Re: Web Service + Spark

2015-01-11 Thread Raghavendra Pandey
You can take a look at it is a
notebook and graphic visual designer.

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015, 01:45 Cui Lin wrote:

  Thanks, Gaurav and Corey,

  Probably I didn’t make myself clear. I am looking for best Spark
 practice similar to Shiny for R, the analysis/visualziation results can be
 easily published to web server and shown from web browser. Or any dashboard
 for Spark?

  Best regards,

  Cui Lin

   From: gtinside
 Date: Friday, January 9, 2015 at 7:45 PM
 To: Corey Nolet
 Cc: Cui Lin,
 Subject: Re: Web Service + Spark

   You can also look at Spark Job Server

 - Gaurav

 On Jan 9, 2015, at 10:25 PM, Corey Nolet wrote:

   Cui Lin,

  The solution largely depends on how you want your services deployed
 (Java web container, Spray framework, etc...) and if you are using a
 cluster manager like Yarn or Mesos vs. just firing up your own executors
 and master.

  I recently worked on an example for deploying Spark services inside of
 Jetty using Yarn as the cluster manager. It forced me to learn how Spark
 wires up the dependencies/classpaths. If it helps, the example that
 resulted from my tinkering is located at [1].


 On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 9:33 PM, Cui Lin wrote:

  Hello, All,

  What’s the best practice on deploying/publishing spark-based scientific
 applications into a web service? Similar to Shiny on R.

  Best regards,

  Cui Lin

Re: How to set UI port #?

2015-01-11 Thread jeanlyn92
You can set `spark.ui.port` to 0 ,the program will find a available port by

2015-01-11 16:38 GMT+08:00 YaoPau

 I have multiple Spark Streaming jobs running all day, and so when I run my
 hourly batch job, I always get a Address already
 use which starts at 4040 then goes to 4041, 4042, 4043 before settling at

 That slows down my hourly job, and time is critical.  Is there a way I can
 set it to 4044 by default, or prevent the UI from launching altogether?


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Re: ALS.trainImplicit running out of mem when using higher rank

2015-01-11 Thread Antony Mayi
the question really is whether this is expected that the memory requirements 
grow rapidly with the rank... as I would expect memory is rather O(1) problem 
with dependency only on the size of input data.
if this is expected is there any rough formula to determine the required memory 
based on ALS input and parameters?

 On Saturday, 10 January 2015, 10:47, Antony Mayi 

 the actual case looks like this:* spark 1.1.0 on yarn (cdh 5.2.1)* ~8-10 
executors, 36GB phys RAM per host* input RDD is roughly 3GB containing 
~150-200M items (and this RDD is made persistent using .cache())* using pyspark
yarn is configured with the limit yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb of 33792 
(33GB), spark is set to 
when using higher rank (above 20) for ALS.trainImplicit the executor runs after 
some time (~hour) of execution out of the yarn limit and gets killed:
2015-01-09 17:51:27,130 WARN 
 Container [pid=27125,containerID=container_1420871936411_0002_01_23] is 
running beyond physical memory limits. Current usage: 31.2 GB of 31 GB physical 
memory used; 34.7 GB of 65.1 GB virtual memory used. Killing container.
thanks for any ideas,Antony.

 On Saturday, 10 January 2015, 10:11, Antony Mayi 

 the memory requirements seem to be rapidly growing hen using higher rank... I 
am unable to get over 20 without running out of memory. is this 
expected?thanks, Antony. 



How to set UI port #?

2015-01-11 Thread YaoPau
I have multiple Spark Streaming jobs running all day, and so when I run my
hourly batch job, I always get a Address already in
use which starts at 4040 then goes to 4041, 4042, 4043 before settling at

That slows down my hourly job, and time is critical.  Is there a way I can
set it to 4044 by default, or prevent the UI from launching altogether?


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Re: Does DecisionTree model in MLlib deal with missing values?

2015-01-11 Thread Sean Owen
I do not recall seeing support for missing values.

Categorical values are encoded as 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, ... When training the
model you indicate which are interpreted as categorical with the
categoricalFeaturesInfo parameter, which maps feature offset to count
of distinct categorical values for the feature.

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 6:54 AM, Carter wrote:
 Hi, I am new to the MLlib in Spark. Can the DecisionTree model in MLlib deal
 with missing values? If so, what data structure should I use for the input?

 Moreover, my data has categorical features, but the LabeledPoint requires
 double data type, in this case what can I do?

 Thank you very much.

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Re: ALS.trainImplicit running out of mem when using higher rank

2015-01-11 Thread Sean Owen
I would expect the size of the user/item feature RDDs to grow linearly
with the rank, of course. They are cached, so that would drive cache
memory usage on the cluster.

This wouldn't cause executors to fail for running out of memory
though. In fact, your error does not show the task failing for lack of
memory. What it shows is that YARN thinks the task is using a little
bit more memory than it said it would, and killed it.

This happens sometimes with JVM-based YARN jobs since a JVM configured
to use X heap ends up using a bit more than X physical memory if the
heap reaches max size. So there's a bit of headroom built in and
controlled by spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead
( You can try
increasing it to a couple GB.

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 9:43 AM, Antony Mayi wrote:
 the question really is whether this is expected that the memory requirements
 grow rapidly with the rank... as I would expect memory is rather O(1)
 problem with dependency only on the size of input data.

 if this is expected is there any rough formula to determine the required
 memory based on ALS input and parameters?


 On Saturday, 10 January 2015, 10:47, Antony Mayi

 the actual case looks like this:
 * spark 1.1.0 on yarn (cdh 5.2.1)
 * ~8-10 executors, 36GB phys RAM per host
 * input RDD is roughly 3GB containing ~150-200M items (and this RDD is made
 persistent using .cache())
 * using pyspark

 yarn is configured with the limit yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb of
 33792 (33GB), spark is set to be:

 when using higher rank (above 20) for ALS.trainImplicit the executor runs
 after some time (~hour) of execution out of the yarn limit and gets killed:

 2015-01-09 17:51:27,130 WARN
 Container [pid=27125,containerID=container_1420871936411_0002_01_23] is
 running beyond physical memory limits. Current usage: 31.2 GB of 31 GB
 physical memory used; 34.7 GB of 65.1 GB virtual memory used. Killing

 thanks for any ideas,

 On Saturday, 10 January 2015, 10:11, Antony Mayi

 the memory requirements seem to be rapidly growing hen using higher rank...
 I am unable to get over 20 without running out of memory. is this expected?
 thanks, Antony.

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Re: train many decision tress with a single spark job

2015-01-11 Thread Sean Owen
You just mean you want to divide the data set into N subsets, and do
that dividing by user, not make one model per user right?

I suppose you could filter the source RDD N times, and build a model
for each resulting subset. This can be parallelized on the driver. For
example let's say you divide into N subsets depending on the value of
the user ID modulo N:

val N = ...
(0 until N) = DecisionTree.train(data.filter(_.userID % N
== d), ...))

data should be cache()-ed here of course.

However it may be faster and more principled to take random subsets directly:

data.randomSplit(Array.fill(N)(1.0 / N)) =
DecisionTree.train(subset, ...))

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 1:53 AM, Josh Buffum wrote:
 I've got a data set of activity by user. For each user, I'd like to train a
 decision tree model. I currently have the feature creation step implemented
 in Spark and would naturally like to use mllib's decision tree model.
 However, it looks like the decision tree model expects the whole RDD and
 will train a single tree.

 Can I split the RDD by user (i.e. groupByKey) and then call the
 DecisionTree.trainClassifer in a reduce() or aggregate function to create a
 RDD[DecisionTreeModels]? Maybe train the model with an in-memory dataset
 instead of an RDD? Call sc.parallelize on the Iterable values in a groupBy
 to create a mini-RDD?

 Has anyone else tried something like this with success?


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Re: ScalaReflectionException when using saveAsParquetFile in sbt

2015-01-11 Thread Shing Hing Man
I have the same exception when I run the following example fromSpark SQL 
Programming Guide - Spark 1.2.0 Documentation

|   |
|   |   |   |   |   |
| Spark SQL Programming Guide - Spark 1.2.0 DocumentationSpark SQL Programming 
Guide Overview Getting Started Data Sources RDDs Inferring the Schema Using 
Reflection Programmatically Specifying the Schema Parquet Files Loading Data 
Programmatically  |
|  |
| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

But it works fine when I run it from intellij .
I am using Spark 1.2 for Scala 2.10.4. sbt 0.13.7.
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
// Define the schema using a case class.// Note: Case classes in Scala 2.10 can 
support only up to 22 fields. To work around this limit,// you can use custom 
classes that implement the Product class Person(name: String, 
age: Int)
object SparkSqlDemo {
 def main(args: Array[String]) {
 val sc = new SparkContext(local, SparkSqlTest)
 // sc is an existing SparkContext. val sqlContext = new 
org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc) // createSchemaRDD is used to implicitly 
convert an RDD to a SchemaRDD. import sqlContext.createSchemaRDD
 // Create an RDD of Person objects and register it as a table. val people = 
sc.textFile(src/test/resources/people.txt).map(_.split(,)).map(p = 
Person(p(0), p(1).trim.toInt))
 // SQL statements can be run by using the sql methods provided by sqlContext. 
val teenagers = sqlContext.sql(SELECT name FROM people WHERE age = 13 AND age 
= 19)
 // The results of SQL queries are SchemaRDDs and support all the normal RDD 
operations. // The columns of a row in the result can be accessed by ordinal. = Name:  + t(0)).collect().foreach(println)

 On Wednesday, 7 January 2015, 21:55, figpope wrote:

 I'm on Spark 1.2.0, with Scala 1.11.2, and SBT 0.13.7.

When running:

case class Test(message: String)

val sc = new SparkContext(local, shell)
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext._

val testing = sc.parallelize(List(Test(this), Test(is), Test(a),


I get the following error:

scala.ScalaReflectionException: class
org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection in JavaMirror with of type class with
and parent being xsbt.boot.BootFilteredLoader@1f421ab0 of type class
xsbt.boot.BootFilteredLoader with classpath [unknown] and parent being
sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@372f2b32 of type class
sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader with classpath
[file:/usr/local/Cellar/sbt/0.13.7/libexec/sbt-launch.jar] and parent being
sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@79bcfbeb of type class
sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader with classpath
and parent being primordial classloader with boot classpath

Re: SparkSQL schemaRDD MapPartitions calls - performance issues - columnar formats?

2015-01-11 Thread Cheng Lian

On 1/11/15 1:40 PM, Nathan McCarthy wrote:

Thanks Cheng  Michael! Makes sense. Appreciate the tips!

Idiomatic scala isn't performant. I’ll definitely start using while 
loops or tail recursive methods. I have noticed this in the spark code 

I might try turning off columnar compression (via 
/spark.sql.inMemoryColumnarStorage.compressed=false /correct?) and see 
how performance compares to the primitive objects. Would you expect to 
see similar runtimes vs the primitive objects? We do have the luxury 
of lots of memory at the moment so this might give us an additional 
performance boost.
Turning off compression should be faster, but still slower than directly 
using primitive objects. Because Spark SQL also serializes all objects 
within a column into byte buffers in a compact format. However, this 
radically reduces number of Java objects in the heap and is more GC 
friendly. When running large queries, cost introduced by GC can be 

Regarding the defensive copying of row objects. Can we switch this off 
and just be aware of the risks? Is MapPartitions on SchemaRDDs and 
operating on the Row object the most performant way to be flipping 
between SQL  Scala user code? Is there anything else I could be doing?
This can be very dangerous and error prone. Whenever an operator tries 
to cache row objects, turning off defensive copying can introduce wrong 
query result. For example, sort-based shuffle caches rows to do sorting. 
In some cases, sample operator may also cache row objects. This is very 
implementation specific and may change between versions.


From: Michael Armbrust

Date: Saturday, 10 January 2015 3:41 am
To: Cheng Lian
Cc: Nathan,
Subject: Re: SparkSQL schemaRDD  MapPartitions calls - performance 
issues - columnar formats?

The other thing to note here is that Spark SQL defensively copies rows 
when we switch into user code.  This probably explains the difference 
between 1  2.

The difference between 1  3 is likely the cost of decompressing the 
column buffers vs. accessing a bunch of uncompressed primitive objects.

On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 6:59 AM, Cheng Lian wrote:

Hey Nathan,

Thanks for sharing, this is a very interesting post :) My comments
are inlined below.


On 1/7/15 11:53 AM, Nathan McCarthy wrote:


I’m trying to use a combination of SparkSQL and ‘normal'
Spark/Scala via rdd.mapPartitions(…). Using the latest release

Simple example; load up some sample data from parquet on HDFS
(about 380m rows, 10 columns) on a 7 node cluster.

  val t = sqlC.parquetFile(/user/n/sales-tran12m.parquet”)

Now lets do some operations on it; I want the total sales 
quantities sold for each hour in the day so I choose 3 out of the
10 possible columns...

  sqlC.sql(select Hour, sum(ItemQty), sum(Sales) from test1
group by Hour).collect().foreach(println)

After the table has been 100% cached in memory, this takes around
11 seconds.

Lets do the same thing but via a MapPartitions call (this isn’t
production ready code but gets the job done).

val try2 = sqlC.sql(select Hour, ItemQty, Sales from test1”)
rddPC.mapPartitions { case hrs =
  val qtySum = new Array[Double](24)
  val salesSum = new Array[Double](24)

  for(r - hrs) {
val hr = r.getInt(0)
qtySum(hr) += r.getDouble(1)
salesSum(hr) += r.getDouble(2)
  (salesSum zip qtySum)
}.reduceByKey((a,b) = (a._1 + b._1, a._2 +

I believe the evil thing that makes this snippet much slower is
the for-loop. According to my early benchmark done with Scala 2.9,
for-loop can be orders of magnitude slower than a simple
while-loop, especially when the body of the loop only does
something as trivial as this case. The reason is that Scala
for-loop is translated into corresponding
foreach/map/flatMap/withFilter function calls. And that's exactly
why Spark SQL tries to avoid for-loop or any other functional
style code in critical paths (where every row is touched), we also
uses reusable mutable row objects instead of the immutable version
to improve performance. You may check HiveTableScan,
ParquetTableScan, InMemoryColumnarTableScan etc. for reference.
Also, the `sum` function calls in your SQL code are translated
into `o.a.s.s.execution.Aggregate` operators, which also use
imperative while-loop and reusable mutable rows.

Another thing to notice is 

Re: Job priority

2015-01-11 Thread Cody Koeninger
If you set up a number of pools equal to the number of different priority
levels you want, make the relative weights of those pools very different,
and submit a job to the pool representing its priority, I think youll get
behavior equivalent to a priority queue. Try it and see.

If I'm misunderstandng what youre trying to do, then I don't know.

On Sunday, January 11, 2015, Alessandro Baretta


 Maybe I'm not getting this, but it doesn't look like this page is
 describing a priority queue scheduling policy. What this section discusses
 is how resources are shared between queues. A weight-1000 pool will get
 1000 times more resources allocated to it than a priority 1 queue. Great,
 but not what I want. I want to be able to define an Ordering on make my
 tasks representing their priority, and have Spark allocate all resources to
 the job that has the highest priority.


 On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 10:11 PM, Cody Koeninger
 javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml',''); wrote:

 Setting a high weight such as 1000 also makes it possible to implement
 *priority* between pools—in essence, the weight-1000 pool will always
 get to launch tasks first whenever it has jobs active.

 On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 11:57 PM, Alessandro Baretta
 javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml',''); wrote:


 Thanks, but I don't see how this documentation solves my problem. You
 are referring me to documentation of fair scheduling; whereas, I am asking
 about as unfair a scheduling policy as can be: a priority queue.


 On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 5:00 PM, Mark Hamstra
 javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml',''); wrote:

 -dev, +user

 On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 4:40 PM, Alessandro Baretta
 javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml',''); wrote:

 Is it possible to specify a priority level for a job, such that the
 jobs might be scheduled in order of priority?


Re: Spark SQL: Storing AVRO Schema in Parquet

2015-01-11 Thread Raghavendra Pandey
I think AvroWriteSupport class already saves avro schema as part of parquet
meta data. You can think of using parquet-mr directly.


On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 10:32 PM, Jerry Lam wrote:

 Hi Raghavendra,

 This makes a lot of sense. Thank you.
 The problem is that I'm using Spark SQL right now to generate the parquet

 What I think I need to do is to use Spark directly and transform all rows
 from SchemaRDD to avro objects and supply it to use saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile
 (from the PairRDD). From there, I can supply the avro schema to parquet via

 It is not difficult just not as simple as I would like because SchemaRDD
 can write to Parquet file using its schema and if I can supply the avro
 schema to parquet, it save me the transformation step for avro objects.

 I'm thinking of overriding the saveAsParquetFile method to allows me to
 persist the avro schema inside parquet. Is this possible at all?

 Best Regards,


 On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 2:05 AM, Raghavendra Pandey wrote:

 I cam across this You can take
 a look.

 On Fri Jan 09 2015 at 12:08:49 PM Raghavendra Pandey wrote:

 I have the similar kind of requirement where I want to push avro data
 into parquet. But it seems you have to do it on your own. There
 is parquet-mr project that uses hadoop to do so. I am trying to write a
 spark job to do similar kind of thing.

 On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 3:20 AM, Jerry Lam wrote:

 Hi spark users,

 I'm using spark SQL to create parquet files on HDFS. I would like to
 store the avro schema into the parquet meta so that non spark sql
 applications can marshall the data without avro schema using the avro
 parquet reader. Currently, schemaRDD.saveAsParquetFile does not allow to do
 that. Is there another API that allows me to do this?

 Best Regards,


Re: Removing JARs from spark-jobserver

2015-01-11 Thread Sasi
Thank you Abhishek. That works.

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Re: Job priority

2015-01-11 Thread Alessandro Baretta

While I might be able to improve the scheduling of my jobs by using a few
different pools with weights equal to, say, 1, 1e3 and 1e6, effectively
getting a small handful of priority classes. Still, this is really not
quite what I am describing. This is why my original post was on the dev
list. Let me then ask if there is any interest in having priority queue job
scheduling in Spark. This is something I might be able to pull off.


On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 6:21 AM, Cody Koeninger wrote:

 If you set up a number of pools equal to the number of different priority
 levels you want, make the relative weights of those pools very different,
 and submit a job to the pool representing its priority, I think youll get
 behavior equivalent to a priority queue. Try it and see.

 If I'm misunderstandng what youre trying to do, then I don't know.

 On Sunday, January 11, 2015, Alessandro Baretta


 Maybe I'm not getting this, but it doesn't look like this page is
 describing a priority queue scheduling policy. What this section discusses
 is how resources are shared between queues. A weight-1000 pool will get
 1000 times more resources allocated to it than a priority 1 queue. Great,
 but not what I want. I want to be able to define an Ordering on make my
 tasks representing their priority, and have Spark allocate all resources to
 the job that has the highest priority.


 On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 10:11 PM, Cody Koeninger

 Setting a high weight such as 1000 also makes it possible to implement
 *priority* between pools—in essence, the weight-1000 pool will always
 get to launch tasks first whenever it has jobs active.

 On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 11:57 PM, Alessandro Baretta wrote:


 Thanks, but I don't see how this documentation solves my problem. You
 are referring me to documentation of fair scheduling; whereas, I am asking
 about as unfair a scheduling policy as can be: a priority queue.


 On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 5:00 PM, Mark Hamstra

 -dev, +user

 On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 4:40 PM, Alessandro Baretta wrote:

 Is it possible to specify a priority level for a job, such that the
 jobs might be scheduled in order of priority?


RE: Submit Spark applications from a machine that doesn't have Java installed

2015-01-11 Thread Nate D'Amico
Cant speak to the internals of SparkSubmit and how to reproduce sans jvm,
guess would depend if you want/need to support various deployment
enviroments (stand-alone, mesos, yarn, etc)


If just need YARN, or looking at starting point, might want to look at
capabilities of YARN API:




From: Nick Chammas [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2015 1:45 PM
Subject: Submit Spark applications from a machine that doesn't have Java


Is it possible to submit a Spark application to a cluster from a machine
that does not have Java installed?


My impression is that many, many more computers come with Python installed
by default than do with Java.


I want to write a command-line utility  that submits a Spark
application to a remote cluster. I want that utility to run on as many
machines as possible out-of-the-box, so I want to avoid a dependency on Java
(or a JRE) if possible.






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RE: Does DecisionTree model in MLlib deal with missing values?

2015-01-11 Thread Christopher Thom
Is there any plan to extend the data types that would be accepted by the Tree 
models in Spark? e.g. Many models that we build contain a large number of 
string-based categorical factors. Currently the only strategy is to map these 
string values to integers, and store the mapping so the data can be remapped 
when the model is scored. A viable solution, but cumbersome for models with 
hundreds of these kinds of factors.

Concerning missing data, I haven't been able to figure out how to use NULL 
values in LabeledPoints, and I'm not sure whether DecisionTrees correctly 
handle the case of missing data. The only thing I've been able to work out is 
to use a placeholder value, which is not really what is needed. I think this 
will introduce bias in the model if there is a significant proportion of 
missing data. e.g. suppose we have a factor that is TimeSpentonX. If 20% of 
values are missing, what numeric value should this missing data be replaced 
with? Almost every choice will bias the final model...what we really want is 
the algorithm to just ignore those values.


-Original Message-
From: Sean Owen []
Sent: Sunday, 11 January 2015 10:53 PM
To: Carter
Subject: Re: Does DecisionTree model in MLlib deal with missing values?

I do not recall seeing support for missing values.

Categorical values are encoded as 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, ... When training the model 
you indicate which are interpreted as categorical with the 
categoricalFeaturesInfo parameter, which maps feature offset to count of 
distinct categorical values for the feature.

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 6:54 AM, Carter wrote:
 Hi, I am new to the MLlib in Spark. Can the DecisionTree model in
 MLlib deal with missing values? If so, what data structure should I use for 
 the input?

 Moreover, my data has categorical features, but the LabeledPoint
 requires double data type, in this case what can I do?

 Thank you very much.

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Christopher Thom

Level 25, 8 Chifley, 8-12 Chifley Square
Sydney NSW 2000

T: +61 2 8222 3577
F: +61 2 9292 6444


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Re: propogating edges

2015-01-11 Thread Anwar Rizal
It looks like to be similar (simpler) to the connected component
implementation in GraphX.
Have you checked that ?

I have questions though, in your example, the graph is a tree. What is the
behavior if it is a more general graph ?

Anwar Rizal.

On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 1:02 AM, dizzy5112 wrote:

 Hi all looking for some help in propagating some values in edges. What i
 to achieve (see diagram) is for each connected part of the graph assign an
 incrementing value  for each of the out links from the root node. This
 will restart again for the next part of the graph. ie node 1 has out links
 to node 2,3,and 4. The edge attribute for these will be 1,2 and 3
 respectively. For each of the out links from these nodes they keep this
 value right through to the final node in their path. For node 9 with out
 link to 10 this has an edge attribute of 1 etc etc.  Thanks in advance for
 any help :) dave

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Re: Issue writing to Cassandra from Spark

2015-01-11 Thread Ankur Srivastava
Hi Akhil, thank you for your response.

Actually we are first reading from cassandra and then writing back after
doing some processing. All the reader stages succeed with no error and many
writer stages also succeed but many fail as well.


On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 10:15 PM, Akhil Das

 Just make sure you are not connecting to the Old RPC Port (9160), new
 binary port is running on 9042.

 What is your rpc_address listed in cassandra.yaml? Also make sure you
 have start_native_transport: *true *in the yaml file.

 Best Regards

 On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 8:44 AM, Ankur Srivastava wrote:


 We are currently using spark to join data in Cassandra and then write the
 results back into Cassandra. While reads happen with out any error during
 the writes we see many exceptions like below. Our environment details are:

 - Spark v 1.1.0
 - spark-cassandra-connector-java_2.10 v 1.1.0

 We are using below settings for the writer



 com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All host(s)
 tried for query failed (tried: [] - use getErrors() for details)


 at com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler$






propogating edges

2015-01-11 Thread dizzy5112
Hi all looking for some help in propagating some values in edges. What i want
to achieve (see diagram) is for each connected part of the graph assign an
incrementing value  for each of the out links from the root node. This value
will restart again for the next part of the graph. ie node 1 has out links
to node 2,3,and 4. The edge attribute for these will be 1,2 and 3
respectively. For each of the out links from these nodes they keep this
value right through to the final node in their path. For node 9 with out
link to 10 this has an edge attribute of 1 etc etc.  Thanks in advance for
any help :) dave 

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Submit Spark applications from a machine that doesn't have Java installed

2015-01-11 Thread Nick Chammas
Is it possible to submit a Spark application to a cluster from a machine
that does not have Java installed?

My impression is that many, many more computers come with Python installed
by default than do with Java.

I want to write a command-line utility that submits a Spark
application to a remote cluster. I want that utility to run on as many
machines as possible out-of-the-box, so I want to avoid a dependency on
Java (or a JRE) if possible.


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How to recovery application running records when I restart Spark master?

2015-01-11 Thread ChongTang
Hi all, 

Due to some reasons, I restarted Spark master node. 

Before I restart it, there were some application running records at the
bottom of the master web page. But they are gone after I restart the master
node. The records include application name, running time, status, and so on.
I am sure you know what I am talking about. 

My question is: 1) how can I recovery those records when I restart my Spark
master node. 2) If I cannot recovery it, where should I go to look for them? 

Actually, I am caring about the running time of finished applications. 

Thank you for your help, and hope every body is doing great! 

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Re: Data locality running Spark on Mesos

2015-01-11 Thread Michael V Le

I tried two Spark stand-alone configurations:
spark.driver.memory 1g
spark.executor.memory 1g 0.9
--total-executor-cores 60

In the second configuration (same as first, but):
spark.executor.memory 6g

Runs using the first configuration have faster execution times compared
with Spark runs on my configuration of Mesos (both coarse-grained and
Runs using second configuration had about the same execution time as with
Looking at the logs again, it looks like the locality info between the
stand-alone and Mesos coarse-grained mode are very similar.
I must have been hallucinating earlier thinking somehow the data locality
information was different.

So this whole thing might just simply be due to the fact that it is not
possible in Mesos right now to set the number of executors.
Even in fine-grained mode, there seems to be just one executor per node (I
had thought differently in my previous message).
The workloads I've tried apparently performs better with many executors per
node than a single powerful executor per node.

Would be really useful once this feature you've mentioned:
is implemented.

Spark on Mesos fine-grained configuration:
driver memory = 1G
spark.executor.memory 6g  (tried also with 1g, still one executor per node
and execution time roughly the same) 0.9


From:   Timothy Chen
To: Michael V Le/Watson/IBM@IBMUS
Cc: user
Date:   01/10/2015 04:31 AM
Subject:Re: Data locality running Spark on Mesos

Hi Michael,

I see you capped the cores to 60.

I wonder what's the settings you used for standalone mode that you compared

I can try to run a MLib workload on both to compare.


On Jan 9, 2015, at 6:42 AM, Michael V Le wrote:

  Hi Tim,

  Thanks for your response.

  The benchmark I used just reads data in from HDFS and builds the
  Linear Regression model using methods from the MLlib.
  Unfortunately, for various reasons, I can't open the source code for
  the benchmark at this time.
  I will try to replicate the problem using some sample benchmarks
  provided by the vanilla Spark distribution.
  It is very possible that I have something very screwy in my workload
  or setup.

  The parameters I used for the Spark on Mesos are the following:
  driver memory = 1G
  total-executor-cores = 60
  spark.executor.memory 6g 0.9
  spark.mesos.coarse = true

  The rest are default values, so spark.locality.wait should just be

  I launched the Spark job on a separate node from the 10-node cluster
  using spark-submit.

  With regards to Mesos in fine-grained mode, do you have a feel for
  the overhead of
  launching executors for every task? Of course, any perceived slow
  down will probably be very dependent
  on the workload. I just want to have a feel of the possible overhead
  (e.g., factor of 2 or 3 slowdown?).
  If not a data locality issue, perhaps this overhead can be a factor
  in the slowdown I observed, at least in the fine-grained case.

  BTW: i'm using Spark ver 1.1.0 and Mesos ver 0.20.0


  graycol.gifTim Chen ---01/08/2015 03:04:51 PM---How did you run
  this benchmark, and is there a open version I can try it with?

  From: Tim Chen
  To: Michael V Le/Watson/IBM@IBMUS
  Cc: user
  Date: 01/08/2015 03:04 PM
  Subject: Re: Data locality running Spark on Mesos

  How did you run this benchmark, and is there a open version I can try
  it with?

  And what is your configurations, like spark.locality.wait, etc?


  On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 11:44 AM, mvle wrote:

I've noticed running Spark apps on Mesos is significantly
slower compared to
stand-alone or Spark on YARN.
I don't think it should be the case, so I am posting the
problem here in
case someone has some explanation
or can point me to some configuration options i've missed.

I'm running the LinearRegression benchmark with a dataset of
On a 10-node stand-alone Spark cluster (each node 4-core, 8GB
of RAM),
I can finish the workload in about 5min (I don't remember
The data is loaded into HDFS spanning the same 10-node cluster.
There are 6 worker instances per node.

However, when running the same workload on the same cluster but
now with
Spark on Mesos 

Re: ALS.trainImplicit running out of mem when using higher rank

2015-01-11 Thread Antony Mayi
this seems to have sorted it, awesome, thanks for great help.Antony. 

 On Sunday, 11 January 2015, 13:02, Sean Owen wrote:

 I would expect the size of the user/item feature RDDs to grow linearly
with the rank, of course. They are cached, so that would drive cache
memory usage on the cluster.

This wouldn't cause executors to fail for running out of memory
though. In fact, your error does not show the task failing for lack of
memory. What it shows is that YARN thinks the task is using a little
bit more memory than it said it would, and killed it.

This happens sometimes with JVM-based YARN jobs since a JVM configured
to use X heap ends up using a bit more than X physical memory if the
heap reaches max size. So there's a bit of headroom built in and
controlled by spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead
( You can try
increasing it to a couple GB.

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 9:43 AM, Antony Mayi wrote:
 the question really is whether this is expected that the memory requirements
 grow rapidly with the rank... as I would expect memory is rather O(1)
 problem with dependency only on the size of input data.

 if this is expected is there any rough formula to determine the required
 memory based on ALS input and parameters?


 On Saturday, 10 January 2015, 10:47, Antony Mayi

 the actual case looks like this:
 * spark 1.1.0 on yarn (cdh 5.2.1)
 * ~8-10 executors, 36GB phys RAM per host
 * input RDD is roughly 3GB containing ~150-200M items (and this RDD is made
 persistent using .cache())
 * using pyspark

 yarn is configured with the limit yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb of
 33792 (33GB), spark is set to be:

 when using higher rank (above 20) for ALS.trainImplicit the executor runs
 after some time (~hour) of execution out of the yarn limit and gets killed:

 2015-01-09 17:51:27,130 WARN
 Container [pid=27125,containerID=container_1420871936411_0002_01_23] is
 running beyond physical memory limits. Current usage: 31.2 GB of 31 GB
 physical memory used; 34.7 GB of 65.1 GB virtual memory used. Killing

 thanks for any ideas,

 On Saturday, 10 January 2015, 10:11, Antony Mayi

 the memory requirements seem to be rapidly growing hen using higher rank...
 I am unable to get over 20 without running out of memory. is this expected?
 thanks, Antony.

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Re: Trouble with large Yarn job

2015-01-11 Thread Sandy Ryza
Hi Anders,

Have you checked your NodeManager logs to make sure YARN isn't killing
executors for exceeding memory limits?


On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 8:20 AM, Anders Arpteg wrote:


 I have a job that keeps failing if too much data is processed, and I can't
 see how to get it working. I've tried repartitioning with more partitions
 and increasing amount of memory for the executors (now about 12G and 400
 executors. Here is a snippets of the first part of the code, which succeeds
 without any problems:

 val all_days = sc.union(
   ds.dateInterval(startDate, date).map(date =
 sc.avroFile[LrDailyEndSong](daily_end_song_path + date)
   .map(s = (
 (s.getUsername, s.getTrackUri),
 UserItemData(s.getUsername, s.getTrackUri,
   build_vector1(date, s),

 I want to process 30 days of data or more, but am only able to process
 about 10 days. If having more days of data (lower startDate in code
 above), the union above succeeds but the code below fails with Error
 communicating with MapOutputTracker (see
 for more detailed error messages). Here is a snippet of the code that fails:

 val top_tracks = = (t._1._2.toString, 1)).reduceByKey

 val observation_data = all_days
   .mapPartitions( = (o._1._2.toString, o._2)))

 The calculation of top_tracks works, but the last mapPartitions task
 fails with given error message if given more than 10 days of data. Also
 tried increasing the spark.akka.askTimeout setting, but it still fails
 even if 10-folding the timeout setting to 300 seconds. I'm using Spark 1.2
 and the kryo serialization.

 Realize that this is a rather long message, but I'm stuck and would
 appreciate any help or clues for resolving this issue. Seems to be a
 out-of-memory issue, but it does not seems to help to increase the number
 of partitions.


Support for SQL on unions of tables (merge tables?)

2015-01-11 Thread Paul Wais
Dear List,

What are common approaches for addressing over a union of tables / RDDs?
E.g. suppose I have a collection of log files in HDFS, one log file per
day, and I want to compute the sum of some field over a date range in SQL.
Using log schema, I can read each as a distinct SchemaRDD, but I want to
union them all and query against one 'table'.

If this data were in MySQL, I could have a table for each day of data and
use a MyISAM merge table to union these tables together and just query
against the merge table.  What's nice here is that MySQL persists the merge
table, and the merge table is r/w, so one can just update the merge table
once per day.  (What's not nice is that merge tables scale poorly, backup
admin is a pain, and oh hey I'd like to use Spark not MySQL).

One naive and untested idea (that achieves implicit persistence): scan an
HDFS directory for log files, create one RDD per file, union() the RDDs,
then create a Schema RDD from that union().

A few specific questions:
 * Any good approaches to a merge / union table? (Other than the naive idea
above).  Preferably with some way to persist that table / RDD between Spark
runs.  (How does Impala approach this problem?)

 * Has anybody tried joining against such a union of tables / RDDs on a
very large amount of data?  When I've tried (non-spark-sql) union()ing
Sequence Files, and then join()ing them against another RDD, Spark seems to
try to compute the full union before doing any join() computation (and
eventually OOMs the cluster because the union of Sequence Files is so big).
I haven't tried something similar with Spark SQL.

 * Are there any plans related to this in the Spark roadmap?  (This feature
would be a nice compliment to, say, persistent RDD indices for interactive

 * Related question: are there plans to use Parquet Index Pages to make
Spark SQL faster?  E.g. log indices over date ranges would be relevant here.

All the best,

what is the roadmap for Spark SQL dialect in the coming releases?

2015-01-11 Thread Niranda Perera

I found out that SparkSQL supports only a relatively small subset of SQL
dialect currently.

I would like to know the roadmap for the coming releases.

And, are you focusing more on popularizing the 'Hive on Spark' SQL dialect
or the Spark SQL dialect?


Re: Issue writing to Cassandra from Spark

2015-01-11 Thread Akhil Das
I see, can you paste the piece of code? Its probably because you are
exceeding the number of connection that are specified in the
property rpc_max_threads. Make sure you close all the connections properly.

Best Regards

On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 7:45 AM, Ankur Srivastava wrote:

 Hi Akhil, thank you for your response.

 Actually we are first reading from cassandra and then writing back after
 doing some processing. All the reader stages succeed with no error and many
 writer stages also succeed but many fail as well.


 On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 10:15 PM, Akhil Das

 Just make sure you are not connecting to the Old RPC Port (9160), new
 binary port is running on 9042.

 What is your rpc_address listed in cassandra.yaml? Also make sure you
 have start_native_transport: *true *in the yaml file.

 Best Regards

 On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 8:44 AM, Ankur Srivastava wrote:


 We are currently using spark to join data in Cassandra and then write
 the results back into Cassandra. While reads happen with out any error
 during the writes we see many exceptions like below. Our environment
 details are:

 - Spark v 1.1.0
 - spark-cassandra-connector-java_2.10 v 1.1.0

 We are using below settings for the writer



 com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All
 host(s) tried for query failed (tried: [] - use getErrors() for details)


 at com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler$




