Re: Rev 2.7 Editor & stability problems

2006-02-27 Thread Gordon Webster
No, these were actually new stacks created afresh using Rev 2.7. In the course 
of editing one of them, Rev actually crashed 4 times. It was hard to tell what 
it was I did that made it crash but it seems like it happened changing focus 
between some of the open windows - but as I said in my first email, it wasn't a 
consistent thing.

BTW: I am using a vanilla Rev 2.7 installation with no plugins or add-ons of 
any kind, so at least some fraction of the problems that users are 
experiencing, would seem to be a feature of the new release rather than some 
kind of incompatibility problem with plug-ins or older releases.



Dave Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

When you are getting these crashes, are you editing a stack that was
converted from 2.6.1? Does this happen on multiple stacks or just one?

>From the info on this bug so far, it seems as though it is sensitive to
particular stacks, as opposed to configurations. That is my personal
experience so far with this problem as well.


> Like other users on this list, I also see serious stability problems with
> Rev 2.7 under WinXP. I have experienced several crashes while editing and
> testing scripts, none of which seem to have any consistent pattern. I will
> try and figure out what I was doing when the crashes occurred so that I 
> can provide more information to the list.

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Rev 2.7 Editor & stability problems

2006-02-26 Thread Gordon Webster
Like other users on this list, I also see serious stability problems with Rev 
2.7 under WinXP. I have experienced several crashes while editing and testing 
scripts, none of which seem to have any consistent pattern. I will try and 
figure out what I was doing when the crashes occurred so that I can provide 
more information to the list.

The script editor seems to have real problems when you edit "repeat .." loops.

If you have a script like this

repeat with x = 1 to 10
 repeat with y = 1 to 20
   ... do something
  end repeat
end repeat

and you try to insert a line between the 2 'repeat' statements, the editor 
tries to insert new 'end repeat' statements and blank lines and it all gets 
horribly messy. Yes I could use Constellation, or maybe there's an option to 
switch off the autocomplete feature on the loops, but frankly I would consider 
this a bug. One of the crashes I experienced was actually while I was trying to 
clean up after the editor had messed up my code.

I am a fan of Rev but I feel compelled to say that it seems like inverted 
priorities on Runrev's part to add fancy cosmetic features like multiple blend 
modes on controls before addressing more fundamental issues of Rev's basic 
stability and user interface, not to mention some of the language features that 
some of us have been asking for for some time, like support for real arrays and 
so on.

I am rather disappointed that Rev 2.7 is not the big leap forward I had hoped 
it would be and also, that a considerable portion of its users seem to be 
experiencing new stability problems that weren't a problem in the previous 

Here's hoping that these things can be fixed pretty soon.



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Re: Creating cards

2006-02-26 Thread Gordon Webster
It's in the stack script of the stack to which I'm trying to add the card. It's 
the only stack in my prototype library at the moment, but in anticipation of it 
being used as a library in other applications, I even had some code ahead of 
the "add card" line to set the defaultstack and so forth.

If I just use "create card "AnotherCard" in the message box, it works fine,but 
when this line is in my function, it creates the card twice. I even tried 
cloning the first card and the same duplication occurs with the clone command.

I'm uisng rev 2.7



jbv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 


in which script is your addCard function located ?

> Dear Revvers
> Haven't used rev for a while - what am I doing wrong?
> I created a function to add a named card to a stack like this:
> function addCard cardname
>   create card cardname
> end addCard
> When I run it from the message box like this: addCard("AnotherCard"), it 
> creates the new card twice!
> Before I run this function, the 'cardnames' of my stack looks like this:
> MyFirstCard
> Afterwards, it looks like this:
> MyFirstCard
> AnotherCard
> AnotherCard
> Any ideas why it creates the new card twice?
> Best

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Creating cards

2006-02-26 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Revvers

Haven't used rev for a while - what am I doing wrong?

I created a function to add a named card to a stack like this:

function addCard cardname
  create card cardname
end addCard

When I run it from the message box like this: addCard("AnotherCard"), it 
creates the new card twice!

Before I run this function, the 'cardnames' of my stack looks like this:


Afterwards, it looks like this:


Any ideas why it creates the new card twice?



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Re: "There was an error..."

2005-12-27 Thread Gordon Webster
Hi Rob
  I believe that in keeping with the current geopolitical climate, from  
version 2.6 onwards rev has implemented error logging that conforms to  
Department of Homeland Security guidelines for public announcements.
  The message you received tells you that based upon the best  intelligence the 
compiler has from its credible sources, there is an  elevated probability of a 
non-specific error in your code, whose nature  and location are unspecified and 
about which, you can therefore do very  little.
  You should continue your regular coding activities, visit shopping  malls, 
take your kids to Disney Land etc. while remaining alert to any  suspicious 
activities in your stacks that might be a result of  infiltration by evil doers.
  Failing this, you could try:
seal the current stack with DuctTape and plastic

Rob Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi All,

I have a stack that runs fine interpretively on both Win XP (Rev 
2.6.1) & Mac OSX (Rev 2.1.2).  It also compiles and runs correctly on 
OSX. The stack is compressed & decompressed with each transfer 
between platforms.

Compiling on Windows gives me "There was an error while saving the 
standalone application."  That's nice to know; but it gives me little 
to go on to track down the error.

Other Windows compiles into the same folder have worked with no problem.

Ideas or suggestions, anyone?

Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company

Vive R Revolution!

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Re: Hand me the soft cushion! WAS: Items in a group

2005-12-15 Thread Gordon Webster
  I think you mean "THE COMFY CHAIR!" (No no, not the comfy chair!)

Klaus Major <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi Jonathan,

Am 15.12.2005 um 19:07 schrieb Lynch, Jonathan:

> We could write an automated inquisition function...
> Put TortureMercilessly(control tMyControl of group tMyGroup) into  
> field "tortured confession"

I didn't exspect the spanish inquisition.

NOONE exspects the spanish inquisition!
The three main weapons... etc... :-D


Klaus Major

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Re: Case studies gallery

2005-12-14 Thread Gordon Webster
Wow Mariella, those examples in the case studies gallery are really beautiful - 
are they rev-built applications?
  Inspiring stuff!

Marielle Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  As I had at least one request for a 
case studies gallery, it is now  
up and running.

Have you seen *anything* that good looking in the konfabulator gallery?

You would like yours to be added? Simple, you can use the metadata  
editor for this purpose or you can send me a text file  (preferably  
unix format, utf-8 if it contains non ascii characters) with the  
following information. For pictures, best are gif (png are a problem  
for IE) and with a width of 250px.

To help you decide between the education and case studies gallery,  
the "education" gallery links to stacks for which the source is  
accessible, the "case studies" gallery is for  commercial and non  
commercial applications distributed as compiled applications.


 revolution case study

 Short Title
  Description (basic html tags like 
 can be  
 (url to a file on your server or name part of the mtd  
file + .gif)
 (url to  your website or any other relevant  

 your name (first and last name)
 your email address



PS. Sorry for the strange emails from me. I posted them using the  
wrong email... they ended up in the cue, being published about a  
after I had sent them.


Marielle Lange (PhD),  Psycholinguist

Easy access to lexical databases
Supporting Education Technologists  http://

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[OT] You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone

2005-12-13 Thread Gordon Webster
I have always felt that one of the best things that
rev has going for it is its incredible community of
users whose collective wit, wisdom, experience and
generosity help to make working with rev something out
of the ordinary. This list is like the village pump
for the rev community - a place where issues get
discussed, collaborations get launched, business gets
transacted and yes - more than once in a while, even
problems get solved.

I've seen griping and brainstorming sessions that seed
new ideas and collaborations (today's gripe can be
tomorrow's must-have Altuit plug-in), I've seen people
recruit the services of other revvers, I've heard
conference announcements, I've learned about the
launch of new rev products ... on more than one
occasion, I've even seen the light! (thanks for
example, to Richard Gaskin who illuminated the
mysteries of the message path for me by pointing me to
one of his excellent articles on the subject).

Who would want to give all that up just because a very
small minority of the crowd that daily throng the
village pump occasionally get a litle rowdy or overly

Not me.

Flitting between 10 different lists for my rev content
would seem to be far more arduous than just filtering
the stuff I read on one list, and as others have
pointed out, having multiple lists fragments an
already small community.

I would submit that if everybody on this list uses
helpful, descriptive subject lines on their emails,
respects and tolerates the diversity of modes and
opinions that our little community encompasses and
most importantly of all, extends to all comers the
respect and infectious generosity and enthusiasm that
has always characterized the rev community - there's
no reason at all that this list cannot continue to be
the invaluable resource that it always has been.

Or we could spoil a good thing by losing sight of what
really matters.

Joni Mitchell said it better than I could - "You don't
know what you've got till it's gone".



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Re: List Splitting - Idea

2005-12-13 Thread Gordon Webster
I for one would hate to see this list stripped of  its "Revolutionary" appeal 
by limiting it only to discussions of rev  users' technical problems. While 
such technical problems may be the  primary concern of this list, do they 
really have to be it's only  concern? 
  Remember just last month for example - Dan started a discussion on the  
disappearance of the application desktop ("The Disappearing Desktop -  It's 
Real This Time") which turned into a superb debate and "blue  skies" 
brainstorming session about the future of software that made us  all think. 
  Can I get that kind of mind expanding fare on the RealBasic Users Lists? 
  Not on your life. 
  The eclectic vibe on this list also corresponds well with the rather  unusual 
nature of rev itself and it's all of you that make it happen  and help to make 
the whole rev experience something kind of organic and  out of the ordinary.
  On a practical note, I try to discriminate and routinely read the  technical 
stuff that relates more closely with my own problems,  skipping the rest 
because there aren't enough hours in a day (or  neurons in my skull) to absorb 
it all. If I need to, I consult the  archives when I wish to revisit stuff that 
I skipped the first time  around.
  IMNSHO, let the lively discussions stay - the world of software  development 
is already gray enough without stripping this vibrant list  of its color.
David Burgun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  A very sensible approach!

I second the suggestion.


>We have seen a debate here about splitting the list various ways and 
>there are pros and cons for most everything.
>One many lists there are conventions that posters follow that 
>include placing small "category keywords" in brackets before the 
>subject line. This can get out of control if everyone makes up 
>keywords but what if we use a ready made set? How about the second 
>level menu keywords in the "Objects" section of the documentation?
>[Player]How do I    or   [Button]Border color isn't working right.  
>or a generic [How] as in [How]do I make sprites?
>If we just let people know where to look for their [Keyword] (ie; in 
>the documentation under the "Objects" button, then they might even 
>find the answer in the docs! In any case it could make it easier to 
>search in the archives, sort in our email clients, provide some 
>structure for post processing for a wiki and many other benefits.
>It's not hard to do and it may provide just enough structure to help us all.
>BTW; how many lists do we have now and where are they? 
>use-revolution mailing list
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RE: compileIt for revolution?

2005-06-22 Thread Gordon Webster
Sweet! But still all UI-related.

You'll get no argument from me that rev is great for
the UI, but no amount of such trickery will ever allow
me to implement an efficient algorithm in Transcript
to process large 3-dimensional arrays of floating
point numbers ... and have it complete while I'm still
young enough to care about the results.

... at least not in the Transcript we currently have


--- MisterX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Gordon, 
> Beware that even i surprise myself with newby
> tricks.
> I just posted a "slow" fractal moire maker. It
> creates beautiful patterns
> and the detail is amazing but it does so creating
> some 4 graphics in a
> card. For the truely beautiful patterns, it took
> 30 graphics! The making
> can still be optimized but deleting images cannot be
> done like words in a
> field! Delete graphic 1 to -1 or delete all graphics
> doesn't work. 
> i have the patience to create these graphics and see
> them rendered. But when
> it comes to getting rid of them, no way! And the
> clearGraphics routine took
> foreever! 200 graphics per second... You do the math
> - many minutes wasted
> waiting to create a better pattern.
> The trick was to create all the graphics in a group.
> when the graphic is done, delete the group. 
> 30 graphics deleted in 2 seconds.
> Hope this brings insight... Rev does wonders you
> wouldn't believe - and C
> optimization is not always the trick - the objects
> are not the same when it
> comes to the GUI. But when it comes to doing many of
> many things in a script
> that's where it starts showing... Like i said,
> there's always another way to
> do it!
> cheers
> Xav
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Behalf Of 
> > Gordon Webster
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 16:14
> > To: How to use Revolution
> > Subject: Re: compileIt for revolution?
> > 
> > I would absolutely echo what Dennis has just said.
> I was 
> > initially really impressed with rev and I should
> say I still 
> > am in certain respects - comfort and ease of use,
> the elegant 
> > and intuitive language and stack/card paradigm
> etc. etc.
> > 
> > But I have been unable to get rev to do what I
> want it to do 
> > behind the scenes (i.e. my application logic)
> without jumping 
> > through the kinds of hoops that Dennis describes -
> > effectively negating all the advantages of
> programming in 
> > Transcript that I just outlined.
> > 
> > And even when I could get the code working, man it
> was SLOW. 
> > It was discouraging to see Python easily outrun
> rev for the 
> > equivalent code - I mean I love Python and all,
> but it's 
> > hardly the gold standard for speed.
> > 
> > I would think that the stack paradigm would neatly
> allow for 
> > the creation of strongly-typed stacks that could
> be jumped 
> > into from the kind of warm and fuzzy typeless
> stacks that 
> > give rev its wonderful flexibility. The compiler
> could then 
> > insist on declarations for all objects within the
> typed stack 
> > and compile it with far greater optimization than
> is possible 
> > for the typeless stacks, perhaps even going as far
> as native 
> > code compilation :-D 
> > 
> > Imagine what a superb development environment rev
> could be 
> > with these features. Flexible and typeless for all
> the 
> > UI/scripty/fun parts of the app; more draconian
> but hellishly 
> > fast for the down-to-the-metal hardcore
> byte-crunching parts 
> > of the app. Strong typing would probably also make
> it a lot 
> > easier to automate the process of calling
> externals from 
> > Transcript without all those ghastly, clunky C
> wrappers and crap.
> > 
> > There's a dream - a rev scientific application
> with a 
> > beautiful interface rendering OpenGL objects in
> real time and 
> > a typed, Transcript-coded stack running energy
> minimization 
> > on a separate thread in the background.
> > 
> > I doubt I'll put my hands in my pockets again and
> upgrade my 
> > expired rev license just to have "deep masks" on
> my GUIs - 
> > I'm not knocking it, it's just not a feature I
> urgently need 
> > right now ... but fast compiled stacks, easy
> access to 
> > externals ... now you're talking ... where's my
> check book?
> > 
> > Best
> > 
> > Gordon
> > 

Re: compileIt for revolution?

2005-06-22 Thread Gordon Webster
I would absolutely echo what Dennis has just said. I
was initially really impressed with rev and I should
say I still am in certain respects - comfort and ease
of use, the elegant and intuitive language and
stack/card paradigm etc. etc.

But I have been unable to get rev to do what I want it
to do behind the scenes (i.e. my application logic)
without jumping through the kinds of hoops that Dennis
describes - effectively negating all the advantages of
programming in Transcript that I just outlined.

And even when I could get the code working, man it was
SLOW. It was discouraging to see Python easily outrun
rev for the equivalent code - I mean I love Python and
all, but it's hardly the gold standard for speed.

I would think that the stack paradigm would neatly
allow for the creation of strongly-typed stacks that
could be jumped into from the kind of warm and fuzzy
typeless stacks that give rev its wonderful
flexibility. The compiler could then insist on
declarations for all objects within the typed stack
and compile it with far greater optimization than is
possible for the typeless stacks, perhaps even going
as far as native code compilation :-D 

Imagine what a superb development environment rev
could be with these features. Flexible and typeless
for all the UI/scripty/fun parts of the app; more
draconian but hellishly fast for the down-to-the-metal
hardcore byte-crunching parts of the app. Strong
typing would probably also make it a lot easier to
automate the process of calling externals from
Transcript without all those ghastly, clunky C
wrappers and crap.

There's a dream - a rev scientific application with a
beautiful interface rendering OpenGL objects in real
time and a typed, Transcript-coded stack running
energy minimization on a separate thread in the

I doubt I'll put my hands in my pockets again and
upgrade my expired rev license just to have "deep
masks" on my GUIs - I'm not knocking it, it's just not
a feature I urgently need right now ... but fast
compiled stacks, easy access to externals ... now
you're talking ... where's my check book?



--- Dennis Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dan,
> I also would like to speed up array processing.  It
> kills me that my  
> friend won't move from VB to Rev because when I
> write the same array  
> processing problem that he uses, VB runs 10+ times
> faster than Rev.   
> I also have had to jump through hoops trying to
> figure out ways to  
> make my array processing go faster --it usually
> requires taking a  
> simple script and making it 5 times as complicated
> as the way you  
> would do it in VB or RB or any other ordinary
> language.  It is not  
> just for the type of math problems that I am dealing
> with.  As visual  
> effects become more important, being able to quickly
> process numeric  
> arrays like a pixel image array becomes important.
> However, I don't think compiling scripts is the
> answer.  I love  
> having the interpreted environment for interactive
> debug and  
> experimentation.  The UI is where all the code and
> debugging time is  
> spent.  I don't want to trade that in for anything. 
> Rev is all about  
> UI, but weak on array speed.   The language as it is
> defined would  
> hardly be faster as a compiled version because of
> the type-less and  
> stringy nature of the variables.  Compiled languages
> get their  
> effeciency by the programmer telling them up front
> the data type and  
> therefore the correspondence to specific machine
> code operators.   
> There is no guessing or mixing of types.  The
> processing of numeric  
> (or fixed length strings) hardly needs any checks at
> runtime.
> What I advocate is a cross platform runtime package
> that is a pure  
> fixed type, fixed operator, math orientated array
> language.  It can  
> be PCode or threaded with very low overhead. 
> Languages with no UI  
> considerations are very easy to create and code for
> a machine code  
> programmer. I would like to see the basic operators
> and control  
> structures to work on regular arrays of n
> dimensions.  I am not  
> actually referring to "array" operators, just the
> ability to apply  
> ordinary operators to one addressable array element
> at a time with  
> efficient looping structures.  That should result in
> an order of  
> magnitude increase in speed for the stuff that bogs
> Rev down, and  
> open up Rev as a universal development tool.
> The key is to have an efficient and elegant way for
> Rev to interface  
> with such a package.   It needs to be able to pass
> the "program code"  
> and pass array elements, rows, columns, and whole
> arrays to the  
> coprocessor (really it just needs to be able to pass
> pointers to the  
> array memory blocks).
> As long as Rev has this Achilles heel, it will
> preclude it's use as a  
> "real" programming language in the minds of many.
> I did make a BZ enhancement request, but I think it
> could benefit  
> from a discuss

Re: Economics & Eye Candy

2005-06-07 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Dan

Thanks for the reply. Alas, I am one of those
colleagues you describe, since the major part of what
I want to do simply doesn't work well with rev.

Firstly, rev is far too slow for numerical
computation. I did some tests and even byte-optimized
Python beats rev for speed in most cases and that's
hardly a "Gold Standard" for performance. Java, long
lambasted for being slow, absolutely leaves rev in the
dust as far as performance goes. Try doing a matrix
inversion or sorting a huge list in both languages and
you'll see what I mean. Granted, the Java development
path is somehwat less fun than rev's, but Java is
stable mature and truly cross (cross cross cross)
platform if you use Swing components (Dan :-D)

Now imagine you want to render some complex objects in
3D or visualize 2D or 3D data, both of which are
things one might like to do even if you're not a geeky
science coder like me (e.g. for games, financial
analysis, GIS etc. etc.) All of this kind of stuff
would be excruciating and impractical to code in rev
unless ... (and here's my second major gripe with rev)
... you're willing to postpone your project for 6
months and write wrappers for a visualization DLL in C
... which is just what you wanted to avoid when you
started using Transcript in the first place! 

With Java or Python, I import OpenGL or whatever
visualization package I'm using and my workflow
continues in my language of choice. I have access to
the collective effort of thousands before me in a huge
shared community of code. Java and Python may not be
as much fun as rev, but they're like flying a plane
compared to knuckle-walking in C.

But as I said, I like Transcript and would like to see
the evolution of rev steer more towards making the
Transcript language really useful. So here's my
wishlist for the good folks in Edinburgh ...

1. More comprehensive collection of datatypes
(real arrays with ability to nest arrays etc.)
2. Much better performance 
(should also be enhanced by point 1)
3. Easier access to externals
4. A soild 2D vector graphics package

And finally, inspired by Richard Gaskin's suggestion
... Compilation to Java bytecodes and integration of
Java class libraries into rev ... Ooooh, you might
have something there Richard ...

Keep language you love, just swap interpreters (kind
of like Jython)

I like it :-D



--- Dan Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Gordon.
> While I sympathize with some of your feelings (while
> I continue to be  
> my most productive self when using Rev and grinning
> from ear to ear  
> watching my colleagues who use Python, Java, and
> Basic go through  
> excruciating pains to do what I can do in seconds or
> minutes in my  
> favorite tool!), this notion of integrating
> externals is one on which  
> I have pretty strong opinions. (Yes, I know. That's
> unusual for me. NOT)
> The problem, IMNSHO, isn't with Rev, it's with the
> fact that as far  
> as I know there is no single method of creating and
> implementing  
> externals that runs on all platforms. I may be wrong
> about that; DLLs  
> may in fact be more cross-platform than they were
> last time I looked,  
> particularly with the emergence of OS X. But I am
> pretty strongly  
> opposed to Rev spending significant time and
> resources extending the  
> capabilities of the program for *any*
> platform-specific  
> functionality. And, FWIW, that includes when they do
> so for MY  
> favorite platform, OS X. I'd have been delighted to
> see 2.6 fix a  
> bunch more bugs and not implement CoreImage and
> DeepMask stuff. Now,  
> I realize that in saying that I'm in a small
> minority and I also  
> realize that the DeepMask stuff works cross-platform
> and will be a  
> real boon as Longhorn emerges from its near-decade
> in cold storage.  
> But my position remains the same: of all the
> development tools from  
> which I can choose, only two that I know of -- Rev
> and Flash -- give  
> me true cross-platform capability. And because I
> choose to work on a  
> minority platform but want to be able to reach the
> majority platform,  
> cross-platform is my personal number one feature in
> Rev. Anything  
> that detracts from that is just in my way or an
> unnecessary appendage.
> So if there is a way to facilitate the incorporation
> of cross- 
> platform external routines relatively transparently
> and to give me a  
> Transcript-level way of dealing with them, I'm happy
> to see it  
> implemented even though I have yet to need such
> capability in the  
> dozens of things I've written. But if supporting
> externals must be  
> done for a specific platform -- or, almost as badly,
> differently

RE: Economics & Eye Candy

2005-06-07 Thread Gordon Webster
Mr X has really hit the nail squarely on the head.

I often open the rev IDE, wistfully hoping perhaps
that somehow it could now magically do what I need it
to do. Then I realize it can't and drift away to other
development platforms with a sense of regret at what
could have been. 

Now rev 2.6 is out and there are more fancy GUI
features than ever (deep masks etc.) but still no real
arrays, still no bridge to the vast world of shared
libraries that would allow me to integrate external
functionality into rev and save me having to either
reinvent the wheel or spend my time writing C wrappers
(for comparison, look at the Python 'ctypes' module or
the 'usedll' type of features that abound in the many
versions of Basic). Sigh! 

Even my licence has expired and I just can't imagine
stumping up another $200.00 to have 'deep masks', but
still not the features I really need.

Transcript has the potential to be so much more than
just a cool GUI designer.


--- MisterX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > 
> > Surprise: the economics are tied to the eye candy.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Scott Rossi
> Good arguments Scott, but i disagree still
> the economics are based on the sales...
> marketshare...
> Industry standards...
> Sure the mac is prettier, like a bmw, but it's still
> not the bmw they lease for the common company
> driver.
> No matter how you twist the argument, the law of 
> supply and demand will rule... More technicians to
> managers.
> Rev may be a development management tool, it aint
> the common programmer's
> heaven... (a thematic hyper-twist between the lines)
> in my company, it's 3000 seats... sun emc and MS.
> Major enterprise tools,
> the more they cost, the more likely they will be
> bought...
> i seriously dont see how apple could vantage one
> "enterprise" feature...
> even security... You'd have to rely on specific
> hardware - not mac os.
> Databases? Oracle - Production CPU? Sun or
> mainframe. Clients? 3000 PCs or
> thin clients (as is now the fashion in reducing
> costs in workstation
> leases). So if Rev still doesn't work in Metaframe
> environments, it's not a
> problem but it's still an eye sore for any
> developper who can't distribute
> 1000 of anything to a larger more enterprise client.
> That's economic losses
> for (not me) the many PC=rent developpers among you.
> I dont say rev is not capable, it's just not being
> done the way i would have
> expected in terms of cross-platform or enterprise
> "quality and feel" as it's
> being done for the "minority" of potential mac
> client. The performance and
> lack of object/array programming is coming i hope
> soon - probably after my
> license expires. Meanwhile, i was able to develop
> these myself and that's
> where i see the eye-candy... The economics of a good
> programming design.
> After 15 years. How many of you are going to wait to
> get these benefits?
> That's opportunity cost for all of us...
> cheers
> Xavier
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Transitive?

2005-06-06 Thread Gordon Webster
I would say that this is hardly a case of Apple
"leading the way". It's a workaround that Apple has
been forced to adopt as a result of the already poor
strategy of basing their hardware on a Motorola
chipset that is evolving so slowly it is threatening
to become obsolete. More Jurassic Park than Xerox

Apple actually considered migrating their hardware to
Intel some years ago, but in spite of seeing an urgent
need for it even then, they were unable to pursue the
strategy since they considered it would be too
disruptive. A major reason for this was the impact
that it would have on their developers. Considering
how Apple has progressively relinquished its market
share to other platforms over the last decade or two,
the sad truth of the matter is that they cannot afford
to make life harder for the already small number
(relatively speaking) of developers who currently
target their hardware. 

The adoption of Transitive's technology is therefore
an escape hatch from a poor business strategy rather
than any kind of triumph of innovation on Apple's
part. It just allows them to transition to Intel
chipsets while maintaining backward compatibility with
their old hardware for a year or two, to keep their
shrinking user base happy. Hardly cause for a parade I

Before all the Apple afficianado's on this list jump
down my throat for this, let me add that I think that
Apple has potentially the best home computer products
on the market and an OS that is second to none. I am
no fan of the MS hegemony either and I would LOVE to
see Apple succeed and win the war of the desktop. I
would like to be able to own one myself but the simple
truth is I get so much more computer for my money
using Intel/Linux and so much more choice of software
to run on it as well.

By analogy perhaps and for those of you who enjoy
photography - consider the recent, effective demise of
the Leica Camera company. Paraphrasing the Leica
chairman: "We're a niche market with a loyal following
of more discerning customers" - sounds familiar
doesn't it! 

I pray that Apple will be smarter than this in the


--- Dennis Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Richard,
> That is what they do --take an app running on one OS
> and one chip and  
> make it run on another OS and another chip.  No
> trivial task, but  
> they can do it.  The face of software development
> may be about to  
> open up to all platforms, and the face of hardware
> development  
> opening up to be released from legacy restrictions. 
> And as usual  
> Apple will lead the way for the whole industry.
> Dennis

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Infinite-precision arithmetic (getting OT ;-)

2005-05-25 Thread Gordon Webster
...And not forgetting that the old testament shows us
that Moses was the first person ever to own a car ...

 "...and he came down the mountain in his Triumph"


--- Dar Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 24, 2005, at 2:42 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:
> > but... EVERY platform has limits...eventually -
> memory, speed. How can 
> > any tool be 'infinite'?? Better, bigger, faster,
> perhaps, but ... 
> > infinite? Aren't you instead trying to craft tools
> that are... 
> > scaleable?
> >
> > We're getting into theoretical physics, cosmology
> here whoa...
> And theology.
>  From the Psalms we know God's understanding is
> infinite.  From the 
> Bible we know He has calculated and has supplied
> adders.  (OK, those 
> are serpents, but adders is adders.)  And He has
> said often that he 
> will greatly multiply.  One such place is in Genesis
> 22 after Abraham 
> and Isaac went up the mountain to perform a
> sacrifice.
> Still concerned about memory?
> Well, earlier in the same chapter we see God
> supplied the RAM.
> Dar
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: is there a best anti-viral program for Revolution?

2005-05-25 Thread Gordon Webster
Scanning the Transcript in stacks would not be useful
I feel, since it's true purpose could be so easily
obfuscated as Dar rightly points out. Also, encrypted
stacks would be a major headache.

I think that the 'sandbox' has to be at the bytecode
level to be truly effective and that means it would
probably be best to have this feature built into the
runtime engine.

I would imagine that this could work in much the same
way as the Java security layer that is the default
when running applets. Users would have the option to
run the stack in 'safe' mode which warns them what the
stack wants to do, instead of doing it.

The Java folk have 'been there, done that' so perhaps
the rev community could borrow from their experience
rather than reinventing the wheel.



--- Dar Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 25, 2005, at 12:23 AM, Erik Hansen wrote:
> > is there a best anti-viral program
> > for Revolution?
> I struck the OT from my response.  This is highly
> relevant to this list.
> It is very easy to download and run stacks.  Often
> in mail we find 
> message-box one-liners to open stacks on the net. 
> Stacks can be 
> readily opened from Revolution Online.
> Transcript is very powerful, like fire.  And like
> fire it is dangerous.
> Stacks can work like applications and can be
> libraries that we use in 
> what we build.
> Stacks can easily be viruses but are even more
> likely to be be malware, 
> spyware, or a wide range of trojan horse bad things.
>  Like an Borland 
> Pascal math library, some might work OK for years
> before springing on 
> you and your customers.
> As the Revolution community grows there will be
> viruses and cousins and 
> these might be covered in virus databases.  Many
> anti-virus programs 
> look at mail or files.  However, many of us run
> stacks before they are 
> saved.
> It would be nice to be able to run stacks in a
> sandbox.  Do we have 
> some of this?
> If a stack is not encrypted, it might be possible to
> automatically 
> detect any file i/o or network i/o or shell() if
> there was no attempt 
> to hide that.  However, Transcript is very powerful
> and it would be 
> easy to hide those.
> It gets down to trusting your source, trusting that
> what you are 
> getting is really from your source and trusting the
> competence of your 
> source in not including malware in the stack.  There
> are many folks in 
> this community that I trust as far as integrity, but
> know they can err 
> as easily as I in making sure a stack is safe.
> Some folks with files that can be downloaded include
> MD5 or SHA digests 
> at the same site as the download or in
> announcements.  It is safer to 
> have those in independent sites.  Even then there
> are vulnerabilities.  
> Even so, this might be a direction for this
> community to go.  The 
> process of downloading a stack might point to two
> URLs, one for the 
> stack and one for the digest.
> Another direction might be the concept of a signed
> stack file.  That 
> can be independent of the stack structure, simply a
> signed version of 
> some binary file.  However, if RunRev extends the
> notion of stack to 
> include a signed stack and can handle the signature
> verification, and 
> even do signing, that would be cool.
> All of this is a real pain, but I don't know how to
> avoid it.  Anything 
> added to Revolution and to Revolution network
> services to minimize that 
> pain would be nice.
> Dar
> -- 
> **
>  DSC (Dar Scott Consulting & Dar's Lab)
>  Programming and software
> **
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Deleting a folder doesn't work!!!

2005-05-19 Thread Gordon Webster
>From this discussion, it seems that there are two
nearly identical commands for deleting a folder that
have subtly different behaviors.

Is this a) an accident, b) a good thing c) something
that will be cleaned up in future versions of rev d)
none of the above or e) all of the above?



Did you get the Nulkin?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: To Rev or not to Rev

2005-05-04 Thread Gordon Webster
I totally agree with Dennis. Efficient arrays are the
missing link in rev.


--- Dennis Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 4, 2005, at 10:43 AM, Geoff Canyon wrote:
> > On May 2, 2005, at 8:02 AM, Dennis Brown wrote:
> >
> >
> >> On May 2, 2005, at 10:25 AM, Geoff Canyon wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>> I'm not sure how to catalog Forth, but it's not
> OO (inherently --  
> >>> there are OO implementations). It's procedural,
> certainly, but  
> >>> the inherent stack gives it a definite
> functional feel.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> Forth is not really a high level language any
> more than assembler  
> >> is.  It is an alternative machine language based
> on a double stack  
> >> architecture.   There have been hardware
> implementations of Forth  
> >> as the native machine instruction set.  When
> emulated, the "Code"  
> >> just consists of a list of addresses to the
> actual machine code  
> >> for the native functions, or addresses of 
> "higher level" defined  
> >> function (uses a flag bit to tell which).  This
> makes it execute  
> >> much faster than "byte code".  You can implement
> a higher level  
> >> language within the syntax of Forth because of
> its extensible  
> >> nature.  "Words" are defined from other words in
> an interpretive  
> >> environment.  Because of the double stack
> architecture, data  
> >> arguments are passed and returned on one stack
> and return  
> >> addresses are in the other stack.  It makes a
> very efficient and  
> >> powerful architecture for developing real time
> machine controllers  
> >> with a tiny amount of memory.  You are free to
> define "words" that  
> >> implement an OO environment if you choose.  You
> could even create  
> >> Rev using this as the lower level "P code", or an
> operating system  
> >> for that matter.
> >>
> >
> > I understand how Forth works. I'm just not sure
> how I would  
> > categorize it. On further reflection, I would say
> that Forth is  
> > functional in about the same way that Revolution
> is Object- 
> > Oriented. In other words, loosely. ;-)
> >
> > I disagree that Forth is no more high-level than
> assembler is. The  
> > built-in extensibility of Forth syntax makes it
> much more than just  
> > a convenient way of handling machine language.
> I was referring to the "native" instruction words as
> being like  
> assembler.  In fact now days, microprocessors like
> the G5 etc. have  
> much higher level functionality than Forth.  Just as
> you can write  
> macros in assembler that implement a pseudo higher
> level language of  
> your design, Forth gives the same ability in a very
> convenient  
> defined way.  I liked Forth a lot twenty years ago
> when I was playing  
> with it.  If one were to redesign it again today, a
> much more robust  
> set of native words could be created for modern
> microprocessors and  
> methods.  But I have found that the UI is really 90%
> of programming  
> these days, and for that you can't beat Rev.  I just
> want fast fixed  
> type array processing for the other 10% of the
> program with a  
> seamless interface between the two.  Rev is plenty
> fast for most  
> stuff, but an order of magnitude too slow for the
> array stuff.
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Internet Time

2005-05-04 Thread Gordon Webster
As I said in my previous post, if you do:

 convert the internet date to seconds

it doesn't account for the timezone. However, the
following rev construction:

the last word of the internet date

gives you the correct offset to GMT. Here in
Cambridge, MA, I get '-0400' which is correct since
both Cambridge and London are on DST (local standard
time + 1 hour).

I must therefore add 4 hours (and zero minutes) worth
of seconds onto my local time (taking account of the
sign of the offset). 

The complications arise in knowing which countries are
currently using DST and which are not, especially
since even the countries that do use it, do not all
"spring forward" or "fall back" on the same day. 

There are databases online that list which countries
use DST and when they change. Perhaps using a cunning
HTTP script, somebody could create a "World Time
Stack" ;-)



--- Mikey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Expanding on this thought, I don't know off the top
> of my head how you
> would do this, but using the web features of RR, you
> could perhaps use
> the PHP function date to get your offset.  In this
> case it would be
> date("Z"), which should return the seconds offset
> from GMT.
> Oh, and once again I forgot to add the tao blog to
> the sig.  I'm such an idiot.
> -- 

> On the first day, God created the heavens and the
> Earth
> On the second day, God created the oceans.
> On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a
> few hours,
>and did a little diving.
> And God said, "This is good."
> _______
> use-revolution mailing list

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Frozen Accidents

2005-05-03 Thread Gordon Webster
IMHO, the current state of the OS market for personal
computers lends considerable weight to the point that
Dan is making. There aren't many, even amongst Windows
users, who would seriously argue that Win is a
"better" OS than Apple's OSX (myself included). But
until the advent of the iPod, Apple had made one
marketing misstep after another that eroded their user
base, causing fewer people to provide support and
software for the Mac, further eroding their user base,
causing fewer and fewer  and so on and so on. 

Below some critical threshold, even the "better"
product gets used by fewer and fewer people just
because it started to be used by fewer and fewer
people, in a self-sustaining cycle that's hard to
break out of. If the greater computing infrastructure
evolves sufficiently around one product to the
detriment of others, that product becomes more and
more the "best" product for working within that
infrastructure, in an almost circular  and
self-fulfilling fashion.

There's are interesting parallels to this in the life
sciences. Biologists call them "frozen accidents". How
did the four bases in DNA come to be an almost
universal genetic code? How did the 20 amino acids
that they code for get chosen? For example, why is
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a very common amino
acid in a vast range of living organisms, not coded

The internet was a sea change in the computing
"ecosystem" that opened the door for alternative
technologies when Microsoft were unable to see the
writing on the wall. Apple must probably pray for
another such shift and for the ability to be the first
to see it coming. They did it for "music on demand",
but can they do it for computers?

My $0.10



--- Dan Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, Lynn, while I wouldn't disagree with your
> perspective, I would  
> nonetheless argue that a world-class technology
> product with few  
> marketing resources and no legal clout will get
> buried by a  
> competitive product which, though inferior, has more
> marketing money  
> and/or legal backing 99 times out of 100.
> While it's certainly true that you can spend gobs
> and gobs of money  
> and still end up with a total failure, it's less
> likely than having a  
> total failure from *lack* of marketing resources.
> And given a market  
> with two products characterized as I did above, the
> one with more  
> marketing will beat the superior product with
> mind-numbing regularity.
> On May 3, 2005, at 10:28 AM, Lynn Fredricks wrote:
> >> Amen.
> >>
> >> It's never about the technology. I've seen so
> many great
> >> technologies buried by inferior products that had
> either more
> >> marketing money or better lawyers than I've seen
> succeed.
> >>
> >
> > Technology isnt usually what wins the day, but
> neither is it  
> > entirely money
> > or lawyers, but strategic use of both. Marketing
> (and sales) isnt a  
> > big
> > packaging machine that vendors throw money into,
> as its very  
> > possible to
> > spend gobs and gobs of money and still end up with
> a total failure.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Lynn Fredricks
> > President
> > Proactive International, LLC
> >
> > - Because it is about who you know.(tm)
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > use-revolution mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ~~
> Dan Shafer, Co-Chair
> RevConWest '05
> June 17-18, 2005, Monterey, California
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Internet Time

2005-05-03 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Revvers

Maybe I'm missing something, but when I convert an
internet date like this "Tue, 3 May 2005 14:00:44
-0400" into seconds, it doesn't take account of the
time zone component. So for example, if I edit the
internet date string to alter the time zone, (e.g.
like this "Tue, 3 May 2005 14:00:44 -0300")the
"convert" operation gives exactly the same result in

Now I know that it would be a piece of cake to simply
subtract an hours worth of seconds for each hour shift
in the time zone field, but before I go ahead and
write my "AbsoluteWorldTime" function, I just want to
be sure that this doesn't already exist via some other
means within Rev.

Basically I want a time function that is "time-zone
aware" and can figure out what order events occurred
in, even if they took place in different time zones.
Maybe I didn't read the manual thoroughly enough, but
I find it hard to believe that this function doesn't
already exist in rev, especially for internet
applications that must work with different time zones.

Am I just being a big doofus here?



use-revolution mailing list

Adding text to fields

2005-04-21 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Revvers

This is probably a very simple question, but when I'm
adding text to a scrolled field, how do I make it
autoscroll down so that it's always showing the last
line of added text?



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Python and Rev

2005-04-12 Thread Gordon Webster
And the proof Dan, that this advertising works ...
this is exactly how I came across rev in the first

Furthermore (irony of ironies) ... I was using
Pythoncard heavily at the time and wondering if there
were any other Python GUIs out there when I stumbled
across this very same advertisement. 

When I logged on to the rev forum for the first time
you can imagine my surprise at discovering that this
new development platform also had its own Dan Shafer!

It seems there's no escape, they have Dan Shafers
everywhere ...


Dan Shafer wrote:
I typed "python GUI application" into a search engine
(, which 
uses google) today while doing some research for a
client. Guess what 
the first sponsored link that came up was?

Build your own gui applications, interfaces & more.
Free trial!

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list


2005-04-09 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Peter

See what a great group of friendly and helpful people
there are using Rev! I would wager that on a lot of
lists, your posting would have raised hackles and
prompted a lot of less than helpful responses.

This list is really one of the strengths of using Rev
and if you have any problems, there's always this
community of incredibly smart, friendly and helpful
people to help you out - I see it happen every day. It
sometimes feels like having really good 24/7 tech
support - come to think of it, I sometimes wonder when
these guys actually sleep!

If I were you Peter, I'd give Rev another chance and
experience for yourself the excellent support you get
from the Rev community by letting them help you work
through the problems you described.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Analyzing competitors - In this case Real Software

2005-03-22 Thread Gordon Webster
Re: rev and RB

I like both languages, but I would wager that any rev
user that ever attempted to write a math/science based
applications in rev, quickly noticed certain
significant shortfalls in it. The lack of a real array
type or the lack of any decent support for drawing
your own graphics, to name but a couple.

Rev of course wins hands down if you're building a
multimedia or network based application or designing a
really wizzy user interface. Transcript is great for
high level manipulations of fairly complex objects and
if the task/subtask you need is already "pre-cooked"
in the Transcript recipe book, you're miles ahead of
the competition who are crawling on their hands and
knees by comparison.

With regard to Rev externals though, I think Runtime
are really making a significant marketing gaff by not
improving the ability of rev apps to speak to the
wider world of code libraries. Consider this - rev is
by comparison to other development platforms, a niche
market that needs to grow and gain in popularity to
really establish itself as a serious alternative. Yet
as a rev user, I either have to write tedious wrappers
to external libraries or reinvent the wheel. For
example, if I want to render objects in 3D, I am
effectively cut off from all the wonderful tools (such
as OpenGL) that people have already developed for this
purpose and might seriously consider looking elsewhere
for a platform that plugs me in to this world without
me having to write a bunch of C code. Seriously - rev
makes it difficult for me to capitalize on the huge
collective effort of the software community at large
and any gains I might make in writing fewer lines of
Transcript compared to say Basic, must be weighed
against the purgatory of having to write wrappers for
externals in C - which rather defeats the object of
using a high level language like Transcript in the
first place!

So come on Runtime, how about something like:

 start using external "fabulousexternal.dll"

No C, no damn wrappers, just the Transcript we love to
speak - just look at the Python "ctypes" for an
example of how it could be done.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Trial software and registering

2005-03-16 Thread Gordon Webster
Trevor makes a good point. Mikey's users might get
thoroughly cheesed off if they found they couldn't use
their software away from their network connection.
Verifying the license each time over the network might
also introduce an unnacceptable delay in the startup
of the application.

To use the "phone home" approach effectively, the
application could cache the results of the last
license validation along with it's date and time. It
could then allow the user to work for a given number
of sessions (or a certain elapsed time) without
requiring license validation, but during each session,
in the background it would silently check the
existence of a network connection and update the
license validation whenever possible, resetting the
"time since last license check" clock each time. 

If the user used the application for some extended
period without revalidating the license and started to
get near the allowed limit of sessions (or time
elapsed) since the last license validation, the
application could warn the user of this when it was
launched -  something like "You only have n more
sessions/days left before this application will
require revalidation fo your license". 

Hope this is helpful



--- Trevor DeVore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 16, 2005, at 9:18 AM, Mikey wrote:
> > One of the nicer ways to do this now is to have
> your application
> > "phone home" via a TCP/IP connection.  To activate
> the software, the
> > software has to be able to connect with your
> server.  Every launch it
> > has to reconnect to ensure that it still has
> privileges.  At the end
> > of the time period, it gets notification that its
> time is up and
> > that's it.
> >
> > This keeps people from rolling dates back on their
> systems.
> But what if I want to use the software on my laptop
> with no internet 
> connection (on a plane, etc.)?  I usually try out
> new software under 
> these conditions.  It really isn't a problem to
> connect the first time 
> to activate the software but connecting on every
> launch would be a 
> problem.
> -- 
> Trevor DeVore
> Blue Mango Multimedia
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Re: New Externals...

2005-02-03 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Frank

I know about Mono and the like, but I said "going to
be cross platform" in the sense of it being a mature
technology for all platforms. 

I believe there are still some minor differences
between the Mono CLR and class libraries and the
"official" MS versions (mostly centered around the GUI
components I believe).

BTW: I think the MS team did a great job with C#,
which has a wonderfully clean, consistent and
uncluttered syntax. I have found that the only real
learning curve for C# (if you've programmed in Java or
C++) is in learning the new names of all the base



--- "Frank D. Engel, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> "Going to be" cross-platform?  Check here:
> Hmm... what about a Rev runtime for .net?  I think
> .net will be 
> available for Windows Mobile soon (is it already?),
> so a .net runtime 
> version would automatically provide support for
> software on Windows 
> Mobile, Windows itself (2000+, correct?), and
> apparently Mono-supported 
> platforms as well (various flavors of Linux, plus OS
> X more or less -- 
> more soon, I hope) -- and possibly even future
> platforms which don't 
> even exist yet!
> On Feb 3, 2005, at 2:01 PM, Gordon Webster wrote:
> > Dear Chipp
> >
> > An "externals external" would be great. Something
> that
> > could expose the functions and type requirements
> in
> > standard windows dlls or *nix .so shared library
> (and
> > their OSX equivalents).
> >
> > As is already the case in C#, Java or some of the
> > flavors of Basic, you could then import these
> > functions directly into transcript something like
> ...
> >
> > externalHandle =
> altuitUseExternal("mylib.dll")
> >
> > IMHO runrev really needs a more accessible
> interface
> > to the vast wealth of shared libraries that exist
> out
> > there, without having to write wrappers for every
> new
> > library you want to use. I would love to be able
> to
> > use OpenGL from within rev for example and create
> > interactive 3D viewports on my rev stacks.
> >
> > OT: Wouldn't it be great to have .NET bindings for
> > rev, especially since it seems that .NET is going
> to
> > be a genuinely cross-platform runtime (please no
> Java
> > Vs. .NET flames or any other anti-MS invective -
> I'm
> > no great fan of MS, but it seems that they've
> finally
> > done something right with .NET)
> >
> > Best
> >
> > Gordon
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- Chipp Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> The recent altBrowser bundle offering was a
> success
> >> thanks to RR users
> >> all over the world. A personal thank-you from
> Chris
> >> and I for all of
> >> your support. And thanks to RunRev for an
> excellent
> >> job of helping to
> >> get the word out.
> >>
> >> We're currently working on a free upgrade for
> >> altBrowser (both Mac and
> >> PC) which we hope will be out next week.
> >>
> >> So, this got Chris and I thinking about other
> >> externals. Before we
> >> started, we wanted to get some feedback from RR
> >> users as which externals
> >> you would like to see. Keep in mind, they need to
> be
> >> cross-platform, and
> >> they need to have some sort of mass market
> appeal.
> >>
> >> Here are a couple of ideas we have:
> >>
> >> 1) USB external support. That about says it all
> >> right there!
> >>
> >> 2) Image Effects library. The ability to
> >> import/export many different
> >> formats, apply special effects like dropped
> shadows,
> >> borders, sharpen
> >> and blur and more.
> >>
> >> If you have any other ideas, please let us know,
> >> either on this list or off.
> >>
> >> Thanks again!
> >>
> >> -Chipp Walters
> >> Altuit, Inc.
> >>
> >>
> >> -- 
> >> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> >> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> >> Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.4 -
> Release
> >> Date: 2/1/2005
> >>
> >> ___
> >> use-revolution mailing list
> >> use-revolution@lists.

Re: New Externals...

2005-02-03 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Chipp

An "externals external" would be great. Something that
could expose the functions and type requirements in
standard windows dlls or *nix .so shared library (and
their OSX equivalents).

As is already the case in C#, Java or some of the
flavors of Basic, you could then import these
functions directly into transcript something like ...

externalHandle = altuitUseExternal("mylib.dll")

IMHO runrev really needs a more accessible interface
to the vast wealth of shared libraries that exist out
there, without having to write wrappers for every new
library you want to use. I would love to be able to
use OpenGL from within rev for example and create
interactive 3D viewports on my rev stacks.

OT: Wouldn't it be great to have .NET bindings for
rev, especially since it seems that .NET is going to
be a genuinely cross-platform runtime (please no Java
Vs. .NET flames or any other anti-MS invective - I'm
no great fan of MS, but it seems that they've finally
done something right with .NET)



--- Chipp Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The recent altBrowser bundle offering was a success
> thanks to RR users 
> all over the world. A personal thank-you from Chris
> and I for all of 
> your support. And thanks to RunRev for an excellent
> job of helping to 
> get the word out.
> We're currently working on a free upgrade for
> altBrowser (both Mac and 
> PC) which we hope will be out next week.
> So, this got Chris and I thinking about other
> externals. Before we 
> started, we wanted to get some feedback from RR
> users as which externals 
> you would like to see. Keep in mind, they need to be
> cross-platform, and 
> they need to have some sort of mass market appeal.
> Here are a couple of ideas we have:
> 1) USB external support. That about says it all
> right there!
> 2) Image Effects library. The ability to
> import/export many different 
> formats, apply special effects like dropped shadows,
> borders, sharpen 
> and blur and more.
> If you have any other ideas, please let us know,
> either on this list or off.
> Thanks again!
> -Chipp Walters
> Altuit, Inc.
> -- 
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.4 - Release
> Date: 2/1/2005
> _______
> use-revolution mailing list

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Re: A Collaboration on Shafer's Books?

2005-01-24 Thread Gordon Webster
With regard to making the time-consuming work of
producing rev/Transcript programming books financially
viable, how about something like this ...

A 2-tiered rev wiki would be set up, one tier of which
would be open access (gratis) for all registered rev
users - the other would be available by yearly
subscription and compiled/mediated by Dan (and any
other gurus he might need to help him). Here's how it
could work ...

Any registered rev user could contribute an article to
the open wiki. This could be as short as a Q&A about
how to place an icon in a button with accompanying
code snippets, or as long as an in-depth article about
the rev mesage path, XML parsing, the use of sockets
etc. etc. Any other registered rev user could read
these articles and even edit them to correct errors or
ambiguities, or just comment on them and/or polish
them up. Naturally this open wiki would be mediated by
some of the rev community in the same way that other
wikis are, to prevent vandalism or abuse. 

All submissions to the open wiki would be subject to
an agreement on the part of the authors that the
submitted material would be posted on the open wiki as
a resource for everyone to read and edit as required,
in return for the right on the part of the wiki
administrators to incorporate the material in whatever
form they see fit, into commercial publications.

The second tier of the wiki would be more book-like,
with articles and code examples organized into
comprehensive "chapters" that cover particular areas
of rev development. These would have been verified and
edited by Dan (and his team) and would/could combine
the raw materials from the "open wiki" with more
conceptual material and background into the subject,
with illustrative figures and tested code examples.
This part of the wiki would be accessible by
subscription only and although it would not be
editable by anybody other than Dan's team of gurus, it
could still be in a wiki format to enable Dan and his
team to collaborate on the compiling and editing work,
or to solict the subscriber's comments on the work.

Some limited time access to the "revBbook wiki" could
be also be included for purchasers of Rev products to
get them going with rev and Transcript. After this
initial period (say 3 - 6 months), they would also
have to pay a subscription. As a new user to rev, I
would love to have been able to have access to
something like this. Like the chapters in Dan's book,
the revBook wiki would offer a conceptual view of rev
and Transcript to show a new user the landscape and
get him/her started with good rev/Transcript
programming practices. This could also address the
common rev newbie gripe about the lack of structured
documentation - perhaps making rev more popular in the
process, leading to more subscribers to the revBook
wiki, making rev more populkar, leading to ...

More sophisticated rev users tackling some new project
would find articles that introduce them to advanced
programming concepts like cryptography, internet
authentication, the use of externals etc.

The "value" in the revBook wiki would be the access to
the organised and authoritative pedagogical "chapters"
of the kind that Dan has in his books - perhaps with
the option to print them as pdfs. The open access wiki
would still be a useful resource, but more like the
kind of searchable FAQ stuff that rev users already
have access to - but greatly expanded. 

The hook for getting people to continue subscribing
would be the ongoing updates and expansion of the
revBook wiki. Unlike a book, it could be updated
regularly and could more more closely reflect and
respond to the rev community's current
issues/obsessions/neuroses. Subscribers to the revBook
wiki could even contribute to its evolution e.g. by
voting on the chapters that they would most like to

To improve the fiscal rewards for Dan (and his team),
runrev could perhaps offer yearly Revolution upgrades
bundled with yearly subscriptions to the revBook wiki.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: The real Challenge for every development platform

2005-01-22 Thread Gordon Webster
As a new user to rev and in spite of the fact that I
like it very much, I could see how potential users
might be deterred by the lack of a clear roadmap for
getting started with Transcript and the whole
Hypercard thing. The manuals are well written and
replete with detail but it's hard to see the wood for
the trees in terms of finding out what you need to
know to build good applications with rev. I had to
stumble across an article by Richard Gaskin before I
understood what the message path is and how it works
and somebody else on the mailing list explained to me
the advantages of building rev apps from a single
standalone splash screen and then dynamically loading
the other stacks. The mailing list is a superb
resource and the rev community is incredibly helpful,
but the information a new user needs is so spread
around that finding what you need to know is like
panning for gold. Dan's book certainly goes some way
to addressing these needs but I think we need more of
that kind of pedagogical approach to rev for new users
(BTW Dan - I have a fistful of grubby dollars with
your name on them for when volumes II and III appear

Also, for a development environment that is very GUI
centric, there could be better tools for the use of
externals. I really like Python because virtually any
kind of activity I might need code libraries for, is
already catered for and I don't have to reinvent the
wheel (e.g. math, cryptography, 3D graphics, data
visualization, bioinformatics, COM, email etc. etc.)
If the rev community isn't currently large enough to
create this, making it easier to use other people's
libraries would go some way to addressing this

Somebody on this list expressed the fear that critical
posts might give newbies to the list a negative or
over-critical view of rev, to which I would reply - I
think rev is great and my gripes (if you can call them
that) are based upon the fact that I like rev so much
that I'd like to be able to use it for EVERYTHING! 



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Option/combo menus crashing Rev

2005-01-13 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Revolutionaries

As a test I reduced the number of items in each menu
so that all items could be displayed in the dropdown
view, without scrolling. Now the menus are stable and
no amount of clicking in them or selecting items
causes rev to crash.

The problem seems to be the scrollbars that are needed
when there are more items than the dropdrown can
display. Is there some scrollbar timimg or delay
parameter that can be reset to make the behavior of
these menus more stable or are combo/option menus with
scrollbars inherently buggy?

I guess it could also be some special character that
is no longer loaded into the menu list. Is there a
problem with certain characters in menus (like @ for



--- Gordon Webster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Revolutionaries
> Working on WinXP with rev 2.5 I have created an
> option
> menu and a combo box on a substack to set the
> fontname
> and fontsize respectively, of a scrolling text
> window
> on the main stack. 
> They both work just fine - sometimes ...
> but if I click on them more than once or scroll up
> and
> down in them too much, they freeze and I get a "Not
> Responding" warning followed by a delay and then the
> rev runtime crashes completely.
> Am I doing something stupid?
> Here is the code I use in the preOpenStack handler
> to
> set them up:
> on preOpenStack
>   put the fontnames into tfonts
>   sort lines of tfonts
>   put tfonts into button "Input Fonts"
>   repeat with fsize = 8 to 48 step 2
> put fsize & cr after fsizes
>   end repeat
>   put fsizes into button "Input Font Sizes"
>   set the menuHistory of button "Input Fonts" to
> lineOffset(the CommandWindowFont of stack
> "myStack",button "Input Fonts")
>   set the menuHistory of button "Input Font Sizes"
> to
> lineOffset(the CommandWindowFontSize of stack
> "myStack",button "Input Font Sizes")
> end preOpenStack
> This is really weird. Has anyone had any similar
> prolems with combo/option menus?
> Best
> Gordon
> =====
> :: Gordon Webster ::
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Option/combo menus crashing Rev

2005-01-13 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Revolutionaries

Working on WinXP with rev 2.5 I have created an option
menu and a combo box on a substack to set the fontname
and fontsize respectively, of a scrolling text window
on the main stack. 

They both work just fine - sometimes ...

but if I click on them more than once or scroll up and
down in them too much, they freeze and I get a "Not
Responding" warning followed by a delay and then the
rev runtime crashes completely.

Am I doing something stupid?

Here is the code I use in the preOpenStack handler to
set them up:

on preOpenStack
  put the fontnames into tfonts
  sort lines of tfonts
  put tfonts into button "Input Fonts"
  repeat with fsize = 8 to 48 step 2
put fsize & cr after fsizes
  end repeat
  put fsizes into button "Input Font Sizes"
  set the menuHistory of button "Input Fonts" to
lineOffset(the CommandWindowFont of stack
"myStack",button "Input Fonts")
  set the menuHistory of button "Input Font Sizes" to
lineOffset(the CommandWindowFontSize of stack
"myStack",button "Input Font Sizes")
end preOpenStack

This is really weird. Has anyone had any similar
prolems with combo/option menus?



:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Re: copy protection

2005-01-09 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Byron

First off, I would say that 22 out of a class of 33
isn't bad at all - if most students had decided to
share a copy of your software and work together in
pairs, you might have expected only 50% (or even less
if they worked together in larger study groups).

I have polled this list about software protection
issues and have received some great advice from people
who've obviously thought about it a great deal more
than I have. I'll bet the essence of the advice you'll
get will revolve around the question of how much time
you'll want to spend to net that extra 30% of
non-payers instead of spending that time improving
your software (or developing your next product).

If you are interested, I have experimented in rev, to
see what kinds of metrics I can extract that can
uniquely identify a user's computer. One obvious
approach for Windows is to use the serial number of
the user's Windows distribution which can be extracted
from the registry. This would mean that a thieved copy
would not run on another students computer unless they
had also cloned the Windows OS as well (or tinkered
with the registry which is dangerous and a deterrent
for most). I am not that familiar with the MAC OS, but
I imagine there is some similar registration code that
identifies a user's OS license. In your case, you
would have to provide an authorization code for each
of your users, but for 70 people it is feasible.

I am curious to know what people do for distributions
to larger numbers of people. Perhaps some of the gurus
on this list would be willing to share their expertise
for the current generation of newbs like myself - this
topic affects us all as rev developers and I would
love to know what approaches people are using (Kee, I
still owe you an email about this, I apologise for not
having gotten back to you - I haven't forgotten :-)



--- Byron Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This week we got the results of the first adoption
> of our flagship 
> product Created Equal: Sex and Gender.  The
> professor is using it as a 
> text in a class of 33.  Only 22 students bought it. 
> While a couple 
> students are sharing materials, the rest I fear is
> theft.  In 2 weeks 
> it will be used in another class of 70-100.  Any
> suggestions about how 
> to go about copy protecting our product.  (It ships
> on 2 CDs or a 
> single DVD in case that's relevant)
> Byron
> H. L. Mencken:
> As democracy is perfected, the office of president
> represents, more and 
> more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some
> great and glorious 
> day the plain folks of the land will reach their
> heart's desire at last 
> and the White House will be adorned by a downright
> moron.
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Help! My Rev Runtime Docs Have Died!

2005-01-08 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Revolutionaries

After ignoring this problem and working with rev for a
while, closing and saving a few stacks and reopening
rev a few times, this problem eventually went away.


Has anybody else had these probs with the doc window?


--- Gordon Webster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Revolutionaries
> I have a bizarre problem with my Rev Runtime. I am
> now
> unable to open the rev documentation window in a
> normal mode. If I open it with the "Documentation"
> button on the rev toolbar, it opens minimized and
> refuses to come into view when you click its button
> in
> the windows toolbar. If I right click on it, I can
> only bring it up maximized, but when I try to
> restore
> it to normal (sizeable) mode, it just minimizes
> again.
> I am using WinXP and have tried logging off and on
> again, but to no avail. I'm not sure what I did to
> cause this. Is this bug reported?
> Best
> Gordon
> =
> :: Gordon Webster ::
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Help! My Rev Runtime Docs Have Died!

2005-01-08 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Revolutionaries

I have a bizarre problem with my Rev Runtime. I am now
unable to open the rev documentation window in a
normal mode. If I open it with the "Documentation"
button on the rev toolbar, it opens minimized and
refuses to come into view when you click its button in
the windows toolbar. If I right click on it, I can
only bring it up maximized, but when I try to restore
it to normal (sizeable) mode, it just minimizes again.

I am using WinXP and have tried logging off and on
again, but to no avail. I'm not sure what I did to
cause this. Is this bug reported?



:::::: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

RE: 3D Object Viewer (was: Open-source: Presentation software)

2005-01-06 Thread Gordon Webster
A 3D object viewer for rev, now you're talking!

My personal dream would be to see a set of openGL
bindings for rev that would allow you to create a 3D
viewport window on a rev stack - perhaps embedded in
an image object the way Chipp's altBrowser is.

BTW: OpenGL is cross-platform too :-)


--- "Lynch, Jonathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What kind of objects does your presentation software
> use? By that, I
> mean, I assume it does fields, pictures, audio, and
> video. Any other
> types of objects? I have been thinking that a 3-D
> object viewer would be
> a great object. (I hope no one objects to my overuse
> of the word
> 'object' here, which, objectively speaking, I am
> definitely overusing).
> I also think a 3-D animated character generator that
> speaks to the
> viewer, using whatever text is sent to it from a
> handler, would be
> nifty.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Mark
> Talluto
> Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 2:24 PM
> To: Revolution use Revolution
> Subject: Open-source: Presentation software
> Some time ago I created a commercial product called
> Multimedia 
> Generator.  This is presentation software that was
> designed for the 
> education market.  We ended up getting users in many
> different markets 
> over time.  The software is pretty easy to use, but
> does lack some 
> polish and features from talented folks like you.
> If you are interested in joining an open-source
> effort to make a better 
> presentation tool using Rev, please join the group I
> have created at 
> Yahoo:<>
> Thanks for taking a look!
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Mark Talluto
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Open-source: Presentation software

2005-01-06 Thread Gordon Webster

I checked out your Yahoo groups page - the project
sounds potentially interesting but it's hard to know
how interesting in the absence of more info.



--- Mark Talluto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Some time ago I created a commercial product called
> Multimedia 
> Generator.  This is presentation software that was
> designed for the 
> education market.  We ended up getting users in many
> different markets 
> over time.  The software is pretty easy to use, but
> does lack some 
> polish and features from talented folks like you.
> If you are interested in joining an open-source
> effort to make a better 
> presentation tool using Rev, please join the group I
> have created at 
> Yahoo:<>
> Thanks for taking a look!
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Mark Talluto
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Re: altBrowser

2005-01-05 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Chipp

Now I understand - the same folder as the rev runtime
application, NOT the demo application!

altBrowser looks really cool, I can't wait to get into

Thanks so much for your help!


--- Chipp Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Gordon,
> You need to put a copy of the external in the same
> folder as the 
> Revolution Application when editing in the IDE. I'll
> add this to the 
> FAQ. Thanks for purchasing altBrowser :-) !!
> Also, the extra special pricing expires on the 19th
> of January. Those of 
> you who have purchased a previous version of
> altBrowser can get a 
> discount code from Heather.
> best,
> Chipp
> Gordon Webster wrote:
> > What am I doing wrong?
> > 
> > I just downloaded Chipp's altBrowser, and I have
> the
> > demo stack and the dll in the same directory on my
> PC.
> > When I run the stack though, anything I click on
> the
> > demo stack gives me a "handler not found" error,
> as if
> > the dll isn't being seen.
> > 
> > I believe I have the dll in the same directory as
> the
> > application (which I presume to mean the demo
> stack in
> > this case) - am I missing something?
> > 
> > I'm sure I'm being a big doofus here.
> > 
> > Best
> > 
> > Gordon
> > 
> > ___
> > use-revolution mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> > 

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list


2005-01-05 Thread Gordon Webster
What am I doing wrong?

I just downloaded Chipp's altBrowser, and I have the
demo stack and the dll in the same directory on my PC.
When I run the stack though, anything I click on the
demo stack gives me a "handler not found" error, as if
the dll isn't being seen.

I believe I have the dll in the same directory as the
application (which I presume to mean the demo stack in
this case) - am I missing something?

I'm sure I'm being a big doofus here.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Externals written in not(c)

2005-01-04 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Dar

Thanks for the response. Yes, it's mostly matrix-type
math for 3D systems that I want to do and some of the
calculations will take some time to complete, even as
native code. 

I'm not clear from your reply though, what it is I
actually need in my DLL ... let's say I just want to
write a single test function for multiplying two
numbers together - I will export this in my DLL, but
what else do I need?

> You need 
> to export a single function that provides all the
> calling info.

Could you elaborate?



--- Dar Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jan 4, 2005, at 3:29 PM, Gordon Webster wrote:
> > It
> > clearly says that you can write an external in any
> > language of your choosing provided that the
> > compilation supports certain features that are
> > essential for the rev interface.
> Yes, it can be done if your dll can handle the
> C-style calls.  You need 
> to export a single function that provides all the
> calling info.
> However, it might be easier to create a glue dll.  I
> do that for C++.
> If you're just doing some math, you might want to
> consider just doing 
> it in C.
> There is an overhead for external calls, so you want
> to do many 
> primitive math operations per call.
> Rev is pretty fast at math.  You might want to run
> some tests to see if 
> this is worthwhile.  Maybe it will be in some
> complicated formulas or 
> in matrix operations.
> Dar
> **
>  DSC (Dar Scott Consulting & Dar's Lab)
>  Programming Services and Software
> **
> _______
> use-revolution mailing list

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Externals written in not(c)

2005-01-04 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Revolutionaries

I have downloaded the externals SDK from the rr
website and I have trawled through the docs. It
clearly says that you can write an external in any
language of your choosing provided that the
compilation supports certain features that are
essential for the rev interface.

The docs describe in great details what is needed to
create an external in C, but what if I was doing it in
another language whose compiler can produce the kind
of standard "vanilla" DLLs that rev needs?

I can see that I need something called XTable that
defines the separate XCMDs and XFCNs, but I can't
figure out how much of the C header files I need just
to do the simple "feasibility study" of writing a DLL
that say - exports a simple function that reads 2
params, multiplies them together and returns the

I guess what I'm after is a basic minimal list of
features that rev needs in my DLL to be able to do
this simple test - just enough to get me started and
see how it all works. I would like to understand the
process by which the rev engine and the DLL "shake
hands", i.e. initiate their interaction and share

I was thinking of trying a dialect of Basic which can
produce native DLLs - anybody out there have any

Can rev read/write data in specific areas of memory? 

I am presuming that sharing memory between processes
is a no-no and that all the rev gurus on this list are
muttering and shaking their heads in disapproval right
now at the very mention of it. I ask because many
languages have the capability to allocate and
read/write in specific areas of memory and it is
another way to communicate between processes. I'm not
even sure that rev can do this - can it?

My goal in all of this? 

Having natively compiled scientific/math libraries
that run at blazing speed behind my rev app, doing the
donkey work on the numbers while rev seduces the user
with its enchanting interface.

All help would be greatly appreciated.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: RunRev vs RealBasic

2005-01-03 Thread Gordon Webster

--- Michael D Mays <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What is running so slow in Revolution?

I think that rev is great, but there are certain areas
in which its functionality is rather limited. Speaking
for myself, I am involved in a lot of scientific
computation and I would love to be able to use rev for
more than just the user interface.

Yes, I could use externals or you could argue that rev
is UI/multimedia-centric and not intended for serious
scientific computing, but does that have to mean that
it could never be?

Here's my little wish-list of rev enhancements that
would make it more amenable for numeric/scientific
computing ...

- Arrays of arrays (of arrays, of arrays ...)

- The option to create "typed" stacks that could be
either natively compiled or extensively bytecode
optimized (a la Psyco optimizer for python)

- More graphics abstraction - built-in 2D and 3D
mapping and transformations and a richer set of
built-in graphic objects such as splines, beziers etc.

- Easier interfacing to externals 
  (DLLs, COM objects etc. etc.)

Here's to the evolution of Revolution!



use-revolution mailing list

Re: RunRev vs RealBasic

2005-01-03 Thread Gordon Webster
I really like what Frank is contemplating ... 

It would be ganz wunderbar if rev users had the option
to create stacks that were destined to be natively
compiled as externals. I guess that rev would have to
insist on some sort of type declarations in such a
case to get optimal performance, but this could be
done only in the stacks that are to be compiled,
allowing rev users to keep a flexible, typeless
environment except for the parts of the app that
needed compiled performance. Naturally, the runtime
would produce all the necessary boilerplate code for
the interface between the rev runtime+bytecode app and
the new external :-)

BTW: I purchased rev because I was tired of working on
my hands and knees pushing heavy boulders with my
nose, writing in C (or doing the same with a hippo on
my back, writing in C++). Isn't there some way that
rev could free us from the hell of having to write
externals in C? I also use PowerBasic, which allows
you to declare the functions exported by a DLL in your
code and then simply use them as if they were an

How about it rr - something like:

revDeclareExternal someFunction in "C:\something.dll"

Wouldn't that be sweet :-)



--- "Frank D. Engel, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Dec 31, 2004, at 5:04 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:
> >
> > On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 2:40 pm, Ken Ray wrote:
> >> That's one of the beauties of Rev... data can be
> stored *inside* the 
> >> stack
> >> files, either as data in fields that have been
> saved, or as custom
> >> properties that are stored with the stack itself.
> >
> > A great point. I recently was able to create a
> compressed, encrypted 
> > binary data storage file using a stack and a
> single line of code. This 
> > data file stores text data along with imades in 3
> different formats.
> >
> > This data file is actually a stack with no
> business logic and is 
> > opened by my app invisibly and data selectively
> moved to the gui, 
> > edited there and then moved back to the inv stack
> to save. Talk about 
> > simple. Doing the same in VB would be very
> complicated. I imagine RB 
> > too.
> >
> > Btw, regarding speed issues, I think there have
> been a number of speed 
> > coding challenges between RB and RR with no
> conclusive winner. Perhaps 
> > Frank can be more specific with regard to areas he
> feels RR runs slow?
> Again, CPU-Intensive routines, such as processing
> each byte of a long 
> string individually.  Most of the more "stock"
> operations run quite 
> well in Rev, but when doing intensive, custom
> CPU-intensive routines, 
> it generally pays to write an external, particularly
> when targeting 
> older hardware.
> > Also, last time I looked, RR compiles scripts 'on
> the fly' like Java. 
> > Didn't know RB was a compiler. Must be tough on
> edit/compile/run/debug 
> > cycles. Perhaps it's an interpreter like RR and
> compiles during 
> > runtime? I don't know.
> Rev "compiles" scripts into a bytecode format which
> is later 
> interpreted by the runtime environment.  Faster than
> a "pure" 
> interpreter, but still slower than compiled code.
> Java code gets run through a compiler which
> translates it into a Java 
> bytecode.  That bytecode is then interpreted at
> runtime, much as is Rev 
> code.  However, some Java runtime environments
> (JREs) will actually 
> "recompile" the bytecode into native code for the
> platform.  This is 
> slower than compiling code directly for the
> hardware, but adds the 
> write-one-run-anywhere flexibility of Java (and to
> some degree of Rev), 
> and the result of this (sometimes referred to as
> "Just-In-Time" 
> compilation) is much closer in speed to native
> compiled code.
> Real Basic is a true compiler, which translates code
> into instructions 
> for the actual hardware on which it is run.  This is
> the fastest 
> solution, since the computer hardware does virtually
> *all* of the work 
> of figuring out how to execute each instruction, and
> there is no 
> runtime translation step.  However, this also locks
> the compiled 
> version to the platform for which it was compiled
> (similarly to a 
> standalone produced by Rev), and it causes a
> Compile-Run-Debug cycle to 
> be introduced.  Visual Basic (M$ product) is also a
> true compiler.
> I personally wonder what it would take to create a
> true compiler for 
> Rev stacks?  Obviously this would introduce some
> limitations on certain 
> operations, but for stacks which don't use those
> operations, it could 
> substantially increase performance...
> > Best,
> > Chipp
> > Chipp Walters,
> > Sent from my Sidekick
> > ___
> > use-revolution mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -
> Frank D. Engel, Jr.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Inter-process communication

2005-01-01 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Revolutionaries

Is it sensible/feasible to use the clipboard for
communicating between rev and other processes?

e.g. suppose I want to pass control to another process
that does a large, numerically intensive calculation
and then passes the result back to the rev app by
writing to the clipboard. This assumes that the
overhead of parsing the result on the clipboard is
more than offset by the time saved by doing the
calculation in a separate, natively compiled process.

Would this be quicker than communicating using files?

Is there a way in rev to get a message when the
clipboard's contents change?

- something like "on clipboardUpdated"

Of course, using the externals SDK to access a DLL
would be optimal - is there a tutorial somewhere on
how to access the functions in a DLL from within rev?
Would I have to write a C program to do this?



use-revolution mailing list

Graphic Objects & Memory Use

2005-01-01 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Revolutionaries

I have a question or two about rev's graphic objects

Since the rev graphic objects such as lines and shapes
are objects that can have their own properties, styles
etc., is there a big memory overhead in using them to
create complicated graphics? 

What would be the best way in rev to do the equivalent
of double-buffering the graphics i.e. invisibly
drawing the next frame of a complex graphic in
background and then displaying it?

Happy New Year to you and yours.


use-revolution mailing list

Setting Pixels

2004-12-28 Thread Gordon Webster
Dear Revolutionaries

I hope you are all having a happy holiday. Mine
started really well as the copy of Dan Shafer's book I
had ordered, arrived the day I was leaving for the
holidays :-) I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it
these last few days and recommend it whole-heartedly
to any fellow rev newbies (it's available on the
runrev website) - so when do the next two volumes come

Here is my question - Dan's book describes the use of
the 'mouseColor' handler to get the color value of the
pixel that is below the mouse - is there any way in
rev, to set the value of an individual pixel?



:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Re: DreamCard Review-PCPLUS

2004-12-22 Thread Gordon Webster
I have used both VB and rev and while they both
effectively do the same thing, I have to say that VB
is rather gray and uninspiring by comparison. 

I find that the so called "cosmetic details" of a
language or a development platform are in reality way
more than merely cosmetic - it's like a car you drive
every day wherein even the little things that niggle
can eventually make your life miserable - you want the
controls on the dash to look great and be easy on the
eye and the doors to shut easily with a nice solid
clunk, the steering wheel to feel good in your hands
as you're zooming effortlessly along etc. etc. VB may
have been some hot s**t in its day, but now it justs
reminds me of my old Fiat.

We should concede them a minor point about the rev
documentation though. Yes, all the info is there -
somewhere - but it's arranged more like a jigsaw
puzzle than a book and when I'm trying to learn a new
programming language, a book is a whole lot easier.

All that said, IMHO rev wins hand down!


use-revolution mailing list

Re: the secrets of Monks

2004-12-22 Thread Gordon Webster
Congratulations on "If Monks" Brian .. I have already
spent several happy hours engrossed in its cloister -
and newly annointed to the rev order, I will
definitely download the demo stacks and try to learn
from them.


--- Brian Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At last, the conclusion to the longest running
> project in the history 
> of interactive media. Thanks again to everyone who
> helped build the 
> If Monks had Macs (or Windows) library.
> Runtime Revolution has just released a stack of
> scripts and tips as 
> to using Revolution/Dreamcard for multimedia. The
> stack may not be of 
> much help to the wizards on this site who have been
> so helpful to 
> over the years that I have been working on Monks.
> Nonetheless, it is 
> a good resource for you to know about and point out
> to new multimedia 
> developers. And the stack does share a wonderful
> technique that 
> Jeanne A.E. deVoto worked out for me so Monks could
> display life-size 
> (museum sized) paintings on small computer screens.
> You can download 
> the demo/codeshare tutorial through revOnline or by
> using this link:
> The two main differences between the new edition of
> Monks and last 
> year's is that:
> 1). Sophie, our ebook reader is now compatible with
> Mac OS 10.3. Also 
> all the ebooks have been revised and a new one
> added. The new ebook 
> is H.G.Wells The War of the Worlds. (I haven't tried
> to make it as 
> compelling as Orson Wells did, but I have added an
> introduction that 
> argues that the story is as timely at today's
> headlines.) This new 
> version of Sophie and all the ebooks is a free
> download from Richard 
> Gaskin's web site. If you already have a copy of
> Monks you can just 
> replace the old Sophie folder with the new one
> (being careful not to 
> toss any notebooks you may have created out.
> 2). I have included all my latest experiments in
> digital video and 
> photography -- all my efforts to take the ideals out
> of the library 
> and into the streets.
> These additions are all available on my web sites.
> ---
> For those of you who may not know what the hell this
> post has been 
> about, here is a brief timeline of "the longest
> running project in 
> the history of interactive media":
> The first library of fun and games and serious ideas
> that was called 
> If Monks had Macs was built with Apple Computer's
> HyperCard, 
> compressed onto two floppy disks and released as
> freeware in 1988. 
> That was before the creative success of the CD-ROM
> (which began the 
> following year with the Voyager Company's release of
> "Beethoven's 
> Ninth.") In 1995 when the Voyager Company published
> the first 
> commercial version of Monks I made the mistake of
> requesting that 
> they add this line to the back of the package:
> "Brian Thomas is currently working on If Monks had
> Windows."
> I failed to achieve this goal three times -- I
> failed in: Oracle 
> Media Objects, SuperCard, and mTropolis.
> Nonetheless, all that time I 
> was re-working the library's provocative text to
> make it beautifully 
> illustrated, quick and deep. Now I have succeeded in
> bringing If 
> Monks had Macs to Windows as well as to Mac OS X
> thanks to 
> "Revolution."
> For more info see my web site.
> -- 
> Brian
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list