Change Logout redirect location

2022-08-29 Thread Jarek Millburg

I am curious if there is a way to change what url the web application directs 
the user to upon clicking the logout button? We have a custom page as our 
landing page that has links to the login page for the application as well as a 
few other places and would like to redirect the user to this page upon loggin 
out instead of the login page if possible.

Thank you.

Password Authentication Custom Password Reset Page

2022-07-21 Thread Jarek Millburg

I am writing a basic web page to be accessible alongside the current guacamole 
application that can be used to allow users to reset their passwords. I am 
writing a custom one as I have custom scripts that need to be ran along with 
updating data in places outside of the mysql database the application is using 
for authentication and connection control. I am having a hard time writing the 
authentication part of the web page as it seems the database stores the hex 
form of the password hash and the salt. I know the method that is used to 
create the password hash and store it along with the salt but I can't seem to 
grab the salt and hash from the database and duplicate the steps in Java in 
order to see if the provided password they entered is the correct password 
which is required in order to allow them to reset their password.

Any help anyone can provide on how to properly do this in Java would be much 

Thank you

Can you change Database Password Hash

2022-07-15 Thread Jarek Millburg
Within the application If you use a database like MySQL for authentication it 
says that the passwords are salted with a random 32 byte string and then hashed 
with the SHA-256 hash before being stored. I was wondering if it is possible to 
change the hashing method to a different hash? Looking into this for reasons 
related to our current systems and wondering if this is possible.

Custom Application SSH (close window on user logout)

2022-07-08 Thread Jarek Millburg
Greetings all,

We have a custom built guacamole application with an SSH tunnel that opens 
within its own window. We would like the window to close when the user types 
exit to logout of the target machine. I am wondering if anyone can help me 
understand the best way to do this or point me in the right direction.

Thank you

RE: VNC/RDP connection fail (Invalid Credentials?)

2022-06-27 Thread Jarek Millburg
We are creating our own custom application as it is site used internally that 
has other uses but needs to have the VNC/RDP capabilities within the web 
application. The application makes the connection no problem when we do not 
send full credentials with the tunnel connection but when we include a password 
parameter it refuses the connection even when the username and password are 

Jarek Millburg, M.S.
Application Analyst

Eurofins | EAG Laboratories
2672 Metro Blvd.
Maryland Heights, MO 63043


From: Nick Couchman 
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2022 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: VNC/RDP connection fail (Invalid Credentials?)

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of EAG. Do not click links or open 
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

On Mon, Jun 27, 2022 at 11:16 AM Jarek Millburg>> wrote:
Hello there,

I am working on a new custom web application and am implementing guacamole for 
a VNC and RDP connections to many target machines. My system takes input from a 
user to let the system know what IP address to connect to and what credentials 
they have.

I do not use a user-mapping.xml file as we have hundreds of target machines 
throughout our network so we prompt the user for all information needed to make 
the connection. When we test without the use of a password it makes the 
connection and then prompts the user within the VNC/RDP connection to sign into 
the target machine. If we include the password with the credentials entered by 
a user then it fails to establish the connection and disconnects. Checking the 
logs the only info I find is that it was refused based on Authentication 
Failure (Invalid Credentials?).

We know the account information is correct for the machine we are accessing so 
wondering if anyone has any thoughts or input on what we could possibly be 
doing wrong.

P.S. Most code is based off the Skeleton code provided here : Writing your own 
Guacamole application — Apache Guacamole Manual 

A couple of questions for you:
1) Is there a specific reason you're writing your own web application aside 
from wanting the users to be able to enter the connection information? If the 
only reason you're writing a custom app is because you don't want to pre-create 
all of the connections, in user-mapping.xml, JDBC, or LDAP, then maybe instead 
of writing an entire separate web application it would be better to just use a 
difference authentication extension - either use the Quick Connect module, 
which allows for entering URIs (e.g. 
vnc://<>), or write your own module 
that would allow users to enter that information.
2) Even if you decide to write a custom application, you can test to make sure 
that the stock Guacamole Client is able to connect and authenticate correctly, 
which would help you establish where the issue actually is (custom app vs. 
Guacamole core components).


VNC/RDP connection fail (Invalid Credentials?)

2022-06-27 Thread Jarek Millburg
Hello there,

I am working on a new custom web application and am implementing guacamole for 
a VNC and RDP connections to many target machines. My system takes input from a 
user to let the system know what IP address to connect to and what credentials 
they have.

I do not use a user-mapping.xml file as we have hundreds of target machines 
throughout our network so we prompt the user for all information needed to make 
the connection. When we test without the use of a password it makes the 
connection and then prompts the user within the VNC/RDP connection to sign into 
the target machine. If we include the password with the credentials entered by 
a user then it fails to establish the connection and disconnects. Checking the 
logs the only info I find is that it was refused based on Authentication 
Failure (Invalid Credentials?).

We know the account information is correct for the machine we are accessing so 
wondering if anyone has any thoughts or input on what we could possibly be 
doing wrong.

P.S. Most code is based off the Skeleton code provided here : Writing your own 
Guacamole application - Apache Guacamole Manual 

Jarek Millburg, M.S.
Application Analyst

Eurofins | EAG Laboratories
2672 Metro Blvd.
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
