Re: OT2: The 'realness' of languages

2008-12-25 Thread Jesse Sng

She began talking about how I might help with the design, but that 
of course when the design was finished a software firm would take 
over the development (presumably in some 'real' language like C).  I 
didn't bother to tell her I COULD write in C, Java, PERL, PHP and so 
on, because it would be extraordinarily painful to do so.

Has anyone else run into this issue?  Do you dodge the 'what is it 
written in' question?  How can we raise the profile of Revolution as 
a 'real' language?  (Never mind what religion it might resemble!)

What I do is I make it clear that if they want me to do something, 
then they are hiring me to produce something for them and the final 
program is merely the deliverable.

I do point that I am proficient in over half a dozen languages and 
operating systems but it is still my *time* that they end up paying 
for and my choice of development language and operating system has to 
do with my *productivity* which equates to time savings.

I then offer to quote to do it in some other language (or OS) if they 
like and usually that amount is about 2X what we were previously 
negotiating at. I also remind them at that point the maintenane costs 
would be higher and that it would require lots of billable training 
before I can hand the stuff over to one of their staff should they 
want to take over the entire project at some point.

Usually they'll back off. That happened about 18 months ago because 
some new IT 'expert' came into the company and wanted to move 
everything to a Windows only environment and it meant that 
fundamentally changing the way some things were done in that 
particular system and was going to pose to be a real hassle 
especially mid way into the whole project.

My rationale is simple, it takes me more time, the hassle factor is 
higher and in certain situations, my maintenance costs (which will be 
passed down to the client) is also much higher. So ultimately the 
price tag becomes the deterrent.

In the Hypercard days, we were able to show by way of full scale 
demos of actual working apps that our 'toy' language version worked 
better than the 'real' language stuff that some other competitors 
were doing.

Only once did a client (in 1990) actually ask for it to be faster and 
that was only after we had gone through lots of prototyping and had a 
finished app and in those days, we didn't have too many more 
optimizations left that we could do. At that point I fired up 
Prototyper to generate the code for the UI and rewrote the whole 
thing in Object Pascal in under 2 weeks and yes, it did work much 

I've always found such questions odd and especially since they are 
based more on perception than anything else. Afterall, there was a 
time when PERL, PHP and Java were not considered 'real' languages 
since the prevailing 'wisdom' at the time was that you can't do 
'real' work in an interpreted or bytecode based language and that 
real men only wrote in Assembly and that the really brave men coded 
directly in "1s" and "0s" (reminds me of a Dilbert episode).

It is possible that question is used as a way to determine (very 
superficially) who macho a developer you are based on the language 
that you use. Its like the old days when management promoted a 
programmer based on how many more lines of code he produced than the 
other guy.

Jesse Sng
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Re: Totally OT - I need some heads up (and a hug or two)

2008-10-17 Thread Jesse Sng

I'm sorry to hear that this happened to you. I've been there, many 
years back but what I lost was in the hands of the operating system, 
not in the hands of a thief.

I was 3 days away from submitting my project when I had been putting 
in lots of code changes in the past 2 days. A thought popped into my 
head that I should save the source so that I had a copy of the latest 
changes, which were the result of an extensive development session.

It was at that precise moment that the mini computer system (bad old 
days of multi user terminals) decided to choke on its virtual memory 
system and ALL my code was scrambled randomly just as it was being 
saved to the disk. WHAM! not only was my code messed up, so was my 
drive copy. My only back up was a print out that was 2 days old.

After throwing some chairs around in the terminal room (while in 
tears), I went back to my old source and rewrote everything with a 
vengeance, from memory and improved on it at the same time.

In retrospect, perhaps I should have done that more often in some of 
my projects - throw the code away and rewrite it again - this would 
have worked better.

I'm sure once you get over the emotional upheaval, you'll bounce 
right back and what you create this time around will be even better.

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Re: Image File Picker

2008-09-06 Thread Jesse Sng

Rev just calls the operating system to display its standard file 
dialog. If the OS doesn't support previews in that dialog, there 
isn't much you can do. That's why it works automatically in Leopard 
(where this feature was added) but not in Tiger. It works in Windows 
if the user sets the view to "thumbnail", but of course the 
developer has no control over that.

I suppose one could write an external to do it.

Ah, I've found out what's going on. Nobody caught it earlier but the 
solution was to use "answer file" and not "ask file".

I've had a habit of mixing up the two of them ever since 1989 when I 
was using Hypercard. The previews now show up correctly.

What added to the confusion was that in OS X the dialog windows were 
very similar, with only the previews disabled, but they would still 
show a file icon for preview, unlike Classic OS and I was very used 
to distinguishing the 2 diferent dialog windows by how they "look".

Jesse Sng
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Re: Image File Picker

2008-09-05 Thread Jesse Sng

on OS X 10.5 you get an image preview in the Rev import dialogs!
Tested with Rev 2.9 and 3.0.

Klaus Major

Going back to my original question - none of this works when you use 
the "ask file command to get the user to specify a file.

Does anybody have a stack or a solution where you can ask the user to 
specify a file and then be able to preview all the OS X graphics 
files that can be previewed from inside the file dialog window?

I'm not asking about importing files in the development environment 
but providing such an interface to the end user in my own app.


Jesse Sng
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Image File Picker

2008-09-05 Thread Jesse Sng


I'm wondering if anybody has already rolled out an image file picker 
that allows for image previews when asking a user to select an image?

Maybe I'm missing something here because as far as I know, this is 
currently not possible using the "ask file" command and you let the 
user select a graphics file. So I'm assuming that there would be a 
need to implement something of our own.

Does someone already have a sample stack that does that?


Jesse Sng
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Re: NEWS FLASH -iPhone SDK event -- iTunes APP store

2008-03-07 Thread Jesse Sng

The iPhone version of XCODE is designed for the iPhone (XCODE Touch) 
- input and the other

features of the iPhone require it. Also, there is a technical requirement that
you use an Intel Mac with Leopard.

Looks like a major (maybe impossible) job for Rev to be involved in this.


Actually modified xcode code generation for the iPhone has been 
around for many months, but unsupported by Apple because this was 
done by the developer community. That's how a number of iPhone apps 
were developed, though without the benefit of being able to use a 
debugger or the simulator.

That meant that prior to the release of this SDK, standard code (with 
some limitations of course - no multiple windows etc) was already 
being used to make apps for the iPhone. Apple's SDK just takes all 
this much further.

All the input stuff is in the OS code or frameworks that's built in 
so you get to inherit lots of stuff automatically as long as you are 
using Cocoa. There's some new capabilities that are available, but 
for now, being able to create the kind of apps that we are able to do 
today (ok, 1 window apps) would already be nice.

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Re: NEWS FLASH -iPhone SDK event -- iTunes APP store

2008-03-07 Thread Jesse Sng

And check this out - the iTunes App store?? AWESOME FOR DEVELOPERS

Native iPhone apps will be distributed through the iTunes App 
Store, with wireless downloads. Developers pick the price, and get 
70% of revenue. The 70% will be paid out to developers monthly, and 
there are no other recurring fees. The iTunes App Store will handle 
over the air updates to your applications. Developers of free 
applications will not be charged for Apple to deliver their 
applications through iTunes.

Awesome stuff. Now the development is all done using Xcode and Cocoa. 
I'm wondering if it would be possible to port the Revolution engine 

What the App Store needs is the kind of explosion of applications 
that we enjoyed when Hypercard first came on the scene and Steve Jobs 
said that they would be hosting FREE applications, not just software 
for retail.

Jesse Sng
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Re: Question about Revolution ofer

2008-01-10 Thread Jesse Sng

Thanks for the replies. The offer is truly wonderful and I hope it 
has been good for the participating software publishers also.

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Question about Revolution ofer

2008-01-10 Thread Jesse Sng


I just paid up for the following offer as a renewal to my existing license:

The thing I can't figure out is where do I go to download all the 
other stuff that's bundled with the package.

So far, I got an email that tells me about my GLX2 license and how to 
download Revolution. Did I misread the offer or misunderstand 

Jesse Sng
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Re: All this talk about DataBases

2007-05-29 Thread Jesse Sng

One huge advantage of using an external databsase like SQLite is the
ability to store data outside of RAM. HyperCard used to use a non-RAM
based design, but Rev stores everything in RAM. So, if you have an
address book which has 100,000 records in a single stack, then all the
records would need to be stored in RAM simultaneously, creating
performance problems.

Plus, there are a number of huge advantages of using real databases.
Concurrent users, real transaction management, stored procs, etc..

What I can't understand is the given the huge difference in hw 
performance since the days of HC, we should at least expect to have 
something that performs reasonably well and on par with whatever we 
had back then.

But we've gone through all the reasons and I understand, not posting 
this to gripe.

Jesse Sng
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Re: Standalone building Look and Feel

2007-01-31 Thread Jesse Sng

The problem is that in the current version of Rev, the standalone
builder does not always copy the display plugin bundles to your new
app, so they look like they are running under OS 9. You have to find
the Plugins inside the Rev app package and copy them to the empty
Plugins folder in your app.

This is definitely NOT good. I managed to move the plugins into my 
standalone by viewing the package and then copying those files but 
it's going to be a nuisance to keep doing that unless I create a 
simple app that launches all the other external stacks. Might have to 
do that for now.

Jesse Sng
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Standalone building Look and Feel

2007-01-30 Thread Jesse Sng


After quite some time, I've decided to try to release a standalone 
for testing and I've found some problems with the Look and Feel.

I'm using 2.7.4 and I have global floating windows under OS X and was 
trying to build a Universal Binary. For some reason, while everything 
looked fine in the development environment, whenever I attempted to 
build the stack as a standalone, it showed up with an EMULATED MacOS 
Platinum look instead.

It works fine under StackRunner if I drag and drop the stack on it. 
Am I missing an update or is there something that I missed out? I 
have the Default Appearance but it seems to explicitly default to 

Apologies if this was something already covered, I did try to do a 
search but only found stuff about appearance on Linux.

Jesse Sng
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Re: OMG!!!! Steve Jobs is launching the iPhone and it runs MacOS X.

2007-01-09 Thread Jesse Sng

I've got my fingers crossed but if Apple opens up the iPhone to apps 
other than widgets I will be in heaven.  Especially if we can get 
access to the GPS data to determine where folks are.

Trevor DeVore

My guess is that there will have to be a special developer track at 
the WWDC to cover iPhone applications.

Also the keyboardless capability is interesting in that Apple is 
probably using the iPhone to open up a whole new category of devices 
including larger handheld computers that do not have keyboards but 
have larger screens.

Either way, developing in Rev is the way to go as opposed to using XCode.

Oh yes, I did find out on an article that the iPhone runs on an 
unknown Intel processor. So that means that we can probably already 
generate applications for it.

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Re: OMG!!!! Steve Jobs is launching the iPhone and it runs MacOS X.

2007-01-09 Thread Jesse Sng

Apple already has a dev tool in beta (Dashcode) for Widgets so 
someone should check that out before they ventured into creating 
their own.  You can get access to it with a free ADC developer 

Trevor DeVore

The bigger implication here is that the iPhone runs on a version of 
OS X. That means that there's the possibility of us creating Apps for 
the iPhone via Revolution. You don't even need Widgets.

Phone apps are one category, but there's also the internet enabled 
iPhone apps which is where Rev apps on the Mac desktop excelled in 
previously. Couple that with database iPhone apps which are connected 
over the internet via either Wi-Fi or EDGE and things get exciting - 
think of even corporate apps or apps that previously required a PDA 
with wireless comms that can now be replaced by Rev apps running on 
the iPhone using a finger gesture user interface.

Also it would seem from the way Safari is running on the iPhone that 
there is some resolution independence.

While we don't know what processor the iPhone is running on, it's 
probably not an Intel chip, so that means a different binary for the 

It would be nice to ultimately have a way to build Rev apps on this 
device. It would sure be much easier compared to developing apps for 
the Palm.

Jesse Sng
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Automatic tagging of text

2007-01-04 Thread Jesse Sng


I'm trying to automate something very repetitive here and I'm 
wondering if anyone has an example stack that does automatic 
generation of html anchor tags for email addresses and URLs?

I would assume that this would include ensuring that the resulting 
email address and URIs are properly formed and that checking is done 
in case some tags are already there - properly dealing with cases 
like: vs and then taking the 
appropriate action to href="";>

Has anyone done this yet? We have a situation where we get long text 
articles and this automatic capability will help tremendously in 
helping us eliminate the amount of work by hand.

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Re: Multi-standalone communication

2006-12-09 Thread Jesse Sng

I agree, AppleEvents are easier and faster than AppleScript.
However, in my particular case, it was UDP I used.
-1- I need both Win and Mac
-2- the Rev 'do script' was broken until 2.7  When I was using 2.6   I could
not be sure when this would be fixed and could not wait
-3- the data service uses UDP to broadcast, not AppleEvents
-4- low traffic rate for UDP is about 150 packets per second so that I do
not have to worry about "not being able to receive fast enough", thus lost
data is due to problems in my code

AppleEvents is managed by the OS and since it gets queued for you, 
you never have to worry about not being able to receive fast enough. 
Once your app is receive to process the next AE, it's there sitting 
in the queue.

One advantage over the data file approach is that you don't have to 
poll the file system regularly to see if there's something for you or 
not. Granted it eventually gets cached, but you still need to hit the 
file system (in memory) all the time.

With AE, you are now event driven and only need to respond when you 
receive such an event. Otherwise, your app is just sitting pretty.

It would be cool if you could make some useful example stacks that would
show 3 apps using AppleEvents.  I know Ken Ray has some good tips on his web
site, which I have happily used.

How would you use AppleEvents in your work flow?

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

In the past, I had 2 apps running on the system. This was an 
interactive kiosk app plus a controller app. The controller app was 
written in C++ and basically did most of the AE handling and the 
kiosk app had some rudimentary AE capabilities.

I had a 3rd app (sysadmin's app) running from across the network that 
would send AppleEvents to the remote machine's controller app. This 
app could then shut down the kiosk app, while it puts up a full 
screen that simply had a message saying that the system was currently 
"under maintenance". It had the ability to then automatically 
download the latest version of the kiosk app (signalled by the 
sysadmin), update its local copy of the database and even reboot the 
machine if need be. The controller app also did other things like 
managed log files and it receives log data from the kiosk app to 
track what users did on the system. I can't remember how the log 
files were transmitted, but I think it was through AppleEvents across 
the network to the sysadmin's app (it's been at least 8 years or 

Once done, it would launch the kiosk app again. The kiosk app only 
needs to understand the "quit" AE, which is standard on the Mac and 
is sent everytime an app on OS X is required to quit itself.

So basically the sysadmin's app did most of the sending, the 
controller app simply received AEs and responded and the kiosk app 
mostly did what it was designed to do and in addition, responded to 
the Quit AE and sent log data via AE to the controller app.

Given the bandwidth limitations that I had back then (19.2kbps leased 
line modem connection bridging to a fibre network), it didn't make 
sense to use something like Timbuktu and I found this approach far 
more reliable.

All this worked very nicely considering that we were running on OS 
8.x without the kind of multitasking kernel that we have on OS X.

My original inspiration for all this was the concept of remote 
debuggers where data was exchanged between the app being debugged and 
the debugger. I had hacked up a remote debugger for one of my server 
apps so that I could monitor the status via AE and grab information 
and this eventually morphed into the controller app that I used for 
networked kiosk management.


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Re: Multi-standalone communication

2006-12-09 Thread Jesse Sng

Hi Jim,

In my case, Applescript would be far too slow, since my messaging can be as
many as 6-10 packets per second between the data service provider, 4 Rev
apps local, and 6 Rev apps remote (and  3 of the remote apps are running on
Two of the apps are running on the other side of the Atlantic on a Mac Mini

I wasn't talking about AppleScript, but AppleEvents. These are far 
simpler and much faster to send/receive and decode than AS.

6 to 10 per second is probably not a problem for AppleEvents given 
that back in the 90s, AppleEvents were used to process CGIs on 
webservers running on Mac OS 8 and 9. AE wasn't quite a fast back 
then and it has improved quite a bit on OS X.

Basically, it would be used as a simple messaging mechanism that 
could incorporate the packaging of parameterized data. The OS would 
automatically queue the messages so that you can process it in 

The key advantage is that is is simpler to manage than packet 
sending/receiving while still retaining much of the speed advantage.

Do a search on the online document for AppleEvent and also Send. 
There's a built in handler for receiving AppleEvents and also a way 
to extract data from an AE object. You can use the send command as 
follows (quoting the online doc):

send "get field 3" to program "Corporate Zone:Other Mac:Revolution"
send thisMessage to application "FileMaker" without reply
send field ID 9 to program someProgram with "GURLGURL"

If you notice the 1st example, it actually sends it across the 
network to a specific app on a specific machine.

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Re: Multi-standalone communication

2006-12-08 Thread Jesse Sng


I've only been skimming through this discussion, but IF you are only 
running on the Mac, you might want to try using AppleEvents to 
communicate between the 2 apps in a peer to peer manner.

You can design specific AE messages to mean certain things and then 
have the receiving app take appropriate action. You are able also to 
pass parameters and it need be, even have these 2 apps work across 
the network on different machines.

I haven't had a chance to attempt all this on OS X, but since 
AppleEvents have been migrated over, it should pretty much just work 
with some minor modifications.

Years back, I was able to even have this work across a LAN bridge 
that used a modem so that I could remotely control apps that were on 
a large fibre network, all from the comfort of home.

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Re: [OT] - REALBasic Claims 100K Users

2006-10-04 Thread Jesse Sng

They are probably counting users of old versions also. I'm still on 
their mailing list and my old license going back to 2000 is still 
valid for upgrading so I think that makes me a Realbasic developer in 
their eyes.

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Progresss while executing AppleScript

2006-09-26 Thread Jesse Sng


I'm experimenting using Sean Shao's NSProgress widget and I'm using 
it to trigger the progress "flower" just before I execute an 

The thing that I've discovered is that the Applescript execution 
seems to block everything else and that means that even though 
NSProgress widget attempts to send messages to itself regularly, as 
long as the AS is not completed, the progress flower stops spinning.

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a workaround for this - whether it 
would be possible to use a send command to trigger the execution of 
the AS instead so that we are able to have the main user interface 
continue to operate while the AS operates in the background.

Right now, the Applescript runs from within a handler. I know that 
one possibility would be to launch a precompiled Applescript from the 
app itself so that both can continue running, but I do forsee that 
this may not be possible in some cases as I would like to have a 
result returned via AS to my app.

I know we don't have threaded execution right now, but is there a way 
to "simulate" that when executing an Applescript from within Rev?

Jesse Sng
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Re: Progresss while executing AppleScript

2006-09-26 Thread Jesse Sng

Not that I've been able to find. Even the syntax:

send "theHandlerName" to this stack in 1 millisecond

doesn't stop the AppleScript blocking the whole app.

The only workaround I can think of is to have a second "helper app" 
with no GUI which you use to handle all the AS functions in the 
background, but this gets a bit over-complex.


The problem with this is that I have to use a more complex approach 
to figure out WHEN the Applescript has finished execution.

It is easier if my app blocked during the execution, but I bring up a 
GUI app that shows the passage of time (but not progress) while the 
Applescript is executing. Once the Applescript is done, I can make 
that other app to quit via AppleEvents.

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Re: [OT] Attain Corp's IN Control - Anyone know where to get an old copy?

2006-09-20 Thread Jesse Sng

It's a long story, but I'm looking to find a copy of IN Control, Attain
Corp's outliner/to do app. I know they went out of business about 10 years
ago, and I've scoured the web looking for a copy - if you happen to have one
or know someone who has one (any version), please let me know offlist.

Oh, BTW, I am looking *specifically* for this software, and not for an


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

I got InControl 4.0. I used to use it for project management and 
outlining, but still prefer using MORE.

Jesse Sng
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Re: [ANN] --- xtalk not a real language

2006-07-20 Thread Jesse Sng
If you poke about on the krugle site it is stated that it is devoted 
to Open Source languages.

and, Here, We, Go, Again . . .

So xTalk is not a real language, but it can be used to build real 
applications. Hmmm.

Jesse Sng
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Re: Is WMV possible in Rev

2006-05-01 Thread Jesse Sng


Have you tried Flip4Mac? Having to install additional software is 
not very attractive for software that is distributed, but if 
re-encoding is not an option, Flip4Mac might be the solution.



Flip4Mac works as a Mac solution. But what if you want to embed WMV 
inside a stack running on Windows? Is there a way to do that?

The problem is simply that my source material (not within my control) 
is in WMV. Else I would have had everything running on mp4 or AVC 
with Quicktime on both OS X and Windows.

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Re: Is WMV possible in Rev

2006-04-30 Thread Jesse Sng

Hi RJ,

I have Flip4Mac installed and can play WMV files in Revolution, 
running on a Mac with Mac OS X. The best option for cross-platform 
compatibility probably is avi or mpg. These formats can still use a 
variety of encodings and you will want to make sure that the 
encoding is available for all platforms.

But assuming that you already have a library of stuff in WMV files, 
how do we implement playback of WMV from within a Rev stack that will 
work for BOTH OS X and Windows? Is there a way where this can be 
done? This is assuming that there's a bunch of WMV files and it is 
not possible nor desirable to transcode them to some other format 
(losing quality in the process).

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RE: Rev on Universal Binary

2006-01-15 Thread Jesse Sng

Thank you for taking the time to explain it.  It's the
fist I've heard of Rosetta.


It's supposed to run really fast on the new Macs and that's the only 
reason why Apple can release their Intel Macs so soon without fear of 
incompatible software or the lack of upgrades.

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RE: Rev on Universal Binary

2006-01-15 Thread Jesse Sng


 Ok. Thanks Kevin, I look forward to hearing more news about this,
 especially also information on how Rev is currently doing on Rosetta
 for those who might have to work with that during the interim.

What is Rosetta?


Rosetta is the PowerPC emulator that runs on the Intel Macs. It 
allows existing PowerPC code to be executed on the new intel macs 
transparently. That includes the current version of Revolution which 
I assume is able to run flawlessly already.

The question of course is whether the plug-ins will run smoothly 
including things like video capture and so forth. Again I'm guessing 
but it's probably quite transparent.

The issue is whether there is a significant performance hit or not.

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Re: Rev on Universal Binary

2006-01-15 Thread Jesse Sng

We'll publish more information on this when we start the test cycle for a
universal version.

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools

Ok. Thanks Kevin, I look forward to hearing more news about this, 
especially also information on how Rev is currently doing on Rosetta 
for those who might have to work with that during the interim.

Jesse Sng
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Rev on Universal Binary

2006-01-10 Thread Jesse Sng


Now that Apple has shipped some machines that are running on Intel 
processors, I'm wondering if there are announcements on the part of 
RunRev as to when there might be Universal Binary editions of 

What are the implications with respect to plug ins? Potentially it 
could mean that an Intel based Rev calling a PowerPC plugin. Has 
anyone done some evaluation of those things?

Jesse Sng
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RE: mTropolis Refugees

2005-11-17 Thread Jesse Sng

I used mTropolis 2.0 for an interactive CD/ROM that was used to promote
Singapore. We had QTVR's of Raffles hotel and other famous landmarks,
quicktime video, stills, maps and most innovatively at that time live links
to the updatable information on the web for hotel bookings and theme park
availability etc. Oh, those were the days.

What a fantastic product it was, and I still say "Damn Adobe and Quark" for
killing it between them...


John T

Hi John,

Interesting. I'm also in Singapore and we were looking at using the 
brand new (then) mTropolis 2.0. Anyway we got burnt by that and it 
took me many years before I got rid of the mTropolis box that was 
sitting on my shelf.

Jesse Sng
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Browser Fields

2005-10-12 Thread Jesse Sng


Has anyone attempted to implement the kind of browser set of fields 
that you see in iTunes and in the OS X Finder? I need to design 
something like that for a particular application that will allow the 
user to browser a hierarchical set of data that is partitioned into 
categories and subcategories.

Currently, that's set up as a series of hierarchical folders and 
subfolders on the file server and I want to provide an easy way for 
them to browse and then use the data files.

Jesse Sng
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Early Update Pack

2005-10-05 Thread Jesse Sng


I'm curious about what's the advantage of the Early Update Pack for 
Rev Studio. As a developer who's delivering a project, is it 
advantageous to sign up for it?

I guess what I'm trying to figure out is whether the Early Update 
allows me to tap in early into bug fixes or is this more to tap into 
early releases of new features? When bringing a new system online, I 
would rather take more bug fixes and less new features so I'm not 
sure if this is for me or not.

Perhaps someone who's on the programme might want to comment on this. Thanks.

Jesse Sng
use-revolution mailing list
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re: RunRev & PDAs

2005-09-12 Thread Jesse Sng

One application I urge people to try is CASL

Wow, I haven't seen anything about CASL for a number of years and 
it's definitely progressed quite a bit. The ability to target the app 
to Windows, Palm and PocketPC is impressive.

I would much rather work in xTalk though.

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2005-08-22 Thread Jesse Sng

Unfortunately I don't know where to find such things.  I spend a 
fair part of my life sucessfully avoiding database work, and would 
hate to break that record now. :)

Hopefully someone here who's worked with ODBC will be able to help out

Man after my own heart

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Re: Revolution vs other solutions

2005-06-20 Thread Jesse Sng

I am familiar with much of what you describe as being part of the 
solution set you have to craft and I don't know of a single obstacle 
in Revolution that would not make it not only a viable choice but 
clearly the best choice given all you've said about your background 
and experience.

Designed properly, my guess is there's a significant market for the 
finished product beyond your main client.

I'd go for it.

I was planning to go for it anyway, but just wanted to be sure that 
there are no stones left unturned. My choice was an intuitive one, 
but given that there were folks on this list who are developing on 
more than one environment, I thought I might ask and see if someone 
could give me an objective answer.

I'm up against pretty tough competition - the Old system. That one 
was left unmaintained for the better part of 12 yrs or longer and 
it's still running fine today. IF the machine or the system goes down 
today, they are pretty much out of business and so it's got to be 
pretty robust.

The question of course is whether I'm going to be able to achieve 
that with Revolution/AppleScript/InDesign as opposed to Think 

I'm pretty much fighting against my past.

I'm also being careful here because I had to backtrack once in the 
early stage of a major project after things pretty much were working 
even in a prototype demo running on SC and I had to rewrite 
everything using Macromedia Director just so that I could have finer 
control over display elements on the screen. That was an exercise in 
frustration because every month that went by was a constant nagging 
reminder that I could have wrapped up the whole system months ago, 
cashed in the billables and gone on vacation!

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Revolution vs other solutions

2005-06-19 Thread Jesse Sng


I'm writing this to all those who had made their own evaluations to 
switch to Revolution for comment.

I've been monitoring this list and reading the discussions for some 
time while doing some small evaluations of Revolution from time to 
time as I was anticipating a rather large project that would kick off 
in the near future.

Well after quite a bit of time, it looks like things are definitely 
going to kick off real soon.

The project involves the automation of page layout from a set of text 
data, integrating that with the workflow of a graphics dept in a 
publishing company to build a final document within Adobe InDesign.

This will involve tracking of graphics files (photoshop, tiff, PDF), 
XML, text parsing, AppleScript integration with InDesign and also 
building a publication database out of the exported text data that 
will come to us. That will mean that I will also need some sort of 
robust but lightweight database solution that's integrated with 
Revolution and can support multiple users.

This project is an entire REWRITE of a 15 yr old system that I had 
delivered to them in 1990. The system was built around QuarkXpress 
and I had written a plug in to do all that using Quark's ver 2.x 
APIs. It's interesting that because of the CEO's insistence that they 
do not upgrade to Quark 3.0 and they milk every bit of the system for 
what it was worth, that we have this desperate situation today that 
they must go for a full rewrite as the system can no longer be 

It has been running since then and my last bug fix was somewhere in 
1992 and they are still running on the old Quark 2.1x application. 
They could not go past System 8.0 without breaking QuarkXpress and 
that meant that they could not go with a machine more recent than a 
Mac blue & white G3. Nothing can move forward now without breaking 
one of the key components and it's so long ago that none of the 
source code exists as my original company has ceased to exist some 
years ago.

The fact is that I've been making most of my assumptions that I will 
be building this using Revolution, integrating with InDesign and 
Finder via AppleScript. I might also work with them on integrating 
Photoshop and Illustrator/Freehand so that everything works very 

At this point in time, I guess what I'm looking for is to find out if 
there's any good reason for me NOT to use Revolution. I've worked 
with Hypercard/Supercard since the late 80s and am at home with 
xTalk, but used to write lots of plug ins for HC/SC and also Quark 
though I much prefer not to.

Key considerations here are 1. commitment to move Rev from PowerPC to 
Intel and I will probably be eligible for MacTel seeding so this is 
something I want to test. 2. Stability - it's nice not to have the 
system break because of my own code but I and the users would be very 
helpless if the underlying engine breaks for reasons beyond our 
control.3. the existence of a pool of "smart friends", something that 
I'm already certain exist on this mailing list.

I would probably need to look at some form of XML manipulation 
library that is not memory based and is also fast.

I have considered using Supercard 4.5 and also RealBasic - both of 
which I'm extremely familiar with but I have doubts at this point in 
time as to whether SC can give me everything I need plus it's 
checkered history makes me wary. RealBasic can do the job, but 
somehow I won't have as much time to work on this as I used to, plus 
I don't think I'm going to enjoy the development experience quite as 
much as I've built working apps with it before.

So I guess this is a rather strange request - does anyone have a good 
reason why I should not use Rev at all? :-)

I'm being pulled out of retirement from software development to do 
this thing and right now, I'm starting from scratch including having 
to incorporate a company just to do this thing. The users have 
searched for the last 5 or 6 years to find someone who can replace 
the system and it keeps coming back to me even though I tried to turn 
them down some years ago.

Jesse Sng
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: two questions (was Re: Uh-oh.... Anybody following WWDC?)

2005-06-07 Thread Jesse Sng

We will be providing complete support for this transition.

Kind regards,


Thanks. One thing is for sure, Rev will be the best way to go when it 
comes to bulletproofing your code against any processor architecture 

One more reason to spend more time developing in Rev instead of using XCode.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Uh-oh.... Anybody following WWDC?

2005-06-06 Thread Jesse Sng

I don't think you are understanding what Rosetta is.  It reads the 
binary of one machine and "Compiles it on the fly into the binary of 
a new machine".  The result is the the new machine is not 
interpreting the other machines instruction set, but conceptually 
recompiling at the binary level and executing at machine code speed.
This method introduces very little overhead.  You should see 80-90% 
of native speed.  I can live with that.  A good virtual machine 
might give you 10% of native speed.  That is why I keep telling you 
that this is revolutionary and will change the nature of cross 
platform development.  But for now Apple seems content to just use 
it to make their transition seamless for the users and developers.

This is the same as the dynamic compiling 68K emulator that Apple 
switched to on all their PowerPC Macs. It is still there after more 
than 10 years and is running fine as I have apps dating back to 1990 
that work under Classic.

But that's the whole point - it is totally transparent and seamless.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Podcasting

2005-05-03 Thread Jesse Sng
Check out the 'record sound' command in the documentation.
Also, you may want to check out Trevor's Quicktime externals at:
as they may be of help in recording audio, too.
Thanks. I was wondering actually if someone had been doing the work 
of generating the RSS 2.0 code with enclosures?

use-revolution mailing list


2005-05-02 Thread Jesse Sng
Has anyone tried writing tools in Rev to support Podcasting? I'm 
interested in using Rev to automate many of the production related 
tasks in Podcasting and even automating uploads.

Jesse Sng
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Adobe kills Director

2005-04-22 Thread Jesse Sng
You know, Jesse, I COMPLETELY get it now.
xTalk is the main reason why I decided to check out (and then buy a
copy of) RR a couple of months ago.  I'm completely hooked on the
language, which is stupid and crazy, since I've worked in
30+languages, most of them BEFORE xTalk, and I had more-or-less given
up on xTalk for the last 10 years.
I've been in the same situation. I could do the other stuff better 
than most people but there was something about XTalk that was 

I compared it to writing novels vs writing poetry. XTalk development 
was like poetry, you do it in small chunks, in small, elegant bits 
and instead marching down the timeline of a project, you could sprint 
in short spurts and then get to enjoy the scenery at the same time.

It isn't rational to like xTalk more than BASIC.  OK, no, that's so
not true.  I'm shutting up now.  I actually was pondering writing an
xTalk interpreter/cross-compiler earlier this year until I discovered
RR.  With the innovations that SC brought after I gave up on it that
were then incorporated into RR I'm glad I didn't.  Of course, RR has
quirks in it that are extremely annoying, but with some suggestions
from Richard, I'm hopeful that I can ultimately overcome them.
Folks used poo-poo the stuff I did in SC, saying that they could 
better with all their advanced tools and superior brains, but nothing 
ever came out of those projects, while I moved it from black and 
white Hypercard to Hypercard with 24 bit colour using my own 
externals, to SC.

While lots of things took very little code in SC, you can build very 
sophisticated things with much code. Getting to enjoy Rev a bit more 
and it helps when you try it out, do some stuff, back off, think a 
bit before going back to it some more.

Getting into Rev isn't quite the same as SC or HC, but it isn't 
difficult either.

Ultimately, I think it's because the development model better suits 
the playfulness in my mind when I'm initiating a new project. It 
invites the playfulness and the experimentation, very much like 
messing around with your kids' Lego bricks.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Adobe kills Director

2005-04-22 Thread Jesse Sng
I'm with you, Richrad.  Who cares?  Director is old and redundant.  It
hasn't been innovative in quite a while.
True, but it's about the only way that one can write in a badly 
mutated Xtalk language and then target for a web browser.

If I had Revolution about 10 years ago, I wouldn't have had to jump 
through all sorts of hoops using Director simply because Supercard 
couldn't give me more control over the display of graphics, images 
and text.

What took a week to do in Supercard, took much longer in Director but 
we need more control over what was being presented.

use-revolution mailing list

Using OS X Services

2005-04-09 Thread Jesse Sng
One of the things I'm trying to figure out is whether it is possible 
for a Rev application to call on OS X services?

Is is just a simple matter of using the domenu command or do I need 
to use some external to accomplish this?

Also, if the service is a text service, do I need to actually have a 
field with a selection so that it would work?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Analyzing competitors - In this case Real Software

2005-03-22 Thread Jesse Sng
Back in the 80's and 90's, when I was a strong advocate of OOP in 
general and Smalltalk in particular, I continually ran into the 
obstacle I came to think of as the IASFBSIDHTTT syndrome: I Am So 
Far Behind Schedule I Don't Have Time To Think. Whether dealing with 
in-house or out-house (never did like that "in-house" thing!) 
developers, the problem was the same: even if you could prove 
absolutely that this new language was more powerful and effective 
than my current tool set, I don't have time to evaluate it, learn 
it, and rebuild all my libraries and tools in it.

I always found that strange because when I was running my own firm, 
you cannot NOT afford to check out something that's going to 
revolutionize what you've been doing thus far - even if it means 
obsoleting everything you've already done.

Not having the time to learn or relearn - is a CHOICE.
I've always hated writing lots of code, so I spent my energy writing 
code to eliminate the need to write more of the same code in the 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Analyzing competitors - In this case Real Software

2005-03-22 Thread Jesse Sng
I have my own theories about the best audiences for RR to pursue, 
and I won't burden the list with them because I don't get to vote 
anyway, but those abandoning VB isn't on my list.

Those abadoning VB want to go to something that allows them to get 
their apps up and running with very little code changes. They have an 
existing investment in their codebase and need to move it.

The differences between VB and Rev are so fundamental that it would 
require learning a totally new paradigm and this is not something 
that many in-house corporate developers would bother. Many of them 
also would stumble over their misconceptions about dealing with a 
scripting language as opposed to a compiled language like VB and all 
the usual debates over code performance will be thrown about.

RB, which after all uses the same basic (pun intended) language and 
development paradigm as VB, is in a much better position to capture 
those refugees than RR is.
This is true for developers who don't mind picking up a new 
development environment, but many aren't going to want to do that. If 
they were building a new app, that's a possibility, but the fear 
would be that the cost of rewrites is prohibitive when coupled with 
the cost/time of learning RR.

Those who have had experienced with similar environments to RR have 
no problems with this and it probably only needs a few minutes 
reorientation to get off the ground. Not so for your VB developer.

For a professional developer (as opposed to in-house), picking up a 
new environment that's going to save you a tremendous amount of time 
is not a problem and is definitely a plus.

use-revolution mailing list

Using Rev as a screensaver

2005-03-09 Thread Jesse Sng
I know there are some isues pertaining to Revolution not being able 
to generate a Cocoa code bundle that can then be deployed as a screen 

I'm wondering if someone knows of an existing screensaver module that 
will Launch a user defined application? That way, I can have my own 
Revolution based screen saver launched for playback.

I'm using this to create an app that will launch a Rev app that will 
playback a user definable list of QT movies. This list can be 
configured, edited and in later versions, I intend to have them check 
periodically with a main server to pull down new updates and new 
playlists automatically.

My idea is so that we can have marketing messages played back on the 
screensavers of idling computers at a retail store and I can have 
centrally administered control for all of these.

So I figured that all I will need is a simple player that can be 
launched and it will have a palette window that will put itself on 
the topmost layer among all the windows. It is possible to do this in 
RealBasic but from my preliminary analysis, the player is easy in 
RealBasic but it will take more time to deal with all the other 
functions including auto-download/cache across the network etc.

Jesse Sng
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How do you guys make sure you get paid?

2005-02-18 Thread Jesse Sng

Get paid/deliver in phases, timeout the last delivered version, perhaps with
an unlock code, until final payment is received (and cleared).
Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
I'm no longer doing any of this stuff for a living, but this is what 
we used to do:

1. Go for 50% downpayment or as high a downpayment as possible
2. We usually compute our downpayment quantum to be high enough to 
cover our COSTS of doing the whole job
3. this ensures that in our worst case, we've already recovered our 
cost of doing this job even if everything falls apart after that.

This is necessary in our case because the standard practice where I 
live is that even big businesses have a nasty habit of working with 
smaller firms on the basis of 90 days or even 6 months credit ("so 
sue me"). This can create a massive problem with your cashflow if you 
allow it.

So if I ensure that I cover myself in the downpayment or initial 
payments, then I can stay cool while the client starts to waste 
valuable time and this also gives me room to move in cases where 
things get stalled for reasons outside of our control.

Once you start sweating about the payments being delayed, if you have 
a lousy client, they know they control you and you're in trouble. On 
the other hand, if they know that you can afford to walk away from 
the project without hurting, they're the ones with the problem and 
they need to work on 'motivating' you.

Contracts may not mean very much, neither do court judgements. We won 
a summary judgement before and the client was told to pay up and what 
they did was to ship out every piece of furniture and equipment they 
had and the owner left town and went to another country. We never 
recovered the money and 2 years later, he showed up in their local 
media as an entrepreneurship "hero" there.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Convert Rev app to run inside browser

2005-01-04 Thread Jesse Sng
Get a browser script to call some Rev CGIs and the cgis can also talk 
to some other rev app that is running in the background that can do 
all the monitoring, gathering of stats etc and this can all run on 
the server machine.

My feel is that it is probably less secure than if it were to be 
entirely a desktop app. But then again, some people have very strange 
notions about what a browser can do.

Given that this is an internal application, I would feel safer that 
this is not available off a commonly available web browser.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: RunRev vs RealBasic

2005-01-04 Thread Jesse Sng

Yes, I could use externals or you could argue that rev
is UI/multimedia-centric and not intended for serious
scientific computing, but does that have to mean that
it could never be?
Why not just use Revolution for all the things that it is good for 
and then pass the rest of the nasty stuff over to another app?

On the Mac, you can AppleEvents to send the data (or even via a file) 
to another app that is faceless and this will work for both OS X and 
OS 9. If you want cross platform, then implement something using 
sockets to communicate XML data back and forth.

That way, you can have a natively compiled app that can multitask and 
do all the heavy hitting, without having to compromise on the time 
taken to develop a good user interface and operating environment.

The interesting thing will be if you have faceless BSD command-line 
type apps, you can fork multiple instances of that process and return 
the results, while you still have a front end that is free for the 
user to do other things.

I've done that kind of stuff before using Supercard and a C++ app 
running in the background and I didn't have to tie the front end to 
waiting for something to be completed before I allowed the user to do 
something else. I would think that this is a good way to go as 
Revolution doesn't support multiple threads of execution at this 
point in time.

The whole front end can be event driven in that once the faceless app 
finishes, it could send an AppleEvent back and this triggers the 
front end to do some appropriate handling and transformation of the 
results into something that it can use for display purposes.

That being the case, you could in theory have 1 front end app and 
have the these background apps run on multiple machines on the 
network and this would be very nice for scientific apps that may need 
quite a bit of computing.

I had a front end control a whole network of kiosk macs using 
AppleEvents before and everything was done via one single machine 
using a stack based interface. I even went so far as to Timbuktu 
remotely via a dialup connection into that administration machine to 
control the entire network remotely without having to travel 30 miles 
to get to that location.

I would suggest opening your mind up to the possibility of using Rev 
on the front end and using RealBasic, Objective C or whatever you 
wish on the backend and have a client-server type configuration. All 
this can be easily done using Revolution and RealBasic in concert.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Widgets in Tiger Dashboard

2004-12-12 Thread Jesse Sng
Jesse Sng wrote:
Has anyone figured out whether it would be possible for Revolution 
to be used in creating Dashboard Widgets for Apple's upcoming Tiger 
operating system release?
If memory serves, I believe those are spec'd as JavaScript only.
It is designed to work with also code bundles. The test environment 
is apparently Safari, where the stuff is invoked via some Javascript. 
But you can also have html code to specify a bundle to be loaded 

They are already talking about being able to load Shockwave 
(basically anything that can be loaded into Safari) as a widget also.

use-revolution mailing list

Widgets in Tiger Dashboard

2004-12-12 Thread Jesse Sng
Has anyone figured out whether it would be possible for Revolution to 
be used in creating Dashboard Widgets for Apple's upcoming Tiger 
operating system release?

There's a new paper that's released on how to write widgets and I'm 
wondering if someone's been thinking about it?

Jesse Sng
use-revolution mailing list

Cross platform search database

2004-12-04 Thread Jesse Sng
I would like to build a cross platform app that would be shipped on a 
CD-ROM that contains a whole collection of html files.

Previously, we had to depend on a Java applet, but that had all sorts 
of problems with XP and also OS X and works on certain browsers only. 
I would like to abandon that and use Revolution as the engine if 

My question is this: What would be the best approach to building this?
I did have some preliminary code to recursively decend down a series 
of folders and then the general idea would be to load up the text 
into cards and allow text searching on those cards?

My understanding from some of the previous discussions is that the 
entire stack is loaded into memory and that would mean that the more 
content there is, the more memory would be required for that.

Are there any other approaches to this? Can a stack keep most of its 
data on the hard disk and still be searchable for its text?

I don't have a problem with keeping the redundant text inside 
Revolution stacks. My goal in the long term is to do away with the 
html files totally (lots of legacy files) and to have everything 
presented from within Revolution itself.

The goal is to allow text searching, which will show up a bunch of 
hits in a window and a scrolling list and then allow the user to 
click on one of those choices and then launch back into the browser 
window to see the actual file.

I would appreciate it if there are any pointers or suggestions as to 
how to best go about doing this.

In the old days of Hypercard and Supercard, it would have been a 
matter of just throwing everything into individual cards on a stack 
and the stack contents are paged from the hard drive. If everything 
is preloaded into memory in Revolution, then I might have a problem 
ultimately as the contents grow before I am able to make a full 
transition a cd-rom that's entirely done using Revolution.

Jesse Sng
use-revolution mailing list

RealBasic 5.5 vs Revolution article

2004-12-04 Thread Jesse Sng
Just thought you might want to know that there was a brief comparison 
between Revolution and RealBasic 5.5 in this article:
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Threads of Execution

2004-10-25 Thread Jesse Sng
I have suggested it many times...
The network commands work somewhat in a threading manner.
But without that, you must use send "amesg" to x in z seconds...
Ok. I was hoping to be able to have something like:
send "doThisMsg" to this stack in new thread
put it into threadID
or something along those lines.
Either that or even having the ability for a new window to be opened 
and then exist inside its own thread of execution so that we can 
message it. That would keep the whole thread metaphor very much in 
the background while still being able to think in terms of windows, 
cards etc.

That way, I just need to send a message to the window and it runs in 
a different thread. You can then use custom properties as a locking 

use-revolution mailing list

Threads of Execution

2004-10-24 Thread Jesse Sng
I'm wondering if there is a way to have a multi-threaded Revolution 
application? Perhaps there is a way to SEND a message and have that 
executed while doing something.

I'm aware that this would introduce all the other implications - 
locking mechanisms etc.

Has anyone tried doing this or if this is not something that's in 
Revolution, what kind of workaround did you have to use?

Jesse Sng
use-revolution mailing list

Re: PDF & large images

2004-10-22 Thread Jesse Sng
Hello everybody,
1 - Is there any way to display a pdf in a revolution stack ?
2 - I want to display a 500*800 pixels image on a 640*480 card. Is 
there a way to add
scollers to this image ?
I used the QT movie player to do this (for PDF I mean). But I don't 
think you have much control over the PDF other than the standard QT 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Changing Image FileName Based on QT Time...?

2004-10-19 Thread Jesse Sng
The other way is to generate a SMIL file which can then be played 
back in the QT player. You can then set the QT Player to open the 
file which is a SMIL file. This is a text file containing XML code 
telling the QT player how/where/when other media can be synchronized.

That way, you don't have to use any idle scripts but just playback 
the SMIL file. Check the Apple web site for examples. You probably 
might want to develop a little editor in Revolution to generate the 
text file.

Jesse Sng
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Printing to multiple printers

2004-10-11 Thread Jesse Sng

In OS X the printer is chosen from the print dialog rather than from 
the Page Setup dialog. So issue your print command like this:

 print this card with dialog
That will allow the user to choose a printer. There is no way in 
either OS 9 or OS X to choose a printer without user intervention.
The problem with allowing the user to change it is that they are 
bound to make mistakes, especially when in a hurry. This will lead to 
lots of forms and paper being printed wrong and then the need to 
rectify it plus reprint again, leading to further delays.

I know there is a way to do this in 4th Dimension but I'm hoping to 
avoid having to do my development in 4D instead of Revolution.

use-revolution mailing list

Displaying & Generating PDF

2004-10-11 Thread Jesse Sng
Is there a way to Display PDF in Revolution? I'm ok if this is only 
on OS X but I'm looking for a way for this to be done.

I would eventually like to be able to manipulate the PDF document and 
then rearrange the page order, flip things around before saving the 
final output.

Jesse Sng
use-revolution mailing list

Printing to multiple printers

2004-10-11 Thread Jesse Sng
How do I print selectively to multiple printers? The scenario that I 
have is that in a doctor's clinic, there are different printers 
fitted with different types of forms and paper and I need to be able 
to generate labels on one printer, while printing out receipts on 
another etc.

There seems to be a way to do this from OS 9 but not from OS X.
Jesse Sng
use-revolution mailing list

Re: URL and email regex

2004-09-28 Thread Jesse Sng

Jesse, here's one for an email address (*really* watch for line breaks - I
put in hard returns and indents so it formats properly and is legible, but
you'll have to take them out):
function isEmail pWhat
  put matchText(pWhat,"[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ([.][A-z0-9_\-]+)+[A-z]$") into tNotIP
  put matchText(pWhat,"^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})
  \.(\d{1,3})$") into tIsIP
  return (tIsIP or tNotIP)
  -- supports:
  --   periods in user address ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  --   multiple subdomains ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  --   new domains with more than 2 characters (.info, .museum, etc.)
  --   IP addresses
end isEmail
Thanks Ken!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Can't read text from file on OS 9

2004-09-28 Thread Jesse Sng
Good idea. I just tried it, and under OS X there is a process called 
"Classic Support". I suspect this doesn't run in OS 9, so maybe 
checking for that would tell you if you are in OS X.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
Actually to think outside of the box, ALL you need to do is to detect 
ANY essential lower level process that can be found ONLY in OS X but 
will not be found in OS 9.

Examples are the Window Server or /System/Library/Core/pbs (pasteboard).
If you really need to check for classic then you will have to look 
for the string "TruBlueEnvironment" when the list of processes is 
returned to you.

use-revolution mailing list

URL and email regex

2004-09-28 Thread Jesse Sng
Does anyone have a handy regex for detecting and selecting a chunk of 
text that is a to be made into a URL or an email address?

I want to create a quick utility to automatically mark up my text 
with some html tags that will form the URLs and email addresses into 
links without having to go through every single one of them. Even in 
a visual html web page editor, it can take quite a bit of time.

What I want to do is to search for those URLs and then embed tags in them.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Styled text pasting

2004-09-24 Thread Jesse Sng

One thing you could do to check is to copy the text to the clipboard, switch
to Revolution, and then put this in the messagebox:
  put the clipboardData["html"]
And see if it gives you any html style tags back. If so, you can set the
htmlText of the destination field to the clipboardData["html"].
Thanks Ken,
That seems to be the case with Safari. It's returning html tags 
instead of styled text.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Styled text pasting

2004-09-24 Thread Jesse Sng

Silly  question, but have you tried "paste"? I just checked a 
standalone I am working on and the styled text from MS Word was 
pasted as styled text into a field in the standalone juisng the pste 
command. I'm using RR 2.5 and Windows XP.
Not silly actually because I tried pasting from Safari and it does 
not work and I only get plain text. However I did take you up on that 
and did a paste from Appleworks and it works.

The thing now is that if I do a Paste from Safari into Eudora, I get 
styled text. So does that mean that my app needs to be able to 
register itself as being capable of interpreting styled text that 
comes from the clipboard? So obviously Safari is capable of exporting 
styled text to the clipboard but for some reason Revolution can't 
accept it.

Why would it work in some cases but not in others? I'm not sure that 
this is something to be put up as a bug report yet.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Playing back remote mp3 files

2004-09-24 Thread Jesse Sng
Recently, Jesse Sng wrote:
 I'm trying to build a standalone browser that will allow the user to
 select from a list of mp3 files and then either stream or download
 them to his hard drive for local playback.
 What I'm trying to figure out now is what do I have to do to get the
 QT player to reference a file that's located on a web server? Which
 property do I set to specify that?
The fileName property.  This can be set to a file path or a URL.
Thanks to all who replied to my question. I did eventually find that 
you could use a URL in the filename property. I had to do a little 
digging and eventually discovered that I could try that.

use-revolution mailing list

Styled text pasting

2004-09-24 Thread Jesse Sng
I'm trying to paste styled text that could be copied from a word 
processor or some other app over into a stack. How do I do that?

I'm familiar with the htmlText trick, but assuming that I can only 
get access to the styled text from eg. AppleWorks - is there a way to 
directly paste the text into an editing field?

I am using it to generate html code in the final output, but my 
source is going to be styled text from other apps and I do not have 
the luxury of being able to first have it converted to html before 
being pasted into the editing field.

Jesse Sng
use-revolution mailing list

Playing back remote mp3 files

2004-09-22 Thread Jesse Sng
I'm just starting to explore Revolution and have used Hypercard and 
Supercard extensively for stack and externals development since 1988 
through the 90s.

I'm trying to build a standalone browser that will allow the user to 
select from a list of mp3 files and then either stream or download 
them to his hard drive for local playback.

What I'm trying to figure out now is what do I have to do to get the 
QT player to reference a file that's located on a web server? Which 
property do I set to specify that? Seems like it is specified during 
the open command but my understanding is that it requires a file and 
not a URL.

Also if I were to download this in the background as a user option, 
do I need to use the libURL functions to bring this down and store it 
myself or can I use the load command to cache this instead?

I apologise if the questions are too simple, but as a former 
developer on a similar environment, I'm trying to "orientate" myself 
as to what Revolution can or cannot do for me.

The reason I'm doing this that I want to have a library of mp3 files 
that are available online but are not accessible via the web browser 
but through our own custom navigation and standalone app. The idea is 
to both simplify the task of navigation and also the task of updating 
that information as I'll probably be working on a tool that will 
allow someone to easily post that information up.

Jesse Sng
use-revolution mailing list