Re: Drag and Drop to Item in List Field

2010-11-16 Thread Terry Judd
How about this...

on mouseMove
set the hilitedLines of me to (word 2 of the mouseLine)
end mouseMove


On 17/11/10 10:39 AM, Bill Vlahos wrote:

 The following script works very well with one problem. This script hilites the
 line correctly but just keeps hiliting lines as I move the mouse around and
 they stay hilited.
 Make a scrolling field with some lines of text and put this handler in it:
 on mouseWithin
set the backgroundColor of the mouseLine to yellow
 end mouseWithin
 How do I have it only hilite one line at a time?
 Bill Vlahos
 On Nov 12, 2010, at 11:12 PM, Bill Vlahos wrote:
 I have a list of categories and I want to drag and drop some text from a list
 field onto one of the categories in the target list field. The line of text
 should hilite on the drag (before the drop) so I know which item it is going
 to I should drag into.
 I can get most of the coding for drag and drop but there are some things I
 don't know.
 1. How do I hilite the line of text in the list field the mouse is over?
 2. How do I get the line of text in the target list field when the users
 drops the mouse?
 Bill Vlahos
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 information with you, accessible, and secure.
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Re: LiveCode Personal Banner

2010-11-15 Thread Terry Judd
What about creating a personal 'player' application that starts up
automatically and is just left running in the background. You could then
open your projects as you do in the IDE (e.g. drop them on the app icon,
retrieve them from a recent list or open them via a file selection dialog)
without the distractions of all the other IDE stuff. You'll only see the
splash message once on startup/login irrespective of the number of times you
run your 'apps'.


On 16/11/10 11:17 AM, zryip theSlug wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 12:51 AM, Peter Haworth
 When I'm testing and fixing bugs - a lot!
 Oh in the debugging process. Ok I understand.
 My advice could be: let the app opened, open the corresponding project
 in the IDE as well and fixes in live the bugs you find in the
 Of course not so efficient if you are debugging the startup handler.
 A naive question: have you find so many differences between a project
 in the IDE and the resulting application?

Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Re: Saving/importing custom controls to/from file

2010-11-09 Thread Terry Judd
On 9/11/10 11:51 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 Terry Judd wrote:
 Seems like it might be a bit simpler if I can suck an object
 straight out of a networked database onto the clipboard and paste
 it when and where I want it. Easier to update/maintain and less
 hassle than loading stacks, making sure the right stack has focus
 and fiddling with object names and ids and the like.
copy objLongId to destObjLongId
 Takes any object from any stack and puts it where you want it, leaving
 the user's Clipboard intact.
 There are undoubtedly some interesting implications for RevMobile!
 Many uses - you can copy between standalones, for instance.  I copy
 between Rev and MC regularly since native object persistence in the
 public Clipboard was implemented.
 But why especially useful for RevMobile?

It seems like a simple and fairly robust method for customising/modifying an
existing application.

   Richard Gaskin
   Fourth World
   LiveCode training and consulting:
   Webzine for LiveCode developers:
   LiveCode Journal blog:
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Saving/importing custom controls to/from file

2010-11-08 Thread Terry Judd
On a whim I tried copying a group and saving the contents of the clipboard
(clipboardData[³objects²]) to file. I then cleared the clipboard and set the
clipboardData to the file and was able to paste the Œreconstructed¹ object
back into my stack. I have to admit that I was surprised that this worked as
I always just expected that the clipboard data would just contain some
pointers to the copied objects rather than a usable copy of the control. The
same also method appears to work for entire cards.

There may? be some benefits in using this approach compared to saving
controls in Œlibrary¹ stacks. Is anybody already doing this, and if so what
are their experiences (pros and cons)?


Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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Re: Saving/importing custom controls to/from file

2010-11-08 Thread Terry Judd
Yep - several times to make sure - and I checked the clipboard in between.


On 9/11/10 9:12 AM, Monte Goulding wrote:

 On 09/11/2010, at 7:41 AM, Terry Judd wrote:
 On a whim I tried copying a group and saving the contents of the clipboard
 (clipboardData[³objects²]) to file. I then cleared the clipboard and set the
 clipboardData to the file and was able to paste the Œreconstructed¹ object
 back into my stack. I have to admit that I was surprised that this worked as
 I always just expected that the clipboard data would just contain some
 pointers to the copied objects rather than a usable copy of the control. The
 same also method appears to work for entire cards.
 There may? be some benefits in using this approach compared to saving
 controls in Œlibrary¹ stacks. Is anybody already doing this, and if so what
 are their experiences (pros and cons)?
 Hi Terry
 I haven't tried but it doesn't seem right to me. Did you quit and restart
 livecode to make sure memory was cleared.
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Re: Saving/importing custom controls to/from file

2010-11-08 Thread Terry Judd
On 9/11/10 1:29 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

 On 11/8/10 4:31 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:
 Yep - several times to make sure - and I checked the clipboard in
 Great, I wonder how it might best be used. I'm not sure there's a
 massive advantage to this over saving a custom control on a stack and
 just copying the control from the stack.
 I bet it started when RR added the ability to copy/paste objects between
 different instances of Rev. I make use of that a lot.
 It does seem like there should be a use for storing a single control all
 by itself. I just can't think what.

I've got a 'system' that displays a series of context-specific add-on
modules (support tools, prefabricated forms and the like). At the moment
these (custom objects) are stored on separate cards in a series of external
stacks and I load the stacks and copy and paste the objects into the main
stack window as required. Seems like it might be a bit simpler if I can suck
an object straight out of a networked database onto the clipboard and paste
it when and where I want it. Easier to update/maintain and less hassle than
loading stacks, making sure the right stack has focus and fiddling with
object names and ids and the like.

There are undoubtedly some interesting implications for RevMobile!


Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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Re: Saving/importing custom controls to/from file

2010-11-08 Thread Terry Judd
On 9/11/10 1:29 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

 On 11/8/10 4:31 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:
 Yep - several times to make sure - and I checked the clipboard in
 Great, I wonder how it might best be used. I'm not sure there's a
 massive advantage to this over saving a custom control on a stack and
 just copying the control from the stack.
 I bet it started when RR added the ability to copy/paste objects between
 different instances of Rev. I make use of that a lot.
 It does seem like there should be a use for storing a single control all
 by itself. I just can't think what.

You've gotta like the simplicity of...

set the clipboardData[objects] to url (binfile:myFilePath)


Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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Re: Stack dimension for mobile application

2010-10-31 Thread Terry Judd
You need to reduce the size by 20 pixels to allow for the status bar for the
iPhone 3 and iPad so I guess this means a 40 pixel reduction for the iPhone


On 31/10/10 10:41 PM, paolo mazza wrote:

 As far as I know,  the resolution of the screen of
 iPhone 4  is   960 x 640
 iPhone3 - iPod Touch is 480 x 320
 iPad is 1024 x 768
 So, if I want to deploy my application for iphone and ipad, what's the size
 of the stack (width and height)  that I am supposed to set in order to have
 a  full screen application in the iPhone and in the iPad?
 Thanks a lot
 Paolo Mazza
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Re: Refreshing a card

2010-10-31 Thread Terry Judd
Mark - if you want to do a general refresh the card then just call openCard
in your handler. If all you want to do is refresh the date stamp object then
add something like...

Set the visible of grp/fld/whatever dateStamp to the showDateStamp of this
stack your case statement



On 1/11/10 2:52 PM, Mark Smith wrote:

 Hello all, by now most of you are probably familiar with my silly questions
 (born of, I am afraid, too many years engrossed in procedural programming
 languages). Here we go. I have a menu option called Toggle Date Stamp and
 it toggles on/off the display of a date stamp on the card. When you select
 it you might expect that the card goes from displaying the date stamp to not
 displaying the date stamp ad infinitum. Not so. In fact nothing changes. If
 I move off the card and then back on I see the correct behaviour but not
 while I am actually on the card (or any card). I am guessing that in the
 Toggle Date Stamp menu code (below) I need to send a message to the card to
 refresh itself. But what message?
  case Toggle Date Stamp
  set the showDateStamp of this stack to not the showDateStamp of
 this stack
  -- insert some message to get the current card to redisplay
end switch
 (Note, yes the showDateStamp property is in the stack because it effects the
 behaviour of all of the cards, not particular ones. Hopefully I've got that
 bit of logic right :-)
 Thanks for your patience,
 -- Mark

Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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Re: Swapping scrolling text for regular text

2010-10-30 Thread Terry Judd
Mark - all you need to do is select the field and enable its vScrollbar
property in the property inspector.



On 31/10/10 1:33 PM, Mark Smith wrote:

 I have a sort of dumb question. I have a stack with about 12 cards that has a
 text field on it (part of a background group). I would like to change this
 field to a scrolling text field. Is it possible to swap or change the
 existing regular text field into a scrolling one without loosing the
 existing text entries? (or is the only option to restart from scratch).
 -- Mark

Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
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Missing mouse clicks

2010-10-28 Thread Terry Judd
I¹ve got something weird going on where after creating a series of objects
by script (events in a calendar tool) the first two clicks on any of the
created objects aren¹t trapped. On the third click the group (of events)
mouseup script gets triggered and from then on a single click on any object
works as expected. I was previously using a behavior in each of the objects
but the same thing was happening. I¹ve tried trapping the mouseup message at
the object, group, card and stack level but none of them seem to get those
first two clicks (mousedowns are swallowed up as well). Suspending the
development environment doesn¹t help and I¹m seeing the same thing in a

Any ideas on what could be going on???


Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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Re: Photoshop Applescript fails , why?

2010-10-28 Thread Terry Judd
What happens if you use system events to activate Photoshop first and then
tell Photoshop to do its action?

tell application System events to tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5
to activate
tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5 to do action [action] from [set]


On 29/10/10 2:21 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

   I'm trying to drive some photoshop processes with Livecode.
 The idea is small applescripts are easy, bigger file operations are
 easier done in LiveCode.
 2 problems
 ONE: Apple script dies in LiveCode, but runs in Script why?
 tell Application Adobe Photoshop CS5
do action merge leaves from Merge Leaves
 end tell
 works from  Applescript
 I can also put this into a custom property
 tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5
  do action ###Action### from ###Set###
 end tell
 and this in a button:
 on mouseUp
 put the uMergeLeavesAScript of this stack into tScript
 replace ###Action### with fld Action Name in tScript
 replace ###Set### with fld Action Set in tScript
 do tScript as AppleScript
 end mouseUp
 If I test for my script with a put statement I get exactly what works
 in Applescript
 tell Application Adobe Photoshop CS5
do action merge leaves from Merge Leaves
 end tell
 But Adobe Photoshop is not activated.
 If I add this to the script:
 tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5
  do action ###Action### from ###Set###
 end tell
 it still does not work
 If I test just this:
 tell application Adobe Photoshop CS5
 end tell
 it *does* work... so ... why does the applescript line
 do action merge leaves from Merge Leaves when run from LiveCode
 a) block the activation of photoshop b) thereby fail to run itself?
 Any clues?
 TWO: Run another program (via applescript) on a loop from inside LiveCode
 then, once I do get it running, is it possible to have LiveCode run
 another application on a loop? once you activate another program.. and
 if the program takes many seconds to run the process, can LiveCode be
 told to wait and when activity stop in Photoshop, to go open the next
 two files?
 on mouseUp
 put the uMergeLeavesAScript of this stack into tScript
 replace ###Action### with fld Action Name in tScript
 replace ###Set### with fld Action Set in tScript
 put fld PhotoshopPath into tPhotoShop
 put fld FileDirectory into tFolder
 set the defaultFolder to tFolder
 put the files into tFileList
 filter tFilelist with *.JPG*
 launch (tFolder/ line 1 of tFileList) with tPhotoShop
 launch (tFolder/ line 2 of tFileList) with tPhotoShop
 do tScript as AppleScript
 # put this in a loop to then go back and get the next set of files.
 end mouseUp
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Re: [OT] Mac App Store

2010-10-26 Thread Terry Judd
On 26/10/10 3:47 PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:

 The way successfully used by the french Credit Agricole bank to make it's
 fortune in using a slipknot credit policy to make its cattle's breeders
 customers as dependent as possible from the bank. Apple will probably be
 successful too in granting its ability to have the test-market risks and job
 done by others before killing them by Apple labeled cloned apps when the
 original solutions become too profitable to let them in independent and naive
 hands. Is Apple on the road to become one of the most important cloner all
 over the world after China ? Perhaps not...

The major supermarket chains operate in exactly the same way.


Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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Https, sslVerification, certificates - huh?

2010-10-25 Thread Terry Judd
Attention web gurus,

I¹m probably going about it all wrong but I¹m still struggling to retrieve
data from a series of secure (https) websites. Each of these sites requires
a username and password and I can post these along with the url and am able
to retrieve the expected result but ONLY if I set libURLSetSSLVerifaction to
false. If I don¹t do this I get nothing back from the url ­ a blank result.
While setting libURLSetSSLVerifaction to false gets things moving I suppose?
that doing so means the transaction isn¹t really secure?? I¹ve tried setting
the sslCertificates (by first loading the sites in Firefox and exporting the
certificates) but that doesn¹t seem to work. I¹m moving well past my comfort
zone with this stuff and am close to admitting defeat ­ but I really need to
get this stuff working for a major edu project I¹m working on.

Rev 4.5 ­ OSX 10.6

Any tips or ideas?


Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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Re: Https, sslVerification, certificates - huh?

2010-10-25 Thread Terry Judd
I don't think that's the problem. I know at least one of the sites has a
session cookie but that doesn't seem to be involved in the initial
authentication. One of the sites definitely doesn't use any cookies and I
have the same problems even if I only try to connect to this site.


On 25/10/10 7:42 PM, Jim Sims wrote:

 Maybe there is a cookie involved somewhere?
 On Oct 25, 2010, at 10:39 AM, Terry Judd wrote:
 Attention web gurus,
 I¹m probably going about it all wrong but I¹m still struggling to retrieve
 data from a series of secure (https) websites. Each of these sites requires
 a username and password and I can post these along with the url and am able
 to retrieve the expected result but ONLY if I set libURLSetSSLVerifaction to
 false. If I don¹t do this I get nothing back from the url ­ a blank result.
 While setting libURLSetSSLVerifaction to false gets things moving I suppose?
 that doing so means the transaction isn¹t really secure?? I¹ve tried setting
 the sslCertificates (by first loading the sites in Firefox and exporting the
 certificates) but that doesn¹t seem to work. I¹m moving well past my comfort
 zone with this stuff and am close to admitting defeat ­ but I really need to
 get this stuff working for a major edu project I¹m working on.
 Rev 4.5 ­ OSX 10.6
 Any tips or ideas?
 Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
 Medical Education Unit
 Melbourne Medical School
 The University of Melbourne
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Re: Https, sslVerification, certificates - huh?

2010-10-25 Thread Terry Judd
Thanks Andre - that gives me some confidence that proceeding without the 
certificates is OK (i.e. the data is still encrypted) because really all I'm 
concerned about is that the username and password data I send to each of the 
sites isn't visible to snoopers. Having said that I'm still confused about the 
whole certificates thing. LiveCode 4.5 is supposed to automatically find the 
root certificates you have installed on your system and start using them but 
this doesn't appear to happen? even though the example in the release note 
(fetching seems to work. I guess the ideal situation would 
be for LC to behave more like Firefox, which seems to (without fail and quite 
transparently) detect when a certificate is required/on offer and 
gives you the option of putting it into use.

Best regards,


On 26/10/2010, at 12:12 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:

 There are two different things happening here. One is SSL encryption which
 protects the communication between your machine and the remote machine, the
 other is user authentication that protects the other machine from
 unauthorized access.
 For LiveCode to trust/accept an SSL certificate as verified, it must be
 issued by some certificate authority (CA) that is known. Most operating
 systems come with a list of known CA or something similar, sorry for my lack
 of proper terminology but I can't recall the name of that file. If you try
 establish a connection to a secure server and the certificate provided by
 that server is not from a known CA due to one of the possible facts:
 * that the CA file is outdated or not found
 * the remote guys used some CA that is not common and not on most CA files
 * the remote guys are using a self-signed certificate meaning they are
 acting like their own authority.
 This will trigger an error on the SSL library, not an untrusted connection
 or encryption error but a CA verification error. The connection still works
 and is secure but the certificate can't be verified. Basically it is an
 error of the type we don't know who issued this damn thing so we're
 You're still protected in terms of a technical standpoint. Checking out the
 error spilled by libURL might help you understand what is actually happening
 such as is it self-signed, is it expired... but the SSL connection will
 still hold.
 When you use set libURLSetVerification to False you're just bypassing this
 verification step and jumping to the actual business of hey machine, just
 encrypt this damn connection will you!.
 The authentication side happens on another layer. After the secure
 connection is stablished and that is TCP/IP juggling bytes like those street
 magicians, you will face the HTTP Authentication layer which is like that
 really big bouncer at the front door of that club you want to enter. If you
 passed the magician with the really entangled bytes, then, you need to
 present your credentials to the bouncer or you will not be allowed in.
 Different things on the same street but you need to pass from one to the
 other to arrive at your desired destination.
 Hope this helps
 andre Question the Certificate Authority!!! garzia
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Re: Datagrid - chopped off last record

2010-10-18 Thread Terry Judd
Another one solved (although the cause remains a mystery). I rebuilt the
datagrid and the problem went away.


On 18/10/10 2:44 PM, Terry Judd wrote:

 So, my form datagrid has the 'fixed control height' setting unchecked and
 it's all displaying as expected, except for the last record, which is being
 only partially displayed, even when the scrollbar is scrolled right to the
 bottom. The proportion of the last record being displayed also changes
 according to the height of the datagrid.
 How do I get the entire last record to be displayed?
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Datagrid update problem

2010-10-17 Thread Terry Judd
Hi there datagrid gurus ­ I¹ve got a datagrid form with variable control
heights that doesn¹t seem to want to draw the contents when I update it. The
controls appear to be populated but I don¹t see anything (no matter how long
I wait) until I attempt to scroll the apparently empty datagrid. When I do
this, the first few records show up OK but the scrollbar is disabled and I
can¹t access the remaining records.

Each record consists of up to 6 fields that are stacked on top of each other
with their heights being determined and set in the layout control handler.

Any ideas on what the problem might be.


Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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Re: Datagrid update problem

2010-10-17 Thread Terry Judd
OK - solved my own problem. I was trying to populate a non-existent field in
the template that was only being used to display content in a small number
of records.


On 18/10/10 12:25 PM, Terry Judd wrote:

 Hi there datagrid gurus ­ I¹ve got a datagrid form with variable control
 heights that doesn¹t seem to want to draw the contents when I update it. The
 controls appear to be populated but I don¹t see anything (no matter how long
 I wait) until I attempt to scroll the apparently empty datagrid. When I do
 this, the first few records show up OK but the scrollbar is disabled and I
 can¹t access the remaining records.
 Each record consists of up to 6 fields that are stacked on top of each other
 with their heights being determined and set in the layout control handler.
 Any ideas on what the problem might be.
 Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
 Medical Education Unit
 Melbourne Medical School
 The University of Melbourne
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Datagrid - chopped off last record

2010-10-17 Thread Terry Judd
So, my form datagrid has the 'fixed control height' setting unchecked and
it's all displaying as expected, except for the last record, which is being
only partially displayed, even when the scrollbar is scrolled right to the
bottom. The proportion of the last record being displayed also changes
according to the height of the datagrid.

How do I get the entire last record to be displayed?


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Re: RevBrowser - setting the title in a custom browser

2010-10-14 Thread Terry Judd
Thanks Mike - I completely forgot to check the revBrowserGet properties! 
Ideally there'd be a way of querying this while the download was in progress 
given that the HTML usually loads pretty quickly.



On 15/10/2010, at 5:52 AM, Mike Bonner wrote:

 One thing that might help is that you don't need to parse the htmltext for
 the title, its already a property.
 So something simple like this in the card script works ok.
 on browserdocumentcomplete pInstanceId, pUrl
   put revBrowserGet(pInstanceId,title) into WhereverYouWantIt
 end browserDocumentComplete
 I did notice the lag you spoke of when going to pages with heavy graphics
 and the like but am not sure there's really a way around it. I don't believe
 the htmltext or title properties are set until the document load is
 complete, but I could be wrong and often am!
 On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 10:54 PM, Terry Judd wrote:
 I want to set a title field in a custom browser object I¹ve created but I¹m
 having a few problems. I can set it by querying  and parsing the browser¹s
 htmltext  in a browserDocumentComplete handler but this waits until the
 entire document has loaded (images and all), which means that it often lags
 WELL behind what is displayed in the browser. I¹ve also tried using a
 browserNavigateComplete handler (I use this to set the url field) coupled
 with a send in time message to a handler that gets the htmltext but it
 (at least on OSX) that the browser prevents this message from firing until
 the user moves the mouse out of the browser object.
 Surely someone has dealt with this issue already. Any ideas?
 Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
 Medical Education Unit
 Melbourne Medical School
 The University of Melbourne
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RevBrowser - setting the title in a custom browser

2010-10-12 Thread Terry Judd
I want to set a title field in a custom browser object I¹ve created but I¹m
having a few problems. I can set it by querying  and parsing the browser¹s
htmltext  in a browserDocumentComplete handler but this waits until the
entire document has loaded (images and all), which means that it often lags
WELL behind what is displayed in the browser. I¹ve also tried using a
browserNavigateComplete handler (I use this to set the url field) coupled
with a send in time message to a handler that gets the htmltext but it seems
(at least on OSX) that the browser prevents this message from firing until
the user moves the mouse out of the browser object.

Surely someone has dealt with this issue already. Any ideas?


Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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Re: [ANN] scroll wheel object for RevMobile iPhone made with Rev

2010-10-07 Thread Terry Judd
Ooh - nice!


On 8/10/10 5:36 AM, BNig wrote:

 some time ago someone was looking for native iPhone controls for RevMobile. I
 tried to emulate an iPhone scroll wheel through Rev objects that looks close
 to the native scroll wheel.
 The advantage of an Rev object is that it is all graphics and scalable. The
 disadvantage that RevMobile and the iPhone are not the fastest. (small
 scroll wheels work acceptably on an iPhone 3G, much better experience on an
 As a revlet look here:
 as a zipped stack here:
 click and drag on the wheels, if at first not responsive click outside the
 revlet and than inside again.
 Comments welcome

Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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Re: [OT} (slightly) Anyone knows an affordable HD recovery service?

2010-10-05 Thread Terry Judd
If you disk is dodgy but not completely stuffed you might have some success
connecting it to another Mac in Firewire target disk mode or by starting it
up from the install DVD, firing up the terminal and using ditto to copy
stuff across to an external hard drive. I managed to toast two internal hard
drive on my near new MacBook Pro recently in the space of two weeks recently
and was able to recover a lot of stuff this way, despite the fact that the
MacBook wouldn't boot up and the disk was making all sorts of bad clicking


On 6/10/10 9:20 AM, Dar Scott wrote:

 Others have mentioned some software that might help if you deleted
 some files or have a corrupted file system.  Just don't do anything
 with the disk, if you can, until you run recovery software.
 If the macBook is broken, maybe you can place the drive in another.
 If the drive is broken, then this can get expensive and I don't know
 of a source, but I know some people who do.
 On Oct 5, 2010, at 3:00 PM, Malte Pfaff-Brill wrote:
 Hey all,
 well, you will have guessed it from the subject. My HD (internal
 from the macBook) and also my backup sytem got toasted today. If
 anyone knows a recovery service which only charges one arm, not
 both and a leg, I´d appreciate any info I can get. Companies in the
 EU preferred.
 All the best,
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Re: loading a https page on OS X

2010-10-04 Thread Terry Judd

On 04/10/2010, at 5:47 PM, Malte Pfaff-Brill wrote:

 Hi Terry,
 the data is still sent/returned securely, I just don't need to stuff around 
 with certificates?
 I think so, but I would like a word from someone who knows better than me.. 
Agreed. I'm clueless about this side of things and would love to see a lesson 
up on the RunRev site on https, certificates and the like.


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Re: loading a https page on OS X

2010-10-03 Thread Terry Judd
On 4/10/10 5:30 AM, Malte Pfaff-Brill wrote:

 libUrlSetSSLVerification false

So (butting in because I'm in the middle of doing this as well), just to get
this straight, if I post something to a https url (on my server) the data is
still sent/returned securely, I just don't need to stuff around with


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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Re: MYSQL timeout

2010-10-01 Thread Terry Judd
That's what I did, so it makes sense.


On 02/10/2010, at 4:56 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

 Aye. Methinks that when someone replies to an email from the list, there is 
 some kind of identifier in the email that tells a mailer it belongs to a 
 particular thread. So if someone replies to one thread, but substitutes the 
 subject with an entirely new subject, some mailers might just think they were 
 still the same thread. 
 That's my theory and I'm sticking to it. :-)
 On Oct 1, 2010, at 9:52 AM, stephen barncard wrote:
 perhaps only in your mailer.
 On 1 October 2010 11:28, Bob Sneidar wrote:
 No offense, but how in the HECK did this get stuck in the middle of the
 IPad's competitor from RIM thread?
 On Sep 28, 2010, at 6:20 PM, Terry Judd wrote:
 The problem of lengthy timeouts when trying to connect to a MSQL server
 is down/offline is bugging me again. It seems like the default timeout is
 seconds which is way too long to wait for a response but there's no
 way to override it. The socketTimeoutInterval has no effect and while
 got some old code laying around that suggests setting an environment
 variable ($MYSQL_CLIENT_TIMEOUT) it doesn't work either.
 Any ideas?
 Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
 Medical Education Unit
 Melbourne Medical School
 The University of Melbourne
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 Stephen Barncard
 San Francisco Ca. USA
 more about sqb
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Re: MYSQL timeout

2010-09-29 Thread Terry Judd
Yep - tried on LiveCode - no joy there so far.



On 30/09/2010, at 3:54 AM, Devin Asay wrote:

 On Sep 28, 2010, at 7:20 PM, Terry Judd wrote:
 The problem of lengthy timeouts when trying to connect to a MSQL server that
 is down/offline is bugging me again. It seems like the default timeout is 60
 seconds which is way too long to wait for a response but there's no obvious
 way to override it. The socketTimeoutInterval has no effect and while I've
 got some old code laying around that suggests setting an environment
 variable ($MYSQL_CLIENT_TIMEOUT) it doesn't work either.
 Any ideas?
 Have you tried this on LiveCard 4.5? According to the release notes, there 
 was an engine change that made opening sockets non-blocking, but I don't know 
 whether that affects MySQL connections. 
 Devin Asay
 Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
 Brigham Young University
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Re: MYSQL timeout

2010-09-29 Thread Terry Judd
Thanks Malte - that seems like a good solution. My issues have mainly been with 
the server itself rather than with MySQL.


On 30/09/2010, at 7:12 AM, Malte Pfaff-Brill wrote:

 Hi Terry,
 had the same problem. I settled to ping the IP first before trying to connect 
 to the DB:
 case mac is in the platform
get shell(ping -q -o -c3 -t3tIP)
if the result is not empty then
   put the result into tError
end if
 case win is in the platform
set the hideConsoleWindows to true
local tShell
put (ping -n 1 -w 100 tIP) into tShell
get shell(tShell)
if the result is not empty then
   put the result into tError
end if
  end switch
  if tError is not empty then
  -- can not connect to server
  end if
 Even though you can not be sure, that mySQL is really up and running, you 
 will at least know if the server is there. Hope that helps a little.
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MYSQL timeout

2010-09-28 Thread Terry Judd
The problem of lengthy timeouts when trying to connect to a MSQL server that
is down/offline is bugging me again. It seems like the default timeout is 60
seconds which is way too long to wait for a response but there's no obvious
way to override it. The socketTimeoutInterval has no effect and while I've
got some old code laying around that suggests setting an environment
variable ($MYSQL_CLIENT_TIMEOUT) it doesn't work either.

Any ideas?


Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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Re: using datagrid with revmobile

2010-09-15 Thread Terry Judd
I couldn't get a datagrid object to scroll (with a scrollbar) in the plugin
so perhaps they aren't quite compatible just yet.

BTW, has anyone made any progress with emulating an iPhone scrolling
field/list/menu object? I got as far as making implementing the top an
bottom 'overflow' regions and the scaled scroll indicator but mine doesn't
have any momentum action (you can't flick it).


On 15/09/10 10:31 PM, paolo mazza wrote:

  I have few questions about using datagrid in mobile applications...
 In an application for iPhone,  can I place a datagrid object ?
 Datagrid objects work fine in mobile applications created by the present
 RevMobile plugin?
 What about next release of the RevMobile plugin?
 Thanks a lot
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Re: focus border color

2010-09-05 Thread Terry Judd
It looks like focusColor is broken on OSX at least as setting it either at
the stack or object level has no effect. I always get the standard bluish
color irrespective of what color I set the focusColor to (querying the
focusColor correctly reports the color I have 'applied').


On 6/09/10 8:58 AM, Monte Goulding wrote:

 the effective focusColor is returning black when I can see that it's a bluish
 Any way to find the focus border color?
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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The University of Melbourne

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Re: focus border color

2010-09-05 Thread Terry Judd
Based on the colors in the Apple Developer palette it seems to be 67,138,208


On 6/09/10 9:46 AM, Monte Goulding wrote:

 Ah, anyone know the RGB values for that OS X focus border then?
 On 06/09/2010, at 9:35 AM, Terry Judd wrote:
 It looks like focusColor is broken on OSX at least as setting it either at
 the stack or object level has no effect. I always get the standard bluish
 color irrespective of what color I set the focusColor to (querying the
 focusColor correctly reports the color I have 'applied').
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry  Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne

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Re: Datagrid: simple (non-3D) column header dividers?

2010-08-25 Thread Terry Judd
Well it's a good start (how come it isn't in my datagrid user guide?) but
you still get left with a light coloured one pixel wide line (leftHilite) to
the left of each column header that 'spoils' the vanilla effect I'm looking
for. If there was some way to target this graphic through the dgProps
(either by setting its colour or hiding it) then I think we'd be there.



On 25/08/10 6:28 PM, zryip theSlug wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 5:44 AM, Terry Judd wrote:
 I'd like to be able to have simple lines (i.e. no 3D effect) of a specified
 color between my datagrid column headers. Is this doable?
 Hi Terry,
 Is the:
  set the dgProps[header divider color] of tMyDatagrid to tMyNewColor
 do the trick?

Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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Re: Datagrid: simple (non-3D) column header dividers?

2010-08-25 Thread Terry Judd
Brute force method...

on toggleDGHeaderLeftHilite pDGname, pVis
   put the long id of grp dgHeaderComponents of grp pDGname into tObj
   repeat with i = 1 to the number of controls of tObj
  if the short name of control i  of tObj = leftHilite then
 set the visible of control i of tObj to pVis
  end if
   end repeat
end toggleDGHeaderLeftHilite


On 25/08/10 8:27 PM, Terry Judd wrote:

 Well it's a good start (how come it isn't in my datagrid user guide?) but
 you still get left with a light coloured one pixel wide line (leftHilite) to
 the left of each column header that 'spoils' the vanilla effect I'm looking
 for. If there was some way to target this graphic through the dgProps
 (either by setting its colour or hiding it) then I think we'd be there.
 On 25/08/10 6:28 PM, zryip theSlug wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 5:44 AM, Terry Judd wrote:
 I'd like to be able to have simple lines (i.e. no 3D effect) of a specified
 color between my datagrid column headers. Is this doable?
 Hi Terry,
 Is the:
  set the dgProps[header divider color] of tMyDatagrid to tMyNewColor
 do the trick?
 Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
 Medical Education Unit
 Melbourne Medical School
 The University of Melbourne
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Re: Datagrid: simple (non-3D) column header dividers?

2010-08-25 Thread Terry Judd
Excellent - thanks!


On 25/08/2010, at 9:48 PM, zryip theSlug wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 12:27 PM, Terry Judd wrote:
 Well it's a good start (how come it isn't in my datagrid user guide?) but
 you still get left with a light coloured one pixel wide line (leftHilite) to
 the left of each column header that 'spoils' the vanilla effect I'm looking
 for. If there was some way to target this graphic through the dgProps
 (either by setting its colour or hiding it) then I think we'd be there.
 You can manage this pixel line with:
 set the dgProps[header divider threeD color] of grp MyDataGrid to 
 header divider color and header divider threeD color are undocumented.
 -Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
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Datagrid: simple (non-3D) column header dividers?

2010-08-24 Thread Terry Judd
I'd like to be able to have simple lines (i.e. no 3D effect) of a specified
color between my datagrid column headers. Is this doable?


Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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Re: [ANNOYANCE] Custom protocols that are not registered do not trigger browserBeforeNavigate correctly on windows.

2010-08-09 Thread Terry Judd
Thanks Andre, that sounds very promising. I'll give it a whirl.


On 9/08/10 10:55 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

 I believe that this can be fixed by using client side javascript only. By
 fixed I mean restore that behaviour. If you specify an action that is a
 javascript function and in that function you assemble your parameters in a
 url and set the window.location of the running page, it should trigger
 browserBeforeNavigate with the URL from the js function and your parameters
 there. This should work on both windows and mac os x and it is quite an
 elegant solution.
 On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 1:47 AM, Terry Judd wrote:
 What's really annoying is that you used to be able to grab data from form
 elements using browserBeforeNavigate - the values of the form elements
 be reported in the url variable, even if no action was ascribed to the
 This was really useful as you could use a webform to capture some user
 entered data, intercept it with browserBeforeNavigate, process and/or store
 it in Rev and then do some other stuff - in some cases removing the need
 server-side logic or cookies (for example, I used it to store and retrieve
 student's quiz answers submitted during a session).
 This still works in OSX (you just have to parse some 'garbage' off the
 of the URL) but broke in one of the earlier versions of the revBrowser
 externals for Windows. AFAIA, it still works with the original altBrowser
 I reported this some time ago (more than 3 years) but it was never fixed
 my original bug report has disappeared. I for one would like to see this
 feature reinstated.
 Anyone else?
 On 8/08/10 9:50 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:
 Sometimes do you want to create some fancy interface using RevBrowser and
 want to communicate back with the stack that hosts the RevBrowsr view.
 quick way of doing this is to use custom protocols (so that you know that
 url is yours) such as:
 For example, some construct like:
   a href=myapp:refreshGuiClick here to Refresh GUI/a
 When that link is clicked, you could use a browserBeforeNavigate handler
 such as this one:
   on browserBeforeNavigate pID, pURL
 set the itemdel to :
 if word 1 of pURL is myapp then
   -- our protocol!
   switch word 2 of pURL
 case refreshGui
   end switch
 put true into browserCancel
 end if
   end browserBeforeNavigate
 This of course works great on Mac OS X and you can create your own
 windows that trigger things back with no problem and you don't mix
 http://or other protocols with your own, very elegant.
 Now on Windows land (damn you Redmond!!!) things are different. It
 that browserBeforeNavigate is only triggered afted IE renderer inspects
 URL. When it finds out a custom protocol, it checks to know if the system
 can handle it. If you are using your own and haven't fiddled with Windows
 Registry to register it, that check will fail and IE will change the damn
 URL for you pointing to a internal windows dll page showing something
 Hey Fella, I don't know how to handle this! which of course is an
 in patience since my own browserBeforeNavigate will prevent IE from even
 trying to handle my own protocol.
 This is not a RevBrowser BUG per se since RevBrowser is not doing
 it is IE again in its infinite wisdom trying to do things for you (which
 shouldn't). The only solution in these case is to add lots of Registry
 information, registering your own protocol, which will probably make
 try to relaunch your standalone for every of those links.
 Damn, microsoft always makes my life harder!
 Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
 Medical Education Unit
 Melbourne Medical School
 The University of Melbourne
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Re: [ANNOYANCE] Custom protocols that are not registered do not trigger browserBeforeNavigate correctly on windows.

2010-08-08 Thread Terry Judd
What's really annoying is that you used to be able to grab data from form
elements using browserBeforeNavigate - the values of the form elements would
be reported in the url variable, even if no action was ascribed to the form.
This was really useful as you could use a webform to capture some user
entered data, intercept it with browserBeforeNavigate, process and/or store
it in Rev and then do some other stuff - in some cases removing the need for
server-side logic or cookies (for example, I used it to store and retrieve
student's quiz answers submitted during a session).

This still works in OSX (you just have to parse some 'garbage' off the front
of the URL) but broke in one of the earlier versions of the revBrowser
externals for Windows. AFAIA, it still works with the original altBrowser

I reported this some time ago (more than 3 years) but it was never fixed and
my original bug report has disappeared. I for one would like to see this
feature reinstated.

Anyone else?

On 8/08/10 9:50 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:

 Sometimes do you want to create some fancy interface using RevBrowser and
 want to communicate back with the stack that hosts the RevBrowsr view. One
 quick way of doing this is to use custom protocols (so that you know that
 url is yours) such as:
 For example, some construct like:
   a href=myapp:refreshGuiClick here to Refresh GUI/a
 When that link is clicked, you could use a browserBeforeNavigate handler
 such as this one:
   on browserBeforeNavigate pID, pURL
 set the itemdel to :
 if word 1 of pURL is myapp then
   -- our protocol!
   switch word 2 of pURL
 case refreshGui
   end switch
 put true into browserCancel
 end if
   end browserBeforeNavigate
 This of course works great on Mac OS X and you can create your own browser
 windows that trigger things back with no problem and you don't mix
 http://or other protocols with your own, very elegant.
 Now on Windows land (damn you Redmond!!!) things are different. It appears
 that browserBeforeNavigate is only triggered afted IE renderer inspects the
 URL. When it finds out a custom protocol, it checks to know if the system
 can handle it. If you are using your own and haven't fiddled with Windows
 Registry to register it, that check will fail and IE will change the damn
 URL for you pointing to a internal windows dll page showing something like:
 Hey Fella, I don't know how to handle this! which of course is an exercise
 in patience since my own browserBeforeNavigate will prevent IE from even
 trying to handle my own protocol.
 This is not a RevBrowser BUG per se since RevBrowser is not doing anything,
 it is IE again in its infinite wisdom trying to do things for you (which it
 shouldn't). The only solution in these case is to add lots of Registry
 information, registering your own protocol, which will probably make windows
 try to relaunch your standalone for every of those links.
 Damn, microsoft always makes my life harder!

Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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Re: [RevServer tips] Spreading the load or why wise developers use asynchronous workflows

2010-08-04 Thread Terry Judd
So, just to be clear, are you guys saying that even in a desktop app it's
not safe to use revDB calls to a networked mySQL server and that all
database calls should be done via PHP (or whatever)?



On 5/08/10 7:47 AM, Devin Asay wrote:

 Jan, Jeff, Andre,
 So is it okay to have irev scripts that are on the same server as the DB make
 the requests? Or are you just saying you should only submit DB queries from
 localhost? (In MySQL terms, the difference between 'localhost' access and '%'
 access, for example.)
 Of course, when doing DB access from Rev standalone apps, the only way it can
 be done is if the DB allows non-local access, through some port. If I
 understand you correctly, you're saying it is a Bad Idea to have an irev or
 php script query a DB from another server.
 Just trying to make sure I understand the context. I'm a desktop guy who is
 doing more and more with revServer and the web environment, and I'd like to
 avoid having my server nuked.
 On Aug 4, 2010, at 2:26 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:
 Will write a piece on this shortly, this is a big no no no!
 my lib RevSpark was created to serve exactly that situation where you need
 to be able to create simple CGIs that do not require complex views and
 stuff. I created it specifically to serve as an easy way to built RESTful
 services for database interaction.
 On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 5:20 PM, Jeff Massung wrote:
 Never, ever, ever do this. ;-)
 It's basically asking for someone to hack - and nuke - your database out
 from under you. You never want to connect to it remotely, and you never
 to send SQL commands to it directly. Use an intermediate layer.
 For example, have a server process that accepts incoming connections and
 [indirect] commands that will end up modifying the database. But that
 process is capable of doing a lot of security checks:
 - Logins + permissions
 - DOS attack checks
 - Ensure validity of actions
 - Much more...
 The 3rd one there is probably most important. Instead of having a remote
 send direct SQL commands to a remotely hosted database, you create action
 commands that end up performing the correct SQL under-the-hood.
 This has *many* advantages:
 - Clients have no direct access to the database (which may hold the data
 many clients)
 - You can change your data schema without a client ever knowing, and no
 application updates are required.
 - The data storage method is hidden from potential hackers.
 - Much more...
 Jeff M.
 On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
 Hi Jan.
 Is accessing your database directly from a remote location taboo? I'm
 developing an app that does exactly that!
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 Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Re: Mousemove, Optionkey and Windows

2010-08-03 Thread Terry Judd
On 3/08/10 11:46 PM, ron barber wrote:
 Terry, were you testing on a windows machine or emulation or some sort?
Hi Ron - I'm running Windows under VMWare Fusion.


Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Re: Mousemove, Optionkey and Windows

2010-08-02 Thread Terry Judd
Hi Ron - confirmed here on XP (works fine on OSX). Interestingly it will
report 'down' if you click the mouse and then correctly reports 'up' when
you release the key - without clicking the mouse this time. ControlKey seems
to work as advertised.

Looks like a bug to me.


On 3/08/10 1:01 PM, ron barber wrote:

 I encountered a problem and would appreciate confirmation and a work
 around if needed.
 The problem is: the state of the optionkey is not reported in a
 mousemove handler on windows (tried on 7 only)
 Simply create a new stack with a single fld. Set the script of the fld to
 on mousemove
put the optionkey
 end mousemove
 this always reports up in my cases but perhaps something else is going on.
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Re: [Possible BUG] Can someone confirm that calling RevBrowserClose with wrong id will crash app in MacOS X

2010-07-26 Thread Terry Judd
Hi Andre - no problem here. I just get an error message...

External execution error:
Error description: unknown browser id

Rev 4.5.0-dp-3, OSX 10.6.4


On 27/07/10 7:32 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:

 Can someone confirm that calling RevBrowserClose with wrong id will crash
 app in MacOS X? Here on 4.5.0-dp-3 if I call RevBrowserClose with a bad id
 it will lock the process and die.
 silly external...

Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Melbourne Medical School
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Re: Tips for multi-stack app?

2010-07-21 Thread Terry Judd
Jeff - not sure what's going on there (have you checked the defaultStack
property just prior to the problems occurring in the newWidget handler to
make sure that it's still set correctly?). Sometimes I think it's just
easier to add the stack info to your object references so you don't need to
keep track of where you are when you pass messages from stack to stack.


On 22/07/10 2:09 PM, Jeff Massung wrote:

 I must be missing something, because I just can't get this to work.
 I've independently created two different stacks, with the intent of one
 using the other one at a later time. I've done this so that I can update one
 without affecting the other, and patching would be simpler (I hope), and
 might even be possible on the fly without having to shutdown the app.
 Now, each stack on its own works just fine. No problems. But, when I want
 stack A to modelessly open stack B and send some commands to the controls of
 stack B, suddenly nothing works. For example:
 -- from stack A
 send newWidget to group Editor of stack B
 This command sends just fine, but the handler (which works fine) fails in
 the middle because it references other controls on stack B:
 copy group Widget into ...
 And this fails because (I think) Rev is looking for group Widget on stack
 A and not stack B - where the handler is executing. Then I come across the
 defaultStack property, and because calling the newWidget handler, I set
 that to be stack B. Seems fine, except the handler still has the same
 Any suggestions for me? I have to think this is a very common thing.
 Jeff M.
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Code signing Windows executables

2010-07-15 Thread Terry Judd
Does anyone do this for Rev applications, and if so can they provide some
pointers? We're looking to distribute some software to students on a USB
stick and some of the computer labs around the traps have a policy of not
allowing apps to run from removable drives. However, they say that they will
make an exception for digitally signed apps, so...



Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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Re: Drag and Drop on revBrowser...

2010-06-24 Thread Terry Judd
Try using the browserBeforeNavigate message instead.


On 25/06/10 6:36 AM, Simon Lord wrote:

 What I meant by *nothing* is that even the browserNavigateComplete is
 only sent/registered if the mouse exits the revBrowser.  If I don't
 move the mouse, or I stay with the revBrowser then the messages get
 queued up.  When I exit the revBrowser I get a few dozen beeps and url
 refreshes.  This feature is surely broke.
 on browserNavigateComplete pId, pUrl
 end browserNavigateComplete
 On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 4:30 PM, Simon Lord wrote:
 I even have a beep message being sent.  Nothing.
 I also tried to capture the browserClick but it never works.  At all.
 I'm running 10.6.4‹this is starting to smell like a bug I cannot work around.
 On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 4:15 PM, Jerry Daniels wrote:
 Works every time here. What OS? You're sure your cursor-move code is
 executing each time.
 Admittedly, a complete hack of a solution. Shameful, really. Ok, I'm over
 Jerry Daniels
 Follow the Rodeo discussion:
 On Jun 24, 2010, at 3:11 PM, Simon Lord wrote:
 Tried that.  Odd that it works for you.  It only works the first time
 for me, every subsequent link still refuses to update the URL until
 the mouse exits the revBrowser.
 On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Jerry Daniels
 I ran into this with Rodeo's built-in browser and I found a way to make my
 URL field update after navigating to another page--which sounds a lot like
 your problem.
 put the mouseScreenLoc into tLoc
 set the mouseScreenLoc to the topleft of this stack
 set the mouseScreenLoc to tLoc
 This was on Mac Snow Leopard. I could not tell the cursor was moved and my
 URL field updated immediately. I did ran this cde within the
 browserNavigateComplete message. handler
 Jerry Daniels
 Follow the Rodeo discussion:
 On Jun 24, 2010, at 1:09 PM, Simon Lord wrote:
 So the issue of not updating the URL until the mouse leaves the
 revBrowser is a bit of a pain.  When I drag an image from the desktop
 to the stack the image immediately pops up in the browser as expected.
 But the URL doesn't upload until the mouse is *outside* the bounds of
 the browser.  Since the mouse *must* be within the bounds to drop the
 image it means this is a fairly repeatable bug.
 Is there any way to detect a dragdrop on the revBrowser so I can
 force a URL refresh?
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry  Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne

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Re: revBrowser + = Crashing?

2010-06-24 Thread Terry Judd
I've only got a virtual machine to test on (Fusion) but I can confirm the
crash with YouTube (Explorer 7, XP SP3) but only after upgrading Flash to


On 25/06/10 3:10 AM, Scott Rossi wrote:

 Hi List:
 I'm wondering if a few folks with Windows systems wouldn't mind doing a
 simple Rev test.  Run the browser sample stack that ships with Rev
 (C/Program Files/Revolution Enterprise/4.0.0-gm-1/Resources/Examples/Browser
 Sampler.rev) launch the demo browser from the button on the first card, and
 navigate to  Over here on 3 separate systems, Rev crashes
 when accessing this URL.  The Rev folks are apparently unable to reproduce
 the problem.  Can anyone else?
 Thanks  Regards,
 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, UX Design
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry  Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne

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Re: Discover browsers on user system

2010-06-23 Thread Terry Judd
On 24/06/10 11:22 AM, Scott Rossi wrote:

 Recently, Simon Lord wrote:
 Any way to immediately know which browsers are installed on the user's
 system and drop those into a menu?  Same thing for image editors if possible.
 It's funny, I remember using scripts like a decade ago to retrieve the
 *default* Web browser, but Rev's goURL and launch commands have obviated the
 need for this and it's been so long I don't recall the scripts I used to do
 it (good times...).   :-)
 To automatically get a list of installed browsers or image editors seems
 difficult since I believe the system only cares about the defaults
 established by the user (even then, so many apps on OS X are not officially
 installed, just placed).  Several Web development tools I have allow you
 to assign multiple apps as defaults for testing purposes, but aside from a
 plugin installer that walks through system directories, I've never seen a
 tool that automatically knows what suitable apps are installed.
 Maybe someone else has an option.

I guess under OSX you could try setting the defaultFolder to the
Applications folder and parsing the files and the folders for likely
candidates. Wouldn't be too hard for browsers but might be tricky for image
editors once you go past the obvious candidates.

 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, UX Design

Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry  Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne

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Re: File browser extension

2010-06-21 Thread Terry Judd
You can use files() and folders() to get a list of files and folders in the
default directory and then create a combined listing based on this. If
you're happy enough using generic folder and file icons then it's fairly
trivial (a tabbed field with the file and folder icons set using the
imagesource property). If you want the icons to reflect the file
type/extension then it's more complicated (you really need an external for


On 22/06/10 10:31 AM, Simon Lord wrote:

 Close.  What I'm looking for is a field list that shows you all the
 files and folders in the stacks current directory.  With graphical
 representations of files and folders.  User can simply click the
 folder(s) disclosure icons to expand the view to see what's inside or
 doubleclick to display only the contents of that folder.
 So *not* the answer file.  Just a browsable list field that looks and
 acts kinda like the column list view in OSX finder or the file browser
 as seen in Panic's CODA application.
 The first screenshot at the bottom will give you the idea of what I'm
 looking for.
 On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 8:24 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
 It sounds like you want the folder of the chosen file so:
 answer file Choose a file...
 put it into thePath
 set the itemdelimiter to / -- for macs. use \ for windows paths
 delete the last item of thePath
 On Jun 21, 2010, at 5:12 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
 Hi Simon,
 Do you mean the answer file command? You might want to look it up in the
 answer file Choose a file...
 Best regards,
 Mark Schonewille
 Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
 Subscribe to the Economy-x-Talk newsletter at
 Download Clipboard Link and share
 the clipboard of your computer over the local network.
 On 22 jun 2010, at 01:44, Simon Lord wrote:
 I'm wondering out loud if someone has written a file system browser
 extension.  I'm not in the mood to write one myself (remembering my
 prior experience with this).
 Just looking for something I can drop into my stack that allows the
 end user to browse their system looking for images and pass me the
 If it's brain dead easy in RunRev then I'll proudly wear egg on my
 face (but please point to samples).
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry  Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne

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Re: 2 quick questions

2010-06-15 Thread Terry Judd
Mark - put the following handler in the stack script

on preopencard
  if there is a fld cardNumberField then
put the number of this cd into fld cardNumberField
  end if
end preopencard

If the target field is definitely on all the cards then you'd just need

on preopencard
  put the number of this cd into fld cardNumberField
end preopencard



On 16/06/10 12:21 PM, Mark Smith wrote:

 HI Mark, I was all excited until I realized i didn't know where to put it.
 Here is what I want to do: I want to put the number of the current card into a
 field or label on the card so I know where I am in the stack. Where would I
 put this line
 put the number of this cd into field cardnumberfield
 -- M
 Mark Smith
 [] On Behalf Of Mark Schonewille
 Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 9:33 AM
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: Re: 2 quick questions
 put the number of this  cd
 put the number of the current cd
 put the number of this cd of stack Foo
 put the number of the current cd of stack Foo
 I think there is a FAQ on the RunRev homepage but probably it isn't
 what you're looking for. I'd be happy to host a FAQ on if
 we (the list) can agree on what should be included in such a FAQ.
 Best regards,
 Mark Schonewille
 Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
 Subscribe to the Economy-x-Talk newsletter at
 Download Clipboard Link and
 share the clipboard of your computer over the local network.
 On 15 jun 2010, at 15:53, Mark Smith wrote:
 1. How can I get the number of the current card (and put it into a
 field or variable)?
Related: since I am reading a property from an object will the
 solution to this problem generalize to all properties for all objects?
 2. Has someone compiled a FAQ from this mailing list and where can I
 find it.
 Mark Smith
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry  Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne

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Re: pop-up cascading menus

2010-06-15 Thread Terry Judd
On 16/06/10 1:59 PM, Gabel Paul wrote:

 Dear List members:
 On a Mac with Rev 4.0, it appears not to be possible to have cascading menus
 in an option button/menu. I can have them in a pop-up button/menu, but it
 doesn't look anywhere near as nice. I tried superimposing an option button
 over a pop-up button and sending a command to the pop-up, but that won't work
 either. Does anyone know of a work-around so that I can have option's looks
 with pop-up's functionality? Also, WHY can't the rev team create an option
 button with cascading menus? Thanks for all advice.

Probably because it contravenes HIG 'rules' ;)

However, if you really want to go down this path then you could try the

# create an option menu with its text sent to empty (let's call this btn
# create a popup menu with its text set to your cascading menus (let's call
this btn popup)
# set the script of btn option to the following...

on mouseDown
   popup btn popup at the bottomLeft of me
end mouseDown

# set the script of btn popup to the following...

on menuPick pItem
   set the itemDel to |
   set the label of btn option to last item of pItem
   -- add routines related to menu selection here
end menuPick

You might want to fiddle with the location at which the popup btn appears a
bit (try adding a pixel or two to the y co-ordinate).



 Paul Gabel
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Re: Sizing Columns to Fit

2010-06-08 Thread Terry Judd
On 9/06/10 7:31 AM, Gregory Lypny wrote:

 Hello everyone,
 When I import tab-delimited data files, I'd like to be able to set the tab
 stops in a field so that each column displays its entire contents the way a
 spreadsheet does when you size-to-fit.  It's easy to loop through the lines of
 the file to find the maximum number of characters in each column, but I'm not
 sure how to convert that to tab stops in pixels.  Any tips?

Check out the dictionary entry for formattedWidth. If you're using a fixed
width font then all you need to do is find the maximum length of each column
and get the formatted width of the first word of that length. If not then do
the same and then add a few pixels just to be safe.


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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry  Health Sciences
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Re: iTunes style titlebar

2010-06-08 Thread Terry Judd
Sounds like a job for either a custom window shape or, if you're happy with
a window with square top corners, a window with the decorations set to empty
and a faked titlebar.

Here's a script I use for dragging a custom window around by its 'titlebar'
that constrains the upper and lower limits of the drag (watch out for line

local pDown, pXOffset, pYOffset, pT, pB

on mouseEnter
   put false into pDown
end mouseEnter

on mouseDown
   put true into pDown
   put the mouseH into pXOffset
   put the mouseV into pYOffset
   put the screenRect into tRect
   if platform() = MacOS then
  put 20 into pT
  put item 4 of tRect - 28 into pB
  put 0 into pT
  put item 4 of tRect - 63 into pB
   end if
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
   put false into pDown
end mouseUp

on mouseRelease
   put false into pDown
end mouseRelease

on mouseMove x,y
   if pDown then
  put x-pXOffset into tX
  put y-pYOffset into tY
  put globalLoc((tX,tY)) into tTL
  set the topleft of this stack to (item 1 of tTL,min(max(pT,item 2 of
end if
end mouseMove



On 9/06/10 1:57 PM, Simon Lord wrote:

 Is it possible to *assign* a style that mimics the thickness of the  The CODA application has the same thickness (~120px
 I couldn't do it so I figured I'd just trap the mouse position and
 drag the window when the user clicks on the space just below the
 titlebar (in order to simulate a thicker titlebar).  It works great,
 but the bugger drags the whole app right off the top of the screen.
 Mac OS apps don't allow the titlebar to be dragged under the OS menu
 and now I have a few options:
 1) Does RunRev support a thinker title bar that we can mount icons
 onto etc. (like CODA, iTunes...)
 2) Properly detect the top of the stack and exit script before user
 drags stack under OS X system menu bar (tried, doesn't work)
 I'd be happy with any solution where the *feel* of OS X integrity is upheld.
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
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Re: Avoiding Global Variables - revUp 93

2010-06-07 Thread Terry Judd
On 8/06/10 3:51 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:

 In the cases where you have absolute control over the environment, then, you
 can use globals as a simple way of sharing data structures. Usually for
 these cases it is better to create a single global as an array and write to
 a single variable, this makes debugging easier. Better to have a single
 array with 50 entries than 50 globals.

A single global as an array supplemented by script locals works well for me.


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Re: To keep the selection of a textfield visible while the focus is on another control?

2010-06-05 Thread Terry Judd
On 6/06/10 12:02 AM, G. Wolfgang Gaich wrote:
 One way I tested was to store the selectedChunk in a custom property on
 selectionchanged and when the user has entered the textsize in the
 combobox and presses return or enter the textsize and the selection for
 the selectedchunk (I stored in the custom property) of the field is set.
 But there is a period of time the user doesn't see his selection in the
 Is there a way to keep the selection of a textfield visible while the
 focus is on another control?

Hi Wolfgang - You can use the backcolor to achieve an 'authentic' selection

Set the backcolor of [chunk expression] to the hiliteColor

Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry  Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne
 Thank you very much in advance.

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Re: To keep the selection of a textfield visible while the focus is on another control?

2010-06-05 Thread Terry Judd
On 6/06/10 11:38 AM, G.Wolfgang Gaich wrote:

 Hello Terry,
 thank you for the tip. But if I set the backcolor for the selectedchunk,
 blank lines are not affected like they are when the user select several
 lines. Yes, I'm a bit fussy when I build an UI.

Yes - that's clearly a deficiency of the backcolor approach. There are other
methods you could probably try (using overlaid snapshots based on the
formattedRect for example) but they are out and out hacks.


Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry  Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne

 Am 06.06.2010 00:17, schrieb Terry Judd:
 On 6/06/10 12:02 AM, G. Wolfgang  wrote:

 One way I tested was to store the selectedChunk in a custom property on
 selectionchanged and when the user has entered the textsize in the
 combobox and presses return or enter the textsize and the selection for
 the selectedchunk (I stored in the custom property) of the field is set.
 But there is a period of time the user doesn't see his selection in the
 Is there a way to keep the selection of a textfield visible while the
 focus is on another control?
 Hi Wolfgang - You can use the backcolor to achieve an 'authentic' selection
 Set the backcolor of [chunk expression] to the hiliteColor
 Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
 Medical Education Unit
 Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry  Health Sciences
 The University of Melbourne

 Thank you very much in advance.
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Re: inconsistent field appearance

2010-06-01 Thread Terry Judd
Could you do a spot of preliminary 'image analysis' on a field containing a
standard lowercase letter. By programatically moving the mouse (I guess you
can do this with the cursor hidden) and querying the mouseColor you could
determine the actual height of the character on the target platform and
adjust the distance between the two lines accordingly.

There's sure to be an easier way.


On 1/06/10 8:10 PM, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

 Hi Nicolas - can you provide a screengrab of how the problem manifests
 Here are the screengrabs Terry suggested I post:
 Vista view 1 --
 Vista view 2 --
 XP view 1 --
 XP view 2 --
 The first two (Vista) are what I'm expecting. I.e., the minuscules are
 between the guide lines.
 The second two (XP) show the problem. I.e., the letters have become
 larger and so go over the guide lines.
 To repeat, all the font settings are manually cleared and reset by a
 script. And the jpgs show that both XP and Vista stack versions show
 the correct font, albeit at the wrong size.
 Hope that illustrates the problem.
 Nicolas Cueto
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Re: inconsistent field appearance

2010-06-01 Thread Terry Judd
On 2/06/10 4:02 AM, Scott Rossi wrote:

 How are you positioning the guidelines?  Can you use the formattedRect
 property of an offscreen field to determine the correct positions?

I think that would give you the same height value irrespective of the font
or case your using.


 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, UX Design
 Recently, Nicolas Cueto wrote:
 Hi Nicolas - can you provide a screengrab of how the problem manifests
 Here are the screengrabs Terry suggested I post:
 Vista view 1 --
 Vista view 2 --
 XP view 1 --
 XP view 2 --
 The first two (Vista) are what I'm expecting. I.e., the minuscules are
 between the guide lines.
 The second two (XP) show the problem. I.e., the letters have become
 larger and so go over the guide lines.
 To repeat, all the font settings are manually cleared and reset by a
 script. And the jpgs show that both XP and Vista stack versions show
 the correct font, albeit at the wrong size.
 Hope that illustrates the problem.
 Nicolas Cueto
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Re: inconsistent field appearance

2010-06-01 Thread Terry Judd
If you were prepared to set the height of the 'tramlines' dynamically then
you could use the following function to return the appropriate value based
on the true height of a visible lowercase z of the relevant font and size
(the test character must be visible as the function relies on the
mouseColor). Watch out for line wraps.


put the formattedRect of [chunk expression for target character] into tRect
put zHeight(tRect) into tHeight
-- insert some routine to separate the 'tramlines' by tHeight

function zHeight pRect
   put the mouseLoc into tM
   put round((item 1 of pRect + item 3 of pRect)/2) into tX
   put  into tColorData
   lock screen
   repeat with i = (item 2 of pRect) to (item 4 of pRect)
  set the screenMouseLoc to globalLoc((tX,i))
  put icommamouseColor() cr after tColorData
   end repeat
   filter tColorData with *,0,0,0 -- black points only
   put (item 1 of line -1 of tColorData)-(item 1 of line 1 of tColorData)+2
   set the screenMouseLoc to globalLoc(tM)
   unlock screen
   return ((item 1 of line -1 of tColorData)-(item 1 of line 1 of
end zHeight

On 2/06/10 8:10 AM, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

 How are you positioning the guidelines?
 The guidelines don't get positioned each time. I positioned them once
 during initial development and that's it.
 In more detail, I put the text in the field, drew the two lines, then
 manually nudged the lines until they looked in the right place, and
 finally locked their positions.
 Can you use the formattedRect
 property of an offscreen field to determine the correct positions?
 Didn't know about that property. I'll try.
 Could you do a spot of preliminary 'image analysis'
 Thanks Terry, but that's way beyond what I'm up to.
 Nicolas Cueto
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Re: inconsistent field appearance

2010-05-31 Thread Terry Judd
Hi Nicolas - can you provide a screengrab of how the problem manifests and
what you are trying to achieve so we can get an idea of whether you might be
able to craft a solution that is reliable independent of whatever
font/computer combination you use?


On 1/06/10 11:57 AM, Nicolas Cueto wrote:
 My case is not one of those.
 The field-object font is intended for young EFL learners, with that
 field-object overlayed by two parallel line-objects serving to hilite
 the correct letter placement of majuscules and minuscules. And from
 long classroom experience, that 2-3 millimetre difference I'm seeing
 on Vista vs. XP is a difference that the kids too will note and,
 problematically so in the case of some learner types, internalise.
 Which in a way accounts too for why I avoid inflicting my whiteboard
 chicken-scrawl on impressionable young Japanese minds. ^_^

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[Datagrid] Truncating items

2010-05-27 Thread Terry Judd
Is it my imagination or is there some automatic way of truncating items that
are too long to fully display within a column that replaces the extra
characters with an ellipsis?


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Re: [Datagrid] Truncating items

2010-05-27 Thread Terry Judd
On 28/05/10 1:02 AM, Trevor DeVore wrote:

 On May 27, 2010, at 5:41 AM, Terry Judd wrote:
 Is it my imagination or is there some automatic way of truncating
 items that
 are too long to fully display within a column that replaces the extra
 characters with an ellipsis?
 This lesson has an example showing how to truncate text. The Data Grid
 has a built-in command called TruncateTail.

That's it. Thanks Trevor.


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Re: Datagrid border colour setting?

2010-05-26 Thread Terry Judd
On 26/05/10 6:08 PM, zryip theSlug wrote:

 2010/5/26 Terry Judd
 Does anyone know if there is a setting to change the border colour (both
 header and the 'body') of a datagrid? Trevor?
 Hi Terry,
 A Data Grid is a group, so you can change its color like other group.
 set the borderColor of grp myDataGrid to red
Hey thanks - that's a good start but doesn't pickup the bottom border of the


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Re: Datagrid border colour setting?

2010-05-26 Thread Terry Judd
On 26/05/10 8:18 PM, zryip theSlug wrote:

 2010/5/26 Terry Judd
 On 26/05/10 6:08 PM, zryip theSlug wrote:
 2010/5/26 Terry Judd
 Does anyone know if there is a setting to change the border colour (both
 header and the 'body') of a datagrid? Trevor?
 Hi Terry,
 A Data Grid is a group, so you can change its color like other group.
 set the borderColor of grp myDataGrid to red
 Hey thanks - that's a good start but doesn't pickup the bottom border of
 Ok, as far as I know there is no standard function for doing that in the
 Data Grid.
 So a solution consists to set the object color directly by code.
 The name of the bottom header of a data grid is: dgHeaderBottomBorder
put red into tTheColor
set the bordercolor of grp myDataGrid to tTheColor
put the long id of group dgHeaderMask of group dgHeaderComponents of
 grp myDataGrid into theHeaderGroup
set the foregroundColor of grc dgHeaderBottomBorder of theHeaderGroup
 to tTheColor

OK, thanks for sniffing out the relevant object for me. Might be nice to
have to be able to set this via the property inspector along with all the
other datagrid colour properties.



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Re: Datagrid border colour setting?

2010-05-26 Thread Terry Judd
On 27/05/10 6:03 AM, Trevor DeVore wrote:

 On May 25, 2010, at 8:38 PM, Terry Judd wrote:
 Does anyone know if there is a setting to change the border colour
 (both the
 header and the 'body') of a datagrid? Trevor?
 set the dgProps[border color] of the data grid to a color. This
 property isn't in the docs but I will add it in. The getProp isn't
 hooked up for it either but I've addressed that for 4.5.



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Datagrid border colour setting?

2010-05-25 Thread Terry Judd
Does anyone know if there is a setting to change the border colour (both the
header and the 'body') of a datagrid? Trevor?


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Re: Editing Text Selections?

2010-05-24 Thread Terry Judd
Hi Scott - not sure whether it's the accepted way but it's what I've done in
the past. If you can get by with buttons and menus for your editing
selections then you wont have to go down this road but if you must have
fields then I can't think of a viable alternative.


On 25/05/10 1:25 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

 Sorry for posting what I'm sure is a beaten-horse topic, but I feel like I'm
 reinventing the wheel here and am under a deadline...
 Since Rev is incapable of maintaining multiple text selections, is the
 proper way to create a text editor (ie: select some text in a field, and
 for example, set the size of the text using another field) to create an
 artificial selection of the selected text?  In the list archives, I read the
 technique of setting the backColor of the selected text so that it appears
 to remain selected while focus changes to fields in the editor.  Is this
 the accepted way to go about setting up a text editor?
 I'm asking because it's seems like a fragile arrangement, easy to generate
 errors based on when text is actually selected versus when it's not.  I just
 wanted to make sure that this is the right method to use before I go too far
 in this direction.
 Hope this makes sense -- thanks in advance for any
 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, UX Design
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Re: Weird stack name

2010-05-11 Thread Terry Judd
On 12/05/10 1:54 PM, Marty Knapp wrote:

 Well I opened the app in TextWrangler, but couldn't find anything . . .
 I have some printing handlers, but nothing that remotely contains the
 mystery name.

Did you try a spotlight search?


 Michael Kann wrote:
 I would take a look at all the readable strings in your standalone
 Find the Macintosh version of this type of Windows program:
 The string must be in there somewhere.
 I was thinking the same. Marty, you can just open the stack in BBEdit
 or any text editor. If that string isn't there, do you have any
 printing handlers? Seems like the name is related to that.
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Re: export snapshot transparent?

2010-05-10 Thread Terry Judd
You could copy the word you want to create an image of into a transparent
(non-opaque) field, resize it to fit the text (using formattedWidth and
formattedHeight), then use the import snapshot command to create an image
object. This will retain the transparency and you can do whatever you want
with it from there (e.g. Export it in whatever format or use it within Rev).



On 11/05/10 11:43 AM, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

 To convert into transparent images (PNG or GIF) each of the words in a
 word-list, I am thinking of using Rev's export snapshot thus:
   put elephant into tNewWordEnglish
   put adjustFieldSizeToWordLength(tNewWordEnglish) into tNewRect
   set the rect of field exportEnglish to tNewRect
   put tNewWordEnglish into field exportEnglish
   export snapshot from rect tNewRect of window tWIS to file tPath as PNG
   put zousan into tNewWordJapanese
 Obviously this isn't going to result in a transparent image but, is
 there a way of configuring things so that it might?
 Thank you.
 (And if you're wondering why export the words as images instead of
 simply relying on text-fields... to ensure young Japanese learners see
 font-wise what their teacher rather than the OS's limitations
 intended. I realize there's revFontLoad, but long painful experience
 teaches me to not rely on how Rev and Windows-on-Japanese-PCs interact
 font-wise. Even today, despite running the latest version of Rev on
 the latest Windows OS, when coding in Rev my fingers automatically
 adjust to Rev's imaginary keyboard layout rather than the actual
 physical keyboard layout of my Japanese machine.)
 Nicolas Cueto
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Re: Strange results in deletion of lines

2010-05-10 Thread Terry Judd
David - unless you have huge numbers of lines it's probably easiest to just
use the filter command.

filter tHold without F*

The reason your repeat method isn't working is that tCount is only valid
until the first deletion takes place

So either use...

repeat with j = tCount down to 1
  if char 1 of line j of tHold is F then delete line j of tHold
end repeat

Or use the repeat for each form and build a new list as you go...

put empty into tList
repeat for each line tID in tHold
  if char 1 of tID is F then put tID cr after tList
end repeat
delete last char of tList -- removes the trailing CR



On 11/05/10 12:34 PM, David C. wrote:

 Hey folks,
 I've run into something weird again (at least it seems weird to me)
 and need some help. I have a variable named tHold that contains the
 following (targeted) lines of text among many others:
 What I'm trying to do is to delete any line that begins with F and
 the working code looks something like this:
 put the number of lines in tHold into tCount
   repeat with j = 1 to tCount
   if character 1 of line j of tHold = F then delete line j of tHold
   end repeat
 For some reason that I cannot detect, it removes only 4 of the eight
 potential lines that are targeted although they all clearly begin with
 an F. I've checked and double-checked my sample data to make sure
 there are not any spaces preceding the F character for each.
 Ideas? Better method?
 Best regards,
 David C.
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Re: export snapshot transparent?

2010-05-10 Thread Terry Judd
On 11/05/10 12:42 PM, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

 Terry, thank you for pointing out import snapshot.
 It almost worked.
 Problem is outerGlow is lost during import. In the original
 text-field, I use outerGlow to add fuzziness to the edges of letters.
 Tried to get around this by setting the outerGlow of the imported
 image the same as the text-field and then exporting. But, the exported
 image too loses the graphic effect.
 Is there a way around this too?

If you want to maintain the transparency then apparently not. You might be
able to fashion a solution in Rev if you use import or export snapshot to
grab the relevant part of the screen ­ this retains the graphic effect but
gives you an opaque background. Use a white background and convert your
field coordinates to screen coords using globalLoc before you take your
snapshot, then when you've got your snapshot in Rev apply an appropriate ink
effect to it to render the background transparent (blendMultiply might do it
for you).



 Nicolas Cueto
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Re: Strange results in deletion of lines

2010-05-10 Thread Terry Judd
On 11/05/10 1:06 PM, David C. wrote:

 David - unless you have huge numbers of lines it's probably easiest to just
 use the filter command.
 filter tHold without F*
 The list is currently running almost 30,000 lines and this is just the
 first stage of the required processing, so I'll try the other
 approaches that you and Nicolas have offered.

David - if you have that many lines and you need to run each line though a
number of processes then I'd definitely use the repeat for each form.


 When you delete line j of tHold, the number of lines in tHold
 changes. So, tCount no longer meshes
 That actually makes a lot of sense now that you mention it... guess
 I've been overlooking the obvious.
 Thank you very much to both Terry  Nicolas.
 Best regards,
 David C.
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Re: export snapshot transparent?

2010-05-10 Thread Terry Judd
 If you need to maintain transparency, the easiest way is to group the things
 you want to export, with enough margin space to accommodate the glow
 effects, and export the group.


 Scott Rossi
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Re: Newbie question

2010-05-04 Thread Terry Judd
On 5/05/10 10:46 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:

 I haven't used SC/HC but I do use background groups a lot. I tend to always
 have a bg group named interface on my projects that holds the common user
 interface for the app, then using different cards, I just create the
 modified parts, this way, instead of showing/hiding controls as the
 interface changes reacting to the user input, I navigate to different cards.
 Typically my interface group consists of navigation stuff so that the user
 can access the other cards and status displays so that I have a uniform way
 of presenting stuff.
 I like working that way but I don't know how people here work. So this is
 feedback from someone that never knew HC or SC prior to using RR.

I used both HC and SC before Rev and usually work in much the same was as
Andre describes. I occasionally do quite complex interfaces with multiples
views on a single card (hiding and showing interface groups) but when you're
dealing with a large number of controls that can be a pain to edit and


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httpproxy with username and password?

2010-05-02 Thread Terry Judd
How do I go about retrieving web data when I need to set the httpproxy AND
the proxy server requires a username and password?

I've tried appending a username/password combination in front of the IP
address (user:p...@someipaddress) but that doesn't seem to work.



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Re: Question about RevMobile

2010-04-11 Thread Terry Judd

On 12/04/10 8:47 AM, Mark Swindell wrote:

 While the iPad is no LaserDisk, it will have to do.  :)
 For educational consumption media (multimedia), the iPad is what was promised
 15-20 years before it could be implemented.  I think it could prove very, very
 valuable in education on myriad levels.  Unfortunately we are living in an era
 of broken budgets and cynicism on so many levels when it comes to education.
 When developers, working with educators, can make a decent living on
 developing educational software, good software may come.  When the interface
 become obscured enough so teachers and students don't have to spend so much
 frustration capital problem-solving, when the per unit price point becomes low
 enough, and when the software and interfaces becomes clever enough, perhaps
 some universal good will come of it and it's counterparts.  I'm hopeful.  It
 will never replace the laptop, but with an added keyboard and pointing device
 it could certainly do dual service as one... after all, it is a monitor.

I still think netbooks offer greater flexibility overall but we're certainly
considering iPads for use by medical students in clinical settings. The
tablet form seems just about right in that case (no moving parts). I'm very
much hoping that the recent iPhone OS licensing changes don't shut Rev out
of the picture.

 On Apr 11, 2010, at 2:48 PM, René Micout wrote:
 Le 11 avr. 2010 à 17:40, Richard Gaskin a écrit :
 In brief, I see the iPad as one of the most powerful an innovative media
 CONSUMPTION devices ever.  But for media AUTHORING, we still have computers.
 I agree with that.
 I also think that the usefulness of the iPad has not yet been revealed. For
 now, the only applications that have been shown are only adjusting the iPhone
 apps (question of scale) or Macintosh applications tailored to the iPad
 (question of use). The best is yet to come, at least I hope so. I'm waiting
 for new programs and it is true that I would like to build them myself. Time
 will tell if this is possible.

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Re: revmobile looking good

2010-03-20 Thread Terry Judd
 Meanwhile, would it be possible to include iPad in the Simulator choices?
 That script is password protected, so I can't go in and try adding that
 A couple of days ago (just after the latest revMobile pre-alpha),
 Apple released beta 5 of the iPhone 3.2 SDK and this is the first
 version that allows submission of apps using 3.2 which also means the
 first iPad apps.
 I would expect that now they have a target, RunRev can link into this
 and give us an iPad version soon.

It's all looking good so far - the ability to test on the iPad simulator,
even with the pre-alpha would be great.

What I'd like some info on is what sort of controls/interface objects are
likely to included in the IDE. I've started creating some replica 'native'
controls but don't want to go too far down this path if I don't have too.


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Re: Flipping card (screen)

2010-03-15 Thread Terry Judd
Check the dictionary entry for 'visual effect'. There are all sorts of
transitions available although none of them may give you the sort of 'flip'
(page turning?) effect your looking for. Personally I don't mind the
dissolve effect - the rest I can leave.


On 16/03/10 11:10 AM, charles61 wrote:

 I have been working on an app for the past eight months. I am in the process
 of trying to spruce up my opening card that has buttons for the user to
 choose. My question: How can I get my card to flip with the new side of
 the card showing the next card? This effect is seen in Pages when the user
 chooses a new file and the screen flips.

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Re: Using the brush tool

2010-03-15 Thread Terry Judd
I guess you could also set and reset the tool as you enter and leave the
paint object. Your tool buttons would then only have to store the tool
choice for you to set when you need it...

Brush button..
on mouseUp
  set the cPaintTool of this cd to brush
end mouseUp

Paint object
on mouseEnter
  do choose the cPaintTool of this cdtool
end mouseEnter

on mouseLeave
  choose browse tool
end mouseLeave

...or something like that.


On 16/03/10 12:33 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 Mike Brown wrote:
 Do you know what commands sets the cursor from the brush tool back to
 the normal behavior?
 The same one you use to change the tool to the brush tool, only
 specifying the browse tool instead:
   choose browse tool
 As for keeping some buttons in browse mode while having paint tools in
 use, you can try two options:
 - Try setting the cantSelect of the buttons you want to maintain
 browse-mode behavior.  When that property is set they respond as though
 they're in browse mode even when the tool is the pointer tool - may work
 for the brush tool as well.
 - Have those buttons in a palette stack, limiting your toplevel stack to
 the painting canvas.
 For the long term, it would be really great if we could have tool modes
 for group controls, so you could have a tool pane running in browse mode
 and a group as your paint canvas, all in one window.
 There's a request for this, if you feel like it's something worth voting
   Richard Gaskin
   Fourth World
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Re: Looking for old Revolution Eternal -RevClips

2010-03-14 Thread Terry Judd
Hi Glen - I've got a copy of the Mac bundle but not the Win DLL. Is that any


On 15/03/10 3:00 PM, Glen Bojsza wrote:

 I was wondering if anyone still has the external Alex Rice did some time ago
 for CLIPS.
 It was called revClips (I think).
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Re: Cross platform design tool

2010-03-14 Thread Terry Judd
On 15/03/10 3:54 PM, Randall Reetz wrote:

 I don't want to say yes or no.  What I will say is that rev is a great
 environment for building a tool menu of most types.  But the drawing and
 painting primitives available are a bit 1980s (at least as compared with java
 and flash).  Can't for the life of me figure out why xtalk environments
 haven't kept pace with graphic engines and protocols.

They may not be quite on a par with Flash but they've actually improved
quite a bit over the last couple of versions. I was recently asked to add a
drawing tool to an electronic health record system we're developing for
medical students and I wasn't at all keen on the idea. However, a day or so
later I had something that looked and functioned much better than I could
have hoped for.


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Re: dropping to the Finder

2010-02-26 Thread Terry Judd
 If there's a simpler way to accomplish this I'd love to find it, but it
 would appear that Interarchy (and the many other FTP tools that use
 drag-and-drop) are getting info from the Finder to know which file to
 download their data into.

On OSX, what about querying the path of the front Finder window just before
the drop is made via applescript.


Tell application Finder to get (POSIX path of (target of front window as

Although dropping onto the desktop while other windows are open might give
you the wrong result and if the drag target is still in the background when
you make the drop you're in trouble as well.


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Re: revBrowserExecuteScript problems

2010-02-23 Thread Terry Judd
Hi Jeff - I haven't tried doing this but given that your script works from
the message box have you tried using a send (in time) construct when you
receive the browserDocumentComplete message?


On 24/02/10 10:03 AM, Jeffrey Massung wrote:

 Ugh, I've been at this for *hours* now and I can't seem to see what's
 different that's causing my issue. Hopefully someone here can point me to the
 correct solution...
 I have a revBrowser instance that opens a webpage. Simple.
 The browserDocumentComplete message gets sent and i receive it just fine.
 Once the page is loaded I try and execute two javascript functions from the
 page. All of these script calls fail and throw an exception:
 However, if I open up the message box and type the _exact same line of code_
 (i.e. I copy paste it from the source file into the message box), then it
 I'm hoping there's something really simple here that I'm missing, because this
 is starting to get a tad frustrating. ;-)
 Jeff M.___
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Re: AW: Andre's house - completely offtopic

2010-02-11 Thread Terry Judd
I dunno Sarah - I kind of like to sleep in until at least 7 on a Saturday
morning. But if you don't mind watching cartoons with my early rising
five-year old for an hour or two ;)


On 12/02/10 9:13 AM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

 Hope others add themselves, it would be interesting to see where we all are.
 Yes, and we need a pin for the RunRev offices.
 I asked Google to give me directions to some of these locations, but
 it failed miserably and said it couldn't be done.
 So the only person I can get to is Terry - I'll be there in 21 hours
 and 46 minutes Terry :-)
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Re: revBrowserSet, search a second string

2010-02-10 Thread Terry Judd
Claus - This looks like a bug (at least on OSX). As you point out the docs
say that setting the selectedtext to empty or a string that does not occur
in the text should 'reset' the selection - but doesn't. Certainly worth

In the meantime it looks like you can work around it by handing the focus to
another control. This should remove the current selection in the browser
text and let you 'search' again. I just tried with with the browser example
stack and doing the following...

focus on btn browser on -- (button that toggle the browser on and off)

... Before changing the search string had the desired effect.



On 11/02/10 7:35 AM, Claus Dreischer wrote:

 i see a strange behaviour when searching a second string in a revBrowser:
 First i open a revBroser and i can see the web page i stated
 Then i search in that page with:
 revBrowserSet sBrowserId, selected, search_text
 sBrowserId is the Browser ID i got from revBrowserOpen
 search_text is the variable containing my string to search, like Mike
 I can do this repeatedly and i find the different occurences of that
 string in that page. All fine here.
 Now when i change the search_string to e.g. John,
 nothing happens. John is not found (but he's on that page) :-/
 Changing the search string again (even to Mike): Nothing happens. :-/
 Resetting the search with an empty search string (like the doku said):
 Nothing happens :-/
 Any ideas what i could have done wrong?

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Re: revBrowserSet, search a second string

2010-02-10 Thread Terry Judd
OK - it looks like the OSX and Win versions of the browser function
differently here (nothing new about that). While the method I suggested
doesn't work with the Win browser, I did find that calling the revBrowserSet
command twice will do the trick.

For example, using the runrev home page as a testbed...

RevBrowserSet 1, selected, platform
-- selects a single instance of the word platform in the footer section of
the page
RevBrowserSet 1, selected, enterprise
-- selects a substring of a word a couple of lines down
RevBrowserSet 1, selected, platform
-- does nothing but...
RevBrowserSet 1, selected, platform
-- selects the previously selected instance of the string

I'd still report this as it doesn't work as reported and there is nothing
more painful than having to implement platform specific workarounds
(actually, not being able to come up with any satisfactory workaround for a
particular platform is definitely more annoying).



On 11/02/10 10:07 AM, Claus Dreischer wrote:

 Hi Terry,
 thanks for taking a look!
 I had no luck with handing the focus to another control here on Win XP.
 Didn't cured the problem here.
 But i have done some more tests:
 (revBrowser alread open in a substack)
 - revBrowserSet sBrowserId, selected, Mike
 - revBrowserSet sBrowserId, selected, John
   works too :-)
 - focus on main stack
 - focus back on substack with revBrowser
 - revBrowserSet sBrowserId, selected, Mike
   doesn't work anymore  :-/
 - revBrowserSet sBrowserId, selected, John
   doesn't work anymore  :-(
 So it looks like (at least here on Win XP), *loosing* the focus is
 somewhat related to the problem.
 Can anyone shine a light on his?
 Am 10.02.10 23:04, schrieb Terry Judd:
 Claus - This looks like a bug (at least on OSX). As you point out the docs
 say that setting the selectedtext to empty or a string that does not occur
 in the text should 'reset' the selection - but doesn't. Certainly worth
 In the meantime it looks like you can work around it by handing the focus to
 another control. This should remove the current selection in the browser
 text and let you 'search' again. I just tried with with the browser example
 stack and doing the following...
 focus on btn browser on -- (button that toggle the browser on and off)
 ... Before changing the search string had the desired effect.
 On 11/02/10 7:35 AM, Claus Dreischer wrote:
 i see a strange behaviour when searching a second string in a revBrowser:
 First i open a revBroser and i can see the web page i stated
 Then i search in that page with:
 revBrowserSet sBrowserId, selected, search_text
 sBrowserId is the Browser ID i got from revBrowserOpen
 search_text is the variable containing my string to search, like Mike
 I can do this repeatedly and i find the different occurences of that
 string in that page. All fine here.
 Now when i change the search_string to e.g. John,
 nothing happens. John is not found (but he's on that page) :-/
 Changing the search string again (even to Mike): Nothing happens. :-/
 Resetting the search with an empty search string (like the doku said):
 Nothing happens :-/
 Any ideas what i could have done wrong?
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Re: Properly formatted large numbers

2010-02-09 Thread Terry Judd
Can you have two columns - one formatted, one not - and somehow apply the
sort to the unformatted column. I guess the unformatted column would have to
be of invisible and you'd need to have some way of trapping the selection of
the column header. You might need Trevor's help there.


On 10/02/10 2:17 PM, Michael Lew wrote:

 Dear Listers
 I'm working on some statistical simulations and regularly get output numbers
 with anything from 1 to 7 digits. They are hard to read when they don't have
 the conventional commas separating the thousands and millions. I've written
 a simple function that does the comma formatting for me but it mucks up
 sorting. Of course. (I'm using a datagrid to display the results and live
 sorting is really handy.)
 Does anyone have an easy way to deal with this? I'm tempted to use a fixed
 pitch font so that larger numbers always look longer, but that would be a
 kludgey workaround.
 (I note that in OSX the Finder puts separators in the correct places in
 large numbers using the settings of the International System Preferences.)

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Re: Getting list of files in a folder

2010-02-08 Thread Terry Judd
How about this?

function listFiles pFolderPath
   set the defaultFolder to pFolderPath
   put the files into tFiles
   filter tFiles without .*
   put empty into tList
   repeat for each line tFile in tFiles
  put tFile tab (pFolderPath / tFile) cr after tList
   end repeat
   return char 1 to -2 of tList
end listFiles


On 9/02/10 4:05 PM, Mark Swindell wrote:

 How do I return a list of the files in a given folder on disk along with their
 full path?
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Re: Getting data from a secure web page

2010-02-02 Thread Terry Judd
Hi Sarah - I'd really like to see a solution to this as well, so if you come
up with anything can you post it to the list?

Best regards,


On 3/02/10 11:01 AM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

 Hi All,
 I need the ability to download a secure web page (I have the login
 details) and get data from it. This is so I can allow everyone to
 monitor internet usage, so we don't go over in a month and get
 speed-capped to dial-up to speeds.
 On my browser, I go to
 and when I enter the name  password, I get to which has the data I
 I have tried using Rev directly:
 put URL;
 put URL;
 but these give no data at all.
 Then I tried curl, but I have to say I find it very confusing with
 it's multitude of options. I tried several options that gave nothing
 and some that gave me back a web page, but always just the login page
 revBrowser allows me to get the login page, enter my details and
 login, then get the html source so I can find the usage data I need,
 but this is only a useful technique if I have a way to submit a form
 automatically from a revBrowser.
 So does anyone have a way of getting data from a page like this?
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Re: Calling stack?

2010-02-02 Thread Terry Judd
If it's a substack the you can use 'the owner' to get the name of the main
stack. Otherwise I think you'll need to store it in a variable or a custom
property for future reference.

How about having a property called the cCallingStack of the stack you're
opening and setting it with the name of the current stack before you open
the next stack...

set the cCallingStack of stack stackpathorname to the short name\
of this stack
open stack stackpathorname



On 3/02/10 4:03 PM, Bill Vlahos wrote:

 I have a stack that opens another stack. How do I refer to the name of the
 calling stack in the freshly opened stack which is now on top?
 Bill Vlahos
 InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
 information with you, accessible, and secure.
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Re: DataGrid - not drawing fully in standalone

2010-01-15 Thread Terry Judd
Is the datagrid in a separate stack (not a substack) that is opened by the


On 16/01/10 11:38 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 I have a DataGrid which works fine in the IDE, but in a standalone it
 draws only the appropriate number of alternating lines but no contents
 in those rows.
 Because the problem is limited to the standalone it's difficult to pin
 down; I hope to have more details as I continue to poke around.
 But I'm writing now just to see if any of you have come across such a
 thing, and how you resolved it.
 TIA for any insight you can share
   Richard Gaskin
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Re: an interesting challenge

2010-01-13 Thread Terry Judd
On 14/01/10 10:51 AM, Derek wrote:
 4. a secret text file gets generated and downloaded to the drive along with
 the standalone, the standalone finds it, reads it and deletes it? (no, the
 user might be confused and delete it before they launch the standalone)

There was some discussion over the last couple of days about the potential
evils of Flash shared objects but I guess you could use them to your
advantage in this case. If you included a small Flash object on the
referring page that created a shared object with a name that reflected its
relationship to both your standalone and the host website then you could get
the downloaded Rev standalone to check for its existence amongst all the
other shared objects when it started up for the first time.

Still far from ideal and will definitely fail if the user downloads on one
computer and installs on another. Seems like what you really want is a
server-based routine that packages (zips) the standalone with a text file
containing the required information on the fly and delivers the customised
version to the user.


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Re: an interesting challenge

2010-01-13 Thread Terry Judd
A challenge within a challenge.


On 14/01/10 1:41 PM, Derek wrote:

 J. Landman Gay wrote:
 J. Landman Gay wrote:
 It's easy for PHP code in the landing download page to get the
 that Bob sent them with a $GET. But how on earth will the Revolution
 standalone know about Bob?
 One thought: PHP gets the info and sends it to the download server via a
 POST action to a CGI on the download server. The download server's CGI
 parses the parameters and writes the info to a file or database. When
 the standalone launches on a user's machine, it does a get URL of the
 CGI on the download server, which looks up the data and returns it.
 I left out something. You need some kind of identifying info so that you
 know who to look up. So unless you require a registration, where they
 enter their name on both the server and into your standalone, this
 method won't work. :(
 That was my last resort -- option #9!
 Do you really need to tie each copy to a specific user? Maybe just
 knowing that Bob referred 10 people and another server referred 40 is
 In this project, I do need to match incoming users to referrers.
 Jacqueline Landman Gay |
 HyperActive Software   |
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Re: an interesting challenge

2010-01-13 Thread Terry Judd
On 14/01/10 2:57 PM, Derek wrote:

I think we're running into problems with indents so hopefully this remains

 There was some discussion over the last couple of days about the potential
 evils of Flash shared objects but I guess you could use them to your
 advantage in this case. If you included a small Flash object on the
 referring page that created a shared object with a name that reflected its
 relationship to both your standalone and the host website then you could
 get the downloaded Rev standalone to check for its existence amongst all the
 other shared objects when it started up for the first time.
Would that be better than a browser cookie? Would I still have to scan all the
browser folders on their computer?

There are designated (platform specific) locations for shared objects to be
stored (check the mail archives for the last few days because I'm sure
someone posted them previously) so you wouldn't need to do much scanning -
some relatively simple code within a switch statement based on the platform
and systemversion functions and utilising the defaultfolder property should
do the trick.
 Still far from ideal and will definitely fail if the user downloads on one
 computer and installs on another. Seems like what you really want is a
 server-based routine that packages (zips) the standalone with a text file
 containing the required information on the fly and delivers the customised
 version to the user.
 That is a great suggestion... then all Revolution needs to do is search
 their whole hard drive for the file (different people choose to download
 things to different places), and hopefully not run into permissions
 problems, and hopefully the user won't delete it before launching the

Well if your program consists of a folder containing the application and
various other folders/components then I don't think you'd have any problem
with an additional (temporary) text file getting 'lost' or the application
finding the file when it first launched. If however your program has to
consist of the application and nothing else then you'd need to somehow write
the info into the application on the server side before you zip it for
download. I guess this would be relatively straightforward for Mac apps as
they are folders anyway but not sure how you'd go about it with Win apps.
Perhaps you could find a bit of redundant/little used text within the binary
code (there are bits and pieces that are human readable) that you could
write your string to for later extraction.


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Re: Scale ImageSource?

2010-01-08 Thread Terry Judd
On 8/01/10 6:02 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

 Recently, Jacque Landman Gay wrote:
 As Jacque said, an interesting idea Terry.  In fact, the imageSource caching
 feature could actually work to my benefit since the thumbnails could all
 be exported to a single temp image without fear of updating the other
 imageSource references.  Using one fileName would be a bit less messy than
 using 40 or so separate exports I would have to deal with (40 thumbnails).
 Let us know if it works. I have a hunch that Rev will only read the
 first iteration of the image and all the subsequent imagesource
 references to the same file will look like the first one. But I'm not
 sure, so I'm curious. And if it does work, we all have a new trick.
 Oops, you're probably right.  If I get a chance to try it I'll report back.

Yep - I reckon they will all be the same as well which is why I suggested
using the tempname function to provide a unique file path, writing the image
to it, setting the imagesource and then deleting the temporary file. I might
have confused things unnecessarily by mentioning the caching issue, which on
reflection seems not to be relevant if you use this method.

 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, UX Design
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Re: Scale ImageSource?

2010-01-07 Thread Terry Judd
Scott - What about exporting the scaled image object to a 'random' temporary
file (using the tempname function), setting the imagesource and then
deleting the file. That way you should avoid the caching issues that Jacqui
brought up the other day.


On 8/01/10 9:07 AM, Scott Rossi wrote:

 Can anyone think of way to scale the imageSource representation of an image
 in a field without actually scaling the source image?
 I have a bunch of Web based thumbnail images that are larger than I would
 like, which I want to display in a field via imageSource links.  The only
 way I can think to scale the imageSource display is to set the fileName of
 an intermediate image object to the URL of the thumbnail, scale the
 intermediate image, and then point the imageSource items in the field at the
 intermediate image object.  But then I think I would need a separate
 intermediate image for every imageSource reference, which will eventually
 become unmanageable.
 I tried adding standard HTML size tags (width =, height =) to the HTMLtext
 of the field but these seem to be ignored.
 Any other ideas on how I might do this?
 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, UX Design
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Re: Text anomaly

2010-01-03 Thread Terry Judd
Jim - you need to escape the slash with an extra slash

E.g. 123 1//2 Main St


On 4/01/10 9:41 AM, James Hurley wrote:

 I have a list of addresses in which some of the street number area
 fractional such as:  123 1/2 Main St.
 When I put these addresses into the text property of a popup menu,
 everything after the division sign is omitted from the line in which
 it appears, i.e. the address above would look like 123 1
 This doesn't happen with any other aritmetic sign, multiplcation,
 addition or subtraction signs.
 Is this just an anomaly with the text field in a popup or is there
 something else going on that I should worry about?
 Jim Hurley
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Re: Passing parameters from Rev to Applescript

2009-12-21 Thread Terry Judd
The merge function is really useful here.

put Pictures into tWindowName
do merge(fld 1) as applescript

Where fld 1 contains...

tell application Finder to get bounds of window [[tWindowName]]


On 22/12/09 1:06 PM, Kee Nethery wrote:

 On Dec 21, 2009, at 3:01 PM, Howard Bornstein wrote:
 Hmmm, I thought this was straightforward but I can't seem to get this to
 I want to pass a value from Rev to an applescript. Here is a simplified
 version of what I'm trying to do:
 on mouseup
 Put Pictures into tWindowName
 do field 1 as Applescript
 end mouseup
 Field 1 contains the following:
 Set theWindow to tWindowName
 Tell application Finder
 get bounds of window theWindow
 end tell
 This results in an applescript execution error. If I substitute Pictures
 for tWindowName, it works properly. But rather than hard-coding the window
 name into the applescript I want to pass it as a parameter.
 tWindowName is not a variable. When it is in a field, it is just text. Nothing
 special about it. If you want this to work, what you could do is replace the
 text of tWindowName with the data you want it to contain. For example:
 on mouseup
 Put Pictures into tWindowName
 put field 1 into whatToSend
 replace tWindowName with quote  tWindowName  quote in whatToSend
 -- doing this replaces the text with the data in the variable
 do whatToSend as Applescript
 end mouseup
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Re: GLX2

2009-11-30 Thread Terry Judd
How about the debugger? It broke in 3.5 and apparently broke Rev's as well
(at least in my setup - OSX). I finally removed it the other day and I can
now use the 'continue' button in the Rev debugger without freezing or
crashing Rev. Despite all the good things said about tRev and my good (pre
3.5) experiences with GLX2 I'd still like the option to try tRev before
buying (to see if I can live with a 'decoder' rather than a debugger).


On 1/12/09 10:22 AM, Mark Wieder wrote:

 Monday, November 30, 2009, 2:18:11 PM, you wrote:
 Will GLX 2 be updated to work with Revolution 4?
 Is there something that's not working for you? I'm using glx2 with rev
 4 with no problems...

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Re: QT on Win: possible deal-breaker, need alternative

2009-11-30 Thread Terry Judd
I like the look of this. I'm going to have to push an app out to a variety
of hospital settings soon where QT is the exception rather than the norm so
it may well do the job. Thanks (to all concerned) for the recommendation.


On 1/12/09 10:36 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:

 jw flv player is very stable. I've used it before for doing exactly that
 (playing mp3 inside rev) and it works quite well.
 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 7:47 PM, stephen barncard wrote:
 Hey Richard,
 What about licensing one of those soup-to-nuts javascript players like JW
 Player in conjunction with RevBrowswer.   Doesn't javascript and Flash run
 in RevBrowser?
 I think this one has a lot of options:
 It appears to play EVERYA/V format, not just MP3s and flvs.
 I don't know how stable this lash-up is, but it's a thought. At least a
 browser is a standard install on both platforms and the meat of the display
 code is updated with the user's browser.
 Stephen Barncard
 San Francisco
 2009/11/30 Richard Gaskin
 I have a project out to bid which is currently spec'd to require
 on both Mac and Win.  The client is discussing this with his customers to
 determine whether it will be acceptable to them to install QT on their
 systems.  In the event that those customers say no I need a backup, and
 preferably one which lets me deliver this project in Rev.
 Here are the specs:
 a. Source media files are in WAV, AIF, and MP3, with thousands of them
 many of full-length songs so embedded audio clips are not an option.
 b. Must be able to play the file.
 c. Must be able to move the playhead in whatever UI we deliver to allow
 playback from arbitrary starting points.
 In my tests here using a Win XP system without QT installed, b. works
 only for MP3, but I couldn't play WAV files in Rev at all.
 c. was a non-starter for all formats: attempting to set the currentTime
 a player control yielded no change to when the file began playing; if the
 file had not be played before it would only play from 0, and if it had
 played and been stopped using the stop command then the next play would
 always resume where it had last stopped, regardless of the currentTime.
 Last time I asked about this here one of the responses (from Andre?)
 suggested using a player made with Flash embedded in HTML inside the Rev
 If we have no alternative that may be okay, but I'm concerned about the
 layers of overhead introduced by relying on those two extra components.
 Have any of you used a similar configuration for playing WAV files on a
 Was the performance acceptable?
 Any drawbacks with such a setup?
  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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  revJournal blog:
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