Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't find setting

2013-08-16 Thread James Knott
Brian Barker wrote:
 I would suggest that two spaces are probably useful with fixed-pitch
 text as on a typewriter

A wider space between sentences is useful, no matter how the text is
created.  It clearly defines the beginning and end of a sentence and is
easier on the eyes.

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[libreoffice-users] Battle of the Office Suites: Microsoft Office and LibreOffice Compared

2013-08-16 Thread James Knott
Here's an article you can show to others.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Battle of the Office Suites: Microsoft Office and LibreOffice Compared

2013-08-16 Thread James Knott
Tom Davies wrote:
 Any chance of passing this on to the marketing list?  

Feel free.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-16 Thread James Knott
Michael wrote:
 1)  Although the article was difficult to read, I think it would have
 been easier on the eyes (mine, anyway) if there was more space between
 the sentences.

This is my point exactly.  When there's extra space between sentences,
it's a lot easier to isolate the sentence from the surrounding text. 
You have to look for the period, which may be more difficult to see,
depending on the letter it follows.  For example a period following a
k is harder to discern than one following a o.  This means the
reader has to do extra work, while the eye is naturally equipped to
recognize the extra space.  So, the choice is search for the sentence or
automagically recognize it.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't find setting

2013-08-16 Thread James Knott
Virgil Arrington wrote:
 Just curious, since nearly every professionally published book since
 the mid-1900s has had one space after sentence ending punctuation, do
 you find reading books difficult? 

I just picked up the closest book I had at hand.  It's Computer
Networks, by Andrew Tanenbaum  David Wetherall, 5th edition, published
in 2012 by Pearson.. It has wider spacing between sentences than words. 
Second book I picked off my bookshelf is Ethernet The Definitive Guide
by Charles Spurgeon, 1st edition, 2000, from O'Reilly.  It also has
wider spacing between sentences.  That's 2 for 2 of the first 2 books I

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-16 Thread James Knott
Ken Springer wrote:
 So there must be a general happy medium here, which I always thought
 was the em-space. 

And that goes back to my earlier comment about en and em quads in hand
set type.  A slightly wider space makes it easier to read, because of
the way we recognize objects.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-16 Thread James Knott
James Knott wrote:
 Ken Springer wrote:
 So there must be a general happy medium here, which I always thought
 was the em-space. 
 And that goes back to my earlier comment about en and em quads in hand
 set type.  A slightly wider space makes it easier to read, because of
 the way we recognize objects.

I just tried a little experiment.  I typed a sentence, with a period at
the end.  I then started typing the next sentence with a lower case n. 
I then placed the cursor directly over the first vertical line in the
n.  After I finished the word, the n changed to upper case and the first
vertical line moved to the right, so it was no longer under the cursor
and resulting space was wider.  I tried again with an i as the first
letter and the same thing happened, but the shift was not as great.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't find setting

2013-08-15 Thread James Knott
Brian Barker wrote:
 Rejoice!  This is how all word processors should work.  Countable
 spaces exist only in Typewriterland.  With proper type faces, the
 space between words is anything from a minimum value up to whatever is
 required to range across a line.  The spacebar no longer represents an
 actual amount of space but merely indicates a word break in the text. 
 If you need to space material differently, you do it properly - using
 tabs, tables, frames, or whatever.

I have long been in the habit of putting a double space between
sentences.  I learned that in a typing class, IIRC.  What's the proper
proceedure in LO?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't find setting

2013-08-15 Thread James Knott
Virgil Arrington wrote:
 The typographic standard is to only use one space between sentences
 with proportionally spaced fonts.

In the old hand set type (which I have worked with) there were different
width spaces (en  em quads), depending on where they were used. 
Typically, an en quad was used between words and an em quad between
sentences.  The names refer to the width of upper case N and M
characters.  So, the space between words was as wide as an N and between
sentences, an M.  There were also wider ones, such as double M and
triple M.  Typesetting machines, such as the Linotype also had provision
for different width spaces.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't find setting

2013-08-15 Thread James Knott
Ruth Ann wrote:
 I remember reading several years ago that the double spaces are no
 longer needed because the software knows to adjust the spacing. So I
 would say that with the  modern text editors, the proper procedure
 would be to just use a single space and let the software handle the
 spacing. If you forget and use a double space, well, I guess the
 software will handle that too. ;-)

So, how would it tell the difference between the end of a sentence,
terminated with a period and a sentence containing a period used as part
of an abbreviation such as Dr. or etc.?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't find setting

2013-08-15 Thread James Knott
Tom Davies wrote:
 I think current fashion is to use a single space to make it less obvious 
 where a new sentence begins and thus mke it marginally more difficult to 
 read.  I still tend to use 2 spaces.  Doubtless, fashion will change back to 
 the way youi learned, or maybe go to a new paragraph per sentence as i have 
 seen some people do in mainstream articles.  

There have been many occasions when I have struggled to read something
where proper sentence and paragraph form (not to mention spelling and
punctuation) were not followed.  There's a reason for such structures
and that is to make it easier to read and comprehend things.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't find setting

2013-08-15 Thread James Knott
Miss Keating wrote:
 No letterpress compositor would employ an en quad as an interword
 space, except possibly when justifying.

 A standard job case contains, along with the various quads, typemetal
 spaces in 3 sizes: 3-to-the-em, 4-to-the-em,
 and 5-to-the-em. There are also thin spaces, not proportional to the
 font size: brass at 1 point, copper at 1/2 point.

 These spacings are often written as 3/em, c., but are pronounced as
 fully written out, to avoid confusion with the 3em and suchlike quads.

I wish I had one of those old typesetting books handy, that I used to
read.  They seem a bit scarce now.  ;-)

One thing I noticed in that article about the California job case.  It
says 'except for the J and U, moved to the lowest line to help avoid
confusing them with I and V respectively'.  The way I learned it,
from those books, was the J and U were added to the alphabet after the
type case was invented and so placed after Z.

It's been over 40 years since I've done any typesetting.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't find setting

2013-08-15 Thread James Knott
Andrew Brown wrote:
 on in language standards, especially as we are referring to here, the
 English language.

 Nothing to do with just HTML, a computer born programming language and
 not a literary language. The single space IS universally accepted as
 the norm for correct spacing in whatever medium we are writing /
 typing / printing in. It's what individuals do and teach incorrectly,
 but unchallenged on the whole, in adding double spaces between
 sentences. What one does and what is a standard is two different things.

A wider space between sentences more clearly delineates the sentence and
makes it easier to read.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: MS file compatibility in 4.0+ - comments in .doc

2013-08-14 Thread James Knott
Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
 And have they taken out the bug (cough cough) 

I thought that was a feature.  At least it is if you listen to MS.  ;-)

BTW, don't forget about them making that year 1900 Excel bug an ISO

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: MS file compatibility in 4.0+ - comments in .doc

2013-08-14 Thread James Knott
Tom Davies wrote:
 Yes, that problem was only in 2010 and 2007 and was due to their pathetic 
 attempts to use the older ODT (well specifically ods) format that no-one else 
 was using much at that time because we had all moved on to the newer version. 
  Their 2013 and 365 uses the newer format so they don't suffer from that 
 issue (apparently)

Except, other apps using the older spec didn't do that.  It was an Excel
only feature.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: MS file compatibility in 4.0+ - comments in .doc

2013-08-14 Thread James Knott
Tom Davies wrote:
 Some could view it as a marketing ploy to push people into using their
 format.  i can image the calls telling users they need to avoid 3rd
 party formats as though 3rd party is somehow dodgy rather than just
 meaning that MS can't manage to write code to support their own format
 let alone other organisations. 

One thing to bear in mind is the ODF formats were derived from the
original StarOffice formats and spreadsheets in that format worked fine
in StarOffice, and later OpenOffice, for years.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: MS file compatibility in 4.0+ - comments in .doc

2013-08-14 Thread James Knott
Steve Edmonds wrote:
 One thing to bear in mind is the ODF formats were derived from the
 original StarOffice formats and spreadsheets in that format worked fine
 in StarOffice, and later OpenOffice, for years.

 In fact until LO 4+ when they were dropped.

Can they still be read?  IIRC, OO 1.3 was the last version that couldn't
write ODF, but it could read them.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: compatibility with documents edited in officesuite 7

2013-08-10 Thread James Knott
Pedro wrote:
 The problem with ODF is that only LibreOffice and OpenOffice use it... So

Actually, MS Office does now too, as does KWrite.  There is also an ODF
viewer for Android.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Unsubscribe

2013-08-04 Thread James Knott
Nicholas Micalone wrote:
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This should be at the bottom of the messages

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice installation issue.

2013-08-04 Thread James Knott
Tom Davies wrote:
 I didn't think it was possible to install just 2 or 3 of the modules.

I haven't checked recently, but for years, with OpenOffice, it has been
an option, though it didn't save much disk space.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice installation issue.

2013-08-04 Thread James Knott
Tom Davies wrote:
 Was that just on GnuLinux (and presumably Bsd) or on Windows too?

Both, IIRC, but I've never installed just part of it.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Unsubscribe

2013-08-04 Thread James Knott
Tom Davies wrote:
 Hi :)
 Annoyingly in my email 'client' the address

 is shown looking like

 is the email address and the users+ as being some strange extra bit that is 
 not really part of the address.  I'm guessing that happens with some other 
 email 'clients' that are in common usage these days.  The users+ part is an 
 important part of the address so it really needs to be the entire line

 Also it's fairly rare to find a signature that is actually helpful.  Mostly 
 we get so used to completely ignoring useless disclaimers and hopeful 
 messages about having been scanned by some embarrassingly ancient antivirus 
 them that we don't even bother to read even the good ones.  

In my email app, users+ is shown as part of the address.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: 4.0.3

2013-08-01 Thread James Knott
Urmas wrote:
 According to, Windows 8 is
 working on 14% of computers.
 It's more than 10 times Linux marketshare.

Lessee now.  I have 5 computers here.  Only one has Windows on it and it
spends most of it's time running Linux.  I have a tablet and a smart
phone.  Both run Android (Linux).  I have a TV, A/V receiver  Bluray
player, all running Linux.  I also have an Asus Eee PC (borrowed by a
friend) that runs Linux and even my WiFi access point runs Linux.  Also,
how do you get W8 is on 14% of computers, when the facts show
otherwise?  Windows 7 and XP are both used on many more computers.  In
fact, computer manufactures were claiming W8 was responsible for much of
the decline in computer sales.  Look at how well Nokia is doing since
switching to Windows Phone.  They went from industry leader to also ran.

BTW, did you hear the news item recently about how all the computers on
the International Space Station have all been converted to Linux.  Or
how just about all the top 500 supercomputers run Linux?  Or how most of
the servers on the Internet run Linux?  Or...

You might also be interested in reading this article:

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: 4.0.3

2013-08-01 Thread James Knott
Urmas wrote:
 It is much more better than an ODF, which documents nothing, and
 depends on a reference implementation from a single vendor, Sun.

 Year 1900 being a leap one is a universal convention which predates
 Excel for several years.

What planet are you living on?  ODF documents are available for all to
read.  Do you know what an open standard is?  As for the 1900 bug, care
to provide some references that back that up?  Why would anyone
deliberately include a flawed function in a spreadsheet?

Here's some info on ODF, including links to specifications.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: 4.0.3

2013-07-31 Thread James Knott
Urmas wrote:
 So the open document standards were
 born and ratified and accpeted by the majority of the world that counts.

 Microsoft is using an open standard format called OpenXML. Stop
 pushing your vendor-locked ODF crap here please.
You may want to read up a bit on OpenXML and how it was rammed through
ISO and also how Microsoft themselves don't follow it.  The way it
became a standard was an absolute farce that crippled an ISO committee
that's also supposed to handle other stuff.  Are you aware OpenXML
perpetuates that  year 1900 Excel bug and makes it standard?  Did you
know about all the non-disclosed binary blobs that are part of OpenXML? 
Now tell me again who's pushing vendor-locked crap.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: 4.0.3

2013-07-31 Thread James Knott
Urmas wrote:
 Another major reason are huge bribes given to government officials to
 deploy {Libre|Open}Office solutions in budget-funding institutions

Actually, if you care to check the facts, it's Microsoft that's been
doing that.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: 4.0.3

2013-07-31 Thread James Knott
Tom Davies wrote:
 Netbooks died off for 1 reason only.  That was because people wanted Windows 
 on them

Actually, there was a bit of MS strong arming manufacturers as well.  I
have an Asus Eee PC, which I loaned to a friend.  She loves it, even
though her computer experience had previously been only on Windows. 
Look at the efforts MS is taking to keep other operating systems off
newer systems with UEFI requiring signatures provided only by MS.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: 4.0.3

2013-07-31 Thread James Knott
Andrew Brown wrote:
 yes where MS currently dominates, but not for long.

Of course one also has to look at why MS dominates.  The reasons include
strong arming and extortion.  MS has long been an unethical company,
going back to when Bill Gates and Paul Allen developed a BASIC
interpreter for the Altair 8800 computer.  MITS, the company that
produced the Altair hired Bill Gates and Paul Allen to create the
interpreter.  They developed it on the Harvard computers, in violation
of policy that those computer not be used for commercial purposes. 
Then, after BG saw the commercial potential for BASIC, claimed he owned
the software MITS had paid for.  Then in the DOS/early Windows days, MS
required computer manufacturers to pay for a licence on every computer
sold, regardless whether it shipped with DOS/Windows.  There was also a
test in Windows to see if it was running on DR-DOS and would then throw
up a bogus error message.  Then there was the issue of Windows API,
where MS apps ran better than competitor's, because MS used hidden API
that were not available to competitors.  Or how they told WordPerfect
about the new Windows API, but changed them just before Windows 95
(IIRC) was released.  Or how MS refused to licence Windows 95 to IBM,
unless IBM stopped promoting OS/2 (there's also the incident where MS
misappropriated IBM's money for OS/2 development to Windows).  Or how
they claimed in court the Internet Explorer couldn't be removed because
it was part of the operating system.  It wasn't at the time, but soon
became so, opening up all sorts of security problems is in the process. 
More recently, with site licences, MS requires all computers to be
licensed, even if they can't run the software.  The list of MS unethical
behaviour is a long one.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: North America QA Online Chat

2013-07-28 Thread James Knott

Joe Lee wrote:

If I recall correctly, Google Hangout requires nonfree software, so
let's use IRC instead, or perhaps Jitsi or Ekiga if we can all get one
of those working?

No.  It just requires a browser and a GMail account.  You can even use a 
tablet or smart phone with appropriate free app.  You can also have a 
video chat, with up to 16 participants, IIRC.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4.1 upgrade from 4.0.4 - now does not find Java

2013-07-28 Thread James Knott

Andrew Brown wrote:

AMD has claim to the first launched 64bit processors and systems

Actually, I believe both the PowerPC and DEC Alpha were earlier. AMD had 
the first that was compatible with the Intel x86 line.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4.1 upgrade from 4.0.4 - now does not find Java

2013-07-28 Thread James Knott

James Knott wrote:

Actually, I believe both the PowerPC and DEC Alpha were earlier.

I think the Intel Itanium also predated the AMD.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4.1 upgrade from 4.0.4 - now does not find Java

2013-07-26 Thread James Knott

Tom Davies wrote:

My guess is that the default is 64bit or else other apps might need the 64bit 
version.  It's generally not a good idea to have more than 1 version of Java 
although even 1 might well be more than you need now.

The big question is why are the Windows version of LibreOffice and 
OpenOffice still 32 bit only.  They've both been available in 64 bit 
versions on Linux for years.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4.1 upgrade from 4.0.4 - now does not find Java

2013-07-26 Thread James Knott

Andrew Brown wrote:

Umm!!! factually no, LO is still 32bit on Linux

Then why is there an x86_64 version, when the 32 bit version should also 
work well?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4.1 upgrade from 4.0.4 - now does not find Java

2013-07-26 Thread James Knott

Paul wrote:

Technically, the x86 indicates the architecture, the 64 indicates the
instruction set width. So x86_64 is a 64 bit chip, and the x86_32 is a
32 bit chip.

I thought 32 bit CPUs were referred to as i586..

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Re: [libreoffice-users] .odt to .rtf ?

2013-07-11 Thread James Knott

Helen wrote:

The publisher emails to say that all the documents have weird formatting and
strange characters.

I thought recent version of Word used the new WTF format.  ;-)

Actually, I just checked LibreOffice on openSUSE and saw there is an RTF 
option.  Check again.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice no mail client.

2013-07-02 Thread James Knott wrote:
 Hi All!
 Libreoffice will the development of mail client?
 Foxmail isn't open source.

Many people use Thunderbird.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] AOO for Android - not worth the download

2013-06-22 Thread James Knott
Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
 This is a little confusing to me. You mention LibreOffice and Apache
 OpenOffice for Android, but as far as I know there is no Apache
 OpenOffice for Android, so I guess you are talking about LibreOffice
 all the time, right?

I can't find either.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] drag drop

2013-06-11 Thread James Knott
Loren wrote:
 Hi I just got a new dell computer and need office type program, looking into 
 this libreoffice my question I have my files saved to external harddrive is 
 this the program that will allow me pull files off of th eexternal hardrive 
 (Word, Spreadsheet, etc) or is libre th eprogram that will allow me to open 
 and modify the files. The computer is windows 8 os.

Yes, you should be able to access files on an external hard drive.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Android cloud TV stick

2013-05-31 Thread James Knott

lilychen wrote:

Do you think that one Android TV stick can help make a TV set as a PC monitor? 
By which,you can do everything as you use your PC.

What is it you're trying to do? Many TVs can already be used as a 
monitor. I have two HDTVs and both have VGA connectors. Also DVI or HDMI 
interfaces are commonplace on computers these days.

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[libreoffice-users] Creating EPUB e-books

2013-05-30 Thread James Knott
There has been some discussion about creating EPUB e-books from 
OpenOffice and LibreOffice.  One method I recently came across is to use 
Sigil to create the EPUB from HTML.  OpenOffice and LibreOffice can save 
in HTML format, which can then be used as a source for this application.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Replying to users

2013-05-22 Thread James Knott

Kieran Peckett wrote:

example, you will only receive one of this message, even though the list is
in the Cc.

Actually, I received 2 copies.  One from the list and one from you. 
What's worse is I generally respond to the first one I read, which is 
usually the direct copy.  This means I am not replying to a message from 
the mail list.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Downloader Not Working

2013-05-14 Thread James Knott

Tom Davies wrote:

So torrenting is faster because it automatically chooses all the fastest places 
to download from and spreads the load between them.  If one slows down it 
automatically switches to using others.

The problem is that many of us pay for bandwidth used or have caps.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] .doc to pdf

2013-05-14 Thread James Knott

D.R. wrote:


Is it possible for a document to be converted to PDF format?

Yes, you can export directly from Writer to PDF.  There's an icon you 
can click on for a quick export or click on FileExport as PDF for more 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Downloader Not Working

2013-05-13 Thread James Knott

Mark LaPierre wrote:

Hey All,

I get a 404 error from the libre office download server.  I've tried 
from two different Win XP machines and from my CentOS machine.  All 
are running Fire Fox.

I tried to download the Win version and the linux version.  Both just 
got me a 404 error.

Is anyone else having a problem with the downloader or is it just me?

I just tried downloading the Linux version from  It 
seems OK so far.  Have you tried recently? There might have been a 
temporary problem somewhere.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Download ?

2013-05-10 Thread James Knott

Carol Bamrick wrote:

I have been running the Libra Office Suite 3.3 and my startup file is gone.  
I would like to download the latest Libra Suite, my question is will the new Suite be 
compatible with my old Libre files?

Yes, it will be compatible.  LibreOffice 4.0 is available from

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Testing to see if this message reaches you

2013-05-08 Thread James Knott

Sean O'Connell wrote:

I am just first testing to see if this email will reach you so that i can
ask for help in libreoffice

Sorry, didn't see it.  ;-)

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Compatibility LO/MSO

2013-05-07 Thread James Knott

Milos Sramek wrote:

MS support of ODF
will probably never be perfect.

Sun had an ODF plugin for MS Office.  I'd bet it works better than what 
MS provides.  It's also the only option for older Office versions.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Compatibility LO/MSO

2013-05-07 Thread James Knott

Tom Davies wrote:

Most newer versions of MS Office have ODF support built-in.  Unfortunately it's 
only the 2013 and 365 that use the same version of ODF as everyone else.  2007 
and 2010 use the old 1.1 which is not great for spreadsheets!
Regards from

It's been a while since I've had occasion to use it, but, IIRC, you 
could choose whether to use the Sun plugin or built in ODF support even 
on the later versions of office.  Of course, with the older versions, 
there wasn't any native support at all.  Either way, the Sun plugin 
should be used in my opinon.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Seeking for list moderators

2013-05-07 Thread James Knott

anne-ology wrote:

Just one question: haven't you already made 2 others moderators for
this list? -
   how many are needed or does each do some specific job?

Everything in moderation, including moderation.  ;-)

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Compatibility LO/MSO

2013-05-05 Thread James Knott

Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
OOXML is not fully open and not fully defined due to proprietary 
format information that is included with it [as far as I have been told].

Lots of info on this at Groklaw:

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calendar software

2013-04-16 Thread James Knott

lordmax tdf wrote:

what is iPot?
Please tell us.

Maybe Apple is getting into cooking utensils.  ;-)

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Re: [libreoffice-users] OT : good cd import software on linux

2013-04-16 Thread James Knott

Dries Feys wrote:

This is way of topic, but as there are many linux adepts over
here, I wonder what software you use to rip cd's to mp3. (or ogg
vorbis, but I prefer mp3 as that's supported on more hardware than

I use K3b, which comes with the KDE desktop.  I can write both mp3 and 
ogg, though you have to add a codec for mp3, IIRC.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calendar software

2013-04-12 Thread James Knott

Ken Springer wrote:

I'm asking this for a friend...

Is there any calendar software that will interface with LO or Open 
Office, much like MS Outlook works with MS Office?

I use Lightning with Thunderbird and Seamonkey.  I sync it to Google 
Calendar, so that I can have the same calendar on my computers, smart 
phone and tablet.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing speed is glacial for large file

2013-04-12 Thread James Knott

Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
To be honest, you might really find it better to break the document up 
by sections of no more than 50 pages or so, if possible.

Isn't that the purpose of master documents?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Fractions in Maths

2013-04-10 Thread James Knott

Tom wrote:

Hi :)
I thought that was what Math was for?  For simple equations as quoted it
might seem strange to have a separate app to do that sort of thing but most
people really don't need extra weight in Writer to do something they never
do anyway.  It might be nice if it could handle simple things like 1/2 but
aren't there special characters for most of those anyway?
Regards from
Tom :)

It's not in Writer. It's a separate app (at least in the LO meaning of 
separate) that provides the function of creating nice looking math 
equations, just like you see in text books. You don't have to use it, if 
you don't want to. As for special characters, use the U.S. International 
keyboard layout, so that you can easily use characters like: 
¹²³¤£€¼½¾¥×÷ and more.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Differences with LO OO

2013-04-05 Thread James Knott
It was created in about 4 years ago, so it would have been created in 
OO, though I don't recall the version.  However, I have been working 
with it in LO, ever since it replaced OO in openSUSE.

Steve Edmonds wrote:

What was the document created in and what version.

On 2013-04-05 14:39, James Knott wrote:
I have both LibreOffice and OpenOffice on my computers.  One thing 
I've noticed is that documents don't always appear the same in them.  
For example, I have one document which is a table in landscape mode 
in LO, but appears in portrait mode in OO.  Is this a problem with 
Open Document Formats?  Or one of the apps?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Differences with LO OO

2013-04-05 Thread James Knott

Tom Davies wrote:

So, really you have always been using LibreOffice just that it was really Go-oo 
before and loosely called just to avoid confusing the outside 
world with so many different forks and names.

That still leaves the question of why two different, though related, 
apps handle an ODT file differently.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: File associations for MSO to LibreOffice -- Win8

2013-04-04 Thread James Knott

Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

If so, this is the first I've heard of it.

I have just downloaded some MSO Publisher templates.  LO Draw does 
load them, but on my Linux system, .pub file are not associated to 
Draw.  I tested them out on 4.0.1 64-bit Deb install.

It is not perfect, but I downloaded Publisher 2007 and 2013 files to 
test.  Not all files formated properly, but it is much better than 
having no Publisher support.

I don't have any .pub files handy, so I can't test any.  Does Draw save 
in that format or only import?  I don't see any way to save or export to 
.pub, but I haven't looked a lot at it.

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[libreoffice-users] Differences with LO OO

2013-04-04 Thread James Knott
I have both LibreOffice and OpenOffice on my computers.  One thing I've 
noticed is that documents don't always appear the same in them.  For 
example, I have one document which is a table in landscape mode in LO, 
but appears in portrait mode in OO.  Is this a problem with Open 
Document Formats?  Or one of the apps?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: File associations for MSO to LibreOffice -- Win8

2013-04-03 Thread James Knott

Marc Paré wrote:
and will also move her Publisher files, which was great news to her too! 

LO doesn't work with Publisher files.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: File associations for MSO to LibreOffice -- Win8

2013-04-03 Thread James Knott

Tom Davies wrote:

I thought Publisher compatibility was added in 4.0.0?
Regards from

If so, this is the first I've heard of it.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Filtered html document

2013-03-20 Thread James Knott
Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
 Good evening everybody

It's morning. ;-)
 I am trying to make something available through Kindle.
 For some reason Amazon recommends preparing the original document as
 .doc or .docx file
 and in a final step:
 save as - Filtered html document
 (in order to remove MS office codes)

 What would be the equivalent for saving a file in LO when I, as it
 happens to be the case, do not like working with Word?
 And would that option produce the results Amazon is looking for?

Have you tried saving in HTML? It's one of the formats that you can
choose from.

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[libreoffice-users] Connect LibreOffice with your Google Docs account by using OOo2gd | TechRepublic

2013-03-12 Thread James Knott
I recently came across this.  It works with both OpenOffice and 
LibreOffice, though for some reason not with OO on Linux.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] m$ office to gnu/linux rumour

2013-02-26 Thread James Knott

Adam Tauno Williams wrote:

Just covert them entire user interface framework of a massive
application to another platform.

Well, there's the morning shot.  ;-)

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Re: [libreoffice-users] m$ office to gnu/linux rumour

2013-02-25 Thread James Knott

Tom Davies wrote:

Android, Blackberry, Chrome and others are GnuLinux.

And iPhones are BSD Unix.  Are there an current smart phones that aren't 
Linux/Unix based, other than Windows phones?  Even at least one of the 
old Nokia OSs was Linux based.

Regardless, my understanding of that rumour  is that if MS developed an 
Android version, they'd have pretty well done most of the work for a 
Linux version.  However, other sources indicate they have no plans to.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: brochure templates for letter and A4 sizes

2013-02-21 Thread James Knott

webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

The USA had a movement towards Metric, but it failed big-time.

It failed because Ronald Regan canceled Jimmy Carter's plans to move to it.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: brochure templates for letter and A4 sizes

2013-02-21 Thread James Knott

webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

On 02/21/2013 12:11 PM, James Knott wrote:

webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

The USA had a movement towards Metric, but it failed big-time.

It failed because Ronald Regan canceled Jimmy Carter's plans to move 
to it.

Economicsis the key.  We do have most things in the grocery store 
listing both English and Metric measurements.  That is for economics 
as well, since these items would not need different package designs 
for the regions of the world that speak English and use metric.

Economics had nothing to  do with it.  Reagan was a stick in the mud 
conservative who didn't want change.  Economics would have meant moving 
to it, to keep up with the rest of the world.  As a result, the U.S. is 
stuck with an obsolete system that uses arbitrary units.  IIRC, there 
are only 3 countries in the world that don't use the metric system and 2 
of them are 3rd world.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: brochure templates for letter and A4 sizes

2013-02-21 Thread James Knott

Tom Davies wrote:

Even NASA use feet and inches.

You may recall a Mars mission that failed as it approached Mars due to 
unit conversion error.  There was also an Air Canada plane that ran out 
of fuel mid flight, again due to conversion error.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: brochure templates for letter and A4 sizes

2013-02-21 Thread James Knott

Tom Davies wrote:

I thought the plane one was due to switching to using Windows which ran 
auto-updates in mid-flight and then forced a reboot (switching off and then 
switching on again).  (ie an urban myth)
Regards from

Read up on the Gimli Glider.  It actually happened.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: brochure templates for letter and A4 sizes

2013-02-21 Thread James Knott

Tanstaafl wrote:

Opinions are...

Reagan was a stick in the mud conservative who didn't want change.
Economics would have meant moving to it, to keep up with the rest of
the world.

Economics meant it would have cost the govt a TON of money to change 

Arguments can be made for LONG-term savings, but the reality is, short 
term it would be a huge expense.

The longer the wait, the greater the long term cost of remaining with an 
obsolete system.  Regardless, my opinion of Reagan stands. He 
demonstrated similar behavior on other issues too.  He was an old geezer 
who liked things the way they were, progress be damned.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: brochure templates for letter and A4 sizes

2013-02-21 Thread James Knott

Virgil Arrington wrote:

I'm old enough to remember the push back in the '70s to move to the
metric system in America. At the time, it made a lot of sense to me
simply because everything metric is in multiples of 10. But, I think
the biggest bugaboo for Americans was that we just couldn't get the
handle of visualizing and conceiving the actual size of things in
metric units. I can visualize and estimate a foot, a yard, even a
mile. I have a harder time estimating a meter or kilometer.

Every country that switched went through that.  Are Americans dumber 
than everyone else?

In terms of absolute size, there is nothing about an inch that is any
more or less arbitrary than a centimeter. Both are identifiable and
equally arbitrary spans of space. A yard is no more or less arbitrary
than a meter. It's just that a meter is broken down into subparts
measured in multiples of ten, whereas the yard is broken down into
units of three feet and 36 inches. Certainly, the metric system makes
more sense internally, but for those of us accustomed to inches, feet,
and yards, we see no problem with it.

The metric system was based on actual physical units.  For example, the 
metre was originally 1/10,000,000 the distance from the equator to the 
poles.  The celcius temperature scale was based on the freezing and 
boiling points of water etc.  Now compare that to how inches, yards, 
miles (which one?) etc. were determined.  Why is there a difference 
between U.S.  Imperial gallons?  There's even a difference in the size 
of the fluid ounce, so that the U.S. ounce is bigger than the Imperial. 
 Then we get to a U.S. gallon is 4 quarts, a quart is 32 ounces (but 
bigger ounces than Imperical) and an Imperial gallon is 4 quarts, but 
that quart is 40 (smaller) ounces.  Makes for a lot of fun, doesn't it.

And, I think that is the reason things won't change here. Until we
perceive our system as broken, we won't look for ways to fix it,
especially if it costs money to do so. It works for us just fine,
thank you, even if it is goofy.

The problem is that some people, such as Reagan, refuse to acknowledge 
the problem.  On the other hand, Carter, a professional engineer, could 
certainly appreciate the benefits of the metric system.  When you work 
in science or engineering, the metric system leaves the old units in the 
dust.  There is simply no comparison.

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Re: Fw: [libreoffice-users] Re: brochure templates for letter and A4 sizes

2013-02-21 Thread James Knott

Brian Barker wrote:

(And anyway, if you are estimating, a metre *is* a yard!)

Or more closely, 40 or precisely 39.37.

BTW, the official definition of a foot is now 30.48 cm.

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Re: Fw: [libreoffice-users] Re: brochure templates for letter and A4 sizes

2013-02-21 Thread James Knott

Brian Barker wrote:

Or more closely, 40 or precisely 39.37.

Sorry, but you have delusions of precision.

You mean you can't eyeball 39.37 cm?  ;-)

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Re: [libreoffice-users] page down in word processors

2013-02-15 Thread James Knott

Brian Barker wrote:
I think you are missing the different functions of the two sorts of 

Page Up  Page Down go back to the days of dumb terminals connected to a 
mainframe or minicomputer and a page referred to a full screen of data.  
Back in the late '70s  early '80s I used to support some terminals 
connected to a Data General Nova minicomputer, where all the editing was 
done on the Nova.  About the only editing you could do directly on the 
terminal was inserting  deleting characters.  The page keys would move 
the display through the document, with only a small amount of overlap, 
that is with a Page Down, the bottom line on the old screen would become 
the top line on the new.  The reverse occurred with Page Up.  There was 
no mouse either, just cursor keys, though another system I worked on 
used a joy stick.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Share-point?

2013-02-14 Thread James Knott

IBBoard wrote:

Dropbox is an unencrypted cloud solution. Once it is on the Dropbox severs
then any of the Dropbox staff/could/  read it. Or it could be copied or
otherwise lost by people who aren't your employees. Or it could be leaked
as party of a wider Dropbox hack/leak. Or it could be retrieved by a
foreign government (USA, I think) without your knowledge. Generally, it is
out of your corporate network perimeter and hence out of your control. In
general, that is*not*  a good thing.

I haven't used Dropbox, but I have created an encrypted folder on Google 
Drive.  I imagine the same would work with Dropbox.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] how to tell m$ about ods formula behaviour failure

2013-01-24 Thread James Knott

Tom Davies wrote:

Yes.  With regards to paragraph 1 with the amendment that i think you mean MSO 
2010 rather than the non-existent MSO 2012.  There is a version for Mac called 
2011 but that is really just 2010 redone for Mac and it takes them about a year 
to do that.  MSO just doesn't develop that fast.  It's typically 3 or 4 years 
between releases which is one reason they have such problems with security and 
need such frequent patches.

A minor complaint.  Some people here feel it's necessary to send replies 
to people, as well as the list.  This is not necessary, as we receive 
the list copy and don't need another.  Post it to the list and we'll see it.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Thunderbird Address Book as Data Source

2013-01-18 Thread James Knott

webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
Why do you want both Personaladdress book and Collected ones?  I would 
say that Thunderbird wanted them to be different so you, the user, can 
choose which address you collected by returning theemail that would 
go in your personally used address book. MOST of the collected 
addresses in its list are one-time-only emails. If they are not, then 
it is up to me to move them over.  I see no reason why someone would 
want an outside package to access the collected emails address for 
people you may never deal with again and combine it with your personal 
emails you chose to keep separate from the collected ones.

There can be other address books, besides Personal and Collected. For 
example, you might want just for co-workers or members of a club.  I 
have one just for people that I worked on a large project with.  I keep 
them in their own address book, as I don't want them to appear in my 
GMail¹ contacts on my phone.  If they were in the Personal address book, 
then they would be.

1)  I use gContactSync to sync my address books, both Thunderbird  
Seamonkey, on various computers, with my GMail Contacts.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Embedded Java

2013-01-13 Thread James Knott

George R. Crossman wrote:
I'm seeing warnings saying that one should disable embedded Java to 
avoid hacking. Does this apply to linux users? If so, what is the 

I wondered about that too.  It might be an issue with the Oracle Java, 
but I'm using OpenJDK.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Embedded Java

2013-01-13 Thread James Knott

Jay Lozier wrote:
Yes, all OS's are affected because Java is cross platform. I am not 
sure if any of the previous version are affected or if only the 
current release is affected.

The primary concern is Java applets run by your browser. The 
vulnerability allows a zero-day browser exploit that as yet is not 
patched by Oracle. The primary concerns I have heard of are 
installation of keyloggers and installation of ransomware. I would 
assume the malware will use the JVM to run and would be cross 
platform. AFAIK, Oracle has not yet announced when a patch will be 

As I mentioned in another note, I'm running OpenJDK, not Oracle Java.  
So the question becomes is it a problem in general with Java or just 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Embedded Java

2013-01-13 Thread James Knott

Tom Davies wrote:

OpenJDK is also owned by Oracle.  (it shocked me when i found that out too! lol)

It tends to be a lot less likely to run into problems because the strong 
community involved seems to take the edge off it a lot but ultimately it is 
still owned by Oracle.  Many such community run but owned projects have broken 
free of Oracle over the past couple of years but if OpenJdk did that then they 
would have problems maintaining their position of being a drop-in replacement 
for the proprietary version.

Is it owned by Oracle?  Or do they just contribute to it?  Other 
companies, such as IBM and Apple also contribute.  Also, from what I've 
been reading, this is a problem with using Java with browsers. Linux 
uses something called IcedTea to replace Oracle components that are 
not open source.  Might the difference in their avoid the problem?  
Also, as for a drop in replacement, it only has to function as the 
original, that is same APIs etc.  It does not mean the same source 
code.  So, if the problem is with the way Oracle's version was 
implemented, that may mean other versions do not have the same problem.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] How can I associate LOO with all the files types LOO used easily?

2012-11-25 Thread James Knott

Marco wrote:

I installed a protable version of LOo on 2 diffrent pc(windows). So I need
to rebuild the asscociation...
It will take me lots of time if I associate it one by one..
Could someone tell me an easy way to do that?
thx a lot.:)

Why would you install the portable version on a PC?  You'd normally 
install the regular version, which will set the files associations, on a 
PC.  The portable version is intended to be installed on a USB drive, 
which can then be plugged into a computer as needed.

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Re: off-list Re: [libreoffice-users] How can I associate LOO with all the files types LOO used easily?

2012-11-25 Thread James Knott

Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Many work places block people from having SuperUser permissions on 
Windows machines.

Regards from
Tom :)

In that case it wouldn't make any difference which version was 
installed.  Without admin rights, neither could be installed.  In that 
case, the portable version could be used from removable media, but you 
wouldn't expect the file associations to be configured for it.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: OpenOffice to be dumped in Freiburg ?

2012-11-20 Thread James Knott

Don Myers wrote:
I have never purchased a copy of Windows either. I only get it when it 
comes on a computer. Microsoft charges computer companies less than 
what the public pays, but the last time I heard anything it was 
something like $50 per computer that the computer companies pay 
Microsoft for Windows. So we both do pay for it with  new computer.

And lets not forget the time bombed versions of Office that's included 
with many new computers.  People start using it, and then, after a 
while, find they can't work with their own documents unless they pay for 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: OpenOffice to be dumped in Freiburg ?

2012-11-20 Thread James Knott

Carl Paulsen wrote:
Here, here.  But what about gov'ts mandating simply that the format 
structure be open (without mandating a specific one be used)? That's 
not political IMHO.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: OpenOffice to be dumped in Freiburg ?

2012-11-19 Thread James Knott

VA wrote:

Nobody is forced to purchase MS products.

Try and buy a computer without Windows.  While there are some available, 
they're rare.  Also, read up on the MS anti trust cases to see how they 
forced market share with illegal and near illegal methods, including 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Win64: Scribus too... :-)

2012-11-04 Thread James Knott

Tom Davies wrote:

Apparently the 4Gb Ram limit is a limit of the OS, not the apps.  If the OS can read/write to 
more ram then i don't think the apps would be restricted.  Apparently OSes that are 32bit 
could read more Ram with a different kernel module.  With GnuLinux it's possible to 
swap-in the different module and i kept being  told that it's really easy.  
Something like the pae-something module.
With PAE, the 32 bit CPU can access more that 4 GB, but Microsoft still 
limits Windows to 4 GB.  With Linux, no there is no such artificial 
limitation.  IIRC, applications are still limited to 4 GB, as they don't 
know how to access more, but the OS can use the greater space and make 
it available to the apps.  With Linux, recently used stuff is retained 
in memory, so that accessing it again is quick.  It will eventually be 
moved to swap, if not recently used.  So, with Linux, the more memory 
available, including beyond 4 GB, the faster the system in general runs.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Win64: Scribus too... :-)

2012-11-04 Thread James Knott

Mas wrote:

I believe someone else mention this on the
thread, its not new and unix/linux has been using it.

Yes, there was a 64 bit version of Linux running on the DEC Alpha, 
followed shortly by the IBM PowerPC around 1994 - 1995.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Win64: Scribus too... :-)

2012-11-03 Thread James Knott

rost52 wrote:
How many LibO user are having wn64 machines? Or better what is the 
percentage of win64 users in the LibO community?

I'm a Linux user, 64 bits of course, but I have one, 1, count 'em, one 
computer that has 64 bit Windows 7 on it.  Then again, there have been 
64 bit versions of Linux going back 17 - 18 years and I was running 64 
bit Linux for over 5 years, before I had 64 bit Windows.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] North American DVD 3.5.6

2012-10-21 Thread James Knott

webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
I do not have any software to create a checksum.  But, it is 
downloaded from the LO servers, so they have them for you.
On the green button for the downloading of the ISO files, there is an 
Info text.  You click on that text and you should get a page showing 
mirrors for the files and their checksums.

Where are you seeing that Info text?  I certainly don't see it.

As for checksum, the usual one to use is called md5sum.  The utility for 
that comes with Linux and is also available for download for Windows.  
Disc burner software will also check md5sum.  You should always have 
md5sum available for downloads, not just CD/DVD images. I have often 
downloaded multiple files from a site and there will usually be a file 
called md5sum, which contains md5sum for all the relevant files.  I can 
then download that to the same directory as the other files.  Then, in a 
command prompt, I enter the command md5sum -c md5sum, which then runs 
md5sum on all the files listed in that md5sum file and displays the 
results as to valid, bad or missing.  However, even just displaying the 
md5sum on the web page makes it easy to verify a good download, by 
comparing the locally generated md5sum with what's displayed on the web 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] North American DVD 3.5.6

2012-10-21 Thread James Knott

Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
That does sound hugely useful but please could you let us know the 
name of the utility you used?  If it was for a particular DE i'm sure 
we could work out the name for another DE if we need to.  Just knowing 
the name of 1 would help!

Also any suggestions on how to use the utility?  If it's command-line 
only i think it's still possible even for us pointclick users but we 
could use a little guidance.  Errr, i'm still not in the NA Dvd team 
but am still interested in how to generate an Md5sum.

Many thanks and regards from
Tom :)

In Linux, it's called md5sum.  As for Windows, Google on Windows 
md5sum to find utilities you can download.

Here's a list of the directory where I downloaded openSUSE:

jknott@linux:~/download/suse/12_2 $ ls -l
total 8903692
-rw-r--r-- 1 jknott users126 Sep 16 14:41 md5sum
-rw-r--r-- 1 jknott users 4448059392 Sep 16 14:24 openSUSE-12.2-DVD-i586.iso
-rw-r--r-- 1 jknott users 4669308928 Sep 16 14:22 

The md5sum file contains:

26dd6c187f743f3af0cbb31eed138a07  openSUSE-12.2-DVD-x86_64.iso
0373980cd6f270e1172067b86c044633  openSUSE-12.2-DVD-i586.iso

If I run the command md5sum -c md5sum, I get:

openSUSE-12.2-DVD-x86_64.iso: OK
openSUSE-12.2-DVD-i586.iso: OK

This shows both files match their md5sum.

If I run the command md5sum openSUSE-12.2-DVD-x86_64.iso, I get:

26dd6c187f743f3af0cbb31eed138a07  openSUSE-12.2-DVD-x86_64.iso

This matches the value from the web site, and shows the file is OK.

The thing about md5sums is that a small change in the file results in a 
large change in the file's md5sum.  This means that you don't have to 
check every character.  If a few at each end are correct, then in all 
probability the file is OK.

As I mentioned, disc burner software will generally display the md5sum 
of a file before you burn the disc.  Just check that against the md5sum 
from the web site.  There may be graphical utilities available, but I 
haven't had the need to use them as the command line utility is so easy 
to use.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] North American DVD 3.5.6

2012-10-21 Thread James Knott

webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

has given me the  answer before on how to create a md5sum file 
before.  And I asked that question back in the 3.3.x version days.

I have printed your answer out to PDF and I will place it on my 
folder[s] for the NA-DVD work.

I use Ubuntu 12.04/MATE [10.04/GNOME before this month] to create the 
NA-DVD web site and the ISO file.

I use Kompozer and Kate for most of the HTML work.
I use K3b to create the ISO file
I use Filezilla as my FTP client.

K3b creates a checksum but I do not know where it is stored for my use.

You can store it in a file md5sum with the command md5sum [filename]  

As I mentioned, it can be used for any file, not just ISOs.

If you're saving the md5sum for multiple files, use the above command 
for the 1st and then md5sum [filename]  md5sum which concatenates the 
additional md5sums onto the existing file, rather than create a new file.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] North American DVD 3.5.6

2012-10-21 Thread James Knott

Tom Davies wrote:

I think Tim uses a dual-boot on his main machine so the linux option is fine.

Errr, did someone say they managed to generate an Md5 of the iso on the website 
and compared it to one generated from their download?  If so does that mean the 
one they generated could just be written onto the website?  Sorry, i am being 
really slow on the uptake here!

You'd get the md5sum from the web site and compare with the downloaded 
file md5sum.  The only one writing to the web site should be the one who 
placed the files there.  Please note that md5sum verifies only the 
integrity of the downloaded file.  If it came from a web site after it 
had been tampered with and the md5sum recreated, then you could still 
get something nasty.  So, it's best to check against the original source 
md5sum.  There may be authorized mirrors of the original site that can 
also be trusted.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Integer part of a number

2012-10-15 Thread James Knott

Andreas Säger wrote:

Am 15.10.2012 10:45, Brian Barker wrote:

At 10:49 15/10/2012 +0300, Pertti Rönnberg wrote:

On 14.10.2012 12:20, Gilles SICHE wrote:

could anyone tell me which formula I should use for the integer part
of a cell to be shown in another cell, ...

The answer could be:

You are overthinking the problem: if C3 is positive, that's no different

Brian Barker

Reportedly, negative numbers do exist.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Integer part of a number

2012-10-15 Thread James Knott

Brian Barker wrote:

Now you are assuming (1) that negative election results are possible,

Well, with the way Romney's doing...  ;-)

I was just posting in reference to comment about negative numbers and 
not the original post.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: MS raised prices so people will now start renting their office products instead

2012-09-30 Thread James Knott

Tanstaafl wrote:

On 2012-09-27 3:08 AM, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:

On 26/09/12 12:01, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

I have seen listings on Mozilla's archive system for an extension to
help with the syncing to a Google account.

Don't need any of those for Google Calendar - you can use Caldav which
doesn't require any extension at all. 

I don't see anything about Lightning/Thunderbird support...

If it actually does work in Thunderbird+Lightning, do you know if it 
works properly interacting with Meeting Requests/Invitations/Updates 
from users using Outlook/Exchange? The current 
Thunderbird+Lightning+Provider for Google Calendar doesn't (works 
halfway, but Updates are totally broken)...

I just tried those directions with Thunderbird  Lightning, without the 
provider.  The calendar won't sync.  I have been using both Seamonkey 
and Thunderbird with Lighting and Provider for Google Calendar, for 
about a year, and it works well for me.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: MS raised prices so people will now start renting their office products instead

2012-09-30 Thread James Knott

Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:

On 30/09/12 16:55, James Knott wrote:
I just tried those directions with Thunderbird  Lightning, without 
the provider.  The calendar won't sync.

Been using the CalDav method for about six months now, ever since I 
started getting problems with the Google Calendar add-in.
Works perfectly OK her for me. (Tbird 15.01, lightning 1.7 on Ubuntu 

I'm using Thunderbird 15  Lighting 1.7 on openSUSE 12.1. There's an 
exclamation mark in a yellow triangle on my Google calendar.  When I 
move the mouse pointer over the calendar, I get a pop up The calendar 
Google is momentarily not available.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: MS raised prices so people will now start renting their office products instead

2012-09-24 Thread James Knott

Tom Davies wrote:

For my colleagues it would be nice to have a Calendar that is easier to find 
and integrate, for example.  But i haven't found any sort of calendar, either 
on-screen or off, that works for me

I use Lightning with Thunderbird and Seamonkey.  I also sync it with 
Google Calenar, so I have it on my computers, tablet and smart phone.  
Google Calendar can also be accessed with any browser. Syncing Lightning 
with Google Calendar requires an add-on such as Provider for Google 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Reply settings on this list have changed

2012-08-16 Thread James Knott

Tanstaafl wrote:

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 9:24 AM, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

With this mix of system being used for various tasks, I would have a
mess if I tried to read emails on more than one system, even if I
could get a sync system to work properly between the various Windows
and Ubuntu systems.

This is what IMAP is for. I have 20+ accounts set up on 5 different 
computers, and work with the same mail on all of them, and they all 
stay in sync because of teh way IMAP works.

IMAP is the only way to do email, especially if you can host your own 

I agree.  I have my own IMAP server at home.  It makes no difference 
which computer or email program I use, all the mail is synced.  It even 
works with my smart phone and tablet.  I also use Google Contacts to 
sync my address books everywhere.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] MSO 2013 article - MSO will read/write ODF1.2 and change formatting of .docx files again

2012-08-14 Thread James Knott

webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

This article may be interesting to read by some of this lists users.  
It seems that MSO 2013 will read/write ODF 1.2 formats and their older 
OOXML formats will not be changed to Strict Open XML formats [so .docx 
will change format again].  Also Excel will be using OpenFormula, it 
claims.  It will also be able to read/edit/save PDF files. 

Not writing ODF 1.1 is a good thing, given how badly it was implemented 
in MS Office.  Also, I understand that Strict Open XML means getting rid 
of the proprietary stuff that made it difficult for other office suites 
to implement.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] re. the youngster ...

2012-08-10 Thread James Knott

Steve Edmonds wrote:

I also used to work with punch card equipment.
And a breakthrough was marksense cards that freed you from the punch 

We used those in my Gr. 12 Fortran class.  I also worked on equipment 
that could read them.  As I recall, we spent most of our class time 
marking up those cards.

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