This is a bit long winded but as you are new to OSGi before you make your
next step ...
As you have probably realised by now there are a few ways of achieving your
goal, it can be difficult trying to distill the information on the Web and
come up with the 'best' way to wire up services between bundles. Even in
this one thread three different ways have been mentioned, Pax-CDI, Blueprint
(of which there are 2 flavours) and Declarative Services, there are  others
not mentioned. Unfortunately you are unlikely to get a general consensus as
to the best way forward and even that may depend on what you are ultimately
trying to achieve. But some of the things that you may want to take into
consideration before opting for a particular technology is whether it is
widely used, backed by a specification e.g. OSGi Alliance, has there been
any recent enhancements to the specification, are there any new
specifications that may effect your decision, does the technology offer the
life cycle dynamics that OSGi can provide. Take CDI for example, as
mentioned above there is already an implementation, Pax-CDI, the OSGi
Alliance has also a published,
how will this effect the Pax-CDI project? Is there another implementation on
its way? Take Aries Blueprint, it is widely used but from my understanding
the Blueprint specification has not been touched for 5 years or so since it
was first released in OSGi 4.2. Take Declarative Services as another
example, this technology is widely used, has recent specification
enhancements, is enthusiastically promoted by the founder of the enroute
project (, promoted by the bndtools community, but
at the moment takes a bit more work to integrate with other technologies
such as CXF, Camel than say Aries Blueprint, although I think there is good
work going on in these projects to make it easier. Another consideration is
although it may be seemingly possible to do something in a certain way, can
you have a high level of confidence that the library has extensive tests to
support it. As an example, my company recently engaged Paremus to write the
the tx-control project which underpins the transaction management of our
system, there are over 3500 lines of test code in that project. I think you
would agree that for something as fundamental as transactional management of
persistence you really want a high level of confidence that it does work and
wont be easily inadvertently broken in later releases (obviously unashamedly
trying to convince you of the merits of tx-control :) 

Hope this helps,


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