Re: Client requires DataSource bean configuration copy

2017-07-24 Thread franck102
Thanks Val, that makes sense.

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Re: Running Ignite client in C++

2017-07-24 Thread kotamrajuyashasvi
Hi.. thanks for your response. I'm able to run ignite c++ client by using a
simple make file which has 'LDFLAGS' set to folders in
$IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp , and 'LDLIBS' set to -lpthread, -lignite-common,
 -lignite, -lignite-jni, -lignite-binary. The IGNITE_HOME should have all
the cpp libraries built first using the instructions provided in DEVNOTES.
Also while running the program, we have to set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the
folders in make file which are set to the 'LDFLAGS' .

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Re: Re: TcpCommunicationSpi - Caught unhandled exception in NIO worker thread (restart the node) java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2017-07-24 Thread
Thanks Val, 

Regards previous question of the setWorkDirectory for each Ignite nodes, I 
found after set  I always got :

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Unknown pair [platformId=0, 

But this class are in classpath definitely. notice there also the configuration 
from the META-INF/; am i have to register all my class in 
this properties?
From: vkulichenko
Date: 2017-07-22 02:23
To: user
Subject: Re: Re:Re: TcpCommunicationSpi - Caught unhandled exception in NIO 
worker thread (restart the node) java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
On-heap can be used as a cache for off-heap, it's size is controlled by
eviction policy. Note that on-heap will have copies of entries, everything
that is on-heap is stored off-heap as well.
Off-heap is the primary storage, it holds all the in-memory data. It is
controlled by memory policies.
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Re: Streaming test

2017-07-24 Thread vkulichenko

Ignite#atomicLong method will return existing instance if it is already
initialized, so you actually don't need to manage this manually.


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Re: About the xml configuration

2017-07-24 Thread vkulichenko
Hi Martin,

1. Generally yes, I would recommend to use the same configuration. Even if
you do otherwise, you need to make sure that discovery configuration is
correct everywhere.
1.1. Classes that are part of configuration like cache store implementation,
must be explicitly deployed on all nodes including clients. Peer class
loading works only with Compute Grid to deploy closures and remote jobs.
1.2. This is probably caused by misconfiguration. Make the configuration
consistent on all nodes first, and the check if issue persists or not.
2. See 1.1. Cache store can be invoked on client for transactional caches.
For atomic caches this is not the case, but validity checks are the same, so
you still have to deploy classes.


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Re: Client requires DataSource bean configuration copy

2017-07-24 Thread vkulichenko
Configuration contains only bean name, not bean itself, so it has to be
provided explicitly on every node. Reasoning behind this is that cache store
implementation is rarely can be serialized.

On the client node cache store is needed for transactional caches, because
in this mode store is updated from a transaction coordinator which is
usually a client. For atomic caches this is actually not required, but
configuration validity checks are the same. I would recommend to use the
same configuration on both servers and clients unless there is a particular
reason to do otherwise. This will simplify the process.


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Re: slowClientQueueLimit and messageQueueLimit

2017-07-24 Thread vkulichenko
messageQueueLimit provides back pressure. If there are too many outbound
pending messages in the queue, sender will wait until at least one of the
messages is sent.

slowClientQueueLimit is the maximum amount of outbound messages to a client
node before that client is kicked out from topology. This is done to make
sure slow clients do not cause overall degradation.

Configuration for TcpCommunicationSpi is typically the same on all nodes,
including servers and clients. I don't see a reason to have different values
on different nodes.


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slowClientQueueLimit and messageQueueLimit

2017-07-24 Thread Amit Pundir
Hello Everyone,

To manage the slow clients, Ignite provides 'slowClientQueueLimit'
configuration on TcpCommunicationSpi.
There is another configuration 'messageQueueLimit'.

Could you please help me understand the difference between the two and
whether - 

1. slowClientQueueLimit is configured on server nodes only, or client nodes
only or on both?
2. messageQueueLimit is configured on server nodes only, or client nodes
only or on both?


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Client requires DataSource bean configuration copy

2017-07-24 Thread franck102
I have a single server defining a cachestore on top of a JDBC data source
using the attached spring configuration.
I connect a single client, and I don't need to replicate the cache
configuration in the client: the client downloads it from the server on
startup. However I still need to declare the datasource bean that the
cache(s) use - else I get the exception below.
Is that an oversight, or some exchange / spring beans ordering problem? It
looks like if CacheStore exchange is supported then the lower-level beans
the cache depends on should be exchanged as well?
Can I force the client to synchronize / download data sources from the
server before the cache configuration exchange happens?




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Re: Failure to deserialize simple model object

2017-07-24 Thread franck102
Hi Mikhail,

I have subscribed to the mailing list - just didn't long enough before
posting :(

I have attached the POM. Since my post I tried a couple more things:

- I removed the CacheConfiguration elements from the client; I can still
find the server's partitioned caches in ignite.cacheNames(), so I guess
replicating cache configuration on the client is not needed. I wonder why
the webConsole generates it by default; and this is far from obvious for the

- With that I still get the exact same problem trying to deserialize a
single cache entry. What I don't understand is that throughout the entire
documentation I see that BinaryMarshaller will be the default if I don't
specify a specific marshaller.
The source code however still creates JdkMarshallers in many places (4-5
when breaking in debug mode), and a JdkMarshaller is the one failing to read
the entry.
The marshaller is taken from
org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi which seems unaffected
by any configuration I could create...

POM file for the project:


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Re: Zero entry in off-heap.

2017-07-24 Thread mcherkasov
Hi Bob,

your config is ok:
there's a bug in visor which is fixed in 2.1 version.


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Re: Failure to deserialize simple model object

2017-07-24 Thread mcherkasov

Please properly subscribe to the mailing list so that the community can
receive email notifications for your messages. To subscribe, send empty
email to and follow simple instructions in
the reply.

Could you please share with us a small pom based project that can reproduce
the problem?


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Re: Distributed SQL grid concerns

2017-07-24 Thread Denis Magda

Please see inline

> On Jul 24, 2017, at 12:44 AM, Nabeel Ali Memon  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm considering to use Ignite 2.0.1 as a distributed SQL grid on top of a 
> commonly used relational DB server. The domain requires strict transactional 
> semantics since it's a payment information system. I quickly went through 
> Ignite's user guide and it seems like all the necessary ingredients are 
> there. However I have some following questions which some of you may have 
> come across. Please let me know your experience:
> 1) How configurable is write-to-disk delay on transactions. Say I perform a 
> distributed tx on grid and I want to write to disk after 1 sec delay 
> (asynchronously) to increase the system throughput. Does it have any other 
> side-effects?

You have to use the write-through mode if the stick consistency is the goal. 
The write-behind (asynchronous) synch can not  guarantee the strong consistency 
in all the cases.

> 2) If a tx happens successfully on grid, and before writing to the db server 
> the JVM is killed or crashes, does it write those pending transactions after 
> reboot?

A transaction is written to the db first and then to the grid. That avoids any 
imaginable out-of-sync issues. Read more here: 

and watch this recording: Distributed ACID Transactions in Apache® Ignite 

> 3) Once a tx happens on the grid, is it guaranteed (or how do I make sure) 
> that there will be no conflicts or logically failed transactions later when 
> it goes to perform this tx on db server?

The reply on 2) covers this bullet point.


> Thanks.

Re: Running Ignite client in C++

2017-07-24 Thread Alexander Fedotov
Additionally, especially if you are familiar with QMake, please find
attached an example of a simple QMake project file
with a set of dependencies on Ignite headers and libs as well as on some
required Java headers and libs.

Kind regards,

On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 3:44 PM, Alexander Fedotov <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Please refer to the pratform/cpp/README.txt for the information about the
> required headers and libraries.
> Under Linux, only makefiles are available for now.
> Kind regards,
> Alex.
> On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 2:11 PM, kotamrajuyashasvi <
>> wrote:
>> Hi .. I'm a newbie in ignite. I was able to successfully deploy multiple
>> ignite server nodes and run a client java program in java. The client java
>> program required ignite-core.jar and some other jars. Now I want to run a
>> sample ignite client in c++.
>> I would like to know what are the main dependencies in c++, like java
>> client
>> required ignite-core.jar. In the docs its mentioned in DEVNOTES to use
>> libtoolize,aclocal,autoheader, automake etc commands in platforms/cpp
>> directory.. to build dependencies. What is the procedure after that? I
>> have
>> written a sample c++ ignite client program in some other directory and now
>> what are the dependencies that I should add and how to find and add them.
>> Is
>> there any way without using make files since I'm not comfortable with
>> makefiles.
>> --
>> View this message in context: http://apache-ignite-users.705
>> Sent from the Apache Ignite Users mailing list archive at
Description: Binary data

Re: Running Ignite client in C++

2017-07-24 Thread Alexander Fedotov

Please refer to the pratform/cpp/README.txt for the information about the
required headers and libraries.
Under Linux, only makefiles are available for now.

Kind regards,

On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 2:11 PM, kotamrajuyashasvi <> wrote:

> Hi .. I'm a newbie in ignite. I was able to successfully deploy multiple
> ignite server nodes and run a client java program in java. The client java
> program required ignite-core.jar and some other jars. Now I want to run a
> sample ignite client in c++.
> I would like to know what are the main dependencies in c++, like java
> client
> required ignite-core.jar. In the docs its mentioned in DEVNOTES to use
> libtoolize,aclocal,autoheader, automake etc commands in platforms/cpp
> directory.. to build dependencies. What is the procedure after that? I have
> written a sample c++ ignite client program in some other directory and now
> what are the dependencies that I should add and how to find and add them.
> Is
> there any way without using make files since I'm not comfortable with
> makefiles.
> --
> View this message in context: http://apache-ignite-users.
> Sent from the Apache Ignite Users mailing list archive at

Zero entry in off-heap.

2017-07-24 Thread Bob Li
I wanna put entries into off-heap area by the following configuration:  

Cache definition:

 Memory Policy :50M_Region_Eviction

But  check the Ignitevisorcmd  console, but it always displayed 0 entry 

Entries (Heap / Off-heap)
max: 20098 (20098 / 0)

why ? what's my mistake?


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Running Ignite client in C++

2017-07-24 Thread kotamrajuyashasvi
Hi .. I'm a newbie in ignite. I was able to successfully deploy multiple
ignite server nodes and run a client java program in java. The client java
program required ignite-core.jar and some other jars. Now I want to run a
sample ignite client in c++. 

I would like to know what are the main dependencies in c++, like java client
required ignite-core.jar. In the docs its mentioned in DEVNOTES to use
libtoolize,aclocal,autoheader, automake etc commands in platforms/cpp
directory.. to build dependencies. What is the procedure after that? I have
written a sample c++ ignite client program in some other directory and now
what are the dependencies that I should add and how to find and add them. Is
there any way without using make files since I'm not comfortable with

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Distributed SQL grid concerns

2017-07-24 Thread Nabeel Ali Memon

I'm considering to use Ignite 2.0.1 as a distributed SQL grid on top of a
commonly used relational DB server. The domain requires strict
transactional semantics since it's a payment information system. I quickly
went through Ignite's user guide and it seems like all the necessary
ingredients are there. However I have some following questions which some
of you may have come across. Please let me know your experience:

1) How configurable is write-to-disk delay on transactions. Say I perform a
distributed tx on grid and I want to write to disk after 1 sec delay
(asynchronously) to increase the system throughput. Does it have any other

2) If a tx happens successfully on grid, and before writing to the db
server the JVM is killed or crashes, does it write those pending
transactions after reboot?

3) Once a tx happens on the grid, is it guaranteed (or how do I make sure)
that there will be no conflicts or logically failed transactions later when
it goes to perform this tx on db server?
