Re: [ClusterLabs] How to set up fencing/stonith

2018-05-16 Thread Ivan Devát

Dne 16.5.2018 v 05:52 Casey & Gina napsal(a):

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to get fencing/stonith going with pacemaker.

As far as I understand it, they are both part of the same thing - setting up 
stonith means setting up fencing.  If I'm mistaken on that, please let me know.

Specifically, I'm wanting to use the external/vcenter plugin.  I've got the 
required vCenter CLI software installed and tested with `gethosts`, `on`, 
`off`, etc. commands as per /usr/share/doc/cluster-glue/stonith/README.vcenter. 
 I'm struggling to understand how to now get it set up with pacemaker.

Both the aforementioned document as well as
 have instructions for crm, not pcs, and I'm not sure how exactly to translate 
one to the other.  What I've done before in this circumstance is to install 
crmsh, execute the crm-based command, then look at the resulting .xml and try 
to figure out a pcs command that creates an equivalent result.  Anyways, those 
two instructions give very different commands, and I don't really understand 

Firstly, I'll start with the documentation file included on my system, as I'm 
assuming that should be the most authoritative.  It provides the following two 
commands as examples:

crm configure primitive vfencing stonith::external/vcenter params \
   VI_SERVER="" VI_CREDSTORE="/etc/vicredentials.xml" \
   HOSTLIST="hostname1=vmname1;hostname2=vmname2" RESETPOWERON="0" \
   op monitor interval="60s"

crm configure clone Fencing vfencing


the pcs alternative commands are:

pcs stonith create vfencing external/vcenter \
VI_SERVER= VI_CREDSTORE=/etc/vicredentials.xml \
HOSTLIST="hostname1=vmname1;hostname2=vmname2" RESETPOWERON=0 \
op monitor interval=60s


pcs resource clone vfencing

However, the part `op monitor interval=60s` can be omitted since pcs 
takes it from the agent automatically.
The second command can be used but it does not make much sense as 
already mentioned by Andrei.


Why is the second line there?  What does it do?  Is it necessary?  
Unfortunately the document doesn't give any explanation.

Secondly, looking at the web link above, it says to add a primitive for each 
node in the cluster, as well as a location.  This seems rather different than 
the above approach.  Which is more correct?

Lastly, searching the web for some documentation on how to do this with PCS, I came 
 - which has yet another totally different way of doing things, by adding a "fencing 
device".  Attempting to fiddle around with fence_vmware command doesn't seem to get 
me anywhere - how is this related to the external/vcenter module?

So I'm really confused about what I should do, and why there seems to be 
radically different ways presented, none of which I can easily grasp.  I assume 
these questions are the same regardless of which particular plugin is being 

Is there some good documentation that explains this in better detail and can 
definitively tell me the best way of going about this, preferably with pcs?

Thank you,

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Re: [ClusterLabs] Feedback wanted: changing "master/slave" terminology

2018-01-25 Thread Ivan Devát


I think there's enough sentiment for "promoted"/"started" as the role
names, since it most directly reflects how pacemaker uses them.

Just a question.
The property "role" of a resource operation can have values: "Stopped", 
"Started" and in the case of multi-state resources, "Slave" and "Master".

What does it mean when the value is "Started"? Does it mean either 
"Slave" or "Master" or does it mean just "Slave"?


For the resources themselves, how about "binary clones"?

On Thu, 2018-01-18 at 10:48 -0600, Ken Gaillot wrote:

On Thu, 2018-01-18 at 08:22 +0100, Ulrich Windl wrote:

Ken Gaillot  schrieb am 17.01.2018 um
17:04 in Nachricht


On Wed, 2018-01-17 at 08:32 +0100, Ulrich Windl wrote:

Ken Gaillot  schrieb am 16.01.2018
23:33 in Nachricht


As we look to release Pacemaker 2.0 and (separately) update
standard, this is a good time to revisit the terminology and
use for master/slave resources.

I think the term "stateful resource" is a better substitute
"master/slave resource". That would mainly be a documentation

If there will be exactly two states, it'll be bi-state
when abandoning the name, you should also abandon names like
and demote, because they stick to master/slave.
So maybe start with describing what a stateful resource is,
about names.
BTW: All resoiucres we have are "stateful", because they can be
started and stopped states at least ;-)

Good points.

A clone is a resource with a configurable number of instances
same resource configuration. When a clone is stateful, each

s/the same/a common/ # if they were the same, there could be no

Nope, it's identical ... a single + configuration
Pacemaker is used to generate all instances. The service's own
configuration doesn't change, either. Each instance is either
completely identical, and simply running on different nodes, or
a subset of requests determined by information available at run-time.

instance is in one of two roles at any given time, and Pacemaker

two: just two or at least two?

Exactly two.

While it is easy to imagine more than two, or even more complex
scenarios (e.g. database server instances can serve as master for
certain tables and replicant for other tables), we don't see any
for managing that via pacemaker, and it would require a complete re-
implementation (and someone with the resources to do that).

manages instances' roles via promote and demote actions.

NOw try to define what promote and demote do ;-)

A successful call to the resource agent's "start" action must leave
resource in a particular one of the roles (the default role, from the
cluster's point of view). A successful "promote" action must move an
instance from the default role to the non-default role, and a
successful "demote" action must move an instance from the non-default
role to the default role.

So, it's very generic from the cluster's point of view.

Too bad "roleful" isn't a word ;-)

As you mentioned, "state" can more broadly refer to started,
etc., but pacemaker does consider "started in slave role" and
in master role" as extensions of this, so I don't think
too far off the mark.

Maybe also state the purpose of having different roles here, and
define what a role as opposed to a state is.

That's part of the problem -- the purpose is entirely up to the
specific application.

Some use it for a master copy of data vs a replicated copy of data, a
read/write instance vs a read-only instance, a coordinating function
an executing function, an active instance vs a hot-spare instance,

That's why I like "promoted"/"started" -- it most directly implies
"whatever role you get after promote" vs "whatever role you get after

It would even be easy to think of the pacemaker daemons themselves as
clones. The crmd would be a stateful clone whose non-default role is
the DC. The attrd would be a stateful clone whose non-default role is
the writer. (It might be "fun" to represent the daemons as resources
one day ...)

Separately, clones (whether stateful or not) may be anonymous or
(i.e. whether it makes sense to start more than one instance on
same node), which confuses things further.

"anonymous clone" should be defined also, just as unique: Aren't
configured resources "unique" (i.e. being different from each

I'm curious about more than two roles, multiple "masters" and
multiple "slaves".

It's a common model to have one database master and a bunch of
replicants, and with most databases having good active/active support
these says, it's becoming more common to have multiple masters, with
without separate replicants. It's also common for one coordinator
multiple workers.


Re: [ClusterLabs] [Pacemaker on raspberry pi]

2018-03-05 Thread Ivan Devát


*#pcs cluster node add pi05 --start --enable**
*Disabling SBD service...
pi05: sbd disabled
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/sbin/pcs", line 11, in 
     load_entry_point('pcs==0.9.160', 'console_scripts', 'pcs')()
   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pcs/", line 190, in main
   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pcs/", line 218, in 

   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pcs/", line 1674, in 

     node_add(lib_env, node0, node1, modifiers)
   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pcs/", line 1857, in 

"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pcs/lib/commands/", line 
58, in _share_authkey

line 47, in pcmk_authkey_file

     "pacemaker_remote authkey": pcmk_authkey_format(authkey_content)
line 29, in pcmk_authkey_format

     "data": base64.b64encode(authkey_content).decode("utf-8"),
   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 58, in b64encode
     encoded = binascii.b2a_base64(s, newline=False)
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

it seems there is a TypeError

this problem has been fixed in pcs-0.9.163-2.fc27. This package is in 
testing and soon it will be in stable (days to stable 1).

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Re: [ClusterLabs] Does restarting pcsd also restart resources

2019-01-23 Thread Ivan Devát

Hi Jonathan,

the resources will stay up. Resources do not depend on pcsd daemon 


On 1/22/19 5:31 PM, Jonathan Hull wrote:
A quick question, this is on RHEL7. If I was to restart the pcs daemon 
only (pcsd), such as is done automatically when changing the cert with 
"pcs pcsd certkey" will this also restart the cluster resources causing 
downtime or do the resources stay up?


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Re: [ClusterLabs] pcs constraint order set syntax

2018-11-20 Thread Ivan Devát

Hello Chris,

Dne 19. 11. 18 v 23:32 Chris Miller napsal(a):


     I am attempting to add a resource to an existing ordering 
constraint set. The system in question came pre-configured with PCS 
(FreePBX HA), and need to add a resource group (queuemetrics) to the 
ordering constraint set. Before modification, the existing set is as 
follows (output from pcs config --full)

set mysql httpd asterisk sequential=true (id:mysql-httpd-asterisk) 
setoptions kind=Optional (id:freepbx-start-order)

I'm having issues with the "resource order set" command syntax, 
specifically with setting options and IDs. Per the man page and help 
info, the syntax appears as it should be this :

pcs constraint order set mysql httpd asterisk queuemetrics 
sequential=true id=mysql-httpd-asterisk setoptions kind=Optional 

according pcs man:
* sequential=true id=mysql-httpd-asterisk are options
* kind=Optional id=freepbx-start-order are constraint_options

Allowed options are: action, require-all, role, sequential.
So id=mysql-httpd-asterisk is not valid.

For constraint_options it is possible to use id. However, `pcs 
constraint order set` is only for creating constraint set. Unfortunately 
it is not possible to update a constraint.

As a workaround you can delete the constraint and create the new one in 
one step. Something like this:

$ pcs cluster cib temp-cib.xml
$ pcs constraint delete freepbx-start-order -f temp-cib.xml
$ pcs constraint order set mysql httpd asterisk queuemetrics 
sequential=true setoptions kind=Optional id=freepbx-start-order -f 

$ pcs cluster cib-push temp-cib.xml

However when running this command I receive the following error :

Call cib_replace failed (-203): Update does not conform to the 
configured schema

I have also tried variations of this syntax, and the ID option 
specifically is ignored and a dynamically generated name is used instead.

I'm not having any luck finding guidance with this specific issue 
online. Thanks in advance for your guidance.



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Re: [ClusterLabs] pcs 0.10.1 released

2019-01-08 Thread Ivan Devát

On 12/28/18 5:39 AM, digimer wrote:

On 2018-11-26 12:26 p.m., Tomas Jelinek wrote:

I am happy to announce the latest release of pcs, version 0.10.1.

Source code is available at:

This is the first final release of the pcs-0.10 branch.
Pcs-0.10 is the new main pcs branch supporting Corosync 3.x and
Pacemaker 2.x clusters while dropping support for older Corosync and
Pacemaker versions. Pcs-0.9, being in maintenance mode, continues to
support Corosync 1.x/2.x and Pacemaker 1.x clusters.

Main changes compared to 0.9 branch:
* Corosync 3.x and Kronosnet is supported while Corosync 2.x and older
  as well as CMAN are not
* Node names are now fully supported
* Pacemaker 2.x is supported while Pacemaker 1.x is not
* Promotable clone resources replaced master resources; creating master
  resources is no longer possible but managing existing master resources
  is supported
* Options starting with '-' and '--' are no longer accepted by commands
  for which those options have no effect
* Obsoleting parameters of resource and fence agents are now supported
  and preferred over deprecated parameters
* Several deprecated and / or undocumented pcs commands / options have
  been removed
* Python 3.6+ and Ruby 2.2+ is now required

Complete change log for this release against 0.9.163:
## [0.10.1] - 2018-11-23

### Removed
- Pcs-0.10 removes support for CMAN, Corosync 1.x, Corosync 2.x and
  Pacemaker 1.x based clusters. For managing those clusters use
- Pcs-0.10 requires Python 3.6 and Ruby 2.2, support for older Python
  and Ruby versions has been removed.
- `pcs resource failcount reset` command has been removed as `pcs
  resource cleanup` is doing exactly the same job. ([rhbz#1427273])
- Deprecated commands `pcs cluster remote-node add | remove` have been
  removed as they were replaced with `pcs cluster node add-guest |
- Ability to create master resources has been removed as they are
  deprecated in Pacemaker 2.x ([rhbz#1542288])
  - Instead of `pcs resource create ... master` use `pcs resource create
    ... promotable` or `pcs resource create ... clone promotable=true`
  - Instead of `pcs resource master` use `pcs resource promotable` or
    `pcs resource clone ... promotable=true`
- Deprecated --clone option from `pcs resource create` command
- Ability to manage node attributes with `pcs property set|unset|show`
  commands (using `--node` option). The same functionality is still
  available using `pcs node attribute` command.
- Undocumented version of the `pcs constraint colocation add` command,
  its syntax was `pcs constraint colocation add 
   [score] [options]`
- Deprecated commands `pcs cluster standby | unstandby`, use `pcs node
  standby | unstandby` instead
- Deprecated command `pcs cluster quorum unblock` which was replaced by
  `pcs quorum unblock`
- Subcommand `pcs status groups` as it was not showing a cluster status
  but cluster configuration. The same functionality is still available
  using command `pcs resource group list`
- Undocumented command `pcs acl target`, use `pcs acl user` instead

### Added
- Validation for an unaccessible resource inside a bundle
- Options to filter failures by an operation and its interval in `pcs
  resource cleanup` and `pcs resource failcount show` commands
- Commands for listing and testing watchdog devices ([rhbz#1578891])
- Commands for creating promotable clone resources `pcs resource
  promotable` and `pcs resource create ... promotable` ([rhbz#1542288])
- `pcs resource update` and `pcs resource meta` commands change master
  resources to promotable clone resources because master resources are
  deprecated in Pacemaker 2.x ([rhbz#1542288])
- Support for the `promoted-max` bundle option replacing the `masters`
  option in Pacemaker 2.x ([rhbz#1542288])
- Support for OP_NO_RENEGOTIATION option when OpenSSL supports it
  (even with Python 3.6) ([rhbz#1566430])
- Support for container types `rkt` and `podman` into bundle commands
- Support for promotable clone resources in pcsd and web UI
- Obsoleting parameters of resource and fence agents are now supported
  and preferred over deprecated parameters ([rhbz#1436217])
- `pcs status` now shows failed and pending fencing actions and `pcs
  status --full` shows the whole fencing history. Pacemaker supporting
  fencing history is required. ([rhbz#1615891])
- `pcs stonith history` commands for displaying, synchronizing and
  cleaning up fencing history. Pacemaker supporting fencing history is
  required. ([rhbz#1620190])
- Validation of node existence in a cluster when creating location
  constraints ([rhbz#1553718])
- Command `pcs client local-auth` for authentication of pcs client
  against local pcsd. This is required when a non-root user wants to
  execute a command which requires root 

Re: [ClusterLabs] Why do clusters have a name?

2019-03-27 Thread Ivan Devát

On 26. 03. 19 21:12, Brian Reichert wrote:

This will sound like a dumb question:

The manpage for pcs(8) implies that to set up a cluster, one needs
to provide a name.

Why do clusters have names?

Is there a use case wherein there would be multiple clusters visible
in an administrative UI, such that they'd need to be differentiated?

For example in a web UI of pcs is a page with multiple clusters.

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