Re: Karaf and Transaction Control Service Specification

2019-02-06 Thread Tim Jones
Hi Alex,

yes it is possible to use tx-control with Karaf, we have been using it on
v4.0.5 in our production system for about 18 months with no issues. One of
the main reasons we use tx-control is that is it 'backed' by a standard.
Rightly or wrongly we also didn't have confidence in Aries JPA Template at
the time we were considering transaction managment solutions to manage our
transactions in a production environment (perhaps this was misguided) but we
were concerned that there were few integrated tests for that project where
as there are over 2000 lines of test code for tx-control which demonstrate
sucess and failure cases for JPA, JDBC, non-XA, XA, last gambit wins,
commit, rollback depending upon exception type and much more.

I think the enRoute project has some examples and
the tx-control test code is worth looking at.


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Re: JPA (Hibernate) with Apache Karaf 4.2

2018-05-30 Thread Tim Jones
Hi Alex,

while I recognise this does not answer your question I thought it might help
being that you stated you are new OSGi and you asked  "as there are better
practices for persistence in OSGi?"

Are you aware of the broader OSGi landscape regarding Declarative
Services/Bluerprint/POJO/Everit components/CDI + other. If you come to a
point where you are about to embark upon a significant piece of work it may
pay to do some reading on this. 

Not a great analogy but it would be a bit like starting with an example
based on JEE not knowing that the Spring framework existed. You may latter
have then wished you had known about the Spring framework to make a more
strategic decision as to what framework you wanted to base your application.

The example you are working with is based upon Aries Blueprint, the are
other examples based upon DS e.g the enRoute example, each
has it's pros and cons. 

The following is worth a read


Tim Jones

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Re: Multiple bundles dependencies injection (pax-cdi or blueprint)

2017-03-07 Thread Tim Jones
This is a bit long winded but as you are new to OSGi before you make your
next step ...
As you have probably realised by now there are a few ways of achieving your
goal, it can be difficult trying to distill the information on the Web and
come up with the 'best' way to wire up services between bundles. Even in
this one thread three different ways have been mentioned, Pax-CDI, Blueprint
(of which there are 2 flavours) and Declarative Services, there are  others
not mentioned. Unfortunately you are unlikely to get a general consensus as
to the best way forward and even that may depend on what you are ultimately
trying to achieve. But some of the things that you may want to take into
consideration before opting for a particular technology is whether it is
widely used, backed by a specification e.g. OSGi Alliance, has there been
any recent enhancements to the specification, are there any new
specifications that may effect your decision, does the technology offer the
life cycle dynamics that OSGi can provide. Take CDI for example, as
mentioned above there is already an implementation, Pax-CDI, the OSGi
Alliance has also a published,
how will this effect the Pax-CDI project? Is there another implementation on
its way? Take Aries Blueprint, it is widely used but from my understanding
the Blueprint specification has not been touched for 5 years or so since it
was first released in OSGi 4.2. Take Declarative Services as another
example, this technology is widely used, has recent specification
enhancements, is enthusiastically promoted by the founder of the enroute
project (, promoted by the bndtools community, but
at the moment takes a bit more work to integrate with other technologies
such as CXF, Camel than say Aries Blueprint, although I think there is good
work going on in these projects to make it easier. Another consideration is
although it may be seemingly possible to do something in a certain way, can
you have a high level of confidence that the library has extensive tests to
support it. As an example, my company recently engaged Paremus to write the
the tx-control project which underpins the transaction management of our
system, there are over 3500 lines of test code in that project. I think you
would agree that for something as fundamental as transactional management of
persistence you really want a high level of confidence that it does work and
wont be easily inadvertently broken in later releases (obviously unashamedly
trying to convince you of the merits of tx-control :) 

Hope this helps,


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SpringMVC V4 + Karaf

2016-09-07 Thread Tim Jones

I am looking for a solution for integrating a war based upon SpringMVC V4+
with Karaf/Jetty. Currently we have a working web app based upon
SpringMVC/Security/Mobile V3 that uses SpringDM running on Karaf 2.3.2. We
would like to continue with Spring but upgrade to version 4.

I was wondering if perhaps Achim with your pax-web experience or others had
any thoughts on the following approach. By instructing the
maven-bundle-plugin to use  instead of 
then the blueprint-spring-extender
thanks Guillaume) would be used to process the Spring namespaced config file



This much I have done and I can log the Spring beans in the application
context and the osgi services to the Karaf console.

However the Spring DispatcherServlet still needs to be registered and I
thought that this could perhaps be achieved by programmatically implementing
Springs WebApplicationInitializer
Assuming that the servlet container was able to find the class implementing
the WebApplicationInitializer would this be sufficient? If so, any pointers
on how to coax the servlet container to scan and find the customised



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Re: What to use with Karaf : blueprint or Spring

2016-07-31 Thread Tim Jones
Have a read of

I assume you mean SpringDM as opposed to using the Spring libraries alone.
Support for SpringDM has been discontinued and of the box SpringDM only
supports up to but not including Spring V4. There is some recent work on
using Spring name spaces within Blueprint see
so it may be possible to use Spring V4 libraries within Blueprint.

I am not familar enough with Blueprint to answer if it is as 'powerful' as
Spring but I am sure my son would be able to tell you which Super Hero would

Although Blueprint would probably provide the path of least resistance if
you are intending migrating from SpringDM, there are other alternatives such
as Declarative Services which is worth giving serious consideration.


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Re: Does bundle uninstall release the memory?

2016-05-02 Thread Tim Jones
Hi Srikanth,

in my experience it will depend on the bundle. Although we use SpringDM and
found permgen issues with CGLIB, for the same reason any bundle could be
susceptable to permgen leaks. Some more details here -
Tracking down what is causing the leak isn't usually too hard, follow
something like, but fixing
it may be more difficult if it is due to a third party library.


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Re: Blueprint or DS or what to use?

2016-03-21 Thread Tim Jones
I realise rereading my post that it may have been a little ambiguous as to
which direction we have taken => we have decided that Declarative Services
will be the best solution for us long term.

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Re: Blueprint or DS or what to use?

2016-03-20 Thread Tim Jones
Andreas you are crossing or about to cross a bridge we are crossing at the
moment. We also have a SpringDM based application. It is 3+ years in
production and so a change as large as moving away from SpringDM is very
disruptive. For the most part we considered only Aries Blueprint vs DS.
However as you can see from this post there are other alternatives, some
fairly recent such as support for Spring namespaces in Aries Blueprint. 

For us the most significant points to consider were

1) Will there still be good support in 5-10 years (having been burnt once we
don't want face the same issue again)

2) Where is the general OSGi community heading? Blueprint/DS/other. The
first sentence of Tim Ward's post is something we thought significant.
Something that has concerned me over the last couple of years is sometimes
an alternative is suggested by needs some jiggery pokery to make it work, it
doesn't have wide support, little documentation, often has bugs which led to
a churn of releases. While it may be a cool, clever solution we aren't going
to bet our production system on cool and clever only.

3) We are by and large glue coders and don't have the ability nor want to
spend the time/resource building our own custom  solutions, this is where I
think Spring has suited us well until now. We tried to identify what
offerings were available for the bits we needed e.g. JPA, JDBC,
transactional control, Camel JMS, CXF. It is an opinion only, but from what
I could see Blueprint offered the broadest support (see Christian's

The big one for us was lack of JPA/JDBC/transactional control for DS, while
there were some solutions we wanted something with a 'spec behind it'. This
is currently been worked on at the moment
( and I think it is a
significant piece of work that will make DS a much more attractive
proposition in the enterprise/applications space. Admittedly there is a risk
in being new adopter however we think the risk is worth it in this case.
Camel has a recent DS offering camel-scr (although I think there are some
issues with it). Hopefully in time more libraries will offer DS support out
of the box.

4) We are not yet sure we will be able to fully realise the pros of the
service dynamics that DS offers vs Blueprint as although one of our goals is
to be able to 'hot swap' bundles into a running system this may be harder to
achieve than we had hoped. We currently do some limited hot swapping with
our SpringDM system.

5) Perhaps counter intuitively of less importance to us was the actual ease
of transition, Blueprint would almost certainly be easier to migrate to from
SpringDM but we think that this is a one off cost that will be outweighed in
the long term.


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Re: Enable Load Time Weaving with karaf 4.x

2016-02-23 Thread Tim Jones
Not sure if you are asking how to weave in general or just in Karaf 4 but if
you are interested in the current state of play of weaving and OSGi have a
read of
(subject: Monitor method calls for a bundle?) Chetan Mehrotra's response
references a URL that might be useful. We are on Karaf 2.3.1/Felix/SpringDM
and use weaving hooks + Javassist primarily for aiding in database auditing,
so definitely possible in Karaf 2.3.

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Re: Problem with Karaf 4.0.3 and Postgres db

2016-01-17 Thread Tim Jones
Not sure why you have to use \ as we (running on Linux +
hibernate/4.3.6.Final) use the following JDBC Driver-pool-xa

However I did notice you are using PostgreSQL 9.4 JDBC4.1 (build 1200), we
struck this bug

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Re: Updating an existing bundle on Karaf

2014-11-24 Thread Tim Jones
Have you tried refreshing bundles B,C and D?

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Re: Spring vs Blueprint

2014-09-29 Thread Tim Jones
In other words are you saying that Spring DM will use the same class loader
for all bundles as opposed to a different class loader for each bundle?

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Re: Spring vs Blueprint

2014-09-18 Thread Tim Jones
Richard, these links don't explain the differences between Spring DM and
Blueprint but may help make up your mind, although note that since some of
the statements were made things may have changed. In summary it doesn't
appear clear (to me at least) where Spring-OSGI is heading, certainly some
concerns over support for Spring 4 and OSGI. Our application is based on
Spring DM (decision made a few years ago) however given the landscape as it
is today I doubt whether we would have made the same decision.

-- Peter Kriens pro Declarative services -  DS is much better in working
with services than Blueprint/Spring DM since they tend to to want to hide
the dynamicity

-- Spring and OSGI

-- Spring and OSGI

-- We should also make clear that Spring DM is dead. And that in general
Spring on OSGi is not a good idea

-- Spring stops creating OSGI bundles

-- Spring 4 + Gemini incompatibility

-- I would be really careful with Gemini blueprint. Springsource seems to
have completely abondoned OSGi. 
-- So I fear that Gemini blueprint will go the same way as spring dm which
is not maintained at all

-- I somehow doubt that gemini blueprint is still active. See… 
-- Not sure how active aries blueprint is.

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Confusion with installing and refreshing bundles

2014-09-11 Thread Tim Jones
After reading
I am confused with Freeman's answer you do need refresh bundleA, this will
cause all bundles depending on bundleA refresh(re-resolved) also. 

Can someone please clarify the expected behaviour as we are not seeing the
osgi:refresh command refresh dependent bundles as described e.g given

Bundle A version 1.2.0
Bundle B version 1.2.0

where bundle B references services in A (i.e. B dependent upon A)

If I install and start a new Bundle A version 1.2.1 then refreshing Bundle A
does not seem to rewire the dependent bundle B (logging the
OsgiApplicationEvents via a OsgiBundleApplicationContextListener also shows
no dependent bundles being refreshed). But if I refresh bundle B then the
later version 1.2.1 of bundle A is now referenced from B. 

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Re: bundle:refresh

2014-09-07 Thread Tim Jones
Can you please clarify the expected behaviour as we are not seeing the
osgi:refresh command refresh dependent bundles as you described e.g given 

Bundle A version 1.2.0 
Bundle B version 1.2.0 

where bundle B references services in A (i.e. B dependent upon A)

If I install and start a new Bundle A version 1.2.1 then refreshing Bundle A
does not seem to rewire the dependent bundle B. But if I refresh bundle B
then the later version 1.2.1 of bundle A is now referenced from B. Logging
the OsgiApplicationEvents via a OsgiBundleApplicationContextListener also
shows no dependent bundles being refreshed. 

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Weaving hook called multiple times, is this the expected behavior?

2014-08-19 Thread Tim Jones

| Bundle A
|| Bundle D   |
||  |
|  AbstractBaseClassToBeWoven   ||  
MyWeavingHook  |
| ^  (woven once)  
|| (weaves into classes  |
| | 
||  in Bundle A ) |
| | 
|   AbstractClassToBeWoven |
| ^   ^ (woven twice)  |
 /  \
   /   \  
/ \
 /   \
  / \
   /   \
   | Bundle B   |   || |

Bundle C |
   | |   ||
   | FirstSubClassOfWovenClass || SecondSubClassOfWovenClass |
   | || 


Hi, I am trying to implement a weaving hook. I am able to successfully weave
into the class AbstractBaseClassToBeWoven but when I try to weave into the
sub class AbstractClassToBeWoven the overidden method weave(WovenClass
wovenClass) in MyWeavingHook is usually* invoked twice by two different
Blueprint Extender threads causing issues e.g. when trying to add a new
method it complains about the method already being present.

If however I weave into the super class AbstractBaseClassToBeWoven, the
overidden method weave(WovenClass wovenClass) in MyWeavingHook is only
invoked once.

Is this the expected behaviour? If so, what is the best way of weaving into
the AbstractClassToBeWoven class ie. weaving into a class where multiple
classes in different bundles extend that same class?

Note -

1) if I do not install Bundle C then method weave(WovenClass wovenClass) is
only invoked once
2) *occassionally when weaving into AbstractClassToBeWoven the method
weave(WovenClass wovenClass) is only invoked once

I have set up a two Felix/Karaf Pax Exam test cases, one blueprint, and one
Spring DM and both have the same behaviour.

(also posted to Felix User forum a couple of weeks ago but no replies



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Re: Scheduler status?

2014-08-14 Thread Tim Jones
Brandon, before you go to far down the track it might be best to access what
capabilities you need for your scheduler. For example Quartz offers the
ability to 

- trigger jobs (via simple/cron triggers)

at a certain time of day (to the millisecond)
on certain days of the week
on certain days of the month
on certain days of the year
not on certain days listed within a registered Calendar (such as
business holidays)
repeated a specific number of times
repeated until a specific time/date
repeated indefinitely
repeated with a delay interval

- persistent job store to survive server crashes

- associate listeners to job start/stop events etc

- the behaviour of miss fire events (e.g. server down when a job is
scheduled to run) can be altered

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Re: OSGI and Spring

2014-06-19 Thread Tim Jones
Says me trying to absolve myself of all responsibility- I should  have
probably said arguments that have been presented to me range from 'There are
probably many arguments against using Spring ranging from Spring oriented
technologies have a very unmodular streak in them' ... I personally don't
know enough about the internals of Spring or OSGI to comment one way or the
other but I can tell you that the person who made the comment is widely
regarded as an expert in OSGI so probably has sound reason for making such a

Although having said that I have been involved with a Spring-dm/Felix/Karaf
project for a while and think we have been reasonably well served by
Spring-dm up until now. I think the context of the comment was probably made
looking from the perspective of an OSGI purest.

I am also keen to see a good Spring-OSGI integration story both from a
selfish motivation in that we have significant investment in Spring-dm but
also more importantly I think it will help the uptake of OSGI given the
current size of the Spring user base.

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Re: OSGI and Spring

2014-06-12 Thread Tim Jones
I am adding a few URLs as I think it is will be of interest to others who are
looking for direction re the future of Spring and OSGI

-- Somehow I wonder how well future spring versions will behave in OSGi. I
think we should start to at least warn our users that continued use of
spring in OSGi is an increasing risk.

-- Are we really going to let die the Spring integration with OSGi?

-- We should also make clear that Spring DM is dead. And that in general
Spring on OSGi is not a good idea

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Re: OSGI and Spring

2014-05-22 Thread Tim Jones
So to summarise, if Gemini was to become no longer viable, then as it stands
at the moment, post Spring 3, it will not be possible to use the Spring
namespace in Karaf without re-packaging the spring-dm bundles or altering
the manifest for the version range as mentioned by Achim

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Re: OSGI and Spring

2014-05-21 Thread Tim Jones
Thanks Charlie, I wasn't aware of the deltaspike-jpa @Transactional
annotation. Though I am a bit concerned reading posts such as!topic/ops4j/-yNNwvz5yNY that it is still a
bit early to adopt as an alternative.

I don't see how you can continue using spring-security with the Blueprint
beans wiring mechanism as I thought it would require a Spring application
context e.g. for a method annotated with @PreAuthorize would this not
require a Spring application context to work?

So given that 'Blueprint does not aim to replace the entire Spring
framework, only the bean wiring stuff' then what is the migration path for a
Spring dependent application post Spring 3 as Spring-dm out of the box only
supports [2.5.6,4)?

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Re: OSGI and Spring

2014-05-21 Thread Tim Jones
I am not sure that will help as even though the JDK doesn't have permgen the
leaks are classloader leaks e.g. a class loaded by the class loader can't be
collected due to some thing having a reference to it, this class has a
reference to the class loader which in turn means all other classes loaded
by the class loader can't be collected. Summed up here 'In the end,
classloader leaks can still occur as before'. The main culprit we have found
is CGLIB which is widely used by Spring.

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Re: OSGI and Spring

2014-05-21 Thread Tim Jones
I have been trying to follow a few posts on Gemini blueprint and Karaf and
was aware it is on the road map and it looks promising. I am a bit concerned
(perhaps unfairly) about the future level of testing of Gemini blueprint
with Karaf as up until now I thought Karaf was very much Aries based. Is
support for Gemini blueprint on Karaf going to receive as much attention as

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OSGI and Spring

2014-05-20 Thread Tim Jones
I am interested to hear views on where OSGI and Spring is heading. I realise
this is a fairly broad topic but I think is worth discussing.

I have noticed that a lot of answers on this forum and others suggest not
using Spring but instead Blueprint or Declarative Services, particularly if
starting from scratch.

There are probably many arguments against using Spring ranging from 'Spring
oriented technologies have a very unmodular streak in them' through to less
active participation by SpringSource after ceasing work on their own OSGI

However Spring has been adopted by many projects throughout the world,
particularly in applications development. I have struggled to find good
migration guides helping move a project from Spring to OSGI without Spring.
For example there have been a few guides
to move from Spring to JEE. Is anyone aware of similar guides for migrating
to OSGI. 

Take the project I currently work on as an example which uses Karaf/Felix +
Spring + Camel + other. Spring is used amongst other things to anotate
transactions, anotate classes (Component, Service, Repository,
ManagedResource etc), autowire beans, reduce JDBC complexity (JdbcTemplate
etc), define Camel routes, Spring security, Spring MVC, define transaction
managers and data sources. This list is probably typical of many Spring
applications. While some of these things have similar Blueprint/DS counter
parts I would be interested in hearing how others have approached migrating
away from Spring e.g. alternatives to anotating transactions?

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Re: Spring 4.0.2 and spring-dm

2014-05-18 Thread Tim Jones
I am not sure if I am helping here but the spring-dm feature depends on
spring [2.5.6,4) as seen below

root  features:info spring-dm
Description of spring-dm 1.2.1 feature

Feature has no configuration
Feature has no configuration files
Feature depends on:
  spring [2.5.6,4)

so I think uninstalling Spring 3.2.4.RELEASE is going to cause you problems.
This is also a concern to us as we have significant investment in Spring +
(camel +other) and we don't have a clear migration path post Spring 3.

I can also testify to a fair amount of frustration in getting a particular
version of Spring to run. Our approach was to redefine (override) the
default Spring features and their versions in a custom features file.

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Re: Spring AOP example in Karaf

2013-11-28 Thread Tim Jones
Krzysztof, I asked a similar question on the Felix user forum a few months
ago and got this reply
So doesn't look like there was in July.


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Multiple restarts - effect on heap and Perm Gen memory

2013-05-02 Thread Tim Jones

I have read a few posts about the subject e.g.
Is it correct that stopping and starting a bundle multiple times will
ultimately lead to a PermGen out of memory error (except perhaps when using
a JRockit JVM) and that there is no avoiding this? 

I have set up a test (using the org.apache.sshd packages) that repeatedly
stops and starts one of our bundles. About 20 restarts results in a PermGen
out of memory error but also what seems surprising is that the heap memory
usage, in particular the 'PS Old Gen' keeps increasing. Using JVisualM and
comparing the classes before and after 10 restarts and then a garbage
collection (invoked by clicking on 'Perform GC' JVisualM) the application
classes (classes coded by us) seem to be behaving as I would expect as
evidenced by the example below of two classes i.e. the old proxy has been
deallocated (-1) and the new allocated (+1)

Class name - allocated objects  
Bytes   Objects Allocated

+64  B  +1
-64  B-1

+56  B  +1
-56   B   -1

However many (there are many more than the 4 classes below) of the 3rd party
library classes seem to have increasing objects allocated as evidenced

5 x restarts (+ GC)
Class name - allocated objects  
Bytes  Objects Allocated
+1,408  B +44

+3,559,872  B+148,328
+39,840  B   +996
+55,480  B+1,387

10 x restarts (+ GC)
Class name - allocated objects  

Bytes   Objects Allocated
+3,168  B   +99
+8,008,968  B+333,707

+44,280  B+1,107

+114,160  B+2,854

a) Are the results above what is expected or is there an issue with our
code/3rd party libraries holding on to references
when it shouldn't?

For us the primary driver for choosing OSGI was actually a business driver
and was the promise of 'hot deployment' 
(although as a developer I recognise other technical benefits of choosing an
enabler for a modular architecture). 

How far can we go with hot deployment? 

b) It looks as though there will always be an upper bound of the number of
times a bundle can be stopped and started due to the class meta data being
added into the Perm Gen space?

c) Even if the Perm Gen issue was solved it looks as though there are issues
with objects unable to be GCed, if these are caused by 3rd party libraries
there is probably little we can do to fix this so again there will be an
upper bound to the number of bundle retarts before a server restart is

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Advice on the best method/practice for taking advantage of using Karaf to install bug fixes into a production environment

2013-04-29 Thread Tim Jones
Hi, I am looking for advice on the best method/practice for taking advantage
of using Karaf to install bug fixes into a production environment. 

The scenario we face is a dozen or so sites running Karaf with what is
essentially a customised product. These sites are spread across the country
but are connected via a network (which in some cases is fairly slow) and
communicate with each other.

OSGI/Karaf was chosen so as to provide the possibility of 'hot deploying'
bug fixes while trying cause minimal disruption to a system that
controls/monitors PLCs, label readers + other on a food processing floor.

Currently the deliverable is a large zip file containing a directory
structure that includes a slightly bastardised copy of the Karaf
directories/files (doesn't include the bin directory + the 3rd party and
application bundles have been added below the osgi/system directory). Karaf
is started programmatically via org.apache.karaf.main.Main.main(). The
bundles required are defined in a features file.

Currently a change requires the zip file to be FTPed to the sites, unzipped,
the Karaf server shut down, symbolic links changed to point to the new
installation and the server restarted from a custom shell script which in
turn runs a class that invokes org.apache.karaf.main.Main.main(). Obviously
this process has many downsides and certainly wont address minimising
disruption to the food processing plants.

Given that a bundle may have a bug what processes/practices are others using
to getting their modified bundle into a production environment? For example
we could 

a) FTP the bundle to the site and use the Karaf console to install and
update/refresh the necessary bundle

b) Set up a repository server (we use Nexus) at each site that mirrors our
one and refresh that then use the 
Karaf console to install and update/refresh the necessary bundle

c) Would the sub project Karaf Cave help here?

What is the best way of keeping track of what bundles are actually running
at each site? For example given that each site could potentially be running
different versions of the same bundle would you rely on say dumping out all
the bundle headers to say essentially 'these are the versions of the bundles
that are currently running at this site'?

Since we rely on the features file essentially 'defining' what our
application is comprised of, how do we coordinate this with the newly
installed bundle? Should the features file at the site be updated to reflect
the new version of the bundle?

Any other advice, things to consider would be most welcome.



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Guidance on integrated testing solutions

2012-08-20 Thread Tim Jones

firstly apologies upfront if any of my terminology is incorrect, I am newbie
to OSGI and struggling with the concepts.

I am working on a project that uses Karaf with Felix to provide OSGI based
services that service a Swing GUI client.

The services have been developed over the past 3 years or so but don't have
any automated integration tests.

My goal is to be able to run integration tests within a continuous
integration tool such as Jenkins.

I am looking for guidance on possible integration test solutions. I have
tried to implement a test using Pax Exam and
had a brief look at SpringDM but I am having difficulty provisioning the
required bundles.

The project consists of about a dozen maven modules which build OSGI
bundles. There are some custom configuration properties files
with properties such as org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra and
org.osgi.framework.system.packages, also an XML
file specifying the features.

I am not sure that I fully understand but it seems to me that in order to
get Pax Exam to test these bundles I must
necessarily specify all of bundles that the bundle in question to test
requires e.g. given a bundle called 'broker' using maven
coordinates I would have do something like the following

mavenBundle().groupId( org.springframework ).artifactId( spring-beans )
mavenBundle().groupId( org.springframework ).artifactId( spring-tx )
mavenBundle().groupId( uniworks ).artifactId( broker )

I have seen cases with someone has written a method to try and read files
from a directory to try and reduce the 
manual work but these solutions seem a poor fit for our requirements as the
project depends on 100+ external libraries
most of which are OSGIsed, and some not, which are specified in the
org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra property.

The analogy I would like to describe is integration testing with the Spring
framework (AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests or similar) 
where often the configuration application context files used in production
can be reused verbatim (with a few changes, say different database) 
when running the tests. This to me seems to provide a huge advantage over
having to restate and constantly maintain the 'configuration' 
needed to test the classes. 

I started to look at which
if I understand correctly should allow
tests to be run against the bundles as they are currently configured. So
provided the OSGI bundles can be started before the maven integration-test
phase, say 
in the pre-integration-test phase, then the tests should be able to be
implemented without having to specifically specify all the required bundles
and config files
needed to start the dozen or so bundles to perform the integration test. 

Note that I am not interested (at least at the moment) in testing a bundle
in isolation so the 'running' system as whole (connects to database(s),
legacy COBOL server(s)) 
is required to complete a test. Please, I do not want to get into a
philosophical debate on testing in general i.e. whether you have a opinion
on testing systems
in their entirety or more finely grained.

Am I on the right track with iPOJO? Are there better/other alternatives? 



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