Re: [libreoffice-users] Static vs. dynamic time

2020-10-02 Thread Michael Manning
When I have needed a static date or time in Libreoffice Calc, I have found
that the only way to do this is to enter the date or time directly into the
spreadsheet and not to use a formula.

As an example of this, I have been using Calc to measure the drift of
timepieces compared to a time standard at weekly intervals over a 26 week
period.  I pre-enter the dates at which the measurements are to be made.
At the required date, I simply enter the time as shown on the timepiece and
the time as shown on the time standard at the same instance.  These times
are then converted to seconds and the difference between in seconds is then
calculated and charted to show the time drift.  These times and dates are
static and can be used for later referral.

I am not sure if there is a way to use a formula or macro to enter a static
date.  If there is, it is beyond my capabilities.  Entering dates and times
directly seems very straightforward to me.


On Fri, 2 Oct 2020 at 19:41, Chimel  wrote:

> Hi,
> I use the formula IF(A1<>"";NOW()) copied to every cell of column B.
> It gives me the correct time every time I type anything on a line of column
> A.
> But this is refreshed constantly by the time of the computer, not the time
> I
> typed something in column A.
> I tried looking for a static version of NOW() or playing with iterations
> (probably not correctly) or looking for a way to stop recomputing this
> specific column to no avail.
> Is there a way to set on column B the time of the typing on each line of
> column A and keep it as a static time.
> I am usually good with formulas, but this very basic need escapes me.
> As far as usability is concerned, a STATICNOW() function seems much more
> useful than the current NOW() function. Or inserting a 0,1 argument for
> staticness or something.
> So far, I am forced to type or insert the time manually each time.
> Let me repeat it: Manually each time! Me!  ;)
> Thanks,
> Chimel.
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[libreoffice-users] Re: Connecting libreoffice to MySQL/MariaDB via JDBC

2020-07-27 Thread Michael Manning
Thank you for your assistance.  Your hints have allowed me to resolve the

XAMPP stores its my.cnf file in /opt/lampp/etc.  The my.cnf file at that
location had skip-networking uncommented.  Once this had been commented out
and the server restarted I was able define an .odb file connecting to the
test database in MariaDB.  This has now worked perfectly.

Many thanks again.


On Mon, 27 Jul 2020 at 22:57, Michael Manning 

> The server appears to be running on port 3306 according to this command
> and result:
> $ mysql -u michael -p --port=3306
> Enter password:
> Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
> Your MariaDB connection id is 28
> Server version: 10.4.6-MariaDB Source distribution
> Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
> Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input
> statement.
> cheers
> Mike
> email: |
> On Mon, 27 Jul 2020 at 22:33, Michael Manning 
> wrote:
>> Thank you for your responses.
>> I am testing using a database with a single table created with the mysql
>> command line client.  This table has 3 fields, an auto-incrementing primary
>> key, and two fields each defined as varchar(50).  The table was defined
>> using the mysql command line client, and then 3 records were inserted into
>> the table.  I also used the mysql command line client to ensure that I
>> could retrieve all 3 records using the command:
>> select * from test1;
>> I do not have a /etc/my.cnf file.
>> The only line that is not a comment in my /etc/mysql/my.cnf file is:
>> !includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/
>> I should also mention that I am using XAMPP for the installation of MySQL
>> and that this has also installed an apache web server and PHPMyAdmin which
>> are all working correctly.  Should this make any difference to the way that
>> LibreOffice connects via the JDBC connector?
>> PHPMyAdmin reports the server as:
>>- Server: Localhost via UNIX socket
>>- Server type: MariaDB
>>- Server connection: SSL is not being used [image: Documentation]
>>- Server version: 10.4.6-MariaDB - Source distribution
>>- Protocol version: 10
>>- User: michael@localhost
>>- Server charset: cp1252 West European (latin1)
>> Is this a hint that sockets are being used and not port 3306 that
>> LibreOffice is expecting?  If so, how should I fix this?
>> cheers
>> Mike
>> email:
>> On Mon, 27 Jul 2020 at 18:22, Alexander Thurgood 
>> wrote:
>>> Le 27/07/2020 à 09:06, Michael Manning a écrit :
>>> Hi Michael,
>>> >
>>> > Issues arise when attempting to create a new database within
>>> Libreoffice.
>>> > When I test connecting to a database, I get the following error
>>> message:
>>> > SQL Status: 08S01
>>> > Communications link failure
>>> > The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds
>>> ago. The
>>> > driver has not received any packets from the server.
>>> >
>>> As Robert has indicated, could you be clearer on what you mean by
>>> "creating a new database within LibreOffice ?"
>>> Are you:
>>> (1) trying to create a new database schema from within a running LO
>>> instance ? As Robert has mentioned, you can't actually do this, the DB
>>> schema needs to be created from the msyql command line or an alternative
>>> GUI tool (such as e.g. phpmyadmin) ;
>>> (2) trying to connect to an existing mysql DB schema, and receiving the
>>> error message you have indicated ?
>>> The error message itself might be slightly misleading, as this is
>>> usually displayed when you can not even connect to the mariadb/mysql
>>> instance.
>>> What does your /etc/mysql/my.cnf or /etc/my.cnf contain next to :
>>> bind-address
>>> and
>>> skip-networking
>>> Alex

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[libreoffice-users] Re: Connecting libreoffice to MySQL/MariaDB via JDBC

2020-07-27 Thread Michael Manning
The server appears to be running on port 3306 according to this command and

$ mysql -u michael -p --port=3306
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 28
Server version: 10.4.6-MariaDB Source distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input

email: |

On Mon, 27 Jul 2020 at 22:33, Michael Manning 

> Thank you for your responses.
> I am testing using a database with a single table created with the mysql
> command line client.  This table has 3 fields, an auto-incrementing primary
> key, and two fields each defined as varchar(50).  The table was defined
> using the mysql command line client, and then 3 records were inserted into
> the table.  I also used the mysql command line client to ensure that I
> could retrieve all 3 records using the command:
> select * from test1;
> I do not have a /etc/my.cnf file.
> The only line that is not a comment in my /etc/mysql/my.cnf file is:
> !includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/
> I should also mention that I am using XAMPP for the installation of MySQL
> and that this has also installed an apache web server and PHPMyAdmin which
> are all working correctly.  Should this make any difference to the way that
> LibreOffice connects via the JDBC connector?
> PHPMyAdmin reports the server as:
>- Server: Localhost via UNIX socket
>- Server type: MariaDB
>- Server connection: SSL is not being used [image: Documentation]
>- Server version: 10.4.6-MariaDB - Source distribution
>- Protocol version: 10
>- User: michael@localhost
>- Server charset: cp1252 West European (latin1)
> Is this a hint that sockets are being used and not port 3306 that
> LibreOffice is expecting?  If so, how should I fix this?
> cheers
> Mike
> email:
> On Mon, 27 Jul 2020 at 18:22, Alexander Thurgood 
> wrote:
>> Le 27/07/2020 à 09:06, Michael Manning a écrit :
>> Hi Michael,
>> >
>> > Issues arise when attempting to create a new database within
>> Libreoffice.
>> > When I test connecting to a database, I get the following error message:
>> > SQL Status: 08S01
>> > Communications link failure
>> > The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago.
>> The
>> > driver has not received any packets from the server.
>> >
>> As Robert has indicated, could you be clearer on what you mean by
>> "creating a new database within LibreOffice ?"
>> Are you:
>> (1) trying to create a new database schema from within a running LO
>> instance ? As Robert has mentioned, you can't actually do this, the DB
>> schema needs to be created from the msyql command line or an alternative
>> GUI tool (such as e.g. phpmyadmin) ;
>> (2) trying to connect to an existing mysql DB schema, and receiving the
>> error message you have indicated ?
>> The error message itself might be slightly misleading, as this is
>> usually displayed when you can not even connect to the mariadb/mysql
>> instance.
>> What does your /etc/mysql/my.cnf or /etc/my.cnf contain next to :
>> bind-address
>> and
>> skip-networking
>> Alex

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[libreoffice-users] Re: Connecting libreoffice to MySQL/MariaDB via JDBC

2020-07-27 Thread Michael Manning
Thank you for your responses.
I am testing using a database with a single table created with the mysql
command line client.  This table has 3 fields, an auto-incrementing primary
key, and two fields each defined as varchar(50).  The table was defined
using the mysql command line client, and then 3 records were inserted into
the table.  I also used the mysql command line client to ensure that I
could retrieve all 3 records using the command:
select * from test1;

I do not have a /etc/my.cnf file.

The only line that is not a comment in my /etc/mysql/my.cnf file is:
!includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/

I should also mention that I am using XAMPP for the installation of MySQL
and that this has also installed an apache web server and PHPMyAdmin which
are all working correctly.  Should this make any difference to the way that
LibreOffice connects via the JDBC connector?

PHPMyAdmin reports the server as:

   - Server: Localhost via UNIX socket
   - Server type: MariaDB
   - Server connection: SSL is not being used [image: Documentation]
   - Server version: 10.4.6-MariaDB - Source distribution
   - Protocol version: 10
   - User: michael@localhost
   - Server charset: cp1252 West European (latin1)

Is this a hint that sockets are being used and not port 3306 that
LibreOffice is expecting?  If so, how should I fix this?

On Mon, 27 Jul 2020 at 18:22, Alexander Thurgood 

> Le 27/07/2020 à 09:06, Michael Manning a écrit :
> Hi Michael,
> >
> > Issues arise when attempting to create a new database within Libreoffice.
> > When I test connecting to a database, I get the following error message:
> > SQL Status: 08S01
> > Communications link failure
> > The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago.
> The
> > driver has not received any packets from the server.
> >
> As Robert has indicated, could you be clearer on what you mean by
> "creating a new database within LibreOffice ?"
> Are you:
> (1) trying to create a new database schema from within a running LO
> instance ? As Robert has mentioned, you can't actually do this, the DB
> schema needs to be created from the msyql command line or an alternative
> GUI tool (such as e.g. phpmyadmin) ;
> (2) trying to connect to an existing mysql DB schema, and receiving the
> error message you have indicated ?
> The error message itself might be slightly misleading, as this is
> usually displayed when you can not even connect to the mariadb/mysql
> instance.
> What does your /etc/mysql/my.cnf or /etc/my.cnf contain next to :
> bind-address
> and
> skip-networking
> Alex

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[libreoffice-users] Connecting libreoffice to MySQL/MariaDB via JDBC

2020-07-27 Thread Michael Manning
I am trying to connect Libreoffice to MariaDB databases.

I am using the following configuration
- Linux Mint 19.2,
- MariaDB - Server version: 10.4.6-MariaDB and have connected successfully
via the mysql command line, and via PHPMyAdmin to create databases, tables
and to successfully search these tables.
- LibreOffice Version: Build ID: 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10
 - Java version openjdk 11.0.7 2020-04-14
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.7+10-post-Ubuntu-2ubuntu218.04)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.7+10-post-Ubuntu-2ubuntu218.04, mixed
mode, sharing)
- the JDBC connectors from either MySQL or MariaDB.  These have included
from MySQL connector versions: 5.0.3, 5.1.36, 5.1.49 and MariaDB connector
versions: 1.5.9, 2.5.4, and 2.6.1.  When these are configured in the Java
CLASSPATH, these drivers are loaded successfully.

Issues arise when attempting to create a new database within Libreoffice.
When I test connecting to a database, I get the following error message:
SQL Status: 08S01
Communications link failure
The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The
driver has not received any packets from the server.

I am not sure what to test/check next.  I have spent quite a while
searching for answers to this issue but have not yet turned up a solution.
Is anyone connecting to MySQL/MariaDB databases using Linux and JDBC


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problem with print dialogue

2020-04-07 Thread Michael Manning
Hi John,
You might be able to move the Print dialog screen by holding down the Alt
key while clicking-and-holding the mouse button on the dialog screen.  This
may allow you to move the screen around so that you can see the OK button.
You should then be able to select this button.

On Wed, 8 Apr 2020 at 12:04, John Sweeney  wrote:

> I have this version of libre office: Build ID: 1:6.4.2-0ubuntu0.18.04.3
> I cannot see the OK button on the print dialgoue because the dialogue is
> too big for my screen and there is no scroll bar nor can i change the
> dialogue's size. It is very frustrating.
> Can anyone help?
> Thanks,
> John Sweeney
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Re: [libreoffice-users] how do I delete a page in libreoffice?

2019-04-28 Thread Michael Manning
Hi William,
I am feeling a little confused by your request.  In general wordprocessors
take text and format it into a series of pages for printing or viewing.
There is no real concept of pages as such as there is with desktop
publishing applications.
It is possible to remove page breaks but if you wish to remove the content
on a page, the only way to do this is to select the text that appears on
that page and then press the  key.  LibreOffice will then reformat
the remaining text into pages of specified size.
Let me know if I have got the whole thing wrong.

email: | mobile: 0423 716 599

On Mon, 29 Apr 2019 at 11:39, William Dudley  wrote:

> I googled this, and the returned results all say "click on the page and hit
> either delete or backspace".  This advice does not work.  If I hit
> backspace, I can detect no change, no acknowledgement that I even hit a
> key.  If I hit delete, I delete the first character in my footer.  I have
> footers turned on, and no headers.
> I'm an experienced computer user (and programmer) but I find libreoffice
> maddeningly difficult.
> Thanks,
> Bill Dudley
> This email is free of malware because I run Linux.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Libre affected by gmail

2019-04-14 Thread Michael Manning
Have a look at:


On Mon, 15 Apr 2019 at 04:42, charles meyer  wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I've Googled this but found little help in reducing my gmail account use.
> For any of the fellow Gmail users on this list...
> I've save my messages which I then read/edit often in Libre Writer.
> I've searched in my Gmail Inbox for messages from a certain sender and then
> chosen to delete all messages from the at sender for 1 year.
> It deletes them all but no matter how many senders I do that with I'm still
> stuck using 47% of my gmail account.
> Is there any easy way to search for my largest messages (by size) in my
> Inbox and/or Sent box so I can delete them to lower my percentage of use in
> my Gmail boxes?
> Thanks so much.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Concatenate Function inCalc

2019-04-01 Thread Michael Manning
I am running an older version of LibreOffice
Build ID: 1:5.1.6~rc2-0ubuntu1~xenial6
CPU Threads: 2; OS Version: Linux 4.4; UI Render: default;
Locale: en-AU (en_AU.UTF-8); Calc: group
running on Linux Mint 18.3

the function concatenate(text1:text4) gives the result text1
the function concatenate(text1, text2, text3, text4) gives the correct
result of  text1text2text3text4



On Tue, 2 Apr 2019 at 12:19, jonathon  wrote:

> All:
> LibreOffice
> CPU: 8 Threads
> OS: Linux 4.2
> Locale en_ZA
> With previous versions of LibO, concatenate(b1:b200) would concatenate
> all cells between b1 and b200.
> With LibO, concatenate(b1:b200) returns the data in b1.
> a) When was this functionality changed?
> I didn't come across it in any of the 6.x betas/daily builds that I tested;
> b) Why was this functionality changed?
> jonathon
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Buttons/Icons missing from the form Formatting Toolbar.

2019-03-24 Thread Michael Manning
Hi Dave,
I see exactly the same problem in my older version of Libreoffice (ver. running on Linux Mint (version 18.3).
The buttons appear for a fraction of a second when I turn these buttons on
or off but then disappear.



On Mon, 25 Mar 2019 at 03:53, Dave Barton  wrote:

> I am working to complete a chapter of the LO Calc 6.2 user guide and I
> just need a couple of small screen captures to finish. I need to capture
> the Formatting toolbar Text Direction and Text orientation
> buttons/icons, but I cannot get them to display in Calc 6.2 on either
> Windows 7 or 10.
> Here
> is a capture of the failed customization dialog.
> Maybe I have missed it, but I haven't been able to find a report on this
> issue in Bugzilla.
> Are any other Windows users experiencing the same problem with toolbar
> buttons/icons not displaying in Calc?
> Dave
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Spellchecker/Dictionary Functions not working

2016-12-01 Thread Michael Manning
Build ID: 7a864d8825610a8c07cfc3bc01dd4fce6a9447e5
CPU Threads: 2; OS Version: Linux 3.19; UI Render: default;
Locale: en-AU (en_AU.UTF-8); Calc: group

Linux Mint 17.3

I am having no issues with adding words to the user-defined dictionary.

When I go to:
Tools - Options - Language Settings - Writing Aids - User-defined
dictionaries - standard
and then click the Edit button I can see the words that I have added to the
standard dictionary.

When I reopen documents that I have added words flagged as misspelt to the
standard user dictionary, these words are no longer marked as misspelt.

Do the words that you add to the user dictionary actually appear in the




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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice Base and SQLite

2016-09-25 Thread Michael Manning
Many thanks to Alex for putting me on the right track.

I have also found the information at:

I seemed to have got into a twist with the installation of ODBC and
multiple odbcinst.ini and odbc.ini files in my system.

The possible use of Kexi as a possible simple database system has also been



On 22 September 2016 at 20:05, Alexander Thurgood 

> Le 22/09/2016 à 06:41, Michael Manning a écrit :
> Hi Michael,
> > After installing the various packages, I am not able to run
> >
> >> sudo ODBCConfig
> >
> Try installing ODBCManageDataSourcesQ4 and its co-application
> ODBCCreateDataSourceQ4. These are QT4 apps, but they worked for me on
> LinuxMint 18.
> Alternatively, you can configure the odbcinst.ini and odbc.ini files by
> hand and put them in the appropriate places.
> You might also want to bear in mind that not all datatypes available in
> sqlite are correctly supported/interpreted by LibreOffice, even over
> ODBC. This stems from the weak typing of sqlite, which LibreOffice
> doesn't necessarily know how to interpret correctly.
> Alex
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[libreoffice-users] LibreOffice Base and SQLite

2016-09-21 Thread Michael Manning

I am running Libreoffice Version: with Linux Mint 17.3 32 bit and
trying to connect Base to SQLite.

I am using the tutorial at:
as I cannot seem to find an equivalent tutorial for Libreoffice.

After installing the various packages, I am not able to run

> sudo ODBCConfig

as it cannot find this program

I have various databases using ODBC under windows and have also used DB
Browser for  SqLite in Linux but am having no joy with Base+SQLite+Linux.

I have expected that this would be well documented as SQLite is a widely
deployed database that does not require java.

Any documentation or hints on how to proceed are very welcome.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Libre Office Concern

2015-04-06 Thread Michael Manning

I am using LibreOffice Version:
Build ID: 45e2de17089c24a1fa810c8f975a7171ba4cd432
Locale: en_AU

with Windows 7 64 bit enterprise, Service Pack 1 and have not experienced
any issues with the software hanging



On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 10:28 AM, Tim Lloyd  wrote:

> Hi,
> Firstly, attachments don't make it to this list but you can post via the
> nabble interface:
> To give us a better idea though, did this problem occur only recently or
> is this a long time problem? When you say "hangs" could you expand pls? IE.
> Does it lock up so you have to restart? Or simply sit there for a few
> seconds/minutes and then spring back into life?
> Cheers
> On 06/04/15 10:20, IT Assistant wrote:
>> Hi Sir/Ma'am
>> This is to raise my concern about  Libre Office. I encounter errors
>> that others may  encounter in the future or already been encountered by
>> someone else. Most of the time it hangs. I'm using version under
>> Windows 7 Pro 64-bit and 32-bit. Kindly see the attachment for reference.
>> Your response is highly appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Melborn
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Can I use a listbox to query database

2013-12-11 Thread Michael Manning
Can I make the suggestion that you use 3 tables - one for the presenters,
one for the presentations, and one for the topics.  You may need another
one but we will get to that in a minute. I am suggesting a separate table
for presenters as one presenter may make a number of presentations over
time and so you will not have to repeat data in the tables - one of the
rules of data normalisation.  Each presentation will also link to a number
of topics.  It is possible to setup the tables so that each presentation
can link to any number of topics.  The structure outlined above will waste
database space if there are fewer than 3 topics assigned and will have a
problem if you wish to assign more than 3 topics.

The presenters table would contain:
presenterID - primary key
any other field you wish to add regarding the presenter

The presentations table would contain:
presentationID - primary key
date of presentation
title of presentation
presenterID - foreign key into the presenters table
other fields relating to the presentation

This sets up a one - many relationship between presenters and presentations
ie one presenter can be linked to many presentations

With the topics table, a suitable structure may be:
topicID - primary key
other fields relating to the topic

The relationship between presentations and topics is not a simple
one-to-many relationship.  As you have described, a single presentation may
be associated with many topics, and a single topic may be associated with
many presentations.  This is a many-to-many relationship and is best
expressed via an intermediate table - presentation_topic

The presentation_topic table would have the following structure

The two fields together form the primary key for this table.

The relationship structure for the database is then as follows:
The presenter table links to the presentation table via the presenterID
field and the presentation table links to the topics table via the
presentationID+topicID fields in the intermediate table.

This structure will allow you to query the database and ask the following
Who presented on a particular presentation
How many presentations has a particular presenter made, when were these
made, and what were the topics
What presentations were made in a particular date range
What topics were allocated to a particular presentation
What presentations have been made concerning a particular topic, or number
of topics.

Once that data structure is in place, add some test data to see that the
structure is working and you are able to retrieve the required data.  Once
this is successful, it is time to prepare some forms and reports so that
users of the database can easily use the system.  This would include
drop-down lists in the forms.


On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Bob Muir  wrote:

> I am new to databases in general and LibreOffice Base in particular.
> I am using LO Version: installed into Windows 7 Home Premium
> Service Pack 1
> I want to create a database with information for about 100 presentations.
>  It would contain the name of the presenter, the title, and three
> “keywords” or topics.
> There are two tables consisting of a main table (that contains the
> PresenterID, PresenterName, Date, Title, Topic1, Topic2, and Topic3) and
> the table of topics for the listboxes.
> I have figured out how to create a single form to fill in the data for the
> two tables that uses 3 listboxes to present the choices for the topics.
> I want to make the database easily searchable for people with little
> computer experience.
> Is there a way to present a screen to such users with dropdown lists of
> the topics (same entries as in the Topics table) that will produce a list
> of the relevant presentations?
> I don’t what them to have to deal with creating a query or a report.
> Am I asking for too much?
> Thanks
> Bob
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Re: [libreoffice-users] How to unprotect readonly parts of a document?

2013-05-17 Thread Michael Manning
This is very strange.  I have not seen this issue before.

After experimenting with the file for a bit, I found that
1. I saved the file to my disk
2. added a space at the beginning of the line
3 saved the file again
4. closed the file
5 opened the file in LibreOffice.  I found that the read-only protection
had been removed.  I was then able to edit that read-only area of the line
- as well as remove the space at the beginning of the line.

I would love to know how the file had been generated to cause this problem.

On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 6:13 PM, Tom Davies  wrote:

> Hi :)
> @ Alan.  Normally a greyed area like that indicates it is a Table of
> Contents or index or something.  Uusually the right-click menu gives more
> options such as "update ToC".  I'm not sure what has gone wrong with this
> one.  Hopefully others  ...
> @ Anne
> Try
> Tools - Options - Internet - "Browser Plugin"
> and UNtick the box to prevent ODF documents from opening up in your
> web-browser.  Quite a few people get the plugin for Firefox or whatever,
> thinking it would be great and then regret it
> Regards from
> Tom :)
> >
> > From: anne-ology 
> >To: Alan Stern 
> >Cc:
> >Sent: Thursday, 16 May 2013, 0:18
> >Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] How to unprotect readonly parts of a
> document?
> >
> >
> >   When I click on this URL, a HTML document appears based from LO -
> >with only 1 line.
> >
> >   I can delete, add, ... to this line.
> >
> >   Hopefully someone else will understand your question and will come
> >to your aid -
> >   as for me, your question is beyond me.
> >
> >   BTW - attachments are not allowed on this list  ;-)
> >
> >
> >
> >On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 3:13 PM, Alan Stern  >wrote:
> >
> >On Wed, 15 May 2013, Alan Stern wrote:
> >>
> >> > I'm having trouble with LibreOffice 3.6.  A file I was given contains
> >> > regions that are readonly, and I can't figure out how to unprotect
> them
> >> > in order to edit them.
> >> >
> >> > The usual advice in the archives is to use the Format -> Sections menu
> >> > option.  That doesn't work here; the Sections line in the Format menu
> >> > is grayed out.  Other advice is to save the file in .odt format and
> >> > then open the result.  That doesn't work either.
> >> >
> >> > Attached to this email is a very short document (in .odt format)
> >> > exhibiting the problem.  It's just one line of text saying:
> >> >
> >> >   Normal (9) Normal again.
> >> >
> >> > The "(9)" region shows up in gray and can't be edited.  Can anybody
> >> > help?
> >>
> >> Evidently this mailing list doesn't like attachments.  I have stored
> >> the demo document at:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Alan Stern
> >>
> >>
> >
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Re: [libreoffice-users] New bug 64028: Calc forgets cell format when cell is cut (^X)

2013-04-29 Thread Michael Manning
Hi Tom,
In my setup, I was unable to recreate the issue being experienced by  <>
Copying the currency-formatted cell to another cell copied both the value
and the formatting.  The old cell retained its formatting as well.

Not sure why   was experiencing this issue but it is
not reproducible in my system.



On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 1:09 AM, Tom Davies  wrote:

> Hi :)
> Has
> Ctrl C
> solved the problem?  The old cell keeps the formatting doesn't it?
> If a new problem is that you don't want the new cell to have the same
> formatting as the old cell then try
> Shift Ctrl V
> to get the "Paste Special" dialogue up and choose "Paste as unformattted
> text" in there.  However i didn't think this was part of your problem, i
> thought you liked the new cell having the same formatting the old one had?
> Regards from
> Tom :)
>   --
>  *From:* Michael Manning 
> *To:* Tom Davies 
> *Sent:* Monday, 29 April 2013, 4:05
> *Subject:* Re: [libreoffice-users] New bug 64028: Calc forgets cell
> format when cell is cut (^X)
> I am using Windows 7 and LO Version (Build ID:
> 4c82dcdd6efcd48b1d8bba66bfe1989deee49c3)
> In my test spreadsheet, I have numbers formatted as currency.  If I copy a
> cell (ctrl-C) or cut a cell (ctrl-X) and then paste that into a new cell
> with ctrl-V, the new cell not only contains the value but is also formatted
> as currency.
> regards Mike
> On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
> Hi :)
> How about ^C instead and then hit the delete key.
> Also maybe post a feature request?
> Regards from
> Tom :)
> >
> > From: MR ZenWiz 
> >To:
> >Sent: Monday, 29 April 2013, 0:47
> >Subject: [libreoffice-users] New bug 64028: Calc forgets cell format when
> cell is cut (^X)
> >
> >
> >FYI for the list:
> >
> >I use ^X to cut the contents of a cell to transfer it to another cell,
> >and Calc forgets what the format in that cell was.  I have to reformat
> >the cell to get it back.
> >
> >Most of my Calc cells are formatted for currency, with a few
> >exceptions, all in the same spreadsheet.
> >
> >This is really irritating and totally wrong.
> >
> >MR
> >
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Bug to Triage (LibreOffice 4 Hangs with Outlook 2010)

2013-04-17 Thread Michael Manning
I have upgraded to LibreOffice Version (Build ID:
4c82dcdd6efcd48b1d8bba66bfe1989deee49c3) and have repeated the test exactly
as described above - Microsoft Windows 7, and Microsoft Office Outlook 2007

The results are also the same ie I was able to mail the document with
Outlook using "Send - Email as OpenDocument spreadsheet" to myself.  I was
then able to open the file attachment in when the email arrived in Outlook
and save it to my local hard disk.



On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Joel Madero  wrote:

> On 04/17/2013 07:56 PM, Michael Manning wrote:
>> I am using LibreOffice Version (Build ID:
>> 7545bee9c2a0782548772a21bc84a9**dcc583b89) on Microsoft Windows 7, and
>> Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 SP3 (not the same conditions at the bug
>> report)
> Any chance you can upgrade to release to test it also? The bug was
> reported against a later version so we need to make sure it's not a
> regression.
> Best,
> Joel

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Bug to Triage (LibreOffice 4 Hangs with Outlook 2010)

2013-04-17 Thread Michael Manning
I am using LibreOffice Version (Build ID:
7545bee9c2a0782548772a21bc84a9dcc583b89) on Microsoft Windows 7, and
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 SP3 (not the same conditions at the bug

I created a test spreadsheet - test.ods - and selected "Send -> Email as
OpenDocument spreadsheet".  This correctly created an Outlook email with
the file as an attachment to the email.  I then emailed this to myself and
then closed this spreadsheet within LibreOffice

I opened the received email within Outlook, and the spreadsheet was
correctly attached.  I double-clicked on the attached file and the
spreadsheet correctly opened in LibreOffice as read-only.   I was able to
save this file to my local disk without any problems.



On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 1:18 AM, Joel Madero  wrote:

> Can someone take a few moments to test this one out and report either back
> to this thread or directly as a comment on the bug. The bug states that
> LibreOffice hangs when you do "Send -> This Document as an Attachment"
> Here is the link to the bug:**
> show_bug.cgi?id=62338 
> If you need any assistance please join us on #libreoffice-qa channel on
> freenode, we'll be happy to help (and appreciate any help you offer)
> Best,
> Joel
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[libreoffice-users] MySQL-Native Connector for 4.0

2013-01-16 Thread Michael Manning
I can confirm that the MySQL native connector will not install with Windows
7 64bit but gives the error message listed below by Heinrich.  The
connector continued to work with LO3 versions.

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 7:44 PM, Heinrich Stoellinger  wrote:

> Hello, Has somebody compiled/tested the native connector under 4.0?
> For me it does work using it with, build ID:527, running
> under Debian-Wheezy. It does NOT work under Linux-Mint-Maya or
> Windows/Vista
> (I cannot activate it, keep getting the message
> loading component library failed:
> file:///home/rainermusik/.**config/libreoffice/4/user/uno_**
> packages/cache/uno_packages/**luh0h0m4.tmp_/mysql-connector-**
> ooo-1.0.1-linux-intel.oxt/**
> Regards
> Heinrich
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Fatal error

2012-08-27 Thread Michael Manning
This problem is really unfortunate.  I experienced this issue and was able
to follow the procedures that I had found previously to install the
software on my Win 64bit machine.  However users of this software should
never see this issue.  It needs to be fixed quickly.  I cannot recommend
installing this version until the software installs smoothly and easily on


On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 8:49 PM, Manfred J. Krause <> wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
> On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 12:35 PM, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
> > Good evening
> > The other day I was inquiring about a solution to a really stupid font
> > related behavior
> > (cannot copy text in identical front from Writer to Calc).
> >
> > One was to update from that verson = 3.4.5 to 3.5 or 3.6
> > Well, I downloaded 3.6 and today installed that.
> > Choice: standard installation.
> >
> > When I try to start LO, I get a bunch of error messages like
> > "Unhandled exception
> > Invalid Registry Exception"
> > close that window, the following pops up:
> > "Runtime Error!
> > Program: C:\Program Files\LibreOffice 3.6\program\soffice.bin"
> >
> > The progrom will not start at all now. (This is not helpful at all!)
> > This has never happened before.
> >
> > I tried restarting the computer,
> > uninstalling LO
> > reinstalling LO
> >
> > The result is always the same.
> >
> > Is there anything that I can do?
> Please have a look at "Fatal Error Unhandled Exception..."
> →
> Hope this helps
> mjk
> --
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Reply settings on this list have changed

2012-08-16 Thread Michael Manning
I strongly support the change.  It is the fail-safe option.  Users of this
list know how to use their email to send back to the list



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Release Notes LibO

2012-05-30 Thread Michael Manning
Have a look at:



On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 1:58 PM, Daniel Gonzalez wrote:

> Hello,
> Someone could tell me where I can see the list of fixes and new features
> in LibO
> thanks
> --
> --**
> Daniel Gonzalez
> Colaborador de la Comunidad LibreOffice Venezuela
> Twitter:@DaniGO83
> ==**
> Recuerda siempre guardar tus archivos en un formato
> que te garantice Libertad. Open Document Format (ODF).
> Si no sabes como, ¡Preguntame!
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Re: [libreoffice-users] My story

2012-05-10 Thread Michael Manning
I have been testing LibreOffice Base 3.5 and MySQL on a Windows 7 64bit
computer.  I have found that the OpenOffice connector does work for me with
LibreOffice but the discussion that it does not work for everyone and is
likely to fail at some time in the future encouraged me to have another
look at using the ODBC connector.

I also found that I received a 'can't find driver' error but this is caused
by 64bit/32bit issues.  As I understand it, LibreOffice requires a 32bit
ODBC driver and needs to be configured with the 32bit ODBC administrator.
The default ODBC administrator on my computer is the 64bit.  Anyway all
these issues and the solutions are described in
at my blog site.



On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 6:09 PM, Tony Sumner  wrote:

> A while back Tom asked people to tell their stories so this is mine.
> I started with a project to create an application using a DBMS to
> manage our local currency. This would be used by relatively basic
> users who would almost certainly want to use Windows. I already had a
> working knowledge of MySQL and I knew how to use that to do all the
> admin tasks but I needed a GUI to do data entry and report writing. So
> I started by trying to connect LO to MySQL with the ODBC connector.
> After a lot of reading I installed the MyODBC connector, created a
> driver and a DSN amd LO said "Can't find driver" or something like
> that. I thought I'd try it in Linux to get the hang of it before
> settling down to work in Windows and this gave me "Can't find library"
> or something like that. Then I found that LO will connect to MySQL
> directly without the need for a connector so I tried that and it
> worked. But this facility is not available in Windows.  OOo does have
> the facility to connect directly to MySQL in Windows so at last I can
> get on with the project. OOo does what I want and OOo Base is pretty
> much like LO Base so I'm afraid it is goodbye LO.
> Been good to know you
> Tony
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