the following subterfuge :

I build my stacks using one of many existing models.
All of my models contain a hidden button.
This button shows and hides the following buttons :

With these buttons, and using a (hidden) scroll field,
I can display or hide the names of all declared globals,
fields, buttons, etc.

When building these lists, I strip out $variables, and
any other names I wish, check field and button names,
ensure no duplicate names (I can be a little forgetful).

Like Jim, I use a strict naming system, at a glance,
you can see what you want.

Very useful information when you are building and
testing your stacks. When the stack goes live, hide
everthing you don't want to see. It will be available
in the future if you update the stack.

However, I don't know how to show globals assigned
ONLY to the current stack. Does anybody know ?

If you want the scripts, catch me off-list ..


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Re: Show globals

2008-12-10 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Sorry Richard, my explanation was vague.
Launch a standalone, of any single stack,
and look at the global variables as I do,
and you see only those currently assigned
to the stack (obviously).

In the IDE, open several stacks at once,
switching from one stack to another, and
in any of the stacks, you see the total list
of globals defined by all current stacks, and
you don't know which globals belong to which

Best Regards


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Re : Confused

2008-11-20 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Jo, I had this problem early on and decided to develop a standard  It  
may look a tad heavy at first, but I have build lots of stacks with  
external files (music, photos, data, etc.). I have never regretted  
making this decision. You can always strip the idea down to what you  

I have a folder standard :

Data -- .txt files usually, especially 2 data bases - see  
Music-- .MP3 files only - I suppose you can use .aif  
files, but they are so heavy !

Photos   -- .jpg files
Program  -- .rev file
Documentation -- Anything I might want to pass on to the User.
Backups -- .txt file backups of the Data base BEFORE each  



Any stack with no external file goes into the folder  
Folderforstackswithnoexternalfiles Choose the name you want.
When I create a new stack, I try to base it on one of the many models  
that I have in my Model folder.    Otherwise, it becomes a  
new model.
For any stacks with external files, I create a complete set of  
subfolders (whose names are always the same) under a subfolder which  
has the name of the stack. I NEVER deviate from this rule, even if  
some of my stacks don't need some of the subfolders. Empty folders  
dont take up much space :) I usually add a Read-Me file to each of  
the subfolders, to explain to my user how the files of the folder are  

I put an absolutely standard openStack script in ALL my stacks (even  
if they don't have external files). Depending on the needs of each  
stack, I can add unique commands at the end of the standard script. In  
various scripts throughout the rest of the stack, I make available  
whichever global variables I need from the Openstack script.  
Obviously, they never change during execution. I have Language  
buttons in most of my stacks. Click a button and all the labels and  
messages change to the new language (I have family in 4 continents !)

As a result, whatever I need for any type of stack is always  
available.  If I add new functions to the stack later on, the  
infrastructure is already there.

Since I moved to 3.0 recently, I also use this setup for standalone  
Rev stacks, and the Data subfolder now also contains the exported  
Data Bases to be loaded into the standalone stack. I have standard  
Export and Import scripts for use in a standalone environment. I  
create one data base for each platform (Mac or PC).  When I have built  
my stack, I export the contents to the data bases, empty the stack and  
save the .rev file to the Program Folder. When I move the folder  
subset to another platform (The folder subset will go into the  
Revolution folder which I create the first time). All I have to do  
is to create an alias of the .rev app and move it to the deskTop.

BTW, I use GVxxx for global variable names, and LVxxx for local  

Best Regards


OpenStack script follows : (be careful of wraparounds !)

on openStack
  global GVThisPlatform,GVStackName,GVStackPath,GVStackLanguage

  -- 1 - Identify current platform and set a few global variables.
  put the platform into LVHoldPlatform -- Get the  
Machine Platform.
  if LVHoldPlatform = MacOS then -- Is it a  
Mac ?
put Mac into GVThisPlatform  -- Show it  
is a Mac.
put /Revolution/ into GVStackPath-- Set Mac  
StackPath Header.

  end if
  if LVHoldPlatform = Win32 then -- Is it a  
PC ?
put PC into GVThisPlatform   -- Show it  
is a PC.
 put line 1 of the volumes into LVPCID -- Pick up  
PC Systems Disk Drive ID.
put LVPCID  /Revolution/ into GVStackPath   -- Set PC  
StackPath Header with Disk ID.

  end if
  put 1 into GVStackLanguage   -- Set  
Language - Assume English when loading stack.

  -- 2 - Set my Revolution Paths. These point to Revolution  
folders which are identical in levels and names, on both
  -- the Mac and the PC. I use here GVStackPath and  
GVStackName which have previously been initialized.

  -- Note that (for some reason) the Disk element on a Mac  
does not form part of the path. On the PC, it is usually C:

  put GVStackPath  GVStackName  /Data/  into GVDataPath
  put GVStackPath  GVStackName  /Music/ into GVMusicPath
  put GVStackPath  GVStackName  /Photos/into GVPhotosPath
  put GVStackPath  GVStackName  /Print/ into GVPrintPath
  put GVStackPath  GVStackName  /Program/   into GVProgramPath
  put GVStackPath  GVStackName  /Multiples/ into GVMultiplesPath
  put GVStackPath  GVStackName  /Backups/   into 

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