Re: Daemon

2023-08-16 Thread Jason RJ

On 15/08/2023 17:34, Craig Parker wrote:
I'm trying to get back into docs, and currently finally have a working 
OFBiz/MySQL install. But the way I documented getting it running as a 
daemon (and starting via systemctl at boot) involved a 
/$ofbizRoot/tools/rc.ofbiz.for.debian file, and there's not even a 
tools directory.

Did I miss something, or there's just a different way now?

Hi Craig,

You will need to create a systemd unit file for ofbiz, there's some info 

If you are still using init.d then you will need a script able to 
execute server commands to start and stop ofbiz listed here

   Start OFBiz||

   |gradlew "ofbiz --start"|

Shutdown OFBiz

|gradlew "ofbiz --shutdown"|

   Get OFBiz status

|gradlew "ofbiz --status"|


Hope that helps


Re: User Entered Text on Order

2023-07-13 Thread Jason RJ
Actually Bill I see you've said you are using a configurable item for 
the thread color, so you probably won't have the comment box visible as 
they are missing from configurable product screen template. You might 
consider using a virtual product with the thread colors features to 
drive variants instead if that's the case, then you'll get the comment 
box back.

Failing that a small code change to pull the comment code into 

    <#assign commentEnable = 
    .getPropertyValue("order", "order.item.comment.enable", 

    <#if commentEnable.equals("Y")>
  <#assign orderItemAttr = 
  .getPropertyValue("order", "order.item.attr.prefix", 

${uiLabelMap.CommonComment}  class="form-control" name="${orderItemAttr}comment" 



On 13/07/2023 21:07, Jason RJ wrote:

Hi Bill

I don't think you have another OOTB option except the 'comment' box on 
the product page. You could add some text to the product description 
to tell the user that they should provide their chosen name in the 
comment field. This gets carried through to an Order Item Attribute 
and is shown on the checkout screen etc.

You might have comments disabled depending on the value of 
'order.item.comment.enable' in


On 13/07/2023 18:27, Bill Harder wrote:

Thank you Jason.

I see how that works now.  Are you aware of any other inputs that 
might be

on the same initial screen?

I am thinking about OOTB so I don't have to custom develop.


On Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 8:34 AM Jason RJ wrote:

Hey Bill,

Take a look at the demo content and see how the Gift Cards are setup -
they have a product survey that captures the user's response to 

Hope that helps,


On 13/07/2023 14:58, Bill Harder wrote:

Happy Thursday...

I am looking for a way where a user can enter custom text on an order



A user orders a toolbag and wants to have his name embroidered on 
it in


thread.  It's fairly easy to set up a configurable item with a thread

selection but where would be a good place to start for a name entry 
of 10


The only discussion I have been able to find is from back in 2016 on

Any pointers are most appreciated. Thanks.


Re: User Entered Text on Order

2023-07-13 Thread Jason RJ

Hi Bill

I don't think you have another OOTB option except the 'comment' box on 
the product page. You could add some text to the product description to 
tell the user that they should provide their chosen name in the comment 
field. This gets carried through to an Order Item Attribute and is shown 
on the checkout screen etc.

You might have comments disabled depending on the value of 
'order.item.comment.enable' in


On 13/07/2023 18:27, Bill Harder wrote:

Thank you Jason.

I see how that works now.  Are you aware of any other inputs that might be
on the same initial screen?

I am thinking about OOTB so I don't have to custom develop.


On Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 8:34 AM Jason RJ  wrote:

Hey Bill,

Take a look at the demo content and see how the Gift Cards are setup -
they have a product survey that captures the user's response to questions.

Hope that helps,


On 13/07/2023 14:58, Bill Harder wrote:

Happy Thursday...

I am looking for a way where a user can enter custom text on an order



A user orders a toolbag and wants to have his name embroidered on it in


thread.  It's fairly easy to set up a configurable item with a thread


selection but where would be a good place to start for a name entry of 10

The only discussion I have been able to find is from back in 2016 on

Any pointers are most appreciated.  Thanks.


Re: User Entered Text on Order

2023-07-13 Thread Jason RJ

Hey Bill,

Take a look at the demo content and see how the Gift Cards are setup - 
they have a product survey that captures the user's response to questions.

Hope that helps,


On 13/07/2023 14:58, Bill Harder wrote:

Happy Thursday...

I am looking for a way where a user can enter custom text on an order line

A user orders a toolbag and wants to have his name embroidered on it in Red
thread.  It's fairly easy to set up a configurable item with a thread color
selection but where would be a good place to start for a name entry of 10

The only discussion I have been able to find is from back in 2016 on

Any pointers are most appreciated.  Thanks.


Re: Price Rules and Customer Classifications

2021-12-08 Thread Jason RJ

Hi Justine

This is mostly from memory of situations I've seen, I seem to recall 
having issues with PartyClassifications in rules,  as an experiment it 
might be worth checking using a different condition on the price rule 
instead of Party Classification (even just a PartyId) you could also try 
setting them to $0.50 instead and see if that works just to sanity check 
the rule logic because the price calculations might be preferring a 
different non-zero price.


On 07/12/2021 21:56, Justine Nowak wrote:


We have decided that some of our customers shouldn't be allowed to submit a
sales order. We have approached this by creating a category called "No
Sales" and when we want products to not be sold to a customer we add them
to this category. We also add our customers to a party classification. This
way we set up a price rule that sets the sale price for products under a
category and for users under a specific classification to $0.00 limiting
them from ordering that product.

But when we do this it doesn't work. How can we fix this?

Thanks Justine

Re: Product Specifications

2021-11-10 Thread Jason RJ

Hi Justine,

If you make the product feature that will provide the custom 
specification a DISTINGUISHING_FEATURE you can use this:

Add this to 
around line 242 after disFeatureList is setup:

    // get the details of the Feature Application attributes
    productFeatureApplAttrs = 
delegator.findByAnd("ProductFeatureApplAttr", , [productId : productId], 
["attrName"], false);

    context.productFeatureApplAttrs = productFeatureApplAttrs;

And you can use this markup in 
ecommerce/template/catalog/ProductDetail.ftl probably replacing the 
existing disFeaturesList block at Lines 591-605:

                <#if disFeatureList?has_content>
                    <#list disFeatureList as distFeature>

    <#list productFeatureApplAttrs 
as currentFeatureApplAttr>
currentFeatureApplAttr.productFeatureId?exists && 
currentFeatureApplAttr.productFeatureId == distFeature.productFeatureId>


You will need some styling to make it look decent but something like 
this is achievable with the above


On 09/11/2021 22:26, Justine Nowak wrote:

Thank you Jason,

Also how do we show the product features to the eCommerce site?

On Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 4:57 AM Jason RJ  wrote:

Hi Justine,

On the Product->Feature page at the bottom you can add "Product Feature
Attributes" so for example if you have a Product Feature assigned such
as "Camera" for a mobile phone, then you add Feature Attributes
Name/Value pairs e.g. "Flash":"Yes", "Main Camera":"12.0mp", "Image Geo


On 08/11/2021 21:33, Justine Nowak wrote:


How do we add custom product specifications and how do we display them on
the e-commerce website? This would have to be dynamic templating because
each product could have a different spec with a different value. Do we


attributes or features or something else?



Re: Product Specifications

2021-11-09 Thread Jason RJ

Hi Justine,

On the Product->Feature page at the bottom you can add "Product Feature 
Attributes" so for example if you have a Product Feature assigned such 
as "Camera" for a mobile phone, then you add Feature Attributes 
Name/Value pairs e.g. "Flash":"Yes", "Main Camera":"12.0mp", "Image Geo 


On 08/11/2021 21:33, Justine Nowak wrote:


How do we add custom product specifications and how do we display them on
the e-commerce website? This would have to be dynamic templating because
each product could have a different spec with a different value. Do we use
attributes or features or something else?



Re: how to render newly created ftl onto the page

2021-11-08 Thread Jason RJ


After changing the files have you executed loading the data to read in 
the content of the Theme.xml to the database?

>./gradlew "ofbiz --load-data readers=demo"

I'm not 100% sure if this is still necessary.


On 08/11/2021 08:06, Mahi maheshwari wrote:


I have a newly created ftl file(NavSidebar.ftl) which I have to render onto
the page.
so far I  have done this,
1) have created a plugin for the new theme called "xerusTheme"

2) plugins/xerusTheme/widget/Theme.xml  has this;



   =>have tried
without ['add'] also


3) added macro

<#macro renderDisplayField type imageLocation idName description title
class alert inPlaceEditorUrl="" inPlaceEditorParams="">
 <#if description?has_content>
 *###*${description?replace("\n", "")}**<#t/>

4) plugins/xerusTheme/ofbiz-component.xml;






I'm not getting what I'm missing.
all my ftl files are in  plugins/xerusTheme/template/  =>referThisImage

Header.ftl , Footer.ftl are rendering but NavSIdebar.ftl is not rendering.
I have made an entry in below mentioned files for NavSidebar.ftl
1) themes/common/widget/commomScreens.xml
screen name="GlobalDecorator" => added line no:152

2) framework/common/data/commonTypeData.xml  => added line no:117 =>

(this added an entry in enumeration entity =>referThis

3) themes/common/widget/Theme.xml  => added line no:58 =>referToThisImage

I'm I missing something?

Thanks and Regards,

Re: Entity ChildWorkEffort

2020-12-17 Thread Jason RJ

Hey Schumann,

I think there's some logic that makes this happen.

In the workeffort\entitydef\entitymodel_view.xml we have a Parent defintion:



The code in takes care of creating the reverse relation 
for Child automatically:

   // create the new relationship even if one exists so we can show 
what we are looking for in the info message
   // don't do relationship to the same entity, unless title is 
"Parent", then do a "Child" automatically

   String title = modelRelation.getTitle();
(curModelEntity.getEntityName().equals(relatedEnt.getEntityName()) && 
"Parent".equals(title)) {

   title = "Child";

Hope that helps,


On 17/12/2020 06:10, Schumann Ye wrote:

Dear all,

Does anyone have any idea where the Entity ChildWorkEffort comes from ( in what 
xml file it is defined ).

This question came across to me when I checked the file with 
the codes as follows:
productionRunRoutingTasks =
productionRun.getRelated("ChildWorkEffort", .

Then I search of the definition file with the title equal to "Child" and 
rel-entity-name="WorkEffort" but could NOT find any match.

Can anyone help?


Get Outlook for Android

Re: ecommerce - custom categories menu item in header

2020-11-16 Thread Jason RJ

Hi Mike,

Take a look at ecommerce/template/catalog/SideDeepCategory.ftl there's a 
macro there that has everything you need.

We adapted that to build our menus for us, the wrappers are attached to 
the context in the related groovy files.

Hope that helps.


On 16/11/2020 11:34, mike Butler wrote:

I am customising the main decorator for ecommerce and  have a Header.ftl which 
includes dropdown menus and I am working on a dropdown menu for categories.

What I have tried so far:
For the categories menu  I have included  ProductCategories.groovy as an action 
in the main-decorator (as used in the categories in the left panel of the main 
div) which I believe should provide a hash: “productCategoryID” which I can use 
in the Header.ftl.

Can you please confirm that is correct.

 From reading the ftl documentation I think I have to  use an ftl 
object-wrapper  but without an example I do not understand how to code that.

I have used <#list productCategoryId?keys as root> which is just a guess but it 
does produce a very nice menu with dropdown containing fifteen “productCategory” 
entries that’s “productCategory”  15 times  so at least I know something is happening.

I would also like to understand what and how I can display from the hash. 
Current test coding is below:

Any pointers/help with this menu would be a very much appreciated learning 
experience for me.

Mike Butler
Freelance Consultant

<#--Some sort of object wrapping please help -->

   <#if (productCategoryId?has_content)>
 <#list productCategoryId?keys as root>   --- What would be the correct 


Re: Setup issues

2020-10-26 Thread Jason RJ

Hi Dominic,

Province data and similar locality data is part of the seed data and 
loaded from the /framework/common/data/Geo*.xml files you should be able 
to spot that being loaded in your initial setup log output. It's been a 
while since I've spun up a clean instance, but the data is certainly 
there so it's just not being loaded for some reason.

Hope that helps,


On 26/10/2020 16:55, Dominic Amann wrote:

I am attempting to setup OFBiz for my business.

I am a Linux developer of many years experience.

I wanted a secure (SSL) setup, and I thought I would use Mariadb as I
already use that for other software, and I would avoid duplication with
another database. I stretched this further by wanting to have no demo data.

I found it very difficult to accomplish all this. Much more difficult than
I might have expected for a major apache project. However, I persevered,
and after a whole weekend of work, I got it working to a first order. I
have documented each step I took.


I CANNOT ADD A PARTY MAILING ADDRESS. There are no provinces listed for
Canada. There are no states listed for the USA. I don't know other
countries intimately, so I can't speak for them. As a result of being
incomplete, I cannot add addresses at all.

I initially thought this must be because I did not use the demo data. So, I
repeated my work, but left the demo data in place. SAME PROBLEM.

Then I thought that perhaps I should do the migration (to Mysql) AFTER
setting up the initial data. That was BROKEN and wouldn't complete on
import, and the resulting website wouldn't display properly.

Then I thought it might be the database - perhaps it doesn't work with
mysql. I would just do the straightforward install, and work with that.

So here we are: 3 full days and I can't enter my first employee, even with
the simplest install with default settings.  Of course there is one
fundamental lesson here: never just believe that something works just
because it is from a reputable project that has been out there for years. I
should have known better.

Re: Adding Attributes to a Product

2020-08-12 Thread Jason RJ


It might require some light coding and config.

You need to uncomment this section in ecommerce\widget\CatalogScreens.xml:


You might need to create markup for your filters in 
ecommerce\template\catalog\LayeredNavBar.ftl here for example the 
default color and price range filters:

  <#if showColors>
    <#list colors as color>

 ${color.description} (${color.featureCount})
  <#if showPriceRange>
    <#list priceRangeList as priceRange>
 <@ofbizCurrency amount=priceRange.low /> - 
<@ofbizCurrency amount=priceRange.high /> (${priceRange.count})


The variables showColors, colors, showPriceRange, priceRangeList are 
prepared in ecommerce\groovyScripts\catalog\LayeredNavigation.groovy so 
you can create your own here.

Like I said, some light coding required.


On 11/08/2020 21:20, Randy Evans wrote:

That sounds very interesting.

Can you tell me how to enable layered navigation?  There doesn't seem
to be much information available about that.


On 8/11/20, Rishi Solanki  wrote:

Numerice range won't work as you suspect, and for search not need to do
that. You can simply tag a feature with "> 1000" and "< 1000" as string.
You can use category or feature or even atrribute. And once search is
enable of that feature then you simply need show the tagged products. Which
can be done by all routes, the catalog manager or product creation code
needs to make sure all products tagged properly.

In this way no custom code would be required. HTH!

Best Regards,
Rishi Solanki
*CTO, Mindpath Technology*
Intelligent Solutions
cell: +91-98932-87847
LinkedIn <>

On Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 6:33 PM Jason RJ  wrote:

Hi Randy

We have done something similar but using Product Features to drive the
dropdown and Product Variants for each type, this supports search as
expected too since features are added to search criteria as product
keywords. Turning on layered navigation and creating custom filters in
LayeredNavBar.ftl gives you a filter list, it might be possible to build
a range filter that way.


Re: Adding Attributes to a Product

2020-08-11 Thread Jason RJ

Hi Randy

We have done something similar but using Product Features to drive the 
dropdown and Product Variants for each type, this supports search as 
expected too since features are added to search criteria as product 
keywords. Turning on layered navigation and creating custom filters in 
LayeredNavBar.ftl gives you a filter list, it might be possible to build 
a range filter that way.


On 10/08/2020 15:15, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Hi Randy,

I think this is what you are looking for



Le 07/08/2020 à 22:29, Randy Evans a écrit :

I am evaluating OFBiz and have set up a test instance.

I am trying to enter a product that I need to add some data, one of
which is numeric and the other should be selectable from a dropdown

An example of this would be resistors which have a footprint and would
be selectable from a dropdown list like "throughole","0603", "0402"

The other data would be keyed in as a numeric value (the resistance).

I would need to be able to search for a specific product like
"throughole" and a range for the resistance like ">1000 and <1"
for example.  In "Find Product" there is an advanced search but I'm
not sure you can search for Attributes.

It looks like CATALOG MANAGER/Products/Attributes may be what I am
looking for but it is not clear if I can specify a numeric value only
and also if I can set up a dropdown list.

Is this type of entry and search possible with OFBiz (without custom

Thanks for any information.

Re: Override SECA Definition

2020-05-29 Thread Jason RJ

On 29/05/2020 15:46, Sakthivel Vellingiri wrote:

Hi All -
Appreciate any pointers, Is it possible to override SECA definition by
overriding the same definition in

There is a SECA definition in applications/order/servicedef/secas.xml, as
you can see noteInfo is hardcoded, and i want to replace wih my noteinfo
without touching code under applications
Is it possible to achieve this by overriding this in hot-deploy that has
extended this component applications/order-extended/servicedef/secas.xml


I had tried this without success, however i'm using this approach for
overriding services.


Hi Sakthi,

Do you have a reference to secas file in your ofbiz-component.xml:

In theory multiple SECAs can be called so both the original and yours 
will be called, I'm not sure how the priority would be decided, but 
hopefully core SECAs will fire first.


Re: Ofbiz integration with Azure AD SSO

2020-03-25 Thread Jason RJ
It might also be worth taking a look at the Microsoft Azure AD Integration 
guide [1] for general guidance on integrating with a Java app.

Sample code is included.



On 25/03/2020 10:28, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Hi Vipin,

I don't know anything about Azure SSO and the documentation is sparse.

It's based on a federation like SAML[2], but according to [1] it has not been 
tested with SAML.
If it was you could have used Shibboleth[3]. You could try at your own risk 
(spend money for nothing), nothing is guaranteed. It seems only commercial 
products have been tested.

So I have no ideas about it and that's all I can say.

This said how do you call OFBiz? If you use simple URLs you could use a 
degraded mode where you send the parameters in the URL like:


Of course it's not recommended because unsafe (can be intercept by a Man in the 
Middle). But if your are in a safe network, why not?



Le 23/03/2020 à 11:14, vipin nirwal a écrit :
Hi All,

I have to integrate ofbiz with Azure Active Directory SSO.

Requirement: I have a portal for users which is integrated with Azure SSO.
When a call is being made to ofbiz from my portal, then i do not want to
pass ofbiz username/password in that call, even i want to use the SSO only. Is
there a tighter integration that ofbiz can have with an SSO so that a user
may get authenticated directly without using an ofbiz user?

Please let me know , how can i achieve this?

Thank you in advance.

Re: changing PDF logo

2019-03-26 Thread Jason RJ
I believe you can change the logo by uploading an image to your primary party 
in the party content panel, upload a file and set the type to "Logo Image URL".

This should catch most cases where logos are applied.


On 26/03/2019 08:52, Support wrote:

can you help me to change all PDF report logo
am using ofbiz 16.11

Re: nginx and apache ofbiz

2019-02-12 Thread Jason RJ
Hi Philip,

Your proxy section is still commented out, you need to remove the #s

# location / {
#   proxy_redirect off;
#   proxy_pass http://ofbiz;
# }


On 12/02/2019 09:24, 


I am trying to this working, and have hit a dead end, i am trying to get nginx 
to refer to ofbiz, ie when you go to it shows whats in that is my config in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled 
, and when i go to the domain it just shows nginx's hompage rather than ofbiz's 

Can someone point me in the direction as to where i am going wrong, please.


Re: Debugging SOAP processing

2019-01-28 Thread Jason RJ
Hi Greg,
You could try adding additional logging in 
applications/party/minilang/contact/PartyContactMechServices.xml - 
within the  
section you can add a few log calls:












Not sure if that helps.


On 28/01/2019 14:38, Greg Finlayson wrote:
> Hi Jacques
> Excellent. I have my day job to attend to also!
> Regards,
> Greg Finlayson DipLaw GDLP(Merit)
> Australian Lawyer
> Diaspora Legal
> 10 Talbot Street
> Erindale SA 5066
> T: +61 8 73250080
> M:+61 4 3131 3073
> Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards 
> Legislation
> This email is confidential and may also be subject to legal professional 
> privilege. You should delete this email if you are not the named recipient or 
> a person authorised to receive this email on behalf of the named recipient.
> -Original Message-
> From: Jacques Le Roux []
> Sent: Tuesday, 29 January 2019 12:54 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Debugging SOAP processing
> Hi Greg,
> If nobody beats me on it I should be able to help you. Just that I have no 
> time at the moment...
> Jacques
> Le 28/01/2019 à 14:56, Greg Finlayson a écrit :
>> So I am trying to use findPartyFromEmailAddress SOAP service from a .NET  
>> client.
>> I know the username and password arguments are getting passed correctly, 
>> because if I change them to be incorrect, then I get errors. However I just
>> get a
>> http-nio-8443-exec-1
>> RequestHandler Ran Event soap:# from [request], result is null
>> (not exactly that because this software doesn't let me use the square 
>> brackets as they appear).
>> How to debug this? The function ought be returning the partyID. Is there a 
>> more detailed logging of the call to SOAP which can be turned on in OFBIz?
>> Regards,
>> *Greg FinlaysonDipLaw GDLP(Merit) 
>> *
>> *Australian Lawyer*
>> *Diaspora Legal *
>> 10 Talbot Street __
>> _Erindale SA 5066 _
>> T: +61 8 73250080
>> M:+61 4 3131 3073
>> Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards 
>> Legislation
>> peradiCOE 
>> Kangaroo
>>  Visa Gold Alliance New Logo 1
>> International_Bar_Logo
>> --
>> This email is confidential and may also be subject to legal professional 
>> privilege. You should delete this email if you are not the named recipient
>> or a person authorised to receive this email on behalf of the named 
>> recipient.

Re: How to divert createCustomer success request to login page

2018-12-14 Thread Jason RJ
Hi Madhi,

If you are doing this from the ecommerce module, take a look at 
ecommerce\script\org\ofbiz\ecommerce\customer\CustomerEvents.xml inside the 
createCustomer simple-method there is this logic:

Removing that should help.


On 14/12/2018 13:23, Madhi Krishnan wrote:

Hey everyone..
I have noticed that when user register himself with a new account and click
save..the request goes to the createCustomer request.
and than he get logged in and get diverted to the main page...
so what i'm trying to do is that he should not redirect to the main page
rather than he should be redirected  to the login page...and than he should
enter his username and password and than get logged in.
I have tried to change the the success request to login it didn't work
Any suggestions, tips?

Madhi Krishnan

Re: eCommerce Use Case

2018-09-13 Thread Jason RJ

Hi Jacques,

It was back on 13.07, but the theory still holds if you filter at the 
view/render stage since the page size is determined during the query, so 
sending 20 items to render but then filtering out those with zero value 
would result in a page size < 20.


On 12/09/2018 19:56, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Hi Jason,

On which version did you get this issue?



Le 12/09/2018 à 15:48, Jason RJ a écrit :
It might need a little bit of work because you'll get odd sized pages 
if you suppress 8 of 10 items on a page. We saw similar issue with 
this where page 2 is blank but page 3 has products.


On 12/09/2018 14:34, Arun Patidar wrote:

Price rule support available OOTB, you will only need to customize your
rendering logic.

Kind Regards,

Arun Patidar
Director of Information Systems

*HotWax CommerceReal OmniChannel. Real Results.*
m: +91 9827353082


On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 6:42 PM  wrote:

I like recommendation #2.  Can it be done OOTB?

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: eCommerce Use Case
From: Arun Patidar 
Date: Wed, September 12, 2018 4:46 am

Hi James,

I can think about two way that can restrict/allow products specific to
logged-in user

1) You can use Agreement data model to specify party specific 

This may need some customization for rendering products.
2) You can create a price rule for user classifications and can render
products accordingly. Here, you can set a default price to zero for 

products of the special category. By using price rule, you can set the
price as per wholesale customer. During rendering, you will only show
products having price more than zero. WDYT?

Kind Regards,

Arun Patidar
Director of Information Systems

*HotWax CommerceReal OmniChannel. Real Results.*
m: +91 9827353082


On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 10:21 PM  wrote:

Yes. I have the price rules configured however there are some
categories of product that I only want my wholesale customers to see.
Is there a way to configure it so when a wholesale customer logs 
in they

see an extra category?

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: eCommerce Use Case
From: Rishi Solanki 
Date: Mon, September 10, 2018 9:09 am
To: ofbizuser 

Please check the price rules screen for details - 

Here you can select the Input as Party Classification and assign
and price for the whole sale parties.


Rishi Solanki
Sr Manager, Enterprise Software Development
HotWax Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Direct: +91-9893287847

On Sun, Sep 9, 2018 at 10:05 PM  wrote:

Awesome. Thanks!

How do you actually assign the party classification to the 
category so

that only that group sees it?

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: eCommerce Use Case
From: Giulio Speri - MpStyle Srl 
Date: Fri, September 07, 2018 1:31 pm

Hi James,

In our ecommerce implementation we faced a similar situation.
We had some customers that should see a certain discount only on 

products and only after login.
We used "meta" categories, along with Party Classification Groups 


"meta" category is simply a catalog category that should contain the
products that only a certain group of customer (party classification
will see after login.

Once you've created the product category and the party 
group, you can set up a Price Rule, with "product category" and 

classification" as activating conditions and a discount action type,
on your needs, as price rule action.

Hope it helps,


Il 07/Set/2018 17:53,  ha scritto:

I was wondering with how roles worked in Ofbiz if the following is

I want to have whole customers and retail customer shop on the same
website. Obviously wholesale customers would see their pricing when
they log in but there is also a few more products that I want only
wholesale customers to see when they log in. Is it possible to have
products or categories that some customer hgroups can see and others





Re: eCommerce Use Case

2018-09-12 Thread Jason RJ
It might need a little bit of work because you'll get odd sized pages if 
you suppress 8 of 10 items on a page. We saw similar issue with this 
where page 2 is blank but page 3 has products.


On 12/09/2018 14:34, Arun Patidar wrote:

Price rule support available OOTB, you will only need to customize your
rendering logic.

Kind Regards,

Arun Patidar
Director of Information Systems

*HotWax CommerceReal OmniChannel. Real Results.*
m: +91 9827353082


On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 6:42 PM  wrote:

I like recommendation #2.  Can it be done OOTB?

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: eCommerce Use Case
From: Arun Patidar 
Date: Wed, September 12, 2018 4:46 am

Hi James,

I can think about two way that can restrict/allow products specific to
logged-in user

1) You can use Agreement data model to specify party specific products.
This may need some customization for rendering products.
2) You can create a price rule for user classifications and can render
products accordingly. Here, you can set a default price to zero for all
products of the special category. By using price rule, you can set the
price as per wholesale customer. During rendering, you will only show
products having price more than zero. WDYT?

Kind Regards,

Arun Patidar
Director of Information Systems

*HotWax CommerceReal OmniChannel. Real Results.*
m: +91 9827353082


On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 10:21 PM  wrote:

Yes. I have the price rules configured however there are some
categories of product that I only want my wholesale customers to see.
Is there a way to configure it so when a wholesale customer logs in they
see an extra category?

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: eCommerce Use Case
From: Rishi Solanki 
Date: Mon, September 10, 2018 9:09 am
To: ofbizuser 

Please check the price rules screen for details -

Here you can select the Input as Party Classification and assign
and price for the whole sale parties.


Rishi Solanki
Sr Manager, Enterprise Software Development
HotWax Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Direct: +91-9893287847

On Sun, Sep 9, 2018 at 10:05 PM  wrote:

Awesome. Thanks!

How do you actually assign the party classification to the category so
that only that group sees it?

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: eCommerce Use Case
From: Giulio Speri - MpStyle Srl 
Date: Fri, September 07, 2018 1:31 pm

Hi James,

In our ecommerce implementation we faced a similar situation.
We had some customers that should see a certain discount only on some
products and only after login.
We used "meta" categories, along with Party Classification Groups and

"meta" category is simply a catalog category that should contain the
products that only a certain group of customer (party classification
will see after login.

Once you've created the product category and the party classification
group, you can set up a Price Rule, with "product category" and "party
classification" as activating conditions and a discount action type,
on your needs, as price rule action.

Hope it helps,


Il 07/Set/2018 17:53,  ha scritto:

I was wondering with how roles worked in Ofbiz if the following is

I want to have whole customers and retail customer shop on the same
website. Obviously wholesale customers would see their pricing when
they log in but there is also a few more products that I want only
wholesale customers to see when they log in. Is it possible to have
products or categories that some customer hgroups can see and others





Re: Install ofbiz windows 10

2018-07-31 Thread Jason RJ

On 31/07/2018 03:46, Mitch Honeysett wrote:


Installed ofbiz


gradlew "ofbiz --load-data readers=seed,seed-initial" 
loadAdminUserLogin -PuserLoginId=admin

but get this

ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in 
your PATH.

Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
location of your Java installation.

set variable


C:\Program Files\Java\jre-10.0.2\bin\

in the Java config desktop path is C:\Program 

Please help


Hi Mitch,

JAVA_HOME should put to a JDK not the JRE, but also I sometimes find 
using the 8.3 notation is more successful:


You can check the correct 8.3 file names for your setup with DIR /X


Re: Price Rule

2017-07-19 Thread Jason RJ

Hi Aayush,

Flat amount modify will change the price by the given amount e.g. $20 
modify $10 = $30
Flat amount override will change replace the price with a new value e.g. 
$20 override $10 = $10

Descriptions are here also

Hope that helps


On 19/07/2017 12:44, aayush jain wrote:

Greetings of the day!

My question is related to Price Rule, While Creating Price Rule we get many
options for actions:
1. Flat amount modify
2. Flat amount Override
3. Percent of Avg. cost
4. Percent of default price
5. Percent of List Price
6. Percent of margin
7. Percent of wholesale
8. Promo amount Override
9.Wholesale amount override

What's the proper behavior of each Action type and difference between Flat
Amount modify/override.


Re: POS Setup

2015-08-16 Thread Jason RJ
POS was removed from the core distribution along with many other
specialpurpose components, but is maintained and can be checked out from


On Sat, 15 Aug 2015 20:48:26 -0700 Adrian Crum wrote

 Please be patient, our POS guru Jacques is on holiday. I'm sure he will 
 help as soon as he is available.
 Adrian Crum
 Sandglass Software
 On 8/15/2015 8:24 PM, Craig Parker wrote:
  Is there documentation some where that talks about getting from the file to a running POS app, or am I just
  numbing it?  I'm fairly thick skinned, so bash away if it's the latter...
  It looks like I've got to load it via specialpurpose/build.xml, but I've
  got to get a pos directory to begin with to refer to in that xml.  Not
  sure where.

Re: Catalog/Product Image Upload

2015-05-22 Thread Jason RJ
Thanks Jacques, I had looked at that briefly, but I assumed the uploads 
still go to one of the OFBiz servers, so really the images need uploaded 
separately to the content server instead?

Thanks I appreciate your quick response.


On 21/05/2015 17:52, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
I think you are looking for the ofbizContentUrl Freemarker macro. The 
idea is to put the static resources on a content server to get the 
resources from this unique server. Of course having LB/HA and rather 
a cluster for the content server is recommended...


Le 21/05/2015 15:34, Jason RJ a écrit :

Hi Folks,

I've been looking at production setup for OFBiz and the one issue I'm 
getting stuck with is how to get uploaded catalog/product images 
distributed across all the servers in a LB/HA setup. I've looked at 
rsync, lsyncd, csync2, NFS, GlusterFS. I'm just wondering if anyone 
has any experience with any of these in production and can offer a 
recommendation? Maybe I'm missing a trick and there's a much easier 
way to get OFBiz to push files to all servers, and avoid a 

Many thanks in advance.


Catalog/Product Image Upload

2015-05-21 Thread Jason RJ

Hi Folks,

I've been looking at production setup for OFBiz and the one issue I'm 
getting stuck with is how to get uploaded catalog/product images 
distributed across all the servers in a LB/HA setup. I've looked at 
rsync, lsyncd, csync2, NFS, GlusterFS. I'm just wondering if anyone has 
any experience with any of these in production and can offer a 
recommendation? Maybe I'm missing a trick and there's a much easier way 
to get OFBiz to push files to all servers, and avoid a 

Many thanks in advance.
