Buttons missing images in stand alone

2008-12-25 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hi all.  Back in the saddle after some time away from Rev.

I am using Rev. 3 on Windows XP.  Buttons created in Button Gadget Pro and 
added directly to the current Rev project (electronic calendar) show fine in 
the development environment but not when testing a stand alone version.

The button images all show in the project image library for the main stack 
containing the buttons.  Typical image ID is 1260 for example.

I am not sure where to go from here in tracking down why the buttons images 
don't show in the stand alone app.  The buttons exist in the stand alone app 
and work however their appropriate images do not and so they present as working 
but invisible buttons.  Neat trick but not very useful at the moment?


Mark MacKenzie
Art Conservator & Wet Plate Photographer
Alcalde, New Mexico
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Re: Finding and replacing "numbers" in calendar day field

2008-11-29 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hi Joe and Sarah.

I had been working with the find and then replace functions but kept getting an 
insurmountable pattern error message.
Sarah, your suggestion worked like a charm.

the code snippet is as follows:

on WriteEvent
put the number of lines of field "Month Events List" into tFieldLines
set the itemdelimiter to "/"
repeat with x = 1 to tFieldLines
put item 2 of line x of field "Month Events List" into tDayNeeded
put tDayNeeded && " Event" into tToPaste
find empty
find tDayNeeded in field "Dates" of group "Main_Group"
put tToPaste into foundChunk
-- replace tDayNeeded with tToPaste in field "Dates" of group "Main_Group"
end repeat
end WriteEvent

This works like a charm.

But has also left me with another question.

Thank you

Mark MacKenzie
Art Conservator & Wet Plate Photographer
Alcalde, New Mexico
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Finding and replacing "numbers" in calendar day field

2008-11-28 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hi all.

I have been playing with the tutorial calendar and am having trouble adding a 
to me useful feature.

I have a list field where day events are put along with the short date.  I can 
grab the day number from this short date, line by line.

Where I am having trouble is after finding the needed day date in the calendar 
day field (same as in tutorial) I am stuck with how to replace the date number 
with a phrase consisting of the same day date number and the word "Event".  The 
end effect is that after a note is added, the calendar date will show instead 
of "28" the phrase "28Event" as a visual reminder that a note or event has 
been added to the overall calendar.

I am just missing something.  I have been using find and replace but to no 

How would you advise doing this?


Mark MacKenzie
Art Conservator & Wet Plate Photographer
Alcalde, New Mexico
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Re: Email Client (Outlook Express) won't start after console

2008-10-10 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hello Ken.

I have been living with this situation for awhile and don't have the exact 

While coding in the IDE (Windows XP Pro) and using 2.5* and then "running" the 
program within the IDE to check functionality of the "error" reporting of the 
finished program an error was encountered.  The email client facilitated 
reporting mechanism came up and stupidly without either cancelling or sending 
the reported error I quit the program by quitting the IDE.  Since doing that 
Outlook Express 5 will not start up as an  email program and acts as if it is 
"hung up".

Some years back this same thing happened to me and it turned out that Outlook 
was "stuck' in the waiting to report the error mode.  If I remember correctly 
that was fixed by a registry tweak.  Unfortunately I can't find my notes on 
that little issue if I made any.  I do remember that it was someone from the 
Rev list (old list) who came up with this explanation and fix for me.  I have 
searched the list as far back as I could, the web and mickeysoft without 

I don't want to reinstall Outlook Express at this time.

I hope this helps explain the situation better.

 Mark MacKenzie
Art Conservator & Wet Plate Photographer
Alcalde, New Mexico

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Email Client (Outlook Express) won't start after console error

2008-10-08 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hello all.

After having a program error reported and then quitting the development IDE my 
Outlook Express won't start.  I seem to remember some years ago having a 
similar problem and there was a registry key for Outlook which had to be reset 
so that it wouldn't run in invisible messaging mode.

Can  someone point me to this correction please.  I have been searching for 
several days and can't find the right information.

Thank you in advance.

Mark MacKenzie
Art Conservator & Wet Plate Photographer
Alcalde, New Mexico

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Re: Clipboard Anomally [BUG]?

2006-11-10 Thread Mark MacKenzie
I need to be able to do this as well, for a registration stack 
function.  I have awful trouble with the copy and paste function 
(to/from clipboard) not working as it should.  You have described it 


Mark MacKenzie

J. Landman Gay wrote:

I restarted WinXP, copied some text in Notepad, closed Notepad, 
reopened Notepad, and pasted. It worked. Then I relaunched Revolution, 
made a new stack with a field, and pasted. And that worked too. So it 
isn't consistent. Today's test seems to show that Rev doesn't 
automatically clear the clipboard.

I wish I could pin down when it fails, because I have a standalone 
with a registration dialog that users paste a serial number into. If 
they copy the serial from an email and launch my app, it only pastes 
sporadically. If the dialog is already open when they flip over to 
email to copy, it pastes every time.

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Re: Standalone app as Frankensteinian Monster..SOLVED!

2006-10-27 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Well, time to fess up.  I thought I had taken care of all of the simple, 
obvious stuff.  However, I found another handler with the exact same 
coding for closing my application which I had missed and which was 
actually trying to close the application.  All my troubleshooting 
efforts were directed to another handler.


Thanks to all for your time and help.  Nothing is broken or strange in 
the IDE.


Mark MacKenzie
Past Ink Publishing
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Standalone app as Frankensteinian Monster

2006-10-27 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hi Ken.  Thanks, however, upon trying this, the d**n thing still won't 
die.  I think I shall have to strip all (mainly) development functions 
out of the main stack/splash screen and start again with the stand alone.

Let you know how things turn out with this evening's coding.  So close, 
so far, so frustrating.

Kindest regards to you and the list.

Mark MacKenzie
Past Ink Publishing

Ken Ray wrote:

On 10/26/06 8:48 PM, "Mark MacKenzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Try this:

on closeStackRequest -- confirm whether to close the window
  answer question "Are you sure you want to quit the entire program?"
with "Yes" or "No"
  if it is "Yes"
lock messages-- Added line
  end if
end closeStackRequest

My bet is there's some message firing off during closing that's not getting
handled and so it is interrupting normal quitting operations.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

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Re: Standalone app as Frankensteinian Monster

2006-10-26 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hello Devin.  Not having much luck so far I stripped the close handler 
to the following:

on closeStackRequest -- confirm whether to close the window
 answer question "Are you sure you want to quit the entire program?" 
with "Yes" or "No"

 if it is "Yes"
 end if
end closeStackRequest

However, the application still does not close when in the stand alone.

I am stumped.


Mark MacKenzie

Devin Asay wrote:

On Oct 26, 2006, at 2:34 PM, Mark MacKenzie wrote:

I tried stripping things down to this script.  Then after that 
wouldn't work

I inserted a script to cancel pending messages, still no good.

That leaves, in my mind, the question of running externals.  Would 
having an
opend connection to an sQL database through the alt3SQL dll cause 
this hang?

I tried inserting another script which closed this connection but on 
thought didn't check for more than one connection.  I wonder how to 
do that?

Thank you Dar and Mark for your help so far however, Frankenstein's 

(application) still lives.  No poblems in quitting out while in the
development environment.  By the way I am using Version 2.5.1 on 
Windows XP.
Currently there is no way I can upgrade to the current version so 
must make

this work in what I have.

I always just issue the quit command if I know the intent is to 
completely exit the program. That has killed my monsters on XP in the 
past. Pardon me if I'm misunderstanding the complexities.


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Re: Standalone app as Frankensteinian Monster

2006-10-26 Thread Mark MacKenzie
I tried stripping things down to this script.  Then after that wouldn't work
I inserted a script to cancel pending messages, still no good.

That leaves, in my mind, the question of running externals.  Would having an
opend connection to an sQL database through the alt3SQL dll cause this hang?

I tried inserting another script which closed this connection but on second
thought didn't check for more than one connection.  I wonder how to do that?

Thank you Dar and Mark for your help so far however, Frankenstein's creation
(application) still lives.  No poblems in quitting out while in the
development environment.  By the way I am using Version 2.5.1 on Windows XP.
Currently there is no way I can upgrade to the current version so must make
this work in what I have.


Mark MacKenzie
Past Ink Publishing

> Reply-To: How to use Revolution 
> Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 14:31:01 EDT
> To: use-revolution@lists.runrev.com
> Subject: Re: Standalone app as Frankensteinian Monster
> Hi Mark
> Well, it looks like you are doing a lot of unnecessary stuff. If you want  to
> 'quit', all pendingMessages will terminate and all stacks will close
> automatically. If I read you right you need you only need...
> on closeStackRequest -- confirm whether to close the window
> answer question "Are you sure you want to quit the entire program?" with
> "Yes"  or "No"
> if it is "No" then exit closeStackrequest
> if "ReloadingPrefs" is among the lines of the openStacks then
> save stack  "ExtraFiles/ReloadingPrefs.rev"
> close stack  "ExtraFiles/ReloadingPrefs.rev"
> end if
> pass closeStackrequest
> end closeStackrequest
> Or am I missing something obvious here?
> /H

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Standalone app as Frankensteinian Monster

2006-10-26 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hi.  After a few month's work I am debugging the stand alone side of my 
application.  So far the app works really well and with a complacent 
gleam in my mind's eye I click on the quit button of the main stack and 
my application won't die!  The program is in two parts really.  There is 
a Rev generated front end and an sqllite data base using the alt3sql 
"dll" (licensed copy, my own).

After days of coding tweaks, etc. I think I need a refresher course in 
scripting the shutting down and successful quitting of an application.

The application quits normally albeit a touch slowly as it saves various 
stacks (only when in the development environment, stacks are not saved 
except for a preferences stack which is outside the standalone in a set 
of "extra files")

I have the following code in a closeStackRequest handler in my topmost 
(main) application stack ( I have commented out various activities to 
try and find the stoppage):

on closeStackRequest -- confirm whether to close the window
 answer question "Are you sure you want to quit the entire program?" 
with "Yes" or "No"

 if it is "Yes"
   if the environment is "development"
 pass closeStackRequest
   end if
   if the environment is "standalone application"
 --  quit
 --close stack "Navigator"
 --pass closeStackRequest
   end if
 end if
end closeStackRequest

on KillAllPendingMessages --courtesy of the list archives
  repeat for each line i in the pendingMessages
cancel (item 1 of i)
  end repeat
end KillAllPendingMessages

on leavingApplication
  if "Navigator" is among the lines of the openStacks
   close stack "Navigator"
 end if
 if "Bullets" is among the lines of the openStacks
   close stack "Bullets"
 end if
 if "Attic" is among the lines of the openStacks
   close stack "Attic"
 end if
 if "AboutStack" is among the lines of the openStacks
   close stack "AboutStack"
 end if
 if "Calendar" is among the lines of the openStacks
   close stack "Calendar"
 end if
 if "Primer" is among the lines of the openStacks
   close stack "Primer"
 end if
 if "Suppliers" is among the lines of the openStacks
   close stack "Suppliers"
 end if
 if "Brass" is among the lines of the openStacks
   close stack "Brass"
 end if
 if "Propellant" is among the lines of the openStacks
   close stack "Propellant"
 end if
 --if "Loads" is among the lines of the openStacks
 --  close stack "Loads"
 --end if
 if "Loads" is among the lines of the openStacks
   close stack "Loads"
 end if
 if "Help" is among the lines of the openStacks
   close stack "Help"
 end if
 save stack "ExtraFiles/ReloadingPrefs.rev"
 if "ReloadingPrefs" is among the lines of the openStacks
   close stack "ExtraFiles/ReloadingPrefs.rev"
 end if
end leavingApplication

Any help, insight, pointers to working similar applications which do 
evince a Frankensteinian lineage greatfully received.

Mark MacKenzie
Past Ink Publishing

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Re: RR Forum Administrator Contact info needed

2006-09-19 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hi Lynn.  My username is WayPastInk.

> From: "Lynn Fredricks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], How to use Revolution
> Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 09:56:10 -0700
> To: "'How to use Revolution'" 
> Subject: RE: RR Forum Administrator Contact info needed
> Hi Mark,
> What is your user name?
> Best regards,
> Lynn Fredricks
> Worldwide Business Operations
> Runtime Revolution, Ltd


Mark MacKenzie
Past Ink Publishing

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Re: RR Forum Administrator Contact info needed

2006-09-19 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Thank you, but yes I do.


> From: Luis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], How to use Revolution
> Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 17:10:58 +0100
> To: How to use Revolution 
> Subject: Re: RR Forum Administrator Contact info needed
> Hiya,
> You got Cookies on?
> Cheers,
> Luis.

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RR Forum Administrator Contact info needed

2006-09-19 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hi people.  Just tried to log in over at the RR forums.  No luck.  I had
already registered but did not receive my followup email.  So went to see
what was what.  Tried to register again.  No dice, my email was logged as
being already used.  Then tried to use the lost password function but it
wouldn't let me do anything because my account had not been activated.

Okay, tried to find the administrator contact information but couldn't find
this (it may be there, but by now I am a tad frustrated).  Tried to click on
several of the usernames listed in the general announcements open forum
which I know to be connected with RunRev and of course I couldn't send them
an email because I couldn't log in to use the private email/notification

Sooo, there needs to be a prominently displayed contact for the forum
administrator and if it is there I need a seeing eye dog who can type on my
keyboard!  At any rate I would like to contact the RR forum administrator to
get my  account activated and that is why I am posting on this list as they
are likely to be members here as well.

Sorry for the slightly off topic posting.


Mark MacKenzie
Past Ink Publishing

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text into a tabstopped field

2006-08-19 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hello.  I need to put a DB query result into a RunRev stack field which 
has tabstops at 62,123,282,467,606,822,911.
I don't wish to just put the query result into the field as this 
overwrites all current information in that field.

I just want to update portions of this field.  For example I would like 
to put "some information" in field "SomeField" between its first and 
second tabstops.

In some cases the query result would be a single number while in other 
cases it could be a short phrase.

I am stumped.


Mark MacKenzie
Past Ink Publishing
use-revolution mailing list
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revSmartSave problems

2005-05-02 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hi. I am returning to develop in Revolution after some time away.  I am 
using Rev. 2.5.1 (laterst version).  I cannot figure out how to 
implement the revSmartSave stack.  If I choose it from the 
Development:Plugins Menu, the stack is frozen and won't let me select a 
time interval.  Neither can I close the stack.  I have to use 
Cntrol/Alt/Delet to close RunRev in order to start again.

I have looked through the documentation and the list archives with no 
success. Some people appear to be able to use this plugin although they 
appear to be on Macs.  I am on Windows XP on a fast machine with plenty 
of ram and hard disk space.

All help is very much appreciated!
Mark MacKenzie
Past Ink Publishing
use-revolution mailing list

Quit next action after closing stack

2004-09-11 Thread Mark MacKenzie
I have a stack whose destroystack is set to true.  In a handler I check 
to see if we are in the development evironment or not and if it is the 
development environment  it simply closes the stack.

However, in Rev. 2.5  after this stack closes the next time Rev is 
interacted with say to open a stack, it quits out and has to be opened 

A quick check of bugzilla doesn't show a similar entry however, I may 
have missed it.

Anyone had similar problems and if so how did you solve it or not?
Mark MacKenzie
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev 2.5 Script printing problems

2004-09-11 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Thanks Mark.  Went there, read it, added my comments and voted for it.
Mark MacKenzie
Mark Wieder wrote:
Bugzilla #1377.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Oneway resizable windows (now fixed)

2004-09-11 Thread Mark MacKenzie
After reinstalling Rev to no avail and creating test projects each of 
which wouldn't allow vertical resizing greater than a total of about 25 
lines, this began to extend to Rev tool stacks such as the application 

One more stab at it was to create a new stack which exhibited all the 
horrible resize crankiness.  Again I set and reset the stack resize 
property and the live resizing, etc.  Then out of desperation I added 
from the object library the windows window resize widget and played with 
it.  Saved the stack.  Quit Rev.  Started Rev. created a new stack and 
realized that all tool and script windows plus the new stack were mouse 
resizeable within the development environment.  Hooray!!

Now what went wrong originally?  I didn't script anything to do that or 
play with any controls except to reset Rev. preferences to their default.

Go figure.
However, for those that find themselves in a similar pickle for now try 
creating a new project and adding the resize window control widget, 
save, quit and reopen.

Mark MacKenzie
Mark MacKenzie wrote:
Using the new rev 2.5  when I open an object's script and first mouse 
touch the script window it jumps and resizes.  If the original script 
window was larger than a certain size, it resizes automatically to 
this new smaller size.  I can change the width but no the max height 
of the script window.  It now has a maximum vertical height of perhaps 
25 lines of script.  I can resize it vertically shorter but not longer 
even when the script contained is much taller and I have to use the 
scroll bar to see the entire script.


use-revolution mailing list

Oneway resizable script windows

2004-09-11 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Using the new rev 2.5  when I open an object's script and first mouse 
touch the script window it jumps and resizes.  If the original script 
window was larger than a certain size, it resizes automatically to this 
new smaller size.  I can change the width but no the max heigtht of the 
script window.  It now has a maximum vertical height of perhaps 25 lines 
of script.  I can resize it vertically shorter but not longer even when 
the script contained is much taller and I have to use the scoll bar to 
see the entire script.

I have reinstalled Rev 2.5 using the fresh download from RunRev and no 

This a new development within the last day or so.  Rev 2.5 when first 
intalled did not show these problems.
Older projects or newly created ones all show the same problem.

Is there a pref setting stored somewhere I can get at manually and make 
appropriate changes, do you think?

I am really getting frustrated with this one.
Thank you
Mark MacKenzie
use-revolution mailing list

Rev 2.5 Script printing problems

2004-09-10 Thread Mark MacKenzie
I have looked in bugzilla but have not been able to find a report on 
this problem.  However, thay may be a result of my unfamiliarity with 

Using Rev 2.5 (release 1) with the script window open I get garbled text 
lines when I print the script out.

This is on Windows XP and using a networked Xerox Phaser 8400 printer.
If I copy and paste the script text into another program such as 
Microsoft Works and then print there is no problem.  The problem exists 
within Rev only.

It appears as if some of the formatting is not being followed.  For 
example,  "on preopencard" becomes garbled so that the first three 
letters are a composite of  five letters and spaces so that the result 
is "###reopencard".  Tabs do not seem to affect the printing it is just 
the first word after a return or new sentence.

I had a look through the list and didn't see anthing gerund.  Has anyone 
encountered this and more importantly fixed it?

Mark MacKenzie
Past Ink Publishing
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
use-revolution mailing list

Re: CNC software by Rev

2004-07-09 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hi Tom.  You are well into an area I would like to go one day.  I have 
been looking at controlling a panorama head for photo work.  I am very 
interested in what you are doing with telescopes as well.

My short research so far leads me to want to investigate using the 
printer port, feeding the signals through a black box (with circuit 
board) and then to the particular units I wish to control. Although 
adding another hardware component to the path this might simplify the 
Rev work.

Glad to have your experience and knowledge on board.
Mark M
Thomas McGrath III wrote:
Mark M,
I don't know how related this might be but I have been playing with 
robot controllers and X10 stuff for a while and also with Telescope 
software. Anyway, One thing I have found for any serial devices is 
that the key serial to usb issue is using the Kensington "High Speed" 
serial adapter. I tried all kinds of other adapters for serial to USB 
but that is the only one that works right. I also use Virtual PC and 
it recognizes the high speed serial adapter for my GPS etc
The other adapters would work sometimes and others not and this lesson 
was hard come by for me. FWIW

 I know if you are using an old mac that you are looking for ADB but I 
don't know where or what to look for for that. I did splice and rewire 
a few serial adapters and I think I remember splicing a 25 foot ADB 
once that 'they' said shouldn't work for my web cam, but it did.

I am going to research this as well. I want to do some metal etching 
and clay/cement/stone etching with at least an XY controller.

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: CNC software by Rev

2004-07-09 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hi Ken.  You may be correct on this. In fact, I think you are. I picked 
up this particular unit for old time nostalgia.  In the after glow of 
which I thought I would experiment with it hoping that Rev might be 
coaxed to run on it without modification to the Mac.  However, reality 
often bites.  In seeing how early a Mac unit might work well with Rev 
and this CNC project I may be stuck with using a 6100 model because of 
the limitations you are pointing out.

I am by first training an archaeologist and sometimes can't let go of a 
functioning past!

In any case the CNC project is a very practically based real world 
project and will be made to work on the first reasonable equipment 
platform which may be an old Windows box.  But, I would then work back 
through my Mac inventory.  It seems that a small, practical CNC program 
for the Mac which will run on pre-OS X computers might be useful to some 
people I have begun to run across in my searches.

Ken Norris wrote:
Hi mark,
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2004 19:44:15 -0600
From: Mark MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CNC software by Rev
I am actually aiming to use a Mac Plus I picked up a few weeks ago just
to see if I can and what Rev is capable of doing when pushed or
stretched on "marginal" platforms and operating systems.  I think it
would be kind of cute to see an old Mac all in one running this rig.
Question: How will you run even a Rev standalone on a machine which 
cannot have more than 8MB of RAM?

In fact, I've never seen a Rev - built app run on one of those. It'll 
be interesting to see if it's at all possible.

Ken N.
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: CNC software by Rev

2004-07-08 Thread Mark MacKenzie
I can't speak for Mark Weider but I "wish" to use some of my older Macs 
for this task.  I remember looking into this a number of years ago and 
something about a stand alone adapter being required for Macs which I 
think would run from the ADB connnection.  I will look into this in any 
case and if you like let you know.  It may be best to put up a bit of 
web site for this rather than add to the list traffic but in any case 
email me from time to time for information if you wish.

On other fronts of this project I am acquiring a CNC X,Y table and X 
axis column set up.  I will marry this to a bench top drill and custom 
designed toggle clamp holding table.  Adding a controller board and then 
writing the software and debugging it are pretty much the rest of the 
project.  So you can see that it might take a while.

I am actually aiming to use a Mac Plus I picked up a few weeks ago just 
to see if I can and what Rev is capable of doing when pushed or 
stretched on "marginal" platforms and operating systems.  I think it 
would be kind of cute to see an old Mac all in one running this rig.

I have several other older computers as most must have and they are both 
Mac and Windows and if I have to Linux.

Mark MacKenzie
Thomas McGrath III wrote:
Hello guys,
Is this possible on the Mac? I would love to 'find' a cnc and work on 
some ideas I have. Can you guys let me know what you are up to with this.

On Jul 8, 2004, at 5:41 PM, Mark MacKenzie wrote:
Great!!  I suspected as much.  I expect I will have the same 
problems.  However, I need to make this work and will put a fair bit 
of effort into it.  As a "jackleg" tool and die machinist in an other 
life I might manage to triumph over the vagaries of inanimate objects 
such as CNC drills taking on a life of their own.  Or maybe this will 
be the beginning of a bad science fiction novel gone real!

Can't wait to see your work.  Thank you in advance.
Mark MacKenzie
Mark Wieder wrote:
I started on a CNC controller some time last year. I'll dig out what
I've got and send it to you. The hard part isn't figuring out the CNC
protocol (the "G" commands and such) but getting the controller part
right so you don't snap off drill bits or have things flying across
the room.

use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: CNC software by Rev

2004-07-08 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Great!!  I suspected as much.  I expect I will have the same problems.  
However, I need to make this work and will put a fair bit of effort into 
it.  As a "jackleg" tool and die machinist in an other life I might 
manage to triumph over the vagaries of inanimate objects such as CNC 
drills taking on a life of their own.  Or maybe this will be the 
beginning of a bad science fiction novel gone real!

Can't wait to see your work.  Thank you in advance.
Mark MacKenzie
Mark Wieder wrote:
I started on a CNC controller some time last year. I'll dig out what
I've got and send it to you. The hard part isn't figuring out the CNC
protocol (the "G" commands and such) but getting the controller part
right so you don't snap off drill bits or have things flying across
the room.

use-revolution mailing list

CNC software by Rev

2004-07-08 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hi all.  I am starting a personal project of building controlling and 
driving software done in Rev for an automated drilling machine which I 
am also building to do various book binding/paper drilling tasks.

So, has anyone done or come across any Rev application which deals 
with CNC machine control? Or, have you any good sites to share which 
discuss "G code" and other entry CNC computer control programming 
topics?  I intend to use an older computer to do this task. It would be 
nice if I can use one of my old Macs but if I have to I will use an 
older Win box.

Thanks to all.
Mark MacKenzie of CanuckLand
use-revolution mailing list

Multimedia Project on a school server question

2004-04-12 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hi.  I am porting a multimedia project over to Revolution and tweaking 
it as I go. 

The intended market is the local and provincial educational systems.  
Their preference is for titles which can be served from a remote server 
in their school to all the desktops in the library or classroom.  The 
working seats for this project are approximately 35 per class.

I have not designed or produced for this before.  Can a standard Rev 
project be simply put on their server and used by from 30 to 35 kids at 
the same time?

If not, what needs to be done to make this possible?

If yes, can the number of concurrent sessions be limited to say 35?

Has anyone done this before and care to share their experiences?


Mark MacKenzie

use-revolution mailing list

Empty a list of globals

2004-04-07 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hit a bit of a stumper for me.

At preopencard time I need to clear a bunch of globals.  I created the 
following handler and it doesn't seem to clear the globals involved.  In 
a succeeding handler they keep their previous values.  Am I doing 
something fundamentally wrong?

into gGlobalsToEmpty
   repeat with x = 1 to the number of items of gGlobalsToEmpty
 put empty into item x of gGlobalsToEmpty
   end repeat
end preOpenCard

When faced with a series of globals to reset to zero or empty how do you 
do it with a minimum of scripting?

Mark MacKenzie

use-revolution mailing list

If exists question

2004-03-28 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Okay, I have been wrestling with this one long enough that I don't need 
a haircut for another month!

I create by cloning from a "master" card a new card.  During the cloning 
I capture the new card's abbreviated ID and change its card name to 

The new card's abbr ID is put into global gNewCardID

Then, at the end of this handler:

wait 30 milliseconds -- put in to allow Rev to catch up with functions
if exists(gNewCardID)
  go to gNewCardID
  put emtpy into gNewCardID
end if
Rev can't find this new card.  I have captured the global gNewCardID 
into "msg" and it updates and shows the newly created card abb ID.

I have tried this handler with the card name as well with the same results.

When this function doesn't work it is usually within the IDE even with 
the Development Tools suspended.

The question is, I guess, has anyone found peculiarities or 
idiosyncracies with Rev's "exists" function and how did you get around 
them or trap the errors for correction?  I have looked to no avail in 
the archives.

(BTW, although not new to revolution I admit to not being as well versed 
in using the debugging tools as I would like to be and perhaps need to be.)

Regards Mark MacKenzie

use-revolution mailing list

Close stacks and remove from memory

2004-03-18 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Okay, I need some help.  I thought this would be straightforward for 
me.  It is probably straight forward for many others but this is eluding me.

I have a project with one main stack and eight substacks.  One of the 
substacks is a paletted navigation tool stack which floats above the 
other windows (named "Navigator"). 

I wish to catch and handle any close stack or shutdown request which the 
main stack receives and force it to be saved and then removed from 
memory upon closing.

The destroystack property is set to true for the main stack and all the 
substacks.  I have scripted a stack script residing on the main stack as 

on shutdownRequest
 answer question "Are you sure you want to quit?" with "Yes" or "No"
 if it is "Yes"
   save this stack
   if "Navigator" is among the lines of the openStacks
 close stack "Navigator"
   end if
   pass shutdownRequest
 end if
 close this stack
end shutdownRequest
When this executes it leaves the main stack open even though its 
destroystack property is true.

What should I do differently?

Mark MacKenzie

use-revolution mailing list

Memory usage

2004-03-17 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Is there a way to watch memory usage as a revoltuion program operates?  
I had this feature in another program and would like to have it in 
Revolution.  For now I would be grateful if another system program or 
applet would get this information for me.

I am developing on Windows XP.  I have looked at the task manager cum 
CPU usage graphs and they are not what I am looking for.

Regards Mark MacKenzie

use-revolution mailing list

Re: More scrolling images

2004-02-29 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Forgive me for jumping in at this point but if your are looking for a 
way to scroll a very large image within a graphic with full user 
interaction take a look at an old multimedia project of mine on the 
download page.  "Thumbscroller"  How old?  Well it is way down the 
page.  If it needs updating for the current Rev let me know.

Mark MacKenzie

Ken Norris wrote:


OK, I now know how to scroll an image in a stack window, _but_

Is it possible to scroll a large image inside a graphic?

Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Mark "Matador Mac" MacKenzie
Duelist for Hire
Have Guns, Will Travel
SASS #49304
Alberta Frontier Shootist #177
Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation, Handgun Club #69
electric telegraph:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: More scrolling images

2004-02-29 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Forgive me for jumping in at this point but if your are looking for a 
way to scroll a very large image within a graphic with full user 
interaction take a look at an old multimedia project of mine on the 
download page.  "Thumbscroller"  How old?  Well it is way down the 
page.  If it needs updating for the current Rev let me know.

Mark MacKenzie

Ken Norris wrote:


OK, I now know how to scroll an image in a stack window, _but_

Is it possible to scroll a large image inside a graphic?

Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Array, Array, who has got the array?

2004-02-28 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Good evening (or morning).  My current project could probably stand to 
have at least one array in it to handle complicated groupings of data.  
However, I have never used one or created one before.

I looked at the excellent Frogsbreath.rev project but quite frankly 
couldn't undrestand the actual workings and how they might apply to my work.

Does anyone have a "Dummie's" introduction to arrays?  What they are, 
how they can be made to work and how best to design them?  A practical 
tutorial would be nice.

I have tried to look into the documentation but it is fragmentary and 
difficult for a rank beginner (as far as arrays and matraices go) to 
grasp readily.

Any help greatfully accepted.

Mark MacKenzie

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Activate Rev.

2004-02-15 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Yes you are correct I think.

Please see this URL for more information from the horse's mouth.


There is a table on that page which details OS and what works or not.

There is even a promise  of future development of a script which will 
query the host system for details on whether other scripts will run or not.

Windows installers such as SetUpFactory from Indigo Rose which I have 
used a lot, will poll the windows system and allow separate, Boolean 
logic driven installs of ancillary software.

However, another caveat when considering Windows or VB scripts for 
activating Revolution is that on my system (XP with McCafee) the 
antivirus software throws a suspicious script activity warning requiring 
"training" by the user.  Not a good user/client confidence building 

So, I don't think the current scripting ideas do what was originally 
wanted.  Looking at a direct comand line script may be better.

Regards Mark MacKenzie

Christopher Mitchell wrote:

Regarding Windows Scripting Host, isn't it optional on the system 
install?  I seem to recall many times having to select it to be 
installed... Just thinking out loud that this might be an issue if one 
becomes dependent on its presence, unlike Applescript which is fully 
integrated, and used frequently as a result.

I could be wrong here!

use-revolution mailing list

How To SCRAM Revolution when it is looping?

2004-02-14 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Occasionally Revolution will get into some kind of circular loop and I 
have to use Cntrl-Alt-Delete and task manager to abort the program.  
Hopefully I have saved not to long before.

I cannot find anything in the documentation (so far) which would 
indicate that stopping such a circularity is possible.  So, is it 
possible and if so how should I do it?

The SCRAM reference is borrowed from nuclear reactor operation of course 
as this is exactly what I feel I am needing to do!


Mark MacKenzie

use-revolution mailing list

Stack no long resizable?

2004-02-13 Thread Mark MacKenzie
I have a stack that is no longer resizeable in the development platform 
or when in the browse cursor form.

I can change its dimensions within the property inspector (stack) and 
the stack resizes and stays that way but I cannot grab the window frame 
and resize it..  The min  settings are each at 32 while the max   is at 
575 and 600 pixels.  The stack mode is toplevel. It is a substack of 
another stack which is in palette mode. 

The can't delete function is enabled but the stack is left in modifiable 
form within the property inspector.

I did once use that object palette rezier object in a test.  Ran into 
problems with it and deleted it from the stack.  I cannot find any 
scripting which would disable the direct resizable character of this stack.

Can anyone suggest how I can effectively get this back without having to 
input numbers into the respective property inspector?

Mark MacKenzie

use-revolution mailing list

Was: How to go to newly cloned card? shoudl be "Timing clone issues"

2004-02-07 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hopefully, this is the final email on this subject.  I am still having 
error problems with the suggested handler.  Timing does seem to be an 
issue here after the cloning of a referenced card.

What works is to break up the handler with a send in 30 milliseconds 
message as follows:

on mouseUp
 if there is a card "Empty Card" of this stack
   go card "Empty Card"
   clone card "BulletWeightsMasterCard" of this stack
   set the name of this card to "Empty Card"
   --go card "Empty Card" in 30 milliseconds   -- Rev 2.1.2 throws 
an error highlighting the 30 with this construction
   send marchingOrder to me in 30 milliseconds
 end if
end mouseUp

on marchingOrder
 go card "Empty Card"
end marchingOrder
This works and does so consistently without error.  Odd little work around.

Regards Mark

Mark MacKenzie wrote:

Great!  That timing clue probably explains the "no such object" type 
error message I was sometimes getting.

I like the use of the "else" as well.  An earlier iteration used such 
a construction but as the frustrating day wore on I dropped back to 
using more familiar simple constructions that just had to work.  I 
will incorporate both of these suggestions.

Thank you Thomas and once again to Rob.

Regards Mark MacKenzie

Thomas McGrath III wrote:

On Feb 7, 2004, at 5:45 PM, Mark MacKenzie wrote:

My most recent iteration is:

on mouseUp
 if there is a card "Empty Card" of this stack
   go card "Empty Card"

-- end if
-- if there is no card "Empty Card" of this stack
 -- then
   clone card "BulletWeightsMasterCard" of this stack
   set the name of it to "Empty Card"

   go card "Empty Card" of this stack in 30 milliseconds

 end if
end mouseUp
I had intermittent problems with the go card right after the setting 
of the name and was told to use the in 30 milliseconds which seems to 
work all the time for me. The else just replaces three lines of code. 


Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

How to go to newly cloned card?

2004-02-07 Thread Mark MacKenzie
I have been playing with this it feels like all day and simply cannot 
see my way through it.


My most recent iteration is:

on mouseUp
 if there is a card "Empty Card" of this stack
   go card "Empty Card"
 end if
 if there is no card "Empty Card" of this stack
   clone card "BulletWeightsMasterCard" of this stack
   set the name of it to "Empty Card"
   go card "Empty Card" of this stack
 end if
end mouseUp
For several iterations now I can successsfully create a cloned card of 
the target card BUT I cannot navigate to it to allow the user to begin 
filling in the information.  It has got to be something simple I am 
missing but I am missing it and so must call upon the list to help me in 
my ignorance and frustration. 

Thank you in advance.

Mark MacKenzie

use-revolution mailing list

Re: The Bitstream VERA font, the first truely crossplatform solution

2004-02-07 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Okay, after chasing a web search back to Bitstream the following URL 
will show you screen samples of the Vera font.



Mark MacKenzie wrote:

Just went to Bitstream and searched the whole site and then just 
within the fonts for "Vera" and came up with zero results for the font 
but plenty of hits within news releases.  However, the news releas 
stuff seemed to be useless.

I remain very interested in seeing this font but at the moment can't 
find it.  I will try a www search and see what happens.  Perhaps 
Bitstream as a commercial entity doesn't want too much publicity for a 
free font on its web site.

Mark MacKenzie

use-revolution mailing list

Re: The Bitstream VERA font, the first truely crossplatform solution

2004-02-07 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Just went to Bitstream and searched the whole site and then just within 
the fonts for "Vera" and came up with zero results for the font but 
plenty of hits within news releases.  However, the news releas stuff 
seemed to be useless.

I remain very interested in seeing this font but at the moment can't 
find it.  I will try a www search and see what happens.  Perhaps 
Bitstream as a commercial entity doesn't want too much publicity for a 
free font on its web site.

Mark MacKenzie


Cross platform fonts was a nightmare because there where no free fonts 
freely avalaible for Windows, Macintosh and Linux.

But thanks to Bitstream, things are changing.

Bitstream decided to deliver freely with a gnu licence the vera font ; 
it is a full set (serif sans and mono, roman italic and bold) of 
trueptype fonts. These font are of a very high level of readability, 
even at 9 or 10 points. They equal or surpasse the best "enhanced 
screen" font that where already on the market.

These font are freely avalaible for commercial use.

It could an opportunity for Revolution to embedd these fonts in all 
versions of Revolution.

Claude Lemmel

use-revolution mailing list

System and Heap resources was Re: (no subject)

2002-03-20 Thread Mark MacKenzie

Perfect introduction.  For multimedia projects which are intense and graphic
rich, the amount of resources needed  on the user's PC is of concern.
Techniques such as switching filenames for images, etc. can be used to keep
your "memory overhead" within reasonable limits.  But, how do you accurately
judge the "project overheads" your software is currently demanding?

In programs like iShell, a key command during  evaluation runtime launch
from within the editor causes a series of numbers to appear at bottom left
of the window.  They represent various system use and project demands
parameters.  Typically the current usage of memory, the high use reached so
far and the settings for the project initially.  Of most interest is the
system heap requirements which can be later be amended for the program by
using an .ini file.

Okay, enough about a foreign programme, I needed to use it as an example.
Can we follow system use and project high/low demands within Revolution?  If
so how do we get the information dynamically and how do we use it to design
our Revolution projects for the least system impact to get the best project?

Regards Mark

- Original Message -
From: "Geoff Canyon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: (no subject)

> The system heap, on the other hand, is dynamic, and available to other
applications. That's why many newer applications -- including Revolution --
allocate memory that way. As others have said, you can change the behaviour
of the standalones you build.
> regards,
> Geoff
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use-revolution

use-revolution mailing list

3D libraries

2002-03-20 Thread Mark MacKenzie

Are there any cross platform 3D libraries useable with Revolution?  If
nothing else, can a 3D object be created in QuickTime by Revolution?

I have an idea for a program for cabinetmakers and craftsmen but I would
like to add a visualization step for the finished product and that would
require a 3D library I think.

Any thoughts, suggestions, or best of all teaching examples?

Regards Mark

use-revolution mailing list

Re: sneak-peek: calendar object

2002-03-16 Thread Mark MacKenzie

Grabbed a quick peek.  Looks good.  I can hardly wait to sneak a peak under
the Rev hood!

Neat project and I think one that will be very useful.

Regards Mark MacKenzie

- Original Message -
From: "Shao Sean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mail-List RunRev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2002 2:43 AM
Subject: sneak-peek: calendar object

> thought you guys (and girls =) might like to have a pre-look at my next
> "object" i've been working on..
> http://dark.unitz.ca/~shaosean/calendar.gif
> pretty obvious that it's a calendar.. the picture is from the previous
> and does not contain the "go today" feature.. i'm hoping to release the
> first version in a couple of days (free and open code of course)

use-revolution mailing list

Disappearing dialog

2001-12-10 Thread Mark MacKenzie (Shaw)

I have a simple quit script on a mouseUp handler in a button.

on mouseUp
  answer "Are you sure you want to quit?" with "No" or "OK"
  if it is "OK" then
 end if
end mouseUp

This works like a charm in the Rev editor environment.  However it will not
work in the Rev player environment.  No dialog appears.  I have checked for
locked messages, etc. and not got anywhere.

Win ME Rev. 1.1

Am I simply doing something wrong here or do I need to look further for  a
bug or other scripting defect?

Regards Mark

use-revolution mailing list

Re: set the filled of last graphic to false

2001-12-10 Thread Mark MacKenzie (Shaw)

True but I get around that in a current project by using a box graphic
(opaque property ) but with ink set to noOp, with a surrounding box (acting
as a frame).  This surrounding box is set to be not opaque but with margins
of 4.  I set the colour of this to red for clarity's sake.  I group these
two graphics and handle them as one unit by handling the group.  This may
sound a tad convoluted but it allows the transparent area inside the frame
to receive mouse related actions.  It is really very handy.

Regards Mark

- Original Message -
From: "Chipp Walters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 4:30 AM
Subject: RE: set the filled of last graphic to false

> Mark,
> Thanks. What I was wanting was to create 'hollow' rectangle graphics for
> in 'decorating' windows. If i set the ink property, it will affect the
> the rectangle inside and the outside line. I can do it from the msg but I
> was looking for a button.
> hmmm
> Chipp
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark
> MacKenzie (Shaw)
> Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 12:06 AM
> Subject: Re: set the filled of last graphic to false
> Chipp, I was experimenting with:
> set the filled of graphic xlrf to false
> But found that the graphic then would not  respond to mouse clicks as I
> wished it to.   If you wish it to be transparent and still respond to
> mouse clicks without selecting it first then working with the inks
> might work for you.
> If so, you can try:
> set the ink of graphic xlrf to noOp
> Regards Mark
> - Original Message -
> From: "Chipp Walters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 2:12 AM
> Subject: set the filled of last graphic to false
> > is there a way to do this in the RR IDE? I'm sure there is, but I can't
> find
> > it for the life of me;-)
> >
> > thanks,
> >
> > Chipp
> >
> > ___
> > use-revolution mailing list
> > http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use-revolution
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use-revolution
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use-revolution

use-revolution mailing list

Re: set the filled of last graphic to false

2001-12-09 Thread Mark MacKenzie (Shaw)

Chipp, I was experimenting with:

set the filled of graphic xlrf to false

But found that the graphic then would not  respond to mouse clicks as I
wished it to.   If you wish it to be transparent and still respond to normal
mouse clicks without selecting it first then working with the inks property
might work for you.

If so, you can try:

set the ink of graphic xlrf to noOp

Regards Mark

- Original Message -
From: "Chipp Walters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 2:12 AM
Subject: set the filled of last graphic to false

> is there a way to do this in the RR IDE? I'm sure there is, but I can't
> it for the life of me;-)
> thanks,
> Chipp
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use-revolution

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Penultimate outcome of "Constraining movement"

2001-12-01 Thread Mark MacKenzie (Shaw)

Well, the training wheels are most definitely still on BUT, a first cut of a
demo stack is working for the "ThumbNail Scroller".  Scripts are all
available, some comments but not enough of them.  Great loads of thanks to
all who helped by contributing code examples and critiques to this former

The second phase is where this becomes a real tool.  But, if anyone is
interested in taking it for a test drive I will send it to you.  Just give
me some feedback if you can on any improvements in coding, etc.  Send me an
email address if you can handle a 1.5 meg rev stack (this uses .png image
files for real life test).  If there is enough interest I will put it on my
ftp site and possibly set up upload and share type of system.

As I mentioned before, once finished it will be offered as a demo and
teaching stack as well as a free multimedia element creation tool.

As always, regards to the list.

Mark MacKenzie
Chief Techno-Mage  (most definitely not for Rev yet!!)
Historical Treasures & Ancient Arts

use-revolution mailing list